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Ethical Theories and Principles.html
Ethical Theories and Principles
The term “ethics” is derived from Greek and Latin terms for
custom or habit, but current usage of the term communicates a
manner of action—doing what is right or good over what is
wrong or bad. It is important to note here that ethics involves
the how and why of what ought to be versus what is. The study
of ethics provides us with a framework to make appropriate
choices on the basis of some universal guidelines set by
community values and laws. There are a number of different
ethical theories that help to guide the development of such
community values and laws that, in turn, support ethical
decision making. In this course, you will explore the following
ethical theories in depth:Consequential Ethics: A value-based
theory that suggests the ends justify the means—the decision to
act in a certain manner must be driven by a desired outcome to
maximize goodUtilitarian Ethics: A result-based theory that
says the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its
ability to maximize happiness or pleasure for allDeontological
Ethics: A duty-based theory that originated from the work of
Kant suggests that doing the right thing is important whether it
results in maximum goodNonconsequential Ethics: An intent-
based theory that denies that the consequences of behavior are
the only criteria to determine moral action; right and wrong
stem from the intent of the action
Ethical Theories
Review each tab to learn more.
Right and Wrong
Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by the
consequences generated.
Good breeds good.
Milton Friedman and Niccolo Machiavelli
Right and Wrong
Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by a
decrease in pain and increase in pleasure. (Consequential)
Maximize the greatest good; ends justify the means.
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mills
Right and Wrong
Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by the role
of respect and duty to others. (Nonconsequential)
Identify and follow one’s duty, even if it does not maximize
W. D. Ross and Martin Buber
Right and Wrong
Rightness and wrongness of actions is determined by the intent
of the action itself, not the consequences.
Intention-based theory, obligation is critical.
Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant
Ultimately, while there are a number of theories to help
influence ethical conduct, there are some agreed-upon
principles in healthcare that drive ethical behavior for
healthcare professionals. Following are the
principles:Autonomy: Recognizing the right of individuals to
make their own decisions without interference from
anotherBeneficence: Recognizing the principle of showing
kindness and compassion to others and doing
goodNonmaleficence: Recognizing the importance to avoid
causing harm and to avoid options that provide no short- or
long-term benefits
Developing a working knowledge of ethical theories and
principles helps to provide a moral compass. This moral
compass will guide the decisions you make throughout your life
as individuals and as healthcare administrators, particularly as
you align your organization to meet a growing body of
governing healthcare laws.Additional Materials
From your course textbook, Legal and Ethical Issues for Health
Professionals, review the following chapter:Introduction to
From the South University Online Library, review the following
articles:The Burden of Choice: A Qualitative Study of
Healthcare Professionals’ Reactions to Ethical Challenges in
Humanitarian Crises Eliciting, Documenting, and Honoring
Patient's Goals of Care and Life-Sustaining Treatment
Decisions: Building Systems to Ensure Success (FR479)
From the Internet, review the following:American College of
Healthcare Executives. (n.d.). About ACHE. Retrieved from
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$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template
checkPosition($(pid +
'.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd-image-container'));
$(window).on('scroll.TabWithImageComparision', function
() {
checkPosition($(pid +
'.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd-image-container'));
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template
#myTab_w3g18 li').on('click',function(){
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template
function setImage(){
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd-
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template
//make the .cd-handle element draggable and modify .cd-
resize-img width according to its position
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd-image-
container').each(function () {
var actual = $(this);
drags(actual.find('.cd-handle'), actual.find('.cd-resize-
img'), actual, actual.find('.cd-image-label[data-
type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-image-label[data-
//upadate images label visibility
function () {
$(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd-
image-container').each(function () {
var actual = $(this);
type="modified"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'left');
type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'right');
/*** tab_with_image_comparison template end here ***/
/**** tab_with_mcq_video template start here ****/
function TabWithMcqVideo(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid;
e/bootstrap-tabcollapse.js"], function () {
$(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template
function init() {
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel-
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
var vimeosrcObj =
var count = [];
var count1 = [];
var q = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-
16by9 video_left col-lg-11 col-md-11 col-sm-11"
style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:0px;">' +
'<iframe src="" width="628" height="354"
class="vimeo_video" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen
mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen >' +
'</iframe>' + '</div>' + '<div class="clearfix"></div><p
style="margin-left:16%;"><a id="Fullscreen_link" href=""
title="View Fullscreen" class="btn color_red" target="_blank"
role="button btn-default" >View Fullscreen</a></p>'
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .off").on("click",
function () {
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
if ($(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
.video_body").children().hasClass("embed-responsive")) {
else {
$(q).appendTo(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var clickId = id.split('_')[1];
//place here vimeo links
if (clickId == 0) {
$(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template
else if (clickId == 1) {
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
//end here
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
.vimeo_video").attr("src", vimeosrcObj[clickId]);
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
.vimeo_video").attr("id", 'video_' + clickId);
var player = $f($(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template
#video_' + clickId)[0]);
player.addEvent('ready', function () {
player.addEvent('finish', onFinish);
function onFinish(id) {
var found = jQuery.inArray(clickId, count);
if (found >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
count.splice(found, 1);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
if (count.length == 2) {
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel-
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading").on("click",
function () {
var isCorrect = $(this).attr("isCorrect");
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-title
unchecked").css('color', '#666666');
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-title
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
if (isCorrect == "true") {
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
checked").css('color', '#d41920');
else {
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
checked").css('color', '#339900');
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading").attr("data-toggle",
//////console.log('video has ended');
/* -----------------------*/
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
.list_tab").on("click", function () {
var attr_tab = $(this).attr('href');
var attrId = attr_tab.split('_')[1];
var checkId = attrId.split('-')[0];
var player1 = $f($(pid +
'.tab_with_mcq_video_template #videotab_' + checkId)[0]);
player1.addEvent('ready', function () {
player1.addEvent('finish', onFinish1);
function onFinish1(id) {
var found1 = jQuery.inArray(checkId, count1);
if (found1 >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
count1.splice(found1, 1);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
if (count1.length == 2) {
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel-
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-
heading").on("click", function () {
var isCorrect = $(this).attr("isCorrect");
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-
title .glyphicon12").addClass("glyphicon-unchecked
unchecked").css('color', '#666666');
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-
title .iscorrect").hide();
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
if (isCorrect == "true") {
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
checked").css('color', '#339900');
else {
con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check
checked").css('color', '#d41920');
$(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template
#accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading").attr("data-toggle",
//////console.log('video has ended');
/* -----------------------*/
/*** tab_with_mcq_video template end here ***/
/**** tabbed_content template start here ****/
function TabbedContentTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid;
ns/tabcollapse/bootstrap-tabcollapse.js"], function () {
$(pid + ".tabbed_content_template
$(pid).find(".nav-tabs a").on("click",function(){
var img_attr=$(this).attr("href");
$(pid).find(".carousel .customIndicator
$(pid).find(".carousel .customIndicator
/*** tabbed_content template end here ***/
/**** video_playlist template start here ****/
function VideoPlaylistTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid;
var vimeosrcObj = [];
$(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed-responsive-
item").each(function (i) {
vimeosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') });
$(pid + ".video_playlist_template
.panelheadingVimeo").bind("click", function () {
$(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed-
responsive-item").attr("src", "");
for (var j = 0, vimeosrcObjlength = vimeosrcObj.length; j
< vimeosrcObjlength; j++) {
$(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed-
responsive-item:eq(" + j + ")").attr({ 'src':
vimeosrcObj[j].value, 'frameborder': 0, 'webkitallowfullscreen':
'webkitallowfullscreen', 'mozallowfullscreen':
'mozallowfullscreen', 'allowfullscreen': 'allowfullscreen' });
/*** video_playlist template end here ***/
/**** image_rollover template start here ****/
function ImageRolloverTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_rollover_template ";
var isVisible = false;
var clickedAway = false;
$(pid + '.popoverThis').popover({
html: true,
title: $(this).attr('title'),
content: function () {
return $(this).attr('content');
trigger: 'manual'
}).click(function (e) {
idShow = $(this).attr('id')
$(pid + '#' + idShow).popover('show')
$(pid + '#' +
clickedAway = false
isVisible = true
$(document).on('click touchstart', function () {
$(pid + ".popoverThis").removeClass('selected')
$(pid + ".popoverThis").popover('hide');
$(pid + '.popoverThis').click(function () {
return false;
/*** image_rollover template end here ***/
/**** bootstrap_click_through template start here ****/
function BootstrapClickThroughTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".bootstrap_click_through_template ";
var isVisible = false;
var clickedAway = false;
html: true,
title: $(this).attr('title'),
content: function () {
return $(this).attr('content');
trigger: 'manual'
}).click(function (e) {
idShow = $(this).attr('id')
$(pid+ '#' + idShow).popover('show')
$(pid+'#' +
clickedAway = false
isVisible = true
$(document).on('click touchstart', function () {
$(pid+'.popoverThis').click(function () {
return false;
/*** bootstrap_click_through template end here ***/
/**** bootstrap_flowchart template start here ****/
function BootstrapFlowChartTemplate(pid){
pid = "#"+pid+".bootstrap_flowchart_template ";
$(pid+ "span[data-href]").css("cursor", "pointer");
$(pid+ "span[data-href]").click(function () {
if ($(this).attr("data-target") == undefined ||
$(this).attr("data-target") == "_self") {
window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-href");
} else {$(this).attr("data-href"), "_blank");
/*** bootstrap_flowchart template end here ***/
function TwoBranchFlowChartTemplate(){
/**** bootstrap_flowchart_branching template start here ****/
function BootstrapFlowChartBranchingTemplate(pid){
pid = "#"+pid+".bootstrap_flowchart_branching_template ";
$(pid+ "span[data-href]").css("cursor", "pointer");
$(pid+ "span[data-href]").click(function () {
if ($(this).attr("data-target") == undefined ||
$(this).attr("data-target") == "_self") {
window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-href");
} else {$(this).attr("data-href"), "_blank");
/*** bootstrap_flowchart_branching template end here ***/
/**** image_slider_button_click_with_feedback template start
here ****/
backArr6) {
pid = "#" + pid +
".image_slider_button_click_with_feedback_template ";
var currentIndex = 0;
$(pid+'.carousel').on('', function () {
// This variable contains all kinds of data and methods
related to the carousel
var carouselData = $(this).data('bs.carousel');
// EDIT: Doesn't work in Boostrap >= 3.2
//var currentIndex = carouselData.getActiveIndex();
currentIndex =
var total = carouselData.$items.length;
$(pid+".carousel-control").bind("click", function () {
$(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong");
// $(".button_content").removeClass("wrong")
$(pid+".carousel-indicators").bind("click", function () {
$(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong");
$(pid+".off").bind("click", showContent);
var feedbackArr_1 = feedbackArr1 || ['Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Well done! This is the correct option.<br> In this image, you
tend to perceive a series of four columns rather than anything
else, because, at least, the oddly shaped objects are
symmetrical. ', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry!
