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A SPECIALIST SCIENCE COLLEGE                                     FEBRUARY 2007 

  Issue No. 3 

      Eggar‛s is the 7th most improved school in
                     the country! 

T h e   G o v e r n m e n t   r e c e n t l y    The  Government  has  looked  at  this 
announced their  new version of  the             criteria  applied  to  schools  over  the 
GCSE  league  tables  which  made                last four years and compiled a list of 
headline  news  in  the  National                the top 100 schools in the country. 
                                                 Eggar’s  School  was  ranked  7th  in 
This  year  there  is  a  new  ‘Gold             the  whole country  and can be found 
Standard’  for  measuring  a  school’s           right  there  at  the  top  of  the  most 
performance.    Historically  this  has          improved  schools  list  on  the  BBC 
just been 5 or more A* ­ C grades at             website.  This  most  recent  success 
GCSE.   This  year  this  statistic  now         follows  another  National  accolade 
includes English and Mathematics.                for Eggar’s School.
Happy New year to you all!                I  would  also  like  to  welcome  to 
                                          Eggar's School four new member 
I  have  again  got  good  news  and      of  Year  10.    Welcome  to  Robert 
congratulations to hand out.              MacKay  10MR,  Darryn  Lewis 
                                          10MKc, Sara Maxwell 10SKi and 
Year  10  have  now  completed            Hannah Moss10SKi. 
some  of  their  Science  Module 
Examinations  and  I  was                 I  am  certain  that  you  will  be  as 
extremely pleased to be informed          successful as the year group you 
by  Mr  Carter,  Head  of  Science        are joining. 
Department, that the results have 
been  very  good.  In  fact,  he  told 
me  that  the  overall  grades  were      Nicki Curtis 
an  improvement  on  last  Year           Head of Year 10 
10's achievements.                        English Curriculum Leader 

So congratulations to Year 10 on 
yet  another  academic  success, 
following so closely on the heels 
of the SATs achievements!
Year  8  have  had  a  busy  start  to  the          There  are  still  places  available  on 
spring  term  and  I  have  been  very               either  half  of  the  week  for  the  Year  8 
pleased with the progress they are all               Calshot  Trip  in  May.    If  you  are 
making.                                              interested  please  could  your  son/ 
                                                     daughter  collect  a  letter  from  the 
As  you  know  we  provide  you  with                school office. 
information  on  your  child  showing 
their  termly  progress  reviews.    I  was          This trip is  a thoroughly  enjoyable and 
delighted  to  see  that  Year  8  are               a very active two and half days. 
making  excellent  progress  in  their 
lessons  and  that  all  teachers  are               May I remind everyone that while the 
pleased  with  the  attitude  they  are              weather is still very cold you can buy 
displaying.                                          green Eggar’s jumpers and stylish 
                                                     black coats.  Pupils are not allowed to 
Year  8  Exam  Week  was  a  success                 wear non­school uniform tops under 
as  all  pupils  showed  they  had  spent            their blazers or trainers in school. 
t i m e   r e v i s i n g   a n d   b e h a v e d 
impeccably  throughout  their  exams.                I hope you all have a well deserved 
I  look  forward  to  seeing  all  of  their         rest at half term ready for a busy next 
results.                                             term. 

                               More Year 8 News 

A huge congratulation to Declan 
Russell  8SMo,  James  Bevis  8REo 
and Stuart Sharpe 8REo for achieving 
a superb 1  place trampoling out of all 
the  students  representing  Under  13’s 
in the South. 

The competition took place on the Isle 
of Wight.                                             Miss L Rogers 
                                                      Head of Year 8
The  Government  announced  their  new  version  of  the  GCSE  league  tables 
which recently made headline news in the National Press. 

This  year  there  is  a  new  ‘Gold  Standard’  for  measuring  a  school’s  perform­ 
ance.    Historically  this  has  just  been  5  or  more  A*­C  grades  at  GCSE.    This 
year this statistic now includes English and Mathematics. 

The Government has looked at this criteria applied to schools over the last four 
years and compiled a list of the top 100 schools in the country.  The key to in­ 
clusion in this table is consistency, and a school’s results have had to have im­ 
proved each year.
Head Teacher, Mrs Felicity Martin said:  ‘This is a fantastic achievement for us to cele­ 
brate.  Over the past year we have achieved many successes and we are particularly de­ 
lighted to have secured this latest accolade. We have received a letter of congratulations 
 from the Minister of State for Schools, Mr Jim Knight and we have shared his comments 
                      with our excellent team of staff and Governors.’ 

