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Issue No. 1                                                           October 2008

        Eggar’s students amongst the
           top ten in the country!

Once again our students have achieved          Stefan Romer, Anna Youngs, Charlotte
excellent GCSE results this year, and in       Withams and Emily Wheeler, achieved one
particular we are delighted to announce that   of the highest overall marks and are all
Eggar’s student, Richard Jarvis, was amongst   amongst the top ten students nationally.
the top ten students according to Edexcel,     These results clearly reflect the strong
the UK’s largest awarding body. Richard sat    work ethic of our students and also the high
the GCSE Art & Design exam earlier this        quality teaching they received.
summer and the results show that out of        On Thursday 20th November we are pleased
36,294 candidates, Richard achieved one of     to welcome back to Eggar’s Jim Roberson, a
the highest overall marks. In addition, out    charismatic motivational speaker, who will
of the 478 candidates who took the Art &       be presenting our Leavers with their GCSE
Design: Three Dimensional Design exam, six     certificates at our annual Presentation
further Eggar’s students,    Emily Hatcher,    Evening.
Dear Parent

As you will see from this Newsletter the start of this new academic year has been full of
interest and activity. Once again we have celebrated our excellent academic results and
enjoyed some great trips and special events.

We were delighted with the results of our last Year 11, and we have been pleased to see
several of our past students back in school already to tell us how they are doing and to talk
to the new Year 11 about how to do well in their GCSEs. They have also visited to talk
about their own new experiences of being College students. It has been great to see them

Our new Year 11 have already developed a strong team ethos. The Prefects are doing a
great job. With the Senior Prefects they have officiated at our major induction events this
term and we have received many very grateful and celebratory comments from our visitors
about how wonderful our pupils are as ambassadors for their school. The year group is
working well, very focused and determined to be successful.

Our new students in Year 7 have made a very good start. They are settling in quickly and
seem to be enjoying their early experiences of secondary school. Bonding Day helped
them to get to know each other through team building activities and has provided a firm
foundation to this new phase of their education.

May I take this opportunity to thank parents for your continued support. We know that when
our expectations are high and when we work well together we are able to achieve the best
for every individual student. Whilst the majority of our pupils are very smart, recently we
have been concerned that the standard of appearance of the uniform of some of our pupils
has dropped. We do our best to ensure that the school uniform is smart and comfortable,
and we would be grateful if parents would support us in ensuring that uniform standards are
kept high.

We are looking forward to the next half of term when we will enjoy more exciting learning
experiences and of course at this time of year many seasonal music treats, which I am sure
you will support.

We all wish you a restful and relaxing week.

Yours sincerely

Felicity Martin
Head Teacher
This is going to be a great
                                             year! It might be raining
                                             outside but the corridors
                                             and classrooms are full of
                                             sunny faces. I’m particularly
                                             looking forward to working
                                             with tutor group 7RI who,
                                             from day one, have busied
                                             themselves with earning
                                             merits, meeting new friends
                                             and making the most of
                                             every minute at school. So,
                                             let it pour - nothing is going
                                             to dampen these ‘first term’
                                                           Miss R Ingrey

Hi, I’m Julie McKernan and I have
joined    Eggar’s   this year as the
Curriculum Leader for Languages. I
am really excited about working with
the Languages Team to ensure
students have fun and make great
                                                                                  Hello, I’m Mrs Sorby and this is
progress in French and Spanish.
                                                                                  my first term as a Math’s Teacher
                                                                                  at Eggar’s School.
                                                                                  It has been really good getting to
                                                                                  know my Year 7 Tutor Group and
                                                                                  I am really looking forward to an
                                                                                  exciting year ahead with you all.

                                            I have joined the ICT Department
                                            as an ICT teacher. I teach all year
                                            groups and am thoroughly
                                            enjoying it! We have a fabulous
                                            ICT Department at Eggar’s with
                                            air-conditioned rooms and the
                                            latest technology. It is a very
                                            exciting place to work.

                                                               Mrs H Atkins

I am Mr Moon, a new Science Teacher at Eggar’s. My favourite
Science is Chemistry because that’s where you find all the coolest
explosions, colour changes and fires! As some of my Year 7 classes
will be able to testify to. As more time passes I hope to be able to
meet all of you in lessons and get you interested in the world around
us, which is really what Science is all about!
Youngsters flying high
                  after reaching finals of
                  UK space Competition!
                                                   Although we were told the competition had been
                                                   won by a sixth form/university team from
                                                   Shrewsbury School, our project will be flown on
                                                   a satellite in the near future - how fantastic is

Can you imagine how exciting it was to be
invited to the 59th International Space            To add to our delight we were also told that we
Convention during World Space Week!                can have a satellite image of anywhere on the
The opportunity to meet astronauts and             Earth, or of the Earth itself as a second prize.
cosmonauts as well as leaders in the               We could not believe it. What an achievement
development of the space industry was given to     for the youngest team in the whole competition
only the winners of a competition that had been    - our three inventors should be congratulated
running all year.        The competition was       and we are all very proud of them.
sponsored by the British National Space Centre     Following this success, the three team members
and was open to UK schools. The challenge was      would like to form the nucleus of a Space
for teams of 14-19 year olds to design and build   Competition Group. The next competition is for
a small, compact satellite instrument.             KS3 and the prize is a trip to Florida!
We had a team of three, Kate Chapman 10MR,         Anyone interested in this exciting task should
Graham Ogden 10KM and Joshua Atkins 10NW           register with Miss Sandeman -           watch this
(pictured above) who had gone through the          space!!
heats to the semi-finals at the Aldershot Air                                      Miss J Sandeman
Show. The winners of the design for a satellite                 Assistant Science Curriculum Leader
payload were to be announced in Glasgow on
Friday 3rd October, and we were asked to be
It was a wonderful event. We were certainly
looked after and very impressed by          our
accommodation in a posh hotel! We had the
opportunity to visit the Glasgow Science Centre
and    to the convention at the Conference
Centre, where we were congratulated by
astronauts and project leaders of the British
Space Industry. It was a busy schedule with
lectures on Space Science Fiction, Medicine in
                                                            Kate, Graham and Joshua flying home
Space and Space Tourism.
50 of our Year 9 Geography pupils have         The evenings were spent taking part in
recently returned from an exciting visit to    extra-curricular activities organised with
the Italian island of Sicily.                  thanks to the hugely energetic group
The visit comprised a huge variety of          leaders on the visit. These included a quiz
Geography including river studies in the       night, beach Olympics with events such as
Alcantara Gorge; settlement studies in         paddling pool ping pong and grab the peg
Giardina Naxos as well as the excitement of    relay. The finale was an Italian fancy dress
scaling Mount Etna, one of the most active     night with an impressive line up including
volcanoes in the world, luckily very           two volcanoes, two leaning Towers of Pisas’,
peaceful during our visit!          We also    Gondoliers, Italian Flags, Mario Brothers and
managed to throw in a little history with a    several rather dodgy looking members of
time at the Greek Amphitheatre in              the Mafia!
Taormina.                                      My thanks go to accompanying trip leaders,
A visit to the Aeolian Island of Vulcano was   Mr Wheeler, Miss Whiting, Mrs Mathieson
also a spectacular highlight with a dip in     and Dr Emery for their help and assistance.
the geothermal mud pool and spa. This          The visit was a wonderful success and every
resulted in huge hilarity as pupils covered    pupil that went will I’m sure have memories
themselves with the volcanic mud               to cherish for a lifetime.
supposed to have many healing properties.      We are now looking forward to Sicily 2009
These may not have been in evidence, but       with our new Year 9 group.
it certainly leaves your skin soft and also
slightly smelly!                                                         Mrs A Sutehall
                                                             Geography Curriculum Leader
cially the
                     icily trip espe
         ed the S                      squids —
We enjoy              d th  e slimey
         -baths an              ind in Eng
eggy mud             n never f
          gs you ca                 and all t
some thin              was lovely               he
           weather                  ical. By t
 The hot              we re hyster
           ctivities                             ul-
 evening a                            mell of s
                      not  got the s
           till have                costumes
 way we s          swimming
  phur out
           of our                        Ellen 9CG
                      Gemm   a, Emily &

                                                              The harb
                                                                       our at Gia
                                                              conductin            rdini Nax
                                                                        g a settle           os
                                                                                   ment stu

                                                I had a great tim
                                                                  e in Sicily and th
                                                the mud baths —                      e best bit was
                                                                   although they wer
                                                Mount Etna had am                      e disgusting!
                                                                   azing views and th
                                                was good as well.                     e plane flight

