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Essay on The Existence of Black Holes
The Existence of Black Holes
I have always had an interest in science, especially in the sciences regarding outer space. When I
was younger I was always fascinated with rockets, and especially in stars. I have often regretted not
pursuing this interest at its infancy. I do remember going to the Planetarium, and studying about a
topic that I had seen talked about on television. The topic was black holes, and back then all that
they knew was that they were black. The idea of a space in the universe that is completely void of
light was difficult to imagine. Recently, I have learned more about this topic and a science call
cosmology. I had never even heard of this field of science before I was introduced to a scientist by
the name of ... Show more content on ...
He sees the black holes as miniature models of a full scale universe. His idea that the implosion of
the star could be related to the implosion of the universe. He wonders if the expansion of the black
holes until their disappearance is relative to the expansion of the universe. This area seems to be a
focused area of Stephen's work.
The prediction of radiation from black holes was the first nontrivial result of combining Einstein's
general relativity with the quantum principle (Thorne, 15). It showed that gravitational collapse was
not as much of a dead end as it had appeared to be. The particles in the black hole need not have an
end of their histories at a singularity. Instead, they could escape from the black hole and continue
their histories outside. Maybe the quantum principle would mean that one could also avoid the
histories having a beginning in time, a point of creation, at the big bang. (Black Holes and Baby
Universes, 83)
This question seems to pose the most complicated answer that Hawking gives to the science
community. The world needed a way of doing the sum over histories not just for particles but for the
whole fabric of space and time as well. Although Stephen does not yet know how to do this
summation correctly, he does know certain features that it should have. In order for these features to
become possible we have to learn to understand a concept called imaginary time.
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String Theory
Craig Kalucki
Comparitive Religion
Tues 4–6:50
String theory and Universal Theories
If we can take a looks garment from a sweater, and pull one string such as in a cartoon, the sweater
will untangle leaving a pile of string on the floor. Basically what this implies is we break down
something in its simplest form, and all we have left are tiny bits of string, which is basically similar
to "String Theory".
string theory uses a model of one–dimensional strings in place of the particles of quantum physics.
These strings, the size of the Planck length vibrate at specific resonant frequencies. The formulas
that result from string theory predict more than four dimensions but the extra dimensions are "curled
up" within the Planck ... Show more content on ...
M–Theory proposes an 11th dimension that mathematically rids the theory of any further anomalies.
In this 11th dimension a string could acquire enough energy to expand infinitely into what scientists
call a floating membrane. According to the theory, our universe exists on a floating membrane,
along with infinite parallel universes on their own membranes. From this foundation, it was further
found that (mathematically) gravity might "leak" into our membrane from another nearby
membrane, accounting for its relatively weak force in comparison to the other forces.
By introducing the 11th dimension, M–Theory successfully united the "competing" theories of
string theory. Scientists saw the different theories were actually multiple ways of approaching the
same theory, much like the old proverb about the blind men each touching a different part of an
elephant offering seemingly conflicting observations. M–Theory also provided another crucial
aspect of the puzzle in that it explained how the Big Bang might have occurred, with two
membranes colliding. The energy produced from such a collision is mathematical consistent with
what is known from existing science.
I often think about life, and how small we are in the universe, and if my life has any meaning
whatsoever. When people say we are just a small piece of the puzzle, I guess that makes sense, but
in the scheme of things and
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Descartes ' Claim Of The Universe
How Fix a Universe That is Nothing but Paradoxes
Descartes' claim of "I think, therefore I am", is an attempt to establish a firm foundation for the
understanding of the universe and explores the ideas of the self and what we can know to be real.
However, there is one major flaw in this approach. That flaw is how we are to create this foundation
when before it we had nothing and the paradoxes in the creating definitions of words.
His goal is to better understand what he is in order to reestablish the foundations of his
understanding of the world around him. This is a normal human behavior to explore the unknown or
not well understood. Any explorer that sails the ocean in search of new land may know what land is
but new land that was unknown to him/her is a satisfying development in the person 's
understanding of everything that is real. The modern practice of this behavior includes, but not
limited to, an astronomer using space telescopes to look deep into space where light from an ancient
universe is arriving at earth or an experimental physicist when smashing particles together in hopes
to find new and smaller part that makes up the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
Descartes hopes to use his logical process to reveal the fundamental building blocks of the universe
that humans can exist in. He also wants to create a fundamental understanding of the way to observe
the universe that we can perceive with the limited senses that we have. He uses this logical
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Did Copernicus, Galileo, And Newton Contribute To A New...
1) What did Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton contribute to a new vision of the universe,
and how did it differ from the Ptolemaic conception of the universe? According to the reading, in
the Ptolemaic or geocentric conception the universe is viewed as a sequence of concentric spheres
with a motionless or fixed earth at the midpoint (Spielvogel 479). This notion was made up of
"substances of earth, air, fire and water, the earth was imperfect and constantly changing"
(Spielvogel 479). Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer and mathematician who felt that this
theory of Ptolemaic was too complex and was unsuccessful in capturing the "motions of the
heavenly bodies" (Spielvogel 480). He believes that his idea of heliocentric was straightforward ...
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Through the 17th century, scientific learning had become very popular. "Universities in Europe
established new chairs of science, especially in medicine" (Spielvogel 494). The scientific method
was crucial to the progression of science in the current universe. Francis Bacon was a lord
chancellor of England. He believed that scientists shouldn't just depend on ideas of ancient
authorities. He thought that science must be enrich with new ideas and authority. "He wanted
science to contribute to the "mechanical arts" by creating devices that would benefit industry,
agriculture and trade" (Spielvogel 495).
The ideas of Scientific Revolution were spread through the various scientific experiments that were
done. For example, Galileo wanted a bond "between science and the material interests of the
educated elite when he assured his listeners that the science of mechanics would be quite useful"
(Spielvogel 496). This lead to science being the high culture of Europe's affluent first class and
dividing it from the poor (Spielvogel 496). Galileo was well–known for his large scientific
inventions that led to new improvements in science such as the
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Life 's Meaning Is What You Make It
Life's Meaning is What You Make It Friday, January 27, 2017. This was the night I formulated the
answer to the great question that humans have been contemplating since our existence, "Are We
Significant in the Universe?" After visiting the planetarium show at the University of Central
Arkansas, I felt like I had it all figured out. Seeing the vast universe, or just the small amount that
we have actually discovered, puts things into perspective about just how small the Earth is and how
far away everything outside of our solar system is. There are stars that astronomers have discovered
that are 13.3 billion light–years away and 2,000 times larger than our Earth's Sun. While this may
show us how small and seemingly unimportant humans are, we ... Show more content on ...
My claim that as a species, the human race has no significance in the universe as a whole is
reinforced by Arbesman's argument of humans not being located favorably in space, size, or time
(Arbesman). However, Arbesman and I share different viewpoints on humans' overall significance
in the universe. The Earth is a tiny speck of dust in a vast sea of rocks, boulders, and pebbles
floating aimlessly in space. The actions of what humans do here on Earth will not impact the rock
that is seven light years away. We as humans can study and learn as much information about the
universe as possible, but we will never directly impact the universe as a whole. To show humans'
insignificance in the universe, let's pretend humans go extinct. The impact here on earth short term
could be unpredictable, yet, the long term impact should happen like this. The ruins of our major
cities and landmarks will begin to succumb to Mother Nature. Dirt will cover the roads and seeds
will sprout. After a few thousands of years, human's footprint here on this earth will have been
covered up with dirt and overthrown by the flourishing herbage. The earth will continue on,
vegetation will overtake our crumbling cities and new animals and species will roam the lands we
once walked. The earth will not only continue to revolve around the sun, but continue to be
overflowing with life. This all appears to be a major change, but the
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Essay on The Red Badge of Courage
The Red Badge of Courage
The Red Badge of Courage, by Steven Crane, has been considered one of the greatest war novels of
all time. It is a story that realistically depicts the American Civil War through the eyes of Henry
Fleming, an ordinary farm boy who decides to become a soldier.
Henry is very determined to become a hero, and the story tells Henrys voyage from being a young
coward to becoming a brave man. This voyage is the classic trip from innocence to experience.
To begin, the story starts out with a huge debate between the soldiers. One boy had heard a rumor
that the regiment would be moving on to fight a battle the next day.
Some of the soldiers agree with this boy. Others think that their regiment will never go ... Show
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Tom and Henry talk about how they are not going to run away from war, and how they want to
become big time war heroes. This is weird because in the end of the book you will find that their
wishes come true. When the battle starts, all the soldiers get very anxious and nervous. Tom and
Henry don't turn out to be as brave as they think that they could be. While hiding, Tom finds Henry,
and gives him an envelope of letters for his family. Tom believes that this will be his first and his
last battle.
Henry ends up fulfilling his worst nightmare. Instead of sticking out the battle with the rest of his
regiment, he hides behind some brush in order to spare himself from getting shot.