This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try
var feedbackArr_2 = feedbackArr2 || ['Well done! This is the
correct option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive two
columns of line instead of four different lines. The lines are
grouped together because of how close they are to each other, or
their proximity to one another.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try
again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.'];
var feedbackArr_3 = feedbackArr3 || ['Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the
correct option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive a cube,
even though no actual cube is drawn. If you couldn&#39;t
describe the image as a cube, how would you try and describe
them?', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.'];
var feedbackArr_4 = feedbackArr4 || ['Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect.
Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br>In this
picture, you can see either an old lady or a young lady; you
can&#39;t see both images at the same time. When you focus on
important features of one, the other features become background
and vice versa.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.'];
var feedbackArr_5 = feedbackArr5 || ['Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect.
Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done!
This is the correct option.<br>The images in the foreground are
larger than the images in the background, still the viewer
assumes that the objects are actually of the same size. The
distance is inferred rather than the actual size.'];
var feedbackArr_6 = feedbackArr6 || ['Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct
option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive an "X," that is
two lines intersecting rather than two semicircles touching each
other.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is
incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.',
'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.'];
function showContent() {
$(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong");
var i = $(this).attr("id").split("a_")[1];
$(pid+".button_content").css("display", "block");
if ($(this).attr("correct") == "true") {
else {
if ((currentIndex + 1) == 1) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_1[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 2) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_2[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_3[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_4[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 5) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_5[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 6) {
$(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_6[i - 1]);
else {
/*** image_slider_button_click_with_feedback template end
here ***/
/**** text_click_with_popover template start here ****/
function TextClickWithPopoverTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".text_click_with_popover_template ";
/*$(pid).on("click", function (e) {
for (i = 1; i <= pop_length; i++) {
$(pid + "#popup_" + i).css("display", "none");
//$("#popupMobile_"+i).attr({"src" :
$(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').popover();
/*** text_click_with_popover template end here ***/
/**** click_through_hotspot template start here ****/
function ClickThroughHotspotTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".click_through_hotspot_template ";
var wid =
var hgt =
var x = parseInt($(this).attr("data-x"),10);
var y = parseInt($(this).attr("data-y"),10);
var lx = x/wid * 100;
var ly = y/hgt * 100;
$(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').popover();
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
$(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function () {
//the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups
//the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup
if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has(
=== 0 && $('.popover').has( === 0) {
/*** click_through_hotspot template end here ***/
/**** click_through_timeline template start here ****/
function ClickThroughTimelineTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".click_through_timline_template ";
$(pid + '.hotspotClick').click(function () {
idofdiv = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[1];
$(pid + '#img_' + idofdiv).show();
$(pid + '#hotspot_' + idofdiv).css('background-image',
$(pid + '#hotspot_3').css('background-image',
$(pid + '#hotspot_7').css('background-image',
$(pid + '#img_' + idofdiv).siblings('div').hide();
$(pid + '#hotspot_' +
idofdiv).siblings('div').css('background', 'none');
/*window.onorientationchange = function () {
var orientation = window.orientation;
switch (orientation) {
case 0: window.location.reload();
case 90: window.location.reload();
case -90: window.location.reload();
case 180: window.location.reload();
function init() {
var flag = true;
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').addClass('text-grey');
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'default');
var width = $(window).width(), height =
var lastItem = false;
$(pid +
$(pid + '.timeline__step-marker').on('click', function () {
$(pid + '.carousel').carousel({
wrap: false
var isiPhone =
var isiPad =
var isiPod =
if (isiPhone > -1 || isiPad > -1) {
$(pid + ".carousel-inner").swipe({
//Generic swipe handler for all directions
swipeLeft: function (event, direction, distance,
duration, fingerCount) {
id = $(this).find('.active').attr('id').split('_')[1];
selectedId = parseInt(id) + 1;
$(pid + '#click_' +
$(pid + '#click_' +
toGalleryItem($('#click_' + selectedId));
swipeRight: function () {
id = $(this).find('.active').attr('id').split('_')[1];
selectedId = parseInt(id) - 1;
$(pid + '#click_' +
$(pid + '#click_' +
toGalleryItem($('#click_' + selectedId));
//Default is 75px, set to 0 for demo so any distance
triggers swipe
threshold: 0
var totalWidth = 0;
// Total width is calculated by looping through each
gallery item and
// adding up each width and storing that in `totalWidth`
$(pid + ".gallery__item").each(function () {
totalWidth = totalWidth + $(this).outerWidth();
// The maxScrollPosition is the furthest point the items
// ever scroll to. We always want the viewport to be full of
var maxScrollPosition = totalWidth - $(pid+".gallery-
if (width >= 1024) {
maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 1;
} else if (width >= 768 && width <= 1023) {
maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 15;
} else if (width >= 480 && width <= 767) {
maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 10;
} else if (width >= 320 && width <= 479) {
maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 1;
// This is the core function that animates to the target item
function toGalleryItem($targetItem) {
/*if($($targetItem).hasClass('firstgalleryitem')) {
$('.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'default');
$('.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$('.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor', 'default');
$('.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor', 'pointer');
// Make sure the target item exists, otherwise do
if ($targetItem.length) {
// The new position is just to the left of the
var newPosition = $targetItem.position().left;
// If the new position isn't greater than the maximum
//alert(newPosition + " :::: " + $(".gallery-
//alert(newPosition + " ------ " + maxScrollPosition)
if (newPosition == 0) {
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').addClass('text-
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor',
} else if (newPosition >= maxScrollPosition) {
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').addClass('text-
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor',
} else {
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor',
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-
$(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor',
//alert(newPosition + " ---- " + maxScrollPosition)
if (newPosition <= maxScrollPosition) {
// Add active class to the target item
// Remove the Active class from all other items
// Animate .gallery element to the correct left
$(pid + ".gallery").animate({
left: - newPosition
} else {
// Animate .gallery element to the correct left
left : - maxScrollPosition
// Basic HTML manipulation
// Set the gallery width to the totalWidth. This allows all
items to
// be on one line.
