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Essay Writing Helper
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Helper" may seem like a straightforward task at
first glance, but delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals its inherent complexities. The
challenge lies in striking a balance between providing comprehensive information about essay
writing helpers and maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative.
To begin with, one must navigate through a vast sea of information, ranging from different types
of essay writing helpers to various strategies for effective essay composition. Deciding which
aspects to include and which to omit requires careful consideration, as the essay should not only
inform but also captivate the reader's interest.
Furthermore, addressing the diverse needs of the audience adds another layer of difficulty. A
well-crafted essay on essay writing helpers should cater to both novices seeking basic guidance
and seasoned writers looking for advanced tips. Striking this equilibrium necessitates a thorough
understanding of the varying skill levels and expectations of the readership.
The challenge deepens when attempting to highlight the dynamic nature of essay writing itself.
Techniques and trends evolve over time, and staying updated with the latest developments in the
field is crucial. Integrating contemporary approaches while maintaining a timeless essence is a
delicate art that demands both expertise and finesse.
Additionally, ensuring that the essay provides practical value to the reader is paramount. It's not
merely about theoretical discussions; an effective essay should offer actionable insights and
strategies that the audience can implement in their own writing endeavors.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Helper" demands a careful
orchestration of information, engagement, and practicality. It requires the ability to navigate
through a vast landscape of knowledge, cater to a diverse audience, and capture the essence of a
continuously evolving craft. Despite its challenges, a well-crafted essay on this topic has the
potential to empower writers of all levels. For those seeking further assistance, it's worth noting
that similar essays and a wealth of additional resources can be conveniently accessed on
Essay Writing HelperEssay Writing Helper
Differences And Similarities Between Medieval Europe
TASK: What are the differences and similarities in the lives and the way in which
the society worked of those who lived in Medieval Europe to that of those who lived
in Medieval Japan?
Weapons and Army
Other differences and similarities between Medieval Europe and Shogunate Japan
were those that lay between their use and choice of armour and weaponry, and in
general their armies.
Both the medieval European knights and the Japanese samurai used horses as means
of transport into battle. They also both wore armour and used swords. European
armour was typically all metal and was made or either chain mail or plate metal.
Whilst this made them more protected, it also restricted their movement. In contrast,
the Japanese samurais donned armour which comprised of lacquered leather or metal
plates with silk or metal bindings. This light weight armour was advantageous in that
it allowed the samurai to be quick and more agile. The drawback to this armour
though was that it provided much less protection.
In Europe, the lords would build castles out of stone to protect themselves whilst the
Japanese lords, known as Daimyo, built castles out of wood rather than stone.
A key similarity between Medieval Europe and Shogunate Japan was the fact that
both had an established feudal system. While it was established earlier in Europe
(around 800s CE), Japan established their feudal system at the close of the Heian
Period and the rise of the Kamakura Shogunate (around the 1100s).
Essay on 2011 Youth In Asia Passage
Wednesday 31 August 2011 1 hour 30 minutes
This ... Show more content on ...
Often it takes a huge crisis to make a society change, says Toshihiko Hayashi, an
economics professor at Doshisha University in Tokyo, who has studied the legacies of
natural disasters. For Japan, even two lost decades after the bubble burst were not
enough to fundamentally change the country s economic and political systems. But
this crisis is different. It could be the catalyst that finally changes Japan.
These days, few would have predicted that Japan s way to renewal would be blazed
by its young people, who were supposed to have other things on their minds: nearly
1 in 10 young Japanese is unemployed, and almost one third of university graduates
get no job offers. Many more can find only part time work.
Yet even if the new mood of sleeves rolled up volunteerism persists among young
Japanese, they may still need leadership: someone to organise where the supplies
and relief efforts should go. But in today s Japan a nation of lacklustre politicians,
bureaucrats and salarymen that seems to be lacking. The sad fact about many young
people today is that if there s one person who leads the way, they will follow and
work hard, says Ayumi Yamamoto, a Tokyo graduate student who has volunteered to
help earthquake survivors as part of a newly formed group called Tohoku Rising
(Tohoku is the northeastern region that bore the brunt of the disaster). But right now
Analysis Of Niccolo Machiavelli
In 16th century Italy, the prince s response to the suffering of people affected the
attitudes and behavior of how they treated the prince. A ruler s goal was to secure his
reputation holding his power in control without nourishing any hatred on themselves
as a leader. A ruler sets an impression, reflecting how their subjects behave by his
actions. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his treatise The Prince, in 16th century Italy. As a
political theorist, Machiavelli put his concerns towards cruelty and clemency and
argues whether or not it is better to be loved than feared. Machiavelli advises future
leaders arguing what makes an ideal ruler and the impact rulers would have on
politics. In the excerpt, he refutes what makes a function of a ruler ... Show more
content on ...
Machiavelli s text asserted in general of men is directing the attention towards the
ruler s men, his people, that their ungrateful, fickle false, cowardly, covetous. This
text represents the attitude and personality, men living in the 16th century were
capable of being. The men during the 16th century were scheming multiple
changes to their interest and minds when they feel obligated to the loved ruler.
This affected the rulers status because love to a ruler is fickle false. The rulers men
would easily try to take the opportunity to take advantage of the ruler. He who is a
loved ruler, is only loved for the actions he can do. And for when the ruler can t make
a gesture for his people, they would turn against their ruler. Which, would affect the
ruler s power to be in control. Unlike being feared, the rulers people will do as he
says, do to the sense of fear and will not cause any trouble. Machiavelli advices rulers
to be feared to his people because of being less likely to be fooled and be taken
To secure rulers reputation, holding their power in control without nourishing any
hatred on themselves as a leader. A ruler sets an impression, reflecting how their
subjects behave by his actions. Machiavelli s text displays if the ruler does not win
love from his people, he has to avoid being hated if he were to be a feared ruler. The
ruler must prevent any cruelty acts that would affect his control in
Adrian Rubin LLC
The world of real estate can be compared to a group of sharks who are engaging in
a feeding frenzy. Everyone wants to get the best property for themselves at the
right price with all the added amenities that a good property can offer. However,
the whole process of looking for that ideal property all by one self is and extremely
tiring and time consuming process especially if one does not have the proper idea
and knowledge about the real estatemarket. Thus, one should look for a company
which specializes in real estate development and aims to provide efficient services
that will help one to buy the perfect property. One such company is Adrian Rubin
LLC, which is a Philadelphia based real estate development firm owned by Adrian
Rubin . This company has been providing efficient service for over thirty years,
where Mr. Adrian and his associates aim to provide the best when it comes to any
real estate project. Adrian Rubin LLC is a renowned real estate development firm,
which has the main motto of getting the job done properly by comprehending the
needs and the requirements of the clients and making it a point to deliver absolute
customer satisfaction.
There are few many benefits of availing services from ... Show more content on ...
Apart from finding the right property which is suited to the clients budget they will
also recommend trustworthy lenders.
The clients will get comparative market analysis that will help them to understand of
the property s value based on comparable sales in the area, along with the condition
of the property. An experienced and professional estate from a reputed real estate
firm can provide listing to the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
A real estate agent will be an excellent negotiator, and will help the client get the
property for the ideal
Creating Security Polices And Controls
Creating Security Polices and Controls
An organization s security plan comprises of security approaches. Security
approaches give particular rules for ranges of obligation, and comprise of
arrangements that give steps to take and standards to take after to implement the
Policies must be in such away that which we consider more important and what are
the steps we are going to take to safe guard them.
Different types of Security Policies
Security policies can be characterized for any range of security. There could be
approaches for the entire organization or strategies for different segments inside of
the organization. The different sorts of policies that could be incorporated are:
1.Responsibilities of users
2.Responsibilities of administrators
3.Internet policy
4.Restore and back up
In the part of our network project development we are using security policies such as
group policy, firewall configurations and backup and disaster recovery plan.
Group Policy
Group Policy is a method for driving guidelines about PC design and client
behaviour. It is conceivable to have diverse policies all through the organization. As a
client interfaces with a Windows 2012 area controller that has Group Policy settings
empowered, the strategies are naturally downloaded to the client s PC and put away
in the registry. A portion of the settings include:
a.Addition or deleting of things from the control panel and desktop.
b.Automatic software installation on
The Deepwater Horizon Is An Oil Drilling Rig
The Deepwater Horizon is an oil drilling rig that was built in South Korea by
Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2001. The rig was a massive mobile drill as it was
measured to be 396 by 256 feet (Report). Additionally, it was considered to be an
exploratory rig, not an actual excavator rig. The rig was commissioned to Transocean
which later leased it to British Petroleum, an oil and gas company. The oil rig was
once well known as it set the world record for the deepest oil and gas well ... 35,055
feet ( oil spill/index.ssf/2010/04
/deepwater_horizon_rig_had_hist.html). However, in a more recent event, it is well
known for the worst man made environmental disaster in United States history. The
disaster would occur 50 miles from Louisiana, at the Macondo well. The well was
leased to BP in 2008 and drilling operation began in 2009. It had a crew of 146
people. The intention of drill the Macondo well was to create a route between the
gas and oil supply that was under the sea floor.
The disaster occurred on April 20, 2010, when the mobile drill unit, Deepwater
Horizon was beginning final preparations to end drilling operations in the
Macondo well. The plan was to seal the well and extract hydrocarbons at a later
time and move on to a new drilling site. This, however, would not be the case as the
rig experienced an explosion on board the drill. At around 10:00 p.m., the rig
unexpectedly began to shake and a loud surging noise was accompanied by natural
Henry Ford Hospital s Marketing Strategy
Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a level one trauma center that is recognized for
clinical excellence in cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, transplants, and treatment
for cancer (Henry, 2016). Henry Ford Health Systems has over 23,000 employees,
and is the fifth largest employer in the Metro Detroit area, and is also one of the most
diverse health systems (Henry, 2016). An important aspect of a marketingstrategy is
finding the right price for products, and services. Price is the only element in the
marketing that produces revenue, while other elements represent cost. Pricing may be
challenging, and is greatly impacted by supply, and demand (Pricing Strategies,
2016). Establishing the right price for products and services is a significant... Show
more content on ...
The price of the new medical device, BrightMatter, at Henry Ford Hospital is
extremely expensive. The cost of the device is over one million dollars, and does
not include the cost of software upgrades, or other technology improvements that
need to be made in order for the device to be successful. The expensive device is
expected to have a positive return on investment, which will more than cover the cost
of the device, and other services. When formulating a pricing strategy it is imperative
that organizations establish a strategy that will sustain a profit. When considering
costs, organizations need to know what it can afford to pay, while taking into
account the prices the market allows, as well as allowing a profit. According to the
article by Sorenson, Drummond and Burns, when using the bundling strategy, CMS
does not consider the cost relative to alternative treatment options in its pricing
(Sorenson, Drummond, and Burns, 2013). Instead, the payments are based on
estimates of average costs. This particular pricing strategy includes add on payments
based on the higher cost of the device. The high cost of the BrightMatter device will
allow Henry Ford Hospital to receive add on payments, that equivalent fifty percent
of the additional costs of using the new device in a case (Sorenson, Drummond, and
Burns, 2013). Formulating a pricing strategy for the device, BrightMatter, does not
Immigrants To A New Home
I want to appreciate everything you have done with for our family and I
individually. I know making the decision to come to this country on your own was
not easy at all. It takes courage to leave your home country to make a new home in
the United States. You worked very hard to get to where you are, you got your
citizenship on your own, you bought a home with your brother, and you have a
stable job. I know it is not easy to balance everything financially and trying to
maintain a familyas well. I appreciate those time where you give me the last dollar in
your pocket so I can buy myself something I need. It is not easy for you and my mom
to pay the rent and for you to be willing to give the last couple of dollars in your
pocket to me or my
Examples Of If He Run In The Maze
When haw realize that they just not moved forward he laugh. Then hem ask him
why he laugh. Then haw prepared to run in to the maze again. He is much alive
and full of courage to find new cheese. He just stays in cheese station C and keeps
asking who moved my cheese. But before haw live the station he wrote a serious
thought for hem to think and lighten up and go after the new cheese. The quote in
the wall said If you do Not Change, You become Extinct . Then he run in the maze.
As he run he wondered about hem and laugh at it because he knew that hem is
keep asking who moved my cheese. Then as he run he right in the wall a signage s
and quotes. He keeps run and run in the maze and then he find small pieces of
cheese as he goes by but isn t enough for long time. He gets some from hem, for
hem to have the courage to come out the station C and look for cheese in the maze.
Things had change since the last time haw run in the maze. As he run he became
hopeless he wondered if it realistic for him to expect to find new cheese.... Show
more content on ...
Then as he looked back on the things he realized that the cheese in cheese station C
had not just gone overnight. As he remembered the amount of the cheese is getting
smaller and the remaining cheese is didn t taste good. Haw realized the change
most likely would not have taken him by surprise if only he watch what is
happening in the cheese. And then he realize that s sniff and scurry do. He
decided he would be more aware if he found new cheese. Then he stop for a rest
and wrote again in the wall of the maze it says Smell the Cheese often so you know
When It is Getting Old . Sometime later after not saw any cheese for what seemed
like a long time. Then haw saw a huge cheese station, which looked promising. Then
when he gets inside he became disappointed because there s nothing inside the
station. Haw became physically weak. He became afraid and losing hope to find new
Theme Of Metaphors In The Alchemist
The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho in 1988. Regarded as Coelho s
best novel, it captures the elixir of life through the view of a sanguine Spanish
Shepard. Set in a forsaken church in Spain at night; the young Shepard Santiago
tastes the exquisite sensation of a compelling dream. He dreams that a young lad tells
him about a hidden treasure nigh the Egyptian pyramids. After the dream relapses
more than once, Santiago opts to confer an old man and an old woman who tell him
that his dream is oracular and that he must abide by its directions. Santiago then
decides to pursue his vision and sets off on the venture of a lifetime with a set
purpose of locating the fortune hidden near the Egyptian pyramids. In the course of
his quest,... Show more content on ...
First of all, the Coelho emphasized on the importance of dreams and striving for
attaining our personal legends; as the main purpose around Santiago s actions was
chasing his dream. Moreover, the most important message in the novel was to follow
our personal legends. In addition, the writer highlighted the theme of fate, as he
stressed on the fact that everything is determined; as the motto of the crystal
merchant was Maktub . At the same time, Coelho elucidated that we can t accomplish
anything unless we take action and pursue our dreams while accepting our
Gas Chromatography And Petroleum Industry
Gas chromatography in petroleum industry
Its became a vital analytical tool in virtually every part of the petroleum industry,
from finding crude oil to research in new petrochemicals, due to the various types of
samples, chemists within the petroleum industry use gas chromatographic methods.
Petroleum analysis makes special use of columns for gas chromatography, with
industries expecting continues development of columns for high analytical
performances and efficiency.
GC Analysis of petroleum products
In America, testing gas chromatography method for petroleum distillations have a
boiling range of 174 degrees to 700 degrees Celsius when using gas chromatography
it increases the boiling point.
It provides a good understanding for manufactures for stock and products which are
related to petroleum refining when determining the boiling range distribution of a
distillate fraction.
A technique known as simulated distillation is used in which Gas Chromatography is
merged with standards of alkane which is published to boiling parts that perform a
direct comparison to the boiling parts of the sample components.
To calibrate the Gas chromatography system Polyethylene standards is used such as
PolywaxВ® 1000 or PolywaxВ® 655, these consist of an even number of
hydrocarbons between C20 C100.
The moment that the alkanes are calibrated against the distributed boiling points, and
the analysis of the molecular weight fractions are matched using a software. To
minimize the injector
Oligodendrocytes Essay
Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of
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Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination
in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells
in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of
schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine
(PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ...
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Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic
imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin
dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich
myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an
insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in
conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of
myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome
wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated
mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic
patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro
imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes
have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and
Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may
involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003;
Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995).
Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
Changing Attitudes During World War I
I Think during the war the attitude towards the two didn t change much. However
later in the years, there attitudes changed for one another. This seems to be an issue
with many groups. The childhood friends and acquaintances, and his father s non
Jewish contacts changed as time went on too. Many people s actions towards other
changed during the war times. A thing that got me in Toivi Blatt was the
deportation of people who were younger than 15 and older than 55. I couldn t
fathom the thought of losing my parents if I was 8 years old or the thought of my
parents sending me off to an unknown place. Wondering if we would ever be
reunited. Before the war, there was a big push on getting the kids out of the country
and at this time. It would be
authorial intent
Discuss the themes and authorial intent of Larry Watson in writing Montana 1948
In the novel, Montana 1948, written by Larry Watson, a story of a young boy
named David and the events of a cataclysmic summer holidays are recounted. Set in
the heart of North America in the 19th century, when Native Americans were
considered B class citizens and persecution was inevitable ever since the Europeans
first arrived on the continent. David matures in a short span throughout the text
from naivety to maturity as a result of the series of horrendous events he
experiences. The murder and sexual assault of Marie Little Soldier evokes a case in
which Wes, David s father and sheriff of the county must re moralise his choices as
his brother Frank is to ... Show more content on ...
