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Fictional Narrative Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Fictional Narrative Essay Examples" is a task that demands a
delicate balance of creativity, storytelling prowess, and a keen understanding of the elements that
make a narrative compelling. One must delve into the realms of imagination to create a
captivating story while simultaneously adhering to the structural and stylistic requirements of a
well-crafted essay.
The difficulty lies in the intricate dance between fiction and narrative. It's not merely about
stringing together a series of events; it's about painting a vivid picture, evoking emotions, and
keeping the reader engrossed in a world that exists solely within the confines of one's
imagination. Crafting believable characters, a well-paced plot, and incorporating literary devices
to enhance the narrative experience adds another layer of complexity.
Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the essay. As
the storyteller, one must guide the reader seamlessly through the fictional landscape without
losing them in the intricacies of the plot or drowning them in an abundance of details.
Another facet of the difficulty lies in the constant need for originality. Striking a balance
between creating something entirely new and drawing inspiration from existing narratives
requires a delicate touch. Originality is the soul of a fictional narrative, and yet, it's a realm
where clichГ©s and predictable twists can easily overshadow the brilliance of a unique storyline.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing such an essay can also be immensely rewarding.
It offers an opportunity for self-expression, creativity, and the exploration of one's narrative
abilities. Through the struggle to convey a fictional world, a writer hones their skills in
storytelling, character development, and thematic exploration.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Fictional Narrative Essay Examples" poses a
formidable challenge, it's a journey worth undertaking for those who seek to master the art of
blending fiction and narrative. It's an exercise that demands the writer's dedication, creativity,
and a deep appreciation for the nuances of storytelling.
For those seeking assistance or examples in this endeavor, various resources are available. Similar
essays and a wealth of writing support can be accessed on platforms like,
where writers can find inspiration, guidance, and even order customized content tailored to their
specific needs.
Fictional Narrative Essay ExamplesFictional Narrative Essay Examples
Odysseus Weaknesses
Odysseus, hero of the Greeks. The warrior that fought ferocious beast and prolonged
wars. Along With being larger than life, he had many strengths, weaknesses, and
conflicts. One quality of Odysseus being hero is that he had strengths. Homer
describes Odysseus as having substantial military skills, and superlative bravery.
Odysseusstrengths include him being a leader to his men. Thus with distinct
precaution I prepared/My people (Homer). Odysseus says, Me only she permits
those strains to hear, that shows he was the only one to be trusted by Circe s
(Homer). Because of his astounding strengths Odysseus was considered to be a true
warrior. Not only does he have sundry strengths, he has weaknesses. First, Odysseus
was tempted to listen
The Populist And The Progressive Movement
The progressive movement, an extension of the Populist movement, was an effort to
cure the political and economic ills of American society that had developed during
the great spurt of industrial growth in the last quarter of the 19th century. In terms of
social reform, the Progressive movement transcended the predominantly agrarian
ambitions of Populists. With Populist crusaders such as Grangers and members of
the Farmer s Alliances in its vanguard, Progressives instituted initiative and
referendum, attaining political power for the working class. The Warehouse and
Federal Farm Loan Acts of 1916 satisfied the farmers demand for credit.
Progressives reformed beyond Populist demands by including women and children in
their scope for social reform.... Show more content on ...
While Populists were primarily concerned with social injustice faced by farmers,
Progressives sought to impose reforms that also affected the injustice of gender
inequality and child labor. Despite the extent of Populists influence, Progressives
exceeded the boundaries of social reform incited by the Populists with the inclusion
of women. Progressives supported the fight for women s rights such as that
represented by, Picket Girls on Duty. Many women, like so, campaigned for better
working conditions and equal pay, as well as suffrage, which was guaranteed by the
19th Amendment. Photographs taken by progressive crusader Jacob Riis, such as
Shooting craps in the hall of the Newboys Lodging House, exposed the substandard
working and living conditions of children subject to unsafe and underpaid labor.
Under Wilson s administration the child labor laws were also
Ocean Tide Research Papers
Amari Williams
Research Paper RD Beginning with its creation, Earth has been in contact with many
natural, environmental disasters. Majorities of the chaos still have effects on people
living in coastal areas. Because of the Earth s large capacity of water and relationship
with gravity, tidal waves through extreme tidal storms are created. The Moon heavily
influences the movement of Earth s tides by shifting and relating land features,
using its gravitational pull to change the height of the tides, and also affecting the
speed of the Moon s revolution. To start, the Earth s aquatic tides are the constant rise
and fall of bodies of water every day (Jacobs 9). Gravity, provided by the Moon and
some parts of the Sun, helps create the ocean s tides (Jacobs 10). It is also often
caused by the winds forcefully ... Show more content on ...
Land tides are pieces of ground or land that are slowly shifted up and down twice
by the gravitational force between the Sun and Moon ( The ). Because of important
use of mainly sunlight, land tides occur most near the Equator and not often in the
poles. These tides happen in four cycles: the lunar diurnal, lunar semidiurnal, solar
diurnal, and solar semidiurnal ( Tides ). Diurnal tides last 24 hours while semidiurnal
tides only last 12 hours. During a land tide, the center of the Earth to the outer crust
takes time to deform under the Moon and Sun ( The ). The deformation takes toll on
geological processes and volcanic eruptions ( Tides ). To include, scientists found that
volcanic eruptions and tides have a relationship because of the magma flowing in
volcanoes. Geologists use specific instruments like: seismometers, tiltmeters, and
strainmeters to measure slow shifts. Results from these tools are placed on a graph
to view the various movements of Earth. In 1978, Spahr Webb, former M.I.T student,
measured with two thirty six feet tiltmeters and found a tidal tilt in Earth s surface
that was .01 of an inch (Wylie
The Possibility Restaurant
Executive Summary
Introduction Angela Fox and Zooey Caulfield are recent college graduates from
State University with a degree in food and nutrition. With their love for food and
nutrition these two friends have decided to open up a French restaurant in
Draperton, which is also the town State University is located in. They believe their
business will prosper because there are no French restaurants in the area leaving the
restaurant to be unique. They acquired a Victorian home just off of Main Street
which is a heavily trafficked area and name their new venture The Possibility .
Though The Possibility has potential, being inexperienced restaurant owners leaves
for some potential problems. Also being recent college graduates it is ... Show more
content on ...
Symptom: Lack of clientele preference
Cause: opening only French Restaurant in the area
Symptom: Unsure how to reach maximum profit
Cause: never owned restaurant before, budget, must factor in: time of preparation,
time of labor, amount of dishes sold, different profit by type of dinner
The decision Angela and Zooey are now facing is the optimal amount of each dish
they can sell to reach maximum profit when factoring in all of their constraints.
Causes of the Problem Angela and Zooey desire to make a profitable French
restaurant. The Possibility has endless of possibilities to prosper if it can resolve
the problems which the decision makers are facing. Their first challenge was not
knowing how the customer would take to French cuisine. This caused problems
such as what to put on the menu since excessive waste was not an option. This
problem had a quick alternative for the time being as to only offering a fish or beef
dinner. Though they have narrowed down their menu to a fish dinner and a beef
dinner it is necessary to factor in all the constraints on how many of each type of
dinner to sell to reach a maximum profit. The first constraint is the maximum meals
which would be prepared each night. The decision makers wanted to set a fixed
maximum so they can get the right amount of ingredients and not produce any extra
waste. The set number has been decided by the decision
Billy Elliot Transition
Barriers are guaranteed when individuals venture into new transitions. However, these
transitional periods significantly impact one s understanding, often leading to
unexpected outcomes that can include otherwise hidden rewards. In Stephen Daldry s
2000 film Billy Elliot and Sylvia Plath s semi autobiographical poem Morning Song,
both texts explore the transformative power of obstacles, driven through
determination, which encourage viewers that obstacles are only temporary. Through
encouragement during transitional periods, individuals may achieve inner growth
while simultaneously motivating the growth of others. This is seen through the
protagonist, Billy s, restriction and frustration within a close minded community as
he aggressively dances... Show more content on ...
Billy s determination is shown through the juxtaposing movements and camera
angles of the opening and last scene of the film. In the opening scene of the film
we are shown Billy jumping and dancing along with the non diegetic sound of
Cosmic Dancer by T.Rex. The lyrics I danced myself right out of the womb,
foreshadows Billy s destiny and desire to dance which is conflicted towards the
expectations of his father. Through the use of a close ups and slow motion it
allows the audience see Billy s lively facial expressions, highlighting his innocence.
This is juxtaposed to his sharp and precise movements shown in the final scene
through close ups and worm eye view, signifying Billy s dominance and power,
which he initially lacked. Daldry s use of a extreme close up shot displays Jackie
overwhelmed and teary, represents how proud he is towards Billy s perseverance
and shows that he is embracing a more feminine side which he initially rejected. As
Billy enters the stage and leaps into the air he is situated under the spotlight and
dominates the screen, symbolising his successful transition into the world of ballet
and _______. The leap is transitioned to the a dull yellow wallpaper, which is
shown in the opening scene of the film. The floral wallpaper is symbolic of Billy s
search for happiness, which he eventually discovers comes from dancing.
Intertextuality of Swan Lake
Hugh Higgins Cold War Summary
In the Cold War by Hugh Higgins, the author, argues that although opinions about
when exactly the cold war began is different for everyone, the Bolshevik Revolution
of November 1917, which marked the emergence of communism as a state power,
seems a logical starting point. (Huggins, 1993). As a matter of fact, this history book
is about politics; it talks about the event in history, the cold war. It focuses on the
proceedings that took place that led to what Higgins believes is the beginning of the
cold war then proceeds to make its way to what is the end of it.
Which then takes us to why Higgins wrote this book, to not only further his
understandings of the cold war, but also to let people read his thoughts about what
it is he believes about the cold war, how it began, when it did, the causes of its
commencement, and the occurrences after to lead to the end. Therefore, he
intended this book for scholars and the general public he wanted anyone willing to
read his book to understand why it is he thinks the cold war developed in such a
way and to hopefully make anyone believe it too. Higgins uses information from
previous books he has read, such as E. Crankshaw, The New Cold War: Moscow v.
Pekin., Keesings, The Sino Soviet Dispute, and many other types of historical books.
After getting all ... Show more content on ...
At least the reader should be constantly reminded that one man s truth may be
another s falsehood. (Higgins, 1993) it seems as if he personally leans more
towards the Soviet s side and puts his personal views in the west as if he doesn t
really root for them so he adds just a little more hatred to that side. This should have
stayed professional to make a better argument, although a good one already, could
have done it better by not showing any bias as he earlier said historians usually used
in their
Wind Power In Maine
Wind turbines are popping up all across the Pine Tree State. Mainers are divided on
their feelings toward the immense wind towers. Some say the turbines beneficial for
Maine and its economy while others call them eyesores and think that they disrupt the
state s natural beauty. This has been a hot button topic among Mainers since the first
wind tower permit was issued in the state on April 21st of 2009 (Maine Department of
Environmental Protection, n.d.). Although some are pushing back against the wind
powercompanies, Maine continues to expand the amount of wind farms in the state.
Wind power in Maine should continue to silence the naysayers and expand the wind
energy business throughout the state. Wind farms are extremely advantageous to...
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For example, one myth is that the turbines are very loud and distracting but, that is
far form the case. Wind towers produce a swishing or whooshing sound that only gets
quitter as technology advances. As claimed by the American Wind Energy
Association, an operating wind farm at a distance of 750 1,000 feet is no noisier than
a kitchen refrigerator or a moderately quite room (American Wind Energy
Association). All the wind towers I ve seen are at least double or triple that
distance from any household so most people can t hear them at all anyways. Non
supporters say that there are negative health effects linked to wind turbines but,
that is so far from the truth. No ill health effects have ever been linked to wind
turbines. Only health benefits since the towers emit virtually no pollution
(American Wind Energy Association). Non supporters might also make the claim
that wind farms are unpredictable and unfair like many big businesses are sought
out to be. However, the great thing about wind energy is you know exactly what
you re in for. Jeremy Payne of the Maine renewable Energy Association states that
the regulatory process is both predictable, reasonable and fair (Porter, 2015). Payne is
referring to the way wind developers decide on and build location sites. Everything is
very well predicted and laid out for all to
Portrayal Of Female Sex Workers
It is often hard for the average person living in great conditions with all the luxuries
this world offers like a nice car, big house, and a family to not stigmatize the
profession of female sex workers. Themes of religion, addiction, and shame
encompass the every day lives of the sex workers featured in the film Whores
Glory1. Are the sex workers working in Thailand, Bangladesh, and Mexico seen as
feminists? Do the women featured have control over their bodies? Finally, are
these women recognized by society as workers in the film? I will be analyzing the
production of the film through it s themes and support my argument that the film
Whores Glory1 is not feminist due to it s depiction of female sex workers.
Religion plays a major factor in the film by displaying how sex workers feel about
certain aspects of their profession. The different women featured from Thailand,
Bangladesh, and Mexico seek out religious practices to absolve them from
persecution from God. A cleansing of some sort like burning of sage in the
working room in Bangladesh, cleansing of black magic in Mexico, and a prayer to
Buddha in Thailand are all featured in the film right before their shift1. I found this
interesting because I felt that Glawogger attempted to portray a perception of
submissiveness to the profession by the sex workers through religious practices.
Why do women have to suffer so much? Isn t there another path for us? says a
Bangladeshi sex worker who expresses faithlessness to the
Analysis Of The Book Witches The Absolutely True Tale
In the book Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn
Schanzer the town of Salem starting going into a panic of the theory of witches
from the fits of two girls. Everyone accusing each other, family is accusing family.
Brothers are accusing brothers. Accused witches are taken to trial, but are the
trials that fair? The trials were unfair because of the use of spectral evidence, the
inability to testify for oneself, and the surprisingly unbiased judges. Even though it
was a courtroom, spectral evidence was used in many ways. Spectral evidence is
when a witness is saying that somebody s spector or spirit appeared to them in a
dream and they are using it to testify against whoever is on trial. When the accusers
were having fits and screaming and thrashing in odd ways, the courtroom did not
tell them to quiet down, they instead believed that the accused witch in the room
was guilty, it was a horrid sight. (According to the Salem Witch Trials DBQ)
Document 6 The examination of Bridget Bishop, when she moved her head all of
the afflicted moved their head, then she turned up her eyes and the afflicted turned
up their eyes. When the accused witch looked or moved a muscle, the accusers
magically moved the same muscle. According to Joan Holub s What Were the
Salem Witch Trials? The girl accusers tumbled to the floor if Bridget happened to
look their way, as if her invisible specter had knocked them down. (Holub 61). Even
though the accused witches plead
Perspectives Of Smoke Free Policies
Research in Nursing NSG 3301 Qualitative Research Critique: Perspectives of
Smoke free Policies in Hospitals Carissa Genrick 7705851 University of Ottawa
April 10th, 2016 Professor Pat Durston Qualitative Research Critique: Perspectives
of Smoke free Policies in Hospitals The research article and study A qualitative
investigation of smoke free policies on hospital property by Annette Schultz, Barry
Finegan, Candace. Nykiforuk, and Margaret A. Kvern, had a purpose to determine
the consequences of policies mandating smoke free hospital property in two
Canadian acute care hospitals by eliciting lived experiences of the people faced with
enacting the policies. (Schultz, Finegan, Nykiforuk, Kvern, 2011, p.1334 1335). To...
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The research design is appropriate for answering the research question, which was
determining the consequences and perspectives from patients and health care
providers on the new policies mandating smoke free hospital properties. The
research design is appropriate because ethnographic research is based on studying
patterns of behaviour within a culture. This study was based on studying patterns of
behaviours on smoking policies but the study mostly aimed to gain perspectives
from a variety of individuals. Ethnographic method is great for the study in the fact
that it can be used to include behavioural and cognitive perspectives, which in this
case the study focused on observing behaviours of smoking and if the policies were
being followed and also included the perspectives on the new smoke free policies.
Also ethnographic research usually focuses on studying one culture. This study did
try to focus on one specific culture, but the population had diversity consisting of
smokers and non smokers. The culture that was viewed in the study was tobacco use
and management. Sample and Setting It was stated in the study s paper that sampling
was designed to enhance the diversity of perspectives heard from each study site
while achieving comparable diversity between sites. (p.1335). Sampling methods that
were used to target diversity include convenience and stratified quota strategies to
recruit participants
Drugs In America Research Paper
Drugs in America
Studies show that the rate of drug overdose has been a growing epidemic
throughout the United States for decades (Rudd, 2016, p. 1323). The rate of deaths
resulting from drug overdoses has increased by over 100 percent since the year
2000 (Rudd, 2016, p. 1323). The danger that drugs pose on nations are obvious.
There has been a long history of drugs in the United States, leading to many changes
in rules and regulations in regards to how they are handled. Furthermore, several
controversial things have occurred over time such as the Controlled Substance Act of
1970 being passed, drug schedules and classifications, CSA regulations, and
numerous ongoing debates related to the legal and medical usage of marijuana which
have impacted ... Show more content on ...
20). They are also useful in medical treatments that are established (Belenko Spohn,
2015, p. 20). Examples of Schedule IV drugs contain some stimulants, minor
tranquilizers, and depressants (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). Lastly, Schedule V
drugs are described as morphine, codeine, cough medicines, and anti diarrhea drugs
containing opium (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). They are basically prescription
drugs that have only limited risk of physical or psychological dependency and low
potential for abuse (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). Without a valid prescription, it is
illegal to possess any drug that is listed in the Controlled Substances Act Schedules
(Belenko Spohn, 2015, p.