                                                                                          Zac Snell 9CG

       Eating Gelato at the harbour

                             d a great
                  fun and ha              he fancy
 We ha  d lots of           rien ds and t
                   e new f             ver Sicil
                                                 y at
   ugh.   We mad             g down o
 la                    ookin
              great. L
  dres s was         great fee
            na was a                        ett 9CG
  Mo unt Et                         Joe Benn

                                                                         Alcantara Gorge river study

                                                         Sicily was
                              !                                       great - se
                   Thank you                 he                                  eing all th
                                  ou to all t            like Mount                          e attractio
             ted to s ay thank y              o
                                                                       Etna and t
                                                                                   he river g           ns
  I just wan                        irthday s           beaches w                              orge. The
              for mak   ing my b                        again. I lik
                                                                    ere great
                                                                                and I wou
  teachers                               .                                                  ld love to
                             le in Sicily                            ed going ar                       go
              d un forgettab                           friends an               ound the s
   special an                                                      d bought r
                                                                               eally nice t
                                                                                            hops with m
                                     rrison 9M         and my fam                           hings for m
                          S ho na M o                               ily.                                e
                                                                                Matthew M
                                                                                             organ 9PCJ
It is my great pleasure to welcome Year       What a brilliant start to this academic
7 and parents to Eggar’s School and what      year for Year 8!
will, I am sure, be an exciting school        I have been          impressed with the
career.                                       maturity you are all showing and I
The start of term has been an                 know that the teachers are pleased
                                              with the initial progress you are making.
industrious and successful time for all
                                              We have high expectations of you
with positive feedback from pupils, staff     now, so keep up the positive attitude
and parents alike. One of the most            and make the most of the
memorable days for Year 7 has to be           opportunities that are available to you
Bonding Day at the start of term at           – if you’ve not been to an after school
Fairthorne Manor. It started off as a         club then try one this term, you never
bleak and wet day but very quickly turned     know, you may have a hidden talent!
                                              Congratulations to those pupils that
into a challenging, exciting and enjoyable
                                              have been voted in as representatives
event. Many fears were faced and
                                              for your tutor groups. These are
overcome throughout the day and new           important roles with lots of responsibility
friendships were established which was        and I hope you will support and
the aim of the day. I hope you enjoy the      represent your tutor group well.
photographs overleaf of the students          Our Year 8 School Council
clearly having fun despite the showers!       Representatives Lucy Clark 8NS and
As a result of Bonding Day the ethos of       Alex Holmes 8SD have already met
                                              with me and we’ve made a good start
Year 7 is now one of unity and the
                                              with discussions, from the points put
determination to succeed.                     forward from Tutor members, on how
I would like to thank all of you who          we can make improvements in and
attended the Year 7 Information and           around school.
Curriculum evening, it was lovely to see so   It is great to see how many merits have
many faces. If you missed the evening         been earned already and will be
and your child has not brought the            interesting to see which tutor group is
                                              going to take the trophy for most
information booklet home, please collect
                                              merits. Don’t forget the attendance
a copy from the school office.                trophy too - the more often you are in
By the time this Newsletter has gone to       school, the more you can learn.
print Year 7 would have enjoyed a day at      The Year 8 pupils have been given a
the Petersfield Theatre experiencing the      copy of their Information and
sounds from the Taiko Drumming — a full       Curriculum Guide. However, if your
report of the days activities will be in      child has missed this then please
                                              collect one from the school office.
the next issue.
It was a delight to give so many               Well done so far Year 8 – keep up the
certificates at the Year 7 Awards                   effort and positive attitudes!
Assembly this week and I look forward to
this continuing into the next half term.                              Mr J Wordsworth
                             Miss N Curtis                         Year Leader, Year 8
                       Year Leader, Year 7
Media Project
                                                   They were guided through the before and
                                                   after process of filming by two experts,
Twelve students from Year 8 and Year 9             Norah and Anna. The students had to
accompanied Mr Neale, Mr Mills and Mrs             understand the concept of filming shots and
Mathieson on a Media course.                       edit their own films. At the end of the course
Over a two day period the students were able to    the school was presented with an iMac which
make their own films based upon a visitor’s        will be used for a variety of means. Plans are
experience of Milestones Victorian Museum. This    to develop a Media Club for lunchtimes and
two day course at Sony Centre in Basingstoke was   afterschool so — watch this space!
part of the Media 4 Schools project.                                                 Mr A Neale
                                                                         Drama Curriculum Leader
The Music Department are hosting an          ♦   a day pass for 10 players for
Auction of Promises on Thursday 13th             camouflage paintball
November at 7.00pm in the school hall,       ♦   a series of drum lessons at
the profits of which will support the            Percussion Works
Music Tour to Spain in July 2009.            ♦   Eggar’s big band to perform at an
The evening will be conducted by a               event of your choice
professional auctioneer, along with live     ♦   And many more…!
music from musicians at the school.
Tickets are on sale now from the school      Maybe you can offer free services from
office priced at £10.00 per person and       businesses or family members such as
this will include a hot meal and dessert,    hair salon vouchers, restaurant vouchers
Auction Programme and the opportunity to     or car valeting.     Perhaps a sail boat
bid, so please make sure you bring along a   outing or the experience of flying a
cheque book!                                 glider, fresh flowers for a month, a wine
As a parent, your role in the success of     or food hamper - go on surprise us!
this event is extremely important and we     Don’t forget entry is by ticket only — on
are calling upon your support, good nature   sale until Wednesday 5th November, but
and talent to pledge a saleable lot that     hurry before they sell out.
you feel would be appropriate. We are
looking to gather as many lots as possible   We look forward to hearing from you.
and the more unique the better!
Some of the Lots already received                              Mr Farris & Mr Smith
include:                                                           Music Department
♦     a guided tour of the Ocean Liner
      Oriana and lunch with the Captain
♦     a 3 bedroom holiday apartment in
Mrs Kinteh’s Year 9 students are
welcome to the Department during
any lunch time. Also KS4 Year 10
and Year 11 students can attend any                            Every Friday after school from
lunch time and any day after school.                               3.30pm until 4.30pm

                                                             Come along and join in the fun of
                                                             learning about the countries and
                                                             animals in the world. We have also
                                                             sponsored a mountain gorilla and have
                                                             called it MUNDO!
  Don’t forget to look out for regular sports
 events and activities on the De-
                                                             Why not give it a try…. all are welcome!
 partment Notice Board - why
not give something new a try this

                                          Music Clubs
We thought it would be a good time of year to remind pupils and parents of the music clubs offered to all
We are currently extremely busy rehearsing for the forthcoming Christmas concerts. Whilst attendance has
been excellent from a large number of pupils we have noticed that it has been erratic from a minority. Please
could you actively encourage your son/daughter to attend on a regular basis. As an incentive we will be
rewarding pupils with regular attendance by entering them into a draw to win vouchers to purchase music of
their choice.
            Time/Day         Monday         Tuesday          Wednesday     Thursday       Friday

                          School Choir       Blue        School Choir      Brass En-
            Lunch            MS2             Notes          MS2           semble MS1
            After            GCSE           Concert          Chamber       Big Band
            School         Coursework      Band MS2          Choir MS2       MS2
We have recently received complaints          You will be aware from our recent letter to
regarding the dropping-off of children at     parents that we are increasingly
the school entrance with the driver then      concerned that some students are
turning around in the entrance to depart,     choosing to wear clothing which is not of
                                              the recommended uniform style.
or drivers coming into the front car          Students should not wear sweatshirts,
parking area and not pulling over to the      hooded tops or non school uniform
left hand-side, instead they are stopping     sweaters under the school blazers. Skirts
in the middle and therefore blocking          should be no shorter than knee length
through-traffic.                              and be of a plain black pencil style, or if
We would appreciate all drivers having        the option is to wear black trousers, these
                                              should be uniform trousers, and not be of
consideration for other drivers and           a chino/jean style with studded pockets.
pedestrians.                                  Full details of the uniform guidelines are
                                              on page 8 of your child’s Student Planner.
  Please use the school entrance on           1st Grade uniform orders can be made by
    London Road and exit from the             collecting an order form from the school
  Holybourne Road junction – this will        office or by using the new on-line store by
                                              visiting and follow the
  ensure the safety of all drivers and        link to parents and uniform guidelines.
             pedestrians.                     We would appreciate your support in
   Thank you for your consideration.          ensuring your child is dressed in the
                                              correct and appropriate uniform.

