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Reflection Introduction To Anthropology
Throughout this Introduction to Anthropology course, we covered many important topics and their
relevance to anthropology. Almost every week, we focused on one specific topic and completed a
field exercise relating to that topic. Through these fieldwork exercises, I learned that thinking on the
spot, being constantly aware of your own bias, and writing efficiently are all important skills that are
essential for anthropologists. Although each skill presents its own challenges, such as speaking
without preparation, recognizing your own bias, and turning in flawed field exercises, it is important
to work through those challenges to improve these crucial skills.
One thing I learned about anthropology through doing all of the fieldwork exercises is how critical
it is to be able to think on the spot. This came up in almost every field exercise where we had to
interview other people. Even though I had planned out the exact questions I wanted to ask the
people I was interviewing, the interviewees would often give answers that required additional or
even different questions than from what I had planned. In order to properly address everything that
the people I interviewed said, I had to come up with related questions that would better fit what
they spoke about. For example, in the fourth field exercise, I needed to press Anna for specific
examples of things she feels she needs more time to do. At first, she had only said that she has
enough time for some things and not for others,
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Anthropology Essay : Practicing Anthropology
Practicing Anthropology When I think of anthropology, in my mind I think of a researcher of
different cultures or the study of people, places, and the historical life of others from around the
world. Never, would I have thought that I practice anthropology in my personal life. This paper
will describe situations in my life that led me to unknowingly practiced anthropology. I grew up in
a home that was very much dysfunctional and full of hypocrisy. This was difficult for me because I
was often confused about what was expected from me. The culture of my surroundings was that of
entitlement, prejudism, racism, and ethnocentrism. They valued nothing and took whatever they
could from government funding and from others while often put more content...
As a parent, I ensured that my children were raised with the polar opposite of social structure that I
had received. When my children do well, I praise them and display their hard work for everyone to
see. As my children grew up, I taught them about my religious culture and allowed them to choose
their own religious or non–religious path, (even though I may want them to have the same beliefs
as I have). When I was eleven years old, my biological mother had requested I come live with her.
Despite my excitement to go live with my mother, in my mind, I moved to a foreign country
where I felt as if I were an alien. I moved from Eugene, Oregon with a population of mostly white
Caucasians to Indio, California highly populated with the Hispanic culture. I was the minority in
my neighborhood and in my school. Indio was a city full of enculturation, and the children
practiced the same cultures as their parents and their parent's parents. It was highly populated with
the Hispanic culture. Everyone spoke both English and Spanish but Spanish was used most often.
While I did not learn the language, I was intrigued by everything around me such as the primary
religion most practiced (Catholic), the language, food, music, and the family values. The social
structure of the Hispanic people was something I was not familiar with, these were very large
families who cherished one another and their religion was taken serious. They valued hard work and
play. I truly enjoyed living within the
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Anthropology Reflection
Follow Up Reflection, Ben Parfitt
During this Anthropology Convention, I have learned many things on their duties, what they
discover, research and how they compare it to modern life these days. I would start off by saying
that this assignment helped me become more confident about the knowledge of common type
Anthropology. It was interesting learning about bones, discoveries and especially different
cultures, tribes and beliefs that people are included in across the world that I never knew existed.
My group created a fish, stingray like species that we named the Guaca Puca. This species swims
in the sand like a fish in water, it is very large, lived in the Sahara desert and became extinct
millions of years ago when the sun became more powerful in that area and their habitat was lost
because of the dry soil. We created a slideshow full of the information about our species to
introduce to the class. This was the most resourceful way because it provides slides that we can
group information in an organized fashion. We wanted our audience to see visuals of each slide
because many people in this world are visual learners. Kahoot is an easy electronic way to get the
class involved with your presentation. It also tests to see if people have been paying attention to our
detail and key information about our species.
I was asked if I were to leave a box filled with items we commonly use today for future
Anthropologists to find hundreds of years from now, what would I leave? Well today's generation
has evolved drastically in the past century, so there would be a huge difference on what we would
put in that box today compared to the 1800's. I would place a cell phone, a new car, our written
language, common sports equipment, and a list of our common laws (some of the most important
ones) in the box. The following reasoning below is why I would place those certain items in the
box. Firstly, the cell phone. These electronic devices are what most to all teenage, adults and
adolescents are constantly using throughout the day. These small items are part of our everyday life,
and has changed common form of communication massively. In the future, they will most probably
have a device that is much more advanced, and people
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Anthropology Today Research Paper
Anthropology Today In society today, the discipline of anthropology has made a tremendous shift
from the practices it employed years ago. Anthropologists of today have a very different focus from
their predecessors, who would focus on relating problems of distant peoples to the Western world. In
more modern times, their goal has become much more local, in focusing on human problems and
issues within the societies they live.
This paper will identify the roles anthropologists today play, such as where they perform the bulk
of their work, and what it is they do in both problem solving, as well as policy making. It will also
identify the issues they are faced with, that is, the nature of the problems they address. Ethics have more content...
This job would entail dealing with the development of children and adolescents by studying them,
publishing reports, and training them to better prepare for life in the workplace.
( SfAA,2000) Based on the decisions and recommendations of someone in this position, actions will
be taken to shape young lives. Persons in this role would have to solve many problems involving
relationships and understanding of today's youth. Several jobs of the same nature of urban
development involve national surveys, case–studies involving a sample of the local people, and a
series of interviews all help in forming ideas on which anthropologists base their decisions for
development on. It would be the results of these types of data collections by which plans and
policies suitable for everyone can be formed. There are also many positions being opened in the
business world for the anthropologist to fill.
The discipline of anthropology targets study, and today's business want many different aspects of
their market studied. For example, anthropologists may be asked to study employee production,
and ways to improve it. They may be asked to find out through market research different ways to
change or alter their product to fit the optimum desires of the general public.(Cassell, 2000 ). It is
these kinds of positions and these kinds of
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Anthropology Thesis
Humans, as a species are not unique. We are similar to many other groups of animals in practically
any way imaginable. We may be slightly more developed but we are not unique. We share
characteristics, values, traits and our history with them. These similarities are especially common
between humans and other major mammals like,rodents and primates, and the fact that our
medicines and beauty products are tested on them proves that humans are, in many ways, are
connected to animals. We should not consider ourselves superior just based on the fact, that we have
'opposable thumbs' or a larynx to offer our opinion compared to the other creatures around us.
