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Estrategias para la compresión de
textos en ingles
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
División Académica Multidisciplinaria De Los Ríos
Estudio en la duda. Acción en la fe.
Asignatura: Estrategias para la comprensión de textos en ingles
Catedrática: Castillo Palma Cecilia Guadalupe
Desarrollador: Manuel Eli Medina García
Periodo: Agosto 2015-Enero 2016.
Topic 1.Cognates.................................................................................................................... 2
Topic2.Prefixes and suffixes .................................................................................................. 4
Topic3.Monolingual Dictionary ............................................................................................... 5
Topic4.Technical vocabulary.................................................................................................. 9
Topic5. Sustantives Phrases.................................................................................................10
Topic.7 Conjunctions .............................................................................................................16
Topic.8 Subordinated.............................................................................................................19
Topic 9 Simple, complex, compound sentences..........................................................................20
Topic 10 Active Voice & Passive Voice........................................................................................21
Topic 11 Skimming and Scanning...............................................................................................22
Topic 12 Técnica PQ4R ........................................................................................................27
Topic 1.Cognates
True cognate.
Are words similar in different languages. / Son palabras similares en diferentes
Example 5
True cognate Spanish
Elephant Elefante
Excellent Excelente
Person Persona
Family Familia
instructions introducciones
False cognate.
Are words similar and different meaning/ Son palabras similares en diferentes
Example 5
False cognate Spanish False cognate English
Dinner cena Dinero Money
Record registro recordar remember
Actual Real o verdadero actual current
advertirse anunciar Advertir warn
Advice Consejos Aviso notice
Act: text
The Bald Eagle
The bald Eagle is North American bird of prey. It is our national bird and a symbol
of the United States. The bald eagle has played a prominent role in our nation´s
history. The founding fathers liked to compare the new republic to that of Rome, in
which images of eagle were often used. They chose to include the bald eagle in
the design for the Great seal of the United States, it appears on most of the Great
Seal of the United States, and it appears on most of the government´s official seals
and on several coins. In those images, its head is usually turned toward an olive
branch held in the right claw, symbolizing peace. The left claw clasps several
arrows, symbolizing war.
Cognate- true Signification
Symbol Símbolo
History Historia
American Americano
National Nacional
Rome Roma
Images Imágenes
Official Oficial
Symbolizing Simbolización
Significance Significado
declaration Declaración
Independence Independencia
Civilizations Civilizaciones
Cultures Culturas
consider Considerar
Central Central
religious Religioso
Spiritual espiritual
Topic2.Prefixes and suffixes
A prefixes is a word part added to the beginning of a root word/ Es una parte de
una palabra que se agrega a al inicio de una palabra raíz.
Prefixes chart Prefix Pre meaning Word meaning
Exwife ex Ex hace referencia algo antiguo Ex esposa
exboyfriend ex Ex hace referencia algo antiguo Ex novio
indirect in In,no,sin Indirecto
inadequate in In,no,sin Inadecuado
biodiversity bio Bio relación con la biologia Biodiversidad
misrepresent mis mal Falsificar
redirect re Otra vez Re direccionado
disarms dis negación Desarmado
A suffix is a Word part added to the end of a root word/Es la parte de una palabra
que se agrega al final de una palabra.
Suffixes chart Suffix Pre meaning Word meaning
drinkable able able,ible bebible
enyoyable able able, ible disfrutable
woderful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso maravilloso
colorful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso colorido
sickness ness Dad, eza enfermedad
sameness ness Dad,eza igualdad
Worthless less Negacion sin Initul
beautiful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso hermoso
Topic3.Monolingual Dictionary
What is a monolingüe English Dictionary?
is a type of dictionary designed to meet the reference needs of people learning a
foreign language/¿Qué es un monolingüe Diccionario Inglés ? es un tipo de
diccionario diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de referencias de personas
que están aprendiendo un idioma extranjero
Phonemic Transcription
Past participle
Word building
Part of speech
Topic4.Technical vocabulary
Topic5. Sustantives Phrases
Sustantives Phrases Spanish
Cow preparation Procesamiento de la vaca
Lung metastasis Metástasispulmonar
Gland tumars Tumor de glándula
Cattle populations Poblaciónganaderas
Wildlife protection Protecciónde la fauna
Hair buld Cuero de pelo
Heatlh problems Problemas de salud
Quality grass Césped de calidad
Pasture supplements Suplemento de pastura
Fiber intake Succión de fibra
Tipos de Pronouns
A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun or another pronoun/ Un pronombre es
una palabra que se usa en lugar de un sustantivo o pronombre otra.
1. Personal Pronouns
A personal pronoun refers to the one speaking, the one spoken to, or the one
spoken about/Un pronombre personal se refiere a el que habla , el habla, o el que
se habla sobre .
1.1 Subject Pronouns
We use subject pronouns as subject of the verb/Utilizamos pronombres sujeto
como sujeto del verbo
1.2.Object Pronouns
We use object pronouns,as the object of the verb/Nosotros usamos los
pronombres de objeto , ya que el objeto del verbo
2.Reflexive Pronouns
A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to the subject and is necessary to the
meaning of the sentence. It ends in "-self" or “-selves”/Un pronombre reflexivo
es un pronombre que se refiere al tema y es necesario el significado de la frase.
Se termina en " -placas " o " -selves "
3.Indifinitive Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to persons, places, or things, in
general. It may or may not be specifically named/Un pronombre indefinido es un
pronombre que se refiere a personas , lugares o cosas , en general. Puede o no
puede ser nombrado específicamente.