$(pid + ".gallery").width(totalWidth);
// Add active class to the first gallery item
$(pid + ".gallery__item:first").addClass("gallery__item--
// When the prev button is clicked
$(pid + ".gallery__controls-prev").on('click', function () {
// Set target item to the item before the active item
var $targetItem = $(pid + ".gallery__item--
// When the next button is clicked
$(pid + ".gallery__controls-next").on('click', function () {
// Set target item to the item after the active item
var $targetItem = $(pid + ".gallery__item--
/*** click_through_timeline template end here ***/
/**** bootstrap_image_video_slider template start here ****/
function BootstrapImageVideoSliderTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".bootstrap_image_video_slider ";
var vimeosrcObj = [];
var audiosrcObj = [];
var currentIndex = 0;
// init();
$(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item").each(function (i) {
vimeosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') });
$(pid + ".audiosrc").each(function (i) {
audiosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') });
function pauseAudio() {
var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0];
var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0];
var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0];
function restartAudio() {
var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0];
var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0];
var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0];
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
audio.currentTime = 0
audio2.currentTime = 0
audio3.currentTime = 0
$(pid + ".carousel-indicators").bind("click", function () {
////console.log("click event indicators");
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".button_content").hide();
// Listen to the 'slid carousel' event
// to trigger our code after each slide change
$(pid + '.carousel').on('', function () {
// This variable contains all kinds of data and methods
related to the carousel
var carouselData = $(this).data('bs.carousel');
// EDIT: Doesn't work in Boostrap >= 3.2
//var currentIndex = carouselData.getActiveIndex();
currentIndex =
var total = carouselData.$items.length;
// Create the text we want to display.
// We increment the index because humans don't count like
var text = (currentIndex + 1) + " of " + total;
// You have to create a HTML element <div id="carousel-
// under your carousel to make this work
////console.log("text =" + text);
var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0];
var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0];
var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0];
if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) {
Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// some code..
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
//audio.currentTime = 0;
//$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false);
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[0].value
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
//audio.currentTime = 0;
$(pid + " #myAudio")[0].setAttribute('autoplay', true);
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[0].value
} else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) {
Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// some code..
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
//audio2.currentTime = 0;
//$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false);
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[1].value
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
//audio2.currentTime = 0;
$(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0].setAttribute('autoplay',
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[1].value
} else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 5) {
Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// some code..
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
//audio3.currentTime = 0
//$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false);
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[2].value
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".off").off("click");
$(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled");
$(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0].setAttribute('autoplay',
$(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[2].value
$(pid + ".carousel-control").bind("click", function () {
////console.log("click event carousel");
$(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1");
$(pid + ".button_content").hide();
////console.log("data =" + $(this).data());
var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0];
var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0];
var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0];
$(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item").attr("src", "");
for (var j = 0, vimeosrcObjlength = vimeosrcObj.length; j
< vimeosrcObjlength; j++) {
$(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item:eq(" + j +
")").attr({ 'src': vimeosrcObj[j].value, 'frameborder': 0,
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/*var feedbackArr = ['<p>asdfasdf</p>', '<p>hghghg b bfgf
bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>', '<p>jhghhghghg b
bfgf bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>', '<p>jkhjjjh b
bfgf bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>'];
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var feedbackArr_1 = ['<p>When you are at a school, it is
very unlikely that you may get professional hands-on experience
just by completing your academic part of the graduation.</p>' +
'<p>So does that mean you cannot get a job right after you
graduate? No! To meet the gap of professional hands-on
experience in the field of photojournalism, most of the
universities and schools either facilitate internships with local
firms or provide counselors or advisors at school to help
students get into an internship with a company or an
agency.</p>' + '<p>Internship or apprenticeship can be thought
of as a trial job where you get an opportunity to see how your
work measures up to the skills being sought in the professional
field.</p>' + '<p>The internships can be either paid or unpaid
depending on the period of stay, amount of work, and your
employer. For example, some low-budget newspaper agencies
do not pay their interns.</p>' + '<p>The salary or stipend you
get as an intern is irrelevant. The advantages of an internship
are the hands-on experience you gain from the assignments you
work on and the networking you establish with the professionals
in the field.</p>', '<p>In the digital era, where information
transfer is instantaneous, media companies and news agencies
prefer photographers who can themselves write stories for their
images A photographer with good writing skills helps in getting
information published without any delays and retaining the
original intent of the shot image Therefore, a photographer with
good writing skills has better prospects of being hired than
others.</p>' + '<p>You can develop good writing skills by
practicing, imbibing basic grammar rules, proofreading, and
reading good written samples.</p>', '<p>As you have learned in
Milestone 1 of this course, joining an organization such as
NPPA can provide you opportunities to get into internship
programs and exclusive job openings.<p> ' + '<p>You can
easily join the local chapter of the NPPA organization in your
town. The NPPA group has developed its own database, which
has a lot of internship opportunities with many of the largest
news organizations in the country.</p>', '<p>To be a successful
photojournalist, you need to develop your personality as a
whole. The field you are aspiring to enter is not only interesting
and adventurous but also demanding. There can be instances in
which you will be emotionally upset about a situation, but you
need to be self-motivated to capture the situation and bring it in
front of the world.</p>' + '<p>As a photojournalist, you may be
required to shoot assignments such as a day-and-night sports
event or cross-border war. You need to be flexible enough to
accommodate the shooting timings in your routine.</p>'];
var feedbackArr_2 = ['<p>Neil makes the following changes
in his résumé to align it with the job
requirements:</p>' + '<ul class="text-left"> ' + '<li>Adds the
relevant key competencies and work experience in the
résumé</li>' + '<li>Highlights the accomplishments
that present why he is eligible for the job he is applying
for</li>' + '<li>Highlights the involvement in career-based or
community service organizations and gives complete details of
organizations of which he holds membership</li> ' +
'<li>Highlights his social and networking skills to present his
ability to comfortably converse with professionals or subjects of
his assignments</li>' + '<li>Highlights technical skills and
knowledge of software</li>' + '<li>Proofreads his
résumé to avoid any language or spelling issues</li>'
+ '</ul>', '<p>Although Neil already has a portfolio in place, he
understands that an applicant needs to customize his or her
portfolio for each job opportunity. This is because you can
present your skillset in the best possible way when you
showcase the work that is relevant to your potential
employer.</p>' + '<p>In this case, where Neil has found an
opportunity relevant to news photography, he employs the
following strategies to customize his digital portfolio:</p>' + '
<ul class="text-left">' + '<li>Includes more news-telling images
and some sports-action images</li>' + '<li>Adds images that
show his skills and diversity in capturing low-light, action, and
still-life photographs</li>' + '<li>Keeps composition, lighting,
and creativity at the forefront of his objectives when editing his
images for the portfolio</li>' + '<li>Checks that the number of
images compiled in the portfolio is not more than
20–25</li>' + '</ul>'];
var feedbackArr_3 = ['<p></p>'];
var a = []
function showContent() {
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if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) {
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else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) {