...after what I observed as a child in Bentrock. I could never believe in the rule of
law again David says this as Bentrock to him symbolises injustice. The events that
fell in the summer of 1948 sum up that law to David is a failure and has no power
when in the hands of law handlers themselves. In the end it s up to the power holder,
not the law. This is what Watson is trying to say.
Prevailing throughout the novel is also the theme of abuse of power under the Hayden
name. The Hayden family in this story are a symbolism for the law. Watson uses
them to show the readership how the law and justice are constantly abused and
loop holes are found as ways out to punishments that should be deserved. Such as
when Wes arrests Frank he puts him in the basement instead of jail. They can t
arrest us, we are the law Wes is quoting Julian to Gail. This shows that the Hayden s
do not respect the law as they use it how they please to get things they want. They
are able to do this because of their position in the system and the community, Wes is
the sheriff of Bentrock as this has been passed on from his father. Julian s position
of power as David s first impression implies he wanted, he needed, power . Watson s
authorial intent is that if you are of high social class then you are almost free to do
whatever you like, the law is in your hands because people will believe anything you
say. Unlike someone such as
Lionel Messi s Major Accomplishments
records to prove to the world he is the greatest. He has single handily change the way
the game is played and evolved the sport around him.
Messi wasn t born into being the greatest, but did succeed after so much dedication
was given from him. Lionel Messi was born on June 24, 1987 in Rosario,
Argentina. At the age of eight, he was recruited to join the youth system of Newell
s Old boys, a Rosario based club. He was unlike other kids in his age group, since
he was shorter compared to the other kids. Eventually he was diagnosed with a
hormone deficiency that restricted his growth. His parents tried to help his disease
with growth hormone injections but soon became impossible to pay for the
medication ( Lionel Messi Biography ). At the ... Show more content on ...
Messi is the best in the world without any doubt and for me the History of Soccer
said by Luis Enrique Manager of Barcelona. There are more quotes like this from
coaches and even players from around the world about Messi but that would take
up pages. In my opinion Messi can t ever be compared to any player in the world,
because he is something out of this world. Messi isn t like any player in the history
of soccer and that s why there will never be another Messi again. You won t ever
see astonishing stats, amazing accomplishments, and unbelievable records from
another player to realize in ten years, as Messi has triumphed. The game of soccer
will continue to change around Messi but he will still reign over it till he
The Shortage Of The Nursing Shortage Essay
Who has not heard of a terrible experience with staff in a hospital or healthcare
facility? It is likely that the reason that these unfortunate situations have happened is
because of the nursing shortage around the nation. The issue of the nursing shortage
refers to the lack of sufficient qualified nurses in the healthcare system. Thus, with
nursing shortages comes the lack of attention for individual patient needs and even
possible malpractice law suits if the issues persist. Undeniably, the shortage of
nurses around the nation is growing exponentially because of the lack of
experience, education, and resources. Although this is the case, there are actions
that may be executed to help the cause, such as more training in hospitals, school
programs that bridge education with careers, and the encouragement for a more
gender diverse nursing profession. To begin with, let s acknowledge that there are
many underlying problems to the issue of nursing shortages. One of the most
important issues is that the demand for greater experience that is being required is
rapidly growing. The hospitals and medical care facilities always want nurses with
experience, but brand new graduates are not going to have the experience that is
required right out of college. This means that the proportions of young
inexperienced nurses is growing, even if the jobs were to be filled (H. 2016).
Unfortunately, being fully staffed does not mean that the work will be done correctly.
Experienced nurses make
Upton Sinclair s Influence On The Jungle
The 20th century consisted of social and political reformers who wanted to address
the rapid change in economy and culture due to Industrialization. Upton Sinclair was
one of the most vigorous socialist activist. His literature was a strong influence in
the Progressive Era. Sinclair is widely know for both his writings and political
career. Although he published over 90 books, his success is due to The Jungle(1906),
a true muckraking exposГ©. Upton Beale Sinclair Jr. was born to Priscilla Harden
and Upton Sinclairon September 25, 1878. Together they raised their son in
Maryland. Sinclair s father was an alcoholic who sold hats and liquor for a living.
His alcoholism would prove troublesome for the family because, at times, he could
not provide... Show more content on ...
More readable than Uncle Tom s Cabin and more relevant than Huckleberry Finn, it
s a socially motivated story worth reading for itself and still sadly relevant to the
issues of the day.
Upton Sinclair is best know for The Jungle but his most effective book was Oil!
(1927) regarding the oil scandals in Southern California. King Coal (1917) described
the horrible working conditions prevalent in the coal mining industry, and Boston
(1928) brought light to the infamous Sacco and Vanzetti court case.Throughout his 65
year literary career, Sinclair published over 90 books.
Sinclair died on November 25, 1968 in Bound Brook New Jersey. Sinclair spent his
later years living in California, but moved to his son s hometown a year before
passing. The Jungle not only impacted food and labor laws, it also helped refocus
American attention on Progressivism. Through Sinclair s journalistic depictions and
socialist beliefs, he helped fuel the Progressive Movement. During this time,
Americans worked on improving working conditions and lifestyles, exposing
corruption, and expanding democracy. Arguably, Sinclair s work inspired Americans
to demand change. Sinclair, like every other powerful writer, educated his readership
and forced them to reevaluate their societies. In his case, the pen really was mightier
than the
The Kentucky House Of Representative Candidates Forum
The second group I attended was the Kentucky House of Representative
Candidates Forum for house districts: 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14. This group was
attended by me via online and took place on campus at Brescia University in
Owensboro Kentucky. The Candidates Forum was held on Monday October 17
from 7:00pm 8:30pm CDT. The scene was that of an auditorium with six candidates
seated at a table in the front and to what appeared to be the group moderator at a
podium to the right of the room. The camera did not focus in on much of the audience
for me to give an accurate description, but there were several members there to
observe and many had questions for the Candidates.
The Kentucky House of Representatives Candidate Forum was an open ended
group. In other words, it was open to the public primarily because it had a political
agenda for gaining voters for the Candidates that shared their views. The
Candidates Forum can be identified by several of the groups mentioned in our
text, but the two groups that I feel best fit the description are: Educational group
and a Focus Group. First, I identified it with an educational because the Candidates
objective is to educate the viewers on their political stance in the race as well as
educate the viewers about important issues that need to be addressed. Lastly, I
identified it with a focus group because a focus group is closely related to task
groups and problem solving and decision making groups in that they identify needs or
Reflection on Observation Essay
Observation Analysis Molley Green MTE 506 September 29th, 2012 Shawn Wells
Observation Analysis Observing a classroom has a certain metaphysical edge.
Merely by your presence and watching, you cannot help but feel that you are
somehow changing or influencing the class and the students that make it up. My
observations took place in two settings, the first and my primary observation
source, was at Children s Garden Montessori School in El Cerrito, my daughter s
school, it is a private pre school with children ages two to five. My second
observation was the Fit Kids program at my local Berkeley YMCA, this program was
created for... Show more content on ...
In this stage students are learning how to be moral, intellectually curious, and
independent. The third plane, from twelve to eighteen years is a psychologically
unstable place where the adolescent is trying to form the person they will be as
they enter into society. This period is creative, but students also express difficulty
in concentration as they try to relate to peer groups and the outside world, to find
self esteem and define who they are. The fourth plane is when a student enters the
world and hopefully becomes a social aware and monetarily successful member of
society. To Maria Montessori her final and real goal was a student population that
graduated her program with a sense that they had a duty to society, to be strong moral
leaders and increase peace. Teachers, she said, must set a good example if there is to
be a good humanity (Montessori, 1949). Although the philosophy of Montessori
education intersects greatly with progressivism, the schools were often placed at
odds with one another. A contemporary, collaborator, and student of John Dewey,
William Kilpatrick, orchestrated a series of lectures and writings that discounted
Montessori s teaching philosophy as egocentric and restrictive. He said that the
learning materials created hindered the imagination of the teacher and the emphasis
on the individual would lead to an entire generation of ill behaved egomaniacs
(Shortridge, 2007). His critiques in combination with American educators
Essay on Preventing Future World Hunger
Preventing Future World Hunger We currently have enough food to feed the
people of our world. But what will our situation be in the 21st Century? Can we
produce enough food and conserve natural resources to sustain the population?
The world s population was 5.3 billion in 1990 and is expected to increase to 12.4
billion by the year 2050, thus increasing demands for food groups by 55% for
grains, 71% for soybean, 59% for meat and 56% for fish. Eighty four percent of this
growth will come from developing countries. Previous generations worked hard to
provide us with the best things possible. Today our society destroys and wastes
natural resources, the very thing that I believe are needed to sustain future
generations. In North... Show more content on ...
National policy invests little in rural roads, communications or schools, by giving
their monies to more urban projects. This gives the farmer no incentive to increase
production or implement new technologies. Equally responsible are government
policies that hamper the approval of new technologies. There is lots of technology
on the shelf that is not being used. Farmers also need to know that they can sell
their products to an expanded market. Countries need to reduce their trade barriers.
Since land is not distributed evenly on a global basis, countries with less land will
need to import food to feed their people. In my research I found several articles
stating that many countries would much prefer exports to imports. They say that
food aid actually hurts them more than it helps them, because imports depress the
food prices. A world with fewer trade barriers gives farmers the assurance of knowing
that they can sell their crops globally. Most important for developing countries will be
the stimulation of income. Population growth in developing countries will account
for virtually all the increase in the world s population. From predictions by the World
Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute, Asia will continue to be the
largest, with 60% of the world s population, but that India will be most populated,
eventually surpassing China in about year 2040. Population growth will create both
threats and opportunities. The threats come
Chinatown Of San Francisco
Chinatown of San Francisco
There are many Chinatown in this world, and the Chinatown of San Francisco has
much historical significance; The Chinatown of San Francisco is the largest
Chinatown in the United States, the largest community of Chinese Americans
outside of China. Today I want to write about the of San Francisco base on my
personal experience because there are many historic things I can illustrate. Before
I started traveling this field trip, I did some researches carefully in San Francisco city
guide, so I eager to travel as soon as possible. Finally I attended a free tour with San
Francisco city guide, also they assigned a tour guide, Marann.
There was a Mid Autumn parade in Chinatown on that day, accompanying the
dragon and lion dancing, Marann started to give us illustration about Chinatown.
Because It is hard to get a parking lot in Chinatown, and the people who live in
Chinatown celebrated Mid Autumn Day, so I decided to take BART to go there.
Before I met our tour guide, I went across to Union Square and passed a tunnel. The
one side of the tunnel is to connect the western world, like Union Square, and the
another side of the tunnel is to connect to the orient world, Chinatown. Finally I
walked to inside Portsmouth Square Park, park level, and then I saw our tour guide,
Manuel Maranan who took us to Chinatown. That s a very big park, and it s close to
Hilton hotel, there was a China s nation flag, also there was a Taiwan s flag. Many
Chinese visitors
Developing And Implement A Business Plan
Develop and implement a business plan Introduction Dong s China Bar would like
to establish its business operation in Little Bourke Street to expand its business
images. The business will focus on producing the fine dining northern Chinese
cuisine and food and its owner Mr. Dong has been a qualified and experienced chef
in this area for more than 7 years. Assessment task 1 Research: 1.Identify the purpose
of your business plan oIt helps to establish the business goals, missions and visions. It
serves as the guidelines to implement the company s marketing, production, and
financing and management decisions. oIt also serves as the proof to the financial
lending institutes that the company has the sound and solid... Show more content on ...
Research resources, legal and compliance requirements, specifically in relation to
occupational health and safety (OHS), in accordance with business goals and
objectives OHS: Dong s China Bar has established the practical guidelines to maintain
the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and the relevant OHS
regulation. Codes of Practice offer both employers and employees with guidelines of
how to manage the workplace safety in an effective way. Cultural expectations and
influence: Dong s China Bar s staffs are considering the business stakeholders age,
gender, interests, social activities and customer lifestyles. All staffs understand all the
business stakeholders should be treated differently due to these differences.
Environmental issues: Dong s China Bar will try to minimise the air pollutions from
frying and cooking oil, wastewater pollutions into the sewage system, land pollutions
from dumping the business rubbish, hazardous items from the cleaning products
usage, solid wastage into the natural environment, pesticide chemicals and pest
control spray within the shop, asbestos chemicals from the shop
Descriptive Essay About Becoming A Zoo
Fear wafted off of me as sweat trickled down my neck. Three interviewers towered
over me, bombarding me with questions such as, What would you do in this
situation? and What would you do if..? Each question was a test for my future at
the Phoenix Zoo, and it would not be an easy pass. I tried to keep myself from
fidgeting, but the desire to become a Zoo Teen for Harmony Farm caused nails to
be plucked and memories of how I got here to flood in. A year prior to the interview,
I had sent in a job application to the PhoenixZoo with questionsfilled in half
heartedly and two recommendation forms. It was no different from everything else
in life. Never putting in all my effort always got me near the top spots, so I saw no
need to waste all my effort on something such as the volunteer spot, until I received
an email a few months later regarding the position.
I ate dinner in my usual spot on the couch with my family when I heard a ding
emitting from my phone beside me. I knew that sound. The sound was an email that
was just delivered, and raced to open it up. Sure enough it the Phoenix Zoo regarding
the news on the opportunity for me. I scanned each line looking for the words
Congratulations! but instead read the dreadful words of We regret to inform you. I
stared at the screen in disbelief, wondering what went wrong. Before I realized it,
tears had started to trickle down my cheeks. My parents stopped eating and my
mother asked, What s wrong?
I simply stared at her
The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism
What is Liberalism?
The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for
each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom
had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the
programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main
aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was
good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a
logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems
and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically.
Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ...
But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think.
Up until then those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary
aristocracy. But then the people started to realize that this system should be changed.
And hence the old traditions were questions, the governments were challenged. This
intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful revolutionary movements.
These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes of the time
many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after
that came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary
aristocracy. These revolutions and movement led to many later
The Issue And Effect Of Extra Constitutional Actors On
Throughout the United States the policy process is the same. It starts with extra
constitutional actors, which are political parties, media, public opinion, and
interest groups. These actors find a problem or issue and effect policy makers to
get it known. These policy makers then use their concerns and create policy. The
policy is then implemented by the bureaucracy in some way. The people and these
extra constitutional actors then evaluate this policy. Some may like it and let it be,
while others may start the process all over again. According to Smith, the states
share similar political structures and follow the same overall set of rules, but they
make different choices (Smith, 8). This means that all states have a similar policy
process, but that they still have different laws. This can be seen in how they create
laws on guns. Each state has different gun laws and this is due to the effect of extra
constitutional actors in each state. Extra constitutional actors affect the policy
process in regard to gun laws in each state differently. In this paper, this will be
looked at by using the comparative method. According to Smith, the comparative
method uses similarities and differences as the basis for systematic explanation
(Smith, 7). The comparative method will be used by looking at how each extra
constitutional actor has effected gun laws in each state recently and comparing them.
From this it should be seen they have all created different gun laws in the state from
Discuss Augustine s Questions On The Problem Of Evil
Freedom and Evil
This paper I m going to discuss Augustine s answers to the problem of evil. Why
didn t God only create free beings who use their freedom for good? What is the
source of the free movement of will? Lastly why do some free begins sin and others
do well if they are in the situation?
First question I will talk about is why didn t God only create free beings who use their
freedom for good? We all see good and evilaround us every day. The sources of good
and evil are independent and eternal. God made everyone good, but it s the
induvial choice to do good or bad. God is fair, but sometimes life isn t and that s
what makes it hard to understand. God is good but people do bad things and that s
what makes them bad. It s up to us day to day to the right things, god gave us all the
tools to do good and bad but it s the induvial choice on whether they will or not. We
make mistakes and that can cost dearly.
As long as people do bad things someone will pay the price. For example if you
killed someone that person s family will have to suffer. As long as people make
mistakes there will be suffering. Evil actions are not our responsibility but the
product of what s playing out within us. If you really think about it evil isn t
something, but the lack of something. There s a reason why the person is mad
there s a reason for everything that happens. For instance why people get sick is
because of lack of health, why are people poor, lack of wealth. As we talked about in
Ireland s Capital Of Culture
Cork, Ireland is one of the most beautiful and culturally rich places on Earth. In
2005 Cork was selected as the European Capital of Culture. With Cork s landscape
dotted with old English castles and great Catholic cathedrals it is not hard to
understand why Cork was 2005 s capital of culture. There are many examples
showing Ireland s rich cultural ties but a very good example is beer. Ireland is
quite renowned for its beer production and consumption. You can trace it back no
fewer than 5,000 years, back into the earliest days of Irish agriculture, when the
magical trilogy of fertile soil, soft rain and gentle, cool breezes made for a climate
that could produce superb barley ( A History of Beer in Ireland ). Corkhappens to be
headquarters of Murphy s Brewery. In 1906 Murphy s Brewery was the second
largest brewery in Ireland and has remained a very large brewery ever since
(Wilson). Beer is a simple example of one of the many incredible things to visit
Cork for. Cork was originally founded by Saint Fin Barre in the 6th century (Riain).
