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Client Profile Assignment : Nurse 's Care Essay
Client Profile Assignment Nurse's care for several patients in a day and it is important to understand
the patient as a whole person to treat them effectively. The purpose of this assignment is to explore a
patient's disease to understand the nursing judgments and interventions involved, the medications for
this diagnosis, and to understand the disease. The patient described in this paper will be referred to
as Jonathan to ensure patient confidentiality. Patient Demographics Jonathan is a 63–year–old man,
born on August 23rd, 1956 and lives with his eldest son. He was married two times and has three
children, two children from his first marriage and one from his second. He lives in northern
Ontario but originally was from southern Ontario, he moved here shortly following his second
divorce. He is of Italian decent and is a practicing Catholic. The patient's weight is 95 kilograms;
he is 178 centimeters tall and has a body mass index (BMI) of 28.3. Jonathan says he smokes
around one pack of cigarettes a day, does not exercise enough and eats fast food a few times a
week. The patient now has congestive heart failure as a consequence of his myocardial infarction
(MI) or heart attack. He was transferred from another hospital in the beginning of November and was
waiting for more tests to be completed before he could be discharged. Jonathan has some known
comorbidities that can exacerbate his CHF, this includes smoking, obesity, and noncompliance with
medications. Congestive
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Essay on Profile of a Person
Raphael Colmanette 1
Dr.McDonough 10/16
First Year Writing
Clash Of Cultures
There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals, different
experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I realized
that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay that I
have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is kind
of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A lot of
stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I was kind
of lost, because I do not know a lot of more content...
The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he
is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known
here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know,
but actually he was way more than that.
Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know
about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about
Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures.
He lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to
live in a property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I
think it would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his
parents. His dad was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the
company changed place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the
difficulties of change home to another country, and especially the big change of culture.
Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years
and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to get
used to
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Community Profile Essay
BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, Adult
The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing
Community Profile
Megan McCallion
Word Count: 3,704
Thursday 24th January 2013
Contents page
Chapter One– Introduction........................................................................Page 3–4
Chapter Two– The Health Improvement Issue......................................Page 5–8
Chapter Three – Service Provision.........................................................Page 9–11
Chapter Four – The Role of the Nurse....................................................Page 12–13
Chapter Five – more content...
Chapter Two– The Health Improvement Issue From the various studies, reports and statistics (many
of which have been referenced and/or quoted in the Introduction) it is clearly evident that there are a
number of different health improvement issues in the town of Middlesbrough. Whilst these health
improvement issues cover such things as alcohol and drug misuse, from the reports, statistics and
studies, it is clear that the key and predominant health related improvement issue in the town of
Middlesbrough, is smoking. The Middlesbrough Health Profile 2012 says that 'smoking is one of
the main priorities for improvement in this area; approximately 30,000 people smoke in
Middlesbrough' (Middlesbrough JSNA, 2012). As a result of this large section of
Middlesbrough's population smoking, it would come as no surprise that a high number of people
are suffering from smoke related illnesses and diseases and worst still, dying of these related
illnesses and diseases prematurely. The high numbers of people suffering smoke related illnesses
and disease will have an adverse impact on the local NHS and other services and in turn, be a high
impact in terms of money, budgets and increasing costs that the local NHS
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Example Of A Child Profile Essay
Aiden is calm, logical and has superior intelligence. He also can come as rather detached, and
sometimes threatening when need be. He is from a wealthy family, which manages health care
and is the youngest of three. He prefers to sleep late, often due to business and schoolwork
keeping him up until the wee hours; and he suffers from hypotension, which makes rising difficult.
He is very polite to people who are in power or related to it, and claims he only helps people who
can benefit him somehow. Aiden has short, black hair, usually styled into a smart/casual look and
has brownish–grey eyes. He is thin; five feet, ten inches tall and wears slim, rimless glasses. Aiden is
always impeccably groomed, dressed appropriately for any occasion, and is naturally stylish and
neat. He decided to go more content...
She is required to remain first in her class to keep her scholarship, her studies are very important
to her. Violet is a straightforward person who believes that one's gender doesn't define one's
choices. Having been raised by a single father who has to work two jobs to keep a roof over their
heads, she is a very practical and responsible person, and is not easily swayed by charms. Violet
also has a deeper voice than other female students, has short hair and dresses androgynous most of
the time, she is not easily recognized as female. She is also rather oblivious when it come to her
own emotion. With her messily–styled hairdo, large glasses (which once belonged to her
grandfather) and masculine clothing, Alex and I first thought her to be male and Violet does nothing
to discredit the idea. She often wears simple t–shirts and shorts when she is at home. She lives with
her father who works at a bar at night and a janitor at her school during the day. They live in a
small, shabby apartment in a bad neighborhood. Violet have to go to Korea to study more because
her scholarship requires
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Profile of My Mother
Getting to know my Mom It took me eighteen years to spend some quality time with my mother
and discover what an incredible journey she has had with my brothers and me. She is the kind of
person who has always been very involved with all parts of our daily lives. In fact, she was the kind
of mother who always had time for her three sons, worked full–time and had time to devote to
community projects too. Her energy and enthusiasm for all of these things seemed endless and she
always tried to teach the three of us to see the value in the idea of giving back to the community. I
was always glad that she was present at my games and supported me through school, but it took me
over a decade to learn what motivated her to be more content...
My mother also says, "...I am pretty sure God intended for me to have sons. I am more of a
tomboy than I am barbie doll. I am sure I would not have done well teaching a daughter how to do
all the girlie things. Not to mention, when my nieces were little, I noticed the drama began very
early on and they talked incessantly." Of course she winks and grins with these remarks. She was
like a second mother to my cousins and loves them dearly. As much as she is quick to point out
the reasons she loved having sons and why they are so easy to raise, there is more to this story. I
can 't count the times she has asked all of us why we need to scratch ourselves all of the time. This
is not something females understand. It is not something males really want or feel they need to
explain because it is just what we do. She can laugh about it and enjoyed imitating us and asking if
we would like to see her walking around the house in her underwear scratching or fondling her parts.
My mother was less tolerant of another brotherly trait – squabbling. That was another part of our
dynamic which just seemed normal to my brothers and me. We just liked to agitate each other. To
my mother this was upsetting because she didn 't want anyone hurt and she wanted to make sure
we had good relationships in the future. It was not easy for her to get us to engage in conversations
about feelings and relationships. Try as she might, we were most often not did not feel her same
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Community Profile Essay
BSc Nursing Studies – Adult
Teesside University
Community Profile
The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing
Word Count 4117
Contents IntroductionPage3 – 7 The health improvement issuePage8 – 10 Service ProvisionPage11 –
13 The Role of the NursePage14 – 16 ConclusionPage17 References Page18 – 25 Appendix One
Appendix Two
Chapter One – Introduction
This report is an in depth community profile covering the Stockton–on–Tees area of Teesside within
the North East of England. Outlining statistical information to key areas including population,
immigration, age, gender, more content...