4.Demostrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that replaces and points out a person,
place, thing, or idea.These are sour/Un pronombre demostrativo es un pronombre
que sustituye y señala una persona, lugar , cosa o idea.Estos son agria.
5. Interrogative Pronouns
An interrogative pronoun introduces a question/Un pronombre interrogativo
introduce una pregunta.
1. Personal Pronouns
1.1 Subject Pronouns
Pronombres (en
función de sujeto)
I I am ill/ Yo estoy enfermo.
you You are tall /Tú eres alto. / Usted es alto.
he He is handsome./ Él es guapo.
she She is pretty/ Ella es guapa.
it It is cold today/ Hoy hace frío.
we We are tired/ Nosotros estamos cansados.
you You are angry. /Vosotros estáis enfadados. /
Ustedes están enfadados.
they They are at the cinema. /Ellos están en el cine.
1.2. Object Pronouns
Pronombres (enfunción de objeto) Ejemplo
me Can you help me?/ ¿Puedes ayudarme?
you I can help you / Puedo ayudarte. / Puedo
him Can you see him?/ ¿Le puedes ver?
her Give it to her. /Dáselo a ella.
it Give it a kick./ Dale una patada.
us Can you see us? /¿Nos puedes ver?
you I see you./ Os veo. / Les veo.
them He can help them./Les puede ayudar.
2. Reflexive Pronouns
Pronombres reflexivos Ejemplo
yo mismo, a mí
I saw it myself.
Yo mismo lo vi.
tú mismo (a tí), usted mismo (a
Don’t burn yourself!
¡No te quemes! / ¡No se queme!
él mismo a sí mismo
He hurt himself.
Se hizo daño.
ella misma, a sí misma
She did it herself.
Lo hizo ella misma.
él mismo, a sí mismo
The cat scratched itself.
El gato se rascó.
nosotros mismos
We made it ourselves.
Lo hemos hecho nosotros mismos.
vosotros mismos, ustedes
Did you paint the house yourselves?
¿Pintasteis la casa vosotros mismos? /
¿Pintaron la casa ustedes mismos?
ellos mismos
They were speaking to themselves.
Ellos hablaban consigo mismos.
3.Indifinitive Pronouns
Pronombre Singular Plural Ejemplo
Singular Plural You ate all the cookies!
¡Has comido todas las galletas!
Singular Another glass of wine please.
Otra copa de vino por favor.
algún, ningún,
Singular Plural Is there any milk?
¿Hay leche?
alguien, nadie,
Singular Is there anyone home?
¿Hay alguien en casa?
algo, nada,
Singular It’s so dark, I can’t see anything.
Está muy oscuro, no puedo ver nada.
cualquier lugar
Singular We can go anywhere you want.
Podemos ir donde quieras.
ambos/los dos
Plural Both of my children speak French.
Mis dos hijos hablan Francés.
cada, cada uno
Singular Each of them is different.
Cada cual es diferente.
(de 2)
Singular I’m happy to see either movie.
Me da igual ver cualquier película.
4.Demostrative Pronouns
Spanish image
This is his lunch. Este es su almuerzo.
This is her book. Este es su libro.
What a pleasure that
¡Qué placer que era!
I bought some
flowers. These are the
Compré algunas flores.
Estas son las más bonitas
Those are the best
candies in the market.
Esos son los mejores dulces
en el mercado.
Hello. This is Alicia Hola. Soy Alicia.
Peter, is that you? ¿Eres tú, Peter?
That pizza was
Aquella pizza estaba
Topic.7 Conjunctions
Are used to join two sentences into one sentence by showing a relationship
between the two/Se utilizan para unir dos frases en una oración por los que
muestra una relación entre los dos.
First Sentence
Tim enjoys playing tennis.
Second Sentence
Tim Enjoys doing yoga.
Using a Co-ordinating
Tim enjoys playing tennis
doing yoga.
Join two independent
Manuel was warm, he takes a bathroom
Manuel was warm so he takes a bathroom.
The class finished, leave the class to the living room.
The class finished so leave the class to the living room.
I ate two cakes of chocolate, you ate a cake of strawberry.
I ate two cakes of chocolate and you ate a cake of strawberry.
We dance salsa, they dance Tango.
We dance salsa and they dance Tango.
To prepare a meal it can be made in to a stove, in the fire.
To prepare a meal it can be made in to a stove or in the fire.
To go to the university you can go by taxi, by bus.
To go to the university you can go by taxi or by bus.
To cry is good, it leaves bad memories.
To cry is good but it leaves bad memories.
To study is very hard, finish it the maximum thing.
To study is very hard but finish it the maximum thing.
Topic.8 Subordinated
Manuel is beautiful wereas maria is ugly.
Manuel is intelligent wereas carlos is sily.
Although my brother is bad what I belive much.
Although us we services to whatsapp there are many that are addicted to
Even we can shop.
Jessica even love me.
First Sentence (independentclause)
He'll have some lunch.
Second Clause (dependentclause)
he arrives.
Full Sentence Using a Subordinating Conjunction
He'll have some lunch when he arrives.
While we eat you begin homeword.
While I do the food you the drink.
I did not do my task because they do not the point in boot.
I do not get classes because it was raining
Smart children are as beautiful minds.
The UJAT is as the UPM is Better.
I am studying since a foun year ago
I fell in love since I sow you.
Topic 9 Simple, complex, compound sentences
They are independent sentences./Son oraciones Independientes.
They are two independent clauses and these take coordinated./Son dos oraciones
independientes y llevan las coordinadas.
