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SDGs 2019 Report
Statistical Information
for Agenda 2030 in
Italy for Regions and
Angela Ferruzza
A global challenge: a big opportunity
The 2030 SDGs of 2030 Agenda, are an Action Plan for the countries to reduce Poverty, disequity and to guarantee a
sustainable and durable development.
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs: Leaving no one behind
The SDGs refers to concrete questions or actions of our life
Related to economic, social, environmental and istitutional thematics
Three are the principle to follow: universality, integration, partnership
A Global Challenge, but also a big opportunity, for the National Statistical System, for the Countries, for Regions
and Cities, for each of us
Istat and SDGs indicators
o What we measures affects what we do
o Istat and Sistan have a crucial role for the production of statistical information to monitoring 2030 Agenda for
Italy of the National Strategy.
o Integrate global prospective, concrete progressive approach:
o Partecipation: sinergy among national statistical istitution (Ispra, GSE, Iss, Mattm, Maeci, MEF, ...), and international (Fao, Unodc,
Unesco, …), coherence with BES
o Statistical Measures and methodological approach, analyses, monitoring …
SDGs italian national Statistical indicators
Istat and SDGs indicators
o Every six months, from 2016, Istat disseminates on website an update of indicators for Italy
o SDGs Istat Statistical Information system and Second SDGs 2019 Report (april 2019)
o 123 SDGs indicators and 303 statistical measures (273 different)
o Indicator updates, disaggregations, interlinkages
Istat and SDGs indicators:
In the last decade:
Moderate progress: Goal 4, Goal 5, Goal 9, Goal 12, Goal 7,
Goal 16
Istat and SDGs indicators: 175 Regions, 58 Urban
One section for each Region
Istat and the SDGs indicators:
the geography of sustainable development
o 20 regions
o 2 autonomous Provinces
o Nuts 1 (regions in the
o 175 indicators
Istat and the SDGs indicators:
the geography of sustainable development
Goal 2 - Zero hunger
Goal 1 - No poverty
Region: Piemonte
Istat and the SDGs indicators:
the geography of sustainable development
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals
Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong
Region: Piemonte
Istat and the SDGs indicators:
the geography of sustainable development
Nord-Sud differencies
Goal 1 problems also for Liguria and Piemonte
Goal 3 problems for Bolzano, Sicilia e Campania ….
Goal 9 better in in Emilia Romagna, Lombardia e Piemonte
Piemonte 6,9 9 22,1 29 32,1 42 27,5 36 11,5 15 131
Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste 20,5 27 12,9 17 9,8 13 23,5 31 33,3 44 132
Liguria 15,2 20 19,7 26 26,5 35 22,0 29 16,7 22 132
Lombardia 14,4 19 13,6 18 13,6 18 26,5 35 31,8 42 132
Bolzano/Bozen 20,8 25 10,8 13 10,8 13 10,0 12 47,5 57 120
Trento 11,4 14 7,3 9 9,8 12 20,3 25 51,2 63 123
Veneto 13,7 18 10,7 14 23,7 31 35,1 46 16,8 22 131
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 9,1 12 12,9 17 22,0 29 23,5 31 32,6 43 132
Emilia-Romagna 15,9 21 9,1 12 15,9 21 27,3 36 31,8 42 132
Toscana 10,6 14 14,4 19 28,8 38 33,3 44 12,9 17 132
Umbria 9,2 12 26,9 35 33,1 43 15,4 20 15,4 20 130
M arche 9,1 12 25,0 33 30,3 40 25,0 33 10,6 14 132
Lazio 19,7 26 28,8 38 23,5 31 10,6 14 17,4 23 132
Abruzzo 18,9 25 36,4 48 18,2 24 16,7 22 9,8 13 132
M olise 27,7 36 33,1 43 9,2 12 10,0 13 20,0 26 130