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) state that in 2010 almost 12% of the population within the UK
are people born abroad. In 2011/12 the total number of national insurance number registrations to
adult overseas nationals entering the United Kingdom was 601,000 with a 15% drop compared to
the 2010/11 registration statistic [, 2012].
The following table is a breakdown of the top 20 countries of origin for immigration into the United
Kingdom according to national insurance number registration statistics [, 2012].
RankCountry of originTotal (thousands)
4Rep of Lithuania33.2
9Rep of Latvia18.6
12Rep of Ireland15.9
19Slovak Rep9.89
Of the 601,000 people that entered the United Kingdom, 8040 located to the North East of England.
A research report in 2011 by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) shows that a majority of
long–term migrants entering the UK are young people entering to study or work. The health
concerns of those entering the UK should be similar to the health concerns of UK born people of the
same age group but in 2010, 60% of newly diagnosed cases of HIV and 80% of cases of Hepatitis B
were found in non–UK born people. This research also
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Profile of an Entrepreneur Essay
Early Years
Samuel Moore Walton was born on March 29, 1918 to Thomas Gibson and Nancy Lee Walton
near Kingfisher, Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, he lived and worked on his family's farm. He grew up
during the depression and knew the meaning of hard work and dedication. He started selling
magazine subscriptions by the age of only eight years old to help with money because it was
lacking on the farm making it hard to feed their family. The Walton's decided that the farm was not
profitable enough to raise a family on. So, Sam and his family decided they would go back to
being a Farm Loan Appraiser. Once this job started the Walton family moved out of Oklahoma and
moved from town to town in Missouri. This would shake up most children but for more
Sam decided he wanted to own his own department store. He borrowed $20,000.00 from his
father–in–law, L.S. Ronson– a banker and rancher. He also used his $5,000 that he was able to save
from the military and made his dream of having a department store a reality in the fall of 1945. He
purchased a franchisee of the Butler Brothers, which consisted of two chains in Newport. One chain
was the Federated department stores, which were small department stores and then the Ben Franklin
variety stores. Sam's store was a variety store and with the help of Butler Brothers, his store led in
sales and profits in the six–state region (Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2). Sam started his first store with
the same principles that we can still see today at Wal–Mart and Sam's Club stores. He stocked all the
shelves with a wide range of goods with very low prices, he kept his store centrally located so it
was easily accessible to many customers, stayed open later than most stores especially during
Christmas and Thanksgiving seasons, and experimented with discount merchandising which is the
reason he led in sales in profits. He would buy straight from the wholesaler, which enabled him to
lower his price per item, to sell a greater quantity of goods, thereby escalating his sales volume and
profits (Fitzgerald 2). All these ideas were new to businesses, however Sam caught on fast and was
able to use them to his advantage. When his lease was up his landlord would not renew the lease
because he
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Leadership Profile Essay
Leadership Profile Paper This paper will profile Jeff Hawkins, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for
PalmOne, Inc. examining qualities that Mr. Hawkins exhibits that make him influential leader. The
paper will also examine details of the business strategy that make this man an exceptional innovator
and his contribution to eBusiness technology. Vision Jeff Hawkins a graduate of Cornell
Universityis best known as "the inventor who, in 1994, took blocks of mahogany and plywood into
his garage and emerged with a prototype for the PalmPilot" (PC Magazine, 2000). Joining forces
with friend Donna Dubinsky, Jeff "pulled off one of the most successful new–product launches in
consumer electronics history, selling 400,000 units when they debuted more content...
He co–founded Handspring in 1998, and created the Visor, "whose thrift and expandability forced
other makers to be more competitive. Visor, is among the fastest–selling computer hardware
products ever" (Willis, 2001). Strategy When examining Jeff Hawkins business model during his
time as CEO with handspring there was no definitive answer. Hawkins Business model seemed
more like a question. "How do you make an exciting product that's pushing the envelope in some
ways, but on the other hand is usable and accessible to a very broad populace?"(Barnett, 2000).
Hawkins had a business model that relied on strategic partners to perform business tasks such as
manufacturing and distribution. Hawkins strategy is to generate ideas to promote increased
efficiency and cost reduction while striving to predict future consumer needs. For example, the
Visor "can morph into just about any handheld device you can imagine, from a pager to an MP3
player to a global–positioning satellite receiver, simply by replacing a small module on its back"
(Time, Inc., 2005). Leadership Successful leaders continuously show connections between vision
and strategies. Mr. Hawkins exhibits many leadership qualities that inspire confidence and belief in
the future. Jeff is able to articulate a vision depicting where he wants his organization or team to be.
During earlier business project failures Jeff remained calm and
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Example Of A Biographical Essay
In my church's charity event, I stand behind a microphone and a music stand. My ears hear
clamorous noises. I am waiting for what seems like an eternity. To my left, I hear high–pitched vocal
warm–ups. To my right I hear blasting and loud eruptions from the tuning of instruments that
vibrate the stage. At a distance I hear low beats and piercing crashes, with occasional hums and
heels of bass. Finally, it is time to start. I cough a little to prepare my voice. The whole ensemble
sits in silence, observing and anticipating. I see the rhythm of the director's hands moving in a beat
to give us singers the tempo. All at once, an army of voices starts singing in harmony. On my left, I
hear a perfect euphony of high–pitched and low–pitched more content...
O night divine, O night when Christ was born! O night, O holy night, O night divine!" When I open
my mouth, I discovered that music was for me. Singing and music has followed me throughout my
life. Not so soon after, I began to embark on an expedition of music.Music notes fascinate me in an
artistic sense. While I perform songs, I also figure out how the arrangements of various music
notes compose the song's melody. To me, it's not just singing something for the sake of singing. I
feel a connection to my heart when the lyrics I perform are deep and personal. I feel dominant
when I stand on the stage, facing a crowd, ready to give it my all. Singing for me it is not just a
hobby, and not something I just do when I am bored. Singing a way to loosen up my heart, to stop
stressing, and to just go with the flow. There is something so satisfying about singing my heart out
when I have put in hours of practice. There is something so satisfying when I get something that
was just separate verses until I decided to bring into a full song. I can choose to create a beautiful
harmony or discordant tones. When I am singing, I am absorbed by the music. Singing is a chance
for me to use my vocal chords and my rhythm to create something harmonic and pleasing to the
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Profile Of An Ordinary Person
Like most people in the society, Bob is an ordinary person just like them. He just graduated from a
random university and got a job at a movie theater as an accountant. As a 22 years old young man
merage into the society, he is still happy and optimistic as a student, to some extent little
immature. He is so simplex that he doesn't think much about his future, living in a routine life
between workplace and his apartment, all he worries about is the rank in the video game which
he plays. However this makes him an approachable person, he has many friends in the workplace,
well also because because he is the water boy of the office. Although he is so insignificant, he has
a dramatically background. He's dad is the owner of the movie theater, nevertheless, this is the
secret he most afraid his colleagues to find out, because he is afraid that his friends won't treat him
the same as before. Besides work he cares alot about his family. He was born in Boston,1990, and
head a nice childhood as more content...