Joins two sentences a dependent and one or more independent are those that use
the subordinate./Une dos oraciones una dependiente y una o varias
independientes son las que utilizan las subordinadas
Topic 10 Active Voice & Passive Voice
Topic 11 Skimming and Scanning
Skimming and Scanning/La lectura rápida
Skimmingreferstothe processof readingonlymain ideas in a way to get a general impression of
the contents of a reading selection./Skimming se refiere al proceso de la lectura sólo ide as
principalesdentrode unpasode conseguirunaimpresióngeneral delcontenidode unalectura de
la selección.
How to Skimming/Cómo Ski:
 Read the title/ Lea el título.
 Read the introduction or first paragraph./ Lea la introducción o el primer párrafo.
 Read the first sentence of every other paragraph./Lea la primera frase de cada otro
 Read the headings and subheadings./Lea las partidas y subpartidas.
 Note any pictures, charts or graphs./ Tenga en cuenta ninguna de las imágenes, tablas o
 Note anyword or phrase in italics or bold./Observe cualquier palabra o frase en cursiva o
 Read the summary or above./Lea el resumen o en el párrafo anterior.
Scanningreadingisa technique tobe usedwhenyouwantto findspecific information quickly. On
examination you have a question in your mind and read a passage only to find the answer,
ignoringthe unrelated information./Scanning es una técnica de lectura para ser utilizado cuando
se quiere encontrar información específica rápidamente. En la exploración usted tiene una
preguntaen su mente y se lee un pasajesólo para encontrar la respuesta, haciendo caso omiso de
la información no relacionada.
How to scanning/ Cómo escanear:
 Indicate the specificinformationyouare lookingfor./Indiquela información específica que
 Try to anticipate how the response and what clues that could be used to help locate the
answer will appear. For example, if you are looking for a date, you quickly read the
paragraph looking only numbers./ Trate de anticipar cómo aparecerá la respuesta y qué
pistas que podría utilizar para ayudar a localizar la respuesta. Por ejemplo, si estás
buscando una fecha determinada, usted leer rápidamente el párrafo buscando sólo
 Use headings and other aids to help you identify what sections may contain the
informationyouseek./Usepartidasy delas otrasayudasquele ayudarán a identificar qué
secciones pueden contener la información que busca.
 Selectively read and jump through the passage sections./Selectivamente leer y saltar a
través de las secciones del pasaje.
This activity involves making a skimming and scanning of text:/Esta actividad consiste en realizar
un skimming y scanning de un texto:
Components of a computer
In simple layman's terms, a computer is a computer system composed of several electronic
components that work together to provide output data processed. These components make up
the so-called hardware, and are responsible for processing all instructions provided by the
software which is loaded on the computer.
Hard drive/ Unidad de disco duro
The hard drive of the computer stores information on a hard disk, a disk or a stack of hard drives
witha magnetic surface. Because hard disks can hold large amounts of information, they usually
serve as support for primary storage of the computer, storing almost all programs and files. The
hard disk drive is normally located inside the system unit.
The mouse is a small device used to point and select items. Although the mouse have several
ways, the typical mouse does look that resembles a mouse, hence its name. It's small, rounded
and connected to the system unit by a cable. Some newer mouse are wireless.
Typically, a mouse has two buttons: a primary button (usually the left button) and a secondary
button.Many alsohave a mouse wheel betweenthe twobuttons, allowing an easy displacement
Whenthe mouse hand,an existingpointermovesonthe screenmovesinthe same direction.(The
appearance of the pointercan change dependingon the position in the monitor) When you want
to select an item, you just have to point to the item and click (press and release) the primary
button. Point and click with the mouse is the main way to interact with the computer.
The keyboard is used mainly for typing text into the computer. As the keyboard of a typewriter,
the computer keyboard has keys with letters and numbers, but it also has special keys:
 The functionkeys,locatedonthe top line, perform different functions depending on the
mode being used.
 The numeric keypad, located on the right side of most keyboards, allows you to enter
numbers quickly.
 The navigation keys, such as the arrow keys, allow you to change the position in a
document or web page.
 Note that you can also use the keyboard to perform many of the functions that can be
performed with the mouse.
The monitor displays information in visual form, using text and graphics. The portion of the
monitor that displays the information is called the screen. As a television screen, a computer
screen can show still or moving images.
There are twobasictypesof monitors:CRT(Cathode RayTube,almostobsolete)monitorsandLCD
(LiquidCrystal Display).Bothtypesproduce sharpimages,butLCDmonitorshave the advantage of
being much thinner and lighter.
La ideaprincipal eneste artículoesconocerun poco más a fondo el hardware y las funciones que
cumple cada uno de estos componentes dentro de la PC.
 Menciona los componentes de una computadora.
 Las funciones que realiza el ratón, pantalla,unidad de disco duro,teclado.
 De las cuales menciona que la unidad de disco duro almacena informacion,el ratón es
utilizado para dirigir el cursor, mientras que el teclado se utiliza para escribir en la
computadora y por ultimo la pantalla presenta informacion de forma visual.
 Keyboard,Mouse, Hard Disk,Display.
Topic 12 Técnica PQ4R
Technical PQ4R Thomas and Robinson (mentioned in Henson, 2000) developed a
strategy based on meaningful learning to enhance the meaning or withholding
information. PQ4R technique is called by its initials in English, this strategy can be
used as follows:/Técnica PQ4R Thomas y Robinson (mencionado en Henson,
2000) desarrollaron una estrategia basada en el aprendizaje significativo para
mejorar el significado o la retención de la información. Se denomina técnica PQ4R
por sus abreviaturas en inglés, puede utilizarse esta estrategia de la siguiente
1. Prior review or anticipation. They are reviewed in general the objectives and
content of the topic./Revisión previa o anticipación. Se revisan de manera
general los objetivos y contenido del tema.
