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Samuel Schoettner
Existing Product: Marshall (Trailer)
Trailer for: Marshall
The reason I chose to analyse this trailer is because I really like the use of music sound bridges and sfx in
the trailer. Throughout the trailer diegetic sounds are used to cut and link shots together, a vast majority
of the trailer is ‘narrated’ using voice snippets from the film this works effectively as we are taken step by
step through the rough narrative of the film, at first it is established that he is the first coloured man to be
a lawyer, then it is made clear his mission is to ‘defend only innocent people accused of their race’ and
finally that someone who he was representing does not seem as though he is innocent, adding in snippets
such as his wife saying ‘be careful’ while playing a clip of someone pointing a shotgun at him. This builds
up a lot of interest and tension, we want to know more about the plot, what happens to Marshall? Does
he win the case? Is he liked or disliked? The trailer creates a lot of questions and interest, furthermore
through the use of language and word choice, we can tell this film is going to be a relatively honest
representation of what it would have been to be a person of colour during this time, especially if you had
a good job. (though of course it will still be sugar coated.) Throughout the trailer Marshall is shown mostly
from low angles suggesting his moral superiority.
Existing Product: Goodnight mommy (Trailer)
Goodnight mommy trailer:
This trailer is very similar to what I would like to achieve with my trailer, one of the biggest factors is the way
it is edited and lots of the image composition. The shots where she is looking at you through a reflection and
not directly, those shots are very unnerving and uncomfortable. The whole trailer helps us understand that
the woman is their mother who had a surgery and that’s why the kids aren’t frightened until the start to think
it isn’t really their mother. However important information such as why she needed the surgery is not
included, this keeps the viewer guessing and creates interest so they will want to go see the film(which
ultimately is what a trailer is trying to achieve).
I really like the slow paced beginning, the shots are quite long and the editing is very slow, only hard cuts are
used. This changes throughout the trailer as the shots get shorter, the editing pace increases and black fades
are used more often. The editing, lighting, colouring and sequencing makes for an extremely creepy trailer
that entices any one who would like to see a horror film. The simple and clean mise en scene, makes the
mother with her bandages stand out even more and makes her look anomalous and out of place. The trailer
seems to have little/no VFX which makes it even more creepy as personally I think horror films that use lots
of VFX instantly become less scary because it instantly divides the film from reality, and therefore reduces the
fright you feel (though that is very subjective). During the trailer the horror aspects tend to implement low-
key lighting.
Existing Product: All the money in the world (Trailer)
All the money in the world trailer:
This trailer feels very linear as it uses one song throughout the trailer but the song is edited to match the tempo and
intensity of what is seen on screen, when the trailer has begun and everything is normal, so is the music but as
aspects of the characters lives and relationships change the music adapts to match a reflect the tone and mood of
the trailer, at points the song almost halts completely and is only a few ticks on repeat in the background. The music
follows the rhythm of the trailer, the cuts are influenced by the music, the music is used to build tension etc. This
trailer is weaved around the music. The fact that the song is normal at the start of the trailer and returns to being
normal for the end of the trailer after changing drastically throughout makes it feel concluded and well rounded.
Further more the style of cinematography, the lighting and the colour grading is very, very similar to what I would like
to achieve within my own product, the cool colour tones and the teal and orange colour contrast. The film overall has
a very cold and lightly desaturated tone this works extremely well as the story being told is also very ‘cold’ so the
colour reflects the somber tone of the film. The way the music is utilized to build and release tension is extremely
immersive, for example nearing the end the song builds to a climax that is released a few seconds before the climax
of the trailer when Mr. Getty states he would pay ‘Nothing’ which is then followed by music kicking back in almost
bringing the trailer full circle. Overall this trailer really utilizes the music to create interest, tension and excitement. I
think music is very important in a film trailer and this trailer (subjectively) perfectly executed the use of music.
Research Analysis (TRAILERS)
The trailers all start of slow and normal paced and speed up increasing the editing pace and decreasing
the length of the shots, as they go to build excitement and tension. They also start of with straight cuts
but then progress to black fades. Finishing with calmer music slower editing and longer shots, often
the music kicks back in again for the title of the movie that is displayed at the end of the trailer. I am
going to utilise the knowledge I have gained from the music editing in the trailer for ‘All the money in
the world’ and the sound design from ’Marshall’ while creating a trailer that has a style visually similar
to that of Goodnight mommy, using slow paced editing and letting each shot linger just until it gets
slightly uncomfortable and then snapping out of it. All of the trailers seem to have a unique way of
building excitement and tension. All three of the trailers utilise A teal and orange colour scheme, this
colour scheme is very popular within cinema as it creates defined colour contrast while softening both
shadows and highlights to create an image that is visually more comfortable.
Ultimately I would like to create a trailer that is similar in sound design, utilising music and diegetic
sounds to build/release tension and influence the cuts within the trailer, while having one song as the
‘theme’ of the trailer. I would also like to create a trailer that is visually similar, again, utilising the
orange and teal colour scheme to create contrast.
Existing Product: The silence of the lambs (poster)
The movie poster for ‘the silence of the lambs’ is arguably one of the greatest movie posters of all time.
The poster draws your attention in 3 areas, the title, the butterfly and the eyes. This is due to the heavy contrast
compared to the rest of the image, the red eyes signify danger, the butterfly over the mouth is very brightly coloured
with orange red and yellow tones, (butterflies being a symbol of change, suggesting the movie is about a person who
changes/changed). Compare these bright colours to the pale, soft skin colours of the character and a huge amount of
contrast is created, the image seems to blend into the background which creates a perfect area for the text to be placed.
Almost 3/4 of the poster is taken up by the image of the character, who is dominating the poster, the close up of their
face while they are staring straight into the lens, and therefore at us, this makes the viewer feel slightly uneasy and
uncomfortable as we feel as though we are being watched. The poster again uses heavy contrast by going from a
bleached white over to an abyss-like black with only a little bit of purple in-between, this is another example of using
contrast as interest as the poster is nearly half bright white and half deep black, this could be associated with balance or
the ‘yin and yang’ signifying balance this suggests the film will include decisions and the characters might need to do
things that are considered wrong to do good.
