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Everglades Research Paper
The Everglades is a vast region that stretches from the Kissimmee River to Lake Okeechobee and is
filled with a unique and world–famous ecosystem that is exclusive to the rest of the world. It is
located in southern Florida and takes up 1.5 million of the land. While there are many diverse
species, there are around 500 human inhabitants. This region is one of the largest wetlands in the US
and the only existing Everglades in the entire world. Because of this and other pressing factors,
about one–fifth of the Everglades are protected by the Everglades National Park. The fact that the
Everglades are one of kind also means that anything that happens not only affects itself locally, but
also nationally and globally. And now, there are many problems
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Cause And Effect Of Burmese Pythons
The Burmese python (Python bivittatus) is one of the largest snakes in the world, measuring up to
5.74 meters long and weighing up to 182.8 kilograms. The species is native to southeast Asia and in
its native habitat, consumes a wide array of prey including many different mammal, amphibian,
lizard, snake, bird, and fish species (Snow et al. 2007). In southern Florida, pythons have established
themselves across thousands of square kilometers including all of Everglades National Park (Boback
et al. 2016). Research points to multiple instances of pet release to be the cause of their introduction
to the Everglades as a foreign species (Snow et al. 2007). Python populations have significantly
increased in both abundance and geographic range in the Everglades since their introduction,
preying on a wide variety of native mammals and birds, posing a serious problem as an invasive
species and apex predator (Dorcas et al. 2012). As an invasive species, the Burmese python has an
immense impact on the native populations of the Everglades. In the last 20 years, observations of
mammals in the Everglades have declined by 95% while the number of non–native Burmese
pythons in the park has significantly increased (Sovie et al. 2016). Data from game cameras used in
a study by Willson support this observation, showing the spatial pattern of mammal abundance
being inversely correlated with spatial expansion of Burmese pythons in the Everglades (Willson
2017). Burmese pythons have to been
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Everglades Research Paper
The Florida Everglades provides water to roughly 7 million people in Florida. There is on going
issues with the Everglades water supply; for instance, it's history,and the delayed problems are just
two. There has been many acts to save it, and now we just can't give up.
To begin with, we have had a rocky history involving the Everglades water supply. We are now
trying to recover from the past. For example, in the text, "The Past and the Present," it states, "The
construction and population increase in Everglades upset it's fragile ecosystem, and cut off the flow
of fresh water to the Everglades." As a result, it's quantity and diversity decreased by 50%. Although
many people did try to save the Everglades, it wasn't until the year 1934 when Congress passed the
law and the park was officially opened. Now people from all over the U.S can enjoy the park! ...
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Many people are wondering, when will this be fixed? Good news– soon!! According to page 116, it
explains, "A Supreme Court decision made in 2004 implemented 8.4 billion dollars for the project to
re–establish the natural flow of the water to the Everglades in the next 30 years." Since 1900,
drainage has eroded the original wetlands by 50%. Another reason we have so many problems is the
sugar cane, with all the sugar cane there is no land left to support life. This is a shame that all the
wildlife is being affected or dying
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Essay on Compare and Contrast of Florida and Hawaii
Different Beaches
During the summer and winter, many families like to go on vacations to tropical locations in order
to take in the beautiful and amazing sights that they might not be able to experience at home. Two
popular places to visit are Florida and Hawaii. While many believe that one beach community is as
good as any other, there are many differences between Hawaii and Florida that make them suited for
different people, depending on what kind of vacation they want to experience. In particular there are
differences in the cultures, weather, and attractions of these two beach communities.
Although both Florida and Hawaii are tropical locations, their cultures are far from similar. Florida
has a very "typical" American feel to ... Show more content on ...
Also, pineapple is a very popular addition to just about anything you could imagine, and the food is
usually made to be "volcano" hot. As far as an escape goes, Hawaii is the perfect place to go to
experience an amazing new culture.
Even if you cannot tell the difference between the cultures of Hawaii and Florida, the weather easily
sets the two apart. As far as tropical locations go, many people expect the weather to be warm and
sunny, looking for a perfect day to go to the beach and relax next to the ocean. In Florida, though the
heat and humidity is almost unbearable. It makes you want to immediately jump into the ocean to
try a cool off under the hot sun. Unfortunately, with the sun beating down on the ocean and the
humidity in the air trapping all of the heat, the ocean also heats up very quickly and it becomes more
like a hot tub, which is not the most relaxing of choice in the middle of a warm, summer day. With
all of the humidity in Florida, it is also very common for a sudden downpour to erupt and leave you
soaking wet like you have been in the ocean all day. Despite these flaws in the perfect, tropical
weather you expect, when you do get a nice day in Florida, it makes you wish the day would never
end and that you would never have to leave.
Hawaii's weather makes the best days in Florida seem like a hot, humid day in Missouri in the
middle of August.
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Burmese Python Research Paper
nvasions by plants, animals, and pathogens into non–native environments pose one of the most
significant, but least addressed, international threats to biodiversity within natural ecosystems. The
Burmese python, scientifically named Python bivittatus (B Stuart, B., Nguyen,), is native to the
jungles and grassy marshes of Southeast Asia. The Burmese subspecies has the largest range of the
three subspecies – including southern China, Indochina, Burma, and portions of Indonesia (Borneo,
Java, Sumatra, and the Celeb Islands). These snakes are among the largest on Earth as they are
capable of reaching 23 feet or more in length and weighing up to 200 pounds. When young, these
pythons spend most of their time in trees, but as they mature their size and weight make tree
climbing difficult. They then transition to spending most of their time on the ground. Burmese
pythons are carnivorous, surviving primarily on birds and mammals. Because of their poor eyesight,
they stalk their prey using heat–sensors along their jaws and chemical receptors in their tongues.
These snakes are not venomous, but kill by constriction. (Chaudhari) ... Show more content on ...
Rates of decline are not available for many areas of this snake's range; however, they have been
observed to be declining in their native habitat of Southeast Asia. The Burmese python started its
invasion in the wild of southern Florida, USA via the pet trade. These reptiles have had a detrimental
impact on the grassy marshes of Florida. They have recently been blamed for localized declines of
up to 99% in encounter rates of several common native mammal species, as well as the apparent loss
of introduced rabbits and foxes from these sites. (B Stuart, B.,
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Everglades National Park Research Paper
Everglades National Park
Everglades National Park is a great park. It has lakes, swamps, ocean, plants , and also, it has so
much wildlife. If you like the ocean, and lots of plants , Everglades National Park is the place to go.
The Everglades is in the state of Florida, the 27th state of America. The Everglades covers the whole
southern end of the mainland of Florida. It is the sunshine state because of how much sun it gets
every year. The capital of the state is Tallahassee, and the largest city is Jacksonville. Also the
Everglades have a lot of history leading toward how the park got started.
Old Ingraham Highway is an old motorway named after James E. Ingraham. James E. Ingraham was
from Wisconsin, but moved to Florida to become
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Essay The Everglades
The Everglades
On May 30, 1934, an Act was passed, which authorized a park to be created through public
donations. Thirteen years later, through a combination of private, state and federal lands, an
expansive wetland was hopefully immortalized as a national park. Everglades was the first national
park that was preserved primarily for its biota, in lieu of scenic or historic values.
Shortly after moving to Miami in 1925, Ernest F. Coe, made the Everglades Park project his life
work. In 1927, Coe, along with a few others, formed the Tropical Everglades Park Association
(TENPA), which concentrated its activities on the creation of a national park in south Florida. By
1928, the Florida ... Show more content on ...
Everglades National Park now consists of 1,399,078.26 acres of wetlands.
On October 26, 1976, Everglades National Park was added to the list of International Biosphere
Reserves. International Biosphere Reserves are a branch of the UN Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These select reserves are protected samples of the Earth's major
ecosystem types. They are standards against which we can scale human impact on the environment
and foresee its probable effects. On the same date, UNESCO also declared it a World Heritage Site.
Human history has spanned for over 2000 years in the Everglade, from the nomadic Calusa to the
present–day settlers. This subtropical mosaic of astounding diversity is also a haven for over 36
threatened or endangered animal species. This unique blend of natural and cultural history is what
led to its "coronation."
Slight changes in elevation, at points only a couple of inches, water salinity, and soil have created a
number of different landscapes within the confines of Everglades National Park. The interaction of
these distinct environments is what makes this area of the world so unique. Within the Everglades,
there is an estuarine community, mangrove forests, coastal prairies, freshwater marl
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Burmese Pythons in Florida
Burmese Pythons in Florida
There are many different types of snakes in the state of Florida from the average garden snake to the
very venomous Eastern Diamondback Rattle but so far the only one that has both citizens and
politicians truly worried about are the Burmese Pythons that are located in the Everglades, a
National Park located in southern Florida. Burmese Pythons have a beautiful patterned skin, a rapid
growth rate, which is known as the largest snake of choice to be owned by human. During, captivate
Burmese python are poorly taking care of; some turn on their owners and end up killing them. Due
to, them being poorly taking care pythons are release into the wild or in a nearby wooded area to
defended for themselves and find food. ... Show more content on ...
In early January of 2013 legislators came up with a very way of catching pythons that are loose and
out of the National Park, it is called the "2013 Python Challenge". There is a hunt for Burmese
pythons in the Everglades, this contest started in the later part of January and will end the 18th of
February. Nearly 1,600 hunters from 38 states, Washington D.C. and Canada, took part in the
challenge, which offered cash prizes (Tuffley). The Challenge lasted for a month in which 68
pythons were caught. A$1500 reward was given to the hunter who caught the most pythons and
$1000 for the hunter who caught the longest. As of the 11th of January there has been 11 pythons
caught in the Everglades and are being kept at the University of Florida; until, the contest is over.
There is a prize for the longest and the biggest snake caught. (Greenwood). According to the
website, the hunt is being conducted "to raise public awareness about Burmese pythons and how this
invasive species is a threat to the Everglades ecosystem, including native wildlife." (Surely, the
appeal of saying that one has successfully captured and killed a gigantic invasive death snake should
not be discounted, either.) (Greenwood). Although Burmese Pythons are from Southern and
Southeast Asia, they were brought here as a trade for exotic pets. They can live up to 25 years; grow
to be 25 to 26 feet long; weigh up to 200 pounds or more. Most people see them as a threat to the
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Burmese Python: Why Snakes Attack The Everglades
Snakes Attack the Everglades! Did you know that the Burmese Python can grow up to be 23 inches
long. They also can consume a considerable amount of the creatures that make their habitat in the
Everglades. All citizens agree that these serpents are a threat to the ecosystem in the Everglades, and
are drastically altering the Everglades forever. Firstly, the Burmese Python can digest a multitude of
different animals, shown by the article, Florida's Python Hunt when it says," With no natural
predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and
bobcats, as well as many bird species." These serpents are slowly making these animals become
extinct, and society is not doing much better. Next, the
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Florida Living Research Paper
Bridget N. Kammerer
Ms. Lynn Hawkins
Literature and Culture – Lit. 2000
August 2, 2016
Florida Living
The Florida landscape has inspired many individuals to write about the natural beauty of the
land. Florida has many environmental qualities that draws people to it. This state of Florida
has a truly unique habitat, and some of it is unexplainable. The flora and fauna of the state of
Florida is an anomaly, containing palm frond wasps that are aggressive, and mean snakes
of all sorts. Cultures converge in this melting pot of the United States. Florida is unique place
that is all its own.
The Everglades have many mysteries to hold. Sit in the quiet and see what you can hear. The
noises and the utter silence are eerie. Sydney Lanier explains that upon the entering of the Saint ...
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We have come to understand some of the wildlife that the inhabits this area and how
ponderous and dangerous they can be. Fowl and reptiles are plenty. Birds with sharp beaks and
poisonous creatures, deadly to those who are unsuspecting, of those whom are not from the area.
Alligators are not that uncommon, and yet the local flamingos are white or so pale pink that if
you blink, you will miss them. The wildlife of the area is often found to be odd or even scary by
Many of the native Seminole Indians are still in the area, although they are deemed to
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Florida Bay Essay
Florida Bay
Dear Jenny Staletovich,
Your article on the Miami Herald website called "Will Florida Bay survive the summer?" opened my
eyes as to what is going on in the Florida Bay and has inspired me to bring awareness to the sea
grass die off during my research trip to the Florida Bay. This week, I did my own research to
measure the salinity of the Bay and the water temperature to compare the results to the last sea grass
die–off which occurred in the early 1990s. I have discovered that the temperature of the bay in the
summer of 2015 compared to the temperature in the summer of 1990 increased astronomically. In
fact, the temperature was 93 degrees when I made my measurements and just to confirm my
measurements I sent emails to researchers ... Show more content on ...