Campania 54,5 72 15,9 21 10,6 14 8,3 11 10,6 14 132
Puglia 37,1 49 24,2 32 14,4 19 15,2 20 9,1 12 132
Basilicata 33,8 44 26,9 35 10,8 14 12,3 16 16,2 21 130
Calabria 56,1 74 8,3 11 9,8 13 10,6 14 15,2 20 132
Sicilia 56,1 74 14,4 19 9,1 12 8,3 11 12,1 16 132
Sardegna 34,1 45 24,2 32 15,2 20 15,2 20 11,4 15 132
Nord 7,6 9 11,9 14 17,8 21 50,0 59 12,7 15 118
Centro 11,5 14 23,0 28 36,9 45 24,6 30 4,1 5 122
Sud 48,3 56 19,8 23 15,5 18 11,2 13 5,2 6 116
Gruppo di collocazione (quintili) Totale
(0-20) (20-40) (40-60) (60-80) (80-100)
Miglioramento dei fattori di disagio abitativo dopo anni in
cui risultava in aumento. Sovraffollamento delle abitazioni
il fattore più critico, soprattutto per giovani e stranieri
Generale battuta d’arresto nella riduzione del livello di inquinamento atmosferico da
particolato PM10 e PM2.5 (anche a causa delle condizioni atmosferiche)
Prosegue la diminuzione della quota di rifiuti urbani conferiti in discarica, pari alla
metà fino al 2008, scesa al di sotto di un quarto negli ultimi due anni (23,4% nel
Esposizioneall’inquinamento atmosferico da particolato PM2.5 e
Pm10 – Anno 2017 (µg/m3)
Rilevanti differenze a livello regionale
Rifiuti urbani conferiti in
discarica - Anno 2017 (%)
Abusivismo edilizio in crescita negli ultimi anni, è pari a 19,8%
nel 2017
Percentuale di persone che vivono in abitazioni….: Anno 2017 (%)
Abusivismo edilizio
Anno 2017 (%)
Incremento degli indici di
estremi di caldo e
diminuzione degli indici
di estremi di freddo
Goal 1, Goal 4 and Goal 10
Goal 1
In 2017, in Italy, it is estimated that 1 million 778 thousand families (6.9% of resident
households) are in conditions of absolute poverty, for a total of 5 million and 58 thousand
individuals (8.4% of the entire population).
Percentage of population living in conditions of absolute poverty
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
0-17 anni 18-34 anni
35-64 anni 65 anni e piu'
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Italia Nord
Centro Mezzogiorno
Goal 4
The alphabetic and numerical skills are very low for some groups of students
Among the students who attend the second grade secondary schools, 33.5%
do not reach a sufficient level in alphabetic skills and 41.6% in numerical ones.
Competenza linguistica Competenza numerica Media Italia Linguistica Media Italia Numerica
Percentage of Second Class Secondary School students who do not reach the level of sufficiency for alphabetic and numerical
Albania Marocco Brasile India Pakistan Senegal Bangladesh Macedonia Moldova Peru'
2017 2016
Goal 10
Italy is experiencing a profound change in the migratory phenomena that interest it. After the age of
labor migrations, the last few years have been characterized by an increasing relevance of incoming
flows of asylum seekers and international protection
As for integration indicators, the growth of people with a long-term permit continues. In 2017, instead, a
decrease in the number of citizenship acquisitions was registered for the first time after a decade of
constant growth (-26.4%)
Acquisitions of citizenship of non-EU citizens
Goal 2, Goal 6, Goal 14 and Goal 15
Goal 2
In agriculture, the area of organic
crops keep growing (+71%, 2010-
2017) while…
At the same time, however, ammonia
emissions are increasing, back to the
level of 2010, and the use of fertilizers
does not decrease
Goal 6
342 municipalities (1.4 million inhabitants, equal to
2.4% of the total population) without any urban
wastewater treatment.