Its almost as though the poster designers wanted the image to speak for itself, leaving
only around ¼ of the image to the cast, title etc. This shows huge confidence and creates
a poster that is visually pleasing while also effectively selling the product.
The title text is very simple and all lowercase, again bright orange/red is used to evoke
contrast so that the text stands out from the background while not. Above the title we
have a list of the main actors in white and below in a again white but highlighted in black
using 12-point Courier is a tagline reading ‘from the terrifying best seller’ this is shows
the viewer that the plot of the film already was successful as a book which may well
cause some viewers to be more likely to go see the film. Overall the I personally really
like the style of this poster, when you look at you instantly feel un easy, from the eyes
that stare at you to the butterfly over her mouth, the poster is both creepy and
interesting, the poster only gives us minimal basic information like the title and cast as if
it doesn’t want to take away from the image itself.
Existing Product: The Dark night (Teaser Poster)
The colour scheme for this poster is red and blue, the red writing reading ‘why so serious?’ is the first thing
that catches your eye when you look at the poster. This is because the red strongly contrasts with the bright
background, the rest of the image is dark blue and teal using contrast to bring attention to the red text.
The poster also uses focus, the main image is of a character (the joker) stood writing in what appears to be
blood the text is perfectly in focus, the text makes is distressing as we associate red with danger and
passion, combine this with scraggily writing similar to that of a child and we instantly think of someone
psychotic. The rest of the character (other than his hands) is out of focus, this is to tease the audience, as
the character portrayed looks very different to previous examples of
the joker. However the ‘Glasgow smile’ drawn over his mouth makes it
clear as to who the person in the frame is.
The rest of the text within this poster is very simple, the title of the film
is in all caps spaced out evenly across the bottom of the page, with a
rough release date and a link to a website to keep up with the film.
Additionally the famous and recognisable batman logo is underneath
the title text quickly reminding us of what franchise the film belongs
To conclude the poster is very visually pleasing as it is simply made to
‘tease’ the audience, it is to build hype so that when the main ad
campaign begins there is already an interest in the film. I think the
poster achieves this perfectly, it shows us what to expect by simply
placing the silhouette of an iconic character, in a way they have never
been seen before.
Existing Product: Orphan (Poster)
I chose this poster as is very similar to what I would like to create myself, the protagonist dominates the frame and it almost
feels like they have take control of the poster and are staring you down, almost as though she is challenging you. The colour
scheme is heavily green and teal, which can be associated with greed and jealousy, we also associate green with sickness
hence the phrase “green around the gills” or the ‘Mr yuck sticker’ which is used to warn children from potentially hazardous
The character herself is as I mentioned dominating the picture, though she is only a child her hair is very tightly pulled to
the side and perfectly parted, the clothes she is wearing are simple and sophisticated, this gives her an overall look that is
menacing and as though she is far more mature than the young girl we see. Overall this makes for a visually interesting
image as we try to decipher what is going on, as at a first glance it seems very simplistic, it becomes more and more
uncomfortable to look at the image, I can only imagine this is the aim.
Mr yuck sticker
The text on the image kept to a very minimum we have a tag that in white and
simple all caps font, this causes it stick out from the background as it is very eye
catching compared to the green. The title is also in white however it is written in
a childlike scribbled font with lower and uppercase letters all over the place,
which again signifies childishness. One of the most eye-catching aspects of the
poster might be the Rhetorical question reading ‘Can you keep a secret?’ this text
is written in bright red, which we associate with blood and danger, hence as the
aim is to create interest so that the reader will want to find out more about the
‘secret’ which will give us motivation to go see the film as combined with the
release date (written in white) next to the phrase the question almost acts as an
invitation to come see the film.
In conclusion the whole poster is designed to make you feel uneasy and almost
cautious of the girl in the image though simultaneously it builds a certain interest
that makes you want to take a closer look and find out more about,
this Esther, what is her secret? This is why the poster works perfectly
as a poster for a horror film.
Research Analysis (POSTER)
The posters all use colour contrast to guide the attention of the audience to see or read first what
they want you to read/see first, the use of contrast in general is also a coherent theme, all of the
posters have quite defined shadows and highlights. The posters are all dominated by one
character and therefore are all quite simple. I think I will definitely include both the simple design
and colour contrast in my production work as it works extremely well to create interest, if it is
appropriate I will also include a rhetorical question (as two of the posters have) this is because I
think rhetorical questions work very well at indulging the audience and reeling them in, to have
another look at the poster, so that they can try to figure out what it is that is going on within the
poster. Another common theme was the use of red text, all the posters used red text for
(subjectively) the most important piece of text on the posters. I will also spend time researching
what colours to use and what levels of contrast to use as I think with all of the posters a lot of
time and thought has gone into just how much contrast should be used or what colour schemes
they should utilise, for far better reasons than ‘it looking good’. I would hope to include a similar
level of sophistication and creativity/ originality within my posters.
Overall looking at these posters I have realised how important colour scheme and colour contrast
is to create a visually interesting poster and just how much you can guide the audiences eyes to
look exactly at the poster aspects that you want. I have learned a lot about character placement
and especially from the Dark Knight poster how to create interest around the character by ‘hiding
them in plain sight’ as to say show their shape but not their details.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
The first 2 questions were very basic questions to establish an audience and an idea of who is taking the
survey. This will help me throughout the survey to determine why answers might be heavily one sided
(e.g. only men are taking the survey)
From the results we can see that the gender is relatively balance though the though there was 4
more male participants, However the age range is heavily dominated by 16-19 year olds. This
means if there is a trend of similar answers it could be due to the similar age range. This will be
useful information as it will give me an idea of the interest of that age range.
I will change aspects of my product to fit the results of the survey (aka this audience) so if I think
blue and they say green, green it will be. This means the product will appeal to both genders.
The results show that most people don’t look at trailers all too often, with the majority
stating the see one trailer per week and the second majority stating that they watch less
than one trailer per month. This suggests that this demographic only watches/sees trailers
when the trailers are ‘forced’ on them by an advertisement or in the cinema. It also shows
that the demographic who took the survey are not ’too’ interested in film trailers as there
are very few responses stating the watch multiple trailers per week.