He listens in on the battle, and to much of his surprise, he hears cheering from what's left of his
regiment. He then takes off into the woods in anger. While running through the woods his
conscience begins to speak to him. He keeps telling himself that he is a coward and a deserter. Out
of guilt, Henry runs back to the battle site, and meets again with his regiment. These actions showed
Henry's maturity and desire to be a war hero.
When Henry meets back up with his regiment an older man begins to have a discussion with him.
The old man asks Henry "where yuh hit, ol' boy?". With massive feelings of guilt, Henry shrugs
away from the man and runs back into the woods. From behind a tree, he can see all the wounded
soldiers on the battle field. "At times he regarded
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Jubien's Definition Of The Universe
Jubien begins his argument by defining the universe as all of the physical aspects of space. With this
as his foundation it is not possible for the Big bang to be the origin of the universe. As discussed in
lecture, the common man denotes all this physical to being related to a first cause in an infinite
chain of causes. This ideal is based on the thoughts that there was nothing before he Big Bang, and
that the event itself started everything we can receive through our senses. According to Jubien's
definition of the universe as containing all physical and material things, any physical cause could
not be the origin of the universe because it would cause two new questions to arise. What was that
event's cause? If it is even plausible, how can a physical event take place outside of the universe?
Jubien would say that the origin of the universe can be answered with a simple "I don't know,"
because there is only so far back causes can observably go before there is a lack of information
available. Any physical cause of the universe can be traced to another cause, and therefore cannot be
the origin of the universe.
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Argument Against Aquinas ' Cosmological Argument
Title In this essay, I will be arguing against Aquinas' Cosmological Argument that every motion can
only be traced back to the creator of all motions and ultimately, the universe. First I will present
Aquinas' Cosmological argument regarding motion which directly concludes that a higher being,
who is not dependent on the motion of any other thing or being, must exist to have caused the
existence of the universe. I will also present opponents of this argument such as David Hume who
argues that a "First Mover" might not even be needed to exist but rather that an infinite regress
could be the explanation of the universe and that no explanation for what initiated this infinite chain
of motions is required. Finally, I will disclose my personal opinion on the issue of how all of
existence began. My standpoint will be much more inclined toward Hume's argument against
Aquinas but I will be presenting a new idea with a lot of scientific backup that neither of them could
have possibly taken into account at the time. In an attempt to justify the existence of God, Christian
Philosopher, St Thomas Aquinas, has developed an argument which derived from his observation of
the physical world. He evidently observed that everything in the universe is moving and that which
is moving is certain that it must have been moved by something else which has also been moved by
something else. However, he realizes that by tracing back who has caused the very first movement,
he believes that there must
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Owen Meany Character Analysis
In John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany and Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried, main
characters John Wheelwright and Tim O'Brien are faced with the draft of the Vietnam war. John
Wheelwright is anti–war, and successfully avoids the draft, but not without the help and influence of
his dear friend, Owen Meany. Tim O'Brien is similarly influenced by his own doubts and
acquaintance Elroy, but with a very different outcome. As a result, Tim O'Brien decides to honor the
draft despite his fear of war. Although both John Wheelwright and Tim O'Brien make very different
choices in respect to the draft, they face very similar repercussions for their decisions. In this time,
men were expected to participate in the draft for the Vietnam war and John ... Show more content on ...
John may not regret evading the draft, but he definitely feels the consequences the method in which
he chose to evade the draft has brought. As a result of John not having to fear the draft as many of
men his age do, he feels disconnected. John recognizes that his generation is anti–war because they
are afraid of being forced to fight in the war and that is not a fear he has to have. John expresses the
disconnect he feels when he says "I had a 4–F deferment; I would never have to go to war, or to
Canada. By the simple act of removing the first two joints of my right index finger, Owen Meany
had enabled me to feel completely detached from my generation" (Irving 532). Although fighting in
the war is not what John wanted, the way he describes having his finger cut off as a "simple act"
gives the impression that he feels it was a cop out because he could have ran away to Canada and
still felt a part of his generation. In addition, John says "I was still a little self–conscious about my
missing finger. The scar tissue was new enough so that any exertion the stump to look inflamed"
(Irving 532). John's scarred finger is not just unsightly, it is a reminder to himself and a tell–tale sign
to everyone else, that John ran away from the draft and John was not proud of
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Toy Ovens And The Voluntary Recall Essay
On Tuesday, Hasbro issued a recall of approximately 985,000 Easy–Bake Ovens. The toy ovens in
question have been sold since last may, and could cause hands or fingers to become lodged in the
opening of the ovens, posing a risk of burns or entrapment. Of the voluntary recall, Hasbro
explained on its site, "Consumers should immediately take the recalled oven away from children
under 8 years of age and contact the firm for a retrofit with warning." The Easy–Bake Oven is an
electric toy, and is only recommended for children 8 years of age and older. The specific ovens
being recalled are pink and purple and made of plastic. They look similar to kitchen range with a
front opening and four top burners. The words "Easy Bake" are printed on the front of the ovens.
They each have the "Hasbro" name and Model Number 65805 stamped into the plastic on the back
of the items. The ovens were sold for approximately $25 between May 2006 and February 2007.
Retailers who carry the ovens include Toys R Us, Wal–Mart, Target, and KB Toys, among others.
Ovens sold before May 2006 are not included in this recall. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC), in cooperation with Hasbro, also made the recall announcement on their site
Tuesday. More than 15,000 types of consumer products are under the jurisdiction of the CPSC. This
agency exists to protect the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from such
products. The CPSC 's work to ensure the safety of consumer
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Unity Of Purpose In O Brien's War
Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons." (38). The fact that O'Brien hates this war so
much is just one of the reasons that sparked his plan to evacuate to Canada. He just simply doesn't
believe that there is a unity of purpose when it came to history or law. This leads into the beliefs he
has when it comes to politics and how he claims he is politically naive, as well as being a liberal.
But hate isn't the only characteristic shown. O'Brien displays how fearful he is as well."It was a
moral split. I couldn't make up my mind. I feared the war, yes, but I also feared exile." (42). He
explains that he didn't want to just leave his family and friends and he feared losing the respect of
his parents.Law and ridicule was feared as well
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The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers
The Vietnam War was a gruesome war that left many soldiers reeling in constant psychological
turmoil not only in the years of the war, but in the years following the war as well. The terrifying
events that occurred in Vietnam forced the soldiers to become different people with only one thing
on their mind, survival. In Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried, it is seen how the war
negatively impacted the soldiers of the Alpha Company and changed their personalities severely.
One of the main changes that is seen in the men is the loss of innocence that accompanies them as
they move through the war. In times of war, boundaries are crossed and morals are thrown out the
windows. The dangerous situations that the men are thrust into cause ... Show more content on ...
At first, as Kiley interacts with the water buffalo, he seems friendly towards the animal, offering it
food and petting it. His interaction with the animal soon changes however as he begins to physically
assault and shoot the young water buffalo. In the passage, O'Brien describes that Kiley went
"automatic", (O'Brien 75) harming the buffalo in every possible way before breaking down. I
believe that this situation shows a loss of innocence because under normal circumstances, a regular
person would not have killed the animal for no reason. After the buffalo has died, Mitchell Saunders
says, "'Well that's Nam. Garden of Evil. Over here, man, every sin's real fresh and original" (O'Brien
75). This quote reflects Kiley's loss of innocence because he is committing a sin that is horrific and
unnecessary in nature all due to the death of a friend. It also shows that Kiley had no sense of
control in this situation because hatred overcame him due to the death of Lemon. Scholar Rosalind
Poppleton–Pritchard also believes that the slaying of the buffalo was done in part of Kiley's personal
"The baby buffalo and Rat are united in their dumb anguish: Rat has no way of articulating the pain
he feels through language; it is an animal instinct, a 'response to signal, ' and he maims the creature
in an almost suicidal attempt to end his own suffering" (Poppleton–Pritchard 4).
This quote from Poppleton–Pritchard shows that Kiley's suffering in the war was
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Analysis Of Paul In Remarque's Novel I ( AQOTW1
From Remarque's novel I(AQOTWF), the reader sees the life of a soldier from the first world war.
Paul Baumer is a 19 year old man who joins the army under persuasion from his high school teacher
Kantorek. But as he lives longer and longer on the front, he sees that this war is not the glorious war
Kantorek promised it would be, and he is forced to live in what must had been "hell on earth".
