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2017 MARCH
DISTRICT 9400 - Rotary clubs in
EDITOR: Graham Katzenellenbogen
082 555 1122
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FROM THE DESK OF R.I. PRESIDENT JOHN F GERM ................................................................................2
FROM DG GRANT’s DESK ........................................................................................................................4
ABOUT ROTARY.....................................................................................................................................10
THE 4-WAY TEST STORY........................................................................................................................10
DG GRANT’s CLUB VISITS ......................................................................................................................11
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL......................................................................................................................11
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTES ..................................................................................................12
ROTARY FOUNDATION..........................................................................................................................14
FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE ........................................................................................................................16
FROM THE DESK OF DGA NADINE.........................................................................................................17
DISTRICT and CLUB ACTIVITIES and PROJECTS .....................................................................................18
RYLA ......................................................................................................................................................23
TAILPIECES and HUMOUR.....................................................................................................................24
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 2
April 2017
Globally, in developed as well as in developing countries, child mortality is on
the decline and life expectancy on the rise. In 1960, 182 of every 1,000 children
born died before turning five; today, that number is down to 43. A child born in
1960 could expect to live an average of just 52 years; by contrast, a child born
this year can expect to live to 71.
Then as now, the factors most likely to determine a child's fate are set at birth:
where he or she is born, the educational and economic condition of the family,
the availability of medical care. Yet one of the most important advances in public health has reached
every country and must now reach every child: immunization.
The use of vaccines has, in many parts of the world, nearly eliminated diseases that once were
widespread, such as diphtheria, tetanus, and rubella. Thanks to vaccines, 20 million lives have been saved
from measles since 2000. Smallpox has been eradicated – and polio is next.
Thirty years ago, there were an estimated 350,000 cases of polio per year worldwide. As this issue of The
Rotarian went to press, only 37 cases of polio had been recorded in 2016 – the lowest number in history.
All of the other cases, and the paralysis and death they would have brought, were prevented through the
widespread use of a safe, reliable, and inexpensive vaccine.
Overall, the World Health Organization estimates that immunization prevents an estimated 2 million to 3
million deaths every year. It also averts a tremendous burden of disability and economic loss. Yet we could
be doing so much better: An additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided by improving vaccine coverage
This month, from 24 to 30 April, we join WHO, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in celebrating World Immunization Week, raising awareness of the incredible impact that
vaccines have had on global health. This year's theme is "Vaccines Work" – and they do. Increased use of
vaccines has broader repercussions for public health: controlling viral hepatitis, reducing both the need
for antibiotics and the development of antibiotic-resistant microbes, and reaching more children and
adolescents with essential health interventions. In every part of the world, routine immunization is as
crucial as ever to ensure that all children have the best chance at a healthy future.
In an uncertain world, vaccines offer something remarkable: a way to protect our children throughout
their lives. By working together to safeguard all children against polio and other preventable diseases,
Rotary is truly Serving Humanity – now and for generations to come.
I’m proud to announce the newly updated End Polio Now website. It’s been revamped to include
improved navigation, rich content, and thanks to your feedback, an enhanced Resource Center. You can
get the latest polio news; download tools to help you advocate, fundraise, and educate about polio
eradication; and make a contribution. Visit today.
Will you all be joining me in Atlanta for the Rotary International Convention? If you register by 31
March, you’ll receive the final preregistration rate of $415. I’m thrilled to share that Bill Gates will be
joining us, as he shares how we can—and will—end polio together. It’s also worth arriving early to
attend a special Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10 June and featuring Bernice A. King,
daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King.
Our 2015-16 Annual Report is now widely available. Not only does the Annual Report serve as a year-in-
review for Rotary, it also highlights the many ways our members are putting Service Above Self and
making a difference in communities all over the world. View the report online.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 3
I’d like to remind you all that the deadline for my Presidential Citation is 30 June 2017. Rotary, Rotaract,
and Interact clubs can earn a citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary. Here are two ways you
can achieve your goals and donate to our polio efforts:
Giving 20% of DDF to polio is one of the 4 criteria for my district presidential citation. At their January
2017 meeting, The Rotary Foundation Trustees agreed to allow districts to allocate DDF to PolioPlus
equal to the amount as if they had donated 20% of DDF every year since 2013-14. Any district that
makes the make-up payment and continues to give 20% or more of their DDF to polio would then be
eligible to be part of the recognition at RI World Headquarters that recognizes districts that give 20% of
their DDF from 2013-14 until polio eradication.
Reach $2,650 in total giving to PolioPlus in honor of The Rotary Foundation Centennial if your club has
not already done so. Encourage clubs to donate during World Immunization Week (24-30 April 2017),
when we will be celebrating our recent successes in the fight against polio.
Club leaders will be receiving an email in mid-March with resources to help them achieve the citation.
Encourage them to use these great resources which include an achievement guide, and a video
produced by Zone 25/26 on reporting goals. Recognition materials will be available in August 2017.
Thank you for all that you do so far this Rotary year, not only in your efforts to reach these goals, but as
an important part of Rotary Serving Humanity.
John F. Germ
President, Rotary International 2016-17
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 4
March has been the month dedicated to Water and Sanitation. For me
it was a month of witnessing and assisting DGE Jankees with his
preparations to take office in approximately three months’ time.
The first exciting duty in March was to be part of a panel interviewing
the two very capable candidates for District Governor in the Rotary
year of 2019/2020. The interviews took place at the Rotary Centre in
Bez Valley on Friday the 3rd
of March. I am pleased to advise that
Maurice Stander of the Haenertsburg Rotary club was the nominated
candidate by the committee. All due process has taken place and so
he is now the official DGND for our District. Congratulations Maurice
and we wish you a great and stimulating time in preparing for your
office in 2019/2020.
Saturday the 4th
of March at the Rotary Centre in Bez Valley was my first “Institute committee”
meeting and so I can say that arrangements are coming on just fine. It is not often that a District gets
the opportunity to host an Institute meeting so it’s therefore also a great opportunity for local
Rotarians to attend and see what is going on in the rest of Africa. I know that IPDG David Grant has
advertised the event in Snippets.
Saturday the 11th
of March at the Middelburg Business Chambers was the first of next Rotary year’s
preparation training for DGR’s and AG’s. The three main trainers were DGE Jankees Sligcher, DGN
Charles Deiner and Head trainer PDG Francis Callard. Many other Rotarians helped with certain
specific presentations and I believe the content was well received. It is always interesting at such
training to unveil the new Rotary theme for the year which by now you all know is “Rotary: Making
a Difference”. I was pleased to see Zone Co-ordinator on Membership PDG Andrew Jaeger present
in that he is always an inspirational speaker on any subject.
Saturday the 18th of March at the Irene Country Golf club was the first of the PETS training. I found
the content interesting and I think the information was well received. The breakaway sessions were
interactive and all in all I think the trainers did a sterling job.
On Friday the 24th
of March at about lunch time, Nadine and I headed for Mopani camp in the Kruger
Park to attend the Rotary Foundation Centennial celebration arranged by Region 6. At 6:30 in the
evening we got together at the daytime visitors lapa with most clubs in attendance for the meet and
greet which was in the format of a “bring and braai”. It was so festive and we were blessed with the
attendance of DG Bruce Steele Gray and his wife DGA Pippa from district 9370 for the weekend. The
next day was free for everyone to do what they wanted in the Park. Nadine and I took advantage of
this and went out for a very early drive. Our reward was within minutes of leaving the camp when
we came across a lone hyena followed by buffalo near the side of the road. Game were plentiful and
in particular predator birds. The afternoon was a restful time catching up on some sleep or chat with
friends. At 5pm we all assembled at the reception parking area of Mopani camp and under the
leadership of Charles Hardy made our way to the Tsendze River for sundowners and snacks. An hour
later we made our way back to the boma adjacent to the restaurant where we were subjected to the
best ingredients of a great evening i.e. at the perfect venue under the skies; to celebrate the
centennial of a great organisation; and with great Rotary friends. Kristy Redman an interpretive
officer of the Kruger National Park gave us a talk on the “Emerging Tuskers” in the Kruger Park.
Something I learnt that night: At age 45 the elephant is on its sixth set of teeth and does not need so
much calcium anymore for its teeth so they are witnessing serious growth in the tusks after age 45. I
then had the privilege of talking about the Rotary Foundation and also toasting the Foundation. All
Rotarians (32 in total) who donated $26.50 in their personal capacity were acknowledged and
presented with a complimentary bottle of wine. I must congratulate the Haenertsburg Rotary club in
achieving the status of “each and every member has paid their $26.50 to the Foundation”. As at
today’s date Region 6 has donated in excess of $10316 to the Foundation. The next morning (Sunday)
was a time to sleep in for most and then take either a slow drive down to Letaba camp for
brunch/lunch or head home via Phalaborwa gate.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 5
A brief report on our district membership is as follows;-
Membership: 1 July 2010 1600 plus members
1 July 2016 1338 members
Loss of 262 members (16.38%)
28 Feb 2017 1373 members
Gain of 35 members
Training and Dates
1 April Pets in Benoni
8 April Pets in Badplaas
22 April Pets in Polokwane
6 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Johannesburg
20 May Pets in Maputo
27 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Middelburg
1) Presidential: Clubs are reminded to update their progress on Rotary Club Central and check
their progress in terms of achieving the Presidential Citation. Closing date is 30 June 2017.
2) District Merit Award: Clubs are reminded to check their progress in terms of achieving the
District Merit Award. Closing date is 19 May 2017.