The concepts that we generally connect with culture are– Art, theater, literature, music, religion,
architecture and cuisine. Clearly though, no other species have shown significant signs of having
anything approaching this level of social refinement. But the primary idea of culture can also be
defined as the ways in which a group performs their daily activities and what they revolve around,
learned from one another and passed down the generations, and other primate species, like monkeys,
great apes etc. undoubtedly have practices that are unique to specific groups, such as a certain way
of greeting each other, more content...
According to researchers, an Asian elephant living in a South Korean zoo had learned to use its
trunk and throat to mimic human words. The elephant can say "hello," "good," "no" "sit down" and
"lie down," all in Korean.The elephant however doesn't appear to know what the meaning of these
words is. Scientists think he may have picked up the sounds because he was the only elephant at the
zoo from when he was 5 to when he turned 12, leaving him to bond with humans instead of his own
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Anthropology Unanswered Questions
There are many unanswered questions in the field of anthropology to this date due to the fact of
undocumented information for thousands of years. There is a huge question whether or not culture
evolves similar to evolution. This is a question that needs information that isn't held by humanity
from thousands of years ago to study from. There are also the bigger unanswered questions that
needs information that dates back to the beginning of humans on earth like, was there one universal
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What is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are
going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it
means the study of human beings. "Anthropo" means human beings or human kind and "logy" or
"logia" is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study
of human beings which can be very broad. Anthropology can be broken down into four subfields:
physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology.
Physical anthropology is all of the physical aspects of being human like human evolution and human
variation. People come in different heights, weights, and etc. The next subfield is archaeology which
is the human cultures in the past. Examples of these are artifacts and architecture like pyramids and
buildings. The third subfield of anthropology is called linguistic anthropology is the study of
language. The last subfield is called cultural anthropology and it is focused on the study of cultural
variation throughout the world. Cultural anthropology can also be called ethnology. Two of the
subfields that I thought were evident in most of the movies we watched were cultural anthropology
and linguistic anthropology.
One of my favorite examples of cultural anthropology was from the beginning of the semester in the
movie The Gods Must be Crazy. When Xi was venturing to the end of the earth to drop off the Evil
Thing, he has
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Anthropology : Anthropology And Anthropology
I would've never imagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before
taking Professor Sharratt's Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in
anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a
degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in
anthropology. Anthropology is "the study of humankind in all times and place". Anthropology has
four different subfields which include: Physical/Biological, Socio/Cultural, Linguistic, and
Archeology. This wide range of a study allows for one to stand out to companies in a various amount
of industries including law, health, and often times business. Some job more content...
Forensic anthropologist document and investigate human remains from past experiences. Forensic
anthropologists are also very helpful when mass disasters occur and a large amount of people die
due to a certain event. Tersigni–Tarrant, Teresa, and Shirley state howforensic anthropology takes
place during a mass disaster by stating "The staff working in the disaster morgue has several
responsibilities: documentation and processing of remains, identification of the victim, examination
of remains for medicolegal interpretations (e.g., cause of death), and documentation of the overall
process" (444). Forensic anthropology can be very vital to a culture or country because it allows for
one to understand how someone has passed away, which could possibly effect the same culture or
country in the future. Forensic anthropologist take the time to examine the cause of one's death and
help a certain culture or country understand a particular outcome. There are forensic anthropologists
employed by the FBI. Another possible career opportunity in anthropology that I ran across that
intrigued me was an exhibit designer. Exhibit designers are mainly employed at museums. Their job
duties include researching, educating, and designing in a museum setting. Exhibit designers are
responsible for the preservation of anthropology related items such as human remains and past
objects. In the search for an exhibit designer
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The Importance Of Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology is the social sciences discipline that looks to understand humanity. In this discipline
there are subdivisions such as cultural anthropology and primatology, and the beauty of anthropology
is that you can more than you think, link some of your life event to some anthropological context.
Cultural anthropology is one of the four fields of anthropology. It looks for patterns of beliefs or
behaviours in a group and how they are connected. Anthropologist looks at differences and
similarities between different groups and different cultures. They obtain their data through field
work. There is actually two method of for anthropologist to study a culture of a group; ethnography
and ethnology. Ethnography is a detailed description of a particular group based on the information
you get with field work. Most anthropologist actually go live with this particular group for a certain
amount of time to get the more information possible and write the most detailed and accurate
description of this group. The other method, ethnology, is a study of different cultures from cross
cultural comparison. In this method, they generalized a lot and they using the information of some
ethnographic studies already done.
Imagine that I have chosen to pursue research cultural anthropology and that I have received a
research grant to fund my study, I will choose to focus on the indigenous people in Canada
(MГ©tis and Inuit). I would like to know why this people have decides to live in particular
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Reflection Paper On Anthropology
When I first began taking Anthropology at the beginning of the semester, I was not exactly sure
what to expect. I quickly learned anthropology is a topic that covers a little bit of everything. We
began the semester with learning about different cultures, to medicine, and all the way to race and
ethnicity. For every career field, there is always something to learn from anthropology that pertain to
specific jobs. Anthropology teaches the employee fields the background of various cultures they
might encounter and teaches them how to communicate with different types of people. As a nursing
major, there are so many units I can use to help better myself in my career field. There are so many
topics that have had an impact on me as I prepare for my future. Not only has the medical and
healthcare units impacted me, but also the cultures and communication help me get a better
understanding of other people and how to respond to their culture. The very first unit was all about
culture. I learned exactly what culture is and what makes up a culture. I found it very interesting at
how many different cultures there are. Even in the West Georgia area, there are so many different
cultures around us. I had never realized just how diverse this small college down is. Many times, at
the beginning of the unit, I thought that this unit would not have as much to do with me because I
assumed we were all similar. While that may be true to a certain extent, the culture we grow up in
play major roles
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Essay on anthropology
Anthropology proves to be satisfying and intellectually fulfilling to many in the field.
However, there are also many challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Napolean A.
Chagnon and
Claire Sterk faced many of these challenges themselves. During his fieldwork with the Yanomamo,
Chagnon faced many challenges interacting with the natives. Chagnon could not practically
communicate with the people until about six months after he arrived. He notes ? the hardest thing
to live with was the incessant, passioned, and often aggressive demands they would make.? An
example of this is the natives threatening with a shout such as; ?If you don?t take me with you on
your next boat trip to Widokalyateri, I?ll chop a hole in your canoe!? more content...