It is evident based on my experience in Florida Bay that there has not been enough involvement
towards keeping the salinity of the Florida Bay in
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The Effects Of Fire And Flooding On The Florida Everglades
Kristofer Mueller
South Florida Landscapes
The Effects of Fire and Flooding
To Tree Islands in the Florida Everglades
The topic of this research paper will be the tree island communities in the Florida Everglades and
the different conditions that affect them. While conducting preliminary research on the topic, my
hypothesis is that the effect of flooding shortly after a fire will have a positive effect on the tree
islands. I believe that the flooding will bring in other resources that have been carried with the
current and provide the community with enough resources for healthy growth following the fire. I
believe the communities could benefit from have a source of water, instead of having more droughts
after the fire.
In the Everglades these patches of trees or islands of them are an essential piece of the landscape.
These islands of trees are seen in both the short and the long hydro period wetland of the
Everglades. What these islands start to do is provide a web of shade and they gives opportunity for
these forest–dwelling plants and animals to perform important biodiversity and nutrient cycling
functions (Gained et al. 2002, Ross 2009). Tree islands can be all different sizes, in the short hydro
period area these sizes can vary from anything of two to three trees to as big as several hectares with
hundreds of trees. The size of these tree islands have a direct effect on the amount of species there
are, the larger the tree island the more chance there is to have more
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Bookshelves: The Everglades National Park
As a clearing lay before us in an otherwise densely wooded area, I helped my mother gingerly
thread Day–Glo pink flagging tape around the rare native plants on the periphery. The tape was
intended to serve as a visual warning to the builders who would soon be swarming the area like ants.
Towering Australian pines swayed in the wind above us as she recited the plant names in Latin,
hoping I would catch on. The land had long been abandoned, judging by the age of the candy–
colored refrigerator doors and glass–bottle dispensing Coca–Cola machine left to decay under the
hot Florida sun. After our house had been destroyed by Hurricane Andrew several years prior, my
parents felt that it was time to lay roots on a five–acre lot of pine rockland. Though ... Show more
content on ...
I fell in love with methodologies of art history. I felt empowered in that, through my own
interpretations, I could attach words and meaning to objects. My study of art history reached a
turning point when, in 2012, I took a class entitled Identity in a Post–Identity Art World: Gender,
Race, Sexuality, and Trans/Nationality, 1990 to the Present. The course endowed me with another
lens with which to examine works and, more importantly, shed light on representations of
marginalized identities. As a result, I was introduced to the writings of Judith Butler and Simone de
Beauvoir, both seminal theorists who inspired my own analyses. I enjoyed every minute of
conducting research and forming arguments to support my claims. Ultimately I was interested in
developing my understanding of issues in contemporary art further and sought to accomplish this by
engaging with a larger
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Invasive Animals In The Everglades
Home can't be grown again. The Everglades is home to many species but slowly those homes are
being destroyed but human activities or by non–native animals being released and disturbing the
food chain. In recent decades we have realized how much we benefit from the Everglades but they
wont last long if the Everglades are not taken care properly.
The Python and other invasive animals including plants that has recently made their mark on the
Everglades by intruding on the food chain. Animals such as Alligators have been competing for their
food against the Pythons but the pythons would do anything for their food such as eating the gators.
It is not only invasive animals that hurt the way of living in the Everglades but also invasive plants,
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How Do Snakes Affect The Everglades
Can you imagine buying a pet that is as long as a telephone pole without researching about it, then
letting it free in the wild? Well, people around the world do that all the time. It's insane right? People
feel they can do whatever they want after they decide they do not need the snake. The snakes affect
the Everglades so much.
In the first place, snakes can be extremely enormous and the people that buy the Burmese python
snakes don't know that at all.The text states from source 1," largest snakes in the world, capable of
growing to an astounding length of 23 feet and a weight of up to 200 pounds." These snakes can be
extremely dangerous. Does anyone notice how long they grow? I do not understand why people
would buy these snakes when they know that the snakes can and will be dangerous. Well, a result of
this is, they do not know anything about them and they just buy them. That is why they are ... Show
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They do not think what the snake is going to do the actual native animals. It kills a whole bunch of
Another reason is, the snakes are doing awful stuff so they are now trying to communicate to the
citizens they effects of the Burmese pythons. The blog states," We must do a better job of educating
people about the effect their careless actions have on the ecosystem here in Florida and around the
world." People should not be able to have snakes as pets. They think they know what they are doing
but really they have no idea at all. The think they know everything about the snakes. They do not
know what they need to eat. They don't know how to care for them. And they don't know any facts
about the Burmese
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Florida Everglades Essay
The Florida Everglades
The Florida Everglades have been adversely impacted for decades because of human attempts to
control this historical 'River of Grass'. The reason for our insistence on attempting to control and
manage the area can be defined in one word: water. There has always been plenty of water available
within the Everglades' ecosystem, but no logical way to extract it. Our extraction efforts eventually
led to devastating results. My paper will focus on the initial policy and practices involved in the
extensive downgrading of this once biologically unequaled ecosystem; as well as discuss recent
policy initiatives that have been implemented in order to restore the Everglades to its once
magnificent status. I will attempt ... Show more content on ...
For more than 50 years since the Central and Southern Florida Project, major ventures have been
ongoing which have focused on the provision of fresh water for human–development projects and
flood protection. In order to provide water for residential, commercial, and agricultural uses, the
natural flow of hundreds of small rivers and streams contained within the Everglades were altered.
Revisions included redirecting river flows from winding to straight, draining wetland areas to
provide agricultural land, and channelizing rivers by creating high concrete banks to provide flood
control. Consequently, the Everglades and its dependent natural community have been highly
impacted in the most adverse way.
However, recently this all began to change. In the late summer of 2000, Congress passed the REAL
Act, (Restoring the Everglades – an American Legacy Act) which puts forth a plan to revitalize the
Everglade ecosystem by removing much of the canal system present, allowing wetlands to be re–
established and protected, and generally making it an equal priority to leave water within the
ecosystem as it has traditionally been to send it out of the Everglades to aid in human settlement.
This congressional act is the culmination of decades of hard work by environmental advocates, and
marks the first instance in history that a major waterworks project overseen by the Army Corps of
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Burmese Pythons And Their Effect On Native Species
Stephanie Diaz
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Dr. Marguerite Koch
Principles of Ecology
Burmese Pythons and their effect on native species in the Everglades Burmese Pythons is a non–
native pest in the United States of America, which originated from South Asia. The species is
becoming an established breeding population in South Florida and its environs. The python was
illegally freed in the Everglades National park where the marshy grasses and water provide a
conducive environment for its survival. Burmese python was recognized as a reproducing
population around the year 2000. The python has been classified as an invasive species in Florida.
The species has disrupted the ecosystem by preying on native species and out–competing them for
food. The python is a successful invasive species because their large size makes it have fewer
predators (alligators and humans) (Brown, 2006). Efforts have been put in place to manage the
increase of the Burmese pythons due to the devastating effects it has caused in the ecosystem.
Python removal and control is being done through dogs and human search. Dog search has recorded
much greater success than human beings because humans cannot access some areas due to the thick
vegetation. The origin of Burmese python can be attributed to the regions of South East Asia
including Burma,Thailand, China, and the regions of Archipelago. There is continued decrease of
the python in its native land, which has placed
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The Everglades Research Paper
The Everglades is a vast region that stretches from the Kissimmee River to Lake Okeechobee and is
filled with a unique and world–famous ecosystem that is exclusive to the rest of the world. It is
located in southern Florida and takes up 1.5 million of the land. While there are many diverse
species, there are around 500 human inhabitants. This region is one of the largest wetlands in the US
and the only existing Everglades in the entire world. Because of this and other pressing factors,
about one–fifth of the Everglades are protected by the Everglades National Park. The fact that the
Everglades are one of kind also means that anything that happens not only affects itself locally, but
also nationally and globally. And now, there are many problems ... Show more content on ...
The Native Americans, also known as the Calusa and the Seminoles, had made their refuge in the
Everglades. Later on, after the Seminole Wars (1817–1858), English settlers had begun to invade the
Everglades landscape. They saw the Everglades as useless and in desperate need of help. The settlers
started to build canals and irrigation systems, directing the water toward them and disrupting the
Everglades natural flow. They plowed over the land and quickly, the Everglades started to shrink.
These developments had a strong effect on the local area as well as the world as its only Everglades
began to diminish. When the people started to notice the impact of their actions on the Everglades,
they finally decided to do something about it. In 1934, the Everglades National Park was authorized.
Its aim is to protect what is left of the Everglades because of its importance to the environment and
also to us. There are about 500 human inhabitants (recorded in 2004) living in the Everglades today.
These people depend on the elements within this vast ecosystem. Surrounding communities also
depend on the features of the Everglades. "Water from Everglades National Park and other areas,
drains into the Biscayne Aquifer, which is the source of drinking water for Dade, Broward and some
Palm Beach County residents. Meaning more than 7.7 million people depend on the Everglades for
drinking water. Without the Everglades
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The Destruction Of The Everglades
The Destruction of the Everglades The Everglades National Park protects the largest wild life area
east of the Mississippi River. The Everglades are the largest remaining sub–tropical wild life area in
48 states sitting on 1.5 million acres preserved at Florida's tip off shore. The Everglades contain
various ecosystems such as rivers, lakes ponds, marshes, etc. These wild life areas feature both fresh
and saltwater areas, open prairies, pine rock lands, tropical hardwood forests, offshore coral reefs,
and mangrove forests. This paper will summarize how humans contributed to the destruction of the
Everglades and how man is working to save the Everglades. Since the Everglades is comprised of
both fresh and saltwater areas the vast range of wildlife species in the Everglades include but not
limited to reptiles, mammals, aquatic birds, etc. The vast spectrum of wildlife living in the Florida
Everglades include but not limited to aquatic animals, mammals, reptiles, etc. Of this vast spectrum
of wildlife living in the Florida Everglades there are 56+ species who are either endangered or are in
jeopardy of being endangered. The Everglades are home to two National Parks, four National
Wildlife Refuges, and one National Marine Sanctuary that bring almost 2 million visitors every year
to experience this natural beauty located minutes from Miami Florida. The powerful environmental
forces of sun, water, wind, and fire greatly affect the development and lifecycles of these
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Burmese Python Research Paper
Strike! The male Burmese Python bit the unsuspecting opossum behind the head, just as he had
done hundreds of times before. Pretty soon, he would be hungry again, and so he would go hunt,
again. This was the way that these pythons survived. The large snake was, easy to say, the new
dominant species of the Everglades. But... they weren't always there to basically tear apart the
ecosystem. We had to bring them there first.
The Burmese pythons, native to the swampy marshes of Southeast Asia, is an invasive species in the
Florida Everglades. All while destroying the balance of the ecosystem there, their population keeps
growing. Because there is no one to challenge the beasts, they continue to wipe out entire
populations of animals. They appeared
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Quotes About Burmese Pythons
Burmese pythons
The presence of the Burmese pythons are making people and animals suffer! They have taken over
many things. For example, they have taken over the Everglades of Florida and have taken over the
food chain. The pythons have taken down animals and brought the people of Florida with them.
The Burmese python can grow up to 23 feet and can be 200 pounds. "...capable of growing to an
astounding length of 23 feet and a weight of up to 200 pounds." (Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet)
This quote states how long and how much the snake can weigh at their full growth. The Burmese
pythons are carnivores and only eat meat. "Burmese pythons are carnivores and survive primarily on
small birds and mammals." (Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet) This quote show what the eating
habits are with the snake.The Burmese pythons are dangerous killers but they don't have venom.
"Although they have no venom, they have other, quite effective means of killing their prey."
(Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet) This quote states the snake had no venom, but still has unique
ways of killing their prey. ... Show more content on ...
