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Essay On Water Resources
Writing an essay on the topic of water resources is undeniably challenging. It's not just about
presenting facts and figures; it requires delving into complex issues such as water scarcity,
pollution, management, and conservation. The topic encompasses a vast array of interdisciplinary
knowledge spanning environmental science, hydrology, policy analysis, economics, and even
social dynamics.
One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the sheer breadth of information available.
There's a wealth of research, data, and perspectives on water resources, making it daunting to
distill everything into a coherent and insightful essay. Moreover, the dynamic nature of water
issues, influenced by factors like climate change, population growth, and industrial development,
adds another layer of complexity.
Crafting a compelling narrative that engages readers while addressing the intricacies of water
resource management is no small feat. It requires not only a deep understanding of the subject
matter but also the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively.
Furthermore, tackling such a significant topic demands critical analysis and synthesis of diverse
viewpoints. Balancing scientific evidence with ethical considerations and policy implications
requires careful thought and attention to detail.
In essence, writing an essay on water resources demands intellectual rigor, creativity, and a
genuine passion for environmental sustainability. It's a task that requires dedication, patience, and
a willingness to grapple with the complexities of one of the most vital resources on our planet.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on
Essay On Water ResourcesEssay On Water Resources
Tree Pose
Tree Pose,, is a yoga pose that will help you improve your balance and mental
focus. It may also help you strengthen the muscles in your legs and core. In this
pose, the lower body provides the support for the upper body as the body stands with
grace and strength.
From Mountain pose, bend the right knee shifting all the weight into the left leg. Turn
the right knee to the right wall resting the heel against the left leg.
Look down at the floor and stare at one point. Slowly slide the right foot up the left
leg, only as high up as you can maintain your balance. When you are balanced here,
slowly bring the palms together, prayer position in front of the heart.
Keep staring at your focal point on the floor. Keep the left leg strong pressing ... Show
more content on ...
The arms are in an H position, or the palms are together with the thumbs crossed, or
the fingers are interlaced with the index finger pointed up. The fingers are reaching
up and the shoulders are down and back.
Breathe and hold for 4 8 breaths.
To release: slowly exhale the arms down and then release the legs back into mountain.
Repeat on the other side.
Tree pose increases balance, focus, memory and concentration and strengthens the
ankles and knees. Tree Pose stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds
strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. The pose also
helps to remedy flat feet and is therapeutic for sciatica.
Take your time. Thoroughly review the instructions for Mountain Pose before
practicing Tree Pose. It provides the structural foundation for this pose.
Balance your weight entirely across your standing foot Find alignment in your hips,
tailbone, pelvis, and belly; and then in your collarbones, shoulder blades, arms, and
neck. Extend the pose through the crown of your head. When you are ready, you can
then raise your arms overhead.
Never rest the foot of your raised leg directly on your knee or at the side of your knee
Karl Marx s Manifesto Of The Communist Party
Communism is defined, according to, as a theory or system of
social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual
ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state, and a
system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is
controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self perpetuating
political party. Schools across the globe are controlled by a single person, the
principal of the school, who gives all their students a fair and equal education. North
Carolina s public school system, run by the Board of Education, allows the students
no say in their education, how their school is run, or what rules are set in place.
However, students do get an... Show more content on ...
Thomas Jefferson believed that the government was to be powerless to interfere with
religious expressions because he had long witnessed the unhealthy tendency of
government to encroach upon the free exercise of religion ( Both
communism and public schools are incompatible with the religious faith. The
Communist Party specifies a definite code of conduct for its members. A person
who does not follow the commandments of religion, but follows the directions of
the party, cannot call himself a religious person if he follows the directions of the
party. Likewise, a person who follows the religious faith, not the directions of the
party, cannot call himself a communist. Public school officials are not allowed to
give their students the impression that they prefer one religion over another, and
they are not allowed to start their days off with prayer. Even moments of silence
may be considered unconstitutional by some people as they may feel that the
purpose and effect of a moment of silence is plainly to advance religion
Database Design Concept
Apply the database development cycle to a given data set
Database development creates enterprise data modeling, which forms the range and
wide ranging contents of organizational databases. There are 5 phases in Database
Development Cycle: Planning; Analysis; Design; Implementation and Maintenance.
In Planning Stage, the organization needs to know why do they need the database;
what do they want the database to do; and how are they going to make the database.
This is also where the organization will create a relevant department to handle the
project and hiring a project manager. Project manager will determine the duration and
the cost of the project.
After the organization creates the relevant department, the ... Show more content on ...
For example for my employees, I have used from E01 and for my owners, I have used
from ON01 . I also have used different ID for each table because to avoid confusion.
For example, one owner can have multiple properties or one property can have
multiple owners. From the relationship I have built, the data will be shown like in
figure 8.
The purpose of Relationship is to manage two tables together that shares related
attributes. This to know whether the relation is one to many, one to one or many to
many relationship. But from above image, it shows that all tables have one to many
relationship. To know how does many look like in relationship table, it will show
infinity () symbol.
The purpose of Queries is to let the user to find for a specific data or end results such
as Total sales price of properties for each location which is shown in Fig. 10
The purpose for form is to enter, edit, and interact with multiple data. In forms you
also can create buttons such as, Add, Save, Delete, Previous Records and Next
Records. It is also less time consuming for the user to enter a data. The user doesn t
have to enter data through table because the form itself has shown Add and Save
button. But the form must have relevant field for the user to enter the data.
The purpose for Reports is to show the review records in systematized manner.
Complex problems with more than one variable have been
The Importance Of Privacy And Data Encryption
In today s world we are so much dependent on technology, that the need for privacy
and data encryption has become more important to protect the importance of
information, such as credit card numbers, email messages, confidential company
information, banking details and other personal information. For example, when you
are at an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), you do not want someone looking over
your shoulder for your PIN number. The same applies for email accounts, bank
accounts, Social networking accounts. And we do not want an unauthorised person
or a third party to monitor our movement over the internet. So as the computer
technology and Information technology have evolved, so is the need to secure date
increased. Internet usage has increased at an alarming rate, and now every person is
using the Internet for various purposes. Researchers have been working hard for a
very long time to make Internet and data sharing as safe as possible. They are trying
to find new methods of securing and transferring data across the internet and extranet.
Encryption is not new or limited to Internet. It has been into practice for a very long
time, in fact began thousands of years ago, however in a different format. The use of
cryptography dates back to 1900 BC, in Egypt which uses mystery paintings and
figures. In those days, it was not so much aimed for secrecy as it was to create
mystery or amusement for literate readers. Secret messages were used by the Greek
army, which
Martel s Life Of Pi
Does Martel s Life of Pi treatment of religion give power to God or does it give
power to works of fiction? Instead of giving power to the one versus the other,
Martel is not trying to get the reader to believe in God, to prove his existence, but
rather there is a justification of a person s individual right to choose in believing in
God. Life of Pi doesn t try to question religionas an institution, but rather there is a
focus on the debate between fact and fiction where Martel s position is a
postmodernist one, from the perspective of which God s existence has the same
status in relation to truth and reality as Pi s experience of shipwreck (Stratton 6).
In Martel s work there isn t a focus on what is to be more believable in either fiction
or religion, but rather how there are no other alternative in between the two.
During Pi s journey in the first story, he does not spend a lot of time thinking on
and expressing his religious beliefs. There is more of a focus on the energy he has
going towards basic human survival. Though God seems to be a presence in life as
he thanks God for his survival, Vishnu preserve me, Allah protect me, Christ save
me, he cries out shortly after he finds himself in the lifeboat ( Martel 108). There
doesn t seem to be a presence of God in the second, realistic story. There is mention
of God, God is notably absent throughout the events narrated, leaving human beings
alone in the material universe, living in a state of exile from
The Causes Of World War II
The Causes of World War II:
The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly
the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the
harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi
The effects of the treaty of Versailles:
The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of
World War II. It began in 1919 when Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy,
Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss how
Germany will pay for the devastation it cause in World War II. Woodrow Wilson
wanted a treaty based on his 14 point hoping that this will bring peace to Europe.
Georges Clemenceau ... Show more content on ...
They adopted the policy of strong government and control over the economy. By
1935, Mussolini was the dictator of Italy. Fascism was embraced in Germany by the
National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazis. They were
advocating the superiority of the German race. On January 1933 Hitler was appointed
in a powerful position. Hitler s actions (remilitarization): Adolf Hitler became
Chancellor of Germany in January 1933.and began to build up the German army.
In 1934 he increased the size of the army and the military service became
obligatory. Although France and Britain were aware of these actions, they did not
behave against it because they were concerned about the spread of communism in
Europe and they thought that if Germany became strong. It will be able to prevent
the spread of communism. Hitler also made two major alliances during 1936. The
first was called the Rome Berlin Axis Pact and with Mussolini s Italy. The second
was called the Anti Comitern Pact with Japan. Hitler s plan was to take back all the
territories that had been taken away from Germany. In March 1938, German forces
occupied Austria. The Austrian leader hold a referendum asking the people whether
Analysis Of Jesus Land By Julia Scheeres
When an individual s pursuit of self awareness is disrupted, it often becomes
characterized by the creation of an opposite in other people. This theme is evident
in Julia Scheeres s memoir Jesus Land. During her period of adolescent self
discovery, Julia is met with obstacles caused by fanatical authority figures in both
her family and church. This struggle ultimately leads Julia to disown and even
demonize her closet relation, her brother David. Although the book is a concentrated
depiction of this pattern, the idea of othering is prevalent in our country as a whole.
Specifically, gender othering always has and always will be an issue in America and
the American Dream. Through the description of her adolescent experiences in her
memoir Jesus Land, Julia Scheeres exposes... Show more content on
Men counter women by placing them in subordinate roles. One theory behind this
othering is that men feel the need to project their fraility and vulnerability on females
as a justification for treating them as inferior (Arini). These supporting and domestic
roles are presented by Christianity as the more moral choice. Most religions require
that a woman concentrate on her family, appealing to the female maternal instincts
(Arini). After years of being taught scriptures on being obedient, women convince
themselves that they are supposed to be submissive. They quell their other
aspirations and focus on getting married, having kids, and caring for a family
(Arini). A study held by Lauren E. Maltby, M. Elizabeth L. Hall, Tamara L.
Anderson, and Keith Edwards showed that increased scriptual literalism in males
parelled directly with increased benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism is the belief
that, among other things, women should be kept at home in domestic roles. As a
male s agreement with core Christian ideals increases, his tendency to hold sexist
views increases (Maltby). Both men and women who accept the literal
Snowball Vs. Napoleon s Animal Farm
Asher Barrett
Mrs. Wynn
8 4 15
Snowball vs. Napoleon Snowball and Napoleon both had different opinions how
Animal Farm should be run. They both had a common goal but they both had a
completely different way to achieve that goal. If Napoleon had an idea Snowball
would have a completely different idea that would lead in a different way. There
are three ways that Napoleon and Snowball were different. First everything
Napoleon took part in would benefit himself not the whole Animal Farm. Second
was that Napoleon never showed interest in the strength of the Animal Farm but
only in the strength of his authority over it. Lastly Napoleon would take more to
brute force while Snowball was a very good and persuasive speaker. The first way
that Napoleon and snowball were different was that while Napoleon only cared
about how everything would benefit himself. Snowball cared nothing about himself
and would care only for the benefit of the Animal Farm. One early example of
Napoleon s selfishness was when he secretly raised the puppies for his own purpose.
Snowball had many different ideas and plans that would lessen the workload upon the
animals. Napoleon at first seemed to strongly disagree with all the plans and
wanted no part in any of it but then after he got rid of Snowball he brought the
ideas all back up and claimed them as his own. Snowball was also a big enthusiast
of animalism and wanted it to spread to all the other farms while Napoleon only
wanted to be superior
Personal Narrative On Closet
Dark at two For the last time Brent, there is nothing in that closet.There never has
been and there never will. Just go to bed. And I will not leave the light on in the
hall. You are fourteen, grow up. My parents never seem to understand my fear of the
dark, and of my closet. They tell me over and over that there is nothing in that closet.
They think I am too old to be afraid of something like that. When I tell them that
things get changed in my roomat night they never seem to believe me either. I have
taken pictures of my stuff before I go to bed, and then taken pictures of it in the
morning, evidence that my stuff has been moved, and they still don t believe me.
Tonight is just another one of those nights. I guess mom had a bad day because she
is really... Show more content on ...
I speedily ran back to my room. I donned my slippers and my winter coat, and placed
a winter cap on my head. I grabbed my massive flashlight and headed out of the door.
I happened to look at my clock and stopped dead in my tracks. The clock read 2 o
clock on the mark. I stood there, dazedly staring at the clock. I turned the light on in
my room and ran out into the hallway. I ran through the entire house flipping on
lights madly looking for anything I could find. There was nothing, absolutely
nothing that would help me find my mom. I ran out onto the porch and stared out
into the pitch black night. What was happening? I walked to the edge of the
clearing that our house sat on and followed the driveway for awhile. Suddenly my
flashlight died and I found myself totally enclosed in darkness. I began to shake. I
walked forward, or what I thought was forward, until I tripped and fell. I groped
around and found that I was completely surrounded by trees. I got up and walked
back the way I thought I had come. I tripped again and tore my pants. I got back up
and stumbled like this in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. I wandered for
what seemed like hours. Suddenly I heard a sound. I stopped dead
Scottish Folk Music
Scottish folk music also traditional Scottish music is music that uses the forms that
are identified as part of traditional Scottish music. There is evidence that there is a
growing culture of popular music in the late medieval Scotland, but the only song
with a melody to survive from this period is Pleugh Song . After the Reformation, the
tradition of popular secular musiccontinued, despite efforts by Kirk, especially in the
lowlands, to suppress dancing and events such as weddings cent. The first clear
reference to the use of the Highland bagpipe they will be used at the Battle of Pinkie
Cleugh in 1547. The Highlands in the early seventeenth century saw the development
pipeline including MacCrimmons family, Macarthurs, MacGregors and Mackays
Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach
Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting
students to its institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower
Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840. The mission of this institution is an engage public
university that is committed to give education opportunities for graduates as well as
undergraduates. This college is a learning environment that prepares students to take
another step for their educating needs. CaliforniaState UniversityLong Beach ranks
#1 in the nation for most graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and
engineering. The founder of CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10
years between 1949 through 1959 before he died. This university was found in the
year of 1949.California State Universityhas some specific requirements for those
wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to attend CSULB are graduating from
high school, must have eligibility index, and must complete all courses in the
comprehensive pattern with the grade average of a c or better. Therefore to be
accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses in subjects
that approved taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional points
in your grades. An important issue to consider before attending the college California
State University Long Beach. There are four different financial aids that are available.
Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are offered to help students
The Plane On A Plane
I almost died on a plane and now they want me to get back on one? I didn t think I
d have to get back on a plane, I just wanted to be saved. I can t get on that plane,
they can bring me home on a boat or something! I thought to myself. The pilot kept
asking us what happened, how we got here, and if everyone was alright. Mr Spinks
said, Well our planecrashed and I think I am okay. I have a few bumps and bruises.
Jena then interrupted him and said, Everyone is, for the most part, okay. Our
friend Hector died of infection and we buried him. Our plane crashed on the way
to London for a class trip. We have been here for like a month, we don t know...we
need to get home! The pilot had been very patient and said, If your friend Hector
died of infection and was buried, then it is protocall to leave him here. Where are
you guys from? Mr. Spinks and Jena had both at the same time said, We are from
Demotte. We flew out of the O Hare Airport in Chicago. Mr. Spinks had said
having to have the last word in. You guys need to just all get on the plane, find a
seat wherever you can. I will take you back to the O Hare Airport, where there will
be medical staff and your parents will meet you there. I am guessing they don t
know you re alive, The pilot had said patiently. I physically can not bring myself to
talk, much less get back on this plane. I thoughtto myself as the pilot was blabbering
on to us. All I was thinking as he was talking was that if I get on another
Should Juveniles Be Charged As Adults In The Criminal...