Furthermore, he is obsessed with foods, every times he goes to a new restaurant he would order
the weirdest food from the menu regardless of the ingredients and calls himself a professional
food taster. Nevertheless, the ultimate goal of his life is to open a sushi restaurant, because
sushis are his favourite foods, he could talk all day about the types and styles of sushi. In Fact, he
feels extremely proud when someone admires the sushi he made. Also, listens to piano pieces
written by Chopin while driving is another habit of him, he believes that Chopin was the
unquestionable the best romantic composer of all time. If he ever sees an animal injured on the
side of the road, he would call the animal hospital, or take it to the hospital it is a dog, because Bob
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Example Of A Personal Narrative Example
Profile Responsible hard worker with great driving skills and know the rules and regulations of the
roads. Safety is key and keeping up with paper work for the day. Ready for whatever task is thrown
my way. Open Availability mornings, days, nights, weekends, holidays. Experience Floater, harris
Teeter; raleigh,nc – August 2016–current I currently work at Harris Teeter, Store 367 in Wakefield
as a part time floater. I am known as a floater, meaning I can work several departments thru out the
store. I work cashier, customer service, fresh foods, receiving, dairy/frozen and overnight. Currently
I am working and over the Dairy/Frozen department. With each part of the store I work in Customer
Service is the number one thing next to more content...
Cashier, Harris teeter; Raleigh, nc – 2013–2015 I started my first job with Harris Teeter as a cashier
and two months after being hire was moved up to a Customer Service Clerk. Being a Customer
Service Clerk I was in charge of making sure customers were happy with their shopping trip,
helping find products or taking care of a problem they had. I would also look over the front end
department assisting my cashiers and baggers with register problems or whatever else they needed.
Some other task were answering the phones, money orders, western union, lottery and the main
thing excellent customer service. In May 2014 I was transferred out to another store in Wake
Forest/Durham border to help watch over the front end department and the customer complaints
they were having. After a month of being at this location, I was able to get complaints down and
also some of the employees bad behaviors. The customers had noticed that things were running a
bit smoother and that if they were having a problem with something that they could always come
up to me and I would help and try resolving the problem. My main goal was excellent customer
service and making sure when a customer walked out of the store that they were satisfied and got
everything they came in for. Dynamic Property Services LLC; Raleigh,NC – 2015–Current This is a
good friends business. I work for them every couple months or whenever a new job/project begins.
When I get the call to come help I do all the data entry,
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Example of a Physician Profile
Physician Profile
Dr. xxx is a renowned consultant oncologist at the Radium Cancer Hospital, Ranchi in India. He
has set up regular camps in order to create cancer awareness. With the fellow members of his
oncologist team in Radium Cancer Hospital he has successfully executed the free cancer medical
camp and diagnosis for the last four years. He is a member of American Society of Clinical Oncology
and lifetime member of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India. He has 9 years experience in
Radiation Oncology.
Specialization: Medical Oncology.
Areas of Specialization: Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology.
Location: Ranchi, India.
Work Experience
2010 to till date
пѓ Joined as Consultant Oncologist at Radium Cancer Hospital, Ranchi on July 2010.
пѓ Joined as Consultant Oncologist at Alam Hospital and Research Center, Ranchi on May 2010.
2009 to 2010
пѓ Worked as Consultant Oncologist at Raj Hospital and Research Hospital, Ranchi, Jharkhand
from December 2009 to May 2010.
пѓ Worked as Junior Consultant Oncologist at Curie ARA Cancer Institute, Ranchi, Jharkhand from
September 2009 to November 2009.
пѓ Worked as Senior Resident in the Department of Radiotherapy at Mahavir Cancer Institute and
Research Center, Patna from June 2009 to September 2009.
2006 to 2009
пѓ Worked as Postgraduate Resident in the Department of Radiotherapy at Maulana Azad Medical
College and Associated Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi from May 2006 to April 2009.
Conferences attended with
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Profile of a Place Essay
Separate but equal is the approach that my roommate and I took when we moved in. To keep
things separate, her things are on the left and mine are on the right. The equal part comes in if
one of us wants to use something of the others (such as a nail clipper or a hair tie.) This means
that almost anything we own is open to use with permission. We decided that we didn't want to
combine any of our things just yet because we didn't know each other that well. I believe it's a
good idea because it will reduce the chance of an argument over whose things are whose. Girls seem
to be pettier about their things than boys. Having two girls in such a small space can lead to
unwanted confrontation and bitterness. I'm not a territorial person, more content...
All of the red that I have overpowers her green so it's not as if we are "Decking the Halls."
Another visual that may catch the eye is the cleanliness of one side of the room compared to the
other. The right side, my side, is always neat and orderly but to the left is normally a wreck.
Clothes are usually everywhere and it makes for a cluttered looking room. When a room is
cluttered it looks even smaller. Sometimes when I walk through the door her towel and dirty
clothes are right in the middle of the floor. It's obvious to see that in most cases, she does not
honor our "separate but equal" rule. It's ironic that this is happening because she thought of the
idea. I guess she is comfortable enough with me now to join more of our belongings. Earlier I
mentioned a little about the layout of my dorm room. Now, here is the full version. When you
come into the dorm, each set up on the right and left are basically the same. The closets are
against the same wall as the door in separate corners. On top of my closet is a big black stereo,
most of the time I have some type of R&B or Neo Soul coming from the speakers. My roommate
has the TV and DVD player on top of her closet. Recently we watched the MTV Music Awards on
it. Moving right along to our microwaves, which are located on separate walls, one of them in
sitting on the refrigerator and the other is on two storage bins. All of my laundry items are at the foot
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Profile Essay Examples
Profile Essay
Knees weak from climbing a flight of stairs or the anticipation of meeting Brian, I walked into his
office announcing my presence with a raspy, delayed voice. Upon flinging open the door, his face
lifted of his desk and stared at me with a distant expression. My first take of Brian caught me off
guard, with his apple red mohawk, wearing his branded castle racing jacket and pants. Looking at
his appearance you just knew he was into racing. After building up the confidence to murmur
good morning we left his office to his own personal race track he made at his house. "There is
more to just sitting down on a vehicle and holding down the throttle. If it was that easy everyone
would do it." For Brian racing has come at a cost and has been through adversity on and off the track.
Racing was always there for Brian. "I raced motorcycles or any other vehicles such as snowmobiles,
four–wheelers, and dirt bikes since my mother died", responded Brian. How'd you ever get into
racing I asked? Brian responded, "facing my fears more content...
"I remember walking into the house and dropping to my knees, tears filling my eyes." Brian's dad
made it back in time for Christmas. "After he recovered from his injury he persuaded me to race
and ever since then I've been racing all around." Brian himself suffered many injuries from racing.
"My first injury is by far my most remembered. I broke my leg on the last lap after hitting an
approach." I had a chance to watch Brian race and the experience that he described. "Getting hit in
football or any other sport is physically demanding, but you get breaks. Breaks in the form of
quarters, halves, time–outs, or even between plays or fouls. In motocross there is no breaks. In
sports you have a team that you can rely on in case you mess up. In motocross you mess up you
either lose or are injured, many times
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profile of a killer Essay examples
During the last decade the world has witnessed a staggering elevation in serial killings.
