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Keeping Up With Mobility
The Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012   Enter u
Keeping Up With Mobility

Even while CIOs target mobility as a priority, they face
competitive and development challenges. What’s the best way
to develop a cogent strategy and stay ahead of the curve?

If the intense popularity of and focus      According to two recent surveys by         fragmentation of the mobile
on all things mobile – smartphones,         Accenture Research, history is indeed      device market, with tablets joining
tablets, connected devices, and mobile      repeating itself. Mobile devices have      smartphones and complicating
applications – seems familiar, it’s         made the transition from being a           development issues for Operating
because the 1990s Internet mania            secondary device to being a primary        System (OS)-specific or browser-based
is repeating itself. Think about it –       device; hence they have become a           applications. As always, too, questions
suddenly a new technology swept in,         platform unto themselves, whether the      regarding security and connectivity
threatening and promising to change         enterprise supplies them or employees      loom over any remote access strategy.
the way people worked. It became an         can use their own on a “bring your own
instant priority for IT, but its multiple   device” (BYOD) basis. They bring an        As with the Internet, our research
facets weren’t so easily mastered.          astonishing number of capabilities, but    shows that successful CIOs should do
                                            companies are still in the early phase     three things: understand where in their
Companies spent money creating web          of developing their mobility strategies.   organization developers are creating
sites akin to “brochureware,” while         While they scramble to develop their       mobility applications; discern how to
savvier companies realized that, with       mobile strategies, they must balance a     quickly integrate them into a cohesive
some careful back-end investment,           variety of issues.                         strategy; and then use that strategy
the Internet could not only offer                                                      as a foundation for competitive
data access to employees, partners,         These issues include the monetization      advantage.
and suppliers, but also represented         of applications; accommodating
an unprecedented transactional              the divergent needs of employees,
opportunity. The latter companies often     customers, prospects, partners, and
thrived while the others floundered.        suppliers; addressing the increasing

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                        t Back | Forward u
Mobility Is Both a Priority and a Challenge

To gauge the perceptions of mobility among IT professionals,
Accenture Research surveyed several hundred CIOs and several
thousand application developers in North America, Europe,
Asia, and South America in late 2011.

The results were startling. When asked     100 percent of CIOs in China indicated       Figure 1: More than two-thirds of organizations rank mobility as
to tally their priorities, 78 percent of   mobility was their No. 1 or No. 2 (58        a high priority
CIOs placed mobility in their top five;    percent) priority or their top 5 (42
some 38 percent put it in their top two    percent) priority. The percentage was 85
                                                                                                                           How does mobility rank among your list of priorities for
priorities. Only 19 percent said it was    percent for CIOs in Mexico, 84 percent                                          your company in the next year?
in their top ten, and 3 percent said it    for those in Brazil, and 77 percent for
garnered a “low” priority for them.                                                                                        US       UK       India   Brazil   China   Mexico   Total
                                           those in India. The response from the
                                           UK only trailed India by a percentage         Very high (top 1 or 2) priority   26.0%    58.3%    33.3%   48.0%    58.3%   65.0%    37.9%
But the survey results also revealed       point, but only 66 percent of the CIOs        High (within top 5) priority      40.0%    60.0%    43.3%   36.0%    41.7%   20.0%    40.8%
some intriguing anomalies. When            in the U.S. rated mobility as their No. 1
Accenture asked CIOs about their                                                         Medium (within top 10) priority   30.0%    24.0%    20.0%   16.0%    0%      10.0%    19.0%
                                           or No. 2 priority or their top 5 priority.
priorities for the coming year, the                                                      Low priority                      4.0%     0%       3.3%    0%       0%      5.0%     2.3%
answers diverged based on geography.                                                     Not a priority at all for our     0%       0%       0%      0%       0%      0%       0%
Far more CIOs in emerging markets are                                                    company in the next year
focusing on mobility compared to those                                                   Total                             100%     100%     100%    100%     100%    100%     100%
in established markets. For instance,