Attendance at International Convention Atlanta
Target for District 20 Members
Actual 28 Members
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 6
In my term of office I have met such a diverse bunch of Leaders with various leadership talents that I
have realised that age is only a number if you have the passion to be a leader. Some are close to eighty
years of age and are doing amazing things with a sense of urgency and passion and doing amazing work
in the community, but then on the other hand I met President Jarred van der Westhuizen who was 21
years of age when he took office as President of the Waterkloof Rotary Club. He has amazed me with his
ability to take office, lead and deliver as President. I am so impressed with what he has achieved that I
asked him to write up a Value Statement that I could share with the district. Here is what President
Jarred had to say:-
Attracting younger Rotarians and giving them leadership responsibilities
The Rotary year has almost reached its end and great things are going to happen in 2017/18. Thus, this is
an appropriate time for us to start talking about membership, youth and of course FUN.
When looking at the leaders of the future in Rotary and the general geopolitical context, it is crucial for us
to continue the discussions on youth and the reconstruction and preservation of Rotary. Throughout my
years in Rotary I have heard many people say that Rotary is for old, educated and rich men only.
Nevertheless, it has increasingly included more women and young people from all races and creeds into
its outlook. However, this is not good enough for Rotary’s sustainability. It is important to open discussions
on how to attract younger members and get them involved in building their communities.
Rotary has always been part of my life with my family's involvement and support. I have made the term
"Service Above Self" a part of who I am and I have never looked back ever since. Seeing the smiles on
people’s faces when performing small acts of kindness, are one of the key attractions in Rotary for me.
The Millennial Generation, like myself, has often been characterized in a number of different ways. They
have been described as lazy and jump from one job to the other. This might be one of the reasons why
youth taking leadership roles in Rotary are frowned upon. In my personal experience as the youngest
President in Rotary history at the age of 21, I have been told from many Rotarians that I will not succeed,
because they do not believe a young person can show any form of leadership. However, I have successfully
carried out my duties as president in promoting Rotary, working towards a presidential citation and
advancing the community whilst having fun.
During my term, I have been a role-model to our 60 interact club members and especially to a talented
and driven young girl, Reabetswe Mmekwa, who had won Little Miss World and who works a lot with my
club to advance the lives of young people in South Africa in targeting the key areas of focus in Rotary. I
have also met many inspirational young people, like Ontlametse Phalatse, who has reached her 18th
birthday, living with a rare condition called Progeria. She lives each day to improve the lives of those in
A key project which I am very proud of and has grown exponentially within one year is our Lego Robotics
Project working closely with My Career Corner. It is an initiative which encourages previously
disadvantaged young people to get more involved with Mathematics and Science, giving them an
opportunity to program robots and open doors for them in the future. With the help of Corporate Social
Investment (CSI) funding, we have been able to provide free training for mainly primary school children in
local communities.
With the recent change implemented by the Council on Legislation in terms of weekly meetings, this has
contributed to more of my club members being involved in projects and bringing guest speakers to
meetings to make it more interesting.
Rotary and the world are constantly evolving and it is important for us as Rotarians to embrace change.
It is crucial for us to invest in young people and support them in projects and fellowship. It is important to
make Rotary fun and involve younger members in more projects. Young members do however have very
busy schedules, but if they are involved in projects and see how Rotary changes communities and lives,
that is how you attract young members: by example!
I would not have accomplished most of my duties if it had not been for the mentorship of my many of my
club members! They have encouraged and supported me throughout my year as president and have given
me enough space (with guidance here and there) to operate on my terms.
As we celebrate the Rotary Centennial, we as clubs and districts need to make Rotary more visible to the
general public. It is an ideal time to show what we have accomplished and what we still want to achieve.
Invite people to your projects and meetings. Make the meetings interesting with guest speakers and food.
Nobody enjoys a boring meeting! Let us enjoy growing Rotary and maintain the ideals that we aspire to!
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 7
Maurice was born in Polokwane on the
of November 1953, the 3rd
generation from his mother’s side to
be born in Polokwane. He is the eldest
son with two sisters and a brother.
Father Graham Stander was a Charter
member of Round Table 22
Maurice matriculate at Capricorn High
school in 1971.
He is happily married to Chrisna for the
past 21 years and has never looked
back. He is blessed with a son and two
Maurice started his working career as a furniture salesman for Libertas-Modhomes and after a year of
compulsory military service went back to selling furniture and home appliances for another 7 years. In
1979 he started a career in life assurance and short term insurance with a company by the name of Legal
and General which was for 5 years. For the following 13 years he worked for Old Mutual as senior financial
advisor until July 1998 when Chrisna and Maurice started their own independent insurance brokerage
firm “MC Brokers” and are presently still active in the business.
His Rotary career started 35 years ago as a very young Rotarian with the then Capricorn Rotary club and
served as president of the club for two terms, 1992/3 & 1994/5.
In 2000 Maurice started with the provisional club of Haenertsburg and had the privilege of being Charter
President in 2001. He served as Club President of Haenertsburg Club again in 2011/12.
Maurice served as AG for Haenertsburg, Tzaneen and Letaba Rotary clubs from July 2002 for a term of 3
years. He then served another term as AG starting in 2014 for the Rotary clubs of Louis Trichardt,
Polokwane, Pietersburg 100 and Potgietersrus and is still serving these clubs.
Maurice was also appointed as special agent to the provisional club of Hoedspruit Rotary Club who were
chartered in December of 2015.
In terms of hobbies he enjoys fly fishing and when time permits camping and bird photography.
Rotary supports activities and training to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality for children
under five.
Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals
TRF enables Rotarians to improve the health of mothers and their children by …..
1. Reducing the mortality and morbidity rate for children under the age of five;
2. Reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity rate;
3. Improving access to essential medical services, trained community health leaders and health care
providers for mothers and their children;
4. Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to maternal and child health.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 8
The exchange rate in March is in our favour at R13.35/$ in that it has come down from R14.00/$.
I am appealing to all clubs to please meet their goals in terms of Foundation giving. This is the Centennial
year of the Rotary Foundation so lets support the year by giving as much as the clubs can afford.
The District target based on previous years is $138 000.
No Name
AF per
Fund YTD
Polio YTD
YTD Total
9400 District 9400 1373 $0.14 $194.19 $23.61 $0.00 $217.80
17393 Bedfordview 20 $28.79 $575.86 $0.00 $0.00 $575.86
17394 Benoni 15 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
17397 Boksburg Lake 14 $110.47 $1 546.58 $371.00 $0.00 $1 917.58
23826 Centurion 24 $23.19 $556.50 $0.00 $0.00 $556.50
17401 Edenvale 8 $138.43 $1 107.43 $285.71 $0.00 $1 393.14
17253 Gaborone 47 $1.69 $79.50 $25.00 $0.00 $104.50
17402 Germiston 17 $92.50 $1 572.50 $450.50 $0.00 $2 023.00
55057 Haenertsburg 22 $103.48 $2 276.62 $1 291.59 $26.62 $3 594.83
17410 JHB Main Reef 8 $90.92 $727.37 $0.00 $0.00 $727.37
81137 JHB New Dawn 22 $166.72 $3 667.81 $0.00 $0.00 $3 667.81
17411 JHB North Central 13 $0.00 $0.00 $35.21 $0.00 $35.21
26043 JHB South 101 12 $108.33 $1 300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1 300.00
17418 Kyalami 10 $160.35 $1 603.45 $0.00 $0.00 $1 603.45
17309 Louis Trichardt 24 $1.49 $35.71 $0.00 $0.00 $35.71
27466 Maputo 24 $106.14 $2 547.28 $0.00 $0.00 $2 547.28
27219 Mbabane Mbuluzi 34 $15.76 $536.00 $980.50 $0.00 $1 516.50
Meyerton Henley
on Klip 9 $88.89 $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $800.00
17310 Middelburg 19 $55.60 $1 056.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1 056.34
23975 Morningside 22 $24.36 $536.00 $0.00 $0.00 $536.00
17423 Northcliff 15 $46.54 $698.09 $0.00 $344.50 $1 042.59
24272 Pietersburg 100 30 $211.90 $6 357.14 $0.00 $0.00 $6 357.14
17313 Polokwane 33 $1.79 $59.02 $109.05 $27.72 $195.79
17317 Pretoria East 16 $33.50 $536.00 $546.00 $0.00 $1 082.00
50228 Pretoria Hatfield 17 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00
17319 Pretoria Sunrise 16 $43.75 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00
17321 Pretoria West 12 $23.06 $276.66 $0.00 $0.00 $276.66
17425 Randburg 24 $26.93 $646.36 $0.00 $0.00 $646.36
17427 Roodepoort 18 $79.37 $1 428.57 $714.29 $0.00 $2 142.86
17429 Rosebank 35 $201.21 $7 042.25 $1 056.34 $0.00 $8 098.59
17322 Rustenburg 11 $13.52 $148.69 $0.00 $0.00 $148.69
17435 Vanderbijlpark 27 $101.11 $2 730.00 $365.00 $0.00 $3 095.00
17436 Vereeniging 17 $102.07 $1 735.21 $365.00 $0.00 $2 100.21
25002 Waterkloof 27 $0.00 $0.00 $272.32 $0.00 $272.32
17326 White River 40 $36.78 $1 471.25 $0.00 $0.00 $1 471.25
TOTALS 1338 $33.29
548.38 $7 011.12 $398.84 $51 958.34
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 9
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 10
Rotary Club of:
North Central Rotarian Margaret Hirse
Morningside PP Don Devereux
Don was an outstanding Rotarian having 53 years of active
membership. He was District Treasurer in D9300 for 10 years from 1992
to 2002 as well as being the Rotary International Fiscal Agent for a
number of years.
Rosebank Ann - Prue Tough (103)
PHF, widow of Phil Tough, President of Rosebank 1968/1969
Read more
Read more
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 11
It's just a few months until we'll be together at the ROTARY CONVENTION in Atlanta - 10-14 June -
celebrating The Rotary Foundation's 100th anniversary, networking with old and new friends, and
enriching our Rotary experience. If you haven't registered yet, there's still time, and you can save if you
register by 31 March. If you've already registered, be sure to invite your Rotary friends.