2. Prompt: After the previous review, students can make a list of questions
which they consider should be resolved with the information they are poised
to dominate. Questions can serve as advance organizers./Preguntar:
Después de la revisión previa, los alumnos pueden hacer una lista de
preguntas que consideren deban resolverse con la información que están a
punto de dominar. Las preguntas pueden servir de organizadores
3. Read. The analysis of information prepares learners for reading the text.
The first reading is quick way to locate core ideas. The reading should
include titles, captions, headings, etc./Leer. El análisis de la información
prepara a los aprendices para la lectura del texto. La primera lectura se
realiza de manera rápida para localizar ideas centrales. La lectura debe
contemplar títulos, subtítulos, encabezados, etc.
4. Reflect: Once inciada fast reading, learners should think about its meaning
and its implications. At this stage students should make an outline of the
material, review the parts of the information they found difficult and answer
questions related to the second step. The summary of the main points at the
end of the chapter is useful for reflection./Reflexionar: Una vez inciada la
lectura rápida, los aprendices deben pensar en su significado y en sus
implicaciones. En esta etapa los estudiantes deben hacer un esbozo del
material, revisar las partes de la información que encontraron difíciles y
responder preguntas relacionadas con el segundo paso. El resumen de las
ideas principales al final del capítulo es útil para la reflexión.
5. Repeat: The trainees should begin to determine how well they can
remember or learn how much of the material covered./Repetir: Los
aprendices deben empezar a determinar qué tan bien pueden recordar o
qué tanto aprendieron del material cubierto.
6. Review: Consists pay special attention to the parts that learners found
difficult./Revisar: Consiste en poner especial atención en las partes que los
aprendices encontraron difíciles.
What's inside a PC system?
The nerve centre of a PC is the processor, also called the CPU, or central
processing unit. This is built into a single chip which executes program
instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer
system.The chip itself is a small piece of silicon with a complex electrical circuit 5
called an integrated circuit.
The processor consists of three main parts:
The control unit examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each
instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components – monitor, disk
drives, etc. – to execute the functions specified.
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations (+, -, etc.)
and logical operations (AND, OR, NOT).
The registers are. high-speed units of memory used to store and control data. One
of the registers (the program counter, or PC) keeps track of the next instruction to
be performed in the main memory. The other (the instruction register, or IR) holds
the instruction that is being executed.
The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its
processor. A system clock sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and
synchronize the flow of data. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). For
example, a CPU running at 4GHz (four thousand million hertz, or cycles, per 20
second) will enable your PC to handle the most demanding applications.
The programs and data which pass through the processor must be loaded into the
main memory in order to be processed. Therefore, when the user runs a program,
the CPU looks for it on the hard disk and transfers a copy into the RAM chips.
RAM (random access memory) is volatile – that is, its information is lost when 25
the computer is turned off. However, ROM (read only memory) is non-volatile,
containing instructions and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. The BIOS
(basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with
peripherals. RAM capacity can be expanded by adding extra chips, usually
contained in 30 small circuit boards called dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs).
Buses and cards
The main circuit board inside your system is called the motherboard and contains
the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots, and controllers for peripherals,
connected by buses – electrical channels which allow devices inside the computer
to communicate with each other. For example, the front 35 side bus carries all data
that passes from the CPU to other devices.
The size of a bus, called bus width, determines how much data can be
transmitted. It can be compared to the number of lanes on a motorway – the larger
the width, the more data can travel along the bus. For example, a 64-bit bus can
transmit 64 bits of data.
Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like
sound, memory and network capabilities.
Técnica PQ4R
Pre- reading
La lectura informa como está integrada un sistema de computadora
 ¿Qué es la RAM?
 ¿Qué es la ROM?
 ¿Qué es el Bus?
 ¿Qué es una Tarjeta?
 ¿Cómo trabaja la unidad de control?
 ¿Cómo trabaja la unidad lógica aritmética?
 ¿Cómo funcionan los registros?
 ¿Qué es el BIOS?
Ideas centrales
 Como esta compuesto el microprocesador (arquitectura).
 Que es y como funciona la memoria RAM y ROM.
 Cuales son las funciones de Buses y Tarjetas.
 RAM: Memoria de acceso arbitrario.
 ROM: Memoria de solo lectura.
 BUS: Canal de comunicación entre dispositivos.
 Cards: Placas de circuitos dentro de un sistema.
 Unidad de control: Analiza instrucciones del programas de usuarios y las
 Unidad logia aritmética: Realiza cálculos matemáticos y operaciones
 Registros: Almacena y controlan datos.
 BIOS: Utiliza la memoria de solo lectura para controlar la comunicación con
Un sistema de computadora esta integrado por memoria RAM,ROM, Buses,
tarjetas y procesadores. Estos últimos están compuestos de 3 partes como son la
unidad de control, la unida lógica aritmética y los registros.
Los buses son canales de comunicación entre dispositivos de una computadora y
las tarjetas o placas son circuitos dentro de un sistema de PC.
El BIOS (sistema básico de entrada / salida) usa ROM para controlar la
comunicación con periféricos.
DIMMS: Módulos de memoria dual en líneas. (son un tipo de memorias DRAN
[RAM de celdas construidas a base de capacitadores]).