$(pid + ".button_content").html(feedbackArr_2[i - 1]);
else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 5) {
$(pid + ".button_content").html(feedbackArr_3[i - 1]);
else {
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function ZoomInZoomOutTemplate(pid){
pid = "#"+pid+".zoom_in_zoom_out_template ";
var counter = 0;
$(pid+"#plus").click(function () {
$(pid+"#minus").click(function () {
function setZoomInZoomOut(incr){
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$(pid+"img ").css('transform', 'scale('+scale+')');
function setButtonsState(){
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/**** hotspot_click_and_graph template start here ****/
function HotspotClickAndGraphTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".hotspot_click_and_graph_template ";
function preload(arrayOfImages) {
$(arrayOfImages).each(function () {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
// Usage:
$(pid+" .hotspot").css("background",
$(pid+".reset").click(function () {
$(pid+" .hotspot").css("background",
$(pid+" .duplicateImage").attr("src",
$(pid+" .graphImage").css("background",
$(pid+" .hotspot").click(function () {
var hotspotId = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
$(pid+" .hotspot").css("background",
$(pid+" .duplicateImage").attr("src",
"assets/img/AI_PHOA203_W3_L2_G2_img_duplicate" +
hotspotId + ".jpg");
$(pid+" .graphImage").css("background",
"url('assets/img/AI_PHOA203_W3_L2_G2_img_effect" +
hotspotId + ".jpg')");
$(this).css("background-image", "none");
/*** hotspot_click_and_graph template end here ***/
/**** canvas_animation template start here ****/
/**** canvas_animation_template template start here ****/
CanvasAnimationTemplate(pid,compositionName,className) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".canvas_animation_template ";
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this.anim_container = $(pid+" .canvas_animation")[0];
this.dom_overlay_container =
this.composition = null;
this.isAnimationPlaying = false;
this.initAnimation = function(){
this.composition =
var lib = this.composition.getLibrary();
if( > 0){
var loader = new createjs.LoadQueue(true);
loader.addEventListener("fileload", function (evt) {
self.handleFileLoad(evt) });
loader.addEventListener("complete", function (evt) {
self.handleComplete(evt) });
for(var i = 0; i <; i++){[i].src =[i].src;
this.handleFileLoad = function(evt){
var images = self.composition.getImages();
if (evt && (evt.item.type == "image")) {
images[] = evt.result; }
this.handleComplete = function(evt,comp){
var lib = self.composition.getLibrary();
var ss = self.composition.getSpriteSheet();
if(evt != null){
var queue =;
var ssMetadata = lib.ssMetadata;
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ss[ssMetadata[i].name] = new createjs.SpriteSheet({
"images": [queue.getResult(ssMetadata[i].name)], "frames":
ssMetadata[i].frames })
self.exportRoot = new lib[className]();
self.stage = new lib.Stage(self.canvas);
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createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", self.stage);
self.isCanvasAnimationInitiated = true;
this.makeResponsive = function(isResp, respDim, isScale,
scaleType) {
var lastW, lastH, lastS = 1;
var lib = self.composition.getLibrary();
if(window.parent && window.parent.window){
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas);
function resizeCanvas() {
var w =, h =;
var iw = window.innerWidth, ih = window.innerHeight;
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if ((respDim == 'width' && lastW == iw) || (respDim
== 'height' && lastH == ih)) {
sRatio = lastS;
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if (iw < w || ih < h)
sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);
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sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);
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sRatio = Math.max(xRatio, yRatio);
self.canvas.width = w * pRatio * sRatio;
self.canvas.height = h * pRatio * sRatio; = = = w * sRatio + 'px'; = = = h * sRatio + 'px';
self.stage.scaleX = pRatio * sRatio;
self.stage.scaleY = pRatio * sRatio;
lastW = iw; lastH = ih; lastS = sRatio;
.canvas_animation").on("click", function () {
self.isAnimationPlaying = !self.isAnimationPlaying;
$(pid+".canvas_animation_container .canvas_animation
/*** canvas_animation_template template end here ***/
/*** canvas_animation template end here ***/
/**** image_with_gif_animation template start here ****/
function ImageWithGifAnimationTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_with_gif_animation_template ";
$(pid + ' .btnAnimationShow').on("click", function () {
$(pid + ' .imageAnimation').hide();
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$("#" + $(this).attr('datatarget')).show();
/*** image_with_gif_animation template end here ***/
/**** image_with_click template start here ****/
function ImageWithClickTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_with_click_template ";
function changeImage() {
var image = $(pid+" #myImage_w3_g1")[0];
mageclick/assets/AI_FNDA150_W3_G1_img1.jpg")) {
image.src =
} else {
image.src =
/*** image_with_click template end here ***/
/**** image_click_with_popover template start here ****/
function ImageClickWithPopoverTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_click_with_popover_template ";
$(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').popover();
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$(pid + ".container").on("click", function (e) {
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"assets/img/AI_PHOA208_M4_G2_mobile_img" + i + ".jpg" });
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"assets/img/AI_PHOA208_M4_G2_img" + i + ".jpg" });
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"assets/img/AI_PHOA208_M4_G2_mobile_img" + i + ".jpg" });
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"assets/img/AI_PHOA208_M4_G2_mobile_img" + colorId +
"a.jpg" });
/*** image_click_with_popover template end here ***/
/**** image_with_click_and_button template start here ****/
function ImageWithClickAndButtonemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_with_click_and_button_template ";
var dataname = [];
var imageSrc = "";
$(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").on("click", function () {
while (dataname.length > 0) {
imageSrc = "";
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dataname.push({ value: $(this).attr("dataname") });
imageSrc = dataname[0].value + "" + dataname[1].value;
if (dataname[0].value == 1) {
} else {
if (dataname[1].value == 1) {
} else {
HOA250_W2_G20_img_" + imageSrc + ".jpg");
/*** image_with_click_and_button template end here ***/
/**** image_click_to_reveal template start here ****/
function ImageClickToRevealTemplate(pid) {
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_click_to_reveal_template ";
$(pid + 'img[usemap]').rwdImageMaps();
var feedbackArr = ['All preceding levels of need must be
realized before the needs for self-actualization are attained.
This level represents a person&#8217;s need to do what s/he
was &quot;born to do&quot;. The needs make themselves
known in signs of restlessness. It is not always apparent what a
person wants for a need of self-actualization to be attained.',
'All three previous levels of needs must be met before the needs
for esteem become evident. These needs involve self-esteem,
and the recognition people receive from others. When these
needs are met, people feel self-confident and valuable. When
these needs are not met, a person feels frustrated, inferior,
weak, and worthless.', 'These needs become evident as people
try to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This
involves both giving and receiving love, affection, and a sense
of belonging.', 'When physiological needs are met, the need for
safety is activated. Adults rarely recognize these needs, except
in times of emergency, but children often display signs of
insecurity and the need to feel safe.', 'Biological needs that
consist of needs for food, water, air, and shelter. They are the
strongest needs because without these, humans would search for
them in order to survive.'];
$(pid + " .colorbarBtn").on("click", function (e) {
var colorId =
//var parentId =
$(pid + ".p_text").html(feedbackArr[colorId]);
$(pid + " #image_change").attr({ "src":
"assets/img/AI_PSY1010_M3_G1_" + colorId + ".jpg" });
/*** image_click_to_reveal template end here ***/
/***image_carousel_template start here****/
pid = "#" + pid + ".image_carousel_template ";
$(pid +".animationBtn").on("click",function(){
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  • 1. Ethical Theories and Principles.html Ethical Theories and Principles The term “ethics” is derived from Greek and Latin terms for custom or habit, but current usage of the term communicates a manner of action—doing what is right or good over what is wrong or bad. It is important to note here that ethics involves the how and why of what ought to be versus what is. The study of ethics provides us with a framework to make appropriate choices on the basis of some universal guidelines set by community values and laws. There are a number of different ethical theories that help to guide the development of such community values and laws that, in turn, support ethical decision making. In this course, you will explore the following ethical theories in depth:Consequential Ethics: A value-based theory that suggests the ends justify the means—the decision to act in a certain manner must be driven by a desired outcome to maximize goodUtilitarian Ethics: A result-based theory that says the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its ability to maximize happiness or pleasure for allDeontological Ethics: A duty-based theory that originated from the work of Kant suggests that doing the right thing is important whether it results in maximum goodNonconsequential Ethics: An intent- based theory that denies that the consequences of behavior are the only criteria to determine moral action; right and wrong stem from the intent of the action Ethical Theories Review each tab to learn more.
