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Essay on Imperialism In World War 1
Imperialism in World War 1 Imperialism was one of the four contributing factors to the cause of
World War One, along with secret alliances, militarism, and nationalism. It is the most important
cause of WW1, because it created a build–up of tension in Europe and outside of Europe, and
through imperialism, the three other causes were able to affect the beginnings of the war.
Imperialism is defined as the governing of one people by another country, which was a recurring
dilemma prior to WW1 due to the industrialist movement. Although not all events that fall into the
imperialistic category were about controlling another country, they contributed to the war, and
imperialistic events were the foundation of the cause of WW1. Within Europe, more content...
Militarism was another factor, and the threatening behavior when powerful countries involved in
powerful alliances begin forming unbeatable weapons would not have affected war had there not
been a prior fear that war would be coming. England produced a ship made to kill in attempt to
prove to the Germans that they still owned the sea, and this kind of behavior is what triggered an
additional rise to the pressure building in Europe. Nationalism relates closer to imperialism because
it was due to nationalism that imperialism was not always successful. When the European powers
attempted to invade and take over China, they were unable to due to the unity of the Chinese people,
and also the interferences by other countries. This nationalism prevented countries from extending
control over many people, for rebellions occurred and changes had to be made. The
Austro–Hungarian Ultimatum to Serbia was one of the examples of imperialism during WW1. On
July 23 1914, Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinated archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was to
be the heir to the Austro–Hungarian throne. Austro–Hungary, realizing they were stronger than
Serbia, issued an ultimatum with ridiculous demands, along with statements such as "The Royal
Serbian Government [is]... to suppress any publication which incites to hatred and contempt of the
Austro–Hungarian Monarchy and the general tendency of which is directed against its territorial
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Causes Of World War 1 Essay
There were many causes that led to the beginning of World War 1. World War 1 was a military
conflict. WW1 involved all the biggest powers of the war. This war also invoked two major
alliances. There were Three main causes of World War 1, Mutual Defense Alliances, Militarism,
and Imperialism. One cause that began World War 1 was the Mutual Defense Alliances. The
alliances were able to give each other finacle help with the war they were fighting, as well as
supplying the materials and weaponry to fight in the war. The Alliances through World War 1 we're
the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. These alliances were started when any member found
themselves at war with two or more nations this would activate the alliances to more
Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through democracy or
military force. The most powerful nation controls the colonies, the people also call the nation
with the most power the "mother country." Imperialism contributed to World War in the way that
the amount of land that Britain and France owned infuriated Germany and heightened their
rivalry. By the 1900's the British empire extended over 5 continents, but France had control over
the largest part of Africa. Through all of this imperialism caused countries to have to have new
markets. When a country owns a market they say who gets to trade and by goods there, this
caused rivalry against the countries. In 1914 this rivalry was sparked into war. Many things led
to the cause of World War 1. The three main cause of World War 1 were Mutual Defence
Alliances, Militarism, and Imperialism. The Alliances were a big part of World War 1 because if
any member of the alliances were found in a war this would activate the alliances they were in.
Militarism was pride in the military. This caused the the people to want to have the best military and
the most people to join the military. Imperialism is to extend the military's power and influence
through their military
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Conclusion Of World War 1
World war 1, also known as The Great War, was a global war in Europe that began on 28th July
1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60
million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over 9 million combatants
and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war. The war was one of the deadliest conflicts in world
history and has been a worldwide clash. Thirty–two countries were involved with two opposing
alliances, the Allies and Central Power. The countries of the Allies include British Empire, France,
Italy, Russia, Serbia, and the United States of America. While they are opposed by the Central
Powers which are Austria–Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and theOttoman Empire.
During the First World War many countries in Europe were involved, more content...
Notwithstanding political clashes, the reasons for the war included such powers as patriotism, or
pride in one's nation. The conviction that one's own particular country or society is better than all
others, patriotism drove European countries to contend to manufacture the biggest armed force and
naval force. It additionally gave gatherings of subject people groups the thought of shaping
autonomous countries of their own. Serbians, Czechs, Slovaks, Bosnians and numerous different
people groups living under the guideline of the Ottoman or Austro–Hungarian Empires needed
flexibility from "outside" tenet.
To conclude, the main causes of World War 1 is caused because of Militarism, Alliances,
Imperialism and Nationalism. Each one of them has impacted and affected the World War 1.