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Estrategias para la compresión de textos en ingles

  • 1. Estrategias para la compresión de textos en ingles Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco División Académica Multidisciplinaria De Los Ríos Estudio en la duda. Acción en la fe. Asignatura: Estrategias para la comprensión de textos en ingles Catedrática: Castillo Palma Cecilia Guadalupe Desarrollador: Manuel Eli Medina García Periodo: Agosto 2015-Enero 2016.
  • 2. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA ÍNDICE Topic 1.Cognates.................................................................................................................... 2 Topic2.Prefixes and suffixes .................................................................................................. 4 Topic3.Monolingual Dictionary ............................................................................................... 5 Topic4.Technical vocabulary.................................................................................................. 9 Topic5. Sustantives Phrases.................................................................................................10 Topic6.Pronouns....................................................................................................................11 Topic.7 Conjunctions .............................................................................................................16 Topic.8 Subordinated.............................................................................................................19 Topic 9 Simple, complex, compound sentences..........................................................................20 Topic 10 Active Voice & Passive Voice........................................................................................21 Topic 11 Skimming and Scanning...............................................................................................22 Topic 12 Técnica PQ4R ........................................................................................................27
  • 3. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic 1.Cognates True cognate. Are words similar in different languages. / Son palabras similares en diferentes idiomas: Example 5 True cognate Spanish Elephant Elefante Excellent Excelente Person Persona Family Familia instructions introducciones False cognate. Are words similar and different meaning/ Son palabras similares en diferentes significado: Example 5 False cognate Spanish False cognate English Dinner cena Dinero Money Record registro recordar remember Actual Real o verdadero actual current advertirse anunciar Advertir warn Advice Consejos Aviso notice Act: text The Bald Eagle The bald Eagle is North American bird of prey. It is our national bird and a symbol of the United States. The bald eagle has played a prominent role in our nation´s history. The founding fathers liked to compare the new republic to that of Rome, in which images of eagle were often used. They chose to include the bald eagle in the design for the Great seal of the United States, it appears on most of the Great
  • 4. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Seal of the United States, and it appears on most of the government´s official seals and on several coins. In those images, its head is usually turned toward an olive branch held in the right claw, symbolizing peace. The left claw clasps several arrows, symbolizing war. Cognate- true Signification Symbol Símbolo History Historia American Americano National Nacional Rome Roma Images Imágenes Official Oficial Symbolizing Simbolización Significance Significado declaration Declaración Independence Independencia Civilizations Civilizaciones Cultures Culturas consider Considerar Central Central religious Religioso Spiritual espiritual
  • 5. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic2.Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes A prefixes is a word part added to the beginning of a root word/ Es una parte de una palabra que se agrega a al inicio de una palabra raíz. Prefixes chart Prefix Pre meaning Word meaning Exwife ex Ex hace referencia algo antiguo Ex esposa exboyfriend ex Ex hace referencia algo antiguo Ex novio indirect in In,no,sin Indirecto inadequate in In,no,sin Inadecuado biodiversity bio Bio relación con la biologia Biodiversidad misrepresent mis mal Falsificar redirect re Otra vez Re direccionado disarms dis negación Desarmado Suffixes A suffix is a Word part added to the end of a root word/Es la parte de una palabra que se agrega al final de una palabra. Suffixes chart Suffix Pre meaning Word meaning drinkable able able,ible bebible enyoyable able able, ible disfrutable woderful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso maravilloso colorful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso colorido sickness ness Dad, eza enfermedad sameness ness Dad,eza igualdad Worthless less Negacion sin Initul beautiful ful Ada,ado,ido,oso hermoso
  • 6. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic3.Monolingual Dictionary What is a monolingüe English Dictionary? is a type of dictionary designed to meet the reference needs of people learning a foreign language/¿Qué es un monolingüe Diccionario Inglés ? es un tipo de diccionario diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de referencias de personas que están aprendiendo un idioma extranjero Compound
  • 8. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Past participle Word building
  • 10. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic4.Technical vocabulary
  • 11. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic5. Sustantives Phrases Sustantives Phrases Spanish Cow preparation Procesamiento de la vaca Lung metastasis Metástasispulmonar Gland tumars Tumor de glándula Cattle populations Poblaciónganaderas Wildlife protection Protecciónde la fauna Hair buld Cuero de pelo Heatlh problems Problemas de salud Quality grass Césped de calidad Pasture supplements Suplemento de pastura Fiber intake Succión de fibra
  • 12. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic6.Pronouns Tipos de Pronouns Pronouns A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun or another pronoun/ Un pronombre es una palabra que se usa en lugar de un sustantivo o pronombre otra. 1. Personal Pronouns A personal pronoun refers to the one speaking, the one spoken to, or the one spoken about/Un pronombre personal se refiere a el que habla , el habla, o el que se habla sobre . 1.1 Subject Pronouns We use subject pronouns as subject of the verb/Utilizamos pronombres sujeto como sujeto del verbo 1.2.Object Pronouns We use object pronouns,as the object of the verb/Nosotros usamos los pronombres de objeto , ya que el objeto del verbo 2.Reflexive Pronouns A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to the subject and is necessary to the meaning of the sentence. It ends in "-self" or “-selves”/Un pronombre reflexivo es un pronombre que se refiere al tema y es necesario el significado de la frase. Se termina en " -placas " o " -selves " 3.Indifinitive Pronouns An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to persons, places, or things, in general. It may or may not be specifically named/Un pronombre indefinido es un
  • 13. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA pronombre que se refiere a personas , lugares o cosas , en general. Puede o no puede ser nombrado específicamente. 4.Demostrative Pronouns A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that replaces and points out a person, place, thing, or idea.These are sour/Un pronombre demostrativo es un pronombre que sustituye y señala una persona, lugar , cosa o idea.Estos son agria. 5. Interrogative Pronouns An interrogative pronoun introduces a question/Un pronombre interrogativo introduce una pregunta. Activity 1. Personal Pronouns 1.1 Subject Pronouns Pronombres (en función de sujeto) Ejemplo I I am ill/ Yo estoy enfermo. you You are tall /Tú eres alto. / Usted es alto. he He is handsome./ Él es guapo. she She is pretty/ Ella es guapa. it It is cold today/ Hoy hace frío. we We are tired/ Nosotros estamos cansados. you You are angry. /Vosotros estáis enfadados. / Ustedes están enfadados. they They are at the cinema. /Ellos están en el cine.
