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                Submitted by:   Sheila Frise, Sal Hosny,
                                Courtney Kurysh and
                                Jesse Lane
                Course Code:    CCM 709
                Submitted on:   November 29, 2011

1.0   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................                     ii

2.0   SITUATION ANALYSIS............................................................................................................. 1

      2.1      Background Information.................................................................................................... 1

      2.2      Problems & Opportunities.................................................................................................              2

3.0   GOAL, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES....................................................................................                               3

4.0   KEY MESSAGES........................................................................................................................ 4

      4.1      To Parents........................................................................................................................... 4

      4.2      To Young Girls...................................................................................................................      4

      4.3      To Critics............................................................................................................................ 5

      4.4      To Shareholders.................................................................................................................. 5

5.0   TACTICS.....................................................................................................................................    6

      5.1      Objective 1.........................................................................................................................   6

      5.2      Objective 2.........................................................................................................................   8

      5.3      Objective 3......................................................................................................................... 11

      5.4      Tactic Schedule.................................................................................................................. 16

6.0   EVALUATION............................................................................................................................. 25

7.0   BUDGET...................................................................................................................................... 27


APPENDIX A:                    SWOT & PEST ANALYSES



        Barbie is about to embark on a new chapter of her life as a more audience-focused brand,

choosing to capitalize on her well-established place in the hearts of young girls while evolving to meet

their changing needs more effectively and creatively. This opportunity has presented itself through a

number of challenges Barbie has faced over the past few years but it is with excitement that we move

forward from these challenges and present our revamped and refocused Barbie.

        The communications team at Barbie has performed extensive research into the challenges we

have faced in the past, the audiences who are most invested in Barbie being a success, and the ways in

which we can better cater to the needs of our number one priority: the young girls who have grown, and

indeed want to grow up with Barbie. Critics in the past have pointed out the perhaps limited scope of

Barbie’s interactive elements, suggesting that we have not taken the changing social climate into

consideration in our brand. Unfortunately, we have a history of reacting negatively towards this vein of

criticism and it has not shown Barbie in a positive light. In the future, conversations with our critics and

competitors will be an important element to our communications plan as we need to understand both sides

of our audiences properly in order to bring Barbie into the future in the best way possible.

        Instead of blindly moving ahead as we have done in the past, the 2012 communications plan

outlines a year of interaction. We will engage in partnerships with like-minded charities and not-for-

profits who also consider the well-being of young girls to be paramount to the success of society at large

and plan to transform Barbie into more than just a toy or a brand. By partnering with these not-for-profits

we will show, through actions and not just words, that we want what is best for our biggest fans and

Barbie is ready to help make that a reality!

        We have also designed a social media platform and strategy that will allow Barbie to have her

very own voice in 2012, tweeting, blogging and posting to her fans about her experiences at Fashion

Weeks, charity events, her presidential campaign, and in every day life so they can feel as connected as

possible to their icon. Moving forward with Barbie in 2012 will be a revolutionary and changing year in

the history of our favourite doll.


        2.1        Background Information

        Mattel introduced “Barbie Teenage Fashion Model” to the world in 1959. She was an instant hit

on the toy market and continued to be Mattel's signature doll and profit engine for 40 years after her

original launch.

        Recently within the larger struggling toy industry, Barbie's sales have fallen for seven straight

quarters on a year-to-year basis. Global sales of Barbie have fallen 18 per cent as of 2005 while sales in

the United States have decreased by 30 per cent. This is the first time that Mattel has dealt with such a

serious drop in revenue as Barbie accounts for an estimated 25 to 35 per cent of Mattel's total sales.

        There has also been a serious backlash against Barbie amongst girls ages seven to eleven. In the

past, Barbie has been “idolized as a role model for young girls, an icon of American culture, a model of

aesthetic perfection and cultural icon of heterosexual femininity.” Numerous studies conducted

throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s have found that a majority of girls engage in destructive play

with Barbie as rejection of their past. Barbie is hated because she is “babyish” and many girls feel that

she represents “their younger childhood out of which they had now outgrown.” Girls are turning away

from the didactic stylings of Barbie and to the fashion-forward world of Bratz dolls. Bratz dolls are main

competition for Barbie and as of 2005, sales of Bratz are up by 40 per cent.

        In addition to the backlash of young girls, fierce opposition campaigns from The Body Shop,

Dove and Nike have contributed to an “anti-Barbie climate.” These campaigns criticize the narrow view

of beauty that Barbie enforces. The Body Shop launched “Ruby, the Anti-Barbie” in 1996 as a way to

challenge beauty stereotypes. Dove followed the trend and in 2005 create the “Campaign for Real

Beauty” as a way of moving away from the Barbie beauty ideal: “tall, young, thin, blond, Caucasian and

large-breasted.” Nike also joined the trend in 2005 and created the “What Story Does Your Body Tell?”

campaign. In addition to these formal campaigns, Barbie also faced stiff critiques in the forms of parody

through the late 1990s through music, commercials and photography.

2.2      Problems and Opportunities:

“Instead of acknowledging the critique and starting a discussion with the opposing campaigns, Mattel

decided to either simply ignore the critique of take the other party to court.” Mattel must learn to engage

in a meaning discussion about Barbie in the media.

    ! Problem: Lack of constructive two-way communication with their publics

        ! critics

        ! competitors

        ! customers

              " parents

              " girls ages seven to twelve
    ! Problem: Lack of response to the critical campaigns of detractors:

        ! direct attack of Barbie from The Body Shop

        ! indirect attacks of Dove and Nike
    ! Problem: Lack of understanding the deeper issues of Barbie's figure and appearance

        ! unrealistic figure of Barbie

        ! didactic nature of Barbie's “self”

        ! Bratz dolls are more proportionate and fashion forward
    ! Opportunity: Barbie as a storyteller for young girls ages three to six

        ! continue to write imaginative stories for Barbie and then create the toys

        ! continue to make Barbie DVDs, pop-up books and rich story “maps”
    ! Opportunity: Barbie as an fashion icon for girls ages seven to twelve

        ! continue to seek out valuable partnerships with fashion retailers

        ! emphasis on Barbie Style brand

        ! continue to partner with designers for the Fashion Luxe collection

        ! continue to create celebrity Barbies:

              " characters from “Twilight”, “High School Musical” and other popular franchises

! Opportunity: Barbie as “real-world” experience for girls ages seven to twelve

          ! expand MyScene line of dolls

          ! focus on realistic teen lifestyle
         Mattel has the ability to turn the above problems facing Barbie into opportunities. Mattel must

first realize that failure to constructively respond to the criticisms further damages Barbie's reputation

among all publics.


GOAL:             To enhance the relationship between Barbie and her critics and customers so

confidence is restored and Barbie is cemented as a positive companion for young girls.

Objective 1:      To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the

understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication with

critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year.


      ! Corrective Action – publicly recognize failure to establish communication with critics, repair the

          damage with critics done through lawsuits and work to prevent reoccurrence through new policies

      ! Sponsorships – scholarships for adolescent girls based on the fields that Barbie has had careers in

          such as Dr. Barbie, Architect Barbie, Veterinarian Barbie, etc.

      ! Strategic Philanthropy – donate to not-for-profits that relate directly to issues regarding body

          image and self-esteem

Objective 2:      To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve,

specifically to generate interest among 30 per cent of North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's

MyScene collection within the next fiscal year.


      ! Alliances and Coalitions – pair with highly recognized designers for the Fashion Luxe collection;

continue to pair with Sephora; alliances with Forever21, American Eagle and H&M; particularly

          H&M designer collections

      ! Special Events – Barbie does Fashion Weeks in New York City, London, Milan, Paris

      ! Newsworthy Information – Barbie presidency bids for 2012

Objective 3: To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all

Barbie products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year.


      ! Organizational Performance – adapt Barbie to appeal to parents by being less edgy than Bratz but

          still fashion-forward to warrant interest among girls ages seven to twelve

      ! Transparent Communication – address issues with customer-parents surrounding Mattel's

          handling of Barbie's image

      ! Special Events – Holiday Barbie editions – multicultural; short essay contests; parade floats

4.0       KEY MESSAGES

          4.1    To Parents

         Although the world around her has changed many times since her “birth” in 1959, Barbie is still

the same girl-next-door that young girls can not only play with, but also learn with through Barbie’s many

different careers, relationships, and venues for interaction. Younger children can enjoy creating story lines

for Barbie and her friends and practice their social skills by playing with Barbie while older girls (aged

seven to twelve) can turn to Barbie as a fashion icon, following her journey through the Fashion Weeks of

the world and purchasing items from her MyScene and Fashion Luxe lines of clothing. Barbie’s

restructuring is to ensure that she will always remain an important part of any child’s life, from their first

encounter to when they introduce Barbie to their own children.