To give some insight into the scale of the problem posed by the serial killer, in the United States
can be gained from examining the statistics for just one year. In 1989 (the last year for which
detailed figures are available) there were 21,500 recorded homicides, of which some 5,000 are
unsolved. Unofficial sources believe that as many as a hundred serial killers may be at large at any
given time. Add to this the number of known victims of serial killers, then between 3,500 and 5,000
people are killed by serial murderers every year. (Lane and Gregg 3)
These numerous multiple murders, often without consequence and justice, have shocked civilized more content...
Characteristics of a serial killer are imperative in demarcating the type of person capable of
committing a serial murder. "Most known serial killers are 25–35 years old" (Falk 85).
"It is also significant that the victims of serial murderers are not concentrated in any age
range" (Falk 85). "Serial killings are almost always committed by white males instead
of blacks because class resentment is far more likely to occur to a person with a good education
than someone without an appreciation of how society works" (Falk 85).
To truly understand the phenomenon of serial murder one must know what motivates a person to
commit such a horrendous crime. Patterns of serial killing fall broadly into two categories of
motivation: "Extrinsic, where the impulse to kill is located outside the killer's psyche–that is,
he perceives a rational reason for murder in outside situations and events" (Fox and Levin 12).
"More frequently the motivation is intrinsic to the psyche of the killer, whether or not that
motivation is apparent to an independent observer" (Fox and Levin 12). Closer psychological
analysis of known cases indicates that serial murders fit into one of four main types according to the
predominate homicidal motivation: Visionaries, Missionaries, Hedonists, and Power Seekers.
Visionaries include killers who act in response to "voices" and alter egos, where
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Examples Of Profile Essay
Profile Essay
For many freshmen coming out of high school, declaring a major at Cosumnes River College is
one of the most difficult things to do, because there are two education options. The two options are
going to school to earn a certificate which often takes one to two years, and the second option is
going to school to earn a degree which takes four to six years. One career that is an option at
Cosumnes River College if you decided to go to school to earn a two–year certificate or a two–year
Associates degree is the Cosumnes Rivers College Ford Asset automotive program.
This program is an organization between Cosumnes River College and Ford Motor that qualifies
automotive technicians and specialists for available jobs in the Ford automotive industry. During
this program, the first two months of the semester will be spent at the main campus of Cosumnes
River college being guided and instructed by experienced Ford certified technicians, and the second
month of the semester is spent at a Ford dealership that provides hands–on training more
The first question I asked was in a few sentence how would you describe yourself. His response
was " I'm 53 my occupation and hobbies are automotive instructors, race car driver, and director of
the Cosumnes River automotive program". The next questioned I ask the professor was how much
does your current job pay? Kevin's response was "somewhere between 50,000 to 60,000 a year. With
that response, I asked a follow–up question "what made you want to get in the industry? His
response was "My father owned a shop, worked there for 7 years, then got into automotive racing,
and decided to become an instructor in Arizona for a short period of time before moving to
California and teaching at Cosumnes River
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The Profile Picture : My Story
The Profile Picture: My Story Social media has undeniably changed the way society interacts and
communicates. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram host places to build
new online communities filled with many people we know personally, but also, impersonally. Every
person who has a social media account can choose an avatar, or image, to represent themselves
within these communities, and consequently, to people both known and unknown. The picture that
someone chooses can influence others' perceptions of them, and therefore, can impact aspects of
their lives that depend on social media as a main means of interaction. I have taken this into
consideration when choosing a profile picture for my personal Facebook account; I selected an
image that I feel represents who I am positively and honestly through my love for travelling, the
importance of friendship to me, and the emphasis of realism in my life. Travelling is a significant
part of my life. I find excitement and adventure in exploring the winding shop–lined streets in foreign
cities, or just road–tripping through the mountainous regions of my own country, Canada. Going to
new places is intriguing to me. It allows me to discover culture, food, music, architecture, and
landscapes which are different from what I am accustomed to. By learning through immersion in
unknown cultures, I do my best to reduce ethnocentrism and stereotyping I may project in my own
life. At the same time, I get to live
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Personal Application Essay Examples
When I began my journey as an undergraduate at Northeastern University, I was seventeen and had
little idea of where this path would take me. I did not know my decision to turn down a acceptance
to the University of Maryland instead enroll in Northeastern's D'Amore–McKim school of business
reflected my need to better understand my role in society. I did know I am a "learning differently
abled" student. As an undergrad, I live with the daily presence of ADD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia
as well as memory lapses. This personal journey is why fairness and access is so important to me.
Honestly, I believe then what know now, a degree in law from a prestigious school as Thurgood
Marshall is the only way to assure one has the requisite skillset to assist those in need of fairness
and access. My business education was a wonderful opportunity to explore the diverse major
through an interdisciplinary approach while at Northeastern. Business at Northeastern was an easy
transition to my early work experience that included work in the finance industry as a broker and an
advisor. This experience forced me to attack my role as an advocate for my clients by facilitating,
interacting and learning about the importance of policy, education, and economics in more
I was the youngest NFLPA player representative in league history while a member of the Los
Angeles Raiders and was the team's spokesperson during the strike of '87. As a member of the
NFLPA's negotiation team I recommended a 401k plan for players, which also was a benefit to the
owners. A 401k plan was subsequently made a part of the global settlement with the owners of the
NFL; there from creating "step two" of the NFL Player's Career Savings Plan. In1989 I founded the
National Foot League Player's Association (NFLPA) finance committee; And Co
– chaired that
committee for several
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Essay on Community Profile
The locality I have based my community profile on is Ardoyne. I feel that Ardoyne is familiar
enough for me to carry out my research as I have lived here all my life. Although my project is
based in Belfast city centre, we work with many groups and young people from the Ardoyne area.
this would prove beneficial to myself as I would sometimes have already developed a relationship
with the young people through community life.
I will firstly explore the community I have chosen by speaking to local people, using photographs,
and recordings of my observations. In doing so I intend to create a picture and overall feeling of
the community as well as the people who live here. This data will be accompanied by my own
comments more content...
For a community that witnesses a lot of conflict during each year Ardoyne is full of people who
love to chat and help out whatever why they can. The older generation in particular take pride in
their 'what's mine is yours' attitude. While taking this picture an old lady quietly asked me if I
was a tourist. I replied laughing telling her no. she went on to tell me that she walked her
granddaughter to school through the protesters each morning while it lasted. In that time she had to
endure spitting and urine filled balloons being hurled at her by the protesters. She also talked
about the day a pipe bomb was thrown at the parents and children of the school. She said she
'wouldn't wish it on anyone' as she slowly walked off. I couldn't help thinking what a bizarre
experience just chatting with the old lady, who was completely open to sharing her experience with
Improving a specific aspect of community life
The aspect of community life I have chosen to explore is the 'drinking culture' within Ardoyne. In the
small area that is Ardoyne there are eight pubs, five of which being night clubs. I feel that this
environment is contributing to the many issues facing the community of Ardoyne.