Melissa Mansfield
Mrs. Callarman
24 March 2018 Juvenile Delinquency The Causes and Solutions
The main reason for this is to learn more and have a better understanding of how
Juvenile Courts work and about there Juvenile Court Sentencing Options. Kent
Scheidegger, legal director, of the criminal justicelegal foundation, states that Most
teenagers, know enough to be tried in adult court, Minors aren t fully capable of
understanding what is going on, I find not credible in the case of intellectually normal
teenagers. he said. Research on the youths brain development shows that teens have a
different understanding and common sense from adults. There are discussions among
the juvenile courts whether ... Show more content on ...
The study says that states chose to reconsider the minimum age for juveniles to be
tried as adults because of their young defendants capability. Studies show that the
area of the brain we use to make decisions and understand right from wrong, the
prefrontal cortex isn t fully formed until around the age of 23. Ultimately it s
controversial that some of us don t fully have a conscience. And can be caused by
individuals with a history of drug use, depression, or abuse from within their living
environments. The Juveniles that know right from wrong, should be held responsible
and face consequences when they violate the law and commit a crime. The question
remains whether the way we respond to a juvenile ,who commits a serious crime
should differ from how we respond when the same crime is committed by an adult.
On a final note, I think a solution to helping prevent juvenile crimes would be
changing the social environment in how juveniles live is a more effective way to
reduce violence than punishing juvenile offenders in adult
Biological Processes Through Light Regulation Essay
Photolabile nucleobase protection has been used to achieve exquisite control over
biological processes through light regulation, also referred as photocaging. The
concept was introduced by Engels (Engels and Schlaeger, 1977; Engels and
Reidys, 1978) and independently by Hofmann (Kaplan et al., 1978). Watson Crick
base pairing is blocked by caging groups, completely preventing oligonucleotide
duplex formation. Duplex formation is restored when irradiated by light at a specfic
wavelength. Photolabile groups when introduced at specific locations render the
molecule inactive; however, upon irradiation with light at a particular wavelength,
the molecules can be activated (See detailed review by Shao and Xing, 2010; Tang
et al. 2013; Liu and Deiters, 2014). Caging groups can also be introduced at
phosphate, 2′ OH, and nucleobases (Tang et al., 2013); however, nucleobase
caging has been of particular interest.
Oligonucleotides containing NVOC protecting groups were used as the
photocleavable protecting group at the N3 position of thymidine, and duplex
formation was achieved by photoradiation at 365 nm for 5 h (Iwase et al., 2003).
NPOM caged dT (X) introduced by the Deiters group is of particular interest. Figure
2.1.39 shows the synthesis of NPOM caged thymidine phsophoramidite S.62 (Lusic et
al. 2007) from nucleoside S.63 using reagent S.64, and DNA incorporating NPOM
caged thymdine was prepared by standard phosphoramidite chemistry and irradiated
at 365 nm to afford active
Halo 5 Research Paper
Halo 5: Guardians, the latest title developed by 343 Industries and Microsoft Game
Studios brings the Halo Experience to the Xbox One, utilizing the next generation
hardware the new Xbox has to offer. New hardware for the Xbox also means new
changes for Halo with larger maps, refined gameplay, and beautiful aesthetics. With
Halo being Microsofts biggest franchise for the Xbox, they re really hoping that this
Halo will reignite this console seller s popularity. Unfortunately, Halo 5: Guardians
barely does that with its story and campaign falling flat on its face. The first
question gamers have in mind about any game is whether or not the gameplay is
good. Today s generation of gamers love fast paced shooters and Halo 5: Guardians is
one of a kind. With thruster packs, sprint, and new spartan abilities, the features force
older players to adapt to a new kind of Halo. As someone who has played every Halo
game besides Halo: Spartan Strike, these changes can be a double edged sword as
those used to the old design of Halo might not play because of this. If you love fast
paced games however, than this is the game for you. That being said, Halo 5:
Guardians still suffers from its poorly designed... Show more content on ...
From capture the flag to slayer, Arena is the best place to have small, faced paced
battles. This shows that 343 Industries has made a complete 180В° in its view of
the multiplayer. In Halo 4, the game felt much more casual and relaxed compared
to its predecessors, but in terms of Halo 5, the game feels like it solely focuses on
skill. The ranking system of Halo 5 also takes an inspiration of several successful
eSports titles like League of Legends in an attempt to make it easier for players to
enter the Arena. Overall the multiplayer is the main source of fun and so far it hasn t
displeased the critics and the
The Body in Western and Non Western Cultures
How do people view the body? The answer varies from location, religion and
culture. How western cultures view the body and how the body is treated (our
body and others) are different from how non western cultures view and treat
bodies. We can see the differences in the western and non western bodies in such
works as Anne Fadiman s account of a Hmong child in America and in articles like
Genital Surgeries: Gendering Bodies. Along with the many differences between
western and non western thoughts there are also several similarities. Especially
when it comes to metaphors of the body. The generalized western opinion of the
body is that it is akin to an object. Like a car the body is composed of several diverse
aspects. From a medical... Show more content on ...
Women find that natural female genitals are unclean and ugly and the surgeries
create a more pleasing, smooth, and feminine genital area (page 95 Genital Surgeries)
For many women practicing genital surgery it is a form of cosmetic surgery. It has
the same purpose (to make the body look appealing) and some of the same risks
(excessive bleeding and tearing) as many cosmetic surgeries used in western cultures.
Although many western cultures denounce these practices as being barbaric and
unfair these western cultures actually practice genital surgery on children. For
example, many baby boys in the United States are circumcised at birth for both
aesthetic reasons and for health concerns. Children born with both male and female
genitalia are seen as medical emergencies and surgeries to correct this anomaly are
done as soon as possible.
The western and non western view of the body is very different. As we infer from
comparing the western view of the body to the Hmong view of the body there are
many ways to view the body than the one we were brought up to believe. However,
we can also see from western metaphors and Hmong metaphors that a sick body is
recognized by most people as being sick. We are also able to see with genital surgery
that although society standards are different for every culture each culture uses
surgery as a way to enhance the body and make it more pleasing to look at. Even
with drastically different views of the
Metaphor In Food
Can food be used as a metaphor to organize the story of a book? Food is used as a
symbol, conceit, and a metaphor in many different ways. Cooking food can be a
symbol and represent many things that will move the story along. Food expresses
the emotions of those who prepare it. All the things a person puts into a meal, not
necessarily the ingredients, are expressed in the end product and reflected in those
who eat it. It also helps shape the relationships and build up the plot. One example of
how emotion is expressed is through foodthat has bad memories linked to the food. A
food that brings up bad memories for Tita is eggs. This is seen through the quote,
...the egg whites reminded Tita of the testicles of the chickens they had castrated...
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This food comes up in Chapter 3 when Tita received roses from Pedro. Remove the
petals carefully from the roses, trying not to prick your fingers, for not only are the
little wounds painful but the petals could soak up blood that might alter the flavor
of the dish and even produce dangerous chemical reactions (Esquivel 47). The roses
are a symbol of love memories, and sexual desire, as depicted in this quote. Pedro
is clearly trying to show his affection to Tita, in a way that still is slightly subtle.
Roses are a widely known way of pronouncing your love for someone, as shown in
this book. When Tita prepared the food, the desire was reflected into it. After
consuming it, it almost ignited a fire in gertrudis to find a man. With that meal it
seems they had discovered a new system of communication, in which Tita was the
transmitter, Pedro the receiver and poor Gertrudis the medium . (Esquivel 52). In
this quote, Tita and Pedro were trying to express their love, and Gertrudis was
almost caught in the middle of it. The desire Tita poured into the meal was almost
caught by Gertrudis instead of being rightfully sent to Pedro. Roses are a way of
showing your emotions to people without directly saying it. Whether it is directly
giving it to them or cooking it, roses are a channel through which love is transferred
back and
Landmark Decisions Of The Supreme Court
Decisions of the Supreme Court Your Quarter II project will involve research on a
landmark Supreme Court decision. Your paper should include internal citations
and a formal bibliography. At least one of your sources needs to be non Internet.
Note: If you fail to do parenthetical citations in your paper, you will receive an
automatic F on your paper. The paper should be double spaced, 10 or 12 point, and
follow the format found in the Media Handbook. It should be between 2000 2500
words in length (approximately 6 8 pages). In addition, you will be required to
submit your paper electronically via . When the Supreme Court is
deciding whether to hear a case or not, there are many things that it takes into
account. First off, if the Case will resolve a conflict of law, then the case will be
heard. A conflict of law is basically when the state supreme courts and federal
circuits reach different conclusions about an issue of federal or constitutional law,
and when that happens the supreme court can resolve the conflict of law by
deciding the law. Second, The Supreme Court will consider hearing a case that they
deem important or that they say has high significance. Some of these important cases
consist of U.S. v Nixon, which was about the Watergate tapes, Bush v. Gore, which
was about the insanely close election in 2000 and also Roe. v. Wade, which concerned
Brennan s Argument Analysis
Brennan argues that one should not vote badly. I will be arguing in favor of Brennan
s argument. I will first start by stating the author s argument, then I will propose
objections to his argument. Brennan argue that one should obtain from voting if there
vote will contribute to harmful activities. The author calls this contribution to
harmful activities bad voting; he does make the distinction that someone does not
vote badly if they have substantial evidence that the policy was good, but it ended up
being harmful. The individual votes do not have a large enough impact to sway the
outcome of the vote in a certain direction, the harm from bad voting is a collective
effort among a group of voters. This argument does take into account voting... Show
more content on ...
Every person may not have the same level of these components, but it is present.
Everyone will not know everything about the candidate they plan to vote for, they
only know the high points of their campaign. According to the LA TIMES It s a
rare voter who carefully reads a candidate s position papers on every conceivable
topic. Instead, we typically vote based on a candidate s stance on a subset of
topics, assuming there will be a certain consistency on other topics...Another
conscious component of political decision making is voting for experience or
competence, rather than a platform. This is so common that one study found that
candidates judged to look more competent had won elections 68% of the time.
(Sapolsky) Especially, with how the media reports news about a particular
candidate, they only report the parts of the campaign that the public would
consider controversial. This bias also depends on the news station you are
choosing to watch because the news reported is often swayed to reflect the views
of a certain political party. For example, FOX NEWS is known for having
republican views, MSNBC is known for having liberal views, and CNN is known
for having democratic views. The question now becomes what is the threshold of
irrationality, bias, ignorance or immoral belief that deems someone as a bad
Christian Rhetoric in The History of Mary Prince and...
Christian Rhetoric in Mary Prince s The History of Mary Prince, and Buchi
Emecheta s Second Class Citizen
It is true, perhaps, that women are the subset of humanity whose rights had been the
longest stripped of them, and who had been abused the worst and for the longest time.
Even today, many people believe that women still do not have the equality that ought
to be afforded them. Since women first started making steps to approach that ideal
equality, they have used various means, including literature, to further their cause.
Both Mary Prince s The History of Mary Prince, as well as Buchi Emecheta s Second
Class Citizen, use language of Christian rhetoric to simultaneously cast their
characters and themselves as sinners and the ... Show more content on
Another way that Prince establishes a sympathetic connection with her readers is by
drawing parallels between her and The Messiah. At one point, Prince states, I was
soon surrounded by strange men, who examined and handled me in the same
manner that a butcher would a calf or a lamb he was about to purchase (7). Here, she
compares herself to a lamb; which is an animal that Jesus was often compared, and is
even directly called the Lamb of God. In the story of the Christian faith, there is not
a single person more righteous than Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, in creating a near
subconscious comparison between him and her, as well as putting herself in contrast
to the wicked, she establishes in the mind of the reader her position as the redeemed
in the eyes of the reader.
Like Prince, who creates negative imagery to establish her position as a righteous
figure, Emecheta also uses subconscious Christian rhetoric in order to stimulate a
positive association towards her in an audience composed mostly of Christians. She
does this in order to create an empathic connection between her and the reader. At
one point, Emecheta says, all the passengers stood one at a time, at the plane s door,
waved the final goodbye to their folks and then disappeared into the bowels of the
whale like monster they called the
Vickodin Research Paper
Vicodin Vicodin is a prescription drug used to relieve moderate to severe pain.
Vicodin is made up of Hydrocodone a narcotic used to relieve pain, and
Acetaminophen a non narcotic used both to relieve pain and reduce fever and
inflammation. Vicodin, like most narcotics, lose their effectiveness due to tolerance
build up. Because of the user s tolerance development, the dosage increases to achieve
the same amount of pain relief and euphoria, resulting in dependence and addiction.
Vicodin has side effects that range from moderate to severe. The more mild side
effects include lightheadedness, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, constipation,
headache, mood changes, blurred vision, ringing of the ears, dry mouth, and
difficulty urinating.... Show more content on ...
Addiction is easy and common due to tolerance build up especially for those
medicating for chronic pain. To achieve the same level of euphoria, the user
requires a higher dosage. Because the user gets used to the euphoria, the pain is
more noticeable, and the user takes a higher dosage. This becomes the cycle until
intervened or liver damage and death occur due to overdose. Recovery can be done
safely in any medical care facility with the aid of medical professionals. Recover
always includes detoxification. Withdrawal symptoms include chills, fever, headache,
nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, and muscle
The Role Of Irritable Bowel Disease ( Ibd )
Although the gut microbiota are involved in a range of functions within the human
body, this essay will focus on their role in the development of Irritable Bowel
Disease (IBD). The human gut microbiota play a significant role in the metabolic
health of individuals with irritable bowel diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
and Crohn s Disease (CD). IBD, UC and CD are chronic gastrointestinal illnesses, all
of which have an uncertain etiology. Symptoms of these illnesses can include
diarrhoea, weight loss, ulceration, proliferation and even total obstruction of the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. (1). However the causes of these diseases are not strictly
known(2). There are a vast number of bacterial species that reside within the GI tract,
some of which can play a role in producing inflammation. It is believed that microbial
patterns may play a role in causing IBD. The innate immune systemmay play a role in
altering the gut microbiota profile. Certain pathogens have also been found to play a
role in the development of IBD. Finally, diet and nutrition play a role in IBD,
however certain nutrients are believed to have both positive and negative effects.
This essay will aim to critically explore what is responsible for IBD: both internal and
external factors that influence the human gut microbiota, and hence trigger IBD, or
more specifically; an abnormal immune response in a vulnerable individual, or a
deviation in immune function that leads to an altered immune response
Medieval Guilds Essay
The concept of the guild, or occupational group, as its modern version has
sometimes been called, is one of the most distinctive features of Catholic socio
economic thought. The guild combined two of the most important points of
Catholic social theory, the principle of subsidiarity, as it later became known, and a
distrust of purely economic motives in the conduct of human affairs. In the workings
of the medieval guilds one can see both of these principles clearly, and because of
this, Catholic thought has insisted on the continuing relevance of the guild idea to
even a modern economy. The great differences between medieval and modern
technology and social organization are no reason to question whether the guild
system, with appropriate adaptations and modifications, is not still viable for a
contemporary economy, as more than one twentieth century pope insisted. In order
to understand how the guilds embodied these principles, let us look at the actual
operation of the medieval guilds in their own setting. The origins of the medieval
guilds, or corporations, as they were very often called, are not easy to trace. There
may have been links with... Show more content on ...
Paul wrote (I Timothy 6:10), if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be
content.... For the love of money is the root of all evils.... Since the Fall of
mankind not one of man s appetites can simply be trusted to aim at the good or to
result in good, either individually or collectively. Generally Catholics today see this
with regard to the sexual appetite it needs taming and guidance and too often tends
toward havoc but the medievals still held the belief of Sacred Scripture and the early
Church that the appetite for gain was of a similar nature. Thus the acquisitive spirit
was a matter for distrust and
Johnny Cash Biography
The Man in Black
An individual can impact society in a positive or possibly negative manner and
Johnny Cash definitely had an impactful life. He was born into a poor, nominal,
farming family. Cash had a difficult childhood and his music surely inspired many.