          4.2    To Young Girls

          Bring Barbie with you as you grow up and enter a new and exciting world of school, fashion, and

choices that will one day shape your life! Barbie has big plans for herself and has the tools for you to

make some big plans of your own, too. The MyScene and Fashion Luxe clothing collections can be found

at a number of your favourite stores, proving that Barbie is not just for your little sister anymore! Follow

her journey as she experiences all the major Fashion Weeks in 2012, tweeting and blogging about them as

she goes! Write to Barbie and tell her what she means to you and you could win an incredible Barbie prize

pack with enough stuff to share with all your friends! Also look for some of Barbie’s closest friends, your

favourite movie characters, in stores soon.

        4.3     To Critics

        We have made a mistake by defending ourselves against criticism when we should have been

engaging in a conversation about why Barbie is the way she is and we sincerely hope it is not too late to

mend the relationships that have been damaged by this. We don’t want Barbie to remain a static figure,

unchanging through time, but rather a fluid icon who is able to adapt to the world and to her beloved fans

as they grow up and their needs change. For this reason we are hoping to form partnerships with

important organizations who are also committed to the well-being of young girls, their body image, and

self esteem. We are going to refocus our efforts on scholarships and other ways to make Barbie’s fans’

dreams and goals to come true like essay contests to encourage critical thinking from a young age, and art

shows to encourage creativity. Barbie does not want to leave her fans behind, nor does she want to be left

behind, as our industry moves forward to a more interactive and supportive role in the lives of children.

        4.4     To Shareholders

        Over the past seven quarters we have failed to deliver the exceptional results we know you expect

from us and indeed that we expect from ourselves. Moving forward, Barbie is taking steps to evolving

and revamping our image to once again be the number one choice of toy for young girls aged three to six

and to also establish Barbie as the number one brand for girls aged seven to twelve as well with new focus

placed on the MyScene and Fashion Luxe clothing and accessory lines. By refocusing our efforts on not

only our products but also our key audiences, girls aged three to twelve and their parents, Barbie will soon

be as dear to the hearts of this generation as she has been for over fifty years.

5.0     TACTICS

        5.1        Objective 1

        “To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the

understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication

with critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year.”

Strategy i) Corrective Action


       ! Formulate new two-way communications policy (January)

              #   RACE model

              #   first draft

       ! Finalize policy (February)

       ! Create fact sheet of new policy (February)

       ! Email fact sheet (March)

       ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March)

       ! Hold meetings with main offices across North America (March)


       ! Draft speech for Public Affairs meeting (February)

       ! Finalize speech (February)

       ! Plan meeting (February)

       ! Invite media (February)

              ! media release (March)
       ! Provide copies of new policy (March)

       ! Upload speech and policy to website (March)

       ! Message from the President blog (March)

       ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February)

       ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December)

! highlight positive work towards two-way communication and implementation
Strategy ii) Sponsorships and Scholarships


       ! Set up scholarship fund (April)

       ! Select education streams to be considered for scholarships (April)

       ! Set guidelines for essay contest (April)

       ! Select jurors (April)

       ! Create informational brochure regarding contest rules, regulations and scholarship details


       ! Meeting regarding Awards Dinner celebration (Sheila, this will be held the year after given the

           timeline) (November)

       ! Create media release (April)


       ! Media release (May)

       ! Post information on website (May)

       ! Post information on blog and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) (May)

       ! Education outreach to North American schools (May, June, September, October)

       ! Check in with school to determine feedback (November)

Strategy iii) Strategic Philanthropy


       ! Establish fund (June)

       ! Create fact sheet for charities/not-for-profits (June)

       ! Reach out to charities/not-for-profits that deal with issues regarding body image , self-esteem

           and women's interests. Gauge partnership interest (June)

       ! Establish list of charities/not-for-profits (July)

       ! Determine annual rotation list (July)

! Draft media release (July)

       ! Plan fundraising Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction for December (September)

              ! select venue

              ! call for submissions

              ! catering, etc.

       ! Media release (August)

       ! Post information on website (August)

       ! Post information on social media (August)

       ! Release call for submissions for art show (September)

       ! Invites to new charities/not-for-profits (October)

       ! Invites to large donors (October)

       ! Invites to media (October)

       ! Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction (December)

        5.2        Objective 2

        “To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve, specifically to

generate interest among 30 per cent of North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's MyScene

collection within the next fiscal year.”

Strategy i) Alliances and Coalitions


       ! Plan which designers to approach for partnerships with relaunching MyScene (January)

              ! Target, Wal-Mart, Sephora, Forever21, American Eagle and H&M
       ! Meet with marketing and advertising (January)

       ! Gather samples from MyScene / Fashion Luxe designers for partnership presentations


! Prepare presentations and materials for pitch meetings with designers (February)

       ! Prepare fact sheet on new alliances (March)

       ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March)

       ! Develop draft coalition communications plan to present to designer’s communications teams



       ! Present to target designers (February)

       ! Meet with communications personnel from allied designers (March)

       ! Finalize coalition communication plan (April)

       ! Issue news release announcing alliances (April)

       ! Plan product launch at New York and downtown Toronto locations of stores carrying MyScene


       ! Send out invites to media for product launches (May)

       ! Use social media to promote events (May)

       ! Product launch events (May)

       ! Use social media to tweet and post from events as Barbie herself (June)

       ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February)

       ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December)

           ! updating on success of lines and satisfaction of allied designers
Strategy ii) Special Events


       ! Prepare fact sheet on Fashion Week for senior management (April)

       ! Present benefits of Barbie attending Fashion Week to senior management (April)

       ! Set up meetings with Fashion Week officials (May)

       ! Prepare news release to announce Barbie will be at all four locations for the Spring/Summer

           season fashion shows in September and October (July)

! New York City, London, Milan, Paris
      ! Prepare media kits for announcement (July)

      ! Arrange for communications personnel to be at each Fashion Week event (August)

      ! Prepare news releases for after each event (September)

      ! Write speech and prep President for final event (October)

      ! Upload a video of speech to employee intranet (October)


      ! Media release (July)

      ! Media kits (July)

      ! Media conference (August)

      ! Post information website and social media (August)

      ! Blog, tweet and post on Facebook live from each Fashion Week event as Barbie herself

          (September and October)

      ! Issue news release after each event (September and October)

      ! Speech by the President after final event in Paris (October)

      ! Blog about entire experience from Barbie’s point of view (November)

Strategy iii) Newsworthy Information


      ! Meet with senior management to approve plan for Barbie’s 2012 US Presidency Bid (June)

      ! Prepare internal memo to employees (June)

      ! Prepare news release to issue on 4th of July announcement (June)

      ! Prepare commercials to air in the beginning of July (June)

      ! Prepare contest information for Barbie’s slogan contest (July)

      ! Select criteria and judges (July)

      ! Select winner (September)

      ! Create promotional material and apparel with new slogan (September)

! Create fact sheet on Barbie’s “campaign platform” for media (October)

       ! Prepare news release for Nov. 6 (Election Day) (November)


       ! Media release (July)

       ! Co-ordinate airing of new commercials announcing Barbie’s bid for President (July)

       ! Post information on website (July)

       ! Post information on blog and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) (July)

       ! Announce the contest on website (August)

              ! “What Should Barbie’s Campaign Slogan Be?”
       ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. (August)

       ! Announce winner of contest (September)

       ! Release fact sheet on platform to media (October)

       ! Blog, tweet and post on Facebook about Presidential election as Barbie herself (October and


       ! Issue news release on Election Day (November)

        5.3        Objective 3

        “To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all Barbie

products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year.”

Strategy i) Organizational Performance


       ! Plan meeting to discuss Barbie re-design (January)

       ! Communicate need for re-design to design-development team (January)

       ! Hold employee meetings to ensure understanding (January)

       ! Formulate public re-design contest (February)

       ! Draft contest rules and requirements (February)

! Finalize rules and requirement (March)

! Set deadlines for submissions (March)

! Set judgement criteria (March)

! Select judging panel (March)

! Begin partnership negotiations (February)

    ! Madonna (Material Girl), Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé (House of Dereon)
! Finalize partnership deals (April)

! Presentation of internal re-design submissions (May)

! Re-design focus group test (May)

! Analyze data / results (May)


! Media release announcing need for new design (January)

! Update website (January)

! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (January)

! Message from the President blog (January)

! Press conference with president (January)

    ! draft speech

    ! draft preparatory Q&A / media training
! Media release announcing re-design contest (April)

! Update website with rules and requirements (April)

! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (April)

! Press conference presenting new design (October)

! Draft presentation (September)

! Finalize presentation (September)

! Invite media (September)

    ! media release

! Draft preparatory Q&A/media training (September)

       ! Upload new looks to website (October)

       ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (October)

Strategy ii) Transparent Communication


       ! Formulate new two-way communications policy (January)

           #   RACE model

           #   first draft

       ! Finalize policy (February)

       ! Create fact sheet of new policy (February)

       ! Email fact sheet (March)

       ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March)

       ! Hold meetings with main offices across North America (March)


       ! Draft speech for Public Affairs meeting (February)

       ! Finalize speech (February)

