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DeVry University
Course Project
BUSN278 Budgeting and Forecasting
Student Project Activity – Week 2
A. Week 2: Budget ProposalSection 2.0 Sales Forecast
B. TCOs Addressed:
TCO 5: Given a new business startup or new product
introduction and the need to make a forecast when historical
data is not available, create the forecast for the organization.
TCO 10: Given a description of a new business, new product,
service or project develop, present and defend the budget.
C. Project Activity Overview – Scenario / Summary:
Last week, you selected a business for which you’ll make a
budget proposal. Your first step is to create a sales forecast (in
sales dollars) when no historical data is available. Use
methods such as historical analogy, expert judgment, consumer
surveys, the Delphi method, or calculations based on population
distributions, estimated growth rates, or expected market
penetration rates to arrive at reasonable sales figures for your
business for the next 5 years.
Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal
D. Deliverables:
Complete Section 2.0 (including sections 2.1 and 2.2) in the
Budget Proposal Template.docx after doing research and
performing calculations to arrive at your 5 year forecast. Also,
provide calculations in the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx.
Add section 2.0 to your Budget Proposal Template and save it
as YourName_Project_WK2.docx. Save your sales forecast in
the worksheet tab labeled Section 2.1 and 2.2as
YourName_Worksheet_WK2.xlsx and upload both files to
the Week 2 Project Dropbox.
Project Tasks:
Task 1:
Download Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx from DocSharing.
Task 2:
Research the area in which your business is located, and do
calculations in the Excel workbook which produce a reasonable
dollar value forecast based on population size, growth rates, an
estimate of the percent of the population expected to purchase
your product, and the dollar value of the average sale over the 5
year planning horizon. Do these calculations in the Section 2.1
and 2.2 tab of the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx. Also, feel
free to use other methods described in this course you feel are
appropriate to estimate sales for your new business startup’s
first five years.
Task 3:
Write section 2.1 and 2.2 of the Budget Proposal Template.docx
document, summarizing your forecast in a table, and also
describing and justifying your methodology for arriving at the
sales forecast. Follow the instructions in section 2.0 of the
Budget Proposal Template.docx when writing these sections.
Also, update your works cited Section 6.0 in the template with
any research you did.
Task 4:
Paste the first paragraph of the 1.0 Executive Summary template
into the Budget Proposal Template.docx so your professor is
reminded which business you’re doing.
Task 5:
Save the draft of the Budget Proposal Word document and
Budget Proposal Excel calculation and submit it to the Week 2
Project Dropbox.
F. Grading Criteria
Suggested Points
There is a 5 year sales forecast in the Word document Section
2.1 and the Excel spreadsheet (in sales dollars).
The 5-year forecast appears to be based on research, reasonable
assumptions, and methodologies described in the course based
on the description in section 2.2 of the template.
The 5-year forecast calculations appear to be correct.
Total Points
10 points
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BUSN278_Project_Activity_ Week_2.doc
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The purpose of the Human Resource Department is to act
as an oversight on the employees and report to the employer
thus acting as a bridge between them. This is essentially
because they get to enforce the employer’s desires and goals.
They are purposed with the recruiting, training, promotion and
ultimately firing of the workforce.
Human resource bare the task of being the facilitators of
the implementation of the company’s strategic objective as they
are the ones in charge of the employees. The need to ensure that
the employee performance is at its best and everyone is doing
their part in the full realization of the bigger picture. As such
the Human Resource Department will therefore be instrumental
in the successful implementation of the company’s game plan.
The business might be willing to attract the right people in
the organization. This is a strategy plan that the business may
use to ensure its activities are done effectively. Human resource
has to play a vital role in ensuring the right individuals are paid
Due to the fact that Maersk transformed from a family
owned business to a global conglomerate it brought up a couple
of challenges. The company is built on the basis of total loyalty
and it has been struggling hard to adapt. The expansion led to
the need for more recruitment and that has caused the Human
Resource Department to adapt. This adaptation has not been
easy and it is proving even more difficult because the small
circle of close knit individuals who were friends before workers
is currently being replaced with a larger workforce of over 400
new employees per year.
In the spirit of trying to preserve the original framework
and ethics that made the Danish company a success they have
sought to rehire some of their old employees as the new once
don’t seem to seat. Sometimes in order to go back one needs to
move forward is to go back and that is what the Human
Resource Manager is delving into. It has become paramount that
money and advancement is what other company’s are using to
get young skilled laborers and thus in the end they have
resorted to go back to the loyal and experienced ex employees.
These will offer experience and since they are older and have
history with the company they will impossible to poach.
Internal and external recruitment and selection are both
approaches in which organization uses to promote individuals to
fill the posion that is required by the company .Internal
recruitment and selection is where the organization promotes
employees within the company to fill the position needed.In
most cases,the company uses,emails,fliers,job posting board to
advice the existing employees on the position they may vie for
in the organization.
External recruitment and selection is where the human
resource search for employees outside its own employees to fill
the position needed.This is mostly done by advertising their job
vacants in newspapers,job search websites.This can be due to
the task needed to be completed by an external employees
within a specific time at a certain fee.
Maersk has been recruiting its employees who alighned by
the organization vision and goals by following the equal
employment opportunities law in hiring candidate for a certain
department.This is by ensuring that no discrimination is taken
during the process.This has helped Maersk to avoid problems
pertaining to legal complexities and law suits in the process of
hiring candadates.
The process of recruitment starts with submission of
documents online by candidates and when this is done,a
confirmation pop-up appears on the screen.The human resource
group will reply the application in few days after the review of
application based on some standard tools to make sure that the
eligible candidate is selected for an interview.
The recruitment for Maersk is very effective since it has a
wide coverage to allow candidate from different places to
access their employment opportunities.The process of sending
candidate documents is not costly since the candidates have to
send their document online.This process also is very
convienient to candidate since the documents cannot be
misplaces or taken to the wrong place since they use their
website.It also gives human resource hamble time to sort the
document using their standard tools.
However,apart from their effectiveness,the organization
has no retention strategies since some employees leave the
company without notice of human resource who may be
planning to give them promotions.This strategies are very
important to the company and I recommend that the company to
be informing the existing employees on existing promotions to
avoid loosing productive employees.On the employement
success,they should only list the group of candidate who they
are sure of since its could bring a bad image to the company if
the candidate travels from a distant only to be told that he/she is
not qualified.This will make most of the professionals be afraid
to attend the distant interviews.Due to the technological
advancement,I recommend they make use of video conferencing
to interview candidate from far so as to avoid inconvienience
for the candidates.
