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Myrna D.C. San Pedro MD, FPPS
• To discuss the physiologic basis for feedings intrauterine, at birth &
during the growing years
• To enumerate the guiding principles of infant feeding
• To discuss breastfeeding
 Identify the anatomical structures of the female breast
 Explain the physiology of lactation
 Compare the different types of breast milk
 Enumerate the factors affecting composition
 Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages
 Explain how to determine if breast milk supply adequate
 Enumerate antenatal techniques and postnatal procedures to
prepare mothers for proper breast-feeding
• To discuss breastfeeding (continuation)
 Compare the composition of human breast milk and cow’s milk
 Explain wet nursing
• To discuss artificial feeding
 Compute the fluid and caloric requirement of a cow’s milk
formula-feeding infant
 Differentiate the various milk formulas
 Define supplementary and complementary feedings
• To discuss weaning and introduction of solids
 Define weaning
 State when to start solid feedings and why
 Enumerate the recommended solid feedings
• To define and demonstrate a “healthy” diet for children
• Maternal diet ultimate source of fetal nutrients as
evidenced by distinctly lower average birth weight among
babies in low-income than from high-income groups
• With poor maternal diet, less fat & protein storage in fetus,
less vitamin A & iron storage in fetal liver & less Ca+2
deposition in fetal skeleton
• Poor maternal diet also increases incidence of abortions,
stillbirths & developmental abnormalities in fetus
• Whatever physical, biochemical, physiologic & behavioral
defects due to poor maternal diet intensified during
neonatal period
• After birth when infant can safely tolerate enteral nutrition
judged by normal activity, alertness, suck & cry, feedings
 To maintain normal metabolism during transition from
fetal to extrauterine life
 To promote maternal-infant bonding
 To decrease risks of hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia,
hyperbilirubinemia & azotemia
• Most infants can start breast-feeding immediately almost
always within 1–4 hr
• An infant's stomach’s emptying time varies from 1–4 hr or
more during a single day
• By end of 1st
wk, most healthy infants will be taking 60–
90 ml/feeding and want 6–9 feedings/24 hr
• By end of 1st
month, >90% of infants will have
established a suitable & reasonably regular schedule
• Most will wake for a middle-of-the-night feeding until 3–6
wk of age though some will never desire this feeding
while others continue it beyond 3–6 wk of age
• Between 4–8 mo of age, many infants will lose interest in
the late evening feeding
• By 9–12 mo of age, most will be satisfied with 3
meals/day plus snacks
• Not all infants conform to these general guidelines
• May not be receiving enough milk
• May have discomfort such as
uncomfortable clothing, colic or “gas”,
wet diapers or feeling hot or cold
• To gain sufficient or additional attention
• Simply need to be held
• Sick infants (uninterested in food and
continue to cry even when held)
• Breast milk: the most ideal, safe &
complete food
• Breast milk protein of good biological
• Lactation may continue to 18-24
months (WHO)
• Each breast has 15 to 20 lobes
of milk-producing glandular tissue
• Each lobe is made up of many
smaller lobules
• Special channels called ducts run
from these lobes
• Spaces around the lobules and
ducts are filled with fatty &
connective tissue stroma that
determines the size
• Nipple skin contains many nerves,
oil & sweat secreting glands
• The actual milk-producing
structures nearly the same in all
University of Western
Australia’s Human
Lactation Research
Group, with Medela,
investigated the
lactating breast using
ultrasound & research
results overturned
160 years of received
wisdom concerning
the female breast
• Nipple stimulation from
baby’s breast sucking
• Message sent to spinal
cord, then brain
• Increased prolactin
levels released by
anterior pituitary for
milk production
• Increased oxytocin
levels released by
posterior pituitary for
milk ejection reflex
• About 5% fat, 1.1% protein & 7% lactose
that is fairly consistent, fatty acids
generally reflect maternal diet, total N2 of
1.2% includes significant portion of non-
protein N2
• Sp. gr. 1.026-1.036 average being 1.031
• PH 6.8-7.4 average of 7
**In poorly nourished women, composition
constant but total yields lower
About 600
ml in 1st
to 800 ml in
the 6th
after which
falls to
25-400 ml
on the 2nd
By end of
• Fall in protein, decreasing cells/mm3
concentration of immunoglobulins but
total volume increases
• Gradual increase in fat & lactose
• Na+
, K+
& Cl-
concentrations decrease but
& PO4-
Increases to
<600 ml
day to 1st
• Yellow fluid
• More protein (95% globulins & more IgA)
• Less fat & sugar
• More vitamins esp. vitamin A
• More salt (Na+