Goal 14
In Italy, the surface area of marine protected
areas is equal to a total of 3,020.5 km2. Three
quarters of the protected areas are in Sardinia,
Sicily and Tuscany.
Marine protected areas EUAP- Year 2013 (Km2)
Goal 15
Land consumption is still on the riser (14 hectares per day in
2017). 7.65% of the national territory is sealed by artificial
surfaces, but almost 40% has a high degree of
fragmentation, due to the proliferation of physical barriers
produced by urbanization
Goal 3, Goal 5 and Goal 16
Goal 3
In 2017 a newborn is expect to live 58.7 years in good health in Italy. The rate increases more
among women compared to 2016 (+ 2.7 years), but the disadvantage compared to men in
terms of quality of survival remains. More marked the territorial inequalities, with about 4 years
expected to live in good health more in the North comparing to the South and Islands.
Speranza di vita e speranza di vita in buona salute alla nascita, per sesso
e ripartizione geografica Anno 2017
84,9 83,2 82,9 81,9 82,7
59,7 57,8 60,1 59,7
56,2 58,7
Maschi Femmine Nord Centro Mezzogiorno Italia
speranza di vita alla nascita speranza di vita in buona salute alla nascita
Goal 5
The presence of women in economic, decision-making and political places is increasing. However
the presence continues to remain low. The proportion of seats held by women has increased in most
EU countries. Italy has experienced the greatest growth between 2008 and 2018
Quota di seggi detenuti da donne nei parlamenti e nei governi nazionali
nei paesi Ue28. Anni 2008 e 2018 (% di seggi)
2008 2018
Goal 16
In 2017, 0.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants were committed in Italy. The rate of murders of
men over the years has decreased while it remains stable in the case of women.
Homicide Rate in Eu – Year 2016
(per 100,000 inhabitants )
Souce: Eurostat
Goal 7, Goal 11 e Goal 13
Goal 7
Potenziamento delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili
target delle politiche europee e italiane
Dopo il rallentamento segnato tra il 2013 e il 2015,
nel 2017, torna a crescere Il contributo delle FER ai
consumi di energia complessivi, ma non per
l’energia elettrica
Quota di consumi coperti da rinnovabile molto
elevata in Valle d’Aosta (quasi 90%), Bolzano,
Trento, Calabria, Molise e Basilicata
Goal 11
Continues to decrease the share of municipal waste sent to landfill: from half until
2008 to less than a quarter in the last two years (23.4% in 2017)
Significant regional differences
GHG emissions by production activities and GDP (Italy, 1995-2016)
Index numbers on base year 1995.
Goal 13
In Italy, hazardous events are intensifying, also due to climate change, with
disastrous multi-risk cascade events: landslides, floods, forest fires, extreme
climatic phenomena, heat waves, water deficits.
The fragility and mismanagement of the territory, the poor maintenance and
obsolescence of the infrastructures aggravate the human, economic and
environmental losses.
In 2017, 10.4% of the population was exposed to flood risk, 2.2% to landslide.
Temperature anomalies levels increased 1.30 °C compared to 1961-1990.
Peaks in the impacts of forest fires in 2007, 2012 and 2017.
Italy also subject to seismic and volcanic events, with greater losses where
territory and infrastructure are more fragile and vulnerable. 2016 was a year of
high seismic intensity.
Goal 8, Goal 9, Goal 12 e Goal 17
Goal 8
Condizioni di inserimento occupazionale più sfavorevoli nel
Mezzogiorno, in particolare in Campania, Sicilia e Calabria, e più
favorevoli in Trentino Alto-Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto
e Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Tasso di disoccupazione per regione. Anno 2018
Intensità di ricerca (%) e numero di ricercatori (per 10.000 abitanti) per regione.