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                                                             t Back | Forward u
Why the disparity? We believe that         draw the same conclusion regarding          Figure 2: Countries mobile priorities differ across regions
emerging markets’ ability to capitalize    greenfield status versus maturity. This
on greenfield opportunities may provide    information is significant, however,
the answer; the emerging markets also      for companies planning to develop
report a significantly higher lack of      applications in those countries, in terms   China                                                                      58%
interoperability with legacy systems.      of understanding the thrust of the
So by focusing on mobility, they can       competitive landscape.
avoid the hassle of integrating mobile                                                 Brazil                                                                     44%
applications with large back-end            Other concerns complicate the rush
legacy systems, which were architected      toward mobility. No matter where                                                                                      28%
and built for very different business       CIOs were around the world, cost
requirements and frequently require         and security led the list of their         US                                                                         38%
upgrades to accommodate 24/7 mobile         concerns. Among CIOs, 50 percent
traffic. In addition, they may not even     cited concerns regarding security and
have deployed desktop applications, and     43 percent cited budgetary issues.         India                                                                      37%
can use the increasing capabilities of      Again, concern for these issues differed
smartphones and tablets to leapfrog PC      extensively depending on geographical                                                                                 43%
deployments.                                location – except in the U.S., where
                                            the results were tied at 54 percent.       Mexico                                                                     30%
The survey results also showed an           Other stumbling blocks cited included
interesting disparity when they             a lack of interoperability with current
measured whether companies were             systems and a lack of understanding        UK                                                                         24%
focusing on internal capabilities, such     about the benefits of mobility (both
as improving field service and customer at 26 percent); a lack of required skill                                                                                  56%
service delivery for employees, versus      sets for development and deployment
driving revenue through customer            (18 percent), fractured ownership of
engagement on mobile devices. In some mobility within the organization (17                                 Enterprise: Improve field service/customer
cases, in fact, the split was considerable: percent); and lack of engagement                               service delivery with instant data access,
China CIOs were more focused on             from senior executives (16 percent).                           capture and processing
employees over customers, 58 to 33          Interestingly, this indicates that the
percent, while UK CIOs were more            bigger issues are technical rather                             Consumer: Drive revenue through customer
focused on customers than employees,        than cultural, presenting a picture of
                                                                                                           engagement on mobile devices.
56 to 24 percent. In this respect, Brazil   companies ready to tackle mobility
was closer to China and Mexico was          as long as they can get assistance
closer to the UK, so it’s impossible to     overcoming the technological issues.

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                                                   t Back | Forward u
Not surprisingly, the top issue for
CIOs was also an issue for application
developers. When developers were
asked to name the smartphone
platform with the best security,
none of the platforms received an
overwhelming endorsement: a little
more than half of the application
developers thought Apple Inc.’s iOS
operating system had the best, while
nearly one-quarter cited Google Inc.’s
AndroidTM operating system.

The results also clearly highlighted
the fragmentation of the mobile
device market. This manifests itself
not only in the vast number of mobile
platforms and devices, but also in
the question of whether to focus on
consumer (B2C) or employee (B2B)
applications. Application developers
rated fragmentation among devices
utilizing the AndroidTM and BlackberryÂŽ
platforms as particularly difficult to
manage, and both platforms scored
lower on their monetization potential
than the iPhoneÂŽ and iPadÂŽ mobile
digital devices.

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012        t Back | Forward u
Fragmentation complicates companies’        Another potential burden on resources:
ability to accommodate one of               the decision whether to focus on
the strongest trends in mobility:           inbound employee applications or
consumerization or BYOD. By allowing        outbound consumer applications.
employees to run applications on            Companies inherently understand that
any mobile device, IT runs the risk of      offering an application to consumers
having its resources diluted further. At    specific to them will likely increase
the same time, our research indicates       customer interactivity and intimacy. But
the market is clearly still in flux, with   the same divergent number of devices
BlackBerryÂŽ devices that were once          on the employee side applies to the
rated as highly favored within the          consumer side, complicating the issue
enterprise now receiving “low” or “very     of multi-platform development.
low” engagement scores. Accordingly,
however, 52 percent of CIO respondents      The issue of consumer applications
said they were taking a hybrid approach     also relates to monetization, the ability
to development; that is, mediating          to ensure that the results of mobile
both native and HTML5 development to        development relate to quantifiable
create applications whose user interface    revenue streams. 42 percent of all
runs at least partly in an embedded         CIOs want to improve field service or
browser.                                    customer service delivery with instant
                                            data access, capture, and processing.