Although, he had a great career, he, no doubt, made many mistakes. He was
certainly a leader, and, in the eyes of many, will always be.
John R. Cash was born in Kingsland, Arkansas on February 26th, 1932 when the
Great Depression was well under way. He was born into a sharecropping family
who grew cotton. When he was only three, Cash and his family moved from
Kingsland to Dyess Colony, a federal program that relocated able farmers to a cotton
farming cooperative in northwestern Arkansas. ... Show more content on ...
His star ascended higher still in 1958, when he departed from Sun Records and
signed with Columbia Records... (Biography In Context) Cash struggled with
substance abuse, especially after his divorce with Liberto, which greatly affected his
career. On the flip side of this, he married June Carter, in the spring of 1968, and she
helped reform him. Later, he put out his first multimillion selling album, Johnny Cash
at Folsom Prison (1968). This album earned two Grammy Awards. The second
prison album, Johnny Cash at San Quentin (1969), helped fuel his image as
unrepentant bad boy... (Biography In Context) After that, he worked with his
gospel, folk, and patriotic side. ...young audiences who had flocked to the Folsom
and San Quentin albums did not appreciate his gospel and patriotic themes, forcing
him to fall back on his core country audience. (Biography In Context) In 1980,
Johnny Cash was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. In 1985, he
...joined Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson to tour and record
as the Highwaymen. (Biography In Context) Shockingly, in 1986, Columbia
Records refused to re sign him to a record contract due to resurging drug
dependence. Regardless, in 1990, Johnny Cash was then inducted into the Rock
And Roll Hall of Fame. Providentially, Cash got a record deal with Rick Rubin.
Rubin would help redeem Cash s recording career and produce his last four
Sage In Ojibwe Essay
Sage has been a part of Ojibwe culture for thousands of years. Sage is one the four
main medicines in Ojibwe culture along with tobacco, cedar, and sweet grass. In
most Ojibwe ceremonies, sage is used in the beginning of the ceremony to smudge
the people attending the ceremony. When sage is burned, the smoke is used to
cleanse the body and mind. For the hands, the sage cleanses what is touched. Sage
cleanses the ears so we can hear all things in a good way. It cleanses out the mind
so we can think good things with nothing negative. Traditionally, sage is used for
headaches and helps with allergies. Sage can also be mixed with other medicines
into teas to help with indigestion, menstrual cycle ailments, sore throats, boasts the
immune system, and help with skin conditions. The genus name of sage is Salvia.
Sage is the largest member of the mint family containing over 900 species. There are
more uses of Sage rather than how it was used for traditional purposes and traditional
healings. When the oils of Sage is extracted, that oil can help with the nervous
system, heart and blood circulation, and the digestive... Show more content on ...
An example of those are carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, possessing
strong antioxidant, radical scavenging, and antibacterial activities. The majority of
the phenolic acids in Sage species are derivatives of caffeic acid which is the
building block of a variety of plant metabolites. Caffeic acid plays a central role in
the biochemistry of the Lamiaceae plants, and occurs mainly in a dimer form as
rosmarinic acid. Carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, which are present at high
concentrations in the extract of Sage plants, have shown strong antioxidant
properties. Ursolic acid, also a component of sage, has strong anti inflammatory
properties, and in sage preparations, it is considered as a quality control measurement
for the anti inflammatory effects of different
Animal Personality As An Individual s Distinguishing...
Animal personality is defined as an individual s distinguishing pattern of behaviour
that remains consistent over time (Pervin and John 1997). Recently animal
personality has become an important area of research. Psychologist have been
interested in the role of individual differences in behaviour that may reflect
temperament or personalities. This line of research has resulted in a number of
studies revealing individual differences in personality traits in such diverse species as
primates, marine mammals, insects, fish, invertebrates, and birds (Gosling, 2001). To
add to the growing literature on animal personality, the personality of five Asian
elephants at Melbourne Zoo was explored. The personality of these elephants was
rated ... Show more content on ...
The elephants are suffering from a shrinking size habitat due to the rapidly growing
human populations. Majority of the Asian elephant s once spacious habitat has been
separated into small fragments due to human settlements, plantations and large
developments such as mines and roads. The illegal hunting and trade of these
critically endangered animals is also contributing to the decrease in numbers. In Asian
elephants, only the male elephants carry tusks, therefore hunting is aimed at the
males only. Not only is the poaching of the males killing a large proportion of the
Asian elephant population but it is also raising a concern about the genetic effects.
When these tusked males are killed, the number in the male population decreases
resulting in a skewed sex ratios. The major concern with this is that it may lead to
inbreeding and eventually to a low breeding success which will then bring down the
population number even more.
To help save the Asian Elephant populations, Melbourne Zoo has set up the
Cooperative Conservation Breeding Program. The aim of their program is to create
an insurance population of the species. Since the establishment of this breeding
program in 2006, three pregnancies have been achieved. For these breeding programs
to be successful the Zoo needs to set up an environment that each elephant feels
comfortable in.
For an animal to feel comfortable in an environment, the enclosure must be set up so
Review Of The Fall Of Constantinople Essay
Jeffery Jacob World History [Teacher name here] December 21st, 2016 The Fall of
Constantinople Byzantium was one of the many Greek city states that stratled along
the coasts of the Aegean Sea. As an abundant source of Grains, fish, and trade, she
played a pivotal role as a landing for Darius colossal army against the Greeks; a
battleground between Athens and Sparta during the Pelloponessian war; and a prized
tributary under Roman supervision. The Roman Emperor, Constantine I, renamed the
city after himself and the newly christened Constantinoplegrew to eclipse Rome as
the greatest Capital of Europe. Even after the continent was plunged into the so
called Dark Ages ; protected by the indominable Theodosian Wall, The Queen of
Cities , as the Greek speaking Byzantines called her, retained her position as the
most prestine City of the early Middle Ages. And became the seat of power for the
great Basilieis, Greek plural for Emperors, and the venerated Patriarchs of the Eastern
Orthodox Church. Yet the middle ages made life more turbulant for the aged
Byzantine Empireas it lost vast swathes of land to the surging Muslim Caliphate;
struggled with internal corruption throughout its lifetime; clung desperately to its
commercial power in the face of competition from merchant republics such as Genoa
and Venice; and embroiled itself into several centuries of conflicts with the Turks
over control of Anatolia, modern day Turkey. However, its Religious influence grew
Trail Of Tears Argumentative Essay
The United States had done atrocious things to the Native Americans. The United
States had took land from the Native Americans and forced them to move on
reservations, tribes such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole
were apart of this dreadful journey. Around the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson
authorized moving all Native American East of the Mississippi to lands in the West
became known as the Indian Removal Act. As part of President Andrew Jacksons
Indian removal policy, in 1838 and 1839, he established the Trail of Tears, which is
forced an 800 mile march of Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory in
Oklahoma. Two approaches to make amends for the U.S. government wrongdoing is
money and land. Yet, land is more important... Show more content on
President Obama felt this way in 2008 when he said That involves investing in early
childhood education, fixing the schools in those communities, being willing to work
in terms of job creation and job training. Those are serious investments
(WORLDNETDAILY, 2008). He is saying that all the money that s gonna be given
to the Native Americans will be invested to important futures. However this isn t true
because to go to school and work, you need land to build the property. By returning
land, the Native Americans will begin the process of a healthy and successful
Lethal Injection Vs. The Electric Chair
required signed petitions to get the issue back on the ballot. Fifty eight percent of
the people in Nebraska oppose the death penalty and only thirty percent support it
(Balko 1). Nebraska currently has ten death row inmates (Balko 1). They are waiting
anxiously for the results if they have to be executed or if they can have life in prison.
The two most common ways of execution is lethal injection and the electric chair.
The electric chair is much more painful because it feels like you are getting
electrocuted. It also takes longer for the person to die. At the end of the nineteenth
century electricity started to become more effective. For more than a century the
lethal effects of electric current was interesting researchers. Benjamin Franklin
The Importance Of Nature For Youth Development
Imagine a boy who has never crunched leaves underfoot as he winds down a forest
trail, or a girl who has never followed frogs along a marsh. Imagine children who
have watched Finding Nemo but never have seen a living fish in a pond, or have
read Charlotte s Web but never seen the morning dew settle on a spider s filaments.
Unfortunately, our imaginations do not need to stray very far to envision lives of
children cut off from nature, solely surrounded by concrete, metal and bricks. Many
Canadian educators intuitively recognize nature experiences as beneficial for youth,
and various sources of information their own experiences, poetry, movies or scientific
studies seem to support such intuitions. Despite the growing cultural awareness of the
importance of nature for youth s development, there seems to be a continuing
emphasis on indoor, disembodied forms of education in classrooms, that are overly
focused on abstract cognition at the expense of emotion, movement, and other
processes rooted in body environment interactions. Why not reconsider the
significance of nature as a valuable object of learning, and reshape the current outdoor
and nature narrative throughout our curriculum? Based on my own personal
experience, Chambers affirmations and Doll s rationale, nature should be considered
as such.
Despite living in an urban setting, I grew up nature. I made dollhouses out of birch
bark inhabited by acorn people, turning rivers into roads for tadpoles. The forest was
How To Argue A Career In Jonathan Harr s A Civil Action
Sitting in a small cafГ© in Maryland, I opened the cover of A Civil Action by
Jonathan Harr and began to read the first page. At the time, I had no real intention of
even finishing the book but was trying to work reading for pleasure into my routine.
My freshman year of college had turned reading into a chore more than anything.
Thankfully, over time, I learned to embrace and combine reading for both knowledge
and pleasure. Now, before I go any further, I must admit that I was unaware a movie
version existed. Although John Travoltas character was often referenced in classes on
how not to negotiate, even to this day, I cannot say I ve ever watched the film.
What I was not expecting, was for the book to captivate my imagination and
professional ... Show more content on ...
Two large corporations were alleged to have dumped the hazardous waste causing
leukemia in numerous victims. Throughout the book, Schlichtmann must educate
himself on the industries he is challenging, on cancer causing chemicals, and on the
tort law involved. Although experts are brought into the mix by both sides, there is a
heavy responsibility on the individual attorneys to learn about and understand their
cases sufficient enough to argue their perspectives. Although some may see this
aspect of a legal career as daunting, I see it as a continuously rewarding challenge.
Each case presents a unique puzzle with its own set of variables, rules, participants
and setbacks. In addition, each case requires the attorney to learn new things. It is the
aspect of continuous learning that I find most interesting.
The lessons taught by A Civil Action were influential in directing me towards a
legal career. Although there are many other factors and variables involved in this
decision, I would be remiss to ignore the impact of this story. A Civil Action is just
one story throughout the past seven years that has influenced my decision to pursue
a legal career. Reading this story changed the way that I viewed the law and
changed the way that I viewed my course of study. I continue to appreciate those few
days I spent sitting in a cafГ© in Maryland, reacquiring my love
Analysis Of Juggler By Richard Wilbur
The poem Juggler describes how the tricks the juggler acts out for the crowd amaze
and intrigue them. In the poem Juggler by Richard Wilbur, the author uses imagery,
figurative language and tone to describe the juggler as someone who brings
happiness and fun to others. The use of imagery, figurative language, and tone are
used to describe the juggler and reveal the speaker s own views about the world.
Throughout the poem the author uses imagery to describe the juggler s appearance
and the tricks he is accomplishing in his show. For example, Wilbur states, it takes
a sky blue juggler with five red shake our gravity up. (lines 6 7). The
author s description of the juggler as someone who can shake our gravity up (line 7)
shows that the juggler is someone who has a tremendous impact on the audience and
the speaker because the audience is full of serious people and the juggler evokes
happiness and astonishment from the audience. Moreover, by saying this the
audience is able to get an insight into the life of the speaker; we are able to see that
not a lot of things happen in the speaker s life that make the speaker happy.
Additionally, Wilbur shows the reader the the juggler is performing, the author says,
Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broom s Balancing up on his nose, and the
plate whirls. On the tip of the broom! (lines 9 21). We can see the juggler as he is
performing his great trick and how the crowd is happy and amazed at what he is
accomplishing through his performance when the author says, Damn, what a
show,we cry... ( line 21). Having the crowd cheer at the juggler as he completes his
trick of the balancing act showed that people are made happy with small things like
the juggling trick the juggler was performing for the crowd.
As the poem progresses, we can see how the juggler manipulates the five red balls
he is using to move around his body. Richard Wilbur uses figurative language like
personification to show how the balls move by the tricks the juggler does. Wilbur
says, The balls roll around, wheel on his wheeling hand, learning the ways of
lightness, alter to spheres, grazing his finger ends, cling to their course there. ( lines 8
11). The author explains how the
The Poem Blood Nye
Essay Analysis of the Poem Blood
A brief look at this poem can suggest that some of the main ideas are identity and
self discovery, which isn t wrong. However when going more in depth the poem
shows not so obvious ideas of truth, desire for peace, innocence, racism,
appearances, and a lot more. The poem suggests that the world is unfair by how it
treats and judges the Arabic culture and its people. Nye expresses how this has
impacted her and the community through literary elements such as tone, setting,
past/present/future, symbolism, and allusion. In Blood, Nye is told the
characteristics of a true Arab by her father. Nye s father says that a true Arab can
catch a fly in one s hand and a true Arab gives back what they have borrowed from
nature once they die. The poem goes on to the present day and what is taking place.
The news impacted both Nye and her father and causes her to question herself.
Readers are able to feel every bit of emotion.
Nye feels through the various tones the poem creates. Nye is the daughter of a
Palestinian father and a American mother of European decent. There are many
negative stereotypes of Arabs so readers can easily see why ... Show more content on ...
Explication: Blood. Naomi Shihab Nye, blood.html.
Famous Muslims | . Biography Online,
Frydberg, Tracy. Watermelon Brings Jews, Arabs Together in Shadow of Old City
Walls. The Times of Israel, brings jews arabs
together in jerusalems musrara/.
Imeu. IMEU Institute for Middle East Understanding. IMEU | Institute for Middle
East Understanding, sabra shatila massacre.
Naomi Shihab Nye. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, shihab nye.
Sweileh, Razan. My Shiny Wall. Padlet, 4 Apr. 2018,
Racial Inequality In Caged Bird And Nothing s Changed
How do Angelou and Afrika vividly explore the impact of racial inequality in Caged
Bird and Nothing s Changed?
Both Angelou and Afrika contrast the situation of an African American and a white
person, conveying the emotions caused by racial discrimination, segregation, to well
as making the reader empathize and understand an African American in the setting of
their poems in hopes of spreading their message across, as both poets express that
the whites in power usually don t care, nor are they able to empathize. Caged Bird
explores the impact of racial inequality by using an extended metaphor and
contrasting the situation of two birds to make the reader understand how the cage
bird feels, and shows what opportunities African Americans... Show more content on ...
(These emotions can easily be linked back into the situation of an African
American). She also uses assonance (But a caged bird stands on the grave of
dreams ) and rhyme to create an ominous beat and draw attention to the specific
lines for Caged Bird , for example, rhyming in the chorus (trill, still, hill) to draw
attention to the reader like a song, as well as the rhyming in stanza 2 (cage, rage), to
empathize the anger the caged bird feels. She also uses sibilance to create a hissing,
unpleasant sound, such as shadow shouts on a nightmare scream But the bird that
stalks/down his narrow cage/can seldom see through/his bars of
Alberto Cairo, There s No Scrap For Men
Alberto Cairo, There s No Scrap for Men is a speech on a man who leads the
International Red Cross orthopedic rehabilitation work in Afghanistan during
November 2011 .These are soldiers that has had their legs or arms blew off by
landmines. . He has helped thousands of Afghan soldiers that have been hit by
landmine s and accident victims. Not only has given them prosthetic limbs, he has
given them hope He has given them dignity. Not only has given them prosthetic
limbs, he has given them hope. The main message this video presents it that
dignity cannot wait for better times, physical rehabilitation is essential. I think this
message presents the idea that there is no need for people with disabilities to feel
less worthy of medical assistance due to their disability. There s alot of actions
Alberto Cairo could have took to get the audience s attention at the begining of his
speech. One way is he could have made a startling statement to shock the listeners.
