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Civics and
Final Review
Under mercantilism, the thirteen American
  colonies were expected to provide Great
  Britain with
  a) finished American-manufactured goods
  b) raw materials and markets for British
  c) officials to represent colonial interest in
  d) laborers to work in British factories
England used the economic philosophy of
  ______ to justify its regulation of trade in
  North America.
  a)    capitalism
  b)    mercantilism
  c)    colonialism
  d)   socialism
Lumbering, shipbuilding, whaling, and
  fishing were all successful industries in
  – Middle Colonies
  – Chesapeake Colonies
  – New England Colonies
  – Southern Colonies
The trading patterns that developed
   between the American colonies, The
   West Indies, the coast of Africa, and the
   British Isles in the eighteenth century
   were known as the
  a)   triangular trade
  b)   international trade
  c)   circular trade
  d)   cross-cultural exchange
How did the economies of the New England
   colonies differ from those of the Southern
  a) The New England economies depended more on
     the export of tobacco and grain.
  b) Slaves and indentured servants were used more
     frequently in the New England economies.
  c) Overall, the New England economies were more
     dependent on seacoasts and forests.
  d) The New England economies sponsored Capitalism
The ideals of the Athenian state, Roman law
   and the Mayflower Compact contributed
   most significantly to the growth of the
   principles of
         a) government under law and the consent of the
         b) religious freedom and women’s suffrage
         c) checks and balances and separation of powers
         d) racial equality and equal treatment under the law
Which feature of government was
  developed most fully during the colonial
         a)   Separation of church and state
         b)   an independent court system
         c)   universal suffrage
         d)   representative assemblies
In writing the Declaration of Independence,
    Thomas Jefferson was influenced most
    by John Locke’s idea of
          a)   Due process of law
          b)   natural rights
          c)   the rights of the accused
          d)   the right to privacy
The Virginia House of Burgesses was
   important to the development of
   democracy in the thirteen colonies
   because it
         a) provided an example of a representative form of
         b) created the first written constitution in America
         c) provided for direct election of senators
         d) began the practice of legislative override of
            executive vetoes
The Mayflower Compact is important to the
   concept of a democratic society because
   is represents
         a) an effort by the colonists to use force to resist the
         b) a clear step toward self-government.
         c) an early attempt to establish universal suffrage.
         d) an attempt by the colonists to establish freedom of
The Mayflower Compact of 1620 is
   considered an important step in the
   development of democracy in America
   because is
         a)   expressed the importance of self-gevernment
         b)   Established freedom of religion
         c)   created the first colonial judiciary
         d)   granted all males the right to vote
Which of the following best explains why the
  Virginia House of Burgesses was
          a) It was the only colonial legislature governed by a
          b) It made slavery illegal in the colony of Virginia
          c) It was the first institution of representative
             government in the colonies.
          d) It ordered the separation of church and state.
The pamphlet Common Sense, by Thomas
   Paine, aided the American cause in the
   Revolutionary War because it
         a) convinced France to join in the fight against
         b) led to kthe repeal of the Stamp Act
         c) created a new system of government for the United
         d) persuaded individuals who were undecided to
            support independence
The purpose of the Mayflower Compact was
         a)the creation of a central religion
            in the colonies.
         b)the establishment of a self-
            government based on the will of
            the majority.
         c) to determine what the form of
            the economy would be for the
            new colony.
         d)to resolve conflicts with the
            Native Americans.
Which of the following individuals most likely
  believed in constitutional government,
  religious tolerance and natural rights?
          a)Charles Greenville
          b)John Locke
          c) Peter Stuyuvesant
          d)William Pitt
John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau
   would most likely to support
         a)a return to feudalism in Europe
         b)a government ruled by a divine
            right monarchy
         c) a society ruled by the Catholic
         d)the right of citizens to decide
            the best form of government
What is the best heading for the outline
       i. Committees of Correspondence
       ii. Non-importation Agreement
       iii. Boston Tea Party
       iv. First Continental Congress

          a) Protests against slavery in the American
          b) British Parliamentary actions to punish
             colonial Americans
          c) Colonial responses to British mercantile
          d) Colonial attempts to end the British policy
             of Salutary Neglect
a) In its economic relationship with its North
   American colonies, Great Britain
   followed the principles of 18th century
   mercantilism by
          a) outlawing the African slave trade
          b) limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations
          c) encouraging the development of manufacturing in
             the colonies
          d) establishing laws against business monopolies
Why did England establish the Navigation
  Acts in the middle 17th century?
