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Final Assignment
Final Assignment
Company Address?
Inside Address?
Phoenix Advertising is a company established in North
Carolina. According to the information given, it is evident that
your branch is facing a number of challenges, which need to be
attended to with immediate effect. Recently, two top
management employees have left the company to join a
competing firm; others are also threatening to leave the
From the reports evaluated, there are factors that are leading to
reassignment of the employees to rival companies. From the
case scenario presented, it is evident that the top management
fails to involve the junior employees as make most of the
important decisions without consulting them. When the
employees feel left out, they hardly perform, as they feel
ignored most of the time. Secondly, the company focuses on
increasing their levels of profitability. Hence, it is taking a lot
of work from all potential clients without necessarily evaluating
the accounts and the workload. This causes the employees
responsible for working for ling hours with minimal
compensation. In my opinion, this could be the reason for low
morale and decrease in production.
Firstly, there is weak leadership, which fails to involve
employees at all levels in the company. This can be seen from
the way the management take lots work from all different
clients without necessarily evaluating the accounts and
workload. Secondly, there is poor communication between all
levels. The top management does communicate with junior
employees, and it fails to encourage their work and efforts. This
is the reason they end up editing their work without consulting
them. Further, the company is contracting more clients than it
can handle with the current personnel.
The top management of the company should embrace real
leadership and administration. To be precise, the management
should and must effectively communicate with employees on all
their levels. This could be achieved best by outlining their roles
and responsibilities. It should also provide better means of
evaluation and reporting of every employee. The heads of
various departments should also work closely with their
employees at make any changes in their works with their
consultations in order to value their efforts at different levels
(Schein, 1985).
Further, due to the increased volumes of workload, the
management should also offer enough compensation to all
employees by paying them for any overtime work from them.
This could be achieved by improving the terms of the contract.
Additionally, the company should provide an excellent working
environment where the employees are comfortable. The
management should also aim at improving human capital
through ore training and development. This is because in the
world of advertising, technology is changing the dynamics day
by day. A specific timeline should be set in order to ensure that
all these goals and objectives are achieved on time. The
company also has to take considerations of the competitive
environment where it is operating on. Hence, losing their clients
to their competitors can be a threat, and the company should
look into this in time.
In order to accomplish my plan at Roanoke, I will need a team
of people who will work with different divisions in order to
bring the best output. All the employees will be from the
company. Sales and marketing representatives of the enterprise,
customer relation’s officers, editors, ICT persons, and the
technical personnel have the right skills to carry out the tasks.
Most of them are in the middle stage of career development. For
this reason, they are aware of all their roles and responsibilities.
Every employee will be assigned a particular a role that he or is
supposed to achieve within the set timeline. Department's heads
are expected to oversee the implementation of each phase of the
project. Progress reports should also be done and evaluated on a
timely basis before the project is complete. My role in this task
is to supervise all operations and ensure that all the responsible
parties play their part well by ensuring that they perform
different functions and responsibilities in the right way.
A schedule of how the project will be conducted and the
specific timelines will also be set in order to ensure that the
project is completed on time. Depending on the role and input
of different employees and departments, all the work will be
divided, and a deadline set in very case. Reports should be
availed in time in order to assess the level of progress of the
project and improve the evaluation process.
All the employees involved in the project will come from the
company from different departments. However, in case there
will be a need for additional employees, the budget will take
care of their costs.
Employees in concerned departments
- $4000
New and loss of employees
- $1500
Travelling expenses
- $2200
- $5000
Labor and Equipment
- $7000
Miscellaneous expenses
- $2500
Request for Authorization
After the project has been completed, all the reports will be
assessed and evaluated before being handed over to the top
management. Later, the top management will authorize my
department to give the final project to the client.
Closing line?
Signature block?
Evaluation of 050024: “Final Examination”
Skill Realized
Skill Developing
Skill Emerging
Introduction (Did you identify one problem, qualifications-
Background (Did you provide detailed proof cause-effect,
bulleted objectives?):
Proposal (How complete and clear did you develop each
Schedule (Is there a specific date/time period indicated for each
Staffing (Are specific in-house personnel matched to each task-
objective and their qualifications described?):
Budget (Is budget in columns, readable, cover all costs?):
Request for authorization (How well did you persuade team to
adopt plan within specific time frame?):
Audience, coherence, tone (Did you maintain a professional
tone as part of company team and develop information
0Grammar, sentence structure, and mechanics (How well did
you edit and proofread to ensure correct application of standard
written conventions for American English?):
Format (Did you correctly include/format the letter, headings,
font, justification, header info?):
EXAM GRADE, DATE, EVALUATOR: 35%, February 9, 2015,
NOTE: The numbers on this scoring grid do not show points
awarded or deducted but reflect how well you met the criteria.