The Presidential Peace Conference will be held 9-10 June at the Georgia World Congress Center. Hear
from Bernice King, CEO of the King Center and daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and other
internationally recognized keynote speakers. Network and take part in breakout sessions that explore
Rotary's commitment to peace. This special event is open to the public and all preconvention and
convention attendees, including Rotary members, Rotary Peace Fellows, program alumni, young leaders,
and friends of Rotary.
Learn more about the event Register for the conference
Rotary International is lining up impactful and engaging convention speakers, including those listed
here. More are planned, so check the website regularly for updates.
 Nathan Deal, governor of Georgia
 Johann Olav Koss, founder of Right to Play International
 Rajashree Birla, chair of the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development
 Jack Nicklaus, golf legend
Out of Africa, June 16 & 17, 2017
into Kansas City Kansas City Airport Embassy Suites, Missouri
Join us as Rotarians from Africa and the USA
come together to enjoy fellowship and celebrate
the centennial of our dynamic Rotary
Foundation. Rotarians from Kansas City area
districts will host African Rotarians, providing
transportation and companionship to our guests
during this celebratory weekend.
Friday … Get acquainted! An evening reception at the Embassy Suites will allow us all to become
acquainted – a great way to build friendships and relationships.
Saturday … Explore our city Hosts and guests will tour local attractions of our guests’ choosing.
Midday the Rotary Club of Kansas City will host a luncheon at the Rotary
Youth Camp. Kansas City ...the club with the camp for kids
Saturday night … Celebrate A banquet and program will celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s 100 years
of helping Rotarians advance world understanding, goodwill and peace
through the improvement of health, education and alleviation of
Book your hotel now! Rooms at the Embassy Suites are available at the special rate of $119 per night. To
make your reservation, call or go online. • Call 1-800-362-2779 from the USA or +1-816-891-7788 Specify
“Rotary” or the code “ROT.” • Go to, and select the “Hotel Info”
Register now!
And it’s easy to do online! Your registration of $75/person includes both receptions and lunch and dinner
on Saturday.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 12
The Rotary world representing more than 200 countries and geographical areas is divided up into zones
for administration purposes. Rotary International Zone 20A consists of the 54 countries of Sub-Saharan
Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.
The convenor will be Rotary International Director Corneliu Dinca and the 2017 Institute will be held at
the Misty Hills Resort near Johannesburg from 14 to 16 September with the theme of 'World peace
Through Understanding'.
Each year, past, present and incoming district and senior leaders attend Rotary institutes to share
information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary
Foundation. The institutes usually meet for three to five days, and the program includes:
 An update on The Rotary Foundation and its programs
 A report on our polio eradication efforts
 A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative
 An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board
 Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics
 A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration for continuing your service and
leadership in your community
 Entertainment and social outings
During Council on Legislation years, Rotary institutes also include a session for Council representatives
and alternates and a general session for discussing Council proposals.
Organizing the institute
An institute may assemble leaders from one zone, part of a zone, or several zones. The RI president
designates one or more conveners to organize each institute and serve as his or her representative there.
Past Rotary officers often participate as speakers, panellists, discussion leaders, and institute committee
Who can attend
Past, present, and future district governors, RI presidents, directors, trustees, regional leaders, Rotarians
and guests will attend the institute and we will be honoured with the attendance of Rotary International
President Ian Riseley.
Nick Phillips - PO Box 394 - 7 Natural Arch Drive, Eshowe, Eshowe 3815 - South Africa
Tel: +27 35 4744481 - Cell: +27 82 550 5000 - Fax +27 86 647 9475
Rotary International Institute chair - Zone 20A - 2017
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 13
In October 2016 the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian
Group (ESRAG) obtained recognition as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
corporation in the USA, as ESRAG, Inc. In June 2017 ESRAG will
formally elect its first complete Board of Directors. The ESRAG
Founding Directors are asking you to recommend any
interested and qualified candidates from your District to serve on ESRAG’s Board of Directors. The role of
the Board of Directors is to provide leadership, strategic direction and the intersection between ESRAG
and Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus.
To be eligible nominees must be Rotarians in good standing, and willing to become members of ESRAG.
The slate of ESRAG nominees will be voted upon prior to the ESRAG Annual General Meeting and the new
board members announced at the 2017 Atlanta Rotary International Convention. ESRAG’s primary
purpose is to provide technical assistance to Rotarians and their clubs in reaching any environmental
sustainability goals that they have included in their District and Global Grant projects.
RI President--‐Elect Ian Riseley has noted that “Environmental degradation and climate change threaten
us all. They are having a disproportionate impact on those who are most vulnerable, those to whom Rotary
has the greatest responsibility” (RIPE Ian Riseley, RI Assembly in San Diego, January 20, 2017). To the
hundreds of Rotarians who helped to establish ESRAG we acknowledge the urgency of this task and stand
behind President-Elect Riseley’s call to service, particularly in implementing service projects, building
awareness, and inspiring action toward environmental sustainability (ESRAG’s mission statement).
Please send your recommendations for nominees to by April 14, 2017. We will be very
pleased to follow up. For more information about ESRAG’s work and how to join, please visit our website
Christopher F. Puttock, Ph.D., ESRAG BOD Nominating Committee Chair
ESRAG Executive Director 2016--‐2017; President, Rotary Club of College Park, Maryland
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brian Julius from South Africa now living here in South Carolina USA
and a Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Hilton Head SC USA
My reason for reaching out to you is that our Club has a very active international program which includes
support for SADAG and their Teen Suicide Prevention Program.
Over the years SADAG has visited close to 600 schools and impacted on nearly a million children on a class
room by class room basis educating on recognizing the warning signs of someone at risk of harming
themselves and who to call.
SADAG’s Suicide Shouldn't Be a Secret has saved so many lives.
The Rotary Club of Hilton Head is a large club with around 200 members and an annual budget for
community support of $200,000 (about R2.9 million) As mentioned our International support includes
SADAG and we are delighted to have been involved in a number of their school outreach programs, many
of which have also attracted media support both in SA and here in the USA, which not only raises
awareness of this dreadful problem which accounts for 9% of all youth deaths in SA, but also helps to
promote the work of SADAG and Rotary
This year we have contributed $6000 (about R78000) to support SADAG. Please view this video of a typical
SADAG/Rotary School Visit
We are looking for active South African Rotary Club support to partner with our Club in support of
SADAG’s ongoing commitment to Teen Suicide Prevention. Ideally we would like the SA Club to help
sponsor SADAGs program and/or attend some of the school visits. This is very much part of Rotary’s Areas
of Focus and making a real difference in local communities. I really hope you can join us in this much
needed and worthwhile program
Brian Julius
Rotary Club, Hilton Head South Carolina
2014 Club Rotarian of the Year; 2016 Rotary International Service Above Self Award
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 14
Brazilian Exchange Student “Otavio”
eating his first mopani worm
Marlene Wilson; Grant Daly; Jo Harris Mockford; Richard Wilson of RC Pietersburg 100
“Sundowners” on the Tsendze River at Mopani
Marius Liebenberg; Charles Hardy; Mxolisi
Bambo (Polokwane RC) singing “Ag Pleeze Daly
us to the ………”
Table setting in the Mopani Boma
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 15
Reminder that registration for 9400 DISCON 2017 22nd
to 25th
June at Bolivia Lodge- Polokwane
(Pietersburg) Limpopo is now open.
Please note registrations can be submitted now and payment made by before due date of 31st
Invoices will be sent when registration is received. If you do not hear from me within 48hours, please re-
Please remember to email me the proof of Payment when processed.
Remember to contact Bolivia Hotel directly if requiring accommodation in order to get the DISCON
discounted rate.
Linda Stokes
Rotary DISCON 2017 Committee Member 011 917 3793 082 902 2505
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 16
An unique opportunity to experience the culture and diversity of Southern California Visit San Bernardino,
Palm Springs, Temecula, and Lake Arrow Head Expected cost for Tour R28 000.00 (inclusive of flights and
land cost).
This tour is ideal should you intent to visit the RI Conference in Atlanta. Why not extend your trip
immediately thereafter by joining the friendship exchange team.
Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator:
Amanda van Biljon (+27) 83 632 5899 e-mail:
Flyer More Information
The Rotarians of District 2340 are looking forward to hosting you in their country. Visit the land of Alfred
Nobel and ABBA! See medieval castles, lakes and forests in Stockholm, Västerås, Örebro, Askersund and
Karlstadt. Enjoy traditional meals with your hosts.
Expected cost for Tour R15 000 (all inclusive)
Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator:
Carol Allais (+27) 82 573 7493 e-mail:
Flyer : Information
MEXICO – FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE TOUR to D4110 – 20 May to 03 June 2017
The Rotarians of District 4110 are looking forward to hosting you in their country. Visit the Cities of Mexico
City, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, and Guadalajara.
See the beautiful Copper Canyon and the famous town of Tequila! This will be a very exciting exchange!
Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator Kim Geyser
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 17
Another month has gone by and I have been to two really great functions this
The first one was the Anns Mini Conference hosted by the Vereeniging Anns
at the wonderful Kariba Ranch. We had a fantastic number of ladies attend –
over 100! …. and there was a great atmosphere, delicious food, interesting
project presentations and speakers, and beautiful handmade gifts – all the
ingredients necessary for a wonderful day. Thank you again to all the people
involved in this day.
Last weekend we attended the Centenary
Celebrations of our own Region 6 in the
Kruger Park. We started with a braai and
meet and greet on the Friday evening at
Mopani Camp – the noise level was an
indication of the enjoyment level!
Saturday night was the official celebration
evening which took place in the open air
boma at Mopani Camp – everything looked
lovely and with the safari dress code it was
truly a great evening “under African skies”.