         a) It was an attempt to make voyages to the New
            World safer.
         b) It was a way of enforcing its economic policy of
         c) It was an attempt to end the slave trade.
         d) It was trying to encourage certain industries like
            iron mining and lumber.
Why were British mercantile laws ineffective
  in the North American colonies?
          » Most of the region offered little to no natural
          » Not enough settlers came to the British colonies to
            develop markets
          » There were constant conflicts with Indians.
          » The colonies produced goods highly similar to
             those in Great Britain.
Which of the following was an attempt to
  ease the burden of England’s debt in the
  middle of the 18th century?
         a)   creation of the triangle trade
         b)   adoption of the Articles of Confederation
         c)   founding of the Sons of Liberty
         d)   enforcement of the Navigation Acts
The Proclamation of 1763 attempted to
   prevent fighting in the colonies and war
   with the Indians by
          a) Preventing colonist from settling further west than
             the Appellation Mountains
          b) Forming an alliance between England and the
             Iroquois tribes
          c) Not allowing English Missionaries to settle in the
          d) Ended the Northwest Ordinance
The Famous colonial protest, “No taxation
   without representation” called for which
   of the following?
          a) the creation of an inter-colonial union similar to the
             one proposed by the Albany Plan of Union.
          b) the granting of taxation powers to colonial
          c) the elimination of British Parliament
          d) the opposition to all British Taxes until the colonies
             were represented in Parliament.
The Famous colonial protest, “No taxation
   without representation” called for which
   of the following?
          a) the creation of an inter-colonial union similar to the
             one proposed by the Albany Plan of Union.
          b) the granting of taxation powers to colonial
          c) the elimination of British Parliament
          d) the opposition to all British Taxes until the colonies
             were represented in Parliament.
Organized by _______, the ________ was a
   famous protest of the _______.
         a) Samuel Adams… Boston Tea Party…Tea Act
         b) George Washington…Northwest Ordinance…
            Proclamation of 1763
         c) Alexander Hamilton…Whiskey Rebellion…
            Townshend acts
         d) George Greenville…Stamp Act Congress… Stamp
Which of the following best demonstrates
  the tensions that existed between
  England and the colonies prior to the
         a)   the First Continental Congress
         b)   the Boston Massacre
         c)   the Writs of Assistance
         d)   the repeal of the Stamp Act
Which of the following groups most likely
  opposed the Proclamation of 1763?
          a) Sioux Indians living west of the Mississippi
          b) Virginia tobacco planters seeking to enlarge their
          c) British sea merchants who purchased goods from
             New England cities
          d) the British colonial administrators in New York and
             New Jersey.
The committees of correspondence were important
   in pre- Revolutionary times for
  a) Spreading propaganda about British grievances and
     keeping alive British resistance
  b) Creating an inter-colonial government that would
     work with the British colonial administrators
  c) Maintaining order in New England cities where anti-
     British sentiment ran high
  d) Enforcing the Townshend Acts
What was the Stamp Act Congress?
  a) A branch of Parliament that oversaw the
     enforcement of the Stamp Act in the colonies
  b) A secret organization that met in Boston to protest
     the Townshend Acts
  c) A special colonial assembly that met in New York
     City. calling for the repeal of the Sugar and Stamp
  d) A colonial court that brought violators of the stamp
     Act to trial
After the passage of the Townshend Acts,
   how did the colonists protests?
  a) They dumped tea in Boston Harbor
  b) They formed settlements west of the
     Appalachian Mountains
  c) The Sons of Liberty created pamphlets to
     spread anti-British Propaganda
  d) Colonist boycotted British goods.