Despite his daily struggles to survive, Paul is not as affected by the war as deeply as most of the
other soldiers. Throughout his career as a soldier, he shows kindness and respect to all he meets and
can see past an ideal to make an enemy a friend. Despite many losing their sanity and humanity in
the trenches of World War I, Paul is an exception, that even the shells and trenches can not take
away humaneness from Paul. When the reader is first introduced to the second company, Paul
narrates that a friend of his, Kemmerich, was shot in the leg and was transferred to a local army
hospital. At the hospital, all of Paul's classmates visit Kemmerich and after seeing his pain, Paul and
the others bribe an orderly to give Kemmerich a dose of morphine. While a small action, it shows
Paul's compassion for his friends and shows his humaneness, trying to help a friend's suffering.
Another example of Paul helping out a friend is when Kat is hit in the knee at the end of the war.
Through this scene, the reader can see the friendship between the two. When Kat is was first shot at,
Paul picks him
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Compare And Contrast Wilfred Owen And The Story Of An Hour
Explore the Use of Contrast in Wilfred Owen's 'Disabled' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour.'
Both Wilfred Owen in his poem 'Disabled' and Kate Chopin in her short story 'The Story of an Hour'
use contrast to explore the key themes and characters. Owen accentuates the contrast that exists
between the women before and after the war. He uses contrast to show the reader how he had a
girlfriend before the war and that she had helped to be part of the reason him to join up, but after the
war, he is abandoned and his freedom has been stripped from him. By contrast, Chopin emphasises
contrast partially using marriage in how her life was controlled by her husband before but now she
is free as she has been widowed. The use of direct comparison in sentences shows the main
character conflict of emotions being experienced with the concepts of freedom as opposed to love
being argued as the strongest emotion.
Owen uses the contrast of the soldiers' state pre–war and post–war to highlight just how much the
soldier has lost through going to war. Physically, pre–war, the soldier is described as 'younger than
his youth,' and has an 'artist silly for his face.' Suggesting that his beauty is worth capturing
permanently in paint. The words 'younger 'and 'youth' emphasise this man's innocence and
boyishness, the tautology places emphasis on how young he is thus outlining his immaturity before
the war and making his loss at war even more tragic. The contrast once he has returned where Owen
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Scientific Revolution- Ap Euro Essay
How did the developments in scientific thought from Copernicus to Newton create a new
conception of the universe and of humanity's place within it?
The Scientific Revolution was a time of scientific questioning in which tremendous discoveries
were made about the Earth. It has been referred to as "the real origin both of the modern world and
the modern mentality" (Mckay, 596) and caused the foremost change in the world–view. This
revolution occurred for many reasons. Universities were established in Western Europe in order to
train lawyer's doctors and church leaders and philosophy became a major study alongside medicine,
law, and theology. The Renaissance stimulated scientific progress because mathematics was
improved, texts were ... Show more content on ...
Among these people were Copernicus who believed the sun was at the center of the world and the
earth, stars and planets revolved around it. Danish astronomer Brahe helped contribute to this idea
by contributing a large mass of data about the universe that he was able to discover. His student
Kepler kept his ideas going, as he formulated many laws of planetary motion. He said the orbits
around the sun were elliptical, planets don't move in a uniform speed and the time a planet
completes its orbit is related to its distance from the sun. Meanwhile, Florentine Galileo decided to
use experiments to find out what happened and not what should happen, and discovered that a
uniform force makes a uniform acceleration as well as inertia laws, that an object will be in motion
forever unless stopped by another force. These ideas not only, obviously, created a new conception
of the forming of the universe, but also of humanities place within it. The Copernican hypothesis
had enormous religious implications as it destroyed the idea that the earth was different from where
God was. This eliminated the realm of perfection. Therefore humanity's place within the Earth was
lessening in importance. Also, 1572 a "new star," which was really an exploding star, left a huge
impression on many people. This is because it contradicted the idea that the heavenly spheres were
unchanging, thus
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The Evolution of the Ocean System
Today, about 70% of the earth is covered with water, and that is because of the evolution of the
ocean system. Before that happened however, our solar system was created. One of the persisting
theories when it comes to the creation of our solar system is the Big Bang Theory. This theory
basically states that "12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was
only a few millimeters across. It has since expanded from this hot dense state into the vast and much
cooler cosmos we currently inhabit" ("Universe"). From that 'big bang', we progressed to
supercontinents, the most recent being Pangea 300 million years ago, and lastly, to the seven
continents we see today, thanks to the Wilson cycle. In order to understand the significance of the
ocean basins, also known as the Wilson cycle, it is important to understand how the universe was
first formed. The Big Bang theory consists of two different ideas: the theory of General relativity
and the cosmological principle. The General theory of relativity was introduced in 1916 by Albert
Einstein and declared that gravity is a "distortion of space and time itself" ("Universe"). In simple
terms, this meant that gravity does not simple let things fall to the ground, but rather, things move
around gravity in certain ways because of their speed and the force they have towards certain
objects. For example, the reason that the moon does not crash into the Earth is because the speed at
which it is moving and the
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Essay on Critique of Aquinas's Cosmological Argument
Critique of Aquinas's Cosmological Argument
Aquinas's 3rd way suggests that the world consists of contingent beings. As all contingent beings
have a cause, namely another contingent being, there must have been a time when nothing existed,
(unless contingent beings exist as a brute fact). Therefore, contingent beings could not have come
into existence unless there is a necessary being which is non– contingent that caused them. Aquinas
named this being God. The problem with Aquinas's view is that as physicians have suggested matter
is eternal and therefore a necessary being is not required to cause contingent beings.
The basis of Aquinas's argument depends on the fact that contingent beings ... Show more content
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If matter is eternal then it must always have existed and thus is a brute fact and needs no
explanation. Therefore, the universe is not contingent as the matter is never generated or perished, it
is only the objects that are made of the matter that perish. Thus, contingent objects exist within the
universe but the universe as a whole is essentially brute fact and non–contingent as it is all matter.
Thus as Peter Cole suggests in Philosophy Of Religion(22), the cause of the universe is not about
the metaphysical necessary being called God, it is about the nature of matter. In continuance to this,
the matter itself could be defined as the necessary being as it is eternal and therefore could not have
failed to exist. Thus "Matter would be a necessary being and would satisfy the arguments definition
of God" ( Stephen Evans in Philosophy Of Religion(55). This would undermine Aquinas as he
stated that the necessary being was separate from the universe. In essence, this view of matter as
eternal means that if God exists, then far from being separate from the universe, God is the universe.
Therefore, God would be defined as the matter of the universe which thus means that pantheism
applies which undermines Aquinas. So if a belief in God is needed, then God is the universe, and
not God was the cause of the universe as
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Nicolaus Copernicus Research Paper
Nicolaus Copernicus was an intelligent astronomer who lived from the year 1473 to 1543. He
originated from Poland and attended school at Cracow as well as in Italy. Copernicus was an
influential thinker who was not afraid to push the boundaries when it came to astronomy. His
forthright opinion changed the normal outlook of the position of the earth, sun, and planets. He will
be remembered for his strong attitude and revolutionary ideas, which transformed the views of the
properties of the universe. Copernicus lived in a time where the Ptolemaic system was the prime
model used for the justification of the location of the earth within the universe. The system used the
findings from the mathematical astronomy of Ptolemy and the physical cosmology
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Symbolism In The Cellist Of Sarajevo
Ossie Davis once said, "Any form of art is a form of power; it has an impact, it can affect change, it
can not only move us, it makes us move". Similarly, The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway
tells the story of how three individuals Arrow, Dragan and Kenan suffering from the unrelenting and
ruthlessness of war are impacted by one musician's art. All three characters suffer from the war in
different ways, but the art in the form of music finds a way to connect them all. Galloway's novel
illustrates that art helps lessen the suffering of those facing the brutality of war as the cellist's music
provides healing of the spirit, mind, and body. The cellist's music provides hope and inspiration to
the people of Sarajevo that they will be able ... Show more content on ...
Arrow's supervisor Nermin takes her to listen to the cellist as her latest assignment will be to protect
him. Listening to the cellist's music elicits a powerful response, "She leans back into the wall. She's
no longer there. Her mother is lifting her up, spinning her around and laughing" (75). The cellist's
music allows her to be taken away from her daily battle with the men on the hills to a time when she
didn't have to kill people and live with constant death and destruction. Arrow gets emotional
comfort as she is able to remember a moment of her childhood when she was happy and the war had
not taken her family away. Arrow's reminiscing about life before the war gives her emotional
endurance as she gets a piece of a time of happiness to cling on to during her daily battles. The
memory of a time before the war aids in reducing Arrow's suffering as she is taken away from the
torture of the battlefield. Additionally, it also helps to heal her mind as she reminded of a time when
she was happy and consumed with hatred. Moreover, the cellist's music transports the people of
Sarajevo to a future of comfort and happiness. While listening to the cellist play his music, Kenan is
transported to a dream sequence, "Kenan will look at his wife, and then his and younger daughter
and he will know how happy he is and none of this will
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A New View Of Reality : The Universe As A Conscious Computer
According to Gregg Braden, there is an energy everything is made of and it is named quantum
energy. He says that under certain conditions human consciousness influences this energy, as we
aren't simple watchers, and that our expectations and beliefs about what we watch change our
feelings and thoughts about it and we become a part of it.