In September 2006 the National College for School Leadership announced the first wave 
of ‘National Leaders for Education.’  Mrs Felicity Martin was successful in becoming one of 
the first 50 Head Teachers in the country to achieve this status, and Eggar’s thereby be­ 
comes a National Support School sharing the good practice which has taken the school to 
local and now National success.
School Calendar 2007  ­  Dates for your diary

Spring Term 
February              26 Return to School following Half­Term 
                      28 17:30­18:30 Parents drop­in session in LRC 
March                  1 Y10 Citizenship Day 
                       3 Dress/technical rehearsal for musical production 
                       4 Dress/technical rehearsal for musical production 
                       5 Evening performances of musical this week to include dress 
                         reheasal to primary schools 
                       6 Y10 Art trip to Tate Britain, Tate Modern & River Cruise (TBC) 
                       7  Y11 Science repeat modules 
                         Alton College Open Evening 19:00 ­ 21:00 
                      12 Y10 Modular Science exams 
                         Y11 MFL orals 
                         KS3 Y9 Mock SATS week 
                      14 Y7 Science Big Bug Show (postponed) 
                      15 Y8 Science Trip to Natural History Museum (Group X) 
                      16 Y8 Science Trip to Natural History Museum (Group Y) 
                      19 Y11 Science special event – Shock, Awe & Inspire 
                      22 Spring Concert 19:00 hrs 
                      23 Academic Review Day—1 to 1 reviews with pupils, tutors and 
                     26  Y7 Exam week 
                         Y10 visit to Pertuis 
                     28  Y8 reports to parents 
Summer Term 
April              2 ­ 13 EASTER HOLIDAYS 
                       16 INSET DAY 
                       19 Y7 Geography/Art trip to Living Rainforest (Group X) 
                       20 Y7 Geography/Art trip to Living Rainforest (Group Y) 
                       23 Y10 Geography Calshot trip departs 
                       25 Y10 Geography Calshot trip returns 
                       26 Y7 Science Reptile Day (TBC) 
                          Y10 Art Full GCSE 
                          Y8 Parents Evening 
                       27 Y10 Art Full GCSE 
                       30 Y10 Exam week 
May                     3 Y11 Full GCSE Art 
                        4 Y11 Full GCSE Art 
                        7 MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY 
                        9 Y10 Drama GCSE 
                       11 Y10 Science special event ­ Shock, Awe & Inspire 
                       14 Y10 Work experience begins (2 weeks) 
                          Y8 Geography Calshot trip ­ 1st half departs 
                       16 Y8 Geography Calshot 1st half returns/2nd half departs 
                       17 Y11 Leavers Dinner at The Grange 
                       18 GCSE Music 
                          Y8 Geography Calshot 2nd half return 
                       23 Y7 Reports to Parents 
                       24 Y9 Trip to Barcelona ­ return May 28th 
                       28 HALF TERM 
Eggar’s Achieves Healthy Schools Award 

        Mr Patrick Sullivan, Deputy Head Teacher receiving Eggar’s 
                     National Healthy Schools Awards 

An  Ofsted  Inspector  recently  visited      Mr  Patrick  Sullivan,  Deputy  Head 
Eggar’s  to  consider  the  school’s          Teacher  expressed  his  delight.    He 
submission  for  the  National  Healthy       said  ‘With  the  Government’s  agenda 
Schools Award.    During  her  visit  she     focussed  on  the  principle  that  Every 
interviewed  students,  staff,  parents       Child Matters, this has become a very 
and  Governors  and  scrutinised  a           important National award for schools. 
detailed  submission  and  a  wide            We  are  pleased  to  have  been 
variety  of  evidence.    She  walked  the    awarded the standard which confirms 
site,  and  joined  pupils  for  lunch,       what  we  know,  that  Eggar’s 
choosing  from  the  full  range  of          recognises  and  cares  for  every  indi­ 
healthy  options  always  on  offer  at       vidual child.’
mealtimes.  The  Inspector  said  that 
she  was  pleased  to  confirm  that 
Eggar’s  is  a  healthy  school  and  the 
“Anything Goes”

Rehearsals are well underway
for the Eggar‛s production of
‘ A ny th in g Go e s' . Mo s t
departments in school are
involved in some way and over
70 pupils have been working
hard to ensure that the show
goes on.

Tickets are now on sale daily       Learning the script of ‘Anything
from Reception, please ensure      Goes‛, Katie Brook 10SL, Ben Lynn
cheques are made payable to         11AS, Tristan Norris 11AS and
                                          Charlie Yarrow 8REo.
‘Eggar‛s School‛ and have your
son/daughters name and tutor
group on the reverse. Ticket
prices are £7.50 for Adults         Opening night is on Tuesday
and £5.00 for OAP‛s and             6th March with curtains up at
Children under 16 years.            7.30pm prompt - further
                                    performances are on the
                                    nights of Wednesday 7th,
                                    Thursday 8th and Friday 9th

                                    If you would like to be part of
                                    the experience, please ensure
                                      you purchase your tickets
                                       soon, as they are selling
 Some of our talented Year 8 and
     Year 11 students busy
   rehearsing ‘Anything Goes‛.
Badminton Success for Kieron Riley 10SW

I am currently taking GCSE PE and    The observation team were impressed
was encouraged by Mr Eost to take    with my playing and have offered me
my badmington playing further by     the opportunity to take part in the
entering me into a competition at    Hampshire Badmington Development
Westgate Badmington Centre.          School, where I will have County
                                     training and a chance to represent
                                     the County team.

                                     I will keep you updated with my
                                     progress and results.

                                                        Kieron Riley 10SW

                 FUNDRAISING FOR S.U.D.E.P
                   BY RUBY CLARKE 10SW

I have been fundraising again for    Overall I raised £71.00 and in total
Epilepsy Bereaved, but this time I   I have now raised £398.00.
held a ‘Guess The Number of
Chocolate Heroes in a Stocking‛      Thank you to everyone who
competition at Christmas.            supported me with this fundraising.