       ! Plan meeting (February)

       ! Invite media (February)

           ! media release (March)
       ! Provide copies of new policy (March)

       ! Upload speech and policy to website (March)

       ! Message from the president blog (March)

       ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February)

       ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December)

           ! highlight positive work towards two-way communication and implementation
Strategy iii) Special Events


! Formulate short-essay contest (What does Barbie mean to you?) (July)

! Draft contest rules and requirements (July)

! Finalize rules and requirement (August)

! Set deadlines for submissions (August)

! Set judgement criteria (August)

! Select judging panel (August)

! Winner selection deadline (October)

! Holiday event plan (May)

! Apply for permission to submit float to holiday parade (major cities across U.S.A and Canada)


! Design float (January)

! Promote float (September)


! Media release announcing short-essay contest (September)

! Update website with rules and requirements (September)

! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (September)

! Media release announcing new holiday collection (October)

! Update website (October)

! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (October)

! Press conference with president (October)

   ! draft speech

   ! draft preparatory Q&A / media training
! Launch party for new collection (December)

! Select venue (September)

! Finalize presentation (November)

! Design display (November)

! Book catering and venue equipment (September)

! Invite media (November)

! Upload new looks to website (December)

! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (December)

5.4       Tactic Schedule

                                               ACTIVITY                                                          January         February          March            April            May             June           July          August        September         October       November         December

 STRATEGY               Internal/External                               TACTIC                                                First Quarter                                  Second Quarter                                  Third Quarter                                   Fourth Quarter

OBJECTIVE 1: To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication with critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year.

i)                          Internal           Formulate a new two-way communication policy:
Corrective                                     - RACE model                                                           X
Action                                         - first draft

                                               Finalize policy                                                                        X

                                               Create fact sheet of new policy                                                        X

                                               Email fact sheet                                                                                       X

                                               Upload fact sheet to employee intranet                                                                 X

                                               Hold meetings with main offices across N.A.                                                            X

                            External           Draft speech for Public Affairs Meeting                                                X

                                               Finalize speech                                                                        X

                                               Plan meeting                                                                           X

                                               Invite media                                                                           X

                                               Produce and issue media release                                                                        X

                                               Provide copies of new policy                                                                           X

                                               Upload speech and policy to website                                                                    X

                                               Message from the President blog                                                                        X

                                               Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                      X

                                               Publish quarterly and annual reports
                                               - highlight positive work towards two-way                                                              X                                                X                                             X                                                X
                                                 communication and implementation

ii)                         Internal           Set up scholarship fund                                                                                                 X
(Scholarships)                                 Select education streams to be considered for

                                               Set guidelines for essay contests                                                                                       X

ACTIVITY                                                 January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                         TACTIC                                       First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

ii)                  Internal        Select jurors                                                                               X
(Scholarships)                       Create informational brochure regarding contest
                                     rules, regulations and scholarship details

                                     Meeting regarding Awards Dinner celebration (to
                                     be held in early 2013)

                                     Create media release                                                                        X

                     External        Media release                                                                                            X

                                     Post information on website                                                                              X

                                     Post information on blog and social media sites
                                     (Facebook, Twitter)

                                     Education outreach to North American schools                                                             X           X                            X         X

                                     Check in with schools to receive feedback                                                                                                                                 X

iii)                 Internal        Establish fund                                                                                                       X
Philanthropy                         Create fact sheet for charities / not-for-profits                                                                    X

                                     Reach out to charities / not-for-profits that deal
                                     with issues regarding body image, self-esteem                                                                        X
                                     and women’s interests. Gauge partnership interest

                                     Establish list of charities / not-for-profits partners                                                                      X

                                     Determine annual rotation list                                                                                              X

                                     Draft media release                                                                                                         X

                                     Plan fundraising Barbe art show / silent auction
                                     for December
                                     - select venue                                                                                                                                    X
                                     - call for submissions
                                     - catering, etc.

                     External        Media release                                                                                                                          X

                                     Post information on website                                                                                                            X

                                     Post information on social media (Facebook,

ACTIVITY                                                         January         February         March               April             May             June            July          August         September     October     November   December

 STRATEGY             Internal/External                                TACTIC                                               First Quarter                                    Second Quarter                                     Third Quarter                              Fourth Quarter

iii)                       External           Release call for submissions for art show                                                                                                                                                                  X
Philanthropy                                  Send out invites to new charities / not-for-profits

                                              Send out invites to large donors                                                                                                                                                                                     X

                                              Send out invites to media                                                                                                                                                                                            X

                                              Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction                                                                                                                                                                                                              X

OBJECTIVE 2: To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve, specifically to generate interest among 30 per cent of   North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's MyScene collection within the next fiscal year.

i)                          Internal          Plan which designers to approach for partnerships
Alliances and                                 with relaunching MyScene / Fashion Luxe
Coalitions                                    - Target, Wal-Mart Sephora, Forever21, American
                                                Eagel and H&M

                                              Meet with marketing and advertising departments                       X

                                              Gather samples from MyScene / Fashion Luxe
                                              designers for partnership presentations

                                              Prepare presentations and materials for pitch
                                              meetings with designers

                                              Prepare fact sheet on new alliances                                                                   X

                                              Upload fact sheet to employee intranet                                                                X

                                              Develop draft coalition communications plan to
                                              present to designer’s communications teams

                           External           Present plan to target designers                                                     X

                                              Meet with communications personnel from allied

                                              Finalize coalition communication plan                                                                                   X

                                              Issue news release announcing alliances                                                                                 X

                                              Plan product launch at New York and downtown
                                              Toronto locations of stores carrying MyScene

                                              Send out invites to media for product launch                                                                                             X

ACTIVITY                                             January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                       TACTIC                                     First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

i)                   External        Use social media to promote events (Facebook,
Alliances and                        Twitter)
                                     Product launch events                                                                                            X

                                     Use social media to tweet and post from events as
                                     Barbie herself

                                     Publish quarterly and annual reports
                                     - updating on success of lines and satisfaction of                              X                                X                            X                                  X
                                       allied designers

ii)                  Internal        Prepare fact sheet on Fashion Week for senior
Special Events                       management

                                     Present benefits of Barbie’s involvement in
                                     Fashion Week to senior management

                                     Set up meetings with Fashion Week officials                                                          X

                                     Prepare news release to announce Barbie will be
                                     at all four locations for the Spring/Summer
                                     season fashion shows in September and October
                                     - New York City, London, Milan, Paris

                                     Prepare media kits for announcement

                                     Arrange for communications personnel to be at
                                     each Fashion Week event

                                     Prepare news releases for after each event                                                                                                    X

                                     Write speech and prep President for final event                                                                                                         X

                                     Upload video of speech to employee intranet                                                                                                             X

                     External        Media release                                                                                                           X

                                     Media kits                                                                                                              X

                                     Media conference to announce Fashion Week

                                     Post information on website and social media                                                                                       X

                                     Blog, tweet and post on Facebook live from each
                                                                                                                                                                                   X         X
                                     Fashion Week event as Barbie herself

ACTIVITY                                             January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                        TACTIC                                    First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

ii)                  External        Issue news release after each event                                                                                                           X         X
Special Events
                                     Speech by the President after final event in Paris                                                                                                      X

                                     Blog about entire experience from Barbie’s point
                                     of view

iii)                 Internal        Meet with senior management to approve plan
Newsworthy                           for Barbie’s 2012 US Presidency Bid
                                     Prepare internal memo to employees                                                                               X

                                     Prepare news release to issue on 4th of July

                                     Prepare commercials to air in the beginning of

                                     Prepare contest information for Barbie’s slogan                                                                         X

                                     Select criteria and judges for contest                                                                                  X

                                     Select winner                                                                                                                                 X

                                     Create promotional material and apparel with
                                     new slogan

                                     Create fact sheet on Barbie’s “campaign
                                     platform” for media

                                     Prepare news release for Nov. 6 (Election Day)                                                                                                                        X

                     External        Media release                                                                                                           X

                                     Co-ordinate airing of new commercials
                                     announcing Barbie’s bid for President

                                     Post information on website                                                                                             X

                                     Post information on blog and social media sites
                                     (Facebook, Twitter)

                                     Announce the contest on website
                                     - “What Should Barbie’s Campaign Slogan Be?”