The numbers merely guide the instructor in calculating a final
score that fits appropriately within the Penn Foster grading
scale (which is given in your online Student Handbook).
· Skill Realized scores indicate grades in the A to high-B range.
· Skill Developing scores reflect grades in the mid-B to C
· Skill Emerging scores designate grades in the D to F range.
�The Background section must persuade the executive team
that a dire need exists. Summarize the field investigation of
your chosen problem. Include specific numbers and percentages
(facts and figures) with explanations to show how you
determined each cause contributed to the problem. End this
section with a bulleted list of the key phases (stages) you’ll
develop in the proposal section to solve the causes. Phrase each
stage as a key action goal.
�Develop the steps needed to solve the problem. Use a phrase
or word for each goal and italicize it. (You’ll have to use the
same phrases or words in the Schedule and Budget sections.)
Then write at least one paragraph for each goal, outlining what
actions are involved in that phase. Develop detailed, clear-cut
solutions to the underlying issues and causes you identified in
the Background section. Describe how each phase will address
the issue.
�Using a column format, you need to mention the
schedule/deadline for each phase.
�Mention the people who would be held responsible for the
implementation of EACH phase of your proposal along with
their qualifications.
�You need to mention the cost phase-wise.
�The Authorization section must suggest a time frame for the
approval of your plan. Provide assurance that your proposal will
achieve your goal. Summarize the problems at the Roanoke
Branch and describe the benefits of your plan for Roanoke
branch, their clients, and Phoenix Advertising as a whole.
Final Examination Booklet
Business and
Technical Writing
Business and
Technical Writing
Your final project for the Business and Technical Writing
course is worth 30% of your course grade and requires you
to write an informal proposal in letter form. Your work must
be your own.
Important: Don’t submit your final draft for this project until
you’ve received the evaluations of all your previous written
exams, so you can make use of the evaluator’s comments to
improve your final project.
Before you begin this project, review pages 8–16 in Proposals
and Special Projects, which is related to writing informal,
internal proposals. Also study the differences between
proposals and reports (like your field investigation report).
Figure 3 shows the general style and basic format you’ll
use for this final exam. Also review the formatting for a full-
block style business letter, covered in Writing Effective
Communications. Review the explanation provided in each
study unit related to writing style, tone, audience, word
choice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Gather the brainstorming, freewriting, and graded exams
you’ve already prepared for previous assignments about
Phoenix Advertising. You’ll build on some of the details you
developed and incorporate suggestions from the instructors
evaluating your previous work. You’ll also have to brain-
storm further in order to create facts, figures, names,
numbers, analysis, and proof to support your plan of
action in your proposal.
Business and Technical Writing2
Background Information
Here’s a brief review of the scenario; also review the full
information provided in the exam section of Organizing,
Illustrating, and Researching Your Material. Phoenix
Advertising, with its main headquarters in Charlotte, North
Carolina, serves clients that include banks, insurance com-
panies, and retail chains. You’re vice president of human
resources management at Phoenix. You report directly to
Gregory S. Forest, the company president.
You’ve already investigated the branch and provided a report on
the problems there and your recommendations for managing
them (for study units Organizing, Researching, and Illustrating
Your Material and Writing the Report ). Mr. Forest has
that report and now wants you to present to the executive team
a specific proposal developing one of the recommendations you
gave. Following are the primary problems covered in the
scenario but also carefully review the underlying causes you
discovered in your investigation (which you created from
your imagination).
In the last three months, two of the top management people—
an art director and an account executive—have left the branch.
Each left for a position with a competing agency.
Three of the graphic designers and four of the copywriters
are threatening to quit because they feel their creative efforts
are being rejected or revised without consultation. They want
to be part of a collaborative team, not produce work that the
art directors and account executives evaluate arbitrarily.
In an attempt to show increased profitability, the branch
is accepting all potential clients without evaluating the
accounts in terms of current project workload. As a result,
without being given any notice and without compensation for
the additional hours, all employees are working long hours
several days each week. Employee morale and productivity
seem to be decreasing with each passing day.
Final Examination 3
Step 1
Choose one of the problems. Use your brainstorming notes
and the investigative report for the recommendations you
listed to solve that problem. Brainstorm further about the
reasons for and causes of that one problem by delving even
further into the “whys” of that problem. As you did previously,
list several questions and review the answers you’ve discovered.
Explore those answers in greater depth to determine the
fundamental causes of the problem. (Think of the problem
as a set of symptoms of an illness that you need to treat.
What disease is causing the symptoms? What areas of the
body are affected by the disease?)