Anno 2016
L’incidenza di imprese che introducono innovazioni
tecnologiche torna a crescere nell’ultimo triennio,
arrivando al 38,1 (+6,2 punti percentuali). L’innovazione si
concentra al Nord: soprattutto l’Emilia- Romagna (46%),
Veneto, Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Piemonte
Goal 9
Intensità di ricerca più elevata in Piemonte, ed Emilia-
Romagna; maggiori dotazioni di personale in Emilia-
Romagna, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia
Giulia e il Piemonte. Più critica la situazione in Calabria,
Molise, Basilicata e Sicilia
Consumo di materiale interno pro capite e per unità di PIL per paese - Anno
2017 (tonnellate pro capite e tonnellate per 1.000 Euro)
Goal 12
Italia in posizione virtuosa rispetto all’Ue: il nostro
paese si colloca al terz’ultimo posto nella graduatoria
in termini di CMI/PIL (64% della media dell’Ue) e
all’ultimo posto in termini di CMI pro capite (62%)
Rimesse verso l'estero degli immigrati in Italia - Anni 2005 –
2018 (milioni di euro)
Goal 17
Nel 2018, tornano a crescere, le rimesse verso l’estero
degli immigrati in Italia. Le rimesse verso l’estero, in
decremento dal 2012, raggiungono nel 2018 i 6,2 miliardi di
euro, (+ 22% rispetto al 2017; +60% rispetto al 2005)
Istat, SDGs indicators:
Integrations ed interlinkages
Expliciting interlinkages to make evident interconnessions synergies and trade-off:
 Interconnessions among humans and environmental systems,
 Interaction among environmental, social, economic and institutional dimensions,
 Integration among indicators, goals, target for statistical production, analysis and monitoring
Interconnessions: UN-IAEG-SDGs
Integrations ed interlinkages, analyses:
Urban sustainability
Legami leggeri 1-3 indicatori
Legami medi 4-10 indicatori
Legami forti 10+ indicatori
Integrations ed interlinkages, analyses:
Climate change
Integrations ed interlinkages, monitoring:
National Sustainable Strategy Developing
o Increasing role of statistical indicators as tools to orienting decisional processes: Legge di bilancio, BES
o Monitoring of National Sustainable Strategy Developing based on Istat SDGs indicators Platform (Delibera
Cipe dicembre 2017)
o Statistical working group: Istat, Ispra, Mattm, MEF, MAECI
o Methodological approach to select a sub-group of statistical indicators: : selection from the SDGs Istat
Platform UN-IAEG Tier I indicators, Identical, from Sistan. Criteria
Integrations ed interlinkages, monitoring:
National Sustainable Strategy Developing
Istat SDGs Platform for SNSvS
Monitoring: Sinergies and trade-
For Regional SDGs strategies
o Parsimony,
o Feasibility,
o Tempestivity, extensions of
historical series
o Sensibility to public policy
o Territorial dimension
(regional, urban)
It is necessary to measure to act.
Our future will depend on the choices of the present
Istat-Sistan SDGs platform makes possible SDGs analyses and monitoring at national and subnational level:
 Istat will follow the UN-IAEG-SDGs indicators analysis using an inter-institutional approach, developing the
methodological innovations that are necessary for the statistical production
 Istat will follow the dissemination of statistical measures to increase and to update the SDGs Istat platform and the Report
of statistical analysis
 A Global Challenge, big opportunities for the Country, for Sistan, for each of us: increasing sustainability awareness of
the sistemic integrated and concrete vision.
It is necessary to measure to act.