Developing a relationship and trust with women who had never had any trustworthy people in
their lives was quite challenging as well. Sterk was once followed home by one of the woman?s
pimps and his friends, and was jumped. The woman admitted to Sterk over a year later that they
wanted to teach her a lesson and she knew about it all along. Sterk describes ? At one time, I felt
true hatred for a crack house owner and was unable to adhere to the rules of courteous interactions.?
( Sterk 10)
In Gmelch?s work with ethnography, he took students to do fieldwork in Barbados. He says his
students usually come out of the experience learning more about themselves than they did about the
people they were supposed to be studying. The students learned more than they ever had about
intimacy in relationships than they ever had in their culture. They compared it to the impersonality
and detachment of their suburban lives. One of the biggest adjustments the students had to make
was adjusting to the slow–pace of village life. Many got used to being entertained just by socializing
with the people and had no desire to leave if given a chance. Materialism diminished as the students
began to feel embarrassed that they have so much. The people in the villages had so little and were
seemingly so much happier than Americans. The students became minorities for their stay in the
villages. One student says ? I have never been in a
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Anthropology and Gender Essay
Though women have played an integral part in the history of the discipline of anthropology, it was
not until the early 1970's that the field of anthropology and gender, or feminist anthropology
emerged. Sex and gender roles have always been a vital part of any ethnographic study, but the
contributors of this theory began to address the androcentric nature of anthropology itself. The
substantial gap in information concerning the study of women was perceived as a male bias, a
prejudice made more apparent because what little women–centered fieldwork was done received
insufficient attention from the academic community. While anthropology was considered one of the
more egalitarian fields of study, it was dominated by white, Western males more content...
One of Slocum's contemporaries, Eleanor Leacock (1922–1987) chose to differently analyze gender
research, focusing on distinctions in power as it relates to society, the economy, and politics (2011:
397). She concentrated on North American natives and aboriginal Australians and their changing
gender roles as the result of Western influence. Another feminist trend gave emphasis to gender
identities, analyzing the ways in which race, class and gender converge. David Valentine, born in
1966, illustrates such an emphasis in his work which concerns the cross–cultural variations on the
westernized concepts of gender identity and sexuality, by which we categorize sexual desire
(2011:398). As evidenced by the variety of emphases within the theory, feminist anthropologists were
fully committed to assessing all previously ignored facets of the subjugated female within numerous
cultures worldwide.
Several decades ago the idea of women as subordinate was considered to be a universality by the
aforementioned white, Western male anthropologists who lead the field. Despite an anthropologist's
endeavor to be unbiased, the fact is these traditional anthropologists came from a culture where many
aspects of human life were male dominant. Though many studied
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Cultural Anthropology : Physical Anthropology
Anthropology: It is a general comprehensive science of man in the past and present of any culture.
This is divided into two main areas: physical anthropology, dealing with biological evolution and
physiological adaptation of humans, and social or cultural anthropology that deals with people living
in society, ie forms of evolution of language, culture and customs. Anthropology uses tools and
knowledge produced by the natural sciences and the social sciences. Aspiration of anthropological
discipline is to produce knowledge about the human being in various areas, but always as part of a
society. Thus, attempts to encompass both the biological evolution of our species, development and
lifestyles of people who have disappeared, the social structures of today and the diversity of cultural
and linguistic expressions that characterize humanity.
Physical Anthropology: Physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the evolution of man,
human biology and the study of other primates, using working methods used in the natural sciences.
In other words, the study of man considering its nature and culture.
Cultural Anthropology: The branch of anthropology that studies the characteristics of learned
behavior in human societies, ie science of human culture. Overall, it is the science that studies the
origin, development, structure, characteristics and variations of human culture both past societies
like those of the present. Ethnography, ethnology, archeology, linguistics and
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Anthropology what a vulnerable observer you are! You may well have to jump into the arms of the
scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! –– Ruth Behar
Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join
the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the
borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a niche
in which it can comfortably rest. For many, this has been in building a foundation of the methodical.
If anthropology can classify, categorize, and synthesize, it can assert its legitamacy to the glares of
academia. However, in the attempts more content...
The anthropologist is not a data classification machine. The anthropologist is a human being with
specific angles, interpretations, and background. Reality is perception. By reading ethnographies, we
are learning from other's perception. The range of approaches is specifically what gives this
discipline it's richness and depth. Johannes Fabian in Remembering the Present: Painting and
Popular History, comments,
Which and whose reality? Once the ethnographer has ceased to think that being in touch with reality
and truth is guaranteed by following the rules of scientific investigation, the outcome of contests and
confrontations cannot be a victory of one kind of knowledge over the other. (p304)
Fabian in this ethnography beautiful depicts his role to give the reader a sense of the dialogue and
When two cultures interact, the exchange itself reveals insight. Fabian does not dismiss this in his
ethnography. Like a stone thrown to water, the anthropologist cannot attempt to study the
environment without the acknowledgement of the ripples he/she creates. An example of Fabian's
reflexivity is as follows,
Perhaps Tshibumba sensed my incredibility and imagined the explanations I might come up with.
That is why he made sure I understood what he wanted to accomplish with this painting –– to create
a kind of presence. (p300)
In this example, Fabian shows the reader how his presence may have an effect on the data. With the
use of the word "perhaps", he
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Anthropology : A Study Of Humanity
Generally, anthropology can be defined as the study of humanity. This includes every aspect of the
human condition: language, history, culture, biology, past and present. Anthropology is all
encompassing and due to its breadth, it can be considered both a study in humanities and science.
However, anthropology is easily distinguishable from both hard sciences and humanities. The aspects
that distinguish anthropology lie mostly in the methodology that anthropologists use to study human
beings. Methodology in the anthropological field not only includes the specific kind of data
collection, but also the attitude that researchers take on as they approach their research as well as
the main ideas they address. Anthropologists aim to study human evolution and culture holistically,
comparatively, and relativistically through fieldwork. The way that anthropologists utilize and
integrate each aspect of this methodology allows them to add specificity to this broad topic and to
set it uniquely aside from all others. The way that anthropologists conduct research is generally
believed to be what sets anthropology aside from all other humanities and hard sciences.