Now I am looking forward to the other
functions on my agenda and the
preparations for DISCON are well on the
way and keeping us busy – don’t forget to
register, it’s going to be great.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 18
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 19
Local and visiting Rotarians spent a lovely day at the Rotary Club Vanderbijlpark market on Sunday. The
tea garden under the Rotary Tree right next to the river's edge was the rendezvous for both hosting
Rotarians and an honorary member visiting from Boksburg Lake, Elsa Venter. Here old friends, tea
drinkers and all kinds of strangers meet, chat and a great t ime is had by all. Stonehaven's legendary carrot
cake, donated to Rotary for the tea garden, and a chocolate confection is an awesome treat. Today visiting
Rotarians are enthusiastically welcomed by President Professor Pierre Lucouw. Old friends from 58 years
ago meet after all that time and find that although they look quite different now, they still feel the same.
Jan sells the most exquisite Indian embroidered saris right there on the lawn at an awesome price.
Gatherings under the Rotary Tree are not just for visiting, it usually ends up in brainstorming, coming up
with exciting ideas for projects and
fundraisers. This time was no different.
Visiting Boksburg Lake member, Elsa
Venter, is allowed the first opportunity
to try and convince her holidaying
President Nicky Savvides to take on the
mischievous project.
This picture shows honorary member
Elsa (front third from left) being told
that it is time for her to donate her
Vanderbijlpark shirt to the club since it
clearly has outgrown her.
From left to right are Preloshni Naidoo,
Petro Bester, Celeste Lance, Heila
Haasbroek, Helene Malan (with
grandson Pierre Malan) and at back
Hannes Malan.
This club traditionally celebrates Rotary’s
annual birthday with an International
Dinner. This year they did it again and
listened to a wonderful talk by PP Martin
Westcott (home club Benoni Aurora) on
the subject The World We Live In: Today,
Yesterday and Tomorrow.
Front L-R: Marilize Nel, Stefan Nel,
Cornelius Cloette and Gerda Cloette.
Back L-R:Talitha Lahoud, President
Nicky Savvides and Damian Lahoud.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 20
DGE Jankees Sligcher with the assistance of his Trainer PDG and Special Aid Francis Callard launched their
first training session in preparation for the coming Rotary year. Topics such as the following were
Theme and RI Strategy; D9400 Strategy; District Budget;
Membership Strategy Membership Pets Training
Rotary Calendar for the Year Technology Rotary Programs and goal setting
Presidential Citation DGR & AG Roles and Responsibilities;
Rotary Protocol Administrative Functions Financial Principles and Ethics Information
Challenge Implications of District as a NPC Rotary is changing;
The theme for the Rotary year is always an exciting element of announcement and disclosure "Rotary:
Making a Difference".
It was also a privilege to listen to our Zone Co-ordinator PDG Andrew Jaeger deliver his inspiring address
on "The Membership Challenge". Andrew is just such a talented and inspirational speaker whom we
should use more often. The Friday before the training, he spoilt some of us to a few bottles of his rather
tasteful premium wines which certainly enhanced the taste of our food at the restaurant of the
Middelburg Country Club. A word of thanks to DGE Jankees, PDG Francis and all the presenters for making
the day an interesting and inspiring day of training. We all look forward to the Pets training.
Index to photos:-
DGE Jankees Sligcher; Trainer PDG Francis Callard; Anton Meerkotter;
DG Grant Daly; Delegates; Zone Co-Ordinator PDG Andrew Jaeger
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 21
Zone Co-Ordinator Andrew Jaeger: - It has been great to spend time at the district training sessions and
I thought the following is so pertinent to our membership efforts:
"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective
action." - Peter Drucker
 Reframing a situation in your mind is a powerful tool.
 You need to intentionally surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you.
 Think big. Act small. #Accretion
 Motivation/procrastination is often tied to clarity on what needs to be accomplished.
 Enjoy the hard work that leads to success. One day you will look back on those times and smile.
Presenters Steve Du Plessis; PDG Kobla Quashie; PDG Greg Strathocopulus; Gerrit Botha; Paul Westcott
All the attendees and delegates
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 22
Paul Harris Awards
Sylvia Knoop; Romy Titus; Grace van Zyl; Val Bartram;Cindy McCall-Peat; Angela Norris
FOR the first time in many years Kempton Park will soon have its own Rotary club again, the Rotary Club
of ORT Kempton.
The initiative is sponsored by Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora and supported by the Rotary District of 9400.
Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora, as the sponsoring club, has committed to provide guidance, support and
mentorship to ORT Kempton for two years after their charter date.
The ORT Kempton Park initiative is recruiting potential members to officially charter.
Until the official charter date, all fund-raising and projects the ORT Kempton club engages in will be used
in aid of the Kempton Park community.
These efforts will fall under the Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora, with NPO 084-967 number and PBO
18/11/13/2603 number until such time that the ORT Kempton Club has been formally chartered and has
obtained its own PBO and NPO numbers.
The ORT Kempton initiative is currently chaired by Grace van Zyl, the current treasurer and past president
of Benoni Aurora.
As a first fund-raising and community project, the ORT Kempton club has identified a blanket drive.
The aim is to get a retailer on board that will sell
blankets at a discounted price to members of the
community. Drop off centres can also be set up for
the public to donate blankets. The aim is to distribute
these blankets in the first week of May to Kempton
communities that have no way of dealing with the
colder winter months.
Should you require any further information regarding
the ORT Kempton Rotary initiative, call Heidi Tucker,
president of Benoni Aurora, on 082-442-6710 or Van
Zyl on 083-333-7766.
The new Rotary Club of ORT Kempton in Kempton
Park kicked off with a blanket drive.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 23
This club was chartered in 1938 and many of Boksburg’s most prominent citizens served the Boksburg
community as members of this club. A few of these include Harry Massel, Harold Flight, Issy Kramer, Valois
Terblans, Jack Van Der Spuy, Gerrie Wolmarans and a number of other unforgettables. Even some ladies
left their mark in the club during the years when ladies were fairly new in Rotary. Of these President Carol
Viljoen is fondly remembered. Boksburg chartered the second in Boksburg, Boksburg Lake, in 1977.
The club’s passion is for children in Boksburg but it also supports a number of other projects, such as
PolioPlus, the Lona Kruger Feeding Scheme,
wheelchairs, the Badplaas holiday for
senior citizens and RYLA (Rotary Youth
Leader Awards).
Current Members:
L-R front: Terry Phasey, President Noel
Wauchope, Jack Gray and Peter Van Den
Back: Dana Oosthuizen, Dave Beattie, Yomi
Adegoke and Derek Fox.
Absent: Trevor Cusdin and Tap Van Den
Rotary Club of Boksburg‘s Badplaas project has been running for the last 30 years!
Three decades is a long time for any project be kept up, especially if one takes into account that Rotary
Presidents change annually. That means that about thirty club Presidents felt every year that the project
reflected the spirit of Rotary service for this period without change or interruption. Many Rotary clubs
support the Rotary Resort Badplaas for senior citizens, known colloquially as SWEMB, which are the
initials of the 5 clubs who look after the resort.
The project entails that a bus load of senior citizens are sent every week by a different club to this resort
where their stay includes
accommodation, three very tasty meals
and four teas per day, a shuttle bus
between the resort and the warm
water pools and whatever else each
club provides by way of entertainment
or extra treats.
Whenever each group returns, it is with
warm tales of new and old friends, a
wonderful holiday, very affordable and
totally unforgettable.
President Noel Wauchope with two
holiday makers, Roy Valentine and
Shirley De Klerk just before the
departure of the early morning bus.
Swaziland held their RYLA weekend this past
weekend. Here are some photos of the event.
In attendance were 96 Rotaractors and Interactors.
Also participating were the Rotarians in Swaziland
responsible for New Generation. DDR Deity from
Mozambique was also participating along with
Rotaractors from the Maputo Rotaract club. Deity
was of great help in giving advice to the
participants on the workings of Rotaract.
District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 24
Ed’s Note: Send contributions but be warned - our censors are checking!!
The worst thing about betrayal is it never comes from our enemies.
If one sticks too rigidly to one's principles, one would hardly see anybody.
It is easy to be tolerant of the principles of other people if you have none of your own.
An open enemy is better than a false friend.
People who have time on their hands will inevitably waste the time of people who have work to do.
Your opponent, in the end, is never really the player on the other side of the net, or the swimmer in the
next lane, or the team on the other side of the field, or even the bar you must high-jump. Your opponent
is yourself, your negative internal voices, your level of determination.
Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles.
Rock bottom is the solid foundation I used to rebuild my life.
This letter was sent to the Lions Bay School Principal's office in West Vancouver after the school had
sponsored a luncheon for seniors. An elderly lady received a new radio at the lunch as a door raffle prize
and was writing to say thank you.
Dear Lions Bay School,
G-d bless you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent Senior Citizens luncheon. I am 87 years old and
live at the West Vancouver Home for the Aged. All of my family has passed away so I am all alone.
I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown to a forgotten old lady.
My roommate is 95 and has always had her own radio; but, she would never let me listen to it. She said it
belonged to her long dead husband, and understandably, wanted to keep it safe. The other day her radio
fell off the nightstand and broke into a dozen pieces. It was awful and she was in tears.
She asked if she could listen to mine, and I was overjoyed that I could tell her to ‘get lost’.
Thank you for that wonderful opportunity.
G-d bless you all.