Our future will depend on the choices of the present
Grazie per l’attenzione
Angela Ferruzza
Barbara Baldazzi
Luigi Costanzo
Giovanna Tagliacozzo
Paola Patteri
Paola Ungaro

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Ferruzza, Angela - SDGs 2019 Report: Statistical Information for Agenda 2030 in Italy for Regions and Cities

  • 1. SDGs 2019 Report Statistical Information for Agenda 2030 in Italy for Regions and Cities Angela Ferruzza Istat
  • 2. 1 A global challenge: a big opportunity The 2030 SDGs of 2030 Agenda, are an Action Plan for the countries to reduce Poverty, disequity and to guarantee a sustainable and durable development. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs: Leaving no one behind The SDGs refers to concrete questions or actions of our life Related to economic, social, environmental and istitutional thematics Three are the principle to follow: universality, integration, partnership A Global Challenge, but also a big opportunity, for the National Statistical System, for the Countries, for Regions and Cities, for each of us
  • 3. 2 Istat and SDGs indicators o What we measures affects what we do o Istat and Sistan have a crucial role for the production of statistical information to monitoring 2030 Agenda for Italy of the National Strategy. o Integrate global prospective, concrete progressive approach: o Partecipation: sinergy among national statistical istitution (Ispra, GSE, Iss, Mattm, Maeci, MEF, ...), and international (Fao, Unodc, Unesco, …), coherence with BES o Statistical Measures and methodological approach, analyses, monitoring … SDGs italian national Statistical indicators
  • 4. 3 Istat and SDGs indicators o Every six months, from 2016, Istat disseminates on website an update of indicators for Italy o SDGs Istat Statistical Information system and Second SDGs 2019 Report (april 2019) o 123 SDGs indicators and 303 statistical measures (273 different) o Indicator updates, disaggregations, interlinkages
  • 5. 4 Istat and SDGs indicators: trends In the last decade: Moderate progress: Goal 4, Goal 5, Goal 9, Goal 12, Goal 7, Goal 16
  • 6. 5 Istat and SDGs indicators: 175 Regions, 58 Urban
  • 7. 6 One section for each Region Istat and the SDGs indicators: the geography of sustainable development o 20 regions o 2 autonomous Provinces o Nuts 1 (regions in the Eu28) o 175 indicators
  • 8. 7 Istat and the SDGs indicators: the geography of sustainable development Goal 2 - Zero hunger Goal 1 - No poverty Region: Piemonte
  • 9. 8 Istat and the SDGs indicators: the geography of sustainable development Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions Region: Piemonte
  • 10. 9 Istat and the SDGs indicators: the geography of sustainable development Nord-Sud differencies Examples Goal 1 problems also for Liguria and Piemonte Goal 3 problems for Bolzano, Sicilia e Campania …. Goal 9 better in in Emilia Romagna, Lombardia e Piemonte Piemonte 6,9 9 22,1 29 32,1 42 27,5 36 11,5 15 131 Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste 20,5 27 12,9 17 9,8 13 23,5 31 33,3 44 132 Liguria 15,2 20 19,7 26 26,5 35 22,0 29 16,7 22 132 Lombardia 14,4 19 13,6 18 13,6 18 26,5 35 31,8 42 132 Bolzano/Bozen 20,8 25 10,8 13 10,8 13 10,0 12 47,5 57 120 Trento 11,4 14 7,3 9 9,8 12 20,3 25 51,2 63 123 Veneto 13,7 18 10,7 14 23,7 31 35,1 46 16,8 22 131 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 9,1 12 12,9 17 22,0 29 23,5 31 32,6 43 132 Emilia-Romagna 15,9 21 9,1 12 15,9 21 27,3 36 31,8 42 132 Toscana 10,6 14 14,4 19 28,8 38 33,3 44 12,9 17 132 Umbria 9,2 12 26,9 35 33,1 43 15,4 20 15,4 20 130 M arche 9,1 12 25,0 33 30,3 40 25,0 33 10,6 14 132 Lazio 19,7 26 28,8 38 23,5 31 