The city itself is situated on the River Lee. The river splits making an island which
is where the city center is located; the river re converges at the eastern side of the
city creating the Cork Harbour, one of the world s largest natural harbors. Viking
settlers, in about the 10th century, founded a trading post in Cork. It is hypothesized
that Cork was an important trading center in the Scandinavian trading network
(Moody). During
Swot and Pestel of Emirates Airlines
Introduction Emirates Airlines (also known as Fly Emirates) is a major airline in
the Middle East, and a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. It is the national airline of
Dubai, United Arab Emirates and operates over 1,990 passenger flights per week,
from its hub at Dubai International Airport, to 157 destinations in 55countries across
6 continents. The company also operates four of the world s longest non stop
commercial flights from Dubai to Los Angeles, SГЈo Paulo, Houston, and San
Francisco, all on the Boeing 777 200LR, has latest Airbus A380 aircrafts for
destinations like Bangkok. Emirates Airlines is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group,
which has over 40,000 employees from101 nationalities, and is wholly owned by the
Government of... Show more content on ...
Along with this, EMIRATES AIRLINE tries harder to make sure that each society is
given equal chances to take advantage of the resources given by the organisation. The
company adheres to having good reputation and relations in the society that they
belong to . Technological Aspect The emergence of information technology and
internet affects how EMIRATES AIRLINE has been operating in the past years. The
company adopts different IT/IS systems and used internet to reach their customer all
over the world and to know the latest trends in the global business. Aside from these,
the company also uses facilities which helps them improved their productions and
operations. Legal Aspects The policies and regulations provided by the government,
both local and international allow the company to be more cautious in their business
actions. To avoid problems in line with their business practice, the company sees to it
that all their actions are legal and aspired to highest standards. Environmental Aspects
Environmental protection is one of the most essential aspects to be considered by
many businesses. If an organisation will not be able to consider the environment in
their actions, there is a possibility of facing problems within the society. In this
regard, EMIRATES AIRLINE develops environmental protection strategies to adhere
to this worldwide need. In addition, the company are always trying to join in
environmental protection campaign by
Emily Rose Exorcism
The Exorcism of Emily Rose precise (Primary Source): The Movie of the Exorcism
of Emily Rose is a horror film that was written and directed in 2005 by a Christian
follower: Scott Derrickson. The plot of the film is about a nineteen year old girl
whom is possessed by six demons: Cain, Nero, Judas Iscariot, Legion, Belial,
Lucifer. Scott Derrickson wrote intent was to capture the true events that lead to
Anneliese Michel s death of hunger. Due to the Scott Derrickson s religious
background and the trial that took place after the death of Anneliese Michel; the
films intended audience would be for parishioners, Law and Order fans horror film
enthusiast, and religious non believers. The message of the film wasn t to challenges
people s ideas and thoughts of Demons. As Scott Derrickson states: I wanted to make
an effective, entertaining, provocative movie that wasn t attempting to offer the
audience metaphysical or spiritual answers, but was provoking significant religious
and spiritual questions. That is the agenda of the film (SPU Response) . In an attempt
to prove the existence of demons, the film illustrates the Blessed Holy... Show more
content on ...
Within the film, Emily Rose was given an option to either go with the Virgin Mary,
which would have been death, or to remain alive and show the world that demons
are real by continuing to suffer. The sequence of the film is well organized and
presents it s the audience with the back and forth facts of the accounts of Demons
within the courtroom drama, present time, and the flashback sequence of Emily
Roses demonic possessions. The movie ends with Emily Roses priest being found
guilty of negligent homicide, however, was free to walk out of the court room. In the
end good, good triumphed over
Clean Water Act Case Summary
Decision Making:
I believe the wisest decision for Tom to make would be to contact the EPA and
report the oversight to be investigated; because it would be the right thing to do
ethically for the preservation of life on a planet that thrives on coexistence. The
aquatic ecosystem is empowered by the Clean Water Act, the EPA strives to manage,
protect and restore the water resources and ecosystems of the nation s marine and
fresh waters ( Ecosystems Science Resources ). Through this act, the office of water,
ensures that drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds,
and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health and provides a healthy habitat
for fish, plants, and wildlife ( Summary of the Clean Water Act ). Although the
company might be fined and people may lose their jobs and investments, by
contacting the EPA, Tom may have helped save the ecosystem and... Show more
content on ...
The second option that could be best for this situation is that Tom could go over
Mr. Morie s head and speak to a higher level manager. Although Mr. Maurie and the
engineers might lose their jobs, the company could correct the problem before it has
its consequential effects on the ecosystem. The company could go on without
penalties or fear of being shut down, they could build a larger client base due to
being a trustworthy, and Tom could have the opportunity to finish his internship and
come back to work for the firm with a great outlook for future promotion for being
able to identify and aiding to fix a catastrophic mistake. Hence, by go over the
supervisors head to higher level management, the company could fix the problem
while protecting the ecosystem from a catastrophe, the company wouldn t be
penalized or shut down, the company would gain trust with their clients, and there
could be a future for Tom with the firm. Works Cited
Ecosystems Science Resources . 22 December 2015. Web. 03 March 2016. .
Summary of the Clean Water Act . 08 October 2015. Web. 03 March 2016.
Negative Analysis Of Harvey, The Storm That Human
Argument Analysis of a Comment on New York Times In the article Harvey, the
Storm that Human Helped Cause , the author David Leonhardt displays the miserable
scene of southeast Texas after the severe storm, Harvey. The article points out that the
storm has a direct correlation with the climate change straightforward and illustrates
the thesis statement basing on the situation of Harvey (Leonhardt par.3). Providing
abundant evidence such as the foreshadowing of the storm, caused by anomaly
temperature, Mr. Leonhardt claims that the catastrophe was a result of human activity
(par.17). Nevertheless, scientists try to avoid this topic generally for political reasons
so the author declares that people should discern the relationship between climate...
Show more content on ...
Although it is a scientific article, the author expresses his emotion between the lines,
making the article really fascinating. The language in the article is pithy and direct.
For instance, the first paragraph, containing only one sentence, delivers the
information that how severe the storm is as well as what happened before the ravage
in brief words. This expression gives readers a sense of tension and constructs an
imperative atmosphere simultaneously. Meanwhile, words in the article convey
readers the author s determination to disclose the relationship between the disaster
and human activity. The adverb certainly is used for three times in order to
emphasize the fact that government and scientists conceal the relevancy, expressing
the author s resolution (pars.4, 8, 17). Although most language in his article is terse
and accurate, when mentioning the excuse which the government and scientists
makes to obscure the relationship between the storm and weather change, the author
changes into an ironic tone, pointing out that this kind of pretext is the same as
denying the connection between cancer and
Amputated Limb
Through previously conducted experiments, it has been shown that amputation
results in a reduction of gray matter in areas in the motor cortex that represent the
amputated limb. This study focuses on the changes in gray matter of amputees with
differing intensities of phantom limb pain (PLP). To analyze two potential causes of
transformation in the cortex, the changes of patient s brain structures with high
chronic PLP are compared to patients who did not develop PLP or only mild PLP. In
addition, a second group was tested to specifically focus on patients experiencing
intense PLP and patients with phantom limb sensations (PLS) and slight PLP. This
paper gives a detailed summary of how the research from the article concluded that
amputees ... Show more content on ...
Phantom limb sensations are different from phantom limb pain in that they are
sensations without any pain. These patients were then split into two groups, one with
no to slight phantom limb pain (SPLP) and the other with moderate to severe
phantom limb pain (HPLP). The groups did not vary considerably in the time since
the amputation, depression scores or the reasons for amputation. Yet, they showed a
substantial difference in the average age at
The Federalist Papers By John Jay
The Federalist Papers, written in New York by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and
James Madison, during the years of 1787 and 1788, were a collection of eighty five
essays that were written to augment and garner support and to defend those concepts
set forth in The Constitution of the United States of America (hereafter The
Constitution ), which had not yet been ratified. The Federalist Papersnot only
championed The Constitution, but they also explained how the new government
would operate in the United Statesas further detailed below. It was crucial to the
success of the new country that The Constitution be ratified; and Jay, Hamilton and
Madison were prepared to do anything they could to see to the documents, as well as
the United States, success. In September of 1787, The Constitution was proposed to
The Confederation Congress. The Confederation Congress was a government that
was made up of appointed delegates from the then, thirteen states. Since it was the
supreme governing body, it was the party that was able to make the decision about the
fate of The Constitution. The decision made was to turn the decision over to the
states for ratification. Therefore, Jay, Hamilton and Madison wrote the Federalist
Papers to ensure that there was going to be adequate support to have the states ratify
The Constitution. Additionally, they were written to counter act the negative
comments being made by those persons opposed to The Constitution, which included
Why Guns Should Be Banned In Schools
The discussion of bearing arms has been prominent in American history since the
writing of the Bill of Rights. Many believe that having the right to bear arms is part
of their national identity. It is something that most tend to hold close to their hearts.
According to the Washington Post, it was reported in 2015 that about 43% of
American families had guns in their homes and/or on their properties (Washington
Post, 2016). But should individuals be able to carry guns everywhere? The GunFree
School Zones Act of 1990 ensures that the areas in and around school buildings and
facilities are gun free (article 1). The repeal of this act would create a variety of
issues for the society such as an increase in gun related violenceand child safety.
Having gun free zones around schools is important for the child s safety and
protection physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is quite counter intuitive for the
city and governments to allow for such a repeal. Schools strive to keep a safe learning
environment and promote healthy and inviting atmospheres. Allowing individuals to
carry guns in schools could increase the number of gun related accidents with
involving ... Show more content on ...
In 2015, a bill was passed through the house of Representatives to repeal the 1990
Act (article). It was meant to allow for concealed carry permit holders to possess
firearms in public K 12 schools and University of Wyoming and community college
buildings (article). Its supporters believe that the law is infringing on their right to
protect themselves and others. They believe that allowing guns around schools won
t have any effect on the number of guns related incidences or on child safety. Even
though some of the concerns, such as the ability to protect themselves and others,
are valid, the bigger concerns of child safety and the possible repeals of other
legislation for school grounds is much more
Stephen Curry Accomplishments
B orn in 1988, Stephen curry is the son of Dell Curry, who was also a professional
basketball player. Since 2009 when the Golden State Warriors first drafted Curry,
he has been a huge part in their success. He won the NBA s MVP (Most Valuable
Player) award. He then helped the Warriors win the national championship in 2015,
and also helped the team achieve a league record with 73 wins in one season. Born
in Ohio, Steph is now one of the top NBA players today. He can hang with Michal
Jordan and beat Kobe Bryant, this splash brother is definitely earning the attention he
is receiving.
Stephen curry s biggest achievement is probably winning the MVP award in 2015.
He also won the National Championship which is also big deal, however, it takes
an especially skilled person to win the MVP award. He tops the NBA in scoring.
He led the defending champions the golden state warriors to a 24 0 start, the best
in NBA history. Curry s team could break the record for most regular season wins.
All of these achievements show why Stephen curry is the MVP of the NBA. Not
too many people can say these things and to be able to is something more special
than an award. For these reasons I believe that Stephen curry s biggest achievement is
getting awarded the MVP.... Show more content on ...
His dream was to attend college at Virginia Tech, but settled for Davidson when
Virginia showed no interest. I feel that this is the most surprising fact about
Stephen curry, besides that his real name is Wardell, because of how great he is
today. Stephen also surprised me because he likes to watch chic flicks. I m sure that
this would surprise a lot of people. Everyone knows professional basketball players to
be huge guys with nerves of steel. This, however; is not the case with Wardell
Stephen Curry. He is a six foot three point guard in the NBA with a soft heart. He
loves God and his family, which includes his wife Ayesha and his daughters Riley and
Hedda Gabler
The play Hedda Gabler, written by Henrik Ibsen, discusses the journey of the
protagonist Hedda Tesman, formerly known as Hedda Gabler, in her descent to
suicide. The story leads her to feel entrapped by a misery that surrounds her life and
leads her to feel that death is her only escape. While a traditional reading of the play
is that Hedda is a victim of society, a modern interpretation is that Hedda is much
more a victim of herself: her dislike of motherhood, her self insecurities and her
flirtatious behaviour, with the constrictive time period and setting only accentuating
these faults. Overall Ibsen aims to show the audience the difficulties that face those in
society who fail to fit into social roles and expectations, discussing whether... Show
more content on ...
Whilst women of this era were expected to raise children, Hedda demonstrates an
inability to sustain such maternal feelings, causing her to view herself as separated
from society. This is illustrated in Ibsen s use of diction in the title, naming the play
Hedda Gabler rather than Hedda Tesman to suggest that Hedda is unable to
conform to such traditional customs as taking her husband s name. This is
perpetuated through Tesman s constant hints at pregnancy. In this, it is shown how
Tesman believes Hedda to be pregnant, saying how Hedda has filled out on the
journey . Ibsen s use of metaphor in Tesman s comment emphasises how, at even
the suggestion of pregnancy, Hedda becomes derisive, as she replies Oh, do be
quiet ! Likewise, Ibsen uses the foil of Miss Tesman to emphasise Hedda s
isolation. Miss Tesman is seen to be excited at the suggestion of Hedda s perceived
pregnancy, highlighting the unusual nature of Hedda s displeasure. Her dislike of
the prospect of motherhood causes Hedda to experience a sense of isolation and
exclusion from those around her. This societal isolation is presented to the
audience through Ibsen s use of physical description. Mrs. Elvsted s hair, being
described as unusually abundant becomes symbolic of one s ability to fit into
society. She is characterised as beautiful , stupid and an ideal women of the period.
In comparison, Hedda s hair, described as not particularly abundant , illustrates her
inability to conform. Yet it can be seen that Hedda hopes to conform to society and
thus suggesting that her anguish is as a result of her separation from society, a
situation that can be attributed to her character faults, rather than the constraints of
society itself. This is demonstrated through Ibsen s use of backstory which illustrates
Hedda s life long obsession with Mrs. Elvsted s
The Sound And The Fury Essay
William Faulkner s background influenced him to write the unconventional novel The
Sound and the Fury. One important influence on the story is that Faulkner grew up in
the South. The Economist magazine states that the main source of his inspiration was
the passionate history of the American South, centered for him in the town of Oxford,
Mississippi, where he lived most of his life. Similarly, Faulkner turns Oxford and its
environs, quot;my own little postage stamp of native soil, quot; into Yoknapatawpha
County, the mythical region in which he sets the novel (76). In addition to setting,
another influence on the story is Faulkner s own family. He had three brothers, black
servants, a mother whose family was not as ... Show more content on
For instance, the first jump in time occurs on just the second page of the book
when Luster says, quot;Cant you never crawl through here without snagging on
that nail. quot; Benjy automatically thinks back to when he went with Caddy to
deliver a letter to Mrs. Patterson and got stuck on the fence near Christmas. When
Caddy says in the same memory, quot;You don t want your hands froze on
Christmas, do you, quot; Benjy thinks of an earlier incident when Caddy tried to
convince Mrs. Compson to let him come outside with her (F! aulkner 4). The next
section, told from Quentin Compson s perspective, is as equally puzzling. Since
Quentin has decided to end his life, he reminisces about his past and the reason he
chose to die. The reason is his sister s act of adultery. Whenever he is reminded of
events that have to do with his sister s sin, he also goes back in time. When
Quentin is thinking about how good the weather will be for the Harvard boat race
in June, the month of brides, he thinks of Caddy s wedding day. He then thinks of
the roses at her wedding and of trying to convince his father that he committed incest
with his sister (77). Another uncertainty in this novel is the lack of rising action or
climax. The book is told on Easter weekend, 1928, and gives the whole history of the
family by retelling the events that occurred in the minds of the characters. To begin,
the first section tells what will happen in the
The Fighter By Walter Dean Myers Analysis
In the story, The Fighter by Walter Dean Myers, the main conflict of the story is
that Billy, the main character, needs to earn more money for him and his family in
order for them to live a nice life. Billy is running low on money, so he needs to do
boxing which is the only way he earns money, but his wife does not agree with him
because she doesn t want him to get hurt. Therefore, he is torn between either
upsetting his wife to earn money or living in poverty until he could get the right
education to get a good job. In the beginning of the story it says Billy is going out,
though it doesn t say where, it is to somewhere his wife does not want him to go. I
know this because on page 27 it states, Billy Giles told his wife that he was just
Editing And The Writing Process
Literature Review In examining recent literature on the topic of editing in the
writing process, three areas appear to be of some concern in dealing with this issue:
1) The true definition of editing and the editing process, 2) The perceived role and
responsibilities of the teacher and students, and 3) Effective editingstrategies that will
increase studentlearning. In order to truly implement editing strategies that will impact
the learner, the first two areas must be addressed.