  • 2. Consequential Right and Wrong Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by the consequences generated. Goodness Good breeds good. Theorists Milton Friedman and Niccolo Machiavelli
  • 3. Utilitarian Right and Wrong Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by a decrease in pain and increase in pleasure. (Consequential) Goodness Maximize the greatest good; ends justify the means. Theorists
  • 4. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mills Deontological Right and Wrong Rightness and wrongness of actions are determined by the role of respect and duty to others. (Nonconsequential)
  • 5. Goodness Identify and follow one’s duty, even if it does not maximize good. Theorists W. D. Ross and Martin Buber Nonconsequential
  • 6. Right and Wrong Rightness and wrongness of actions is determined by the intent of the action itself, not the consequences. Goodness Intention-based theory, obligation is critical. Theorists Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant
  • 7. Ultimately, while there are a number of theories to help influence ethical conduct, there are some agreed-upon principles in healthcare that drive ethical behavior for healthcare professionals. Following are the principles:Autonomy: Recognizing the right of individuals to make their own decisions without interference from anotherBeneficence: Recognizing the principle of showing kindness and compassion to others and doing goodNonmaleficence: Recognizing the importance to avoid causing harm and to avoid options that provide no short- or long-term benefits Developing a working knowledge of ethical theories and principles helps to provide a moral compass. This moral compass will guide the decisions you make throughout your life as individuals and as healthcare administrators, particularly as you align your organization to meet a growing body of governing healthcare laws.Additional Materials From your course textbook, Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, review the following chapter:Introduction to Ethics From the South University Online Library, review the following articles:The Burden of Choice: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals’ Reactions to Ethical Challenges in Humanitarian Crises Eliciting, Documenting, and Honoring Patient's Goals of Care and Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions: Building Systems to Ensure Success (FR479) From the Internet, review the following:American College of
  • 8. Healthcare Executives. (n.d.). About ACHE. Retrieved from assets/js/custom_new.js /*** Global function start here */ /*****update bootstrap collapse plugin start here ****/ +function ($) { 'use strict'; $(document).off('') // COLLAPSE PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION // ================================ var Collapse = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element) this.options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, options) //this.$trigger = $('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + + '"],' +'[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' +
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  • 26. // If user will press the escape-button, the request will be canceled D.bind('keydown.loading', function (e) { if ((e.which || e.keyCode) === 27) { e.preventDefault(); F.cancel(); } }); }, });*/ } /*$.fancybox.helpers.overlay = { defaults: { closeClick: true, // if true, fancyBox will be closed
  • 27. when user clicks on the overlay speedOut: 200, // duration of fadeOut animation showEarly: true, // indicates if should be opened immediately or wait until the content is ready css: {}, // custom CSS properties locked: true, // if true, the content will be locked into overlay fixed: true } }*/ }); // to be use in bootstrap function getTargetFromTrigger($trigger) { var href var target = $trigger.attr('data-target')
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  • 44. type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="modified"]')); }); //upadate images label visibility $(window).on('resize.ImageComparision', function () { $(pid + '.image_comparison_template .cd-image- container').each(function () { var actual = $(this); updateLabel(actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="modified"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'left'); updateLabel(actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'right'); }); }); } /*** image_comparison template end here ***/
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  • 68. container').each(function () { var actual = $(this); drags(actual.find('.cd-handle'), actual.find('.cd-resize- img'), actual, actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="modified"]')); }); //upadate images label visibility $(window).on('resize.TabWithImageComparision', function () { $(pid + '.tab_with_image_comparison_template .cd- image-container').each(function () { var actual = $(this); updateLabel(actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="modified"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'left'); updateLabel(actual.find('.cd-image-label[data- type="original"]'), actual.find('.cd-resize-img'), 'right'); }); });
  • 69. }); } /*** tab_with_image_comparison template end here ***/ /**** tab_with_mcq_video template start here ****/ function TabWithMcqVideo(pid) { pid = "#" + pid; loadScripts([" ns/vimeo/vimeo.js", " e/bootstrap-tabcollapse.js"], function () { $(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template #myTab_M6G2').tabCollapse(); init(); });
  • 70. function init() { $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .question").addClass("question_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel- title").addClass("panel_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .glyphicon").addClass("glyphicon_disabled"); var vimeosrcObj = [" video_0&title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=fc 120a;", " ideo_1&title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=fc1 20a;"]; var count = []; var count1 = []; var q = '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive- 16by9 video_left col-lg-11 col-md-11 col-sm-11" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:0px;">' + '<iframe src="" width="628" height="354" class="vimeo_video" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen >' +
  • 71. '</iframe>' + '</div>' + '<div class="clearfix"></div><p style="margin-left:16%;"><a id="Fullscreen_link" href="" title="View Fullscreen" class="btn color_red" target="_blank" role="button btn-default" >View Fullscreen</a></p>' $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .off").on("click", function () { $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .off").removeClass("off_enable"); $(this).addClass("off_enable"); if ($(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .video_body").children().hasClass("embed-responsive")) { } else { $(q).appendTo(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .video_body"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .mcq_panel").show(); } var id = $(this).attr("id");
  • 72. var clickId = id.split('_')[1]; //place here vimeo links if (clickId == 0) { $(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template #Fullscreen_link').attr('href', ''); } else if (clickId == 1) { $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #Fullscreen_link").attr('href', ''); } //end here $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .vimeo_video").attr("src", vimeosrcObj[clickId]); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .vimeo_video").attr("id", 'video_' + clickId); var player = $f($(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template
  • 73. #video_' + clickId)[0]); player.addEvent('ready', function () { player.addEvent('finish', onFinish); }); function onFinish(id) { //count.push(clickId); //////console.log(count); ////alert("going"); var found = jQuery.inArray(clickId, count); if (found >= 0) { // Element was found, remove it. count.splice(found, 1); } else {
  • 74. // Element was not found, add it. count.push(clickId); } if (count.length == 2) { //alert("reach"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .question").removeClass("question_disabled") $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel- title").removeClass("panel_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .glyphicon").removeClass("glyphicon_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading").on("click", function () { player.api("pause"); //player.pause(); var isCorrect = $(this).attr("isCorrect"); //////alert(isCorrect); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-title .glyphicon12").addClass("glyphicon-unchecked unchecked").css('color', '#666666');
  • 75. $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeo_w3g4 #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel-title .iscorrect").hide(); $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked");//.css('color','green'); if (isCorrect == "true") { $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked").css('color', '#d41920'); } else { $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked").css('color', '#339900'); } }); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #accordion1_w6g2 .panel-heading").attr("data-toggle", "collapse");
  • 76. //$("#collapseListGroup1_w6g2").show(); //$("#collapseListGroup3_w6g2").show(); } //////console.log('video has ended'); //$('#vimeoembed').addClass('finished'); } }); /* -----------------------*/ $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .list_tab").on("click", function () { var attr_tab = $(this).attr('href'); var attrId = attr_tab.split('_')[1]; var checkId = attrId.split('-')[0]; //////alert(Id); var player1 = $f($(pid + '.tab_with_mcq_video_template #videotab_' + checkId)[0]);
  • 77. ////alert(player1); player1.addEvent('ready', function () { ////alert("hello"); player1.addEvent('finish', onFinish1); }); function onFinish1(id) { //count.push(clickId); //////console.log(count); //alert("going"); var found1 = jQuery.inArray(checkId, count1); if (found1 >= 0) { // Element was found, remove it. count1.splice(found1, 1); } else { // Element was not found, add it. count1.push(checkId); } if (count1.length == 2) {
  • 78. //alert("t5hui"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .question").removeClass("question_disabled") $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .panel- title").removeClass("panel_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template .glyphicon").removeClass("glyphicon_disabled"); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel- heading").on("click", function () { //alert("1111111"); //player1.api("pause"); //player.pause(); var isCorrect = $(this).attr("isCorrect"); //////alert(isCorrect); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel- title .glyphicon12").addClass("glyphicon-unchecked unchecked").css('color', '#666666'); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #vimeotab_mobile #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading .panel- title .iscorrect").hide();
  • 79. $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked");//.css('color','green'); if (isCorrect == "true") { $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked").css('color', '#339900'); } else { $(this).children().children(".glyphicon12").removeClass("glyphi con-unchecked unchecked").addClass("glyphicon-check checked").css('color', '#d41920'); } }); $(pid + ".tab_with_mcq_video_template #accordion2_w6g2 .panel-heading").attr("data-toggle", "collapse"); //$("#collapseListGroup1_w6g2").show(); //$("#collapseListGroup3_w6g2").show();