We are still having many students coming
into school without a drink for the whole
                                                         It come to our attention that there
day. We would also mention that those
                                                         is an error on the calendar this
students taking school dinners should also               year. Therefore please note that
bring to school a water bottle. We do have               after the Christmas holiday the
water dispensers in school which enables                 Staff Training day for January 2009
students to replenish their bottles during               is on Monday 5th January 2009
                                             with the whole school returning on Tuesday 6th
morning break and lunchtime.                 January 2009.
We would appreciate parent                   For your convenience we have attached the
support in ensuring that all                 current School Calendar at the end of this
children bring a water bottle to             Newsletter, however, dates can be subject to
                                             change and we advise you contacting the
school every day, even during the
                                             school    office or visiting our        website
winter months.                      for regular updates.
A note from the Director…
‘Sweet Charity’ is finally here! Over 60 students have
been involved in lead, dance and chorus rehearsals
with an outstanding attitude. The chorus have been
singing their souls out to the tune of ‘The Rhythm of
Life’ and the dancers have been flamboyant as they
choreograph the song ‘Big Spender’. Leads have be-
gun reading through their lines and rehearsals now
need to step up another gear as they approach
Christmas in time for the March performances.
Just a personal thank you to Mr Farris, Mr Smith, Miss
Masterman, Miss McCready and Mr Colburn-Jackson
for their hard work so far.
Josh Humphrey 9CG has been working hard behind
the scenes and has already designed the set for the
production - it’s looking great Josh, thank you!

                                                 Mr A Neale
                                     Drama Curriculum Leader

                 REHEARSAL TIMETABLE

Wednesday 22nd October                          Thursday 23rd October                           Wednesday 5th November 
3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.15pm-4.30pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm 
Act 1: Charity, Vidal, Ursula, Oscar, Helene,   Act 1: Charity, Vidal, Ursula, Oscar, Helene,   Act 2 Scene 2/3/5 
Nickie                                          Nickie                                          Charity, Oscar, Nickie, Helene

                                                          AFTER HALF-TERM                        
                                                         Chorus - every Monday 
                                                       Dancers – every Wednesday 
Thursday 16th November                          Wednesday 12th November                         Thursday 13th November 
3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm (in Drama Studio) 
Act 2 Scene 6-11                                Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene,           Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie,
Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Rosie,          Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers                 Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula
Herman & Dancers
Wednesday 19th November                         Thursday 20th November                          Thursday 20th November 
3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30-5.00pm 
Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Vidal, Ursula,    Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity,                   Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie,
Helene, Nickie & Herman                         Vidal, Ursula, Helene, Nickie & Herman          Rosie, Herman & Dancers
Wednesday 26th November                         Thursday 27th November                          Wednesday 3rd December 
3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm 
Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie,   Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene,           Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie,
Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula                 Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers                 Rosie, Herman & Dancers
Thursday 4th December                           Wednesday 10th December                         Thursday 11th December 
3.30pm-5.00pm                                   3.30pm-5.00pm (in Drama Studio)                 3.30pm-5.00pm Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity,
Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie,   Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene,           Helene, Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers
Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula                 Nickie, Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula
                                                        MONDAY 15TH DECEMBER 
                                                            WHOLE CAST
Welcome back to Year 9! An exciting and
challenging year lies ahead for the students. I am
very pleased to say that the Year 9s have made
an excellent start. Many subject teachers have
commented that they are working hard and great
to teach. Let’s keep this momentum going!

SAM Learning
All Year 9 students know about SAM Learning
and many of them use the service. It is an online
service which means it can be accessed from home.      We were delighted to offer Eggar’s Peer
SAM Learning is excellent in supporting students
with revision exercises and exam-style questions
                                                       Mentors the opportunity to attend a      one
completed and marked online. It will help the          -day conference at school on        Wednes-
Year 9’s to build up their confidence. Past            day 24th September.
students, in particular boys, have said that it
helped them a great deal. Why don’t you ask            Our Peer Mentors offer pupils the
your son or daughter to show you how it works?         opportunity to talk over problems or can
Year 9 Tennis Star                                     be asked to consult staff on a number of
Alex Gasson 9LL played in the HSBC ‘Road To            issues that individuals might be unwilling to
Wimbledon’ tournament over the summer
holidays. Alex eventually made it to the last 16
                                                       raise themselves. As such, they have a
but lost to the champion. Alex was very pleased        valuable role to play in our school
with his performance as he pushed                      community.
the champion to the limit.
During half-term Alex will be                          With the help of Jan Aspinall from
training with a prominent American                     ‘Childline’, the full day’s training covered
tennis coach in Colorado, USA. He                      the skills of:
will also be taking part in a tourna-
ment in Las Vegas. Congratulations and good
luck Alex!                                             ♦    Communication & listening skills
Operation Christmas Child                              ♦    Working alongside other people
9LL are planning to run Operation Christmas            ♦    Problem solving
Child, where they hope that each tutor group will
fill a shoebox with goodies to send across the world   ♦    Supporting others
to less advantaged children.                           ♦    Team building
For more detailed information please check the
                                                       ♦    Confidentiality and when to pass on
following website:                  issues to a teacher
Here are a few suggestions for gifts for boys: felt
-tip pens, pens, pencils, toothpaste, toothbrush,
pencil case, cars, trucks, small ball.                 The team was also introduced to Sue
And for girls: felt-tip pens, pens, pencils,           Foster from the Careers Service, who will
toothpaste, toothbrush, pencil case, doll, hair        continue the training and support every
bands, scrunchies, hair brush, comb.
I do hope you all take part in this worthwhile         Thursday lunchtime.
cause.                                                 Eggar’s has a very active Peer Mentor
Have a good half term break and keep up the            Team. They are hard working and we are
good work Year 9.                                      very proud of their achievements.

                                   Mr A Wheeler
                                                                               Miss J Sandeman
                               Year Leader, Year 9
                                                                      PSHE & Citizenship Teacher
Drawing Competition
                                                   We are pleased to announce the launch of
                                                   the Eggar’s Drawing Competition.

       Library Exhibition
We were very happy to have all year groups
represented at a new annual exhibition at
Alton Library. The exhibition was a great
success and the school has been asked to
return next year to create a larger scale
exhibition.                                        The competition is open to all KS3
                                                   students.     Entries must be on paper and
                                                   drawn using dry art materials such as
                                                   pencils and pastels (no painting this time).
                                                   Entries will be judged by the teachers in
                                                   the Art Department and an overall winner
Alton Arts Society                                 will be selected by our kind sponsor the
Congratulations to all the                         ‘Market Street Gallery’ in Alton.
students       who     had                         The winner will receive a professional
artwork selected for the                           frame chosen by themselves for their art
Alton Society of artists’                          work. They will also have their artwork
show 2008.                                         exhibited in the Gallery for a number of
The exhibition was held at                         weeks along with professional artists
the Alton Assembly along                           work.
with adult’s artwork and                           All entries must be handed in to the Art
work from other local                              Department by Monday 1st December.
schools. We were extremely pleased that 23         Entries received after this date will not
artworks were chosen from Eggar’s and that         be accepted.
our former Year 8’s swept the board in one         We are really looking forward to seeing
category with Becky Lascelles taking first place   the entries and wish all of you budding
and Tom Rudman and Josh Jones, all of tutor        artists the best of luck!
9MF, finishing as runners-up.
Hopefully we will be able to build upon this                           Mr P Colburn Jackson
success in next year’s exhibition.                                     Art Curriculum Leader
Yet again another great half term! We
cannot believe how quickly it is going.
We have been busy organising the           Friday 26th September 2008 was the
Leaver’s Year Book and hope it will be a
                                           European Day of Languages.
great success. If Year 11 have any
                                           This is a day focusing on different languages
                                           and cultures that is celebrated all over
friendship photographs that you would
                                           Europe and Eggar’s was no exception.
like to include then please let us know.
                                           Students from Year 9 visited the weekly
We are grateful to the many prefects
                                           Assemblies to advertise the event and
that helped at the recent Year 6 Intake
                                           share knowledge about languages in the
Evening — thank you for your support.      world.
Have a great half-term holiday and we      During French and Spanish
look forward to the run-up to Christmas    lessons on the day, students
on our return!                             took part in activities testing
            Eleanor Boardman, Head Girl    their knowledge of other
       Taliesin Burkitt-Jones, Head Boy    countries, cultures and languages. Staff got
                                           involved too, competing to be the
                                           Department who could make the most
                                           effort at integrating other languages into
           The Planet                      their lessons      throughout the day. The
                                           PE Department were the overall winners
                                           although there are special mentions for
                                           Science, English and Maths too!
                                           At lunchtime students had the opportunity
        I am a place of mysteries          to attend workshops in Cornish, French,
    I am a place of shining waters
                                           Japanese, Spanish, Salsa and Celtic music.
      I am a place of ancient ruins
                                           Highlights were Miss Hocking and Miss
  I am a place of soldiers quarters
                                           Curtis giving ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ a run
   I feel a love, of many meanings
    I feel the warmth of many seas         for its money with a group of over 50
    I feel an anger, of my thoughts        students doing Salsa dance in the gym and
 I feel a dream of many memories           Mrs Rushmere giving students the chance
     I have a life of guiding people       to make their own ‘croque monsieur’.
  I have a life of exploring the wild                    Thank you to all those who
    I have a life of hills and valleys                   got involved and watch out
   I have a life of women and child                      for more language fun later in
     I am a world of life and death                      the year.
 I am a world of whisper and voice
     I am a world of peace and joy                                   Miss J McKernan
Let me live or die, that’s your choice                         MFL Curriculum Leader