10,6 14 17,4 23 132 Abruzzo 18,9 25 36,4 48 18,2 24 16,7 22 9,8 13 132 M olise 27,7 36 33,1 43 9,2 12 10,0 13 20,0 26 130 Campania 54,5 72 15,9 21 10,6 14 8,3 11 10,6 14 132 Puglia 37,1 49 24,2 32 14,4 19 15,2 20 9,1 12 132 Basilicata 33,8 44 26,9 35 10,8 14 12,3 16 16,2 21 130 Calabria 56,1 74 8,3 11 9,8 13 10,6 14 15,2 20 132 Sicilia 56,1 74 14,4 19 9,1 12 8,3 11 12,1 16 132 Sardegna 34,1 45 24,2 32 15,2 20 15,2 20 11,4 15 132 Nord 7,6 9 11,9 14 17,8 21 50,0 59 12,7 15 118 Centro 11,5 14 23,0 28 36,9 45 24,6 30 4,1 5 122 Sud 48,3 56 19,8 23 15,5 18 11,2 13 5,2 6 116 REGIONI E RIPARTIZIONI GEOGRAFICHE Gruppo di collocazione (quintili) Totale indicatori disponibili I II III IV V (0-20) (20-40) (40-60) (60-80) (80-100)
  • 11. 10 Miglioramento dei fattori di disagio abitativo dopo anni in cui risultava in aumento. Sovraffollamento delle abitazioni il fattore più critico, soprattutto per giovani e stranieri Generale battuta d’arresto nella riduzione del livello di inquinamento atmosferico da particolato PM10 e PM2.5 (anche a causa delle condizioni atmosferiche) Prosegue la diminuzione della quota di rifiuti urbani conferiti in discarica, pari alla metà fino al 2008, scesa al di sotto di un quarto negli ultimi due anni (23,4% nel 2017) Esposizioneall’inquinamento atmosferico da particolato PM2.5 e Pm10 – Anno 2017 (µg/m3) Rilevanti differenze a livello regionale Rifiuti urbani conferiti in discarica - Anno 2017 (%) Abusivismo edilizio in crescita negli ultimi anni, è pari a 19,8% nel 2017 Percentuale di persone che vivono in abitazioni….: Anno 2017 (%) Abusivismo edilizio Anno 2017 (%) Incremento degli indici di estremi di caldo e diminuzione degli indici di estremi di freddo GOAL 11
  • 12. 11 Goal 1, Goal 4 and Goal 10 Goal 1 In 2017, in Italy, it is estimated that 1 million 778 thousand families (6.9% of resident households) are in conditions of absolute poverty, for a total of 5 million and 58 thousand individuals (8.4% of the entire population). Percentage of population living in conditions of absolute poverty 0 5 10 15 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0-17 anni 18-34 anni 35-64 anni 65 anni e piu' Italia 0 5 10 15 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Italia Nord Centro Mezzogiorno Goal 4 The alphabetic and numerical skills are very low for some groups of students Among the students who attend the second grade secondary schools, 33.5% do not reach a sufficient level in alphabetic skills and 41.6% in numerical ones. 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 Competenza linguistica Competenza numerica Media Italia Linguistica Media Italia Numerica Percentage of Second Class Secondary School students who do not reach the level of sufficiency for alphabetic and numerical skills 0 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 Albania Marocco Brasile India Pakistan Senegal Bangladesh Macedonia Moldova Peru' 2017 2016 Goal 10 Italy is experiencing a profound change in the migratory phenomena that interest it. After the age of labor migrations, the last few years have been characterized by an increasing relevance of incoming flows of asylum seekers and international protection As for integration indicators, the growth of people with a long-term permit continues. In 2017, instead, a decrease in the number of citizenship acquisitions was registered for the first time after a decade of constant growth (-26.4%) Acquisitions of citizenship of non-EU citizens