Anthropologists hold fast to the emphasis on fieldwork, which is defined as data collection while in
contact with the people, sites, and animals being studied. While each subfield of anthropology
(linguistics, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and archaeology) approaches field work
differently, types of fieldwork
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Anthropology, Questions And Answers
1.Paleoanthropology is the scientific study of prehistoric humans and relatives.
2.Which one of these primates does not have a movable upper lip? B. lemurs
A. Orangutans
B. Lemurs
C. Humans
D. Monkeys
E. all the above
3.Lemurs are Strepsirrhini primates. Strepsirrhini meaning wet nose.
4.Decide whether the primate is an Anthropoid, Hominoid or neither.
Primate Your Answer
Squirrel MonkeyAnthropoid
Gibbon Hominoid
Tarsier neither
Bonobo Hominoid
5.A human's spine has an S shaped curve while the spines of apes have a C shaped curve.
6.What is the type of grip monkeys and apes use? Power grip.
7.An Australopithecus afarensis individual commonly known as Lucy lived 3.5 million years ago. more content...
Scientists have two different ideas on how to classify fossils. What are the names of the two ideas?
Lumpers and splitters.
9.What is the earliest culture trait of humans supported by evidence? Toolmaking
10.Which two models do scientists use to describe how H.sapiens evolved from H. erectus? A.
Multiregional and replacement
A. Multiregional and replacement
B. Multiregional and genetic
C. Replacement and genetic
D. neither one of the
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What Is Anthropology? Essay
For the past century, Anthropology has come to be known as a study of an infinite curiosity about
humans. Not only concerned with an interest in human beings and their developements,
Anthropology is much more broad in concept of trying to understand the relationships between
human beings and all possible questions about them. Anthropology is trying to understand all aspects
of human beings through the broad discovery, study, interpretation and inference of past and present
cultural characteristics. In appling the knowledge aquired, one can gain an understanding of
individuals in society, regardless of the resulting conclusion being right or wrong.
The scope of anthropology is much more broad than that of other disciplines more
Motivated by the will to eliminate error and inaccurate theory, Anthropology seeks to find consistent
data for analysis of human exsistence. By removing skeptic ideals, Anthropologists can form a
widley accepted explanation of human developement through time.
To further an already in–depth approach into the validety of human exsistence, Anthropology
provides a holisitc way of joining the cultural traits of humans. In effort to define a certian people,
an Anthropologist may use several factors of that peopel's tradition. The geography of an area, the
formation of a peoples' language, conflicting religious sanctians, and the political history of a
people are key factors in a human experience. Not only studying a variety of people, Anthropology
discerns why such a variety exsists and how a differenciation between people and their habits has
In studying such specific details of perhaps only one area, Anthropologists can gather information to
further the reason such great civilizations have exsisted during the ages of time. By also using a
multifaceted system, Anthropologists of recent years have found themeselves specializing in
different studies and branching the already diverse field of Anthropology. Investigating partcular
areas of the discipline, Anthropologists center their attention toward a designated sub–field. Despite
this, Anthropology still
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Why Do We Study Anthropology?
Why Study Anthropology?
Intro: The study of anthropology is important because it gives the public insight as to why people
act the way they do. By studying anthropology the world can have a better understanding of
different cultures and why people have different norms and values. If people have more insight on
why individuals act the way they do we can appreciate and respect peoples' choices more. For
instance, instead of people looking at hijabs as a restricting clothing item that women in the Middle
East wear, ethnographic research could help the public understand that women can wear hijabs by
choice. However, anthropology is inherently "othering" because typically the anthropologist is
entering into a country in which they were not raised and is observing peoples day–to–day lives.
Despite the flaws of anthropology, I think the research and field work, when done accurately,
produces more benefits than harm.
Pros: It is important to remember that each culture has their own values that are incomparable. A
prime example of two cultures conflicting over ideas is women in the Middle East wearing a
hijab. What is liberating for a woman in the west might be different for a woman in the Middle
East. Generally speaking, women in the west feel liberated by wearing what ever they want to wear.
Women who choose to wear hijabs in the Middle East feel liberated in wearing them. Women from
the west try to impose their ideas regarding liberation on to other cultures but being
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Anthropology and Its Branches
Anthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character,
evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present–day geographic distribution, group
relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be characterized as the naturalistic description
and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world.
Modern–day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with
the study of human culture in all its aspects; and physical anthropology, which is the study of human
physical character, in both the past and present.
Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two
divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses more content...
For example, paintings on walls of tombs may throw light on the status of the person buried there.
Such paintings often depict practices prevalent in a society. Study of burial sites can
helparchaeologists understand the religious beliefs of a group of people.
Biological Anthropology
Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, deals with tracing the biological
origins, evolutionary changes, and the genetic diversity of the human species. In the process,
biological anthropologists study primate behavior, and anatomical variations between primates and
human beings in order to understand physical changes that have taken place in humans during their
evolutionary journey from apes. They may also take up genetic analysis and anthropometric studies
to find reasons behind the physical differences between people of various groups.
Besides these major branches, anthropology also has other divisions like forensic anthropology,
medical anthropology, and ecological anthropology. Although each branch is a specialized field of
study, they are inter–related. This gives anthropologists an edge over researchers from other fields in
addressing human problems, as they study human existence not in isolation but in totality.
Evolution Of Man – What is it?
The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an
apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man,
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Essay Anthropology Midterm
Anthropology 250 March 13, 2012 Midterm Section 1: Short Answer 2. List and briefly explain
the three goals of archaeology. How do they apply and differ from the earlier paradigms of
archaeology? * The three goals of archaeology are the study of culture history, reconstruct past life
ways, and understand cultural processes. The study of culture history is to piece together the
history of how culture changes over time. To reconstruct past life ways is a complex process that
involves a good deal of analysis which is to figure out as much you can about the people who lived
at a particular site or civilization. To understand cultural processes entails trying to figure out how
and why material culture has changed which happens more content...
I do not want to be naГЇve because I do believe there are things about there we still have not come
across or animals that we believe are extinct, but these things are just open interpretations with no
valid proof. The show Ancient Aliens does tend to trick me sometimes; especially, with a part
referenced from the bible about the creation of mankind. The genesis verse line 26 states, "Then
God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish
in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the
creatures that move along the ground." Totally blew my mind and had me really think about this
theory because when you think about what do you mean by let us and our image is their another
world out there, is there more than one God? It really had at a pensive state. A conspiracy theory
would be the saying, "we never landed on the moon" because there should be only one light source
on the pictures and there seems to be more than one light source. Also, the picture of the American
flag seems to be waving when the moon is airless. 15. Please discuss three ways to determine the
age/sex of a skeleton in some detail (attached in the back). Section 2: 1. Stratigraphic Profile
(attached in the back). 2. Answer the questions listed under the mask. a.