What this says about my audience:
This could mean that the results are going to be a lot more honest as the audience is
speaking from an honest point of view because the audience will be more of an ‘everyday
How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will adjust aspects of my product so that the final product will check as many boxes as
possible. This will mean that my product will appeal to the established demographic as well
as a the average person watching TV or using social media.
From the results we can see that the most seen
film trailers by this audience are comedy and
horror films. This suggests that the audience
prefers these two genres of film, or because of
social media these two film genres have been
marketed towards this demographic.
What this says about my audience:
Most of my potential audience would be most
used to Horror/comedy film trailers and would
already have an idea of how comedy and horror
film trailers tend to be designed.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
My product is going to be a horror style trailer
however I already intended to have an
underlying comedy aspect to the trailer which I
will probably magnify to showcase the comedy
aspect of the film more. This will give the film a
larger platform, and more people will watch the
It is perfectly evident that the audience prefers to find
out the plot of a film while watching it and not from the
What this says about my audience:
It shows that they want a film trailer to entice them, by
using the music editing etc. But not by telling the story or
revealing to much of the plot.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will ensure that my trailer only hints at what the plot
could be, while focusing on making visually and auditorily
enjoyable. Finding good locations, colour grading my
footage, creating good costumes. Editing the music, using
lots of SFX (both diegetic and non-diegetic.) etc.
We can see that a vast majority of the audience
prefers blood and gore in film, this could be
correlated to age as 14 participants fall into the
age range 16-19, 2 into less than 15, and one user
skipped the question.
What this says about my audience:
This shows that my audience prefers more brutal
and honest films, with violence and blood.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
Within my trailer I will include blood and gore
while also showcasing the more violent aspects of
the film while not dwelling on them too much.
Out of the 15 responses 10 were
horror/thriller film trailers, 3 people
effectively skipped the question and 2
answered with non horror film trailers.
What this says about my audience:
This shows that a large portion of my
audience has watched and indulged in
the horror genre enough to have a
trailer that comes to mind.
How will your product appeal to this
I have watched the trailers the
audience said they liked, and I will use
them as a reference guide as well as
my existing product research to create
a trailer that the audience will
9 of the 17 participants said they expect the length of a film trailer to be around 1:00-1:30
minutes, while 5 said the expect trailers to be 2:00-2:30.
What this says about my audience:
It shows that my audience prefers shorter snappier film trailers that don’t consume too
much time but are still long enough to layout a rough guide as to what the film will
How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will make my film around 1:30-2:00 minutes long, this means (lengthwise) the trailer will
appeal to over 80% of the participants. As it will fall right between the most popular
The vast majority stated that they watch/see movie trailers on YouTube, rather than the more
‘conventional means’ aka the cinema.
What this says about my audience:
This shows that my audience probably uses YouTube as a resource to seek out movie trailers (meaning they
hear of a film and go to YouTube to find the trailer.) Rather than again, the more conventional way where
the film trailer would more or less be the first time you heard of the film.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
My trailer will be uploaded to YouTube which is what the participants said was their main resource for
watching trailers.
The results overwhelmingly show that the audience thinks trailers are effective at convincing the
viewer to go so the film.
What this says about my audience:
This shows that my audience deeply trust a trailer to represent exactly what the film is about and
sort of take the trailer to be ‘gospel’ which could also mean that they use the trailer to fully decide
whether they want go see the film or not.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will create a trailer that is honest to what I would like the film to be like (if I shot the movie for
real) I will spend lots of time in post, editing the trailer to be as interesting as it can be so that it
will, again, represent what I would want the (hypothetical) real movie to be.
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
Interview 1: Name: Rhys Sadler-Scott, Age: 17, Gender: Male
1. Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not?
I prefer trailers not to have voiceovers, as I think it breaks the immersion into the world of the film. If the narrator
is breaking the fourth wall, then it is harder to put yourself into the world the film is trying to build. Plus, it will be
harder to focus on the clips you are seeing in the trailer if you are concentrating on what the voiceover is saying.
2. Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands?
I think it is better for a trailer to use music from a real band, as it makes it more relatable for the audience
members who know the song, and it leaves the meaning of the music in the context it’s been put in much more
open to interpretation. Though it does make the trailer harder to make in some respects, as it has to fit the song
and cut at the appropriate times so as not to create any dissonance.
3. When watching a trailer what do you pay more attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it
and why? (feel free to choose multiple options)
I pay the most attention to the music in a trailer, because I think the choice of the soundtrack often tells you the
most you need to know about the tone of the film. But the way the shots are edited is also very important. Fast,
choppy cuts create a sense of urgency, whereas slow, melancholy shots create a sense of drama etc.
4. When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer
the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why?
I think a trailer should only include a release date so that you know when to see it, reviews are not a good idea
because they can be incorrect and lead you to feel the film was overhyped when you see it, plus they can also
break the immersion of the trailer. So the release date should only be shown at the very end.
Interview 1
• Observation:
• The interview shows that the interviewee very much focused on sound and music
when watching a trailer and they wanted the trailer to be as immersive as possible,
saying that they don’t appreciate reviews as it could give you the wrong
impression of the film (negative or positive) and the actual product being very
different to what you expected
• What this says about my audience:
• This shows that my audience want to be immersed and ’taken out of reality’ and
into the world of the film when watching the trailer. They want to be immersed
through the shots and sound design, while staying grounded in reality by having
for example a song from a real band as the score of the trailer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• In my product I want to use sound design as a large factor of creating interest for
the audience, using real world music and diegetic sounds, to influence the editing
and using very little ‘voice-over’ or ‘narration’ to explain what is going on, in the
Interview 2: Name: Jack Hickman, Age: 18, Gender: Male
1.Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not?
I don't particularly mind voice overs in film trailers as they can help explain certain details the trailer needs to
explain especially when the trailer may struggle to try to entice the audience using only scenes. However, I
feel that some films like horror films may suffer when using narration but, if it is creepy and makes the
audience feel scared to some extent then I suppose it works too. Comedy Trailers can also use this more
effectively as it can add to the comedy.