  • 81. /*** tab_with_mcq_video template end here ***/ /**** tabbed_content template start here ****/ function TabbedContentTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid; loadScripts([" ns/tabcollapse/bootstrap-tabcollapse.js"], function () { $(pid + ".tabbed_content_template #myTab_W1G68").tabCollapse(); }); $(pid).find(".nav-tabs a").on("click",function(){ var img_attr=$(this).attr("href"); if($(pid).find(img_attr).find(".tab-pannel-content
  • 83. function VideoPlaylistTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid; var vimeosrcObj = []; $(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed-responsive- item").each(function (i) { vimeosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') }); }); $(pid + ".video_playlist_template .panelheadingVimeo").bind("click", function () { $(this).parents(".video_playlist_template").find(".panelheading Vimeo").removeClass("selected"); $(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed- responsive-item").attr("src", "");
  • 84. for (var j = 0, vimeosrcObjlength = vimeosrcObj.length; j < vimeosrcObjlength; j++) { $(pid + ".video_playlist_template iframe.embed- responsive-item:eq(" + j + ")").attr({ 'src': vimeosrcObj[j].value, 'frameborder': 0, 'webkitallowfullscreen': 'webkitallowfullscreen', 'mozallowfullscreen': 'mozallowfullscreen', 'allowfullscreen': 'allowfullscreen' }); } $(this).addClass("selected"); }); } /*** video_playlist template end here ***/ /**** image_rollover template start here ****/
  • 85. function ImageRolloverTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".image_rollover_template "; var isVisible = false; var clickedAway = false; $(pid + '.popoverThis').popover({ html: true, title: $(this).attr('title'), content: function () { return $(this).attr('content'); }, trigger: 'manual' }).click(function (e) { idShow = $(this).attr('id') $(pid + '#' + idShow).popover('show')
  • 86. $(pid + '#' + idShow).parent('div').siblings('div').find('.popoverThis').popove r('hide'); clickedAway = false isVisible = true }); $(document).on('click touchstart', function () { $(pid + ".popoverThis").removeClass('selected') $(pid + ".popoverThis").popover('hide'); });
  • 87. $(pid + '.popoverThis').click(function () { return false; }); } /*** image_rollover template end here ***/ /**** bootstrap_click_through template start here ****/ function BootstrapClickThroughTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".bootstrap_click_through_template "; var isVisible = false; var clickedAway = false; $(pid+'.popoverThis').popover({ html: true,
  • 88. title: $(this).attr('title'), content: function () { return $(this).attr('content'); }, trigger: 'manual' }).click(function (e) { idShow = $(this).attr('id') $(pid+ '#' + idShow).popover('show') $(pid+'#' + idShow).parent('div').siblings('div').find('.popoverThis').popove r('hide'); clickedAway = false isVisible = true //e.preventDefault() });
  • 89. $(document).on('click touchstart', function () { $(pid+".popoverThis").removeClass('selected') $(pid+".popoverThis").popover('hide'); }); $(pid+'.popoverThis').click(function () { return false; }); } /*** bootstrap_click_through template end here ***/
  • 90. /**** bootstrap_flowchart template start here ****/ function BootstrapFlowChartTemplate(pid){ pid = "#"+pid+".bootstrap_flowchart_template "; $(pid+ "span[data-href]").css("cursor", "pointer"); $(pid+ "span[data-href]").click(function () { if ($(this).attr("data-target") == undefined || $(this).attr("data-target") == "_self") { window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-href"); } else {$(this).attr("data-href"), "_blank"); } }); } /*** bootstrap_flowchart template end here ***/ function TwoBranchFlowChartTemplate(){ }
  • 91. /**** bootstrap_flowchart_branching template start here ****/ function BootstrapFlowChartBranchingTemplate(pid){ pid = "#"+pid+".bootstrap_flowchart_branching_template "; $(pid+ "span[data-href]").css("cursor", "pointer"); $(pid+ "span[data-href]").click(function () { if ($(this).attr("data-target") == undefined || $(this).attr("data-target") == "_self") { window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-href"); } else {$(this).attr("data-href"), "_blank"); } }); } /*** bootstrap_flowchart_branching template end here ***/
  • 92. /**** image_slider_button_click_with_feedback template start here ****/ function ImageSliderButtonClickWithFeedbackTemplate(pid,feedbackAr r1,feedbackArr2,feedbackArr3,feedbackArr4,feedbackArr5,feed backArr6) { pid = "#" + pid + ".image_slider_button_click_with_feedback_template "; var currentIndex = 0; $(pid+'.carousel').on('', function () { // This variable contains all kinds of data and methods related to the carousel var carouselData = $(this).data('bs.carousel'); // EDIT: Doesn't work in Boostrap >= 3.2 //var currentIndex = carouselData.getActiveIndex(); currentIndex = carouselData.getItemIndex(carouselData.$element.find(' tive')); //alert(currentIndex); var total = carouselData.$items.length;
  • 93. $(pid+"#myTab_M1G36").css("padding- bottom","2em"); }); $(pid+".carousel-control").bind("click", function () { $(pid+"#myTab_M1G36").css("padding- bottom","2em"); $(pid+".button_content").hide(); $(pid+".off").removeClass("selected"); $(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong"); //$(".button_content").removeClass("Right"); // $(".button_content").removeClass("wrong") }); $(pid+".carousel-indicators").bind("click", function () { $(pid+"#myTab_M1G36").css("padding- bottom","2em"); $(pid+".button_content").hide(); $(pid+".off").removeClass("selected"); $(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong"); //$(".button_content").removeClass("Right"); //$(".button_content").removeClass("wrong");
  • 94. //restartAudio(); }); $(pid+".off").bind("click", showContent); var feedbackArr_1 = feedbackArr1 || ['Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br> In this image, you tend to perceive a series of four columns rather than anything else, because, at least, the oddly shaped objects are symmetrical. ', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.']; var feedbackArr_2 = feedbackArr2 || ['Well done! This is the correct option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive two columns of line instead of four different lines. The lines are grouped together because of how close they are to each other, or their proximity to one another.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.']; var feedbackArr_3 = feedbackArr3 || ['Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive a cube, even though no actual cube is drawn. If you couldn&#39;t describe the image as a cube, how would you try and describe them?', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.'];
  • 95. var feedbackArr_4 = feedbackArr4 || ['Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br>In this picture, you can see either an old lady or a young lady; you can&#39;t see both images at the same time. When you focus on important features of one, the other features become background and vice versa.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.']; var feedbackArr_5 = feedbackArr5 || ['Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br>The images in the foreground are larger than the images in the background, still the viewer assumes that the objects are actually of the same size. The distance is inferred rather than the actual size.']; var feedbackArr_6 = feedbackArr6 || ['Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Well done! This is the correct option.<br>In this image, you tend to perceive an "X," that is two lines intersecting rather than two semicircles touching each other.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.', 'Sorry! This is incorrect. Try again.']; function showContent() { $(pid+"#myTab_M1G36").css("padding- bottom","1em"); $(pid+".off").removeClass("selected"); $(pid+".button_content").removeClass("Right wrong");
  • 96. var i = $(this).attr("id").split("a_")[1]; $(this).addClass("selected"); $(pid+".button_content").css("display", "block"); if ($(this).attr("correct") == "true") { //alert("hello"); //$(".button_content").css("color","green"); $(pid+".button_content").addClass("Right"); } else { //alert("no"); $(pid+".button_content").addClass("wrong"); } if ((currentIndex + 1) == 1) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_1[i - 1]); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 2) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_2[i - 1]);
  • 97. } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_3[i - 1]); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_4[i - 1]); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 5) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_5[i - 1]); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 6) { $(pid+".button_content").html(feedbackArr_6[i - 1]); } else { } }
  • 98. } /*** image_slider_button_click_with_feedback template end here ***/ /**** text_click_with_popover template start here ****/ function TextClickWithPopoverTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".text_click_with_popover_template "; /*$(pid).on("click", function (e) { for (i = 1; i <= pop_length; i++) { $(pid + "#popup_" + i).css("display", "none"); //$("#popupMobile_"+i).attr({"src" : "assets/AI_PHOA208_M4_G2_mobile_img"+i+".jpg"}); } });*/ $(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); }
  • 99. /*** text_click_with_popover template end here ***/ /**** click_through_hotspot template start here ****/ function ClickThroughHotspotTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".click_through_hotspot_template "; var wid = parseInt($(pid+".clickthroughhotspot_template_img").attr("data -width"),10); var hgt = parseInt($(pid+".clickthroughhotspot_template_img").attr("data -height"),10); $(pid+".click_through_hotspot_template_left_block").css("max- width",wid+"px"); $(pid).find(".button_icon").each(function(){ var x = parseInt($(this).attr("data-x"),10); var y = parseInt($(this).attr("data-y"),10); var lx = x/wid * 100; var ly = y/hgt * 100;
  • 100. $(this).css({left:lx+"%",top:ly+"%"}); }); $(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); $('body').on('click', function (e) { $(pid + '[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function () { //the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups //the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.popover').has( === 0) { $(this).popover('hide'); } }); }); } /*** click_through_hotspot template end here ***/
  • 101. /**** click_through_timeline template start here ****/ function ClickThroughTimelineTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".click_through_timline_template "; $(pid + '.hotspotClick').click(function () { idofdiv = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[1]; //alert(idofdiv) $(pid + '#img_' + idofdiv).show(); $(pid + '#hotspot_' + idofdiv).css('background-image', 'url(" nacle/PHOA332_Media/AI_PHOA332_M2_G3_ClickthroughTi meline/assets/highlighter.png")'); $(pid + '#hotspot_3').css('background-image', 'url(" nacle/PHOA332_Media/AI_PHOA332_M2_G3_ClickthroughTi meline/assets/highlighter1.png")'); $(pid + '#hotspot_7').css('background-image', 'url(" nacle/PHOA332_Media/AI_PHOA332_M2_G3_ClickthroughTi meline/assets/highlighter1.png")'); $(pid + '#img_' + idofdiv).siblings('div').hide(); $(pid + '#hotspot_' + idofdiv).siblings('div').css('background', 'none');