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Anthropology Essay Topics

  • 1. Reflection Introduction To Anthropology Throughout this Introduction to Anthropology course, we covered many important topics and their relevance to anthropology. Almost every week, we focused on one specific topic and completed a field exercise relating to that topic. Through these fieldwork exercises, I learned that thinking on the spot, being constantly aware of your own bias, and writing efficiently are all important skills that are essential for anthropologists. Although each skill presents its own challenges, such as speaking without preparation, recognizing your own bias, and turning in flawed field exercises, it is important to work through those challenges to improve these crucial skills. One thing I learned about anthropology through doing all of the fieldwork exercises is how critical it is to be able to think on the spot. This came up in almost every field exercise where we had to interview other people. Even though I had planned out the exact questions I wanted to ask the people I was interviewing, the interviewees would often give answers that required additional or even different questions than from what I had planned. In order to properly address everything that the people I interviewed said, I had to come up with related questions that would better fit what they spoke about. For example, in the fourth field exercise, I needed to press Anna for specific examples of things she feels she needs more time to do. At first, she had only said that she has enough time for some things and not for others, Get more content on
  • 2. Anthropology Essay : Practicing Anthropology Practicing Anthropology When I think of anthropology, in my mind I think of a researcher of different cultures or the study of people, places, and the historical life of others from around the world. Never, would I have thought that I practice anthropology in my personal life. This paper will describe situations in my life that led me to unknowingly practiced anthropology. I grew up in a home that was very much dysfunctional and full of hypocrisy. This was difficult for me because I was often confused about what was expected from me. The culture of my surroundings was that of entitlement, prejudism, racism, and ethnocentrism. They valued nothing and took whatever they could from government funding and from others while often put more content... As a parent, I ensured that my children were raised with the polar opposite of social structure that I had received. When my children do well, I praise them and display their hard work for everyone to see. As my children grew up, I taught them about my religious culture and allowed them to choose their own religious or non–religious path, (even though I may want them to have the same beliefs as I have). When I was eleven years old, my biological mother had requested I come live with her. Despite my excitement to go live with my mother, in my mind, I moved to a foreign country where I felt as if I were an alien. I moved from Eugene, Oregon with a population of mostly white Caucasians to Indio, California highly populated with the Hispanic culture. I was the minority in my neighborhood and in my school. Indio was a city full of enculturation, and the children practiced the same cultures as their parents and their parent's parents. It was highly populated with the Hispanic culture. Everyone spoke both English and Spanish but Spanish was used most often. While I did not learn the language, I was intrigued by everything around me such as the primary religion most practiced (Catholic), the language, food, music, and the family values. The social structure of the Hispanic people was something I was not familiar with, these were very large families who cherished one another and their religion was taken serious. They valued hard work and play. I truly enjoyed living within the Get more content on
  • 3. Anthropology Reflection Follow Up Reflection, Ben Parfitt During this Anthropology Convention, I have learned many things on their duties, what they discover, research and how they compare it to modern life these days. I would start off by saying that this assignment helped me become more confident about the knowledge of common type Anthropology. It was interesting learning about bones, discoveries and especially different cultures, tribes and beliefs that people are included in across the world that I never knew existed. My group created a fish, stingray like species that we named the Guaca Puca. This species swims in the sand like a fish in water, it is very large, lived in the Sahara desert and became extinct millions of years ago when the sun became more powerful in that area and their habitat was lost because of the dry soil. We created a slideshow full of the information about our species to introduce to the class. This was the most resourceful way because it provides slides that we can group information in an organized fashion. We wanted our audience to see visuals of each slide because many people in this world are visual learners. Kahoot is an easy electronic way to get the class involved with your presentation. It also tests to see if people have been paying attention to our detail and key information about our species. I was asked if I were to leave a box filled with items we commonly use today for future Anthropologists to find hundreds of years from now, what would I leave? Well today's generation has evolved drastically in the past century, so there would be a huge difference on what we would put in that box today compared to the 1800's. I would place a cell phone, a new car, our written language, common sports equipment, and a list of our common laws (some of the most important ones) in the box. The following reasoning below is why I would place those certain items in the box. Firstly, the cell phone. These electronic devices are what most to all teenage, adults and adolescents are constantly using throughout the day. These small items are part of our everyday life, and has changed common form of communication massively. In the future, they will most probably have a device that is much more advanced, and people Get more content on
  • 4. Anthropology Today Research Paper Anthropology Today In society today, the discipline of anthropology has made a tremendous shift from the practices it employed years ago. Anthropologists of today have a very different focus from their predecessors, who would focus on relating problems of distant peoples to the Western world. In more modern times, their goal has become much more local, in focusing on human problems and issues within the societies they live. This paper will identify the roles anthropologists today play, such as where they perform the bulk of their work, and what it is they do in both problem solving, as well as policy making. It will also identify the issues they are faced with, that is, the nature of the problems they address. Ethics have more content... This job would entail dealing with the development of children and adolescents by studying them, publishing reports, and training them to better prepare for life in the workplace. ( SfAA,2000) Based on the decisions and recommendations of someone in this position, actions will be taken to shape young lives. Persons in this role would have to solve many problems involving relationships and understanding of today's youth. Several jobs of the same nature of urban development involve national surveys, case–studies involving a sample of the local people, and a series of interviews all help in forming ideas on which anthropologists base their decisions for development on. It would be the results of these types of data collections by which plans and policies suitable for everyone can be formed. There are also many positions being opened in the business world for the anthropologist to fill. The discipline of anthropology targets study, and today's business want many different aspects of their market studied. For example, anthropologists may be asked to study employee production, and ways to improve it. They may be asked to find out through market research different ways to change or alter their product to fit the optimum desires of the general public.(Cassell, 2000 ). It is these kinds of positions and these kinds of Get more content on