Step 2
Freewrite further on each recommendation you made in your
investigative report for resolving this problem. Ask yourself
questions about what must change, what you must make
happen with the employees and departments at Roanoke to
solve the problem so it won’t reoccur. Remember that your
primary goal for the proposal is to revitalize the employees
and departments in order to restore the Roanoke branch to
full productivity. Use as a starting point any of the following
that apply to the problem you’ve chosen:
■ What can the executive team do to reverse the down-
ward spiral of employee morale and increased workload
requiring overtime?
■ How can the executive team help the Roanoke branch
retain its current clients and gain new ones?
■ Is training needed for employees and/or managers?
If so, what types of training are required? How can
the executive team accomplish training over time to
minimize impact on business?
■ What can be done to streamline or reorganize the office
procedures or to incorporate new technology to improve
productivity? What training/support will then be needed
to enable the office employees to embrace the changes
and succeed?
Business and Technical Writing4
Make sure you’ve done enough exploring in Step 1 to guide
your creative efforts toward the changes you’ll make in Step 2.
You want to ensure permanent change, so you must under-
stand the exact nature of the causes in order to develop a
detailed, logical solution.
Step 3
Wait a day or two before you review your prewriting, so you
can return with fresh eyes to the project. Mark the information
you’ll use in your proposal and freewrite as needed to develop
your ideas on resolving the situation and accomplishing your
goal. Break the overall plan into individual parts or actions so
you can develop each step in the process separately, organ-
izing a logical flow for each phase from beginning to end.
■ How much time is needed to accomplish each component
or stage of your plan?
■ Are there steps that must be completed before another
phase can begin?
■ How long will it take to complete each step?
■ How will it impact the daily operations of the branch
and headquarters?
Step 4
Now review the people at Roanoke and across Phoenix
Advertising who you’ll need to accomplish each part of
your plan. Your proposal must use people from within the
company—don’t hire outside personnel. Create names and
job titles as well as qualifications to fit your plan. Review
your list of steps and for ask yourself:
■ Who at Phoenix Advertising and/or the Roanoke branch
has the experience, training, and qualifications to achieve
this stage of my plan? What proves he or she is the one
for the particular phase?
■ What exactly do I want that person to do to accomplish
this step? When? How?
■ Who oversees the implementation of each phase?
■ What progress reports must be provided to the executive
team and when?
■ What’s my part in the proposed plan of action?
Step 5
Your next step is to itemize the costs involved in accomplishing
each component of your plan as you outlined it in Step 3. You
may need to research current costs of additional employees,
training/motivational programs, or technology. The Internet
or even phone calls to representative companies in the Yellow
Pages can provide useful information. Your figures should
have some realistic basis. Remember to factor in costs such
as the following:
■ The number of employees involved in each phase
■ The loss of employee time from completing regular
obligations of current job
■ Any travel or materials/workbooks needed for training
Create appropriate budgetary categories related to the stages
of your plan. Establish an overall cost for each phase and
within each phase itemize the different costs involved.
is important to provide clear support for your numbers and
line items the executive team can review if the total cost for
the proposal is too much for the company’s budget.
Step 6
Organize your prewriting from Steps 1–5 using the following
main headings:
Request for Authorization
Final Examination 5
Business and Technical Writing
Step 7
Following the outline in Step 6, write a 2–5 page draft of
your proposal in letter format. Use single spacing (unless
the format requires more spacing), bold for headings, and
italics for subheadings.
Introduction. Your Introduction is the only section not
labeled with a heading. As your opening paragraph, it must
begin with an interesting hook, contain your qualifications to
prepare this proposal, and summarize the general problem
and the benefits of your plan.
Background. The Background section must persuade the
executive team that a dire need exists. Summarize the field
investigation of your chosen problem and describe the causes
of that problem. Include specific numbers and percentages
(facts and figures) with explanations to show how you deter-
mined each contributed to the problem. Your reasons must
be based on the facts you uncovered, not the feelings of
employees at the branch. End this section with a bulleted
list of the key phases (stages) you’ll develop in the proposal
section to solve the causes. Phrase each stage as a key
action goal.
Proposal. In your Proposal section, develop the steps needed
to solve the problem. Use a phrase or word for each goal you
listed in the Background section and italicize it. (You’ll use the
same phrases or words in the Schedule and Budget sections.)
Then write at least one paragraph for each goal, outlining
what actions are involved in that phase. Develop detailed,
clear-cut solutions to the underlying issues and causes you
identified in the Background section.
Schedule. Your Schedule section must use the italicized
words to outline the phases described in the Background
and Proposal. Use column format.
Staffing. The Staffing section describes, in paragraph form,
the specific people, their qualifications, and their assignments
as related to each phase of the proposed solution.