          By Amy Lucas 8KG
Year 10 and 11 Art Students had a very
successful day at Marwell this half term.
Students were able to record, through
drawing and photography, a wide variety of
animals from first hand observation.
These photographs were taken in
preparation for their Art coursework back
in the classroom.       They will now be
experimenting with materials and using the
photography as a starting point for making

                                             We look forward to sharing with you some
                                             of these artworks in future newsletter
                                                                         Ms S Kinteh
                                                                         Art Teacher
Welcome to Year 10 and I am delighted with        I cannot believe that we have already
how the year group have settled into their        completed a half term in Year 11. It is
GCSE subjects. The group as a whole are           scary how quickly the year seems to be
working hard and this needs to continue for       going. The Senior Prefect Team and
them to succeed and obtain excellent final        I recently visited prospective prom venues
results in their GCSEs.                           and there was an overall-winner, although
The next decision for Year 10 will be their       the other venues were very good, and this
Work Experience choices for May 2009. As          is the Old Thorns near Liphook. It would
you will know from the Work Experience            be a wonderful venue for a wedding let
and Curriculum evening we are now using           alone a prom, so I feel we are very
WEX Online and the deadline for
                                                  fortunate indeed. The surroundings are
applications is 5th December, however the
                                                  beautiful and importantly there is plenty of
sooner Students apply for a placement, the
                                                  space for parents and family to watch you
better chance of obtaining a placement of
choice.                                           all arrive. The Prom date has been changed
It is important that we share and celebrate       to Wednesday 24th June due to the
success at Eggar’s and with this in mind I        original date clashing with the Big Band
would like to congratulate those students         Tour, so make sure this date is in your
that achieved maximum KS3 results and             diary!.
therefore became members of the 21 Club.          As you may be aware from Eleanor and
These students were invited for a                 Taliesin, we are also working on a year book
celebratory tea at the Grange Hotel and           for the end of Year 11, with the content of
their names will feature in a roll of honour in   the book decided by the pupils. This will
the school foyer - well done!                     provide a lasting memory for everyone of
                                                  their time at Eggar’s, even if the pictures
                                                  taken in Year 7 are a little embarrassing!
                                                  Next term is very important as at the end
                                                  of November the mock exams are taking
                                                  place. College applications also have to be
                                                  started this term and mock exam results
                                                  will be an important addition on
                                                  applications. It is therefore extremely
                                                  important that the mock exams are given
                                                  respect and that pupils are working hard at
                                                  their revision, which I would suggest is
                                                  started over the half term break! Don’t
Keep up the good work Year 10 and have a          forget many Departments have available
good half term.                                   valuable revision guides and I would
                              Mr J Foley          strongly recommend you investing in these.
                     Year Leader, Year 10         I hope that everyone has a good break.
                                                                                    Mr R Eost
                                                                          Year Leader, Year 11
SCHOOL CALENDAR 2008/2009 – Dates for your diary
October         27 – 31   HALF TERM
November          12      Y11 Drama Exams
                  13      Auction of Promises Fundraising Event for Music Department 19:00
                 17-21    Y11 Language mock orals all week
                  20      Presentation Evening for GCSE Certificates
                  21      Y8 PSHE Day – change of date from 14.10.08
                  26      Y11 Drama exams
                  27      Y11 Mock Exams begin
                  28      Y10 MFL students Day Trip to Lille - this trip has been cancelled
                   2      Rehearsal for Advent Carol Service at Holybourne Church all day
December                  Advent Carol Service at Holybourne Church from 19:00-20:00
                   4      Y10 - Ms Kinteh’s Art Group visit to Victoria and Albert Museum 08:45-17:00
                   8      Y7 Art Trip to National Gallery
                   9      Y7 Art Trip to National Gallery
                  10      13:30 – 16:30 Senior Citizens Christmas Party
                          Y10 + Y11 D&T Trip to Clothes Show Live from 07:30-20:00
                  12      Academic Review Day 1:1 reviews with pupils, tutors and parents
                  18      19:00 Yuletide Concert in School Hall
                  19      Last Day of Term
                          Y11 pupils with overdue coursework to stay until 15:10
January 2009       5      INSET DAY – School closed
                   6      Whole school returns - this is a change of date
                  15      Y9 GCSE & KS4 Information Evening 18:30 in the Hall
                  19      Y8 Art visit to National Portrait Gallery
                  21      Y8 Art visit to National Portrait Gallery
                  22      Y9 Parents Evening 16:00-19:00 in the hall
                  24      30 x Y11 GCSE Geography/MFL students visit to Paris
                  27      30 x Y11 GCSE Geography/MF: students return from Paris
                   2      Year 8 Exam Week
February                  GCSE Music final performances in the Hall
                          Y11 Art Exam Week
                          Y9 x 50 Art visit to Tate Gallery
                  3       GCSE Music final performances in the Hall
                          BCOT information evening 18:00-20:00
                  4       Y9 Enterprise Challenge 09:00-11:50
                          Y11 Reports to Parents
                  5       Intermediate Maths Challenge in the Hall
                          Y7+Y8 Valentines disco in the Hall 19:00-21:00
                   9      Y11 pupils with incomplete coursework to stay afterschool all week
                  12      Y11 Parents Evening 16:00
                          Religious Studies trip to Krakov — this trip has been cancelled
                 13       Ski trip students depart
                16-20     HALF-TERM
                 21       Ski trip students return
                 23       Y10 Art Exams all week
                 28       Sweet Charity musical rehearsals from 10:00
March             1       Sweet Charity musical Technical rehearsals 10:00-16:00
                  2       Sweet Charity musical performance to primary schools 10:00-12:00
                  3       Sweet Charity musical evening performance
                  4       Sweet Charity musical evening performance
                          Alton College Open Evening 18:30-21:00
                   5      Sweet Charity musical evening performance
                   6      Sweet Charity musical evening performance
                   9      BTec Art Exams
                  12      BTec Art Exams
                  13      INSET DAY – School closed
                  16      Y11 x 50 students Art visit to Portsmouth University
                  18      Y10 x 50 students Art visit to Portsmouth University
                  20      Academic Review Day – 1:1 reviews with pupils, tutors and parents
                  23      Y7 Exam week
                  25      Y8 Reports to parents
                  30      Y11 Drama exams this week
April                 1     Spring Concert in the Hall 19:00
                      2     Junior School Concert 09:30-10:30
                            Y8 Parents Evening 16:00-19:00
                    6-17    EASTER HOLIDAYS
                     20     INSET DAY – School Closed
                            Y10 Group A – Geography Calshot Field visit departs
                     22     Y10 Group A – Geography Calshot Field visit returns & Y10 Group B Calshot departs
                     24     Y10 Group B – Geography Calshot Field visit returns
                     27     Y10 Exam week
                            Y7 Art experience event at school
                     28     Y7 Art experience event at school
                     29     Y8 x 50 students visit to University
                            Y11 Music Showcase in the Hall 19:00
                     30     Junior Maths Challenge in the Hall
May                   4     MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed
                     11     Y10 Work Experience begins - week 1
                     12     GCSE’s begin
                     13     Y8 x 100 students depart on visit to Osmington Bay, Weymouth
                     14     BCOT Information Evening 18:00-20:00
                     15     Y9 Economic Awareness Day
                            Y8 x 100 students return from Osmington Bay, Weymouth
                     18     Y10 Work Experience – Week 2 and       Y7 x-half visit to Kew Gardens
                     19     Y7 y-half visit to Kew Gardens
                     20     Y7 reports to Parents
                    25-29   HALF -TERM
June                  4     Y7 Parents Evening in the hall 16:00-19:00 and Y10 H&SC visit to Treloar College this week
                      9     Y7 Art experience
                     10     Y7 Art experience
                     12     BCOT Careers Information Day
                     15     Y9 non core exam week
                     17     Y10 Reports to parents
                     18     Y6 Induction Evening
                     19     Y10 Drama exams
                     20     Eggar’s School Fete
                     22     Y10 Modular Science exams
                     23     Y3-5 Open Mornings 09:15-12:00
                     24     Y3-5 Open Mornings 09:15-12:00
                            Y11 Leavers Dinner — change of date from 02.07.08
                     25     Y10 Parents evening in the hall 16:00-19:00
                     26     Y10 x 50 students visit to Imperial War Museum
                            Evening with the Big Band in the hall 19:30
                     28     Big Band Tour departs
                     30     Y11 repeat Module Science Exam
                            Founders Day – Y7 attend service at Holyrood Church, Holybourne
July                  2     Y10 ‘Hamlet’ Drama visit – evening performance
                      4     Big Band Tour returns
                      6     Y7 x-half visit to Winchester
                      7     Y7 y-half visit to Winchester
                      8     Sports Day
                      9     Awards Evening in the Hall 18:30
                     10     Y6 Induction Day
                     14     Reserve Sports Day
                     15     Music Challenge in the Hall 19:00
                     17     Y9 x 63 students visit to Belgium
                     21     Y9 Reports to Parents
                     22     END OF TERM