  • 14. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA 1.2. Object Pronouns Pronombres (enfunción de objeto) Ejemplo me Can you help me?/ ¿Puedes ayudarme? you I can help you / Puedo ayudarte. / Puedo ayudarle. him Can you see him?/ ¿Le puedes ver? her Give it to her. /Dáselo a ella. it Give it a kick./ Dale una patada. us Can you see us? /¿Nos puedes ver? you I see you./ Os veo. / Les veo. them He can help them./Les puede ayudar. 2. Reflexive Pronouns Pronombres reflexivos Ejemplo myself yo mismo, a mí I saw it myself. Yo mismo lo vi. yourself tú mismo (a tí), usted mismo (a usted) Don’t burn yourself! ¡No te quemes! / ¡No se queme! himself él mismo a sí mismo He hurt himself. Se hizo daño. herself ella misma, a sí misma She did it herself. Lo hizo ella misma. itself él mismo, a sí mismo The cat scratched itself. El gato se rascó. ourselves nosotros mismos We made it ourselves. Lo hemos hecho nosotros mismos. yourselves vosotros mismos, ustedes mismos Did you paint the house yourselves? ¿Pintasteis la casa vosotros mismos? / ¿Pintaron la casa ustedes mismos? themselves ellos mismos They were speaking to themselves. Ellos hablaban consigo mismos.
  • 15. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA 3.Indifinitive Pronouns Pronombre Singular Plural Ejemplo all todo Singular Plural You ate all the cookies! ¡Has comido todas las galletas! another otro Singular Another glass of wine please. Otra copa de vino por favor. any algún, ningún, cualquier Singular Plural Is there any milk? ¿Hay leche? anybody anyone alguien, nadie, cualquiera Singular Is there anyone home? ¿Hay alguien en casa? anything algo, nada, cualquier Singular It’s so dark, I can’t see anything. Está muy oscuro, no puedo ver nada. anywhere cualquier lugar Singular We can go anywhere you want. Podemos ir donde quieras. both ambos/los dos Plural Both of my children speak French. Mis dos hijos hablan Francés. each cada, cada uno Singular Each of them is different. Cada cual es diferente. either cualquiera (de 2) Singular I’m happy to see either movie. Me da igual ver cualquier película.
  • 16. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA 4.Demostrative Pronouns Demostrative Pronouns Spanish image This is his lunch. Este es su almuerzo. This is her book. Este es su libro. What a pleasure that was! ¡Qué placer que era! I bought some flowers. These are the prettiest Compré algunas flores. Estas son las más bonitas Those are the best candies in the market. Esos son los mejores dulces en el mercado. Hello. This is Alicia Hola. Soy Alicia. Peter, is that you? ¿Eres tú, Peter? That pizza was delicious. Aquella pizza estaba riquísima
  • 17. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic.7 Conjunctions Conjuntions Are used to join two sentences into one sentence by showing a relationship between the two/Se utilizan para unir dos frases en una oración por los que muestra una relación entre los dos. First Sentence Tim enjoys playing tennis. Second Sentence Tim Enjoys doing yoga. Using a Co-ordinating Conjunction Tim enjoys playing tennis doing yoga. Co-ordinated Join two independent clauses. and but or so
  • 18. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Activity SO Manuel was warm, he takes a bathroom Manuel was warm so he takes a bathroom. The class finished, leave the class to the living room. The class finished so leave the class to the living room. AND I ate two cakes of chocolate, you ate a cake of strawberry. I ate two cakes of chocolate and you ate a cake of strawberry.
  • 19. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA We dance salsa, they dance Tango. We dance salsa and they dance Tango. OR To prepare a meal it can be made in to a stove, in the fire. To prepare a meal it can be made in to a stove or in the fire. To go to the university you can go by taxi, by bus. To go to the university you can go by taxi or by bus. BUT To cry is good, it leaves bad memories. To cry is good but it leaves bad memories. To study is very hard, finish it the maximum thing. To study is very hard but finish it the maximum thing.
  • 20. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic.8 Subordinated Wereas Manuel is beautiful wereas maria is ugly. Manuel is intelligent wereas carlos is sily. Although Although my brother is bad what I belive much. Although us we services to whatsapp there are many that are addicted to facebook. Even Even we can shop. Jessica even love me. First Sentence (independentclause) He'll have some lunch. Second Clause (dependentclause) he arrives. Full Sentence Using a Subordinating Conjunction He'll have some lunch when he arrives.