He also never asked the audience a question at the beginning of his speech. Thats
very important also. So without either one of those two main points, that should be
made when presenting a speech. The audience seemed to me to be very attentive. He
however did tell some very good stories about some of the things he went through
while over sea s in Iraq.... Show more content on ...
I feel like the speech was not very effective because he never really got the
audience s attention or mine. His voice was really plain and dull and was that way
the whole speech. The audience wasn t very big and there wasn t very much
feedback except for clapping. But a really good trait of his speech was that many
times in his speach Alberto is visibly caught up in the emotion of recalling his
experiences in Afghanistan. The great thing is that he acknowledges these emotions,
He doesn t apologize for them, He shows his humanity and heart in front of his
Critical Thinking Chapter 16 Summary
Chapter 16 is about critical thinking and moral arguments. Critical thinking is a mode
of thinking in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by
skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. A moral argument is an
argument with a conclusion that expresses a moral claim. Logicis rational thoughts
and formats tool or ways of reasoning. Formal logic is the use of deductive reasoning
and is a structured argument with a set of premises and one conclusion. Informal
logic is the use of inductive arguments. A fallacy a flaw in thinking or reasoning.
Deductive logic is if the argument is valid and if the premises is true or sound then
the conclusion must be true and inductive logic is practical knowledge.
Summary Of On Natural Death By Lewis Thomas
On Natural Death
In his essay On Natural Death , research pathologist, medical doctor, and biologist
Lewis Thomas attempts to console the reader about the weighty topic of death by
referencing his own observations, citing scientific facts and statistics, and using the
universal fear and unknown of eternal rest. Thomas first points to the example of the
unforeseen death of an elm tree in his own backyard. The death of an inanimate
lifeform is something with which most people are familiar and probably even
comfortable. This first hand experience displays a situation in which death is quick
and free of pain. It also shows how quickly death can tranpire; in this situation, the
tree appeared to be in perfect health just a week before its sudden passing. The
story of a dying mouse displays Thomas s own sorrow at the demise of a fellow
mammal and former participant in life. The reader is naturally brought to empathize
with Thomas s sentiments by his use of firsthand emotions and experiences. Thomas
even calls upon the reader to understand the feelings of the mouse itself by describing
what the experience likely felt to the mouse painless to the extent that the mouse is
inclined to shrug. Another of his observations is that of two soldiers unfortunate
fatalities after being in a mortal automobile accident. This example brings the reality
of death even closer to the reader, as this time the it is experienced by human beings
not unlike the reader. This situation is akin to that
The Mutation Of The Horror Genre
Kalmina (Alex) Wu Josh Jackson Media Studies 10 30 September 2014 The Mutation
of the Horror Genre Horror can be defined as a genre meant to psychologically trigger
individual fear with the presence of certain supernatural or abstract characteristics.
The genre is dependent on people s fascination with unrealism and the sensation that
comes from experiencing fear personified into tangible elements on a screen. Horror
films have thrilled audiences for decades, revealing stories of the more sinister parts
of life. The popular allure that stems from the genre comes from the tension
moviegoers experience when aroused by specific stimuli uniquely present in these
cinematic features (Walters). Over time, as the genre progressed, the standardized
elements found in a typical horror movie began to shift in different directions
primarily due to changing societal circumstances and increasing consumer demand
for cinematic innovation. The expansive nature of the different codes and
conventions within the horror genre, coupled with the evolution of society s
fascination with these characteristics, has led to the mutation of the genre itself in
order to allow for unique approaches to a familiar style in response to both economic
developments and taste shifts within the consumer industry. Definitions of horror
tend to emphasize the psychological effect it has on audiences. Specifically, they
highlight the internal terror that arises from encountering threats to existence.
According to
Ashley Sims Drawing
Ashley Sims was born in Arcadia, Florida and studied art at South Florida State
College as well as Greenville Technical College in South Carolina where Sims is
currently in college, majoring in art education. The theme of the collection being
shown is to show the importance of a well rounded education when it comes to the
field of drawing. The importance of this theme is that each drawing is an example of
a different concept of drawing, Though multiple concepts are sometimes included in
the same drawing there will always be a main focus that teaches a new lesson and
learning these is imperative for any artist. The media used on these drawings are
graphite, charcoal, ink wash, and prisma pencil. Project one, is of an orange. Sims
follows this theme by experimenting with mixed media. She uses graphite, charcoal,
and ink wash as well as 11 media processes in the creation of this piece including,
hatching, cross hatching, scribbling, tortillion marks and many more. This project
is used as a preview to all the processes that can be used in the creation of a drawing.
Project two depicts a closet scene, the viewer is looking... Show more content on ...
Sims wanted this collection to be used as a way for prospective artists to see and
understand some of the most important concepts of creating a drawing. The
drawings of this collection are objective, every mark was intentional and the
meanings behind the images are not complicated. Her idea was to show how to
create a drawing rather than to make the viewer guess how to do it like they would
with subjective art where nothing is definite. Overall, any drawing that is created
will have at least one of the concepts shown in this collection. It does not matter
whether the image is hundreds of years old or will not be created for another
hundred years. To be a successful drawing, it will have to contain at least one of these
Ashford eng121 week 3 quiz
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
Father Christmas is a character best known for _______ long, white beard.
Student Answer:
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
Points Received:
1 of 1 Comments:
Question 2.
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
All children want to please ___________ parents.
Student Answer:
his or her
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit ...
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Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct unnecessary switch in verb tense, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
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Question 9.
Question :
Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below:
All movie reviews reveal the prejudices of ___________ author.
Student Answer:
their Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
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Question 10.
Question :
Please choose the best revision for the sentence below:
Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her sister.
Student Answer:
Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her own sister.
Vicki was torn between her sister and Tanya.
Tanya and her sister made it hard for Vicki to choose sides.
Nothing helped Vicki choose between Tanya and her sister. Instructor Explanation:
For information on how to correct vague pronoun references, visit https:/
/ twenty common writing errors.html
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Question :
Choose the sentence that correctly matches verb tenses.
Student Answer:
The flowers in the garden bloomed in March because the spring comes earlier these
The flowers in the garden bloom in March because the
Oil Drilling
Oil Drilling Jasmine A. Richardson Freshman Seminar Friday 10:20 11:20
Throughout the years the government has spent millions of dollars on oil drilling.
But what is the actual purpose of oil drilling? Is it necessary? Are we spending too
much money on this one project or is it useful in the end? These questions have
been debated so much over and over again. But the question is am I for or against oil
drilling? Oil drilling takes up too much time and money for one simple purpose. It
takes time and a workload to even begin this process. In order to perform a normal oil
drilling process you have to find a land that has to be cleared and leveled, water must
be nearby, if there is no water the crews have to dig water well, and lastly... Show
more content on ...
Is it necessary to damage other countries as well with the oil drilling of just selfish?
It shows a lack of respect for ones nature and more on materialistic things. There are
other alternatives to oil drilling. Solar power is one. Also harnessing away for the
sun, using devices called solar cells and converting sunlight into electrical light are
good alternatives to oil drilling. Wind power may be another alternative to oil
drilling, it generates through the raw power of Mother Nature. Massive turbines
harvest the wind. When it strikes they start spinning, creating the energy to turn
the electric generator and produce a certain amount of energy. Geo thermal energy
is a way as well, it is exactly how it sounds (energy from the ground). I have to
admit studies show that there is a downside to geothermal energy and that is that
there are very few locations throughout out the world that harvest geothermal
energy. The reason being is because the cost is great and the piping need for the
geothermal energy takes up a lot of mass. The best alternative resource in my
opinion is to use Wind turbines. For one it doesn t take time for the turbines to get
set up and running. The only thing with using a turbine is that it requires minimum
speed wind and it is so unpredictable it s a likely change it may not be able to fit the
needs of a large amount of people. This is all renewable energy. Oil is not the main
objective and
The Rise of Europe
The Rise of Europe
Contemporary world power, and the shift from the East to the West during what
historian s term, Medieval/Renaissance Europe, shifted the roles of two vastly
different empires the Ming and Ottoman. Even though we barely even touched on
the Ming Empire, I feel like the significance of it, is far too grand to leave out in
describing the rise of Europe. Both empires had different types of leadership and core
goals military and social. The Ming Empire was led by brilliant philosophical
scholars, concerned not only with the external world but the development of the
internal consciousness; the Ottoman based on a new monotheistic religion that
stratified society, but also allowed numerous mathematical, scientific, and ... Show
more content on ...
Once trade routes were established, the merging of cultural values and ideas,
including technology, changed the very face of the global balance of power.
China, for instance, remained as isolated as possible, content to manage the strife
and political bureaucracy from within. In the Middle East, the continual struggle
over the Holy Land, and the subsequent gains and losses changed the very face of
the Ottoman Empire, finally establishing a more individualized state system, often
ruled by European colonialism, up to and through World War I ( Middle Ages
Trade and Commerce ). If, however, we find that it was economics and the promise
of wealth, the desire for goods and services, and the curiosity about technological
advances and other social improvements, that drove Europe outward, it was the lack
of active colonization that kept both the Ming and Ottoman Empires from perhaps
realizing their true potential. Regardless of the public personification of discovering
new lands for God and man, the very basis of expansion for Europe was, indeed, the
promise of wealth.
Works Cited
Genet, J. , (1996). A History of Chinese Civilization. Cambridge University
Goodwin, J. (2003). Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire.
Picador Press.
Middle Ages Trade and Commerce. (n.d.) in Middle Ages History. http://www.middle ages history.htm Parry, J.H. (1982). The Age of
Not All Textbooks Recall the Events of History the Same
Many people do not care for history due to the simple fact some of the readings in
the textbook are not all interesting or true. Not every textbook is the same, not
every textbook has accurate information, but most history classes require you to
read and learn everything from the textbooks. As you read this essay, you will learn
how a couple of different texts discusses the finding of Virginia and about the
Indians. Each of these texts are not written in the year so there will be some
discussion on the years each was written. Just remember, not all textbooks are the
same, in fact, most of them have different facts that may not be all accurate.
In 1927, David S. Muzzey wrote the first text History of the American People this text
... Show more content on ...
In May, the establishment of Jamestown was founded. The men relied on the Indians
for food. The settlement suffered from the starving period without Powhatan s help.
The settlers held Pocahontas, Powhatan s daughter, hostage to gain the upper hand in
1613. While they held her captive, she agreed to convert to Christianity and marry
John Rolfe. (Norton)
In the first text, he talks about how the Indians pretty much saved the colonist from
death because they supplied the colonist with goods need for their first winter.
They were then attacked in 1622 by the colonist for the land to declare the
government. (Muzzey) Bailey doesn t give praise to the Indian s like Muzzey did
for saving the colonist. He discusses how the settlers find the new land and push the
Indians aside. The Spaniards were not as successful as the English settlers at killing
off the Indians. Many Indians died from the Indian Massacre, diseases, and
starvation. Due to Pocahontas marrying John Rolfe in 1613, the colonist started
peace with the Indians. (Bailey) For the third text, the author was a little more
specific with the Indian tribe name. The tribe was the Tsenacomoco, and their
weroance was Powhatan. Powhatan brother watched the colonist try to expand and
convert Indians to Christianity. The war leader set up attacks all along the James
River leading to 347 colonist dead on March 22, 1622. (Norton)
Coney Dogs Research Paper
Ah, a day at the ball park. Nothing more American than going to a baseball game,
drinking a beer and eating a hot dog. Guess where that tradition started? Detroit,
baby. Well, Livonia to be more specific, but it was popularized at Detroit Tiger
Stadium in the 50 s. A meat packing company called Hygrade FoodProducts won a
competition in 1959 to be the hot dog supplier for the team. They started a contest
at the company for the name for the hot dogs. Mary Ann Kurk, one of Hygrade
Food Products sales people at the time, won the contest with the name Ball Park
Franks . So then next time you eat a ball park frank at a game, know that Detroit ha
influenced on one of the most iconic sports foods in America.
CONEY DOG coneys1 Sure, coney dogs are ... Show more content on ...
The moment I mention the name to places beyond Detroit, I get the typical Insane
Clown Posse reference. Sorry to burst your bubble. but Faygo is delicious. They
have more flavors than anyone. Flavors that you couldn t possibly imagine. The
great thing about it being a local drink is that they can team up with 7/11 to make
personalized Slurpee s that are only available around these parts.
If you happen by some Faygo in California, give it a try. If you see Red Pop or Rock
N Rye, it is your missions to buy it, pour it in a glass, ad some ice, and experience a
soda pop that will change your mind.
Jason Khal Drogo Momoa enjoying a delicious New Holland Brewing beer
Detroit/Michigan is one of the biggest craft beer hubs in the country. I could walk
into any part store in he area and there will be a sign stating Brewed in Michigan and
below it will be racks of so much different kinds of beer that it feels like Willy Wonka
for adults. If you love craft beer, check out to see if any of these are on your buying
Vittorio De Sica Bicycle Thieves
Vittorio De Sica started making films in the late 1940s, with The Bicycle Thief
being one of his first films. De Sica was able to capture the struggles of a particular
life, but also made it general enough for a multitude of people to be able to relate to
the problems the characters face. De Sica is an example of a Neorealist filmmaker
with his usage of nonprofessional actors as most of his character, as he felt they
provided a certain authenticity to the films. He filmed on location, using natural light
as their only source, in an attempt to make the filmseem as legitimate as possible. All
of his films covered topics of hardship of those living in poverty during the postwar
Italy. One of his films that strays from his typical Neorealism style
Essay On Siemens Scandal
At first Siemens downplayed the affair saying that it was only a matter of a few
millions Euros. However within a month their own estimate skyrocketed up to an
amount of 420 million Euros. Furthermore Klaus Kleinfeld the then recently installed
CEO, denied awareness or involvement. Siemens first statements were exemplary of
an ill suited cursory attempting to downplay a developing scandal prematurely. This
tactic appeared egoistical and lacked moral responsibility. It also damaged
stakeholders impressions of Siemensintegrity and in general damaged its reputation in
the public eye. Many viewed this defensive acknowledgement as incompetent. Then
however Senior Executives made public pledges to restore the firm s battered
reputation just a month later.Siemens mandated the New York law firm Debevoise
and Plimpton LLP and several... Show more content on ...
Therefore this honest diagnosis was met with internal resistance, and it was not until
the following year that the most serious revelations came to light. This resulted in the
departures of the CEO and Chairman, and the decision by the newly appointed CEO,
Peter Löscher, to announce a month long amnesty for employees to come forward,
explicitly excluding, extending the scandal s reach into the previous management
Board. What was especially remarkable was the fact that not individual but systemic
elements contributed to this scandal. These include: a too aggressive growth strategy
that portrayed bribes as a tempting short cut to hitting though performance targets;
minimal oversight from HQ due to the fact that the de centralised, matrix like
structure allowed divisions to effectively run themselves above all, it is a well known
fact that Siemens corporate culture at the time which seemed openly tolerant of such
Royal Canadian Air Force Evaluation System
As a junior supervisor in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), I spent a lot of
time evaluating and developed my subordinates to become capable leaders and an
effective member of the team. Our evaluation system primarily focuses on ranking
each member s performance and leadership potential, both of which are incredibly
valuable in a fast paced and ever changing environment. But the evaluation system
fails to identify the traits that makes up who we are as a person and how or if we
are interact with others. As such, I don t have many opportunities to introspect since I
am also evaluated by my performance and leadershipstyles. I look forward to
learning more about myself, and become a stronger individual at the end of the
I wasn t surprised to see that Habit 1 (be proactive) was my highest self assessed
habit. It was not until my mid twenty s until I was able to focus on what I want to
achieve in life, and thus I began laying down the groundworks to get there. In my
late teen years, I didn t do well in school and I simply assumed that was not smart
enough . Looking back now I see that I did not put in the effort into ... Show more
content on ...
