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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

                            COORDINATOR COMMUNIQUÉ
                                              A forum for Foundation news
                                                    February 2013

Message from Brenda Cressey, 2013 RRFC Institute Moderator

Dear Rotary Leaders,

Over the last few weeks we’ve had an opportunity to reflect back on our recent combined 2013 Rotary
Foundation Training and RRFC Institute experience. I trust you not only found it exciting to be part of
history, but returned back to your regional responsibilities with more confidence in not only the direction
we’re now going, but able to address any questions or concerns that may be lingering during this transition.

It was truly an honor and special privilege to serve as your RRFC Institute Moderator and I truly enjoyed
serving with a great professional and leader, Past RI Director and Assistant Moderator John Lawrence. I
surely leave you in good hands for next year’s Institute.

Immediately following our Institute, John and I met with Gary Millman to review the training evaluations and
we were especially pleased that the overall training across the board was well received and received high
marks. Everyone was engaged in the process as you learned and shared best practices.

Please read the note from our good friend Gary Millman in thanks to the many Rotary staff members who
supported this event. I felt it was truly worthy of sharing with each of you. Gary wrote:
       Hi Everyone,
       I want to thank you all for your help in the just-completed RRFC Training Institute out in San Diego. This was a unique event
       for us, with the RRFCs involved in the Future Vision training that took place Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then we held
       our one-day RRFC training institute last Sunday. I am happy to say Moderator Brenda Cressey and Assistant Moderator John
       Lawrence were pleased with how the meeting went, and were equally pleased that the RRFCs rated the meeting highly. I have
       looked at all the evaluations and the RRFCs rated the one-day training with 4s or 5s -- meaning they were very happy with the
       sessions and gained valuable information. They were especially happy with the regional breakouts and very much want to see that
       continue. Their main complaint was that we did not have enough time.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
         As you can see by the list of recipients on this e-mail, a lot of people were involved in various parts of this meeting. I particularly
         want to thank Jatare Barrett and Allison Richardson for their indispensible help in the logistics, and Kimberly Braam and Bill Li
         for getting our materials over to the Embassy Suites and for helping us pack up when just about everybody else had left San Diego.
         Lisa Parse was tremendous in sorting through all our housing issues. Jacob Lesgold made our registration go smoothly. Shannon
         Strong was again terrific with our interpreters, who all did a great great job. Liz Trigginai made sure our opening dinner went well.
         Alyce and Monika were excellent as always in taking our group photos -- one of which will make it to the polio commercial.
         And I thank all of you who participated as co-leaders of our breakout sessions, and especially our colleagues from the International
         Offices who either co-facilitated or took notes. As always I welcome any and all feedback you can give us concerning the breakouts -
         - or any other aspect of the meeting -- to make this a more effective training next year. Feel free to contact me, or send your ideas to
         Sarah Remijan, who will be taking over the planning of this meeting next year.
         I also thank Kim Kouame, Katie Ediger and Sarah, and all the folks involved in the Future Vision training for keeping our
         RRFCs fully engaged during the IA and Future Vision training.
         Finally, I wish to thank Christine Sanders, and especially Adam McCormick, who pinch hit for Christine Grodecki on such short
         notice. But most of all I thank Melanie Davis and Christine Grodecki, who -- as always -- were two steps ahead of me during all
         our preparations for this meeting.

So to that end, I personally look forward to sharing ongoing information and updates with you over the next
few months as we continue to serve Rotary and the new Rotary Foundation. I especially look forward to
seeing you once again in the near future -- perhaps at the Lisbon Rotary International Convention.
Kind Rotary regards,


Rotary clubs worldwide take action to End Polio Now
Every year on Rotary’s anniversary, 23 February, clubs around the world rally support for Rotary’s top
priority: the global eradication of polio.

Recently, clubs and districts have been illuminating world landmarks with Rotary’s pledge to End Polio; this
year Rotary is casting the spotlight on the need for governments worldwide to provide the approximately
US$1 billion in resources needed to build on significant gains against the disease achieved in 2012. If the
eradication initiative falters, experts warn, polio can quickly rebound and spread, soon paralyzing 200,000
children a year around the world.

In the days surrounding 23 February, clubs are encouraged to invite elected leaders, government officials, and
the general public to polio-themed events to learn about the eradication effort and stress the importance of
finishing a job that is 99% accomplished by reaching every child in the world with the oral polio vaccine.