Militarism was one of the major causes of the war, as it was an armed race on who has more
military equipment's. Alliances, was first thought to make peace between country and to help the
countries. Imperialism was another cause of World War 1, as European nations ruled smaller
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The First World War
The first world war was one of the most brutal and remorseless events in history; 'the global
conflict that defined a century'. Over nine million soldiers and a large amount of innocent
civilians lost their lives. Empires crumbled, revolution engulfed Russia and America rose to
become a dominant world power. Huge armies deployed new weapons of devastating effect from
rifles and pistols to torpedoes and flame throwers. These weapons were used not only in the
trenches but by tanks too. This was an advantage to those who were able to access such machinery
as they could easily launch bullets and missiles at nearby enemy bases. The downfall of the tank
was the fact it was unable to cross the trenches. Tanks were not the only pieces of equipment that
could access this machinery but U boats and planes too. The British carried 'bolt action rifles' in
which fired 15 rounds per minute at a minimum range of 1,400 metres away. This allowed the
British to take out foes at a far greater range. By using machinery in which rules out the need for
getting up close to the enemy was a great advantage during world war one. Soldiers ran from trench
to trench attacking with all that they had. This resulted in a massacre as the soldiers running toward
the trenches were shot down. Machinery such as machine guns and heavy artillery were the
weapons used in the trenches. In modern day society, machine guns are the main weapons used by
soldiers. This wasn't the case around the 1914s. They took four
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The Events Of World War I Essay
World War One was many years in the making with separate incidences occurring between the
empires that ultimately lead up to war beginning. With many powerful empires on edge and
wanting to be the most powerful, they did whatever they could to make this happen. The First
World War was not sparked by one event or motive, but in turn was started due to many major
factors. The war's blame can be placed on all of the countries involved, rather than solely Germany.
These factors from World War One were the product of each empire and their long
–term needs such
as nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliances. The short–term event that was the final
push to start the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Militarism was one of the key
major factors of the war. Soon after Britain created their battleship, Germany revealed their 60
ships from a man named Alfred Von Tirpitz . A naval battle arose between the two and their
relationship weakened immensely. Both Germany and Britain wanted to have the better army, and
taking up naval weapons was the beginning of the hate and jealousy each country had for one
another. Germany's past ideology that they should not anger Britain because Britain was
dangerous was an ideology that was now put aside. Part of being a powerful empire meant having
strong, effective military willing to go to battle at any time for their people. In a book written by
Ruth Henig titled The Origins of the First World War, Henig says, "The Kaiser and
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Ww1 Research Paper
The Russians have been seen from many countries throughout history as an enemy. It is no surprise
that Russians were, at the beginning of WW2, allies with Germany and the Nazi party. Joseph
Stalin being the leader of the infamous communist USSR was polar opposites from Adolf Hitler the
fascist leader of Germany (, 2017). They did, however, both have the idea of expansion
on their minds and they found common ground when they invaded Poland in September 1939.
While Stalin went on to invade Finland and other parts of Eastern Europe, Germany had started to
carry out their original plan. The Nazi party invaded the USSR in the summer of 1941. Although the
Germans had the element of surprise on their side, they didn't conquer in time more
Churchill then created the Moscow Declaration which kept the US, UK, USSR, and China from
allying themselves with Nazi Germany. Then in July, two Jewish escapees went to Churchill and
explained the concentration camps to him and the true fighting back from Britain began
(, 2017 par. 4). British citizens were saviors during the war because they truly felt bad
for the victims of the Holocaust and proved it with their well planned and effective attacks on the
Axis powers. Although the British had their fair share of wins, after the war Britain was no longer
seen as the great superpower it was and was replaced by the USA on the world radar.
Japan was hoping to expand into countries surrounding them and resulted in the invasion of
Manchuria and an aggressive attack on China. When Germany offered Japan and Italy the Tripartite
treaty, Japan was eager to sign with territorial domination and alliance help on the mind, and the
three countries became known as the Axis powers. Japan, when put on economic sanctions with the
United States, launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and sought to destroy the British as well,
so they could be the dominant power in Southeast Asia. This, in turn, caused the United States to
respond with a declaration of war. "No matter how
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Origins Of World War I Essay
The Origins of World War I
World War I, one of the most catastrophic wars waged on earth, began on the continent of Europe.