RELATIONSHIPS are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

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DG Newsletter 2017, 03 March

  • 1. DISTRICT GOVERNOR’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH DISTRICT 9400 - Rotary clubs in SOUTH AFRICA BOTSWANA MOZAMBIQUE SWAZILAND DISTRICT GOVERNOR 2016-17 GRANT and NADINE DALY DISTRICT WEBSITE EDITOR: Graham Katzenellenbogen 082 555 1122 TABLE of CONTENTS Hover the cursor over item, then Ctrl-Click FROM THE DESK OF R.I. PRESIDENT JOHN F GERM ................................................................................2 FROM DG GRANT’s DESK ........................................................................................................................4 ABOUT ROTARY.....................................................................................................................................10 THE 4-WAY TEST STORY........................................................................................................................10 DG GRANT’s CLUB VISITS ......................................................................................................................11 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL......................................................................................................................11 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTES ..................................................................................................12 ROTARY FOUNDATION..........................................................................................................................14 DISCON..................................................................................................................................................15 FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE ........................................................................................................................16 FROM THE DESK OF DGA NADINE.........................................................................................................17 DISTRICT and CLUB ACTIVITIES and PROJECTS .....................................................................................18 RYLA ......................................................................................................................................................23 TAILPIECES and HUMOUR.....................................................................................................................24
  • 2. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 2 FROM THE DESK OF R.I. PRESIDENT JOHN F GERM April 2017 Globally, in developed as well as in developing countries, child mortality is on the decline and life expectancy on the rise. In 1960, 182 of every 1,000 children born died before turning five; today, that number is down to 43. A child born in 1960 could expect to live an average of just 52 years; by contrast, a child born this year can expect to live to 71. Then as now, the factors most likely to determine a child's fate are set at birth: where he or she is born, the educational and economic condition of the family, the availability of medical care. Yet one of the most important advances in public health has reached every country and must now reach every child: immunization. The use of vaccines has, in many parts of the world, nearly eliminated diseases that once were widespread, such as diphtheria, tetanus, and rubella. Thanks to vaccines, 20 million lives have been saved from measles since 2000. Smallpox has been eradicated – and polio is next. Thirty years ago, there were an estimated 350,000 cases of polio per year worldwide. As this issue of The Rotarian went to press, only 37 cases of polio had been recorded in 2016 – the lowest number in history. All of the other cases, and the paralysis and death they would have brought, were prevented through the widespread use of a safe, reliable, and inexpensive vaccine. Overall, the World Health Organization estimates that immunization prevents an estimated 2 million to 3 million deaths every year. It also averts a tremendous burden of disability and economic loss. Yet we could be doing so much better: An additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided by improving vaccine coverage worldwide. This month, from 24 to 30 April, we join WHO, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in celebrating World Immunization Week, raising awareness of the incredible impact that vaccines have had on global health. This year's theme is "Vaccines Work" – and they do. Increased use of vaccines has broader repercussions for public health: controlling viral hepatitis, reducing both the need for antibiotics and the development of antibiotic-resistant microbes, and reaching more children and adolescents with essential health interventions. In every part of the world, routine immunization is as crucial as ever to ensure that all children have the best chance at a healthy future. In an uncertain world, vaccines offer something remarkable: a way to protect our children throughout their lives. By working together to safeguard all children against polio and other preventable diseases, Rotary is truly Serving Humanity – now and for generations to come. I’m proud to announce the newly updated End Polio Now website. It’s been revamped to include improved navigation, rich content, and thanks to your feedback, an enhanced Resource Center. You can get the latest polio news; download tools to help you advocate, fundraise, and educate about polio eradication; and make a contribution. Visit today. Will you all be joining me in Atlanta for the Rotary International Convention? If you register by 31 March, you’ll receive the final preregistration rate of $415. I’m thrilled to share that Bill Gates will be joining us, as he shares how we can—and will—end polio together. It’s also worth arriving early to attend a special Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10 June and featuring Bernice A. King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Our 2015-16 Annual Report is now widely available. Not only does the Annual Report serve as a year-in- review for Rotary, it also highlights the many ways our members are putting Service Above Self and making a difference in communities all over the world. View the report online.
  • 3. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 3 I’d like to remind you all that the deadline for my Presidential Citation is 30 June 2017. Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs can earn a citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary. Here are two ways you can achieve your goals and donate to our polio efforts: Giving 20% of DDF to polio is one of the 4 criteria for my district presidential citation. At their January 2017 meeting, The Rotary Foundation Trustees agreed to allow districts to allocate DDF to PolioPlus equal to the amount as if they had donated 20% of DDF every year since 2013-14. Any district that makes the make-up payment and continues to give 20% or more of their DDF to polio would then be eligible to be part of the recognition at RI World Headquarters that recognizes districts that give 20% of their DDF from 2013-14 until polio eradication. Reach $2,650 in total giving to PolioPlus in honor of The Rotary Foundation Centennial if your club has not already done so. Encourage clubs to donate during World Immunization Week (24-30 April 2017), when we will be celebrating our recent successes in the fight against polio. Club leaders will be receiving an email in mid-March with resources to help them achieve the citation. Encourage them to use these great resources which include an achievement guide, and a video produced by Zone 25/26 on reporting goals. Recognition materials will be available in August 2017. Thank you for all that you do so far this Rotary year, not only in your efforts to reach these goals, but as an important part of Rotary Serving Humanity. Sincerely, John F. Germ President, Rotary International 2016-17 HTTPS://MY.ROTARY.ORG/EN/NEWS-MEDIA/OFFICE-PRESIDENT/PRESIDENTIAL-MESSAGE LEARN MORE ABOUT ROTARY’S PRESIDENT and LEADERSHIP
  • 4. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 4 FROM DG GRANT’s DESK March has been the month dedicated to Water and Sanitation. For me it was a month of witnessing and assisting DGE Jankees with his preparations to take office in approximately three months’ time. The first exciting duty in March was to be part of a panel interviewing the two very capable candidates for District Governor in the Rotary year of 2019/2020. The interviews took place at the Rotary Centre in Bez Valley on Friday the 3rd of March. I am pleased to advise that Maurice Stander of the Haenertsburg Rotary club was the nominated candidate by the committee. All due process has taken place and so he is now the official DGND for our District. Congratulations Maurice and we wish you a great and stimulating time in preparing for your office in 2019/2020. Saturday the 4th of March at the Rotary Centre in Bez Valley was my first “Institute committee” meeting and so I can say that arrangements are coming on just fine. It is not often that a District gets the opportunity to host an Institute meeting so it’s therefore also a great opportunity for local Rotarians to attend and see what is going on in the rest of Africa. I know that IPDG David Grant has advertised the event in Snippets. Saturday the 11th of March at the Middelburg Business Chambers was the first of next Rotary year’s preparation training for DGR’s and AG’s. The three main trainers were DGE Jankees Sligcher, DGN Charles Deiner and Head trainer PDG Francis Callard. Many other Rotarians helped with certain specific presentations and I believe the content was well received. It is always interesting at such training to unveil the new Rotary theme for the year which by now you all know is “Rotary: Making a Difference”. I was pleased to see Zone Co-ordinator on Membership PDG Andrew Jaeger present in that he is always an inspirational speaker on any subject. Saturday the 18th of March at the Irene Country Golf club was the first of the PETS training. I found the content interesting and I think the information was well received. The breakaway sessions were interactive and all in all I think the trainers did a sterling job. On Friday the 24th of March at about lunch time, Nadine and I headed for Mopani camp in the Kruger Park to attend the Rotary Foundation Centennial celebration arranged by Region 6. At 6:30 in the evening we got together at the daytime visitors lapa with most clubs in attendance for the meet and greet which was in the format of a “bring and braai”. It was so festive and we were blessed with the attendance of DG Bruce Steele Gray and his wife DGA Pippa from district 9370 for the weekend. The next day was free for everyone to do what they wanted in the Park. Nadine and I took advantage of this and went out for a very early drive. Our reward was within minutes of leaving the camp when we came across a lone hyena followed by buffalo near the side of the road. Game were plentiful and in particular predator birds. The afternoon was a restful time catching up on some sleep or chat with friends. At 5pm we all assembled at the reception parking area of Mopani camp and under the leadership of Charles Hardy made our way to the Tsendze River for sundowners and snacks. An hour later we made our way back to the boma adjacent to the restaurant where we were subjected to the best ingredients of a great evening i.e. at the perfect venue under the skies; to celebrate the centennial of a great organisation; and with great Rotary friends. Kristy Redman an interpretive officer of the Kruger National Park gave us a talk on the “Emerging Tuskers” in the Kruger Park. Something I learnt that night: At age 45 the elephant is on its sixth set of teeth and does not need so much calcium anymore for its teeth so they are witnessing serious growth in the tusks after age 45. I then had the privilege of talking about the Rotary Foundation and also toasting the Foundation. All Rotarians (32 in total) who donated $26.50 in their personal capacity were acknowledged and presented with a complimentary bottle of wine. I must congratulate the Haenertsburg Rotary club in achieving the status of “each and every member has paid their $26.50 to the Foundation”. As at today’s date Region 6 has donated in excess of $10316 to the Foundation. The next morning (Sunday) was a time to sleep in for most and then take either a slow drive down to Letaba camp for brunch/lunch or head home via Phalaborwa gate.