A.P. Møller - Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent
Management Initiatives.
Lussier, R., & Hendon, J. (2013). Human resource management:
Functions, applications, skill development. Thousand Oaks:
SAGE Publications.
Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE
Human Resource
Jonathan Collins
Moller-Maersk Group is a company that has emerged to be one
of the most successful multinationals dealing with shipping. The
company is credited with having one of the best human
resources practices on the globe. Talent management in the
company has contributed to the increase in growth and
profitability. The needs assessment of the company used
incorporates various components that make it effective. One of
the major training needs components is the strategic and
organizational analysis. The other component that is normally
practiced is the job needs analysis that focuses on what is
expected of a particular task. Finally, the firm needs that a
thorough personal analysis be conducted to identify the
particular traits of employees.
The organizational analysis requires that certain issues be put
into considerations. These factors are competition, emphasis on
the cost reduction and efficiency. Further, research and
innovation are factors that must be considered are the strategies
used by the rival companies. Organizational goals include
evaluations of the organizational objectives and demand for
human resources. Efficiency Indexes must be analyzed and also
the climate of the organization. A task analysis is a crucial
process that requires collecting the information concerning the
job. There is also a need for a detailed analysis of the jobs roles
like the attitude, values, knowledge, and skills.
It is crucial for an organization to have SMART objectives for
training plan in an organization because people are motivated to
achieve what they need. It is important to set SMART goals
because they clarify the end vision of what one is aiming.
Additionally, the setting of SMART goals ensures that one has
focused on the best avenues or strategies to use to attain
particular goals. The focusing assists a person from deviating
from the set objectives that have to be achieved. Further, the
creation of SMART goals ensures that one is motivated to move
forwards towards the achievement of a particular job.
Developing of self-discipline is also obtained from the creation
of the SMART goals. It is not a common practice although it
has for many cases proven to be effective. Therefore, SMART
objectives make it possible for one discipline themselves
towards the realization of the set objectives. Further, the
creation of these objectives assists one in identifying and
mastering the elements that must be given priority. These
priorities will always act as reminders of to aid you in
achieving the objectives. These objectives assist one in setting a
timeline on how to achieve particular goals.
It is important to develop learning activities in Customer care
service in Maersk because it is the basics of filling the positions
at the firm. A successful candidate for the positions that need
placement in the company will require being well-molded to
perform all the roles diligently. Additionally, learning activities
need to be in line with that particular job. The company has
always emphasized that it is required to produce the best
employees around the globe. Therefore, a strong learning
activity is expected to ensure that the candidate or the
employees. It is important to develop a proper learning schedule
for the newly confirmed customer care representatives since this
move will ensure that they have all been equipped with righty
knowledge and skills for the job.
It would be an easy task to incorporate adult learning principles
and the experimental activities of learning. The first step will
be the attracting the right people with skills that are needed for
the job. The firm is also expected to encourage high retention
levels of the job. This approach will ensure the adults have
helped the employees who are in their initial stages of their
career. As a result, the firm will be expected to integrate all the
experienced and who lack this experience together for them to
gain experience and a competitive edge.
Sarah, L. (2013). A.P. MOLLER-MAERSK GROUP: Evaluating
Stategic Talent Management Initiative . Harvard: Harvard
Business School.
Jon Collins
Question 1
Managing the performance of human resource is increasingly
becoming important in most organizations. The quality of
performance of the human resource is critical in achieving the
organization's goals. In light of this, organizations have
introduced a performance management process as a means of
improving the performance of staff. Performance management is
a process whereby the human resource managers and employees
work together to plan, monitor and review employees’ work and
overall contribution to the organization. It is a continuous
process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing
continuous coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are
meeting their objectives.
The human resource management division is one of the key
guardians of the process. The Human resource management will
have to work closely with employees at all levels seeking
feedback that will lead to the improvement of employee
performance management. The human resource management has
a responsibility of ensuring that employees’ performance
appraisal and records are properly kept and maintained. It goes
in line with the fundamental goal of performance management
to promote and improve employee effectiveness. Performance
management process includes coaching employees to address
concerns that relate to their performance in the organization to
ensure that there is a positive contribution to the organization.
Coaching means providing guidance, direction and support on
assigned tasks. As a coach, a human resource manager needs to
recognize the strengths and weaknesses of employees and
identify the opportunities to maximize the strengths and
improve weak areas.
Question 2
The management must carefully select performance criteria as
it pertains to achieving its strategic goals. The most common
appraisal criteria are traits, behaviors, results based, goal
achievement and improvement potential.
A performance appraisal criteria based on traits involves
evaluating an employee based on general characteristics such
as; attitude toward other people, appearance and grooming, and
public acceptance, leadership, personal conduct, ethical habits,
mental alertness and loyalty to the organization among others.
Most of the qualities used are subjective and may not relate to
the job performance. At the same time, some of the traits may
be related to job performance and if the connection is
established, using them may be appropriate. For example, an
employee can be appointed to be a team leader if the employee
posse’s traits such as leadership, public acceptance and a good
attitude towards people.
Human resource managers can also use behaviors to
evaluate employees. Desired behaviors may be appropriate
criteria for evaluation because if they are recognized and
rewarded, the employees will tend to repeat them. If certain
behaviors result in desired outcomes, then, there is merit in
using them for evaluation. When the organization finds it hard
to determine the outcome of an individual’s task they can
evaluate the person’s task based on his or behavior. For
example, when evaluating a manager, the appropriate behavior
to evaluate would be his leadership skills.
Results based appraisal system is used when an
organization considers ends more important than means. The
human resource management and the subordinate jointly agree
on the objectives of the next appraisal. The outcomes
established should be within the control of the individual and
should be those results that lead to the success of the
organization. For example, at upper levels, the results might be
based on financial aspects of the organization such as profits
and cash flows. At lower levels, the results might be based on
meeting customer’s quality requirement and delivering on time.
Question 3
The best management appraisal system for Maersk
Customer Service is results-based. Among the goals of the
organization are to build strong relationships with customers,
improve day to day process of interaction with customers and
fully ensure that the customers are satisfied. Employees can be
appraised based on their performances on meeting customers’
demands, timely deliveries and the number of customers they
have managed to obtain their loyalty by building a strong
Question 4
Rating systems are used in performance management systems
to indicate the level of performance and achievement of
employees. The scales are used because they provide qualitative
assessment and assist in differentiating employees.