They escape warehouses and get set free from people. "An exotic pet dealers warehouse that housed
nearly 900 Burmese pythons escaped." This quote shows that pythons escaped and added onto the
overpopulated ecosystem in Florida Everglades. (Burmese Python:The ecosystem challenge) They
also get set free from the owners which also cause the population of snakes. "We must do a better
job of educating people about the effect their careless actions have on ecosystems here in Florida
and around the world." This quote states that people aren't doing the right thing to get rid of the
snakes and when they do, they make a bigger problem in the overpopulated ecosystem already and
not only it causes a problem in the Everglades, it cause a problem all around the world. (Burmese
Python:The ecosystem
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The Everglades National Park
The everglades national park
The everglades national park is located in southern Florida. The variety of this habitat has made it a
sanctuary for many animal species even some that are in danger of extinction. Some of the animals
that take sanctuary in this national park are an assortment of reptiles such as alligators and snakes,
an assortment of birds and even the endangered manatee. The everglades national park was put on
the world heritage endangered list in 1993 after the parks superintendent informed the commission
of the damage that was done to the park due to the urban growth around the area. The everglade
national park was being damaged by many factors due to human interferences. Some of the major
interferences ... Show more content on ...
Some measures that can be taken to preserve this area would be to remove any thing that would
cause further damage, to educate people that live in that area of ways to have a fulfilling life and yet
still protect the natural wonder that makes this area a wonder to live in and visit, and the most
important thing that needs to be done is to remind people that this land is the animals and plants
home and that
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Essay On Everglades
Extraordinary wildlife, beautiful creatures, and lively plants are home to a famous region in
Southern Florida known as the Everglades. The Everglades creates a livable environment that is
sustainable to multiple species and living beings. Florida's Everglades is a valuable and productive
ecosystem that fulfills the essential functions for both humans and wildlife. The different species of
biodiversity in Florida's valued Everglades strengthen the ecosystem. Having many different kinds
of organisms ensures lots of options for hungry animals, from hawks to insects. This provides a
healthy ecosystem that consists of those species working together in harmony; however, destructive
behaviors can create an imbalance in it. Invasive animals like pythons and anacondas cripple the
Everglades population of possums, rabbits, and foxes, along with interfering plants that grow so
thickly that they block water flow and animal movement. Despite this, the conflicting species are
able to recover from the damage, and rebuild the environment. "Living things, both as individuals
and as systems, have resilience (the ability to recover from harm), and can bounce back ... Show
more content on ...
These wetlands support a wide variety of life; it has the ability to control flood waters and protect
them from those dangers. The loss of wetlands would put humans at risk, because wetlands serve as
a natural buffer–zone against storms and hurricanes, slowing down storms and reducing their force
before they move inward. They act as a filter by cleaning and restoring the quality of the water that
is used daily in Florida. "One out of every three Floridians (7 million people) rely on the Everglades
for their water supply" (The Everglades: Quick facts). Florida's Everglades also provide a source of
livelihood, as there are specific centers for hunting, fishing, and recreation. Evidently, the
Everglades has a strong impact on the lives in
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Metro System In Everglades: A Case Study
In addition, South Florida is the home to one of the largest and most–visited natural parks in the
nation: Everglades. It would be ignorant to think that the pollution from the city doesn't affect the
natural reserve and its unique flora and fauna. Since it is located on the border of residential areas,
the introduction of Metrorail in areas like Tamiami and Homestead will definitely improve the air
and water quality in the area close to the national park. Economic benefits The creation of an
effective Metro system will make certain road expansion plans unnecessary, which will help in
saving a large part of the county budget. In other words, the money that the county and the city
spend on the roads due to the traffic problems would go to important social programs, like health
care and education. As I said earlier, the tourists will also be likely to spend more money in the local
businesses across the county. Let's be realistic, a tourist staying at South Beach or Brickel is not
likely to go to Hialeah or Kendall to eat out or shop due to the high travel expense for a cab ride
needed to get there. However, the introduction of a convenient way to move from one edge of the
county to another may help the businesses in the whole county flourish. ... Show more content on ...
If investors know that it's not going to be a problem fro anybody to get to a certain place, they are
going to be eager to build infrastructure there without worrying about possible lack of demand.
People are going to be more willing to move to new areas if they know they are not going to
experience any problems in getting to the main clusters of the county. So by developing the
Metrorail system, the county will be improving the overall economic performance of the Miami
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Juan Ponce De Leon's Pascua Florida
In addition to early exploration there is a lot of history in the nature of Florida. On Juan Ponce de
Leon's first voyage in 1513, he decided to call Florida "Pascua Florida", which is also known as the
feast of flowers. He named Florida after this feast because when he took his first look at the
landscape he was overwhelmed with beautiful flowers. Florida has a relatively warm and sunny
climate and Florida is also home to over 1,700 rivers, streams, and creeks ("Florida Vol. 1"). A major
water feature in Florida that dates back to 6,000 years ago is Lake Okeechobee which means, "big
water." It was a major water and food source to the natives that called Florida their home. Many
years ago there were no waterways coming to or from the lake,
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Burmese Pythons Are Ruining The Everglades
Burmese Pythons Burmese pythons are ruining the everglades. The pythons grow to big sizes
making their owner not want them, so they throw them out into the everglades. This is ruining the
everglades by killing the wild life that lived in the everglades before the snake got there. More
reasons the snakes are ruining the everglades are, the local animal population is decreasing because
these pythons are killing and eating them, the burmese pythons can affect people in a negative way
because the peoples pets can be playing outside and the pythons can eat there pets whole, the
pythons are ruining the ecosystems in the everglades, the snake is eating animals making the
ecosystems worst.There large number of pythons threaten ecosystems as a whole by reducing the
amount of wildlife in the ecosystems. ... Show more content on ...
According to Florida's Python Hunt, "With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be
wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcat, as well as many bird species." This
shows that the pythons are ruining the animals in the everglades because if these pythons wipe too
many animals in the everglades then the pythons will overpopulate and go somewhere else to get
food and animals to eat. Then this could result in people dying because the snake is hungry, the
snake will attack you. The burmese pythons can affect people in a negative way because the peoples
pets can be playing outside and the pythons can eat there pets whole. According to Burmese
Python:Not The Ideal Pet, "Then, the pythons coils it's long and powerful body around the animal,
squeezes until the animal dies, and swallows the animal whole." This shows that the peoples pets
can die from these pythons because if the python can do that process of killing animals in the wild
then the pythons sure can kill a tiny or big dog easily. The pythons are ruining the ecosystem in the
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Essay about The Everglades: Florida's Unique Landscape of...
The Everglades is a diverse ecosystem located in southern Florida, yet urbanization has created a
considerable amount of impact that has altered the physical landscape of the region, resulting in a
symbiotic environment between humans and nature. Based on geographical research, the original
Everglades spanned an area of approximately 12,000km2, and now because of urbanization and
agricultural growth in this sub–region the area of the Everglades has been condensed to half of its
original size (Willard et al 1–2). The Everglades is actually a sub–region of the Southern Coastlands
region of the United States. It is comprised of a unique climate, divided into sub–provinces that
create a diverse pallet of environments for wildlife to thrive, ... Show more content on ...
Evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration from plants) and rainfall also circulate the water
within the Everglades and power the frequent thunderstorms that the region encounters (Tramontana
and Johnson 1–2). Seed dispersal, clearing additional space for plant development, and combining
and mixing the low water levels aid in varying nutrient quantities and locations are ways that regular
thunderstorms and hurricanes also serve the Everglades in a positive way (Tramontana and Johnson
1–2). Moss and peat layers also conceal a limestone plate that formed during the Pleistocene era of
glaciers and an increased sea level deposited sediment between 1.8 million and 11,000 years ago
(Tramontana and Johnson 1–2). Figure. 1. A map of south Florida's Everglades ecosystem. (Property
of "Historical Everglades." Everglades Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. )
The Everglades, just like it is a sub–region of the southern coastlands also has sub– provinces that
comprise the Greater Everglades. The northern part of the Everglades is composed of the
Okeechobee Basin sub province, which provides the source of freshwater that the human population
and the rest of the Everglades sub–provinces rely on (Everglades 1–13). The Everglades sub
province, south of Lake Okeechobee, serves as a winter breeding ground for wildlife animals and a
comfy home during the summer wet season (Everglades 1–13). The Big Cypress Swamp sub–
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The Burmese Python ( Python Bivittate )
The specific species this paper will focus on are the Burmese python (Python bivittate), the Lionfish
(Pterois), and the Brazilian pepper tree (schinus terebinthifolius). These specific invasive species
have been chosen for their diversity in the animal kingdom and their large impact on the Florida
Everglades and Florida's ecosystem. These species all negatively impacted the host environments.
The different types of harm caused by these species include overpopulation from no predator in new
location cause for invading rural areas that can either be dangerous, disruptive, or both. The species
can consume others species to the point of imbalance in natural species population or out eat species
food for survival. This paper will include a detailed description of each species including, previous
location, specific new location/environment, population, and specific problem. With this collection
of information, it will be discussed that the actions taking place to help fix these devastating
problems and will discuss how new solutions can be implemented or discussed to help aid the
The first species to address is the Burmese Python (Python bivittatus). This python originates in
south and southeast Asia. Being one of top five largest snake species in the world, a snake at this
caliber already has the potential for and tremendous impact on any ecosystem. Being found in a
large variation of tropic and subtropical locations It is naturally surrounded by many other species.
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Essay On Everglades National Park
For decades, Everglades National Park has been an iconic symbol of environmental stability and
historical education. With having present day issues with the water supply, attempts to save the
water supply and dealing with a major cost of nearly $1 billion to save the Everglades National
Park, many obstacles lay before those trying to preserve the Everglades. The current dilemmas of
the Everglades, is that the water supply. Of the original wetlands, only 50% remain meaning the rare
and specific species of animals are decreasing and endangered animals are very common rather than
scarce. Moreover, during the construction, the fresh water was cut off. As stated in Source 1, "Past
and Present: The Florida Everglades", "As a result, the quantity and diversity of the wetland wildlife
decreased and 50% of the original wetlands of South Florida no longer exist today." With this
statement given, preservation of the Natural wetlands as well as inhabiting the wetlands, deeply
relies on the supply of water. Secondly, recently attempts to reverse the effects of prior damage have
been in place, yet the ... Show more content on ...
$1 billion is one pretty penny, (if you ask me.) But, Florida state leaders collectively agree that the
federal government should pay the cost, yet in order to do so, congress must approve the act which
will be a difficult task. Furthermore, Source 3, "Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration",
"The project cost for the project is about $1 billion." With a price tag that high, a negotiation was
made and The Everglades Restoration Act was passed and the approximate cost was $880 Million.
To conclude, The Everglades National Park is a beautiful site to see and the National Park have been
a major , positive role in the restoration of the Everglades. Although, some problems have occurred
dealing with deadly chemicals and serve danger of endangered animals becoming too common, the
future foretells a
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Burmese Python Research Paper
For my portfolio, we are going to talk about a python called the Burmese python. The Burmese
python is one of the largest snakes in its species in the world. They are usually in South and
Southeast Asia. They weigh close to 200 pounds and are 16 to 23 feet long. When the pythons were
young they usually were in the trees but when they got older and bigger in size they would go
ground–dwelling. The pythons could also swim too. Burmese are carnivores so they eat birds and
small mammals. Since their eyes are very poor they use their jaws for their heat sensors and their
tongues for their chemical receptors. They kill by squeezing their prey until it suffocates and
grasping the prey to its teeth that are sharp. Pythons also lay eggs well the female do they lay up to
100 eggs. A little background information about the ... Show more content on ...
The pythons are also in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico concern about the pythons is that they will
overpower the small snakes and the other natives. Florida's concern is that they don't want close to
little kids, farm animals and pets. If the python goes to a new environment is will be his territory he
will kill all the animals in that environment. If you want a solution to this problem but this python
but himself were he does not have to kill anybody. "In an ingenious experiment, scientists put radio
collars on marsh rabbits and placed them in areas known to be favorite haunts of Burmese pythons.
Initially, the rabbits thrived and even bred successfully. But after nine months, the researchers
returned to find that pythons had eaten 77 percent of the rabbits. In control sites outside the park,
pythons ate no rabbits." In Everglades National Park in Florida, the pythons have eaten most of the
small animals or mammals in the park. It affected the food chain and wildlife of Southern Florida.
They all these stuff like birds, bobcats, and
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Everglades National Park Research Paper
What is it?
Everglades National Park is an Endangered World Heritage Site and it is a natural sight. It is a
tropical wetland environment and is sub–tropical. It is also home to flora and fauna including the red
mangrove tree, the slash pine tree, panthers, alligators, crocodiles, birds, flamingos and insects. It is
1,542,526 acers large, so it is able to be the habitat to 800 endangered species. Where is it?