Some dates are subject to change, please check by visiting our website at or by
                             contacting the school office on 01420 541194
25     Y10 Parents evening in the hall 16:00-19:00
                    26     Y10 x 50 students visit to Imperial War Museum
                           Evening with the Big Band in the hall 19:30
                    28     Big Band Tour departs
                    30     Y11 repeat Module Science Exam
                           Founders Day – Y7 attend service at Holyrood Church, Holybourne
July                 2     Y10 ‘Hamlet’ Drama visit – evening performance
                     4     Big Band Tour returns
                     6     Y7 x-half visit to Winchester
                     7     Y7 y-half visit to Winchester
                     8     Sports Day
                     9     Awards Evening in the Hall 18:30
                    10     Y6 Induction Day
                    14     Reserve Sports Day
                    15     Music Challenge in the Hall 19:00
                    17     Y9 x 63 students visit to Belgium
                    21     Y9 Reports to Parents
                    22     END OF TERM

        Some dates are subject to change, please check by visiting our website at or by contacting the school office on 01420 541194

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October 2008 School Newsletter

  • 1. Issue No. 1 October 2008 Eggar’s students amongst the top ten in the country! Once again our students have achieved Stefan Romer, Anna Youngs, Charlotte excellent GCSE results this year, and in Withams and Emily Wheeler, achieved one particular we are delighted to announce that of the highest overall marks and are all Eggar’s student, Richard Jarvis, was amongst amongst the top ten students nationally. the top ten students according to Edexcel, These results clearly reflect the strong the UK’s largest awarding body. Richard sat work ethic of our students and also the high the GCSE Art & Design exam earlier this quality teaching they received. summer and the results show that out of On Thursday 20th November we are pleased 36,294 candidates, Richard achieved one of to welcome back to Eggar’s Jim Roberson, a the highest overall marks. In addition, out charismatic motivational speaker, who will of the 478 candidates who took the Art & be presenting our Leavers with their GCSE Design: Three Dimensional Design exam, six certificates at our annual Presentation further Eggar’s students, Emily Hatcher, Evening.
  • 2. Dear Parent As you will see from this Newsletter the start of this new academic year has been full of interest and activity. Once again we have celebrated our excellent academic results and enjoyed some great trips and special events. We were delighted with the results of our last Year 11, and we have been pleased to see several of our past students back in school already to tell us how they are doing and to talk to the new Year 11 about how to do well in their GCSEs. They have also visited to talk about their own new experiences of being College students. It has been great to see them again! Our new Year 11 have already developed a strong team ethos. The Prefects are doing a great job. With the Senior Prefects they have officiated at our major induction events this term and we have received many very grateful and celebratory comments from our visitors about how wonderful our pupils are as ambassadors for their school. The year group is working well, very focused and determined to be successful. Our new students in Year 7 have made a very good start. They are settling in quickly and seem to be enjoying their early experiences of secondary school. Bonding Day helped them to get to know each other through team building activities and has provided a firm foundation to this new phase of their education. May I take this opportunity to thank parents for your continued support. We know that when our expectations are high and when we work well together we are able to achieve the best for every individual student. Whilst the majority of our pupils are very smart, recently we have been concerned that the standard of appearance of the uniform of some of our pupils has dropped. We do our best to ensure that the school uniform is smart and comfortable, and we would be grateful if parents would support us in ensuring that uniform standards are kept high. We are looking forward to the next half of term when we will enjoy more exciting learning experiences and of course at this time of year many seasonal music treats, which I am sure you will support. We all wish you a restful and relaxing week. Yours sincerely Felicity Martin Head Teacher
  • 3. This is going to be a great year! It might be raining outside but the corridors and classrooms are full of sunny faces. I’m particularly looking forward to working with tutor group 7RI who, from day one, have busied themselves with earning merits, meeting new friends and making the most of every minute at school. So, let it pour - nothing is going to dampen these ‘first term’ spirits! Miss R Ingrey Hi, I’m Julie McKernan and I have joined Eggar’s this year as the Curriculum Leader for Languages. I am really excited about working with the Languages Team to ensure students have fun and make great Hello, I’m Mrs Sorby and this is progress in French and Spanish. my first term as a Math’s Teacher at Eggar’s School. It has been really good getting to know my Year 7 Tutor Group and I am really looking forward to an exciting year ahead with you all. I have joined the ICT Department as an ICT teacher. I teach all year groups and am thoroughly enjoying it! We have a fabulous ICT Department at Eggar’s with air-conditioned rooms and the latest technology. It is a very exciting place to work. Mrs H Atkins I am Mr Moon, a new Science Teacher at Eggar’s. My favourite Science is Chemistry because that’s where you find all the coolest explosions, colour changes and fires! As some of my Year 7 classes will be able to testify to. As more time passes I hope to be able to meet all of you in lessons and get you interested in the world around us, which is really what Science is all about!
  • 4. Youngsters flying high after reaching finals of UK space Competition! Although we were told the competition had been won by a sixth form/university team from Shrewsbury School, our project will be flown on a satellite in the near future - how fantastic is that! Can you imagine how exciting it was to be invited to the 59th International Space To add to our delight we were also told that we Convention during World Space Week! can have a satellite image of anywhere on the The opportunity to meet astronauts and Earth, or of the Earth itself as a second prize. cosmonauts as well as leaders in the We could not believe it. What an achievement development of the space industry was given to for the youngest team in the whole competition only the winners of a competition that had been - our three inventors should be congratulated running all year. The competition was and we are all very proud of them. sponsored by the British National Space Centre Following this success, the three team members and was open to UK schools. The challenge was would like to form the nucleus of a Space for teams of 14-19 year olds to design and build Competition Group. The next competition is for a small, compact satellite instrument. KS3 and the prize is a trip to Florida! We had a team of three, Kate Chapman 10MR, Anyone interested in this exciting task should Graham Ogden 10KM and Joshua Atkins 10NW register with Miss Sandeman - watch this (pictured above) who had gone through the space!! heats to the semi-finals at the Aldershot Air Miss J Sandeman Show. The winners of the design for a satellite Assistant Science Curriculum Leader payload were to be announced in Glasgow on Friday 3rd October, and we were asked to be present! It was a wonderful event. We were certainly looked after and very impressed by our accommodation in a posh hotel! We had the opportunity to visit the Glasgow Science Centre and to the convention at the Conference Centre, where we were congratulated by astronauts and project leaders of the British Space Industry. It was a busy schedule with lectures on Space Science Fiction, Medicine in Kate, Graham and Joshua flying home Space and Space Tourism.
  • 5. 50 of our Year 9 Geography pupils have The evenings were spent taking part in recently returned from an exciting visit to extra-curricular activities organised with the Italian island of Sicily. thanks to the hugely energetic group The visit comprised a huge variety of leaders on the visit. These included a quiz Geography including river studies in the night, beach Olympics with events such as Alcantara Gorge; settlement studies in paddling pool ping pong and grab the peg Giardina Naxos as well as the excitement of relay. The finale was an Italian fancy dress scaling Mount Etna, one of the most active night with an impressive line up including volcanoes in the world, luckily very two volcanoes, two leaning Towers of Pisas’, peaceful during our visit! We also Gondoliers, Italian Flags, Mario Brothers and managed to throw in a little history with a several rather dodgy looking members of time at the Greek Amphitheatre in the Mafia! Taormina. My thanks go to accompanying trip leaders, A visit to the Aeolian Island of Vulcano was Mr Wheeler, Miss Whiting, Mrs Mathieson also a spectacular highlight with a dip in and Dr Emery for their help and assistance. the geothermal mud pool and spa. This The visit was a wonderful success and every resulted in huge hilarity as pupils covered pupil that went will I’m sure have memories themselves with the volcanic mud to cherish for a lifetime. supposed to have many healing properties. We are now looking forward to Sicily 2009 These may not have been in evidence, but with our new Year 9 group. it certainly leaves your skin soft and also slightly smelly! Mrs A Sutehall Geography Curriculum Leader
