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Advanced portfolio Evaluation
          Serena Moriarty
In what ways does your media product use,
 develop or challenge forms and conventions
           of real media products?
In many ways all media texts can be seen as highly conventional, employing
         conventional advertising techniques, and taking inspiration from the
     conventions of real media products. Partly, this was because I wanted to use
      dairy conventions to position DairyFriend as a dairy product in the eyes of
       the consumers, who would see these conventions and understand the
                                    product better.
Main adverts
my choice of music was based purely on         - Click to listen to the chosen soundtrack, “come
research into the conventional dairy                          back” by Rosie and Me.
advert. I found that dairy adverts primarily
use upbeat, feel good music. This is
therefore something that helps the
audience distinguish them as dairy. I
therefore recognised the soundtrack as
an important aspect of the advert, both
positioning the product and setting the
right mood and tone for the ad. I think
the track I used, “Come Back – Rosie and
Me”, had the conventional positive,
upbeat tone that I was looking for.
Beginning   I also employed a very conventional narrative
                    in the main adverts, described in my
                  earlier research as “the exemplary story”,
                 this is a conventional ad style that shows
                 a strong narrative In which the product is
                  placed in a situation where it is needed
                 or necessary. It also has a distinctive linear
  middle            narrative, of beginning, middle, end,
                 which in itself is conventional. However, I
                        do feel although I employed a
                 conventional narrative, I didn't use it in a
                    stereotypical, or overtly conventional

However, the ad’s are not aesthetically conventional, containing no imagery of cows or
  real milk, which for a dairy advert is uncommon. This is a convention I chose to
  challenge, as I felt it was over used, and too obvious. I thought the mise en scene
  used connotes a dairy product, and that I didn’t need these overtly conventional
  images to establish the product. However, in my audience feedback, it became
  apparent that some of the audience were confused about what the product was,
  and this may be down to the lack of conventional imagery. If they were to see cows
  and puring milk, they would immediately establish the brand as a dairy product. I’m
  therefore not convinced that challenging this convention has paid off.

                                                 This is very conventional screenshot from
                                                  a muller advert, featuring both milk and
                                                  the cows in the background, set in the

     I chose to not to feature
   Such conventional imagery, but
       still set it in a country
Although I steered off overtly conventional imagery, I did adhere to some basic dairy
advert conventions. This includes the countryside setting and the milk van in the mise
en scene, but also the slow paced editing and the connotations of natural, fresh and
  healthy. These were basic conventions I chose to incorporate into my ad’s. When
   researching into dairy ad’s I found the countryside setting, which held fresh and
                  natural connotations, was key to all the products.
I decided this was an
important convention
to incorporate into my
     advert, as part of
repositioning the UHT
milk was to show it as
    fresh and healthy,
   which it is currently   I incorporated elements      I also made a very basic,
 not known as. Part of     such as the brick pattern,   traditional looking car.
 using this countryside    the chimney, the white       This was similar to dairy
  setting included the     framed windows and           ad’s I had seen which use
   tree’s and the river,   the picket fence to give     older looking, more
      but also using a     off these conventional       traditional vehicles that
    traditional looking    connotations. If I were to   hold these conventional
home and a basic car.      create a more modern         connotations.
      I found in Dairy     looking house, this
  advert’s, the mise en    wouldn’t have the same
    scene always had       effect.
   traditional, homely
My sponsorships were slightly unconventional,         Footage that was
and didn’t fit neatly into the set of conventions I   removed – I tried
found when researching. They contained a              to put too much of
strong narrative, in keeping with the main            a narrative into
adverts. I found in my research, conventionally,      them originally, and
they tend to have more of a loose narrative,          had to simplify and
working on branding and association with the          shorten them. I
programme, rather than portraying a strong            think I was trying
message. I deliberately chose to challenge this       to challenge the
convention, as I felt the narrative was an            convention too far..
important concept to the idea of the ad
campaign, and that the product and brand
didn’t stand alone without it.

I also didn’t incorporate the programme into my
sponsorship, which is often common as it
creates an association between the product
and programme for the viewer. This is mainly
because I chose to sponsor a strand of TV,
daytime, and therefore kept the sponsorship
very open to appeal to different audiences,
rather than tailoring it to a specific programme.
I did however incorporate arguably the most important convention, and this was the
       strong branding. I noticed in my research that each sponsorship sequence
       portrays a strong brand image, through the use of colour, logo’s etc. This is due
       to the time restraints and the purpose of a sponsorship. Unlike main adverts, they
       don’t try to sell the audience a product, as much as try and remind them of it,
       and build up an association in their minds with the programme. A successful
       sponsorship sequence should help the viewers connect with the product, and
       this can be done easily through branding

         slogan                                                          name/logo

 I used branding in my sponsorship by
featuring the logo on the van within the
sponsorship, and by featuring the van itself,
which I believe would become iconic of the
brand. I also positioned the DairyFriend logo
at the end, along with the ITV logo, to help
the audience associate the two.
•    I re edited my sponsorship sequences to fit tighter with the conventions I had seen. My
     first cut’s included too much information in the end title, which I found to be un
     necessary, and too much for the length of time, sponsorships conventionally give a short
     quick message, but do not provide much information about the product. This led me to
     change the end titles.