Budget. Your budget section must itemize the primary steps
of your plan. Use a table format with your own headings for
each column. The first column will use the phases from the
Final Examination 7
project outlined in the Proposal and Schedule sections. Be
sure to show under each major phase the related costs for
accomplishing it.
Request for Authorization. The Authorization section must
suggest a time frame for approval of your plan. Since this
section is also the last thing the executive team will read,
persuasively provide assurance that your proposal will
achieve your goal. Summarize the problems and describe
the benefits of your plan for Roanoke branch, their clients,
and Phoenix Advertising as a whole.
Step 8
As you write, follow the ABC’s for constructing your para-
graphs. Allow your first draft to sit for several days before
you revise it. During that time, review those sections of the
study units discussing various aspects of writing, revising,
and editing, such as
■ Correct, varied construction of sentences
■ Coherence
■ Appropriate word choice for purpose and audience
■ Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
After revising and editing your first draft as best as you can,
ask another person to read your proposal aloud. Listen for
awkward phrases, missing words, and unclear sentence flow.
Also ask for the reader’s feedback on clarity, logical flow, and
so on. Finally, refer to the evaluation criteria and Step 7 as
you give your work one final review before you complete your
final draft.
Evaluation Criteria
Your instructor will use the following criteria to evaluate
your proposal:
Introduction (5 points)
The introduction includes a brief statement of purpose for
the proposal and an overview of the writer’s qualifications
to make the proposal. It also grabs the reader’s attention.
Business and Technical Writing
Background (15 points)
This section details the various causes underlying the chosen
problem and convinces the reader that the need for action
exists. It ends with a bulleted list of goals showing the main
phases of your plan solution.
Proposal (15 points)
The proposal opens with a clear statement of purpose. Using
subheadings related to the Background’s list of goals, it
describes in persuasive fashion the detailed actions needed
to accomplish each phase.
Schedule (5 points)
The schedule establishes a realistic time frame for each stage
of the plan.
Staffing (10 points)
A specific in-house employee is assigned to each component of
the proposal and the description of that person’s credentials
convinces the reader that the employee is the best choice to
accomplish that part of the plan.
Budget (10 points)
In column/table format, the budget itemizes the realistic
costs for each phase/related step of the plan.
Request for Authorization (5 points)
A suggested time for approval is given. The reader is persuaded
the problem will be solved by the proposed plan. It closes in
a thoughtful, personal way.
Style, coherence, and tone (10 points)
The proposal reflects proper business tone and style. Through
the use of transitions and/or connective explanation, the
sections, paragraphs, and sentences flow clearly and logically.
Grammar and mechanics (20 points)
The proposal uses standard English grammar and word
usage appropriate for business context. A variety of sentence
types and length are used without any run-ons or fragments.
There are no spelling and punctuation errors.
Final Examination 9
Format (5 points)
The proposal uses the full-block, business letter format,
including company address/letterhead, date, return address,
salutation, and closing with a simulated signature above the
typed name and title. It’s formatted in Times New Roman
font, size 12, with correct page numbering and is 2-5 single-
spaced pages. All required student information is included.
Step 9
Prepare your final draft following the above formatting
requirements. If submitting online, save your work as a text
document. Include the following information at the top of
each page of your proposal. The best way to ensure the infor-
mation is on each page is to use the Header option (usually
located on the View or Insert menu).
Name, Student Number Exam number Page X of Y
Mailing Address
Jane Smith, 12345678 00000000 Page 1 of 4
111 Education Drive
Any Town, PA 18515
If you don’t include the above information at the top of each
page of your document, your exam may not be processed
for grading.
Business and Technical Writing
Submitting Your Exam
You may submit your examination in one of two ways:
By mail
Use the exam envelope provided. Type and print on 8½ x 11"
white paper.
Online: You may submit your exam online.Please save
your document in Rich Text Format (.rtf).
To submit exams online, use the online “Take an Exam”
feature. When you enter the full exam number, an e-mail for-
mat will appear and allow you to attach your text document
to submit the essay online (both memo and e-mail at the
same time in one word document). You’ll receive an auto-
reply confirmation e-mail within 24 hours that your exam has
entered the school system. Be sure to set your e-mail
browser to accept auto-replies.