  • 6. cially the icily trip espe ed the S squids — We enjoy d th e slimey -baths an ind in Eng land! eggy mud n never f gs you ca and all t he some thin was lovely he weather ical. By t The hot we re hyster ctivities ul- evening a mell of s not got the s till have costumes !! way we s swimming phur out of our Ellen 9CG Gemm a, Emily & The harb our at Gia conductin rdini Nax g a settle os ment stu dy I had a great tim e in Sicily and th the mud baths — e best bit was although they wer Mount Etna had am e disgusting! azing views and th was good as well. e plane flight Zac Snell 9CG Eating Gelato at the harbour d a great fun and ha he fancy We ha d lots of rien ds and t e new f ver Sicil y at ugh. We mad g down o la ookin great. L dres s was great fee ling. na was a ett 9CG Mo unt Et Joe Benn Alcantara Gorge river study Sicily was ! great - se Thank you he eing all th ou to all t like Mount e attractio ted to s ay thank y o Etna and t he river g ns I just wan irthday s beaches w orge. The for mak ing my b again. I lik ere great and I wou teachers . ld love to le in Sicily ed going ar go d un forgettab friends an ound the s special an d bought r eally nice t hops with m y F rrison 9M and my fam hings for m S ho na M o ily. e Matthew M organ 9PCJ
  • 7. It is my great pleasure to welcome Year What a brilliant start to this academic 7 and parents to Eggar’s School and what year for Year 8! will, I am sure, be an exciting school I have been impressed with the career. maturity you are all showing and I The start of term has been an know that the teachers are pleased with the initial progress you are making. industrious and successful time for all We have high expectations of you with positive feedback from pupils, staff now, so keep up the positive attitude and parents alike. One of the most and make the most of the memorable days for Year 7 has to be opportunities that are available to you Bonding Day at the start of term at – if you’ve not been to an after school Fairthorne Manor. It started off as a club then try one this term, you never bleak and wet day but very quickly turned know, you may have a hidden talent! Congratulations to those pupils that into a challenging, exciting and enjoyable have been voted in as representatives event. Many fears were faced and for your tutor groups. These are overcome throughout the day and new important roles with lots of responsibility friendships were established which was and I hope you will support and the aim of the day. I hope you enjoy the represent your tutor group well. photographs overleaf of the students Our Year 8 School Council clearly having fun despite the showers! Representatives Lucy Clark 8NS and As a result of Bonding Day the ethos of Alex Holmes 8SD have already met with me and we’ve made a good start Year 7 is now one of unity and the with discussions, from the points put determination to succeed. forward from Tutor members, on how I would like to thank all of you who we can make improvements in and attended the Year 7 Information and around school. Curriculum evening, it was lovely to see so It is great to see how many merits have many faces. If you missed the evening been earned already and will be and your child has not brought the interesting to see which tutor group is going to take the trophy for most information booklet home, please collect merits. Don’t forget the attendance a copy from the school office. trophy too - the more often you are in By the time this Newsletter has gone to school, the more you can learn. print Year 7 would have enjoyed a day at The Year 8 pupils have been given a the Petersfield Theatre experiencing the copy of their Information and sounds from the Taiko Drumming — a full Curriculum Guide. However, if your report of the days activities will be in child has missed this then please collect one from the school office. the next issue. It was a delight to give so many Well done so far Year 8 – keep up the certificates at the Year 7 Awards effort and positive attitudes! Assembly this week and I look forward to this continuing into the next half term. Mr J Wordsworth Miss N Curtis Year Leader, Year 8 Year Leader, Year 7
  • 8. Media Project They were guided through the before and after process of filming by two experts, Twelve students from Year 8 and Year 9 Norah and Anna. The students had to accompanied Mr Neale, Mr Mills and Mrs understand the concept of filming shots and Mathieson on a Media course. edit their own films. At the end of the course Over a two day period the students were able to the school was presented with an iMac which make their own films based upon a visitor’s will be used for a variety of means. Plans are experience of Milestones Victorian Museum. This to develop a Media Club for lunchtimes and two day course at Sony Centre in Basingstoke was afterschool so — watch this space! part of the Media 4 Schools project. Mr A Neale Drama Curriculum Leader
  • 9. The Music Department are hosting an ♦ a day pass for 10 players for Auction of Promises on Thursday 13th camouflage paintball November at 7.00pm in the school hall, ♦ a series of drum lessons at the profits of which will support the Percussion Works Music Tour to Spain in July 2009. ♦ Eggar’s big band to perform at an The evening will be conducted by a event of your choice professional auctioneer, along with live ♦ And many more…! music from musicians at the school. Tickets are on sale now from the school Maybe you can offer free services from office priced at £10.00 per person and businesses or family members such as this will include a hot meal and dessert, hair salon vouchers, restaurant vouchers Auction Programme and the opportunity to or car valeting. Perhaps a sail boat bid, so please make sure you bring along a outing or the experience of flying a cheque book! glider, fresh flowers for a month, a wine As a parent, your role in the success of or food hamper - go on surprise us! this event is extremely important and we Don’t forget entry is by ticket only — on are calling upon your support, good nature sale until Wednesday 5th November, but and talent to pledge a saleable lot that hurry before they sell out. you feel would be appropriate. We are looking to gather as many lots as possible We look forward to hearing from you. and the more unique the better! Some of the Lots already received Mr Farris & Mr Smith include: Music Department ♦ a guided tour of the Ocean Liner Oriana and lunch with the Captain ♦ a 3 bedroom holiday apartment in Spain
  • 10. GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT Mrs Kinteh’s Year 9 students are welcome to the Department during any lunch time. Also KS4 Year 10 and Year 11 students can attend any Every Friday after school from lunch time and any day after school. 3.30pm until 4.30pm Come along and join in the fun of learning about the countries and animals in the world. We have also sponsored a mountain gorilla and have called it MUNDO! Don’t forget to look out for regular sports events and activities on the De- Why not give it a try…. all are welcome! partment Notice Board - why not give something new a try this Music Clubs We thought it would be a good time of year to remind pupils and parents of the music clubs offered to all pupils. We are currently extremely busy rehearsing for the forthcoming Christmas concerts. Whilst attendance has been excellent from a large number of pupils we have noticed that it has been erratic from a minority. Please could you actively encourage your son/daughter to attend on a regular basis. As an incentive we will be rewarding pupils with regular attendance by entering them into a draw to win vouchers to purchase music of their choice.             Time/Day  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday             School Choir Blue School Choir Brass En- Lunch  MS2 Notes MS2 semble MS1 MS2   Percussion Ensemble MS2           After GCSE Concert Chamber Big Band School  Coursework Band MS2 Choir MS2 MS2 MS1   GCSE Coursework MS1
  • 11. We have recently received complaints You will be aware from our recent letter to regarding the dropping-off of children at parents that we are increasingly the school entrance with the driver then concerned that some students are turning around in the entrance to depart, choosing to wear clothing which is not of the recommended uniform style. or drivers coming into the front car Students should not wear sweatshirts, parking area and not pulling over to the hooded tops or non school uniform left hand-side, instead they are stopping sweaters under the school blazers. Skirts in the middle and therefore blocking should be no shorter than knee length through-traffic. and be of a plain black pencil style, or if We would appreciate all drivers having the option is to wear black trousers, these should be uniform trousers, and not be of consideration for other drivers and a chino/jean style with studded pockets. pedestrians. Full details of the uniform guidelines are on page 8 of your child’s Student Planner. Please use the school entrance on 1st Grade uniform orders can be made by London Road and exit from the collecting an order form from the school Holybourne Road junction – this will office or by using the new on-line store by visiting and follow the ensure the safety of all drivers and link to parents and uniform guidelines. pedestrians. We would appreciate your support in Thank you for your consideration. ensuring your child is dressed in the correct and appropriate uniform. We are still having many students coming into school without a drink for the whole It come to our attention that there day. We would also mention that those is an error on the calendar this students taking school dinners should also year. Therefore please note that bring to school a water bottle. We do have after the Christmas holiday the water dispensers in school which enables Staff Training day for January 2009 students to replenish their bottles during is on Monday 5th January 2009 with the whole school returning on Tuesday 6th morning break and lunchtime. January 2009. We would appreciate parent For your convenience we have attached the support in ensuring that all current School Calendar at the end of this children bring a water bottle to Newsletter, however, dates can be subject to change and we advise you contacting the school every day, even during the school office or visiting our website winter months. for regular updates.