During one of the group presentation I witnessed in year on, I was informed me that
I was part of the millennial generation and that the student and I share many
common traits (I was born in 83, therefore generation Y). However, I sometime
have a hard time understanding seeing eye to eye with some of the students nor do
I know how to reach out to some of them as they often hide behind a computer
screen or their cell phone. My goals to improve this habit is to learn more about the
goals they have set for themselves and see past the social media and get to know
who they are on a personal level, and not through another social media means e.g.

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Essay On Water Resources

  • 1. Essay On Water Resources Writing an essay on the topic of water resources is undeniably challenging. It's not just about presenting facts and figures; it requires delving into complex issues such as water scarcity, pollution, management, and conservation. The topic encompasses a vast array of interdisciplinary knowledge spanning environmental science, hydrology, policy analysis, economics, and even social dynamics. One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the sheer breadth of information available. There's a wealth of research, data, and perspectives on water resources, making it daunting to distill everything into a coherent and insightful essay. Moreover, the dynamic nature of water issues, influenced by factors like climate change, population growth, and industrial development, adds another layer of complexity. Crafting a compelling narrative that engages readers while addressing the intricacies of water resource management is no small feat. It requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively. Furthermore, tackling such a significant topic demands critical analysis and synthesis of diverse viewpoints. Balancing scientific evidence with ethical considerations and policy implications requires careful thought and attention to detail. In essence, writing an essay on water resources demands intellectual rigor, creativity, and a genuine passion for environmental sustainability. It's a task that requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to grapple with the complexities of one of the most vital resources on our planet. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Water ResourcesEssay On Water Resources
  • 2. Tree Pose Tree Pose,, is a yoga pose that will help you improve your balance and mental focus. It may also help you strengthen the muscles in your legs and core. In this pose, the lower body provides the support for the upper body as the body stands with grace and strength. HOW TO From Mountain pose, bend the right knee shifting all the weight into the left leg. Turn the right knee to the right wall resting the heel against the left leg. Look down at the floor and stare at one point. Slowly slide the right foot up the left leg, only as high up as you can maintain your balance. When you are balanced here, slowly bring the palms together, prayer position in front of the heart. Keep staring at your focal point on the floor. Keep the left leg strong pressing ... Show more content on ... The arms are in an H position, or the palms are together with the thumbs crossed, or the fingers are interlaced with the index finger pointed up. The fingers are reaching up and the shoulders are down and back. Breathe and hold for 4 8 breaths. To release: slowly exhale the arms down and then release the legs back into mountain. Repeat on the other side. BENEFITS Tree pose increases balance, focus, memory and concentration and strengthens the ankles and knees. Tree Pose stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. The pose also helps to remedy flat feet and is therapeutic for sciatica. TIPS Take your time. Thoroughly review the instructions for Mountain Pose before practicing Tree Pose. It provides the structural foundation for this pose. Balance your weight entirely across your standing foot Find alignment in your hips, tailbone, pelvis, and belly; and then in your collarbones, shoulder blades, arms, and neck. Extend the pose through the crown of your head. When you are ready, you can then raise your arms overhead. Never rest the foot of your raised leg directly on your knee or at the side of your knee
  • 3. Karl Marx s Manifesto Of The Communist Party Communism is defined, according to, as a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state, and a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self perpetuating political party. Schools across the globe are controlled by a single person, the principal of the school, who gives all their students a fair and equal education. North Carolina s public school system, run by the Board of Education, allows the students no say in their education, how their school is run, or what rules are set in place. However, students do get an... Show more content on ... Thomas Jefferson believed that the government was to be powerless to interfere with religious expressions because he had long witnessed the unhealthy tendency of government to encroach upon the free exercise of religion ( Both communism and public schools are incompatible with the religious faith. The Communist Party specifies a definite code of conduct for its members. A person who does not follow the commandments of religion, but follows the directions of the party, cannot call himself a religious person if he follows the directions of the party. Likewise, a person who follows the religious faith, not the directions of the party, cannot call himself a communist. Public school officials are not allowed to give their students the impression that they prefer one religion over another, and they are not allowed to start their days off with prayer. Even moments of silence may be considered unconstitutional by some people as they may feel that the purpose and effect of a moment of silence is plainly to advance religion
  • 4. Database Design Concept Apply the database development cycle to a given data set Database development creates enterprise data modeling, which forms the range and wide ranging contents of organizational databases. There are 5 phases in Database Development Cycle: Planning; Analysis; Design; Implementation and Maintenance. Planning In Planning Stage, the organization needs to know why do they need the database; what do they want the database to do; and how are they going to make the database. This is also where the organization will create a relevant department to handle the project and hiring a project manager. Project manager will determine the duration and the cost of the project. Analysis After the organization creates the relevant department, the ... Show more content on ... For example for my employees, I have used from E01 and for my owners, I have used from ON01 . I also have used different ID for each table because to avoid confusion. For example, one owner can have multiple properties or one property can have multiple owners. From the relationship I have built, the data will be shown like in figure 8. The purpose of Relationship is to manage two tables together that shares related attributes. This to know whether the relation is one to many, one to one or many to many relationship. But from above image, it shows that all tables have one to many relationship. To know how does many look like in relationship table, it will show infinity () symbol. The purpose of Queries is to let the user to find for a specific data or end results such as Total sales price of properties for each location which is shown in Fig. 10 The purpose for form is to enter, edit, and interact with multiple data. In forms you also can create buttons such as, Add, Save, Delete, Previous Records and Next Records. It is also less time consuming for the user to enter a data. The user doesn t have to enter data through table because the form itself has shown Add and Save button. But the form must have relevant field for the user to enter the data. The purpose for Reports is to show the review records in systematized manner. Complex problems with more than one variable have been
  • 5. The Importance Of Privacy And Data Encryption In today s world we are so much dependent on technology, that the need for privacy and data encryption has become more important to protect the importance of information, such as credit card numbers, email messages, confidential company information, banking details and other personal information. For example, when you are at an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), you do not want someone looking over your shoulder for your PIN number. The same applies for email accounts, bank accounts, Social networking accounts. And we do not want an unauthorised person or a third party to monitor our movement over the internet. So as the computer technology and Information technology have evolved, so is the need to secure date increased. Internet usage has increased at an alarming rate, and now every person is using the Internet for various purposes. Researchers have been working hard for a very long time to make Internet and data sharing as safe as possible. They are trying to find new methods of securing and transferring data across the internet and extranet. History Encryption is not new or limited to Internet. It has been into practice for a very long time, in fact began thousands of years ago, however in a different format. The use of cryptography dates back to 1900 BC, in Egypt which uses mystery paintings and figures. In those days, it was not so much aimed for secrecy as it was to create mystery or amusement for literate readers. Secret messages were used by the Greek army, which
  • 6. Martel s Life Of Pi Does Martel s Life of Pi treatment of religion give power to God or does it give power to works of fiction? Instead of giving power to the one versus the other, Martel is not trying to get the reader to believe in God, to prove his existence, but rather there is a justification of a person s individual right to choose in believing in God. Life of Pi doesn t try to question religionas an institution, but rather there is a focus on the debate between fact and fiction where Martel s position is a postmodernist one, from the perspective of which God s existence has the same status in relation to truth and reality as Pi s experience of shipwreck (Stratton 6). In Martel s work there isn t a focus on what is to be more believable in either fiction or religion, but rather how there are no other alternative in between the two. During Pi s journey in the first story, he does not spend a lot of time thinking on and expressing his religious beliefs. There is more of a focus on the energy he has going towards basic human survival. Though God seems to be a presence in life as he thanks God for his survival, Vishnu preserve me, Allah protect me, Christ save me, he cries out shortly after he finds himself in the lifeboat ( Martel 108). There doesn t seem to be a presence of God in the second, realistic story. There is mention of God, God is notably absent throughout the events narrated, leaving human beings alone in the material universe, living in a state of exile from
  • 7. The Causes Of World War II The Causes of World War II: The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party The effects of the treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of World War II. It began in 1919 when Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss how Germany will pay for the devastation it cause in World War II. Woodrow Wilson wanted a treaty based on his 14 point hoping that this will bring peace to Europe. Georges Clemenceau ... Show more content on ... They adopted the policy of strong government and control over the economy. By 1935, Mussolini was the dictator of Italy. Fascism was embraced in Germany by the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazis. They were advocating the superiority of the German race. On January 1933 Hitler was appointed in a powerful position. Hitler s actions (remilitarization): Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933.and began to build up the German army. In 1934 he increased the size of the army and the military service became obligatory. Although France and Britain were aware of these actions, they did not behave against it because they were concerned about the spread of communism in Europe and they thought that if Germany became strong. It will be able to prevent the spread of communism. Hitler also made two major alliances during 1936. The first was called the Rome Berlin Axis Pact and with Mussolini s Italy. The second was called the Anti Comitern Pact with Japan. Hitler s plan was to take back all the territories that had been taken away from Germany. In March 1938, German forces occupied Austria. The Austrian leader hold a referendum asking the people whether they
  • 8. Analysis Of Jesus Land By Julia Scheeres When an individual s pursuit of self awareness is disrupted, it often becomes characterized by the creation of an opposite in other people. This theme is evident in Julia Scheeres s memoir Jesus Land. During her period of adolescent self discovery, Julia is met with obstacles caused by fanatical authority figures in both her family and church. This struggle ultimately leads Julia to disown and even demonize her closet relation, her brother David. Although the book is a concentrated depiction of this pattern, the idea of othering is prevalent in our country as a whole. Specifically, gender othering always has and always will be an issue in America and the American Dream. Through the description of her adolescent experiences in her memoir Jesus Land, Julia Scheeres exposes... Show more content on ... Men counter women by placing them in subordinate roles. One theory behind this othering is that men feel the need to project their fraility and vulnerability on females as a justification for treating them as inferior (Arini). These supporting and domestic roles are presented by Christianity as the more moral choice. Most religions require that a woman concentrate on her family, appealing to the female maternal instincts (Arini). After years of being taught scriptures on being obedient, women convince themselves that they are supposed to be submissive. They quell their other aspirations and focus on getting married, having kids, and caring for a family (Arini). A study held by Lauren E. Maltby, M. Elizabeth L. Hall, Tamara L. Anderson, and Keith Edwards showed that increased scriptual literalism in males parelled directly with increased benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism is the belief that, among other things, women should be kept at home in domestic roles. As a male s agreement with core Christian ideals increases, his tendency to hold sexist views increases (Maltby). Both men and women who accept the literal
  • 9. Snowball Vs. Napoleon s Animal Farm Asher Barrett Mrs. Wynn Literature 8 4 15 Snowball vs. Napoleon Snowball and Napoleon both had different opinions how Animal Farm should be run. They both had a common goal but they both had a completely different way to achieve that goal. If Napoleon had an idea Snowball would have a completely different idea that would lead in a different way. There are three ways that Napoleon and Snowball were different. First everything Napoleon took part in would benefit himself not the whole Animal Farm. Second was that Napoleon never showed interest in the strength of the Animal Farm but only in the strength of his authority over it. Lastly Napoleon would take more to brute force while Snowball was a very good and persuasive speaker. The first way that Napoleon and snowball were different was that while Napoleon only cared about how everything would benefit himself. Snowball cared nothing about himself and would care only for the benefit of the Animal Farm. One early example of Napoleon s selfishness was when he secretly raised the puppies for his own purpose. Snowball had many different ideas and plans that would lessen the workload upon the animals. Napoleon at first seemed to strongly disagree with all the plans and wanted no part in any of it but then after he got rid of Snowball he brought the ideas all back up and claimed them as his own. Snowball was also a big enthusiast of animalism and wanted it to spread to all the other farms while Napoleon only wanted to be superior
  • 10. Personal Narrative On Closet Dark at two For the last time Brent, there is nothing in that closet.There never has been and there never will. Just go to bed. And I will not leave the light on in the hall. You are fourteen, grow up. My parents never seem to understand my fear of the dark, and of my closet. They tell me over and over that there is nothing in that closet. They think I am too old to be afraid of something like that. When I tell them that things get changed in my roomat night they never seem to believe me either. I have taken pictures of my stuff before I go to bed, and then taken pictures of it in the morning, evidence that my stuff has been moved, and they still don t believe me. Tonight is just another one of those nights. I guess mom had a bad day because she is really... Show more content on ... I speedily ran back to my room. I donned my slippers and my winter coat, and placed a winter cap on my head. I grabbed my massive flashlight and headed out of the door. I happened to look at my clock and stopped dead in my tracks. The clock read 2 o clock on the mark. I stood there, dazedly staring at the clock. I turned the light on in my room and ran out into the hallway. I ran through the entire house flipping on lights madly looking for anything I could find. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that would help me find my mom. I ran out onto the porch and stared out into the pitch black night. What was happening? I walked to the edge of the clearing that our house sat on and followed the driveway for awhile. Suddenly my flashlight died and I found myself totally enclosed in darkness. I began to shake. I walked forward, or what I thought was forward, until I tripped and fell. I groped around and found that I was completely surrounded by trees. I got up and walked back the way I thought I had come. I tripped again and tore my pants. I got back up and stumbled like this in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. I wandered for what seemed like hours. Suddenly I heard a sound. I stopped dead
  • 11. Scottish Folk Music Scottish folk music also traditional Scottish music is music that uses the forms that are identified as part of traditional Scottish music. There is evidence that there is a growing culture of popular music in the late medieval Scotland, but the only song with a melody to survive from this period is Pleugh Song . After the Reformation, the tradition of popular secular musiccontinued, despite efforts by Kirk, especially in the lowlands, to suppress dancing and events such as weddings cent. The first clear reference to the use of the Highland bagpipe they will be used at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh in 1547. The Highlands in the early seventeenth century saw the development pipeline including MacCrimmons family, Macarthurs, MacGregors and Mackays
  • 12. Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting students to its institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840. The mission of this institution is an engage public university that is committed to give education opportunities for graduates as well as undergraduates. This college is a learning environment that prepares students to take another step for their educating needs. CaliforniaState UniversityLong Beach ranks #1 in the nation for most graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and engineering. The founder of CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10 years between 1949 through 1959 before he died. This university was found in the year of 1949.California State Universityhas some specific requirements for those wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to attend CSULB are graduating from high school, must have eligibility index, and must complete all courses in the comprehensive pattern with the grade average of a c or better. Therefore to be accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses in subjects that approved taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional points in your grades. An important issue to consider before attending the college California State University Long Beach. There are four different financial aids that are available. Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are offered to help students
  • 13. The Plane On A Plane I almost died on a plane and now they want me to get back on one? I didn t think I d have to get back on a plane, I just wanted to be saved. I can t get on that plane, they can bring me home on a boat or something! I thought to myself. The pilot kept asking us what happened, how we got here, and if everyone was alright. Mr Spinks said, Well our planecrashed and I think I am okay. I have a few bumps and bruises. Jena then interrupted him and said, Everyone is, for the most part, okay. Our friend Hector died of infection and we buried him. Our plane crashed on the way to London for a class trip. We have been here for like a month, we don t know...we need to get home! The pilot had been very patient and said, If your friend Hector died of infection and was buried, then it is protocall to leave him here. Where are you guys from? Mr. Spinks and Jena had both at the same time said, We are from Demotte. We flew out of the O Hare Airport in Chicago. Mr. Spinks had said having to have the last word in. You guys need to just all get on the plane, find a seat wherever you can. I will take you back to the O Hare Airport, where there will be medical staff and your parents will meet you there. I am guessing they don t know you re alive, The pilot had said patiently. I physically can not bring myself to talk, much less get back on this plane. I thoughtto myself as the pilot was blabbering on to us. All I was thinking as he was talking was that if I get on another