    I also added the ITV logo to position alongside my
    branding, for the association purposes. Lastly, I swapped
    the closing sponsorship around, so the title came first, this
    was a convention I found in my research, but initially chose
    to ignore.
How effective is the combination of your main
             and ancillary texts?
I recognised the importance of creating synergy between all five media texts, so they
      could be viewed as a cohesive advertising campaign, however, would still be
                     understandable and effective standing alone.

The main way I created synergy was                                  Old web pop up –
through the continuity of the mise                                  too dark and
en scene throughout all five texts. I                               chosen footage
used much of the same props, such                                   doesn’t denote the
as the lorry, which is clearly visible in                           brand
each text. This was something I
recognised as important, as my                                      New pop up –
original web pop up didn't feature                                  Much more in
the same lorry, or similar aesthetics                               keeping with the
and colours, and so looked far too                                  rest of the texts,
separate from the other texts.                                      featuring the
                                                                    iconic van

 The lorry becomes iconic of the brand within
    each text, and ties them all together.
I also made each text similar aesthetically, using only paper constructed elements, and
keeping each to a similar colour scheme. I think this was an important aspect to consider,
as I want the paper constructed elements to become symbolic of the brand, much like
the plastic figures in Cravendale's ad's have become symbolic of them

                Screenshots from each text, showing the similar colours and aesthetics

                                                       My pop up, featuring stop motion
The paper construction                                 elements, compared to a conventional
is something I                                         pop up. I used the same
continued throughout                                   stop motion style to
all texts, despite it being                            create synergy
unconventional of web                                  between the
pop up's, which tend to                                pop up and
be digitally produced                                  the rest of
                                                       the texts.
I also re used prop's from the different texts, so they each featured some of the same
     props, and so were similar in mise en scene. This was obvious in the two ad's and
         web pop up, where I used the same house and many of the same tree's.
                         However I also re used them more subtly.

                                                   The same props – house, tree„s, van,
                                                   milk bottles.

The car from advert one reappears as opposite traffic in advert 2, this
was a deliberate move to spark a memory in the audience, from ad
Similarly, in the closing
sponsorship ad, I used the tent
from advert 1, again for the same
effect. I think this would help
viewers to recognise all texts as
part of the same campaign, and
also help them to remember back
to the other texts.
I continued the soundtrack throughout four of the texts, with the two main adverts
       having exactly the same soundtrack, and the sponsorship sequence using an
  instrumental version. This means the tune follows on throughout all four, and would
  become a recognisable tune, symbolic of the brand. The viewer would associate the
tune with the brand, and immediately recognise it as a DairyFriend ad, no matter which
                                text they were watching.

 I also continued the font throughout each text, and in fact the logo. It is a stylised font,
   that would become part of the brand. It is seen at the end of each advert and in the
 sponsorship sequence, with the font colour mirroring the colours of the logo, in order
                           to achieve a consistent brand image

I also used it in the web pop up,                                          - Text and logo
and feature the cow from within
the logo, either side of the text.                                   featured in each text,
This was an added choice to                                           creating a consistent
incorporate part of the brand                                                 brand identity
identity into the pop up, and
would once again make it easily
recognisable as part of the brand,
and part of the same campaign.
I asked in my audience feedback whether the audience thought all five texts
 worked together as a cohesive campaign, and the results were extremely positive,
 with the majority of viewers answering “yes”, and the rest answering “to some
 extent”, with no negatives responses. This suggests to me that the effort I have
 taken to make each text contain similarities and look like part of a campaign had
 paid off, as the audience received them as cohesive and united.

In all, think all five texts support it each other, particularly the sponsorship sequences
and the main adverts, as they both take a slightly different stance on the same narrative.
The main adverts feature a conventional linear narrative, which
 describe the product attributes, and then the sponsorship
 sequence builds on this, showing the extent of the products
 usability. Each text is understandable separately, but if
 viewed together, the sponsorship sequence and main
 ad's support each other, and build up a strong picture
 of the brand.
What have you learned from your audience
I first posted my adverts on facebook, to see how my friends responded, but soon realised
this was pointless, as it gave me vague directionless feedback that wasn’t of much value.