As everything we experience is linked to what we believe, the author believes that shifting the way
we use belief can change our lives. He says that our "belief waves" shape the quantum that
everything is made from. "It makes us part of all that we see and experience, with the power to solve
problems and find solutions. Through the power of human belief, we are given the ability to bring
what we believe ... Show more content on ...
In 1944, Max Planck said that there is a "matrix" of energy that provides the blueprint for our
physical world. Some simply call it the "field", others the "mind of God". This is the missing link
that bridges our spiritual experiences of belief, imagination, and prayer with the miracles that we see
in the world around us.
Thinking about the Universe as a consciousness computer and how the right atoms bump into the
right other atoms, we conclude that we are the product of energy, movement, and matter touching
matter, says Gregg Braden. He also declares that, as in a computer program, nature uses a few
simple, self–similar, and repeating patterns – fractals – to build atoms into the familiar patterns of
everything, from elements and molecules to rocks, trees, and us.
According to his theory, when we think of the Universe as a computer, consciousness itself becomes
the operating system. And to transform reality, we must alter the programs themselves, what we call
"beliefs". Belief becomes the software. He says that the first step in awakening the force of belief in
our lives is to understand precisely what it is and how it works.
The author questions if our role as "participators" could explain mysteries such as spontaneous
remission of disease or miraculous healings. He affirms that there's a scientific reason for healing
without medicine, and it may be represented by the placebo
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An All New Avengers Universe
An All New Avengers Universe
Description: Here 's what we know about the new Marvel Avengers teams so far
The Avengers is quite possibly Marvel 's most well known and loved teams.
They 've gained a lot of their popularity through the very successful Marvel Cinematic Universe,
turning the Avengers into a billion dollar franchise movie franchise. Since popularity tends to equal
sales, it only makes sense that Marvel would go on to make a lot more Avengers comics. And so
they are. In fact, there are going to be a lot of changes coming to the Marvel Universe, including all
new teams with a few new Avengers. So, let 's see how the Earth's mightest heroes will be in the all
new all different Marvel.
p.s. This list will include The Hulk, ... Show more content on ...
The team line up is as follows Steve Rogers as leader, Spider–man (Peter Paker), Rogue,
Quicksilver in that new ugly costume, The Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Deadpool finally an
Avenger, Brother Voodoo and Synpase a new inhuman character. To be completly honest I'm really
excited for Uncanny Avengers the title is like a mash–up of all sides of the Marvel Universe and I
can't wait to read this title and to see how every character interacts with one another; should be a fun
4. New Avengers
A.I.M goes through a rebranding from Advanced.Idea.Mechanics to Avengers.Idea.Mechanics under
ownership of Sunspot in New Avengers by writer El ewing and art by Gerardo.The New Avengers
will be a team focused mainly on global heroics. The New Avengers will have Sunspot as leader and
Songbird as field leader Wiccan, Hulkling, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), White Tiger, Pod, Power man,
and Squirrel Girl! This title has a lot of stuff in it first of all Sunspot can't legally operate in the
U.S.A due to incidents that happened during the 8–months and he'll be under house arrest, someone
on the team is a traitor, Mister Fantastic from the ultimate universe a.k.a the Maker will be the
villain of the first arc. I can't wait to check this out this series it just screams take my money Marvel
with characters that I like Song
5. A–force
A–force is returning, the hit
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Dark Energy Research Paper
"The universe might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and re–collapse, but it might
have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding" –scientist from NASA What is the
Universe made up of?
The universe is suspected to be made out of 3 substances. The first substance is Normal Matter,
which consist of the atoms that make up stars, planets and almost everything alive whether it be
abiotic or biotic and every other visible thing in the universe. Normal matter even though it sounds
like it makes up almost the entire universe surprisingly it accounts for the smallest portion of the
universe, which is somewhere between 1% and 5%. Since there is more unknown than known of
Dark Energy it is difficult to know exactly ho much of the universe is Dark Energy. Henceforth
scientist have theorized that roughly 68% of the Universe is Dark Energy. And scientist at NASA
have concluded that Dark Matter makes up about 27% of the Universe. What is Dark Energy? You
can go to this site and read what is Dark Energy or you can read the summary of what it could be.
To summarize it all "Dark Energy could be a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new ...
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Due to this a lot of matter condenses to a small space which causes gravity to be stronger that not
even light can escape. And since there is no light we ca not see it due to it being so dark rendering it
virtually invisible, luckily we have created space telescopes with special tools to help us locate
Black Holes. As we all know the strength of the gravity of the Black Hole varies on its size, but
what we don't know is that where does everything a black hole pulls into it go? For as long as we
have know about Black Holes we have wondered, where do the things a black hole takes go? Many
scientist have theorized a numerous amounts of possibilities. And as of know we will never know
and hopefully we
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On The Rainy River Analysis
The short story "On The Rainy River" is written through the perspective of O'Brien in present day
and as a young faced with a draft notice for Vietnam War. In "On The Rainy River," O'brien portrays
the importance of bravery in an individual through the use of symbolism, powerful tone, and
reflective point of view.
It all began in 1968, when Tim O'brien receive a draft notice. Tim was bound for Harvard and thinks
he's too good for war. He doesn't really want to go to Vietnam, so he decide to run away to Canada
which he knew was wrong. When he got to Canada, he finds an old resort called the Tip Top Lodge.
Its owner was Elroy Berdahl who O'brien says saved his life. O'Brien stays there for six days. On
the last day, Elroy takes O'brien fishing in the rainy river. Elroy stopped within swimming distance
to Minnesota and O'brien was faced with dilemma: jump and swim or stay. He started crying and on
the other side, he sees hallucination of his family, and friends. He was too scared to jump, so Elroy
steers back to the lodge. He left the next morning, drove back home, and heads to Vietnam.
Tim O'brien uses symbolism to portray the religious aspect of the Rainy River. The Rainy River is a
watercourse between Minnesota and Canada which tested O'Brien's bravery to either enlist in or flee
the Vietnam War. O'Brien states that the "The Rainy River... separated one life from another." He
also states that, "...Canadian waters, across... dotted line between two different worlds." When he
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`` Peace, And Its Nobleness And Holiness And Honor
June Jordan, a Caribbean–American poet and activist, once explained that poetry in and of itself "is
a political act, because it involves telling the truth." During World War I, statesmen and politicians
propagated the war efforts, asking the men and boys to join the cause and potentially sacrifice their
lives for their country. Back in England, war was looked at in the most idealistic light. War was
glory. War was honor. War was noble. War was good, and it was right for man to fight. Early in the
war, some poets portrayed that rather romanticized version of war. Rupert Brooke spoke about the
war's cleansing abilities in his poem "Peace" and its nobleness and holiness and honor in "The
Dead." But many poets chose to send another message to ... Show more content on
The General's introductory cry of "Good–morning; good morning!" upon meeting his troops
illustrates an amiable and positive view of war (1). Moving along the warfront, one soldier, Harry,
remarks to fellow soldier, Jack, that their general is "a cheery old card" (5). The camaraderie,
however, is short lived, and these two boys exhibit the human cost of war and of the general's lack
of regard for them, for "he did for them both by his plan of attack" (7). A week later, "the soldiers
[the general] smiled at are most of 'em dead" (3). The succinctness and simplicity of the poem
echoes the ease with which men died in war. So too, Wilfred Owen, renowned war poet and
contemporary and mentee of Siegfried Sassoon, replicates his mentor's view on the prolific lose of
life in war, asking in his poem, "Anthem of Doomed Youth," "What passing–bells for these who die
as cattle?" (1).
To dispel the propagated glory and honor associated with death in war, in "Exposure," Wilfred
Owen explores death by the elements, a common and less glorious way men died in battle. Owen
famously stated, "My subject is War, and the pity of War. One such "pity" that he depicts in his
poetry is the dismal death of soldiers by the cold and frost rather than the expected magnificent
death of soldiers in man–to–man combat. In "Exposure," Owen utilizes the voice of soldiers dying
from the cold. "Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us," the soldiers
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The History Of The Universe From The Big Bang
Religions and cultures have their own versions of the origin stories, which are general anecdotes or
narratives in order to explain the existence and mysteries of the universe and the human beings. And
big history is also an origin story, attempting to examine the history of the Universe from the Big
Bang, explain the present and predict the future of the universe as well as the human beings. One of
the most important theme found in the Big history is the idea of increasing complexity and the term
of "Goldilocks conditions", Christian suggests that the universe creates complexity when these
conditions require a favorable environment, which is neither too hot nor too cold, thus providing
just the required environment necessary for complexity to take place. These conditions found in the
dissimilar thresholds including the creation of the universe and the formation of the stars, the early
human life and the modern epoch.