The competition was 50p a go and I
also sold blue ‘In Memory‛ wrist
bands for £1.00.                                        Ruby Clarke 10SW

Miss Hampson received a letter     The day finally arrived and we
from Jane, the Vicar of All        set off to All Saints Church.
Saints Church, informing us of a   When we arrived Jane was sat
sponsored sing to raise money      at the piano playing. We were
for a new church roof.             the first to perform as not
                                   many other participants had
I asked some friends if they       arrived yet.
wanted to come and sing with
me but unfortunately they all      I was ready to start but Angel‛s
had other commitments and          nerves got the better of her
could not join me so I decided     and said she was sorry but could
to volunteer my sister Angel. At   not go through with it. Jane,
first Angel was enthusiastic but   Mary and I talked her round and
as the day got closer nerves set   in the end she stood behind me
in!                                to sing.

We both practiced at night         It went well and Mary was very
after school and sometimes in      proud of us.
the mornings if we had time.
                                   The Church needs to raise
                                   £75,000 for the new roof; so
                                   far they have raised over
                                   £35,000.     I‛m not sure how
                                   much they raised on ‘Raise The
                                   Roof‛ day but I feel glad I did
                                   my bit for All Saints Church.

                                   Vanessa Anderson 8KN
At Eggar’s we pride ourselves on our careful       Annual Subject Report 
monitoring of student progress.  This year we 
have added to the information that parents         An annual subject report  for every pupil is also 
receive.                                           produced this will contain information about 
                                                   achievements your son/daughter has made in 
Eggar’s Assessment and Reporting                   each subject area and suggest strategies that 
Cycle 2006­2007                                    they can follow to help them achieve their target 
                                                   grades.  A subject consultation evening will 
Termly Progress Review (TPR’s)                     follow which will give you an opportunity to 
                                                   discuss the progress of your son/daughter with 
These will be produced for every pupil at the      their subject teachers. 
end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer 
terms.  An Academic Review Day will also 
follow at the end of the Autumn and Spring 
Terms so you can discuss the progress of 
your son/daughter with your child’s tutor. 

                                Sainsbury‛s Active Kids 2007

Once again our school will be taking part in the   Your support and commitment will again be crucial
Sainsbury‛s Active Kids campaign.                  and there a number of additional ways in which
                                                   you can support the school throughout the Active
We are one of over 31,000 schools that have        Kids campaign:
registered for this scheme in the last two
years, benefiting from a share of an incredible    ¨    You will receive a bonus voucher for every
£34 million worth of active equipment and               £10 you spend on fresh fruit and vegetables
experiences.                                            and all products with the healthy apple
Last year, with your help, we collected 22344
Active Kids vouchers, so thank you for your        ¨    Convert your Nectar points into Active Kids
support. Of course we want to aim even                  vouchers by visiting - simply
higher this year to take advantage of a range           select the school from the drop down list
of new and innovative equipment for in and out          and follow the instructions on the screen.
of the classroom.
                                                   Remember, all you need to do is post the vouchers
Active Kids will run from 7 February to 29         into the Active Kids collection box, located in the
May 2007, during which time you will receive       school.
one Active Kids voucher for every £10 you
spend at Sainsbury‛s.                                        Thank you for your continued
Keeping Parents better informed 

At Eggar’s we pride ourselves on our care­ 
ful monitoring of student progress.  This 
year we have added to the information that 
parents receive. 

Eggar’s Assessment and Reporting 
Cycle 2006­2007 

Termly Progress Review (TPR’s) 
These will be produced for every pupil at 
the end of the Autumn, Spring and Sum­ 
mer terms.  An Academic Review Day will 
also follow at the end of the Autumn and 
Spring Terms so you can discuss the pro­ 
gress of your son/daughter with your 
child’s tutor. 

Annual Subject Report 

An annual subject report  for every pupil is 
also produced this will contain information 
about achievements your son/daughter 
has made in each subject area and sug­ 
gest strategies that they can follow to help 
them achieve their target grades.  A sub­ 
ject consultation evening will follow which 
will give you an opportunity to discuss the 
progress of your son/daughter with their 
subject teachers.
Drama club has taken off with a         Drama Club is open to all pupils in
flying start this term after a          Years 7, 8 & 9 located in the
short break.                            Drama room on Thursday after
                                        school from 3.25pm - 4.35pm.
We were lucky to have secured
the services of drama
practitioner, who has experience
of a range of drama projects.

Laura Dymock has taken on the
role of encouraging pupils to
develop confidence and drama
skills, and has many exciting
ideas which, with the help of her
committed band, we hope to see
coming to fruition over the             Please see Mrs Walker if you
coming months.                          would like further information.

               Drama note from Cameron Reid 7JW
 As a member of the Phoenix Kids        The next production will be ‘Mary
 Drama Group at the Phoenix             Poppins’, the auditions are already
 Theatre in Bordon, I have been         complete, but please come and
 involved in several productions.       support the group by buying
 Last term I played the starring role   tickets!
 of Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’.     If you fancy getting involved,
                                        please talk to Cameron Reid.