In the review of the literature, I found that many students and teachers alike had some
misconceptions about the true definition of editing and the roles that each must play.
Often times, the editing process and the revision process were mistakenly ... Show
more content on ...
The second area that needs to be addressed is the role the teacher and students play
in the editing stage. Teachers, English teachers in particular, are experts in editing.
This is suggested through their daily activities of correcting papers (Littauer, 1996;
Parsons 2001). Joel Littauer (1996) also suggests that students have no editing
skills because the teacher does all the editing. It is of no wonder that students do
not have the skills of editing. Parsons (2001) states that unless students are taught
and forced to implement correct language, they will continue to make the same
mistakes. He also makes the point of putting the responsibility of editing back to
the person who does the writing. In the case of a classroom, the teacher must teach
the students to edit their work, and the students must take the responsibility to do
so. In accomplishing this task, the students will have taken one more step in
becoming successful writers. In order to accomplish this task however, teachers
must find and implement editing strategies that will work for them and their
students. In conducting my literature review, I found three strategies that were
dominant in much of my research. The first strategy was one that was technology
driven. In this strategy, the computer word processor is used as a tool for the stages
of writing. Jarvis (1997), Diehm (1998), as well as Parsons (2001), all give good
reasons to use this tool as a strategy for editing. In
Analysis Of The Movie Genghis Khan
Heroism of Genghis Khan
The movie Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan is a semi historical film that
describes about the early life of Temujin, who later came to be known as Genghis
Khan. Likewise, the movie shows brief of his childhood and how he became the
Great Khan, but it ends when Temujin finally became Genghis Khan. First scene
begins in 1192 ( Year of the Black Rat ) with Temujin as a prisoner in the Tangut
kingdom, then it flashed back all the way to his childhood. In the first flashback, a
young boy (age 9 in1172), Temujin and his father Yesugei was on their way to
choose Temujin s future wife from the Merkit tribe because his father once
kidnapped the bride, Temujin s mother form the Merkit tribe. However, he convinces
his father to allow him to choose Börte. He promises to return after five years to
marry her. On their way home, TemГјjin s father is poisoned by an enemy tribe. As
he lies dying, he tells Temujin that he is now Khan. This event seems a real because
there are many other books and research describes the same. When Yesugei is dead,
Targutai orders the other tribesmen to loot the dead Khan s camp. Targutai spares
Temujin s life, declaring a Mongol does not kill children .Somehow, Temujin meets a
boy called Jamukha, they quickly become friends and perform a traditional ceremony
declaring themselves blood brothers. Targutai later captures Temujin, holding him in
captivity twice, but each time Temujin escapes late one night and roams the
Polar Bears Will Be Gone
Our White Ice Loving Friends are Disappearing The concerns about the ever rising
sea levels, melting ice caps, and constant warnings about global warming making
their way into everyday news and our lives, it is no surprise that bears inhabiting
the arctic regions are now suffering as a result. The extent of the damage done to
the Polar Bears may mean they ll soon be gone in a scant few years. In the Blink of
an Eye, the Polar Bears Will Be Gone No one wants to see our white furry friends
go. That s why the USFWS has responded to the declining population of the polar
bears by drafting up a conservation plan to save them, or at least minimize their
losses. The draft of the conservation effort can be found here on which it lists that
Stereotypes Of Being Asian-American
I was born and raised in the U.S., yet I still do not fully understand what it means to
be Asian American. There have been times where I was embarrassed to be seen
together with my parents in public because I wanted to distance myself from my
Asian background that was the center of many jokes I heard in school. For the
sake of trying to fit in, I have lost a lot of what it means to be Asian. I used to be
embarrassed bringing my mom s home cooked meals to school because everyone
else thought it was weird and unappetizing looking. I have tried for most of my life to
be different from the other Asians around me. Whatever the stereotypeswere of East
Asians, I would do the exact opposite. If the stereotypewas that Asians were terrible
about creative arts, I would
At some point, it was just too exhausting for me to continue to be a person that lived
for confirmation from others.
Asians are stereotyped as the model minority
I can only be so American. I was born here, grew up here, and went to school here.
But despite all of that, I still feel like there s some sort of barrier for me that I will
never be able to cross because I m Asian. I can spend sleepless nights ... Show more
content on ...
There s a sort of foreignness that the I sometimes feel even though I have been
here for nearly 18 years of my life. Even though I m surrounded by peers, I feel a
sense of loneliness that distances me from both my peers at school and my parents
at home. I feel that I cannot fully feel comfortable in either circle and that is truly a
lonely feeling. As a young child who hasn t even started grade school yet, feeling
the pressure to become a successful doctor or lawyer is truly heavy Model minority
=pressure, if not then seen as stupid Asian, good at math, cheap, bad fashion sense
(which I know), bad drivers, really rich (Asian american men), crooked
Victorian Influence on Women s Fashions Essay
Before Research
Before the Victorian Era, the main focus of fashion was for men. Women s fashion
changed some, but the general idea of long skirts, tight bodices, and heavy fabrics
stayed consistent. Real changes to style and fashion were not made until about the
1840 s, when Queen Victoria came into power. After her rise to Queen, the fashions
began to change dramatically. Pride and Prejudice is a book written in this time,
and the fashion is clearly visible. Looking at fashion of the time can be clear
examples of social customs, role models, and other aspects of the time period.
The question to start off with is how has royalty affected women s fashions through
the ages? Royalty is influential on all sorts of things, so why not fashion? ... Show
more content on ...
The beginning of the civil war in America affected the cotton production, so fabric
became more scarce, leading into the next era, one that used less fabric. The early
bustle period featured a narrower skirt, with gathered fabric on the back. Bodices
ended at the natural waist. By 1877, the bustles had dropped to knees, leading into
the Natural Form period. By this time, a tall, slim figure was born. Dresses were long
and the bodice became long and tight. The Late bustle period brought the bustle
back into style. The skirts stayed long and tight, with a large amount of fabric
gathered in the back. The 1890 s saw the disappearance of the bustle for good. At
this time, skirts became plain, and the bodice was dressed up with frills and puffed
sleeves. The popular Pigeon Silhouette of the Victorian era was born. The Edwardian
Period was a time of ultimate femininity. The skirts became soft and flowing, and
the hobble skirt became popular (What is). This was probably the most interesting
part of my research, because I got a deeper look into the world of fashion.
The Queen s Fashion
I now needed to know what Queen Victoria did for fashion in this time period. I
learned through my next source that Queen Victoria and her daughters were often
fashion models for women of this period. Typical outfits of this time consisted of
cotton fabrics, as they were in abundant supply and allowed air into the often heavy
fabrics. Day dresses were worn inside the home, and were
Chapter One
Chapter One I had enough of all the bad things in my life. Mikena, time to go to
school. My mom said. I grabbed my small, mint green backpack and I went out the
front door. My dad was waiting outside. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. I felt
like a princess at that moment. My dad went inside the car and I started walk to
school. My dad is going to his workplace which is a restaurant. I arrived at my
school in less than ten minutes. That s a new record. I saw Alicia with her friends
on the lawn of the school. She was laughing with her friends. Some of her friends
shoved their dirty, little mouths into the hottest guys of the school. I felt very
nauseous. Alicia is my worst enemy, but she s very pretty like a princess. She is my...
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Her eyes are so beautiful compared to my dull brown ones. Brad walked over to me.
Brad gave me a doll that looks just like me. I hugged him. Brad is kind of my friend.
We don t talk that much. Thank you. I said. Brad smiled at. Ok, ok. I ll come to your
house. Alicia said, after Brad left. I jumped up and down in front of her. I stopped
jumping and said, You re going to be my slave forever. Alicia was scared. I had a
huge smirk on my face. I made her scared. I finally let out the fire in me. I made
some dolls for Alicia. I made the dolls look just like her, but each doll has a different
outfit. I stroked Alicia s arm and then I grabbed Alicia s arm. After school, you will
go to my house. Your stuff is already at my house. I said. I expected Alicia to be sad
since she practically live in a palace or a mini castle. Ok. Alicia said. Alicia has the
same first period class as me. Michael came up to Alicia. Michael is a jock and he
loves beating me. What are you doing with a slut like Mikena? Michael said, venom
in his voice and his eyes are wild. Mikena is not a slut. She s a princess. Alicia said. I
smiled. Michael walked away and the wildness never left away from his eyes. You
owe me. Alicia whispered to me when Michael left. She pressed against my back
and my ribs starting hurting from the beating yesterday. Ok. I ll make it up to you
this one time. I said. Alicia had a smile on her face. She looks so pretty. I traced the
outline of her face. I
Samson Munoz
Samson Munoz
Why Guns Should Not Be Banned
Stephen Willeford one of the heroes from the Southernland Springs shooting. Is a
certified NRA instructor and stopped the bad guy by chasing him with Johnie
Langendorff going 90 mph and firing at him with his AR 15. The Only thing that can
stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. That is why there should not be
Banning Arms
Banning guns will leave many citizens defenseless. The only thing that stops a bad
guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. For example, Stephen Willeford One of the
two heroes from the Southernland Springs shooting that took place in Southernland
Springs, Texas. Willeford is a neighbor to the Southernland Springs Church heard the
gunshots ringing ... Show more content on ...
You are 4 times more likely to be stabbed then shot. According to a 2004 DOJ
(Department of Justice) study the federal ban didn t lead to any decrease in gun
crime. In addition, criminals do not usually buy guns legally. Most criminals buy
illegal guns because they are usually untraceable and are easier to use in a crime.
Most gun deaths are caused by people that use stolen or illegally bought firearms.
This would just result in just in more gun deaths.
Another reason guns should not be banned is that it is a part of the American life.
The founding fathers saw the right to bear arms so important to the survival of our
country that they stated in the constitution as the 2nd amendment A well regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The right to bear arms will never be
taken away it is an inalienable right that cannot be taken away. Banning guns will
take away this right and long with the second amendment the others will follow if the
right to bear arms is taken away. We cannot defend our other rights. When people
from foreign countries think of America many think about guns and freedom. Guns
are associated with America as well as America being associated with freedom. Guns
are a part of the American culture. From hunting to being able to just own one. This
right shall not be
Business Chain Of Command Or Hierarchical Structure
Upward/downward communication occurs when information and messages are
trickled through an organization or business chain of command or hierarchical
structure (Grimsley, An easier description of upward/downward
communication is the concept of messages and commands starting from the upper
levels of an organization or business which is then facilitated towards lower levels
through smooth communicationfrom the employer or whoever is in charge.
Advantages of having effective upward downward communication is organizational
discipline, work efficiency, communication of goals and the ease of delegation
(Grimsley, Discipline is implemented due to the main emphasis of
upward downward communication within the organization. Delegation of
assignments and projects throughout the organization is done with ease; this
represents the chain of command. Upward downward communication forces
employees to work together while creating a competitive environment. The chain of
command is represented through upward downward communication. In order to
make your way to the top of the chain, it forces employees to hold a strong work ethic
, while keeping in mind the best interest of the organization. Competition is healthy,
the workforce teaches individuals to never have a sense of complacency or
incompetence. If you can t do the job, then someone else will. When it specifically
comes to downward communication the best interest of the company is in mind.
Efficiency is offered due
Social Problems and Social Welfare
For many of us when we hear the term Homeless the first image that often springs
to mind is a person huddling in a sleeping bag or cardboard box in a doorway of a
city street. Whilst media imagery and information released by charities can support
this picture the problem of homelessness encompasses a far wider range. This
discussion looks at homelessnesswith a particular emphasis on young people that is
young people typically aged between 16 and 24.
In its simplest form Homelessness means not having a home. In this context a home
is not just a house, it is a permanent, private roof over your head, a place of security
with community links and support. It should be of a decent standard and affordable.
(Shelter Nov 2005)
The statutory ... Show more content on ...
The Homelessness Act 2002 widened the classification of homeless people having a
priority need to include 16 17 year olds, care leavers aged between 18 and 20 and
persons who are vulnerable due to them being in care, prison, armed forces or
fleeing violence and/or threats of violence. This is a step in the right direction but
bearing in mind we are considering young people to be 16 24 where is the support
for persons 18 years +? There is still a significant gap here considering the lower
minimum wage and benefit levels available in this age range.
Other legislation places duties on Social Services departments to provide for people
in and leaving care namely The Children Act 1989 and The Children (Leaving Care)
Act 2000.
What is the impact of homelessness on young people? The More than a roof report
acknowledged that historically government s investment in affordable housing has
been significantly too low. Council House stock has been depleted through the
successful Right to Buy scheme but these stocks have not been replaced. Whilst there
has been a required move away from council housing towards housing association
accommodation, an ever increasing population combined with this under investment
has left a significant gap in the countries overall housing stock. Regional factors are
also worth considering The prosperous South East corner of the UK has attracted a
migrating population seeking
Investigate of Chinese Auto Mobile Industry -- a Study of...
Part 1 External Environment Analysis
Macro Environment Analysis PEST Analysis
Chinese began to open its market and reduces of governmental control over
marketing and labour mobility in the1980s. After twenty year reform of state
ownership enterprises the SOEs remained the most significant role in China economy
and control the key industry of China. The adjustment of government policy and
stabile political environment played a role in the recent increase of foreign
investment in China. By the end of June 1997, it was reported that over 200,000
business joint ventures had been registered in China, with a total foreign investment
of $204 billion ($15.7 billion from US companies) (China National ... Show more
content on ...
(high barrier)
Switching Cost the switching cost is higher because of the price of automotive was
much more higher than can easily switch from one brand to another. (high barrier)
Government Policy Chinese government was quotas keep barriers to foreign
investment to entry into the market (high barrier)
Overall the biggest threat of new entrants comes from the local government as the
government set up high entry barriers for this special industry. As a result, the overall
barriers for new entrants were medium to high.
Power of Suppliers
Basic Production Materials: automobile industry can be regarded as a comprehensive
and special industry as 50% 70% of the value is manufactured in supply firms. Many
local suppliers monopolized the local parts industry. In additional they are strange
supported by local government. (high power)
Production Equipment: Chinese auto industry was 10 15 years behind the global
auto industry development in the period of 1997 1998. Most manufacturers would
use second hand equipments at that time. Therefore the power of suppliers in
production equipment was low.
Government Influence: In China government plays an important role in auto parts
supplier market. Local government implemented localization tax in order to improve
domestic content rate of auto parts. As a result the overall bargaining power of
suppliers was
Giotto Di Bondone Distinctively Visual
To give a background, linear perspective is a mathematical system for creating the
illusion of space and distance on a flat surface. An artist must first imagine the
picture surface as an open window through which to see the painted world when he
or she wants to use perspective in his or her paintings. Straight lines are then drawn
on the canvas to represent the horizon and visual rays connecting the viewer s eye
to a point in the distance. One must draw these lines to connect the viewer s eye to
a vanishing point line, just like where the sky meets the ground. Orthogonal lines
are then drawn over the canvas or work space. The point where orthogonal lines
meet is called the vanishing point. One can compare this to train tracks in the
distance. [fix this paragraph] [transitions to examples] Perspective did not start out
as perfect and as true to life as we know it today. Pictures used to be very flat and
cartoon like. This changed however when artists began to get really creative and pay
attention to making their pieces more lifelike. One of the artists who started this
change was Giotto di Bondone (1267 1337). Giotto was one of the important,
accomplished, and... Show more content on ...
In his other hand, he would hold a mirror in which he would see the reflected image
of the Baptistry. Through the hole or aperture, the eye of the observer would be
drawn immediately to the spot which corresponded to the vanishing point. Through
this experiment, Brunelleschi helped provide the scientific basis for visual
representation in the fifteenth century and he is credited with the formulation of a
linear, central perspective based on mathematical principles. Brunelleschi s studies
transformed art drastically from that point on. Utilizing the observation that parallel
lines receding into space seem to converge on the horizon, an artist may create the
illusion of depth on the surface of his
Papular Pritic Eruption Essay
Papular pruritic eruption (PPE) is the most common cutaneous manifestation of
HIV, and is recognized as a WHO Clinical Stage 2 disease of HIV. PPE has a
reported prevalence of 11 46% depending on geographic region, and is most
commonly reported in African countries, Haiti, Brazil, and Thailand, and is less
common in European and North American countries. PPE is characterized by
multiple discrete skin colored or erythematous urticarial papules symmetrically
distributed on the body. The lesions are most commonly located on the extremities
but can also be found on the trunk, face, or are generalized with sparing of mucous
membranes, palms and soles, and digital web spaces. Pruritus begins with lesion
appearance, and itching ... Show more content on ...