& K+
• Sp. gr. 1.040-1.060
• Alkaline pH of 7.7
• Time of day - Fat content highest early in the day &
lowest at night
• Mother’s diet - Milk usually light blue but the more fat
the more yellowish
• Mother’s emotional state - milk ejection reflex often
absent or erratic during periods of pain, fatigue, or
emotional distress
• Whether fore or hind milk - . “Fore” milk, 1st
expressed is clear, thin & bluish reflecting low fat & high
water content but “Hind” milk or end milk is thick &
creamy white reflecting higher fat content
• Drugs - Atropine, opium, lead, iodides, barbiturates,
sulfonamides, INH & some antibiotics may be found in
milk after prolonged use or in maximum doses
• Smoking
• If infant is satisfied after each nursing
• Contented and sleeps 2-4 hours between
• Regularly and adequately gaining weight
• The “let-down” or milk ejection reflex in
the mother is an important sign
• Proper quality & quantity
of nutrients
• Rates of growth better in
the 1st
3-4 months
• Anti-infective properties
universally accepted
• Prevents allergy due to
high IgA preventing
antigen absorption
• Contraceptive property,
high levels of prolactin
inhibit synthesis of
ovarian steroids causing
delay of ovulation &
1. Psychological advantages
a. Fosters mother-child relationship
b. Tactile contact makes babies
more secure, emotionally stable
c. A sense of fulfillment,
satisfaction & joy for the mother
2. Protective against
a. Necrotizing enterocolitis
b. Otitis media
c. Dental caries
3. Others:
• Safe, contains no pathogens
• Always at the right temperature
• Convenient & always available
a. Breast milk esp. colostrum
contains plenty of
b. E. coli antibodies present
c. High % of lactose
stimulates Lactobacillus
d. Lactoferrin binds iron &
inhibits growth of E. coli,
staphylococci & Candida
e. Lysozyme bacteriostatic
enterobacteriaceae &
staphylococcus species
f. Anti-staphylococcus factor
a. Lactoperoxidase kills streptococci &
enteric bacteria
b. Secretory IgA against intestinal
c. Macrophages 90% of leucocytes,
involved in phagocytosis &
synthesis of bacteriostatic proteins:
lactoferrin, lysozyme &
complements C3, C4
d. Lymphocytes comprise 10%,
approximately 34% B-lymphocytes
responsible for synthesis of IgA
e. T-lymphocytes 50% against E. coli,
rubella, CMV & mumps viruses &
transfer delayed hypersensitivity
• Absolute: chronic diseases like open TB, cardiac
diseases, thyrotoxicosis, advanced nephritis, mental &
seizure disorders
• Relative: when mother is taking anticoagulants,
antibiotics, steroids or potentially toxic substances like
benzene products
• Mechanical contraindications on the part of the
mother: retracted or oversized nipples
• Mechanical contraindications on the part of the
baby: congenital anomalies like harelip & cleft palate
but breast milk may be pumped & given
• Allergy should be proven
1. Lack of motivation or preparation of mothers
2. Anxiety, fear & uncertainty in the mother
3. Aesthetic reasons
4. Status seeking & effective promotion of infant foods
5. Mothers work to increase & augment family income
6. Separate maternity & nursery wards
7. Milk formula easily sucked from the bottle nipple
8. Cultural milieu
9. Mothers who can’t despite all desires & attempts
10. Presence of contraindications
• Wear fitted maternity bra from 5th
• Daily bath enough for cleaning nipples, avoid soap,
alcohol & drying agents
• Rub nipples & areolae with little anhydrous lanolin to
make more supple
• Express colostrum from 7th
month by squeezing areola
between index finger & thumb about 3x each side
• Practice Hoffman’s maneuver (tactile stimulation by
thumb & opposing forefinger in the horizontal & vertical
planes) for flat or pseudo-inverted nipple
• Breast-feeding maybe started about 30 min after NSD & 3-4 hrs
after C/S
• The baby should be comfortable, in semi-sitting position with lips
engaging considerable areola & breast not obstructing breathing
• The mother should be seated comfortably & relaxed (recumbent
position if preferred) with areola held between her index & middle
fingers or between thumb & index finger to control milk flow
• Baby obtains 95% of milk in the 1st
5 min & frequent feeds as well
as short feeds on alternate breasts ideal then burp after
• Teach mother how to break suction of baby when time to stop by
pressing on a portion of the breast near baby’s lips to let air into
mouth to prevent painful tagging between mother & child
minimizing sore nipples
Less digestible
Softer, smaller
a. Curds
High ratio of methionine
to cystine, higher levels
phenylalanine & tyrosine
Low ratio of methionine
to cystine, lower levels
phenylalanine & tyrosine
a. Casein
Mostly β-lactoglobulin,
some α-lactalbumin &
traces of lactoferrin
α-lactalbumin (40%)
lactoferrin (25%)
lysozyme (0.08%),
albumin (0.08%), IgA,
IgG, IgM (0.15%)
a. Whey proteins
a. Whey-to-casein
Both have water content of 87-87.5% w/ sp. gr.