                                I then created a questionnaire on Google Docs,
                                including some closed questions for data analysis and
                                some open questions to gain the audience’s opinions. I
                                circulated this online to my target audience, males and
                                females 20+, who were fairly middle class. I chose to
                                base my questionnaire around my aims, what I set out
                                to do with the ad’s, to see if the audience think these
                                have been achieved. These were aims such as
                                repositioning UHT milk as a premium product, and
                                creating an advert that would be enjoyable and
                                memorable. I wanted to see how far I had achieved
                                these aims, and so how successful my campaign has
What is your view of the product, based on the ad„s?

I felt this was the most important question, and so placed it first, as the main aim of the
 ad’s was to erode any negative stigma around UHT milk and to evoke a positive view
  of the product from the viewers. The results were very good, and all viewers agreed
  on a positive view of the product, with 100% answering 3 or over, which is towards
 the positive side of the scale. The majority of viewers answered 4 on the scale, which
   is not extremely positive, but comfortably. This assures me that the advert connoted
       the right values about the product, and that the audience picked up on these
    connotations. I paid specific attention to what I was connoting throughout all five
media texts, wanting the audience to understand the product as positive, fun, exciting
I then asked the audience to add any additional comments on their view of the product.
  Here I was looking to see if they had responded to the text the way I had intended, and
   had understood the connotations the way I had hoped. The results were very positive,
   with many people using the exact words I had hoped they might, such as convenient,
nature friendly, healthy and fresh. This has confirmed to me that the advert’s connotations
    were received by the audience, as they had effectively perceived the product as i had
   hoped. I also feel with these positive comments and viewpoints on the product, I must
       have achieved my objective of effectively showing UHT milk in a positive light.

“Very good product, convienient, good new option for going out places” –   This was the main
narrative of the ad campaign, and I am pleased it was well understood.

“made you think of outdoors, fresh air and things that are healthy, which in turn makes you
think of the product as natural and healthy” – I included aspects of the mise en scene
such as the tree’s and the river to evoke this reaction in viewers. It is conventional of
dairy advertising and I hoped it would help the viewers to understand the product
as fresh and healthy.
“The handcrafted props for the ad, help make the product seem wholesome and natural”– once
again the product was received as natural and healthy, with this viewer commenting
that the paper stop motion itself has natural and healthy connotations. When I chose
this style of animation for my advert, I knew it would help me position the product as
home made and down to earth, and i’m glad it has been well received.
Did you find after watching the ad's that the product, logo, slogan was memorable?

 This was a simple question to see if my audience thought the advertising campaign was
successful in terms of its branding. The results were pleasantly positive, with 42% and 45%
answering 4 or 5 respectively, where 5 is the top of the scale in terms of how memorable
  it is. This suggests that the advert effectively communicated the necessary details of the
 brand. This was useful feedback as it confirms the Ad achieved the most important aim,
                         which is to communicate a memorable brand.
in your opinion, did the ad's effectively position DairyFriend as a premium "High end" product?

Part of repositioning a UHT milk product was establishing it as a premium product,
 therefore I set out to position DairyFriend as a premium “high end” product, that
audiences would be willing to pay more for. I wanted to see if audiences felt I had
                            successfully achieved this aim.
       The answers were very mixed, with the audience answering across the
      board. The majority of the audience answered “yes” or “to some extent”,
      indicating that most found interpreted it as a premium product to some
      degree. 35% of the audience agreed that it did establish the product as
    premium, however, 30%, almost a third of the audience, voted “not really”.
    This is a disappointing result, as such a large percentage didn't interpret the
     ad how I had hoped, and don't feel I achieved what I had aimed to do. I
   knew the question would generate a mixed response, as when I reflected on
   my work, I realised they didn’t fully address this aim, and this was something I
                                 perhaps overlooked.
What feelings/mood did you gain from the adverts?

This was a simple question in order to evaluate whether my main adverts had connoted
what i had hoped for the viewer. I was hoping, if the ad had successfully portrayed the
product and given the right connotations, the answers would be words like happy,
relaxed, upbeat etc. This would be largely based on the soundtrack and the mise en scene
in the ad and their connotations.

The results were brilliant in this question, suggesting to me that the audience had received
the ad’s in the exact way I had wished, and that they understood the connotations I had
built into the ad’s. The most used word’s were cheerful, uplifted, happy, peaceful and calm.
Larger answers suggested, as I had hoped, that the mixture of the soft but upbeat music
and the aesthetics of the countryside were the reasons for these feelings.