The creation of the universe and the formation of the stars
To understand the history of the Universe, it is inevitable to conduct a thorough analysis that
involves a survey of the origin of the universe. As complex creatures, we are driven by a desire to
understand how the universe advances in complexity (Grinin, 2013). Understanding the universe
also requires an understanding why complexity results in vulnerability and fragility. To have an
understanding of the universe, it is required that we go back to the beginning of time, an estimated
13.8 billion
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Happy Birthday, 1951
Section B
Write a summary of Happy Birthday, 1951 in about 150 words.
"Happy Birthday, 1951" is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. The main characters in the short story are
a man and a boy. We are told that a refugee woman left her baby by the old man and then she never
came back – That's how the man got the boy. The man doesn't know something about the boy and
that's why they are choosing a day to celebrate the boy's birthday. As a birthday present the man
wants to take the boy to a place without war. On their way to the place, they talk about the color of
different uniforms when they see four soldiers. When they arrive, they eat their lunch, close their
eyes and sleep for a while. In the end of the story, ... Show more content on ...
The ending tells us that the boy does not have sense of propriety. He does not see and understand
what the old man wants him to enjoy – few hours away from the war. I think that the author wants to
show that a little child does not have the same interests and experience as an old man. In a short
essay (150–200 words) discuss the importance of having different role models.
You can't learn without goofing!
Is it important to have different role models to look up to?
No, I do not think that it is important to have different role models because every human being holds
good as well as bad things. If your role model is a good role model then you would try to be a better
person than the person in question. If your role model is a bad role model then you would establish a
target for not being as this person.
It does not matter whichever way you look at it, the fact is that you are a free person with individual
freedom, which means that you as a person can draw your own conclusions. Having one single role
model is enough – If your role model does not live up to your expectations then you can draw your
own conclusion and learn from your own mistakes – The fact is that you can't learn without
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Wilfred Owen Poetry Analysis
As Wilfred Owen once said ... "My subject is War, and the pity of War. The poetry is in the pity."
Wilfred Owen, one of the world's most renowned poets of World War 1, uses sensory imagery to
emphasize the unsettling happenings of war. By presenting first–hand views on the challenges of
life whilst on the battlefield, Owen delves into the emotional and physical hardships of soldiers
during the war. Futility, Insensibility and Anthem for Doomed Youth are three of the five poems
released during Owens lifetime with Anthem being released in 1917 a year before futility and
insensibility. By using many poetic techniques throughout his poems, Owen presents the
romanticised horrors of war which was brought upon by propaganda, by exploring the notions of
men who had given up their emotions in order to deal with the trauma of life and death in the
The emotional hardships of soldiers and the battles of life during the war are delved upon by Owen
and presented through unsettling sensory imagery to describe the challenges faced on the battlefield.
Owen's Insensibility was written in a response towards William Wordsworth, a romantic poet who
wrote a lyrical poem known as an ode, almost a century before. Odes are usually meant to praise or
glorify an event or person, the complete opposite of Owen's poems. Owen Ironically uses the ode
structure in insensibility as he is detailing the emotional struggle and hardship faced by the soldiers
in the trenches rather than any positive
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Characters In Tim OBrien's The Things They Carried
Characters in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried" went through various changes because of
the Vietnam war. They witnessed gruesome deaths and injuries of fellow soldiers,k They gained
courage and bravery but many lost who they were before the war. people that are put in terrible
situations have to adapt to survive even if parts of their personality dies. In the chapter titled "The
Things They Carried" Lieutenant Jimmy Cross was focused on his life back in the United States. At
the beginning of the chapter he would rather think of Martha which was the girl he loved. Then
suddenly one of his soldiers Ted Lavender was shot in the head. " Lieutenant Cross found himself
trembling. He tried not to cry...He felt shame. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a
consequence Lavender was now dead". This is When Lieutenant Cross realized he was not back at
the safety of his home but in a battlefield and his work must not be taken lightly. From that point on
they "carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing". This
shows Cross matured almost instantly and learned survival was number one priority. The fear of
dying everyday was very stressful so they still joked around but that was just to stop them from
growing even more insane. Another example of people changing because of the war was told in the
chapter "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong".When Mark Fossie's girlfriend Mary Anne shows up she
was kind and gentle like the women back
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America Journal Entries Analysis
Entry 1
For many months, I've heard of talk about a war to come. I've seen the newspaper's blown out of
proportion stories of the events that have been "attacking" America. There are events and facts
behind them, but there are always the lies and the over exaggerations most people remember, rather
than the truth. I don't know what to believe and not too, but it's not just the newspaper talking. Every
day I walk to work, overhearing folks babble on the streets of how they're going to enlist as soon as
America declares war, blinded by their nationalism for this country. They're caught up in the need
for America to prove herself and how they're barely going to be affected, as they neglect to
comprehend the people, who don't even have half of what ... Show more content on
The day the draft was passed, I knew I would be chosen to leave. I'm not wealthy, of American
descent, and pictured as important. I'm just their image of the "perfect" soldier, meaning I'm one of
many who they want to fight so their sons don't have to feel a scratch on their body. They'll be fine,
they'll be barely affected. Others and I, though, we'll be facing devastating costs that have already
started. I know my participation in this war I don't want to fight is going to force my only son to
work. He's only nine and too young; I never wanted him to follow in my footsteps. I was supposed
to give him a better life for him to enjoy childhood. But now he's going to see the world for what it
is and grow up before he's ready. But despite his income, my family will fall deeper into poverty.
The war tax will push us over the edge and I'm scared my family won't survive. We always had
enough to pass but with most of it being taken, I don't know what to expect, lease imagine. So I'm
not rooting for this war at all. I'm not supporting it like the plastered posters on every wall tell me I
should. They're just attempting to rally the American people to support this because they know what
it will do. But just stick pictures up and people will forget is their mentality. Everyone who's one top
and pushing for this war is neglecting to comprehend that the majority of
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Change In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien
Imagine a novel or a movie that is about war that has not even one change in a character's
personality. Change is really important in many novels and movies for instance in Batman VS
Superman: Dawn of Justice, the theme of change takes a huge role in the movie because by the end
of the movie Batman and Superman unite after being against each other or in George Orwell's
allegory about the Russian Revolution "Animal Farm" the theme of change takes a huge role also
because in the beginning the pigs order the animals in the farm to rebel against their bad farmer Mr.
Jones and Humanity but by the end the pigs became friends with the humans as if no rebellion
happened. The of change is really important for all the stories that are about fights or war. In "The
Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien the theme of change is one the most important themes and
without it Tim O'Brien will not make a good point about war's effect on people and if a person
wants to join a war he or ... Show more content on ...
If Tim O'Brien does not change something in his characters he will not make a good point on war's
effect on peoples' life. For example, also if Mary Anne Bell and if Timmy does not change the
reader will not learn something from that chapter because that in the novel Tim O'Brien was trying
to send the reader message about how war and a loved person death can change and effect people in
a horrible way. If a person fights in war he or she usually change in a negative way and in the novel
Tim O'Brien mostly focuses on the negative change caused from war but he also talks about positive
changes like when he makes friends. The theme of change always takes a huge role in many novels,
T.V shows and
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On The Rainy River
In the memoir The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, the chapter titled: On the Rainy River has
a central idea of resentment, embarrassment and eventual acceptance to change. The author creates
this central idea with the use of a regretful tone, man vs society conflict, and dreary imagery. The
theme of this chapter contributes to O'Brien's intentions for the book because it demonstrates the
struggle, shame, and or confusion each man drafted into the war experienced.
The beginning of this chapter mainly demonstrates the idea of shame towards one's response to
change. By using a regretful tone, O'Brien is able to convey the reader to believe that he feels shame
and embarrassment towards his actions that are revealed later in the chapter. ... Show more content
on ...
The new soldiers' resistance was usually followed by an attempt to flee which brought shame and
embarrassment to both the new soldiers and their families. Subsequent to the attempt to flee came a
final adoption to the war in which O'Brien and many others tried so hard to get out of. O'Brien uses
elements such as conflict, imagery, and tone to help convey his
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Wilfred Owen Poetry Analysis
Wilfred Owen's poetry acts as a medium for people to deepen their understanding of the terrors of
war, such as death, suffering, pain and hopelessness. He speaks for those who have been to war,
they can truly understand war as they lived and experience these horrors. While those back at home
are ignorant to these facts due to the jingoistic propaganda by the government, Owen attempts to
open their eyes to this atrocity. These narratives of war are made terrifyingly apparent in "Dulce et
Decorum Est" where the responders breathe the air of death. While in "Futility", Owen uses an
extended metaphor of the sun to reinforce how there is no hope of life for the personas.