Graphical rating scales require the evaluator to indicate on the
scale the degree to which the employee demonstrates a
particular trait, performance results or behavior. Rating forms
comprise scales, each relating to a certain job. Each scale is a
continuum of scale points that range from high to low, most to
least effective, good to poor and so forth. Graphical scales
usually have five to seven points.
Numerical scales
These are rating scales with numeric like 1, 2,3,4,5
corresponding to an adjective. For example, 1=poor, 2=fair,
3=good, 4=very good and 5=excellent.
Letter scales are rating scales with letters corresponding to
specific objectives. For example, A= Excellent, B= Satisfactory,
C=Average, and D=poor.
Rating scales may also be narrative, for example, an
element on the scale may be “unacceptable performance”
described as failing to meet the basic requirements and
objectives. Narrative scales that provide positive message are
becoming popular. For example, a scale may include ratings
such as “very effective”,” effective” and “basic”.
Forslund, H., & Jonsson, P. (2007). Dyadic integration of the
performance management process: A delivery service case
study. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
Management: 10.1108/09600030710776473
Thomas, S & Keith, T. (2008). Appraising employees
performance evaluation systems. CPA Journal: 78.1001
Compensating Employees
Student’s Name
Student ID
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
Compensating employees is a very important process in an
organization as it motivates them as well as ensures that they
get to meet their basic needs. A compensation and benefits
program is necessary for any business as it reflects what
employees of the company will be paid for their work that they
do. It also contains the benefits that come as a result of working
in the enterprise. It also reflects on the management what they
ought to expect in the labor costs at the end of the month. A
good compensation and benefits plan motivates employees to
work hard in their jobs and therefore, it is necessary that a
company sets an amount that is enough to do that. This paper
aims at drafting the compensation and employees compensation
plan for the employees in my organization. Compensation is any
payments to employees when there do their jobs. All job
positions shall have a minimum as well as a maximum pay
The piece rate payment method reimburses employees by each
unit produced by an individual. Workers benefit where they
produce large quantities of goods since they receive high
payments. This method does not consider how fast or slow a
person works and. Therefore, it is fair to people who have little
experience and knowledge. This method has the advantage of
motivating employees when they make more money, and,
therefore, they produce more. Hourly compensation is whereby
employees are paid according to the hours that they have
worked rather than what they could have produced. Most
companies use this method to pay their workers since labor laws
also state that wages should be paid per hour. Less productive
workers benefit in this practice since they are paid equally
(WorldatWorkOrganization, 2007).
External equity is the employees’ perception on matters
concerning payment when they compare their company and
other employees of companies doing a similar job. It is one of
the traditional job-pay systems that most employees have been
using for ages. External equity is most of the time concerned
with the relativity of pay among similar organizations but not
within their current workstation. Unlike the external equity,
internal equity may be lowered so as not to attract newcomers to
the job. In fact, many human resource managers admit that job
pay is one of the most effective criterions is their move to
control the jobs applicants. This paper will expound on the
issues surrounding the external equity. Further, it will explore
the compensation concept and the external factors that influence
pay in organizations (Price, 2011).
Companies prefer paying workers according to the prevailing
market rates so as to get experienced and competent employees
in their organization. On the contrary, low pays affect the
employees negatively, and they end up losing their morale to
work at your organization. The market pay is determined by the
interaction of demand and supply in the job market. This
condition means that the number of people who are up for the
job is the supply side while demand side consists of the
individuals who are willing to get the position. Organizations
can improve their external equity by reviewing human resource
factors that are both internal and external. As a result of
serious engagement in to the task, the external equity is
expected to improve which is all just a matter of relativity and
comparison. Sometimes companies find it hard to determine the
external equity (Aswathappa, 2005).
This situation is significantly contributed by the fact that
different individuals give different opinions and expecting them
to come it agreement or having a similar opinion will be hard.
Inequality may be experienced when the organization offers
compensation based on the market rates. Workers tend to
compare the work that is being assigned to them and the pay
they receive and conclude that it is not worth. In coming up
with the most appropriate external equity poses a big challenge
to all human resource managers in organizations (Price, 2011)
Similarly, compensation for the employees is regarded as the
total amount of remuneration which they receive after working.
It is also a systematic way in which employees are provided
with monetary in exchange for the work that they have
performed. Human resource at times refers compensation as
both money and other benefits accrued through performing of
tasks well. Economic compensation of the work done is referred
to as wages although people use it interchangeably with salary.
Salary is referred to as the compensation in monetary terms that
is given to people having white-collar jobs. Incentives are
additional payments that are given to employees and in most
cases are linked to the high productivity of the company. Fringe
benefits may be termed as part of compensation in which
employees are accorded as a result of long-term relation with
the company. A good example of this form of compensation is
the pension funds. Lastly, the perquisites are forms of
compensation that one given so as to take care of the
organization’s property. A perfect example of this form of
compensation is the company car. Compensation also varies
with the levels of competence and the experience that an
employee has. High compensation is given to employees with
experience and high qualification. New recruits with no
experience receive a lower compensation compared to others.
Organizations structure a competitive compensation programs in
their move to increase profitability and to remain relevant in the
industry. Also, competitive compensation serves as means to
keep the employees motivated so that they may perform their
work diligently. Organizations need to come up with advanced
competitive compensations plans so as to reward the newly
hired individuals in the organization. This move enables the
organization to retain young talents in the company failure to
which they will quit the job and reduce productivity.
Competitive compensation programs enable the human resource
to deepen their knowledge pertaining the organization.
Acquiring specific knowledge about the organization makes
work of preparing compensation budget easier and lead to the
excelling of company’s activities. Further, organizations need to
decide how competitive they want to be about the current
market (Aswathappa, 2005).
Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human resource and personnel
management: Text and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Price, A. (2011). Human resource management . Andover:
Cengage Learning EMEA.
WorldatWork (Organization). (2007). The WorldatWork
handbook of compensation, benefits & total rewards: A
comprehensive guide for HR professionals. Hoboken, N.J: John
Wiley & Sons.
OL 211 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Many businesses and organizations large enough to require
human resource management (HRM) will need someone that not
only understands core human
resource (HR) responsibilities, but also understands the vision
and mission of the organization.
To align the core HR requirements of an organization with its
strategic plan, you will conduct an HRM review of an
organization in a case study. Be creative in
assembling each of the individual components or HR tools to
the HRM review so that they would be consistent with and add
value to the organization. Complete
the HRM review that illustrates how each of the HR tools plays
a role in an organization’s overall strategic plan.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
Two, Three, Four, and Five. Your comprehensive proposal will
be submitted in Module Seven.