The park's coordinates are 25°19' N–80°56' W and is located in South Florida, USA at the very
Southern point of Florida. It is 40 km South–West of Miami City. The park takes up 1,505,910 acres,
however only 1,465,137 acres are counted as a World Heritage Site.
Why is it there?
Everglades National Park achieved the following criteria;
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Okeechobee Sea
There are many time ecologists are concerned about the effect of exploitation of natural resources to
the interrelated terrestrial and linked aquatic ecosystem. The area under study involves related
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem of south Florida ecosystem, and it is tough to underestimate the
impact of exploitation of one ecosystem to the other as these two ecosystems are interlinked in one
way or other. The ecosystem description is that it consists of an aquatic environment characterized
by the Kissimmee–Okeechobee–Everglades ecosystem that consists of river Kissimmee and
Okeechobee Lake. To the other end is the linked terrestrial ecosystem around this aquatic ecosystem
such an Everglades national park, big cypress preserve, and Biscayne ... Show more content on ...
The process of monitoring these projects on restoration efforts and as well as methods of evaluation
the future and present management action ought to be carried with some lots of care. However,
monitoring such project are guided and conducted according to stipulated process in the ecological
risk assessment as well as what the policy say on the issue at hand. The issue regarding global
climate change needs one to alter the management plans in such a way to accommodate the change
brought by the global climate change (Ogden, J. C., Davis, S. M., Jacobs, K. J., Barnes, T., & Fling,
H. E.
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Everglades Research Paper
The Everglades
Rachel Thompson
BIO 100
January 11, 2011
Connie Cassidy
The Florida Everglades is the state's most highly visited park in the state. The Everglades is also
home to thousands of animals, reptiles, and plants. Many tourist travels just to get a glimpse of the
many exotic reptiles. Although, the Everglades is very beautiful it's also one of the most endangered
parks in the state. The park is endangered from humans and land developments. The state has laws
imposed to protect the everglades. In order for people to save and protect the Everglades there are
things we have to do on part. Throughout this essay I will go into depth about the different species,
human threats, and what we can do to protect one of our ... Show more content on ...
Many birds would flock to the Everglades during the winter to escape harsh winters from up north.
The Everglades skies aren't filled with as many birds anymore due to numerous reasons. One of the
saddest reasons that many animals and reptiles are losing their homes is because of humans and land
development. The beautiful of the Everglades is simply breathing all the creatures and different
plant life is a joyous site to witness. The beauty of the Everglades that past generations has witness
isn't the same that the current generations witness. As the years progress we continue to do more
harm to our beloved Everglades. We continue to push our animals to relocate and find new homes
because we take away their land for our own personal developments. The population continues to
increase and that calls for newer and better developments, more and more of the Everglades is being
taking away from plants and animals. This land that is being taken away from the plant and animal
species is being turned into communities, shopping plazas, and other new buildings. The Everglades
once rumored to be 22,000 square feet has over time become no more than 11,000 square feet. This
major drop over years and years is a result of land development. The continuation of taking land
away from our animal and plant life in the Everglades can result in horrible consequences. Animals
will eventually be forced to find homes somewhere else and we will lose valued plant
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Essay on The Florida Everglades
Maintaining ecological diversity is necessary for the survival of a biological community. In the
United States, American citizens are on the verge of irrevocably damaging one of the country's most
unique and diverse treasures – the Florida Everglades. This national park is now the only remaining
patch of a river that used to span 120 miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Bay. Dikes and
levees created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940's drained this river to reduce
flooding and increase useable water for the development of the region. This major diversion of
water lead to a trickle down effect causing the continual decline of the environmental state of the
Everglades. Since then, debates over the ... Show more content on ...
Truman / Address At Dedication of Everglades National Park (Carr, 1981)
Nearly as large as the state of New Jersey, the Everglades used to measure about 6,000 square miles
(Bucks, 1998). The Everglades was a complex wetland consisting of a mosaic of ecosystems. The
heart of the Everglades was a slow moving body of water with a span of one hundred twenty miles
long and forty miles wide with an average depth of six inches to two feet of water (Lauber,1973).
This broad shallow, often called the "river of grass," was covered in a blanket of saw grass (not
actually a grass but a sedge) that slowly drained the water from its main source, Lake Okeechobee,
all the way to the southernmost tip of the state and into the Florida Bay. Shaped much like a saucer,
when full Lake Okeechobee would send its overflow spilling into the shallows of the Everglades
river. This natural filling process, along with the wet season's rains, is what fed the flow of the
Everglades and the underlying aquifers for centuries.
The grass in the Everglades was very important to the evolution of the land and the water. It rooted
itself in the soft limestone that arose from the ocean bottom from an accumulating deposition of
seashells. The saw grass prospered and went through the seasonal death and rebirth, covering the
limestone with its decaying leaves. A spongy mass of peat then arose from the decay soaking up the
rains in the wet season
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Burmese Python In The Everglades
Burmese pythons have invaded the everglades. They are overtaking the everglades. The burmese
python had made a change in the ecosystem in the everglades. People are getting hurt by these wild
animals. The burmese python is overtaking the wild. Burmese python are over taking the everglades.
The burmese python is coming to much out of control. The new paper states "Tens of thousands of
Burmese pythons are estimated to be living in the Everglades, where they thrive in the warm, humid
climate." The burmese python is getting out of control with their size. the news paper states "In a
dramatic demonstration intended to underscore the threat posed by these snakes, Florida Senator Bill
Nelson actually took the skin from a 16–foot Burmese python to a Senate committee hearing on the
subject." ... Show more content on ...
They have become so much they made a ad to help people kill more of them. The ad states "Sign up
for the competition to harvest the most Burmese pythons or the longest one and win up to $1,500!"
The burmese python has made a change in the ecosystem by becoming to much. the informational
article states "Then, the python coils its long and powerful body around the animal, squeezes until
the animal dies, and swallows the animal whole." people are getting hurt by try to get rid of these
animals. the newspaper states "Our advice: If you happen to be in the area, be sure to wear a
bulletproof vest." people are easily getting hurt by other people and the snakes.the newspaper states
"This means that for 30 days, hundreds of people armed with shotguns, rifles, machetes, handguns,
and hooked spears– many who have never even seen a Burmese python–will roam the Florida
Everglades in search of the coveted
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FLORIDA: The Invasion Of The Everglades
Florida is the most heavily invaded state of alien species in the US, with some of the most
dangerous animals in the world found at its doorstep. The Everglades are home to potential 'man–
eaters' such as the well known Burmese and African Rock Python's, however researchers have
confirmed a new 'man–eating' species has come to town – The Nile Crocodile. Residents of urban
areas far from the Everglades are no longer safe from the invasion of non–native species that are
over taking the state. With Giant African Land Snails, Wild Pigs, Cane Toads and even some of the
'man–eating' species spreading into the urban areas.
Invasive Species
"A species that is non–native to the ecosystem under consideration ... Show more content on ...
Florida has more introduced species of reptiles and amphibians in the wild than anywhere else in the
world, causing the native populations to become unbalanced (University of Florida, 2012).
Burmese & African Rock Python
One of the biggest names in Florida's species invasion is the Burmese Pythons (Python molurus
bivittatus), a native constrictor species of Southeast Asia, which was first sighted in the Florida
everglades in 1980, has now developed into a recognisable reproducing population.
Thought to have been first introduced into the wild via pet owners (Dorcas & Wilson, 20011) have
caused significant declines in mammal populations. An observational study conducted by Dorcas et
al (2012), found a 90% reduction in encounter rates of a number of species including racoon,
opossums, bob cats and white tailed deer over the period 2003–2011 in which Burmese python
populations have increased. The introduction of the Burmese python has also caused a significant
decline in bird species. A study conducted by Dove et al (2011) found remains of 25 different
species of birds in the digestive tracts of 85 Burmese pythons collected from 2003–2008, 4 of which
are of special concern in Florida and 1 the 'Wood Stork' is listed as endangered. Preying on native
wildlife and competing with native predators has impacted the food web and trophic level dynamics
of the ecological
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Burmese Python Essay
Burmese Python One of the largest snakes in the world is the Burmese python. In fact Florida has to
many pythons. The Burmese python is shaping the Florida Everglades by the minute. They are many
reasons why and how they are shaping Florida's Everglades. Some of those reasons are the mass
killing of animals, the damage of the ecosystem, and even the way they are going to try to thin down
the population of the Burmese python itself. To start out, the mass killing of animals in Florida is
beginning to become a big problem. The Burmese python preys upon anything and everything,
Mostly small animals, like birds. In source one, Burmese python: Not The Perfect Pet by Matt
Piven, the text states, "Burmese pythons are connivers and survive primarily on small birds." Source
1 states, "To kill their prey they first gasp it with their back curving teeth. When the animal tries to
pull away, it only sinks further into the python's grip. When the python coils its long powerful body
around the animal, it squeezes it until it dies and then swallows it whole." To make matters worse,
the Burmese python has no natural predators. The mass killing of animals is damaging The ... Show
more content on ...
Mostly because there are 10's of thousands of these snakes and that they have no natural predators.
In source two by Andrew Ng, the text states, "With no natural predators these eating machines seem
to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species."
As you could most likely tell, these snakes are completely wiping out the Ecosystem. People finally
started to notice the large growth in the Burmese python's population. The people of Florida knew
that they had to do something or the ecosystem would absolutely die, because at this point they were
fed up with doing nothing. Source two states, "Florida senator Bill Nelson took the skin from a 16–
foot python to senate committee on the
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The Burmese Python Problem
Pythons, wild pigs, and red foxes are all very scary to other animals and to humans. Throughout the
years many people in the U.S have brought different invasive animals that can hurt the ecosystem
they live in and can cause a serious problem with endangered species. Invasive species came into
the U.S's eyes earlier in the day and the problem could either be getting better or worse. These
animals are all over our U.S including Texas and Florida etc. Invasive species are a problem and
there are many creative ways the problem is being addressed.
There are many different problems with invasive species. The burmese python is a danger to
Florida's National State Park. They reached the National Park by becoming pets. In the 1990's they
use to be ... Show more content on ...
The people that own the Florida's Everglades National park hired scientists to track the snakes and
trap them and the commissioner of Florida also asks people if they see a python to report it
immediately. The Florida fish and Wildlife commission also began the python challenge. The python
challenge is a competition to find the biggest python and if you do find the biggest python you
receive a price. In Texas the wild pig is hunted down by hunters and it is killed year round. When
they are captured or killed they are sold to restaurants to be cooked and considered exotic meat. If it
wasn't for a local farmer named Marsh the sheepdog idea never would have been a solution. Marsh
is a chicken farmer and since he is a chicken farmer he has to stay up all night so the foxes will not
come and eat them. While Marsh was doing his job keeping the foxes away, he heard a dog barking.
He had realized it was a sheepdog barking at the foxes. So one day Marsh got a sheepdog and
named him Ben. Ben did a great job protecting the chickens and when Marsh heard the news of the
penguins he suggested using sheepdogs to patrol and guard the penguins. In 2006 the first sheepdog
was put to the test, when the puppy patrol started up the population rebounded to around 150. Ever
since the first sheepdog came no fox has touched one of those foxes.
There are many creative ways the of invasive species is being addressed and they are a problem.
There are many different problems with invasive species. There might be problems with invasive
species, but people are coming up with fun and different ways the problem can be addressed.
Pythons, wild pigs, and red foxes are all a danger to different wild life. There will continually be
more species even if everyone thinks they are gone, they will come back every time even if it is a
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Burmese Pythons in the Everglades
Lucy Dobson
Dr. Amy Amendt–Raduege
English 102
Python Molurus Bivatlus
One misty morning in 2003, deep under the cover of the largest subtropical wilderness in the United
States, a group of tourists set out for a day of exploration in the Everglades. They hoped to see some
of the diverse and unique species that the Everglades are famous for, and maybe snap a few cool
pictures to show their friends. They could never have anticipated what they would actually discover.
A short way into their trek, the party was drawn to a noisy struggle nearby. They followed their ears
to a duel between an alligator and a huge Burmese Python. The alligator clamped his jaws around
the snake. The snake wrapped its body around the alligator. The tourists ... Show more content on ...