  • 12. A note from the Director… ‘Sweet Charity’ is finally here! Over 60 students have been involved in lead, dance and chorus rehearsals with an outstanding attitude. The chorus have been singing their souls out to the tune of ‘The Rhythm of Life’ and the dancers have been flamboyant as they choreograph the song ‘Big Spender’. Leads have be- gun reading through their lines and rehearsals now need to step up another gear as they approach Christmas in time for the March performances. Just a personal thank you to Mr Farris, Mr Smith, Miss Masterman, Miss McCready and Mr Colburn-Jackson for their hard work so far. Josh Humphrey 9CG has been working hard behind the scenes and has already designed the set for the production - it’s looking great Josh, thank you! Mr A Neale Drama Curriculum Leader REHEARSAL TIMETABLE Wednesday 22nd October  Thursday 23rd October  Wednesday 5th November  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.15pm-4.30pm  3.30pm-5.00pm  Act 1: Charity, Vidal, Ursula, Oscar, Helene, Act 1: Charity, Vidal, Ursula, Oscar, Helene, Act 2 Scene 2/3/5  Nickie  Nickie Charity, Oscar, Nickie, Helene   AFTER HALF-TERM    Chorus - every Monday  3.30pm-5.00pm  Dancers – every Wednesday  3.30pm-5.00pm Thursday 16th November  Wednesday 12th November  Thursday 13th November  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm (in Drama Studio)  Act 2 Scene 6-11  Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Rosie, Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers  Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula Herman & Dancers Wednesday 19th November  Thursday 20th November  Thursday 20th November  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30-5.00pm  Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Vidal, Ursula, Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity,  Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Helene, Nickie & Herman Vidal, Ursula, Helene, Nickie & Herman Rosie, Herman & Dancers Wednesday 26th November  Thursday 27th November  Wednesday 3rd December  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm  Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers Rosie, Herman & Dancers Thursday 4th December  Wednesday 10th December  Thursday 11th December  3.30pm-5.00pm  3.30pm-5.00pm (in Drama Studio)  3.30pm-5.00pm Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Act 2 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Nickie, Act 1 (whole) Oscar, Charity, Helene, Helene, Nickie, Rosie, Herman & Dancers Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula Nickie, Dancers, Herman, Vidal & Ursula MONDAY 15TH DECEMBER  3.30pm-6.00pm  WHOLE CAST
  • 13. Welcome back to Year 9! An exciting and challenging year lies ahead for the students. I am very pleased to say that the Year 9s have made an excellent start. Many subject teachers have commented that they are working hard and great to teach. Let’s keep this momentum going! SAM Learning All Year 9 students know about SAM Learning and many of them use the service. It is an online service which means it can be accessed from home. We were delighted to offer Eggar’s Peer SAM Learning is excellent in supporting students with revision exercises and exam-style questions Mentors the opportunity to attend a one completed and marked online. It will help the -day conference at school on Wednes- Year 9’s to build up their confidence. Past day 24th September. students, in particular boys, have said that it helped them a great deal. Why don’t you ask Our Peer Mentors offer pupils the your son or daughter to show you how it works? opportunity to talk over problems or can Year 9 Tennis Star be asked to consult staff on a number of Alex Gasson 9LL played in the HSBC ‘Road To issues that individuals might be unwilling to Wimbledon’ tournament over the summer holidays. Alex eventually made it to the last 16 raise themselves. As such, they have a but lost to the champion. Alex was very pleased valuable role to play in our school with his performance as he pushed community. the champion to the limit. During half-term Alex will be With the help of Jan Aspinall from training with a prominent American ‘Childline’, the full day’s training covered tennis coach in Colorado, USA. He the skills of: will also be taking part in a tourna- ment in Las Vegas. Congratulations and good luck Alex! ♦ Communication & listening skills Operation Christmas Child ♦ Working alongside other people 9LL are planning to run Operation Christmas ♦ Problem solving Child, where they hope that each tutor group will fill a shoebox with goodies to send across the world ♦ Supporting others to less advantaged children. ♦ Team building For more detailed information please check the ♦ Confidentiality and when to pass on following website: issues to a teacher Here are a few suggestions for gifts for boys: felt -tip pens, pens, pencils, toothpaste, toothbrush, pencil case, cars, trucks, small ball. The team was also introduced to Sue And for girls: felt-tip pens, pens, pencils, Foster from the Careers Service, who will toothpaste, toothbrush, pencil case, doll, hair continue the training and support every bands, scrunchies, hair brush, comb. I do hope you all take part in this worthwhile Thursday lunchtime. cause. Eggar’s has a very active Peer Mentor Have a good half term break and keep up the Team. They are hard working and we are good work Year 9. very proud of their achievements. Mr A Wheeler Miss J Sandeman Year Leader, Year 9 PSHE & Citizenship Teacher
  • 14. Drawing Competition We are pleased to announce the launch of the Eggar’s Drawing Competition. Library Exhibition We were very happy to have all year groups represented at a new annual exhibition at Alton Library. The exhibition was a great success and the school has been asked to return next year to create a larger scale exhibition. The competition is open to all KS3 students. Entries must be on paper and drawn using dry art materials such as pencils and pastels (no painting this time). Entries will be judged by the teachers in the Art Department and an overall winner Alton Arts Society will be selected by our kind sponsor the Congratulations to all the ‘Market Street Gallery’ in Alton. students who had The winner will receive a professional artwork selected for the frame chosen by themselves for their art Alton Society of artists’ work. They will also have their artwork show 2008. exhibited in the Gallery for a number of The exhibition was held at weeks along with professional artists the Alton Assembly along work. with adult’s artwork and All entries must be handed in to the Art work from other local Department by Monday 1st December. schools. We were extremely pleased that 23 Entries received after this date will not artworks were chosen from Eggar’s and that be accepted. our former Year 8’s swept the board in one We are really looking forward to seeing category with Becky Lascelles taking first place the entries and wish all of you budding and Tom Rudman and Josh Jones, all of tutor artists the best of luck! 9MF, finishing as runners-up. Hopefully we will be able to build upon this Mr P Colburn Jackson success in next year’s exhibition. Art Curriculum Leader
  • 15. Yet again another great half term! We cannot believe how quickly it is going. We have been busy organising the Friday 26th September 2008 was the Leaver’s Year Book and hope it will be a European Day of Languages. great success. If Year 11 have any This is a day focusing on different languages and cultures that is celebrated all over friendship photographs that you would Europe and Eggar’s was no exception. like to include then please let us know. Students from Year 9 visited the weekly We are grateful to the many prefects Assemblies to advertise the event and that helped at the recent Year 6 Intake share knowledge about languages in the Evening — thank you for your support. world. Have a great half-term holiday and we During French and Spanish look forward to the run-up to Christmas lessons on the day, students on our return! took part in activities testing Eleanor Boardman, Head Girl their knowledge of other Taliesin Burkitt-Jones, Head Boy countries, cultures and languages. Staff got involved too, competing to be the Department who could make the most effort at integrating other languages into The Planet their lessons throughout the day. The PE Department were the overall winners although there are special mentions for Science, English and Maths too! At lunchtime students had the opportunity I am a place of mysteries to attend workshops in Cornish, French, I am a place of shining waters Japanese, Spanish, Salsa and Celtic music. I am a place of ancient ruins Highlights were Miss Hocking and Miss I am a place of soldiers quarters Curtis giving ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ a run I feel a love, of many meanings I feel the warmth of many seas for its money with a group of over 50 I feel an anger, of my thoughts students doing Salsa dance in the gym and I feel a dream of many memories Mrs Rushmere giving students the chance I have a life of guiding people to make their own ‘croque monsieur’. I have a life of exploring the wild Thank you to all those who I have a life of hills and valleys got involved and watch out I have a life of women and child for more language fun later in I am a world of life and death the year. I am a world of whisper and voice I am a world of peace and joy Miss J McKernan Let me live or die, that’s your choice MFL Curriculum Leader By Amy Lucas 8KG