What was the title of the famous American
  pamphlet that encouraged colonist to
  break way from England and form their
  a)   Common Sense
  b)   Declaration of Independence
  c)   Northwest Ordinance
  d)   Albany Plan of the Union
The “shot heard around the world” refers to
   which of the following ?
  a) Events at the battle of Lexington
  b) the final shot at the battle of Yorktown
  c) the unexpected assassination of the English
  d) the defeat of the French at the Battle of
The first Continental Congress formed in
   1774 in response to
  a) the passage of the harsh Intolerable Acts
  b) the battles at Lexington and Concord
  c) England’s refusal to repeal the Stamp Act
     create an alliance
  d) the colonists’ action in the Boston Tea party.
The second Continental Congress issued
   the Declaration of Independence to
  a) formally state that the American colonies
     were breaking away from Great Britain
  b) create an alliance between the American
     colonies and France
  c) create a new plan of government
  d) appoint George Washington as leader of the
     continental army
The major objection that British colonists in
   North America had to English rule was
   that they were
  a) Denied the right to arm themselves for
  b) Denied the rights of citizens who lived in
  c) Forced to settle wilderness areas
  d) Forced to farm crops ordered by England
Which feature of the United States system
  of government is the most essential
  aspect of democracy?
  a)   Judicial supremacy
  b)   A bicameral legislature
  c)   A powerful executive
  d)   Freedom of choice
a) The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were
   fundamental in the development of the
  – Declaration of Independence
  – First Continental Congress
  – Articles of Confederation
  – Boston massacre
The British system of mercantilism was
   opposed by many American colonist
   because it
  a) Placed quota on immigration
  b) Discouraged the export of raw materials to
  c) Placed restrictions on trading
  d) Encouraged colonial manufacturing
In United States history, the phrase “a
    government of laws. Not of men” has
    been used to express the idea that
  a) Sexism should legally be ended
  b) All laws should apply equally to all persons
  c) Government should interfere as little as
     possible in people’s lives
  d) Newly elected government leaders should
     not be allowed to initiate changes in the law
“These are the times that try men’s souls/ The
   summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in
   this crisis, shrink from service of their
   country….”                            Which
   attitude is best reflected in this quotation?
  a)   Neutrality
  b)   Nationalism
  c)   Colonialism
  d)   Imperialism
What 18th century editor was tried for libel
  for criticizing New York’s royal governor?
  a)   H.L. Mencken
  b)   John Peter Zenger
  c)   William Lloyd Garrison
  d)   Benjamin Franklin
Under mercantilism, the thirteen American
  colonies were expected to provide Great
  Britain with
  a) Finished American-manufactured goods
  b) Raw materials and markets for British
  c) Officials to represent colonial interests in
  d) Laborers to work in British factories
One effect of the John Peter Zenger trial
  was that
  a) English common law was changed to make
     truth a defense
  b) The Star Chamber was no longer used
  c) Newspapers were encouraged to take
     greater risks in criticizing the government
  d) Editors and publishers were forced to gain
     royal approval before publishing
The United States government under the Articles
   of Confederation could be considered a
   success because it
  a) Established a strong, widely respected foreign
  b) Created an open market that fostered interstate
  c) Set the nation on a sound financial base
  d) Provided a system for governing the Western
     territories that aided the nation’s expansion
The government that was created under the
   Articles of Confederation lasted only a
   few years because the government
  a) Supported the extension of slavery into the
     NW Territory
  b) Lacked the ability to enforce its authority
  c) Circulated a uniform paper currency
  d) Compelled the states to abide by its treaties
Which statement is accurate about governmental
   power under the Articles of Confederation?
  a) States had more power than the central government
  b) The executive branch of the central government
     collected taxes
  c) The central government was made stronger than
     state governments.
  d) The states with the largest populations had the most
     votes in Congress
What 18th century editor was tried for
  criticizing New York’s royal governor?
  a)   H. L. Mencken
  b)   John Peter Zenger
  c)   William Lloyd Garrison
  d)    Benjamin Franklin
What is the total number of electoral votes in
  the US?