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                      t Back | Forward u
On the consumer side, another 40            When asked which capabilities they          cycle with improved access to back-end               efforts to empower communication
percent want to drive revenue through       were focusing on, the trend was             systems and data quality for the sales               and collaboration among employees
customer engagement.                        clear: process improvements. In the         force. These two areas represented                   no matter where they were. 53 percent
One might think that all these obstacles    next twelve months, some 48 percent         the highest percentage of completed                  of CIOs reported being in the middle of
together constitute a Gordian knot for      plan to make changes in processes,          projects.                                            projects to improve field and customer
mobility, one that’s not easily untied or   workflow, and employee roles to better                                                           service activities.
even sliced. Nothing could be further       incorporate mobility services in their      An even higher percentage of CIOs
from the truth. Even as companies           company. Nearly the same percentage         (43 percent) were in the middle of
wrangled with the challenges of the         plan to deploy employees dedicated
web fifteen years ago, they grasped         to mobile efforts (47 percent). Within      Figure 3: Nearly half of CIOs plan to make changes in processes, workflow
its inherent value. The same applies to     the same 12-month timeframe, 41             and roles defined to better incorporate mobility services
mobility.                                   percent plan to create a prioritized list
                                            of mobility initiatives; 34 percent plan     What components of a mobile strategy do you plan to have in place within the year?
No matter what the obstacles, CIOs          to have a dedicated mobile budget; and       (Please check)
report a strong commitment to mobile        31 percent plan to deploy application
                                                                                         N = 238                                                                                    Column N %
technology. On average, companies are       lifecycle management initiatives for the
allocating 31% of their discretionary       development, testing, and updating of        Dedicated mobile budget(s)                                                                      33.6%
IT budget to mobility projects in 2012.     applications.                                Prioritized list of mobile initiatives                                                          41.2%
In addition, some 84 percent reported
                                                                                         Dedicated mobility-related employees                                                            46.6%
either an extensively or moderately         In addition to making changes to their
developed formal mobile strategy. That      business processes to better enable          Changes in processes, workflow and roles defined to better incorporate mobility services        47.5%
indicates both a strong commitment          mobility, CIOs are already charging full     Standard list of devices/platforms required to support                                          36.6%
to mobility’s advantages and a high         steam into implementing their mobile         Application lifecycle management (development, testing, distribution, updating)                 31.1%
understanding of its potential benefits.    priorities. When asked about what
Interestingly, emerging markets led in      mobile services they plan to implement,      KPI definition and ability to measure/report/analyze and act                                    18.5%
being committed to a strategy as well.      CIOs cited streamlining operations           None of the above                                                                                3.4%
In the U.S. and the UK, 76 percent of       through the ability to track orders,         Total                                                                                           100%
CIOs indicated they had an extensively      assets, or inventory from anywhere; 37
or moderately developed formal mobile       percent had completed such efforts,
strategy; for India, Mexico, Brazil, and    while another 37 percent were already
China, the figure was significantly         executing them. Close behind that (35
higher at 94 percent.                       percent) was accelerating the sales

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                                                                   t Back | Forward u
Tackling the Challenges Through a Cohesive Strategy

Given that mobility—like the Internet before it—is equally
confusing and compelling, it only remains for IT to craft a
strategy for conquering it. Creating such a strategy means
first acknowledging the shift from applications containing
data, logic, and presentation tiers to one in which services
exchange information.

A strategy will also help keep the         choices, such as whether you will         choose to emphasize other key areas
obstacles from overwhelming multiple       make applications available through       highlighted by the survey results: sales,
internal, though uncoordinated, efforts.   external application stores or internal   internal collaboration, or applications
What goes into a mobile strategy?          downloads.                                serving customer service.
Accenture sees three important
elements: technology, business             Business Requirements. This element       Management. Given the degree with
requirements, and management.              encompasses identifying where mobile      which the mobility market shifts, it’s
                                           solutions are most important within       important that CIOs maintain strong
Technology. This element spans             your company, so you can prioritize       oversight of their strategy, in order to
everything from platform choice to         development efforts. Given the strong     tweak it when necessary as conditions
development tools. Are you going to        commitment that CIOs in emerging          shift. It won’t be easy to establish your
internally standardize on one device,      markets have toward mobile solutions,     strategy because such an effort requires
or encourage the BYOD concept? This        it may behoove other CIOs to not          not only identifying future projects,
impacts your choice of development         only make mobile solutions available      but identifying current projects and
tools, which range from native to          to employees in other countries, but      ensuring that they are nudged toward
cross-platform or hybrid approaches.       ensure they are localized properly.       your ultimate goals.
It will also affect your deployment        At the same time, companies may

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                               t Back | Forward u
In essence, CIOs must embark on a three-step process to hone their strategy.

1 2 3
Step one: Discovery. Identify current
projects as well as future goals; keep
in mind that business units may be
                                         Step two: Acceleration. Having
                                         identified the projects you want to
                                         pursue and the underlying technologies,
                                                                                   Step three: Innovation. Once you’ve
                                                                                   created a strong foundation for internal
                                                                                   progress, you can start looking at
                                                                                                                              Perhaps the most important thing to
                                                                                                                              remember is that you’re still aiming at
                                                                                                                              a moving target. Remember Internet
tackling applications on their own.      promote acceleration by standardizing     other capabilities to help make your       time? You’re now living on mobile
                                         your efforts as much as possible. Use     mobile applications even more of a         time. Devices continue to evolve, as
                                         common code – aka an “application         competitive advantage. How can you         do application development tools. Just
                                         factory” – for basic elements spanning    target those key areas and create even     as you had to do in Internet time, you
                                         people, process, and tools. These help    better tools for helping to reduce sales   must focus on what aspects of mobility
                                         reduce overlap and increase developer     cycles or gathering customer insights at   serve your business requirements most,
                                         efficiency. Establishing common           the moment they’re making purchase         and recalibrate them periodically. While
                                         interface elements for employees will     decisions? Those kinds of insights are     you can easily refresh some strategies
                                         also help reduce training time and        closer to reality than ever before, but    every year or two, for the time being,
                                         increase productivity.                    only if you understand your strategic      you must reconsider your mobile
                                                                                   goals.                                     strategy as often as every six to 12
                                                                                                                              months to verify that you’re still placing
                                                                                                                              your bets on the right trends.