  • 102. }); /*window.onorientationchange = function () { var orientation = window.orientation; switch (orientation) { case 0: window.location.reload(); break; case 90: window.location.reload(); break; case -90: window.location.reload(); break; case 180: window.location.reload();
  • 103. break; } };*/ function init() { var flag = true; $(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').addClass('text-grey'); $(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'default'); var width = $(window).width(), height = $(window).height(); var lastItem = false; $(pid + '.gallery').find('.firstgalleryitem').find('a.timeline__step- marker').addClass('active'); $(pid + '.timeline__step-marker').on('click', function () { $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).parents('.gallery__item').siblings('div').find('a').removeC lass('active'); })
  • 104. $(pid + '.carousel').carousel({ wrap: false }); var isiPhone = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone"); var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad"); var isiPod = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipod"); if (isiPhone > -1 || isiPad > -1) { $(pid + ".carousel-inner").swipe({ //Generic swipe handler for all directions
  • 105. swipeLeft: function (event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) { $(this).parent().carousel('next'); id = $(this).find('.active').attr('id').split('_')[1]; selectedId = parseInt(id) + 1; $(pid + '#click_' + selectedId).find('a').addClass('active'); $(pid + '#click_' + selectedId).siblings('div').find('a').removeClass('active'); toGalleryItem($('#click_' + selectedId)); }, swipeRight: function () { $(this).parent().carousel('prev'); id = $(this).find('.active').attr('id').split('_')[1];
  • 106. selectedId = parseInt(id) - 1; $(pid + '#click_' + selectedId).find('a').addClass('active'); $(pid + '#click_' + selectedId).siblings('div').find('a').removeClass('active'); toGalleryItem($('#click_' + selectedId)); }, //Default is 75px, set to 0 for demo so any distance triggers swipe threshold: 0 }); } var totalWidth = 0; // Total width is calculated by looping through each gallery item and
  • 107. // adding up each width and storing that in `totalWidth` $(pid + ".gallery__item").each(function () { totalWidth = totalWidth + $(this).outerWidth(); }); // The maxScrollPosition is the furthest point the items should // ever scroll to. We always want the viewport to be full of images. var maxScrollPosition = totalWidth - $(pid+".gallery- wrap").outerWidth(); if (width >= 1024) { maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 1; } else if (width >= 768 && width <= 1023) {
  • 108. maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 15; } else if (width >= 480 && width <= 767) { maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 10; } else if (width >= 320 && width <= 479) { maxScrollPosition = maxScrollPosition + 1; } // This is the core function that animates to the target item // =============================================== ===================== function toGalleryItem($targetItem) { /*if($($targetItem).hasClass('firstgalleryitem')) {
  • 110. $('.gallery__controls-next').removeClass('text- grey'); $('.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor', 'pointer'); }*/ // Make sure the target item exists, otherwise do nothing if ($targetItem.length) { // The new position is just to the left of the targetItem var newPosition = $targetItem.position().left; // If the new position isn't greater than the maximum width //alert(newPosition + " :::: " + $(".gallery-
  • 111. wrap").outerWidth()) //alert(newPosition + " ------ " + maxScrollPosition) if (newPosition == 0) { $(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').addClass('text- grey'); $(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'default'); } else if (newPosition >= maxScrollPosition) { $(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').addClass('text- grey'); $(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor', 'default'); } else { $(pid + '.gallery__controls- prev').removeClass('text-grey'); $(pid + '.gallery__controls-prev').css('cursor', 'pointer');
  • 112. $(pid + '.gallery__controls- next').removeClass('text-grey'); $(pid + '.gallery__controls-next').css('cursor', 'pointer'); } //alert(newPosition + " ---- " + maxScrollPosition) if (newPosition <= maxScrollPosition) { // Add active class to the target item $targetItem.addClass("gallery__item--active"); // Remove the Active class from all other items $targetItem.siblings().removeClass("gallery__item--active"); // Animate .gallery element to the correct left position. $(pid + ".gallery").animate({ left: - newPosition
  • 113. }); } else { // Animate .gallery element to the correct left position. /*$(".gallery").animate({ left : - maxScrollPosition });*/ }; }; }; // Basic HTML manipulation // =============================================== =====================
  • 114. // Set the gallery width to the totalWidth. This allows all items to // be on one line. $(pid + ".gallery").width(totalWidth); // Add active class to the first gallery item $(pid + ".gallery__item:first").addClass("gallery__item-- active"); // When the prev button is clicked // =============================================== ===================== $(pid + ".gallery__controls-prev").on('click', function () { // Set target item to the item before the active item var $targetItem = $(pid + ".gallery__item-- active").prev(); toGalleryItem($targetItem); });
  • 115. // When the next button is clicked // =============================================== ===================== $(pid + ".gallery__controls-next").on('click', function () { //alert($(".gallery__item--active").next()) // Set target item to the item after the active item var $targetItem = $(pid + ".gallery__item-- active").next(); toGalleryItem($targetItem); }); } init(); } /*** click_through_timeline template end here ***/
  • 116. /**** bootstrap_image_video_slider template start here ****/ function BootstrapImageVideoSliderTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".bootstrap_image_video_slider "; var vimeosrcObj = []; var audiosrcObj = []; var currentIndex = 0; // init(); //pauseAudio(); pauseAudio(); $(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item").each(function (i) { vimeosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') }); }); $(pid + ".audiosrc").each(function (i) { audiosrcObj.push({ value: $(this).attr('src') }); }); function pauseAudio() {
  • 117. var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0]; var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0]; var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0]; audio.pause(); audio2.pause(); audio3.pause(); } function restartAudio() { var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0]; var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0]; var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0]; $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click"); $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); audio.currentTime = 0
  • 118. audio2.currentTime = 0 audio3.currentTime = 0 pauseAudio(); } $(pid + ".carousel-indicators").bind("click", function () { ////console.log("click event indicators"); $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".button_content").hide(); //restartAudio(); }); //////////////// // Listen to the 'slid carousel' event // to trigger our code after each slide change $(pid + '.carousel').on('', function () {
  • 119. // This variable contains all kinds of data and methods related to the carousel var carouselData = $(this).data('bs.carousel'); // EDIT: Doesn't work in Boostrap >= 3.2 //var currentIndex = carouselData.getActiveIndex(); currentIndex = carouselData.getItemIndex(carouselData.$element.find(' tive')); //alert(currentIndex); var total = carouselData.$items.length; // Create the text we want to display. // We increment the index because humans don't count like machines var text = (currentIndex + 1) + " of " + total; // You have to create a HTML element <div id="carousel- index"></div> // under your carousel to make this work
  • 120. ////console.log("text =" + text); var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0]; var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0]; var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0]; audio.pause(); audio2.pause(); audio3.pause(); //$(".audiosrc").attr("src",""); if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) { if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // some code.. //restartAudio(); $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click");
  • 121. $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //audio.currentTime = 0; //$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[0].value }); } $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click"); $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //; //audio.currentTime = 0; $(pid + " #myAudio")[0].setAttribute('autoplay', true); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[0].value }); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) { if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
  • 122. // some code.. //restartAudio(); $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click"); $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //audio2.currentTime = 0; //$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[1].value }); } $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click"); $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //; //audio2.currentTime = 0; $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0].setAttribute('autoplay', true); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[1].value });
  • 123. } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 5) { if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // some code.. //restartAudio(); $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click"); $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //audio3.currentTime = 0 //$(".audiosrc").setAttribute('autoplay', false); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[2].value }); } $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".off").off("click");
  • 124. $(pid + ".off").addClass("disabled"); //; $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0].setAttribute('autoplay', true); $(pid + ".audiosrc").attr({ 'src': audiosrcObj[2].value }); } }); /////////////////////////////// $(pid + ".carousel-control").bind("click", function () { ////console.log("click event carousel"); $(pid + ".off").removeClass("show_1"); $(pid + ".button_content").hide(); ////console.log("data =" + $(this).data()); var audio = $(pid + " #myAudio")[0]; var audio2 = $(pid + " #myAudio_2")[0]; var audio3 = $(pid + " #myAudio_3")[0];
  • 125. //restartAudio(); $(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item").attr("src", ""); for (var j = 0, vimeosrcObjlength = vimeosrcObj.length; j < vimeosrcObjlength; j++) { $(pid + "iframe.embed-responsive-item:eq(" + j + ")").attr({ 'src': vimeosrcObj[j].value, 'frameborder': 0, 'webkitallowfullscreen': 'webkitallowfullscreen', 'mozallowfullscreen': 'mozallowfullscreen', 'allowfullscreen': 'allowfullscreen' }); } // $(this).addClass("selected"); }); /*var feedbackArr = ['<p>asdfasdf</p>', '<p>hghghg b bfgf