1.026-1.036 average being 1.031
Water content &
Specific gravity
Both have pH 6.8-7.4 w/ average of 7
mainly lactose
Steatorrhea may
Contains bile-salt stimulated
lipase plus specific fatty acids,
hence, more efficient
a. Digestion &
4-5% of fat calories, hence,
better source of this
a. Linoleic acid
a. Volatile fatty acids
butyric, capric,
caproic & caprylic
Twice as much of the more
absorbable olein
a. Neutral fat or
palmitin, stearin &
3.5% but varies w/ maternal
More vitamin C
a. Ascorbic acid
More thiamine & riboflavin
More niacin
a. B complex
Both contains large amounts of vitamin A, minimal
vitamin D & should be given vitamin K to prevent
hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
a. Fat-soluble
Lower & lesser absorbed
Although low, sufficient
because better absorbed
a. Iron
Neonatal hypocalcemia
may occur
• Ca+2
Hypertonicity & acidosis
Hypotonic dehydration
a. With diarrhea
Need for extra water
Ensures free water
a. And water
Mineral content
• Definition: Breast milk fed to an infant obtained from
a lactating woman other than the mother
• Purpose: For infants, like LBWs, who don’t seem to
do well with any other type of milk
• A good lactating woman should be able to supply
milk for 2-3 babies at same time including own
• A wet nurse should be in good health, have good
personal hygiene & enough milk for another infant in
addition to her own who is thriving well
• Isocaloric: Infant formulas or breast milk substitutes contain
about 20 kcal/oz like breast milk
• Caloric requirements: The average caloric requirement of a FT
infant is about 80-120 kcal/kg during the 1st
few months of life &
100 kcal/kg by 1 yr
• Fluid requirements: During the 1st
6 months of life, about
130-190 ml/kg/day; as a rule, the infant regulates his or her own
fluid requirement provided adequate amounts mostly from orange
juice & other foods or water offered
• Number of feedings daily: For the 1st
month or 2, feedings
throughout 24-hr period, about 8 feedings/day but as quantity
increases, number of feedings decrease adjusting to family pattern
& by 9-12 months most infants satisfied with 3 meals a day
• Certified Milk. Milk drawn cooled to <70
C immediately & kept at
this temperature till delivery
a. Eliminates bovine tuberculosis, typhoid & other salmonella,
dysentery, streptococcus & staphylococcus
• Pasteurized Milk. Heating milk at 630
C for 30 min or for 15 sec
at 720
C followed by rapid cooling to 650
 Destroys all pathogenic bacteria but only 99% of saprophytes
 Destroys 20% of vitamin C & 10% of thiamine
 Standards range from 5,000-10,000/ml to 50,000 non-
pathogenic bacteria/ml
 Should be kept at 100
C & do not use after 48 hrs
 Only fresh milk is pasteurized
• Homogenized Milk. Processing of milk through a fine aperture at
high pressure at pasteurization temperature so that fat globules
are broken down into a fine emulsion
 Prevents creaming & renders fat more easily assimilated
 Method used to incorporate vitamin D in milk
• Evaporated Milk. Cow’s milk vaporized at 55-600
C to about 50%
of its volume, homogenized, sealed in cans & autoclaved at 1160
for some time to destroy spores
a. Process can damage quality of protein
b. If can unopened, can keep for months without refrigeration
c. Lactalbumin less allergenic
d. 30 ml or 1 fl oz = 40 kcal
• Condensed Milk. Cow’s milk to which 45% cane sugar added
a. Carbohydrate content 60% when diluted 1:4
b. Percentage composition of proteins 1.6%, fat 1.6%,
carbohydrate 11% & minerals 0.36%
c. Used only for short periods of time if high caloric formula
needed since nutritionally “out of balance”
d. Less fat-soluble vitamins & vitamin C
e. Main advantages are keeping quality & cheap cost
• Dried Milk. Prepared by spraying whole or pasteurized milk into a
hot chamber at a very high speed so that water is volatized
immediately or by freeze-drying
a. Fine curds produced because protein altered
b. Vitamin C not affected
• Skimmed Dried Milk. Fat removed before milk is dried so that fat
content only 0.05%
a. Half-skimmed dried milk has fat content of 1.5%
b. Useful for fat intolerance, diarrhea or some prematures
• Fermented Milk. Acidity of sour milk responsible for changing of the
casein curds
 Buttermilk. Milk allowed to turn sour by nature & its fat removed
by churning; since frequently contaminated, sterile skimmed milk
is inoculated with some lactic-acid producing organisms
(Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, or Streptococcus lacticus)
 Fermented Whole milk. After inoculation, milk incubated at
C for 6-12 hrs after which refrigerated for several days
 Protein Milk. Introduced by Finkelstein for treatment of diarrheas
• Acid Milk. Prepared by addition of dilute mineral or organic acids
to the milk, such as lactic acid milk popularized by Marriott
a. Overcomes buffer value of cow’s milk
b. Bactericidal effect in stomach & duodenum
c. May cause acidosis in infants
• Filled Milk. Fat content of whole milk is replaced by vegetable oil,
coconut oil & corn oil & this increases the amount of saturated
fatty acids
• Recombined Milk. Separated non-aqueous ingredients mixed
together with or without water, e.g. in condensed milk
recombination, butterfat & non-fat milk solids are put together
• Reconstituted Milk. Remaking of any milk product to
approximate the composition of fresh cow’s milk, hence, for
powdered milk, all that is needed is water
• Follow-on Milk Formulas. Food intended for use as a liquid part
of the weaning diet for the infant from the 6th
month onwards & for
children between 12-36 months of age
a. Questions raised about the high protein content
b. Risk of hypernatremic dehydration due to high potential renal
solute load
c. However, beneficial in places where supplementary foods are
low in protein
• Special Milk Formulas. Where either the carbohydrate, protein,
fat or all these components have been altered to address specific
 Phenylalanine-free. Milk formula for phenylketonuria
 Lactose-free Formulas. For lactose intolerance or