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                                                                  X

ACTIVITY                                                           January         February          March             April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

 STRATEGY             Internal/External                                  TACTIC                                                First Quarter                                  Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

iii)                        External           Announce winner of contest                                                                                                                                                    X
Information                                    Release fact sheet on platform to media                                                                                                                                                 X

                                               Blog, tweet and post on Facebook about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       X             X
                                               Presidential election as Barbie herself

                                               Issue news release on Election Day                                                                                                                                                                    X

OBJECTIVE 3: To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all Barbie products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year.

i)                          Internal           Plan meeting to discuss Barbie re-design                               X
Performance                                    Communicate need for re-design to design-
                                               development team

                                               Hold employee meetings to ensure understanding                         X

                                               Formulate public re-design contest                                                      X

                                               Draft contest rules and requirements                                                    X

                                               Finalize rules and requirements                                                                         X

                                               Set deadlines for submissions                                                                           X

                                               Set judgement criteria                                                                                  X

                                               Select judging panel                                                                                    X

                                               Begin partnership negotiations
                                               - Madonna (Material Girl), Jessica Simpson,                                             X
                                                 Beyoncé (House of Dereon)

                                               Finalize partnership deals                                                                                              X

                                               Presentation of internal re-design submissions                                                                                       X

                                               Re-design focus group test                                                                                                           X

                                               Analyze data / results                                                                                                               X

                            External           Media release announcing need for new design                           X

                                               Update website                                                         X

                                               Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                      X

ACTIVITY                                            January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                        TACTIC                                   First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

i)                   External        Message from the President blog                       X
Performance                          Press conference with President
                                     - draft speech                                        X
                                     - draft preparatory Q&A / media training

                                     Media release announcing re-design contest                                             X

                                     Update website with rules and requirements                                             X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                      X

                                     Press conference presenting new design                                                                                                                 X

                                     Draft presentation                                                                                                                           X

                                     Finalize presentation                                                                                                                        X

                                     Invite media
                                     - media release

                                     Draft preparatory Q&A / media training                                                                                                       X

                                     Upload new looks to website                                                                                                                            X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                                                                                      X

ii)                  Internal        Formulate a new two-way communication policy:
Transparent                          - RACE model                                          X
Communication                        - first draft

                                     Finalize policy                                                    X

                                     Create fact sheet of new policy                                    X

                                     Email fact sheet                                                               X

                                     Upload fact sheet to employee intranet                                         X

                                     Hold meetings with main offices across N.A.                                    X

                     External        Draft speech for Public Affairs Meeting                            X

                                     Finalize speech                                                    X

                                     Plan meeting                                                       X

ACTIVITY                                            January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                        TACTIC                                   First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

ii)                  External        Invite media                                                       X
Communication                        Produce and issue media release                                                X

                                     Provide copies of new policy                                                   X

                                     Upload speech and policy to website                                            X

                                     Message from the President blog                                                X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                  X

                                     Publish quarterly and annual reports
                                     - highlight positive work towards two-way                                      X                                X                            X                                  X
                                       communication and implementation

iii)                 Internal        Formulate short-essay contest
Special Events                       - “What Does Barbie Mean to You?”

                                     Draft contest rules and requirements                                                                                   X

                                     Finalize rules and requirements                                                                                                   X

                                     Set deadlines for submissions                                                                                                     X

                                     Set judgement criteria                                                                                                            X

                                     Select judging panel                                                                                                              X

                                     Winner selection deadline                                                                                                                              X

                                     Holiday event plan                                                                                  X

                                     Apply for permission to submit float to holiday
                                     parade                                                X
                                     - major cities across USA and Canada

                                     Design float                                          X

                                     Promote float                                                                                                                                          X

                     External        Media release announcing short-essay contest                                                                                                 X

                                     Update website with rules and requirements                                                                                                   X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                                                                            X

ACTIVITY                                            January    February       March   April        May         June   July     August    September   October     November   December

STRATEGY         Internal/External                       TACTIC                                    First Quarter                   Second Quarter                 Third Quarter                     Fourth Quarter

iii)                 External        Media release announcing new holiday collection                                                                                                        X
Special Events
                                     Update website                                                                                                                                         X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                                                                                      X

                                     Press conference with President
                                     - draft speech                                                                                                                                         X
                                     - draft preparatory Q&A / media training

                                     Launch party for new collection                                                                                                                                                 X

                                     Select venue                                                                                                                                 X

                                     Finalize presentation                                                                                                                                                X

                                     Design display                                                                                                                                                       X

                                     Book catering and venue equipment                                                                                                            X

                                     Invite media                                                                                                                                                         X

                                     Upload new looks to website                                                                                                                                                     X

                                     Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads.                                                                                                                               X


        Throughout the process of the Barbie reputation overhaul, evaluations will be conducted

periodically in order to measure the success of the financial, emotional and communication goals

previously outlined in our communications plan. The purpose of these evaluations is to measure the

intended changes outlined in our objectives, but more importantly, to aid in the ultimate achievement of

our organizational goal. More specifically, we will be measuring the changing attitudes/relationship

between Barbie and her customers and critics, the increased awareness of Mattel's new policies regarding

constructive two-way communication, and measuring changes in the acceptance of Barbie by girls

between the ages of three and twelve.

        In order to measure the changing attitudes among critics and customers towards Barbie, the

communications team will be responsible for conducting media scans at regular intervals, in order to

evaluate the effectiveness of the new initiatives set in place by Mattel. A well-done media scan will

provide the communications team with an understanding of who is talking about Barbie and her new

image, what is being said, general attitudes, the projected future for the doll, how the new initiatives are

being received by the public, as well as an evaluation of our overall communications efforts. The

information obtained through the media scan will aid in determining the basic wants and needs of

Barbie’s key audiences, which will help to guide future communications efforts. In addition, this style of

evaluation complies with our initiative to implement policies regarding two-way communication into

Mattel’s organizational culture. Through monitoring public opinion, we have the opportunity to

understand what worked, as well as what didn’t, which in turn can be internalized by Mattel, resulting in

the appropriate organizational changes.

        Information regarding Mattel’s changing communication policies will be communicated both

internally as well as externally. A fact sheet detailing all changes to organizational policy, as well as the

implementation of new communications strategies, will be uploaded to Mattel’s intranet site in addition to

being e-mailed out to all employees. In order to ensure that the new policies and procedures have not only

been read, but also understood by all staff, meetings will be held in all Mattel offices across North

America. This will provide an environment for open discussion and clarification amongst all levels of

employees. Additionally, this fact sheet will also appear on the company’s website, the president’s blog,

the annual report, and will be further disseminated through our new education outreach program created

for students and schools across North America.

        Finally, the changes in acceptance of Barbie by girls between the ages of three and twelve will be

evident in increased sales of the doll and other Barbie products within the demographic. Mattel’s financial

analysts will meticulously track trends and changes in the sales of Barbie dolls and products, and will

communicate all findings through the quarterly and annual reports. They will evaluate the overall costs

associated with the new re-branding initiatives, in contrast to the revenue produced by sales of the doll

(and related products) in the months following their implementation.

7.0      BUDGET

           ITEM                                                      COST BREAKDOWN ($)
                              Jan.    Feb.    Mar.     Apr.    May     June     July   Aug.    Sept.     Oct.   Nov.    Dec.        ($)
                                 First Quarter           Second Quarter            Third Quarter           Fourth Quarter

 Media conference (venue
 and refreshments)                    2,500                                                                                        2,500.00

 Copies of new policy
 (print material)                                250                                                                                250.00

 Hire graphic designers for
 designing social media
 outlets                      3,000                                                                                                3,000.00

 Public quarterly reports
 (print material)                                500                      500                      500                      500    2,000.00

 Public annual report
 (print material)                                                                                                           750     750.00

 Scholarship fund                             15,000                                                                              15,000.00

 Informational brochure
 regarding contest rules,
 regulations and
 scholarship details (print
 material)                                             1,000                                                                       1,000.00

 Meeting regarding
 Awards dinner
 celebration (venue and
 refreshments)                                                                                                  5,000              5,000.00

ITEM                                                      COST BREAKDOWN ($)
                              Jan.   Feb.    Mar.      Apr.   May      June     July   Aug.    Sept.       Oct.    Nov.   Dec.       ($)
                                 First Quarter           Second Quarter            Third Quarter             Fourth Quarter

North American schools
fund                                                                   10,000                                                      10,000.00

Create fact sheet for
charities / not-for-profits
(print material)                                                        1,000                                                       1,000.00

Fundraising Barbie Art
Show / Silent Auction for
December (venue and
catering)                                                                                          5,000                            5,000.00

Invites to new charities /
not-for-profits partners,
large donors, and media
(print material)                                                                                             500                     500.00

Barbie Art Show / Silent
Auction (venue and
catering)                                                                                                                 15,000   15,000.00

Fact sheet on new
alliances (print material)                       500                                                                                 500.00

Product launch events at
New York and downtown
Toronto locations of
stores carrying MyScene                                       30,000                                                               30,000.00

ITEM                                                  COST BREAKDOWN ($)
                             Jan.   Feb.    Mar.   Apr.   May     June      July     Aug.    Sept.    Oct.   Nov.    Dec.     ($)
                                First Quarter        Second Quarter            Third Quarter            Fourth Quarter

Meetings with Fashion
Week officials
(allowances)                                              2,000                                                              2,000.00

Barbie fashion week
events in New York City,
London, Milan and Paris
personnel at each event -
travel, accommodations
and allowances)                                                            150,000                                          150,000.00

Media conference to
announce Fashion Week
involvement (venue and
refreshments)                                                                        3,000                                   3,000.00