This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
common in today’s global workplace for promoting shared
values throughout an organization
that align to and promote the organization’s vision, mission, and
ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategic plan
are essential in a changing work environment
In this assessment, you will review the human resource
management (HRM) in an organization through a case study.
This case study will give you the
opportunity to explore various roles and processes within the
human resources profession. A key skill for any professional
working in human resources is the
ability to develop and implement processes that align with a
company’s strategic plan and mission.
I. HRM Functions and Practices
A. Explain why the human resource (HR) function should be
aligned with an organization’s strategic plan.
B. Explain how current global conditions in this industry impact
human resource management (HRM) practices within
II. Staffing
A. Describe a process to recruit and select new employees who
are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals from the
case study.
B. Compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal
versus external candidates using best practices from the Society
for Human
Resource Management (SHRM) website. Refer to the Research
and Metrics page for helpful resources. You may want to
consider which method
of recruitment would be most beneficial to this organization.
III. Training
A. Describe the components of a needs assessment used to
determine the training requirements of the organization.
B. Explain the importance of developing learning activities. Be
sure to incorporate adult learning principles and methods of
experiential learning
from this course.
C. Illustrate the value of a training needs assessment in an
organization. Support your response.
D. Describe the importance of creating SMART objectives for a
training plan.
IV. Compensation
A. Describe the compensation philosophy. How does the market
influence this philosophy?
B. Determine the value of salary surveys and describe the
advantages of discretionary benefits.
V. Evaluation
A. Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management
process. How can you ensure the process aligns with the
organization’s strategic
B. Differentiate between various performance appraisal systems.
Provide an example where one would be more applicable.
C. How do you identify best-suited appraisals for employee job
duties? Support your response with an example.
D. Identify a variety of performance rating scales that can be
used in organizations that includes graphical scales, letter
scales, and numeric scales.
Describe each scale.
Milestone One: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management
Initiatives—Functions and Practices/Staffing
In Module Two, you will write a short paper that addresses
Sections I and II of the Final Project document. This milestone
will be graded with the Milestone One
Milestone Two: Employee Development Processes
In Module Three, you will write a short paper that addresses
Section III of the Final Project document. This milestone will
be graded with the Milestone Two
Milestone Three: Performance Management
In Module Four, you will write a short paper that addresses
Section V of the Final Project document. This milestone will be
graded with the Milestone Three
Milestone Four: Compensation
In Module Five, you will write a short paper that addresses
Section IV of the Final Project document. This milestone will
be graded with the Milestone Four
Final Submission: Human Resources Management review
In Module Seven, you will finalize and submit a paper that is
comprised of all the milestone submissions with edits based on
instructor feedback. This milestone
will be graded with the Final Project Rubric below.
Milestone Deliverable Module
1 Evaluating Strategic Talent Management
Initiatives—Functions and Practices/Staffing
Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Employee Development Processes Three Graded separately;
Milestone Two Rubric
3 Performance Management Four Graded separately; Milestone
Three Rubric
4 Compensation Five Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
Final Submission: HRM review Seven Graded separately; Final
Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Submit your human resource
management review adhering to the following guidelines:
minimum of 7 pages, double-spaced, using
12-point Times New Roman font and following APA 6th edition
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in
Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade
Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
HRM Functions and
Practices: Function
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation is supported with
Explains why the human resource
function should be aligned with
an organization’s strategic plan
Explains why the human resource
function should be aligned with
an organization’s strategic plan,
but explanation is cursory or
Does not explain why the human
resource function should be
aligned with an organization’s
strategic plan
HRM Functions and
Practices: Global
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation is clear and detailed
Explains how current global
conditions in the industry impact
human resource management
practices within organizations
Explains how current global
conditions in the industry impact
human resource management
practices within organizations,
but explanation is cursory or has
gaps in accuracy
Does not explain how current
global conditions impact human
resource management practices
within organizations
Staffing: Recruiting
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
relationship between recruiting
and the organization’s vision and
Describes a process to recruit and
select new employees who are
aligned with the organization’s
vision and goals
Describes a process to recruit and
select new employees who are
aligned with the organization’s
vision and goals, but description is
cursory or inaccurate
Does not describe a process to
recruit and select new employees
who are aligned with the
organization’s vision and goals
Staffing: Candidates
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
establishes which method would
be more beneficial for an
organization based on the
Compares and contrasts
recruitment and selection of
internal versus external
candidates using the Society for
Human Resource Management
website as resource
Compares and contrasts
recruitment and selection of
internal versus external
candidates but does not utilize
the Society for Human Resource
Management website as resource
Does not compare and contrast
recruitment and selection of
internal versus external
candidates using the Society for
Human Resource Management
website as resource
Training: Needs
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is clear and detailed
Describes the components of a
needs assessment used to
determine the training
requirements of the organization
Describes the components of a
needs assessment used to
determine the training
requirements of the organization,
but description is cursory or
Does not describe the
components of a needs
assessment used to determine
the training requirements of the
Training: Learning
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
exhibits keen insight into the
needs of adult learners
Explains the importance of
developing learning activities, and
incorporates adult learning
principles and methods of
experiential learning
Explains the importance of
developing learning activities, but
does not incorporate adult
learning principles and methods
of experiential learning
Does not explain the importance
of developing learning activities
Training: Training
Needs Assessment
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses scholarly research to
contextualize claims
Illustrates the value of a training
needs assessment in an
organization, and supports
Illustrates the value of a training
needs assessment in an
organization, but does not
support response
Does not illustrate the value of a
training needs assessment
Training: SMART
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is clear and detailed
Describes the importance of
creating SMART objectives for a
training plan
Describes the importance of
creating SMART objectives for a
training plan, but description is
cursory or inaccurate
Does not describe the importance
of creating SMART objectives for
a training plan
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is clear and detailed
Describes the compensation
philosophy and describes how the
market influences this philosophy
Describes the compensation
philosophy and describes how the
market influences this philosophy,
but description is cursory or
Does not describe compensation
Salary Surveys
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses evidence to substantiate
Determines the value of salary
surveys, and describes the
advantages of discretionary
Determines the value of salary
surveys but does not describe the
advantages of discretionary
Does not determine the value of
salary surveys
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is well supported and