In "Dulce et Decorum Est", Wilfred Owen depicts the painful struggle which the soldiers must face
on a daily basis, this raises awareness about war for those ignorant of war while reminding those
who have been to war about the ordeal they endured which is war. The soldiers struggling to live
another day even though they can barely walk forward, they are "like old beggars under sacks". The
use of simile enforces how they have exhausted themselves to the point that their life has burnt
away and only a husk of an old man is left. Those who have truly been to war would know about
how horrible the condition where and pain which they suffered. They would have been "Drunk with
fatigue; deaf even to the hoots", the metaphor of the person swaying like a drunk man emphasises
how the soldiers cannot stand up right and how
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Origin Story Research Paper
Origin stories are explanations of how something came to be. Superheroes have origin stories on
how they obtained their powers, but the universe also has many different varying origin stories on
how everything started. People made these stories to give others an explanation of how things
became what they are. Many cultures have different stories, but were made with the same purpose
of explaining creation. Some stories are slightly different from others because before they were
written down most origin stories were told orally. No origin story is permanently right or wrong,
humans are discovering new things about the universe that can change the modern theory of how the
universe was created. The modern scientific origin story uses evidence to ... Show more content on ...
Both stories have the universe being made by one thing, while the modern story says a tiny point the
Chineses story says an egg. While both things are different it is interesting that both stories have the
universe starting from one spot. Also the modern scientific story says that while the universe was
being formed energy was everywhere causing chaos with explosions and creations of things just like
in the Chineses story where the egg was filled with chaos. Both stories have the universe started
with chaos until things calmed down. Both stories have humans evolving from animals. The modern
scientific story says humans evolved from monkeys and apes, while the Chineses story says humans
evolved from fleas and ticks. It is interesting that both stories have similarities at all since each
stories was formed thousands of years apart and when
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On The Rainy River And John Strickland : Draft Dodger '
The Internal Conflict When the Vietnam war took place, many people protested against it as they
believed that the war's purpose was illogical and unreasonable. Many people tried to protest against
it in different ways; for example, men who were drafted to the war fled the country – as a form of
protest – in order to dodge the draft. Stories like "On the Rainy River" and "John Strickland: Draft
Dodger" show how men reacted when they were drafted to the Vietnam War, a war which they were
opposed to. In the story "On the Rainy River" – the story was written by an author was also named
Tim O'Brien just like the main character in the story – O'Brien was opposed to the war as he
believed that the war was unjust and unreasonable and saw it as unnecessary. He tried to flee the
country to dodge the draft but he couldn't bring himself to do it as he felt too guilty and ashamed of
his decision to avoid fighting in the war. However, in the story "John Strickland: Draft Dodger" –
the story was written by John Strickland himself – Strickland, a man who also disagreed with the
reason for the war, fled the country as he didn't believe in fighting in a war which had no solid
purpose. From his perspective, fleeing the country to dodge the draft was his way of protesting
against the war. Both Strickland and O'Brien didn't agree or support the war for similar reasons. Yet,
only Strickland stuck to his convictions and dodged the draft to show that he was against the war
whereas O'Brien wasn't
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Compare Disabled And The Last Night
War impacts a lot of people; it destroys lives, it destroys innocence. Thousands of lives are lost,
thousands of innocent people die because of hatred and the needs for power. The poem "Disabled"
and the text "The Last Night" are both based on war and the destruction that war causes: losing
lives, losing families, losing body parts and losing innocence. "Disabled" and "The Last Night" both
convey the impact of war on the young, innocent people. "Disabled" conveys the message of
soldiers losing themselves and remembering who they used to be before the war and "The Last
Night" tells a sad story about two brothers who have lost their parents and are being taken to the
concentration camp. It relays the sadness and the loss of their youth and innocence. ... Show more
content on ...
Both pieces suggested that the war had the biggest impact on the younger generation as it destroyed
the rest of their lives if they managed to survive or took away their chance at life if they were killed
in the war. The young people were the ones who were innocent and naive, oblivious as to what the
war was capable of. The soldier in "Disabled" let one foolish mistake destroy the rest of his life, a
decision that was led on by vanity, ignorance, innocence and naivety; a choice that affected the rest
of his life. The two brothers in "The Last Night" were also young and innocent but they were
unfairly punished for no reason. They were both credulous on how their sibling bond would soon be
broken as they would probably be separated in the concentration camps. Unfortunately, both authors
relay the realities of war, how misguided the soldiers were when joining the army and how war
ruined the lives of the
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Keep Military Draft Essay
Little may you know but the draft has only been used five times. The Civil war, WW1, WW2,
Korea, and in Vietnam. I will tell you why we should keep the draft and why it would be beneficial
if we should keep the draft. Keeping the draft would be a good thing because every war we have had
a draft in we have won.
Here is a little history about the draft. September 16, 1940 the Burke– Wadsworth Act as passed by
congress by a wide margin from both sides and the first peacetime draft was imposed in the history
of the United States. In order to be drafted people must be between the ages twenty–one and thirty–
six. Soon later the draft would be switched to eighteen years old so they and the max age at thirty–
seven this changed in November of 1942.they also had a draft like thing during the Civil War. Only
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The more people the US has serving our country the more secure it is. For example, would you
rather have one bodyguard or a hundred. A hundred right, because the US would be safer with more
body guards just in case one went down the country would still have ninety–nine more to get hurt
before they got to you. The same with our country it would be safer if USA had more service men
and women. Just think if USA did not have the draft and all of our soldiers died that would be bad
but with the draft the USA will not have to worry about running out of troops. And people think that
might be bad thing but the chance of one person being drafted is one in two hundred. Another thing
if a person would happen to get drafted their chances of dying are really slim considering that USA
have the biggest military with 1,400,000 troops, 13,892 aircrafts, 8,848 tanks and seventy–two
submarines. That is 633,945 more troops, 10,000 more aircrafts, and seventeen more submarines
than the next country with the biggest military which is Russia who has the second best military in
the world. (Bender,
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Astronomer Beliefs About The Big Bang
What do astronomers think about the Big Bang? People have always had different opinions about
the universe, and how it came to be what it is today. We use different methods to state theories about
the Earth, such as culture, technology, and new knowledge. Culture is the main way people
understood how the universe is arranged and "most people thought the earth was the center of the
Universe. (Text 01)". They didn't have telescopes and was only able to observe. "This is the most
natural idea in the world (Text 01)". Over time people had different thoughts but they weren't
accepted. Most churches believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Any other views
were "absurd and false (Text 08)". Only technology could change this perspective.
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The Things They Carried By Tim O ' Brien Essay
Tim O'Brien wrote a collection of related short stories titled The Things They Carried, that follows a
platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam War and when they return to their homes. Throughout
the novel, O'Brien uses real names and includes himself, as the protagonist, to create a style that
ebbs and flows from fiction to non–fiction without realization. According to Kathleen Laura
MacArthur, it is "through this process and these stylistic innovations, the reader might then
experience this trauma secondhand and, perhaps, relate this trauma to one's own personal traumatic
experience" (26). At first, the reader is introduced to the narrator First Lieutenant Tim O'Brien; he
begins to talk about his love for a woman named Martha and how he carries her letters and good–
luck pebble with him. As O'Brien continues, he explains all the various things the men of the
company carry. In most cases, these "things" are physical objects and depend on factors such as the
individual's priorities and necessities. In addition, he talks about items that are universal among the
men, such as mosquito repellent, chewing gum, matches, C rations and a multi–use poncho. These
possessions serve as an opportunity for us to see into the emotional burdens each soldier carries. As
the title of this novel refers to the things, or "weight," the soldiers carry, the soldiers are changed
from lively, young people to hardened and cold throughout the war by the tragic events they go
through, tasks they must
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Essay On The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a period of a drastic change in European history. Renaissance, meaning "re–
birth", was a time of intellectual excitement, when art and literature grew and groundbreaking
scientific developments were made. The time before the Renaissance was commonly named as the
Middle Ages which lasted from 500 C.E to 1350. The European culture started to change when
peasants started to be more self–sufficient, movement called humanism started, and so one. This
starts to leads to the of question "How did the Renaissance change European's perspective of the
world and themselves?". There may have been many ways of how the European's perspective of
themselves and others changed, but one of the clearest evidence of the outbreak of the Renaissance
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He made a theory of the universe that was adopted to many of the scholars of the Middle Ages. This
theory was called "The geocentric universe of Ptolemy" Based on this, his theory meant that the
universe was revolving around the Earth, and Earth was the center of everything. This rtheory was
also strongly agreed by the Catholic churches and popes of the time. Later on, the polish astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus lived from 1473–1543. This was almost 150 years after the Middle Ages
ended. Based on his mathematics, he developed a very different understanding of the universe from
Ptolemy. His theory was called "The heliocentric universe of Copernicus." According to Copernicus'
Theory, the sun is the center and the earth is going around it. The idea of Copernicus' theory was
upsetting to the church. What explains this is the church has been backing up Ptolemy's theory and
declaring it to everyone. So when Copernicus brought up this idea with detail and mathematical
backup, people started to doubt the church, and what they have been saying. Even though the
catholic churches had respect for Copernicus and his idea, till a wave of Protestant opposition led
the church to ban Copernicus' idea, Ways Copernicus influenced the way people thought about a
man's place in the universe was it brought up ideas like orbit, revolve,
... Get more on ...