The Prevalence of Racial Tension Around the World
Today, there is racial tension all around the world. Racial tension means the feeling
that exists when people do not trust and be aggressive to each other. In Malaysia,
racial tension has deepened recently. The Indian government has released an advisory
for its foreign students that studying in Australia which showed that racial tension
appeared around the White and Indian. Racial tension between the Han and Uighur
communities in Xinjiang, Chinawas enhanced in July 2009. There are several factors
that cause racial tension to happen such as religion topic, government policy,
prejudice and discrimination. Racial tension could be caused by prejudice and
discrimination. According to Jon (1998), prejudice is a general characteristic of...
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People from different regions and countries may hold different religions. In some
countries, some religions are mostly held by certain races. Most of people have
religion when these is a small amount of people are free thinkers. Basically, people
s behaviour and mind are affected by religion. Meanwhile, religion is their spiritual
sustenance. To them, their religions are together with them as a part of the body.
Therefore, any criticism to religion is a threat to certain races. They will be very
supportive and oppose those who cross them. Normally, people won t criticise their
own religion and attack religious sites. Once these happen, they will think that these
are done by people who held other religions. If the religion is mostly held by certain
race, they tend to have a thought that other races are the culprits. The racial tension
is ensured once again as it is true that they can t tolerate with each other will cause
serious racial tension. They will react violently to protect their religion. Some of
them who are radical will behave in a way that they are not accepted other
religions. For example, in Malaysia, most of Christians are Chinese or Indian and
60 percent of the population which are mostly Malays are Muslims (Eileen Ng,
2010). According to Eileen Ng (2010), eight churches were attacked over four days
amid a dispute over the word Allah by non Muslims . Race tension was enhanced
while the desecration of mosques with wild boar heads happened. This shows
1984 Power Of Language
Many anthropologists consider the development of language one of the most defining
points in history of human evolution. In fact, language holds the ability to influence
human beings in some of the deepest ways. The novel Nineteen Eighty Four
comprehends this and incorporates such understandings into its pages. The ideas of
George Orwellprotrude within his works through the way in which he displays how
language affects the minds of those who use it. He wrote this book with a certain
message in mind, making Nineteen Eighty Fouran informative as well as political
Language contains the power to change and eliminate ideas. For example, the Party
uses Newspeak to eliminate concepts they don t want the citizens to know about by
making the ... Show more content on ...
He believed in the influence of language over the minds of individuals as well as its
power to change ideas and events, and that in the wrong hands, language can wreak
havoc on society as a whole. He also believed that every person possesses a right to
free speech, and to innovation through discussion. His descriptivist tendencies
manifest through his demonstration of the oppression that the Party inflicts upon the
innocent people. The group that destroys the language also tortures innocent people
for daring to think independently. By painting them as villains, Orwell criticizes the
destruction of language in a negative light. He intends to both exhibit the power of
language as well as denounce the eradication of it.
In conclusion, Orwell demonstrated his belief in the natural evolution of language, as
well as linguistic descriptivism. He demonstrated the capacity of language to mold
people s thoughts and opinion by incorporating Newspeak, which condenses language
into its simplest and most packaged form. Language controls the past, which in turn
controls the present, and the minds of
King Lear Comparison Essay
Originally written at the start of the 17th century, William Shakespeare s play,
King Lear, has become one of his most famed works. The tragedy was first adapted
for the screen in 1909 as a black and white, silent film. Almost a century later in
2008, King Lear was once more brought to life through director Trevor Nunn s film
adaptation of the same name. Staring Ian McKellen as King Lear, the film adaptation
is based on the 2007 production of the play by the renowned Royal Shakespeare
Company. King Lear is a story of betrayal, loss and madness and to accurately convey
this while simultaneously distinguishing it from other screen renditions, Nunn alters
the setting and utilises the colours of the costumes and backdrop to symbolise the
virtues... Show more content on ...
Characters with titles that derive from English place names, such as the Duke of
Cornwall, indicate that the film takes place in England. Also, many scenes occur on
heaths which can be commonly found throughout England but rarely in Russia.
However, the costumes worn by male characters, especially Lear s scarlet tunic,
closely resemble those worn by the Tsar and his high ranking officials. Additionally,
Lear s 100 knights have also been transformed into 100 singing, squat dancing
Cossacks which further reinforces the films connection to Imperial Russia as
Cossacks are an ethnic group known for their historic loyalty to the Tsar. The
inclusion of rifles as well as glasses suggests that King Lear is set in the 1800 s which
coincides with both Victorian England and Imperial Russia. Although using elements
from two eras may confuse some viewers, historical and geographical references are
negligible to most audience members, allowing them to generate their own opinion
about the setting. At the same time, the setting makes Nunn s production unique.
Since 1909, King Lear has been adapted for the screen on numerous occasions with
the majority of these adaptations retaining the original setting of pre Christian
England. By drastically changing the setting, it distinguishes Nunn s King Lear from
Tornado Alley
Have you ever wondered what that spinning cloud in the sky is? Or why all of a
sudden it is humid out, but the wind is cold? There are approximately 1,000
tornadoes that occur each year in the US, but there are also many that go undetected
and unreported. In El Reno, Oklahoma, in 2013, a tornado hit and covered 175 miles
per hour. This was the fastest, and largest stormever recorded. Oklahoma has about
fifty two tornadoes occur, on average a year.
The definition of a tornado is a small, very intense cyclonic storm with exceedingly
high winds, most often produced along cold fronts in conjunction with severe
thunderstorms. A cold front is a front along which a cold air mass thrusts beneath a
warmer air mass. A warm front is a front along which... Show more content on ...
Some tornadoes may strike quickly, and with little to no warning. In the southern
states the peak of tornado season is March through May. In the northern states it is
late spring to early summer. They are most likely to occur between 3 pm and 9 pm
but can happen at anytime.
A tornado in Oklahoma picked up a small herd of cattle and carried them across the
countryside, then sat them down and the cattle were unharmed. Dust Devils are a
type of tornado that passes through a desert area. There can be times when multiple
tornados form at a time and then they travel in swarms just like fish. The most
powerful tornadoes are from the United States. Every tornado has its own color,
sound and shape that is just for itself, just like fingerprints, no tornado is exactly the
In conclusions, tornados are nothing to mess around with. Treat it just as every other
intense situation. There are many different ways to tell the difference in a tornado.
Extreme weather is nothing to joke around, about or just treat it like a little shower
of rain. It s not, take shelter and be
Chris Gardner Behavior
The Pursuit of Happyness The first behavior is that he is a good father. Mr.
Gardner was a great father in the way he handled things. Even though through all
the troubles he still maintains to keep his son happy. For example, when they got
kicked out of the motel and had to find somewhere to stay, Chris saw that his son
was in a depressed state of mind and began convincing him about how the scanner
is a time machine. He then pursued to pretend that they were in prehistoric times
and they had to hide from the dinosaurs. To hide from the so called dinosaurs Chris
took his son into the bathroom calling it a cave. The second behavior about Chris
Gardner is that he is very determined. In the movie he told his son that he couldn t be
a good basketball
Thomas Jefferson s Macaronni Machine
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson was a man of many talents and accomplishments. Thomas
Jefferson was born on 13 April 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia. Jefferson s father grew
up in a modern family and was raised to be a farmer. His mother was more on the
wealthy side, while his mother was on the complete opposite side being raised in a
wealthy family, in friendship with the King Of England. Jefferson s father passed
away in 1757, therefore, Jefferson knew what needed to be accomplished for him to
take charge of the house with him being one of 9 children. Jefferson began to
immense himself in books around this time, thankfully the family had a close friend
who stepped... Show more content on ...
He popularized macaroni and cheese in the USA! In a letter to Jefferson, William
Short, his secretary, wrote that he had kept a mould for making maccaroni in
Naples and had sent it to his mentor in Paris. However, it s most likely that the
macaroni machine didn t reach France until after Jefferson had left. In the words of
Jefferson, this is how much he loved his macaronni machine: The best maccaroni
in Italy is made with a particular sort of flour called Semola, in Naples: but in
almost every shop a different sort of flour is commonly used; for, provided the
flour be of a good quality, and not ground extremely fine, it will always do very
well. A paste is made with flour, water and less yeast than is used for making
bread. This paste is then put, by little at a time, viz. about 5. or 6. lb. each time into
a round iron box ABC, the under part of which is perforated with holes, through
which the paste, when pressed by the screw DEF, comes out, and forms the
Maccaroni g.g.g. which, when sufficiently long, are cut and spread to dry. The
screw is turned by a lever inserted into the hole K, of which there are 4. or 6. It is
evident that on turning the screw one way, the cylindrical part F. which fits the
iron box or mortar perfectly well, must press upon the paste and must force it out of
the holes. LLM. is a strong wooden frame, properly fastened to the wall, floor and
cieling of the room. N.O. is a figure, on a larger scale, of some of the holes in the iron
plate, where all the black is solid, and the rest open. The real plate has a great many
holes, and is screwed to the box or mortar: or rather there is a set of plates which may
be changed at will, with holes of different shapes and sizes for the different sorts of
The Truth about Hackers Essay
The Truth about Hackers
The Truth about Hackers In the winter of the year 2000 an eighteen year old hacker,
who went by the name Curador accessed about 26, 000 credit card numbers and put
them on the internet. With the help of an ex hacker, Curador was eventually tracked
down and sentenced. All of this was explained in a frontline interview with Curador
himself also known as Raphael Gray. Who are these so called hackers? Are peoples
assumptions about teenage hackers correct? In 1995 the movie Hackers portrayed
the images and lifestyles of hackers similar to the one mentioned above. The
characters in Hackers show a media example of finding themselves in cyberspace by
forming a community which creates their own boundaries. According to ... Show
more content on ...
The article, Finding ones own in cyberspace by Amy Bruckman, explains how
anyone can form their own cyber community. Bruckman says, the way a community
is publicized or not publicized also influences its character (175). Even though the
hacker society has not been publicized, they are still around. Hackers publicize the
information that they want other people to hear. Their prerogative is to portray
themselves the way they want to be known. In an interview conducted with
researcher Sarah Gordon, who studies the psychology of virus writers and hackers,
she states, There are lots of kids just out joyriding on computer systems. Not
everyone knows what they are doing or how serious they are affecting other
people. Therefore, many different cyber communities are formed including a few
for hackers. Also shown in Hackers is the idea that hackers not only come together
through the internet, but also in the real world. Everyday hackers do not limit
their meeting places to just the cyber places as shown in the film. The hytec
environment such as raves is easy for Hollywood to associate with hackers.
However, raves and cyberspace are not the only places for hackers to meet. They
can also meet anywhere such as a coffee shop or a park. Hackers tend to be
perceived as people with an addiction or infatuation with computers. The movie
shows the main character staying up all hours of the night and not really getting any
sleep. Many people do this for other things
The Pros And Cons Of Migration To Tucson
We ve finally made the move to Tucson and are getting ready to move into new
office space in the next few weeks. I thought it would be interesting to share with
some of my readers what we have discovered about Tucson as a place for small
business and emerging technology businesses. First, it s pretty well known
nationally that the city of Tucson, and to some degree Pima County is not very
embracing and welcoming when it comes to small business and technology
businesses. There are a few exceptions to this and I want to point two of these at
the very beginning. Thryve and StartUp Tucson are very hands on and welcoming.
These folks have a plan and great ideas. They deserve a lot of support. The
reputation of Tucson for being not business friendly is well known. There are lots
of folks who have left the Tucson area and migrated back east. They are quick to
talk about the raw beauty of Southern Arizona and also talk about how terrible the
business climate is in the area. Much of the blame seems to be around a very
welfare centric government, higher than average union memberships, highest sales
taxes and property taxes in the state of Arizona and an alarming lack of good
leadership. It s a common refrain among the folks I have met here who have
migrated to the Tucson area that you either bring your job or... Show more content on ...
Even with the University of Arizona in the city, Tucson shuns any venture supporting
higher education. Grand Canyon University was very interested in building a major
campus in Tucson. GCU is a private school that has a religious orientation. Building
a campus in Tucson would have meant hundreds of good paying jobs at occupational
levels from janitorial and maintenance to faculty positions. However, the city council
torpedoed this, in large part by council member Regina Romero. It just defies any
logic how this once in a life time opportunity was wasted by the (ignorant) elite
running this
Unit 2 Asignment 2
Unit 2 Assignment 1 Blank Answer Sheet
Name:Date:Electronics ET2530
Chapter 2 (pp. 111 113)
2.A 1500 kHz carrier and a 2 kHz intelligence signal are combined in a non linear
device. List all the frequency components produced.
1498, 1500, and 1520KHz
3.If a carrier is amplitude modulated what causes the sideband frequencies?
The non linear mixing of the carrier and intelligence frequencies.

4.What determines the bandwidth of emission for an AM transmission?
It is twice the frequency of the highest audio frequency transmitted.
The upper sideband is fc +FM where fc is the carrier frequency and FM is the
modulation (audio) frequency .The lower sideband is fc FM. The total bandwidth is
5.Explain ... Show more content on ...
A high percentage of modulation is important so that the power is the sidebands.
20.During 100% modulation, what percentage of the average output power is in the
sidebands? (33.33%)
Pt = Pc (1+m2/2)
35.Draw a block diagram (or indicate which text book Figure # shows this) of an AM
Chapter 3 (pp. 159 160)
Figure 3 1 pg. 118
1.Draw a diagram (or indicate which text book Figure # shows this)of a tuned radio
frequency (TRF) radio receiver.
2.Explain the following: Sensitivity of a receiver, selectivity of a receiver. Why are
these important characteristics? In what units are these usually expressed?
Sensitivity: the minimum input RF signal to a receiver required to produce a
specified audio signal at the output.
Selectivity: the extent to which a receiver can differentiate between the desire signal
3.Explain why a receiver can be overly selective.
A receiver that is overly selective can result in alack of fidelity because part of the
intelligence is not included (filtered out)
6.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a diode detector. * Advantages *
Handle high power * Acceptable distortion levels * Efficient * Provide a usable dc
voltage for the AGC circuits * Disadvantage * Reduce Q and selectivity * No
10.Provide the advantages of a synchronous detector compared to a diode detector.
Explain its
Why Do Young Adults Move Into Share Housing
The allure of house sharing: Strangers and a mutual microwave
Michaela Daly
ABSTRACTSocial change within the western context has redefined the concepts of
adulthood and house formation . Despite an increasing decline in marriage between
the ages of 20 and 29, young individuals continue to leave their parental homes. The
previous literature identifies both social and economic motivations what continues to
be this defining moment of independence. This research project attempts to
demonstrate the reasons for which young adults seeking such independence engage
in share housing.
Share housing has become increasingly popular since the mid twentieth century
(Goldsheider DaVanzo 1989). Once assumed to be a product of economic constraint,
particularly among students, share house living has since become a representation of
modern adulthood. Historically, marriage was the most powerful motivator for young
adults, particularly women, to leave their parental home (Pooley and Turnbull 1997).
Between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the transition to adulthood was
defined by, and adult identity rooted in, the attainment of spousal status with the
formulation of a family to follow (Kenyon Heath 2001b). The wealth of literature on
the transition to adulthood ... Show more content on ...
The overarching enquiries of this research seek to determine: What age do young
adults move into share houses? Was the move into a share house voluntary or
involuntary? Are economic considerations apparent in the choice to join a share
house? To what degree do social considerations influence their choice? How is
independence impacted by living in a share house? Researching these questions will
provide insight into the changing attitudes towards the traditional forms of household
and transition to adulthood, as well as how young adults perceive expectations of
When Eminent Domain
According to Wikipedia Eminent domain is the power of a state or a national
government to take private property for public use. However, it can be legislatively
delegated by the state to municipalities, government subdivisions, or even to private
persons or corporations, when they are authorized to exercise the functions of
public character Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius in 1625 defined the term eminent
domain in his legal treatise De Jure Belli et Pacis, as supreme lordship. There are
various cases of when eminent domain can be implemented, Case 1: If a private
property is sitting on a road/assess road that needs to be expanded to benefit the
public usage. The government agency involved in the case can entirely takeover the
property through the
Characters In Dark Justice, By Jack Higgins
The setting of this novel, Dark Justice, by Jack Higgins, is set in the present time
in different locations. Such locations as Manhattan, London, Ireland, and Iraq. The
feeling, or the mood, that is expressed throughout the book is dark, fearful. Mainly
because of how dark the characters in this book can get and how fearful the
situations get. Speaking of characters, the first character that the reader sees is a
man named Henry Morgan. Morgan is a muslim who was raised in England, who
was then hired as an assassin to kill the president, Jake Cazalet. Morgan s plot fails,
to which he kills himself with a cyanide tooth before saying Beware the Wrath of
Allah (7), in front of Clancy Smith and Blake Johnson. Morgan is an antagonist
that starts off this story. The next character that is introduced to the story is Clancy
Smith. Smith is a tall, black man that is a security guard that works where Morgan
was planning to assassinate the president from. Smith has the knowledge of
knowing when things aren t right. So, he says to Morgan And by the way, I never
accept coffee from strangers (7). The third and final character that the reader is
introduced to is president Jake Cazalet. Cazalet is the president of the U.S, and
resides in the White House in Washington, D.C. He wears reading glasses and is in
his thirties. The reader can imagine his appearance as the author didn t fully explain
Cazalet s image. Cazalet is a laid back person, since he tells his men Okay,
Independent Petroleum Association Of America
Nathan Hogge Mr. Harlin American Government 3B 4/8/16 American
Government Research Paper: Independent Petroleum Association of America
Since the world began man has been obsessed with finding a source of energy that
is renewable and efficient in making for the benefit of building, transportation,
agriculture, and so many other different venues that it cannot be listed. I am
talking about oil the black substance made from millions of years of decomposition
of animals and plants. The pressure and time eventually transforms dead organisms
into an energy that can be used to power automobiles, lights, boats, construction
equipment, and the list goes on and on. With all of the oil that our wonderful earth
has created our government has created an institution that helps regulate and
control our oil and gas industry. The IPAA has a great history and purpose by
practicing their rights as an organization to represent the people of the oil industry.