 Soy formulas/Protein Hydrolysates. For infants with cow’s
milk allergy
 Powdered Protein. For prematures or debilitated infants or
those with diarrhea
• Whole Cow’s Milk
a. Protein content much higher than in breast milk 21% versus
7-16%, thus, increasing solute load
b. Low in iron
c. Use may result in occult blood loss in stools
• Skimmed Milk & Low Fat Milk
a. Very low fat content
b. Deficient in vitamin C & iron
• Goat’s Milk
a. Just as antigenic as cow’s milk
b. High protein content may result in increased renal solute load
c. Deficient in folic acid & iron
d. Carbohydrate content 25% versus 35-65% in breast milk
• Supplementary Feedings
 Feedings provided in place of breastfeeding
 Any food given prior to 6 months, the
recommended duration of exclusive feeding
 May include expressed or banked breast milk
• Complementary Feedings
 Milk feedings given in addition to breastfeeding
or replacement foods (non-milk feedings)
 Foods given in addition to breastfeeding after 6
months needed for adequate nutrition
• Definition: The process of introducing any non-milk food
into the infant’s diet, irrespective of whether or not
breast- or bottle-feeding continues
• Introduction of solids usually done at about 4-6
months of age because:
a. Milk supply may no longer meet the nutrient
requirements for growth
b. Intestinal tract better able to handle foreign proteins
c. Kidneys better able to tolerate increased protein
d. The infant exhibits developmental readiness
• Able to sit with support or briefly
• Better head control
• Better oral motor coordination (loss of
extrusion reflex)
• Better able to communicate degree of
• Initial weaning foods are usually cereals, pureed or mashed
fruits & vegetables and semi-solids
• Ground fresh beef, liver or strained canned meats may be
given initially by 6 months of age
• When infant shows “gumming” or develops chewing motions,
usually at 6-8 months of age, chewable biscuits & succulent
solids may be introduced
• Egg white, chicken & similar highly antigenic foods should be
introduced with caution during the second 6 months to
observe for & minimize allergic manifestations
• Lifelong dietary habits may become established at weaning
periods, hence, excessive salt & sugar intake should be
• By 8 months, most infants can also eat "finger foods" (snacks
that can be eaten by children alone)
• By 12 months, most children can eat the same types of foods
as consumed by the rest of the family
• Avoid foods that may cause choking (i.e., items that have
shape and/or consistency that may cause them to become
lodged in the trachea like nuts, grapes, raw carrots)
• Avoid giving drinks with low nutrient value, such as tea, coffee
and sugary drinks such as soda
• Limit the amount of juice offered so as to avoid displacing more
nutrient-rich foods
• The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005,
describe a healthy diet as one that
 Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains
and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
 Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans,
eggs and nuts
 Is low in saturated fats, trans-fats,
cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars
• The Food Guide Pyramid incorporates current dietary
guidelines with strong focus on activity
• “MyPyramid” indicates that nutrient needs vary as a
function of age, sex, weight, height and level of
• The goal is to support normal rates of weight gain
without excessive fat deposition
• The recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines and
in MyPyramid are for the general public >2 years of
Moderately Active
(30–60 min of
vigorous activity/day)
(<30 min of
Needed by a
6-yr-old Boy
Meat, beans
Daily Intakes of Each Food Group
• The National Cholesterol Education Program and the
American Heart Association Step I Diet recommends:
 Dietary fat to about 30% of total daily energy intake
 Saturated fatty acids <10% of energy
 Cholesterol <100 mg/1,000 kcal
 PUFA 7–8% of energy
 Monounsaturated fatty acids 12–13%
• To decrease atherosclerotic heart disease in adulthood
and may be effective in preventing obesity
Estimated Amounts of Caloriesa
Moderately Activec
Age (years)
Based on EER from IOM DRIs macronutrients report, 2002, calculated by gender, age and activity level for
reference-sized individuals. "Reference size," is based on median height and weight for ages up to 18 yr and
median height and weight for that height to give a BMI of 21.5 for adult females and 22.5 for adult males.
Sedentary means a lifestyle that includes only light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.
Moderately active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking about 1.5-3 miles/
day at 3-4 miles/hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life
Active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking >3 miles/day at 3-4 miles/hour,
in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.
As point of reference: 3 ounces lean beef (the size of a deck of cards) or poultry =
25 g protein; 3 ounces fish or 1 cup soybeans = 20 g protein; 1 cup milk or yogurt
= 8 g protein; 1 egg or 1 ounce cheese=6 g protein; 1 cup legumes=15 g protein;
cereals, grains, nuts and vegetables = 2 g protein per serving
0.85 (or 46 g/day of protein)
0.80 (or 46 g/day of protein)
14-18 yr (RDA)
19-30 yr (RDA)
0.85 (or 52 g/day of protein)
0.80 (or 56 g/day of protein)
14-18 yr (RDA)
19-30 yr (RDA)
16-19 yr
7-15 yr
0.95 (or 34 g/day of protein)
9-13 yr (RDA)
3-6 yr
0.95 (or 19 g/day of protein)
4-8 yr (RDA)
1-2 yr
1.05 (or 13 g/day of protein)
1-3 yr (RDA)
6-11 mo
1.2 (or 11 g/day of protein)
7-12 mo (RDA)
0-5 mo
0-6 mo (AI)
1978 FNRI Publications, Daily
Requirements of Filipinos
(g/kg BW/day)
2005 Dietary Reference Intakes, U. S. Food and
Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
(g/kg BW/day)
Daily Protein Requirement
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the
intangible, and achieves the impossible.