  • 5. Anthropology Thesis Anthropology Thesis Humans, as a species are not unique. We are similar to many other groups of animals in practically any way imaginable. We may be slightly more developed but we are not unique. We share characteristics, values, traits and our history with them. These similarities are especially common between humans and other major mammals like,rodents and primates, and the fact that our medicines and beauty products are tested on them proves that humans are, in many ways, are connected to animals. We should not consider ourselves superior just based on the fact, that we have 'opposable thumbs' or a larynx to offer our opinion compared to the other creatures around us. Culture The concepts that we generally connect with culture are– Art, theater, literature, music, religion, architecture and cuisine. Clearly though, no other species have shown significant signs of having anything approaching this level of social refinement. But the primary idea of culture can also be defined as the ways in which a group performs their daily activities and what they revolve around, learned from one another and passed down the generations, and other primate species, like monkeys, great apes etc. undoubtedly have practices that are unique to specific groups, such as a certain way of greeting each other, more content... According to researchers, an Asian elephant living in a South Korean zoo had learned to use its trunk and throat to mimic human words. The elephant can say "hello," "good," "no" "sit down" and "lie down," all in Korean.The elephant however doesn't appear to know what the meaning of these words is. Scientists think he may have picked up the sounds because he was the only elephant at the zoo from when he was 5 to when he turned 12, leaving him to bond with humans instead of his own Get more content on
  • 6. Anthropology Unanswered Questions There are many unanswered questions in the field of anthropology to this date due to the fact of undocumented information for thousands of years. There is a huge question whether or not culture evolves similar to evolution. This is a question that needs information that isn't held by humanity from thousands of years ago to study from. There are also the bigger unanswered questions that needs information that dates back to the beginning of humans on earth like, was there one universal language? Get more content on
  • 7. What is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the study of human beings. "Anthropo" means human beings or human kind and "logy" or "logia" is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human beings which can be very broad. Anthropology can be broken down into four subfields: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology is all of the physical aspects of being human like human evolution and human variation. People come in different heights, weights, and etc. The next subfield is archaeology which is the human cultures in the past. Examples of these are artifacts and architecture like pyramids and buildings. The third subfield of anthropology is called linguistic anthropology is the study of language. The last subfield is called cultural anthropology and it is focused on the study of cultural variation throughout the world. Cultural anthropology can also be called ethnology. Two of the subfields that I thought were evident in most of the movies we watched were cultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. One of my favorite examples of cultural anthropology was from the beginning of the semester in the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. When Xi was venturing to the end of the earth to drop off the Evil Thing, he has Get more content on
  • 8. Anthropology : Anthropology And Anthropology I would've never imagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before taking Professor Sharratt's Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in anthropology. Anthropology is "the study of humankind in all times and place". Anthropology has four different subfields which include: Physical/Biological, Socio/Cultural, Linguistic, and Archeology. This wide range of a study allows for one to stand out to companies in a various amount of industries including law, health, and often times business. Some job more content... Forensic anthropologist document and investigate human remains from past experiences. Forensic anthropologists are also very helpful when mass disasters occur and a large amount of people die due to a certain event. Tersigni–Tarrant, Teresa, and Shirley state howforensic anthropology takes place during a mass disaster by stating "The staff working in the disaster morgue has several responsibilities: documentation and processing of remains, identification of the victim, examination of remains for medicolegal interpretations (e.g., cause of death), and documentation of the overall process" (444). Forensic anthropology can be very vital to a culture or country because it allows for one to understand how someone has passed away, which could possibly effect the same culture or country in the future. Forensic anthropologist take the time to examine the cause of one's death and help a certain culture or country understand a particular outcome. There are forensic anthropologists employed by the FBI. Another possible career opportunity in anthropology that I ran across that intrigued me was an exhibit designer. Exhibit designers are mainly employed at museums. Their job duties include researching, educating, and designing in a museum setting. Exhibit designers are responsible for the preservation of anthropology related items such as human remains and past objects. In the search for an exhibit designer Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Cultural Anthropology Anthropology is the social sciences discipline that looks to understand humanity. In this discipline there are subdivisions such as cultural anthropology and primatology, and the beauty of anthropology is that you can more than you think, link some of your life event to some anthropological context. Cultural anthropology is one of the four fields of anthropology. It looks for patterns of beliefs or behaviours in a group and how they are connected. Anthropologist looks at differences and similarities between different groups and different cultures. They obtain their data through field work. There is actually two method of for anthropologist to study a culture of a group; ethnography and ethnology. Ethnography is a detailed description of a particular group based on the information you get with field work. Most anthropologist actually go live with this particular group for a certain amount of time to get the more information possible and write the most detailed and accurate description of this group. The other method, ethnology, is a study of different cultures from cross cultural comparison. In this method, they generalized a lot and they using the information of some ethnographic studies already done. Imagine that I have chosen to pursue research cultural anthropology and that I have received a research grant to fund my study, I will choose to focus on the indigenous people in Canada (MГ©tis and Inuit). I would like to know why this people have decides to live in particular Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Paper On Anthropology When I first began taking Anthropology at the beginning of the semester, I was not exactly sure what to expect. I quickly learned anthropology is a topic that covers a little bit of everything. We began the semester with learning about different cultures, to medicine, and all the way to race and ethnicity. For every career field, there is always something to learn from anthropology that pertain to specific jobs. Anthropology teaches the employee fields the background of various cultures they might encounter and teaches them how to communicate with different types of people. As a nursing major, there are so many units I can use to help better myself in my career field. There are so many topics that have had an impact on me as I prepare for my future. Not only has the medical and healthcare units impacted me, but also the cultures and communication help me get a better understanding of other people and how to respond to their culture. The very first unit was all about culture. I learned exactly what culture is and what makes up a culture. I found it very interesting at how many different cultures there are. Even in the West Georgia area, there are so many different cultures around us. I had never realized just how diverse this small college down is. Many times, at the beginning of the unit, I thought that this unit would not have as much to do with me because I assumed we were all similar. While that may be true to a certain extent, the culture we grow up in play major roles Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on anthropology Anthropology proves to be satisfying and intellectually fulfilling to many in the field. However, there are also many challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Napolean A. Chagnon and Claire Sterk faced many of these challenges themselves. During his fieldwork with the Yanomamo, Chagnon faced many challenges interacting with the natives. Chagnon could not practically communicate with the people until about six months after he arrived. He notes ? the hardest thing to live with was the incessant, passioned, and