About 2 years ago my interest in oil sparked when a man I had known for my
whole life began his own business as a hydrostatic tube tester. Pretty soon I joined
him in working the long days in the oil field and quickly absorbed all the
information he knew. From owning an oil lease to fixing the seating nipple at the
end of a well pump I learned quickly what this line of work was all about. So when
asked about an interest group to write about I wanted to do something involving the
oil industry since I was fairly knowledgeable about it and I
A Brief Biography of Luke Bryan
Well known for being a great country singer, Thomas Luther Luke Bryan has a
positive outlook on life despite the hard times he has faced. He was born in a small
country town and lived a happy childhood with his family. His family was always
very supportive of his dream to be a singer. Even from the beginning of his career,
Luke Bryan has been very successful as a country singer. He has been nominated
for many awards and won quite a few as well. Bryan lovingly takes care of his
current family of two sons and a wife. Luke Bryan has been a very accomplished
artist, even after having to cope with the deaths of his brother and his sister. Luke
Bryan has lived a very happy and fortunate life in his career,
Thomas Luther Bryan was born on July 17, 1976 to Tommy and LeClaire Bryan.
He grew up in Leesburg, Georgia, which had a population of 14,903 when it was
counted in 1990. He grew up living a simple life on his family farm with his
parents, his brother Chris, and his sister Kelly. When Bryan was old enough to
work, he started out working with his father on his father s fertilizer and peanut
businesses. After graduating from high school, Luke Bryan went Georgia Southern
University for college. He planned on moving to Nashville after going to college to
start his career as a singer. Luke Bryan lived a simple, happy childhood.
Luke Bryan had many country influences growing up. Country music first came to the
United States in the southern states, so that was the popular genre that
Interview Of A Helping Professional
Interview of a Helping Professional
Hui An
Old Dominion University
Interview of a Helping Professional
It should be noticed that in the recent few decades, the science developed at an
astonishing pace, and the problem of substance abuse cause a huge public concern.
Currently, substance abuse has already become a pandemic around the world. It
costs individuals substantially, and it of their family as a whole. It is essential for the
society to help those people who struggle with drug addiction to get rid of their pain
and get back their health and balance life. Therefore, I understand the substance
abuse is a tough area, and people who are struggling with addiction really need help.
During the course of the interview, I ... Show more content on ...
Most of the time, they do group counseling which includes ten to twelve, but they
also do some individual and family. For the group counseling, it always takes about
three hours each time, and the program is thirty five days long. After the program,
the following care of clients will be continued for another year.
Primary, as a counselor, they have to track daily notes and document everything;
then they will have a team meeting to make sure they are on the same page. The
reason why you have to document everything is because if you did not document,
then it never happened. Supervisors will evaluate counselors performances, and
Navy will make sure counselors did their paperwork correctly, and also there is a
survey for clients to evaluate their helpers. In addition, record make sure staffs skills
are developing, they have training twice a week, and since this hospital is a teaching
hospital, Bob is also training his two interns every day.
The Individual As an addictions counselor, he is currently the senior group
counselor for a co occurring disorders group, and he is certified as an addictions
counselor, nationally, through the Navy, and through the state of VA, and certified
as a Clinical Supervisor for the Navy. Every morning, Bob starts to work at 7:30 am,
then they will have a
Academic Achievement And Advancement For Students
Educators and school administrators have the largest responsibility of promoting
academic achievement and advancement for all students, regardless of their cultural
background. Throughout the United States, schools enroll students with different
academic levels and cultural backgrounds. As of 2011, African Americanchildren
embodied 16% of the public schoolpopulation in the United Statesand Muslim
children, less than 3% (National Center for Education Statistics). Keeping this in
mind, students from cultural minorities can be at risk of academic failure due to the
environment they are raised in. As schools educate such a vast array of students, it is
crucial that educators and support staff be competent in working with a diverse group
of students. School counselors, personnel, and educators need to be able to
collaborate with students in helping them reach their potential in academics, social
skills, future planning, as well as mental health concerns (NCES, 2009). It is
imperative that school counselors are informed and understand the cultural values
and beliefs of minority groups in order to help students achieve academic and
personal success.
Schools within the United States are progressively becoming more culturally diverse.
Because of this, it is critical that educators and school personnel are aware of the
difficulties and types of support individual students from diverse cultural backgrounds
may need. Research has shown that minority groups are
NFL Draft Bust
Professional sports leagues like the NFL, the NBA, and the NHL seen some
amazing athletes come out of the draft, especially top 5 picks. However, not every
pick can be perfect, so there are often draft busts. However, there are none bigger
than Ryan Leaf, Greg Oden, and Rick DiPietro. Leaf, Oden, and DiPietro are their
respective sport s biggest draft bust, but who is the biggest draft bust of all time?
Ryan Leaf, a quarterback from Washington State, was the second overall pick in
the 1998 NFL draft by the San Diego Chargers. Leaf had a very promising three
year college career. In his three years of college, Leaf had a completion percentage
of 53.8, 7,433 passing yards, and a 59:24 touchdown to interception ratio.
However, when he entered the NFL, his stats were completely altered in his three
year NFL career, and not in the good way. His completion percentage dropped to
48.4, compiling only 3,666 passing yards, and an awful 14:36 touchdown to
interception ratio. Before he entered the NFL, his passion for football was in
question and retiring after three seasons, he proved that his passion for the sport was
never there. Taken after Leaf are multiple soon to be Hall of Famers, such as, Charles
... Show more content on ...
DiPietro was, at the time, the second goalie taken at number one. In college,
DiPietro had a 2.45 goals against average and a .913 save percentage. DiPietro early
NHL career was rough, but by 2006, he had found his mojo and signed a large
contract. However, he, like Oden, was riddled with multiple injuries and was not
able to live up to his hype as the number one pick. His unsuccessful NHL career, he
had a 2.87 goals against average and a .907 save percentage. DiPietro was taken
ahead many players who have had long and prosperous careers in the NHL like Dany
Heatley, Marian Gaborik, seventh round pick, Henrik Lundqvist, and many
Write An Essay On Abc s Pre-Spoken Programs History
ABC has been producing outstanding programming since the days of radio back in
1943. Born out of NBC s sale of their Blue Network, ABC eventually got into
television in 1949, making it one of the big three stations. The network is currently
owned by Disney, who has had partnerships with the network on and off for years.
Read on to find out more about ABC, their programming and their history.
Number Seven: ABC Was the First to Allow Pre Taped Shows
Setting themselves apart from the other stations, ABC began using a Magnetophon
tape recorder to pre record their shows, which CBS and NBC were not doing. This
was especially crucial to maintaining Bing Crosby s show, as he preferred working in
a recording studio as opposed to broadcasting live.
Number ... Show more content on ...
When Disneyland opened, the network produced a special program, Dateline
Disneyland, with host Art Linkletter, to coincide with the event. The network also
aired a weekly television program with the same name as the park, which became
their first top 10 hit.
Number Four: They Aired the Most Watched Television Series in History
When ABC aired the miniseries version of Alex Haley s Roots, it became the most
watched and discussed program in history. It s initial airing earned 130 million
viewers, with the final episode drawing in nearly 100 million viewers. All episodes
continue to rank in Nielsen s list of the top 100 rated TV shows of all time, with the
final episode coming in at number three.
Number Three: They Had the First Female Evening News Anchor
At a time when it was felt that women could not be taken seriously reporting on
hard news stories, ABC decided to take a chance with Barbara Walters. Hiring her
away from NBC s The Today Show, Walters became the first female in evening news,
co anchoring the ABC Evening News along with Harry
What Is The Similarities Between Villa Mairea And Baker
Harry and Mairea Gullichsen, the owners of this villa provided Aalto a chance to
express his thoughts of transformation from traditional to modern architecture. This
villa is actually a mixture of timber strips, brick wall and also rendered masonry. It is
not only consist of the traditional Finnish vernacular and modern design, but also the
influence of the English and Japanese architecture. This can be seen in the sauna of
this villa, which is built with wooden walls and flat grass roof, just like a Japanese
tea house. (Richard Weston, 2004)
This building is designed in U shaped, surrounded an inner garden and also a kidney
shaped swimming pool. The modernism idea by Aalto is expressed through the
design of an open plan. For example, the ... Show more content on ...
First of all, there are two similarities between Villa Maireaand Baker House. Designs
related to nature and landscape surrounding were never out of Aalto s
consideration. For examples, the vertical tree like columns and curved panels in
the library of Villa Mairea and the direction of the rooms facing to the Charles
River of Baker House. In addition, the curve and undulating form always can be
seen in Aalto s works. The shape of the swimming pool and the fireplace represent
the free form in Villa Mairea while the shape of the whole building of Baker House
is obviously showing the curving snake form.
NonethelessпјЊsome of the design ideas in Villa Mairea are different from Baker
House. For examples, the transformation of the design style, from traditional to
modern due to the request by the owner of Villa Mairea, the open concept into the
plan and also the transformation of materials which is the change of the floor
furnishing to make the villa more interesting. For Baker House, open concept cannot
fully be used as Aalto considered the privacy of students. The arrangement of the
rooms is also a challenge for Aalto because of the noisy location of this building and
the aim to have maximum view of the
High Infant Mortality
A third determinant of high infant mortality rate is whether the mother is educated or
not. Plenty of studies have found that low education levels can lead to poor
pregnancy outcomes such as infant mortality (Loggins Andrade, 2014). However,
although the attainment of education for blacks increased, the infantmortality rate still
declined at a slower rate compared to those whites that had an education attainment
increased (Loggins Andrade, 2014). This could mean that it is not solely one
determinant that impacts infant mortality. Each determinant combined can have a
contributing factor towards infant mortality.
Access to prenatal care is also known to be a determinant of high infant mortality
rates. Just like almost everything else,
Louise Rosenblatt Poem
Reflection on Rosenblatt Limerick (Ireland) is a cold, humid city. Days in
Limerick are gray. Always rains there. A continuous drizzle falls day after day. You
need to watch out where you are walking, try to avoid the mud on your shoes. It is
always wet and muddy. You need also to be careful, people throw their wasteinto the
streets. The odor, as you can imagine, is unbearable. This city is poor and
miserable. Macondo (Colombia) is a hot, humid little town lost somewhere in the
Colombian coast. Macondo has a delicious fruity aroma due to the guava tress that
you could see there. However, you do not want to be outside at noon, the sun at that
time is brutal. That is the reason why the majority of people living in Macondo
prefer to take... Show more content on ...
The reader and the text make possible to construct multiple layers of reality.
Rosenblatt states: literature especially invites confusion about its relation with
reality (p. 33); thus, the pretended reality of the text only emerges when the reader
makes it real. Text reality is not just related to the tangible world, but it is related
to the realities constructed in the mind of the reader. It is not uncommon, for
example, to see children creating realities in their minds when they read. It has
been more than once that I have seen my own children to mimic the voices of the
characters of the text. How can they mimic a sound that is not audible? This only
could be explained through Rosenblatt s framework of the transactional process of
reading. Rosenblatt philosophy of reading has made possible, for those who belief
that reading is much more than the processing of printed words, to understand the
reader s position as the center of the transaction, and create around him/her a truly
supportive literacy system, not just to be able to decode printed symbols, but also
to construct the meaning of texts. I am sure that I was provided this literary
context in the form of accessing to books and caring of my reading practices;
otherwise, I am afraid, my love for reading would have disappeared as the years
The Rise Of The Middle Class
For decades now, our political and economic policy have been constructed around
one idea: that if taxes on the rich go up, job creation will go down. This idea has
been the backbone of Republican trickle down Reagan economics and has been
scarcely challenged by Democrats. America s economy as well as the global economy
as a whole are facing extreme income inequality and this idea has only widened the
gap. Our political system has been flooded with the money of the rich through
lobbyists or super PACs, who then are the ones receiving the taxcuts and are
garnering political favors by doing so, effectively moving us farther from a free and
fair democracy, but rather towards oligarchy. The middle class has been fading away
due to stagnating... Show more content on ...
Hanauer begins his argument by comparing the fallacy on hand to another fallacy
we once believed, which turned out to be dead wrong: For thousands of years
people were sure that earth was at the center of the universe. It s not and an
astronomer who still believed it was, would do some lousy astronomy. In doing
this, Hanauer seeks to bring out the duh! response out of people and relate it back
to the argument at hand. The argument being that if a policy maker who believed
that the rich and businesses are job creators and therefore should not be taxed,
would make policy equally as lousy. Although he incites the emotional response in
the reader he also backs it up with facts and his experience as one of the plutocrats.
He cites his experience as well as,going into some basic economic theory: I have
started or helped start, dozens of business and initially hired lots of people. But if
no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would have
all failed and all those jobs would have evaporated. He uses this to pivot to his next
point, which is the main point of the argument: That s why I can say with
confidence that rich people don t create jobs, nor do businesses, large or small. He
backs it up with his theory, which is a basic economic principle of demand when
broken down: What does lead to more employment is a circle of life like feedback
loop between customers and business. Not only is it not the rich who create
Techniques With Language, The Cut Up Method And
Brion Gysin created two techniques with language, the cut up method and
permutation. The cut up method involves cutting up a page into four sections,
rearrange said sections and then read the product. The rearrangement of the sections
in opposing places extracts new meaning to the text, an outlook that could not be
generated from a logical standpoint. A new found sense of surrealism is discovered in
something already familiar to us.
Surrealist artists of the era were advocating for an art of the unconscious mind. It is
by my affirmation that Brion Gysin s intention behind creating The Cut Up Method
was to show language could be used like a tool to extract new meaning, depending on
an individual s subconscious.
Brion Gysin
A dialogue often breaks out. It speaks.
The means are our machines. These prime agents of the ex plosive force, Nova, are
factors of geometric progression to the Count Down and we better catch up on their
methods, but quick.
Cut Ups are Machine Age knife magic, revealing Pandora s box to be the downright
nasty Stone Age gimmick it is. Cut through what you are reading. Cut this page now.
But copies after all, we are in Proliferation, too to do cut ups and fold ins until we
can deliver the Reality Machine in commercially reasonable quantities
The eyes move along the page, obliterate it, and perceive beyond it with the support
of its con stitutive traces a series of windowpanes on which are printed, pasted,
designed, and scattered the other
Essay Muhammad, by Michael Cook
The book Muhammad, by Michael Cook, describes the impact Muhammad has had
on the world as we know it. It explains why Muhammad chose the paths he did, and
how certain laws came about. Cook offers a very objective view of the laws and
policies Muhammad outlined in the Koran, and the traditions that are carried on that
supplementhis written law.
The author first summarizes the historical life of Muhammad. This begins with his
birth and life before he was given his mission. Next comes his struggle to spread his
religion. Since the days of Abraham, people had fallen back to worshipping many
Gods. Muhammad s task was to restore monotheism that Abraham had established. To
do this, he had to move to Medina for protection. This whole ... Show more content
on ...
If this is a once in a lifetime deal, shouldn t they spend more time at God s house? I
disagree with the author on this point, because every part of the Hajj is sacred to a
Muslim, and should be exercised in order to celebrate the tradition.
The Koran places restrictions on one s diet, especially dealing with how which
meats one can eat. The Koran tends to illustrate which foods are forbidden rather
than those that one is allowed to eat. The only animal that there is an outright ban
on is the pig. As for animals that are permitted, it specifies the ways that this meat
may become forbidden. These ways include eating meat that is already dead, or
meat fro an animal that has been strangled to death. The author goes on to quibble
with other ways that a meat may or may not be forbidden; asking if hares, shellfish
and lizards are acceptable foods. Some things need to be left up to common sense.
As described, the Koran does a good job laying the ground rules for this area, and
certain things any levelheaded person can figure out for themselves.
Muhammad set rules that restricted women, and Cook takes a critical view of these
policies. Women were only entitled to half the inheritance that men are, polygamy
and concubines were allowed, and women were easily divorced. It is true that these
notions are absurd in the present day, but it was common practice in the days
Muhammad lived in. In many ways, the Koran took steps to ensure that woman had
certain minimal
Sunken Ship
The Last Suffering Ship Reflection
Dustin Teuton
AUG 25, 2014
Robert DuBose
The Last Suffering Ship Reflection
The illness has taken its first life and people are starting to panic. By this point the
crew has done all they can do to get the repairs done pushing them self to
exhaustion. The nurses and helpers are tenting to all the patients and distributing
the vaccine as fast as possible and to the right patients. I believe the way they are
only giving half doses out and waiting to see who doesn t show signs of getting better
before giving the full dose is working and an affective way to calm more people
down. I would try and isolate patients from non sick passengers as much as possible
to help prevent spread. For ... Show more content on ...