PPE may also be related to HIV infection of the skin and immune dysregulation in
the skin. Some studies have suggested that the lesions of PPE are an immunologic
manifestation related to the inversion of the normal ratio of CD4:CD8 T cells and the
normal ratio of Th1:Th2 response and cytokine profile that occurs in HIV infection
and results in the inability to recognize endogenous proteins.
PPE is characterized by multiple sharply demarcated urticarial papules that are either
skin colored or erythematous. The lesions are symmetrically distributed and more
commonly seen on the extremities, but are also found on the trunk, face, or be
generalized with sparing of mucous membranes, palms and soles, and digital web
spaces. Studies have shown that 95% of lesions are located on the extremities, arms
and legs, most frequently on the extensor surfaces and dorsum of the hands. PPE has
a chronic course that waxes and wanes, and the lesions change appearance over time,
with new lesions appearing daily. As the pruritus beings with lesion appearance,
scratching leads to excoriations, secondary infections, and post inflammatory
hyperpigmentation, eventually leading to scarring and prurigo like nodules. The
lesions of PPE are predominantly papular, but there have been variants reported that
display pustular lesions with acneform appearance.
Diagnostic pearls:
PPE is more common in developing countries in individuals with history of insect
bites and NO history of

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  • 1. Essay Writing Helper Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Helper" may seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals its inherent complexities. The challenge lies in striking a balance between providing comprehensive information about essay writing helpers and maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative. To begin with, one must navigate through a vast sea of information, ranging from different types of essay writing helpers to various strategies for effective essay composition. Deciding which aspects to include and which to omit requires careful consideration, as the essay should not only inform but also captivate the reader's interest. Furthermore, addressing the diverse needs of the audience adds another layer of difficulty. A well-crafted essay on essay writing helpers should cater to both novices seeking basic guidance and seasoned writers looking for advanced tips. Striking this equilibrium necessitates a thorough understanding of the varying skill levels and expectations of the readership. The challenge deepens when attempting to highlight the dynamic nature of essay writing itself. Techniques and trends evolve over time, and staying updated with the latest developments in the field is crucial. Integrating contemporary approaches while maintaining a timeless essence is a delicate art that demands both expertise and finesse. Additionally, ensuring that the essay provides practical value to the reader is paramount. It's not merely about theoretical discussions; an effective essay should offer actionable insights and strategies that the audience can implement in their own writing endeavors. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Helper" demands a careful orchestration of information, engagement, and practicality. It requires the ability to navigate through a vast landscape of knowledge, cater to a diverse audience, and capture the essence of a continuously evolving craft. Despite its challenges, a well-crafted essay on this topic has the potential to empower writers of all levels. For those seeking further assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and a wealth of additional resources can be conveniently accessed on Essay Writing HelperEssay Writing Helper
  • 2. Differences And Similarities Between Medieval Europe And... TASK: What are the differences and similarities in the lives and the way in which the society worked of those who lived in Medieval Europe to that of those who lived in Medieval Japan? Weapons and Army Other differences and similarities between Medieval Europe and Shogunate Japan were those that lay between their use and choice of armour and weaponry, and in general their armies. Both the medieval European knights and the Japanese samurai used horses as means of transport into battle. They also both wore armour and used swords. European armour was typically all metal and was made or either chain mail or plate metal. Whilst this made them more protected, it also restricted their movement. In contrast, the Japanese samurais donned armour which comprised of lacquered leather or metal plates with silk or metal bindings. This light weight armour was advantageous in that it allowed the samurai to be quick and more agile. The drawback to this armour though was that it provided much less protection. In Europe, the lords would build castles out of stone to protect themselves whilst the Japanese lords, known as Daimyo, built castles out of wood rather than stone. Feudalism A key similarity between Medieval Europe and Shogunate Japan was the fact that both had an established feudal system. While it was established earlier in Europe (around 800s CE), Japan established their feudal system at the close of the Heian Period and the rise of the Kamakura Shogunate (around the 1100s).
  • 3. Essay on 2011 Youth In Asia Passage RAFFLES INSTITUTION 2011 YEAR 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION GENERAL PAPER PAPER 2 8806/02 Wednesday 31 August 2011 1 hour 30 minutes RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION RAFFLES INSTITUTION INSERT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This ... Show more content on ... Often it takes a huge crisis to make a society change, says Toshihiko Hayashi, an economics professor at Doshisha University in Tokyo, who has studied the legacies of natural disasters. For Japan, even two lost decades after the bubble burst were not enough to fundamentally change the country s economic and political systems. But this crisis is different. It could be the catalyst that finally changes Japan. These days, few would have predicted that Japan s way to renewal would be blazed by its young people, who were supposed to have other things on their minds: nearly 1 in 10 young Japanese is unemployed, and almost one third of university graduates get no job offers. Many more can find only part time work. Yet even if the new mood of sleeves rolled up volunteerism persists among young Japanese, they may still need leadership: someone to organise where the supplies and relief efforts should go. But in today s Japan a nation of lacklustre politicians, bureaucrats and salarymen that seems to be lacking. The sad fact about many young people today is that if there s one person who leads the way, they will follow and work hard, says Ayumi Yamamoto, a Tokyo graduate student who has volunteered to help earthquake survivors as part of a newly formed group called Tohoku Rising (Tohoku is the northeastern region that bore the brunt of the disaster). But right now
  • 4. Analysis Of Niccolo Machiavelli In 16th century Italy, the prince s response to the suffering of people affected the attitudes and behavior of how they treated the prince. A ruler s goal was to secure his reputation holding his power in control without nourishing any hatred on themselves as a leader. A ruler sets an impression, reflecting how their subjects behave by his actions. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his treatise The Prince, in 16th century Italy. As a political theorist, Machiavelli put his concerns towards cruelty and clemency and argues whether or not it is better to be loved than feared. Machiavelli advises future leaders arguing what makes an ideal ruler and the impact rulers would have on politics. In the excerpt, he refutes what makes a function of a ruler ... Show more content on ... Machiavelli s text asserted in general of men is directing the attention towards the ruler s men, his people, that their ungrateful, fickle false, cowardly, covetous. This text represents the attitude and personality, men living in the 16th century were capable of being. The men during the 16th century were scheming multiple changes to their interest and minds when they feel obligated to the loved ruler. This affected the rulers status because love to a ruler is fickle false. The rulers men would easily try to take the opportunity to take advantage of the ruler. He who is a loved ruler, is only loved for the actions he can do. And for when the ruler can t make a gesture for his people, they would turn against their ruler. Which, would affect the ruler s power to be in control. Unlike being feared, the rulers people will do as he says, do to the sense of fear and will not cause any trouble. Machiavelli advices rulers to be feared to his people because of being less likely to be fooled and be taken advantage. To secure rulers reputation, holding their power in control without nourishing any hatred on themselves as a leader. A ruler sets an impression, reflecting how their subjects behave by his actions. Machiavelli s text displays if the ruler does not win love from his people, he has to avoid being hated if he were to be a feared ruler. The ruler must prevent any cruelty acts that would affect his control in
  • 5. Adrian Rubin LLC The world of real estate can be compared to a group of sharks who are engaging in a feeding frenzy. Everyone wants to get the best property for themselves at the right price with all the added amenities that a good property can offer. However, the whole process of looking for that ideal property all by one self is and extremely tiring and time consuming process especially if one does not have the proper idea and knowledge about the real estatemarket. Thus, one should look for a company which specializes in real estate development and aims to provide efficient services that will help one to buy the perfect property. One such company is Adrian Rubin LLC, which is a Philadelphia based real estate development firm owned by Adrian Rubin . This company has been providing efficient service for over thirty years, where Mr. Adrian and his associates aim to provide the best when it comes to any real estate project. Adrian Rubin LLC is a renowned real estate development firm, which has the main motto of getting the job done properly by comprehending the needs and the requirements of the clients and making it a point to deliver absolute customer satisfaction. There are few many benefits of availing services from ... Show more content on ... Apart from finding the right property which is suited to the clients budget they will also recommend trustworthy lenders. The clients will get comparative market analysis that will help them to understand of the property s value based on comparable sales in the area, along with the condition of the property. An experienced and professional estate from a reputed real estate firm can provide listing to the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS). A real estate agent will be an excellent negotiator, and will help the client get the property for the ideal
  • 6. Creating Security Polices And Controls Creating Security Polices and Controls An organization s security plan comprises of security approaches. Security approaches give particular rules for ranges of obligation, and comprise of arrangements that give steps to take and standards to take after to implement the policies. Policies must be in such away that which we consider more important and what are the steps we are going to take to safe guard them. Different types of Security Policies Security policies can be characterized for any range of security. There could be approaches for the entire organization or strategies for different segments inside of the organization. The different sorts of policies that could be incorporated are: 1.Responsibilities of users 2.Responsibilities of administrators 3.Internet policy 4.Restore and back up In the part of our network project development we are using security policies such as group policy, firewall configurations and backup and disaster recovery plan. Group Policy Group Policy is a method for driving guidelines about PC design and client behaviour. It is conceivable to have diverse policies all through the organization. As a client interfaces with a Windows 2012 area controller that has Group Policy settings empowered, the strategies are naturally downloaded to the client s PC and put away in the registry. A portion of the settings include: a.Addition or deleting of things from the control panel and desktop. b.Automatic software installation on
  • 7. The Deepwater Horizon Is An Oil Drilling Rig The Deepwater Horizon is an oil drilling rig that was built in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2001. The rig was a massive mobile drill as it was measured to be 396 by 256 feet (Report). Additionally, it was considered to be an exploratory rig, not an actual excavator rig. The rig was commissioned to Transocean which later leased it to British Petroleum, an oil and gas company. The oil rig was once well known as it set the world record for the deepest oil and gas well ... 35,055 feet ( oil spill/index.ssf/2010/04 /deepwater_horizon_rig_had_hist.html). However, in a more recent event, it is well known for the worst man made environmental disaster in United States history. The disaster would occur 50 miles from Louisiana, at the Macondo well. The well was leased to BP in 2008 and drilling operation began in 2009. It had a crew of 146 people. The intention of drill the Macondo well was to create a route between the gas and oil supply that was under the sea floor. The disaster occurred on April 20, 2010, when the mobile drill unit, Deepwater Horizon was beginning final preparations to end drilling operations in the Macondo well. The plan was to seal the well and extract hydrocarbons at a later time and move on to a new drilling site. This, however, would not be the case as the rig experienced an explosion on board the drill. At around 10:00 p.m., the rig unexpectedly began to shake and a loud surging noise was accompanied by natural gas,
  • 8. Henry Ford Hospital s Marketing Strategy Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a level one trauma center that is recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, transplants, and treatment for cancer (Henry, 2016). Henry Ford Health Systems has over 23,000 employees, and is the fifth largest employer in the Metro Detroit area, and is also one of the most diverse health systems (Henry, 2016). An important aspect of a marketingstrategy is finding the right price for products, and services. Price is the only element in the marketing that produces revenue, while other elements represent cost. Pricing may be challenging, and is greatly impacted by supply, and demand (Pricing Strategies, 2016). Establishing the right price for products and services is a significant... Show more content on ... The price of the new medical device, BrightMatter, at Henry Ford Hospital is extremely expensive. The cost of the device is over one million dollars, and does not include the cost of software upgrades, or other technology improvements that need to be made in order for the device to be successful. The expensive device is expected to have a positive return on investment, which will more than cover the cost of the device, and other services. When formulating a pricing strategy it is imperative that organizations establish a strategy that will sustain a profit. When considering costs, organizations need to know what it can afford to pay, while taking into account the prices the market allows, as well as allowing a profit. According to the article by Sorenson, Drummond and Burns, when using the bundling strategy, CMS does not consider the cost relative to alternative treatment options in its pricing (Sorenson, Drummond, and Burns, 2013). Instead, the payments are based on estimates of average costs. This particular pricing strategy includes add on payments based on the higher cost of the device. The high cost of the BrightMatter device will allow Henry Ford Hospital to receive add on payments, that equivalent fifty percent of the additional costs of using the new device in a case (Sorenson, Drummond, and Burns, 2013). Formulating a pricing strategy for the device, BrightMatter, does not
  • 9. Immigrants To A New Home I want to appreciate everything you have done with for our family and I individually. I know making the decision to come to this country on your own was not easy at all. It takes courage to leave your home country to make a new home in the United States. You worked very hard to get to where you are, you got your citizenship on your own, you bought a home with your brother, and you have a stable job. I know it is not easy to balance everything financially and trying to maintain a familyas well. I appreciate those time where you give me the last dollar in your pocket so I can buy myself something I need. It is not easy for you and my mom to pay the rent and for you to be willing to give the last couple of dollars in your pocket to me or my
  • 10. Examples Of If He Run In The Maze When haw realize that they just not moved forward he laugh. Then hem ask him why he laugh. Then haw prepared to run in to the maze again. He is much alive and full of courage to find new cheese. He just stays in cheese station C and keeps asking who moved my cheese. But before haw live the station he wrote a serious thought for hem to think and lighten up and go after the new cheese. The quote in the wall said If you do Not Change, You become Extinct . Then he run in the maze. As he run he wondered about hem and laugh at it because he knew that hem is keep asking who moved my cheese. Then as he run he right in the wall a signage s and quotes. He keeps run and run in the maze and then he find small pieces of cheese as he goes by but isn t enough for long time. He gets some from hem, for hem to have the courage to come out the station C and look for cheese in the maze. Things had change since the last time haw run in the maze. As he run he became hopeless he wondered if it realistic for him to expect to find new cheese.... Show more content on ... Then as he looked back on the things he realized that the cheese in cheese station C had not just gone overnight. As he remembered the amount of the cheese is getting smaller and the remaining cheese is didn t taste good. Haw realized the change most likely would not have taken him by surprise if only he watch what is happening in the cheese. And then he realize that s sniff and scurry do. He decided he would be more aware if he found new cheese. Then he stop for a rest and wrote again in the wall of the maze it says Smell the Cheese often so you know When It is Getting Old . Sometime later after not saw any cheese for what seemed like a long time. Then haw saw a huge cheese station, which looked promising. Then when he gets inside he became disappointed because there s nothing inside the station. Haw became physically weak. He became afraid and losing hope to find new
  • 11. Theme Of Metaphors In The Alchemist The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho in 1988. Regarded as Coelho s best novel, it captures the elixir of life through the view of a sanguine Spanish Shepard. Set in a forsaken church in Spain at night; the young Shepard Santiago tastes the exquisite sensation of a compelling dream. He dreams that a young lad tells him about a hidden treasure nigh the Egyptian pyramids. After the dream relapses more than once, Santiago opts to confer an old man and an old woman who tell him that his dream is oracular and that he must abide by its directions. Santiago then decides to pursue his vision and sets off on the venture of a lifetime with a set purpose of locating the fortune hidden near the Egyptian pyramids. In the course of his quest,... Show more content on ... First of all, the Coelho emphasized on the importance of dreams and striving for attaining our personal legends; as the main purpose around Santiago s actions was chasing his dream. Moreover, the most important message in the novel was to follow our personal legends. In addition, the writer highlighted the theme of fate, as he stressed on the fact that everything is determined; as the motto of the crystal merchant was Maktub . At the same time, Coelho elucidated that we can t accomplish anything unless we take action and pursue our dreams while accepting our
  • 12. Gas Chromatography And Petroleum Industry Gas chromatography in petroleum industry Its became a vital analytical tool in virtually every part of the petroleum industry, from finding crude oil to research in new petrochemicals, due to the various types of samples, chemists within the petroleum industry use gas chromatographic methods. Petroleum analysis makes special use of columns for gas chromatography, with industries expecting continues development of columns for high analytical performances and efficiency. GC Analysis of petroleum products In America, testing gas chromatography method for petroleum distillations have a boiling range of 174 degrees to 700 degrees Celsius when using gas chromatography it increases the boiling point. It provides a good understanding for manufactures for stock and products which are related to petroleum refining when determining the boiling range distribution of a distillate fraction. A technique known as simulated distillation is used in which Gas Chromatography is merged with standards of alkane which is published to boiling parts that perform a direct comparison to the boiling parts of the sample components. To calibrate the Gas chromatography system Polyethylene standards is used such as PolywaxВ® 1000 or PolywaxВ® 655, these consist of an even number of hydrocarbons between C20 C100. The moment that the alkanes are calibrated against the distributed boiling points, and the analysis of the molecular weight fractions are matched using a software. To minimize the injector
  • 13. Oligodendrocytes Essay Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia Author links open overlay panelRuiguoZhangab1JueHeb1ShenghuaZhubHandiZhangbHongxingWangbdAbulimitiAdiliji MinLiabc Show more rights and content Abstract Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine (PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ... Show more content on ... Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003; Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995). Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
  • 14. Changing Attitudes During World War I I Think during the war the attitude towards the two didn t change much. However later in the years, there attitudes changed for one another. This seems to be an issue with many groups. The childhood friends and acquaintances, and his father s non Jewish contacts changed as time went on too. Many people s actions towards other changed during the war times. A thing that got me in Toivi Blatt was the deportation of people who were younger than 15 and older than 55. I couldn t fathom the thought of losing my parents if I was 8 years old or the thought of my parents sending me off to an unknown place. Wondering if we would ever be reunited. Before the war, there was a big push on getting the kids out of the country and at this time. It would be