                              ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 
 On  Friday  the  2  February  the  Year  8’s 
 visited the National Gallery in London as part 
 of  a  scheme  of  work  created  by  the  English 
 Department,  which  looks  at  how  literature, 
 media and art combine to reveal the best and 
 the worst in human nature. 

 At  9:00  am  an  excited  group  of  139  Year  8 
 pupils  boarded  the  coaches  and  set  off  for 
 the art gallery. Once they arrived at Trafalgar 
 Square,  the  pupils  and  accompanying  staff 
 were  divided  into  two  groups  and  then 
 subdivided  into  tutor  groups  so  that  they 
 could  taken  on  a  lecture  tour  by  the  staff  of 
 the  gallery’s  Education  Centre.  The  first  half 
 of  the  Year  Group  began  their  lecture  tour              An Experiment on a Bird with the Air Pump 
 immediately  while  the  other  half  spent  some                     by Joseph Wright of Derby
 time in the gallery shop buying souvenirs. 

                                                           The paintings which they were shown had been 
                                                           selected in advance by the gallery staff who had 
                                                           been  informed  about  theme  the  Year  8s  were 
                                                           studying  and  had  been  given  copies  of  the 
                                                           poems  so  the  focus  of  these  discussions  was 
                                                           “The Nature of Man”. 

                                                           Pupils  were  able  to  see  great  artists’ 
                                                           interpretations  of  love;  war  and  peace;  the 
                                                           seven  ages  of  man  –  from  birth  to  death;  the 
                                                           quest  for  knowledge;  beauty  and  the 
                                                           grotesque  and  the  excellence  as  well  as  the 
               A Gortesque Old Woman                       folly of humankind. 
                 By Quinten Massys 
                                                           After an informative and inspiring hour in which 
                                                           each  group  examined  and  discussed  three 
The lecture tours were absolutely fascinating              paintings  which  had  been  specifically  selected 
and the pupils were encouraged to share their              by their own tour guide, the Year 8s headed for 
insights and explore the various elements of               the  food  halls  to  have  their  lunch  before 
the paintings they were shown. Our pupils                  boarding the coaches for the return journey to 
were enthralled and participated with                      Eggar’s. 
enthusiasm in these discussions. 
                                                           Miss K Mitchell 
There  have  been  a  few  responses  to          You  will  be  invited  to  a  preliminary 
my  request  in  the  December                    meeting  where  questions  can  be 
Newsletter  for  parents  who  are                answered  and  a  more  specific  guide  to 
interested  in  finding  out  more  about         the  Award  Scheme  provided.    You 
the  Duke  of  Edinburgh  Award,                  should  then  complete  the  confidential 
which  is  an  exciting  opportunity  for         Criminal  Records  Bureau  forms  and  we 
our pupils.                                       can begin. 

The  Duke  of  Edinburgh  Award  has 
been  developed  to  offer  Young                   Just to remind you of the benefits of 
People  between  the  ages  of  14  and                        volunteering:­ 
25  an  enjoyable,  challenging  and 
rewarding  programme  of  personal                Share the satisfaction and enjoyment of 
development  that  is  recognised  to  be         young people’s achievement 
an  outstanding  achievement  by                  Improve your relationship with young 
employers  and  further  educational              people 
establishments in many countries.                 Work alongside pupils in informal 
It’s not too late to consider finding out         Get involved in your local community 
about offering to mentor a group of up            Enhance your career prospects 
to  six  keen  youngsters  so  that  they         Work with other volunteers in a team, 
can  complete  the  Duke  of  Edinburgh           sharing common objectives 
Award.                                            Make new friends 
                                                  Enhance your organisational and 
Regardless  of  whether  you  have  any           professional skills 
particular  qualifications,  the  Eggar’s 
Award Team needs volunteers.                      If  you  would  like  further  information 
This  could    include  helping  out              please contact me at school. 
generally,  being  a  group  leader,  or 
perhaps  instructing  in  a  certain  sport       Many  thanks  to  those  who  have  already 
or  skill.    Some  volunteers  could  help       volunteered  and  for  your  continued 
in  the        administration  or  fundraising    support. 
activities  to  help  support  our  Award 
Group.  It  could  be  as  simple  as  you        Jill Sandeman
offering  to  provide  assistance  with 
transport.  All  roles  are  equally 
Year Seven
                                      Kware Update

Members  of  7CG  are  hoping  to  add  to        The tubes are going to be collected in 
the  fantastic  fundraising  efforts  for  the    at  the  end  of  January  so  we  will  let 
Kware  project  by  filling  empty  Smartie       everyone  know  the  total  we  raised  as 
tubes with twenty pence pieces.                   soon  as  possible!”    Fund  raising  has 
                                                  never been so tasty! 
Charity  representatives  for  the  Tutor 
Group  –  Jake  Benstead  and  Naomi              Well  done  to  the  whole  of  Year  7  for 
Hide  reported  “We  all  agreed  to  buy  a      embracing  the  Kware  Charity  Project 
tube  of  Smarties  before  Christmas,  so        with such enthusiasm! 
we enjoyed eating the contents knowing 
that  we  would  be  raising  money  for 
such a good cause. 