Rhonda the nurse is doing a great job taking care of the patients. She might be rude
and angry at times but when you don t get much sleep and are working so hard with
patients that are constantly whining and bugging you trying to get something out of
you that you cant give them, yeah your going to be grumpy. She is doing her job and
being very firm with her patients by not letting them coax her into anything that
would disrupt her work. Putting out chores for the passengers to do like cleaning and
even helping wherever they can will help not only keep the ship clean and possibly
get I fixed faster, it will also take their minds off of the issue at hand and possibly
even release some stress they have built up. The passengers need to be doing
something other then just sitting around watching people get sick. Once you can get
people to start helping out around the boat you will have less aggravation and
stress build up. So we get back to shore and the media wants to interview the
leading doctor (Me). Handling the media is a big deal and takes very good and
clear talking. You need to present yourself professionally and sympathetic to the
passengers. Trying not to say to much into detail about what happened is key too.
You don t want to leak bad things to the media so they can blow it up making you
and the ship liner look bad. The
Jamaica Kincaid Girl Essay
Since the beginning of mankind, oppression has been a major obstacle for women to
overcome. In Girl, Jamaica Kincaid illustrates through written word the struggle
women go through due to the expectations set for them. While there is female
oppression of different forms, Jamaica Kincaid s Girl is a resemblance of the
oppression she felt during her childhood on the small and remote island nation of
In its most basic form, Girl vividly paints a literary picture depicting the way an old
fashioned wife is supposed to be in the eyes of her male patriarch. The piece by
Kincaid seemingly consists of a single string of instructions and commands from a
motherly figure to a daughter. The instructions could be described as a mother
teaching a daughter how to properly do a women s chore or how to keep her
husband happy. For example, the motherly figure states, this is how to sew on a ...
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Early on in Kincaid s piece, the motherly figure interrogates the young girl about
singing benna in Sunday school: is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school?...don
t sing benna in Sunday school...but I don t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in
Sunday school (Kincaid, 120). During the time Jamaica Kincaid lived on the island of
Antigua, the British government had reign. As a result of this movement of
imperialism, Antiguan musicians adopted a West Indian form of short song known
as benna. Benna was a short hymn that often never went with musical instruments.
Its main purpose was to speak about culturally controversial topics such as
sexuality, drugs, and feminism as well as political corruption. As a result of the
controversial lyrics, many Antiguans were jailed for writing benna. While benna
was not specific to Jamaica Kincaid, it does show one form of oppression she faced
growing up ( Countries and Their
Descriptive Essay About The Beach
Ask any of your friends or family what they think of when you mention hot
Summer days and I d guess they are like a lot of mine and immediately picture
beaches. Some of them may think of the always warm climates of San Diego,
Miami, or even Hawaii. Some might even venture to dream of the sands of the
French and Italian Rivieras. What I dream of though is just a bit different. I always
imagine the words beach day scrawled in the sand with pieces of seashells
underlining the letters somewhere along the Pacific coast of Oregon. While the
western half of the state is known for its cooler and wetter climate, the Summer
season can be quite temperate and makes its beaches a perfect destination for escapes
from the high heat. Once you get there, in addition to simply enjoying relaxing in the
sand and splashing in the water, you will find plenty of activities along the way to
make many new Summer memories.
Start at the northern end of Oregon s portion of Highway 101 and you will find
Astoria. If you are of the generation that embraced the now classic Goonies , you
will find yourself recognizing this location immediately. Much of the movie was
filmed here and there is a yearly Goonies Day celebration every June. Even if you
are not a follower of the cinematic history of the area you can enjoy the beautiful
scenery of the surrounding ocean and mountains by climbing the spiral staircase of
the 600 foot Astoria Column. The Column was completed as a marker
commemorating the first
Analysis Of The Bluest Eye
In The Bluest Eye, Pecola the protagonist is taken under the Macteer family s wing
much like The African family is community based and the nurturing quality is not
contained within the nuclear family, but is rather the responsibility of the entire
community (Ranström). In traditional Africa each child has a place and is welcome
in the community. The act of parenting another child was not odd because every adult
that lived in each community believed that any child is welcome in anyone s home.
This, however, is not the case for Pecola. Although traditional African culture was
integrated into The Bluest Eye, it was not fully combined. Pecola lives in a very
abusive household and always wonders to herself, what if she were white, what if she
had blue eyes? Would it change things, hopefully for the better?
Pecola obsesses over all things white because the town makes fun of her blackness.
Pecola is alone due to her lack of beauty. In one scene Pecola is laughed at called e
mo and other names as other black children make fun of her blackness. Morrisons
uses collective voice to show the racial segregation at the time was not only white
people, but it was the different shades of black. Something that someone cannot
control. The boy bullying Pecola had extemporized a verse made up of two insults
about matters over which the victim had no control: the color of her skin (Morrison,
check page#). Pecola, only a young girl begins to become outcasted from society
especially after
Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay
In every time period throughout history and every region of the world there has
always been a stigma as to what it means to be a gay man even if that is not the
language that always would be used to describe homosexual behavior in a given
place and time. In the United States, gay marriage has been legalized in all 50
states by a federal court ruling, but many Americans do not realize that there is still
a long way to go in terms of embracing gaycitizens (and the rest of the LGBT
community) into the societal norm. Despite the strides that have been taken to
legalize marriage for same sex couples, there are many states where discrimination is
still legal. LGBT people can be denied housing, work, and even service and are also
not legally protected from discrimination in the education system in many states
LGBT issues came into the spotlight in San Francisco in the 1970s, as Richard
Rodriguez puts it in his essay Late Victorians, when the private lives of gays and
lesbians where starting to enter to the public sphere (Rodriguez 57). LGBT people,
especially gay men, from all over the country were migrating to blossoming gay
neighborhoods in San Francisco like the Castro. This growing phenomenon led to the
birth of gay culture and how we define it today, and assisted in creating an identity for
the gay community.
This identity that the gay community was formulating during this time period was
largely based on a superficial façade. Gay men in San Francisco began
Summary Of The Wife Of Bath And Le Morte DArthur
Based on women in Wife of Bath and Le Morte D Arthur, there are multiple
similarities and differences that each of the women show in both stories. Both
women in the Wife of Bath and Le Morte D Arthur have their own reasons on how
they tend to live the remainder of their lives. The woman in the Wife of Bath loves
sex. According to The Wife of Bath, she was a nicely dressed, largish
womanwith gap teeth and a hat as big as a boat. We heard hints that she had
numerous lovers before her five husbands and that she was a ton of fun to be
around because in felaweshipe wel koude she laughe and carpe (476). The wife
intends to have sex indiscriminately, with no objective but pleasure. Sure she claims
she simply looking for pleasure, like when she insists she has always followed her
appetite, whether the man were short or long, or blak or whyt, rich or poor (729
730). But her own accounts of her past relationships suggest that the Wife actually
treats sex as something that s for sale. She admits to withholding sex from a
husband til he had maad his raunson unto me (414), and berating another husband
by asking him if he knows how much money her body could fetch on the open
market. the Wife may indeed be lusty, she s also strategic. We see this talent for
strategy in two places: 1) in her account of past relationships, in which she always
manages to get the upper hand, and 2) in her rhetorical technique, particularly in her
defense of marriagein the first 170 lines of her Prologue. She sounds authoritative by
quoting from well recognized Biblical and scholarly texts. The Wife of Bath
continues to use these techniques throughout her Prologue, and they have the effect
of making her really likable, even when she admits to her worst deceptions.
According to what she said she wins her audience over with humor, encouraging them
to imagine Solomon on his wedding night, for example, She s self deprecating,
readily admitting to being less than perfect spiritually , but she also sounds
authoritative by quoting from recognized Biblical and scholarly texts. According to, In Le Morte D Arthur, Guinevereis something of a harsh
The House on Mango Street
When I grow up, I want to be a black gum tree. Black gum trees are known for their
internal strength. Instead of dwelling on outward beauty, they spend more time
focusing on their inner growth and developing their core. Only after they have
achieved this goal can they produce beautiful fruits that draw animals near to them.
Any surfaces that the berries touch are stained as to say, I was here and made a
permanent difference. After they have utilized their outward influences, they use
their internal scars and hollow places to protect the animals surrounding around it. If
human lives were to reflect the concepts of the black gum tree, governments,
individuals, and communities would be radically transformed. While this is a
beautiful image,... Show more content on ...
Now the slab can be seen as a secondary result deriving from the poor condition of
the roots. The roots of the trees act as a metaphor for the community on Mango
Street, which supports Esperanza s development. Because the roots of the
community on Mango Street are tangled in cycles of tragic abuse, Esperanza is
deprived of the essential social and ethical requirements she needs to grow. When
Esperanza explains that the trees send ferocious roots beneath the ground , she is
implying that the trees are trying to dig deeper in order to find an essential
element for their growth (Cisneros 74). New visitors to her neighborhood roll
their windows up tightly, which shows it is not an environment that allows
children to develop properly (Cisneros 28). Because of the deficit her community
is causing her, she is unable to grow to her full potential, and resorts to digging
deeper within herself just as the roots of the trees do. A problem arises when trees
try to do this because the roots are more susceptible to disease. Keeping with the
metaphor, Esperanza shows symptoms similar to a tree that has attracted the heart
rot disease. This disease is characterized by external problems seeping through the
roots, which lead to the decay of the heartwood of a tree, and eventually its overall
health. Esperanza is obviously being fed infectious ideas from her misshapen
community, and has begun to let it eat away at her heart. This cycle is started by the
Benefits And Harms Of International Education For Both...
According to Ninnes and Hellsten, the international movement of student or academic
staff between countries. It can be understood as the international link between nation
states, governments or institutes to achieve better education program. (Ninnes P.
Hellsten M. (eds.), Internationalizing Higher Education, 120 121). The International
Education has grown strongly in Australiafor the last few years. At the same time, it
has a direct impact on Australia and home countries such as China. Based on the
research, this essay argues that there are some benefits and also harms of
international education for both home and host countries. This essay first shows what
is the Internationalisation. Then, it gives information about the benefits and... Show
more content on ...
A plan that involves the interests of Australia s soft diplomacy Colombo Plan. This
plan has funded foreign students in Asia to study in Australia. Plans is to be created
from 1951, and by 1985, this plan has trained about 40,000 students. Many of which
have achieved significant accomplishments, achieved leadership positions in not only
the industry but also the government, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, and
Indonesia. After planning Colombo, Australia began providing international long
term education. Currently, Australia has a network of approximately 2.5 million
international students from many diverse fields at the university (Byrne Hall, 2014).
These students are the people that have contributed to long term support and
important for Australia as they have achieved a leadership position in the industry
and the government. Found that Australian students should be encouraged to study to
reinforce soft diplomatic interests, the Australian government has created a new plan
to support Australians to study and long term studies. Countries such as the United
States has recognized the potential benefits of international education, the United
States made comments that they would double the number of students in 2018 (ICEF
Monitor, 2015). International education also provides benefit about knowledge
sharing, one of bilingual employees, which can be generated by international
education, can contribute to bringing
A Comparison Of The February And October Revolution
The February and October revolutions that arose in Russia in 1917 reveals how
power can corrupt a fragile system. Prior to these revolutions, Russia was under the
reign of Czar Nicholas II, a leader, who like future leaders betrayed and inflicted
harm to his loyal supporters. Karl Marx first sparked ideas of revolutions and
communism, communism believes in a society where everything is equal and done
according to abilities and needs. The February revolution on February 23 was the
start of corruption in Russia, Supported by huge crowds of striking industrial
workers, the protesters clashed with police but refused to leave the streets
( Staff 2009). The revolution resulted in the ousting of Czar Nicholas, the
rise of the Bolsheviks
Identifying Opportunities for Achieving a Competitive...
Identifying Opportunities for Achieving a Competitive Advantage in Singapore Today
Today, Singapore enjoys a thriving free market economy and represents an
important financial center for Southeast Asia. In this environment, it is not
surprising that dozens of new businesses are opening each week in Singapore to
take advantage of these boom economic times, including Western operations such as
Starbucks and McDonalds, which offer fast service and a known quality. As the
shop owner of a cafe in a quiet part of Singapore that serves a range of snacks,
simple meals and non alcoholic beverages, the competition from these global brands
may signal the beginning of the end unless aggressive marketing steps are taken
today. To this end, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer reviewed and
scholarly literature to develop a marketing plan for such a cafГ© in Singapore,
followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Review and Discussion Marketing plans for small companies should include a
positioning statement that is congruent with their business plans and address
segmentation in order to effectively target their market (Solomon, 2011). The
positioning statement for the Singapore cafГ© in question would therefore
emphasize world class customer service as a way to differentiate this small business
from encroachments by competitors such as Starbucks and McDonalds. Fortunately,
this aspect of the marketing plan can be highly
The Importance Of The Effective Classroom Environment
Creating effective classroom environments requires educators to set clear
expectations for their students to create and maintain a positive learning
experience. In the text, Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, by Robert E.
Slavin, classroom management is best described as a way to prevent behaviors
before they occur, and encourage growth in each student (Slavin, 2018). Theories,
such as the behaviorist and constructivist theory, allow educators to take on a
different approach to teaching and guiding by applying strategies to minimize
disruptions. B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist in the early 1900 s, focused
his work on observable behaviors and using desirable and undesirable consequences
to change behavior, otherwise referred to as, operant conditioning. In order to
increase the frequency of a pleasant behavior, educators use shaping to reinforce the
steps to success. For instance, a positive reinforcement uses desirable rewards, such
as, a teacher immediately praising a student or providing extra credit. Another way to
increase the frequency of a behavior occurring, would be to provide a negative
reinforcement, which allow students to escape from unpleasant tasks, such as, no
new spelling words that week, or release from daily chores. However, often times
unpleasant behaviors occur, and educators wish to reduce the frequency of a those
behaviors occurring. Through the use of consequences, a teacher could present a
punishment immediately, such as, scolding,
Fiberglass Doors
Considering Fiberglass Doors or Windows? Know The Truth Behind 4 Myths
When the doors and windows in your home are showing their age, replacement is
something you might be considering. There are many materials for you to pick
from, which include wood and vinyl as popular choices among homeowners.
However, Fiberglass material is a viable option you should consider. Here is the
truth behind 4 myths about the material, which may help change your mind to
using this material. Myth: Fiberglass Is Not Durable Fiberglass materials will be
much more durable when compared to other materials used for doors and windows.
In fact, you ll find that fiberglass will last 8 times as long as vinyl, and the material is
8 times stronger as well. This is because... Show more content on ...
You ll need to regularly clean the material using water and soap to remove dirt, but
other than that, you shouldn t need to give them much attention. Myth: Fiberglass
Is Not Versatile Fiberglass also has the benefit that it can be stained or painted,
which is quite different from vinyl material. When you pick vinyl, you are stuck
with whatever color the material came in. Fiberglass is very versatile, because it
can change colors when you change the style of your home. It gives you the
benefits of wood window aesthetics where you can change the color, but none of
the downfalls that go with it. Myth: Fiberglass Is Not An Energy Efficient Material
There is a reason that fiberglass is often used as an insulation material for the attics
and walls of homes. That s because it s very energy efficient. Fiberglass will do a
great job at preventing the transfer of heat in your home, which is very important
around your doors and windows. If you are still on the fence about if you should
use fiberglass doors or windows for your home, speak with a local contractor about
it. They can help guide you toward the best material for your
The Impact Of Changes And New Opportunities For
The impact of changes and new opportunities for women beginning in the 18th
century have been depicted in Manju s first novel Difficult Daughters and the Home
and the world by Tagore. One of the main themes of both the novels is the freedom of
women juxtaposed with the freedom of the nation of India from colonial rule. The
two novels illustrate several different ways in which women were impacted by the
transitions imposed for women in the beginning of 19th century. First of all, Virmati
the protagonist of Difficult Daughters plays a vital role as remaining in the constant
conflict with tradition and modernity. Virmati is the difficult daughter in the
prosperous merchant familyof Lala Diwan Chand. The theme of the novels title
Difficult Daughters itself subtly implies to the patriarchal convention that a woman,
who undertakes a quest for self identity, is labeled as a difficult daughter by the
family and the society as well. In the generation of Virmani s mother Kasturi, women
s role was confined to childbearing and kitchen work. Whereas the generation of
Virmati breaks away from these ideal women s roles by urging to acquire education.
Virmati s mother Kasturi was brought up by the conventional principles of patriarchal
society where marriagewas the ultimate destiny of a girl s life and marriage
implied that a girl had to work tirelessly to please her in laws. When I was your age,
girls only left their house when they married. And
Essay On Amadeus
Mozart s music in Amadeus exuberantly reproduces his life with the narrative
which chronologically unfolds the series of episodes related to the life of Mozart.
By arranging Mozart s music in Amadeus in the order of composition with the
important episodes of his life, the movie shows that how Mozart who was once
praised as the musical prodigy eventually reaches to the death at the early age.
Mozart s witty and bright music played in the early part of the movie shows his
unique composition style in the period when he received lots of attention and
compliment from all over Europe. For example, in the early part of the film, the
song Serenade No. 10 in B Flat Major Gran Partita K.361 floats out in the scene that
Salieri encounters Mozart for... Show more content on ...