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                                               t Back | Forward u
How Accenture Can Help Companies Devise a Mobile Strategy

For companies staking their claim in mobility, Accenture
brings a spectrum of capabilities as broad as the underlying

Its international presence gives it    Its Accenture Mobile Services group          In the specific area of developing         For the technology perspective, this
insight into global mobility issues,   helps clients tackle mobility in a variety   mobile strategies, it has crafted a        requires identifying:
which encompasses an understanding     of ways. In addition to helping clients      multi-step methodology for companies
of both cultural and technological     seize opportunities for growth and           to follow. Initially, Accenture Mobility   •	 What devices should be used?
issues relating to development,        manage the demands of an always-             Services helps clients understand the      •	 What applications are necessary?
deployment, and connectivity. In       on environment, it helps clients             ramifications of a mobile strategy,        •	 Do they need to be built or can they
addition, it brings cross-industry     use mobility to run their businesses         both from the business and technology         be acquired?
knowledge that helps clients use       more efficiently. Whether it involves        perspective. For the business              •	 What should the network
mobility to deepen connections with    efforts to improve connection and            perspective, this includes identifying:       infrastructure look like?
consumers, employees, businesses and   communication with their workforce,                                                     •	 How will the applications integrate
even machines.                         their customers, or their partners,          •	 Who’s going to use the mobile              with back-end applications?
                                       Accenture Mobility Services’ experience         application?                            •	 How will the applications be secured?
                                       in nearly every industry brings in-depth     •	 What business processes they touch?     •	 How will the applications be
                                       understanding of how businesses can          •	 What capabilities they need?               configured, deployed, maintained,
                                       achieve growth through mobility.             •	 What internal support structure is         and updated?
                                                                                    •	 What training is necessary?
                                                                                    •	 How should functions be governed?

Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012                                                                                                                t Back | Forward u
Once Accenture Mobility Services, in         Within Accenture Mobility Services
                                     collaboration with the client, answers       as well are teams of savvy developers
                                     these questions, they begin the three-       experienced in all facets of mobile
                                     step strategic planning approach.            applications. Whether clients need
                                     In the Assessment phase, Accenture           AppleÂŽ iOS, AndroidTM, or cross-
                                     Mobility Services benchmarks the             platform HTML5 applications, the
                                     clients’ mobility capabilities and           Accenture Mobility Services team can
                                     identifies opportunities. In the Blueprint   provide the requisite knowledge.
                                     phase, Accenture Mobility Services
                                     defines standards and capabilities           Combining all these capabilities,
                                     that should be supported for a future        Accenture Mobility Services offers
                                     vision of mobility. Then it develops         help with applications, devices and
                                     an implementation roadmap to guide           platforms, managed services, and
                                     potential mobility growth.                   business integration services. With
                                                                                  this unique combination of consulting
                                                                                  and development skills, Accenture and
                                                                                  Accenture Mobility Services have the
                                                                                  capabilities to lead companies from
                                                                                  strategic opportunities to success in
                                                                                  their mobile deployments.