Speech by the President
after final event in Paris
(business trip cost)                                                                                         5,000           5,000.00

Commercials to air in the
beginning of July                                                 50,000                                                    50,000.00

Barbie’s contest (prizes)                                                   20,000                                          20,000.00

Promotional material and
apparel with new slogan                                                                      20,000                         20,000.00

ITEM                                                       COST BREAKDOWN ($)
                            Jan.    Feb.      Mar.     Apr.   May     June     July     Aug.   Sept.      Oct.    Nov.   Dec.     ($)
                               First Quarter             Second Quarter           Third Quarter             Fourth Quarter

Employee meetings to
ensure understanding of
plan (catering)             2,000                                                                                                2,000.00

Partnership (celebrity
endorsement agreement)              200,000                                                                                     200,000.00

Media conference with
President (venue and
refreshments)               5,000                                                                                                5,000.00

Media conference
presenting new design
(venue and refreshments)                                                                                  5,000                  5,000.00

Media conference (venue
and refreshments)                                                                                 2,000                          2,000.00

Hold meetings with main
offices across N.A.
(travel costs)                                10,000                                                                            10,000.00

Short-essay contest prize
(“What Does Barbie
Mean to You?”)                                                                 10,000                                           10,000.00

Holiday event                                                         15,000                                                    15,000.00

Holiday parade
preparation                         150,000                                                                                     150,000.00

ITEM                                                    COST BREAKDOWN ($)
                        Jan.      Feb.      Mar.   Apr.    May         June   July      Aug.      Sept.   Oct.      Nov.      Dec.       ($)
                           First Quarter             Second Quarter              Third Quarter              Fourth Quarter

Media conference with
President (venue and
refreshments)                                                                                             3,000                         3,000.00

Launch party for new
collection                                                                                                                    25,000   25,000.00

    TOTAL COSTS                388,750.00                 109,500.00                 210,500.00                   59,750.00            768,500.00

PEST & SWOT Analyses
PEST Analysis

                 Political                                       Economical
! new leadership under Neil B. Friedman            ! depressed toy market
! lack of two-way communication                    ! plummeting Barbie sales
  ! issues of lawsuits against competitors         ! competition from Bratz dolls
      and critics
                  Social                                       Technological
! Barbie's figure                                  ! move to digital products ie. Barbie websites,
! pressure from external groups                      online games, social media
                                                   ! move to DVDs

                                     SWOT Analysis

                Strengths                                          Weaknesses
!   History of Barbie                              !   Barbie as “babyish” and “unfashionable”
    ! advanced as women advanced                   !   Barbie as representing young girls
!   purchase of the American Girl Brand            !   Barbie does not represent the average
!   success of Girl Power ads                          American girl
!   partnership with Girls Inc.                    !   Focus on didactic play instead of fashion
!   Barbie DVDs                                        play
!   MyScene dolls                                  !   constant lawsuits against detractors
!   focus on fashion                               !   missed opportunities for dialogic
                                                   !   failure to address real issues with figure
                                                       during Barbie remodelling
          Opportunities                                              Threats
! expansion of the American Girl brand             !   decreasing Barbie sales
! expansion of Barbie DVDs                         !   anti-Barbie campaigns
! expansion of MyScene dolls                       !   opposition regarding Barbie's figure and
                                                       beauty stereotyping
                                                       ! The Body Shop
                                                       ! Dove
                                                       ! Nike
                                                   !   Competition and success of Bratz dolls