In Canada, Rotarians in the Vancouver area are devoting the first portion of a 23 February peace forum to the
polio eradication. Discussed will be the recent success of Pennies and More for Polio, an innovative polio
eradication fundraising campaign in which the Canadian government is matching one-to-one every dollar
raised by Canadian Rotary members up to C$1 million. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation likewise
pledged an equal match, meaning every Rotary dollar raised will leverage an additional two. To read about
other events being held worldwide, click here.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Rotary clubs are encouraged to continue advocacy activities through April to build support for the Vaccine
Summit that will be held 24-25 April 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Funding commitments
from donor countries around the world will be announced at the summit, and will highlight the promise of
polio eradication and its broader implication for all vaccine preventable diseases.
Banner year against polio
2012 was a banner year for polio eradication. Worldwide, fewer than 240 polio cases were confirmed for the
year. Cases are at an all-time low worldwide, down from 650 cases in 2011. Additionally, India was removed
from the polio-endemic list after posting a full year with no new cases, leaving only Afghanistan, Nigeria, and
Pakistan as countries where the wild poliovirus has never been stopped.
World’s Biggest Commercial Update
At the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, USA, Rotary International secured a booth for the
World’s Biggest Commercial, providing the opportunity to engage with the hundreds of celebrities and
festival attendees while shining a spotlight on the fight to end polio. The booth secured over 100 photos of
celebrities such as actress Octavia Spencer, actor Kevin Sorbo, and NY Yankees pitcher Phil Hughes. .
Rotary received overwhelming positive responses (and nearly 100% participation) from festival attendees.
Check out a few success stories on gathering commercial participants in Rotary Voices.
At the 2013 RRFC Institute, RRFCs joined 7452 participants in the fight to end polio in the World’s Biggest
Commercial. As of 21 February, there are 127 countries participating in the commercial and the global fight
to end polio. Check out the participation rankings for your country.
Rotary and polio in the News
Polio eradication has been highlighted frequently in media and news in the past few months:
     Bill Gates was on the Today Show with Matt Lauer and he mentions Rotary:
     Bill Gates delivers Dimbleby Lecture on BBC World:
     Rotary is highlighted in Discover Magazine


Rotary Foundation Contribution Figures, for the seven months ended 31 January 2013 and 20121
                                                              31 January 2013                         31 January 2012             (Decrease)
Annual Fund                                                           54,271,709                              52,040,032                       4.29%
PolioPlus                                                             15,249,941                              17,595,613                   (13.33%)
Endowment Fund                                                        12,869,061                               9,308,482                      38.25%
Other Funds                                                             7,059,188                             10,146,272                   (30.43%)
Subtotal                                                       US$89,449,899                           US$89,090,399                           0.40%
Donor Advised Fund                                                      3,348,833                              1,444,161                    131.89%
Total                                                          US$92,798,732                           US$90,534,560                           2.50%
1This report is confidential. Totals differ from audited financial statements. Other funds include flow-through contributions, such as the sponsor
portion of Matching Grants and Global Grants, which are not recognized as contribution revenue on the financial statements. PolioPlus
contributions exclude contributions from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

First Class Initiative
As announced during the 2013 International Assembly by Rotary International President-elect Ron Burton,
the 2013-14 class of District Governors became the first class in Rotary history to have every member make a
personal contribution to The Rotary Foundation. Contributions were given in this Rotary year for any
amount and to any designation.

Building on this historic accomplishment, District Governors-elect (DGE) are now inviting their respective
club presidents-elect to become members of the First Class by making their own personal contribution prior
to the Rotary Convention in Lisbon. Commemorative “First Class” buttons will be available to District
Governors-elect to share with their club presidents once every president elect leads by example and makes a
personal contribution. Buttons will be provided to eligible districts only after the DGE has confirmed 100%
contribution participation of their class of presidents.

Honoring the father of the Paul Harris Society

                            The Rotary Foundation recently honored Past District Governor Wayne Cusick
                            for his role in developing the Paul Harris Society. During his year as governor of
                            District 5340, Cusick, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Blythe, California,
                            USA, created the recognition program to honor those in his district who annually
                            contributed US$1,000 or more to the Foundation. Congratulations PDG Wayne
                            and thank you to all Paul Harris Society Members!

Set your goals in Rotary Club Central
Rotary Club Central is a new online tool designed to help clubs track their membership initiatives, service
activities, and Foundation giving.

Launched in July, the tool replaces the Fund Development Club Goal Report Form and other paper forms
used for setting annual goals. Club presidents-elect are encouraged to log in to Member Access and use
Rotary Club Central to submit their 2013-14 Foundation giving goals prior to 1 May 2013 in order to be
included in the worldwide goal announcement at the 2013 International Convention in Lisbon.