This war was not any ordinary war; it differed from other wars because it involved countries from
around the globe. It would also prove to have a lasting effect on the following century. To
constantly provide for the soldiers, the war caused enormous pain, with millions injured or killed at
the front and their families mourning for them. The war was not caused by a sudden or abrupt
event; it was a boiling pot ready to overflow at any moment. That is, there were several reasons that
prompted the war to break out across Europe. Now, World War Iwas officially declared in 1914, but
years before that, Europe was internally conflicted. Britain, Germany, Austria–Hungary, Russia,
Serbia all contributed to the war, more content...
By definition, the blank check is a promise of constant support to whoever the check was given to.
Germany made the grave mistake of giving Austria–Hungary a black check, agreeing and supporting
whatever this country did. According to McKay, "German encouragement help push
Austria–Hungary into war with Serbia despite the risk of Russian involvement" (836). According to a
letter between Austrians from Berlin and Vienna, it states that even if war broke out between
Austria–Hungary and Russia, Germany would side with Austria because of the blank check.
Because Germany and Austria were bound together, the former could assist the latter with military
force, since Austria's own armies were lacking. Therefore, Germany decided to take action by
executing the Schlieffen Plan, which was to take out France before the rest of Europe had enough
time to mobilize its own armies. This was one reason the blank check contributed to the start of the
war; Germany felt as if it could take charge and attack whatever was necessary to win the
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Essay on The First World War (WWI)
There has always been wars, and there will always be wars. Most wars leave a huge impact on the
history of that nation, especialy if it involves more than one. In 1914, long–standing rivalries among
European nations exploded into war. World War one, as it is now called, cost millions of lives.
Such a war, has left a deep intentaion on the
American history.
There were three very important causes of World War One;
Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism ( Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page
570). For years, these three factor has brought tension to European nations. Then, in June of 1914,
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir t the throne more content...
In time, 21 other nations joined the Allies.
When war broke out in Europe, the United States was determined to stay neutral to avoid being
dragged into the conflict that would clearly tear apart any nation who was involved. While neutral,
the Americas supplied other countries with weapons in order to gain money. This all changed wen
President Woodrow Wilsonrecepted the Zimmerman
Telegram. This was a telegram from Germany urging Mexico to attack the United States.
In return, Germany promised that they would help Mexico win back its
"lost provinces" in the American South west. President Wilson could not longer keep the peace, so
he went before congress and asked for a declaration of war. On April 6 of 1917, the president signed
the declaration of war. It thrust Americans into the deadliest war the world had yet seen(Davidson,
Castillo, Stoff, page 578).
The first American troops reached France in June of 1917. They quickly saw the desperate
situation if the Allies, they had lost millions of solders, and the troops in the trenches were
exhausted and ill. Many of the civilians were near starvation. To make matters worse, Russia
withdrew from the war. With Russia out of the way, Germany could move its armies away form the
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World War 1 Essay
Arshdeep Singh 3/31/11 Mr. Rod 1st p WW1 Essay In the 19th century when WW1 ended with the
signing of the Treaty of Versailles. It left many long term causes some of them being the Ottoman
Empire, Germany, and the Austro–Hungarian Empire all fell. But due to their falling it lead to new
colonies being made in their place by the people. The leading cause to all the demolition after ww1
and ww1 are Militarism and military plans, Alliance system, Imperialism, Mass Politics, Intellectual
Context, and Nationalism. These were the MAJOR leading causes of WW1 and its destruction. All
sides used militarism and used there militaries to attack there enemies causing war to happen. The
Alliance system was when the leaders wanted to make more content...