  • 5. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 5 A brief report on our district membership is as follows;- Membership: 1 July 2010 1600 plus members 1 July 2016 1338 members Loss of 262 members (16.38%) 28 Feb 2017 1373 members Gain of 35 members Training and Dates 1 April Pets in Benoni 8 April Pets in Badplaas 22 April Pets in Polokwane 6 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Johannesburg 20 May Pets in Maputo 27 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Middelburg Citations 1) Presidential: Clubs are reminded to update their progress on Rotary Club Central and check their progress in terms of achieving the Presidential Citation. Closing date is 30 June 2017. 2) District Merit Award: Clubs are reminded to check their progress in terms of achieving the District Merit Award. Closing date is 19 May 2017. Attendance at International Convention Atlanta Target for District 20 Members Actual 28 Members
  • 6. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 6 In my term of office I have met such a diverse bunch of Leaders with various leadership talents that I have realised that age is only a number if you have the passion to be a leader. Some are close to eighty years of age and are doing amazing things with a sense of urgency and passion and doing amazing work in the community, but then on the other hand I met President Jarred van der Westhuizen who was 21 years of age when he took office as President of the Waterkloof Rotary Club. He has amazed me with his ability to take office, lead and deliver as President. I am so impressed with what he has achieved that I asked him to write up a Value Statement that I could share with the district. Here is what President Jarred had to say:- Attracting younger Rotarians and giving them leadership responsibilities The Rotary year has almost reached its end and great things are going to happen in 2017/18. Thus, this is an appropriate time for us to start talking about membership, youth and of course FUN. When looking at the leaders of the future in Rotary and the general geopolitical context, it is crucial for us to continue the discussions on youth and the reconstruction and preservation of Rotary. Throughout my years in Rotary I have heard many people say that Rotary is for old, educated and rich men only. Nevertheless, it has increasingly included more women and young people from all races and creeds into its outlook. However, this is not good enough for Rotary’s sustainability. It is important to open discussions on how to attract younger members and get them involved in building their communities. Rotary has always been part of my life with my family's involvement and support. I have made the term "Service Above Self" a part of who I am and I have never looked back ever since. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces when performing small acts of kindness, are one of the key attractions in Rotary for me. The Millennial Generation, like myself, has often been characterized in a number of different ways. They have been described as lazy and jump from one job to the other. This might be one of the reasons why youth taking leadership roles in Rotary are frowned upon. In my personal experience as the youngest President in Rotary history at the age of 21, I have been told from many Rotarians that I will not succeed, because they do not believe a young person can show any form of leadership. However, I have successfully carried out my duties as president in promoting Rotary, working towards a presidential citation and advancing the community whilst having fun. During my term, I have been a role-model to our 60 interact club members and especially to a talented and driven young girl, Reabetswe Mmekwa, who had won Little Miss World and who works a lot with my club to advance the lives of young people in South Africa in targeting the key areas of focus in Rotary. I have also met many inspirational young people, like Ontlametse Phalatse, who has reached her 18th birthday, living with a rare condition called Progeria. She lives each day to improve the lives of those in need. A key project which I am very proud of and has grown exponentially within one year is our Lego Robotics Project working closely with My Career Corner. It is an initiative which encourages previously disadvantaged young people to get more involved with Mathematics and Science, giving them an opportunity to program robots and open doors for them in the future. With the help of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) funding, we have been able to provide free training for mainly primary school children in local communities. With the recent change implemented by the Council on Legislation in terms of weekly meetings, this has contributed to more of my club members being involved in projects and bringing guest speakers to meetings to make it more interesting. Rotary and the world are constantly evolving and it is important for us as Rotarians to embrace change. It is crucial for us to invest in young people and support them in projects and fellowship. It is important to make Rotary fun and involve younger members in more projects. Young members do however have very busy schedules, but if they are involved in projects and see how Rotary changes communities and lives, that is how you attract young members: by example! I would not have accomplished most of my duties if it had not been for the mentorship of my many of my club members! They have encouraged and supported me throughout my year as president and have given me enough space (with guidance here and there) to operate on my terms. As we celebrate the Rotary Centennial, we as clubs and districts need to make Rotary more visible to the general public. It is an ideal time to show what we have accomplished and what we still want to achieve. Invite people to your projects and meetings. Make the meetings interesting with guest speakers and food. Nobody enjoys a boring meeting! Let us enjoy growing Rotary and maintain the ideals that we aspire to!
  • 7. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 7 DISTRICT GOVERNOR NOMINEE 2019-2020 DISTRICT 9400: INTRODUCTION TO OUR DGND MAURICE GRAHAM STANDER Maurice was born in Polokwane on the 16th of November 1953, the 3rd generation from his mother’s side to be born in Polokwane. He is the eldest son with two sisters and a brother. Father Graham Stander was a Charter member of Round Table 22 Polokwane. Maurice matriculate at Capricorn High school in 1971. He is happily married to Chrisna for the past 21 years and has never looked back. He is blessed with a son and two daughters. Maurice started his working career as a furniture salesman for Libertas-Modhomes and after a year of compulsory military service went back to selling furniture and home appliances for another 7 years. In 1979 he started a career in life assurance and short term insurance with a company by the name of Legal and General which was for 5 years. For the following 13 years he worked for Old Mutual as senior financial advisor until July 1998 when Chrisna and Maurice started their own independent insurance brokerage firm “MC Brokers” and are presently still active in the business. His Rotary career started 35 years ago as a very young Rotarian with the then Capricorn Rotary club and served as president of the club for two terms, 1992/3 & 1994/5. In 2000 Maurice started with the provisional club of Haenertsburg and had the privilege of being Charter President in 2001. He served as Club President of Haenertsburg Club again in 2011/12. Maurice served as AG for Haenertsburg, Tzaneen and Letaba Rotary clubs from July 2002 for a term of 3 years. He then served another term as AG starting in 2014 for the Rotary clubs of Louis Trichardt, Polokwane, Pietersburg 100 and Potgietersrus and is still serving these clubs. Maurice was also appointed as special agent to the provisional club of Hoedspruit Rotary Club who were chartered in December of 2015. In terms of hobbies he enjoys fly fishing and when time permits camping and bird photography. APRIL IS “MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH” MONTH. Rotary supports activities and training to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality for children under five. Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals TRF enables Rotarians to improve the health of mothers and their children by ….. 1. Reducing the mortality and morbidity rate for children under the age of five; 2. Reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity rate; 3. Improving access to essential medical services, trained community health leaders and health care providers for mothers and their children; 4. Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to maternal and child health.
  • 8. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 8 FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTION REPORT FOR DISTRICT 9400 as at 20 March 2017 The exchange rate in March is in our favour at R13.35/$ in that it has come down from R14.00/$. I am appealing to all clubs to please meet their goals in terms of Foundation giving. This is the Centennial year of the Rotary Foundation so lets support the year by giving as much as the clubs can afford. The District target based on previous years is $138 000. Club No Name Number of Members AF per Capita Annual Fund YTD Other Fund- Polio YTD Endow Fund YTD Total 9400 District 9400 1373 $0.14 $194.19 $23.61 $0.00 $217.80 17393 Bedfordview 20 $28.79 $575.86 $0.00 $0.00 $575.86 17394 Benoni 15 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 17397 Boksburg Lake 14 $110.47 $1 546.58 $371.00 $0.00 $1 917.58 23826 Centurion 24 $23.19 $556.50 $0.00 $0.00 $556.50 17401 Edenvale 8 $138.43 $1 107.43 $285.71 $0.00 $1 393.14 17253 Gaborone 47 $1.69 $79.50 $25.00 $0.00 $104.50 17402 Germiston 17 $92.50 $1 572.50 $450.50 $0.00 $2 023.00 55057 Haenertsburg 22 $103.48 $2 276.62 $1 291.59 $26.62 $3 594.83 17410 JHB Main Reef 8 $90.92 $727.37 $0.00 $0.00 $727.37 81137 JHB New Dawn 22 $166.72 $3 667.81 $0.00 $0.00 $3 667.81 17411 JHB North Central 13 $0.00 $0.00 $35.21 $0.00 $35.21 26043 JHB South 101 12 $108.33 $1 300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1 300.00 17418 Kyalami 10 $160.35 $1 603.45 $0.00 $0.00 $1 603.45 17309 Louis Trichardt 24 $1.49 $35.71 $0.00 $0.00 $35.71 27466 Maputo 24 $106.14 $2 547.28 $0.00 $0.00 $2 547.28 27219 Mbabane Mbuluzi 34 $15.76 $536.00 $980.50 $0.00 $1 516.50 17421 Meyerton Henley on Klip 9 $88.89 $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $800.00 17310 Middelburg 19 $55.60 $1 056.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1 056.34 23975 Morningside 22 $24.36 $536.00 $0.00 $0.00 $536.00 17423 Northcliff 15 $46.54 $698.09 $0.00 $344.50 $1 042.59 24272 Pietersburg 100 30 $211.90 $6 357.14 $0.00 $0.00 $6 357.14 17313 Polokwane 33 $1.79 $59.02 $109.05 $27.72 $195.79 17317 Pretoria East 16 $33.50 $536.00 $546.00 $0.00 $1 082.00 50228 Pretoria Hatfield 17 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 17319 Pretoria Sunrise 16 $43.75 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 17321 Pretoria West 12 $23.06 $276.66 $0.00 $0.00 $276.66 17425 Randburg 24 $26.93 $646.36 $0.00 $0.00 $646.36 17427 Roodepoort 18 $79.37 $1 428.57 $714.29 $0.00 $2 142.86 17429 Rosebank 35 $201.21 $7 042.25 $1 056.34 $0.00 $8 098.59 17322 Rustenburg 11 $13.52 $148.69 $0.00 $0.00 $148.69 17435 Vanderbijlpark 27 $101.11 $2 730.00 $365.00 $0.00 $3 095.00 17436 Vereeniging 17 $102.07 $1 735.21 $365.00 $0.00 $2 100.21 25002 Waterkloof 27 $0.00 $0.00 $272.32 $0.00 $272.32 17326 White River 40 $36.78 $1 471.25 $0.00 $0.00 $1 471.25 TOTALS 1338 $33.29 $44 548.38 $7 011.12 $398.84 $51 958.34
  • 9. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 9
  • 10. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 10 PASSED ON TO HIGHER SERVICE Rotary Club of: Johannesburg North Central Rotarian Margaret Hirse Morningside PP Don Devereux Don was an outstanding Rotarian having 53 years of active membership. He was District Treasurer in D9300 for 10 years from 1992 to 2002 as well as being the Rotary International Fiscal Agent for a number of years. Rosebank Ann - Prue Tough (103) PHF, widow of Phil Tough, President of Rosebank 1968/1969 ABOUT ROTARY Read more THE 4-WAY TEST STORY Read more