Determines HRM’s role in the
performance management
process including how the process
aligns with the organization’s
strategic plan
Determines HRM’s role in the
performance management
process, but does not include how
the process aligns with the
organization’s strategic plan
Does not determine HRM’s role in
the performance management
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
example is well supported and
Differentiates between the trait,
behavioral, and results-based
performance appraisal systems,
and provides an example where
each would be most applicable
Differentiates between the trait,
behavioral, and results-based
performance appraisal systems,
but does not provide an example
where each would be most
Does not differentiate between
the trait, behavioral, and results-
based performance appraisal
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses scholarly research to
substantiate claims
Determines how to identify best-
suited appraisals for employee
job duties, and supports response
with an example
Determines how to identify best-
suited appraisals for employee
job duties, but does not support
response with an example
Does not determine how to
identify best-suited appraisals for
employee job duties
Performance Rating
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is clear and
Identifies a variety of
performance scales that can be
used in organizations and
describes each
Identifies a variety of
performance scales that can be
used in organizations, but does
not describe each scale
Does not identify a variety of
performance scales that can be
used in organizations
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%

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DeVry UniversityCourse ProjectBUSN278 Budgeting and Forecastin.docx

  • 1. DeVry University Course Project BUSN278 Budgeting and Forecasting Student Project Activity – Week 2 A. Week 2: Budget ProposalSection 2.0 Sales Forecast B. TCOs Addressed: TCO 5: Given a new business startup or new product introduction and the need to make a forecast when historical data is not available, create the forecast for the organization. TCO 10: Given a description of a new business, new product, service or project develop, present and defend the budget. C. Project Activity Overview – Scenario / Summary: Last week, you selected a business for which you’ll make a budget proposal. Your first step is to create a sales forecast (in sales dollars) when no historical data is available. Use methods such as historical analogy, expert judgment, consumer surveys, the Delphi method, or calculations based on population distributions, estimated growth rates, or expected market penetration rates to arrive at reasonable sales figures for your business for the next 5 years. Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx. D. Deliverables: Complete Section 2.0 (including sections 2.1 and 2.2) in the
  • 2. Budget Proposal Template.docx after doing research and performing calculations to arrive at your 5 year forecast. Also, provide calculations in the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx. Add section 2.0 to your Budget Proposal Template and save it as YourName_Project_WK2.docx. Save your sales forecast in the worksheet tab labeled Section 2.1 and 2.2as YourName_Worksheet_WK2.xlsx and upload both files to the Week 2 Project Dropbox. E. Project Tasks: Task 1: Download Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx from DocSharing. Task 2: Research the area in which your business is located, and do calculations in the Excel workbook which produce a reasonable dollar value forecast based on population size, growth rates, an estimate of the percent of the population expected to purchase your product, and the dollar value of the average sale over the 5 year planning horizon. Do these calculations in the Section 2.1 and 2.2 tab of the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx. Also, feel free to use other methods described in this course you feel are appropriate to estimate sales for your new business startup’s first five years. Task 3: Write section 2.1 and 2.2 of the Budget Proposal Template.docx document, summarizing your forecast in a table, and also describing and justifying your methodology for arriving at the sales forecast. Follow the instructions in section 2.0 of the Budget Proposal Template.docx when writing these sections. Also, update your works cited Section 6.0 in the template with any research you did. Task 4: Paste the first paragraph of the 1.0 Executive Summary template
  • 3. into the Budget Proposal Template.docx so your professor is reminded which business you’re doing. Task 5: Save the draft of the Budget Proposal Word document and Budget Proposal Excel calculation and submit it to the Week 2 Project Dropbox. F. Grading Criteria Description Suggested Points There is a 5 year sales forecast in the Word document Section 2.1 and the Excel spreadsheet (in sales dollars). 2 The 5-year forecast appears to be based on research, reasonable assumptions, and methodologies described in the course based on the description in section 2.2 of the template. 4 The 5-year forecast calculations appear to be correct. 4 Total Points 10 points END OF WEEK 2 Copyright ®© 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation.
  • 4. Page 1 of 3 BUSN278_Project_Activity_ Week_2.doc Institution name Course title Student name Professor name Date The purpose of the Human Resource Department is to act as an oversight on the employees and report to the employer thus acting as a bridge between them. This is essentially because they get to enforce the employer’s desires and goals. They are purposed with the recruiting, training, promotion and ultimately firing of the workforce. Human resource bare the task of being the facilitators of the implementation of the company’s strategic objective as they are the ones in charge of the employees. The need to ensure that the employee performance is at its best and everyone is doing their part in the full realization of the bigger picture. As such the Human Resource Department will therefore be instrumental in the successful implementation of the company’s game plan. The business might be willing to attract the right people in the organization. This is a strategy plan that the business may use to ensure its activities are done effectively. Human resource has to play a vital role in ensuring the right individuals are paid accordingly. Due to the fact that Maersk transformed from a family owned business to a global conglomerate it brought up a couple of challenges. The company is built on the basis of total loyalty and it has been struggling hard to adapt. The expansion led to the need for more recruitment and that has caused the Human Resource Department to adapt. This adaptation has not been easy and it is proving even more difficult because the small circle of close knit individuals who were friends before workers is currently being replaced with a larger workforce of over 400
  • 5. new employees per year. In the spirit of trying to preserve the original framework and ethics that made the Danish company a success they have sought to rehire some of their old employees as the new once don’t seem to seat. Sometimes in order to go back one needs to move forward is to go back and that is what the Human Resource Manager is delving into. It has become paramount that money and advancement is what other company’s are using to get young skilled laborers and thus in the end they have resorted to go back to the loyal and experienced ex employees. These will offer experience and since they are older and have history with the company they will impossible to poach. Internal and external recruitment and selection are both approaches in which organization uses to promote individuals to fill the posion that is required by the company .Internal recruitment and selection is where the organization promotes employees within the company to fill the position needed.In most cases,the company uses,emails,fliers,job posting board to advice the existing employees on the position they may vie for in the organization. External recruitment and selection is where the human resource search for employees outside its own employees to fill the position needed.This is mostly done by advertising their job vacants in newspapers,job search websites.This can be due to the task needed to be completed by an external employees within a specific time at a certain fee. Maersk has been recruiting its employees who alighned by the organization vision and goals by following the equal employment opportunities law in hiring candidate for a certain department.This is by ensuring that no discrimination is taken during the process.This has helped Maersk to avoid problems pertaining to legal complexities and law suits in the process of hiring candadates. The process of recruitment starts with submission of documents online by candidates and when this is done,a confirmation pop-up appears on the screen.The human resource