  • 14. Should Juveniles Be Charged As Adults In The Criminal... Melissa Mansfield Mrs. Callarman ERWC 3 24 March 2018 Juvenile Delinquency The Causes and Solutions The main reason for this is to learn more and have a better understanding of how Juvenile Courts work and about there Juvenile Court Sentencing Options. Kent Scheidegger, legal director, of the criminal justicelegal foundation, states that Most teenagers, know enough to be tried in adult court, Minors aren t fully capable of understanding what is going on, I find not credible in the case of intellectually normal teenagers. he said. Research on the youths brain development shows that teens have a different understanding and common sense from adults. There are discussions among the juvenile courts whether ... Show more content on ... The study says that states chose to reconsider the minimum age for juveniles to be tried as adults because of their young defendants capability. Studies show that the area of the brain we use to make decisions and understand right from wrong, the prefrontal cortex isn t fully formed until around the age of 23. Ultimately it s controversial that some of us don t fully have a conscience. And can be caused by individuals with a history of drug use, depression, or abuse from within their living environments. The Juveniles that know right from wrong, should be held responsible and face consequences when they violate the law and commit a crime. The question remains whether the way we respond to a juvenile ,who commits a serious crime should differ from how we respond when the same crime is committed by an adult. On a final note, I think a solution to helping prevent juvenile crimes would be changing the social environment in how juveniles live is a more effective way to reduce violence than punishing juvenile offenders in adult
  • 15. Biological Processes Through Light Regulation Essay Photolabile nucleobase protection has been used to achieve exquisite control over biological processes through light regulation, also referred as photocaging. The concept was introduced by Engels (Engels and Schlaeger, 1977; Engels and Reidys, 1978) and independently by Hofmann (Kaplan et al., 1978). Watson Crick base pairing is blocked by caging groups, completely preventing oligonucleotide duplex formation. Duplex formation is restored when irradiated by light at a specfic wavelength. Photolabile groups when introduced at specific locations render the molecule inactive; however, upon irradiation with light at a particular wavelength, the molecules can be activated (See detailed review by Shao and Xing, 2010; Tang et al. 2013; Liu and Deiters, 2014). Caging groups can also be introduced at phosphate, 2′ OH, and nucleobases (Tang et al., 2013); however, nucleobase caging has been of particular interest. Oligonucleotides containing NVOC protecting groups were used as the photocleavable protecting group at the N3 position of thymidine, and duplex formation was achieved by photoradiation at 365 nm for 5 h (Iwase et al., 2003). NPOM caged dT (X) introduced by the Deiters group is of particular interest. Figure 2.1.39 shows the synthesis of NPOM caged thymidine phsophoramidite S.62 (Lusic et al. 2007) from nucleoside S.63 using reagent S.64, and DNA incorporating NPOM caged thymdine was prepared by standard phosphoramidite chemistry and irradiated at 365 nm to afford active
  • 16. Halo 5 Research Paper Halo 5: Guardians, the latest title developed by 343 Industries and Microsoft Game Studios brings the Halo Experience to the Xbox One, utilizing the next generation hardware the new Xbox has to offer. New hardware for the Xbox also means new changes for Halo with larger maps, refined gameplay, and beautiful aesthetics. With Halo being Microsofts biggest franchise for the Xbox, they re really hoping that this Halo will reignite this console seller s popularity. Unfortunately, Halo 5: Guardians barely does that with its story and campaign falling flat on its face. The first question gamers have in mind about any game is whether or not the gameplay is good. Today s generation of gamers love fast paced shooters and Halo 5: Guardians is one of a kind. With thruster packs, sprint, and new spartan abilities, the features force older players to adapt to a new kind of Halo. As someone who has played every Halo game besides Halo: Spartan Strike, these changes can be a double edged sword as those used to the old design of Halo might not play because of this. If you love fast paced games however, than this is the game for you. That being said, Halo 5: Guardians still suffers from its poorly designed... Show more content on ... From capture the flag to slayer, Arena is the best place to have small, faced paced battles. This shows that 343 Industries has made a complete 180В° in its view of the multiplayer. In Halo 4, the game felt much more casual and relaxed compared to its predecessors, but in terms of Halo 5, the game feels like it solely focuses on skill. The ranking system of Halo 5 also takes an inspiration of several successful eSports titles like League of Legends in an attempt to make it easier for players to enter the Arena. Overall the multiplayer is the main source of fun and so far it hasn t displeased the critics and the
  • 17. The Body in Western and Non Western Cultures How do people view the body? The answer varies from location, religion and culture. How western cultures view the body and how the body is treated (our body and others) are different from how non western cultures view and treat bodies. We can see the differences in the western and non western bodies in such works as Anne Fadiman s account of a Hmong child in America and in articles like Genital Surgeries: Gendering Bodies. Along with the many differences between western and non western thoughts there are also several similarities. Especially when it comes to metaphors of the body. The generalized western opinion of the body is that it is akin to an object. Like a car the body is composed of several diverse aspects. From a medical... Show more content on ... Women find that natural female genitals are unclean and ugly and the surgeries create a more pleasing, smooth, and feminine genital area (page 95 Genital Surgeries) For many women practicing genital surgery it is a form of cosmetic surgery. It has the same purpose (to make the body look appealing) and some of the same risks (excessive bleeding and tearing) as many cosmetic surgeries used in western cultures. Although many western cultures denounce these practices as being barbaric and unfair these western cultures actually practice genital surgery on children. For example, many baby boys in the United States are circumcised at birth for both aesthetic reasons and for health concerns. Children born with both male and female genitalia are seen as medical emergencies and surgeries to correct this anomaly are done as soon as possible. The western and non western view of the body is very different. As we infer from comparing the western view of the body to the Hmong view of the body there are many ways to view the body than the one we were brought up to believe. However, we can also see from western metaphors and Hmong metaphors that a sick body is recognized by most people as being sick. We are also able to see with genital surgery that although society standards are different for every culture each culture uses surgery as a way to enhance the body and make it more pleasing to look at. Even with drastically different views of the
  • 18. Metaphor In Food Can food be used as a metaphor to organize the story of a book? Food is used as a symbol, conceit, and a metaphor in many different ways. Cooking food can be a symbol and represent many things that will move the story along. Food expresses the emotions of those who prepare it. All the things a person puts into a meal, not necessarily the ingredients, are expressed in the end product and reflected in those who eat it. It also helps shape the relationships and build up the plot. One example of how emotion is expressed is through foodthat has bad memories linked to the food. A food that brings up bad memories for Tita is eggs. This is seen through the quote, ...the egg whites reminded Tita of the testicles of the chickens they had castrated... Show more content on ... This food comes up in Chapter 3 when Tita received roses from Pedro. Remove the petals carefully from the roses, trying not to prick your fingers, for not only are the little wounds painful but the petals could soak up blood that might alter the flavor of the dish and even produce dangerous chemical reactions (Esquivel 47). The roses are a symbol of love memories, and sexual desire, as depicted in this quote. Pedro is clearly trying to show his affection to Tita, in a way that still is slightly subtle. Roses are a widely known way of pronouncing your love for someone, as shown in this book. When Tita prepared the food, the desire was reflected into it. After consuming it, it almost ignited a fire in gertrudis to find a man. With that meal it seems they had discovered a new system of communication, in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receiver and poor Gertrudis the medium . (Esquivel 52). In this quote, Tita and Pedro were trying to express their love, and Gertrudis was almost caught in the middle of it. The desire Tita poured into the meal was almost caught by Gertrudis instead of being rightfully sent to Pedro. Roses are a way of showing your emotions to people without directly saying it. Whether it is directly giving it to them or cooking it, roses are a channel through which love is transferred back and
  • 19. Landmark Decisions Of The Supreme Court AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HONORS RESEARCH PROJECT Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court Your Quarter II project will involve research on a landmark Supreme Court decision. Your paper should include internal citations and a formal bibliography. At least one of your sources needs to be non Internet. Note: If you fail to do parenthetical citations in your paper, you will receive an automatic F on your paper. The paper should be double spaced, 10 or 12 point, and follow the format found in the Media Handbook. It should be between 2000 2500 words in length (approximately 6 8 pages). In addition, you will be required to submit your paper electronically via . When the Supreme Court is deciding whether to hear a case or not, there are many things that it takes into account. First off, if the Case will resolve a conflict of law, then the case will be heard. A conflict of law is basically when the state supreme courts and federal circuits reach different conclusions about an issue of federal or constitutional law, and when that happens the supreme court can resolve the conflict of law by deciding the law. Second, The Supreme Court will consider hearing a case that they deem important or that they say has high significance. Some of these important cases consist of U.S. v Nixon, which was about the Watergate tapes, Bush v. Gore, which was about the insanely close election in 2000 and also Roe. v. Wade, which concerned
  • 20. Brennan s Argument Analysis Brennan argues that one should not vote badly. I will be arguing in favor of Brennan s argument. I will first start by stating the author s argument, then I will propose objections to his argument. Brennan argue that one should obtain from voting if there vote will contribute to harmful activities. The author calls this contribution to harmful activities bad voting; he does make the distinction that someone does not vote badly if they have substantial evidence that the policy was good, but it ended up being harmful. The individual votes do not have a large enough impact to sway the outcome of the vote in a certain direction, the harm from bad voting is a collective effort among a group of voters. This argument does take into account voting... Show more content on ... Every person may not have the same level of these components, but it is present. Everyone will not know everything about the candidate they plan to vote for, they only know the high points of their campaign. According to the LA TIMES It s a rare voter who carefully reads a candidate s position papers on every conceivable topic. Instead, we typically vote based on a candidate s stance on a subset of topics, assuming there will be a certain consistency on other topics...Another conscious component of political decision making is voting for experience or competence, rather than a platform. This is so common that one study found that candidates judged to look more competent had won elections 68% of the time. (Sapolsky) Especially, with how the media reports news about a particular candidate, they only report the parts of the campaign that the public would consider controversial. This bias also depends on the news station you are choosing to watch because the news reported is often swayed to reflect the views of a certain political party. For example, FOX NEWS is known for having republican views, MSNBC is known for having liberal views, and CNN is known for having democratic views. The question now becomes what is the threshold of irrationality, bias, ignorance or immoral belief that deems someone as a bad
  • 21. Christian Rhetoric in The History of Mary Prince and... Christian Rhetoric in Mary Prince s The History of Mary Prince, and Buchi Emecheta s Second Class Citizen It is true, perhaps, that women are the subset of humanity whose rights had been the longest stripped of them, and who had been abused the worst and for the longest time. Even today, many people believe that women still do not have the equality that ought to be afforded them. Since women first started making steps to approach that ideal equality, they have used various means, including literature, to further their cause. Both Mary Prince s The History of Mary Prince, as well as Buchi Emecheta s Second Class Citizen, use language of Christian rhetoric to simultaneously cast their characters and themselves as sinners and the ... Show more content on ... Another way that Prince establishes a sympathetic connection with her readers is by drawing parallels between her and The Messiah. At one point, Prince states, I was soon surrounded by strange men, who examined and handled me in the same manner that a butcher would a calf or a lamb he was about to purchase (7). Here, she compares herself to a lamb; which is an animal that Jesus was often compared, and is even directly called the Lamb of God. In the story of the Christian faith, there is not a single person more righteous than Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, in creating a near subconscious comparison between him and her, as well as putting herself in contrast to the wicked, she establishes in the mind of the reader her position as the redeemed in the eyes of the reader. Like Prince, who creates negative imagery to establish her position as a righteous figure, Emecheta also uses subconscious Christian rhetoric in order to stimulate a positive association towards her in an audience composed mostly of Christians. She does this in order to create an empathic connection between her and the reader. At one point, Emecheta says, all the passengers stood one at a time, at the plane s door, waved the final goodbye to their folks and then disappeared into the bowels of the whale like monster they called the
  • 22. Vickodin Research Paper Vicodin Vicodin is a prescription drug used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Vicodin is made up of Hydrocodone a narcotic used to relieve pain, and Acetaminophen a non narcotic used both to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation. Vicodin, like most narcotics, lose their effectiveness due to tolerance build up. Because of the user s tolerance development, the dosage increases to achieve the same amount of pain relief and euphoria, resulting in dependence and addiction. Vicodin has side effects that range from moderate to severe. The more mild side effects include lightheadedness, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, constipation, headache, mood changes, blurred vision, ringing of the ears, dry mouth, and difficulty urinating.... Show more content on ... Addiction is easy and common due to tolerance build up especially for those medicating for chronic pain. To achieve the same level of euphoria, the user requires a higher dosage. Because the user gets used to the euphoria, the pain is more noticeable, and the user takes a higher dosage. This becomes the cycle until intervened or liver damage and death occur due to overdose. Recovery can be done safely in any medical care facility with the aid of medical professionals. Recover always includes detoxification. Withdrawal symptoms include chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, and muscle
  • 23. The Role Of Irritable Bowel Disease ( Ibd ) Although the gut microbiota are involved in a range of functions within the human body, this essay will focus on their role in the development of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). The human gut microbiota play a significant role in the metabolic health of individuals with irritable bowel diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn s Disease (CD). IBD, UC and CD are chronic gastrointestinal illnesses, all of which have an uncertain etiology. Symptoms of these illnesses can include diarrhoea, weight loss, ulceration, proliferation and even total obstruction of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. (1). However the causes of these diseases are not strictly known(2). There are a vast number of bacterial species that reside within the GI tract, some of which can play a role in producing inflammation. It is believed that microbial patterns may play a role in causing IBD. The innate immune systemmay play a role in altering the gut microbiota profile. Certain pathogens have also been found to play a role in the development of IBD. Finally, diet and nutrition play a role in IBD, however certain nutrients are believed to have both positive and negative effects. This essay will aim to critically explore what is responsible for IBD: both internal and external factors that influence the human gut microbiota, and hence trigger IBD, or more specifically; an abnormal immune response in a vulnerable individual, or a deviation in immune function that leads to an altered immune response
  • 24. Medieval Guilds Essay The concept of the guild, or occupational group, as its modern version has sometimes been called, is one of the most distinctive features of Catholic socio economic thought. The guild combined two of the most important points of Catholic social theory, the principle of subsidiarity, as it later became known, and a distrust of purely economic motives in the conduct of human affairs. In the workings of the medieval guilds one can see both of these principles clearly, and because of this, Catholic thought has insisted on the continuing relevance of the guild idea to even a modern economy. The great differences between medieval and modern technology and social organization are no reason to question whether the guild system, with appropriate adaptations and modifications, is not still viable for a contemporary economy, as more than one twentieth century pope insisted. In order to understand how the guilds embodied these principles, let us look at the actual operation of the medieval guilds in their own setting. The origins of the medieval guilds, or corporations, as they were very often called, are not easy to trace. There may have been links with... Show more content on ... Paul wrote (I Timothy 6:10), if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.... For the love of money is the root of all evils.... Since the Fall of mankind not one of man s appetites can simply be trusted to aim at the good or to result in good, either individually or collectively. Generally Catholics today see this with regard to the sexual appetite it needs taming and guidance and too often tends toward havoc but the medievals still held the belief of Sacred Scripture and the early Church that the appetite for gain was of a similar nature. Thus the acquisitive spirit was a matter for distrust and