  • 21. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA While While we eat you begin homeword. While I do the food you the drink. Because I did not do my task because they do not the point in boot. I do not get classes because it was raining As Smart children are as beautiful minds. The UJAT is as the UPM is Better. Since I am studying since a foun year ago I fell in love since I sow you. Topic 9 Simple, complex, compound sentences Simple They are independent sentences./Son oraciones Independientes. Compound They are two independent clauses and these take coordinated./Son dos oraciones independientes y llevan las coordinadas. Complex Joins two sentences a dependent and one or more independent are those that use the subordinate./Une dos oraciones una dependiente y una o varias independientes son las que utilizan las subordinadas
  • 22. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic 10 Active Voice & Passive Voice
  • 23. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic 11 Skimming and Scanning Skimming and Scanning/La lectura rápida Skimmingreferstothe processof readingonlymain ideas in a way to get a general impression of the contents of a reading selection./Skimming se refiere al proceso de la lectura sólo ide as principalesdentrode unpasode conseguirunaimpresióngeneral delcontenidode unalectura de la selección. How to Skimming/Cómo Ski:  Read the title/ Lea el título.  Read the introduction or first paragraph./ Lea la introducción o el primer párrafo.  Read the first sentence of every other paragraph./Lea la primera frase de cada otro párrafo  Read the headings and subheadings./Lea las partidas y subpartidas.  Note any pictures, charts or graphs./ Tenga en cuenta ninguna de las imágenes, tablas o gráficos.  Note anyword or phrase in italics or bold./Observe cualquier palabra o frase en cursiva o negrita.  Read the summary or above./Lea el resumen o en el párrafo anterior. Scanningreadingisa technique tobe usedwhenyouwantto findspecific information quickly. On examination you have a question in your mind and read a passage only to find the answer, ignoringthe unrelated information./Scanning es una técnica de lectura para ser utilizado cuando se quiere encontrar información específica rápidamente. En la exploración usted tiene una
  • 24. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA preguntaen su mente y se lee un pasajesólo para encontrar la respuesta, haciendo caso omiso de la información no relacionada. How to scanning/ Cómo escanear:  Indicate the specificinformationyouare lookingfor./Indiquela información específica que busca.  Try to anticipate how the response and what clues that could be used to help locate the answer will appear. For example, if you are looking for a date, you quickly read the paragraph looking only numbers./ Trate de anticipar cómo aparecerá la respuesta y qué pistas que podría utilizar para ayudar a localizar la respuesta. Por ejemplo, si estás buscando una fecha determinada, usted leer rápidamente el párrafo buscando sólo números.  Use headings and other aids to help you identify what sections may contain the informationyouseek./Usepartidasy delas otrasayudasquele ayudarán a identificar qué secciones pueden contener la información que busca.  Selectively read and jump through the passage sections./Selectivamente leer y saltar a través de las secciones del pasaje. Activity This activity involves making a skimming and scanning of text:/Esta actividad consiste en realizar un skimming y scanning de un texto: Components of a computer
  • 25. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA In simple layman's terms, a computer is a computer system composed of several electronic components that work together to provide output data processed. These components make up the so-called hardware, and are responsible for processing all instructions provided by the software which is loaded on the computer. Hard drive/ Unidad de disco duro
  • 26. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA The hard drive of the computer stores information on a hard disk, a disk or a stack of hard drives witha magnetic surface. Because hard disks can hold large amounts of information, they usually serve as support for primary storage of the computer, storing almost all programs and files. The hard disk drive is normally located inside the system unit. Mouse/Ratón The mouse is a small device used to point and select items. Although the mouse have several ways, the typical mouse does look that resembles a mouse, hence its name. It's small, rounded and connected to the system unit by a cable. Some newer mouse are wireless. Typically, a mouse has two buttons: a primary button (usually the left button) and a secondary button.Many alsohave a mouse wheel betweenthe twobuttons, allowing an easy displacement thereof. Whenthe mouse hand,an existingpointermovesonthe screenmovesinthe same direction.(The appearance of the pointercan change dependingon the position in the monitor) When you want to select an item, you just have to point to the item and click (press and release) the primary button. Point and click with the mouse is the main way to interact with the computer. Keyboard
  • 27. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA The keyboard is used mainly for typing text into the computer. As the keyboard of a typewriter, the computer keyboard has keys with letters and numbers, but it also has special keys:  The functionkeys,locatedonthe top line, perform different functions depending on the mode being used.  The numeric keypad, located on the right side of most keyboards, allows you to enter numbers quickly.  The navigation keys, such as the arrow keys, allow you to change the position in a document or web page.  Note that you can also use the keyboard to perform many of the functions that can be performed with the mouse. The monitor displays information in visual form, using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays the information is called the screen. As a television screen, a computer screen can show still or moving images. There are twobasictypesof monitors:CRT(Cathode RayTube,almostobsolete)monitorsandLCD (LiquidCrystal Display).Bothtypesproduce sharpimages,butLCDmonitorshave the advantage of being much thinner and lighter. Example: Skimming: La ideaprincipal eneste artículoesconocerun poco más a fondo el hardware y las funciones que cumple cada uno de estos componentes dentro de la PC. Scanning:  Menciona los componentes de una computadora.  Las funciones que realiza el ratón, pantalla,unidad de disco duro,teclado.  De las cuales menciona que la unidad de disco duro almacena informacion,el ratón es utilizado para dirigir el cursor, mientras que el teclado se utiliza para escribir en la computadora y por ultimo la pantalla presenta informacion de forma visual.  Keyboard,Mouse, Hard Disk,Display.