  • 6. group will reply the application in few days after the review of application based on some standard tools to make sure that the eligible candidate is selected for an interview. The recruitment for Maersk is very effective since it has a wide coverage to allow candidate from different places to access their employment opportunities.The process of sending candidate documents is not costly since the candidates have to send their document online.This process also is very convienient to candidate since the documents cannot be misplaces or taken to the wrong place since they use their website.It also gives human resource hamble time to sort the document using their standard tools. However,apart from their effectiveness,the organization has no retention strategies since some employees leave the company without notice of human resource who may be planning to give them promotions.This strategies are very important to the company and I recommend that the company to be informing the existing employees on existing promotions to avoid loosing productive employees.On the employement success,they should only list the group of candidate who they are sure of since its could bring a bad image to the company if the candidate travels from a distant only to be told that he/she is not qualified.This will make most of the professionals be afraid to attend the distant interviews.Due to the technological advancement,I recommend they make use of video conferencing to interview candidate from far so as to avoid inconvienience for the candidates. Reference. A.P. Møller - Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives. Lussier, R., & Hendon, J. (2013). Human resource management: Functions, applications, skill development. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
  • 7. Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE 1 HUMAN RESOURCE 2 Human Resource Jonathan Collins 10/13/15 Moller-Maersk Group is a company that has emerged to be one of the most successful multinationals dealing with shipping. The company is credited with having one of the best human resources practices on the globe. Talent management in the company has contributed to the increase in growth and
  • 8. profitability. The needs assessment of the company used incorporates various components that make it effective. One of the major training needs components is the strategic and organizational analysis. The other component that is normally practiced is the job needs analysis that focuses on what is expected of a particular task. Finally, the firm needs that a thorough personal analysis be conducted to identify the particular traits of employees. The organizational analysis requires that certain issues be put into considerations. These factors are competition, emphasis on the cost reduction and efficiency. Further, research and innovation are factors that must be considered are the strategies used by the rival companies. Organizational goals include evaluations of the organizational objectives and demand for human resources. Efficiency Indexes must be analyzed and also the climate of the organization. A task analysis is a crucial process that requires collecting the information concerning the job. There is also a need for a detailed analysis of the jobs roles like the attitude, values, knowledge, and skills. It is crucial for an organization to have SMART objectives for training plan in an organization because people are motivated to achieve what they need. It is important to set SMART goals because they clarify the end vision of what one is aiming. Additionally, the setting of SMART goals ensures that one has focused on the best avenues or strategies to use to attain particular goals. The focusing assists a person from deviating from the set objectives that have to be achieved. Further, the creation of SMART goals ensures that one is motivated to move forwards towards the achievement of a particular job. Developing of self-discipline is also obtained from the creation of the SMART goals. It is not a common practice although it has for many cases proven to be effective. Therefore, SMART objectives make it possible for one discipline themselves towards the realization of the set objectives. Further, the creation of these objectives assists one in identifying and mastering the elements that must be given priority. These
  • 9. priorities will always act as reminders of to aid you in achieving the objectives. These objectives assist one in setting a timeline on how to achieve particular goals. It is important to develop learning activities in Customer care service in Maersk because it is the basics of filling the positions at the firm. A successful candidate for the positions that need placement in the company will require being well-molded to perform all the roles diligently. Additionally, learning activities need to be in line with that particular job. The company has always emphasized that it is required to produce the best employees around the globe. Therefore, a strong learning activity is expected to ensure that the candidate or the employees. It is important to develop a proper learning schedule for the newly confirmed customer care representatives since this move will ensure that they have all been equipped with righty knowledge and skills for the job. It would be an easy task to incorporate adult learning principles and the experimental activities of learning. The first step will be the attracting the right people with skills that are needed for the job. The firm is also expected to encourage high retention levels of the job. This approach will ensure the adults have helped the employees who are in their initial stages of their career. As a result, the firm will be expected to integrate all the experienced and who lack this experience together for them to gain experience and a competitive edge. References Sarah, L. (2013). A.P. MOLLER-MAERSK GROUP: Evaluating Stategic Talent Management Initiative . Harvard: Harvard Business School.
  • 10. Running Head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2 Jon Collins 10/18/2015 Question 1 Managing the performance of human resource is increasingly becoming important in most organizations. The quality of performance of the human resource is critical in achieving the organization's goals. In light of this, organizations have introduced a performance management process as a means of improving the performance of staff. Performance management is a process whereby the human resource managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review employees’ work and overall contribution to the organization. It is a continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing continuous coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are
  • 11. meeting their objectives. The human resource management division is one of the key guardians of the process. The Human resource management will have to work closely with employees at all levels seeking feedback that will lead to the improvement of employee performance management. The human resource management has a responsibility of ensuring that employees’ performance appraisal and records are properly kept and maintained. It goes in line with the fundamental goal of performance management to promote and improve employee effectiveness. Performance management process includes coaching employees to address concerns that relate to their performance in the organization to ensure that there is a positive contribution to the organization. Coaching means providing guidance, direction and support on assigned tasks. As a coach, a human resource manager needs to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of employees and identify the opportunities to maximize the strengths and improve weak areas. Question 2 The management must carefully select performance criteria as it pertains to achieving its strategic goals. The most common appraisal criteria are traits, behaviors, results based, goal achievement and improvement potential. A performance appraisal criteria based on traits involves evaluating an employee based on general characteristics such as; attitude toward other people, appearance and grooming, and public acceptance, leadership, personal conduct, ethical habits, mental alertness and loyalty to the organization among others. Most of the qualities used are subjective and may not relate to the job performance. At the same time, some of the traits may be related to job performance and if the connection is established, using them may be appropriate. For example, an employee can be appointed to be a team leader if the employee posse’s traits such as leadership, public acceptance and a good attitude towards people. Human resource managers can also use behaviors to