2.Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands?
It depends on the trailer for me but, I don't mind both. Whether they use music from real bands, the music
they made themselves or if it is generic trailer music. As long as it isn't cliche and takes me out of the
experience then it is fine.
3.When watching a trailer what do you pay more
attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it and why? (feel free to chose multiple options)
I actually pay more attention to the plot and trying to work out what can happen because it makes the
experience more interesting for me and helps raise my expectations for the film. I do also pay attention to the
music and editing that is used as it makes the trailer better in my opinion.
4.When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer
the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why?
I much prefer for the trailer to be shown piece by piece and the reviews to be shown afterwards or not at all
as I don't really focus on what everyone else says about it as it is usually all the same and the film may still be
bad anyway.
Interview 2
• Observation:
• It is clear that this interviewee is not too fussed about a lot of the aspects that a trailer
has, so long as it doesn’t take away from the immersion and the entertainment of the
trailer. The main thing I could take away is that they did not want to be given an
opinion but rather form their own opinion, to say, they didn’t want to see reviews or
• What this says about my audience:
• This shows that the audience simply wants a product they can look at and enjoy, and so
long as the aspects included (e.g. narration/voiceovers) add to the trailer and have a
good purpose that is evident rather than just existing to explain what is happening
because the editing/sequencing is done poorly.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• I will spend extra time ensuring that every cut and every shot has a true purpose and
adds to the narrative and not just the look. This might seem very obvious but I know
that I am not the only person who has used an unnecessary shot before because it
looked cool. I will also attempt to use as much editing/sound design to explain what is
happening in the trailer and not to rely on narration or voiceovers.
Interview 3: Name: Tahmid Ahmed, Age: 18, Gender: Male
1.Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not?
It would be effective if you could be able to create a horror with no narration as it would come across as eerily
silent as there are no characters talking to distract the audience from the visuals. On the other hand having
narration would be great for giving a hint of the plot.
2.Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands?
On the topic of of having a silent trailer, it would be great to have your own music to effectively emphasise
the scary footage. Making uncomfortable sounds that slightly have a rhythm which suits the footage can
convey real horror. No generic music.
3.When watching a trailer what do you pay more attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it
and why? (feel free to chose multiple options)
I think that the editing is the most effective aspect to a trailer as it connects and cuts the footage together in
order to summarise the plot without any spoilers. You can use techniques with editing to trick the audience
like for instants the trailer for “we need to talk about Kevin” starts with a happy family but slowly turns darker
revealing that the boy in the family “kevin” has psychotic problems. This conveys the character Kevin as he
seems normal on the outside however as you go deeper he is clearly not.
4.When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer
the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why?
I would rather have the reviews be In a powerful moment in the trailer like for intents in between the calm to
intense because this emphasises the moment in the trailer. You could have the review at the end in order to
immerse the audience making them generate there own real opinion and then reveal the reviews. I would
always leave the release date till the end to get the audience motivated first.
Interview 3
• Observation:
• It is evident that this interviewee knows a lot about movie trailers and has a very
clear idea of what he likes and dislikes within movie trailers. He explains that he
prefers trailers that showcase to story visually and use sound design as a tool to
guide and ‘emphasise’ what is shown visually. They would also prefer to form their
own opinion about the film before seeing reviews about the trailer, or have the
reviews at critical points in the trailer.
• What this says about my audience:
• This shows that they are more interested in visually pleasing trailer, a trailer that
can showcase cinematic shots that will intrigue the audience. Almost like a
portfolio, they want to trailer to show the creators ability to shot good quality film
and explain the story without relying on narration to explain it.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will focus on using visually pleasing shots and good locations so that
Colour and colour schemes
• I want to use 2 types of colour schemes, mainly I want to use complimentary
colours however for certain scenes and shots (for example when someone is being
tortured) I would like to use a Split-Complementary Colour scheme to make the
image look normal but slightly off, or a Triadic colour scheme, to pump up the
colours within the scene so that the scene will gain extra excitement.
Complimentary Split-Complementary Triadic
Colour and colour schemes
• I would like to focus on 4 main colours within my short film.
• YELLOW – wisdom, knowledge, relaxation, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope,
sunshine, summer, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard
• This is because my character is twisted and childlike he doesn’t understand what he is doing is bad and
therefore finds joy in it.
• BLACK – No, power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, anonymity,
unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger
• The character wants to be anonymous (hence the mask and costume) he is doing what he is doing because
of sadness and anger.
• ORANGE – humor, energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant
• This is simply because the trailer should have a comedic tone, as the ‘film’ is a Horror/Comedy, and the
trailer will be very energetic.
• BLUE – faith, spirituality, contentment, loyalty, fulfillment peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity,
trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, sky, water, cold, technology, depression
• This colour is mostly because I think blue is a very relaxing colour that works well in cinema especially
when it is contrasted with another colour, it can bring more attention to the other colours.
1. Schoettner, Sam (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 12/04/18)
2. Sadler-Scott, Rhys. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/18)
3. Hickman, Jack. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/18)
4. Richard Lackey. (2015). 5 Common Film Color Schemes – Learning Cinematic Color Design. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18.
5. ANON. (.). How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18.
6. shanovitz. (2014). Lighting in Film. Available: Last
accessed 12/04/18.
7. LEWIS MCGREGOR. (2016). Lighting 101: A Quick Guide for Lighting Film. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18.
8. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz. (2014). Goodnight Mommy. Available: Last accessed 13/04/18.
9. Reginald Hudlin. (2017). Marshall. Available: Last
accessed 13/04/18.
10. Ridley Scott. (2017). All the money in the world. Available: Last accessed 13/04/18.
11. Jon Fusco. (2016). Watch: The Psychology of Color in Film. Available:
psychology-color-film. Last accessed 23/04/18.