There were a total of 547 offences
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Example Of Profile Essay

  • 1. Client Profile Assignment : Nurse 's Care Essay Client Profile Assignment Nurse's care for several patients in a day and it is important to understand the patient as a whole person to treat them effectively. The purpose of this assignment is to explore a patient's disease to understand the nursing judgments and interventions involved, the medications for this diagnosis, and to understand the disease. The patient described in this paper will be referred to as Jonathan to ensure patient confidentiality. Patient Demographics Jonathan is a 63–year–old man, born on August 23rd, 1956 and lives with his eldest son. He was married two times and has three children, two children from his first marriage and one from his second. He lives in northern Ontario but originally was from southern Ontario, he moved here shortly following his second divorce. He is of Italian decent and is a practicing Catholic. The patient's weight is 95 kilograms; he is 178 centimeters tall and has a body mass index (BMI) of 28.3. Jonathan says he smokes around one pack of cigarettes a day, does not exercise enough and eats fast food a few times a week. The patient now has congestive heart failure as a consequence of his myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack. He was transferred from another hospital in the beginning of November and was waiting for more tests to be completed before he could be discharged. Jonathan has some known comorbidities that can exacerbate his CHF, this includes smoking, obesity, and noncompliance with medications. Congestive Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Profile of a Person Raphael Colmanette 1 Dr.McDonough 10/16 First Year Writing Clash Of Cultures There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals, different experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I realized that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay that I have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is kind of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A lot of stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I was kind of lost, because I do not know a lot of more content... The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know, but actually he was way more than that. Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures. He lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to live in a property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I think it would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his parents. His dad was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the company changed place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the difficulties of change home to another country, and especially the big change of culture. Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to get used to Get more content on
  • 3. Community Profile Essay UNIVERSITY OF TEESSIDE SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, Adult The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing (CCH1037–N–BJ1–2012) Community Profile Megan McCallion J9238068 Word Count: 3,704 Thursday 24th January 2013 Contents page Chapter One– Introduction........................................................................Page 3–4 Chapter Two– The Health Improvement Issue......................................Page 5–8 Chapter Three – Service Provision.........................................................Page 9–11 Chapter Four – The Role of the Nurse....................................................Page 12–13 Chapter Five – more content... Chapter Two– The Health Improvement Issue From the various studies, reports and statistics (many of which have been referenced and/or quoted in the Introduction) it is clearly evident that there are a number of different health improvement issues in the town of Middlesbrough. Whilst these health improvement issues cover such things as alcohol and drug misuse, from the reports, statistics and studies, it is clear that the key and predominant health related improvement issue in the town of Middlesbrough, is smoking. The Middlesbrough Health Profile 2012 says that 'smoking is one of the main priorities for improvement in this area; approximately 30,000 people smoke in Middlesbrough' (Middlesbrough JSNA, 2012). As a result of this large section of Middlesbrough's population smoking, it would come as no surprise that a high number of people are suffering from smoke related illnesses and diseases and worst still, dying of these related illnesses and diseases prematurely. The high numbers of people suffering smoke related illnesses and disease will have an adverse impact on the local NHS and other services and in turn, be a high
  • 4. impact in terms of money, budgets and increasing costs that the local NHS Get more content on
  • 5. Example Of A Child Profile Essay Aiden is calm, logical and has superior intelligence. He also can come as rather detached, and sometimes threatening when need be. He is from a wealthy family, which manages health care and is the youngest of three. He prefers to sleep late, often due to business and schoolwork keeping him up until the wee hours; and he suffers from hypotension, which makes rising difficult. He is very polite to people who are in power or related to it, and claims he only helps people who can benefit him somehow. Aiden has short, black hair, usually styled into a smart/casual look and has brownish–grey eyes. He is thin; five feet, ten inches tall and wears slim, rimless glasses. Aiden is always impeccably groomed, dressed appropriately for any occasion, and is naturally stylish and neat. He decided to go more content... She is required to remain first in her class to keep her scholarship, her studies are very important to her. Violet is a straightforward person who believes that one's gender doesn't define one's choices. Having been raised by a single father who has to work two jobs to keep a roof over their heads, she is a very practical and responsible person, and is not easily swayed by charms. Violet also has a deeper voice than other female students, has short hair and dresses androgynous most of the time, she is not easily recognized as female. She is also rather oblivious when it come to her own emotion. With her messily–styled hairdo, large glasses (which once belonged to her grandfather) and masculine clothing, Alex and I first thought her to be male and Violet does nothing to discredit the idea. She often wears simple t–shirts and shorts when she is at home. She lives with her father who works at a bar at night and a janitor at her school during the day. They live in a small, shabby apartment in a bad neighborhood. Violet have to go to Korea to study more because her scholarship requires Get more content on
  • 6. Profile of My Mother Getting to know my Mom It took me eighteen years to spend some quality time with my mother and discover what an incredible journey she has had with my brothers and me. She is the kind of person who has always been very involved with all parts of our daily lives. In fact, she was the kind of mother who always had time for her three sons, worked full–time and had time to devote to community projects too. Her energy and enthusiasm for all of these things seemed endless and she always tried to teach the three of us to see the value in the idea of giving back to the community. I was always glad that she was present at my games and supported me through school, but it took me over a decade to learn what motivated her to be more content... My mother also says, "...I am pretty sure God intended for me to have sons. I am more of a tomboy than I am barbie doll. I am sure I would not have done well teaching a daughter how to do all the girlie things. Not to mention, when my nieces were little, I noticed the drama began very early on and they talked incessantly." Of course she winks and grins with these remarks. She was like a second mother to my cousins and loves them dearly. As much as she is quick to point out the reasons she loved having sons and why they are so easy to raise, there is more to this story. I can 't count the times she has asked all of us why we need to scratch ourselves all of the time. This is not something females understand. It is not something males really want or feel they need to explain because it is just what we do. She can laugh about it and enjoyed imitating us and asking if we would like to see her walking around the house in her underwear scratching or fondling her parts. My mother was less tolerant of another brotherly trait – squabbling. That was another part of our dynamic which just seemed normal to my brothers and me. We just liked to agitate each other. To my mother this was upsetting because she didn 't want anyone hurt and she wanted to make sure we had good relationships in the future. It was not easy for her to get us to engage in conversations about feelings and relationships. Try as she might, we were most often not did not feel her same Get more content on