  • 25. Johnny Cash Biography The Man in Black An individual can impact society in a positive or possibly negative manner and Johnny Cash definitely had an impactful life. He was born into a poor, nominal, farming family. Cash had a difficult childhood and his music surely inspired many. Although, he had a great career, he, no doubt, made many mistakes. He was certainly a leader, and, in the eyes of many, will always be. John R. Cash was born in Kingsland, Arkansas on February 26th, 1932 when the Great Depression was well under way. He was born into a sharecropping family who grew cotton. When he was only three, Cash and his family moved from Kingsland to Dyess Colony, a federal program that relocated able farmers to a cotton farming cooperative in northwestern Arkansas. ... Show more content on ... His star ascended higher still in 1958, when he departed from Sun Records and signed with Columbia Records... (Biography In Context) Cash struggled with substance abuse, especially after his divorce with Liberto, which greatly affected his career. On the flip side of this, he married June Carter, in the spring of 1968, and she helped reform him. Later, he put out his first multimillion selling album, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison (1968). This album earned two Grammy Awards. The second prison album, Johnny Cash at San Quentin (1969), helped fuel his image as unrepentant bad boy... (Biography In Context) After that, he worked with his gospel, folk, and patriotic side. ...young audiences who had flocked to the Folsom and San Quentin albums did not appreciate his gospel and patriotic themes, forcing him to fall back on his core country audience. (Biography In Context) In 1980, Johnny Cash was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. In 1985, he ...joined Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson to tour and record as the Highwaymen. (Biography In Context) Shockingly, in 1986, Columbia Records refused to re sign him to a record contract due to resurging drug dependence. Regardless, in 1990, Johnny Cash was then inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. Providentially, Cash got a record deal with Rick Rubin. Rubin would help redeem Cash s recording career and produce his last four
  • 26. Sage In Ojibwe Essay Sage has been a part of Ojibwe culture for thousands of years. Sage is one the four main medicines in Ojibwe culture along with tobacco, cedar, and sweet grass. In most Ojibwe ceremonies, sage is used in the beginning of the ceremony to smudge the people attending the ceremony. When sage is burned, the smoke is used to cleanse the body and mind. For the hands, the sage cleanses what is touched. Sage cleanses the ears so we can hear all things in a good way. It cleanses out the mind so we can think good things with nothing negative. Traditionally, sage is used for headaches and helps with allergies. Sage can also be mixed with other medicines into teas to help with indigestion, menstrual cycle ailments, sore throats, boasts the immune system, and help with skin conditions. The genus name of sage is Salvia. Sage is the largest member of the mint family containing over 900 species. There are more uses of Sage rather than how it was used for traditional purposes and traditional healings. When the oils of Sage is extracted, that oil can help with the nervous system, heart and blood circulation, and the digestive... Show more content on ... An example of those are carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, possessing strong antioxidant, radical scavenging, and antibacterial activities. The majority of the phenolic acids in Sage species are derivatives of caffeic acid which is the building block of a variety of plant metabolites. Caffeic acid plays a central role in the biochemistry of the Lamiaceae plants, and occurs mainly in a dimer form as rosmarinic acid. Carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, which are present at high concentrations in the extract of Sage plants, have shown strong antioxidant properties. Ursolic acid, also a component of sage, has strong anti inflammatory properties, and in sage preparations, it is considered as a quality control measurement for the anti inflammatory effects of different
  • 27. Animal Personality As An Individual s Distinguishing... Abstract: Animal personality is defined as an individual s distinguishing pattern of behaviour that remains consistent over time (Pervin and John 1997). Recently animal personality has become an important area of research. Psychologist have been interested in the role of individual differences in behaviour that may reflect temperament or personalities. This line of research has resulted in a number of studies revealing individual differences in personality traits in such diverse species as primates, marine mammals, insects, fish, invertebrates, and birds (Gosling, 2001). To add to the growing literature on animal personality, the personality of five Asian elephants at Melbourne Zoo was explored. The personality of these elephants was rated ... Show more content on ... The elephants are suffering from a shrinking size habitat due to the rapidly growing human populations. Majority of the Asian elephant s once spacious habitat has been separated into small fragments due to human settlements, plantations and large developments such as mines and roads. The illegal hunting and trade of these critically endangered animals is also contributing to the decrease in numbers. In Asian elephants, only the male elephants carry tusks, therefore hunting is aimed at the males only. Not only is the poaching of the males killing a large proportion of the Asian elephant population but it is also raising a concern about the genetic effects. When these tusked males are killed, the number in the male population decreases resulting in a skewed sex ratios. The major concern with this is that it may lead to inbreeding and eventually to a low breeding success which will then bring down the population number even more. To help save the Asian Elephant populations, Melbourne Zoo has set up the Cooperative Conservation Breeding Program. The aim of their program is to create an insurance population of the species. Since the establishment of this breeding program in 2006, three pregnancies have been achieved. For these breeding programs to be successful the Zoo needs to set up an environment that each elephant feels comfortable in. For an animal to feel comfortable in an environment, the enclosure must be set up so the
  • 28. Review Of The Fall Of Constantinople Essay Jeffery Jacob World History [Teacher name here] December 21st, 2016 The Fall of Constantinople Byzantium was one of the many Greek city states that stratled along the coasts of the Aegean Sea. As an abundant source of Grains, fish, and trade, she played a pivotal role as a landing for Darius colossal army against the Greeks; a battleground between Athens and Sparta during the Pelloponessian war; and a prized tributary under Roman supervision. The Roman Emperor, Constantine I, renamed the city after himself and the newly christened Constantinoplegrew to eclipse Rome as the greatest Capital of Europe. Even after the continent was plunged into the so called Dark Ages ; protected by the indominable Theodosian Wall, The Queen of Cities , as the Greek speaking Byzantines called her, retained her position as the most prestine City of the early Middle Ages. And became the seat of power for the great Basilieis, Greek plural for Emperors, and the venerated Patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Yet the middle ages made life more turbulant for the aged Byzantine Empireas it lost vast swathes of land to the surging Muslim Caliphate; struggled with internal corruption throughout its lifetime; clung desperately to its commercial power in the face of competition from merchant republics such as Genoa and Venice; and embroiled itself into several centuries of conflicts with the Turks over control of Anatolia, modern day Turkey. However, its Religious influence grew
  • 29. Trail Of Tears Argumentative Essay The United States had done atrocious things to the Native Americans. The United States had took land from the Native Americans and forced them to move on reservations, tribes such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole were apart of this dreadful journey. Around the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson authorized moving all Native American East of the Mississippi to lands in the West became known as the Indian Removal Act. As part of President Andrew Jacksons Indian removal policy, in 1838 and 1839, he established the Trail of Tears, which is forced an 800 mile march of Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. Two approaches to make amends for the U.S. government wrongdoing is money and land. Yet, land is more important... Show more content on ... President Obama felt this way in 2008 when he said That involves investing in early childhood education, fixing the schools in those communities, being willing to work in terms of job creation and job training. Those are serious investments (WORLDNETDAILY, 2008). He is saying that all the money that s gonna be given to the Native Americans will be invested to important futures. However this isn t true because to go to school and work, you need land to build the property. By returning land, the Native Americans will begin the process of a healthy and successful
  • 30. Lethal Injection Vs. The Electric Chair required signed petitions to get the issue back on the ballot. Fifty eight percent of the people in Nebraska oppose the death penalty and only thirty percent support it (Balko 1). Nebraska currently has ten death row inmates (Balko 1). They are waiting anxiously for the results if they have to be executed or if they can have life in prison. The two most common ways of execution is lethal injection and the electric chair. The electric chair is much more painful because it feels like you are getting electrocuted. It also takes longer for the person to die. At the end of the nineteenth century electricity started to become more effective. For more than a century the lethal effects of electric current was interesting researchers. Benjamin Franklin
  • 31. The Importance Of Nature For Youth Development Imagine a boy who has never crunched leaves underfoot as he winds down a forest trail, or a girl who has never followed frogs along a marsh. Imagine children who have watched Finding Nemo but never have seen a living fish in a pond, or have read Charlotte s Web but never seen the morning dew settle on a spider s filaments. Unfortunately, our imaginations do not need to stray very far to envision lives of children cut off from nature, solely surrounded by concrete, metal and bricks. Many Canadian educators intuitively recognize nature experiences as beneficial for youth, and various sources of information their own experiences, poetry, movies or scientific studies seem to support such intuitions. Despite the growing cultural awareness of the importance of nature for youth s development, there seems to be a continuing emphasis on indoor, disembodied forms of education in classrooms, that are overly focused on abstract cognition at the expense of emotion, movement, and other processes rooted in body environment interactions. Why not reconsider the significance of nature as a valuable object of learning, and reshape the current outdoor and nature narrative throughout our curriculum? Based on my own personal experience, Chambers affirmations and Doll s rationale, nature should be considered as such. Despite living in an urban setting, I grew up nature. I made dollhouses out of birch bark inhabited by acorn people, turning rivers into roads for tadpoles. The forest was my
  • 32. How To Argue A Career In Jonathan Harr s A Civil Action Sitting in a small cafГ© in Maryland, I opened the cover of A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr and began to read the first page. At the time, I had no real intention of even finishing the book but was trying to work reading for pleasure into my routine. My freshman year of college had turned reading into a chore more than anything. Thankfully, over time, I learned to embrace and combine reading for both knowledge and pleasure. Now, before I go any further, I must admit that I was unaware a movie version existed. Although John Travoltas character was often referenced in classes on how not to negotiate, even to this day, I cannot say I ve ever watched the film. What I was not expecting, was for the book to captivate my imagination and professional ... Show more content on ... Two large corporations were alleged to have dumped the hazardous waste causing leukemia in numerous victims. Throughout the book, Schlichtmann must educate himself on the industries he is challenging, on cancer causing chemicals, and on the tort law involved. Although experts are brought into the mix by both sides, there is a heavy responsibility on the individual attorneys to learn about and understand their cases sufficient enough to argue their perspectives. Although some may see this aspect of a legal career as daunting, I see it as a continuously rewarding challenge. Each case presents a unique puzzle with its own set of variables, rules, participants and setbacks. In addition, each case requires the attorney to learn new things. It is the aspect of continuous learning that I find most interesting. The lessons taught by A Civil Action were influential in directing me towards a legal career. Although there are many other factors and variables involved in this decision, I would be remiss to ignore the impact of this story. A Civil Action is just one story throughout the past seven years that has influenced my decision to pursue a legal career. Reading this story changed the way that I viewed the law and changed the way that I viewed my course of study. I continue to appreciate those few days I spent sitting in a cafГ© in Maryland, reacquiring my love
  • 33. Analysis Of Juggler By Richard Wilbur The poem Juggler describes how the tricks the juggler acts out for the crowd amaze and intrigue them. In the poem Juggler by Richard Wilbur, the author uses imagery, figurative language and tone to describe the juggler as someone who brings happiness and fun to others. The use of imagery, figurative language, and tone are used to describe the juggler and reveal the speaker s own views about the world. Throughout the poem the author uses imagery to describe the juggler s appearance and the tricks he is accomplishing in his show. For example, Wilbur states, it takes a sky blue juggler with five red shake our gravity up. (lines 6 7). The author s description of the juggler as someone who can shake our gravity up (line 7) shows that the juggler is someone who has a tremendous impact on the audience and the speaker because the audience is full of serious people and the juggler evokes happiness and astonishment from the audience. Moreover, by saying this the audience is able to get an insight into the life of the speaker; we are able to see that not a lot of things happen in the speaker s life that make the speaker happy. Additionally, Wilbur shows the reader the the juggler is performing, the author says, Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broom s Balancing up on his nose, and the plate whirls. On the tip of the broom! (lines 9 21). We can see the juggler as he is performing his great trick and how the crowd is happy and amazed at what he is accomplishing through his performance when the author says, Damn, what a show,we cry... ( line 21). Having the crowd cheer at the juggler as he completes his trick of the balancing act showed that people are made happy with small things like the juggling trick the juggler was performing for the crowd. As the poem progresses, we can see how the juggler manipulates the five red balls he is using to move around his body. Richard Wilbur uses figurative language like personification to show how the balls move by the tricks the juggler does. Wilbur says, The balls roll around, wheel on his wheeling hand, learning the ways of lightness, alter to spheres, grazing his finger ends, cling to their course there. ( lines 8 11). The author explains how the
  • 34. The Poem Blood Nye Essay Analysis of the Poem Blood A brief look at this poem can suggest that some of the main ideas are identity and self discovery, which isn t wrong. However when going more in depth the poem shows not so obvious ideas of truth, desire for peace, innocence, racism, appearances, and a lot more. The poem suggests that the world is unfair by how it treats and judges the Arabic culture and its people. Nye expresses how this has impacted her and the community through literary elements such as tone, setting, past/present/future, symbolism, and allusion. In Blood, Nye is told the characteristics of a true Arab by her father. Nye s father says that a true Arab can catch a fly in one s hand and a true Arab gives back what they have borrowed from nature once they die. The poem goes on to the present day and what is taking place. The news impacted both Nye and her father and causes her to question herself. Readers are able to feel every bit of emotion. Nye feels through the various tones the poem creates. Nye is the daughter of a Palestinian father and a American mother of European decent. There are many negative stereotypes of Arabs so readers can easily see why ... Show more content on ... Explication: Blood. Naomi Shihab Nye, blood.html. Famous Muslims | . Biography Online, /muslims.html. Frydberg, Tracy. Watermelon Brings Jews, Arabs Together in Shadow of Old City Walls. The Times of Israel, brings jews arabs together in jerusalems musrara/. Imeu. IMEU Institute for Middle East Understanding. IMEU | Institute for Middle East Understanding, sabra shatila massacre. Naomi Shihab Nye. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, shihab nye. Sweileh, Razan. My Shiny Wall. Padlet, 4 Apr. 2018,
  • 35. Racial Inequality In Caged Bird And Nothing s Changed How do Angelou and Afrika vividly explore the impact of racial inequality in Caged Bird and Nothing s Changed? Both Angelou and Afrika contrast the situation of an African American and a white person, conveying the emotions caused by racial discrimination, segregation, to well as making the reader empathize and understand an African American in the setting of their poems in hopes of spreading their message across, as both poets express that the whites in power usually don t care, nor are they able to empathize. Caged Bird explores the impact of racial inequality by using an extended metaphor and contrasting the situation of two birds to make the reader understand how the cage bird feels, and shows what opportunities African Americans... Show more content on ... (These emotions can easily be linked back into the situation of an African American). She also uses assonance (But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams ) and rhyme to create an ominous beat and draw attention to the specific lines for Caged Bird , for example, rhyming in the chorus (trill, still, hill) to draw attention to the reader like a song, as well as the rhyming in stanza 2 (cage, rage), to empathize the anger the caged bird feels. She also uses sibilance to create a hissing, unpleasant sound, such as shadow shouts on a nightmare scream But the bird that stalks/down his narrow cage/can seldom see through/his bars of
  • 36. Alberto Cairo, There s No Scrap For Men Alberto Cairo, There s No Scrap for Men is a speech on a man who leads the International Red Cross orthopedic rehabilitation work in Afghanistan during November 2011 .These are soldiers that has had their legs or arms blew off by landmines. . He has helped thousands of Afghan soldiers that have been hit by landmine s and accident victims. Not only has given them prosthetic limbs, he has given them hope He has given them dignity. Not only has given them prosthetic limbs, he has given them hope. The main message this video presents it that dignity cannot wait for better times, physical rehabilitation is essential. I think this message presents the idea that there is no need for people with disabilities to feel less worthy of medical assistance due to their disability. There s alot of actions Alberto Cairo could have took to get the audience s attention at the begining of his speech. One way is he could have made a startling statement to shock the listeners. He also never asked the audience a question at the beginning of his speech. Thats very important also. So without either one of those two main points, that should be made when presenting a speech. The audience seemed to me to be very attentive. He however did tell some very good stories about some of the things he went through while over sea s in Iraq.... Show more content on ... I feel like the speech was not very effective because he never really got the audience s attention or mine. His voice was really plain and dull and was that way the whole speech. The audience wasn t very big and there wasn t very much feedback except for clapping. But a really good trait of his speech was that many times in his speach Alberto is visibly caught up in the emotion of recalling his experiences in Afghanistan. The great thing is that he acknowledges these emotions, He doesn t apologize for them, He shows his humanity and heart in front of his
  • 37. Critical Thinking Chapter 16 Summary Chapter 16 is about critical thinking and moral arguments. Critical thinking is a mode of thinking in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. A moral argument is an argument with a conclusion that expresses a moral claim. Logicis rational thoughts and formats tool or ways of reasoning. Formal logic is the use of deductive reasoning and is a structured argument with a set of premises and one conclusion. Informal logic is the use of inductive arguments. A fallacy a flaw in thinking or reasoning. Deductive logic is if the argument is valid and if the premises is true or sound then the conclusion must be true and inductive logic is practical knowledge.