  • 11. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 11 DG GRANT’s CLUB VISITS ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATE WITH US IN ATLANTA It's just a few months until we'll be together at the ROTARY CONVENTION in Atlanta - 10-14 June - celebrating The Rotary Foundation's 100th anniversary, networking with old and new friends, and enriching our Rotary experience. If you haven't registered yet, there's still time, and you can save if you register by 31 March. If you've already registered, be sure to invite your Rotary friends. ATTEND THE PRESIDENTIAL PEACE CONFERENCE IN ATLANTA The Presidential Peace Conference will be held 9-10 June at the Georgia World Congress Center. Hear from Bernice King, CEO of the King Center and daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and other internationally recognized keynote speakers. Network and take part in breakout sessions that explore Rotary's commitment to peace. This special event is open to the public and all preconvention and convention attendees, including Rotary members, Rotary Peace Fellows, program alumni, young leaders, and friends of Rotary. Learn more about the event Register for the conference Rotary International is lining up impactful and engaging convention speakers, including those listed here. More are planned, so check the website regularly for updates.  Nathan Deal, governor of Georgia  Johann Olav Koss, founder of Right to Play International  Rajashree Birla, chair of the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development  Jack Nicklaus, golf legend Out of Africa, June 16 & 17, 2017 into Kansas City Kansas City Airport Embassy Suites, Missouri Join us as Rotarians from Africa and the USA come together to enjoy fellowship and celebrate the centennial of our dynamic Rotary Foundation. Rotarians from Kansas City area districts will host African Rotarians, providing transportation and companionship to our guests during this celebratory weekend. Friday … Get acquainted! An evening reception at the Embassy Suites will allow us all to become acquainted – a great way to build friendships and relationships. Saturday … Explore our city Hosts and guests will tour local attractions of our guests’ choosing. Midday the Rotary Club of Kansas City will host a luncheon at the Rotary Youth Camp. Kansas City ...the club with the camp for kids Saturday night … Celebrate A banquet and program will celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s 100 years of helping Rotarians advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, education and alleviation of poverty. Book your hotel now! Rooms at the Embassy Suites are available at the special rate of $119 per night. To make your reservation, call or go online. • Call 1-800-362-2779 from the USA or +1-816-891-7788 Specify “Rotary” or the code “ROT.” • Go to, and select the “Hotel Info” page. Register now! And it’s easy to do online! Your registration of $75/person includes both receptions and lunch and dinner on Saturday. REGISTER NOW
  • 12. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 12 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTES The Rotary world representing more than 200 countries and geographical areas is divided up into zones for administration purposes. Rotary International Zone 20A consists of the 54 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. The convenor will be Rotary International Director Corneliu Dinca and the 2017 Institute will be held at the Misty Hills Resort near Johannesburg from 14 to 16 September with the theme of 'World peace Through Understanding'. Each year, past, present and incoming district and senior leaders attend Rotary institutes to share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. The institutes usually meet for three to five days, and the program includes:  An update on The Rotary Foundation and its programs  A report on our polio eradication efforts  A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative  An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board  Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics  A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration for continuing your service and leadership in your community  Entertainment and social outings During Council on Legislation years, Rotary institutes also include a session for Council representatives and alternates and a general session for discussing Council proposals. Organizing the institute An institute may assemble leaders from one zone, part of a zone, or several zones. The RI president designates one or more conveners to organize each institute and serve as his or her representative there. Past Rotary officers often participate as speakers, panellists, discussion leaders, and institute committee members. Who can attend Past, present, and future district governors, RI presidents, directors, trustees, regional leaders, Rotarians and guests will attend the institute and we will be honoured with the attendance of Rotary International President Ian Riseley. Nick Phillips - PO Box 394 - 7 Natural Arch Drive, Eshowe, Eshowe 3815 - South Africa Tel: +27 35 4744481 - Cell: +27 82 550 5000 - Fax +27 86 647 9475 Rotary International Institute chair - Zone 20A - 2017
  • 13. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 13 In October 2016 the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Group (ESRAG) obtained recognition as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the USA, as ESRAG, Inc. In June 2017 ESRAG will formally elect its first complete Board of Directors. The ESRAG Founding Directors are asking you to recommend any interested and qualified candidates from your District to serve on ESRAG’s Board of Directors. The role of the Board of Directors is to provide leadership, strategic direction and the intersection between ESRAG and Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus. To be eligible nominees must be Rotarians in good standing, and willing to become members of ESRAG. The slate of ESRAG nominees will be voted upon prior to the ESRAG Annual General Meeting and the new board members announced at the 2017 Atlanta Rotary International Convention. ESRAG’s primary purpose is to provide technical assistance to Rotarians and their clubs in reaching any environmental sustainability goals that they have included in their District and Global Grant projects. RI President--‐Elect Ian Riseley has noted that “Environmental degradation and climate change threaten us all. They are having a disproportionate impact on those who are most vulnerable, those to whom Rotary has the greatest responsibility” (RIPE Ian Riseley, RI Assembly in San Diego, January 20, 2017). To the hundreds of Rotarians who helped to establish ESRAG we acknowledge the urgency of this task and stand behind President-Elect Riseley’s call to service, particularly in implementing service projects, building awareness, and inspiring action toward environmental sustainability (ESRAG’s mission statement). Please send your recommendations for nominees to by April 14, 2017. We will be very pleased to follow up. For more information about ESRAG’s work and how to join, please visit our website at Christopher F. Puttock, Ph.D., ESRAG BOD Nominating Committee Chair ESRAG Executive Director 2016--‐2017; President, Rotary Club of College Park, Maryland THE SOUTH AFRICAN DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY GROUP (SADAG) AND ROTARY Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brian Julius from South Africa now living here in South Carolina USA and a Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Hilton Head SC USA My reason for reaching out to you is that our Club has a very active international program which includes support for SADAG and their Teen Suicide Prevention Program. Over the years SADAG has visited close to 600 schools and impacted on nearly a million children on a class room by class room basis educating on recognizing the warning signs of someone at risk of harming themselves and who to call. SADAG’s Suicide Shouldn't Be a Secret has saved so many lives. The Rotary Club of Hilton Head is a large club with around 200 members and an annual budget for community support of $200,000 (about R2.9 million) As mentioned our International support includes SADAG and we are delighted to have been involved in a number of their school outreach programs, many of which have also attracted media support both in SA and here in the USA, which not only raises awareness of this dreadful problem which accounts for 9% of all youth deaths in SA, but also helps to promote the work of SADAG and Rotary This year we have contributed $6000 (about R78000) to support SADAG. Please view this video of a typical SADAG/Rotary School Visit We are looking for active South African Rotary Club support to partner with our Club in support of SADAG’s ongoing commitment to Teen Suicide Prevention. Ideally we would like the SA Club to help sponsor SADAGs program and/or attend some of the school visits. This is very much part of Rotary’s Areas of Focus and making a real difference in local communities. I really hope you can join us in this much needed and worthwhile program Brian Julius Rotary Club, Hilton Head South Carolina 2014 Club Rotarian of the Year; 2016 Rotary International Service Above Self Award
  • 14. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 14 ROTARY FOUNDATION FOUNDATION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IN THE KRUGER PARK Brazilian Exchange Student “Otavio” eating his first mopani worm Marlene Wilson; Grant Daly; Jo Harris Mockford; Richard Wilson of RC Pietersburg 100 : “Sundowners” on the Tsendze River at Mopani Marius Liebenberg; Charles Hardy; Mxolisi Bambo (Polokwane RC) singing “Ag Pleeze Daly us to the ………” Table setting in the Mopani Boma
  • 15. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 15 DISCON Reminder that registration for 9400 DISCON 2017 22nd to 25th June at Bolivia Lodge- Polokwane (Pietersburg) Limpopo is now open. Please note registrations can be submitted now and payment made by before due date of 31st May. Invoices will be sent when registration is received. If you do not hear from me within 48hours, please re- send. Please remember to email me the proof of Payment when processed. Remember to contact Bolivia Hotel directly if requiring accommodation in order to get the DISCON discounted rate. Linda Stokes Rotary DISCON 2017 Committee Member 011 917 3793 082 902 2505
  • 16. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 16 FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE TOUR TO D5330 14 – 30 June 2017 An unique opportunity to experience the culture and diversity of Southern California Visit San Bernardino, Palm Springs, Temecula, and Lake Arrow Head Expected cost for Tour R28 000.00 (inclusive of flights and land cost). This tour is ideal should you intent to visit the RI Conference in Atlanta. Why not extend your trip immediately thereafter by joining the friendship exchange team. Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator: Amanda van Biljon (+27) 83 632 5899 e-mail: Flyer More Information SWEDEN - FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE TOUR TO D2340 15 – 30 August 2017 The Rotarians of District 2340 are looking forward to hosting you in their country. Visit the land of Alfred Nobel and ABBA! See medieval castles, lakes and forests in Stockholm, Västerås, Örebro, Askersund and Karlstadt. Enjoy traditional meals with your hosts. Expected cost for Tour R15 000 (all inclusive) Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator: Carol Allais (+27) 82 573 7493 e-mail: Flyer : Information MEXICO – FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE TOUR to D4110 – 20 May to 03 June 2017 The Rotarians of District 4110 are looking forward to hosting you in their country. Visit the Cities of Mexico City, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, and Guadalajara. See the beautiful Copper Canyon and the famous town of Tequila! This will be a very exciting exchange! Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator Kim Geyser
  • 17. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 17 FROM THE DESK OF DGA NADINE Another month has gone by and I have been to two really great functions this month. The first one was the Anns Mini Conference hosted by the Vereeniging Anns at the wonderful Kariba Ranch. We had a fantastic number of ladies attend – over 100! …. and there was a great atmosphere, delicious food, interesting project presentations and speakers, and beautiful handmade gifts – all the ingredients necessary for a wonderful day. Thank you again to all the people involved in this day. Last weekend we attended the Centenary Celebrations of our own Region 6 in the Kruger Park. We started with a braai and meet and greet on the Friday evening at Mopani Camp – the noise level was an indication of the enjoyment level! Saturday night was the official celebration evening which took place in the open air boma at Mopani Camp – everything looked lovely and with the safari dress code it was truly a great evening “under African skies”. Now I am looking forward to the other functions on my agenda and the preparations for DISCON are well on the way and keeping us busy – don’t forget to register, it’s going to be great.