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To learn more about Accenture
Mobility Services, visit:
Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012   t Back | Forward u
Methodology                                   employee (B2E),business to consumer      Rights to trademarks referenced herein,
                                                                              (B2C), business tobusiness (B2B) and     other than Accenture trademarks,
                                In January 2012, Accenture conducted          machine to machine(M2M) business         belong to their respective owners. We
                                an online survey with 240 IT                  opportunities. Accenture offers          disclaim proprietary interest in the
                                professionals (directors of IT, CIOs, CTOs,   mobility and embedded software           marks and names of others.
                                Directors of Technologies and Chief           services across a wide range of          •	 Apple, iPad, iPhone: Apple®, iPhone®
For more information            Mobility Officers) across 23 industries       industries,devices and platforms,           and iPadÂŽ are trademarks of Apple
                                in 12 countries: Australia, Brazil, China,    including Symbian,MicrosoftÂŽ                Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
on Accenture Mobility           France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,         WindowsÂŽ Mobile, WindowsÂŽ                   countries.
                                Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, and            Phone, Android™, Blackberry®,            •	 iOS: IOS is a trademark or registered
Services please scan the        United States. Half work for companies        iPhone®,Java™, Linux, and MeeGo™.           trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and
                                that generate between USD$500 million                                                     other countries and is used under
2D barcode                      and USD$1 billion in annual revenues;                                                     license.
                                the other half between USD$1 billion          About Accenture                          •	 Android: Android is a trademark of
                                and USD$5 billion. The January research                                                   Google Inc.
                                also included an online survey of nearly      Accenture is a global management         •	 Blackberry: BlackBerry® and related
                                4,000 mobility application developers         consulting, technology services
                                                                                                                          trademarks, names and logos are
                                based in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe, and    and outsourcing company, with
                                                                                                                          the property of Research In Motion
                                North America, who create applications,       more than 244,000 people serving
                                                                                                                          Limited and are registered and/or
                                products and services for employees           clients in more than 120 countries.
                                                                                                                          used in the U.S. and countries around
                                and enterprises, as well as consumers.        Combining unparalleled experience,
                                                                                                                          the world. Used under licence from
                                                                              comprehensive capabilities across all
                                                                              industries and business functions,          Research In Motion Limited.
                                About Accenture Mobility Services             and extensive research on the
                                                                              world’s most successful companies,
                                Accenture is focused on enabling its          Accenture collaborates with clients to
                                clientsto achieve breakthrough growth         help them become high-performance
                                throughoutthe rapidly changing mobile         businesses and governments. The
                                ecosystem. TheAccenture Mobility              company generated net revenues of
                                Services group offersfive mobility            US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year
                                services including consulting,                ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is
                                software services—applications,     
                                softwareservices—devices and
Copyright Š 2012 Accenture
                                platforms, managedservices, and
All rights reserved.            business integration services.
Accenture, its Signature, and   These are designed to help
High Performance Delivered      organizationsembrace business to
are trademarks of Accenture.
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The Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012