                     7OW SPONSORED SILENCE shhhhh... 

Some of our pupils from 7OW took part             Thank you to all those who supported 
in a sponsored silence for a day. There           this fundraiser.
were one or two slip ups along the way 
which were overlooked of course. 

         From left to right Kelsie Hunter, Libby Spong, Ben Watts and Hugh 
               Wheatley(7OW) taking part in the Sponsored Silence. 
Poet In The Making!
        Hannah Smith (7JW)
    has recently had one of her
          poems published.
Here is her poem for you all to read.


    Ice and snow like a blanket,
   Over the cold, dark Antarctica,
     Penguins looking for food,
  In freezing water keeping an eye
        For an attacking seal,
    Powerful, ravenous blizzards,
   Blowing and swirling around,
       North and South Poles,
          Never warm or hot.

                Well done Hannah!
February 2007 School Newsletter

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February 2007 School Newsletter

  • 1. A SPECIALIST SCIENCE COLLEGE  FEBRUARY 2007  Issue No. 3  Eggar‛s is the 7th most improved school in the country!  T h e   G o v e r n m e n t   r e c e n t l y  The  Government  has  looked  at  this  announced their  new version of  the  criteria  applied  to  schools  over  the  GCSE  league  tables  which  made  last four years and compiled a list of  headline  news  in  the  National  the top 100 schools in the country.  Press.  Eggar’s  School  was  ranked  7th  in  This  year  there  is  a  new  ‘Gold  the  whole country  and can be found  Standard’  for  measuring  a  school’s  right  there  at  the  top  of  the  most  performance.    Historically  this  has  improved  schools  list  on  the  BBC  just been 5 or more A* ­ C grades at  website.  This  most  recent  success  GCSE.   This  year  this  statistic  now  follows  another  National  accolade  includes English and Mathematics.  for Eggar’s School.
  • 2. Happy New year to you all!  I  would  also  like  to  welcome  to  Eggar's School four new member  I  have  again  got  good  news  and  of  Year  10.    Welcome  to  Robert  congratulations to hand out.  MacKay  10MR,  Darryn  Lewis  10MKc, Sara Maxwell 10SKi and  Year  10  have  now  completed  Hannah Moss10SKi.  some  of  their  Science  Module  Examinations  and  I  was  I  am  certain  that  you  will  be  as  extremely pleased to be informed  successful as the year group you  by  Mr  Carter,  Head  of  Science  are joining.  Department, that the results have  been  very  good.  In  fact,  he  told  me  that  the  overall  grades  were  Nicki Curtis  an  improvement  on  last  Year  Head of Year 10  10's achievements.  English Curriculum Leader  So congratulations to Year 10 on  yet  another  academic  success,  following so closely on the heels  of the SATs achievements!
  • 3. Year  8  have  had  a  busy  start  to  the  There  are  still  places  available  on  spring  term  and  I  have  been  very  either  half  of  the  week  for  the  Year  8  pleased with the progress they are all  Calshot  Trip  in  May.    If  you  are  making.  interested  please  could  your  son/  daughter  collect  a  letter  from  the  As  you  know  we  provide  you  with  school office.  information  on  your  child  showing  their  termly  progress  reviews.    I  was  This trip is  a thoroughly  enjoyable and  delighted  to  see  that  Year  8  are  a very active two and half days.  making  excellent  progress  in  their  lessons  and  that  all  teachers  are  May I remind everyone that while the  pleased  with  the  attitude  they  are  weather is still very cold you can buy  displaying.  green Eggar’s jumpers and stylish  black coats.  Pupils are not allowed to  Year  8  Exam  Week  was  a  success  wear non­school uniform tops under  as  all  pupils  showed  they  had  spent  their blazers or trainers in school.  t i m e   r e v i s i n g   a n d   b e h a v e d  impeccably  throughout  their  exams.  I hope you all have a well deserved  I  look  forward  to  seeing  all  of  their  rest at half term ready for a busy next  results.  term.  More Year 8 News  A huge congratulation to Declan  Russell  8SMo,  James  Bevis  8REo  and Stuart Sharpe 8REo for achieving  st  a superb 1  place trampoling out of all  the  students  representing  Under  13’s  in the South.  The competition took place on the Isle  of Wight.  Miss L Rogers  Head of Year 8
  • 4. The  Government  announced  their  new  version  of  the  GCSE  league  tables  which recently made headline news in the National Press.  This  year  there  is  a  new  ‘Gold  Standard’  for  measuring  a  school’s  perform­  ance.    Historically  this  has  just  been  5  or  more  A*­C  grades  at  GCSE.    This  year this statistic now includes English and Mathematics.  The Government has looked at this criteria applied to schools over the last four  years and compiled a list of the top 100 schools in the country.  The key to in­  clusion in this table is consistency, and a school’s results have had to have im­  proved each year.
  • 5. Head Teacher, Mrs Felicity Martin said:  ‘This is a fantastic achievement for us to cele­  brate.  Over the past year we have achieved many successes and we are particularly de­  lighted to have secured this latest accolade. We have received a letter of congratulations  from the Minister of State for Schools, Mr Jim Knight and we have shared his comments  with our excellent team of staff and Governors.’  In September 2006 the National College for School Leadership announced the first wave  of ‘National Leaders for Education.’  Mrs Felicity Martin was successful in becoming one of  the first 50 Head Teachers in the country to achieve this status, and Eggar’s thereby be­  comes a National Support School sharing the good practice which has taken the school to  local and now National success.