  • 38. Summary Of On Natural Death By Lewis Thomas On Natural Death In his essay On Natural Death , research pathologist, medical doctor, and biologist Lewis Thomas attempts to console the reader about the weighty topic of death by referencing his own observations, citing scientific facts and statistics, and using the universal fear and unknown of eternal rest. Thomas first points to the example of the unforeseen death of an elm tree in his own backyard. The death of an inanimate lifeform is something with which most people are familiar and probably even comfortable. This first hand experience displays a situation in which death is quick and free of pain. It also shows how quickly death can tranpire; in this situation, the tree appeared to be in perfect health just a week before its sudden passing. The story of a dying mouse displays Thomas s own sorrow at the demise of a fellow mammal and former participant in life. The reader is naturally brought to empathize with Thomas s sentiments by his use of firsthand emotions and experiences. Thomas even calls upon the reader to understand the feelings of the mouse itself by describing what the experience likely felt to the mouse painless to the extent that the mouse is inclined to shrug. Another of his observations is that of two soldiers unfortunate fatalities after being in a mortal automobile accident. This example brings the reality of death even closer to the reader, as this time the it is experienced by human beings not unlike the reader. This situation is akin to that
  • 39. The Mutation Of The Horror Genre Kalmina (Alex) Wu Josh Jackson Media Studies 10 30 September 2014 The Mutation of the Horror Genre Horror can be defined as a genre meant to psychologically trigger individual fear with the presence of certain supernatural or abstract characteristics. The genre is dependent on people s fascination with unrealism and the sensation that comes from experiencing fear personified into tangible elements on a screen. Horror films have thrilled audiences for decades, revealing stories of the more sinister parts of life. The popular allure that stems from the genre comes from the tension moviegoers experience when aroused by specific stimuli uniquely present in these cinematic features (Walters). Over time, as the genre progressed, the standardized elements found in a typical horror movie began to shift in different directions primarily due to changing societal circumstances and increasing consumer demand for cinematic innovation. The expansive nature of the different codes and conventions within the horror genre, coupled with the evolution of society s fascination with these characteristics, has led to the mutation of the genre itself in order to allow for unique approaches to a familiar style in response to both economic developments and taste shifts within the consumer industry. Definitions of horror tend to emphasize the psychological effect it has on audiences. Specifically, they highlight the internal terror that arises from encountering threats to existence. According to
  • 40. Ashley Sims Drawing Ashley Sims was born in Arcadia, Florida and studied art at South Florida State College as well as Greenville Technical College in South Carolina where Sims is currently in college, majoring in art education. The theme of the collection being shown is to show the importance of a well rounded education when it comes to the field of drawing. The importance of this theme is that each drawing is an example of a different concept of drawing, Though multiple concepts are sometimes included in the same drawing there will always be a main focus that teaches a new lesson and learning these is imperative for any artist. The media used on these drawings are graphite, charcoal, ink wash, and prisma pencil. Project one, is of an orange. Sims follows this theme by experimenting with mixed media. She uses graphite, charcoal, and ink wash as well as 11 media processes in the creation of this piece including, hatching, cross hatching, scribbling, tortillion marks and many more. This project is used as a preview to all the processes that can be used in the creation of a drawing. Project two depicts a closet scene, the viewer is looking... Show more content on ... Sims wanted this collection to be used as a way for prospective artists to see and understand some of the most important concepts of creating a drawing. The drawings of this collection are objective, every mark was intentional and the meanings behind the images are not complicated. Her idea was to show how to create a drawing rather than to make the viewer guess how to do it like they would with subjective art where nothing is definite. Overall, any drawing that is created will have at least one of the concepts shown in this collection. It does not matter whether the image is hundreds of years old or will not be created for another hundred years. To be a successful drawing, it will have to contain at least one of these
  • 41. Ashford eng121 week 3 quiz 1. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: Father Christmas is a character best known for _______ long, white beard. Student Answer: her his its their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 2. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: All children want to please ___________ parents. Student Answer: her his his or her their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit ... Show more content on ... Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct unnecessary switch in verb tense, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments:
  • 42. Question 9. Question : Please choose the proper pronoun for the sentence below: All movie reviews reveal the prejudices of ___________ author. Student Answer: her his its their Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct lack of pronoun antecedent agreement, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments: Question 10. Question : Please choose the best revision for the sentence below: Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her sister. Student Answer: Vicky was torn between her friend, Tanya, and her own sister. Vicki was torn between her sister and Tanya. Tanya and her sister made it hard for Vicki to choose sides. Nothing helped Vicki choose between Tanya and her sister. Instructor Explanation: For information on how to correct vague pronoun references, visit https:/ / twenty common writing errors.html Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments: 1. Question :
  • 43. Choose the sentence that correctly matches verb tenses. Student Answer: The flowers in the garden bloomed in March because the spring comes earlier these days. The flowers in the garden bloom in March because the
  • 44. Oil Drilling Oil Drilling Jasmine A. Richardson Freshman Seminar Friday 10:20 11:20 Throughout the years the government has spent millions of dollars on oil drilling. But what is the actual purpose of oil drilling? Is it necessary? Are we spending too much money on this one project or is it useful in the end? These questions have been debated so much over and over again. But the question is am I for or against oil drilling? Oil drilling takes up too much time and money for one simple purpose. It takes time and a workload to even begin this process. In order to perform a normal oil drilling process you have to find a land that has to be cleared and leveled, water must be nearby, if there is no water the crews have to dig water well, and lastly... Show more content on ... Is it necessary to damage other countries as well with the oil drilling of just selfish? It shows a lack of respect for ones nature and more on materialistic things. There are other alternatives to oil drilling. Solar power is one. Also harnessing away for the sun, using devices called solar cells and converting sunlight into electrical light are good alternatives to oil drilling. Wind power may be another alternative to oil drilling, it generates through the raw power of Mother Nature. Massive turbines harvest the wind. When it strikes they start spinning, creating the energy to turn the electric generator and produce a certain amount of energy. Geo thermal energy is a way as well, it is exactly how it sounds (energy from the ground). I have to admit studies show that there is a downside to geothermal energy and that is that there are very few locations throughout out the world that harvest geothermal energy. The reason being is because the cost is great and the piping need for the geothermal energy takes up a lot of mass. The best alternative resource in my opinion is to use Wind turbines. For one it doesn t take time for the turbines to get set up and running. The only thing with using a turbine is that it requires minimum speed wind and it is so unpredictable it s a likely change it may not be able to fit the needs of a large amount of people. This is all renewable energy. Oil is not the main objective and
  • 45. The Rise of Europe The Rise of Europe Contemporary world power, and the shift from the East to the West during what historian s term, Medieval/Renaissance Europe, shifted the roles of two vastly different empires the Ming and Ottoman. Even though we barely even touched on the Ming Empire, I feel like the significance of it, is far too grand to leave out in describing the rise of Europe. Both empires had different types of leadership and core goals military and social. The Ming Empire was led by brilliant philosophical scholars, concerned not only with the external world but the development of the internal consciousness; the Ottoman based on a new monotheistic religion that stratified society, but also allowed numerous mathematical, scientific, and ... Show more content on ... Once trade routes were established, the merging of cultural values and ideas, including technology, changed the very face of the global balance of power. China, for instance, remained as isolated as possible, content to manage the strife and political bureaucracy from within. In the Middle East, the continual struggle over the Holy Land, and the subsequent gains and losses changed the very face of the Ottoman Empire, finally establishing a more individualized state system, often ruled by European colonialism, up to and through World War I ( Middle Ages Trade and Commerce ). If, however, we find that it was economics and the promise of wealth, the desire for goods and services, and the curiosity about technological advances and other social improvements, that drove Europe outward, it was the lack of active colonization that kept both the Ming and Ottoman Empires from perhaps realizing their true potential. Regardless of the public personification of discovering new lands for God and man, the very basis of expansion for Europe was, indeed, the promise of wealth. Works Cited Genet, J. , (1996). A History of Chinese Civilization. Cambridge University Press. Goodwin, J. (2003). Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire. Picador Press. Middle Ages Trade and Commerce. (n.d.) in Middle Ages History. http://www.middle ages history.htm Parry, J.H. (1982). The Age of
  • 46. Not All Textbooks Recall the Events of History the Same Essay Many people do not care for history due to the simple fact some of the readings in the textbook are not all interesting or true. Not every textbook is the same, not every textbook has accurate information, but most history classes require you to read and learn everything from the textbooks. As you read this essay, you will learn how a couple of different texts discusses the finding of Virginia and about the Indians. Each of these texts are not written in the year so there will be some discussion on the years each was written. Just remember, not all textbooks are the same, in fact, most of them have different facts that may not be all accurate. In 1927, David S. Muzzey wrote the first text History of the American People this text ... Show more content on ... In May, the establishment of Jamestown was founded. The men relied on the Indians for food. The settlement suffered from the starving period without Powhatan s help. The settlers held Pocahontas, Powhatan s daughter, hostage to gain the upper hand in 1613. While they held her captive, she agreed to convert to Christianity and marry John Rolfe. (Norton) In the first text, he talks about how the Indians pretty much saved the colonist from death because they supplied the colonist with goods need for their first winter. They were then attacked in 1622 by the colonist for the land to declare the government. (Muzzey) Bailey doesn t give praise to the Indian s like Muzzey did for saving the colonist. He discusses how the settlers find the new land and push the Indians aside. The Spaniards were not as successful as the English settlers at killing off the Indians. Many Indians died from the Indian Massacre, diseases, and starvation. Due to Pocahontas marrying John Rolfe in 1613, the colonist started peace with the Indians. (Bailey) For the third text, the author was a little more specific with the Indian tribe name. The tribe was the Tsenacomoco, and their weroance was Powhatan. Powhatan brother watched the colonist try to expand and convert Indians to Christianity. The war leader set up attacks all along the James River leading to 347 colonist dead on March 22, 1622. (Norton)
  • 47. Coney Dogs Research Paper Ah, a day at the ball park. Nothing more American than going to a baseball game, drinking a beer and eating a hot dog. Guess where that tradition started? Detroit, baby. Well, Livonia to be more specific, but it was popularized at Detroit Tiger Stadium in the 50 s. A meat packing company called Hygrade FoodProducts won a competition in 1959 to be the hot dog supplier for the team. They started a contest at the company for the name for the hot dogs. Mary Ann Kurk, one of Hygrade Food Products sales people at the time, won the contest with the name Ball Park Franks . So then next time you eat a ball park frank at a game, know that Detroit ha influenced on one of the most iconic sports foods in America. CONEY DOG coneys1 Sure, coney dogs are ... Show more content on ... The moment I mention the name to places beyond Detroit, I get the typical Insane Clown Posse reference. Sorry to burst your bubble. but Faygo is delicious. They have more flavors than anyone. Flavors that you couldn t possibly imagine. The great thing about it being a local drink is that they can team up with 7/11 to make personalized Slurpee s that are only available around these parts. If you happen by some Faygo in California, give it a try. If you see Red Pop or Rock N Rye, it is your missions to buy it, pour it in a glass, ad some ice, and experience a soda pop that will change your mind. BEER 960 Jason Khal Drogo Momoa enjoying a delicious New Holland Brewing beer Detroit/Michigan is one of the biggest craft beer hubs in the country. I could walk into any part store in he area and there will be a sign stating Brewed in Michigan and below it will be racks of so much different kinds of beer that it feels like Willy Wonka for adults. If you love craft beer, check out to see if any of these are on your buying
  • 48. Vittorio De Sica Bicycle Thieves Vittorio De Sica started making films in the late 1940s, with The Bicycle Thief being one of his first films. De Sica was able to capture the struggles of a particular life, but also made it general enough for a multitude of people to be able to relate to the problems the characters face. De Sica is an example of a Neorealist filmmaker with his usage of nonprofessional actors as most of his character, as he felt they provided a certain authenticity to the films. He filmed on location, using natural light as their only source, in an attempt to make the filmseem as legitimate as possible. All of his films covered topics of hardship of those living in poverty during the postwar Italy. One of his films that strays from his typical Neorealism style
  • 49. Essay On Siemens Scandal At first Siemens downplayed the affair saying that it was only a matter of a few millions Euros. However within a month their own estimate skyrocketed up to an amount of 420 million Euros. Furthermore Klaus Kleinfeld the then recently installed CEO, denied awareness or involvement. Siemens first statements were exemplary of an ill suited cursory attempting to downplay a developing scandal prematurely. This tactic appeared egoistical and lacked moral responsibility. It also damaged stakeholders impressions of Siemensintegrity and in general damaged its reputation in the public eye. Many viewed this defensive acknowledgement as incompetent. Then however Senior Executives made public pledges to restore the firm s battered reputation just a month later.Siemens mandated the New York law firm Debevoise and Plimpton LLP and several... Show more content on ... Therefore this honest diagnosis was met with internal resistance, and it was not until the following year that the most serious revelations came to light. This resulted in the departures of the CEO and Chairman, and the decision by the newly appointed CEO, Peter LГ¶scher, to announce a month long amnesty for employees to come forward, explicitly excluding, extending the scandal s reach into the previous management Board. What was especially remarkable was the fact that not individual but systemic elements contributed to this scandal. These include: a too aggressive growth strategy that portrayed bribes as a tempting short cut to hitting though performance targets; minimal oversight from HQ due to the fact that the de centralised, matrix like structure allowed divisions to effectively run themselves above all, it is a well known fact that Siemens corporate culture at the time which seemed openly tolerant of such
  • 50. Royal Canadian Air Force Evaluation System As a junior supervisor in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), I spent a lot of time evaluating and developed my subordinates to become capable leaders and an effective member of the team. Our evaluation system primarily focuses on ranking each member s performance and leadership potential, both of which are incredibly valuable in a fast paced and ever changing environment. But the evaluation system fails to identify the traits that makes up who we are as a person and how or if we are interact with others. As such, I don t have many opportunities to introspect since I am also evaluated by my performance and leadershipstyles. I look forward to learning more about myself, and become a stronger individual at the end of the semester. I wasn t surprised to see that Habit 1 (be proactive) was my highest self assessed habit. It was not until my mid twenty s until I was able to focus on what I want to achieve in life, and thus I began laying down the groundworks to get there. In my late teen years, I didn t do well in school and I simply assumed that was not smart enough . Looking back now I see that I did not put in the effort into ... Show more content on ... During one of the group presentation I witnessed in year on, I was informed me that I was part of the millennial generation and that the student and I share many common traits (I was born in 83, therefore generation Y). However, I sometime have a hard time understanding seeing eye to eye with some of the students nor do I know how to reach out to some of them as they often hide behind a computer screen or their cell phone. My goals to improve this habit is to learn more about the goals they have set for themselves and see past the social media and get to know who they are on a personal level, and not through another social media means e.g.