  a)   435
  b)   438
  c)   535
  d)   538
Which of the following is not a qualification
  to vote?
  a)   Must be 18 years old
  b)   Must be registered
  c)   Must be born in the US
  d)   Must be a US citizen
The introduction of tobacco farming in North
   America led to which of the following?
  a) improved relations with the Indians
  b) the end of the Atlantic slave trade
  c) success for the English colony of
  d) creation of the indentured servant program
What was the title of the famous American
  pamphlet that encouraged colonists to
  break away from England and form their
  a)   Common Sense
  b)   Declaration of Independence
  c)   Northwest Ordinance
  d)   Albany Plan of Union

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Fianl review 1

  • 2. Under mercantilism, the thirteen American colonies were expected to provide Great Britain with a) finished American-manufactured goods b) raw materials and markets for British products c) officials to represent colonial interest in Parliament d) laborers to work in British factories
  • 3. England used the economic philosophy of ______ to justify its regulation of trade in North America. a) capitalism b) mercantilism c) colonialism d) socialism
  • 4. Lumbering, shipbuilding, whaling, and fishing were all successful industries in the – Middle Colonies – Chesapeake Colonies – New England Colonies – Southern Colonies
  • 5. The trading patterns that developed between the American colonies, The West Indies, the coast of Africa, and the British Isles in the eighteenth century were known as the a) triangular trade b) international trade c) circular trade d) cross-cultural exchange
  • 6. How did the economies of the New England colonies differ from those of the Southern colonies? a) The New England economies depended more on the export of tobacco and grain. b) Slaves and indentured servants were used more frequently in the New England economies. c) Overall, the New England economies were more dependent on seacoasts and forests. d) The New England economies sponsored Capitalism more.
  • 7. The ideals of the Athenian state, Roman law and the Mayflower Compact contributed most significantly to the growth of the principles of a) government under law and the consent of the governed b) religious freedom and women’s suffrage c) checks and balances and separation of powers d) racial equality and equal treatment under the law
  • 8. Which feature of government was developed most fully during the colonial era? a) Separation of church and state b) an independent court system c) universal suffrage d) representative assemblies
  • 9. In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was influenced most by John Locke’s idea of a) Due process of law b) natural rights c) the rights of the accused d) the right to privacy
  • 10. The Virginia House of Burgesses was important to the development of democracy in the thirteen colonies because it a) provided an example of a representative form of government b) created the first written constitution in America c) provided for direct election of senators d) began the practice of legislative override of executive vetoes
  • 11. The Mayflower Compact is important to the concept of a democratic society because is represents a) an effort by the colonists to use force to resist the King. b) a clear step toward self-government. c) an early attempt to establish universal suffrage. d) an attempt by the colonists to establish freedom of religion.
  • 12. The Mayflower Compact of 1620 is considered an important step in the development of democracy in America because is a) expressed the importance of self-gevernment b) Established freedom of religion c) created the first colonial judiciary d) granted all males the right to vote
  • 13. Which of the following best explains why the Virginia House of Burgesses was unusual? a) It was the only colonial legislature governed by a Catholic. b) It made slavery illegal in the colony of Virginia c) It was the first institution of representative government in the colonies. d) It ordered the separation of church and state.
  • 14. The pamphlet Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, aided the American cause in the Revolutionary War because it a) convinced France to join in the fight against England b) led to kthe repeal of the Stamp Act c) created a new system of government for the United States d) persuaded individuals who were undecided to support independence
  • 15. The purpose of the Mayflower Compact was a)the creation of a central religion in the colonies. b)the establishment of a self- government based on the will of the majority. c) to determine what the form of the economy would be for the new colony. d)to resolve conflicts with the Native Americans.