    Scenes like this gave helped establish a cheerful but calm mood.
“The advert made me
feel calm and at peace     This information was invaluable to me, as it
with myself, because of   reassures me, along with question 1, that the
the use of the gentle     messages of the advert were clearly received
                             and understood by the audience. It was
music and slow moving,     imperative to the success of the advert that
     simple images”       contained the right connotations, as much of
                           the power of the ad is in the mood created
                              by it. This in turn helps the audience to
                          connect with it, and associate it with positive
  “The advert gave a
calm, happy and relaxed
   feeling due to the
     soothing music”
Did you find the ad's interesting and engaging? For example, If you were to see them on TV, would you want
                                      to watch the whole 30 seconds?

This was simply to find out, if                 The results from this were also positive,
viewed on the TV, if they would                 with the majority voting 4 or 5 on the
be willing to watch it the whole                scale, indicating that they would be
way through. I thought if the                   thoroughly engaged. No one voted less
answers to this were mostly Yes,                than 3, also indicating that nobody was
then my advert’s must have                      disinterested in the ad, and that it wouldn’t
been successful, as this is the                 prompt them to change channel. This was
main aim for most adverts, to                   a useful piece of information to gain, as I
engage and interest the viewer                  now know my ad’s were received well by
in the ad, and subsequently in                  the viewers, who enjoyed them and
the product.                                    became fully engaged in them.
I lastly asked the audience to leave any additional comments they had on anything that was
particularly successful, and equally anything they thought could be improved upon

Many people made the comment that the purpose of the advert was sometimes unclear, and that
at points, the product being advertised wasn’t necessarily clear either. I think I incorporated the
purpose of the product into the narrative, but didn’t show it as obviously as often happens in
adverts. As they are so short, ad’s usually provide a lot of information upfront and easily, rather than
giving the audience something to process. In hindsight, I could have put more information
regarding the product into the ad, through titles or a voiceover.
One person made a particularly interesting comment:
 “the approach is reminiscent of Postman Pat TV programmes and may well
appeal on a subliminal level to twenty or thirty somethings who grew up with
       I hadn’t thought of this
      previously, but my target
    audience would have grown
   up with stop motion childrens
   Tv programmes, as these were
   popular back then. This would
    make the stop motion format
  familiar and enjoyable, and they
     may connect with it better
           because of this.
How did you use new media technologies in the
       planning and research, construction, and
                             evaluation stages?
Planning and research

My planning and research was a crucial part of the process, as it
allowed me to fully understand the codes and conventions of
both advertising and stop motion. I used youtube to research
into advertising, looking at past adverts and analysing them.

I then used vimeo to look deeper into animation, as it provided a
wider range of video’s than youtube. This also allowed me to
analyse them, and embed them into my blog, to comment on
and compare against.

I also used programmes such as flash and
photoshop for my early experimentation
into rotoscoping and animation, as part of
my research. This was imperative, as it
helped me choose a path for my advert,
after I decided I preferred to work with stop
motion. I was then able to mimic and
develop existing texts I had found online,
making a pastiche of their work. This
allowed me to analyse it deeper, and
understand the processes better.

The construction of my texts predominantly involved adobe flash CS 5.5 and premier pro
CS 4. I chose these versions of the programmes as they allowed the best creative control. I
pieced together the separate images in flash cs5.5, as I found this easier to edit and
change, and then exported them as quicktime movies, to edit in premiere into one
sequence. I also created the end titles in flash, so I could get effects such as the logo
fading in, and the typing effect on the slogan. I also had more control over the placing,
timings and aesthetics of the end titles in flash. For my web pop up, the use of flash was
imperative, as it was the only program in which I could create a button with a hyperlink,
to give a realistic, working web pop up. I also used youtube again at this point for
guidance and support on making a working button in flash.
I used other technologies too in the               Lastly, I used photoshop in constructing
process of filming, such as an SLR                 my paper props, such as the DairyFriend
camera and an edirol. The SLR was                  van and the car. I originally tried to make
important, as it gave me full control over          them by hand with a ruler, but realised
the photo’s I took. This meant I could             creating them digitally and printing them
control the aperture and shutter speed,             gave me more accurate measurements.
meaning I could make sure they were
the same in each photo, whereas a
standard digital camera would have
adjusted accordingly, and given me
photo’s in a different light. I could also
have full control over the focus of the
photo, choosing to use the manual
setting, so I could focus on different
aspects of the mise en scene, and leave
some in soft focus.                   . I used an Edirol voice
                                     recorder to record my
                                   voiceover, which gave me
                                   a quality sound, as i could
                                     position it close to the
                                    person speaking, and it
                                      was a quality sound