Invitation-Only Events at the 2013 Rotary International Convention
The Donor Relations department has begun sending invitations with a registration code to qualified donors
who may wish to attend TRF Donor Events at the 2013 RI Convention in Lisbon. RRFCs may receive
questions about these invitation-only events. Please see below for detailed information:

The 12th Reception of the Bequest Society - Monday, 24 June 2013 (17:30-19:00)
      Myriad by SANA Hotels, Cais das Naus, Lote 2.21.01, 1990-173 Lisbon, Portugal
      Event cost is US$35 per person
      Registration link:
The 20th Major Donor Dinner - Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (19:00)
    Pátio da Galé, Praҫa do Comércio (entrance), 1100 Lisbon, Portugal
    Event cost is US$95 per person
    Registration link:
Arch C. Klumph Society Dinner - Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (18:45)
    Pestana Palace, Rua Jau, 54, 1300-314 Lisbon, Portugal
    Event cost is US$95 per person

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
       Registration link:

For questions, please email the Donor Relations team at or call 847.866.3320.


Rotary Program Participation Survey
Former Rotary program participants can provide their information to Rotary International through a new
survey. This survey is intended for all Rotary Foundation alumni – former Ambassadorial Scholars, GSE
participants, Rotary Peace Fellows, and Global Grant recipients – as well as former Rotaractors, Interactors,
Youth Exchange, and RYLA participants to update their contact details and stay in touch with Rotary.
Encourage past programs participants to visit this webpage to share their story and discover new
opportunities with Rotary.

Alumni Update
Ashar Ahmed, 2011-12 Group Study Exchange team member to District 7040, Canada, Sponsored by
District 3271, Pakistan

Ashar Ahmed works in the Pakistan State Oil Company as an executive
engineer, where he handles projects pertaining to oil storage facilities
spread throughout the country. A long-time student of engineering,
Ashar mentored and continues to mentor several students on their
university projects and future careers. He enjoys teaching and is always
ready to guide young professionals. He shares his experience in GSE and
how it impacted his life: “The group study exchange has become a life
changing experience for me which brought a paradigm shift in approach
towards life; specifically it has sparked the sense of community service
and introduced me to the importance of global challenges facing


New online system
As part of Future Vision launch, RRFCs will be able to view information about the qualification status and
grant activity within their districts. When RRFCs log-in to the new grant system, they can navigate to the
designated landing pages for District Qualification, District Grants, Global Grants, and Packaged Grants.
Each of these pages will display a complete list of activities within their zones, as well as a link to open a PDF
file of the qualification and grant records for each district.

The new online system is functioning well and allowing Rotarians to prepare for participation in the new
grant model; there will be continual updates and improvements in the coming months. We will be sure to
keep RRFCs informed of these updates.

If Rotarians have questions for you about the global grant online application, you can refer them to the Grant
Management Manual, beginning on page 2.2.

UNESCO-IHE scholarship applications

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Applications for the 2013-14 packaged grant scholarships offered with Rotary’s strategic partner UNESCO-
IHE Institute for Water Education are now available online. These scholarships have been designed to
promote long-term productive relationships between Rotarians and highly skilled water and sanitation
professionals in their communities. Rotarians can visit the packaged grants page on for
more information about this packaged grant and application materials. An overview of the grant and
application process can be found here.

To learn about the experiences of one of Rotary’s current scholars studying at UNESCO-IHE, check out his
blog post on Rotary Voices.

Online pilot system transition
In preparation for the global launch of Future Vision and transition to the new online grant management
system, please remind pilot districts to observe the following timeline:
     Until 31 March, global and packaged grant proposals will be submitted through the current online
        pilot system, and processed through it no later than 30 June.
     After 31 March, global and packaged grant applications will be submitted and processed through the
        new online grant management system.
     Until 15 May, 2012-13 district grant applications will be submitted through the current system.
     By 30 June, sponsors should work to seek approval for any open global grant applications in order for
        them to transition to the new online system.
     By 1 July, reporting on all open district, global, and packaged grants from pilot districts will transition
        to the new online system.

District qualification update (as of 1 February 2013)
     Status                     Total number of                Pilot               Nonpilot
     Qualified                  463                            80                  383
     Pending*                   2                              0                   2
     Draft**                    45                             10                  35
     None                       28                             13                  15
*Pending: After a district completed qualification, an officer changed and the new officer needs to complete
the process.
**Draft: At least one district officer has started the qualification process.