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Essay On The Existence Of Black Holes

  • 1. Essay on The Existence of Black Holes The Existence of Black Holes I have always had an interest in science, especially in the sciences regarding outer space. When I was younger I was always fascinated with rockets, and especially in stars. I have often regretted not pursuing this interest at its infancy. I do remember going to the Planetarium, and studying about a topic that I had seen talked about on television. The topic was black holes, and back then all that they knew was that they were black. The idea of a space in the universe that is completely void of light was difficult to imagine. Recently, I have learned more about this topic and a science call cosmology. I had never even heard of this field of science before I was introduced to a scientist by the name of ... Show more content on ... He sees the black holes as miniature models of a full scale universe. His idea that the implosion of the star could be related to the implosion of the universe. He wonders if the expansion of the black holes until their disappearance is relative to the expansion of the universe. This area seems to be a focused area of Stephen's work. The prediction of radiation from black holes was the first nontrivial result of combining Einstein's general relativity with the quantum principle (Thorne, 15). It showed that gravitational collapse was not as much of a dead end as it had appeared to be. The particles in the black hole need not have an end of their histories at a singularity. Instead, they could escape from the black hole and continue their histories outside. Maybe the quantum principle would mean that one could also avoid the histories having a beginning in time, a point of creation, at the big bang. (Black Holes and Baby Universes, 83) This question seems to pose the most complicated answer that Hawking gives to the science community. The world needed a way of doing the sum over histories not just for particles but for the whole fabric of space and time as well. Although Stephen does not yet know how to do this summation correctly, he does know certain features that it should have. In order for these features to become possible we have to learn to understand a concept called imaginary time. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. String Theory Craig Kalucki Comparitive Religion Tues 4–6:50 String theory and Universal Theories If we can take a looks garment from a sweater, and pull one string such as in a cartoon, the sweater will untangle leaving a pile of string on the floor. Basically what this implies is we break down something in its simplest form, and all we have left are tiny bits of string, which is basically similar to "String Theory". string theory uses a model of one–dimensional strings in place of the particles of quantum physics. These strings, the size of the Planck length vibrate at specific resonant frequencies. The formulas that result from string theory predict more than four dimensions but the extra dimensions are "curled up" within the Planck ... Show more content on ... M–Theory proposes an 11th dimension that mathematically rids the theory of any further anomalies. In this 11th dimension a string could acquire enough energy to expand infinitely into what scientists call a floating membrane. According to the theory, our universe exists on a floating membrane, along with infinite parallel universes on their own membranes. From this foundation, it was further found that (mathematically) gravity might "leak" into our membrane from another nearby membrane, accounting for its relatively weak force in comparison to the other forces. By introducing the 11th dimension, M–Theory successfully united the "competing" theories of string theory. Scientists saw the different theories were actually multiple ways of approaching the same theory, much like the old proverb about the blind men each touching a different part of an elephant offering seemingly conflicting observations. M–Theory also provided another crucial aspect of the puzzle in that it explained how the Big Bang might have occurred, with two membranes colliding. The energy produced from such a collision is mathematical consistent with what is known from existing science. I often think about life, and how small we are in the universe, and if my life has any meaning whatsoever. When people say we are just a small piece of the puzzle, I guess that makes sense, but in the scheme of things and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Descartes ' Claim Of The Universe How Fix a Universe That is Nothing but Paradoxes Descartes' claim of "I think, therefore I am", is an attempt to establish a firm foundation for the understanding of the universe and explores the ideas of the self and what we can know to be real. However, there is one major flaw in this approach. That flaw is how we are to create this foundation when before it we had nothing and the paradoxes in the creating definitions of words. His goal is to better understand what he is in order to reestablish the foundations of his understanding of the world around him. This is a normal human behavior to explore the unknown or not well understood. Any explorer that sails the ocean in search of new land may know what land is but new land that was unknown to him/her is a satisfying development in the person 's understanding of everything that is real. The modern practice of this behavior includes, but not limited to, an astronomer using space telescopes to look deep into space where light from an ancient universe is arriving at earth or an experimental physicist when smashing particles together in hopes to find new and smaller part that makes up the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Descartes hopes to use his logical process to reveal the fundamental building blocks of the universe that humans can exist in. He also wants to create a fundamental understanding of the way to observe the universe that we can perceive with the limited senses that we have. He uses this logical ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Did Copernicus, Galileo, And Newton Contribute To A New... 1) What did Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton contribute to a new vision of the universe, and how did it differ from the Ptolemaic conception of the universe? According to the reading, in the Ptolemaic or geocentric conception the universe is viewed as a sequence of concentric spheres with a motionless or fixed earth at the midpoint (Spielvogel 479). This notion was made up of "substances of earth, air, fire and water, the earth was imperfect and constantly changing" (Spielvogel 479). Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer and mathematician who felt that this theory of Ptolemaic was too complex and was unsuccessful in capturing the "motions of the heavenly bodies" (Spielvogel 480). He believes that his idea of heliocentric was straightforward ... Show more content on ... Through the 17th century, scientific learning had become very popular. "Universities in Europe established new chairs of science, especially in medicine" (Spielvogel 494). The scientific method was crucial to the progression of science in the current universe. Francis Bacon was a lord chancellor of England. He believed that scientists shouldn't just depend on ideas of ancient authorities. He thought that science must be enrich with new ideas and authority. "He wanted science to contribute to the "mechanical arts" by creating devices that would benefit industry, agriculture and trade" (Spielvogel 495). The ideas of Scientific Revolution were spread through the various scientific experiments that were done. For example, Galileo wanted a bond "between science and the material interests of the educated elite when he assured his listeners that the science of mechanics would be quite useful" (Spielvogel 496). This lead to science being the high culture of Europe's affluent first class and dividing it from the poor (Spielvogel 496). Galileo was well–known for his large scientific inventions that led to new improvements in science such as the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Life 's Meaning Is What You Make It Life's Meaning is What You Make It Friday, January 27, 2017. This was the night I formulated the answer to the great question that humans have been contemplating since our existence, "Are We Significant in the Universe?" After visiting the planetarium show at the University of Central Arkansas, I felt like I had it all figured out. Seeing the vast universe, or just the small amount that we have actually discovered, puts things into perspective about just how small the Earth is and how far away everything outside of our solar system is. There are stars that astronomers have discovered that are 13.3 billion light–years away and 2,000 times larger than our Earth's Sun. While this may show us how small and seemingly unimportant humans are, we ... Show more content on ... My claim that as a species, the human race has no significance in the universe as a whole is reinforced by Arbesman's argument of humans not being located favorably in space, size, or time (Arbesman). However, Arbesman and I share different viewpoints on humans' overall significance in the universe. The Earth is a tiny speck of dust in a vast sea of rocks, boulders, and pebbles floating aimlessly in space. The actions of what humans do here on Earth will not impact the rock that is seven light years away. We as humans can study and learn as much information about the universe as possible, but we will never directly impact the universe as a whole. To show humans' insignificance in the universe, let's pretend humans go extinct. The impact here on earth short term could be unpredictable, yet, the long term impact should happen like this. The ruins of our major cities and landmarks will begin to succumb to Mother Nature. Dirt will cover the roads and seeds will sprout. After a few thousands of years, human's footprint here on this earth will have been covered up with dirt and overthrown by the flourishing herbage. The earth will continue on, vegetation will overtake our crumbling cities and new animals and species will roam the lands we once walked. The earth will not only continue to revolve around the sun, but continue to be overflowing with life. This all appears to be a major change, but the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay on The Red Badge of Courage The Red Badge of Courage The Red Badge of Courage, by Steven Crane, has been considered one of the greatest war novels of all time. It is a story that realistically depicts the American Civil War through the eyes of Henry Fleming, an ordinary farm boy who decides to become a soldier. Henry is very determined to become a hero, and the story tells Henrys voyage from being a young coward to becoming a brave man. This voyage is the classic trip from innocence to experience. To begin, the story starts out with a huge debate between the soldiers. One boy had heard a rumor that the regiment would be moving on to fight a battle the next day. Some of the soldiers agree with this boy. Others think that their regiment will never go ... Show more content on ... Tom and Henry talk about how they are not going to run away from war, and how they want to become big time war heroes. This is weird because in the end of the book you will find that their wishes come true. When the battle starts, all the soldiers get very anxious and nervous. Tom and Henry don't turn out to be as brave as they think that they could be. While hiding, Tom finds Henry, and gives him an envelope of letters for his