❐ Check if this is a new address
Final Examination
Business and Technical Writing
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Final Assignment   Final Assignment                       .docx

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  • 1. Final Assignment Final Assignment 3 Company Address? Date? Inside Address? Salutation? Phoenix Advertising is a company established in North Carolina. According to the information given, it is evident that your branch is facing a number of challenges, which need to be attended to with immediate effect. Recently, two top management employees have left the company to join a competing firm; others are also threatening to leave the company. Background From the reports evaluated, there are factors that are leading to reassignment of the employees to rival companies. From the case scenario presented, it is evident that the top management fails to involve the junior employees as make most of the important decisions without consulting them. When the employees feel left out, they hardly perform, as they feel ignored most of the time. Secondly, the company focuses on increasing their levels of profitability. Hence, it is taking a lot of work from all potential clients without necessarily evaluating the accounts and the workload. This causes the employees responsible for working for ling hours with minimal compensation. In my opinion, this could be the reason for low morale and decrease in production. Firstly, there is weak leadership, which fails to involve
  • 2. employees at all levels in the company. This can be seen from the way the management take lots work from all different clients without necessarily evaluating the accounts and workload. Secondly, there is poor communication between all levels. The top management does communicate with junior employees, and it fails to encourage their work and efforts. This is the reason they end up editing their work without consulting them. Further, the company is contracting more clients than it can handle with the current personnel. The top management of the company should embrace real leadership and administration. To be precise, the management should and must effectively communicate with employees on all their levels. This could be achieved best by outlining their roles and responsibilities. It should also provide better means of evaluation and reporting of every employee. The heads of various departments should also work closely with their employees at make any changes in their works with their consultations in order to value their efforts at different levels (Schein, 1985). Further, due to the increased volumes of workload, the management should also offer enough compensation to all employees by paying them for any overtime work from them. This could be achieved by improving the terms of the contract. Additionally, the company should provide an excellent working environment where the employees are comfortable. The management should also aim at improving human capital through ore training and development. This is because in the world of advertising, technology is changing the dynamics day by day. A specific timeline should be set in order to ensure that all these goals and objectives are achieved on time. The company also has to take considerations of the competitive environment where it is operating on. Hence, losing their clients to their competitors can be a threat, and the company should look into this in time.
  • 3. Proposal In order to accomplish my plan at Roanoke, I will need a team of people who will work with different divisions in order to bring the best output. All the employees will be from the company. Sales and marketing representatives of the enterprise, customer relation’s officers, editors, ICT persons, and the technical personnel have the right skills to carry out the tasks. Most of them are in the middle stage of career development. For this reason, they are aware of all their roles and responsibilities. Every employee will be assigned a particular a role that he or is supposed to achieve within the set timeline. Department's heads are expected to oversee the implementation of each phase of the project. Progress reports should also be done and evaluated on a timely basis before the project is complete. My role in this task is to supervise all operations and ensure that all the responsible parties play their part well by ensuring that they perform different functions and responsibilities in the right way. Schedule A schedule of how the project will be conducted and the specific timelines will also be set in order to ensure that the project is completed on time. Depending on the role and input of different employees and departments, all the work will be divided, and a deadline set in very case. Reports should be availed in time in order to assess the level of progress of the project and improve the evaluation process. Staffing All the employees involved in the project will come from the company from different departments. However, in case there will be a need for additional employees, the budget will take care of their costs. Budget Item Cost Employees in concerned departments
  • 4. - $4000 New and loss of employees - $1500 Travelling expenses - $2200 Advertising - $5000 Labor and Equipment - $7000 Miscellaneous expenses - $2500 Request for Authorization After the project has been completed, all the reports will be assessed and evaluated before being handed over to the top management. Later, the top management will authorize my department to give the final project to the client. Closing line? Signature block? Evaluation of 050024: “Final Examination” Skill Realized Skill Developing Skill Emerging Skill Not Evident Introduction (Did you identify one problem, qualifications- purpose?): 5 4.5 4 3.5
  • 5. 2 1 0 Background (Did you provide detailed proof cause-effect, bulleted objectives?): 15 14 13 12 11 4 0 Proposal (How complete and clear did you develop each objective?): 20 19 18 17 16 5 0 Schedule (Is there a specific date/time period indicated for each objective?): 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 1 0 Staffing (Are specific in-house personnel matched to each task- objective and their qualifications described?): 10 9 8.5 8
  • 6. 7.5 4 0 Budget (Is budget in columns, readable, cover all costs?): 5 4.5 4 3.5 2 1 0 Request for authorization (How well did you persuade team to adopt plan within specific time frame?): 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 1 0 Audience, coherence, tone (Did you maintain a professional tone as part of company team and develop information logically?): 10 9 8.5 8 7.5 4 0Grammar, sentence structure, and mechanics (How well did you edit and proofread to ensure correct application of standard written conventions for American English?): 15 14 13 12