12. ANON. (.). How Filmakers use colours to set the mood of a film.Available: Last accessed 23/04/18.

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3. research(1)

  • 2. Existing Product: Marshall (Trailer) Trailer for: Marshall The reason I chose to analyse this trailer is because I really like the use of music sound bridges and sfx in the trailer. Throughout the trailer diegetic sounds are used to cut and link shots together, a vast majority of the trailer is ‘narrated’ using voice snippets from the film this works effectively as we are taken step by step through the rough narrative of the film, at first it is established that he is the first coloured man to be a lawyer, then it is made clear his mission is to ‘defend only innocent people accused of their race’ and finally that someone who he was representing does not seem as though he is innocent, adding in snippets such as his wife saying ‘be careful’ while playing a clip of someone pointing a shotgun at him. This builds up a lot of interest and tension, we want to know more about the plot, what happens to Marshall? Does he win the case? Is he liked or disliked? The trailer creates a lot of questions and interest, furthermore through the use of language and word choice, we can tell this film is going to be a relatively honest representation of what it would have been to be a person of colour during this time, especially if you had a good job. (though of course it will still be sugar coated.) Throughout the trailer Marshall is shown mostly from low angles suggesting his moral superiority.
  • 3. Existing Product: Goodnight mommy (Trailer) Goodnight mommy trailer: This trailer is very similar to what I would like to achieve with my trailer, one of the biggest factors is the way it is edited and lots of the image composition. The shots where she is looking at you through a reflection and not directly, those shots are very unnerving and uncomfortable. The whole trailer helps us understand that the woman is their mother who had a surgery and that’s why the kids aren’t frightened until the start to think it isn’t really their mother. However important information such as why she needed the surgery is not included, this keeps the viewer guessing and creates interest so they will want to go see the film(which ultimately is what a trailer is trying to achieve). I really like the slow paced beginning, the shots are quite long and the editing is very slow, only hard cuts are used. This changes throughout the trailer as the shots get shorter, the editing pace increases and black fades are used more often. The editing, lighting, colouring and sequencing makes for an extremely creepy trailer that entices any one who would like to see a horror film. The simple and clean mise en scene, makes the mother with her bandages stand out even more and makes her look anomalous and out of place. The trailer seems to have little/no VFX which makes it even more creepy as personally I think horror films that use lots of VFX instantly become less scary because it instantly divides the film from reality, and therefore reduces the fright you feel (though that is very subjective). During the trailer the horror aspects tend to implement low- key lighting.
  • 4. Existing Product: All the money in the world (Trailer) All the money in the world trailer: This trailer feels very linear as it uses one song throughout the trailer but the song is edited to match the tempo and intensity of what is seen on screen, when the trailer has begun and everything is normal, so is the music but as aspects of the characters lives and relationships change the music adapts to match a reflect the tone and mood of the trailer, at points the song almost halts completely and is only a few ticks on repeat in the background. The music follows the rhythm of the trailer, the cuts are influenced by the music, the music is used to build tension etc. This trailer is weaved around the music. The fact that the song is normal at the start of the trailer and returns to being normal for the end of the trailer after changing drastically throughout makes it feel concluded and well rounded. Further more the style of cinematography, the lighting and the colour grading is very, very similar to what I would like to achieve within my own product, the cool colour tones and the teal and orange colour contrast. The film overall has a very cold and lightly desaturated tone this works extremely well as the story being told is also very ‘cold’ so the colour reflects the somber tone of the film. The way the music is utilized to build and release tension is extremely immersive, for example nearing the end the song builds to a climax that is released a few seconds before the climax of the trailer when Mr. Getty states he would pay ‘Nothing’ which is then followed by music kicking back in almost bringing the trailer full circle. Overall this trailer really utilizes the music to create interest, tension and excitement. I think music is very important in a film trailer and this trailer (subjectively) perfectly executed the use of music.
  • 5. Research Analysis (TRAILERS) The trailers all start of slow and normal paced and speed up increasing the editing pace and decreasing the length of the shots, as they go to build excitement and tension. They also start of with straight cuts but then progress to black fades. Finishing with calmer music slower editing and longer shots, often the music kicks back in again for the title of the movie that is displayed at the end of the trailer. I am going to utilise the knowledge I have gained from the music editing in the trailer for ‘All the money in the world’ and the sound design from ’Marshall’ while creating a trailer that has a style visually similar to that of Goodnight mommy, using slow paced editing and letting each shot linger just until it gets slightly uncomfortable and then snapping out of it. All of the trailers seem to have a unique way of building excitement and tension. All three of the trailers utilise A teal and orange colour scheme, this colour scheme is very popular within cinema as it creates defined colour contrast while softening both shadows and highlights to create an image that is visually more comfortable. Ultimately I would like to create a trailer that is similar in sound design, utilising music and diegetic sounds to build/release tension and influence the cuts within the trailer, while having one song as the ‘theme’ of the trailer. I would also like to create a trailer that is visually similar, again, utilising the orange and teal colour scheme to create contrast.
  • 6. Existing Product: The silence of the lambs (poster) The movie poster for ‘the silence of the lambs’ is arguably one of the greatest movie posters of all time. The poster draws your attention in 3 areas, the title, the butterfly and the eyes. This is due to the heavy contrast compared to the rest of the image, the red eyes signify danger, the butterfly over the mouth is very brightly coloured with orange red and yellow tones, (butterflies being a symbol of change, suggesting the movie is about a person who changes/changed). Compare these bright colours to the pale, soft skin colours of the character and a huge amount of contrast is created, the image seems to blend into the background which creates a perfect area for the text to be placed. Almost 3/4 of the poster is taken up by the image of the character, who is dominating the poster, the close up of their face while they are staring straight into the lens, and therefore at us, this makes the viewer feel slightly uneasy and uncomfortable as we feel as though we are being watched. The poster again uses heavy contrast by going from a bleached white over to an abyss-like black with only a little bit of purple in-between, this is another example of using contrast as interest as the poster is nearly half bright white and half deep black, this could be associated with balance or the ‘yin and yang’ signifying balance this suggests the film will include decisions and the characters might need to do things that are considered wrong to do good. Its almost as though the poster designers wanted the image to speak for itself, leaving only around ¼ of the image to the cast, title etc. This shows huge confidence and creates a poster that is visually pleasing while also effectively selling the product. The title text is very simple and all lowercase, again bright orange/red is used to evoke contrast so that the text stands out from the background while not. Above the title we have a list of the main actors in white and below in a again white but highlighted in black using 12-point Courier is a tagline reading ‘from the terrifying best seller’ this is shows the viewer that the plot of the film already was successful as a book which may well cause some viewers to be more likely to go see the film. Overall the I personally really like the style of this poster, when you look at you instantly feel un easy, from the eyes that stare at you to the butterfly over her mouth, the poster is both creepy and interesting, the poster only gives us minimal basic information like the title and cast as if it doesn’t want to take away from the image itself.