  • 6. School Calendar 2007  ­  Dates for your diary Spring Term  February  26 Return to School following Half­Term  28 17:30­18:30 Parents drop­in session in LRC  March  1 Y10 Citizenship Day  3 Dress/technical rehearsal for musical production  4 Dress/technical rehearsal for musical production  5 Evening performances of musical this week to include dress  reheasal to primary schools  6 Y10 Art trip to Tate Britain, Tate Modern & River Cruise (TBC)  7  Y11 Science repeat modules  Alton College Open Evening 19:00 ­ 21:00  12 Y10 Modular Science exams  Y11 MFL orals  KS3 Y9 Mock SATS week  14 Y7 Science Big Bug Show (postponed)  15 Y8 Science Trip to Natural History Museum (Group X)  16 Y8 Science Trip to Natural History Museum (Group Y)  19 Y11 Science special event – Shock, Awe & Inspire  22 Spring Concert 19:00 hrs  23 Academic Review Day—1 to 1 reviews with pupils, tutors and  parents  26  Y7 Exam week  Y10 visit to Pertuis  28  Y8 reports to parents  Summer Term  April  2 ­ 13 EASTER HOLIDAYS  16 INSET DAY  19 Y7 Geography/Art trip to Living Rainforest (Group X)  20 Y7 Geography/Art trip to Living Rainforest (Group Y)  23 Y10 Geography Calshot trip departs  25 Y10 Geography Calshot trip returns  26 Y7 Science Reptile Day (TBC)  Y10 Art Full GCSE  Y8 Parents Evening  27 Y10 Art Full GCSE  30 Y10 Exam week  May  3 Y11 Full GCSE Art  4 Y11 Full GCSE Art  7 MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY  9 Y10 Drama GCSE  11 Y10 Science special event ­ Shock, Awe & Inspire  14 Y10 Work experience begins (2 weeks)  Y8 Geography Calshot trip ­ 1st half departs  16 Y8 Geography Calshot 1st half returns/2nd half departs  17 Y11 Leavers Dinner at The Grange  18 GCSE Music  Y8 Geography Calshot 2nd half return  23 Y7 Reports to Parents  24 Y9 Trip to Barcelona ­ return May 28th  28 HALF TERM 
  • 7. Eggar’s Achieves Healthy Schools Award  Mr Patrick Sullivan, Deputy Head Teacher receiving Eggar’s  National Healthy Schools Awards  An  Ofsted  Inspector  recently  visited  Mr  Patrick  Sullivan,  Deputy  Head  Eggar’s  to  consider  the  school’s  Teacher  expressed  his  delight.    He  submission  for  the  National  Healthy  said  ‘With  the  Government’s  agenda  Schools Award.    During  her  visit  she  focussed  on  the  principle  that  Every  interviewed  students,  staff,  parents  Child Matters, this has become a very  and  Governors  and  scrutinised  a  important National award for schools.  detailed  submission  and  a  wide  We  are  pleased  to  have  been  variety  of  evidence.    She  walked  the  awarded the standard which confirms  site,  and  joined  pupils  for  lunch,  what  we  know,  that  Eggar’s  choosing  from  the  full  range  of  recognises  and  cares  for  every  indi­  healthy  options  always  on  offer  at  vidual child.’ mealtimes.  The  Inspector  said  that  she  was  pleased  to  confirm  that  Eggar’s  is  a  healthy  school  and  the 
  • 8. “Anything Goes” Rehearsals are well underway for the Eggar‛s production of ‘ A ny th in g Go e s' . Mo s t departments in school are involved in some way and over 70 pupils have been working hard to ensure that the show goes on. Tickets are now on sale daily Learning the script of ‘Anything from Reception, please ensure Goes‛, Katie Brook 10SL, Ben Lynn cheques are made payable to 11AS, Tristan Norris 11AS and Charlie Yarrow 8REo. ‘Eggar‛s School‛ and have your son/daughters name and tutor group on the reverse. Ticket prices are £7.50 for Adults Opening night is on Tuesday and £5.00 for OAP‛s and 6th March with curtains up at Children under 16 years. 7.30pm prompt - further performances are on the nights of Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th March. If you would like to be part of the experience, please ensure you purchase your tickets soon, as they are selling quickly! Some of our talented Year 8 and Year 11 students busy rehearsing ‘Anything Goes‛.
  • 9. Badminton Success for Kieron Riley 10SW I am currently taking GCSE PE and The observation team were impressed was encouraged by Mr Eost to take with my playing and have offered me my badmington playing further by the opportunity to take part in the entering me into a competition at Hampshire Badmington Development Westgate Badmington Centre. School, where I will have County training and a chance to represent the County team. I will keep you updated with my progress and results. Kieron Riley 10SW FUNDRAISING FOR S.U.D.E.P BY RUBY CLARKE 10SW I have been fundraising again for Overall I raised £71.00 and in total Epilepsy Bereaved, but this time I I have now raised £398.00. held a ‘Guess The Number of Chocolate Heroes in a Stocking‛ Thank you to everyone who competition at Christmas. supported me with this fundraising. The competition was 50p a go and I also sold blue ‘In Memory‛ wrist bands for £1.00. Ruby Clarke 10SW