The Burmese Python is one of the most invasive of these non–native species. The snakes originate
from Southeast Asia, so they thrive in Florida's similar environment. The Everglades became sort of
a paradise to the pythons, since their introduction in the early 1990's. A female Burmese Python will
lay up to 207 eggs at once. Inside her nest, she will coil her body around the eggs to maintain a
temperature of about ninety degrees Fahrenheit. Incubation takes around two months. The python
has only just recently been observed engaging in shivering thermo genesis for the first time outside
of captivity. This is the production of body heat through muscle contractions. The mother snake does
this to raise the temperature of her nest and eggs– the warmer the incubation, the quicker they will
hatch, and slither free throughout the forest, carrying on its destructive path. With this sort of
reproduction, it's no wonder they're so easily taking over the Everglades.
Dobson 4
One of the first big releases of the Burmese Python in Florida took place in 1992. Hurricane
Andrew, a category 5 hurricane, took down a large snake importer's warehouse, as well as causing
many billions of dollars of damage.
Each year, Miami receives 12,000 exotic pet shipments, many of which are the Burmese Python. A
person who takes in a 20–inch baby python might be understandably surprised when it becomes a
12–foot, 200
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Everglades Research Paper

  • 1. Everglades Research Paper The Everglades is a vast region that stretches from the Kissimmee River to Lake Okeechobee and is filled with a unique and world–famous ecosystem that is exclusive to the rest of the world. It is located in southern Florida and takes up 1.5 million of the land. While there are many diverse species, there are around 500 human inhabitants. This region is one of the largest wetlands in the US and the only existing Everglades in the entire world. Because of this and other pressing factors, about one–fifth of the Everglades are protected by the Everglades National Park. The fact that the Everglades are one of kind also means that anything that happens not only affects itself locally, but also nationally and globally. And now, there are many problems ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Cause And Effect Of Burmese Pythons The Burmese python (Python bivittatus) is one of the largest snakes in the world, measuring up to 5.74 meters long and weighing up to 182.8 kilograms. The species is native to southeast Asia and in its native habitat, consumes a wide array of prey including many different mammal, amphibian, lizard, snake, bird, and fish species (Snow et al. 2007). In southern Florida, pythons have established themselves across thousands of square kilometers including all of Everglades National Park (Boback et al. 2016). Research points to multiple instances of pet release to be the cause of their introduction to the Everglades as a foreign species (Snow et al. 2007). Python populations have significantly increased in both abundance and geographic range in the Everglades since their introduction, preying on a wide variety of native mammals and birds, posing a serious problem as an invasive species and apex predator (Dorcas et al. 2012). As an invasive species, the Burmese python has an immense impact on the native populations of the Everglades. In the last 20 years, observations of mammals in the Everglades have declined by 95% while the number of non–native Burmese pythons in the park has significantly increased (Sovie et al. 2016). Data from game cameras used in a study by Willson support this observation, showing the spatial pattern of mammal abundance being inversely correlated with spatial expansion of Burmese pythons in the Everglades (Willson 2017). Burmese pythons have to been ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Everglades Research Paper The Florida Everglades provides water to roughly 7 million people in Florida. There is on going issues with the Everglades water supply; for instance, it's history,and the delayed problems are just two. There has been many acts to save it, and now we just can't give up. To begin with, we have had a rocky history involving the Everglades water supply. We are now trying to recover from the past. For example, in the text, "The Past and the Present," it states, "The construction and population increase in Everglades upset it's fragile ecosystem, and cut off the flow of fresh water to the Everglades." As a result, it's quantity and diversity decreased by 50%. Although many people did try to save the Everglades, it wasn't until the year 1934 when Congress passed the law and the park was officially opened. Now people from all over the U.S can enjoy the park! ... Show more content on ... Many people are wondering, when will this be fixed? Good news– soon!! According to page 116, it explains, "A Supreme Court decision made in 2004 implemented 8.4 billion dollars for the project to re–establish the natural flow of the water to the Everglades in the next 30 years." Since 1900, drainage has eroded the original wetlands by 50%. Another reason we have so many problems is the sugar cane, with all the sugar cane there is no land left to support life. This is a shame that all the wildlife is being affected or dying ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Essay on Compare and Contrast of Florida and Hawaii Different Beaches During the summer and winter, many families like to go on vacations to tropical locations in order to take in the beautiful and amazing sights that they might not be able to experience at home. Two popular places to visit are Florida and Hawaii. While many believe that one beach community is as good as any other, there are many differences between Hawaii and Florida that make them suited for different people, depending on what kind of vacation they want to experience. In particular there are differences in the cultures, weather, and attractions of these two beach communities. Although both Florida and Hawaii are tropical locations, their cultures are far from similar. Florida has a very "typical" American feel to ... Show more content on ... Also, pineapple is a very popular addition to just about anything you could imagine, and the food is usually made to be "volcano" hot. As far as an escape goes, Hawaii is the perfect place to go to experience an amazing new culture. Even if you cannot tell the difference between the cultures of Hawaii and Florida, the weather easily sets the two apart. As far as tropical locations go, many people expect the weather to be warm and sunny, looking for a perfect day to go to the beach and relax next to the ocean. In Florida, though the heat and humidity is almost unbearable. It makes you want to immediately jump into the ocean to try a cool off under the hot sun. Unfortunately, with the sun beating down on the ocean and the humidity in the air trapping all of the heat, the ocean also heats up very quickly and it becomes more like a hot tub, which is not the most relaxing of choice in the middle of a warm, summer day. With all of the humidity in Florida, it is also very common for a sudden downpour to erupt and leave you soaking wet like you have been in the ocean all day. Despite these flaws in the perfect, tropical weather you expect, when you do get a nice day in Florida, it makes you wish the day would never end and that you would never have to leave. Hawaii's weather makes the best days in Florida seem like a hot, humid day in Missouri in the middle of August. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Burmese Python Research Paper nvasions by plants, animals, and pathogens into non–native environments pose one of the most significant, but least addressed, international threats to biodiversity within natural ecosystems. The Burmese python, scientifically named Python bivittatus (B Stuart, B., Nguyen,), is native to the jungles and grassy marshes of Southeast Asia. The Burmese subspecies has the largest range of the three subspecies – including southern China, Indochina, Burma, and portions of Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and the Celeb Islands). These snakes are among the largest on Earth as they are capable of reaching 23 feet or more in length and weighing up to 200 pounds. When young, these pythons spend most of their time in trees, but as they mature their size and weight make tree climbing difficult. They then transition to spending most of their time on the ground. Burmese pythons are carnivorous, surviving primarily on birds and mammals. Because of their poor eyesight, they stalk their prey using heat–sensors along their jaws and chemical receptors in their tongues. These snakes are not venomous, but kill by constriction. (Chaudhari) ... Show more content on ... Rates of decline are not available for many areas of this snake's range; however, they have been observed to be declining in their native habitat of Southeast Asia. The Burmese python started its invasion in the wild of southern Florida, USA via the pet trade. These reptiles have had a detrimental impact on the grassy marshes of Florida. They have recently been blamed for localized declines of up to 99% in encounter rates of several common native mammal species, as well as the apparent loss of introduced rabbits and foxes from these sites. (B Stuart, B., ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Everglades National Park Research Paper Everglades National Park Everglades National Park is a great park. It has lakes, swamps, ocean, plants , and also, it has so much wildlife. If you like the ocean, and lots of plants , Everglades National Park is the place to go. The Everglades is in the state of Florida, the 27th state of America. The Everglades covers the whole southern end of the mainland of Florida. It is the sunshine state because of how much sun it gets every year. The capital of the state is Tallahassee, and the largest city is Jacksonville. Also the Everglades have a lot of history leading toward how the park got started. Old Ingraham Highway is an old motorway named after James E. Ingraham. James E. Ingraham was from Wisconsin, but moved to Florida to become ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay The Everglades The Everglades On May 30, 1934, an Act was passed, which authorized a park to be created through public donations. Thirteen years later, through a combination of private, state and federal lands, an expansive wetland was hopefully immortalized as a national park. Everglades was the first national park that was preserved primarily for its biota, in lieu of scenic or historic values. Shortly after moving to Miami in 1925, Ernest F. Coe, made the Everglades Park project his life work. In 1927, Coe, along with a few others, formed the Tropical Everglades Park Association (TENPA), which concentrated its activities on the creation of a national park in south Florida. By 1928, the Florida ... Show more content on ... Everglades National Park now consists of 1,399,078.26 acres of wetlands. On October 26, 1976, Everglades National Park was added to the list of International Biosphere Reserves. International Biosphere Reserves are a branch of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These select reserves are protected samples of the Earth's major ecosystem types. They are standards against which we can scale human impact on the environment and foresee its probable effects. On the same date, UNESCO also declared it a World Heritage Site. Human history has spanned for over 2000 years in the Everglade, from the nomadic Calusa to the present–day settlers. This subtropical mosaic of astounding diversity is also a haven for over 36 threatened or endangered animal species. This unique blend of natural and cultural history is what led to its "coronation." Slight changes in elevation, at points only a couple of inches, water salinity, and soil have created a number of different landscapes within the confines of Everglades National Park. The interaction of these distinct environments is what makes this area of the world so unique. Within the Everglades, there is an estuarine community, mangrove forests, coastal prairies, freshwater marl ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Burmese Pythons in Florida Burmese Pythons in Florida There are many different types of snakes in the state of Florida from the average garden snake to the very venomous Eastern Diamondback Rattle but so far the only one that has both citizens and politicians truly worried about are the Burmese Pythons that are located in the Everglades, a National Park located in southern Florida. Burmese Pythons have a beautiful patterned skin, a rapid growth rate, which is known as the largest snake of choice to be owned by human. During, captivate Burmese python are poorly taking care of; some turn on their owners and end up killing them. Due to, them being poorly taking care pythons are release into the wild or in a nearby wooded area to defended for themselves and find food. ... Show more content on ... In early January of 2013 legislators came up with a very way of catching pythons that are loose and out of the National Park, it is called the "2013 Python Challenge". There is a hunt for Burmese pythons in the Everglades, this contest started in the later part of January and will end the 18th of February. Nearly 1,600 hunters from 38 states, Washington D.C. and Canada, took part in the challenge, which offered cash prizes (Tuffley). The Challenge lasted for a month in which 68 pythons were caught. A$1500 reward was given to the hunter who caught the most pythons and $1000 for the hunter who caught the longest. As of the 11th of January there has been 11 pythons caught in the Everglades and are being kept at the University of Florida; until, the contest is over. There is a prize for the longest and the biggest snake caught. (Greenwood). According to the website, the hunt is being conducted "to raise public awareness about Burmese pythons and how this invasive species is a threat to the Everglades ecosystem, including native wildlife." (Surely, the appeal of saying that one has successfully captured and killed a gigantic invasive death snake should not be discounted, either.) (Greenwood). Although Burmese Pythons are from Southern and Southeast Asia, they were brought here as a trade for exotic pets. They can live up to 25 years; grow to be 25 to 26 feet long; weigh up to 200 pounds or more. Most people see them as a threat to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Burmese Python: Why Snakes Attack The Everglades Snakes Attack the Everglades! Did you know that the Burmese Python can grow up to be 23 inches long. They also can consume a considerable amount of the creatures that make their habitat in the Everglades. All citizens agree that these serpents are a threat to the ecosystem in the Everglades, and are drastically altering the Everglades forever. Firstly, the Burmese Python can digest a multitude of different animals, shown by the article, Florida's Python Hunt when it says," With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species." These serpents are slowly making these animals become extinct, and society is not doing much better. Next, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Florida Living Research Paper Bridget N. Kammerer Ms. Lynn Hawkins Literature and Culture – Lit. 2000 August 2, 2016 Florida Living The Florida landscape has inspired many individuals to write about the natural beauty of the land. Florida has many environmental qualities that draws people to it. This state of Florida has a truly unique habitat, and some of it is unexplainable. The flora and fauna of the state of Florida is an anomaly, containing palm frond wasps that are aggressive, and mean snakes of all sorts. Cultures converge in this melting pot of the United States. Florida is unique place that is all its own. The Everglades have many mysteries to hold. Sit in the quiet and see what you can hear. The noises and the utter silence are eerie. Sydney Lanier explains that upon the entering of the Saint ... Show more content on ... We have come to understand some of the wildlife that the inhabits this area and how ponderous and dangerous they can be. Fowl and reptiles are plenty. Birds with sharp beaks and poisonous creatures, deadly to those who are unsuspecting, of those whom are not from the area. Alligators are not that uncommon, and yet the local flamingos are white or so pale pink that if you blink, you will miss them. The wildlife of the area is often found to be odd or even scary by