  • 7. 11 8 0 Format (Did you correctly include/format the letter, headings, font, justification, header info?): 10 9 8.5 8 7.5 2 0 EXAM GRADE, DATE, EVALUATOR: 35%, February 9, 2015, J.D. NOTE: The numbers on this scoring grid do not show points awarded or deducted but reflect how well you met the criteria. The numbers merely guide the instructor in calculating a final score that fits appropriately within the Penn Foster grading scale (which is given in your online Student Handbook). · Skill Realized scores indicate grades in the A to high-B range. · Skill Developing scores reflect grades in the mid-B to C range. · Skill Emerging scores designate grades in the D to F range. �The Background section must persuade the executive team that a dire need exists. Summarize the field investigation of your chosen problem. Include specific numbers and percentages (facts and figures) with explanations to show how you determined each cause contributed to the problem. End this section with a bulleted list of the key phases (stages) you’ll develop in the proposal section to solve the causes. Phrase each stage as a key action goal. �Develop the steps needed to solve the problem. Use a phrase
  • 8. or word for each goal and italicize it. (You’ll have to use the same phrases or words in the Schedule and Budget sections.) Then write at least one paragraph for each goal, outlining what actions are involved in that phase. Develop detailed, clear-cut solutions to the underlying issues and causes you identified in the Background section. Describe how each phase will address the issue. �Using a column format, you need to mention the schedule/deadline for each phase. �Mention the people who would be held responsible for the implementation of EACH phase of your proposal along with their qualifications. �You need to mention the cost phase-wise. �The Authorization section must suggest a time frame for the approval of your plan. Provide assurance that your proposal will achieve your goal. Summarize the problems at the Roanoke Branch and describe the benefits of your plan for Roanoke branch, their clients, and Phoenix Advertising as a whole. Final Examination Booklet Business and Technical Writing
  • 9. 1 Business and Technical Writing FINAL EXAM: AN INFORMAL PROPOSAL Purpose Your final project for the Business and Technical Writing course is worth 30% of your course grade and requires you to write an informal proposal in letter form. Your work must be your own. Important: Don’t submit your final draft for this project until you’ve received the evaluations of all your previous written exams, so you can make use of the evaluator’s comments to improve your final project. Preparation Before you begin this project, review pages 8–16 in Proposals and Special Projects, which is related to writing informal, internal proposals. Also study the differences between proposals and reports (like your field investigation report). Figure 3 shows the general style and basic format you’ll use for this final exam. Also review the formatting for a full- block style business letter, covered in Writing Effective Communications. Review the explanation provided in each study unit related to writing style, tone, audience, word choice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Gather the brainstorming, freewriting, and graded exams
  • 10. you’ve already prepared for previous assignments about Phoenix Advertising. You’ll build on some of the details you developed and incorporate suggestions from the instructors evaluating your previous work. You’ll also have to brain- storm further in order to create facts, figures, names, numbers, analysis, and proof to support your plan of action in your proposal. Business and Technical Writing2 Background Information Here’s a brief review of the scenario; also review the full information provided in the exam section of Organizing, Illustrating, and Researching Your Material. Phoenix Advertising, with its main headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, serves clients that include banks, insurance com- panies, and retail chains. You’re vice president of human resources management at Phoenix. You report directly to Gregory S. Forest, the company president. You’ve already investigated the branch and provided a report on the problems there and your recommendations for managing them (for study units Organizing, Researching, and Illustrating Your Material and Writing the Report ). Mr. Forest has reviewed that report and now wants you to present to the executive team a specific proposal developing one of the recommendations you gave. Following are the primary problems covered in the scenario but also carefully review the underlying causes you discovered in your investigation (which you created from your imagination). In the last three months, two of the top management people— an art director and an account executive—have left the branch.
  • 11. Each left for a position with a competing agency. Three of the graphic designers and four of the copywriters are threatening to quit because they feel their creative efforts are being rejected or revised without consultation. They want to be part of a collaborative team, not produce work that the art directors and account executives evaluate arbitrarily. In an attempt to show increased profitability, the branch is accepting all potential clients without evaluating the accounts in terms of current project workload. As a result, without being given any notice and without compensation for the additional hours, all employees are working long hours several days each week. Employee morale and productivity seem to be decreasing with each passing day. Final Examination 3 Process Step 1 Choose one of the problems. Use your brainstorming notes and the investigative report for the recommendations you listed to solve that problem. Brainstorm further about the reasons for and causes of that one problem by delving even further into the “whys” of that problem. As you did previously, list several questions and review the answers you’ve discovered. Explore those answers in greater depth to determine the fundamental causes of the problem. (Think of the problem as a set of symptoms of an illness that you need to treat. What disease is causing the symptoms? What areas of the body are affected by the disease?)