  • 7. Community Profile Essay BSc Nursing Studies – Adult Teesside University Community Profile The Role of the Nurse in Improving Health and Wellbeing CCH1037–N–FB2–2013 Word Count 4117 Contents IntroductionPage3 – 7 The health improvement issuePage8 – 10 Service ProvisionPage11 – 13 The Role of the NursePage14 – 16 ConclusionPage17 References Page18 – 25 Appendix One Appendix Two Chapter One – Introduction This report is an in depth community profile covering the Stockton–on–Tees area of Teesside within the North East of England. Outlining statistical information to key areas including population, immigration, age, gender, more content... The Health Protection Agency (HPA) state that in 2010 almost 12% of the population within the UK are people born abroad. In 2011/12 the total number of national insurance number registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the United Kingdom was 601,000 with a 15% drop compared to the 2010/11 registration statistic [, 2012]. The following table is a breakdown of the top 20 countries of origin for immigration into the United Kingdom according to national insurance number registration statistics [, 2012]. RankCountry of originTotal (thousands) 1Poland79.1 2India47.3 3Pakistan38.3 4Rep of Lithuania33.2 5Spain30.4 6Italy24.3 7Romania22.9 8France21.6 9Rep of Latvia18.6 10Hungary18.1 11Portugal17.3 12Rep of Ireland15.9 13China14.8 14Australia14.2
  • 8. 15Nigeria13.8 16Bulgaria12.6 17Germany11.8 18USA10.1 19Slovak Rep9.89 20Bangladesh7.66 Of the 601,000 people that entered the United Kingdom, 8040 located to the North East of England. A research report in 2011 by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) shows that a majority of long–term migrants entering the UK are young people entering to study or work. The health concerns of those entering the UK should be similar to the health concerns of UK born people of the same age group but in 2010, 60% of newly diagnosed cases of HIV and 80% of cases of Hepatitis B were found in non–UK born people. This research also Get more content on
  • 9. Profile of an Entrepreneur Essay Early Years Samuel Moore Walton was born on March 29, 1918 to Thomas Gibson and Nancy Lee Walton near Kingfisher, Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, he lived and worked on his family's farm. He grew up during the depression and knew the meaning of hard work and dedication. He started selling magazine subscriptions by the age of only eight years old to help with money because it was lacking on the farm making it hard to feed their family. The Walton's decided that the farm was not profitable enough to raise a family on. So, Sam and his family decided they would go back to being a Farm Loan Appraiser. Once this job started the Walton family moved out of Oklahoma and moved from town to town in Missouri. This would shake up most children but for more content... Sam decided he wanted to own his own department store. He borrowed $20,000.00 from his father–in–law, L.S. Ronson– a banker and rancher. He also used his $5,000 that he was able to save from the military and made his dream of having a department store a reality in the fall of 1945. He purchased a franchisee of the Butler Brothers, which consisted of two chains in Newport. One chain was the Federated department stores, which were small department stores and then the Ben Franklin variety stores. Sam's store was a variety store and with the help of Butler Brothers, his store led in sales and profits in the six–state region (Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2). Sam started his first store with the same principles that we can still see today at Wal–Mart and Sam's Club stores. He stocked all the shelves with a wide range of goods with very low prices, he kept his store centrally located so it was easily accessible to many customers, stayed open later than most stores especially during Christmas and Thanksgiving seasons, and experimented with discount merchandising which is the reason he led in sales in profits. He would buy straight from the wholesaler, which enabled him to lower his price per item, to sell a greater quantity of goods, thereby escalating his sales volume and profits (Fitzgerald 2). All these ideas were new to businesses, however Sam caught on fast and was able to use them to his advantage. When his lease was up his landlord would not renew the lease because he Get more content on
  • 10. Leadership Profile Essay Leadership Profile Paper This paper will profile Jeff Hawkins, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for PalmOne, Inc. examining qualities that Mr. Hawkins exhibits that make him influential leader. The paper will also examine details of the business strategy that make this man an exceptional innovator and his contribution to eBusiness technology. Vision Jeff Hawkins a graduate of Cornell Universityis best known as "the inventor who, in 1994, took blocks of mahogany and plywood into his garage and emerged with a prototype for the PalmPilot" (PC Magazine, 2000). Joining forces with friend Donna Dubinsky, Jeff "pulled off one of the most successful new–product launches in consumer electronics history, selling 400,000 units when they debuted more content... He co–founded Handspring in 1998, and created the Visor, "whose thrift and expandability forced other makers to be more competitive. Visor, is among the fastest–selling computer hardware products ever" (Willis, 2001). Strategy When examining Jeff Hawkins business model during his time as CEO with handspring there was no definitive answer. Hawkins Business model seemed more like a question. "How do you make an exciting product that's pushing the envelope in some ways, but on the other hand is usable and accessible to a very broad populace?"(Barnett, 2000). Hawkins had a business model that relied on strategic partners to perform business tasks such as manufacturing and distribution. Hawkins strategy is to generate ideas to promote increased efficiency and cost reduction while striving to predict future consumer needs. For example, the Visor "can morph into just about any handheld device you can imagine, from a pager to an MP3 player to a global–positioning satellite receiver, simply by replacing a small module on its back" (Time, Inc., 2005). Leadership Successful leaders continuously show connections between vision and strategies. Mr. Hawkins exhibits many leadership qualities that inspire confidence and belief in the future. Jeff is able to articulate a vision depicting where he wants his organization or team to be. During earlier business project failures Jeff remained calm and Get more content on
  • 11. Example Of A Biographical Essay In my church's charity event, I stand behind a microphone and a music stand. My ears hear clamorous noises. I am waiting for what seems like an eternity. To my left, I hear high–pitched vocal warm–ups. To my right I hear blasting and loud eruptions from the tuning of instruments that vibrate the stage. At a distance I hear low beats and piercing crashes, with occasional hums and heels of bass. Finally, it is time to start. I cough a little to prepare my voice. The whole ensemble sits in silence, observing and anticipating. I see the rhythm of the director's hands moving in a beat to give us singers the tempo. All at once, an army of voices starts singing in harmony. On my left, I hear a perfect euphony of high–pitched and low–pitched more content... O night divine, O night when Christ was born! O night, O holy night, O night divine!" When I open my mouth, I discovered that music was for me. Singing and music has followed me throughout my life. Not so soon after, I began to embark on an expedition of music.Music notes fascinate me in an artistic sense. While I perform songs, I also figure out how the arrangements of various music notes compose the song's melody. To me, it's not just singing something for the sake of singing. I feel a connection to my heart when the lyrics I perform are deep and personal. I feel dominant when I stand on the stage, facing a crowd, ready to give it my all. Singing for me it is not just a hobby, and not something I just do when I am bored. Singing a way to loosen up my heart, to stop stressing, and to just go with the flow. There is something so satisfying about singing my heart out when I have put in hours of practice. There is something so satisfying when I get something that was just separate verses until I decided to bring into a full song. I can choose to create a beautiful harmony or discordant tones. When I am singing, I am absorbed by the music. Singing is a chance for me to use my vocal chords and my rhythm to create something harmonic and pleasing to the Get more content on