  • 126. bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>', '<p>jhghhghghg b bfgf bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>', '<p>jkhjjjh b bfgf bghfgf bvgfgfgt vbgfgr vgfgrt fgfgr</p>']; var a=[] // $(".off").on("click", function() // { function showContent(){ //alert("show"); var i=$(this).attr("id").split("a_")[1]; $(".button_content").css("display", "block"); $(".button_content").html(feedbackArr[i-1]); }*/
  • 127. //}); var feedbackArr_1 = ['<p>When you are at a school, it is very unlikely that you may get professional hands-on experience just by completing your academic part of the graduation.</p>' + '<p>So does that mean you cannot get a job right after you graduate? No! To meet the gap of professional hands-on experience in the field of photojournalism, most of the universities and schools either facilitate internships with local firms or provide counselors or advisors at school to help students get into an internship with a company or an agency.</p>' + '<p>Internship or apprenticeship can be thought of as a trial job where you get an opportunity to see how your work measures up to the skills being sought in the professional field.</p>' + '<p>The internships can be either paid or unpaid depending on the period of stay, amount of work, and your employer. For example, some low-budget newspaper agencies do not pay their interns.</p>' + '<p>The salary or stipend you get as an intern is irrelevant. The advantages of an internship are the hands-on experience you gain from the assignments you work on and the networking you establish with the professionals in the field.</p>', '<p>In the digital era, where information transfer is instantaneous, media companies and news agencies prefer photographers who can themselves write stories for their images A photographer with good writing skills helps in getting information published without any delays and retaining the original intent of the shot image Therefore, a photographer with good writing skills has better prospects of being hired than others.</p>' + '<p>You can develop good writing skills by practicing, imbibing basic grammar rules, proofreading, and reading good written samples.</p>', '<p>As you have learned in Milestone 1 of this course, joining an organization such as NPPA can provide you opportunities to get into internship programs and exclusive job openings.<p> ' + '<p>You can
  • 128. easily join the local chapter of the NPPA organization in your town. The NPPA group has developed its own database, which has a lot of internship opportunities with many of the largest news organizations in the country.</p>', '<p>To be a successful photojournalist, you need to develop your personality as a whole. The field you are aspiring to enter is not only interesting and adventurous but also demanding. There can be instances in which you will be emotionally upset about a situation, but you need to be self-motivated to capture the situation and bring it in front of the world.</p>' + '<p>As a photojournalist, you may be required to shoot assignments such as a day-and-night sports event or cross-border war. You need to be flexible enough to accommodate the shooting timings in your routine.</p>']; var feedbackArr_2 = ['<p>Neil makes the following changes in his résumé to align it with the job requirements:</p>' + '<ul class="text-left"> ' + '<li>Adds the relevant key competencies and work experience in the résumé</li>' + '<li>Highlights the accomplishments that present why he is eligible for the job he is applying for</li>' + '<li>Highlights the involvement in career-based or community service organizations and gives complete details of organizations of which he holds membership</li> ' + '<li>Highlights his social and networking skills to present his ability to comfortably converse with professionals or subjects of his assignments</li>' + '<li>Highlights technical skills and knowledge of software</li>' + '<li>Proofreads his résumé to avoid any language or spelling issues</li>' + '</ul>', '<p>Although Neil already has a portfolio in place, he understands that an applicant needs to customize his or her portfolio for each job opportunity. This is because you can present your skillset in the best possible way when you showcase the work that is relevant to your potential employer.</p>' + '<p>In this case, where Neil has found an opportunity relevant to news photography, he employs the following strategies to customize his digital portfolio:</p>' + '
  • 129. <ul class="text-left">' + '<li>Includes more news-telling images and some sports-action images</li>' + '<li>Adds images that show his skills and diversity in capturing low-light, action, and still-life photographs</li>' + '<li>Keeps composition, lighting, and creativity at the forefront of his objectives when editing his images for the portfolio</li>' + '<li>Checks that the number of images compiled in the portfolio is not more than 20–25</li>' + '</ul>']; var feedbackArr_3 = ['<p></p>']; var a = [] function showContent() { ////alert("show11"); var i = $(this).attr("id").split("a_")[1]; $(pid + ".button_content").css("display", "block"); if ((currentIndex + 1) == 3) { $(pid + ".button_content").html(feedbackArr_1[i - 1]); } else if ((currentIndex + 1) == 4) { $(pid + ".button_content").html(feedbackArr_2[i - 1]);
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  • 144.[i].src; } loader.loadManifest(; }else{ self.handleComplete(null); } } this.handleFileLoad = function(evt){ var images = self.composition.getImages(); if (evt && (evt.item.type == "image")) { images[] = evt.result; } } this.handleComplete = function(evt,comp){ var lib = self.composition.getLibrary(); var ss = self.composition.getSpriteSheet(); if(evt != null){ var queue =;
  • 145. var ssMetadata = lib.ssMetadata; for (i = 0; i < ssMetadata.length; i++) { ss[ssMetadata[i].name] = new createjs.SpriteSheet({ "images": [queue.getResult(ssMetadata[i].name)], "frames": ssMetadata[i].frames }) } } self.exportRoot = new lib[className](); self.stage = new lib.Stage(self.canvas); self.stage.addChild(self.exportRoot); self.exportRoot.gotoAndStop(0); self.makeResponsive(true,'width',false,1); AdobeAn.compositionLoaded(; createjs.Ticker.setFPS(; //createjs.Ticker.timingMode = Ticker.RAF; createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", self.stage);
  • 146. self.isCanvasAnimationInitiated = true; } this.makeResponsive = function(isResp, respDim, isScale, scaleType) { var lastW, lastH, lastS = 1; var lib = self.composition.getLibrary(); if(window.parent && window.parent.window){ window.parent.window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas); }else{ window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas); } resizeCanvas(); function resizeCanvas() { var w =, h =; var iw = window.innerWidth, ih = window.innerHeight; var pRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, xRatio = iw / w, yRatio = ih / h, sRatio = 1; if (isResp) {
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  • 150. if ($(this).hasClass("img-responsive")) $(pid + " .btnAnimationShow").show(); $(this).hide(); $("#" + $(this).attr('datatarget')).show(); }); } /*** image_with_gif_animation template end here ***/ /**** image_with_click template start here ****/ function ImageWithClickTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".image_with_click_template "; function changeImage() { var image = $(pid+" #myImage_w3_g1")[0];
  • 151. if (image.src.match(" course/aio/Pinnacle/FNDA150_Media/AI_FNDA150_W3_G1_I mageclick/assets/AI_FNDA150_W3_G1_img1.jpg")) { image.src = " e/FNDA150_Media/AI_FNDA150_W3_G1_Imageclick/assets/A I_FNDA150_W3_G1_img2.jpg"; } else { image.src = " e/FNDA150_Media/AI_FNDA150_W3_G1_Imageclick/assets/A I_FNDA150_W3_G1_img1.jpg"; } } $(pid+"#myImage_w3_g1").click(function(){ changeImage(); }); }
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  • 154. } /*** image_click_with_popover template end here ***/ /**** image_with_click_and_button template start here ****/ function ImageWithClickAndButtonemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".image_with_click_and_button_template "; var dataname = []; var imageSrc = ""; $(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").on("click", function () { while (dataname.length > 0) { dataname.pop(); } imageSrc = "";
  • 155. if ($(this).attr("dataname") == "0") { $(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").attr("dataname", "0"); $(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").find(".onoff").html("OFF"); $(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").removeClass("selected"); $(this).attr("dataname", "1"); $(this).find(".onoff").html("ON"); $(this).addClass("selected"); } else if ($(this).attr("dataname") == "1") { $(pid+".btnGroup .btnRedGrey1").attr("dataname", "0"); $(this).attr("dataname", "0"); $(this).find(".onoff").html("OFF"); $(this).removeClass("selected"); }
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  • 157. } else { $(pid+"#content_2").hide(200); } $(this).parent().parent().find(".img-rounded").attr("src", " e/PHOA250_Media/AI_PHOA250_W2_G20_Image/assets/AI_P HOA250_W2_G20_img_" + imageSrc + ".jpg"); }); } /*** image_with_click_and_button template end here ***/ /**** image_click_to_reveal template start here ****/ function ImageClickToRevealTemplate(pid) { pid = "#" + pid + ".image_click_to_reveal_template ";
  • 158. loadScripts(" maps/jquery.rwdImageMaps.min.js",function(){ $(pid + 'img[usemap]').rwdImageMaps(); var feedbackArr = ['All preceding levels of need must be realized before the needs for self-actualization are attained. This level represents a person&#8217;s need to do what s/he was &quot;born to do&quot;. The needs make themselves known in signs of restlessness. It is not always apparent what a person wants for a need of self-actualization to be attained.', 'All three previous levels of needs must be met before the needs for esteem become evident. These needs involve self-esteem, and the recognition people receive from others. When these needs are met, people feel self-confident and valuable. When these needs are not met, a person feels frustrated, inferior, weak, and worthless.', 'These needs become evident as people try to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection, and a sense of belonging.', 'When physiological needs are met, the need for safety is activated. Adults rarely recognize these needs, except in times of emergency, but children often display signs of insecurity and the need to feel safe.', 'Biological needs that consist of needs for food, water, air, and shelter. They are the strongest needs because without these, humans would search for them in order to survive.']; $(pid + " .colorbarBtn").on("click", function (e) { var colorId = $(this).attr("dataname").split("colorbarBtn_")[1];
  • 159. //////console.log($(this).parent().attr("id")); //var parentId = $(this).parent().attr("id").split("bootstrapColorBar_")[1]; $(pid + ".p_text").html(feedbackArr[colorId]); //alert(colorId+"***"+parentId+"**"+"assets/AI_FNDA150_W3 _G8_Tab"+parentId+"_img"+colorId+".gif"); $(pid + " #image_change").attr({ "src": "assets/img/AI_PSY1010_M3_G1_" + colorId + ".jpg" }); }); }); } /*** image_click_to_reveal template end here ***/ /***image_carousel_template start here****/ function ImageCarouselTemplate(pid,show_image,show_animation){ pid = "#" + pid + ".image_carousel_template "; $(pid +".animationBtn").on("click",function(){ $(this).hide();