  • 12. Step 2 Freewrite further on each recommendation you made in your investigative report for resolving this problem. Ask yourself questions about what must change, what you must make happen with the employees and departments at Roanoke to solve the problem so it won’t reoccur. Remember that your primary goal for the proposal is to revitalize the employees and departments in order to restore the Roanoke branch to full productivity. Use as a starting point any of the following that apply to the problem you’ve chosen: ■ What can the executive team do to reverse the down- ward spiral of employee morale and increased workload requiring overtime? ■ How can the executive team help the Roanoke branch retain its current clients and gain new ones? ■ Is training needed for employees and/or managers? If so, what types of training are required? How can the executive team accomplish training over time to minimize impact on business? ■ What can be done to streamline or reorganize the office procedures or to incorporate new technology to improve productivity? What training/support will then be needed to enable the office employees to embrace the changes and succeed? Business and Technical Writing4 Make sure you’ve done enough exploring in Step 1 to guide your creative efforts toward the changes you’ll make in Step 2.
  • 13. You want to ensure permanent change, so you must under- stand the exact nature of the causes in order to develop a detailed, logical solution. Step 3 Wait a day or two before you review your prewriting, so you can return with fresh eyes to the project. Mark the information you’ll use in your proposal and freewrite as needed to develop your ideas on resolving the situation and accomplishing your goal. Break the overall plan into individual parts or actions so you can develop each step in the process separately, organ- izing a logical flow for each phase from beginning to end. ■ How much time is needed to accomplish each component or stage of your plan? ■ Are there steps that must be completed before another phase can begin? ■ How long will it take to complete each step? ■ How will it impact the daily operations of the branch and headquarters? Step 4 Now review the people at Roanoke and across Phoenix Advertising who you’ll need to accomplish each part of your plan. Your proposal must use people from within the company—don’t hire outside personnel. Create names and job titles as well as qualifications to fit your plan. Review your list of steps and for ask yourself: ■ Who at Phoenix Advertising and/or the Roanoke branch has the experience, training, and qualifications to achieve
  • 14. this stage of my plan? What proves he or she is the one for the particular phase? ■ What exactly do I want that person to do to accomplish this step? When? How? ■ Who oversees the implementation of each phase? ■ What progress reports must be provided to the executive team and when? ■ What’s my part in the proposed plan of action? Step 5 Your next step is to itemize the costs involved in accomplishing each component of your plan as you outlined it in Step 3. You may need to research current costs of additional employees, training/motivational programs, or technology. The Internet or even phone calls to representative companies in the Yellow Pages can provide useful information. Your figures should have some realistic basis. Remember to factor in costs such as the following: ■ The number of employees involved in each phase ■ The loss of employee time from completing regular obligations of current job ■ Any travel or materials/workbooks needed for training Create appropriate budgetary categories related to the stages of your plan. Establish an overall cost for each phase and within each phase itemize the different costs involved.
  • 15. Itemizing is important to provide clear support for your numbers and line items the executive team can review if the total cost for the proposal is too much for the company’s budget. Step 6 Organize your prewriting from Steps 1–5 using the following main headings: Introduction Background Proposal Schedule Staffing Budget Request for Authorization Final Examination 5 Business and Technical Writing Step 7 Following the outline in Step 6, write a 2–5 page draft of your proposal in letter format. Use single spacing (unless the format requires more spacing), bold for headings, and italics for subheadings.
  • 16. Introduction. Your Introduction is the only section not labeled with a heading. As your opening paragraph, it must begin with an interesting hook, contain your qualifications to prepare this proposal, and summarize the general problem and the benefits of your plan. Background. The Background section must persuade the executive team that a dire need exists. Summarize the field investigation of your chosen problem and describe the causes of that problem. Include specific numbers and percentages (facts and figures) with explanations to show how you deter- mined each contributed to the problem. Your reasons must be based on the facts you uncovered, not the feelings of employees at the branch. End this section with a bulleted list of the key phases (stages) you’ll develop in the proposal section to solve the causes. Phrase each stage as a key action goal. Proposal. In your Proposal section, develop the steps needed to solve the problem. Use a phrase or word for each goal you listed in the Background section and italicize it. (You’ll use the same phrases or words in the Schedule and Budget sections.) Then write at least one paragraph for each goal, outlining what actions are involved in that phase. Develop detailed, clear-cut solutions to the underlying issues and causes you identified in the Background section. Schedule. Your Schedule section must use the italicized words to outline the phases described in the Background and Proposal. Use column format. Staffing. The Staffing section describes, in paragraph form, the specific people, their qualifications, and their assignments as related to each phase of the proposed solution.