  • 13. 12 Goal 2, Goal 6, Goal 14 and Goal 15 Goal 2 In agriculture, the area of organic crops keep growing (+71%, 2010- 2017) while… At the same time, however, ammonia emissions are increasing, back to the level of 2010, and the use of fertilizers does not decrease Goal 6 342 municipalities (1.4 million inhabitants, equal to 2.4% of the total population) without any urban wastewater treatment. Goal 14 In Italy, the surface area of marine protected areas is equal to a total of 3,020.5 km2. Three quarters of the protected areas are in Sardinia, Sicily and Tuscany. Marine protected areas EUAP- Year 2013 (Km2) Goal 15 Land consumption is still on the riser (14 hectares per day in 2017). 7.65% of the national territory is sealed by artificial surfaces, but almost 40% has a high degree of fragmentation, due to the proliferation of physical barriers produced by urbanization
  • 14. 13 Goal 3, Goal 5 and Goal 16 Goal 3 In 2017 a newborn is expect to live 58.7 years in good health in Italy. The rate increases more among women compared to 2016 (+ 2.7 years), but the disadvantage compared to men in terms of quality of survival remains. More marked the territorial inequalities, with about 4 years expected to live in good health more in the North comparing to the South and Islands. Speranza di vita e speranza di vita in buona salute alla nascita, per sesso e ripartizione geografica Anno 2017 80,6 84,9 83,2 82,9 81,9 82,7 59,7 57,8 60,1 59,7 56,2 58,7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Maschi Femmine Nord Centro Mezzogiorno Italia speranza di vita alla nascita speranza di vita in buona salute alla nascita Goal 5 The presence of women in economic, decision-making and political places is increasing. However the presence continues to remain low. The proportion of seats held by women has increased in most EU countries. Italy has experienced the greatest growth between 2008 and 2018 Quota di seggi detenuti da donne nei parlamenti e nei governi nazionali nei paesi Ue28. Anni 2008 e 2018 (% di seggi) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2008 2018 Goal 16 In 2017, 0.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants were committed in Italy. The rate of murders of men over the years has decreased while it remains stable in the case of women. Homicide Rate in Eu – Year 2016 (per 100,000 inhabitants ) Souce: Eurostat
  • 15. 14 Goal 7, Goal 11 e Goal 13 Goal 7 Potenziamento delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili target delle politiche europee e italiane Dopo il rallentamento segnato tra il 2013 e il 2015, nel 2017, torna a crescere Il contributo delle FER ai consumi di energia complessivi, ma non per l’energia elettrica Quota di consumi coperti da rinnovabile molto elevata in Valle d’Aosta (quasi 90%), Bolzano, Trento, Calabria, Molise e Basilicata Goal 11 Continues to decrease the share of municipal waste sent to landfill: from half until 2008 to less than a quarter in the last two years (23.4% in 2017) Significant regional differences GHG emissions by production activities and GDP (Italy, 1995-2016) Index numbers on base year 1995. Goal 13 In Italy, hazardous events are intensifying, also due to climate change, with disastrous multi-risk cascade events: landslides, floods, forest fires, extreme climatic phenomena, heat waves, water deficits. The fragility and mismanagement of the territory, the poor maintenance and obsolescence of the infrastructures aggravate the human, economic and environmental losses. In 2017, 10.4% of the population was exposed to flood risk, 2.2% to landslide. Temperature anomalies levels increased 1.30 °C compared to 1961-1990. Peaks in the impacts of forest fires in 2007, 2012 and 2017. Italy also subject to seismic and volcanic events, with greater losses where territory and infrastructure are more fragile and vulnerable. 2016 was a year of high seismic intensity.