  • 15. authorial intent Discuss the themes and authorial intent of Larry Watson in writing Montana 1948 In the novel, Montana 1948, written by Larry Watson, a story of a young boy named David and the events of a cataclysmic summer holidays are recounted. Set in the heart of North America in the 19th century, when Native Americans were considered B class citizens and persecution was inevitable ever since the Europeans first arrived on the continent. David matures in a short span throughout the text from naivety to maturity as a result of the series of horrendous events he experiences. The murder and sexual assault of Marie Little Soldier evokes a case in which Wes, David s father and sheriff of the county must re moralise his choices as his brother Frank is to ... Show more content on ... ...after what I observed as a child in Bentrock. I could never believe in the rule of law again David says this as Bentrock to him symbolises injustice. The events that fell in the summer of 1948 sum up that law to David is a failure and has no power when in the hands of law handlers themselves. In the end it s up to the power holder, not the law. This is what Watson is trying to say. Prevailing throughout the novel is also the theme of abuse of power under the Hayden name. The Hayden family in this story are a symbolism for the law. Watson uses them to show the readership how the law and justice are constantly abused and loop holes are found as ways out to punishments that should be deserved. Such as when Wes arrests Frank he puts him in the basement instead of jail. They can t arrest us, we are the law Wes is quoting Julian to Gail. This shows that the Hayden s do not respect the law as they use it how they please to get things they want. They are able to do this because of their position in the system and the community, Wes is the sheriff of Bentrock as this has been passed on from his father. Julian s position of power as David s first impression implies he wanted, he needed, power . Watson s authorial intent is that if you are of high social class then you are almost free to do whatever you like, the law is in your hands because people will believe anything you say. Unlike someone such as
  • 16. Lionel Messi s Major Accomplishments records to prove to the world he is the greatest. He has single handily change the way the game is played and evolved the sport around him. Messi wasn t born into being the greatest, but did succeed after so much dedication was given from him. Lionel Messi was born on June 24, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina. At the age of eight, he was recruited to join the youth system of Newell s Old boys, a Rosario based club. He was unlike other kids in his age group, since he was shorter compared to the other kids. Eventually he was diagnosed with a hormone deficiency that restricted his growth. His parents tried to help his disease with growth hormone injections but soon became impossible to pay for the medication ( Lionel Messi Biography ). At the ... Show more content on ... Messi is the best in the world without any doubt and for me the History of Soccer said by Luis Enrique Manager of Barcelona. There are more quotes like this from coaches and even players from around the world about Messi but that would take up pages. In my opinion Messi can t ever be compared to any player in the world, because he is something out of this world. Messi isn t like any player in the history of soccer and that s why there will never be another Messi again. You won t ever see astonishing stats, amazing accomplishments, and unbelievable records from another player to realize in ten years, as Messi has triumphed. The game of soccer will continue to change around Messi but he will still reign over it till he
  • 17. The Shortage Of The Nursing Shortage Essay Who has not heard of a terrible experience with staff in a hospital or healthcare facility? It is likely that the reason that these unfortunate situations have happened is because of the nursing shortage around the nation. The issue of the nursing shortage refers to the lack of sufficient qualified nurses in the healthcare system. Thus, with nursing shortages comes the lack of attention for individual patient needs and even possible malpractice law suits if the issues persist. Undeniably, the shortage of nurses around the nation is growing exponentially because of the lack of experience, education, and resources. Although this is the case, there are actions that may be executed to help the cause, such as more training in hospitals, school programs that bridge education with careers, and the encouragement for a more gender diverse nursing profession. To begin with, let s acknowledge that there are many underlying problems to the issue of nursing shortages. One of the most important issues is that the demand for greater experience that is being required is rapidly growing. The hospitals and medical care facilities always want nurses with experience, but brand new graduates are not going to have the experience that is required right out of college. This means that the proportions of young inexperienced nurses is growing, even if the jobs were to be filled (H. 2016). Unfortunately, being fully staffed does not mean that the work will be done correctly. Experienced nurses make
  • 18. Upton Sinclair s Influence On The Jungle The 20th century consisted of social and political reformers who wanted to address the rapid change in economy and culture due to Industrialization. Upton Sinclair was one of the most vigorous socialist activist. His literature was a strong influence in the Progressive Era. Sinclair is widely know for both his writings and political career. Although he published over 90 books, his success is due to The Jungle(1906), a true muckraking exposГ©. Upton Beale Sinclair Jr. was born to Priscilla Harden and Upton Sinclairon September 25, 1878. Together they raised their son in Maryland. Sinclair s father was an alcoholic who sold hats and liquor for a living. His alcoholism would prove troublesome for the family because, at times, he could not provide... Show more content on ... More readable than Uncle Tom s Cabin and more relevant than Huckleberry Finn, it s a socially motivated story worth reading for itself and still sadly relevant to the issues of the day. Upton Sinclair is best know for The Jungle but his most effective book was Oil! (1927) regarding the oil scandals in Southern California. King Coal (1917) described the horrible working conditions prevalent in the coal mining industry, and Boston (1928) brought light to the infamous Sacco and Vanzetti court case.Throughout his 65 year literary career, Sinclair published over 90 books. Sinclair died on November 25, 1968 in Bound Brook New Jersey. Sinclair spent his later years living in California, but moved to his son s hometown a year before passing. The Jungle not only impacted food and labor laws, it also helped refocus American attention on Progressivism. Through Sinclair s journalistic depictions and socialist beliefs, he helped fuel the Progressive Movement. During this time, Americans worked on improving working conditions and lifestyles, exposing corruption, and expanding democracy. Arguably, Sinclair s work inspired Americans to demand change. Sinclair, like every other powerful writer, educated his readership and forced them to reevaluate their societies. In his case, the pen really was mightier than the
  • 19. The Kentucky House Of Representative Candidates Forum For... The second group I attended was the Kentucky House of Representative Candidates Forum for house districts: 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14. This group was attended by me via online and took place on campus at Brescia University in Owensboro Kentucky. The Candidates Forum was held on Monday October 17 from 7:00pm 8:30pm CDT. The scene was that of an auditorium with six candidates seated at a table in the front and to what appeared to be the group moderator at a podium to the right of the room. The camera did not focus in on much of the audience for me to give an accurate description, but there were several members there to observe and many had questions for the Candidates. The Kentucky House of Representatives Candidate Forum was an open ended group. In other words, it was open to the public primarily because it had a political agenda for gaining voters for the Candidates that shared their views. The Candidates Forum can be identified by several of the groups mentioned in our text, but the two groups that I feel best fit the description are: Educational group and a Focus Group. First, I identified it with an educational because the Candidates objective is to educate the viewers on their political stance in the race as well as educate the viewers about important issues that need to be addressed. Lastly, I identified it with a focus group because a focus group is closely related to task groups and problem solving and decision making groups in that they identify needs or issues,
  • 20. Reflection on Observation Essay Observation Analysis Molley Green MTE 506 September 29th, 2012 Shawn Wells Observation Analysis Observing a classroom has a certain metaphysical edge. Merely by your presence and watching, you cannot help but feel that you are somehow changing or influencing the class and the students that make it up. My observations took place in two settings, the first and my primary observation source, was at Children s Garden Montessori School in El Cerrito, my daughter s school, it is a private pre school with children ages two to five. My second observation was the Fit Kids program at my local Berkeley YMCA, this program was created for... Show more content on ... In this stage students are learning how to be moral, intellectually curious, and independent. The third plane, from twelve to eighteen years is a psychologically unstable place where the adolescent is trying to form the person they will be as they enter into society. This period is creative, but students also express difficulty in concentration as they try to relate to peer groups and the outside world, to find self esteem and define who they are. The fourth plane is when a student enters the world and hopefully becomes a social aware and monetarily successful member of society. To Maria Montessori her final and real goal was a student population that graduated her program with a sense that they had a duty to society, to be strong moral leaders and increase peace. Teachers, she said, must set a good example if there is to be a good humanity (Montessori, 1949). Although the philosophy of Montessori education intersects greatly with progressivism, the schools were often placed at odds with one another. A contemporary, collaborator, and student of John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, orchestrated a series of lectures and writings that discounted Montessori s teaching philosophy as egocentric and restrictive. He said that the learning materials created hindered the imagination of the teacher and the emphasis on the individual would lead to an entire generation of ill behaved egomaniacs (Shortridge, 2007). His critiques in combination with American educators
  • 21. Essay on Preventing Future World Hunger Preventing Future World Hunger We currently have enough food to feed the people of our world. But what will our situation be in the 21st Century? Can we produce enough food and conserve natural resources to sustain the population? The world s population was 5.3 billion in 1990 and is expected to increase to 12.4 billion by the year 2050, thus increasing demands for food groups by 55% for grains, 71% for soybean, 59% for meat and 56% for fish. Eighty four percent of this growth will come from developing countries. Previous generations worked hard to provide us with the best things possible. Today our society destroys and wastes natural resources, the very thing that I believe are needed to sustain future generations. In North... Show more content on ... National policy invests little in rural roads, communications or schools, by giving their monies to more urban projects. This gives the farmer no incentive to increase production or implement new technologies. Equally responsible are government policies that hamper the approval of new technologies. There is lots of technology on the shelf that is not being used. Farmers also need to know that they can sell their products to an expanded market. Countries need to reduce their trade barriers. Since land is not distributed evenly on a global basis, countries with less land will need to import food to feed their people. In my research I found several articles stating that many countries would much prefer exports to imports. They say that food aid actually hurts them more than it helps them, because imports depress the food prices. A world with fewer trade barriers gives farmers the assurance of knowing that they can sell their crops globally. Most important for developing countries will be the stimulation of income. Population growth in developing countries will account for virtually all the increase in the world s population. From predictions by the World Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute, Asia will continue to be the largest, with 60% of the world s population, but that India will be most populated, eventually surpassing China in about year 2040. Population growth will create both threats and opportunities. The threats come
  • 22. Chinatown Of San Francisco Chinatown of San Francisco There are many Chinatown in this world, and the Chinatown of San Francisco has much historical significance; The Chinatown of San Francisco is the largest Chinatown in the United States, the largest community of Chinese Americans outside of China. Today I want to write about the of San Francisco base on my personal experience because there are many historic things I can illustrate. Before I started traveling this field trip, I did some researches carefully in San Francisco city guide, so I eager to travel as soon as possible. Finally I attended a free tour with San Francisco city guide, also they assigned a tour guide, Marann. There was a Mid Autumn parade in Chinatown on that day, accompanying the dragon and lion dancing, Marann started to give us illustration about Chinatown. Because It is hard to get a parking lot in Chinatown, and the people who live in Chinatown celebrated Mid Autumn Day, so I decided to take BART to go there. Before I met our tour guide, I went across to Union Square and passed a tunnel. The one side of the tunnel is to connect the western world, like Union Square, and the another side of the tunnel is to connect to the orient world, Chinatown. Finally I walked to inside Portsmouth Square Park, park level, and then I saw our tour guide, Manuel Maranan who took us to Chinatown. That s a very big park, and it s close to Hilton hotel, there was a China s nation flag, also there was a Taiwan s flag. Many Chinese visitors
  • 23. Developing And Implement A Business Plan Develop and implement a business plan Introduction Dong s China Bar would like to establish its business operation in Little Bourke Street to expand its business images. The business will focus on producing the fine dining northern Chinese cuisine and food and its owner Mr. Dong has been a qualified and experienced chef in this area for more than 7 years. Assessment task 1 Research: 1.Identify the purpose of your business plan oIt helps to establish the business goals, missions and visions. It serves as the guidelines to implement the company s marketing, production, and financing and management decisions. oIt also serves as the proof to the financial lending institutes that the company has the sound and solid... Show more content on ... Research resources, legal and compliance requirements, specifically in relation to occupational health and safety (OHS), in accordance with business goals and objectives OHS: Dong s China Bar has established the practical guidelines to maintain the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and the relevant OHS regulation. Codes of Practice offer both employers and employees with guidelines of how to manage the workplace safety in an effective way. Cultural expectations and influence: Dong s China Bar s staffs are considering the business stakeholders age, gender, interests, social activities and customer lifestyles. All staffs understand all the business stakeholders should be treated differently due to these differences. Environmental issues: Dong s China Bar will try to minimise the air pollutions from frying and cooking oil, wastewater pollutions into the sewage system, land pollutions from dumping the business rubbish, hazardous items from the cleaning products usage, solid wastage into the natural environment, pesticide chemicals and pest control spray within the shop, asbestos chemicals from the shop
  • 24. Descriptive Essay About Becoming A Zoo Fear wafted off of me as sweat trickled down my neck. Three interviewers towered over me, bombarding me with questions such as, What would you do in this situation? and What would you do if..? Each question was a test for my future at the Phoenix Zoo, and it would not be an easy pass. I tried to keep myself from fidgeting, but the desire to become a Zoo Teen for Harmony Farm caused nails to be plucked and memories of how I got here to flood in. A year prior to the interview, I had sent in a job application to the PhoenixZoo with questionsfilled in half heartedly and two recommendation forms. It was no different from everything else in life. Never putting in all my effort always got me near the top spots, so I saw no need to waste all my effort on something such as the volunteer spot, until I received an email a few months later regarding the position. I ate dinner in my usual spot on the couch with my family when I heard a ding emitting from my phone beside me. I knew that sound. The sound was an email that was just delivered, and raced to open it up. Sure enough it the Phoenix Zoo regarding the news on the opportunity for me. I scanned each line looking for the words Congratulations! but instead read the dreadful words of We regret to inform you. I stared at the screen in disbelief, wondering what went wrong. Before I realized it, tears had started to trickle down my cheeks. My parents stopped eating and my mother asked, What s wrong? I simply stared at her
  • 25. The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism What is Liberalism? INTRODUCTION The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ... But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think. Up until then those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary aristocracy. But then the people started to realize that this system should be changed. And hence the old traditions were questions, the governments were challenged. This intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful revolutionary movements. These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes of the time many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after that came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary aristocracy. These revolutions and movement led to many later
  • 26. The Issue And Effect Of Extra Constitutional Actors On Gun... Throughout the United States the policy process is the same. It starts with extra constitutional actors, which are political parties, media, public opinion, and interest groups. These actors find a problem or issue and effect policy makers to get it known. These policy makers then use their concerns and create policy. The policy is then implemented by the bureaucracy in some way. The people and these extra constitutional actors then evaluate this policy. Some may like it and let it be, while others may start the process all over again. According to Smith, the states share similar political structures and follow the same overall set of rules, but they make different choices (Smith, 8). This means that all states have a similar policy process, but that they still have different laws. This can be seen in how they create laws on guns. Each state has different gun laws and this is due to the effect of extra constitutional actors in each state. Extra constitutional actors affect the policy process in regard to gun laws in each state differently. In this paper, this will be looked at by using the comparative method. According to Smith, the comparative method uses similarities and differences as the basis for systematic explanation (Smith, 7). The comparative method will be used by looking at how each extra constitutional actor has effected gun laws in each state recently and comparing them. From this it should be seen they have all created different gun laws in the state from
  • 27. Discuss Augustine s Questions On The Problem Of Evil Freedom and Evil This paper I m going to discuss Augustine s answers to the problem of evil. Why didn t God only create free beings who use their freedom for good? What is the source of the free movement of will? Lastly why do some free begins sin and others do well if they are in the situation? First question I will talk about is why didn t God only create free beings who use their freedom for good? We all see good and evilaround us every day. The sources of good and evil are independent and eternal. God made everyone good, but it s the induvial choice to do good or bad. God is fair, but sometimes life isn t and that s what makes it hard to understand. God is good but people do bad things and that s what makes them bad. It s up to us day to day to the right things, god gave us all the tools to do good and bad but it s the induvial choice on whether they will or not. We make mistakes and that can cost dearly. As long as people do bad things someone will pay the price. For example if you killed someone that person s family will have to suffer. As long as people make mistakes there will be suffering. Evil actions are not our responsibility but the product of what s playing out within us. If you really think about it evil isn t something, but the lack of something. There s a reason why the person is mad there s a reason for everything that happens. For instance why people get sick is because of lack of health, why are people poor, lack of wealth. As we talked about in class
  • 28. Ireland s Capital Of Culture Cork, Ireland is one of the most beautiful and culturally rich places on Earth. In 2005 Cork was selected as the European Capital of Culture. With Cork s landscape dotted with old English castles and great Catholic cathedrals it is not hard to understand why Cork was 2005 s capital of culture. There are many examples showing Ireland s rich cultural ties but a very good example is beer. Ireland is quite renowned for its beer production and consumption. You can trace it back no fewer than 5,000 years, back into the earliest days of Irish agriculture, when the magical trilogy of fertile soil, soft rain and gentle, cool breezes made for a climate that could produce superb barley ( A History of Beer in Ireland ). Corkhappens to be headquarters of Murphy s Brewery. In 1906 Murphy s Brewery was the second largest brewery in Ireland and has remained a very large brewery ever since (Wilson). Beer is a simple example of one of the many incredible things to visit Cork for. Cork was originally founded by Saint Fin Barre in the 6th century (Riain). The city itself is situated on the River Lee. The river splits making an island which is where the city center is located; the river re converges at the eastern side of the city creating the Cork Harbour, one of the world s largest natural harbors. Viking settlers, in about the 10th century, founded a trading post in Cork. It is hypothesized that Cork was an important trading center in the Scandinavian trading network (Moody). During