District, global and packaged grants update (as of 1 February 2013)
     Status                      District Grants            Global Grants             Packaged Grants
     First Steps*                N/A                        406                       63
     Draft                       211                        47                        15
     Submitted                   1                          0                         0
* First Steps is the first phase of the application for global grants and packaged grants that gives sponsors an
opportunity to confirm their activity meets grant requirements.

2013 Rotary Foundation Training: Preparing for Future Vision (San Diego)
District governors-elect and district Rotary Foundation committee chairs received training on the new grant
model at the International Assembly in January. The training materials are now available in the Learning
Center. Go to or go to Member Access and click LEARN to find the course titled: 2013
Rotary Foundation Training: Preparing for Future Vision (San Diego).

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Club and district timelines updated
Updated versions of the club and district timelines are now available.

“What is Sustainability” video
Please find the final versions in all languages of the “What is Sustainability” video. These videos will be used
in the coming months to promote sustainability in the Future Vision model.

EN -                             IT –
DE -                             JA –
ES –                             KO –
FR –                             PT –

“Rotarians Matter Most”
Many of you may have seen the e-mails from a group called “Rotarians Matter Most.” They are dissatisfied
with the Future Vision plan and have been circularizing Rotary clubs with negative comments about the
dissolution of current TRF programs such as Group Study Exchange, Matching Grants and Ambassadorial
Scholarships. Rotary Foundation chair Wilf Wilkinson and Future Vision Committee Chair and past RI
President Luis Giay have responded to these e-mails and those responses are available to RRFCs on the
RRFC Forum. We recommend that RRFCs become familiar with these issues in case Rotarians in your area
come to you with questions or concerns about the comments made by this group.


2014 Rotary Peace Fellowship Application is now available!
The 2014 application includes added essay questions and no longer requires applicants to speak a second
language. Please note that the Rotary Peace Fellowship Application deadline is 1 July 2013.

Rotary Peace Centers publications
New versions of the Rotary Peace Centers publications are available for download. Revised publications
include the:
     2014 Rotary Peace Fellowship Application
     Rotary Peace Fellow Handbook for the Master's Degree Program
     Rotary Peace Fellow Handbook for the Professional Development Certificate Program
     Rotary Peace Centers Program Guide for Rotarians
     Rotary Peace Fellowship Brochure

Upcoming Rotary Peace Center seminars
Save the date and consider attending an upcoming Rotary Peace Center seminar in your area:

Chulalongkorn University                                    Duke-University of North Carolina
Bangkok, Thailand                                           North Carolina, USA
28 March                                                    6 April

University of Queensland                                    International Christian University
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia                             Tokyo, Japan
20 April                                                    8 June

Sign up to receive more Rotary Peace Centers news here.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International


For the final year of the GSE program, all districts should submit their GSE team’s documents to The Rotary
Foundation electronically via the GSE Workgroup.

After logging into Member Access, please go to the GSE Workgroup located on the left hand side of the
page. Please note only DGs, DRFCs and District GSE Chairs can access to the GSE Workgroup.

      Click on the “2012-13 GSE Pre-departure Document Submission” link in the left-side navigation
      Go to your district’s folder
      There are 5 folders for each team traveling:
           1. Team Applications
           2. Medical and Insurance
           3. RITS
           4. Host Itinerary
           5. Final Reports and Evaluations
      Upload the team’s documents in the folders provided by going into each folder and clicking the
       Upload button located near the top of the screen. For example, the team leader and team member
       applications should go in the Team’s Applications folder and the Travel Request form should go in
       the RITS folder.
      Your coordinator will review the documents and let you know if any other documents are needed.

For questions, please email the GSE team at or call 847.866.3330.


SHARE Tip of the Month
“Use it or lose it” does not apply to DDF. Nonpilot districts that do not use all of their DDF by 30 June will
not lose it. Unused DDF at the end of the current Rotary year continues to roll forward into the next year’s
DDF balance. However, these additional funds have no bearing on the maximum award amount for the
district grant – in the same way that roll forward DDF had no impact on the District Simplified Grant. When
unused funds roll forward, they are available for global grants and donations.