In Amadeus, the prelude of the opera Don Giovanni composed by Mozart after the
death of Leopold Mozart Mozart s father refers the relationship between Mozart
and Leopold and the scheme of Salieri foreshadowing the death of Mozart. For one
thing, the opera Don Giovanni explains the abnormal relationship between Mozart
and his father. In the film, Mozart is illustrated as the character which always feels
afraid of the presence of a father. The dependency of Mozart in Amadeus is based
on the real relationship between Mozart and Leopold. In reality, Leopold worked
for the court of Salzburg and had a great ambition for success when he was young
but, after the birth of Mozart, he devoted his life for education Mozart, having left
his reputation and ambition as a musician. (Yu 22) Also, Mozart had never received
formal education and instead he was only educated by his father until he became an
adult. (Lee) Based on researches about Mozart including the two articles mentioned
above, in Amadeus Mozart is portrayed as a child who is dependent on his father
but feels a fear of him at the same time. To illustrate the dependency of Mozart and
Leopold s domination over

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  • 1. Fictional Narrative Essay Examples Crafting an essay on the subject of "Fictional Narrative Essay Examples" is a task that demands a delicate balance of creativity, storytelling prowess, and a keen understanding of the elements that make a narrative compelling. One must delve into the realms of imagination to create a captivating story while simultaneously adhering to the structural and stylistic requirements of a well-crafted essay. The difficulty lies in the intricate dance between fiction and narrative. It's not merely about stringing together a series of events; it's about painting a vivid picture, evoking emotions, and keeping the reader engrossed in a world that exists solely within the confines of one's imagination. Crafting believable characters, a well-paced plot, and incorporating literary devices to enhance the narrative experience adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the essay. As the storyteller, one must guide the reader seamlessly through the fictional landscape without losing them in the intricacies of the plot or drowning them in an abundance of details. Another facet of the difficulty lies in the constant need for originality. Striking a balance between creating something entirely new and drawing inspiration from existing narratives requires a delicate touch. Originality is the soul of a fictional narrative, and yet, it's a realm where clichГ©s and predictable twists can easily overshadow the brilliance of a unique storyline. Despite these challenges, the process of writing such an essay can also be immensely rewarding. It offers an opportunity for self-expression, creativity, and the exploration of one's narrative abilities. Through the struggle to convey a fictional world, a writer hones their skills in storytelling, character development, and thematic exploration. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Fictional Narrative Essay Examples" poses a formidable challenge, it's a journey worth undertaking for those who seek to master the art of blending fiction and narrative. It's an exercise that demands the writer's dedication, creativity, and a deep appreciation for the nuances of storytelling. For those seeking assistance or examples in this endeavor, various resources are available. Similar essays and a wealth of writing support can be accessed on platforms like, where writers can find inspiration, guidance, and even order customized content tailored to their specific needs. Fictional Narrative Essay ExamplesFictional Narrative Essay Examples
  • 2. Odysseus Weaknesses Odysseus, hero of the Greeks. The warrior that fought ferocious beast and prolonged wars. Along With being larger than life, he had many strengths, weaknesses, and conflicts. One quality of Odysseus being hero is that he had strengths. Homer describes Odysseus as having substantial military skills, and superlative bravery. Odysseusstrengths include him being a leader to his men. Thus with distinct precaution I prepared/My people (Homer). Odysseus says, Me only she permits those strains to hear, that shows he was the only one to be trusted by Circe s (Homer). Because of his astounding strengths Odysseus was considered to be a true warrior. Not only does he have sundry strengths, he has weaknesses. First, Odysseus was tempted to listen
  • 3. The Populist And The Progressive Movement The progressive movement, an extension of the Populist movement, was an effort to cure the political and economic ills of American society that had developed during the great spurt of industrial growth in the last quarter of the 19th century. In terms of social reform, the Progressive movement transcended the predominantly agrarian ambitions of Populists. With Populist crusaders such as Grangers and members of the Farmer s Alliances in its vanguard, Progressives instituted initiative and referendum, attaining political power for the working class. The Warehouse and Federal Farm Loan Acts of 1916 satisfied the farmers demand for credit. Progressives reformed beyond Populist demands by including women and children in their scope for social reform.... Show more content on ... While Populists were primarily concerned with social injustice faced by farmers, Progressives sought to impose reforms that also affected the injustice of gender inequality and child labor. Despite the extent of Populists influence, Progressives exceeded the boundaries of social reform incited by the Populists with the inclusion of women. Progressives supported the fight for women s rights such as that represented by, Picket Girls on Duty. Many women, like so, campaigned for better working conditions and equal pay, as well as suffrage, which was guaranteed by the 19th Amendment. Photographs taken by progressive crusader Jacob Riis, such as Shooting craps in the hall of the Newboys Lodging House, exposed the substandard working and living conditions of children subject to unsafe and underpaid labor. Under Wilson s administration the child labor laws were also
  • 4. Ocean Tide Research Papers Amari Williams Research Paper RD Beginning with its creation, Earth has been in contact with many natural, environmental disasters. Majorities of the chaos still have effects on people living in coastal areas. Because of the Earth s large capacity of water and relationship with gravity, tidal waves through extreme tidal storms are created. The Moon heavily influences the movement of Earth s tides by shifting and relating land features, using its gravitational pull to change the height of the tides, and also affecting the speed of the Moon s revolution. To start, the Earth s aquatic tides are the constant rise and fall of bodies of water every day (Jacobs 9). Gravity, provided by the Moon and some parts of the Sun, helps create the ocean s tides (Jacobs 10). It is also often caused by the winds forcefully ... Show more content on ... Land tides are pieces of ground or land that are slowly shifted up and down twice by the gravitational force between the Sun and Moon ( The ). Because of important use of mainly sunlight, land tides occur most near the Equator and not often in the poles. These tides happen in four cycles: the lunar diurnal, lunar semidiurnal, solar diurnal, and solar semidiurnal ( Tides ). Diurnal tides last 24 hours while semidiurnal tides only last 12 hours. During a land tide, the center of the Earth to the outer crust takes time to deform under the Moon and Sun ( The ). The deformation takes toll on geological processes and volcanic eruptions ( Tides ). To include, scientists found that volcanic eruptions and tides have a relationship because of the magma flowing in volcanoes. Geologists use specific instruments like: seismometers, tiltmeters, and strainmeters to measure slow shifts. Results from these tools are placed on a graph to view the various movements of Earth. In 1978, Spahr Webb, former M.I.T student, measured with two thirty six feet tiltmeters and found a tidal tilt in Earth s surface that was .01 of an inch (Wylie
  • 5. The Possibility Restaurant Executive Summary Introduction Angela Fox and Zooey Caulfield are recent college graduates from State University with a degree in food and nutrition. With their love for food and nutrition these two friends have decided to open up a French restaurant in Draperton, which is also the town State University is located in. They believe their business will prosper because there are no French restaurants in the area leaving the restaurant to be unique. They acquired a Victorian home just off of Main Street which is a heavily trafficked area and name their new venture The Possibility . Though The Possibility has potential, being inexperienced restaurant owners leaves for some potential problems. Also being recent college graduates it is ... Show more content on ... Symptom: Lack of clientele preference Cause: opening only French Restaurant in the area Symptom: Unsure how to reach maximum profit Cause: never owned restaurant before, budget, must factor in: time of preparation, time of labor, amount of dishes sold, different profit by type of dinner The decision Angela and Zooey are now facing is the optimal amount of each dish they can sell to reach maximum profit when factoring in all of their constraints. Causes of the Problem Angela and Zooey desire to make a profitable French restaurant. The Possibility has endless of possibilities to prosper if it can resolve the problems which the decision makers are facing. Their first challenge was not knowing how the customer would take to French cuisine. This caused problems such as what to put on the menu since excessive waste was not an option. This problem had a quick alternative for the time being as to only offering a fish or beef dinner. Though they have narrowed down their menu to a fish dinner and a beef dinner it is necessary to factor in all the constraints on how many of each type of dinner to sell to reach a maximum profit. The first constraint is the maximum meals which would be prepared each night. The decision makers wanted to set a fixed maximum so they can get the right amount of ingredients and not produce any extra waste. The set number has been decided by the decision
  • 6. Billy Elliot Transition Barriers are guaranteed when individuals venture into new transitions. However, these transitional periods significantly impact one s understanding, often leading to unexpected outcomes that can include otherwise hidden rewards. In Stephen Daldry s 2000 film Billy Elliot and Sylvia Plath s semi autobiographical poem Morning Song, both texts explore the transformative power of obstacles, driven through determination, which encourage viewers that obstacles are only temporary. Through encouragement during transitional periods, individuals may achieve inner growth while simultaneously motivating the growth of others. This is seen through the protagonist, Billy s, restriction and frustration within a close minded community as he aggressively dances... Show more content on ... Billy s determination is shown through the juxtaposing movements and camera angles of the opening and last scene of the film. In the opening scene of the film we are shown Billy jumping and dancing along with the non diegetic sound of Cosmic Dancer by T.Rex. The lyrics I danced myself right out of the womb, foreshadows Billy s destiny and desire to dance which is conflicted towards the expectations of his father. Through the use of a close ups and slow motion it allows the audience see Billy s lively facial expressions, highlighting his innocence. This is juxtaposed to his sharp and precise movements shown in the final scene through close ups and worm eye view, signifying Billy s dominance and power, which he initially lacked. Daldry s use of a extreme close up shot displays Jackie overwhelmed and teary, represents how proud he is towards Billy s perseverance and shows that he is embracing a more feminine side which he initially rejected. As Billy enters the stage and leaps into the air he is situated under the spotlight and dominates the screen, symbolising his successful transition into the world of ballet and _______. The leap is transitioned to the a dull yellow wallpaper, which is shown in the opening scene of the film. The floral wallpaper is symbolic of Billy s search for happiness, which he eventually discovers comes from dancing. Intertextuality of Swan Lake
  • 7. Hugh Higgins Cold War Summary In the Cold War by Hugh Higgins, the author, argues that although opinions about when exactly the cold war began is different for everyone, the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917, which marked the emergence of communism as a state power, seems a logical starting point. (Huggins, 1993). As a matter of fact, this history book is about politics; it talks about the event in history, the cold war. It focuses on the proceedings that took place that led to what Higgins believes is the beginning of the cold war then proceeds to make its way to what is the end of it. Which then takes us to why Higgins wrote this book, to not only further his understandings of the cold war, but also to let people read his thoughts about what it is he believes about the cold war, how it began, when it did, the causes of its commencement, and the occurrences after to lead to the end. Therefore, he intended this book for scholars and the general public he wanted anyone willing to read his book to understand why it is he thinks the cold war developed in such a way and to hopefully make anyone believe it too. Higgins uses information from previous books he has read, such as E. Crankshaw, The New Cold War: Moscow v. Pekin., Keesings, The Sino Soviet Dispute, and many other types of historical books. After getting all ... Show more content on ... At least the reader should be constantly reminded that one man s truth may be another s falsehood. (Higgins, 1993) it seems as if he personally leans more towards the Soviet s side and puts his personal views in the west as if he doesn t really root for them so he adds just a little more hatred to that side. This should have stayed professional to make a better argument, although a good one already, could have done it better by not showing any bias as he earlier said historians usually used in their
  • 8. Wind Power In Maine Wind turbines are popping up all across the Pine Tree State. Mainers are divided on their feelings toward the immense wind towers. Some say the turbines beneficial for Maine and its economy while others call them eyesores and think that they disrupt the state s natural beauty. This has been a hot button topic among Mainers since the first wind tower permit was issued in the state on April 21st of 2009 (Maine Department of Environmental Protection, n.d.). Although some are pushing back against the wind powercompanies, Maine continues to expand the amount of wind farms in the state. Wind power in Maine should continue to silence the naysayers and expand the wind energy business throughout the state. Wind farms are extremely advantageous to... Show more content on ... For example, one myth is that the turbines are very loud and distracting but, that is far form the case. Wind towers produce a swishing or whooshing sound that only gets quitter as technology advances. As claimed by the American Wind Energy Association, an operating wind farm at a distance of 750 1,000 feet is no noisier than a kitchen refrigerator or a moderately quite room (American Wind Energy Association). All the wind towers I ve seen are at least double or triple that distance from any household so most people can t hear them at all anyways. Non supporters say that there are negative health effects linked to wind turbines but, that is so far from the truth. No ill health effects have ever been linked to wind turbines. Only health benefits since the towers emit virtually no pollution (American Wind Energy Association). Non supporters might also make the claim that wind farms are unpredictable and unfair like many big businesses are sought out to be. However, the great thing about wind energy is you know exactly what you re in for. Jeremy Payne of the Maine renewable Energy Association states that the regulatory process is both predictable, reasonable and fair (Porter, 2015). Payne is referring to the way wind developers decide on and build location sites. Everything is very well predicted and laid out for all to
  • 9. Portrayal Of Female Sex Workers It is often hard for the average person living in great conditions with all the luxuries this world offers like a nice car, big house, and a family to not stigmatize the profession of female sex workers. Themes of religion, addiction, and shame encompass the every day lives of the sex workers featured in the film Whores Glory1. Are the sex workers working in Thailand, Bangladesh, and Mexico seen as feminists? Do the women featured have control over their bodies? Finally, are these women recognized by society as workers in the film? I will be analyzing the production of the film through it s themes and support my argument that the film Whores Glory1 is not feminist due to it s depiction of female sex workers. Religion plays a major factor in the film by displaying how sex workers feel about certain aspects of their profession. The different women featured from Thailand, Bangladesh, and Mexico seek out religious practices to absolve them from persecution from God. A cleansing of some sort like burning of sage in the working room in Bangladesh, cleansing of black magic in Mexico, and a prayer to Buddha in Thailand are all featured in the film right before their shift1. I found this interesting because I felt that Glawogger attempted to portray a perception of submissiveness to the profession by the sex workers through religious practices. Why do women have to suffer so much? Isn t there another path for us? says a Bangladeshi sex worker who expresses faithlessness to the
  • 10. Analysis Of The Book Witches The Absolutely True Tale Of... In the book Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer the town of Salem starting going into a panic of the theory of witches from the fits of two girls. Everyone accusing each other, family is accusing family. Brothers are accusing brothers. Accused witches are taken to trial, but are the trials that fair? The trials were unfair because of the use of spectral evidence, the inability to testify for oneself, and the surprisingly unbiased judges. Even though it was a courtroom, spectral evidence was used in many ways. Spectral evidence is when a witness is saying that somebody s spector or spirit appeared to them in a dream and they are using it to testify against whoever is on trial. When the accusers were having fits and screaming and thrashing in odd ways, the courtroom did not tell them to quiet down, they instead believed that the accused witch in the room was guilty, it was a horrid sight. (According to the Salem Witch Trials DBQ) Document 6 The examination of Bridget Bishop, when she moved her head all of the afflicted moved their head, then she turned up her eyes and the afflicted turned up their eyes. When the accused witch looked or moved a muscle, the accusers magically moved the same muscle. According to Joan Holub s What Were the Salem Witch Trials? The girl accusers tumbled to the floor if Bridget happened to look their way, as if her invisible specter had knocked them down. (Holub 61). Even though the accused witches plead
  • 11. Perspectives Of Smoke Free Policies Research in Nursing NSG 3301 Qualitative Research Critique: Perspectives of Smoke free Policies in Hospitals Carissa Genrick 7705851 University of Ottawa April 10th, 2016 Professor Pat Durston Qualitative Research Critique: Perspectives of Smoke free Policies in Hospitals The research article and study A qualitative investigation of smoke free policies on hospital property by Annette Schultz, Barry Finegan, Candace. Nykiforuk, and Margaret A. Kvern, had a purpose to determine the consequences of policies mandating smoke free hospital property in two Canadian acute care hospitals by eliciting lived experiences of the people faced with enacting the policies. (Schultz, Finegan, Nykiforuk, Kvern, 2011, p.1334 1335). To... Show more content on ... The research design is appropriate for answering the research question, which was determining the consequences and perspectives from patients and health care providers on the new policies mandating smoke free hospital properties. The research design is appropriate because ethnographic research is based on studying patterns of behaviour within a culture. This study was based on studying patterns of behaviours on smoking policies but the study mostly aimed to gain perspectives from a variety of individuals. Ethnographic method is great for the study in the fact that it can be used to include behavioural and cognitive perspectives, which in this case the study focused on observing behaviours of smoking and if the policies were being followed and also included the perspectives on the new smoke free policies. Also ethnographic research usually focuses on studying one culture. This study did try to focus on one specific culture, but the population had diversity consisting of smokers and non smokers. The culture that was viewed in the study was tobacco use and management. Sample and Setting It was stated in the study s paper that sampling was designed to enhance the diversity of perspectives heard from each study site while achieving comparable diversity between sites. (p.1335). Sampling methods that were used to target diversity include convenience and stratified quota strategies to recruit participants
  • 12. Drugs In America Research Paper Drugs in America Studies show that the rate of drug overdose has been a growing epidemic throughout the United States for decades (Rudd, 2016, p. 1323). The rate of deaths resulting from drug overdoses has increased by over 100 percent since the year 2000 (Rudd, 2016, p. 1323). The danger that drugs pose on nations are obvious. There has been a long history of drugs in the United States, leading to many changes in rules and regulations in regards to how they are handled. Furthermore, several controversial things have occurred over time such as the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 being passed, drug schedules and classifications, CSA regulations, and numerous ongoing debates related to the legal and medical usage of marijuana which have impacted ... Show more content on ... 20). They are also useful in medical treatments that are established (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). Examples of Schedule IV drugs contain some stimulants, minor tranquilizers, and depressants (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). Lastly, Schedule V drugs are described as morphine, codeine, cough medicines, and anti diarrhea drugs containing opium (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). They are basically prescription drugs that have only limited risk of physical or psychological dependency and low potential for abuse (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p. 20). Without a valid prescription, it is illegal to possess any drug that is listed in the Controlled Substances Act Schedules (Belenko Spohn, 2015, p.