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feedingofinfantsandchildren-091105071725-phpapp02 (1).pdf

  • 2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To discuss the physiologic basis for feedings intrauterine, at birth & during the growing years • To enumerate the guiding principles of infant feeding • To discuss breastfeeding  Identify the anatomical structures of the female breast  Explain the physiology of lactation  Compare the different types of breast milk  Enumerate the factors affecting composition  Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages  Explain how to determine if breast milk supply adequate  Enumerate antenatal techniques and postnatal procedures to prepare mothers for proper breast-feeding
  • 3. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To discuss breastfeeding (continuation)  Compare the composition of human breast milk and cow’s milk  Explain wet nursing • To discuss artificial feeding  Compute the fluid and caloric requirement of a cow’s milk formula-feeding infant  Differentiate the various milk formulas  Define supplementary and complementary feedings • To discuss weaning and introduction of solids  Define weaning  State when to start solid feedings and why  Enumerate the recommended solid feedings • To define and demonstrate a “healthy” diet for children
  • 4. RELATION OF MATERNAL & FETAL NUTRITION • Maternal diet ultimate source of fetal nutrients as evidenced by distinctly lower average birth weight among babies in low-income than from high-income groups • With poor maternal diet, less fat & protein storage in fetus, less vitamin A & iron storage in fetal liver & less Ca+2 deposition in fetal skeleton • Poor maternal diet also increases incidence of abortions, stillbirths & developmental abnormalities in fetus • Whatever physical, biochemical, physiologic & behavioral defects due to poor maternal diet intensified during neonatal period
  • 5. AT BIRTH & NEONATAL PERIOD • After birth when infant can safely tolerate enteral nutrition judged by normal activity, alertness, suck & cry, feedings started  To maintain normal metabolism during transition from fetal to extrauterine life  To promote maternal-infant bonding  To decrease risks of hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, hyperbilirubinemia & azotemia • Most infants can start breast-feeding immediately almost always within 1–4 hr • An infant's stomach’s emptying time varies from 1–4 hr or more during a single day
  • 6. GENERAL GUIDELINES • By end of 1st wk, most healthy infants will be taking 60– 90 ml/feeding and want 6–9 feedings/24 hr • By end of 1st month, >90% of infants will have established a suitable & reasonably regular schedule • Most will wake for a middle-of-the-night feeding until 3–6 wk of age though some will never desire this feeding while others continue it beyond 3–6 wk of age • Between 4–8 mo of age, many infants will lose interest in the late evening feeding • By 9–12 mo of age, most will be satisfied with 3 meals/day plus snacks • Not all infants conform to these general guidelines
  • 7. REASONS FOR AN INFANT’S CRY OTHER THAN HUNGER • May not be receiving enough milk • May have discomfort such as uncomfortable clothing, colic or “gas”, wet diapers or feeling hot or cold • To gain sufficient or additional attention • Simply need to be held • Sick infants (uninterested in food and continue to cry even when held)
  • 8. BREAST-FEEDING • Breast milk: the most ideal, safe & complete food • Breast milk protein of good biological value • Lactation may continue to 18-24 months (WHO)
  • 9. BREAST STRUCTURE • Each breast has 15 to 20 lobes of milk-producing glandular tissue • Each lobe is made up of many smaller lobules • Special channels called ducts run from these lobes • Spaces around the lobules and ducts are filled with fatty & connective tissue stroma that determines the size • Nipple skin contains many nerves, oil & sweat secreting glands • The actual milk-producing structures nearly the same in all
  • 10. WHAT HAS CHANGED? University of Western Australia’s Human Lactation Research Group, with Medela, investigated the lactating breast using sophisticated ultrasound & research results overturned 160 years of received wisdom concerning the female breast
  • 11. PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION • Nipple stimulation from baby’s breast sucking • Message sent to spinal cord, then brain • Increased prolactin levels released by anterior pituitary for milk production • Increased oxytocin levels released by posterior pituitary for milk ejection reflex
  • 12. • About 5% fat, 1.1% protein & 7% lactose that is fairly consistent, fatty acids generally reflect maternal diet, total N2 of 1.2% includes significant portion of non- protein N2 • Sp. gr. 1.026-1.036 average being 1.031 • PH 6.8-7.4 average of 7 **In poorly nourished women, composition constant but total yields lower About 600 ml in 1st mo to 800 ml in the 6th mo after which falls to 25-400 ml on the 2nd yr By end of 1st month of lactation MATURE • Fall in protein, decreasing cells/mm3 & concentration of immunoglobulins but total volume increases • Gradual increase in fat & lactose • Na+ , K+ & Cl- concentrations decrease but Ca+2 & PO4- constant Increases to <600 ml From 4th -10th day to 1st month TRANSITIONAL • Yellow fluid • More protein (95% globulins & more IgA) • Less fat & sugar • More vitamins esp. vitamin A • More salt (Na+ & K+ ) • Sp. gr. 1.040-1.060 • Alkaline pH of 7.7 10-40 ml/day 1st 2-4 days COLOSTRUM CHARACTERISTICS QUANTITY TIMING TYPE
  • 13. FACTORS INFLUENCING COMPOSITION • Time of day - Fat content highest early in the day & lowest at night • Mother’s diet - Milk usually light blue but the more fat the more yellowish • Mother’s emotional state - milk ejection reflex often absent or erratic during periods of pain, fatigue, or emotional distress • Whether fore or hind milk - . “Fore” milk, 1st milk expressed is clear, thin & bluish reflecting low fat & high water content but “Hind” milk or end milk is thick & creamy white reflecting higher fat content • Drugs - Atropine, opium, lead, iodides, barbiturates, sulfonamides, INH & some antibiotics may be found in milk after prolonged use or in maximum doses • Smoking