Questions about SHARE? Contact Steve Lyons, 847-866-3362;

Funds for additional Future Vision training
The Foundation is committed to making sure every district is prepared to work with the new grants model on
1 July 2013. If you have districts that need further help with preparing for the new grants, and you have been
asked to visit to provide training, please know that we have extra funds available to cover such training. You
can take these trips, and it will not come out of your RRFC budget. Please inform Melanie Davis about when
and where you will be travelling and follow the normal rules for Rotary travel, such as booking your tickets
through RITS and submitting an expense report as you would for any other RRFC-related travel.


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February 2013 Rotary International Coordinator Communique

  • 1. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International COORDINATOR COMMUNIQUÉ A forum for Foundation news February 2013 Message from Brenda Cressey, 2013 RRFC Institute Moderator Dear Rotary Leaders, Over the last few weeks we’ve had an opportunity to reflect back on our recent combined 2013 Rotary Foundation Training and RRFC Institute experience. I trust you not only found it exciting to be part of history, but returned back to your regional responsibilities with more confidence in not only the direction we’re now going, but able to address any questions or concerns that may be lingering during this transition. It was truly an honor and special privilege to serve as your RRFC Institute Moderator and I truly enjoyed serving with a great professional and leader, Past RI Director and Assistant Moderator John Lawrence. I surely leave you in good hands for next year’s Institute. Immediately following our Institute, John and I met with Gary Millman to review the training evaluations and we were especially pleased that the overall training across the board was well received and received high marks. Everyone was engaged in the process as you learned and shared best practices. Please read the note from our good friend Gary Millman in thanks to the many Rotary staff members who supported this event. I felt it was truly worthy of sharing with each of you. Gary wrote: Hi Everyone, I want to thank you all for your help in the just-completed RRFC Training Institute out in San Diego. This was a unique event for us, with the RRFCs involved in the Future Vision training that took place Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then we held our one-day RRFC training institute last Sunday. I am happy to say Moderator Brenda Cressey and Assistant Moderator John Lawrence were pleased with how the meeting went, and were equally pleased that the RRFCs rated the meeting highly. I have looked at all the evaluations and the RRFCs rated the one-day training with 4s or 5s -- meaning they were very happy with the sessions and gained valuable information. They were especially happy with the regional breakouts and very much want to see that continue. Their main complaint was that we did not have enough time. -1-
  • 2. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International As you can see by the list of recipients on this e-mail, a lot of people were involved in various parts of this meeting. I particularly want to thank Jatare Barrett and Allison Richardson for their indispensible help in the logistics, and Kimberly Braam and Bill Li for getting our materials over to the Embassy Suites and for helping us pack up when just about everybody else had left San Diego. Lisa Parse was tremendous in sorting through all our housing issues. Jacob Lesgold made our registration go smoothly. Shannon Strong was again terrific with our interpreters, who all did a great great job. Liz Trigginai made sure our opening dinner went well. Alyce and Monika were excellent as always in taking our group photos -- one of which will make it to the polio commercial. And I thank all of you who participated as co-leaders of our breakout sessions, and especially our colleagues from the International Offices who either co-facilitated or took notes. As always I welcome any and all feedback you can give us concerning the breakouts - - or any other aspect of the meeting -- to make this a more effective training next year. Feel free to contact me, or send your ideas to Sarah Remijan, who will be taking over the planning of this meeting next year. I also thank Kim Kouame, Katie Ediger and Sarah, and all the folks involved in the Future Vision training for keeping our RRFCs fully engaged during the IA and Future Vision training. Finally, I wish to thank Christine Sanders, and especially Adam McCormick, who pinch hit for Christine Grodecki on such short notice. But most of all I thank Melanie Davis and Christine Grodecki, who -- as always -- were two steps ahead of me during all our preparations for this meeting. So to that end, I personally look forward to sharing ongoing information and updates with you over the next few months as we continue to serve Rotary and the new Rotary Foundation. I especially look forward to seeing you once again in the near future -- perhaps at the Lisbon Rotary International Convention. Kind Rotary regards, Brenda POLIOPLUS Rotary clubs worldwide take action to End Polio Now Every year on Rotary’s anniversary, 23 February, clubs around the world rally support for Rotary’s top priority: the global eradication of polio. Recently, clubs and districts have been illuminating world landmarks with Rotary’s pledge to End Polio; this year Rotary is casting the spotlight on the need for governments worldwide to provide the approximately US$1 billion in resources needed to build on significant gains against the disease