  • 16.
  • 17. Year 10 and 11 Art Students had a very successful day at Marwell this half term. Students were able to record, through drawing and photography, a wide variety of animals from first hand observation. These photographs were taken in preparation for their Art coursework back in the classroom. They will now be experimenting with materials and using the photography as a starting point for making images. We look forward to sharing with you some of these artworks in future newsletter issues. Ms S Kinteh Art Teacher
  • 18. Welcome to Year 10 and I am delighted with I cannot believe that we have already how the year group have settled into their completed a half term in Year 11. It is GCSE subjects. The group as a whole are scary how quickly the year seems to be working hard and this needs to continue for going. The Senior Prefect Team and them to succeed and obtain excellent final I recently visited prospective prom venues results in their GCSEs. and there was an overall-winner, although The next decision for Year 10 will be their the other venues were very good, and this Work Experience choices for May 2009. As is the Old Thorns near Liphook. It would you will know from the Work Experience be a wonderful venue for a wedding let and Curriculum evening we are now using alone a prom, so I feel we are very WEX Online and the deadline for fortunate indeed. The surroundings are applications is 5th December, however the beautiful and importantly there is plenty of sooner Students apply for a placement, the space for parents and family to watch you better chance of obtaining a placement of choice. all arrive. The Prom date has been changed It is important that we share and celebrate to Wednesday 24th June due to the success at Eggar’s and with this in mind I original date clashing with the Big Band would like to congratulate those students Tour, so make sure this date is in your that achieved maximum KS3 results and diary!. therefore became members of the 21 Club. As you may be aware from Eleanor and These students were invited for a Taliesin, we are also working on a year book celebratory tea at the Grange Hotel and for the end of Year 11, with the content of their names will feature in a roll of honour in the book decided by the pupils. This will the school foyer - well done! provide a lasting memory for everyone of their time at Eggar’s, even if the pictures taken in Year 7 are a little embarrassing! Next term is very important as at the end of November the mock exams are taking place. College applications also have to be started this term and mock exam results will be an important addition on applications. It is therefore extremely important that the mock exams are given respect and that pupils are working hard at their revision, which I would suggest is started over the half term break! Don’t Keep up the good work Year 10 and have a forget many Departments have available good half term. valuable revision guides and I would Mr J Foley strongly recommend you investing in these. Year Leader, Year 10 I hope that everyone has a good break. Mr R Eost Year Leader, Year 11
  • 19. SCHOOL CALENDAR 2008/2009 – Dates for your diary AUTUMN TERM October 27 – 31 HALF TERM November 12 Y11 Drama Exams 13 Auction of Promises Fundraising Event for Music Department 19:00 17-21 Y11 Language mock orals all week 20 Presentation Evening for GCSE Certificates 21 Y8 PSHE Day – change of date from 14.10.08 26 Y11 Drama exams 27 Y11 Mock Exams begin 28 Y10 MFL students Day Trip to Lille - this trip has been cancelled 2 Rehearsal for Advent Carol Service at Holybourne Church all day December Advent Carol Service at Holybourne Church from 19:00-20:00 4 Y10 - Ms Kinteh’s Art Group visit to Victoria and Albert Museum 08:45-17:00 8 Y7 Art Trip to National Gallery 9 Y7 Art Trip to National Gallery 10 13:30 – 16:30 Senior Citizens Christmas Party Y10 + Y11 D&T Trip to Clothes Show Live from 07:30-20:00 12 Academic Review Day 1:1 reviews with pupils, tutors and parents 18 19:00 Yuletide Concert in School Hall 19 Last Day of Term Y11 pupils with overdue coursework to stay until 15:10 SPRING TERM January 2009 5 INSET DAY – School closed 6 Whole school returns - this is a change of date 15 Y9 GCSE & KS4 Information Evening 18:30 in the Hall 19 Y8 Art visit to National Portrait Gallery 21 Y8 Art visit to National Portrait Gallery 22 Y9 Parents Evening 16:00-19:00 in the hall 24 30 x Y11 GCSE Geography/MFL students visit to Paris 27 30 x Y11 GCSE Geography/MF: students return from Paris 2 Year 8 Exam Week February GCSE Music final performances in the Hall Y11 Art Exam Week Y9 x 50 Art visit to Tate Gallery 3 GCSE Music final performances in the Hall BCOT information evening 18:00-20:00 4 Y9 Enterprise Challenge 09:00-11:50 Y11 Reports to Parents 5 Intermediate Maths Challenge in the Hall Y7+Y8 Valentines disco in the Hall 19:00-21:00 9 Y11 pupils with incomplete coursework to stay afterschool all week 12 Y11 Parents Evening 16:00 Religious Studies trip to Krakov — this trip has been cancelled 13 Ski trip students depart 16-20 HALF-TERM 21 Ski trip students return 23 Y10 Art Exams all week 28 Sweet Charity musical rehearsals from 10:00 March 1 Sweet Charity musical Technical rehearsals 10:00-16:00 2 Sweet Charity musical performance to primary schools 10:00-12:00 3 Sweet Charity musical evening performance 4 Sweet Charity musical evening performance Alton College Open Evening 18:30-21:00 5 Sweet Charity musical evening performance 6 Sweet Charity musical evening performance 9 BTec Art Exams 12 BTec Art Exams 13 INSET DAY – School closed 16 Y11 x 50 students Art visit to Portsmouth University 18 Y10 x 50 students Art visit to Portsmouth University 20 Academic Review Day – 1:1 reviews with pupils, tutors and parents 23 Y7 Exam week 25 Y8 Reports to parents 30 Y11 Drama exams this week
  • 20. April 1 Spring Concert in the Hall 19:00 2 Junior School Concert 09:30-10:30 Y8 Parents Evening 16:00-19:00 6-17 EASTER HOLIDAYS 20 INSET DAY – School Closed Y10 Group A – Geography Calshot Field visit departs 22 Y10 Group A – Geography Calshot Field visit returns & Y10 Group B Calshot departs 24 Y10 Group B – Geography Calshot Field visit returns 27 Y10 Exam week Y7 Art experience event at school 28 Y7 Art experience event at school 29 Y8 x 50 students visit to University Y11 Music Showcase in the Hall 19:00 30 Junior Maths Challenge in the Hall May 4 MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed 11 Y10 Work Experience begins - week 1 12 GCSE’s begin 13 Y8 x 100 students depart on visit to Osmington Bay, Weymouth 14 BCOT Information Evening 18:00-20:00 15 Y9 Economic Awareness Day Y8 x 100 students return from Osmington Bay, Weymouth 18 Y10 Work Experience – Week 2 and Y7 x-half visit to Kew Gardens 19 Y7 y-half visit to Kew Gardens 20 Y7 reports to Parents 25-29 HALF -TERM June 4 Y7 Parents Evening in the hall 16:00-19:00 and Y10 H&SC visit to Treloar College this week 9 Y7 Art experience 10 Y7 Art experience 12 BCOT Careers Information Day 15 Y9 non core exam week 17 Y10 Reports to parents 18 Y6 Induction Evening 19 Y10 Drama exams 20 Eggar’s School Fete 22 Y10 Modular Science exams 23 Y3-5 Open Mornings 09:15-12:00 24 Y3-5 Open Mornings 09:15-12:00 Y11 Leavers Dinner — change of date from 02.07.08 25 Y10 Parents evening in the hall 16:00-19:00 26 Y10 x 50 students visit to Imperial War Museum Evening with the Big Band in the hall 19:30 28 Big Band Tour departs 30 Y11 repeat Module Science Exam Founders Day – Y7 attend service at Holyrood Church, Holybourne July 2 Y10 ‘Hamlet’ Drama visit – evening performance 4 Big Band Tour returns 6 Y7 x-half visit to Winchester 7 Y7 y-half visit to Winchester 8 Sports Day 9 Awards Evening in the Hall 18:30 10 Y6 Induction Day 14 Reserve Sports Day 15 Music Challenge in the Hall 19:00 17 Y9 x 63 students visit to Belgium 21 Y9 Reports to Parents 22 END OF TERM Some dates are subject to change, please check by visiting our website at or by contacting the school office on 01420 541194
  • 21. 25 Y10 Parents evening in the hall 16:00-19:00 26 Y10 x 50 students visit to Imperial War Museum Evening with the Big Band in the hall 19:30 28 Big Band Tour departs 30 Y11 repeat Module Science Exam Founders Day – Y7 attend service at Holyrood Church, Holybourne July 2 Y10 ‘Hamlet’ Drama visit – evening performance 4 Big Band Tour returns 6 Y7 x-half visit to Winchester 7 Y7 y-half visit to Winchester 8 Sports Day 9 Awards Evening in the Hall 18:30 10 Y6 Induction Day 14 Reserve Sports Day 15 Music Challenge in the Hall 19:00 17 Y9 x 63 students visit to Belgium 21 Y9 Reports to Parents 22 END OF TERM Some dates are subject to change, please check by visiting our website at or by contacting the school office on 01420 541194