  • 38. visitors. Many of the native Seminole Indians are still in the area, although they are deemed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Florida Bay Essay Florida Bay Dear Jenny Staletovich, Your article on the Miami Herald website called "Will Florida Bay survive the summer?" opened my eyes as to what is going on in the Florida Bay and has inspired me to bring awareness to the sea grass die off during my research trip to the Florida Bay. This week, I did my own research to measure the salinity of the Bay and the water temperature to compare the results to the last sea grass die–off which occurred in the early 1990s. I have discovered that the temperature of the bay in the summer of 2015 compared to the temperature in the summer of 1990 increased astronomically. In fact, the temperature was 93 degrees when I made my measurements and just to confirm my measurements I sent emails to researchers ... Show more content on ... It is evident based on my experience in Florida Bay that there has not been enough involvement towards keeping the salinity of the Florida Bay in ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Effects Of Fire And Flooding On The Florida Everglades Kristofer Mueller South Florida Landscapes The Effects of Fire and Flooding To Tree Islands in the Florida Everglades The topic of this research paper will be the tree island communities in the Florida Everglades and the different conditions that affect them. While conducting preliminary research on the topic, my hypothesis is that the effect of flooding shortly after a fire will have a positive effect on the tree islands. I believe that the flooding will bring in other resources that have been carried with the current and provide the community with enough resources for healthy growth following the fire. I believe the communities could benefit from have a source of water, instead of having more droughts after the fire. In the Everglades these patches of trees or islands of them are an essential piece of the landscape. These islands of trees are seen in both the short and the long hydro period wetland of the Everglades. What these islands start to do is provide a web of shade and they gives opportunity for these forest–dwelling plants and animals to perform important biodiversity and nutrient cycling functions (Gained et al. 2002, Ross 2009). Tree islands can be all different sizes, in the short hydro period area these sizes can vary from anything of two to three trees to as big as several hectares with hundreds of trees. The size of these tree islands have a direct effect on the amount of species there are, the larger the tree island the more chance there is to have more ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Bookshelves: The Everglades National Park As a clearing lay before us in an otherwise densely wooded area, I helped my mother gingerly thread Day–Glo pink flagging tape around the rare native plants on the periphery. The tape was intended to serve as a visual warning to the builders who would soon be swarming the area like ants. Towering Australian pines swayed in the wind above us as she recited the plant names in Latin, hoping I would catch on. The land had long been abandoned, judging by the age of the candy– colored refrigerator doors and glass–bottle dispensing Coca–Cola machine left to decay under the hot Florida sun. After our house had been destroyed by Hurricane Andrew several years prior, my parents felt that it was time to lay roots on a five–acre lot of pine rockland. Though ... Show more content on ... I fell in love with methodologies of art history. I felt empowered in that, through my own interpretations, I could attach words and meaning to objects. My study of art history reached a turning point when, in 2012, I took a class entitled Identity in a Post–Identity Art World: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Trans/Nationality, 1990 to the Present. The course endowed me with another lens with which to examine works and, more importantly, shed light on representations of marginalized identities. As a result, I was introduced to the writings of Judith Butler and Simone de Beauvoir, both seminal theorists who inspired my own analyses. I enjoyed every minute of conducting research and forming arguments to support my claims. Ultimately I was interested in developing my understanding of issues in contemporary art further and sought to accomplish this by engaging with a larger ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Invasive Animals In The Everglades Home can't be grown again. The Everglades is home to many species but slowly those homes are being destroyed but human activities or by non–native animals being released and disturbing the food chain. In recent decades we have realized how much we benefit from the Everglades but they wont last long if the Everglades are not taken care properly. The Python and other invasive animals including plants that has recently made their mark on the Everglades by intruding on the food chain. Animals such as Alligators have been competing for their food against the Pythons but the pythons would do anything for their food such as eating the gators. It is not only invasive animals that hurt the way of living in the Everglades but also invasive plants, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. How Do Snakes Affect The Everglades Can you imagine buying a pet that is as long as a telephone pole without researching about it, then letting it free in the wild? Well, people around the world do that all the time. It's insane right? People feel they can do whatever they want after they decide they do not need the snake. The snakes affect the Everglades so much. In the first place, snakes can be extremely enormous and the people that buy the Burmese python snakes don't know that at all.The text states from source 1," largest snakes in the world, capable of growing to an astounding length of 23 feet and a weight of up to 200 pounds." These snakes can be extremely dangerous. Does anyone notice how long they grow? I do not understand why people would buy these snakes when they know that the snakes can and will be dangerous. Well, a result of this is, they do not know anything about them and they just buy them. That is why they are ... Show more content on ... They do not think what the snake is going to do the actual native animals. It kills a whole bunch of species. Another reason is, the snakes are doing awful stuff so they are now trying to communicate to the citizens they effects of the Burmese pythons. The blog states," We must do a better job of educating people about the effect their careless actions have on the ecosystem here in Florida and around the world." People should not be able to have snakes as pets. They think they know what they are doing but really they have no idea at all. The think they know everything about the snakes. They do not know what they need to eat. They don't know how to care for them. And they don't know any facts about the Burmese ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Florida Everglades Essay The Florida Everglades The Florida Everglades have been adversely impacted for decades because of human attempts to control this historical 'River of Grass'. The reason for our insistence on attempting to control and manage the area can be defined in one word: water. There has always been plenty of water available within the Everglades' ecosystem, but no logical way to extract it. Our extraction efforts eventually led to devastating results. My paper will focus on the initial policy and practices involved in the extensive downgrading of this once biologically unequaled ecosystem; as well as discuss recent policy initiatives that have been implemented in order to restore the Everglades to its once magnificent status. I will attempt ... Show more content on ... For more than 50 years since the Central and Southern Florida Project, major ventures have been ongoing which have focused on the provision of fresh water for human–development projects and flood protection. In order to provide water for residential, commercial, and agricultural uses, the natural flow of hundreds of small rivers and streams contained within the Everglades were altered. Revisions included redirecting river flows from winding to straight, draining wetland areas to provide agricultural land, and channelizing rivers by creating high concrete banks to provide flood control. Consequently, the Everglades and its dependent natural community have been highly impacted in the most adverse way. However, recently this all began to change. In the late summer of 2000, Congress passed the REAL Act, (Restoring the Everglades – an American Legacy Act) which puts forth a plan to revitalize the Everglade ecosystem by removing much of the canal system present, allowing wetlands to be re– established and protected, and generally making it an equal priority to leave water within the ecosystem as it has traditionally been to send it out of the Everglades to aid in human settlement. This congressional act is the culmination of decades of hard work by environmental advocates, and marks the first instance in history that a major waterworks project overseen by the Army Corps of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Burmese Pythons And Their Effect On Native Species BURMESE PYTHONS Stephanie Diaz Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Dr. Marguerite Koch Principles of Ecology Introduction Burmese Pythons and their effect on native species in the Everglades Burmese Pythons is a non– native pest in the United States of America, which originated from South Asia. The species is becoming an established breeding population in South Florida and its environs. The python was illegally freed in the Everglades National park where the marshy grasses and water provide a conducive environment for its survival. Burmese python was recognized as a reproducing population around the year 2000. The python has been classified as an invasive species in Florida. The species has disrupted the ecosystem by preying on native species and out–competing them for food. The python is a successful invasive species because their large size makes it have fewer predators (alligators and humans) (Brown, 2006). Efforts have been put in place to manage the increase of the Burmese pythons due to the devastating effects it has caused in the ecosystem. Python removal and control is being done through dogs and human search. Dog search has recorded much greater success than human beings because humans cannot access some areas due to the thick vegetation. The origin of Burmese python can be attributed to the regions of South East Asia including Burma,Thailand, China, and the regions of Archipelago. There is continued decrease of the python in its native land, which has placed ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Everglades Research Paper The Everglades is a vast region that stretches from the Kissimmee River to Lake Okeechobee and is filled with a unique and world–famous ecosystem that is exclusive to the rest of the world. It is located in southern Florida and takes up 1.5 million of the land. While there are many diverse species, there are around 500 human inhabitants. This region is one of the largest wetlands in the US and the only existing Everglades in the entire world. Because of this and other pressing factors, about one–fifth of the Everglades are protected by the Everglades National Park. The fact that the Everglades are one of kind also means that anything that happens not only affects itself locally, but also nationally and globally. And now, there are many problems ... Show more content on ... The Native Americans, also known as the Calusa and the Seminoles, had made their refuge in the Everglades. Later on, after the Seminole Wars (1817–1858), English settlers had begun to invade the Everglades landscape. They saw the Everglades as useless and in desperate need of help. The settlers started to build canals and irrigation systems, directing the water toward them and disrupting the Everglades natural flow. They plowed over the land and quickly, the Everglades started to shrink. These developments had a strong effect on the local area as well as the world as its only Everglades began to diminish. When the people started to notice the impact of their actions on the Everglades, they finally decided to do something about it. In 1934, the Everglades National Park was authorized. Its aim is to protect what is left of the Everglades because of its importance to the environment and also to us. There are about 500 human inhabitants (recorded in 2004) living in the Everglades today. These people depend on the elements within this vast ecosystem. Surrounding communities also depend on the features of the Everglades. "Water from Everglades National Park and other areas, drains into the Biscayne Aquifer, which is the source of drinking water for Dade, Broward and some Palm Beach County residents. Meaning more than 7.7 million people depend on the Everglades for drinking water. Without the Everglades ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Destruction Of The Everglades The Destruction of the Everglades The Everglades National Park protects the largest wild life area east of the Mississippi River. The Everglades are the largest remaining sub–tropical wild life area in 48 states sitting on 1.5 million acres preserved at Florida's tip off shore. The Everglades contain various ecosystems such as rivers, lakes ponds, marshes, etc. These wild life areas feature both fresh and saltwater areas, open prairies, pine rock lands, tropical hardwood forests, offshore coral reefs, and mangrove forests. This paper will summarize how humans contributed to the destruction of the Everglades and how man is working to save the Everglades. Since the Everglades is comprised of both fresh and saltwater areas the vast range of wildlife species in the Everglades include but not limited to reptiles, mammals, aquatic birds, etc. The vast spectrum of wildlife living in the Florida Everglades include but not limited to aquatic animals, mammals, reptiles, etc. Of this vast spectrum of wildlife living in the Florida Everglades there are 56+ species who are either endangered or are in jeopardy of being endangered. The Everglades are home to two National Parks, four National Wildlife Refuges, and one National Marine Sanctuary that bring almost 2 million visitors every year to experience this natural beauty located minutes from Miami Florida. The powerful environmental forces of sun, water, wind, and fire greatly affect the development and lifecycles of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Burmese Python Research Paper Strike! The male Burmese Python bit the unsuspecting opossum behind the head, just as he had done hundreds of times before. Pretty soon, he would be hungry again, and so he would go hunt, again. This was the way that these pythons survived. The large snake was, easy to say, the new dominant species of the Everglades. But... they weren't always there to basically tear apart the ecosystem. We had to bring them there first. The Burmese pythons, native to the swampy marshes of Southeast Asia, is an invasive species in the Florida Everglades. All while destroying the balance of the ecosystem there, their population keeps growing. Because there is no one to challenge the beasts, they continue to wipe out entire populations of animals. They appeared ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Quotes About Burmese Pythons Burmese pythons The presence of the Burmese pythons are making people and animals suffer! They have taken over many things. For example, they have taken over the Everglades of Florida and have taken over the food chain. The pythons have taken down animals and brought the people of Florida with them. The Burmese python can grow up to 23 feet and can be 200 pounds. "...capable of growing to an astounding length of 23 feet and a weight of up to 200 pounds." (Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet) This quote states how long and how much the snake can weigh at their full growth. The Burmese pythons are carnivores and only eat meat. "Burmese pythons are carnivores and survive primarily on small birds and mammals." (Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet) This quote show what the eating habits are with the snake.The Burmese pythons are dangerous killers but they don't have venom. "Although they have no venom, they have other, quite effective means of killing their prey." (Burmese Python: Not the ideal pet) This quote states the snake had no venom, but still has unique ways of killing their prey. ... Show more content on ... They escape warehouses and get set free from people. "An exotic pet dealers warehouse that housed nearly 900 Burmese pythons escaped." This quote shows that pythons escaped and added onto the overpopulated ecosystem in Florida Everglades. (Burmese Python:The ecosystem challenge) They also get set free from the owners which also cause the population of snakes. "We must do a better job of educating people about the effect their careless actions have on ecosystems here in Florida and around the world." This