  • 28. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Topic 12 Técnica PQ4R Technical PQ4R Thomas and Robinson (mentioned in Henson, 2000) developed a strategy based on meaningful learning to enhance the meaning or withholding information. PQ4R technique is called by its initials in English, this strategy can be used as follows:/Técnica PQ4R Thomas y Robinson (mencionado en Henson, 2000) desarrollaron una estrategia basada en el aprendizaje significativo para mejorar el significado o la retención de la información. Se denomina técnica PQ4R por sus abreviaturas en inglés, puede utilizarse esta estrategia de la siguiente manera: 1. Prior review or anticipation. They are reviewed in general the objectives and content of the topic./Revisión previa o anticipación. Se revisan de manera general los objetivos y contenido del tema. 2. Prompt: After the previous review, students can make a list of questions which they consider should be resolved with the information they are poised to dominate. Questions can serve as advance organizers./Preguntar: Después de la revisión previa, los alumnos pueden hacer una lista de preguntas que consideren deban resolverse con la información que están a punto de dominar. Las preguntas pueden servir de organizadores avanzados. 3. Read. The analysis of information prepares learners for reading the text. The first reading is quick way to locate core ideas. The reading should include titles, captions, headings, etc./Leer. El análisis de la información
  • 29. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA prepara a los aprendices para la lectura del texto. La primera lectura se realiza de manera rápida para localizar ideas centrales. La lectura debe contemplar títulos, subtítulos, encabezados, etc. 4. Reflect: Once inciada fast reading, learners should think about its meaning and its implications. At this stage students should make an outline of the material, review the parts of the information they found difficult and answer questions related to the second step. The summary of the main points at the end of the chapter is useful for reflection./Reflexionar: Una vez inciada la lectura rápida, los aprendices deben pensar en su significado y en sus implicaciones. En esta etapa los estudiantes deben hacer un esbozo del material, revisar las partes de la información que encontraron difíciles y responder preguntas relacionadas con el segundo paso. El resumen de las ideas principales al final del capítulo es útil para la reflexión. 5. Repeat: The trainees should begin to determine how well they can remember or learn how much of the material covered./Repetir: Los aprendices deben empezar a determinar qué tan bien pueden recordar o qué tanto aprendieron del material cubierto. 6. Review: Consists pay special attention to the parts that learners found difficult./Revisar: Consiste en poner especial atención en las partes que los aprendices encontraron difíciles. Activity What's inside a PC system?
  • 30. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Processing/ The nerve centre of a PC is the processor, also called the CPU, or central processing unit. This is built into a single chip which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer system.The chip itself is a small piece of silicon with a complex electrical circuit 5 called an integrated circuit. The processor consists of three main parts: The control unit examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components – monitor, disk drives, etc. – to execute the functions specified.
  • 31. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations (+, -, etc.) and logical operations (AND, OR, NOT). The registers are. high-speed units of memory used to store and control data. One of the registers (the program counter, or PC) keeps track of the next instruction to be performed in the main memory. The other (the instruction register, or IR) holds the instruction that is being executed. The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor. A system clock sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). For
  • 32. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA example, a CPU running at 4GHz (four thousand million hertz, or cycles, per 20 second) will enable your PC to handle the most demanding applications. RAM and ROM The programs and data which pass through the processor must be loaded into the main memory in order to be processed. Therefore, when the user runs a program, the CPU looks for it on the hard disk and transfers a copy into the RAM chips. RAM (random access memory) is volatile – that is, its information is lost when 25 the computer is turned off. However, ROM (read only memory) is non-volatile, containing instructions and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. The BIOS (basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with peripherals. RAM capacity can be expanded by adding extra chips, usually contained in 30 small circuit boards called dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs). Buses and cards The main circuit board inside your system is called the motherboard and contains the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots, and controllers for peripherals,
  • 33. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA connected by buses – electrical channels which allow devices inside the computer to communicate with each other. For example, the front 35 side bus carries all data that passes from the CPU to other devices. The size of a bus, called bus width, determines how much data can be transmitted. It can be compared to the number of lanes on a motorway – the larger the width, the more data can travel along the bus. For example, a 64-bit bus can transmit 64 bits of data. Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory and network capabilities. Example Técnica PQ4R Pre- reading La lectura informa como está integrada un sistema de computadora Question  ¿Qué es la RAM?  ¿Qué es la ROM?  ¿Qué es el Bus?  ¿Qué es una Tarjeta?  ¿Cómo trabaja la unidad de control?  ¿Cómo trabaja la unidad lógica aritmética?  ¿Cómo funcionan los registros?  ¿Qué es el BIOS?
  • 34. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA 4R Reading Ideas centrales  Como esta compuesto el microprocesador (arquitectura).  Que es y como funciona la memoria RAM y ROM.  Cuales son las funciones de Buses y Tarjetas. Reflexion  RAM: Memoria de acceso arbitrario.  ROM: Memoria de solo lectura.  BUS: Canal de comunicación entre dispositivos.  Cards: Placas de circuitos dentro de un sistema.  Unidad de control: Analiza instrucciones del programas de usuarios y las interpreta.  Unidad logia aritmética: Realiza cálculos matemáticos y operaciones lógicas.  Registros: Almacena y controlan datos.  BIOS: Utiliza la memoria de solo lectura para controlar la comunicación con periféricos. Repeat Un sistema de computadora esta integrado por memoria RAM,ROM, Buses, tarjetas y procesadores. Estos últimos están compuestos de 3 partes como son la unidad de control, la unida lógica aritmética y los registros.
  • 35. ELABORADOPOR: MANUEL ELI MEDINA GARCIA Los buses son canales de comunicación entre dispositivos de una computadora y las tarjetas o placas son circuitos dentro de un sistema de PC. El BIOS (sistema básico de entrada / salida) usa ROM para controlar la comunicación con periféricos. Review DIMMS: Módulos de memoria dual en líneas. (son un tipo de memorias DRAN [RAM de celdas construidas a base de capacitadores]).