often aggressive demands they would make.? An example of this is the natives threatening with a shout such as; ?If you don?t take me with you on your next boat trip to Widokalyateri, I?ll chop a hole in your canoe!? more content... Developing a relationship and trust with women who had never had any trustworthy people in their lives was quite challenging as well. Sterk was once followed home by one of the woman?s pimps and his friends, and was jumped. The woman admitted to Sterk over a year later that they wanted to teach her a lesson and she knew about it all along. Sterk describes ? At one time, I felt true hatred for a crack house owner and was unable to adhere to the rules of courteous interactions.? ( Sterk 10) In Gmelch?s work with ethnography, he took students to do fieldwork in Barbados. He says his students usually come out of the experience learning more about themselves than they did about the people they were supposed to be studying. The students learned more than they ever had about intimacy in relationships than they ever had in their culture. They compared it to the impersonality and detachment of their suburban lives. One of the biggest adjustments the students had to make was adjusting to the slow–pace of village life. Many got used to being entertained just by socializing with the people and had no desire to leave if given a chance. Materialism diminished as the students began to feel embarrassed that they have so much. The people in the villages had so little and were seemingly so much happier than Americans. The students became minorities for their stay in the villages. One student says ? I have never been in a Get more content on
  • 12. Anthropology and Gender Essay Though women have played an integral part in the history of the discipline of anthropology, it was not until the early 1970's that the field of anthropology and gender, or feminist anthropology emerged. Sex and gender roles have always been a vital part of any ethnographic study, but the contributors of this theory began to address the androcentric nature of anthropology itself. The substantial gap in information concerning the study of women was perceived as a male bias, a prejudice made more apparent because what little women–centered fieldwork was done received insufficient attention from the academic community. While anthropology was considered one of the more egalitarian fields of study, it was dominated by white, Western males more content... One of Slocum's contemporaries, Eleanor Leacock (1922–1987) chose to differently analyze gender research, focusing on distinctions in power as it relates to society, the economy, and politics (2011: 397). She concentrated on North American natives and aboriginal Australians and their changing gender roles as the result of Western influence. Another feminist trend gave emphasis to gender identities, analyzing the ways in which race, class and gender converge. David Valentine, born in 1966, illustrates such an emphasis in his work which concerns the cross–cultural variations on the westernized concepts of gender identity and sexuality, by which we categorize sexual desire (2011:398). As evidenced by the variety of emphases within the theory, feminist anthropologists were fully committed to assessing all previously ignored facets of the subjugated female within numerous cultures worldwide. Several decades ago the idea of women as subordinate was considered to be a universality by the aforementioned white, Western male anthropologists who lead the field. Despite an anthropologist's endeavor to be unbiased, the fact is these traditional anthropologists came from a culture where many aspects of human life were male dominant. Though many studied Get more content on
  • 13. Cultural Anthropology : Physical Anthropology glossary Anthropology: It is a general comprehensive science of man in the past and present of any culture. This is divided into two main areas: physical anthropology, dealing with biological evolution and physiological adaptation of humans, and social or cultural anthropology that deals with people living in society, ie forms of evolution of language, culture and customs. Anthropology uses tools and knowledge produced by the natural sciences and the social sciences. Aspiration of anthropological discipline is to produce knowledge about the human being in various areas, but always as part of a society. Thus, attempts to encompass both the biological evolution of our species, development and lifestyles of people who have disappeared, the social structures of today and the diversity of cultural and linguistic expressions that characterize humanity. Physical Anthropology: Physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the evolution of man, human biology and the study of other primates, using working methods used in the natural sciences. In other words, the study of man considering its nature and culture. Cultural Anthropology: The branch of anthropology that studies the characteristics of learned behavior in human societies, ie science of human culture. Overall, it is the science that studies the origin, development, structure, characteristics and variations of human culture both past societies like those of the present. Ethnography, ethnology, archeology, linguistics and Get more content on
  • 14. Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology what a vulnerable observer you are! You may well have to jump into the arms of the scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! –– Ruth Behar Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a niche in which it can comfortably rest. For many, this has been in building a foundation of the methodical. If anthropology can classify, categorize, and synthesize, it can assert its legitamacy to the glares of academia. However, in the attempts more content... The anthropologist is not a data classification machine. The anthropologist is a human being with specific angles, interpretations, and background. Reality is perception. By reading ethnographies, we are learning from other's perception. The range of approaches is specifically what gives this discipline it's richness and depth. Johannes Fabian in Remembering the Present: Painting and Popular History, comments, Which and whose reality? Once the ethnographer has ceased to think that being in touch with reality and truth is guaranteed by following the rules of scientific investigation, the outcome of contests and confrontations cannot be a victory of one kind of knowledge over the other. (p304) Fabian in this ethnography beautiful depicts his role to give the reader a sense of the dialogue and exchange. When two cultures interact, the exchange itself reveals insight. Fabian does not dismiss this in his ethnography. Like a stone thrown to water, the anthropologist cannot attempt to study the environment without the acknowledgement of the ripples he/she creates. An example of Fabian's reflexivity is as follows, Perhaps Tshibumba sensed my incredibility and imagined the explanations I might come up with. That is why he made sure I understood what he wanted to accomplish with this painting –– to create a kind of presence. (p300) In this example, Fabian shows the reader how his presence may have an effect on the data. With the use of the word "perhaps", he Get more content on
  • 15. Anthropology : A Study Of Humanity Generally, anthropology can be defined as the study of humanity. This includes every aspect of the human condition: language, history, culture, biology, past and present. Anthropology is all encompassing and due to its breadth, it can be considered both a study in humanities and science. However, anthropology is easily distinguishable from both hard sciences and humanities. The aspects that distinguish anthropology lie mostly in the methodology that anthropologists use to study human beings. Methodology in the anthropological field not only includes the specific kind of data collection, but also the attitude that researchers take on as they approach their research as well as the main ideas they address. Anthropologists aim to study human evolution and culture holistically, comparatively, and relativistically through fieldwork. The way that anthropologists utilize and integrate each aspect of this methodology allows them to add specificity to this broad topic and to set it uniquely aside from all others. The way that anthropologists conduct research is generally believed to be what sets anthropology aside from all other humanities and hard sciences. Anthropologists hold fast to the emphasis on fieldwork, which is defined as data collection while in contact with the people, sites, and animals being studied. While each subfield of anthropology (linguistics, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and archaeology) approaches field work differently, types of fieldwork Get more content on