I used technologies right through to the evaluation stage, uploading my videos to both
youtube and vimeo. This is because they reach slightly different audiences and would
allow me to gain different feedback. I then posted the links from these onto my facebook
page, to get some basic feedback from friends and family.
Lastly, I used GoogleDocs to conduct my audience feedback, this is because it was an
easy tool for creating a questionnaire, that was easy for people to fill in online. This meant
I could email and facebook it to people I know, and prompt them to circulate online to
anyone they knew, meaning I could easily and quickly gain a large amount of audience

It was also a very convenient tool, placing my results into charts and graphs for me to
analyse, and presenting the results in a format that was easy for me to understand. Had i
done this manually, printing paper copies of a questionnaire, analysing the results would
have been time and consuming and difficult. It would also have been hard to circulate to
an audience. I was also able to post a link to all five texts on the questionnaire, to watch
before they answered, which would have been impossible in paper form.

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Evaluation media a2

  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 3. In many ways all media texts can be seen as highly conventional, employing conventional advertising techniques, and taking inspiration from the conventions of real media products. Partly, this was because I wanted to use dairy conventions to position DairyFriend as a dairy product in the eyes of the consumers, who would see these conventions and understand the product better. Main adverts my choice of music was based purely on - Click to listen to the chosen soundtrack, “come research into the conventional dairy back” by Rosie and Me. advert. I found that dairy adverts primarily use upbeat, feel good music. This is therefore something that helps the audience distinguish them as dairy. I therefore recognised the soundtrack as an important aspect of the advert, both positioning the product and setting the right mood and tone for the ad. I think the track I used, “Come Back – Rosie and Me”, had the conventional positive, upbeat tone that I was looking for.
  • 4. Beginning I also employed a very conventional narrative in the main adverts, described in my earlier research as “the exemplary story”, this is a conventional ad style that shows a strong narrative In which the product is placed in a situation where it is needed or necessary. It also has a distinctive linear middle narrative, of beginning, middle, end, which in itself is conventional. However, I do feel although I employed a conventional narrative, I didn't use it in a stereotypical, or overtly conventional way. end
  • 5. However, the ad’s are not aesthetically conventional, containing no imagery of cows or real milk, which for a dairy advert is uncommon. This is a convention I chose to challenge, as I felt it was over used, and too obvious. I thought the mise en scene used connotes a dairy product, and that I didn’t need these overtly conventional images to establish the product. However, in my audience feedback, it became apparent that some of the audience were confused about what the product was, and this may be down to the lack of conventional imagery. If they were to see cows and puring milk, they would immediately establish the brand as a dairy product. I’m therefore not convinced that challenging this convention has paid off. This is very conventional screenshot from a muller advert, featuring both milk and the cows in the background, set in the country. I chose to not to feature Such conventional imagery, but still set it in a country background
  • 6. Although I steered off overtly conventional imagery, I did adhere to some basic dairy advert conventions. This includes the countryside setting and the milk van in the mise en scene, but also the slow paced editing and the connotations of natural, fresh and healthy. These were basic conventions I chose to incorporate into my ad’s. When researching into dairy ad’s I found the countryside setting, which held fresh and natural connotations, was key to all the products.
  • 7. I decided this was an important convention to incorporate into my advert, as part of repositioning the UHT milk was to show it as fresh and healthy, which it is currently I incorporated elements I also made a very basic, not known as. Part of such as the brick pattern, traditional looking car. using this countryside the chimney, the white This was similar to dairy setting included the framed windows and ad’s I had seen which use tree’s and the river, the picket fence to give older looking, more but also using a off these conventional traditional vehicles that traditional looking connotations. If I were to hold these conventional home and a basic car. create a more modern connotations. I found in Dairy looking house, this advert’s, the mise en wouldn’t have the same scene always had effect. traditional, homely connotations.
  • 8. Sponsorships My sponsorships were slightly unconventional, Footage that was and didn’t fit neatly into the set of conventions I removed – I tried found when researching. They contained a to put too much of strong narrative, in keeping with the main a narrative into adverts. I found in my research, conventionally, them originally, and they tend to have more of a loose narrative, had to simplify and working on branding and association with the shorten them. I programme, rather than portraying a strong think I was trying message. I deliberately chose to challenge this to challenge the convention, as I felt the narrative was an convention too far.. important concept to the idea of the ad campaign, and that the product and brand didn’t stand alone without it. I also didn’t incorporate the programme into my sponsorship, which is often common as it creates an association between the product and programme for the viewer. This is mainly because I chose to sponsor a strand of TV, daytime, and therefore kept the sponsorship very open to appeal to different audiences, rather than tailoring it to a specific programme.