quote states that people aren't doing the right thing to get rid of the snakes and when they do, they make a bigger problem in the overpopulated ecosystem already and not only it causes a problem in the Everglades, it cause a problem all around the world. (Burmese Python:The ecosystem ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. The Everglades National Park The everglades national park The everglades national park is located in southern Florida. The variety of this habitat has made it a sanctuary for many animal species even some that are in danger of extinction. Some of the animals that take sanctuary in this national park are an assortment of reptiles such as alligators and snakes, an assortment of birds and even the endangered manatee. The everglades national park was put on the world heritage endangered list in 1993 after the parks superintendent informed the commission of the damage that was done to the park due to the urban growth around the area. The everglade national park was being damaged by many factors due to human interferences. Some of the major interferences ... Show more content on ... Some measures that can be taken to preserve this area would be to remove any thing that would cause further damage, to educate people that live in that area of ways to have a fulfilling life and yet still protect the natural wonder that makes this area a wonder to live in and visit, and the most important thing that needs to be done is to remind people that this land is the animals and plants home and that ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Essay On Everglades Extraordinary wildlife, beautiful creatures, and lively plants are home to a famous region in Southern Florida known as the Everglades. The Everglades creates a livable environment that is sustainable to multiple species and living beings. Florida's Everglades is a valuable and productive ecosystem that fulfills the essential functions for both humans and wildlife. The different species of biodiversity in Florida's valued Everglades strengthen the ecosystem. Having many different kinds of organisms ensures lots of options for hungry animals, from hawks to insects. This provides a healthy ecosystem that consists of those species working together in harmony; however, destructive behaviors can create an imbalance in it. Invasive animals like pythons and anacondas cripple the Everglades population of possums, rabbits, and foxes, along with interfering plants that grow so thickly that they block water flow and animal movement. Despite this, the conflicting species are able to recover from the damage, and rebuild the environment. "Living things, both as individuals and as systems, have resilience (the ability to recover from harm), and can bounce back ... Show more content on ... These wetlands support a wide variety of life; it has the ability to control flood waters and protect them from those dangers. The loss of wetlands would put humans at risk, because wetlands serve as a natural buffer–zone against storms and hurricanes, slowing down storms and reducing their force before they move inward. They act as a filter by cleaning and restoring the quality of the water that is used daily in Florida. "One out of every three Floridians (7 million people) rely on the Everglades for their water supply" (The Everglades: Quick facts). Florida's Everglades also provide a source of livelihood, as there are specific centers for hunting, fishing, and recreation. Evidently, the Everglades has a strong impact on the lives in ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Metro System In Everglades: A Case Study In addition, South Florida is the home to one of the largest and most–visited natural parks in the nation: Everglades. It would be ignorant to think that the pollution from the city doesn't affect the natural reserve and its unique flora and fauna. Since it is located on the border of residential areas, the introduction of Metrorail in areas like Tamiami and Homestead will definitely improve the air and water quality in the area close to the national park. Economic benefits The creation of an effective Metro system will make certain road expansion plans unnecessary, which will help in saving a large part of the county budget. In other words, the money that the county and the city spend on the roads due to the traffic problems would go to important social programs, like health care and education. As I said earlier, the tourists will also be likely to spend more money in the local businesses across the county. Let's be realistic, a tourist staying at South Beach or Brickel is not likely to go to Hialeah or Kendall to eat out or shop due to the high travel expense for a cab ride needed to get there. However, the introduction of a convenient way to move from one edge of the county to another may help the businesses in the whole county flourish. ... Show more content on ... If investors know that it's not going to be a problem fro anybody to get to a certain place, they are going to be eager to build infrastructure there without worrying about possible lack of demand. People are going to be more willing to move to new areas if they know they are not going to experience any problems in getting to the main clusters of the county. So by developing the Metrorail system, the county will be improving the overall economic performance of the Miami ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Juan Ponce De Leon's Pascua Florida In addition to early exploration there is a lot of history in the nature of Florida. On Juan Ponce de Leon's first voyage in 1513, he decided to call Florida "Pascua Florida", which is also known as the feast of flowers. He named Florida after this feast because when he took his first look at the landscape he was overwhelmed with beautiful flowers. Florida has a relatively warm and sunny climate and Florida is also home to over 1,700 rivers, streams, and creeks ("Florida Vol. 1"). A major water feature in Florida that dates back to 6,000 years ago is Lake Okeechobee which means, "big water." It was a major water and food source to the natives that called Florida their home. Many years ago there were no waterways coming to or from the lake, ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Burmese Pythons Are Ruining The Everglades Burmese Pythons Burmese pythons are ruining the everglades. The pythons grow to big sizes making their owner not want them, so they throw them out into the everglades. This is ruining the everglades by killing the wild life that lived in the everglades before the snake got there. More reasons the snakes are ruining the everglades are, the local animal population is decreasing because these pythons are killing and eating them, the burmese pythons can affect people in a negative way because the peoples pets can be playing outside and the pythons can eat there pets whole, the pythons are ruining the ecosystems in the everglades, the snake is eating animals making the ecosystems worst.There large number of pythons threaten ecosystems as a whole by reducing the amount of wildlife in the ecosystems. ... Show more content on ... According to Florida's Python Hunt, "With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcat, as well as many bird species." This shows that the pythons are ruining the animals in the everglades because if these pythons wipe too many animals in the everglades then the pythons will overpopulate and go somewhere else to get food and animals to eat. Then this could result in people dying because the snake is hungry, the snake will attack you. The burmese pythons can affect people in a negative way because the peoples pets can be playing outside and the pythons can eat there pets whole. According to Burmese Python:Not The Ideal Pet, "Then, the pythons coils it's long and powerful body around the animal, squeezes until the animal dies, and swallows the animal whole." This shows that the peoples pets can die from these pythons because if the python can do that process of killing animals in the wild then the pythons sure can kill a tiny or big dog easily. The pythons are ruining the ecosystem in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Essay about The Everglades: Florida's Unique Landscape of... The Everglades is a diverse ecosystem located in southern Florida, yet urbanization has created a considerable amount of impact that has altered the physical landscape of the region, resulting in a symbiotic environment between humans and nature. Based on geographical research, the original Everglades spanned an area of approximately 12,000km2, and now because of urbanization and agricultural growth in this sub–region the area of the Everglades has been condensed to half of its original size (Willard et al 1–2). The Everglades is actually a sub–region of the Southern Coastlands region of the United States. It is comprised of a unique climate, divided into sub–provinces that create a diverse pallet of environments for wildlife to thrive, ... Show more content on ... Evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration from plants) and rainfall also circulate the water within the Everglades and power the frequent thunderstorms that the region encounters (Tramontana and Johnson 1–2). Seed dispersal, clearing additional space for plant development, and combining and mixing the low water levels aid in varying nutrient quantities and locations are ways that regular thunderstorms and hurricanes also serve the Everglades in a positive way (Tramontana and Johnson 1–2). Moss and peat layers also conceal a limestone plate that formed during the Pleistocene era of glaciers and an increased sea level deposited sediment between 1.8 million and 11,000 years ago (Tramontana and Johnson 1–2). Figure. 1. A map of south Florida's Everglades ecosystem. (Property of "Historical Everglades." Everglades Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. ) The Everglades, just like it is a sub–region of the southern coastlands also has sub– provinces that comprise the Greater Everglades. The northern part of the Everglades is composed of the Okeechobee Basin sub province, which provides the source of freshwater that the human population and the rest of the Everglades sub–provinces rely on (Everglades 1–13). The Everglades sub province, south of Lake Okeechobee, serves as a winter breeding ground for wildlife animals and a comfy home during the summer wet season (Everglades 1–13). The Big Cypress Swamp sub– ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Burmese Python ( Python Bivittate ) . The specific species this paper will focus on are the Burmese python (Python bivittate), the Lionfish (Pterois), and the Brazilian pepper tree (schinus terebinthifolius). These specific invasive species have been chosen for their diversity in the animal kingdom and their large impact on the Florida Everglades and Florida's ecosystem. These species all negatively impacted the host environments. The different types of harm caused by these species include overpopulation from no predator in new location cause for invading rural areas that can either be dangerous, disruptive, or both. The species can consume others species to the point of imbalance in natural species population or out eat species food for survival. This paper will include a detailed description of each species including, previous location, specific new location/environment, population, and specific problem. With this collection of information, it will be discussed that the actions taking place to help fix these devastating problems and will discuss how new solutions can be implemented or discussed to help aid the situation. The first species to address is the Burmese Python (Python bivittatus). This python originates in south and southeast Asia. Being one of top five largest snake species in the world, a snake at this caliber already has the potential for and tremendous impact on any ecosystem. Being found in a large variation of tropic and subtropical locations It is naturally surrounded by many other species. ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Essay On Everglades National Park For decades, Everglades National Park has been an iconic symbol of environmental stability and historical education. With having present day issues with the water supply, attempts to save the water supply and dealing with a major cost of nearly $1 billion to save the Everglades National Park, many obstacles lay before those trying to preserve the Everglades. The current dilemmas of the Everglades, is that the water supply. Of the original wetlands, only 50% remain meaning the rare and specific species of animals are decreasing and endangered animals are very common rather than scarce. Moreover, during the construction, the fresh water was cut off. As stated in Source 1, "Past and Present: The Florida Everglades", "As a result, the quantity and diversity of the wetland wildlife decreased and 50% of the original wetlands of South Florida no longer exist today." With this statement given, preservation of the Natural wetlands as well as inhabiting the wetlands, deeply relies on the supply of water. Secondly, recently attempts to reverse the effects of prior damage have been in place, yet the ... Show more content on ... $1 billion is one pretty penny, (if you ask me.) But, Florida state leaders collectively agree that the federal government should pay the cost, yet in order to do so, congress must approve the act which will be a difficult task. Furthermore, Source 3, "Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration", "The project cost for the project is about $1 billion." With a price tag that high, a negotiation was made and The Everglades Restoration Act was passed and the approximate cost was $880 Million. To conclude, The Everglades National Park is a beautiful site to see and the National Park have been a major , positive role in the restoration of the Everglades. Although, some problems have occurred dealing with deadly chemicals and serve danger of endangered animals becoming too common, the future foretells a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Burmese Python Research Paper For my portfolio, we are going to talk about a python called the Burmese python. The Burmese python is one of the largest snakes in its species in the world. They are usually in South and Southeast Asia. They weigh close to 200 pounds and are 16 to 23 feet long. When the pythons were young they usually were in the trees but when they got older and bigger in size they would go ground–dwelling. The pythons could also swim too. Burmese are carnivores so they eat birds and small mammals. Since their eyes are very poor they use their jaws for their heat sensors and their tongues for their chemical receptors. They kill by squeezing their prey until it suffocates and grasping the prey to its teeth that are sharp. Pythons also lay eggs well the female do they lay up to 100 eggs. A little background information about the ... Show more content on ... The pythons are also in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico concern about the pythons is that they will overpower the small snakes and the other natives. Florida's concern is that they don't want close to little kids, farm animals and pets. If the python goes to a new environment is will be his territory he will kill all the animals in that environment. If you want a solution to this problem but this python but himself were he does not have to kill anybody. "In an ingenious experiment, scientists put radio collars on marsh rabbits and placed them in areas known to be favorite haunts of Burmese pythons. Initially, the rabbits thrived and even bred successfully. But after nine months, the researchers returned to find that pythons had eaten 77 percent of the rabbits. In control sites outside the park, pythons ate no rabbits." In Everglades National Park in Florida, the pythons have eaten most of the small animals or mammals in the park. It affected the food chain and wildlife of Southern Florida. They all these stuff like birds, bobcats, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Everglades National Park Research Paper What is it? Everglades National Park is an Endangered World Heritage Site and it is a natural sight. It is a tropical wetland environment and is sub–tropical. It is also home to flora and fauna including the red mangrove tree, the slash pine tree, panthers, alligators, crocodiles, birds, flamingos and insects. It is 1,542,526 acers large, so it is able to be the habitat to 800 endangered species. Where is it? The park's coordinates are 25°19' N–80°56' W and is located in South Florida, USA at the very Southern point of Florida. It is 40 km South–West of Miami City. The park takes up 1,505,910 acres, however only 1,465,137 acres are counted as a World Heritage Site. Why is it there? Everglades National Park achieved the following criteria; ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Okeechobee Sea There are many time ecologists are concerned about the effect of exploitation of natural resources to the interrelated terrestrial and linked aquatic ecosystem. The area under study involves related terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem of south Florida ecosystem, and it is tough to underestimate the impact of exploitation of one ecosystem to the other as these two ecosystems are interlinked in one way or other. The ecosystem description is that it consists of an aquatic environment characterized by the Kissimmee–Okeechobee–Everglades ecosystem that consists of river Kissimmee and Okeechobee Lake. To the other end is the linked terrestrial ecosystem around this aquatic ecosystem such an Everglades national park, big cypress preserve, and Biscayne ... Show more content on ... The process of monitoring these projects on restoration efforts and as well as methods of evaluation the future and present management action ought to be carried with some lots of care. However, monitoring such project are guided and conducted according to stipulated process in the ecological risk assessment as well as what the policy say on the issue at hand. The issue regarding global climate change needs one to alter the management plans in such a way to accommodate the change brought by the global climate change (Ogden, J. C., Davis, S. M., Jacobs, K. J., Barnes, T., & Fling, H. E. ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Everglades Research Paper The Everglades Rachel Thompson BIO 100 January 11, 2011 Connie Cassidy The Florida Everglades is the state's most highly visited park in the state. The Everglades is also home to thousands of animals, reptiles, and plants. Many tourist travels just to get a glimpse of the many exotic reptiles. Although, the Everglades is very beautiful it's also one of the most endangered parks in the state. The park is endangered from humans and land developments. The state has laws imposed to protect the everglades. In order for people to save and protect the Everglades there are things we have to do on part. Throughout this essay I will go into depth about the different species, human threats, and what we can do to protect one of our ... Show more content on ... Many birds would flock to the Everglades during the winter to escape harsh winters from up north. The Everglades skies aren't filled with as many birds anymore due to numerous reasons. One of the saddest reasons that many animals and reptiles are losing their homes is because of humans and land development. The beautiful of the Everglades is simply breathing all the creatures and different plant life is a joyous site to witness. The beauty of the Everglades that past generations has witness isn't the same that the current generations witness. As the years progress we continue to do more harm to our beloved Everglades. We continue to push our animals to relocate and find new homes because we take away their land for our own personal developments. The population continues to increase and that calls for newer and better developments, more and more of the Everglades is being taking away from plants and animals. This land that is being taken away from the plant and animal species is being turned into communities, shopping plazas, and other new buildings. The Everglades once rumored to be 22,000 square feet has over time become no more than 11,000 square feet. This major drop over years and years is a result of land development. The continuation of taking land away from our animal and plant life in the Everglades can result in horrible consequences. Animals will eventually be forced to find homes somewhere else and we will lose valued plant ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Essay on The Florida Everglades Introduction Maintaining ecological diversity is necessary for the survival of a biological community. In the United States, American citizens are on the verge of irrevocably damaging one of the country's most unique and diverse treasures – the Florida Everglades. This national park is now the only remaining patch of a river that used to span 120 miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Bay. Dikes and levees created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940's drained this river to reduce flooding and increase useable water for the development of the region. This major diversion of water lead to a trickle down effect causing the continual decline of the environmental state of the Everglades. Since then, debates over the ... Show more content on ... Truman / Address At Dedication of Everglades National Park (Carr, 1981) Nearly as large as the state of New Jersey, the Everglades used to measure about 6,000 square miles (Bucks, 1998). The Everglades was a complex wetland consisting of a mosaic of ecosystems. The heart of the Everglades was a slow moving body of water with a span of one hundred twenty miles long and forty miles wide with an average depth of six inches to two feet of water (Lauber,1973). This broad shallow, often called the "river of grass," was covered in a blanket of saw grass (not actually a grass but a sedge) that slowly drained the water from its main source, Lake Okeechobee, all the way to the southernmost tip of the state and into the Florida Bay. Shaped much like a saucer, when full Lake Okeechobee would send its overflow spilling into the shallows of the Everglades river. This natural filling process, along with the wet season's rains, is what fed the flow of the Everglades and the underlying aquifers for centuries. The grass in the Everglades was very important to the evolution of the land and the water. It rooted itself in the soft limestone that arose from the ocean bottom from an accumulating deposition of seashells. The saw grass prospered and went through the seasonal death and rebirth, covering the limestone with its decaying leaves. A spongy mass of peat then arose from the decay soaking up the rains in the wet season ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Burmese Python In The Everglades Burmese pythons have invaded the everglades. They are overtaking the everglades. The burmese python had made a change in the ecosystem in the everglades. People are getting hurt by these wild animals. The burmese python is overtaking the wild. Burmese python are over taking the everglades. The burmese python is coming to much out of control. The new paper states "Tens of thousands of Burmese pythons are estimated to be living in the Everglades, where they thrive in the warm, humid climate." The burmese python is getting out of control with their size. the news paper states "In a dramatic demonstration intended to underscore the threat posed by these snakes, Florida Senator Bill Nelson actually took the skin from a 16–foot Burmese python to a Senate committee hearing on the subject." ... Show more content on ... They have become so much they made a ad to help people kill more of them. The ad states "Sign up for the competition to harvest the most Burmese pythons or the longest one and win up to $1,500!" The burmese python has made a change in the ecosystem by becoming to much. the informational article states "Then, the python coils its long and powerful body around the animal, squeezes until the animal dies, and swallows the animal whole." people are getting hurt by try to get rid of these animals. the newspaper states "Our advice: If you happen to be in the area, be sure to wear a bulletproof vest." people are easily getting hurt by other people and the snakes.the newspaper states "This means that for 30 days, hundreds of people armed with shotguns, rifles, machetes, handguns, and hooked spears– many who have never even seen a Burmese python–will roam the Florida Everglades in search of the coveted ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. FLORIDA: The Invasion Of The Everglades FLORIDA: A HOME INVASION Florida is the most heavily invaded state of alien species in the US, with some of the most dangerous animals in the world found at its doorstep. The Everglades are home to potential 'man– eaters' such as the well known Burmese and African Rock Python's, however researchers have confirmed a new 'man–eating' species has come to town – The Nile Crocodile. Residents of urban areas far from the Everglades are no longer safe from the invasion of non–native species that are over taking the state. With Giant African Land Snails, Wild Pigs, Cane Toads and even some of the 'man–eating' species spreading into the urban areas. Invasive Species "A species that is non–native to the ecosystem under consideration ... Show more content on ... Florida has more introduced species of reptiles and amphibians in the wild than anywhere else in the world, causing the native populations to become unbalanced (University of Florida, 2012). Burmese & African Rock Python One of the biggest names in Florida's species invasion is the Burmese Pythons (Python molurus bivittatus), a native constrictor species of Southeast Asia, which was first sighted in the Florida everglades in 1980, has now developed into a recognisable reproducing population. Thought to have been first introduced into the wild via pet owners (Dorcas & Wilson, 20011) have caused significant declines in mammal populations. An observational study conducted by Dorcas et al (2012), found a 90% reduction in encounter rates of a number of species including racoon, opossums, bob cats and white tailed deer over the period 2003–2011 in which Burmese python populations have increased. The introduction of the Burmese python has also caused a significant decline in bird species. A study conducted by Dove et al (2011) found remains of 25 different species of birds in the digestive tracts of 85 Burmese pythons collected from 2003–2008, 4 of which are of special concern in Florida and 1 the 'Wood Stork' is listed as endangered. Preying on native wildlife and competing with native predators has impacted the food web and trophic level dynamics of the ecological ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Burmese Python Essay Burmese Python One of the largest snakes in the world is the Burmese python. In fact Florida has to many pythons. The Burmese python is shaping the Florida Everglades by the minute. They are many reasons why and how they are shaping Florida's Everglades. Some of those reasons are the mass killing of animals, the damage of the ecosystem, and even the way they are going to try to thin down the population of the Burmese python itself. To start out, the mass killing of animals in Florida is beginning to become a big problem. The Burmese python preys upon anything and everything, Mostly small animals, like birds. In source one, Burmese python: Not The Perfect Pet by Matt Piven, the text states, "Burmese pythons are connivers and survive primarily on small birds." Source 1 states, "To kill their prey they first gasp it with their back curving teeth. When the animal tries to pull away, it only sinks further into the python's grip. When the python coils its long powerful body around the animal, it squeezes it until it dies and then swallows it whole." To make matters worse, the Burmese python has no natural predators. The mass killing of animals is damaging The ... Show more content on ... Mostly because there are 10's of thousands of these snakes and that they have no natural predators. In source two by Andrew Ng, the text states, "With no natural predators these eating machines seem to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species." As you could most likely tell, these snakes are completely wiping out the Ecosystem. People finally started to notice the large growth in the Burmese python's population. The people of Florida knew that they had to do something or the ecosystem would absolutely die, because at this point they were fed up with doing nothing. Source two states, "Florida senator Bill Nelson took the skin from a 16– foot python to senate committee on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. The Burmese Python Problem Pythons, wild pigs, and red foxes are all very scary to other animals and to humans. Throughout the years many people in the U.S have brought different invasive animals that can hurt the ecosystem they live in and can cause a serious problem with endangered species. Invasive species came into the U.S's eyes earlier in the day and the problem could either be getting better or worse. These animals are all over our U.S including Texas and Florida etc. Invasive species are a problem and there are many creative ways the problem is being addressed. There are many different problems with invasive species. The burmese python is a danger to Florida's National State Park. They reached the National Park by becoming pets. In the 1990's they use to be ... Show more content on ... The people that own the Florida's Everglades National park hired scientists to track the snakes and trap them and the commissioner of Florida also asks people if they see a python to report it immediately. The Florida fish and Wildlife commission also began the python challenge. The python challenge is a competition to find the biggest python and if you do find the biggest python you receive a price. In Texas the wild pig is hunted down by hunters and it is killed year round. When they are captured or killed they are sold to restaurants to be cooked and considered exotic meat. If it wasn't for a local farmer named Marsh the sheepdog idea never would have been a solution. Marsh is a chicken farmer and since he is a chicken farmer he has to stay up all night so the foxes will not come and eat them. While Marsh was doing his job keeping the foxes away, he heard a dog barking. He had realized it was a sheepdog barking at the foxes. So one day Marsh got a sheepdog and named him Ben. Ben did a great job protecting the chickens and when Marsh heard the news of the penguins he suggested using sheepdogs to patrol and guard the penguins. In 2006 the first sheepdog was put to the test, when the puppy patrol started up the population rebounded to around 150. Ever since the first sheepdog came no fox has touched one of those foxes. There are many creative ways the of invasive species is being addressed and they are a problem. There are many different problems with invasive species. There might be problems with invasive species, but people are coming up with fun and different ways the problem can be addressed. Pythons, wild pigs, and red foxes are all a danger to different wild life. There will continually be more species even if everyone thinks they are gone, they will come back every time even if it is a different ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Burmese Pythons in the Everglades Lucy Dobson Dr. Amy Amendt–Raduege English 102 2/5/11 Python Molurus Bivatlus One misty morning in 2003, deep under the cover of the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States, a group of tourists set out for a day of exploration in the Everglades. They hoped to see some of the diverse and unique species that the Everglades are famous for, and maybe snap a few cool pictures to show their friends. They could never have anticipated what they would actually discover. A short way into their trek, the party was drawn to a noisy struggle nearby. They followed their ears to a duel between an alligator and a huge Burmese Python. The alligator clamped his jaws around the snake. The snake wrapped its body around the alligator. The tourists ... Show more content on ... The Burmese Python is one of the most invasive of these non–native species. The snakes originate from Southeast Asia, so they thrive in Florida's similar environment. The Everglades became sort of a paradise to the pythons, since their introduction in the early 1990's. A female Burmese Python will lay up to 207 eggs at once. Inside her nest, she will coil her body around the eggs to maintain a temperature of about ninety degrees Fahrenheit. Incubation takes around two months. The python has only just recently been observed engaging in shivering thermo genesis for the first time outside of captivity. This is the production of body heat through muscle contractions. The mother snake does this to raise the temperature of her nest and eggs– the warmer the incubation, the quicker they will hatch, and slither free throughout the forest, carrying on its destructive path. With this sort of reproduction, it's no wonder they're so easily taking over the Everglades. Dobson 4 One of the first big releases of the Burmese Python in Florida took place in 1992. Hurricane Andrew, a category 5 hurricane, took down a large snake importer's warehouse, as well as causing many billions of dollars of damage. Each year, Miami receives 12,000 exotic pet shipments, many of which are the Burmese Python. A person who takes in a 20–inch baby python might be understandably surprised when it becomes a 12–foot, 200 ... Get more on ...