  • 16. Which of the following individuals most likely believed in constitutional government, religious tolerance and natural rights? a)Charles Greenville b)John Locke c) Peter Stuyuvesant d)William Pitt
  • 17. John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would most likely to support a)a return to feudalism in Europe b)a government ruled by a divine right monarchy c) a society ruled by the Catholic Church d)the right of citizens to decide the best form of government
  • 18. What is the best heading for the outline below? _________________________ i. Committees of Correspondence ii. Non-importation Agreement iii. Boston Tea Party iv. First Continental Congress a) Protests against slavery in the American colonies b) British Parliamentary actions to punish colonial Americans c) Colonial responses to British mercantile policies d) Colonial attempts to end the British policy of Salutary Neglect
  • 19. a) In its economic relationship with its North American colonies, Great Britain followed the principles of 18th century mercantilism by a) outlawing the African slave trade b) limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations c) encouraging the development of manufacturing in the colonies d) establishing laws against business monopolies
  • 20. Why did England establish the Navigation Acts in the middle 17th century? a) It was an attempt to make voyages to the New World safer. b) It was a way of enforcing its economic policy of Mercantilism. c) It was an attempt to end the slave trade. d) It was trying to encourage certain industries like iron mining and lumber.
  • 21. Why were British mercantile laws ineffective in the North American colonies? » Most of the region offered little to no natural resources. » Not enough settlers came to the British colonies to develop markets » There were constant conflicts with Indians. » The colonies produced goods highly similar to those in Great Britain.
  • 22. Which of the following was an attempt to ease the burden of England’s debt in the middle of the 18th century? a) creation of the triangle trade b) adoption of the Articles of Confederation c) founding of the Sons of Liberty d) enforcement of the Navigation Acts
  • 23. The Proclamation of 1763 attempted to prevent fighting in the colonies and war with the Indians by a) Preventing colonist from settling further west than the Appellation Mountains b) Forming an alliance between England and the Iroquois tribes c) Not allowing English Missionaries to settle in the colonies. d) Ended the Northwest Ordinance
  • 24. The Famous colonial protest, “No taxation without representation” called for which of the following? a) the creation of an inter-colonial union similar to the one proposed by the Albany Plan of Union. b) the granting of taxation powers to colonial legislatures c) the elimination of British Parliament d) the opposition to all British Taxes until the colonies were represented in Parliament.
  • 25. The Famous colonial protest, “No taxation without representation” called for which of the following? a) the creation of an inter-colonial union similar to the one proposed by the Albany Plan of Union. b) the granting of taxation powers to colonial legislatures c) the elimination of British Parliament d) the opposition to all British Taxes until the colonies were represented in Parliament.
  • 26. Organized by _______, the ________ was a famous protest of the _______. a) Samuel Adams… Boston Tea Party…Tea Act b) George Washington…Northwest Ordinance… Proclamation of 1763 c) Alexander Hamilton…Whiskey Rebellion… Townshend acts d) George Greenville…Stamp Act Congress… Stamp Act
  • 27. Which of the following best demonstrates the tensions that existed between England and the colonies prior to the Revolution? a) the First Continental Congress b) the Boston Massacre c) the Writs of Assistance d) the repeal of the Stamp Act
  • 28. Which of the following groups most likely opposed the Proclamation of 1763? a) Sioux Indians living west of the Mississippi b) Virginia tobacco planters seeking to enlarge their lands c) British sea merchants who purchased goods from New England cities d) the British colonial administrators in New York and New Jersey.
  • 29. The committees of correspondence were important in pre- Revolutionary times for a) Spreading propaganda about British grievances and keeping alive British resistance b) Creating an inter-colonial government that would work with the British colonial administrators c) Maintaining order in New England cities where anti- British sentiment ran high d) Enforcing the Townshend Acts
  • 30. What was the Stamp Act Congress? a) A branch of Parliament that oversaw the enforcement of the Stamp Act in the colonies b) A secret organization that met in Boston to protest the Townshend Acts c) A special colonial assembly that met in New York City. calling for the repeal of the Sugar and Stamp Acts d) A colonial court that brought violators of the stamp Act to trial
  • 31. After the passage of the Townshend Acts, how did the colonists protests? a) They dumped tea in Boston Harbor b) They formed settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains c) The Sons of Liberty created pamphlets to spread anti-British Propaganda d) Colonist boycotted British goods.