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External Communication Plan

  • 1. !"#$%&!'"()*(+!)$,-!.*(/$01 2,(*,0&$3!4"556%$3*,$"%7!89*%:!;<=; Submitted by: Sheila Frise, Sal Hosny, Courtney Kurysh and Jesse Lane Course Code: CCM 709 Submitted on: November 29, 2011
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS ************************** 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................... ii 2.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS............................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Background Information.................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Problems & Opportunities................................................................................................. 2 3.0 GOAL, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES.................................................................................... 3 4.0 KEY MESSAGES........................................................................................................................ 4 4.1 To Parents........................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 To Young Girls................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 To Critics............................................................................................................................ 5 4.4 To Shareholders.................................................................................................................. 5 5.0 TACTICS..................................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Objective 1......................................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Objective 2......................................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Objective 3......................................................................................................................... 11 5.4 Tactic Schedule.................................................................................................................. 16 6.0 EVALUATION............................................................................................................................. 25 7.0 BUDGET...................................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDICES ************************** APPENDIX A: SWOT & PEST ANALYSES APPENDIX B: SAMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS ! >$>
  • 3. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Barbie is about to embark on a new chapter of her life as a more audience-focused brand, choosing to capitalize on her well-established place in the hearts of young girls while evolving to meet their changing needs more effectively and creatively. This opportunity has presented itself through a number of challenges Barbie has faced over the past few years but it is with excitement that we move forward from these challenges and present our revamped and refocused Barbie. The communications team at Barbie has performed extensive research into the challenges we have faced in the past, the audiences who are most invested in Barbie being a success, and the ways in which we can better cater to the needs of our number one priority: the young girls who have grown, and indeed want to grow up with Barbie. Critics in the past have pointed out the perhaps limited scope of Barbie’s interactive elements, suggesting that we have not taken the changing social climate into consideration in our brand. Unfortunately, we have a history of reacting negatively towards this vein of criticism and it has not shown Barbie in a positive light. In the future, conversations with our critics and competitors will be an important element to our communications plan as we need to understand both sides of our audiences properly in order to bring Barbie into the future in the best way possible. Instead of blindly moving ahead as we have done in the past, the 2012 communications plan outlines a year of interaction. We will engage in partnerships with like-minded charities and not-for- profits who also consider the well-being of young girls to be paramount to the success of society at large and plan to transform Barbie into more than just a toy or a brand. By partnering with these not-for-profits we will show, through actions and not just words, that we want what is best for our biggest fans and Barbie is ready to help make that a reality! We have also designed a social media platform and strategy that will allow Barbie to have her very own voice in 2012, tweeting, blogging and posting to her fans about her experiences at Fashion Weeks, charity events, her presidential campaign, and in every day life so they can feel as connected as possible to their icon. Moving forward with Barbie in 2012 will be a revolutionary and changing year in the history of our favourite doll. ! >$$>
  • 4. 2.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS 2.1 Background Information Mattel introduced “Barbie Teenage Fashion Model” to the world in 1959. She was an instant hit on the toy market and continued to be Mattel's signature doll and profit engine for 40 years after her original launch. Recently within the larger struggling toy industry, Barbie's sales have fallen for seven straight quarters on a year-to-year basis. Global sales of Barbie have fallen 18 per cent as of 2005 while sales in the United States have decreased by 30 per cent. This is the first time that Mattel has dealt with such a serious drop in revenue as Barbie accounts for an estimated 25 to 35 per cent of Mattel's total sales. There has also been a serious backlash against Barbie amongst girls ages seven to eleven. In the past, Barbie has been “idolized as a role model for young girls, an icon of American culture, a model of aesthetic perfection and cultural icon of heterosexual femininity.” Numerous studies conducted throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s have found that a majority of girls engage in destructive play with Barbie as rejection of their past. Barbie is hated because she is “babyish” and many girls feel that she represents “their younger childhood out of which they had now outgrown.” Girls are turning away from the didactic stylings of Barbie and to the fashion-forward world of Bratz dolls. Bratz dolls are main competition for Barbie and as of 2005, sales of Bratz are up by 40 per cent. In addition to the backlash of young girls, fierce opposition campaigns from The Body Shop, Dove and Nike have contributed to an “anti-Barbie climate.” These campaigns criticize the narrow view of beauty that Barbie enforces. The Body Shop launched “Ruby, the Anti-Barbie” in 1996 as a way to challenge beauty stereotypes. Dove followed the trend and in 2005 create the “Campaign for Real Beauty” as a way of moving away from the Barbie beauty ideal: “tall, young, thin, blond, Caucasian and large-breasted.” Nike also joined the trend in 2005 and created the “What Story Does Your Body Tell?” campaign. In addition to these formal campaigns, Barbie also faced stiff critiques in the forms of parody through the late 1990s through music, commercials and photography. >=>
  • 5. 2.2 Problems and Opportunities: “Instead of acknowledging the critique and starting a discussion with the opposing campaigns, Mattel decided to either simply ignore the critique of take the other party to court.” Mattel must learn to engage in a meaning discussion about Barbie in the media. ! Problem: Lack of constructive two-way communication with their publics ! critics ! competitors ! customers " parents " girls ages seven to twelve ! Problem: Lack of response to the critical campaigns of detractors: ! direct attack of Barbie from The Body Shop ! indirect attacks of Dove and Nike ! Problem: Lack of understanding the deeper issues of Barbie's figure and appearance ! unrealistic figure of Barbie ! didactic nature of Barbie's “self” ! Bratz dolls are more proportionate and fashion forward ! Opportunity: Barbie as a storyteller for young girls ages three to six ! continue to write imaginative stories for Barbie and then create the toys ! continue to make Barbie DVDs, pop-up books and rich story “maps” ! Opportunity: Barbie as an fashion icon for girls ages seven to twelve ! continue to seek out valuable partnerships with fashion retailers ! emphasis on Barbie Style brand ! continue to partner with designers for the Fashion Luxe collection ! continue to create celebrity Barbies: " characters from “Twilight”, “High School Musical” and other popular franchises >;>
  • 6. ! Opportunity: Barbie as “real-world” experience for girls ages seven to twelve ! expand MyScene line of dolls ! focus on realistic teen lifestyle Mattel has the ability to turn the above problems facing Barbie into opportunities. Mattel must first realize that failure to constructively respond to the criticisms further damages Barbie's reputation among all publics. 3.0 GOALS, OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES GOAL: To enhance the relationship between Barbie and her critics and customers so confidence is restored and Barbie is cemented as a positive companion for young girls. Objective 1: To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication with critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year. Strategies: ! Corrective Action – publicly recognize failure to establish communication with critics, repair the damage with critics done through lawsuits and work to prevent reoccurrence through new policies ! Sponsorships – scholarships for adolescent girls based on the fields that Barbie has had careers in such as Dr. Barbie, Architect Barbie, Veterinarian Barbie, etc. ! Strategic Philanthropy – donate to not-for-profits that relate directly to issues regarding body image and self-esteem Objective 2: To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve, specifically to generate interest among 30 per cent of North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's MyScene collection within the next fiscal year. Strategies: ! Alliances and Coalitions – pair with highly recognized designers for the Fashion Luxe collection; >?>
  • 7. continue to pair with Sephora; alliances with Forever21, American Eagle and H&M; particularly H&M designer collections ! Special Events – Barbie does Fashion Weeks in New York City, London, Milan, Paris ! Newsworthy Information – Barbie presidency bids for 2012 Objective 3: To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all Barbie products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year. Strategies: ! Organizational Performance – adapt Barbie to appeal to parents by being less edgy than Bratz but still fashion-forward to warrant interest among girls ages seven to twelve ! Transparent Communication – address issues with customer-parents surrounding Mattel's handling of Barbie's image ! Special Events – Holiday Barbie editions – multicultural; short essay contests; parade floats 4.0 KEY MESSAGES 4.1 To Parents Although the world around her has changed many times since her “birth” in 1959, Barbie is still the same girl-next-door that young girls can not only play with, but also learn with through Barbie’s many different careers, relationships, and venues for interaction. Younger children can enjoy creating story lines for Barbie and her friends and practice their social skills by playing with Barbie while older girls (aged seven to twelve) can turn to Barbie as a fashion icon, following her journey through the Fashion Weeks of the world and purchasing items from her MyScene and Fashion Luxe lines of clothing. Barbie’s restructuring is to ensure that she will always remain an important part of any child’s life, from their first encounter to when they introduce Barbie to their own children. 4.2 To Young Girls Bring Barbie with you as you grow up and enter a new and exciting world of school, fashion, and choices that will one day shape your life! Barbie has big plans for herself and has the tools for you to >@>
  • 8. make some big plans of your own, too. The MyScene and Fashion Luxe clothing collections can be found at a number of your favourite stores, proving that Barbie is not just for your little sister anymore! Follow her journey as she experiences all the major Fashion Weeks in 2012, tweeting and blogging about them as she goes! Write to Barbie and tell her what she means to you and you could win an incredible Barbie prize pack with enough stuff to share with all your friends! Also look for some of Barbie’s closest friends, your favourite movie characters, in stores soon. 4.3 To Critics We have made a mistake by defending ourselves against criticism when we should have been engaging in a conversation about why Barbie is the way she is and we sincerely hope it is not too late to mend the relationships that have been damaged by this. We don’t want Barbie to remain a static figure, unchanging through time, but rather a fluid icon who is able to adapt to the world and to her beloved fans as they grow up and their needs change. For this reason we are hoping to form partnerships with important organizations who are also committed to the well-being of young girls, their body image, and self esteem. We are going to refocus our efforts on scholarships and other ways to make Barbie’s fans’ dreams and goals to come true like essay contests to encourage critical thinking from a young age, and art shows to encourage creativity. Barbie does not want to leave her fans behind, nor does she want to be left behind, as our industry moves forward to a more interactive and supportive role in the lives of children. 4.4 To Shareholders Over the past seven quarters we have failed to deliver the exceptional results we know you expect from us and indeed that we expect from ourselves. Moving forward, Barbie is taking steps to evolving and revamping our image to once again be the number one choice of toy for young girls aged three to six and to also establish Barbie as the number one brand for girls aged seven to twelve as well with new focus placed on the MyScene and Fashion Luxe clothing and accessory lines. By refocusing our efforts on not only our products but also our key audiences, girls aged three to twelve and their parents, Barbie will soon be as dear to the hearts of this generation as she has been for over fifty years. >A>