  • 29. Swot and Pestel of Emirates Airlines Introduction Emirates Airlines (also known as Fly Emirates) is a major airline in the Middle East, and a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. It is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates and operates over 1,990 passenger flights per week, from its hub at Dubai International Airport, to 157 destinations in 55countries across 6 continents. The company also operates four of the world s longest non stop commercial flights from Dubai to Los Angeles, SГЈo Paulo, Houston, and San Francisco, all on the Boeing 777 200LR, has latest Airbus A380 aircrafts for destinations like Bangkok. Emirates Airlines is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, which has over 40,000 employees from101 nationalities, and is wholly owned by the Government of... Show more content on ... Along with this, EMIRATES AIRLINE tries harder to make sure that each society is given equal chances to take advantage of the resources given by the organisation. The company adheres to having good reputation and relations in the society that they belong to . Technological Aspect The emergence of information technology and internet affects how EMIRATES AIRLINE has been operating in the past years. The company adopts different IT/IS systems and used internet to reach their customer all over the world and to know the latest trends in the global business. Aside from these, the company also uses facilities which helps them improved their productions and operations. Legal Aspects The policies and regulations provided by the government, both local and international allow the company to be more cautious in their business actions. To avoid problems in line with their business practice, the company sees to it that all their actions are legal and aspired to highest standards. Environmental Aspects Environmental protection is one of the most essential aspects to be considered by many businesses. If an organisation will not be able to consider the environment in their actions, there is a possibility of facing problems within the society. In this regard, EMIRATES AIRLINE develops environmental protection strategies to adhere to this worldwide need. In addition, the company are always trying to join in environmental protection campaign by
  • 30. Emily Rose Exorcism The Exorcism of Emily Rose precise (Primary Source): The Movie of the Exorcism of Emily Rose is a horror film that was written and directed in 2005 by a Christian follower: Scott Derrickson. The plot of the film is about a nineteen year old girl whom is possessed by six demons: Cain, Nero, Judas Iscariot, Legion, Belial, Lucifer. Scott Derrickson wrote intent was to capture the true events that lead to Anneliese Michel s death of hunger. Due to the Scott Derrickson s religious background and the trial that took place after the death of Anneliese Michel; the films intended audience would be for parishioners, Law and Order fans horror film enthusiast, and religious non believers. The message of the film wasn t to challenges people s ideas and thoughts of Demons. As Scott Derrickson states: I wanted to make an effective, entertaining, provocative movie that wasn t attempting to offer the audience metaphysical or spiritual answers, but was provoking significant religious and spiritual questions. That is the agenda of the film (SPU Response) . In an attempt to prove the existence of demons, the film illustrates the Blessed Holy... Show more content on ... Within the film, Emily Rose was given an option to either go with the Virgin Mary, which would have been death, or to remain alive and show the world that demons are real by continuing to suffer. The sequence of the film is well organized and presents it s the audience with the back and forth facts of the accounts of Demons within the courtroom drama, present time, and the flashback sequence of Emily Roses demonic possessions. The movie ends with Emily Roses priest being found guilty of negligent homicide, however, was free to walk out of the court room. In the end good, good triumphed over
  • 31. Clean Water Act Case Summary Decision Making: I believe the wisest decision for Tom to make would be to contact the EPA and report the oversight to be investigated; because it would be the right thing to do ethically for the preservation of life on a planet that thrives on coexistence. The aquatic ecosystem is empowered by the Clean Water Act, the EPA strives to manage, protect and restore the water resources and ecosystems of the nation s marine and fresh waters ( Ecosystems Science Resources ). Through this act, the office of water, ensures that drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health and provides a healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife ( Summary of the Clean Water Act ). Although the company might be fined and people may lose their jobs and investments, by contacting the EPA, Tom may have helped save the ecosystem and... Show more content on ... The second option that could be best for this situation is that Tom could go over Mr. Morie s head and speak to a higher level manager. Although Mr. Maurie and the engineers might lose their jobs, the company could correct the problem before it has its consequential effects on the ecosystem. The company could go on without penalties or fear of being shut down, they could build a larger client base due to being a trustworthy, and Tom could have the opportunity to finish his internship and come back to work for the firm with a great outlook for future promotion for being able to identify and aiding to fix a catastrophic mistake. Hence, by go over the supervisors head to higher level management, the company could fix the problem while protecting the ecosystem from a catastrophe, the company wouldn t be penalized or shut down, the company would gain trust with their clients, and there could be a future for Tom with the firm. Works Cited Ecosystems Science Resources . 22 December 2015. Web. 03 March 2016. . Summary of the Clean Water Act . 08 October 2015. Web. 03 March 2016.
  • 32. Negative Analysis Of Harvey, The Storm That Human Helped... Argument Analysis of a Comment on New York Times In the article Harvey, the Storm that Human Helped Cause , the author David Leonhardt displays the miserable scene of southeast Texas after the severe storm, Harvey. The article points out that the storm has a direct correlation with the climate change straightforward and illustrates the thesis statement basing on the situation of Harvey (Leonhardt par.3). Providing abundant evidence such as the foreshadowing of the storm, caused by anomaly temperature, Mr. Leonhardt claims that the catastrophe was a result of human activity (par.17). Nevertheless, scientists try to avoid this topic generally for political reasons so the author declares that people should discern the relationship between climate... Show more content on ... Although it is a scientific article, the author expresses his emotion between the lines, making the article really fascinating. The language in the article is pithy and direct. For instance, the first paragraph, containing only one sentence, delivers the information that how severe the storm is as well as what happened before the ravage in brief words. This expression gives readers a sense of tension and constructs an imperative atmosphere simultaneously. Meanwhile, words in the article convey readers the author s determination to disclose the relationship between the disaster and human activity. The adverb certainly is used for three times in order to emphasize the fact that government and scientists conceal the relevancy, expressing the author s resolution (pars.4, 8, 17). Although most language in his article is terse and accurate, when mentioning the excuse which the government and scientists makes to obscure the relationship between the storm and weather change, the author changes into an ironic tone, pointing out that this kind of pretext is the same as denying the connection between cancer and
  • 33. Amputated Limb Abstract Through previously conducted experiments, it has been shown that amputation results in a reduction of gray matter in areas in the motor cortex that represent the amputated limb. This study focuses on the changes in gray matter of amputees with differing intensities of phantom limb pain (PLP). To analyze two potential causes of transformation in the cortex, the changes of patient s brain structures with high chronic PLP are compared to patients who did not develop PLP or only mild PLP. In addition, a second group was tested to specifically focus on patients experiencing intense PLP and patients with phantom limb sensations (PLS) and slight PLP. This paper gives a detailed summary of how the research from the article concluded that amputees ... Show more content on ... Phantom limb sensations are different from phantom limb pain in that they are sensations without any pain. These patients were then split into two groups, one with no to slight phantom limb pain (SPLP) and the other with moderate to severe phantom limb pain (HPLP). The groups did not vary considerably in the time since the amputation, depression scores or the reasons for amputation. Yet, they showed a substantial difference in the average age at
  • 34. The Federalist Papers By John Jay The Federalist Papers, written in New York by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, during the years of 1787 and 1788, were a collection of eighty five essays that were written to augment and garner support and to defend those concepts set forth in The Constitution of the United States of America (hereafter The Constitution ), which had not yet been ratified. The Federalist Papersnot only championed The Constitution, but they also explained how the new government would operate in the United Statesas further detailed below. It was crucial to the success of the new country that The Constitution be ratified; and Jay, Hamilton and Madison were prepared to do anything they could to see to the documents, as well as the United States, success. In September of 1787, The Constitution was proposed to The Confederation Congress. The Confederation Congress was a government that was made up of appointed delegates from the then, thirteen states. Since it was the supreme governing body, it was the party that was able to make the decision about the fate of The Constitution. The decision made was to turn the decision over to the states for ratification. Therefore, Jay, Hamilton and Madison wrote the Federalist Papers to ensure that there was going to be adequate support to have the states ratify The Constitution. Additionally, they were written to counter act the negative comments being made by those persons opposed to The Constitution, which included
  • 35. Why Guns Should Be Banned In Schools The discussion of bearing arms has been prominent in American history since the writing of the Bill of Rights. Many believe that having the right to bear arms is part of their national identity. It is something that most tend to hold close to their hearts. According to the Washington Post, it was reported in 2015 that about 43% of American families had guns in their homes and/or on their properties (Washington Post, 2016). But should individuals be able to carry guns everywhere? The GunFree School Zones Act of 1990 ensures that the areas in and around school buildings and facilities are gun free (article 1). The repeal of this act would create a variety of issues for the society such as an increase in gun related violenceand child safety. Having gun free zones around schools is important for the child s safety and protection physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is quite counter intuitive for the city and governments to allow for such a repeal. Schools strive to keep a safe learning environment and promote healthy and inviting atmospheres. Allowing individuals to carry guns in schools could increase the number of gun related accidents with involving ... Show more content on ... In 2015, a bill was passed through the house of Representatives to repeal the 1990 Act (article). It was meant to allow for concealed carry permit holders to possess firearms in public K 12 schools and University of Wyoming and community college buildings (article). Its supporters believe that the law is infringing on their right to protect themselves and others. They believe that allowing guns around schools won t have any effect on the number of guns related incidences or on child safety. Even though some of the concerns, such as the ability to protect themselves and others, are valid, the bigger concerns of child safety and the possible repeals of other legislation for school grounds is much more
  • 36. Stephen Curry Accomplishments B orn in 1988, Stephen curry is the son of Dell Curry, who was also a professional basketball player. Since 2009 when the Golden State Warriors first drafted Curry, he has been a huge part in their success. He won the NBA s MVP (Most Valuable Player) award. He then helped the Warriors win the national championship in 2015, and also helped the team achieve a league record with 73 wins in one season. Born in Ohio, Steph is now one of the top NBA players today. He can hang with Michal Jordan and beat Kobe Bryant, this splash brother is definitely earning the attention he is receiving. Stephen curry s biggest achievement is probably winning the MVP award in 2015. He also won the National Championship which is also big deal, however, it takes an especially skilled person to win the MVP award. He tops the NBA in scoring. He led the defending champions the golden state warriors to a 24 0 start, the best in NBA history. Curry s team could break the record for most regular season wins. All of these achievements show why Stephen curry is the MVP of the NBA. Not too many people can say these things and to be able to is something more special than an award. For these reasons I believe that Stephen curry s biggest achievement is getting awarded the MVP.... Show more content on ... His dream was to attend college at Virginia Tech, but settled for Davidson when Virginia showed no interest. I feel that this is the most surprising fact about Stephen curry, besides that his real name is Wardell, because of how great he is today. Stephen also surprised me because he likes to watch chic flicks. I m sure that this would surprise a lot of people. Everyone knows professional basketball players to be huge guys with nerves of steel. This, however; is not the case with Wardell Stephen Curry. He is a six foot three point guard in the NBA with a soft heart. He loves God and his family, which includes his wife Ayesha and his daughters Riley and
  • 37. Hedda Gabler The play Hedda Gabler, written by Henrik Ibsen, discusses the journey of the protagonist Hedda Tesman, formerly known as Hedda Gabler, in her descent to suicide. The story leads her to feel entrapped by a misery that surrounds her life and leads her to feel that death is her only escape. While a traditional reading of the play is that Hedda is a victim of society, a modern interpretation is that Hedda is much more a victim of herself: her dislike of motherhood, her self insecurities and her flirtatious behaviour, with the constrictive time period and setting only accentuating these faults. Overall Ibsen aims to show the audience the difficulties that face those in society who fail to fit into social roles and expectations, discussing whether... Show more content on ... Whilst women of this era were expected to raise children, Hedda demonstrates an inability to sustain such maternal feelings, causing her to view herself as separated from society. This is illustrated in Ibsen s use of diction in the title, naming the play Hedda Gabler rather than Hedda Tesman to suggest that Hedda is unable to conform to such traditional customs as taking her husband s name. This is perpetuated through Tesman s constant hints at pregnancy. In this, it is shown how Tesman believes Hedda to be pregnant, saying how Hedda has filled out on the journey . Ibsen s use of metaphor in Tesman s comment emphasises how, at even the suggestion of pregnancy, Hedda becomes derisive, as she replies Oh, do be quiet ! Likewise, Ibsen uses the foil of Miss Tesman to emphasise Hedda s isolation. Miss Tesman is seen to be excited at the suggestion of Hedda s perceived pregnancy, highlighting the unusual nature of Hedda s displeasure. Her dislike of the prospect of motherhood causes Hedda to experience a sense of isolation and exclusion from those around her. This societal isolation is presented to the audience through Ibsen s use of physical description. Mrs. Elvsted s hair, being described as unusually abundant becomes symbolic of one s ability to fit into society. She is characterised as beautiful , stupid and an ideal women of the period. In comparison, Hedda s hair, described as not particularly abundant , illustrates her inability to conform. Yet it can be seen that Hedda hopes to conform to society and thus suggesting that her anguish is as a result of her separation from society, a situation that can be attributed to her character faults, rather than the constraints of society itself. This is demonstrated through Ibsen s use of backstory which illustrates Hedda s life long obsession with Mrs. Elvsted s
  • 38. The Sound And The Fury Essay THE SOUND AND THE FURY William Faulkner s background influenced him to write the unconventional novel The Sound and the Fury. One important influence on the story is that Faulkner grew up in the South. The Economist magazine states that the main source of his inspiration was the passionate history of the American South, centered for him in the town of Oxford, Mississippi, where he lived most of his life. Similarly, Faulkner turns Oxford and its environs, quot;my own little postage stamp of native soil, quot; into Yoknapatawpha County, the mythical region in which he sets the novel (76). In addition to setting, another influence on the story is Faulkner s own family. He had three brothers, black servants, a mother whose family was not as ... Show more content on ... For instance, the first jump in time occurs on just the second page of the book when Luster says, quot;Cant you never crawl through here without snagging on that nail. quot; Benjy automatically thinks back to when he went with Caddy to deliver a letter to Mrs. Patterson and got stuck on the fence near Christmas. When Caddy says in the same memory, quot;You don t want your hands froze on Christmas, do you, quot; Benjy thinks of an earlier incident when Caddy tried to convince Mrs. Compson to let him come outside with her (F! aulkner 4). The next section, told from Quentin Compson s perspective, is as equally puzzling. Since Quentin has decided to end his life, he reminisces about his past and the reason he chose to die. The reason is his sister s act of adultery. Whenever he is reminded of events that have to do with his sister s sin, he also goes back in time. When Quentin is thinking about how good the weather will be for the Harvard boat race in June, the month of brides, he thinks of Caddy s wedding day. He then thinks of the roses at her wedding and of trying to convince his father that he committed incest with his sister (77). Another uncertainty in this novel is the lack of rising action or climax. The book is told on Easter weekend, 1928, and gives the whole history of the family by retelling the events that occurred in the minds of the characters. To begin, the first section tells what will happen in the
  • 39. The Fighter By Walter Dean Myers Analysis In the story, The Fighter by Walter Dean Myers, the main conflict of the story is that Billy, the main character, needs to earn more money for him and his family in order for them to live a nice life. Billy is running low on money, so he needs to do boxing which is the only way he earns money, but his wife does not agree with him because she doesn t want him to get hurt. Therefore, he is torn between either upsetting his wife to earn money or living in poverty until he could get the right education to get a good job. In the beginning of the story it says Billy is going out, though it doesn t say where, it is to somewhere his wife does not want him to go. I know this because on page 27 it states, Billy Giles told his wife that he was just
  • 40. Editing And The Writing Process Literature Review In examining recent literature on the topic of editing in the writing process, three areas appear to be of some concern in dealing with this issue: 1) The true definition of editing and the editing process, 2) The perceived role and responsibilities of the teacher and students, and 3) Effective editingstrategies that will increase studentlearning. In order to truly implement editing strategies that will impact the learner, the first two areas must be addressed. In the review of the literature, I found that many students and teachers alike had some misconceptions about the true definition of editing and the roles that each must play. Often times, the editing process and the revision process were mistakenly ... Show more content on ... The second area that needs to be addressed is the role the teacher and students play in the editing stage. Teachers, English teachers in particular, are experts in editing. This is suggested through their daily activities of correcting papers (Littauer, 1996; Parsons 2001). Joel Littauer (1996) also suggests that students have no editing skills because the teacher does all the editing. It is of no wonder that students do not have the skills of editing. Parsons (2001) states that unless students are taught and forced to implement correct language, they will continue to make the same mistakes. He also makes the point of putting the responsibility of editing back to the person who does the writing. In the case of a classroom, the teacher must teach the students to edit their work, and the students must take the responsibility to do so. In accomplishing this task, the students will have taken one more step in becoming successful writers. In order to accomplish this task however, teachers must find and implement editing strategies that will work for them and their students. In conducting my literature review, I found three strategies that were dominant in much of my research. The first strategy was one that was technology driven. In this strategy, the computer word processor is used as a tool for the stages of writing. Jarvis (1997), Diehm (1998), as well as Parsons (2001), all give good reasons to use this tool as a strategy for editing. In
  • 41. Analysis Of The Movie Genghis Khan Heroism of Genghis Khan The movie Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan is a semi historical film that describes about the early life of Temujin, who later came to be known as Genghis Khan. Likewise, the movie shows brief of his childhood and how he became the Great Khan, but it ends when Temujin finally became Genghis Khan. First scene begins in 1192 ( Year of the Black Rat ) with Temujin as a prisoner in the Tangut kingdom, then it flashed back all the way to his childhood. In the first flashback, a young boy (age 9 in1172), Temujin and his father Yesugei was on their way to choose Temujin s future wife from the Merkit tribe because his father once kidnapped the bride, Temujin s mother form the Merkit tribe. However, he convinces his father to allow him to choose BГ¶rte. He promises to return after five years to marry her. On their way home, TemГјjin s father is poisoned by an enemy tribe. As he lies dying, he tells Temujin that he is now Khan. This event seems a real because there are many other books and research describes the same. When Yesugei is dead, Targutai orders the other tribesmen to loot the dead Khan s camp. Targutai spares Temujin s life, declaring a Mongol does not kill children .Somehow, Temujin meets a boy called Jamukha, they quickly become friends and perform a traditional ceremony declaring themselves blood brothers. Targutai later captures Temujin, holding him in captivity twice, but each time Temujin escapes late one night and roams the countryside.