  • 13. The Prevalence of Racial Tension Around the World Today, there is racial tension all around the world. Racial tension means the feeling that exists when people do not trust and be aggressive to each other. In Malaysia, racial tension has deepened recently. The Indian government has released an advisory for its foreign students that studying in Australia which showed that racial tension appeared around the White and Indian. Racial tension between the Han and Uighur communities in Xinjiang, Chinawas enhanced in July 2009. There are several factors that cause racial tension to happen such as religion topic, government policy, prejudice and discrimination. Racial tension could be caused by prejudice and discrimination. According to Jon (1998), prejudice is a general characteristic of... Show more content on ... People from different regions and countries may hold different religions. In some countries, some religions are mostly held by certain races. Most of people have religion when these is a small amount of people are free thinkers. Basically, people s behaviour and mind are affected by religion. Meanwhile, religion is their spiritual sustenance. To them, their religions are together with them as a part of the body. Therefore, any criticism to religion is a threat to certain races. They will be very supportive and oppose those who cross them. Normally, people won t criticise their own religion and attack religious sites. Once these happen, they will think that these are done by people who held other religions. If the religion is mostly held by certain race, they tend to have a thought that other races are the culprits. The racial tension is ensured once again as it is true that they can t tolerate with each other will cause serious racial tension. They will react violently to protect their religion. Some of them who are radical will behave in a way that they are not accepted other religions. For example, in Malaysia, most of Christians are Chinese or Indian and 60 percent of the population which are mostly Malays are Muslims (Eileen Ng, 2010). According to Eileen Ng (2010), eight churches were attacked over four days amid a dispute over the word Allah by non Muslims . Race tension was enhanced while the desecration of mosques with wild boar heads happened. This shows
  • 14. 1984 Power Of Language Many anthropologists consider the development of language one of the most defining points in history of human evolution. In fact, language holds the ability to influence human beings in some of the deepest ways. The novel Nineteen Eighty Four comprehends this and incorporates such understandings into its pages. The ideas of George Orwellprotrude within his works through the way in which he displays how language affects the minds of those who use it. He wrote this book with a certain message in mind, making Nineteen Eighty Fouran informative as well as political book. Language contains the power to change and eliminate ideas. For example, the Party uses Newspeak to eliminate concepts they don t want the citizens to know about by making the ... Show more content on ... He believed in the influence of language over the minds of individuals as well as its power to change ideas and events, and that in the wrong hands, language can wreak havoc on society as a whole. He also believed that every person possesses a right to free speech, and to innovation through discussion. His descriptivist tendencies manifest through his demonstration of the oppression that the Party inflicts upon the innocent people. The group that destroys the language also tortures innocent people for daring to think independently. By painting them as villains, Orwell criticizes the destruction of language in a negative light. He intends to both exhibit the power of language as well as denounce the eradication of it. In conclusion, Orwell demonstrated his belief in the natural evolution of language, as well as linguistic descriptivism. He demonstrated the capacity of language to mold people s thoughts and opinion by incorporating Newspeak, which condenses language into its simplest and most packaged form. Language controls the past, which in turn controls the present, and the minds of
  • 15. King Lear Comparison Essay Originally written at the start of the 17th century, William Shakespeare s play, King Lear, has become one of his most famed works. The tragedy was first adapted for the screen in 1909 as a black and white, silent film. Almost a century later in 2008, King Lear was once more brought to life through director Trevor Nunn s film adaptation of the same name. Staring Ian McKellen as King Lear, the film adaptation is based on the 2007 production of the play by the renowned Royal Shakespeare Company. King Lear is a story of betrayal, loss and madness and to accurately convey this while simultaneously distinguishing it from other screen renditions, Nunn alters the setting and utilises the colours of the costumes and backdrop to symbolise the virtues... Show more content on ... Characters with titles that derive from English place names, such as the Duke of Cornwall, indicate that the film takes place in England. Also, many scenes occur on heaths which can be commonly found throughout England but rarely in Russia. However, the costumes worn by male characters, especially Lear s scarlet tunic, closely resemble those worn by the Tsar and his high ranking officials. Additionally, Lear s 100 knights have also been transformed into 100 singing, squat dancing Cossacks which further reinforces the films connection to Imperial Russia as Cossacks are an ethnic group known for their historic loyalty to the Tsar. The inclusion of rifles as well as glasses suggests that King Lear is set in the 1800 s which coincides with both Victorian England and Imperial Russia. Although using elements from two eras may confuse some viewers, historical and geographical references are negligible to most audience members, allowing them to generate their own opinion about the setting. At the same time, the setting makes Nunn s production unique. Since 1909, King Lear has been adapted for the screen on numerous occasions with the majority of these adaptations retaining the original setting of pre Christian England. By drastically changing the setting, it distinguishes Nunn s King Lear from other
  • 16. Tornado Alley Have you ever wondered what that spinning cloud in the sky is? Or why all of a sudden it is humid out, but the wind is cold? There are approximately 1,000 tornadoes that occur each year in the US, but there are also many that go undetected and unreported. In El Reno, Oklahoma, in 2013, a tornado hit and covered 175 miles per hour. This was the fastest, and largest stormever recorded. Oklahoma has about fifty two tornadoes occur, on average a year. The definition of a tornado is a small, very intense cyclonic storm with exceedingly high winds, most often produced along cold fronts in conjunction with severe thunderstorms. A cold front is a front along which a cold air mass thrusts beneath a warmer air mass. A warm front is a front along which... Show more content on ... Some tornadoes may strike quickly, and with little to no warning. In the southern states the peak of tornado season is March through May. In the northern states it is late spring to early summer. They are most likely to occur between 3 pm and 9 pm but can happen at anytime. A tornado in Oklahoma picked up a small herd of cattle and carried them across the countryside, then sat them down and the cattle were unharmed. Dust Devils are a type of tornado that passes through a desert area. There can be times when multiple tornados form at a time and then they travel in swarms just like fish. The most powerful tornadoes are from the United States. Every tornado has its own color, sound and shape that is just for itself, just like fingerprints, no tornado is exactly the same. In conclusions, tornados are nothing to mess around with. Treat it just as every other intense situation. There are many different ways to tell the difference in a tornado. Extreme weather is nothing to joke around, about or just treat it like a little shower of rain. It s not, take shelter and be
  • 17. Chris Gardner Behavior The Pursuit of Happyness The first behavior is that he is a good father. Mr. Gardner was a great father in the way he handled things. Even though through all the troubles he still maintains to keep his son happy. For example, when they got kicked out of the motel and had to find somewhere to stay, Chris saw that his son was in a depressed state of mind and began convincing him about how the scanner is a time machine. He then pursued to pretend that they were in prehistoric times and they had to hide from the dinosaurs. To hide from the so called dinosaurs Chris took his son into the bathroom calling it a cave. The second behavior about Chris Gardner is that he is very determined. In the movie he told his son that he couldn t be a good basketball
  • 18. Thomas Jefferson s Macaronni Machine I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was a man of many talents and accomplishments. Thomas Jefferson was born on 13 April 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia. Jefferson s father grew up in a modern family and was raised to be a farmer. His mother was more on the wealthy side, while his mother was on the complete opposite side being raised in a wealthy family, in friendship with the King Of England. Jefferson s father passed away in 1757, therefore, Jefferson knew what needed to be accomplished for him to take charge of the house with him being one of 9 children. Jefferson began to immense himself in books around this time, thankfully the family had a close friend who stepped... Show more content on ... He popularized macaroni and cheese in the USA! In a letter to Jefferson, William Short, his secretary, wrote that he had kept a mould for making maccaroni in Naples and had sent it to his mentor in Paris. However, it s most likely that the macaroni machine didn t reach France until after Jefferson had left. In the words of Jefferson, this is how much he loved his macaronni machine: The best maccaroni in Italy is made with a particular sort of flour called Semola, in Naples: but in almost every shop a different sort of flour is commonly used; for, provided the flour be of a good quality, and not ground extremely fine, it will always do very well. A paste is made with flour, water and less yeast than is used for making bread. This paste is then put, by little at a time, viz. about 5. or 6. lb. each time into a round iron box ABC, the under part of which is perforated with holes, through which the paste, when pressed by the screw DEF, comes out, and forms the Maccaroni g.g.g. which, when sufficiently long, are cut and spread to dry. The screw is turned by a lever inserted into the hole K, of which there are 4. or 6. It is evident that on turning the screw one way, the cylindrical part F. which fits the iron box or mortar perfectly well, must press upon the paste and must force it out of the holes. LLM. is a strong wooden frame, properly fastened to the wall, floor and cieling of the room. N.O. is a figure, on a larger scale, of some of the holes in the iron plate, where all the black is solid, and the rest open. The real plate has a great many holes, and is screwed to the box or mortar: or rather there is a set of plates which may be changed at will, with holes of different shapes and sizes for the different sorts of
  • 19. The Truth about Hackers Essay The Truth about Hackers The Truth about Hackers In the winter of the year 2000 an eighteen year old hacker, who went by the name Curador accessed about 26, 000 credit card numbers and put them on the internet. With the help of an ex hacker, Curador was eventually tracked down and sentenced. All of this was explained in a frontline interview with Curador himself also known as Raphael Gray. Who are these so called hackers? Are peoples assumptions about teenage hackers correct? In 1995 the movie Hackers portrayed the images and lifestyles of hackers similar to the one mentioned above. The characters in Hackers show a media example of finding themselves in cyberspace by forming a community which creates their own boundaries. According to ... Show more content on ... The article, Finding ones own in cyberspace by Amy Bruckman, explains how anyone can form their own cyber community. Bruckman says, the way a community is publicized or not publicized also influences its character (175). Even though the hacker society has not been publicized, they are still around. Hackers publicize the information that they want other people to hear. Their prerogative is to portray themselves the way they want to be known. In an interview conducted with researcher Sarah Gordon, who studies the psychology of virus writers and hackers, she states, There are lots of kids just out joyriding on computer systems. Not everyone knows what they are doing or how serious they are affecting other people. Therefore, many different cyber communities are formed including a few for hackers. Also shown in Hackers is the idea that hackers not only come together through the internet, but also in the real world. Everyday hackers do not limit their meeting places to just the cyber places as shown in the film. The hytec environment such as raves is easy for Hollywood to associate with hackers. However, raves and cyberspace are not the only places for hackers to meet. They can also meet anywhere such as a coffee shop or a park. Hackers tend to be perceived as people with an addiction or infatuation with computers. The movie shows the main character staying up all hours of the night and not really getting any sleep. Many people do this for other things
  • 20. The Pros And Cons Of Migration To Tucson We ve finally made the move to Tucson and are getting ready to move into new office space in the next few weeks. I thought it would be interesting to share with some of my readers what we have discovered about Tucson as a place for small business and emerging technology businesses. First, it s pretty well known nationally that the city of Tucson, and to some degree Pima County is not very embracing and welcoming when it comes to small business and technology businesses. There are a few exceptions to this and I want to point two of these at the very beginning. Thryve and StartUp Tucson are very hands on and welcoming. These folks have a plan and great ideas. They deserve a lot of support. The reputation of Tucson for being not business friendly is well known. There are lots of folks who have left the Tucson area and migrated back east. They are quick to talk about the raw beauty of Southern Arizona and also talk about how terrible the business climate is in the area. Much of the blame seems to be around a very welfare centric government, higher than average union memberships, highest sales taxes and property taxes in the state of Arizona and an alarming lack of good leadership. It s a common refrain among the folks I have met here who have migrated to the Tucson area that you either bring your job or... Show more content on ... Even with the University of Arizona in the city, Tucson shuns any venture supporting higher education. Grand Canyon University was very interested in building a major campus in Tucson. GCU is a private school that has a religious orientation. Building a campus in Tucson would have meant hundreds of good paying jobs at occupational levels from janitorial and maintenance to faculty positions. However, the city council torpedoed this, in large part by council member Regina Romero. It just defies any logic how this once in a life time opportunity was wasted by the (ignorant) elite running this
  • 21. Unit 2 Asignment 2 Unit 2 Assignment 1 Blank Answer Sheet Name:Date:Electronics ET2530 Chapter 2 (pp. 111 113) 2.A 1500 kHz carrier and a 2 kHz intelligence signal are combined in a non linear device. List all the frequency components produced. 1498, 1500, and 1520KHz 3.If a carrier is amplitude modulated what causes the sideband frequencies? The non linear mixing of the carrier and intelligence frequencies.