  • 7. Existing Product: The Dark night (Teaser Poster) The colour scheme for this poster is red and blue, the red writing reading ‘why so serious?’ is the first thing that catches your eye when you look at the poster. This is because the red strongly contrasts with the bright background, the rest of the image is dark blue and teal using contrast to bring attention to the red text. The poster also uses focus, the main image is of a character (the joker) stood writing in what appears to be blood the text is perfectly in focus, the text makes is distressing as we associate red with danger and passion, combine this with scraggily writing similar to that of a child and we instantly think of someone psychotic. The rest of the character (other than his hands) is out of focus, this is to tease the audience, as the character portrayed looks very different to previous examples of the joker. However the ‘Glasgow smile’ drawn over his mouth makes it clear as to who the person in the frame is. The rest of the text within this poster is very simple, the title of the film is in all caps spaced out evenly across the bottom of the page, with a rough release date and a link to a website to keep up with the film. Additionally the famous and recognisable batman logo is underneath the title text quickly reminding us of what franchise the film belongs too. To conclude the poster is very visually pleasing as it is simply made to ‘tease’ the audience, it is to build hype so that when the main ad campaign begins there is already an interest in the film. I think the poster achieves this perfectly, it shows us what to expect by simply placing the silhouette of an iconic character, in a way they have never been seen before.
  • 8. Existing Product: Orphan (Poster) I chose this poster as is very similar to what I would like to create myself, the protagonist dominates the frame and it almost feels like they have take control of the poster and are staring you down, almost as though she is challenging you. The colour scheme is heavily green and teal, which can be associated with greed and jealousy, we also associate green with sickness hence the phrase “green around the gills” or the ‘Mr yuck sticker’ which is used to warn children from potentially hazardous chemicals. The character herself is as I mentioned dominating the picture, though she is only a child her hair is very tightly pulled to the side and perfectly parted, the clothes she is wearing are simple and sophisticated, this gives her an overall look that is menacing and as though she is far more mature than the young girl we see. Overall this makes for a visually interesting image as we try to decipher what is going on, as at a first glance it seems very simplistic, it becomes more and more uncomfortable to look at the image, I can only imagine this is the aim. Mr yuck sticker The text on the image kept to a very minimum we have a tag that in white and simple all caps font, this causes it stick out from the background as it is very eye catching compared to the green. The title is also in white however it is written in a childlike scribbled font with lower and uppercase letters all over the place, which again signifies childishness. One of the most eye-catching aspects of the poster might be the Rhetorical question reading ‘Can you keep a secret?’ this text is written in bright red, which we associate with blood and danger, hence as the aim is to create interest so that the reader will want to find out more about the ‘secret’ which will give us motivation to go see the film as combined with the release date (written in white) next to the phrase the question almost acts as an invitation to come see the film. In conclusion the whole poster is designed to make you feel uneasy and almost cautious of the girl in the image though simultaneously it builds a certain interest that makes you want to take a closer look and find out more about, this Esther, what is her secret? This is why the poster works perfectly as a poster for a horror film.
  • 9. Research Analysis (POSTER) The posters all use colour contrast to guide the attention of the audience to see or read first what they want you to read/see first, the use of contrast in general is also a coherent theme, all of the posters have quite defined shadows and highlights. The posters are all dominated by one character and therefore are all quite simple. I think I will definitely include both the simple design and colour contrast in my production work as it works extremely well to create interest, if it is appropriate I will also include a rhetorical question (as two of the posters have) this is because I think rhetorical questions work very well at indulging the audience and reeling them in, to have another look at the poster, so that they can try to figure out what it is that is going on within the poster. Another common theme was the use of red text, all the posters used red text for (subjectively) the most important piece of text on the posters. I will also spend time researching what colours to use and what levels of contrast to use as I think with all of the posters a lot of time and thought has gone into just how much contrast should be used or what colour schemes they should utilise, for far better reasons than ‘it looking good’. I would hope to include a similar level of sophistication and creativity/ originality within my posters. Overall looking at these posters I have realised how important colour scheme and colour contrast is to create a visually interesting poster and just how much you can guide the audiences eyes to look exactly at the poster aspects that you want. I have learned a lot about character placement and especially from the Dark Knight poster how to create interest around the character by ‘hiding them in plain sight’ as to say show their shape but not their details.
  • 12. Audience research The first 2 questions were very basic questions to establish an audience and an idea of who is taking the survey. This will help me throughout the survey to determine why answers might be heavily one sided (e.g. only men are taking the survey) From the results we can see that the gender is relatively balance though the though there was 4 more male participants, However the age range is heavily dominated by 16-19 year olds. This means if there is a trend of similar answers it could be due to the similar age range. This will be useful information as it will give me an idea of the interest of that age range. I will change aspects of my product to fit the results of the survey (aka this audience) so if I think blue and they say green, green it will be. This means the product will appeal to both genders.
  • 13. Observation: The results show that most people don’t look at trailers all too often, with the majority stating the see one trailer per week and the second majority stating that they watch less than one trailer per month. This suggests that this demographic only watches/sees trailers when the trailers are ‘forced’ on them by an advertisement or in the cinema. It also shows that the demographic who took the survey are not ’too’ interested in film trailers as there are very few responses stating the watch multiple trailers per week. What this says about my audience: This could mean that the results are going to be a lot more honest as the audience is speaking from an honest point of view because the audience will be more of an ‘everyday joe’. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will adjust aspects of my product so that the final product will check as many boxes as possible. This will mean that my product will appeal to the established demographic as well as a the average person watching TV or using social media.