Because of this Germany faced many problems, they had a blockade at have and there were
revolts going on that were lead by the working class. The working class was able to get more
rights after they had seceded in their quest. But as a result Germany was destabilized and was
very poor after paying all the money to the losing sides and the allies. Which caused Germany go
backwards in advancing technology in their country. WW1 was also nicknamed total war because
it involved all the major powers in Europe. Ww1 had everything and not everything, the nation's
only joined because of Austria calling war on Serbia and they had to join due to them being the
allies. But during the war the nations used such devastating weapons that killed people by bring
them a lot of pain. But looking at all the people dying there was no way the war could have
continued any farther but it did, because the government told to people to fight for their nation and
being that they were infused with nationalism they started fighting for their country. As the men
fought in the war the women took the jobs that men had and helped them from there. There
economy was sill divested due to the fact the government was spending it all on the war. Thus
leading to the downfall of the major powers before WW1 started. The falling of the empires was
after ww1 ended. The
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Essay On Ww1

  • 1. Essay on Imperialism In World War 1 Imperialism in World War 1 Imperialism was one of the four contributing factors to the cause of World War One, along with secret alliances, militarism, and nationalism. It is the most important cause of WW1, because it created a build–up of tension in Europe and outside of Europe, and through imperialism, the three other causes were able to affect the beginnings of the war. Imperialism is defined as the governing of one people by another country, which was a recurring dilemma prior to WW1 due to the industrialist movement. Although not all events that fall into the imperialistic category were about controlling another country, they contributed to the war, and imperialistic events were the foundation of the cause of WW1. Within Europe, more content... Militarism was another factor, and the threatening behavior when powerful countries involved in powerful alliances begin forming unbeatable weapons would not have affected war had there not been a prior fear that war would be coming. England produced a ship made to kill in attempt to prove to the Germans that they still owned the sea, and this kind of behavior is what triggered an additional rise to the pressure building in Europe. Nationalism relates closer to imperialism because it was due to nationalism that imperialism was not always successful. When the European powers attempted to invade and take over China, they were unable to due to the unity of the Chinese people, and also the interferences by other countries. This nationalism prevented countries from extending control over many people, for rebellions occurred and changes had to be made. The Austro–Hungarian Ultimatum to Serbia was one of the examples of imperialism during WW1. On July 23 1914, Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinated archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was to be the heir to the Austro–Hungarian throne. Austro–Hungary, realizing they were stronger than Serbia, issued an ultimatum with ridiculous demands, along with statements such as "The Royal Serbian Government [is]... to suppress any publication which incites to hatred and contempt of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy and the general tendency of which is directed against its territorial Get more content on
  • 2. Causes Of World War 1 Essay There were many causes that led to the beginning of World War 1. World War 1 was a military conflict. WW1 involved all the biggest powers of the war. This war also invoked two major alliances. There were Three main causes of World War 1, Mutual Defense Alliances, Militarism, and Imperialism. One cause that began World War 1 was the Mutual Defense Alliances. The alliances were able to give each other finacle help with the war they were fighting, as well as supplying the materials and weaponry to fight in the war. The Alliances through World War 1 we're the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. These alliances were started when any member found themselves at war with two or more nations this would activate the alliances to more content... Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through democracy or military force. The most powerful nation controls the colonies, the people also call the nation with the most power the "mother country." Imperialism contributed to World War in the way that the amount of land that Britain and France owned infuriated Germany and heightened their rivalry. By the 1900's the British empire extended over 5 continents, but France had control over the largest part of Africa. Through all of this imperialism caused countries to have to have new markets. When a country owns a market they say who gets to trade and by goods there, this caused rivalry against the countries. In 1914 this rivalry was sparked into war. Many things led to the cause of World War 1. The three main cause of World War 1 were Mutual Defence Alliances, Militarism, and Imperialism. The Alliances were a big part of World War 1 because if any member of the alliances were found in a war this would activate the alliances they were in. Militarism was pride in the military. This caused the the people to want to have the best military and the most people to join the military. Imperialism is to extend the military's power and influence through their military Get more content on