  • 14. DETERMINING ADEQUACY • If infant is satisfied after each nursing period • Contented and sleeps 2-4 hours between feedings • Regularly and adequately gaining weight • The “let-down” or milk ejection reflex in the mother is an important sign
  • 15. ADVANTAGES OF BREAST-FEEDING • Proper quality & quantity of nutrients • Rates of growth better in the 1st 3-4 months • Anti-infective properties universally accepted • Prevents allergy due to high IgA preventing antigen absorption • Contraceptive property, high levels of prolactin inhibit synthesis of ovarian steroids causing delay of ovulation & pregnancy 1. Psychological advantages a. Fosters mother-child relationship b. Tactile contact makes babies more secure, emotionally stable c. A sense of fulfillment, satisfaction & joy for the mother 2. Protective against a. Necrotizing enterocolitis b. Otitis media c. Dental caries 3. Others: • Safe, contains no pathogens • Always at the right temperature • Convenient & always available
  • 16. ANTI-INFECTIVE PROPERTIES a. Breast milk esp. colostrum contains plenty of antibodies b. E. coli antibodies present c. High % of lactose stimulates Lactobacillus bifidus d. Lactoferrin binds iron & inhibits growth of E. coli, staphylococci & Candida albicans e. Lysozyme bacteriostatic against enterobacteriaceae & staphylococcus species f. Anti-staphylococcus factor a. Lactoperoxidase kills streptococci & enteric bacteria b. Secretory IgA against intestinal bacteria c. Macrophages 90% of leucocytes, involved in phagocytosis & synthesis of bacteriostatic proteins: lactoferrin, lysozyme & complements C3, C4 d. Lymphocytes comprise 10%, approximately 34% B-lymphocytes responsible for synthesis of IgA e. T-lymphocytes 50% against E. coli, rubella, CMV & mumps viruses & transfer delayed hypersensitivity
  • 17. CONTRAINDICATIONS • Absolute: chronic diseases like open TB, cardiac diseases, thyrotoxicosis, advanced nephritis, mental & seizure disorders • Relative: when mother is taking anticoagulants, antibiotics, steroids or potentially toxic substances like benzene products • Mechanical contraindications on the part of the mother: retracted or oversized nipples • Mechanical contraindications on the part of the baby: congenital anomalies like harelip & cleft palate but breast milk may be pumped & given • Allergy should be proven
  • 18. REASONS FOR NOT OR STOPPING BREAST-FEEDING 1. Lack of motivation or preparation of mothers 2. Anxiety, fear & uncertainty in the mother 3. Aesthetic reasons 4. Status seeking & effective promotion of infant foods 5. Mothers work to increase & augment family income 6. Separate maternity & nursery wards 7. Milk formula easily sucked from the bottle nipple 8. Cultural milieu 9. Mothers who can’t despite all desires & attempts 10. Presence of contraindications
  • 19. ANTENATAL TECHNIQUES • Wear fitted maternity bra from 5th month • Daily bath enough for cleaning nipples, avoid soap, alcohol & drying agents • Rub nipples & areolae with little anhydrous lanolin to make more supple • Express colostrum from 7th month by squeezing areola between index finger & thumb about 3x each side • Practice Hoffman’s maneuver (tactile stimulation by thumb & opposing forefinger in the horizontal & vertical planes) for flat or pseudo-inverted nipple
  • 20. POSTNATAL PROCEDURES • Breast-feeding maybe started about 30 min after NSD & 3-4 hrs after C/S • The baby should be comfortable, in semi-sitting position with lips engaging considerable areola & breast not obstructing breathing • The mother should be seated comfortably & relaxed (recumbent position if preferred) with areola held between her index & middle fingers or between thumb & index finger to control milk flow • Baby obtains 95% of milk in the 1st 5 min & frequent feeds as well as short feeds on alternate breasts ideal then burp after • Teach mother how to break suction of baby when time to stop by pressing on a portion of the breast near baby’s lips to let air into mouth to prevent painful tagging between mother & child minimizing sore nipples
  • 21. Less digestible Softer, smaller a. Curds High ratio of methionine to cystine, higher levels phenylalanine & tyrosine Low ratio of methionine to cystine, lower levels phenylalanine & tyrosine a. Casein Mostly β-lactoglobulin, some α-lactalbumin & traces of lactoferrin α-lactalbumin (40%) lactoferrin (25%) lysozyme (0.08%), albumin (0.08%), IgA, IgG, IgM (0.15%) a. Whey proteins 20:80 60:40 a. Whey-to-casein ratio 3.3% 1-1.5% Proteins Both have water content of 87-87.5% w/ sp. gr. 1.026-1.036 average being 1.031 Water content & Specific gravity Both have pH 6.8-7.4 w/ average of 7 pH COW’S MILK BREAST MILK CONTENT
  • 22. 4.8% 7% Carbohydrates mainly lactose Steatorrhea may occur Contains bile-salt stimulated lipase plus specific fatty acids, hence, more efficient a. Digestion & absorption 4-5% of fat calories, hence, better source of this a. Linoleic acid 9% 1.3% a. Volatile fatty acids butyric, capric, caproic & caprylic Twice as much of the more absorbable olein a. Neutral fat or triglycerides palmitin, stearin & olein 3.5% but varies w/ maternal diet Fats COW’S MILK BREAST MILK CONTENT
  • 23. Lesser More vitamin C a. Ascorbic acid More thiamine & riboflavin More niacin a. B complex Both contains large amounts of vitamin A, minimal vitamin D & should be given vitamin K to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn a. Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamins Lower & lesser absorbed Although low, sufficient because better absorbed a. Iron Neonatal hypocalcemia may occur 2:1 • Ca+2 /P- ratio Hypertonicity & acidosis common Hypotonic dehydration a. With diarrhea Need for extra water Ensures free water a. And water 0.7-0.75% 0.15-0.25% Mineral content COW’S MILK BREAST MILK CONTENT