  • 9. I did however incorporate arguably the most important convention, and this was the strong branding. I noticed in my research that each sponsorship sequence portrays a strong brand image, through the use of colour, logo’s etc. This is due to the time restraints and the purpose of a sponsorship. Unlike main adverts, they don’t try to sell the audience a product, as much as try and remind them of it, and build up an association in their minds with the programme. A successful sponsorship sequence should help the viewers connect with the product, and this can be done easily through branding Iconic Iconic characters colours Company slogan name/logo I used branding in my sponsorship by featuring the logo on the van within the sponsorship, and by featuring the van itself, which I believe would become iconic of the brand. I also positioned the DairyFriend logo at the end, along with the ITV logo, to help the audience associate the two.
  • 10. I re edited my sponsorship sequences to fit tighter with the conventions I had seen. My first cut’s included too much information in the end title, which I found to be un necessary, and too much for the length of time, sponsorships conventionally give a short quick message, but do not provide much information about the product. This led me to change the end titles. EXAMPLE I also added the ITV logo to position alongside my branding, for the association purposes. Lastly, I swapped the closing sponsorship around, so the title came first, this was a convention I found in my research, but initially chose to ignore.
  • 11. How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?
  • 12. I recognised the importance of creating synergy between all five media texts, so they could be viewed as a cohesive advertising campaign, however, would still be understandable and effective standing alone. The main way I created synergy was Old web pop up – through the continuity of the mise too dark and en scene throughout all five texts. I chosen footage used much of the same props, such doesn’t denote the as the lorry, which is clearly visible in brand each text. This was something I recognised as important, as my New pop up – original web pop up didn't feature Much more in the same lorry, or similar aesthetics keeping with the and colours, and so looked far too rest of the texts, separate from the other texts. featuring the iconic van The lorry becomes iconic of the brand within each text, and ties them all together.
  • 13. I also made each text similar aesthetically, using only paper constructed elements, and keeping each to a similar colour scheme. I think this was an important aspect to consider, as I want the paper constructed elements to become symbolic of the brand, much like the plastic figures in Cravendale's ad's have become symbolic of them Screenshots from each text, showing the similar colours and aesthetics My pop up, featuring stop motion The paper construction elements, compared to a conventional is something I pop up. I used the same continued throughout stop motion style to all texts, despite it being create synergy unconventional of web between the pop up's, which tend to pop up and be digitally produced the rest of the texts.
  • 14. I also re used prop's from the different texts, so they each featured some of the same props, and so were similar in mise en scene. This was obvious in the two ad's and web pop up, where I used the same house and many of the same tree's. However I also re used them more subtly. The same props – house, tree„s, van, milk bottles. The car from advert one reappears as opposite traffic in advert 2, this was a deliberate move to spark a memory in the audience, from ad one. Similarly, in the closing sponsorship ad, I used the tent from advert 1, again for the same effect. I think this would help viewers to recognise all texts as part of the same campaign, and also help them to remember back to the other texts.
  • 15. I continued the soundtrack throughout four of the texts, with the two main adverts having exactly the same soundtrack, and the sponsorship sequence using an instrumental version. This means the tune follows on throughout all four, and would become a recognisable tune, symbolic of the brand. The viewer would associate the tune with the brand, and immediately recognise it as a DairyFriend ad, no matter which text they were watching. I also continued the font throughout each text, and in fact the logo. It is a stylised font, that would become part of the brand. It is seen at the end of each advert and in the sponsorship sequence, with the font colour mirroring the colours of the logo, in order to achieve a consistent brand image I also used it in the web pop up, - Text and logo and feature the cow from within the logo, either side of the text. featured in each text, This was an added choice to creating a consistent incorporate part of the brand brand identity identity into the pop up, and would once again make it easily recognisable as part of the brand, and part of the same campaign.
  • 16. I asked in my audience feedback whether the audience thought all five texts worked together as a cohesive campaign, and the results were extremely positive, with the majority of viewers answering “yes”, and the rest answering “to some extent”, with no negatives responses. This suggests to me that the effort I have taken to make each text contain similarities and look like part of a campaign had paid off, as the audience received them as cohesive and united. In all, think all five texts support it each other, particularly the sponsorship sequences and the main adverts, as they both take a slightly different stance on the same narrative. The main adverts feature a conventional linear narrative, which describe the product attributes, and then the sponsorship sequence builds on this, showing the extent of the products usability. Each text is understandable separately, but if viewed together, the sponsorship sequence and main ad's support each other, and build up a strong picture of the brand.