 4.What determines the bandwidth of emission for an AM transmission? It is twice the frequency of the highest audio frequency transmitted. The upper sideband is fc +FM where fc is the carrier frequency and FM is the modulation (audio) frequency .The lower sideband is fc FM. The total bandwidth is 2*FM 5.Explain ... Show more content on ... A high percentage of modulation is important so that the power is the sidebands. 20.During 100% modulation, what percentage of the average output power is in the sidebands? (33.33%) Pt = Pc (1+m2/2) 35.Draw a block diagram (or indicate which text book Figure # shows this) of an AM transmitter. Chapter 3 (pp. 159 160) Figure 3 1 pg. 118 1.Draw a diagram (or indicate which text book Figure # shows this)of a tuned radio frequency (TRF) radio receiver. 2.Explain the following: Sensitivity of a receiver, selectivity of a receiver. Why are these important characteristics? In what units are these usually expressed? Sensitivity: the minimum input RF signal to a receiver required to produce a specified audio signal at the output. Selectivity: the extent to which a receiver can differentiate between the desire signal and 3.Explain why a receiver can be overly selective. A receiver that is overly selective can result in alack of fidelity because part of the intelligence is not included (filtered out) 6.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a diode detector. * Advantages *
  • 22. Handle high power * Acceptable distortion levels * Efficient * Provide a usable dc voltage for the AGC circuits * Disadvantage * Reduce Q and selectivity * No amplification 10.Provide the advantages of a synchronous detector compared to a diode detector. Explain its
  • 23. Why Do Young Adults Move Into Share Housing The allure of house sharing: Strangers and a mutual microwave Michaela Daly ABSTRACTSocial change within the western context has redefined the concepts of adulthood and house formation . Despite an increasing decline in marriage between the ages of 20 and 29, young individuals continue to leave their parental homes. The previous literature identifies both social and economic motivations what continues to be this defining moment of independence. This research project attempts to demonstrate the reasons for which young adults seeking such independence engage in share housing. Background Share housing has become increasingly popular since the mid twentieth century (Goldsheider DaVanzo 1989). Once assumed to be a product of economic constraint, particularly among students, share house living has since become a representation of modern adulthood. Historically, marriage was the most powerful motivator for young adults, particularly women, to leave their parental home (Pooley and Turnbull 1997). Between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the transition to adulthood was defined by, and adult identity rooted in, the attainment of spousal status with the formulation of a family to follow (Kenyon Heath 2001b). The wealth of literature on the transition to adulthood ... Show more content on ... The overarching enquiries of this research seek to determine: What age do young adults move into share houses? Was the move into a share house voluntary or involuntary? Are economic considerations apparent in the choice to join a share house? To what degree do social considerations influence their choice? How is independence impacted by living in a share house? Researching these questions will provide insight into the changing attitudes towards the traditional forms of household and transition to adulthood, as well as how young adults perceive expectations of
  • 24. When Eminent Domain According to Wikipedia Eminent domain is the power of a state or a national government to take private property for public use. However, it can be legislatively delegated by the state to municipalities, government subdivisions, or even to private persons or corporations, when they are authorized to exercise the functions of public character Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius in 1625 defined the term eminent domain in his legal treatise De Jure Belli et Pacis, as supreme lordship. There are various cases of when eminent domain can be implemented, Case 1: If a private property is sitting on a road/assess road that needs to be expanded to benefit the public usage. The government agency involved in the case can entirely takeover the property through the
  • 25. Characters In Dark Justice, By Jack Higgins The setting of this novel, Dark Justice, by Jack Higgins, is set in the present time in different locations. Such locations as Manhattan, London, Ireland, and Iraq. The feeling, or the mood, that is expressed throughout the book is dark, fearful. Mainly because of how dark the characters in this book can get and how fearful the situations get. Speaking of characters, the first character that the reader sees is a man named Henry Morgan. Morgan is a muslim who was raised in England, who was then hired as an assassin to kill the president, Jake Cazalet. Morgan s plot fails, to which he kills himself with a cyanide tooth before saying Beware the Wrath of Allah (7), in front of Clancy Smith and Blake Johnson. Morgan is an antagonist that starts off this story. The next character that is introduced to the story is Clancy Smith. Smith is a tall, black man that is a security guard that works where Morgan was planning to assassinate the president from. Smith has the knowledge of knowing when things aren t right. So, he says to Morgan And by the way, I never accept coffee from strangers (7). The third and final character that the reader is introduced to is president Jake Cazalet. Cazalet is the president of the U.S, and resides in the White House in Washington, D.C. He wears reading glasses and is in his thirties. The reader can imagine his appearance as the author didn t fully explain Cazalet s image. Cazalet is a laid back person, since he tells his men Okay,
  • 26. Independent Petroleum Association Of America Nathan Hogge Mr. Harlin American Government 3B 4/8/16 American Government Research Paper: Independent Petroleum Association of America Since the world began man has been obsessed with finding a source of energy that is renewable and efficient in making for the benefit of building, transportation, agriculture, and so many other different venues that it cannot be listed. I am talking about oil the black substance made from millions of years of decomposition of animals and plants. The pressure and time eventually transforms dead organisms into an energy that can be used to power automobiles, lights, boats, construction equipment, and the list goes on and on. With all of the oil that our wonderful earth has created our government has created an institution that helps regulate and control our oil and gas industry. The IPAA has a great history and purpose by practicing their rights as an organization to represent the people of the oil industry. About 2 years ago my interest in oil sparked when a man I had known for my whole life began his own business as a hydrostatic tube tester. Pretty soon I joined him in working the long days in the oil field and quickly absorbed all the information he knew. From owning an oil lease to fixing the seating nipple at the end of a well pump I learned quickly what this line of work was all about. So when asked about an interest group to write about I wanted to do something involving the oil industry since I was fairly knowledgeable about it and I
  • 27. A Brief Biography of Luke Bryan Well known for being a great country singer, Thomas Luther Luke Bryan has a positive outlook on life despite the hard times he has faced. He was born in a small country town and lived a happy childhood with his family. His family was always very supportive of his dream to be a singer. Even from the beginning of his career, Luke Bryan has been very successful as a country singer. He has been nominated for many awards and won quite a few as well. Bryan lovingly takes care of his current family of two sons and a wife. Luke Bryan has been a very accomplished artist, even after having to cope with the deaths of his brother and his sister. Luke Bryan has lived a very happy and fortunate life in his career, Thomas Luther Bryan was born on July 17, 1976 to Tommy and LeClaire Bryan. He grew up in Leesburg, Georgia, which had a population of 14,903 when it was counted in 1990. He grew up living a simple life on his family farm with his parents, his brother Chris, and his sister Kelly. When Bryan was old enough to work, he started out working with his father on his father s fertilizer and peanut businesses. After graduating from high school, Luke Bryan went Georgia Southern University for college. He planned on moving to Nashville after going to college to start his career as a singer. Luke Bryan lived a simple, happy childhood. Luke Bryan had many country influences growing up. Country music first came to the United States in the southern states, so that was the popular genre that
  • 28. Interview Of A Helping Professional Interview of a Helping Professional Hui An Old Dominion University Interview of a Helping Professional It should be noticed that in the recent few decades, the science developed at an astonishing pace, and the problem of substance abuse cause a huge public concern. Currently, substance abuse has already become a pandemic around the world. It costs individuals substantially, and it of their family as a whole. It is essential for the society to help those people who struggle with drug addiction to get rid of their pain and get back their health and balance life. Therefore, I understand the substance abuse is a tough area, and people who are struggling with addiction really need help. During the course of the interview, I ... Show more content on ... Most of the time, they do group counseling which includes ten to twelve, but they also do some individual and family. For the group counseling, it always takes about three hours each time, and the program is thirty five days long. After the program, the following care of clients will be continued for another year. Primary, as a counselor, they have to track daily notes and document everything; then they will have a team meeting to make sure they are on the same page. The reason why you have to document everything is because if you did not document, then it never happened. Supervisors will evaluate counselors performances, and Navy will make sure counselors did their paperwork correctly, and also there is a survey for clients to evaluate their helpers. In addition, record make sure staffs skills are developing, they have training twice a week, and since this hospital is a teaching hospital, Bob is also training his two interns every day. The Individual As an addictions counselor, he is currently the senior group counselor for a co occurring disorders group, and he is certified as an addictions counselor, nationally, through the Navy, and through the state of VA, and certified as a Clinical Supervisor for the Navy. Every morning, Bob starts to work at 7:30 am, then they will have a
  • 29. Academic Achievement And Advancement For Students Educators and school administrators have the largest responsibility of promoting academic achievement and advancement for all students, regardless of their cultural background. Throughout the United States, schools enroll students with different academic levels and cultural backgrounds. As of 2011, African Americanchildren embodied 16% of the public schoolpopulation in the United Statesand Muslim children, less than 3% (National Center for Education Statistics). Keeping this in mind, students from cultural minorities can be at risk of academic failure due to the environment they are raised in. As schools educate such a vast array of students, it is crucial that educators and support staff be competent in working with a diverse group of students. School counselors, personnel, and educators need to be able to collaborate with students in helping them reach their potential in academics, social skills, future planning, as well as mental health concerns (NCES, 2009). It is imperative that school counselors are informed and understand the cultural values and beliefs of minority groups in order to help students achieve academic and personal success. Discussion Schools within the United States are progressively becoming more culturally diverse. Because of this, it is critical that educators and school personnel are aware of the difficulties and types of support individual students from diverse cultural backgrounds may need. Research has shown that minority groups are
  • 30. NFL Draft Bust Professional sports leagues like the NFL, the NBA, and the NHL seen some amazing athletes come out of the draft, especially top 5 picks. However, not every pick can be perfect, so there are often draft busts. However, there are none bigger than Ryan Leaf, Greg Oden, and Rick DiPietro. Leaf, Oden, and DiPietro are their respective sport s biggest draft bust, but who is the biggest draft bust of all time? Ryan Leaf, a quarterback from Washington State, was the second overall pick in the 1998 NFL draft by the San Diego Chargers. Leaf had a very promising three year college career. In his three years of college, Leaf had a completion percentage of 53.8, 7,433 passing yards, and a 59:24 touchdown to interception ratio. However, when he entered the NFL, his stats were completely altered in his three year NFL career, and not in the good way. His completion percentage dropped to 48.4, compiling only 3,666 passing yards, and an awful 14:36 touchdown to interception ratio. Before he entered the NFL, his passion for football was in question and retiring after three seasons, he proved that his passion for the sport was never there. Taken after Leaf are multiple soon to be Hall of Famers, such as, Charles ... Show more content on ... DiPietro was, at the time, the second goalie taken at number one. In college, DiPietro had a 2.45 goals against average and a .913 save percentage. DiPietro early NHL career was rough, but by 2006, he had found his mojo and signed a large contract. However, he, like Oden, was riddled with multiple injuries and was not able to live up to his hype as the number one pick. His unsuccessful NHL career, he had a 2.87 goals against average and a .907 save percentage. DiPietro was taken ahead many players who have had long and prosperous careers in the NHL like Dany Heatley, Marian Gaborik, seventh round pick, Henrik Lundqvist, and many
  • 31. Write An Essay On Abc s Pre-Spoken Programs History ABC has been producing outstanding programming since the days of radio back in 1943. Born out of NBC s sale of their Blue Network, ABC eventually got into television in 1949, making it one of the big three stations. The network is currently owned by Disney, who has had partnerships with the network on and off for years. Read on to find out more about ABC, their programming and their history. Number Seven: ABC Was the First to Allow Pre Taped Shows Setting themselves apart from the other stations, ABC began using a Magnetophon tape recorder to pre record their shows, which CBS and NBC were not doing. This was especially crucial to maintaining Bing Crosby s show, as he preferred working in a recording studio as opposed to broadcasting live. Number ... Show more content on ... When Disneyland opened, the network produced a special program, Dateline Disneyland, with host Art Linkletter, to coincide with the event. The network also aired a weekly television program with the same name as the park, which became their first top 10 hit. Number Four: They Aired the Most Watched Television Series in History When ABC aired the miniseries version of Alex Haley s Roots, it became the most watched and discussed program in history. It s initial airing earned 130 million viewers, with the final episode drawing in nearly 100 million viewers. All episodes continue to rank in Nielsen s list of the top 100 rated TV shows of all time, with the final episode coming in at number three. Number Three: They Had the First Female Evening News Anchor At a time when it was felt that women could not be taken seriously reporting on hard news stories, ABC decided to take a chance with Barbara Walters. Hiring her away from NBC s The Today Show, Walters became the first female in evening news, co anchoring the ABC Evening News along with Harry
  • 32. What Is The Similarities Between Villa Mairea And Baker House Harry and Mairea Gullichsen, the owners of this villa provided Aalto a chance to express his thoughts of transformation from traditional to modern architecture. This villa is actually a mixture of timber strips, brick wall and also rendered masonry. It is not only consist of the traditional Finnish vernacular and modern design, but also the influence of the English and Japanese architecture. This can be seen in the sauna of this villa, which is built with wooden walls and flat grass roof, just like a Japanese tea house. (Richard Weston, 2004) This building is designed in U shaped, surrounded an inner garden and also a kidney shaped swimming pool. The modernism idea by Aalto is expressed through the design of an open plan. For example, the ... Show more content on ... First of all, there are two similarities between Villa Maireaand Baker House. Designs related to nature and landscape surrounding were never out of Aalto s consideration. For examples, the vertical tree like columns and curved panels in the library of Villa Mairea and the direction of the rooms facing to the Charles River of Baker House. In addition, the curve and undulating form always can be seen in Aalto s works. The shape of the swimming pool and the fireplace represent the free form in Villa Mairea while the shape of the whole building of Baker House is obviously showing the curving snake form. NonethelessпјЊsome of the design ideas in Villa Mairea are different from Baker House. For examples, the transformation of the design style, from traditional to modern due to the request by the owner of Villa Mairea, the open concept into the plan and also the transformation of materials which is the change of the floor furnishing to make the villa more interesting. For Baker House, open concept cannot fully be used as Aalto considered the privacy of students. The arrangement of the rooms is also a challenge for Aalto because of the noisy location of this building and the aim to have maximum view of the
  • 33. High Infant Mortality A third determinant of high infant mortality rate is whether the mother is educated or not. Plenty of studies have found that low education levels can lead to poor pregnancy outcomes such as infant mortality (Loggins Andrade, 2014). However, although the attainment of education for blacks increased, the infantmortality rate still declined at a slower rate compared to those whites that had an education attainment increased (Loggins Andrade, 2014). This could mean that it is not solely one determinant that impacts infant mortality. Each determinant combined can have a contributing factor towards infant mortality. Access to prenatal care is also known to be a determinant of high infant mortality rates. Just like almost everything else,
  • 34. Louise Rosenblatt Poem Reflection on Rosenblatt Limerick (Ireland) is a cold, humid city. Days in Limerick are gray. Always rains there. A continuous drizzle falls day after day. You need to watch out where you are walking, try to avoid the mud on your shoes. It is always wet and muddy. You need also to be careful, people throw their wasteinto the streets. The odor, as you can imagine, is unbearable. This city is poor and miserable. Macondo (Colombia) is a hot, humid little town lost somewhere in the Colombian coast. Macondo has a delicious fruity aroma due to the guava tress that you could see there. However, you do not want to be outside at noon, the sun at that time is brutal. That is the reason why the majority of people living in Macondo prefer to take... Show more content on ... The reader and the text make possible to construct multiple layers of reality. Rosenblatt states: literature especially invites confusion about its relation with reality (p. 33); thus, the pretended reality of the text only emerges when the reader makes it real. Text reality is not just related to the tangible world, but it is related to the realities constructed in the mind of the reader. It is not uncommon, for example, to see children creating realities in their minds when they read. It has been more than once that I have seen my own children to mimic the voices of the characters of the text. How can they mimic a sound that is not audible? This only could be explained through Rosenblatt s framework of the transactional process of reading. Rosenblatt philosophy of reading has made possible, for those who belief that reading is much more than the processing of printed words, to understand the reader s position as the center of the transaction, and create around him/her a truly supportive literacy system, not just to be able to decode printed symbols, but also to construct the meaning of texts. I am sure that I was provided this literary context in the form of accessing to books and caring of my reading practices; otherwise, I am afraid, my love for reading would have disappeared as the years
  • 35. The Rise Of The Middle Class For decades now, our political and economic policy have been constructed around one idea: that if taxes on the rich go up, job creation will go down. This idea has been the backbone of Republican trickle down Reagan economics and has been scarcely challenged by Democrats. America s economy as well as the global economy as a whole are facing extreme income inequality and this idea has only widened the gap. Our political system has been flooded with the money of the rich through lobbyists or super PACs, who then are the ones receiving the taxcuts and are garnering political favors by doing so, effectively moving us farther from a free and fair democracy, but rather towards oligarchy. The middle class has been fading away due to stagnating... Show more content on ... Hanauer begins his argument by comparing the fallacy on hand to another fallacy we once believed, which turned out to be dead wrong: For thousands of years people were sure that earth was at the center of the universe. It s not and an astronomer who still believed it was, would do some lousy astronomy. In doing this, Hanauer seeks to bring out the duh! response out of people and relate it back to the argument at hand. The argument being that if a policy maker who believed that the rich and businesses are job creators and therefore should not be taxed, would make policy equally as lousy. Although he incites the emotional response in the reader he also backs it up with facts and his experience as one of the plutocrats. He cites his experience as well as,going into some basic economic theory: I have started or helped start, dozens of business and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would have all failed and all those jobs would have evaporated. He uses this to pivot to his next point, which is the main point of the argument: That s why I can say with confidence that rich people don t create jobs, nor do businesses, large or small. He backs it up with his theory, which is a basic economic principle of demand when broken down: What does lead to more employment is a circle of life like feedback loop between customers and business. Not only is it not the rich who create
  • 36. Techniques With Language, The Cut Up Method And Permutation Brion Gysin created two techniques with language, the cut up method and permutation. The cut up method involves cutting up a page into four sections, rearrange said sections and then read the product. The rearrangement of the sections in opposing places extracts new meaning to the text, an outlook that could not be generated from a logical standpoint. A new found sense of surrealism is discovered in something already familiar to us. Surrealist artists of the era were advocating for an art of the unconscious mind. It is by my affirmation that Brion Gysin s intention behind creating The Cut Up Method was to show language could be used like a tool to extract new meaning, depending on an individual s subconscious. Brion Gysin A dialogue often breaks out. It speaks. The means are our machines. These prime agents of the ex plosive force, Nova, are factors of geometric progression to the Count Down and we better catch up on their methods, but quick. Cut Ups are Machine Age knife magic, revealing Pandora s box to be the downright nasty Stone Age gimmick it is. Cut through what you are reading. Cut this page now. But copies after all, we are in Proliferation, too to do cut ups and fold ins until we can deliver the Reality Machine in commercially reasonable quantities The eyes move along the page, obliterate it, and perceive beyond it with the support of its con stitutive traces a series of windowpanes on which are printed, pasted, designed, and scattered the other