achieved in 2012. If the eradication initiative falters, experts warn, polio can quickly rebound and spread, soon paralyzing 200,000 children a year around the world. In the days surrounding 23 February, clubs are encouraged to invite elected leaders, government officials, and the general public to polio-themed events to learn about the eradication effort and stress the importance of finishing a job that is 99% accomplished by reaching every child in the world with the oral polio vaccine. In Canada, Rotarians in the Vancouver area are devoting the first portion of a 23 February peace forum to the polio eradication. Discussed will be the recent success of Pennies and More for Polio, an innovative polio eradication fundraising campaign in which the Canadian government is matching one-to-one every dollar raised by Canadian Rotary members up to C$1 million. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation likewise pledged an equal match, meaning every Rotary dollar raised will leverage an additional two. To read about other events being held worldwide, click here. -2-
  • 3. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Rotary clubs are encouraged to continue advocacy activities through April to build support for the Vaccine Summit that will be held 24-25 April 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Funding commitments from donor countries around the world will be announced at the summit, and will highlight the promise of polio eradication and its broader implication for all vaccine preventable diseases. Banner year against polio 2012 was a banner year for polio eradication. Worldwide, fewer than 240 polio cases were confirmed for the year. Cases are at an all-time low worldwide, down from 650 cases in 2011. Additionally, India was removed from the polio-endemic list after posting a full year with no new cases, leaving only Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan as countries where the wild poliovirus has never been stopped. World’s Biggest Commercial Update At the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, USA, Rotary International secured a booth for the World’s Biggest Commercial, providing the opportunity to engage with the hundreds of celebrities and festival attendees while shining a spotlight on the fight to end polio. The booth secured over 100 photos of celebrities such as actress Octavia Spencer, actor Kevin Sorbo, and NY Yankees pitcher Phil Hughes. . Rotary received overwhelming positive responses (and nearly 100% participation) from festival attendees. Check out a few success stories on gathering commercial participants in Rotary Voices. At the 2013 RRFC Institute, RRFCs joined 7452 participants in the fight to end polio in the World’s Biggest Commercial. As of 21 February, there are 127 countries participating in the commercial and the global fight to end polio. Check out the participation rankings for your country. Rotary and polio in the News Polio eradication has been highlighted frequently in media and news in the past few months:  Bill Gates was on the Today Show with Matt Lauer and he mentions Rotary:  Bill Gates delivers Dimbleby Lecture on BBC World: commentary/Pages/bill-gates-dimbleby-lecture.aspx  Rotary is highlighted in Discover Magazine FUND DEVELOPMENT Rotary Foundation Contribution Figures, for the seven months ended 31 January 2013 and 20121 Increase 31 January 2013 31 January 2012 (Decrease) Annual Fund 54,271,709 52,040,032 4.29% PolioPlus 15,249,941 17,595,613 (13.33%) Endowment Fund 12,869,061 9,308,482 38.25% Other Funds 7,059,188 10,146,272 (30.43%) Subtotal US$89,449,899 US$89,090,399 0.40% Donor Advised Fund 3,348,833 1,444,161 131.89% Total US$92,798,732 US$90,534,560 2.50% 1This report is confidential. Totals differ from audited financial statements. Other funds include flow-through contributions, such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grants and Global Grants, which are not recognized as contribution revenue on the financial statements. PolioPlus contributions exclude contributions from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. -3-
  • 4. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International First Class Initiative As announced during the 2013 International Assembly by Rotary International President-elect Ron Burton, the 2013-14 class of District Governors became the first class in Rotary history to have every member make a personal contribution to The Rotary Foundation. Contributions were given in this Rotary year for any amount and to any designation. Building on this historic accomplishment, District Governors-elect (DGE) are now inviting their respective club presidents-elect to become members of the First Class by making their own personal contribution prior to the Rotary Convention in Lisbon. Commemorative “First Class” buttons will be available to District Governors-elect to share with their club presidents once every president elect leads by example and makes a personal contribution. Buttons will be provided to eligible districts only after the DGE has confirmed 100% contribution participation of their class of presidents. Honoring the father of the Paul Harris Society The Rotary Foundation recently honored Past District Governor Wayne Cusick for his role in developing the Paul Harris Society. During his year as governor of District 5340, Cusick, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Blythe, California, USA, created the recognition program to honor those in his district who annually contributed US$1,000 or more to the Foundation. Congratulations PDG Wayne and thank you to all Paul Harris Society Members! Set your goals in Rotary Club Central Rotary Club Central is a new online tool designed to help