  • 17. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • 18. I first posted my adverts on facebook, to see how my friends responded, but soon realised this was pointless, as it gave me vague directionless feedback that wasn’t of much value. I then created a questionnaire on Google Docs, including some closed questions for data analysis and some open questions to gain the audience’s opinions. I circulated this online to my target audience, males and females 20+, who were fairly middle class. I chose to base my questionnaire around my aims, what I set out to do with the ad’s, to see if the audience think these have been achieved. These were aims such as repositioning UHT milk as a premium product, and creating an advert that would be enjoyable and memorable. I wanted to see how far I had achieved these aims, and so how successful my campaign has been.
  • 19. What is your view of the product, based on the ad„s? I felt this was the most important question, and so placed it first, as the main aim of the ad’s was to erode any negative stigma around UHT milk and to evoke a positive view of the product from the viewers. The results were very good, and all viewers agreed on a positive view of the product, with 100% answering 3 or over, which is towards the positive side of the scale. The majority of viewers answered 4 on the scale, which is not extremely positive, but comfortably. This assures me that the advert connoted the right values about the product, and that the audience picked up on these connotations. I paid specific attention to what I was connoting throughout all five media texts, wanting the audience to understand the product as positive, fun, exciting
  • 20. I then asked the audience to add any additional comments on their view of the product. Here I was looking to see if they had responded to the text the way I had intended, and had understood the connotations the way I had hoped. The results were very positive, with many people using the exact words I had hoped they might, such as convenient, nature friendly, healthy and fresh. This has confirmed to me that the advert’s connotations were received by the audience, as they had effectively perceived the product as i had hoped. I also feel with these positive comments and viewpoints on the product, I must have achieved my objective of effectively showing UHT milk in a positive light. “Very good product, convienient, good new option for going out places” – This was the main narrative of the ad campaign, and I am pleased it was well understood. “made you think of outdoors, fresh air and things that are healthy, which in turn makes you think of the product as natural and healthy” – I included aspects of the mise en scene such as the tree’s and the river to evoke this reaction in viewers. It is conventional of dairy advertising and I hoped it would help the viewers to understand the product as fresh and healthy. “The handcrafted props for the ad, help make the product seem wholesome and natural”– once again the product was received as natural and healthy, with this viewer commenting that the paper stop motion itself has natural and healthy connotations. When I chose this style of animation for my advert, I knew it would help me position the product as home made and down to earth, and i’m glad it has been well received.
  • 21. Did you find after watching the ad's that the product, logo, slogan was memorable? This was a simple question to see if my audience thought the advertising campaign was successful in terms of its branding. The results were pleasantly positive, with 42% and 45% answering 4 or 5 respectively, where 5 is the top of the scale in terms of how memorable it is. This suggests that the advert effectively communicated the necessary details of the brand. This was useful feedback as it confirms the Ad achieved the most important aim, which is to communicate a memorable brand.
  • 22. in your opinion, did the ad's effectively position DairyFriend as a premium "High end" product? Part of repositioning a UHT milk product was establishing it as a premium product, therefore I set out to position DairyFriend as a premium “high end” product, that audiences would be willing to pay more for. I wanted to see if audiences felt I had successfully achieved this aim. The answers were very mixed, with the audience answering across the board. The majority of the audience answered “yes” or “to some extent”, indicating that most found interpreted it as a premium product to some degree. 35% of the audience agreed that it did establish the product as premium, however, 30%, almost a third of the audience, voted “not really”. This is a disappointing result, as such a large percentage didn't interpret the ad how I had hoped, and don't feel I achieved what I had aimed to do. I knew the question would generate a mixed response, as when I reflected on my work, I realised they didn’t fully address this aim, and this was something I perhaps overlooked.
  • 23. What feelings/mood did you gain from the adverts? This was a simple question in order to evaluate whether my main adverts had connoted what i had hoped for the viewer. I was hoping, if the ad had successfully portrayed the product and given the right connotations, the answers would be words like happy, relaxed, upbeat etc. This would be largely based on the soundtrack and the mise en scene in the ad and their connotations. The results were brilliant in this question, suggesting to me that the audience had received the ad’s in the exact way I had wished, and that they understood the connotations I had built into the ad’s. The most used word’s were cheerful, uplifted, happy, peaceful and calm. Larger answers suggested, as I had hoped, that the mixture of the soft but upbeat music and the aesthetics of the countryside were the reasons for these feelings. Scenes like this gave helped establish a cheerful but calm mood.
  • 24. “The advert made me feel calm and at peace This information was invaluable to me, as it with myself, because of reassures me, along with question 1, that the the use of the gentle messages of the advert were clearly received and understood by the audience. It was music and slow moving, imperative to the success of the advert that simple images” contained the right connotations, as much of the power of the ad is in the mood created by it. This in turn helps the audience to connect with it, and associate it with positive feelings. “The advert gave a calm, happy and relaxed feeling due to the soothing music”