  • 16. 15 Goal 8, Goal 9, Goal 12 e Goal 17 Goal 8 Condizioni di inserimento occupazionale più sfavorevoli nel Mezzogiorno, in particolare in Campania, Sicilia e Calabria, e più favorevoli in Trentino Alto-Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto e Friuli-Venezia Giulia Tasso di disoccupazione per regione. Anno 2018 Intensità di ricerca (%) e numero di ricercatori (per 10.000 abitanti) per regione. Anno 2016 L’incidenza di imprese che introducono innovazioni tecnologiche torna a crescere nell’ultimo triennio, arrivando al 38,1 (+6,2 punti percentuali). L’innovazione si concentra al Nord: soprattutto l’Emilia- Romagna (46%), Veneto, Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Piemonte Goal 9 Intensità di ricerca più elevata in Piemonte, ed Emilia- Romagna; maggiori dotazioni di personale in Emilia- Romagna, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia e il Piemonte. Più critica la situazione in Calabria, Molise, Basilicata e Sicilia Consumo di materiale interno pro capite e per unità di PIL per paese - Anno 2017 (tonnellate pro capite e tonnellate per 1.000 Euro) Goal 12 Italia in posizione virtuosa rispetto all’Ue: il nostro paese si colloca al terz’ultimo posto nella graduatoria in termini di CMI/PIL (64% della media dell’Ue) e all’ultimo posto in termini di CMI pro capite (62%) Rimesse verso l'estero degli immigrati in Italia - Anni 2005 – 2018 (milioni di euro) Goal 17 Nel 2018, tornano a crescere, le rimesse verso l’estero degli immigrati in Italia. Le rimesse verso l’estero, in decremento dal 2012, raggiungono nel 2018 i 6,2 miliardi di euro, (+ 22% rispetto al 2017; +60% rispetto al 2005)
  • 17. 16 Istat, SDGs indicators: Integrations ed interlinkages Expliciting interlinkages to make evident interconnessions synergies and trade-off:  Interconnessions among humans and environmental systems,  Interaction among environmental, social, economic and institutional dimensions,  Integration among indicators, goals, target for statistical production, analysis and monitoring Interconnessions: UN-IAEG-SDGs
  • 18. 17 Integrations ed interlinkages, analyses: Urban sustainability Legami leggeri 1-3 indicatori Legami medi 4-10 indicatori Legami forti 10+ indicatori 1.1.1 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3.1 1.4.1 4.3.1 4.6.1 5.b.1 6.1.1 16.1.3 16.1.4 16.2.3 16.3.1 16.5.1 10.1.1 10.2.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 3.5.2 3.a.1 UN Italy
  • 19. 18 Integrations ed interlinkages, analyses: Climate change UN Italy
  • 20. 19 Integrations ed interlinkages, monitoring: National Sustainable Strategy Developing o Increasing role of statistical indicators as tools to orienting decisional processes: Legge di bilancio, BES indicators o Monitoring of National Sustainable Strategy Developing based on Istat SDGs indicators Platform (Delibera Cipe dicembre 2017) o Statistical working group: Istat, Ispra, Mattm, MEF, MAECI o Methodological approach to select a sub-group of statistical indicators: : selection from the SDGs Istat Platform UN-IAEG Tier I indicators, Identical, from Sistan. Criteria
  • 21. 20 Integrations ed interlinkages, monitoring: National Sustainable Strategy Developing Istat SDGs Platform for SNSvS Monitoring: Sinergies and trade- offs For Regional SDGs strategies Criteria: o Parsimony, o Feasibility, o Tempestivity, extensions of historical series o Sensibility to public policy o Territorial dimension (regional, urban)
  • 22. 21 It is necessary to measure to act. Our future will depend on the choices of the present Istat-Sistan SDGs platform makes possible SDGs analyses and monitoring at national and subnational level:  Istat will follow the UN-IAEG-SDGs indicators analysis using an inter-institutional approach, developing the methodological innovations that are necessary for the statistical production  Istat will follow the dissemination of statistical measures to increase and to update the SDGs Istat platform and the Report of statistical analysis  A Global Challenge, big opportunities for the Country, for Sistan, for each of us: increasing sustainability awareness of the sistemic integrated and concrete vision.
  • 23. 22 It is necessary to measure to act. Our future will depend on the choices of the present Grazie per l’attenzione Angela Ferruzza Barbara Baldazzi Luigi Costanzo Giovanna Tagliacozzo Paola Patteri Paola Ungaro