  • 1. Always On. Always Connected. Keeping Up With Mobility The Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 Enter u
  • 2. Keeping Up With Mobility Even while CIOs target mobility as a priority, they face competitive and development challenges. What’s the best way to develop a cogent strategy and stay ahead of the curve? If the intense popularity of and focus According to two recent surveys by fragmentation of the mobile on all things mobile – smartphones, Accenture Research, history is indeed device market, with tablets joining tablets, connected devices, and mobile repeating itself. Mobile devices have smartphones and complicating applications – seems familiar, it’s made the transition from being a development issues for Operating because the 1990s Internet mania secondary device to being a primary System (OS)-specific or browser-based is repeating itself. Think about it – device; hence they have become a applications. As always, too, questions suddenly a new technology swept in, platform unto themselves, whether the regarding security and connectivity threatening and promising to change enterprise supplies them or employees loom over any remote access strategy. the way people worked. It became an can use their own on a “bring your own instant priority for IT, but its multiple device” (BYOD) basis. They bring an As with the Internet, our research facets weren’t so easily mastered. astonishing number of capabilities, but shows that successful CIOs should do companies are still in the early phase three things: understand where in their Companies spent money creating web of developing their mobility strategies. organization developers are creating sites akin to “brochureware,” while While they scramble to develop their mobility applications; discern how to savvier companies realized that, with mobile strategies, they must balance a quickly integrate them into a cohesive some careful back-end investment, variety of issues. strategy; and then use that strategy the Internet could not only offer as a foundation for competitive data access to employees, partners, These issues include the monetization advantage. and suppliers, but also represented of applications; accommodating an unprecedented transactional the divergent needs of employees, opportunity. The latter companies often customers, prospects, partners, and thrived while the others floundered. suppliers; addressing the increasing Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 3. Mobility Is Both a Priority and a Challenge To gauge the perceptions of mobility among IT professionals, Accenture Research surveyed several hundred CIOs and several thousand application developers in North America, Europe, Asia, and South America in late 2011. The results were startling. When asked 100 percent of CIOs in China indicated Figure 1: More than two-thirds of organizations rank mobility as to tally their priorities, 78 percent of mobility was their No. 1 or No. 2 (58 a high priority CIOs placed mobility in their top five; percent) priority or their top 5 (42 some 38 percent put it in their top two percent) priority. The percentage was 85 How does mobility rank among your list of priorities for priorities. Only 19 percent said it was percent for CIOs in Mexico, 84 percent your company in the next year? in their top ten, and 3 percent said it for those in Brazil, and 77 percent for garnered a “low” priority for them. US UK India Brazil China Mexico Total those in India. The response from the UK only trailed India by a percentage Very high (top 1 or 2) priority 26.0% 58.3% 33.3% 48.0% 58.3% 65.0% 37.9% But the survey results also revealed point, but only 66 percent of the CIOs High (within top 5) priority 40.0% 60.0% 43.3% 36.0% 41.7% 20.0% 40.8% some intriguing anomalies. When in the U.S. rated mobility as their No. 1 Accenture asked CIOs about their Medium (within top 10) priority 30.0% 24.0% 20.0% 16.0% 0% 10.0% 19.0% or No. 2 priority or their top 5 priority. priorities for the coming year, the Low priority 4.0% 0% 3.3% 0% 0% 5.0% 2.3% answers diverged based on geography. Not a priority at all for our 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Far more CIOs in emerging markets are company in the next year focusing on mobility compared to those Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% in established markets. For instance, Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 4. Why the disparity? We believe that draw the same conclusion regarding Figure 2: Countries mobile priorities differ across regions emerging markets’ ability to capitalize greenfield status versus maturity. This on greenfield opportunities may provide information is significant, however, the answer; the emerging markets also for companies planning to develop report a significantly higher lack of applications in those countries, in terms China 58% interoperability with legacy systems. of understanding the thrust of the 33% So by focusing on mobility, they can competitive landscape. avoid the hassle of integrating mobile Brazil 44% applications with large back-end Other concerns complicate the rush legacy systems, which were architected toward mobility. No matter where 28% and built for very different business CIOs were around the world, cost requirements and frequently require and security led the list of their US 38% upgrades to accommodate 24/7 mobile concerns. Among CIOs, 50 percent 32% traffic. In addition, they may not even cited concerns regarding security and have deployed desktop applications, and 43 percent cited budgetary issues. India 37% can use the increasing capabilities of Again, concern for these issues differed smartphones and tablets to leapfrog PC extensively depending on geographical 43% deployments. location – except in the U.S., where the results were tied at 54 percent. Mexico 30% The survey results also showed an Other stumbling blocks cited included 45% interesting disparity when they a lack of interoperability with current measured whether companies were systems and a lack of understanding UK 24% focusing on internal capabilities, such about the benefits of mobility (both as improving field service and customer at 26 percent); a lack of required skill 56% service delivery for employees, versus sets for development and deployment driving revenue through customer (18 percent), fractured ownership of engagement on mobile devices. In some mobility within the organization (17 Enterprise: Improve field service/customer cases, in fact, the split was considerable: percent); and lack of engagement service delivery with instant data access, China CIOs were more focused on from senior executives (16 percent). capture and processing employees over customers, 58 to 33 Interestingly, this indicates that the percent, while UK CIOs were more bigger issues are technical rather Consumer: Drive revenue through customer focused on customers than employees, than cultural, presenting a picture of engagement on mobile devices. 56 to 24 percent. In this respect, Brazil companies ready to tackle mobility was closer to China and Mexico was as long as they can get assistance closer to the UK, so it’s impossible to overcoming the technological issues. Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 5. Not surprisingly, the top issue for CIOs was also an issue for application developers. When developers were asked to name the smartphone platform with the best security, none of the platforms received an overwhelming endorsement: a little more than half of the application developers thought Apple Inc.’s iOS operating system had the best, while nearly one-quarter cited Google Inc.’s AndroidTM operating system. The results also clearly highlighted the fragmentation of the mobile device market. This manifests itself not only in the vast number of mobile platforms and devices, but also in the question of whether to focus on consumer (B2C) or employee (B2B) applications. Application developers rated fragmentation among devices utilizing the AndroidTM and BlackberryÂŽ platforms as particularly difficult to manage, and both platforms scored lower on their monetization potential than the iPhoneÂŽ and iPadÂŽ mobile digital devices. Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 6. Fragmentation complicates companies’ Another potential burden on resources: ability to accommodate one of the decision whether to focus on the strongest trends in mobility: inbound employee applications or consumerization or BYOD. By allowing outbound consumer applications. employees to run applications on Companies inherently understand that any mobile device, IT runs the risk of offering an application to consumers having its resources diluted further. At specific to them will likely increase the same time, our research indicates customer interactivity and intimacy. But the market is clearly still in flux, with the same divergent number of devices BlackBerryÂŽ devices that were once on the employee side applies to the rated as highly favored within the consumer side, complicating the issue enterprise now receiving “low” or “very of multi-platform development. low” engagement scores. Accordingly, however, 52 percent of CIO respondents The issue of consumer applications said they were taking a hybrid approach also relates to monetization, the ability to development; that is, mediating to ensure that the results of mobile both native and HTML5 development to development relate to quantifiable create applications whose user interface revenue streams. 42 percent of all runs at least partly in an embedded CIOs want to improve field service or browser. customer service delivery with instant data access, capture, and processing. Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 7. On the consumer side, another 40 When asked which capabilities they cycle with improved access to back-end efforts to empower communication percent want to drive revenue through were focusing on, the trend was systems and data quality for the sales and collaboration among employees customer engagement. clear: process improvements. In the force. These two areas represented no matter where they were. 53 percent One might think that all these obstacles next twelve months, some 48 percent the highest percentage of completed of CIOs reported being in the middle of together constitute a Gordian knot for plan to make changes in processes, projects. projects to improve field and customer mobility, one that’s not easily untied or workflow, and employee roles to better service activities. even sliced. Nothing could be further incorporate mobility services in their An even higher percentage of CIOs from the truth. Even as companies company. Nearly the same percentage (43 percent) were in the middle of wrangled with the challenges of the plan to deploy employees dedicated web fifteen years ago, they grasped to mobile efforts (47 percent). Within Figure 3: Nearly half of CIOs plan to make changes in processes, workflow its inherent value. The same applies to the same 12-month timeframe, 41 and roles defined to better incorporate mobility services mobility. percent plan to create a prioritized list of mobility initiatives; 34 percent plan What components of a mobile strategy do you plan to have in place within the year? No matter what the obstacles, CIOs to have a dedicated mobile budget; and (Please check) report a strong commitment to mobile 31 percent plan to deploy application N = 238 Column N % technology. On average, companies are lifecycle management initiatives for the allocating 31% of their discretionary development, testing, and updating of Dedicated mobile budget(s) 33.6% IT budget to mobility projects in 2012. applications. Prioritized list of mobile initiatives 41.2% In addition, some 84 percent reported Dedicated mobility-related employees 46.6% either an extensively or moderately In addition to making changes to their developed formal mobile strategy. That business processes to better enable Changes in processes, workflow and roles defined to better incorporate mobility services 47.5% indicates both a strong commitment mobility, CIOs are already charging full Standard list of devices/platforms required to support 36.6% to mobility’s advantages and a high steam into implementing their mobile Application lifecycle management (development, testing, distribution, updating) 31.1% understanding of its potential benefits. priorities. When asked about what Interestingly, emerging markets led in mobile services they plan to implement, KPI definition and ability to measure/report/analyze and act 18.5% being committed to a strategy as well. CIOs cited streamlining operations None of the above 3.4% In the U.S. and the UK, 76 percent of through the ability to track orders, Total 100% CIOs indicated they had an extensively assets, or inventory from anywhere; 37 or moderately developed formal mobile percent had completed such efforts, strategy; for India, Mexico, Brazil, and while another 37 percent were already China, the figure was significantly executing them. Close behind that (35 higher at 94 percent. percent) was accelerating the sales Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 8. Tackling the Challenges Through a Cohesive Strategy Given that mobility—like the Internet before it—is equally confusing and compelling, it only remains for IT to craft a strategy for conquering it. Creating such a strategy means first acknowledging the shift from applications containing data, logic, and presentation tiers to one in which services exchange information. A strategy will also help keep the choices, such as whether you will choose to emphasize other key areas obstacles from overwhelming multiple make applications available through highlighted by the survey results: sales, internal, though uncoordinated, efforts. external application stores or internal internal collaboration, or applications What goes into a mobile strategy? downloads. serving customer service. Accenture sees three important elements: technology, business Business Requirements. This element Management. Given the degree with requirements, and management. encompasses identifying where mobile which the mobility market shifts, it’s solutions are most important within important that CIOs maintain strong Technology. This element spans your company, so you can prioritize oversight of their strategy, in order to everything from platform choice to development efforts. Given the strong tweak it when necessary as conditions development tools. Are you going to commitment that CIOs in emerging shift. It won’t be easy to establish your internally standardize on one device, markets have toward mobile solutions, strategy because such an effort requires or encourage the BYOD concept? This it may behoove other CIOs to not not only identifying future projects, impacts your choice of development only make mobile solutions available but identifying current projects and tools, which range from native to to employees in other countries, but ensuring that they are nudged toward cross-platform or hybrid approaches. ensure they are localized properly. your ultimate goals. It will also affect your deployment At the same time, companies may Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 9. In essence, CIOs must embark on a three-step process to hone their strategy. 