  • 14. Observation: From the results we can see that the most seen film trailers by this audience are comedy and horror films. This suggests that the audience prefers these two genres of film, or because of social media these two film genres have been marketed towards this demographic. What this says about my audience: Most of my potential audience would be most used to Horror/comedy film trailers and would already have an idea of how comedy and horror film trailers tend to be designed. How will your product appeal to this audience: My product is going to be a horror style trailer however I already intended to have an underlying comedy aspect to the trailer which I will probably magnify to showcase the comedy aspect of the film more. This will give the film a larger platform, and more people will watch the trailer.
  • 15. Observation: It is perfectly evident that the audience prefers to find out the plot of a film while watching it and not from the trailer. What this says about my audience: It shows that they want a film trailer to entice them, by using the music editing etc. But not by telling the story or revealing to much of the plot. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will ensure that my trailer only hints at what the plot could be, while focusing on making visually and auditorily enjoyable. Finding good locations, colour grading my footage, creating good costumes. Editing the music, using lots of SFX (both diegetic and non-diegetic.) etc.
  • 16. Observation: We can see that a vast majority of the audience prefers blood and gore in film, this could be correlated to age as 14 participants fall into the age range 16-19, 2 into less than 15, and one user skipped the question. What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience prefers more brutal and honest films, with violence and blood. How will your product appeal to this audience: Within my trailer I will include blood and gore while also showcasing the more violent aspects of the film while not dwelling on them too much.
  • 17. Observation: Out of the 15 responses 10 were horror/thriller film trailers, 3 people effectively skipped the question and 2 answered with non horror film trailers. What this says about my audience: This shows that a large portion of my audience has watched and indulged in the horror genre enough to have a trailer that comes to mind. How will your product appeal to this Audience: I have watched the trailers the audience said they liked, and I will use them as a reference guide as well as my existing product research to create a trailer that the audience will appreciate.
  • 18. Observation: 9 of the 17 participants said they expect the length of a film trailer to be around 1:00-1:30 minutes, while 5 said the expect trailers to be 2:00-2:30. What this says about my audience: It shows that my audience prefers shorter snappier film trailers that don’t consume too much time but are still long enough to layout a rough guide as to what the film will contain. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make my film around 1:30-2:00 minutes long, this means (lengthwise) the trailer will appeal to over 80% of the participants. As it will fall right between the most popular results.
  • 19. Observation: The vast majority stated that they watch/see movie trailers on YouTube, rather than the more ‘conventional means’ aka the cinema. What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience probably uses YouTube as a resource to seek out movie trailers (meaning they hear of a film and go to YouTube to find the trailer.) Rather than again, the more conventional way where the film trailer would more or less be the first time you heard of the film. How will your product appeal to this audience: My trailer will be uploaded to YouTube which is what the participants said was their main resource for watching trailers.
  • 20. Observation: The results overwhelmingly show that the audience thinks trailers are effective at convincing the viewer to go so the film. What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience deeply trust a trailer to represent exactly what the film is about and sort of take the trailer to be ‘gospel’ which could also mean that they use the trailer to fully decide whether they want go see the film or not. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will create a trailer that is honest to what I would like the film to be like (if I shot the movie for real) I will spend lots of time in post, editing the trailer to be as interesting as it can be so that it will, again, represent what I would want the (hypothetical) real movie to be.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 23. Interview 1: Name: Rhys Sadler-Scott, Age: 17, Gender: Male 1. Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not? I prefer trailers not to have voiceovers, as I think it breaks the immersion into the world of the film. If the narrator is breaking the fourth wall, then it is harder to put yourself into the world the film is trying to build. Plus, it will be harder to focus on the clips you are seeing in the trailer if you are concentrating on what the voiceover is saying. 2. Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands? Why? I think it is better for a trailer to use music from a real band, as it makes it more relatable for the audience members who know the song, and it leaves the meaning of the music in the context it’s been put in much more open to interpretation. Though it does make the trailer harder to make in some respects, as it has to fit the song and cut at the appropriate times so as not to create any dissonance. 3. When watching a trailer what do you pay more attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it and why? (feel free to choose multiple options) I pay the most attention to the music in a trailer, because I think the choice of the soundtrack often tells you the most you need to know about the tone of the film. But the way the shots are edited is also very important. Fast, choppy cuts create a sense of urgency, whereas slow, melancholy shots create a sense of drama etc. 4. When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why? I think a trailer should only include a release date so that you know when to see it, reviews are not a good idea because they can be incorrect and lead you to feel the film was overhyped when you see it, plus they can also break the immersion of the trailer. So the release date should only be shown at the very end.
  • 24. Interview 1 • Observation: • The interview shows that the interviewee very much focused on sound and music when watching a trailer and they wanted the trailer to be as immersive as possible, saying that they don’t appreciate reviews as it could give you the wrong impression of the film (negative or positive) and the actual product being very different to what you expected • What this says about my audience: • This shows that my audience want to be immersed and ’taken out of reality’ and into the world of the film when watching the trailer. They want to be immersed through the shots and sound design, while staying grounded in reality by having for example a song from a real band as the score of the trailer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • In my product I want to use sound design as a large factor of creating interest for the audience, using real world music and diegetic sounds, to influence the editing and using very little ‘voice-over’ or ‘narration’ to explain what is going on, in the trailer.
  • 25. Interview 2: Name: Jack Hickman, Age: 18, Gender: Male 1.Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not? I don't particularly mind voice overs in film trailers as they can help explain certain details the trailer needs to explain especially when the trailer may struggle to try to entice the audience using only scenes. However, I feel that some films like horror films may suffer when using narration but, if it is creepy and makes the audience feel scared to some extent then I suppose it works too. Comedy Trailers can also use this more effectively as it can add to the comedy. 2.Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands? Why? It depends on the trailer for me but, I don't mind both. Whether they use music from real bands, the music they made themselves or if it is generic trailer music. As long as it isn't cliche and takes me out of the experience then it is fine. 3.When watching a trailer what do you pay more attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it and why? (feel free to chose multiple options) I actually pay more attention to the plot and trying to work out what can happen because it makes the experience more interesting for me and helps raise my expectations for the film. I do also pay attention to the music and editing that is used as it makes the trailer better in my opinion. 4.When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why? I much prefer for the trailer to be shown piece by piece and the reviews to be shown afterwards or not at all as I don't really focus on what everyone else says about it as it is usually all the same and the film may still be bad anyway.