  • 12. evaluate employees. Desired behaviors may be appropriate criteria for evaluation because if they are recognized and rewarded, the employees will tend to repeat them. If certain behaviors result in desired outcomes, then, there is merit in using them for evaluation. When the organization finds it hard to determine the outcome of an individual’s task they can evaluate the person’s task based on his or behavior. For example, when evaluating a manager, the appropriate behavior to evaluate would be his leadership skills. Results based appraisal system is used when an organization considers ends more important than means. The human resource management and the subordinate jointly agree on the objectives of the next appraisal. The outcomes established should be within the control of the individual and should be those results that lead to the success of the organization. For example, at upper levels, the results might be based on financial aspects of the organization such as profits and cash flows. At lower levels, the results might be based on meeting customer’s quality requirement and delivering on time. Question 3 The best management appraisal system for Maersk Customer Service is results-based. Among the goals of the organization are to build strong relationships with customers, improve day to day process of interaction with customers and fully ensure that the customers are satisfied. Employees can be appraised based on their performances on meeting customers’ demands, timely deliveries and the number of customers they have managed to obtain their loyalty by building a strong relationship. Question 4 Rating systems are used in performance management systems to indicate the level of performance and achievement of employees. The scales are used because they provide qualitative assessment and assist in differentiating employees. Graphical rating scales require the evaluator to indicate on the scale the degree to which the employee demonstrates a
  • 13. particular trait, performance results or behavior. Rating forms comprise scales, each relating to a certain job. Each scale is a continuum of scale points that range from high to low, most to least effective, good to poor and so forth. Graphical scales usually have five to seven points. Numerical scales These are rating scales with numeric like 1, 2,3,4,5 corresponding to an adjective. For example, 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good and 5=excellent. Letter scales are rating scales with letters corresponding to specific objectives. For example, A= Excellent, B= Satisfactory, C=Average, and D=poor. Rating scales may also be narrative, for example, an element on the scale may be “unacceptable performance” described as failing to meet the basic requirements and objectives. Narrative scales that provide positive message are becoming popular. For example, a scale may include ratings such as “very effective”,” effective” and “basic”. References Forslund, H., & Jonsson, P. (2007). Dyadic integration of the performance management process: A delivery service case
  • 14. study. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: 10.1108/09600030710776473 Thomas, S & Keith, T. (2008). Appraising employees performance evaluation systems. CPA Journal: 78.1001 Running head: COMPENSATING EMPLOYEES 1 COMPENSATING EMPLOYEES 6 Compensating Employees Student’s Name Student ID Professor’s Name Date of Submission Compensating employees is a very important process in an organization as it motivates them as well as ensures that they get to meet their basic needs. A compensation and benefits
  • 15. program is necessary for any business as it reflects what employees of the company will be paid for their work that they do. It also contains the benefits that come as a result of working in the enterprise. It also reflects on the management what they ought to expect in the labor costs at the end of the month. A good compensation and benefits plan motivates employees to work hard in their jobs and therefore, it is necessary that a company sets an amount that is enough to do that. This paper aims at drafting the compensation and employees compensation plan for the employees in my organization. Compensation is any payments to employees when there do their jobs. All job positions shall have a minimum as well as a maximum pay The piece rate payment method reimburses employees by each unit produced by an individual. Workers benefit where they produce large quantities of goods since they receive high payments. This method does not consider how fast or slow a person works and. Therefore, it is fair to people who have little experience and knowledge. This method has the advantage of motivating employees when they make more money, and, therefore, they produce more. Hourly compensation is whereby employees are paid according to the hours that they have worked rather than what they could have produced. Most companies use this method to pay their workers since labor laws also state that wages should be paid per hour. Less productive workers benefit in this practice since they are paid equally (WorldatWorkOrganization, 2007). External equity is the employees’ perception on matters concerning payment when they compare their company and other employees of companies doing a similar job. It is one of the traditional job-pay systems that most employees have been using for ages. External equity is most of the time concerned with the relativity of pay among similar organizations but not within their current workstation. Unlike the external equity, internal equity may be lowered so as not to attract newcomers to the job. In fact, many human resource managers admit that job pay is one of the most effective criterions is their move to
  • 16. control the jobs applicants. This paper will expound on the issues surrounding the external equity. Further, it will explore the compensation concept and the external factors that influence pay in organizations (Price, 2011). Companies prefer paying workers according to the prevailing market rates so as to get experienced and competent employees in their organization. On the contrary, low pays affect the employees negatively, and they end up losing their morale to work at your organization. The market pay is determined by the interaction of demand and supply in the job market. This condition means that the number of people who are up for the job is the supply side while demand side consists of the individuals who are willing to get the position. Organizations can improve their external equity by reviewing human resource factors that are both internal and external. As a result of serious engagement in to the task, the external equity is expected to improve which is all just a matter of relativity and comparison. Sometimes companies find it hard to determine the external equity (Aswathappa, 2005). This situation is significantly contributed by the fact that different individuals give different opinions and expecting them to come it agreement or having a similar opinion will be hard. Inequality may be experienced when the organization offers compensation based on the market rates. Workers tend to compare the work that is being assigned to them and the pay they receive and conclude that it is not worth. In coming up with the most appropriate external equity poses a big challenge to all human resource managers in organizations (Price, 2011) Similarly, compensation for the employees is regarded as the total amount of remuneration which they receive after working. It is also a systematic way in which employees are provided with monetary in exchange for the work that they have performed. Human resource at times refers compensation as both money and other benefits accrued through performing of tasks well. Economic compensation of the work done is referred to as wages although people use it interchangeably with salary.
  • 17. Salary is referred to as the compensation in monetary terms that is given to people having white-collar jobs. Incentives are additional payments that are given to employees and in most cases are linked to the high productivity of the company. Fringe benefits may be termed as part of compensation in which employees are accorded as a result of long-term relation with the company. A good example of this form of compensation is the pension funds. Lastly, the perquisites are forms of compensation that one given so as to take care of the organization’s property. A perfect example of this form of compensation is the company car. Compensation also varies with the levels of competence and the experience that an employee has. High compensation is given to employees with experience and high qualification. New recruits with no experience receive a lower compensation compared to others. Organizations structure a competitive compensation programs in their move to increase profitability and to remain relevant in the industry. Also, competitive compensation serves as means to keep the employees motivated so that they may perform their work diligently. Organizations need to come up with advanced competitive compensations plans so as to reward the newly hired individuals in the organization. This move enables the organization to retain young talents in the company failure to which they will quit the job and reduce productivity. Competitive compensation programs enable the human resource to deepen their knowledge pertaining the organization. Acquiring specific knowledge about the organization makes work of preparing compensation budget easier and lead to the excelling of company’s activities. Further, organizations need to decide how competitive they want to be about the current market (Aswathappa, 2005).