  • 10. RAISE THE ROOF BY VANESSA ANDERSON 8KN Miss Hampson received a letter The day finally arrived and we from Jane, the Vicar of All set off to All Saints Church. Saints Church, informing us of a When we arrived Jane was sat sponsored sing to raise money at the piano playing. We were for a new church roof. the first to perform as not many other participants had I asked some friends if they arrived yet. wanted to come and sing with me but unfortunately they all I was ready to start but Angel‛s had other commitments and nerves got the better of her could not join me so I decided and said she was sorry but could to volunteer my sister Angel. At not go through with it. Jane, first Angel was enthusiastic but Mary and I talked her round and as the day got closer nerves set in the end she stood behind me in! to sing. We both practiced at night It went well and Mary was very after school and sometimes in proud of us. the mornings if we had time. The Church needs to raise £75,000 for the new roof; so far they have raised over £35,000. I‛m not sure how much they raised on ‘Raise The Roof‛ day but I feel glad I did my bit for All Saints Church. Vanessa Anderson 8KN
  • 11. KEEPING PARENTS BETTER INFORMED  At Eggar’s we pride ourselves on our careful  Annual Subject Report  monitoring of student progress.  This year we  have added to the information that parents  An annual subject report  for every pupil is also  receive.  produced this will contain information about  achievements your son/daughter has made in  Eggar’s Assessment and Reporting  each subject area and suggest strategies that  Cycle 2006­2007  they can follow to help them achieve their target  grades.  A subject consultation evening will  Termly Progress Review (TPR’s)  follow which will give you an opportunity to  discuss the progress of your son/daughter with  These will be produced for every pupil at the  their subject teachers.  end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer  terms.  An Academic Review Day will also  follow at the end of the Autumn and Spring  Terms so you can discuss the progress of  your son/daughter with your child’s tutor.  Sainsbury‛s Active Kids 2007 Once again our school will be taking part in the Your support and commitment will again be crucial Sainsbury‛s Active Kids campaign. and there a number of additional ways in which you can support the school throughout the Active We are one of over 31,000 schools that have Kids campaign: registered for this scheme in the last two years, benefiting from a share of an incredible ¨ You will receive a bonus voucher for every £34 million worth of active equipment and £10 you spend on fresh fruit and vegetables experiences. and all products with the healthy apple symbol. Last year, with your help, we collected 22344 Active Kids vouchers, so thank you for your ¨ Convert your Nectar points into Active Kids support. Of course we want to aim even vouchers by visiting - simply higher this year to take advantage of a range select the school from the drop down list of new and innovative equipment for in and out and follow the instructions on the screen. of the classroom. Remember, all you need to do is post the vouchers Active Kids will run from 7 February to 29 into the Active Kids collection box, located in the May 2007, during which time you will receive school. one Active Kids voucher for every £10 you spend at Sainsbury‛s. Thank you for your continued support. 
  • 12. Keeping Parents better informed  At Eggar’s we pride ourselves on our care­  ful monitoring of student progress.  This  year we have added to the information that  parents receive.  Eggar’s Assessment and Reporting  Cycle 2006­2007  Termly Progress Review (TPR’s)  These will be produced for every pupil at  the end of the Autumn, Spring and Sum­  mer terms.  An Academic Review Day will  also follow at the end of the Autumn and  Spring Terms so you can discuss the pro­  gress of your son/daughter with your  child’s tutor.  Annual Subject Report  An annual subject report  for every pupil is  also produced this will contain information  about achievements your son/daughter  has made in each subject area and sug­  gest strategies that they can follow to help  them achieve their target grades.  A sub­  ject consultation evening will follow which  will give you an opportunity to discuss the  progress of your son/daughter with their  subject teachers.
  • 13. DRAMA CLUB Relaunch Drama club has taken off with a Drama Club is open to all pupils in flying start this term after a Years 7, 8 & 9 located in the short break. Drama room on Thursday after school from 3.25pm - 4.35pm. We were lucky to have secured the services of drama practitioner, who has experience of a range of drama projects. Laura Dymock has taken on the role of encouraging pupils to develop confidence and drama skills, and has many exciting ideas which, with the help of her committed band, we hope to see coming to fruition over the Please see Mrs Walker if you coming months. would like further information. Drama note from Cameron Reid 7JW As a member of the Phoenix Kids The next production will be ‘Mary Drama Group at the Phoenix Poppins’, the auditions are already Theatre in Bordon, I have been complete, but please come and involved in several productions. support the group by buying Last term I played the starring role tickets! of Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’. If you fancy getting involved, please talk to Cameron Reid.