  • 42. Polar Bears Will Be Gone Our White Ice Loving Friends are Disappearing The concerns about the ever rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and constant warnings about global warming making their way into everyday news and our lives, it is no surprise that bears inhabiting the arctic regions are now suffering as a result. The extent of the damage done to the Polar Bears may mean they ll soon be gone in a scant few years. In the Blink of an Eye, the Polar Bears Will Be Gone No one wants to see our white furry friends go. That s why the USFWS has responded to the declining population of the polar bears by drafting up a conservation plan to save them, or at least minimize their losses. The draft of the conservation effort can be found here on which it lists that number
  • 43. Stereotypes Of Being Asian-American I was born and raised in the U.S., yet I still do not fully understand what it means to be Asian American. There have been times where I was embarrassed to be seen together with my parents in public because I wanted to distance myself from my Asian background that was the center of many jokes I heard in school. For the sake of trying to fit in, I have lost a lot of what it means to be Asian. I used to be embarrassed bringing my mom s home cooked meals to school because everyone else thought it was weird and unappetizing looking. I have tried for most of my life to be different from the other Asians around me. Whatever the stereotypeswere of East Asians, I would do the exact opposite. If the stereotypewas that Asians were terrible about creative arts, I would At some point, it was just too exhausting for me to continue to be a person that lived for confirmation from others. Asians are stereotyped as the model minority I can only be so American. I was born here, grew up here, and went to school here. But despite all of that, I still feel like there s some sort of barrier for me that I will never be able to cross because I m Asian. I can spend sleepless nights ... Show more content on ... There s a sort of foreignness that the I sometimes feel even though I have been here for nearly 18 years of my life. Even though I m surrounded by peers, I feel a sense of loneliness that distances me from both my peers at school and my parents at home. I feel that I cannot fully feel comfortable in either circle and that is truly a lonely feeling. As a young child who hasn t even started grade school yet, feeling the pressure to become a successful doctor or lawyer is truly heavy Model minority =pressure, if not then seen as stupid Asian, good at math, cheap, bad fashion sense (which I know), bad drivers, really rich (Asian american men), crooked
  • 44. Victorian Influence on Women s Fashions Essay Before Research Before the Victorian Era, the main focus of fashion was for men. Women s fashion changed some, but the general idea of long skirts, tight bodices, and heavy fabrics stayed consistent. Real changes to style and fashion were not made until about the 1840 s, when Queen Victoria came into power. After her rise to Queen, the fashions began to change dramatically. Pride and Prejudice is a book written in this time, and the fashion is clearly visible. Looking at fashion of the time can be clear examples of social customs, role models, and other aspects of the time period. The question to start off with is how has royalty affected women s fashions through the ages? Royalty is influential on all sorts of things, so why not fashion? ... Show more content on ... The beginning of the civil war in America affected the cotton production, so fabric became more scarce, leading into the next era, one that used less fabric. The early bustle period featured a narrower skirt, with gathered fabric on the back. Bodices ended at the natural waist. By 1877, the bustles had dropped to knees, leading into the Natural Form period. By this time, a tall, slim figure was born. Dresses were long and the bodice became long and tight. The Late bustle period brought the bustle back into style. The skirts stayed long and tight, with a large amount of fabric gathered in the back. The 1890 s saw the disappearance of the bustle for good. At this time, skirts became plain, and the bodice was dressed up with frills and puffed sleeves. The popular Pigeon Silhouette of the Victorian era was born. The Edwardian Period was a time of ultimate femininity. The skirts became soft and flowing, and the hobble skirt became popular (What is). This was probably the most interesting part of my research, because I got a deeper look into the world of fashion. The Queen s Fashion I now needed to know what Queen Victoria did for fashion in this time period. I learned through my next source that Queen Victoria and her daughters were often fashion models for women of this period. Typical outfits of this time consisted of cotton fabrics, as they were in abundant supply and allowed air into the often heavy fabrics. Day dresses were worn inside the home, and were
  • 45. Chapter One Chapter One I had enough of all the bad things in my life. Mikena, time to go to school. My mom said. I grabbed my small, mint green backpack and I went out the front door. My dad was waiting outside. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. I felt like a princess at that moment. My dad went inside the car and I started walk to school. My dad is going to his workplace which is a restaurant. I arrived at my school in less than ten minutes. That s a new record. I saw Alicia with her friends on the lawn of the school. She was laughing with her friends. Some of her friends shoved their dirty, little mouths into the hottest guys of the school. I felt very nauseous. Alicia is my worst enemy, but she s very pretty like a princess. She is my... Show more content on ... Her eyes are so beautiful compared to my dull brown ones. Brad walked over to me. Brad gave me a doll that looks just like me. I hugged him. Brad is kind of my friend. We don t talk that much. Thank you. I said. Brad smiled at. Ok, ok. I ll come to your house. Alicia said, after Brad left. I jumped up and down in front of her. I stopped jumping and said, You re going to be my slave forever. Alicia was scared. I had a huge smirk on my face. I made her scared. I finally let out the fire in me. I made some dolls for Alicia. I made the dolls look just like her, but each doll has a different outfit. I stroked Alicia s arm and then I grabbed Alicia s arm. After school, you will go to my house. Your stuff is already at my house. I said. I expected Alicia to be sad since she practically live in a palace or a mini castle. Ok. Alicia said. Alicia has the same first period class as me. Michael came up to Alicia. Michael is a jock and he loves beating me. What are you doing with a slut like Mikena? Michael said, venom in his voice and his eyes are wild. Mikena is not a slut. She s a princess. Alicia said. I smiled. Michael walked away and the wildness never left away from his eyes. You owe me. Alicia whispered to me when Michael left. She pressed against my back and my ribs starting hurting from the beating yesterday. Ok. I ll make it up to you this one time. I said. Alicia had a smile on her face. She looks so pretty. I traced the outline of her face. I
  • 46. Samson Munoz Samson Munoz Why Guns Should Not Be Banned Introduction Stephen Willeford one of the heroes from the Southernland Springs shooting. Is a certified NRA instructor and stopped the bad guy by chasing him with Johnie Langendorff going 90 mph and firing at him with his AR 15. The Only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. That is why there should not be banned. Banning Arms Banning guns will leave many citizens defenseless. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. For example, Stephen Willeford One of the two heroes from the Southernland Springs shooting that took place in Southernland Springs, Texas. Willeford is a neighbor to the Southernland Springs Church heard the gunshots ringing ... Show more content on ... You are 4 times more likely to be stabbed then shot. According to a 2004 DOJ (Department of Justice) study the federal ban didn t lead to any decrease in gun crime. In addition, criminals do not usually buy guns legally. Most criminals buy illegal guns because they are usually untraceable and are easier to use in a crime. Most gun deaths are caused by people that use stolen or illegally bought firearms. This would just result in just in more gun deaths. Another reason guns should not be banned is that it is a part of the American life. The founding fathers saw the right to bear arms so important to the survival of our country that they stated in the constitution as the 2nd amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The right to bear arms will never be taken away it is an inalienable right that cannot be taken away. Banning guns will take away this right and long with the second amendment the others will follow if the right to bear arms is taken away. We cannot defend our other rights. When people from foreign countries think of America many think about guns and freedom. Guns are associated with America as well as America being associated with freedom. Guns are a part of the American culture. From hunting to being able to just own one. This right shall not be
  • 47. Business Chain Of Command Or Hierarchical Structure Upward/downward communication occurs when information and messages are trickled through an organization or business chain of command or hierarchical structure (Grimsley, An easier description of upward/downward communication is the concept of messages and commands starting from the upper levels of an organization or business which is then facilitated towards lower levels through smooth communicationfrom the employer or whoever is in charge. Advantages of having effective upward downward communication is organizational discipline, work efficiency, communication of goals and the ease of delegation (Grimsley, Discipline is implemented due to the main emphasis of upward downward communication within the organization. Delegation of assignments and projects throughout the organization is done with ease; this represents the chain of command. Upward downward communication forces employees to work together while creating a competitive environment. The chain of command is represented through upward downward communication. In order to make your way to the top of the chain, it forces employees to hold a strong work ethic , while keeping in mind the best interest of the organization. Competition is healthy, the workforce teaches individuals to never have a sense of complacency or incompetence. If you can t do the job, then someone else will. When it specifically comes to downward communication the best interest of the company is in mind. Efficiency is offered due
  • 48. Social Problems and Social Welfare For many of us when we hear the term Homeless the first image that often springs to mind is a person huddling in a sleeping bag or cardboard box in a doorway of a city street. Whilst media imagery and information released by charities can support this picture the problem of homelessness encompasses a far wider range. This discussion looks at homelessnesswith a particular emphasis on young people that is young people typically aged between 16 and 24. In its simplest form Homelessness means not having a home. In this context a home is not just a house, it is a permanent, private roof over your head, a place of security with community links and support. It should be of a decent standard and affordable. (Shelter Nov 2005) The statutory ... Show more content on ... The Homelessness Act 2002 widened the classification of homeless people having a priority need to include 16 17 year olds, care leavers aged between 18 and 20 and persons who are vulnerable due to them being in care, prison, armed forces or fleeing violence and/or threats of violence. This is a step in the right direction but bearing in mind we are considering young people to be 16 24 where is the support for persons 18 years +? There is still a significant gap here considering the lower minimum wage and benefit levels available in this age range. Other legislation places duties on Social Services departments to provide for people in and leaving care namely The Children Act 1989 and The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000. What is the impact of homelessness on young people? The More than a roof report acknowledged that historically government s investment in affordable housing has been significantly too low. Council House stock has been depleted through the successful Right to Buy scheme but these stocks have not been replaced. Whilst there has been a required move away from council housing towards housing association accommodation, an ever increasing population combined with this under investment has left a significant gap in the countries overall housing stock. Regional factors are also worth considering The prosperous South East corner of the UK has attracted a migrating population seeking
  • 49. Investigate of Chinese Auto Mobile Industry -- a Study of... Part 1 External Environment Analysis Macro Environment Analysis PEST Analysis Political/legislative Chinese began to open its market and reduces of governmental control over marketing and labour mobility in the1980s. After twenty year reform of state ownership enterprises the SOEs remained the most significant role in China economy and control the key industry of China. The adjustment of government policy and stabile political environment played a role in the recent increase of foreign investment in China. By the end of June 1997, it was reported that over 200,000 business joint ventures had been registered in China, with a total foreign investment of $204 billion ($15.7 billion from US companies) (China National ... Show more content on ... (high barrier) Switching Cost the switching cost is higher because of the price of automotive was much more higher than can easily switch from one brand to another. (high barrier) Government Policy Chinese government was quotas keep barriers to foreign investment to entry into the market (high barrier) Overall the biggest threat of new entrants comes from the local government as the government set up high entry barriers for this special industry. As a result, the overall barriers for new entrants were medium to high. Power of Suppliers Basic Production Materials: automobile industry can be regarded as a comprehensive and special industry as 50% 70% of the value is manufactured in supply firms. Many local suppliers monopolized the local parts industry. In additional they are strange supported by local government. (high power) Production Equipment: Chinese auto industry was 10 15 years behind the global auto industry development in the period of 1997 1998. Most manufacturers would use second hand equipments at that time. Therefore the power of suppliers in production equipment was low. Government Influence: In China government plays an important role in auto parts supplier market. Local government implemented localization tax in order to improve domestic content rate of auto parts. As a result the overall bargaining power of suppliers was
  • 50. Giotto Di Bondone Distinctively Visual To give a background, linear perspective is a mathematical system for creating the illusion of space and distance on a flat surface. An artist must first imagine the picture surface as an open window through which to see the painted world when he or she wants to use perspective in his or her paintings. Straight lines are then drawn on the canvas to represent the horizon and visual rays connecting the viewer s eye to a point in the distance. One must draw these lines to connect the viewer s eye to a vanishing point line, just like where the sky meets the ground. Orthogonal lines are then drawn over the canvas or work space. The point where orthogonal lines meet is called the vanishing point. One can compare this to train tracks in the distance. [fix this paragraph] [transitions to examples] Perspective did not start out as perfect and as true to life as we know it today. Pictures used to be very flat and cartoon like. This changed however when artists began to get really creative and pay attention to making their pieces more lifelike. One of the artists who started this change was Giotto di Bondone (1267 1337). Giotto was one of the important, accomplished, and... Show more content on ... In his other hand, he would hold a mirror in which he would see the reflected image of the Baptistry. Through the hole or aperture, the eye of the observer would be drawn immediately to the spot which corresponded to the vanishing point. Through this experiment, Brunelleschi helped provide the scientific basis for visual representation in the fifteenth century and he is credited with the formulation of a linear, central perspective based on mathematical principles. Brunelleschi s studies transformed art drastically from that point on. Utilizing the observation that parallel lines receding into space seem to converge on the horizon, an artist may create the illusion of depth on the surface of his
  • 51. Papular Pritic Eruption Essay Introduction: Papular pruritic eruption (PPE) is the most common cutaneous manifestation of HIV, and is recognized as a WHO Clinical Stage 2 disease of HIV. PPE has a reported prevalence of 11 46% depending on geographic region, and is most commonly reported in African countries, Haiti, Brazil, and Thailand, and is less common in European and North American countries. PPE is characterized by multiple discrete skin colored or erythematous urticarial papules symmetrically distributed on the body. The lesions are most commonly located on the extremities but can also be found on the trunk, face, or are generalized with sparing of mucous membranes, palms and soles, and digital web spaces. Pruritus begins with lesion appearance, and itching ... Show more content on ... PPE may also be related to HIV infection of the skin and immune dysregulation in the skin. Some studies have suggested that the lesions of PPE are an immunologic manifestation related to the inversion of the normal ratio of CD4:CD8 T cells and the normal ratio of Th1:Th2 response and cytokine profile that occurs in HIV infection and results in the inability to recognize endogenous proteins. Findings: PPE is characterized by multiple sharply demarcated urticarial papules that are either skin colored or erythematous. The lesions are symmetrically distributed and more commonly seen on the extremities, but are also found on the trunk, face, or be generalized with sparing of mucous membranes, palms and soles, and digital web spaces. Studies have shown that 95% of lesions are located on the extremities, arms and legs, most frequently on the extensor surfaces and dorsum of the hands. PPE has a chronic course that waxes and wanes, and the lesions change appearance over time, with new lesions appearing daily. As the pruritus beings with lesion appearance, scratching leads to excoriations, secondary infections, and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, eventually leading to scarring and prurigo like nodules. The lesions of PPE are predominantly papular, but there have been variants reported that display pustular lesions with acneform appearance. Diagnostic pearls: PPE is more common in developing countries in individuals with history of insect bites and NO history of