  • 19. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 19 VANDERBIJLPARK AND BOKSBURG LAKE Local and visiting Rotarians spent a lovely day at the Rotary Club Vanderbijlpark market on Sunday. The tea garden under the Rotary Tree right next to the river's edge was the rendezvous for both hosting Rotarians and an honorary member visiting from Boksburg Lake, Elsa Venter. Here old friends, tea drinkers and all kinds of strangers meet, chat and a great t ime is had by all. Stonehaven's legendary carrot cake, donated to Rotary for the tea garden, and a chocolate confection is an awesome treat. Today visiting Rotarians are enthusiastically welcomed by President Professor Pierre Lucouw. Old friends from 58 years ago meet after all that time and find that although they look quite different now, they still feel the same. Jan sells the most exquisite Indian embroidered saris right there on the lawn at an awesome price. Gatherings under the Rotary Tree are not just for visiting, it usually ends up in brainstorming, coming up with exciting ideas for projects and fundraisers. This time was no different. Visiting Boksburg Lake member, Elsa Venter, is allowed the first opportunity to try and convince her holidaying President Nicky Savvides to take on the mischievous project. This picture shows honorary member Elsa (front third from left) being told that it is time for her to donate her Vanderbijlpark shirt to the club since it clearly has outgrown her. From left to right are Preloshni Naidoo, Petro Bester, Celeste Lance, Heila Haasbroek, Helene Malan (with grandson Pierre Malan) and at back Hannes Malan. BOKSBURG LAKE This club traditionally celebrates Rotary’s annual birthday with an International Dinner. This year they did it again and listened to a wonderful talk by PP Martin Westcott (home club Benoni Aurora) on the subject The World We Live In: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. Front L-R: Marilize Nel, Stefan Nel, Cornelius Cloette and Gerda Cloette. Back L-R:Talitha Lahoud, President Nicky Savvides and Damian Lahoud.
  • 20. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 20 DGR AND AG TRAINING IN MIDDELBURG DGE Jankees Sligcher with the assistance of his Trainer PDG and Special Aid Francis Callard launched their first training session in preparation for the coming Rotary year. Topics such as the following were presented:- Theme and RI Strategy; D9400 Strategy; District Budget; Membership Strategy Membership Pets Training Rotary Calendar for the Year Technology Rotary Programs and goal setting Presidential Citation DGR & AG Roles and Responsibilities; Rotary Protocol Administrative Functions Financial Principles and Ethics Information Challenge Implications of District as a NPC Rotary is changing; The theme for the Rotary year is always an exciting element of announcement and disclosure "Rotary: Making a Difference". It was also a privilege to listen to our Zone Co-ordinator PDG Andrew Jaeger deliver his inspiring address on "The Membership Challenge". Andrew is just such a talented and inspirational speaker whom we should use more often. The Friday before the training, he spoilt some of us to a few bottles of his rather tasteful premium wines which certainly enhanced the taste of our food at the restaurant of the Middelburg Country Club. A word of thanks to DGE Jankees, PDG Francis and all the presenters for making the day an interesting and inspiring day of training. We all look forward to the Pets training. Index to photos:- DGE Jankees Sligcher; Trainer PDG Francis Callard; Anton Meerkotter; DG Grant Daly; Delegates; Zone Co-Ordinator PDG Andrew Jaeger
  • 21. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 21 Zone Co-Ordinator Andrew Jaeger: - It has been great to spend time at the district training sessions and I thought the following is so pertinent to our membership efforts: "Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action." - Peter Drucker  Reframing a situation in your mind is a powerful tool.  You need to intentionally surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you.  Think big. Act small. #Accretion  Motivation/procrastination is often tied to clarity on what needs to be accomplished.  Enjoy the hard work that leads to success. One day you will look back on those times and smile. Presenters Steve Du Plessis; PDG Kobla Quashie; PDG Greg Strathocopulus; Gerrit Botha; Paul Westcott All the attendees and delegates
  • 22. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 22 BENONI AURORA Paul Harris Awards Sylvia Knoop; Romy Titus; Grace van Zyl; Val Bartram;Cindy McCall-Peat; Angela Norris ORT KEMPTON FOR the first time in many years Kempton Park will soon have its own Rotary club again, the Rotary Club of ORT Kempton. The initiative is sponsored by Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora and supported by the Rotary District of 9400. Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora, as the sponsoring club, has committed to provide guidance, support and mentorship to ORT Kempton for two years after their charter date. The ORT Kempton Park initiative is recruiting potential members to officially charter. Until the official charter date, all fund-raising and projects the ORT Kempton club engages in will be used in aid of the Kempton Park community. These efforts will fall under the Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora, with NPO 084-967 number and PBO 18/11/13/2603 number until such time that the ORT Kempton Club has been formally chartered and has obtained its own PBO and NPO numbers. The ORT Kempton initiative is currently chaired by Grace van Zyl, the current treasurer and past president of Benoni Aurora. As a first fund-raising and community project, the ORT Kempton club has identified a blanket drive. The aim is to get a retailer on board that will sell blankets at a discounted price to members of the community. Drop off centres can also be set up for the public to donate blankets. The aim is to distribute these blankets in the first week of May to Kempton communities that have no way of dealing with the colder winter months. Should you require any further information regarding the ORT Kempton Rotary initiative, call Heidi Tucker, president of Benoni Aurora, on 082-442-6710 or Van Zyl on 083-333-7766. The new Rotary Club of ORT Kempton in Kempton Park kicked off with a blanket drive.
  • 23. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 23 BOKSBURG This club was chartered in 1938 and many of Boksburg’s most prominent citizens served the Boksburg community as members of this club. A few of these include Harry Massel, Harold Flight, Issy Kramer, Valois Terblans, Jack Van Der Spuy, Gerrie Wolmarans and a number of other unforgettables. Even some ladies left their mark in the club during the years when ladies were fairly new in Rotary. Of these President Carol Viljoen is fondly remembered. Boksburg chartered the second in Boksburg, Boksburg Lake, in 1977. The club’s passion is for children in Boksburg but it also supports a number of other projects, such as PolioPlus, the Lona Kruger Feeding Scheme, wheelchairs, the Badplaas holiday for senior citizens and RYLA (Rotary Youth Leader Awards). Current Members: L-R front: Terry Phasey, President Noel Wauchope, Jack Gray and Peter Van Den Elshout. Back: Dana Oosthuizen, Dave Beattie, Yomi Adegoke and Derek Fox. Absent: Trevor Cusdin and Tap Van Den Berg. Rotary Club of Boksburg‘s Badplaas project has been running for the last 30 years! Three decades is a long time for any project be kept up, especially if one takes into account that Rotary Presidents change annually. That means that about thirty club Presidents felt every year that the project reflected the spirit of Rotary service for this period without change or interruption. Many Rotary clubs support the Rotary Resort Badplaas for senior citizens, known colloquially as SWEMB, which are the initials of the 5 clubs who look after the resort. The project entails that a bus load of senior citizens are sent every week by a different club to this resort where their stay includes accommodation, three very tasty meals and four teas per day, a shuttle bus between the resort and the warm water pools and whatever else each club provides by way of entertainment or extra treats. Whenever each group returns, it is with warm tales of new and old friends, a wonderful holiday, very affordable and totally unforgettable. President Noel Wauchope with two holiday makers, Roy Valentine and Shirley De Klerk just before the departure of the early morning bus. RYLA Swaziland held their RYLA weekend this past weekend. Here are some photos of the event. In attendance were 96 Rotaractors and Interactors. Also participating were the Rotarians in Swaziland responsible for New Generation. DDR Deity from Mozambique was also participating along with Rotaractors from the Maputo Rotaract club. Deity was of great help in giving advice to the participants on the workings of Rotaract.
  • 24. District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 MARCH pg 24 TAILPIECES and HUMOUR Ed’s Note: Send contributions but be warned - our censors are checking!! The worst thing about betrayal is it never comes from our enemies. If one sticks too rigidly to one's principles, one would hardly see anybody. It is easy to be tolerant of the principles of other people if you have none of your own. An open enemy is better than a false friend. People who have time on their hands will inevitably waste the time of people who have work to do. Your opponent, in the end, is never really the player on the other side of the net, or the swimmer in the next lane, or the team on the other side of the field, or even the bar you must high-jump. Your opponent is yourself, your negative internal voices, your level of determination. Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do. There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles. Rock bottom is the solid foundation I used to rebuild my life. THE SENSITIVITY OF SENIORS This letter was sent to the Lions Bay School Principal's office in West Vancouver after the school had sponsored a luncheon for seniors. An elderly lady received a new radio at the lunch as a door raffle prize and was writing to say thank you. Dear Lions Bay School, G-d bless you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent Senior Citizens luncheon. I am 87 years old and live at the West Vancouver Home for the Aged. All of my family has passed away so I am all alone. I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown to a forgotten old lady. My roommate is 95 and has always had her own radio; but, she would never let me listen to it. She said it belonged to her long dead husband, and understandably, wanted to keep it safe. The other day her radio fell off the nightstand and broke into a dozen pieces. It was awful and she was in tears. She asked if she could listen to mine, and I was overjoyed that I could tell her to ‘get lost’. Thank you for that wonderful opportunity. G-d bless you all. Sincerely Edna RELATIONSHIPS are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?