clubs track their membership initiatives, service activities, and Foundation giving. Launched in July, the tool replaces the Fund Development Club Goal Report Form and other paper forms used for setting annual goals. Club presidents-elect are encouraged to log in to Member Access and use Rotary Club Central to submit their 2013-14 Foundation giving goals prior to 1 May 2013 in order to be included in the worldwide goal announcement at the 2013 International Convention in Lisbon. Invitation-Only Events at the 2013 Rotary International Convention The Donor Relations department has begun sending invitations with a registration code to qualified donors who may wish to attend TRF Donor Events at the 2013 RI Convention in Lisbon. RRFCs may receive questions about these invitation-only events. Please see below for detailed information: The 12th Reception of the Bequest Society - Monday, 24 June 2013 (17:30-19:00)  Myriad by SANA Hotels, Cais das Naus, Lote 2.21.01, 1990-173 Lisbon, Portugal  Event cost is US$35 per person  Registration link: The 20th Major Donor Dinner - Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (19:00)  Pátio da Galé, Praҫa do Comércio (entrance), 1100 Lisbon, Portugal  Event cost is US$95 per person  Registration link: Arch C. Klumph Society Dinner - Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (18:45)  Pestana Palace, Rua Jau, 54, 1300-314 Lisbon, Portugal  Event cost is US$95 per person -4-
  • 5. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International  Registration link: For questions, please email the Donor Relations team at or call 847.866.3320. ROTARY ALUMNI Rotary Program Participation Survey Former Rotary program participants can provide their information to Rotary International through a new survey. This survey is intended for all Rotary Foundation alumni – former Ambassadorial Scholars, GSE participants, Rotary Peace Fellows, and Global Grant recipients – as well as former Rotaractors, Interactors, Youth Exchange, and RYLA participants to update their contact details and stay in touch with Rotary. Encourage past programs participants to visit this webpage to share their story and discover new opportunities with Rotary. Alumni Update Ashar Ahmed, 2011-12 Group Study Exchange team member to District 7040, Canada, Sponsored by District 3271, Pakistan Ashar Ahmed works in the Pakistan State Oil Company as an executive engineer, where he handles projects pertaining to oil storage facilities spread throughout the country. A long-time student of engineering, Ashar mentored and continues to mentor several students on their university projects and future careers. He enjoys teaching and is always ready to guide young professionals. He shares his experience in GSE and how it impacted his life: “The group study exchange has become a life changing experience for me which brought a paradigm shift in approach towards life; specifically it has sparked the sense of community service and introduced me to the importance of global challenges facing humanity.” PROGRAMS AND GRANTS New online system As part of Future Vision launch, RRFCs will be able to view information about the qualification status and grant activity within their districts. When RRFCs log-in to the new grant system, they can navigate to the designated landing pages for District Qualification, District Grants, Global Grants, and Packaged Grants. Each of these pages will display a complete list of activities within their zones, as well as a link to open a PDF file of the qualification and grant records for each district. The new online system is functioning well and allowing Rotarians to prepare for participation in the new grant model; there will be continual updates and improvements in the coming months. We will be sure to keep RRFCs informed of these updates. If Rotarians have questions for you about the global grant online application, you can refer them to the Grant Management Manual, beginning on page 2.2. UNESCO-IHE scholarship applications -5-
  • 6. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Applications for the 2013-14 packaged grant scholarships offered with Rotary’s strategic partner UNESCO- IHE Institute for Water Education are now available online. These scholarships have been designed to promote long-term productive relationships between Rotarians and highly skilled water and sanitation professionals in their communities. Rotarians can visit the packaged grants page on for more information about this packaged grant and application materials. An overview of the grant and application process can be found here. To learn about the experiences of one of Rotary’s current scholars studying at UNESCO-IHE, check out his blog post on Rotary Voices. Online pilot system transition In preparation for the global launch of Future Vision and transition to the new online grant management system, please remind pilot districts to observe the following timeline:  Until 31 March, global and packaged grant proposals will be submitted through the current online pilot system, and processed through it no later than 30 June.  After 31 March, global and packaged grant applications will be submitted and processed through the new online grant management system.  Until 15 May, 2012-13 district grant applications will be submitted through the current system.  By 30 June, sponsors should work to seek approval for any open global grant applications in order for them to transition to the new online system.  