  • 9. 5.0 TACTICS 5.1 Objective 1 “To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication with critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year.” Strategy i) Corrective Action Internal ! Formulate new two-way communications policy (January) # RACE model # first draft ! Finalize policy (February) ! Create fact sheet of new policy (February) ! Email fact sheet (March) ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March) ! Hold meetings with main offices across North America (March) External ! Draft speech for Public Affairs meeting (February) ! Finalize speech (February) ! Plan meeting (February) ! Invite media (February) ! media release (March) ! Provide copies of new policy (March) ! Upload speech and policy to website (March) ! Message from the President blog (March) ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February) ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December) >B>
  • 10. ! highlight positive work towards two-way communication and implementation Strategy ii) Sponsorships and Scholarships Internal ! Set up scholarship fund (April) ! Select education streams to be considered for scholarships (April) ! Set guidelines for essay contest (April) ! Select jurors (April) ! Create informational brochure regarding contest rules, regulations and scholarship details (April) ! Meeting regarding Awards Dinner celebration (Sheila, this will be held the year after given the timeline) (November) ! Create media release (April) External ! Media release (May) ! Post information on website (May) ! Post information on blog and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) (May) ! Education outreach to North American schools (May, June, September, October) ! Check in with school to determine feedback (November) Strategy iii) Strategic Philanthropy Internal ! Establish fund (June) ! Create fact sheet for charities/not-for-profits (June) ! Reach out to charities/not-for-profits that deal with issues regarding body image , self-esteem and women's interests. Gauge partnership interest (June) ! Establish list of charities/not-for-profits (July) ! Determine annual rotation list (July) >C>
  • 11. ! Draft media release (July) ! Plan fundraising Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction for December (September) ! select venue ! call for submissions ! catering, etc. External ! Media release (August) ! Post information on website (August) ! Post information on social media (August) ! Release call for submissions for art show (September) ! Invites to new charities/not-for-profits (October) ! Invites to large donors (October) ! Invites to media (October) ! Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction (December) 5.2 Objective 2 “To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve, specifically to generate interest among 30 per cent of North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's MyScene collection within the next fiscal year.” Strategy i) Alliances and Coalitions Internal ! Plan which designers to approach for partnerships with relaunching MyScene (January) ! Target, Wal-Mart, Sephora, Forever21, American Eagle and H&M ! Meet with marketing and advertising (January) ! Gather samples from MyScene / Fashion Luxe designers for partnership presentations (January) >D>
  • 12. ! Prepare presentations and materials for pitch meetings with designers (February) ! Prepare fact sheet on new alliances (March) ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March) ! Develop draft coalition communications plan to present to designer’s communications teams (March) External ! Present to target designers (February) ! Meet with communications personnel from allied designers (March) ! Finalize coalition communication plan (April) ! Issue news release announcing alliances (April) ! Plan product launch at New York and downtown Toronto locations of stores carrying MyScene (May) ! Send out invites to media for product launches (May) ! Use social media to promote events (May) ! Product launch events (May) ! Use social media to tweet and post from events as Barbie herself (June) ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February) ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December) ! updating on success of lines and satisfaction of allied designers Strategy ii) Special Events Internal ! Prepare fact sheet on Fashion Week for senior management (April) ! Present benefits of Barbie attending Fashion Week to senior management (April) ! Set up meetings with Fashion Week officials (May) ! Prepare news release to announce Barbie will be at all four locations for the Spring/Summer season fashion shows in September and October (July) >E>
  • 13. ! New York City, London, Milan, Paris ! Prepare media kits for announcement (July) ! Arrange for communications personnel to be at each Fashion Week event (August) ! Prepare news releases for after each event (September) ! Write speech and prep President for final event (October) ! Upload a video of speech to employee intranet (October) External ! Media release (July) ! Media kits (July) ! Media conference (August) ! Post information website and social media (August) ! Blog, tweet and post on Facebook live from each Fashion Week event as Barbie herself (September and October) ! Issue news release after each event (September and October) ! Speech by the President after final event in Paris (October) ! Blog about entire experience from Barbie’s point of view (November) Strategy iii) Newsworthy Information Internal ! Meet with senior management to approve plan for Barbie’s 2012 US Presidency Bid (June) ! Prepare internal memo to employees (June) ! Prepare news release to issue on 4th of July announcement (June) ! Prepare commercials to air in the beginning of July (June) ! Prepare contest information for Barbie’s slogan contest (July) ! Select criteria and judges (July) ! Select winner (September) ! Create promotional material and apparel with new slogan (September) >=<>
  • 14. ! Create fact sheet on Barbie’s “campaign platform” for media (October) ! Prepare news release for Nov. 6 (Election Day) (November) External ! Media release (July) ! Co-ordinate airing of new commercials announcing Barbie’s bid for President (July) ! Post information on website (July) ! Post information on blog and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) (July) ! Announce the contest on website (August) ! “What Should Barbie’s Campaign Slogan Be?” ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. (August) ! Announce winner of contest (September) ! Release fact sheet on platform to media (October) ! Blog, tweet and post on Facebook about Presidential election as Barbie herself (October and November) ! Issue news release on Election Day (November) 5.3 Objective 3 “To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all Barbie products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year.” Strategy i) Organizational Performance Internal ! Plan meeting to discuss Barbie re-design (January) ! Communicate need for re-design to design-development team (January) ! Hold employee meetings to ensure understanding (January) ! Formulate public re-design contest (February) ! Draft contest rules and requirements (February) >==>
  • 15. ! Finalize rules and requirement (March) ! Set deadlines for submissions (March) ! Set judgement criteria (March) ! Select judging panel (March) ! Begin partnership negotiations (February) ! Madonna (Material Girl), Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé (House of Dereon) ! Finalize partnership deals (April) ! Presentation of internal re-design submissions (May) ! Re-design focus group test (May) ! Analyze data / results (May) External ! Media release announcing need for new design (January) ! Update website (January) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (January) ! Message from the President blog (January) ! Press conference with president (January) ! draft speech ! draft preparatory Q&A / media training ! Media release announcing re-design contest (April) ! Update website with rules and requirements (April) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (April) ! Press conference presenting new design (October) ! Draft presentation (September) ! Finalize presentation (September) ! Invite media (September) ! media release >=;>
  • 16. ! Draft preparatory Q&A/media training (September) ! Upload new looks to website (October) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (October) Strategy ii) Transparent Communication Internal ! Formulate new two-way communications policy (January) # RACE model # first draft ! Finalize policy (February) ! Create fact sheet of new policy (February) ! Email fact sheet (March) ! Upload fact sheet to employee intranet (March) ! Hold meetings with main offices across North America (March) External ! Draft speech for Public Affairs meeting (February) ! Finalize speech (February) ! Plan meeting (February) ! Invite media (February) ! media release (March) ! Provide copies of new policy (March) ! Upload speech and policy to website (March) ! Message from the president blog (March) ! Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free advertisement (February) ! Publish quarterly and annual reports (March, June, September, December) ! highlight positive work towards two-way communication and implementation Strategy iii) Special Events >=?>
  • 17. Internal ! Formulate short-essay contest (What does Barbie mean to you?) (July) ! Draft contest rules and requirements (July) ! Finalize rules and requirement (August) ! Set deadlines for submissions (August) ! Set judgement criteria (August) ! Select judging panel (August) ! Winner selection deadline (October) ! Holiday event plan (May) ! Apply for permission to submit float to holiday parade (major cities across U.S.A and Canada) (January) ! Design float (January) ! Promote float (September) External ! Media release announcing short-essay contest (September) ! Update website with rules and requirements (September) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (September) ! Media release announcing new holiday collection (October) ! Update website (October) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (October) ! Press conference with president (October) ! draft speech ! draft preparatory Q&A / media training ! Launch party for new collection (December) ! Select venue (September) ! Finalize presentation (November) >=@>
  • 18. ! Design display (November) ! Book catering and venue equipment (September) ! Invite media (November) ! Upload new looks to website (December) ! Use social media (Facebook and Twitter) as free advertisement (December) >=A>
  • 19. 5.4 Tactic Schedule ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter OBJECTIVE 1: To have an effect on the awareness of customer-parents, specifically to increase the understanding of parents about Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication with critics and competitors, reaching 70 per cent of the parent demographic within the next fiscal year. i) Internal Formulate a new two-way communication policy: Corrective - RACE model X Action - first draft Finalize policy X Create fact sheet of new policy X Email fact sheet X Upload fact sheet to employee intranet X Hold meetings with main offices across N.A. X External Draft speech for Public Affairs Meeting X Finalize speech X Plan meeting X Invite media X Produce and issue media release X Provide copies of new policy X Upload speech and policy to website X Message from the President blog X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X Publish quarterly and annual reports - highlight positive work towards two-way X X X X communication and implementation ii) Internal Set up scholarship fund X Sponsorships (Scholarships) Select education streams to be considered for X scholarships Set guidelines for essay contests X !"#!
  • 20. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter ii) Internal Select jurors X Sponsorships (Scholarships) Create informational brochure regarding contest X rules, regulations and scholarship details Meeting regarding Awards Dinner celebration (to X be held in early 2013) Create media release X External Media release X Post information on website X Post information on blog and social media sites X (Facebook, Twitter) Education outreach to North American schools X X X X Check in with schools to receive feedback X iii) Internal Establish fund X Strategic Philanthropy Create fact sheet for charities / not-for-profits X Reach out to charities / not-for-profits that deal with issues regarding body image, self-esteem X and women’s interests. Gauge partnership interest Establish list of charities / not-for-profits partners X Determine annual rotation list X Draft media release X Plan fundraising Barbe art show / silent auction for December - select venue X - call for submissions - catering, etc. External Media release X Post information on website X Post information on social media (Facebook, X Twitter) !"#!
  • 21. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter iii) External Release call for submissions for art show X Strategic Philanthropy Send out invites to new charities / not-for-profits X partners Send out invites to large donors X Send out invites to media X Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction X OBJECTIVE 2: To have an effect on the acceptance of girls between the ages of seven and twelve, specifically to generate interest among 30 per cent of North American girls in that age bracket for Barbie's MyScene collection within the next fiscal year. i) Internal Plan which designers to approach for partnerships Alliances and with relaunching MyScene / Fashion Luxe X Coalitions - Target, Wal-Mart Sephora, Forever21, American Eagel and H&M Meet with marketing and advertising departments X Gather samples from MyScene / Fashion Luxe X designers for partnership presentations Prepare presentations and materials for pitch X meetings with designers Prepare fact sheet on new alliances X Upload fact sheet to employee intranet X Develop draft coalition communications plan to X present to designer’s communications teams External Present plan to target designers X Meet with communications personnel from allied X designers Finalize coalition communication plan X Issue news release announcing alliances X Plan product launch at New York and downtown X Toronto locations of stores carrying MyScene Send out invites to media for product launch X !"#!