  • 32. What was the title of the famous American pamphlet that encouraged colonist to break way from England and form their nation? a) Common Sense b) Declaration of Independence c) Northwest Ordinance d) Albany Plan of the Union
  • 33. The “shot heard around the world” refers to which of the following ? a) Events at the battle of Lexington b) the final shot at the battle of Yorktown c) the unexpected assassination of the English king d) the defeat of the French at the Battle of Quebec
  • 34. The first Continental Congress formed in 1774 in response to a) the passage of the harsh Intolerable Acts b) the battles at Lexington and Concord c) England’s refusal to repeal the Stamp Act create an alliance d) the colonists’ action in the Boston Tea party.
  • 35. The second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence to a) formally state that the American colonies were breaking away from Great Britain b) create an alliance between the American colonies and France c) create a new plan of government d) appoint George Washington as leader of the continental army
  • 36. The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were a) Denied the right to arm themselves for defense b) Denied the rights of citizens who lived in England c) Forced to settle wilderness areas d) Forced to farm crops ordered by England
  • 37. Which feature of the United States system of government is the most essential aspect of democracy? a) Judicial supremacy b) A bicameral legislature c) A powerful executive d) Freedom of choice
  • 38. a) The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were fundamental in the development of the – Declaration of Independence – First Continental Congress – Articles of Confederation – Boston massacre
  • 39. The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonist because it a) Placed quota on immigration b) Discouraged the export of raw materials to England c) Placed restrictions on trading d) Encouraged colonial manufacturing
  • 40. In United States history, the phrase “a government of laws. Not of men” has been used to express the idea that a) Sexism should legally be ended b) All laws should apply equally to all persons c) Government should interfere as little as possible in people’s lives d) Newly elected government leaders should not be allowed to initiate changes in the law
  • 41. “These are the times that try men’s souls/ The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis, shrink from service of their country….” Which attitude is best reflected in this quotation? a) Neutrality b) Nationalism c) Colonialism d) Imperialism
  • 42. What 18th century editor was tried for libel for criticizing New York’s royal governor? a) H.L. Mencken b) John Peter Zenger c) William Lloyd Garrison d) Benjamin Franklin
  • 43. Under mercantilism, the thirteen American colonies were expected to provide Great Britain with a) Finished American-manufactured goods b) Raw materials and markets for British products c) Officials to represent colonial interests in Parliament d) Laborers to work in British factories
  • 44. One effect of the John Peter Zenger trial was that a) English common law was changed to make truth a defense b) The Star Chamber was no longer used c) Newspapers were encouraged to take greater risks in criticizing the government d) Editors and publishers were forced to gain royal approval before publishing
  • 45. The United States government under the Articles of Confederation could be considered a success because it a) Established a strong, widely respected foreign policy b) Created an open market that fostered interstate trade c) Set the nation on a sound financial base d) Provided a system for governing the Western territories that aided the nation’s expansion
  • 46. The government that was created under the Articles of Confederation lasted only a few years because the government a) Supported the extension of slavery into the NW Territory b) Lacked the ability to enforce its authority c) Circulated a uniform paper currency d) Compelled the states to abide by its treaties
  • 47. Which statement is accurate about governmental power under the Articles of Confederation? a) States had more power than the central government b) The executive branch of the central government collected taxes c) The central government was made stronger than state governments. d) The states with the largest populations had the most votes in Congress
  • 48. What 18th century editor was tried for criticizing New York’s royal governor? a) H. L. Mencken b) John Peter Zenger c) William Lloyd Garrison d) Benjamin Franklin
  • 49. What is the total number of electoral votes in the US? a) 435 b) 438 c) 535 d) 538
  • 50. Which of the following is not a qualification to vote? a) Must be 18 years old b) Must be registered c) Must be born in the US d) Must be a US citizen
  • 51. The introduction of tobacco farming in North America led to which of the following? a) improved relations with the Indians b) the end of the Atlantic slave trade c) success for the English colony of Jamestown d) creation of the indentured servant program
  • 52. What was the title of the famous American pamphlet that encouraged colonists to break away from England and form their nation? a) Common Sense b) Declaration of Independence c) Northwest Ordinance d) Albany Plan of Union