  • 14. VISIT TO THE NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON BY THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT  nd  On  Friday  the  2  February  the  Year  8’s  visited the National Gallery in London as part  of  a  scheme  of  work  created  by  the  English  Department,  which  looks  at  how  literature,  media and art combine to reveal the best and  the worst in human nature.  At  9:00  am  an  excited  group  of  139  Year  8  pupils  boarded  the  coaches  and  set  off  for  the art gallery. Once they arrived at Trafalgar  Square,  the  pupils  and  accompanying  staff  were  divided  into  two  groups  and  then  subdivided  into  tutor  groups  so  that  they  could  taken  on  a  lecture  tour  by  the  staff  of  the  gallery’s  Education  Centre.  The  first  half  of  the  Year  Group  began  their  lecture  tour  An Experiment on a Bird with the Air Pump  immediately  while  the  other  half  spent  some  by Joseph Wright of Derby time in the gallery shop buying souvenirs.  The paintings which they were shown had been  selected in advance by the gallery staff who had  been  informed  about  theme  the  Year  8s  were  studying  and  had  been  given  copies  of  the  poems  so  the  focus  of  these  discussions  was  “The Nature of Man”.  Pupils  were  able  to  see  great  artists’  interpretations  of  love;  war  and  peace;  the  seven  ages  of  man  –  from  birth  to  death;  the  quest  for  knowledge;  beauty  and  the  grotesque  and  the  excellence  as  well  as  the  A Gortesque Old Woman  folly of humankind.  By Quinten Massys  After an informative and inspiring hour in which  each  group  examined  and  discussed  three  The lecture tours were absolutely fascinating  paintings  which  had  been  specifically  selected  and the pupils were encouraged to share their  by their own tour guide, the Year 8s headed for  insights and explore the various elements of  the  food  halls  to  have  their  lunch  before  the paintings they were shown. Our pupils  boarding the coaches for the return journey to  were enthralled and participated with  Eggar’s.  enthusiasm in these discussions.  Miss K Mitchell 
  • 15. There  have  been  a  few  responses  to  You  will  be  invited  to  a  preliminary  my  request  in  the  December  meeting  where  questions  can  be  Newsletter  for  parents  who  are  answered  and  a  more  specific  guide  to  interested  in  finding  out  more  about  the  Award  Scheme  provided.    You  the  Duke  of  Edinburgh  Award,  should  then  complete  the  confidential  which  is  an  exciting  opportunity  for  Criminal  Records  Bureau  forms  and  we  our pupils.  can begin.  The  Duke  of  Edinburgh  Award  has  been  developed  to  offer  Young  Just to remind you of the benefits of  People  between  the  ages  of  14  and  volunteering:­  25  an  enjoyable,  challenging  and  rewarding  programme  of  personal  Share the satisfaction and enjoyment of  development  that  is  recognised  to  be  young people’s achievement  an  outstanding  achievement  by  Improve your relationship with young  employers  and  further  educational  people  establishments in many countries.  Work alongside pupils in informal  settings  It’s not too late to consider finding out  Get involved in your local community  about offering to mentor a group of up  Enhance your career prospects  to  six  keen  youngsters  so  that  they  Work with other volunteers in a team,  can  complete  the  Duke  of  Edinburgh  sharing common objectives  Award.  Make new friends  Enhance your organisational and  Regardless  of  whether  you  have  any  professional skills  particular  qualifications,  the  Eggar’s  Award Team needs volunteers.  If  you  would  like  further  information  This  could    include  helping  out  please contact me at school.  generally,  being  a  group  leader,  or  perhaps  instructing  in  a  certain  sport  Many  thanks  to  those  who  have  already  or  skill.    Some  volunteers  could  help  volunteered  and  for  your  continued  in  the        administration  or  fundraising  support.  activities  to  help  support  our  Award  Group.  It  could  be  as  simple  as  you  Jill Sandeman offering  to  provide  assistance  with  transport.  All  roles  are  equally  valuable. 
  • 16. Year Seven Kware Update Members  of  7CG  are  hoping  to  add  to  The tubes are going to be collected in  the  fantastic  fundraising  efforts  for  the  at  the  end  of  January  so  we  will  let  Kware  project  by  filling  empty  Smartie  everyone  know  the  total  we  raised  as  tubes with twenty pence pieces.  soon  as  possible!”    Fund  raising  has  never been so tasty!  Charity  representatives  for  the  Tutor  Group  –  Jake  Benstead  and  Naomi  Well  done  to  the  whole  of  Year  7  for  Hide  reported  “We  all  agreed  to  buy  a  embracing  the  Kware  Charity  Project  tube  of  Smarties  before  Christmas,  so  with such enthusiasm!  we enjoyed eating the contents knowing  that  we  would  be  raising  money  for  such a good cause.  7OW SPONSORED SILENCE shhhhh...  Some of our pupils from 7OW took part  Thank you to all those who supported  in a sponsored silence for a day. There  this fundraiser. were one or two slip ups along the way  which were overlooked of course.  From left to right Kelsie Hunter, Libby Spong, Ben Watts and Hugh  Wheatley(7OW) taking part in the Sponsored Silence. 
  • 17. Poet In The Making! Hannah Smith (7JW) has recently had one of her poems published. Here is her poem for you all to read. Antarctica Ice and snow like a blanket, Over the cold, dark Antarctica, Penguins looking for food, In freezing water keeping an eye out, For an attacking seal, Powerful, ravenous blizzards, Blowing and swirling around, North and South Poles, Never warm or hot. Well done Hannah!