  • 26. Interview 2 • Observation: • It is clear that this interviewee is not too fussed about a lot of the aspects that a trailer has, so long as it doesn’t take away from the immersion and the entertainment of the trailer. The main thing I could take away is that they did not want to be given an opinion but rather form their own opinion, to say, they didn’t want to see reviews or ratings. • What this says about my audience: • This shows that the audience simply wants a product they can look at and enjoy, and so long as the aspects included (e.g. narration/voiceovers) add to the trailer and have a good purpose that is evident rather than just existing to explain what is happening because the editing/sequencing is done poorly. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • I will spend extra time ensuring that every cut and every shot has a true purpose and adds to the narrative and not just the look. This might seem very obvious but I know that I am not the only person who has used an unnecessary shot before because it looked cool. I will also attempt to use as much editing/sound design to explain what is happening in the trailer and not to rely on narration or voiceovers.
  • 27. Interview 3: Name: Tahmid Ahmed, Age: 18, Gender: Male 1.Do you like narration or voice overs from the characters in film trailers? Why? Or Why not? It would be effective if you could be able to create a horror with no narration as it would come across as eerily silent as there are no characters talking to distract the audience from the visuals. On the other hand having narration would be great for giving a hint of the plot. 2.Do you prefer the generic ‘movie trailer music’ or do you prefer trailers that use music from real bands? Why? On the topic of of having a silent trailer, it would be great to have your own music to effectively emphasise the scary footage. Making uncomfortable sounds that slightly have a rhythm which suits the footage can convey real horror. No generic music. 3.When watching a trailer what do you pay more attention to, the editing, the shots, the music? Which is it and why? (feel free to chose multiple options) I think that the editing is the most effective aspect to a trailer as it connects and cuts the footage together in order to summarise the plot without any spoilers. You can use techniques with editing to trick the audience like for instants the trailer for “we need to talk about Kevin” starts with a happy family but slowly turns darker revealing that the boy in the family “kevin” has psychotic problems. This conveys the character Kevin as he seems normal on the outside however as you go deeper he is clearly not. 4.When watching a trailer do you prefer it to be broken up with reviews, release dates etc. Or do you prefer the trailer to be in one piece and the reviews and release dates etc. to be shown after wards? Why? I would rather have the reviews be In a powerful moment in the trailer like for intents in between the calm to intense because this emphasises the moment in the trailer. You could have the review at the end in order to immerse the audience making them generate there own real opinion and then reveal the reviews. I would always leave the release date till the end to get the audience motivated first.
  • 28. Interview 3 • Observation: • It is evident that this interviewee knows a lot about movie trailers and has a very clear idea of what he likes and dislikes within movie trailers. He explains that he prefers trailers that showcase to story visually and use sound design as a tool to guide and ‘emphasise’ what is shown visually. They would also prefer to form their own opinion about the film before seeing reviews about the trailer, or have the reviews at critical points in the trailer. • What this says about my audience: • This shows that they are more interested in visually pleasing trailer, a trailer that can showcase cinematic shots that will intrigue the audience. Almost like a portfolio, they want to trailer to show the creators ability to shot good quality film and explain the story without relying on narration to explain it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will focus on using visually pleasing shots and good locations so that
  • 29. Colour and colour schemes • I want to use 2 types of colour schemes, mainly I want to use complimentary colours however for certain scenes and shots (for example when someone is being tortured) I would like to use a Split-Complementary Colour scheme to make the image look normal but slightly off, or a Triadic colour scheme, to pump up the colours within the scene so that the scene will gain extra excitement. Complimentary Split-Complementary Triadic
  • 30. Colour and colour schemes • I would like to focus on 4 main colours within my short film. • YELLOW – wisdom, knowledge, relaxation, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard • This is because my character is twisted and childlike he doesn’t understand what he is doing is bad and therefore finds joy in it. • BLACK – No, power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger • The character wants to be anonymous (hence the mask and costume) he is doing what he is doing because of sadness and anger. • ORANGE – humor, energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant • This is simply because the trailer should have a comedic tone, as the ‘film’ is a Horror/Comedy, and the trailer will be very energetic. • BLUE – faith, spirituality, contentment, loyalty, fulfillment peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, sky, water, cold, technology, depression • This colour is mostly because I think blue is a very relaxing colour that works well in cinema especially when it is contrasted with another colour, it can bring more attention to the other colours.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 35. Bibliography 1. Schoettner, Sam (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 12/04/18) 2. Sadler-Scott, Rhys. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/18) 3. Hickman, Jack. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/18) 4. Richard Lackey. (2015). 5 Common Film Color Schemes – Learning Cinematic Color Design. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18. 5. ANON. (.). How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18. 6. shanovitz. (2014). Lighting in Film. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18. 7. LEWIS MCGREGOR. (2016). Lighting 101: A Quick Guide for Lighting Film. Available: Last accessed 12/04/18. 8. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz. (2014). Goodnight Mommy. Available: Last accessed 13/04/18. 9. Reginald Hudlin. (2017). Marshall. Available: Last accessed 13/04/18. 10. Ridley Scott. (2017). All the money in the world. Available: Last accessed 13/04/18. 11. Jon Fusco. (2016). Watch: The Psychology of Color in Film. Available: psychology-color-film. Last accessed 23/04/18. 12. ANON. (.). How Filmakers use colours to set the mood of a film.Available: Last accessed 23/04/18.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. What common features do the researched products have? What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  8. What common features do the researched products have? What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?
  9. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  10. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  11. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  12. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  13. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  14. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  15. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  16. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  17. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  18. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.