  • 37. Essay Muhammad, by Michael Cook The book Muhammad, by Michael Cook, describes the impact Muhammad has had on the world as we know it. It explains why Muhammad chose the paths he did, and how certain laws came about. Cook offers a very objective view of the laws and policies Muhammad outlined in the Koran, and the traditions that are carried on that supplementhis written law. The author first summarizes the historical life of Muhammad. This begins with his birth and life before he was given his mission. Next comes his struggle to spread his religion. Since the days of Abraham, people had fallen back to worshipping many Gods. Muhammad s task was to restore monotheism that Abraham had established. To do this, he had to move to Medina for protection. This whole ... Show more content on ... If this is a once in a lifetime deal, shouldn t they spend more time at God s house? I disagree with the author on this point, because every part of the Hajj is sacred to a Muslim, and should be exercised in order to celebrate the tradition. The Koran places restrictions on one s diet, especially dealing with how which meats one can eat. The Koran tends to illustrate which foods are forbidden rather than those that one is allowed to eat. The only animal that there is an outright ban on is the pig. As for animals that are permitted, it specifies the ways that this meat may become forbidden. These ways include eating meat that is already dead, or meat fro an animal that has been strangled to death. The author goes on to quibble with other ways that a meat may or may not be forbidden; asking if hares, shellfish and lizards are acceptable foods. Some things need to be left up to common sense. As described, the Koran does a good job laying the ground rules for this area, and certain things any levelheaded person can figure out for themselves. Muhammad set rules that restricted women, and Cook takes a critical view of these policies. Women were only entitled to half the inheritance that men are, polygamy and concubines were allowed, and women were easily divorced. It is true that these notions are absurd in the present day, but it was common practice in the days Muhammad lived in. In many ways, the Koran took steps to ensure that woman had certain minimal
  • 38. Sunken Ship The Last Suffering Ship Reflection Dustin Teuton PHL/251 AUG 25, 2014 Robert DuBose The Last Suffering Ship Reflection The illness has taken its first life and people are starting to panic. By this point the crew has done all they can do to get the repairs done pushing them self to exhaustion. The nurses and helpers are tenting to all the patients and distributing the vaccine as fast as possible and to the right patients. I believe the way they are only giving half doses out and waiting to see who doesn t show signs of getting better before giving the full dose is working and an affective way to calm more people down. I would try and isolate patients from non sick passengers as much as possible to help prevent spread. For ... Show more content on ... Rhonda the nurse is doing a great job taking care of the patients. She might be rude and angry at times but when you don t get much sleep and are working so hard with patients that are constantly whining and bugging you trying to get something out of you that you cant give them, yeah your going to be grumpy. She is doing her job and being very firm with her patients by not letting them coax her into anything that would disrupt her work. Putting out chores for the passengers to do like cleaning and even helping wherever they can will help not only keep the ship clean and possibly get I fixed faster, it will also take their minds off of the issue at hand and possibly even release some stress they have built up. The passengers need to be doing something other then just sitting around watching people get sick. Once you can get people to start helping out around the boat you will have less aggravation and stress build up. So we get back to shore and the media wants to interview the leading doctor (Me). Handling the media is a big deal and takes very good and clear talking. You need to present yourself professionally and sympathetic to the passengers. Trying not to say to much into detail about what happened is key too. You don t want to leak bad things to the media so they can blow it up making you and the ship liner look bad. The
  • 39. Jamaica Kincaid Girl Essay Since the beginning of mankind, oppression has been a major obstacle for women to overcome. In Girl, Jamaica Kincaid illustrates through written word the struggle women go through due to the expectations set for them. While there is female oppression of different forms, Jamaica Kincaid s Girl is a resemblance of the oppression she felt during her childhood on the small and remote island nation of Antigua. In its most basic form, Girl vividly paints a literary picture depicting the way an old fashioned wife is supposed to be in the eyes of her male patriarch. The piece by Kincaid seemingly consists of a single string of instructions and commands from a motherly figure to a daughter. The instructions could be described as a mother teaching a daughter how to properly do a women s chore or how to keep her husband happy. For example, the motherly figure states, this is how to sew on a ... Show more content on ... Early on in Kincaid s piece, the motherly figure interrogates the young girl about singing benna in Sunday school: is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school?...don t sing benna in Sunday school...but I don t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school (Kincaid, 120). During the time Jamaica Kincaid lived on the island of Antigua, the British government had reign. As a result of this movement of imperialism, Antiguan musicians adopted a West Indian form of short song known as benna. Benna was a short hymn that often never went with musical instruments. Its main purpose was to speak about culturally controversial topics such as sexuality, drugs, and feminism as well as political corruption. As a result of the controversial lyrics, many Antiguans were jailed for writing benna. While benna was not specific to Jamaica Kincaid, it does show one form of oppression she faced growing up ( Countries and Their
  • 40. Descriptive Essay About The Beach Ask any of your friends or family what they think of when you mention hot Summer days and I d guess they are like a lot of mine and immediately picture beaches. Some of them may think of the always warm climates of San Diego, Miami, or even Hawaii. Some might even venture to dream of the sands of the French and Italian Rivieras. What I dream of though is just a bit different. I always imagine the words beach day scrawled in the sand with pieces of seashells underlining the letters somewhere along the Pacific coast of Oregon. While the western half of the state is known for its cooler and wetter climate, the Summer season can be quite temperate and makes its beaches a perfect destination for escapes from the high heat. Once you get there, in addition to simply enjoying relaxing in the sand and splashing in the water, you will find plenty of activities along the way to make many new Summer memories. Start at the northern end of Oregon s portion of Highway 101 and you will find Astoria. If you are of the generation that embraced the now classic Goonies , you will find yourself recognizing this location immediately. Much of the movie was filmed here and there is a yearly Goonies Day celebration every June. Even if you are not a follower of the cinematic history of the area you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surrounding ocean and mountains by climbing the spiral staircase of the 600 foot Astoria Column. The Column was completed as a marker commemorating the first
  • 41. Analysis Of The Bluest Eye In The Bluest Eye, Pecola the protagonist is taken under the Macteer family s wing much like The African family is community based and the nurturing quality is not contained within the nuclear family, but is rather the responsibility of the entire community (RanstrГ¶m). In traditional Africa each child has a place and is welcome in the community. The act of parenting another child was not odd because every adult that lived in each community believed that any child is welcome in anyone s home. This, however, is not the case for Pecola. Although traditional African culture was integrated into The Bluest Eye, it was not fully combined. Pecola lives in a very abusive household and always wonders to herself, what if she were white, what if she had blue eyes? Would it change things, hopefully for the better? Pecola obsesses over all things white because the town makes fun of her blackness. Pecola is alone due to her lack of beauty. In one scene Pecola is laughed at called e mo and other names as other black children make fun of her blackness. Morrisons uses collective voice to show the racial segregation at the time was not only white people, but it was the different shades of black. Something that someone cannot control. The boy bullying Pecola had extemporized a verse made up of two insults about matters over which the victim had no control: the color of her skin (Morrison, check page#). Pecola, only a young girl begins to become outcasted from society especially after
  • 42. Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay In every time period throughout history and every region of the world there has always been a stigma as to what it means to be a gay man even if that is not the language that always would be used to describe homosexual behavior in a given place and time. In the United States, gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states by a federal court ruling, but many Americans do not realize that there is still a long way to go in terms of embracing gaycitizens (and the rest of the LGBT community) into the societal norm. Despite the strides that have been taken to legalize marriage for same sex couples, there are many states where discrimination is still legal. LGBT people can be denied housing, work, and even service and are also not legally protected from discrimination in the education system in many states today. LGBT issues came into the spotlight in San Francisco in the 1970s, as Richard Rodriguez puts it in his essay Late Victorians, when the private lives of gays and lesbians where starting to enter to the public sphere (Rodriguez 57). LGBT people, especially gay men, from all over the country were migrating to blossoming gay neighborhoods in San Francisco like the Castro. This growing phenomenon led to the birth of gay culture and how we define it today, and assisted in creating an identity for the gay community. This identity that the gay community was formulating during this time period was largely based on a superficial faГ§ade. Gay men in San Francisco began
  • 43. Summary Of The Wife Of Bath And Le Morte DArthur Based on women in Wife of Bath and Le Morte D Arthur, there are multiple similarities and differences that each of the women show in both stories. Both women in the Wife of Bath and Le Morte D Arthur have their own reasons on how they tend to live the remainder of their lives. The woman in the Wife of Bath loves sex. According to The Wife of Bath, she was a nicely dressed, largish womanwith gap teeth and a hat as big as a boat. We heard hints that she had numerous lovers before her five husbands and that she was a ton of fun to be around because in felaweshipe wel koude she laughe and carpe (476). The wife intends to have sex indiscriminately, with no objective but pleasure. Sure she claims she simply looking for pleasure, like when she insists she has always followed her appetite, whether the man were short or long, or blak or whyt, rich or poor (729 730). But her own accounts of her past relationships suggest that the Wife actually treats sex as something that s for sale. She admits to withholding sex from a husband til he had maad his raunson unto me (414), and berating another husband by asking him if he knows how much money her body could fetch on the open market. the Wife may indeed be lusty, she s also strategic. We see this talent for strategy in two places: 1) in her account of past relationships, in which she always manages to get the upper hand, and 2) in her rhetorical technique, particularly in her defense of marriagein the first 170 lines of her Prologue. She sounds authoritative by quoting from well recognized Biblical and scholarly texts. The Wife of Bath continues to use these techniques throughout her Prologue, and they have the effect of making her really likable, even when she admits to her worst deceptions. According to what she said she wins her audience over with humor, encouraging them to imagine Solomon on his wedding night, for example, She s self deprecating, readily admitting to being less than perfect spiritually , but she also sounds authoritative by quoting from recognized Biblical and scholarly texts. According to, In Le Morte D Arthur, Guinevereis something of a harsh
  • 44. The House on Mango Street When I grow up, I want to be a black gum tree. Black gum trees are known for their internal strength. Instead of dwelling on outward beauty, they spend more time focusing on their inner growth and developing their core. Only after they have achieved this goal can they produce beautiful fruits that draw animals near to them. Any surfaces that the berries touch are stained as to say, I was here and made a permanent difference. After they have utilized their outward influences, they use their internal scars and hollow places to protect the animals surrounding around it. If human lives were to reflect the concepts of the black gum tree, governments, individuals, and communities would be radically transformed. While this is a beautiful image,... Show more content on ... Now the slab can be seen as a secondary result deriving from the poor condition of the roots. The roots of the trees act as a metaphor for the community on Mango Street, which supports Esperanza s development. Because the roots of the community on Mango Street are tangled in cycles of tragic abuse, Esperanza is deprived of the essential social and ethical requirements she needs to grow. When Esperanza explains that the trees send ferocious roots beneath the ground , she is implying that the trees are trying to dig deeper in order to find an essential element for their growth (Cisneros 74). New visitors to her neighborhood roll their windows up tightly, which shows it is not an environment that allows children to develop properly (Cisneros 28). Because of the deficit her community is causing her, she is unable to grow to her full potential, and resorts to digging deeper within herself just as the roots of the trees do. A problem arises when trees try to do this because the roots are more susceptible to disease. Keeping with the metaphor, Esperanza shows symptoms similar to a tree that has attracted the heart rot disease. This disease is characterized by external problems seeping through the roots, which lead to the decay of the heartwood of a tree, and eventually its overall health. Esperanza is obviously being fed infectious ideas from her misshapen community, and has begun to let it eat away at her heart. This cycle is started by the roots
  • 45. Benefits And Harms Of International Education For Both... According to Ninnes and Hellsten, the international movement of student or academic staff between countries. It can be understood as the international link between nation states, governments or institutes to achieve better education program. (Ninnes P. Hellsten M. (eds.), Internationalizing Higher Education, 120 121). The International Education has grown strongly in Australiafor the last few years. At the same time, it has a direct impact on Australia and home countries such as China. Based on the research, this essay argues that there are some benefits and also harms of international education for both home and host countries. This essay first shows what is the Internationalisation. Then, it gives information about the benefits and... Show more content on ... A plan that involves the interests of Australia s soft diplomacy Colombo Plan. This plan has funded foreign students in Asia to study in Australia. Plans is to be created from 1951, and by 1985, this plan has trained about 40,000 students. Many of which have achieved significant accomplishments, achieved leadership positions in not only the industry but also the government, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. After planning Colombo, Australia began providing international long term education. Currently, Australia has a network of approximately 2.5 million international students from many diverse fields at the university (Byrne Hall, 2014). These students are the people that have contributed to long term support and important for Australia as they have achieved a leadership position in the industry and the government. Found that Australian students should be encouraged to study to reinforce soft diplomatic interests, the Australian government has created a new plan to support Australians to study and long term studies. Countries such as the United States has recognized the potential benefits of international education, the United States made comments that they would double the number of students in 2018 (ICEF Monitor, 2015). International education also provides benefit about knowledge sharing, one of bilingual employees, which can be generated by international education, can contribute to bringing
  • 46. A Comparison Of The February And October Revolution The February and October revolutions that arose in Russia in 1917 reveals how power can corrupt a fragile system. Prior to these revolutions, Russia was under the reign of Czar Nicholas II, a leader, who like future leaders betrayed and inflicted harm to his loyal supporters. Karl Marx first sparked ideas of revolutions and communism, communism believes in a society where everything is equal and done according to abilities and needs. The February revolution on February 23 was the start of corruption in Russia, Supported by huge crowds of striking industrial workers, the protesters clashed with police but refused to leave the streets ( Staff 2009). The revolution resulted in the ousting of Czar Nicholas, the rise of the Bolsheviks
  • 47. Identifying Opportunities for Achieving a Competitive... Identifying Opportunities for Achieving a Competitive Advantage in Singapore Today Introduction Today, Singapore enjoys a thriving free market economy and represents an important financial center for Southeast Asia. In this environment, it is not surprising that dozens of new businesses are opening each week in Singapore to take advantage of these boom economic times, including Western operations such as Starbucks and McDonalds, which offer fast service and a known quality. As the shop owner of a cafe in a quiet part of Singapore that serves a range of snacks, simple meals and non alcoholic beverages, the competition from these global brands may signal the beginning of the end unless aggressive marketing steps are taken today. To this end, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer reviewed and scholarly literature to develop a marketing plan for such a cafГ© in Singapore, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion. Review and Discussion Marketing plans for small companies should include a positioning statement that is congruent with their business plans and address segmentation in order to effectively target their market (Solomon, 2011). The positioning statement for the Singapore cafГ© in question would therefore emphasize world class customer service as a way to differentiate this small business from encroachments by competitors such as Starbucks and McDonalds. Fortunately, this aspect of the marketing plan can be highly
  • 48. The Importance Of The Effective Classroom Environment Creating effective classroom environments requires educators to set clear expectations for their students to create and maintain a positive learning experience. In the text, Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, by Robert E. Slavin, classroom management is best described as a way to prevent behaviors before they occur, and encourage growth in each student (Slavin, 2018). Theories, such as the behaviorist and constructivist theory, allow educators to take on a different approach to teaching and guiding by applying strategies to minimize disruptions. B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist in the early 1900 s, focused his work on observable behaviors and using desirable and undesirable consequences to change behavior, otherwise referred to as, operant conditioning. In order to increase the frequency of a pleasant behavior, educators use shaping to reinforce the steps to success. For instance, a positive reinforcement uses desirable rewards, such as, a teacher immediately praising a student or providing extra credit. Another way to increase the frequency of a behavior occurring, would be to provide a negative reinforcement, which allow students to escape from unpleasant tasks, such as, no new spelling words that week, or release from daily chores. However, often times unpleasant behaviors occur, and educators wish to reduce the frequency of a those behaviors occurring. Through the use of consequences, a teacher could present a punishment immediately, such as, scolding,
  • 49. Fiberglass Doors Considering Fiberglass Doors or Windows? Know The Truth Behind 4 Myths When the doors and windows in your home are showing their age, replacement is something you might be considering. There are many materials for you to pick from, which include wood and vinyl as popular choices among homeowners. However, Fiberglass material is a viable option you should consider. Here is the truth behind 4 myths about the material, which may help change your mind to using this material. Myth: Fiberglass Is Not Durable Fiberglass materials will be much more durable when compared to other materials used for doors and windows. In fact, you ll find that fiberglass will last 8 times as long as vinyl, and the material is 8 times stronger as well. This is because... Show more content on ... You ll need to regularly clean the material using water and soap to remove dirt, but other than that, you shouldn t need to give them much attention. Myth: Fiberglass Is Not Versatile Fiberglass also has the benefit that it can be stained or painted, which is quite different from vinyl material. When you pick vinyl, you are stuck with whatever color the material came in. Fiberglass is very versatile, because it can change colors when you change the style of your home. It gives you the benefits of wood window aesthetics where you can change the color, but none of the downfalls that go with it. Myth: Fiberglass Is Not An Energy Efficient Material There is a reason that fiberglass is often used as an insulation material for the attics and walls of homes. That s because it s very energy efficient. Fiberglass will do a great job at preventing the transfer of heat in your home, which is very important around your doors and windows. If you are still on the fence about if you should use fiberglass doors or windows for your home, speak with a local contractor about it. They can help guide you toward the best material for your
  • 50. The Impact Of Changes And New Opportunities For Women... The impact of changes and new opportunities for women beginning in the 18th century have been depicted in Manju s first novel Difficult Daughters and the Home and the world by Tagore. One of the main themes of both the novels is the freedom of women juxtaposed with the freedom of the nation of India from colonial rule. The two novels illustrate several different ways in which women were impacted by the transitions imposed for women in the beginning of 19th century. First of all, Virmati the protagonist of Difficult Daughters plays a vital role as remaining in the constant conflict with tradition and modernity. Virmati is the difficult daughter in the prosperous merchant familyof Lala Diwan Chand. The theme of the novels title Difficult Daughters itself subtly implies to the patriarchal convention that a woman, who undertakes a quest for self identity, is labeled as a difficult daughter by the family and the society as well. In the generation of Virmani s mother Kasturi, women s role was confined to childbearing and kitchen work. Whereas the generation of Virmati breaks away from these ideal women s roles by urging to acquire education. Virmati s mother Kasturi was brought up by the conventional principles of patriarchal society where marriagewas the ultimate destiny of a girl s life and marriage implied that a girl had to work tirelessly to please her in laws. When I was your age, girls only left their house when they married. And
  • 51. Essay On Amadeus Mozart s music in Amadeus exuberantly reproduces his life with the narrative which chronologically unfolds the series of episodes related to the life of Mozart. By arranging Mozart s music in Amadeus in the order of composition with the important episodes of his life, the movie shows that how Mozart who was once praised as the musical prodigy eventually reaches to the death at the early age. Mozart s witty and bright music played in the early part of the movie shows his unique composition style in the period when he received lots of attention and compliment from all over Europe. For example, in the early part of the film, the song Serenade No. 10 in B Flat Major Gran Partita K.361 floats out in the scene that Salieri encounters Mozart for... Show more content on ... In Amadeus, the prelude of the opera Don Giovanni composed by Mozart after the death of Leopold Mozart Mozart s father refers the relationship between Mozart and Leopold and the scheme of Salieri foreshadowing the death of Mozart. For one thing, the opera Don Giovanni explains the abnormal relationship between Mozart and his father. In the film, Mozart is illustrated as the character which always feels afraid of the presence of a father. The dependency of Mozart in Amadeus is based on the real relationship between Mozart and Leopold. In reality, Leopold worked for the court of Salzburg and had a great ambition for success when he was young but, after the birth of Mozart, he devoted his life for education Mozart, having left his reputation and ambition as a musician. (Yu 22) Also, Mozart had never received formal education and instead he was only educated by his father until he became an adult. (Lee) Based on researches about Mozart including the two articles mentioned above, in Amadeus Mozart is portrayed as a child who is dependent on his father but feels a fear of him at the same time. To illustrate the dependency of Mozart and Leopold s domination over