  • 22. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter i) External Use social media to promote events (Facebook, X Alliances and Twitter) Coalitions Product launch events X Use social media to tweet and post from events as X Barbie herself Publish quarterly and annual reports - updating on success of lines and satisfaction of X X X X allied designers ii) Internal Prepare fact sheet on Fashion Week for senior X Special Events management Present benefits of Barbie’s involvement in X Fashion Week to senior management Set up meetings with Fashion Week officials X Prepare news release to announce Barbie will be at all four locations for the Spring/Summer X season fashion shows in September and October - New York City, London, Milan, Paris Prepare media kits for announcement Arrange for communications personnel to be at X each Fashion Week event Prepare news releases for after each event X Write speech and prep President for final event X Upload video of speech to employee intranet X External Media release X Media kits X Media conference to announce Fashion Week X involvement Post information on website and social media X Blog, tweet and post on Facebook live from each X X Fashion Week event as Barbie herself !"#!
  • 23. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter ii) External Issue news release after each event X X Special Events Speech by the President after final event in Paris X Blog about entire experience from Barbie’s point X of view iii) Internal Meet with senior management to approve plan X Newsworthy for Barbie’s 2012 US Presidency Bid Information Prepare internal memo to employees X Prepare news release to issue on 4th of July X announcement Prepare commercials to air in the beginning of X July Prepare contest information for Barbie’s slogan X Select criteria and judges for contest X Select winner X Create promotional material and apparel with X new slogan Create fact sheet on Barbie’s “campaign X platform” for media Prepare news release for Nov. 6 (Election Day) X External Media release X Co-ordinate airing of new commercials X announcing Barbie’s bid for President Post information on website X Post information on blog and social media sites X (Facebook, Twitter) Announce the contest on website X - “What Should Barbie’s Campaign Slogan Be?” Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X !"#!
  • 24. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter iii) External Announce winner of contest X Newsworthy Information Release fact sheet on platform to media X Blog, tweet and post on Facebook about X X Presidential election as Barbie herself Issue news release on Election Day X OBJECTIVE 3: To have an affect on the action of customer-parents, specifically to increase sales of all Barbie products by 30 per cent within the next fiscal year. i) Internal Plan meeting to discuss Barbie re-design X Organizational Performance Communicate need for re-design to design- X development team Hold employee meetings to ensure understanding X Formulate public re-design contest X Draft contest rules and requirements X Finalize rules and requirements X Set deadlines for submissions X Set judgement criteria X Select judging panel X Begin partnership negotiations - Madonna (Material Girl), Jessica Simpson, X Beyoncé (House of Dereon) Finalize partnership deals X Presentation of internal re-design submissions X Re-design focus group test X Analyze data / results X External Media release announcing need for new design X Update website X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X !"#!
  • 25. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter i) External Message from the President blog X Organizational Performance Press conference with President - draft speech X - draft preparatory Q&A / media training Media release announcing re-design contest X Update website with rules and requirements X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X Press conference presenting new design X Draft presentation X Finalize presentation X Invite media X - media release Draft preparatory Q&A / media training X Upload new looks to website X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X ii) Internal Formulate a new two-way communication policy: Transparent - RACE model X Communication - first draft Finalize policy X Create fact sheet of new policy X Email fact sheet X Upload fact sheet to employee intranet X Hold meetings with main offices across N.A. X External Draft speech for Public Affairs Meeting X Finalize speech X Plan meeting X !""!
  • 26. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter ii) External Invite media X Transparent Communication Produce and issue media release X Provide copies of new policy X Upload speech and policy to website X Message from the President blog X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X Publish quarterly and annual reports - highlight positive work towards two-way X X X X communication and implementation iii) Internal Formulate short-essay contest X Special Events - “What Does Barbie Mean to You?” Draft contest rules and requirements X Finalize rules and requirements X Set deadlines for submissions X Set judgement criteria X Select judging panel X Winner selection deadline X Holiday event plan X Apply for permission to submit float to holiday parade X - major cities across USA and Canada Design float X Promote float X External Media release announcing short-essay contest X Update website with rules and requirements X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X !"#!
  • 27. ACTIVITY January February March April May June July August September October November December STRATEGY Internal/External TACTIC First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter iii) External Media release announcing new holiday collection X Special Events Update website X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X Press conference with President - draft speech X - draft preparatory Q&A / media training Launch party for new collection X Select venue X Finalize presentation X Design display X Book catering and venue equipment X Invite media X Upload new looks to website X Use social media (Facebook, Twitter) as free ads. X !"#!
  • 28. 6.0 EVALUATION Throughout the process of the Barbie reputation overhaul, evaluations will be conducted periodically in order to measure the success of the financial, emotional and communication goals previously outlined in our communications plan. The purpose of these evaluations is to measure the intended changes outlined in our objectives, but more importantly, to aid in the ultimate achievement of our organizational goal. More specifically, we will be measuring the changing attitudes/relationship between Barbie and her customers and critics, the increased awareness of Mattel's new policies regarding constructive two-way communication, and measuring changes in the acceptance of Barbie by girls between the ages of three and twelve. In order to measure the changing attitudes among critics and customers towards Barbie, the communications team will be responsible for conducting media scans at regular intervals, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new initiatives set in place by Mattel. A well-done media scan will provide the communications team with an understanding of who is talking about Barbie and her new image, what is being said, general attitudes, the projected future for the doll, how the new initiatives are being received by the public, as well as an evaluation of our overall communications efforts. The information obtained through the media scan will aid in determining the basic wants and needs of Barbie’s key audiences, which will help to guide future communications efforts. In addition, this style of evaluation complies with our initiative to implement policies regarding two-way communication into Mattel’s organizational culture. Through monitoring public opinion, we have the opportunity to understand what worked, as well as what didn’t, which in turn can be internalized by Mattel, resulting in the appropriate organizational changes. Information regarding Mattel’s changing communication policies will be communicated both internally as well as externally. A fact sheet detailing all changes to organizational policy, as well as the implementation of new communications strategies, will be uploaded to Mattel’s intranet site in addition to being e-mailed out to all employees. In order to ensure that the new policies and procedures have not only been read, but also understood by all staff, meetings will be held in all Mattel offices across North >;A>
  • 29. America. This will provide an environment for open discussion and clarification amongst all levels of employees. Additionally, this fact sheet will also appear on the company’s website, the president’s blog, the annual report, and will be further disseminated through our new education outreach program created for students and schools across North America. Finally, the changes in acceptance of Barbie by girls between the ages of three and twelve will be evident in increased sales of the doll and other Barbie products within the demographic. Mattel’s financial analysts will meticulously track trends and changes in the sales of Barbie dolls and products, and will communicate all findings through the quarterly and annual reports. They will evaluate the overall costs associated with the new re-branding initiatives, in contrast to the revenue produced by sales of the doll (and related products) in the months following their implementation. >;B>
  • 30. 7.0 BUDGET ITEM COST BREAKDOWN ($) TOTAL Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ($) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Media conference (venue and refreshments) 2,500 2,500.00 Copies of new policy (print material) 250 250.00 Hire graphic designers for designing social media outlets 3,000 3,000.00 Public quarterly reports (print material) 500 500 500 500 2,000.00 Public annual report (print material) 750 750.00 Scholarship fund 15,000 15,000.00 Informational brochure regarding contest rules, regulations and scholarship details (print material) 1,000 1,000.00 Meeting regarding Awards dinner celebration (venue and refreshments) 5,000 5,000.00 !"#!
  • 31. ITEM COST BREAKDOWN ($) TOTAL Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ($) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter North American schools fund 10,000 10,000.00 Create fact sheet for charities / not-for-profits (print material) 1,000 1,000.00 Fundraising Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction for December (venue and catering) 5,000 5,000.00 Invites to new charities / not-for-profits partners, large donors, and media (print material) 500 500.00 Barbie Art Show / Silent Auction (venue and catering) 15,000 15,000.00 Fact sheet on new alliances (print material) 500 500.00 Product launch events at New York and downtown Toronto locations of stores carrying MyScene 30,000 30,000.00 !"#!
  • 32. ITEM COST BREAKDOWN ($) TOTAL Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ($) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Meetings with Fashion Week officials (allowances) 2,000 2,000.00 Barbie fashion week events in New York City, London, Milan and Paris (communication personnel at each event - travel, accommodations and allowances) 150,000 150,000.00 Media conference to announce Fashion Week involvement (venue and refreshments) 3,000 3,000.00 Speech by the President after final event in Paris (business trip cost) 5,000 5,000.00 Commercials to air in the beginning of July 50,000 50,000.00 Barbie’s contest (prizes) 20,000 20,000.00 Promotional material and apparel with new slogan 20,000 20,000.00 !"#!
  • 33. ITEM COST BREAKDOWN ($) TOTAL Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ($) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Employee meetings to ensure understanding of plan (catering) 2,000 2,000.00 Partnership (celebrity endorsement agreement) 200,000 200,000.00 Media conference with President (venue and refreshments) 5,000 5,000.00 Media conference presenting new design (venue and refreshments) 5,000 5,000.00 Media conference (venue and refreshments) 2,000 2,000.00 Hold meetings with main offices across N.A. (travel costs) 10,000 10,000.00 Short-essay contest prize (“What Does Barbie Mean to You?”) 10,000 10,000.00 Holiday event 15,000 15,000.00 Holiday parade preparation 150,000 150,000.00 !"#!
  • 34. ITEM COST BREAKDOWN ($) TOTAL Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ($) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Media conference with President (venue and refreshments) 3,000 3,000.00 Launch party for new collection 25,000 25,000.00 TOTAL COSTS 388,750.00 109,500.00 210,500.00 59,750.00 768,500.00 !"#!
  • 35. APPENDIX A PEST & SWOT Analyses
  • 36. PEST Analysis Political Economical ! new leadership under Neil B. Friedman ! depressed toy market ! lack of two-way communication ! plummeting Barbie sales ! issues of lawsuits against competitors ! competition from Bratz dolls and critics Social Technological ! Barbie's figure ! move to digital products ie. Barbie websites, ! pressure from external groups online games, social media ! move to DVDs SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses ! History of Barbie ! Barbie as “babyish” and “unfashionable” ! advanced as women advanced ! Barbie as representing young girls ! purchase of the American Girl Brand ! Barbie does not represent the average ! success of Girl Power ads American girl ! partnership with Girls Inc. ! Focus on didactic play instead of fashion ! Barbie DVDs play ! MyScene dolls ! constant lawsuits against detractors ! focus on fashion ! missed opportunities for dialogic communication ! failure to address real issues with figure during Barbie remodelling Opportunities Threats ! expansion of the American Girl brand ! decreasing Barbie sales ! expansion of Barbie DVDs ! anti-Barbie campaigns ! expansion of MyScene dolls ! opposition regarding Barbie's figure and beauty stereotyping ! The Body Shop ! Dove ! Nike ! Competition and success of Bratz dolls ! !"!