  • 24. WET NURSING • Definition: Breast milk fed to an infant obtained from a lactating woman other than the mother • Purpose: For infants, like LBWs, who don’t seem to do well with any other type of milk • A good lactating woman should be able to supply milk for 2-3 babies at same time including own • A wet nurse should be in good health, have good personal hygiene & enough milk for another infant in addition to her own who is thriving well
  • 25. ARTIFICIAL FEEDING • Isocaloric: Infant formulas or breast milk substitutes contain about 20 kcal/oz like breast milk • Caloric requirements: The average caloric requirement of a FT infant is about 80-120 kcal/kg during the 1st few months of life & 100 kcal/kg by 1 yr • Fluid requirements: During the 1st 6 months of life, about 130-190 ml/kg/day; as a rule, the infant regulates his or her own fluid requirement provided adequate amounts mostly from orange juice & other foods or water offered • Number of feedings daily: For the 1st month or 2, feedings throughout 24-hr period, about 8 feedings/day but as quantity increases, number of feedings decrease adjusting to family pattern & by 9-12 months most infants satisfied with 3 meals a day
  • 26. MILK FORMULAS • Certified Milk. Milk drawn cooled to <70 C immediately & kept at this temperature till delivery a. Eliminates bovine tuberculosis, typhoid & other salmonella, dysentery, streptococcus & staphylococcus • Pasteurized Milk. Heating milk at 630 C for 30 min or for 15 sec at 720 C followed by rapid cooling to 650 C.  Destroys all pathogenic bacteria but only 99% of saprophytes  Destroys 20% of vitamin C & 10% of thiamine  Standards range from 5,000-10,000/ml to 50,000 non- pathogenic bacteria/ml  Should be kept at 100 C & do not use after 48 hrs  Only fresh milk is pasteurized
  • 27. MILK FORMULAS • Homogenized Milk. Processing of milk through a fine aperture at high pressure at pasteurization temperature so that fat globules are broken down into a fine emulsion  Prevents creaming & renders fat more easily assimilated  Method used to incorporate vitamin D in milk • Evaporated Milk. Cow’s milk vaporized at 55-600 C to about 50% of its volume, homogenized, sealed in cans & autoclaved at 1160 C for some time to destroy spores a. Process can damage quality of protein b. If can unopened, can keep for months without refrigeration c. Lactalbumin less allergenic d. 30 ml or 1 fl oz = 40 kcal
  • 28. MILK FORMULAS • Condensed Milk. Cow’s milk to which 45% cane sugar added a. Carbohydrate content 60% when diluted 1:4 b. Percentage composition of proteins 1.6%, fat 1.6%, carbohydrate 11% & minerals 0.36% c. Used only for short periods of time if high caloric formula needed since nutritionally “out of balance” d. Less fat-soluble vitamins & vitamin C e. Main advantages are keeping quality & cheap cost • Dried Milk. Prepared by spraying whole or pasteurized milk into a hot chamber at a very high speed so that water is volatized immediately or by freeze-drying a. Fine curds produced because protein altered b. Vitamin C not affected
  • 29. MILK FORMULAS • Skimmed Dried Milk. Fat removed before milk is dried so that fat content only 0.05% a. Half-skimmed dried milk has fat content of 1.5% b. Useful for fat intolerance, diarrhea or some prematures • Fermented Milk. Acidity of sour milk responsible for changing of the casein curds  Buttermilk. Milk allowed to turn sour by nature & its fat removed by churning; since frequently contaminated, sterile skimmed milk is inoculated with some lactic-acid producing organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, or Streptococcus lacticus)  Fermented Whole milk. After inoculation, milk incubated at 27-30o C for 6-12 hrs after which refrigerated for several days  Protein Milk. Introduced by Finkelstein for treatment of diarrheas
  • 30. MILK FORMULAS • Acid Milk. Prepared by addition of dilute mineral or organic acids to the milk, such as lactic acid milk popularized by Marriott a. Overcomes buffer value of cow’s milk b. Bactericidal effect in stomach & duodenum c. May cause acidosis in infants • Filled Milk. Fat content of whole milk is replaced by vegetable oil, coconut oil & corn oil & this increases the amount of saturated fatty acids • Recombined Milk. Separated non-aqueous ingredients mixed together with or without water, e.g. in condensed milk recombination, butterfat & non-fat milk solids are put together again
  • 31. MILK FORMULAS • Reconstituted Milk. Remaking of any milk product to approximate the composition of fresh cow’s milk, hence, for powdered milk, all that is needed is water • Follow-on Milk Formulas. Food intended for use as a liquid part of the weaning diet for the infant from the 6th month onwards & for children between 12-36 months of age a. Questions raised about the high protein content b. Risk of hypernatremic dehydration due to high potential renal solute load c. However, beneficial in places where supplementary foods are low in protein
  • 32. MILK FORMULAS • Special Milk Formulas. Where either the carbohydrate, protein, fat or all these components have been altered to address specific needs  Phenylalanine-free. Milk formula for phenylketonuria  Lactose-free Formulas. For lactose intolerance or galactosemia  Soy formulas/Protein Hydrolysates. For infants with cow’s milk allergy  Powdered Protein. For prematures or debilitated infants or those with diarrhea
  • 33. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INFANTS • Whole Cow’s Milk a. Protein content much higher than in breast milk 21% versus 7-16%, thus, increasing solute load b. Low in iron c. Use may result in occult blood loss in stools • Skimmed Milk & Low Fat Milk a. Very low fat content b. Deficient in vitamin C & iron • Goat’s Milk a. Just as antigenic as cow’s milk b. High protein content may result in increased renal solute load c. Deficient in folic acid & iron d. Carbohydrate content 25% versus 35-65% in breast milk