  • 3. Conclusion Of World War 1 World war 1, also known as The Great War, was a global war in Europe that began on 28th July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war. The war was one of the deadliest conflicts in world history and has been a worldwide clash. Thirty–two countries were involved with two opposing alliances, the Allies and Central Power. The countries of the Allies include British Empire, France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, and the United States of America. While they are opposed by the Central Powers which are Austria–Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and theOttoman Empire. During the First World War many countries in Europe were involved, more content... Notwithstanding political clashes, the reasons for the war included such powers as patriotism, or pride in one's nation. The conviction that one's own particular country or society is better than all others, patriotism drove European countries to contend to manufacture the biggest armed force and naval force. It additionally gave gatherings of subject people groups the thought of shaping autonomous countries of their own. Serbians, Czechs, Slovaks, Bosnians and numerous different people groups living under the guideline of the Ottoman or Austro–Hungarian Empires needed flexibility from "outside" tenet. To conclude, the main causes of World War 1 is caused because of Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism. Each one of them has impacted and affected the World War 1. Militarism was one of the major causes of the war, as it was an armed race on who has more military equipment's. Alliances, was first thought to make peace between country and to help the countries. Imperialism was another cause of World War 1, as European nations ruled smaller Get more content on
  • 4. The First World War The first world war was one of the most brutal and remorseless events in history; 'the global conflict that defined a century'. Over nine million soldiers and a large amount of innocent civilians lost their lives. Empires crumbled, revolution engulfed Russia and America rose to become a dominant world power. Huge armies deployed new weapons of devastating effect from rifles and pistols to torpedoes and flame throwers. These weapons were used not only in the trenches but by tanks too. This was an advantage to those who were able to access such machinery as they could easily launch bullets and missiles at nearby enemy bases. The downfall of the tank was the fact it was unable to cross the trenches. Tanks were not the only pieces of equipment that could access this machinery but U boats and planes too. The British carried 'bolt action rifles' in which fired 15 rounds per minute at a minimum range of 1,400 metres away. This allowed the British to take out foes at a far greater range. By using machinery in which rules out the need for getting up close to the enemy was a great advantage during world war one. Soldiers ran from trench to trench attacking with all that they had. This resulted in a massacre as the soldiers running toward the trenches were shot down. Machinery such as machine guns and heavy artillery were the weapons used in the trenches. In modern day society, machine guns are the main weapons used by soldiers. This wasn't the case around the 1914s. They took four Get more content on
  • 5. The Events Of World War I Essay World War One was many years in the making with separate incidences occurring between the empires that ultimately lead up to war beginning. With many powerful empires on edge and wanting to be the most powerful, they did whatever they could to make this happen. The First World War was not sparked by one event or motive, but in turn was started due to many major factors. The war's blame can be placed on all of the countries involved, rather than solely Germany. These factors from World War One were the product of each empire and their long –term needs such as nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliances. The short–term event that was the final push to start the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Militarism was one of the key major factors of the war. Soon after Britain created their battleship, Germany revealed their 60 ships from a man named Alfred Von Tirpitz . A naval battle arose between the two and their relationship weakened immensely. Both Germany and Britain wanted to have the better army, and taking up naval weapons was the beginning of the hate and jealousy each country had for one another. Germany's past ideology that they should not anger Britain because Britain was dangerous was an ideology that was now put aside. Part of being a powerful empire meant having strong, effective military willing to go to battle at any time for their people. In a book written by Ruth Henig titled The Origins of the First World War, Henig says, "The Kaiser and Get more content on
  • 6. Ww1 Research Paper The Russians have been seen from many countries throughout history as an enemy. It is no surprise that Russians were, at the beginning of WW2, allies with Germany and the Nazi party. Joseph Stalin being the leader of the infamous communist USSR was polar opposites from Adolf Hitler the fascist leader of Germany (, 2017). They did, however, both have the idea of expansion on their minds and they found common ground when they invaded Poland in September 1939. While Stalin went on to invade Finland and other parts of Eastern Europe, Germany had started to carry out their original plan. The Nazi party invaded the USSR in the summer of 1941. Although the Germans had the element of surprise on their side, they didn't conquer in time more content... Churchill then created the Moscow Declaration which kept the US, UK, USSR, and China from allying themselves with Nazi Germany. Then in July, two Jewish escapees went to Churchill and explained the concentration camps to him and the true fighting back from Britain began (, 2017 par. 4). British citizens were saviors during the war because they truly felt bad for the victims of the Holocaust and proved it with their well planned and effective attacks on the Axis powers. Although the British had their fair share of wins, after the war Britain was no longer seen as the great superpower it was and was replaced by the USA on the world radar. Japan was hoping to expand into countries surrounding them and resulted in the invasion of Manchuria and an aggressive attack on China. When Germany offered Japan and Italy the Tripartite treaty, Japan was eager to sign with territorial domination and alliance help on the mind, and the three countries became known as the Axis powers. Japan, when put on economic sanctions with the United States, launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and sought to destroy the British as well, so they could be the dominant power in Southeast Asia. This, in turn, caused the United States to respond with a declaration of war. "No matter how Get more content on