  • 16. Anthropology, Questions And Answers 1.Paleoanthropology is the scientific study of prehistoric humans and relatives. 2.Which one of these primates does not have a movable upper lip? B. lemurs A. Orangutans B. Lemurs C. Humans D. Monkeys E. all the above 3.Lemurs are Strepsirrhini primates. Strepsirrhini meaning wet nose. 4.Decide whether the primate is an Anthropoid, Hominoid or neither. Primate Your Answer Squirrel MonkeyAnthropoid Lemurneither Gibbon Hominoid GorillaHominoid Tarsier neither Bonobo Hominoid BaboonAnthropoid HumanHominoid 5.A human's spine has an S shaped curve while the spines of apes have a C shaped curve. 6.What is the type of grip monkeys and apes use? Power grip. 7.An Australopithecus afarensis individual commonly known as Lucy lived 3.5 million years ago. more content... Scientists have two different ideas on how to classify fossils. What are the names of the two ideas? Lumpers and splitters. 9.What is the earliest culture trait of humans supported by evidence? Toolmaking 10.Which two models do scientists use to describe how H.sapiens evolved from H. erectus? A. Multiregional and replacement A. Multiregional and replacement B. Multiregional and genetic C. Replacement and genetic D. neither one of the Get more content on
  • 17. What Is Anthropology? Essay For the past century, Anthropology has come to be known as a study of an infinite curiosity about humans. Not only concerned with an interest in human beings and their developements, Anthropology is much more broad in concept of trying to understand the relationships between human beings and all possible questions about them. Anthropology is trying to understand all aspects of human beings through the broad discovery, study, interpretation and inference of past and present cultural characteristics. In appling the knowledge aquired, one can gain an understanding of individuals in society, regardless of the resulting conclusion being right or wrong. The scope of anthropology is much more broad than that of other disciplines more content... Motivated by the will to eliminate error and inaccurate theory, Anthropology seeks to find consistent data for analysis of human exsistence. By removing skeptic ideals, Anthropologists can form a widley accepted explanation of human developement through time. To further an already in–depth approach into the validety of human exsistence, Anthropology provides a holisitc way of joining the cultural traits of humans. In effort to define a certian people, an Anthropologist may use several factors of that peopel's tradition. The geography of an area, the formation of a peoples' language, conflicting religious sanctians, and the political history of a people are key factors in a human experience. Not only studying a variety of people, Anthropology discerns why such a variety exsists and how a differenciation between people and their habits has occured. In studying such specific details of perhaps only one area, Anthropologists can gather information to further the reason such great civilizations have exsisted during the ages of time. By also using a multifaceted system, Anthropologists of recent years have found themeselves specializing in different studies and branching the already diverse field of Anthropology. Investigating partcular areas of the discipline, Anthropologists center their attention toward a designated sub–field. Despite this, Anthropology still Get more content on
  • 18. Why Do We Study Anthropology? Why Study Anthropology? Intro: The study of anthropology is important because it gives the public insight as to why people act the way they do. By studying anthropology the world can have a better understanding of different cultures and why people have different norms and values. If people have more insight on why individuals act the way they do we can appreciate and respect peoples' choices more. For instance, instead of people looking at hijabs as a restricting clothing item that women in the Middle East wear, ethnographic research could help the public understand that women can wear hijabs by choice. However, anthropology is inherently "othering" because typically the anthropologist is entering into a country in which they were not raised and is observing peoples day–to–day lives. Despite the flaws of anthropology, I think the research and field work, when done accurately, produces more benefits than harm. Pros: It is important to remember that each culture has their own values that are incomparable. A prime example of two cultures conflicting over ideas is women in the Middle East wearing a hijab. What is liberating for a woman in the west might be different for a woman in the Middle East. Generally speaking, women in the west feel liberated by wearing what ever they want to wear. Women who choose to wear hijabs in the Middle East feel liberated in wearing them. Women from the west try to impose their ideas regarding liberation on to other cultures but being Get more content on
  • 19. Anthropology and Its Branches Anthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character, evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present–day geographic distribution, group relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be characterized as the naturalistic description and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world. Modern–day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with the study of human culture in all its aspects; and physical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present. Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses more content... For example, paintings on walls of tombs may throw light on the status of the person buried there. Such paintings often depict practices prevalent in a society. Study of burial sites can helparchaeologists understand the religious beliefs of a group of people. Biological Anthropology Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, deals with tracing the biological origins, evolutionary changes, and the genetic diversity of the human species. In the process, biological anthropologists study primate behavior, and anatomical variations between primates and human beings in order to understand physical changes that have taken place in humans during their evolutionary journey from apes. They may also take up genetic analysis and anthropometric studies to find reasons behind the physical differences between people of various groups. Besides these major branches, anthropology also has other divisions like forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, and ecological anthropology. Although each branch is a specialized field of study, they are inter–related. This gives anthropologists an edge over researchers from other fields in addressing human problems, as they study human existence not in isolation but in totality. Evolution Of Man – What is it? The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man, Get more content on
  • 20. Essay Anthropology Midterm Anthropology 250 March 13, 2012 Midterm Section 1: Short Answer 2. List and briefly explain the three goals of archaeology. How do they apply and differ from the earlier paradigms of archaeology? * The three goals of archaeology are the study of culture history, reconstruct past life ways, and understand cultural processes. The study of culture history is to piece together the history of how culture changes over time. To reconstruct past life ways is a complex process that involves a good deal of analysis which is to figure out as much you can about the people who lived at a particular site or civilization. To understand cultural processes entails trying to figure out how and why material culture has changed which happens more content... I do not want to be naГЇve because I do believe there are things about there we still have not come across or animals that we believe are extinct, but these things are just open interpretations with no valid proof. The show Ancient Aliens does tend to trick me sometimes; especially, with a part referenced from the bible about the creation of mankind. The genesis verse line 26 states, "Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Totally blew my mind and had me really think about this theory because when you think about what do you mean by let us and our image is their another world out there, is there more than one God? It really had at a pensive state. A conspiracy theory would be the saying, "we never landed on the moon" because there should be only one light source on the pictures and there seems to be more than one light source. Also, the picture of the American flag seems to be waving when the moon is airless. 15. Please discuss three ways to determine the age/sex of a skeleton in some detail (attached in the back). Section 2: 1. Stratigraphic Profile (attached in the back). 2. Answer the questions listed under the mask. a. Get more content on