1 2 3 Step one: Discovery. Identify current projects as well as future goals; keep in mind that business units may be Step two: Acceleration. Having identified the projects you want to pursue and the underlying technologies, Step three: Innovation. Once you’ve created a strong foundation for internal progress, you can start looking at Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that you’re still aiming at a moving target. Remember Internet tackling applications on their own. promote acceleration by standardizing other capabilities to help make your time? You’re now living on mobile your efforts as much as possible. Use mobile applications even more of a time. Devices continue to evolve, as common code – aka an “application competitive advantage. How can you do application development tools. Just factory” – for basic elements spanning target those key areas and create even as you had to do in Internet time, you people, process, and tools. These help better tools for helping to reduce sales must focus on what aspects of mobility reduce overlap and increase developer cycles or gathering customer insights at serve your business requirements most, efficiency. Establishing common the moment they’re making purchase and recalibrate them periodically. While interface elements for employees will decisions? Those kinds of insights are you can easily refresh some strategies also help reduce training time and closer to reality than ever before, but every year or two, for the time being, increase productivity. only if you understand your strategic you must reconsider your mobile goals. strategy as often as every six to 12 months to verify that you’re still placing your bets on the right trends. Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 10. How Accenture Can Help Companies Devise a Mobile Strategy For companies staking their claim in mobility, Accenture brings a spectrum of capabilities as broad as the underlying challenge. Its international presence gives it Its Accenture Mobile Services group In the specific area of developing For the technology perspective, this insight into global mobility issues, helps clients tackle mobility in a variety mobile strategies, it has crafted a requires identifying: which encompasses an understanding of ways. In addition to helping clients multi-step methodology for companies of both cultural and technological seize opportunities for growth and to follow. Initially, Accenture Mobility • What devices should be used? issues relating to development, manage the demands of an always- Services helps clients understand the • What applications are necessary? deployment, and connectivity. In on environment, it helps clients ramifications of a mobile strategy, • Do they need to be built or can they addition, it brings cross-industry use mobility to run their businesses both from the business and technology be acquired? knowledge that helps clients use more efficiently. Whether it involves perspective. For the business • What should the network mobility to deepen connections with efforts to improve connection and perspective, this includes identifying: infrastructure look like? consumers, employees, businesses and communication with their workforce, • How will the applications integrate even machines. their customers, or their partners, • Who’s going to use the mobile with back-end applications? Accenture Mobility Services’ experience application? • How will the applications be secured? in nearly every industry brings in-depth • What business processes they touch? • How will the applications be understanding of how businesses can • What capabilities they need? configured, deployed, maintained, achieve growth through mobility. • What internal support structure is and updated? necessary? • What training is necessary? • How should functions be governed? Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 11. Once Accenture Mobility Services, in Within Accenture Mobility Services collaboration with the client, answers as well are teams of savvy developers these questions, they begin the three- experienced in all facets of mobile step strategic planning approach. applications. Whether clients need In the Assessment phase, Accenture AppleÂŽ iOS, AndroidTM, or cross- Mobility Services benchmarks the platform HTML5 applications, the clients’ mobility capabilities and Accenture Mobility Services team can identifies opportunities. In the Blueprint provide the requisite knowledge. phase, Accenture Mobility Services defines standards and capabilities Combining all these capabilities, that should be supported for a future Accenture Mobility Services offers vision of mobility. Then it develops help with applications, devices and an implementation roadmap to guide platforms, managed services, and potential mobility growth. business integration services. With this unique combination of consulting and development skills, Accenture and Accenture Mobility Services have the capabilities to lead companies from strategic opportunities to success in their mobile deployments. Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 12. To learn more about Accenture Mobility Services, visit: Accenture CIO Mobility Survey 2012 t Back | Forward u
  • 13. Methodology employee (B2E),business to consumer Rights to trademarks referenced herein, (B2C), business tobusiness (B2B) and other than Accenture trademarks, In January 2012, Accenture conducted machine to machine(M2M) business belong to their respective owners. We an online survey with 240 IT opportunities. Accenture offers disclaim proprietary interest in the professionals (directors of IT, CIOs, CTOs, mobility and embedded software marks and names of others. Directors of Technologies and Chief services across a wide range of • Apple, iPad, iPhone: AppleÂŽ, iPhoneÂŽ For more information Mobility Officers) across 23 industries industries,devices and platforms, and iPadÂŽ are trademarks of Apple in 12 countries: Australia, Brazil, China, including Symbian,MicrosoftÂŽ Inc., registered in the U.S. and other on Accenture Mobility France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, WindowsÂŽ Mobile, WindowsÂŽ countries. Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, and Phone, Android™, BlackberryÂŽ, • iOS: IOS is a trademark or registered Services please scan the United States. Half work for companies iPhoneÂŽ,Java™, Linux, and MeeGo™. trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and that generate between USD$500 million other countries and is used under 2D barcode and USD$1 billion in annual revenues; license. the other half between USD$1 billion About Accenture • Android: Android is a trademark of and USD$5 billion. The January research Google Inc. also included an online survey of nearly Accenture is a global management • Blackberry: BlackBerryÂŽ and related 4,000 mobility application developers consulting, technology services trademarks, names and logos are based in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe, and and outsourcing company, with the property of Research In Motion North America, who create applications, more than 244,000 people serving Limited and are registered and/or products and services for employees clients in more than 120 countries. used in the U.S. and countries around and enterprises, as well as consumers. Combining unparalleled experience, the world. Used under licence from comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, Research In Motion Limited. About Accenture Mobility Services and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture is focused on enabling its Accenture collaborates with clients to clientsto achieve breakthrough growth help them become high-performance throughoutthe rapidly changing mobile businesses and governments. The ecosystem. TheAccenture Mobility company generated net revenues of Services group offersfive mobility US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year services including consulting, ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is software services—applications, softwareservices—devices and Copyright Š 2012 Accenture platforms, managedservices, and All rights reserved. business integration services. Accenture, its Signature, and These are designed to help High Performance Delivered organizationsembrace business to are trademarks of Accenture. Back | Exit u