  • 7. Origins Of World War I Essay The Origins of World War I World War I, one of the most catastrophic wars waged on earth, began on the continent of Europe. This war was not any ordinary war; it differed from other wars because it involved countries from around the globe. It would also prove to have a lasting effect on the following century. To constantly provide for the soldiers, the war caused enormous pain, with millions injured or killed at the front and their families mourning for them. The war was not caused by a sudden or abrupt event; it was a boiling pot ready to overflow at any moment. That is, there were several reasons that prompted the war to break out across Europe. Now, World War Iwas officially declared in 1914, but years before that, Europe was internally conflicted. Britain, Germany, Austria–Hungary, Russia, Serbia all contributed to the war, more content... By definition, the blank check is a promise of constant support to whoever the check was given to. Germany made the grave mistake of giving Austria–Hungary a black check, agreeing and supporting whatever this country did. According to McKay, "German encouragement help push Austria–Hungary into war with Serbia despite the risk of Russian involvement" (836). According to a letter between Austrians from Berlin and Vienna, it states that even if war broke out between Austria–Hungary and Russia, Germany would side with Austria because of the blank check. Because Germany and Austria were bound together, the former could assist the latter with military force, since Austria's own armies were lacking. Therefore, Germany decided to take action by executing the Schlieffen Plan, which was to take out France before the rest of Europe had enough time to mobilize its own armies. This was one reason the blank check contributed to the start of the war; Germany felt as if it could take charge and attack whatever was necessary to win the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The First World War (WWI) WORLD WAR ONE There has always been wars, and there will always be wars. Most wars leave a huge impact on the history of that nation, especialy if it involves more than one. In 1914, long–standing rivalries among European nations exploded into war. World War one, as it is now called, cost millions of lives. Such a war, has left a deep intentaion on the American history. There were three very important causes of World War One; Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism ( Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 570). For years, these three factor has brought tension to European nations. Then, in June of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir t the throne more content... In time, 21 other nations joined the Allies. When war broke out in Europe, the United States was determined to stay neutral to avoid being dragged into the conflict that would clearly tear apart any nation who was involved. While neutral, the Americas supplied other countries with weapons in order to gain money. This all changed wen President Woodrow Wilsonrecepted the Zimmerman Telegram. This was a telegram from Germany urging Mexico to attack the United States. In return, Germany promised that they would help Mexico win back its "lost provinces" in the American South west. President Wilson could not longer keep the peace, so he went before congress and asked for a declaration of war. On April 6 of 1917, the president signed the declaration of war. It thrust Americans into the deadliest war the world had yet seen(Davidson, Castillo, Stoff, page 578). The first American troops reached France in June of 1917. They quickly saw the desperate situation if the Allies, they had lost millions of solders, and the troops in the trenches were exhausted and ill. Many of the civilians were near starvation. To make matters worse, Russia withdrew from the war. With Russia out of the way, Germany could move its armies away form the Get more content on
  • 9. World War 1 Essay Arshdeep Singh 3/31/11 Mr. Rod 1st p WW1 Essay In the 19th century when WW1 ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. It left many long term causes some of them being the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and the Austro–Hungarian Empire all fell. But due to their falling it lead to new colonies being made in their place by the people. The leading cause to all the demolition after ww1 and ww1 are Militarism and military plans, Alliance system, Imperialism, Mass Politics, Intellectual Context, and Nationalism. These were the MAJOR leading causes of WW1 and its destruction. All sides used militarism and used there militaries to attack there enemies causing war to happen. The Alliance system was when the leaders wanted to make more content... Because of this Germany faced many problems, they had a blockade at have and there were revolts going on that were lead by the working class. The working class was able to get more rights after they had seceded in their quest. But as a result Germany was destabilized and was very poor after paying all the money to the losing sides and the allies. Which caused Germany go backwards in advancing technology in their country. WW1 was also nicknamed total war because it involved all the major powers in Europe. Ww1 had everything and not everything, the nation's only joined because of Austria calling war on Serbia and they had to join due to them being the allies. But during the war the nations used such devastating weapons that killed people by bring them a lot of pain. But looking at all the people dying there was no way the war could have continued any farther but it did, because the government told to people to fight for their nation and being that they were infused with nationalism they started fighting for their country. As the men fought in the war the women took the jobs that men had and helped them from there. There economy was sill divested due to the fact the government was spending it all on the war. Thus leading to the downfall of the major powers before WW1 started. The falling of the empires was after ww1 ended. The Get more content on