  • 12. Profile Of An Ordinary Person Like most people in the society, Bob is an ordinary person just like them. He just graduated from a random university and got a job at a movie theater as an accountant. As a 22 years old young man merage into the society, he is still happy and optimistic as a student, to some extent little immature. He is so simplex that he doesn't think much about his future, living in a routine life between workplace and his apartment, all he worries about is the rank in the video game which he plays. However this makes him an approachable person, he has many friends in the workplace, well also because because he is the water boy of the office. Although he is so insignificant, he has a dramatically background. He's dad is the owner of the movie theater, nevertheless, this is the secret he most afraid his colleagues to find out, because he is afraid that his friends won't treat him the same as before. Besides work he cares alot about his family. He was born in Boston,1990, and head a nice childhood as more content... Furthermore, he is obsessed with foods, every times he goes to a new restaurant he would order the weirdest food from the menu regardless of the ingredients and calls himself a professional food taster. Nevertheless, the ultimate goal of his life is to open a sushi restaurant, because sushis are his favourite foods, he could talk all day about the types and styles of sushi. In Fact, he feels extremely proud when someone admires the sushi he made. Also, listens to piano pieces written by Chopin while driving is another habit of him, he believes that Chopin was the unquestionable the best romantic composer of all time. If he ever sees an animal injured on the side of the road, he would call the animal hospital, or take it to the hospital it is a dog, because Bob loves Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of A Personal Narrative Example Profile Responsible hard worker with great driving skills and know the rules and regulations of the roads. Safety is key and keeping up with paper work for the day. Ready for whatever task is thrown my way. Open Availability mornings, days, nights, weekends, holidays. Experience Floater, harris Teeter; raleigh,nc – August 2016–current I currently work at Harris Teeter, Store 367 in Wakefield as a part time floater. I am known as a floater, meaning I can work several departments thru out the store. I work cashier, customer service, fresh foods, receiving, dairy/frozen and overnight. Currently I am working and over the Dairy/Frozen department. With each part of the store I work in Customer Service is the number one thing next to more content... Cashier, Harris teeter; Raleigh, nc – 2013–2015 I started my first job with Harris Teeter as a cashier and two months after being hire was moved up to a Customer Service Clerk. Being a Customer Service Clerk I was in charge of making sure customers were happy with their shopping trip, helping find products or taking care of a problem they had. I would also look over the front end department assisting my cashiers and baggers with register problems or whatever else they needed. Some other task were answering the phones, money orders, western union, lottery and the main thing excellent customer service. In May 2014 I was transferred out to another store in Wake Forest/Durham border to help watch over the front end department and the customer complaints they were having. After a month of being at this location, I was able to get complaints down and also some of the employees bad behaviors. The customers had noticed that things were running a bit smoother and that if they were having a problem with something that they could always come up to me and I would help and try resolving the problem. My main goal was excellent customer service and making sure when a customer walked out of the store that they were satisfied and got everything they came in for. Dynamic Property Services LLC; Raleigh,NC – 2015–Current This is a good friends business. I work for them every couple months or whenever a new job/project begins. When I get the call to come help I do all the data entry, Get more content on
  • 14. Example of a Physician Profile Physician Profile Dr. xxx is a renowned consultant oncologist at the Radium Cancer Hospital, Ranchi in India. He has set up regular camps in order to create cancer awareness. With the fellow members of his oncologist team in Radium Cancer Hospital he has successfully executed the free cancer medical camp and diagnosis for the last four years. He is a member of American Society of Clinical Oncology and lifetime member of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India. He has 9 years experience in Radiation Oncology. Specialization: Medical Oncology. Areas of Specialization: Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology. Location: Ranchi, India. Work Experience 2010 to till date пѓ Joined as Consultant Oncologist at Radium Cancer Hospital, Ranchi on July 2010. пѓ Joined as Consultant Oncologist at Alam Hospital and Research Center, Ranchi on May 2010. 2009 to 2010 пѓ Worked as Consultant Oncologist at Raj Hospital and Research Hospital, Ranchi, Jharkhand from December 2009 to May 2010. пѓ Worked as Junior Consultant Oncologist at Curie ARA Cancer Institute, Ranchi, Jharkhand from September 2009 to November 2009. пѓ Worked as Senior Resident in the Department of Radiotherapy at Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Center, Patna from June 2009 to September 2009. 2006 to 2009 пѓ Worked as Postgraduate Resident in the Department of Radiotherapy at Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi from May 2006 to April 2009. Conferences attended with Get more content on
  • 15. Profile of a Place Essay Separate but equal is the approach that my roommate and I took when we moved in. To keep things separate, her things are on the left and mine are on the right. The equal part comes in if one of us wants to use something of the others (such as a nail clipper or a hair tie.) This means that almost anything we own is open to use with permission. We decided that we didn't want to combine any of our things just yet because we didn't know each other that well. I believe it's a good idea because it will reduce the chance of an argument over whose things are whose. Girls seem to be pettier about their things than boys. Having two girls in such a small space can lead to unwanted confrontation and bitterness. I'm not a territorial person, more content... All of the red that I have overpowers her green so it's not as if we are "Decking the Halls." Another visual that may catch the eye is the cleanliness of one side of the room compared to the other. The right side, my side, is always neat and orderly but to the left is normally a wreck. Clothes are usually everywhere and it makes for a cluttered looking room. When a room is cluttered it looks even smaller. Sometimes when I walk through the door her towel and dirty clothes are right in the middle of the floor. It's obvious to see that in most cases, she does not honor our "separate but equal" rule. It's ironic that this is happening because she thought of the idea. I guess she is comfortable enough with me now to join more of our belongings. Earlier I mentioned a little about the layout of my dorm room. Now, here is the full version. When you come into the dorm, each set up on the right and left are basically the same. The closets are against the same wall as the door in separate corners. On top of my closet is a big black stereo, most of the time I have some type of R&B or Neo Soul coming from the speakers. My roommate has the TV and DVD player on top of her closet. Recently we watched the MTV Music Awards on it. Moving right along to our microwaves, which are located on separate walls, one of them in sitting on the refrigerator and the other is on two storage bins. All of my laundry items are at the foot Get more content on
  • 16. Profile Essay Examples Profile Essay Knees weak from climbing a flight of stairs or the anticipation of meeting Brian, I walked into his office announcing my presence with a raspy, delayed voice. Upon flinging open the door, his face lifted of his desk and stared at me with a distant expression. My first take of Brian caught me off guard, with his apple red mohawk, wearing his branded castle racing jacket and pants. Looking at his appearance you just knew he was into racing. After building up the confidence to murmur good morning we left his office to his own personal race track he made at his house. "There is more to just sitting down on a vehicle and holding down the throttle. If it was that easy everyone would do it." For Brian racing has come at a cost and has been through adversity on and off the track. Racing was always there for Brian. "I raced motorcycles or any other vehicles such as snowmobiles, four–wheelers, and dirt bikes since my mother died", responded Brian. How'd you ever get into racing I asked? Brian responded, "facing my fears more content... "I remember walking into the house and dropping to my knees, tears filling my eyes." Brian's dad made it back in time for Christmas. "After he recovered from his injury he persuaded me to race and ever since then I've been racing all around." Brian himself suffered many injuries from racing. "My first injury is by far my most remembered. I broke my leg on the last lap after hitting an approach." I had a chance to watch Brian race and the experience that he described. "Getting hit in football or any other sport is physically demanding, but you get breaks. Breaks in the form of quarters, halves, time–outs, or even between plays or fouls. In motocross there is no breaks. In sports you have a team that you can rely on in case you mess up. In motocross you mess up you either lose or are injured, many times Get more content on