  • 25. Did you find the ad's interesting and engaging? For example, If you were to see them on TV, would you want to watch the whole 30 seconds? This was simply to find out, if The results from this were also positive, viewed on the TV, if they would with the majority voting 4 or 5 on the be willing to watch it the whole scale, indicating that they would be way through. I thought if the thoroughly engaged. No one voted less answers to this were mostly Yes, than 3, also indicating that nobody was then my advert’s must have disinterested in the ad, and that it wouldn’t been successful, as this is the prompt them to change channel. This was main aim for most adverts, to a useful piece of information to gain, as I engage and interest the viewer now know my ad’s were received well by in the ad, and subsequently in the viewers, who enjoyed them and the product. became fully engaged in them.
  • 26. I lastly asked the audience to leave any additional comments they had on anything that was particularly successful, and equally anything they thought could be improved upon Many people made the comment that the purpose of the advert was sometimes unclear, and that at points, the product being advertised wasn’t necessarily clear either. I think I incorporated the purpose of the product into the narrative, but didn’t show it as obviously as often happens in adverts. As they are so short, ad’s usually provide a lot of information upfront and easily, rather than giving the audience something to process. In hindsight, I could have put more information regarding the product into the ad, through titles or a voiceover. One person made a particularly interesting comment: “the approach is reminiscent of Postman Pat TV programmes and may well appeal on a subliminal level to twenty or thirty somethings who grew up with PP.” I hadn’t thought of this previously, but my target audience would have grown up with stop motion childrens Tv programmes, as these were popular back then. This would make the stop motion format familiar and enjoyable, and they may connect with it better because of this.
  • 27. How did you use new media technologies in the planning and research, construction, and evaluation stages?
  • 28. Planning and research My planning and research was a crucial part of the process, as it allowed me to fully understand the codes and conventions of both advertising and stop motion. I used youtube to research into advertising, looking at past adverts and analysing them. I then used vimeo to look deeper into animation, as it provided a wider range of video’s than youtube. This also allowed me to analyse them, and embed them into my blog, to comment on and compare against. I also used programmes such as flash and photoshop for my early experimentation into rotoscoping and animation, as part of my research. This was imperative, as it helped me choose a path for my advert, after I decided I preferred to work with stop motion. I was then able to mimic and develop existing texts I had found online, making a pastiche of their work. This allowed me to analyse it deeper, and understand the processes better.
  • 29. Construction The construction of my texts predominantly involved adobe flash CS 5.5 and premier pro CS 4. I chose these versions of the programmes as they allowed the best creative control. I pieced together the separate images in flash cs5.5, as I found this easier to edit and change, and then exported them as quicktime movies, to edit in premiere into one sequence. I also created the end titles in flash, so I could get effects such as the logo fading in, and the typing effect on the slogan. I also had more control over the placing, timings and aesthetics of the end titles in flash. For my web pop up, the use of flash was imperative, as it was the only program in which I could create a button with a hyperlink, to give a realistic, working web pop up. I also used youtube again at this point for guidance and support on making a working button in flash.
  • 30. I used other technologies too in the Lastly, I used photoshop in constructing process of filming, such as an SLR my paper props, such as the DairyFriend camera and an edirol. The SLR was van and the car. I originally tried to make important, as it gave me full control over them by hand with a ruler, but realised the photo’s I took. This meant I could creating them digitally and printing them control the aperture and shutter speed, gave me more accurate measurements. meaning I could make sure they were the same in each photo, whereas a standard digital camera would have adjusted accordingly, and given me photo’s in a different light. I could also have full control over the focus of the photo, choosing to use the manual setting, so I could focus on different aspects of the mise en scene, and leave some in soft focus. . I used an Edirol voice recorder to record my voiceover, which gave me a quality sound, as i could position it close to the person speaking, and it was a quality sound recorder.
  • 31. Evaluation I used technologies right through to the evaluation stage, uploading my videos to both youtube and vimeo. This is because they reach slightly different audiences and would allow me to gain different feedback. I then posted the links from these onto my facebook page, to get some basic feedback from friends and family.
  • 32. Lastly, I used GoogleDocs to conduct my audience feedback, this is because it was an easy tool for creating a questionnaire, that was easy for people to fill in online. This meant I could email and facebook it to people I know, and prompt them to circulate online to anyone they knew, meaning I could easily and quickly gain a large amount of audience feedback. It was also a very convenient tool, placing my results into charts and graphs for me to analyse, and presenting the results in a format that was easy for me to understand. Had i done this manually, printing paper copies of a questionnaire, analysing the results would have been time and consuming and difficult. It would also have been hard to circulate to an audience. I was also able to post a link to all five texts on the questionnaire, to watch before they answered, which would have been impossible in paper form.