  • 18. References Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human resource and personnel management: Text and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. Price, A. (2011). Human resource management . Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA. WorldatWork (Organization). (2007). The WorldatWork handbook of compensation, benefits & total rewards: A comprehensive guide for HR professionals. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. OL 211 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview Many businesses and organizations large enough to require human resource management (HRM) will need someone that not only understands core human resource (HR) responsibilities, but also understands the vision and mission of the organization. To align the core HR requirements of an organization with its
  • 19. strategic plan, you will conduct an HRM review of an organization in a case study. Be creative in assembling each of the individual components or HR tools to the HRM review so that they would be consistent with and add value to the organization. Complete the HRM review that illustrates how each of the HR tools plays a role in an organization’s overall strategic plan. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, and Five. Your comprehensive proposal will be submitted in Module Seven. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes: common in today’s global workplace for promoting shared values throughout an organization that align to and promote the organization’s vision, mission, and business ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategic plan are essential in a changing work environment Prompt In this assessment, you will review the human resource management (HRM) in an organization through a case study. This case study will give you the
  • 20. opportunity to explore various roles and processes within the human resources profession. A key skill for any professional working in human resources is the ability to develop and implement processes that align with a company’s strategic plan and mission. I. HRM Functions and Practices A. Explain why the human resource (HR) function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan. B. Explain how current global conditions in this industry impact human resource management (HRM) practices within organizations. II. Staffing A. Describe a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals from the case study. B. Compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using best practices from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) website. Refer to the Research and Metrics page for helpful resources. You may want to consider which method of recruitment would be most beneficial to this organization. III. Training A. Describe the components of a needs assessment used to
  • 21. determine the training requirements of the organization. B. Explain the importance of developing learning activities. Be sure to incorporate adult learning principles and methods of experiential learning from this course. C. Illustrate the value of a training needs assessment in an organization. Support your response. D. Describe the importance of creating SMART objectives for a training plan. IV. Compensation A. Describe the compensation philosophy. How does the market influence this philosophy? B. Determine the value of salary surveys and describe the advantages of discretionary benefits. V. Evaluation A. Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management process. How can you ensure the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan? B. Differentiate between various performance appraisal systems. Provide an example where one would be more applicable. C. How do you identify best-suited appraisals for employee job duties? Support your response with an example. D. Identify a variety of performance rating scales that can be used in organizations that includes graphical scales, letter scales, and numeric scales. Describe each scale.
  • 22. Milestones Milestone One: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives—Functions and Practices/Staffing In Module Two, you will write a short paper that addresses Sections I and II of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Employee Development Processes In Module Three, you will write a short paper that addresses Section III of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Performance Management In Module Four, you will write a short paper that addresses Section V of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: Compensation In Module Five, you will write a short paper that addresses Section IV of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric. Final Submission: Human Resources Management review In Module Seven, you will finalize and submit a paper that is comprised of all the milestone submissions with edits based on instructor feedback. This milestone
  • 23. will be graded with the Final Project Rubric below. Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading 1 Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives—Functions and Practices/Staffing Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric 2 Employee Development Processes Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric 3 Performance Management Four Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric 4 Compensation Five Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric Final Submission: HRM review Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric (below) Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit your human resource management review adhering to the following guidelines: minimum of 7 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and following APA 6th edition
  • 24. format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value HRM Functions and Practices: Function Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation is supported with evidence Explains why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan Explains why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan, but explanation is cursory or inaccurate Does not explain why the human resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan 8
  • 25. HRM Functions and Practices: Global Conditions Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation is clear and detailed Explains how current global conditions in the industry impact human resource management practices within organizations Explains how current global conditions in the industry impact human resource management practices within organizations, but explanation is cursory or has gaps in accuracy Does not explain how current global conditions impact human resource management practices within organizations 6 Staffing: Recruiting Meets “Proficient” criteria and description demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the relationship between recruiting and the organization’s vision and
  • 26. goals Describes a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals Describes a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals, but description is cursory or inaccurate Does not describe a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals 6 Staffing: Candidates Meets “Proficient” criteria and establishes which method would be more beneficial for an organization based on the research Compares and contrasts recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using the Society for Human Resource Management website as resource
  • 27. Compares and contrasts recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates but does not utilize the Society for Human Resource Management website as resource Does not compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using the Society for Human Resource Management website as resource 6 Training: Needs Assessment Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and detailed Describes the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of the organization Describes the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of the organization, but description is cursory or inaccurate Does not describe the
  • 28. components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of the organization 6 http://snhu- ic_feedback_instructions_student.pdf Training: Learning Activities Meets “Proficient” criteria and exhibits keen insight into the needs of adult learners Explains the importance of developing learning activities, and incorporates adult learning principles and methods of experiential learning Explains the importance of developing learning activities, but does not incorporate adult learning principles and methods of experiential learning Does not explain the importance of developing learning activities
  • 29. 8 Training: Training Needs Assessment Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses scholarly research to contextualize claims Illustrates the value of a training needs assessment in an organization, and supports response Illustrates the value of a training needs assessment in an organization, but does not support response Does not illustrate the value of a training needs assessment 6 Training: SMART Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and detailed Describes the importance of creating SMART objectives for a training plan
  • 30. Describes the importance of creating SMART objectives for a training plan, but description is cursory or inaccurate Does not describe the importance of creating SMART objectives for a training plan 6 Compensation: Compensation Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and detailed Describes the compensation philosophy and describes how the market influences this philosophy Describes the compensation philosophy and describes how the market influences this philosophy, but description is cursory or inaccurate Does not describe compensation philosophy 8 Compensation: Salary Surveys
  • 31. Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses evidence to substantiate claims Determines the value of salary surveys, and describes the advantages of discretionary benefits Determines the value of salary surveys but does not describe the advantages of discretionary benefits Does not determine the value of salary surveys 8 Evaluation: Performance Management Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is well supported and plausible Determines HRM’s role in the performance management process including how the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan Determines HRM’s role in the
  • 32. performance management process, but does not include how the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan Does not determine HRM’s role in the performance management process 8 Evaluation: Performance Appraisal Meets “Proficient” criteria and example is well supported and contextualized Differentiates between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, and provides an example where each would be most applicable Differentiates between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, but does not provide an example where each would be most applicable Does not differentiate between the trait, behavioral, and results-
  • 33. based performance appraisal systems 6 Evaluation: Best-Suited Appraisals Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses scholarly research to substantiate claims Determines how to identify best- suited appraisals for employee job duties, and supports response with an example Determines how to identify best- suited appraisals for employee job duties, but does not support response with an example Does not determine how to identify best-suited appraisals for employee job duties 8 Evaluation: Performance Rating Scales
  • 34. Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and contextualized Identifies a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations and describes each Identifies a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations, but does not describe each scale Does not identify a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations 6 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar,
  • 35. spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 4 Earned Total 100%