  • 17. profile of a killer Essay examples During the last decade the world has witnessed a staggering elevation in serial killings. To give some insight into the scale of the problem posed by the serial killer, in the United States can be gained from examining the statistics for just one year. In 1989 (the last year for which detailed figures are available) there were 21,500 recorded homicides, of which some 5,000 are unsolved. Unofficial sources believe that as many as a hundred serial killers may be at large at any given time. Add to this the number of known victims of serial killers, then between 3,500 and 5,000 people are killed by serial murderers every year. (Lane and Gregg 3) These numerous multiple murders, often without consequence and justice, have shocked civilized more content... Characteristics of a serial killer are imperative in demarcating the type of person capable of committing a serial murder. "Most known serial killers are 25–35 years old" (Falk 85). "It is also significant that the victims of serial murderers are not concentrated in any age range" (Falk 85). "Serial killings are almost always committed by white males instead of blacks because class resentment is far more likely to occur to a person with a good education than someone without an appreciation of how society works" (Falk 85). To truly understand the phenomenon of serial murder one must know what motivates a person to commit such a horrendous crime. Patterns of serial killing fall broadly into two categories of motivation: "Extrinsic, where the impulse to kill is located outside the killer's psyche–that is, he perceives a rational reason for murder in outside situations and events" (Fox and Levin 12). "More frequently the motivation is intrinsic to the psyche of the killer, whether or not that motivation is apparent to an independent observer" (Fox and Levin 12). Closer psychological analysis of known cases indicates that serial murders fit into one of four main types according to the predominate homicidal motivation: Visionaries, Missionaries, Hedonists, and Power Seekers. Visionaries include killers who act in response to "voices" and alter egos, where Get more content on
  • 18. Examples Of Profile Essay Profile Essay For many freshmen coming out of high school, declaring a major at Cosumnes River College is one of the most difficult things to do, because there are two education options. The two options are going to school to earn a certificate which often takes one to two years, and the second option is going to school to earn a degree which takes four to six years. One career that is an option at Cosumnes River College if you decided to go to school to earn a two–year certificate or a two–year Associates degree is the Cosumnes Rivers College Ford Asset automotive program. This program is an organization between Cosumnes River College and Ford Motor that qualifies automotive technicians and specialists for available jobs in the Ford automotive industry. During this program, the first two months of the semester will be spent at the main campus of Cosumnes River college being guided and instructed by experienced Ford certified technicians, and the second month of the semester is spent at a Ford dealership that provides hands–on training more content... The first question I asked was in a few sentence how would you describe yourself. His response was " I'm 53 my occupation and hobbies are automotive instructors, race car driver, and director of the Cosumnes River automotive program". The next questioned I ask the professor was how much does your current job pay? Kevin's response was "somewhere between 50,000 to 60,000 a year. With that response, I asked a follow–up question "what made you want to get in the industry? His response was "My father owned a shop, worked there for 7 years, then got into automotive racing, and decided to become an instructor in Arizona for a short period of time before moving to California and teaching at Cosumnes River Get more content on
  • 19. The Profile Picture : My Story The Profile Picture: My Story Social media has undeniably changed the way society interacts and communicates. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram host places to build new online communities filled with many people we know personally, but also, impersonally. Every person who has a social media account can choose an avatar, or image, to represent themselves within these communities, and consequently, to people both known and unknown. The picture that someone chooses can influence others' perceptions of them, and therefore, can impact aspects of their lives that depend on social media as a main means of interaction. I have taken this into consideration when choosing a profile picture for my personal Facebook account; I selected an image that I feel represents who I am positively and honestly through my love for travelling, the importance of friendship to me, and the emphasis of realism in my life. Travelling is a significant part of my life. I find excitement and adventure in exploring the winding shop–lined streets in foreign cities, or just road–tripping through the mountainous regions of my own country, Canada. Going to new places is intriguing to me. It allows me to discover culture, food, music, architecture, and landscapes which are different from what I am accustomed to. By learning through immersion in unknown cultures, I do my best to reduce ethnocentrism and stereotyping I may project in my own life. At the same time, I get to live Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Application Essay Examples When I began my journey as an undergraduate at Northeastern University, I was seventeen and had little idea of where this path would take me. I did not know my decision to turn down a acceptance to the University of Maryland instead enroll in Northeastern's D'Amore–McKim school of business reflected my need to better understand my role in society. I did know I am a "learning differently abled" student. As an undergrad, I live with the daily presence of ADD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia as well as memory lapses. This personal journey is why fairness and access is so important to me. Honestly, I believe then what know now, a degree in law from a prestigious school as Thurgood Marshall is the only way to assure one has the requisite skillset to assist those in need of fairness and access. My business education was a wonderful opportunity to explore the diverse major through an interdisciplinary approach while at Northeastern. Business at Northeastern was an easy transition to my early work experience that included work in the finance industry as a broker and an advisor. This experience forced me to attack my role as an advocate for my clients by facilitating, interacting and learning about the importance of policy, education, and economics in more content... I was the youngest NFLPA player representative in league history while a member of the Los Angeles Raiders and was the team's spokesperson during the strike of '87. As a member of the NFLPA's negotiation team I recommended a 401k plan for players, which also was a benefit to the owners. A 401k plan was subsequently made a part of the global settlement with the owners of the NFL; there from creating "step two" of the NFL Player's Career Savings Plan. In1989 I founded the National Foot League Player's Association (NFLPA) finance committee; And Co – chaired that committee for several Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Community Profile Introduction The locality I have based my community profile on is Ardoyne. I feel that Ardoyne is familiar enough for me to carry out my research as I have lived here all my life. Although my project is based in Belfast city centre, we work with many groups and young people from the Ardoyne area. this would prove beneficial to myself as I would sometimes have already developed a relationship with the young people through community life. I will firstly explore the community I have chosen by speaking to local people, using photographs, and recordings of my observations. In doing so I intend to create a picture and overall feeling of the community as well as the people who live here. This data will be accompanied by my own comments more content... For a community that witnesses a lot of conflict during each year Ardoyne is full of people who love to chat and help out whatever why they can. The older generation in particular take pride in their 'what's mine is yours' attitude. While taking this picture an old lady quietly asked me if I was a tourist. I replied laughing telling her no. she went on to tell me that she walked her granddaughter to school through the protesters each morning while it lasted. In that time she had to endure spitting and urine filled balloons being hurled at her by the protesters. She also talked about the day a pipe bomb was thrown at the parents and children of the school. She said she 'wouldn't wish it on anyone' as she slowly walked off. I couldn't help thinking what a bizarre experience just chatting with the old lady, who was completely open to sharing her experience with me. Improving a specific aspect of community life The aspect of community life I have chosen to explore is the 'drinking culture' within Ardoyne. In the small area that is Ardoyne there are eight pubs, five of which being night clubs. I feel that this environment is contributing to the many issues facing the community of Ardoyne. There were a total of 547 offences Get more content on