  • 34. SUPPLEMENTARY AND COMPLEMENTARY FEEDINGS • Supplementary Feedings  Feedings provided in place of breastfeeding  Any food given prior to 6 months, the recommended duration of exclusive feeding  May include expressed or banked breast milk • Complementary Feedings  Milk feedings given in addition to breastfeeding or replacement foods (non-milk feedings)  Foods given in addition to breastfeeding after 6 months needed for adequate nutrition
  • 35. WEANING • Definition: The process of introducing any non-milk food into the infant’s diet, irrespective of whether or not breast- or bottle-feeding continues • Introduction of solids usually done at about 4-6 months of age because: a. Milk supply may no longer meet the nutrient requirements for growth b. Intestinal tract better able to handle foreign proteins c. Kidneys better able to tolerate increased protein loads d. The infant exhibits developmental readiness
  • 36. DEVELOPMENTAL READINESS FOR WEANING • Able to sit with support or briefly • Better head control • Better oral motor coordination (loss of extrusion reflex) • Better able to communicate degree of satisfaction
  • 37. WEANING FOODS • Initial weaning foods are usually cereals, pureed or mashed fruits & vegetables and semi-solids • Ground fresh beef, liver or strained canned meats may be given initially by 6 months of age • When infant shows “gumming” or develops chewing motions, usually at 6-8 months of age, chewable biscuits & succulent solids may be introduced • Egg white, chicken & similar highly antigenic foods should be introduced with caution during the second 6 months to observe for & minimize allergic manifestations • Lifelong dietary habits may become established at weaning periods, hence, excessive salt & sugar intake should be discouraged
  • 38. WEANING FOODS • By 8 months, most infants can also eat "finger foods" (snacks that can be eaten by children alone) • By 12 months, most children can eat the same types of foods as consumed by the rest of the family • Avoid foods that may cause choking (i.e., items that have shape and/or consistency that may cause them to become lodged in the trachea like nuts, grapes, raw carrots) • Avoid giving drinks with low nutrient value, such as tea, coffee and sugary drinks such as soda • Limit the amount of juice offered so as to avoid displacing more nutrient-rich foods
  • 39. WHAT IS A “HEALTHY” DIET? • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, describe a healthy diet as one that  Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products  Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts  Is low in saturated fats, trans-fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars
  • 40. WHAT IS A “HEALTHY” DIET? • The Food Guide Pyramid incorporates current dietary guidelines with strong focus on activity • “MyPyramid” indicates that nutrient needs vary as a function of age, sex, weight, height and level of activity • The goal is to support normal rates of weight gain without excessive fat deposition • The recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines and in MyPyramid are for the general public >2 years of age
  • 41.
  • 42. Very Active Moderately Active (30–60 min of vigorous activity/day) Inactive (<30 min of vigorous activity/day) Needed by a 6-yr-old Boy 5 5 4 Meat, beans (oz/day) 3 3 2 Milk (cups/day) 1.5 1.5 1.5 Fruits (cups/day) 2.5 2 1.5 Vegetables (cups/day) 6 5 5 Grains (oz/day) 1,800 1,600 1,400 Energy (kcal/day) Daily Intakes of Each Food Group
  • 43. WHAT IS A “HEALTHY” DIET? • The National Cholesterol Education Program and the American Heart Association Step I Diet recommends:  Dietary fat to about 30% of total daily energy intake  Saturated fatty acids <10% of energy  Cholesterol <100 mg/1,000 kcal  PUFA 7–8% of energy  Monounsaturated fatty acids 12–13% • To decrease atherosclerotic heart disease in adulthood and may be effective in preventing obesity
  • 44. Estimated Amounts of Caloriesa 1,600-2,000 2,000-2,600 2,800-3,200 3,000 2,800-3,000 2,400-2,800 1,400-1,600 1,800-2,200 2,400-2,800 2,600-2,800 2,400-2,600 2,200-2,400 1,400 1,800 2,200 2,400 2,200 2,000 4-8 9-13 14-18 19-30 31-50 51+ 1,400-1,800 1,800-2,200 2,400 2,400 2,200 2,000-2,200 1,400-1,600 1,600-2,000 2,000 2,000-2,200 2,000 1,800 1,200 1,600 1,800 2,000 1,800 1,600 4-8 9-13 14-18 19-30 31-50 51+ Male Female 1,000-1,400 1,000-1,400 1,000 2-3 Child Actived Moderately Activec Sedentaryb Age (years) Gender a Based on EER from IOM DRIs macronutrients report, 2002, calculated by gender, age and activity level for reference-sized individuals. "Reference size," is based on median height and weight for ages up to 18 yr and median height and weight for that height to give a BMI of 21.5 for adult females and 22.5 for adult males. b Sedentary means a lifestyle that includes only light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life. c Moderately active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking about 1.5-3 miles/ day at 3-4 miles/hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life d Active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking >3 miles/day at 3-4 miles/hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.
  • 45. As point of reference: 3 ounces lean beef (the size of a deck of cards) or poultry = 25 g protein; 3 ounces fish or 1 cup soybeans = 20 g protein; 1 cup milk or yogurt = 8 g protein; 1 egg or 1 ounce cheese=6 g protein; 1 cup legumes=15 g protein; cereals, grains, nuts and vegetables = 2 g protein per serving 0.85 (or 46 g/day of protein) 0.80 (or 46 g/day of protein) 14-18 yr (RDA) 19-30 yr (RDA) Females 0.85 (or 52 g/day of protein) 0.80 (or 56 g/day of protein) 14-18 yr (RDA) 19-30 yr (RDA) 1.2 16-19 yr Males 1.5 7-15 yr 0.95 (or 34 g/day of protein) 9-13 yr (RDA) 2 3-6 yr 0.95 (or 19 g/day of protein) 4-8 yr (RDA) 2.5 1-2 yr 1.05 (or 13 g/day of protein) 1-3 yr (RDA) 3 6-11 mo 1.2 (or 11 g/day of protein) 7-12 mo (RDA) 3.5 0-5 mo 1.52 0-6 mo (AI) 1978 FNRI Publications, Daily Requirements of Filipinos (g/kg BW/day) 2005 Dietary Reference Intakes, U. S. Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences (g/kg BW/day) Daily Protein Requirement
  • 46.
  • 47. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.