  • 17. Budget. Your budget section must itemize the primary steps of your plan. Use a table format with your own headings for each column. The first column will use the phases from the 6 Final Examination 7 project outlined in the Proposal and Schedule sections. Be sure to show under each major phase the related costs for accomplishing it. Request for Authorization. The Authorization section must suggest a time frame for approval of your plan. Since this section is also the last thing the executive team will read, persuasively provide assurance that your proposal will achieve your goal. Summarize the problems and describe the benefits of your plan for Roanoke branch, their clients, and Phoenix Advertising as a whole. Step 8 As you write, follow the ABC’s for constructing your para- graphs. Allow your first draft to sit for several days before you revise it. During that time, review those sections of the study units discussing various aspects of writing, revising, and editing, such as ■ Correct, varied construction of sentences ■ Coherence ■ Appropriate word choice for purpose and audience ■ Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • 18. After revising and editing your first draft as best as you can, ask another person to read your proposal aloud. Listen for awkward phrases, missing words, and unclear sentence flow. Also ask for the reader’s feedback on clarity, logical flow, and so on. Finally, refer to the evaluation criteria and Step 7 as you give your work one final review before you complete your final draft. Evaluation Criteria Your instructor will use the following criteria to evaluate your proposal: Introduction (5 points) The introduction includes a brief statement of purpose for the proposal and an overview of the writer’s qualifications to make the proposal. It also grabs the reader’s attention. Business and Technical Writing Background (15 points) This section details the various causes underlying the chosen problem and convinces the reader that the need for action exists. It ends with a bulleted list of goals showing the main phases of your plan solution. Proposal (15 points) The proposal opens with a clear statement of purpose. Using subheadings related to the Background’s list of goals, it describes in persuasive fashion the detailed actions needed to accomplish each phase. Schedule (5 points)
  • 19. The schedule establishes a realistic time frame for each stage of the plan. Staffing (10 points) A specific in-house employee is assigned to each component of the proposal and the description of that person’s credentials convinces the reader that the employee is the best choice to accomplish that part of the plan. Budget (10 points) In column/table format, the budget itemizes the realistic costs for each phase/related step of the plan. Request for Authorization (5 points) A suggested time for approval is given. The reader is persuaded the problem will be solved by the proposed plan. It closes in a thoughtful, personal way. Style, coherence, and tone (10 points) The proposal reflects proper business tone and style. Through the use of transitions and/or connective explanation, the sections, paragraphs, and sentences flow clearly and logically. Grammar and mechanics (20 points) The proposal uses standard English grammar and word usage appropriate for business context. A variety of sentence types and length are used without any run-ons or fragments. There are no spelling and punctuation errors. 8 Final Examination 9 Format (5 points)
  • 20. The proposal uses the full-block, business letter format, including company address/letterhead, date, return address, salutation, and closing with a simulated signature above the typed name and title. It’s formatted in Times New Roman font, size 12, with correct page numbering and is 2-5 single- spaced pages. All required student information is included. Step 9 Prepare your final draft following the above formatting requirements. If submitting online, save your work as a text document. Include the following information at the top of each page of your proposal. The best way to ensure the infor- mation is on each page is to use the Header option (usually located on the View or Insert menu). Name, Student Number Exam number Page X of Y Mailing Address Example: Jane Smith, 12345678 00000000 Page 1 of 4 111 Education Drive Any Town, PA 18515 If you don’t include the above information at the top of each page of your document, your exam may not be processed for grading. Business and Technical Writing Submitting Your Exam You may submit your examination in one of two ways: By mail
  • 21. Use the exam envelope provided. Type and print on 8½ x 11" white paper. Online: You may submit your exam online.Please save your document in Rich Text Format (.rtf). To submit exams online, use the online “Take an Exam” feature. When you enter the full exam number, an e-mail for- mat will appear and allow you to attach your text document to submit the essay online (both memo and e-mail at the same time in one word document). You’ll receive an auto- reply confirmation e-mail within 24 hours that your exam has entered the school system. Be sure to set your e-mail browser to accept auto-replies. 10 NAME _____________________________________________________ ___________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ ___________ CITY _____________________________________________________ ___________ ❐ Check if this is a new address PHONE
  • 23. IN E rofairetirCnoitaulavE noitanimaxElaniF yralpmexE tneiciforP riaF rooP nwohStoN )stniop5(noitcudortnI 5 4 3 1–2 0 )stniop51(dnuorgkcaB 51 41 21–31 4–11 0 )stniop51(lasoporP 51 41 21–31 4–11 0 )stniop5(eludehcS 5 4 3 1–2 0 )stniop01(gniffatS 01 9 8 2–7 0 )stniop01(tegduB 01 9 8 2–7 0 )stniop5(noitazirohtuAroftseuqeR 5 4 3 1–2 0 )stniop01(enotdna,ecnerehoc,elytS 01 9 8 2–7 0 )stniop02(scinahcemdnarammarG 91–02 71–81 51–61 7–41 0 )stniop5(tamroF 5 4 3 1–2 0 EXAM GRADE _______ DATE _______ EVALUATED BY ____________________