By 1 July, reporting on all open district, global, and packaged grants from pilot districts will transition to the new online system. District qualification update (as of 1 February 2013) Status Total number of Pilot Nonpilot districts Qualified 463 80 383 Pending* 2 0 2 Draft** 45 10 35 None 28 13 15 *Pending: After a district completed qualification, an officer changed and the new officer needs to complete the process. **Draft: At least one district officer has started the qualification process. District, global and packaged grants update (as of 1 February 2013) Status District Grants Global Grants Packaged Grants First Steps* N/A 406 63 Draft 211 47 15 Submitted 1 0 0 * First Steps is the first phase of the application for global grants and packaged grants that gives sponsors an opportunity to confirm their activity meets grant requirements. 2013 Rotary Foundation Training: Preparing for Future Vision (San Diego) District governors-elect and district Rotary Foundation committee chairs received training on the new grant model at the International Assembly in January. The training materials are now available in the Learning Center. Go to or go to Member Access and click LEARN to find the course titled: 2013 Rotary Foundation Training: Preparing for Future Vision (San Diego). -6-
  • 7. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Club and district timelines updated Updated versions of the club and district timelines are now available. “What is Sustainability” video Please find the final versions in all languages of the “What is Sustainability” video. These videos will be used in the coming months to promote sustainability in the Future Vision model. EN - IT – DE - JA – ES – KO – FR – PT – “Rotarians Matter Most” Many of you may have seen the e-mails from a group called “Rotarians Matter Most.” They are dissatisfied with the Future Vision plan and have been circularizing Rotary clubs with negative comments about the dissolution of current TRF programs such as Group Study Exchange, Matching Grants and Ambassadorial Scholarships. Rotary Foundation chair Wilf Wilkinson and Future Vision Committee Chair and past RI President Luis Giay have responded to these e-mails and those responses are available to RRFCs on the RRFC Forum. We recommend that RRFCs become familiar with these issues in case Rotarians in your area come to you with questions or concerns about the comments made by this group. ROTARY PEACE CENTERS 2014 Rotary Peace Fellowship Application is now available! The 2014 application includes added essay questions and no longer requires applicants to speak a second language. Please note that the Rotary Peace Fellowship Application deadline is 1 July 2013. Rotary Peace Centers publications New versions of the Rotary Peace Centers publications are available for download. Revised publications include the:  2014 Rotary Peace Fellowship Application  Rotary Peace Fellow Handbook for the Master's Degree Program  Rotary Peace Fellow Handbook for the Professional Development Certificate Program  Rotary Peace Centers Program Guide for Rotarians  Rotary Peace Fellowship Brochure Upcoming Rotary Peace Center seminars Save the date and consider attending an upcoming Rotary Peace Center seminar in your area: Chulalongkorn University Duke-University of North Carolina Bangkok, Thailand North Carolina, USA 28 March 6 April University of Queensland International Christian University Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Tokyo, Japan 20 April 8 June Sign up to receive more Rotary Peace Centers news here. -7-
  • 8. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE For the final year of the GSE program, all districts should submit their GSE team’s documents to The Rotary Foundation electronically via the GSE Workgroup. After logging into Member Access, please go to the GSE Workgroup located on the left hand side of the page. Please note only DGs, DRFCs and District GSE Chairs can access to the GSE Workgroup.  Click on the “2012-13 GSE Pre-departure Document Submission” link in the left-side navigation  Go to your district’s folder  There are 5 folders for each team traveling: 1. Team Applications 2. Medical and Insurance 3. RITS 4. Host Itinerary 5. Final Reports and Evaluations  Upload the team’s documents in the folders provided by going into each folder and clicking the Upload button located near the top of the screen. For example, the team leader and team member applications should go in the Team’s Applications folder and the Travel Request form should go in the RITS folder.  Your coordinator will review the documents and let you know if any other documents are needed. For questions, please email the GSE team at or call 847.866.3330. TRF OPERATIONS SHARE Tip of the Month “Use it or lose it” does not apply to DDF. Nonpilot districts that do not use all of their DDF by 30 June will not lose it. Unused DDF at the end of the current Rotary year continues to roll forward into the next year’s DDF balance. However, these additional funds have no bearing on the maximum award amount for the district grant – in the same way that roll forward DDF had no impact on the District Simplified Grant. When unused funds roll forward, they are available for global grants and donations. Questions about SHARE? Contact Steve Lyons, 847-866-3362; Funds for additional Future Vision training The Foundation is committed to making sure every district is prepared to work with the new grants model on 1 July 2013. If you have districts that need further help with preparing for the new grants, and you have been asked to visit to provide training, please know that we have extra funds available to cover such training. You can take these trips, and it will not come out of your RRFC budget. Please inform Melanie Davis about when and where you will be travelling and follow the normal rules for Rotary travel, such as booking your tickets through RITS and submitting an expense report as you would for any other RRFC-related travel. -8-