family. Tom believes that this will be his first and his last battle. Henry ends up fulfilling his worst nightmare. Instead of sticking out the battle with the rest of his regiment, he hides behind some brush in order to spare himself from getting shot. He listens in on the battle, and to much of his surprise, he hears cheering from what's left of his regiment. He then takes off into the woods in anger. While running through the woods his conscience begins to speak to him. He keeps telling himself that he is a coward and a deserter. Out of guilt, Henry runs back to the battle site, and meets again with his regiment. These actions showed Henry's maturity and desire to be a war hero. When Henry meets back up with his regiment an older man begins to have a discussion with him. The old man asks Henry "where yuh hit, ol' boy?". With massive feelings of guilt, Henry shrugs away from the man and runs back into the woods. From behind a tree, he can see all the wounded soldiers on the battle field. "At times he regarded ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Jubien's Definition Of The Universe Jubien begins his argument by defining the universe as all of the physical aspects of space. With this as his foundation it is not possible for the Big bang to be the origin of the universe. As discussed in lecture, the common man denotes all this physical to being related to a first cause in an infinite chain of causes. This ideal is based on the thoughts that there was nothing before he Big Bang, and that the event itself started everything we can receive through our senses. According to Jubien's definition of the universe as containing all physical and material things, any physical cause could not be the origin of the universe because it would cause two new questions to arise. What was that event's cause? If it is even plausible, how can a physical event take place outside of the universe? Jubien would say that the origin of the universe can be answered with a simple "I don't know," because there is only so far back causes can observably go before there is a lack of information available. Any physical cause of the universe can be traced to another cause, and therefore cannot be the origin of the universe. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Argument Against Aquinas ' Cosmological Argument Title In this essay, I will be arguing against Aquinas' Cosmological Argument that every motion can only be traced back to the creator of all motions and ultimately, the universe. First I will present Aquinas' Cosmological argument regarding motion which directly concludes that a higher being, who is not dependent on the motion of any other thing or being, must exist to have caused the existence of the universe. I will also present opponents of this argument such as David Hume who argues that a "First Mover" might not even be needed to exist but rather that an infinite regress could be the explanation of the universe and that no explanation for what initiated this infinite chain of motions is required. Finally, I will disclose my personal opinion on the issue of how all of existence began. My standpoint will be much more inclined toward Hume's argument against Aquinas but I will be presenting a new idea with a lot of scientific backup that neither of them could have possibly taken into account at the time. In an attempt to justify the existence of God, Christian Philosopher, St Thomas Aquinas, has developed an argument which derived from his observation of the physical world. He evidently observed that everything in the universe is moving and that which is moving is certain that it must have been moved by something else which has also been moved by something else. However, he realizes that by tracing back who has caused the very first movement, he believes that there must ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Owen Meany Character Analysis In John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany and Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried, main characters John Wheelwright and Tim O'Brien are faced with the draft of the Vietnam war. John Wheelwright is anti–war, and successfully avoids the draft, but not without the help and influence of his dear friend, Owen Meany. Tim O'Brien is similarly influenced by his own doubts and acquaintance Elroy, but with a very different outcome. As a result, Tim O'Brien decides to honor the draft despite his fear of war. Although both John Wheelwright and Tim O'Brien make very different choices in respect to the draft, they face very similar repercussions for their decisions. In this time, men were expected to participate in the draft for the Vietnam war and John ... Show more content on ... John may not regret evading the draft, but he definitely feels the consequences the method in which he chose to evade the draft has brought. As a result of John not having to fear the draft as many of men his age do, he feels disconnected. John recognizes that his generation is anti–war because they are afraid of being forced to fight in the war and that is not a fear he has to have. John expresses the disconnect he feels when he says "I had a 4–F deferment; I would never have to go to war, or to Canada. By the simple act of removing the first two joints of my right index finger, Owen Meany had enabled me to feel completely detached from my generation" (Irving 532). Although fighting in the war is not what John wanted, the way he describes having his finger cut off as a "simple act" gives the impression that he feels it was a cop out because he could have ran away to Canada and still felt a part of his generation. In addition, John says "I was still a little self–conscious about my missing finger. The scar tissue was new enough so that any exertion the stump to look inflamed" (Irving 532). John's scarred finger is not just unsightly, it is a reminder to himself and a tell–tale sign to everyone else, that John ran away from the draft and John was not proud of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Toy Ovens And The Voluntary Recall Essay On Tuesday, Hasbro issued a recall of approximately 985,000 Easy–Bake Ovens. The toy ovens in question have been sold since last may, and could cause hands or fingers to become lodged in the opening of the ovens, posing a risk of burns or entrapment. Of the voluntary recall, Hasbro explained on its site, "Consumers should immediately take the recalled oven away from children under 8 years of age and contact the firm for a retrofit with warning." The Easy–Bake Oven is an electric toy, and is only recommended for children 8 years of age and older. The specific ovens being recalled are pink and purple and made of plastic. They look similar to kitchen range with a front opening and four top burners. The words "Easy Bake" are printed on the front of the ovens. They each have the "Hasbro" name and Model Number 65805 stamped into the plastic on the back of the items. The ovens were sold for approximately $25 between May 2006 and February 2007. Retailers who carry the ovens include Toys R Us, Wal–Mart, Target, and KB Toys, among others. Ovens sold before May 2006 are not included in this recall. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), in cooperation with Hasbro, also made the recall announcement on their site Tuesday. More than 15,000 types of consumer products are under the jurisdiction of the CPSC. This agency exists to protect the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from such products. The CPSC 's work to ensure the safety of consumer ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Unity Of Purpose In O Brien's War Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons." (38). The fact that O'Brien hates this war so much is just one of the reasons that sparked his plan to evacuate to Canada. He just simply doesn't believe that there is a unity of purpose when it came to history or law. This leads into the beliefs he has when it comes to politics and how he claims he is politically naive, as well as being a liberal. But hate isn't the only characteristic shown. O'Brien displays how fearful he is as well."It was a moral split. I couldn't make up my mind. I feared the war, yes, but I also feared exile." (42). He explains that he didn't want to just leave his family and friends and he feared losing the respect of his parents.Law and ridicule was feared as well ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers The Vietnam War was a gruesome war that left many soldiers reeling in constant psychological turmoil not only in the years of the war, but in the years following the war as well. The terrifying events that occurred in Vietnam forced the soldiers to become different people with only one thing on their mind, survival. In Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried, it is seen how the war negatively impacted the soldiers of the Alpha Company and changed their personalities severely. One of the main changes that is seen in the men is the loss of innocence that accompanies them as they move through the war. In times of war, boundaries are crossed and morals are thrown out the windows. The dangerous situations that the men are thrust into cause ... Show more content on ... At first, as Kiley interacts with the water buffalo, he seems friendly towards the animal, offering it food and petting it. His interaction with the animal soon changes however as he begins to physically assault and shoot the young water buffalo. In the passage, O'Brien describes that Kiley went "automatic", (O'Brien 75) harming the buffalo in every possible way before breaking down. I believe that this situation shows a loss of innocence because under normal circumstances, a regular person would not have killed the animal for no reason. After the buffalo has died, Mitchell Saunders says, "'Well that's Nam. Garden of Evil. Over here, man, every sin's real fresh and original" (O'Brien 75). This quote reflects Kiley's loss of innocence because he is committing a sin that is horrific and unnecessary in nature all due to the death of a friend. It also shows that Kiley had no sense of control in this situation because hatred overcame him due to the death of Lemon. Scholar Rosalind Poppleton–Pritchard also believes that the slaying of the buffalo was done in part of Kiley's personal agony. "The baby buffalo and Rat are united in their dumb anguish: Rat has no way of articulating the pain he feels through language; it is an animal instinct, a 'response to signal, ' and he maims the creature in an almost suicidal attempt to end his own suffering" (Poppleton–Pritchard 4). This quote from Poppleton–Pritchard shows that Kiley's suffering in the war was ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis Of Paul In Remarque's Novel I ( AQOTW1 From Remarque's novel I(AQOTWF), the reader sees the life of a soldier from the first world war. Paul Baumer is a 19 year old man who joins the army under persuasion from his high school teacher Kantorek. But as he lives longer and longer on the front, he sees that this war is not the glorious war Kantorek promised it would be, and he is forced to live in what must had been "hell on earth". Despite his daily struggles to survive, Paul is not as affected by the war as deeply as most of the other soldiers. Throughout his career as a soldier, he shows kindness and respect to all he meets and can see past an ideal to make an enemy a friend. Despite many losing their sanity and humanity in the trenches of World War I, Paul is an exception, that even the shells and trenches can not take away humaneness from Paul. When the reader is first introduced to the second company, Paul narrates that a friend of his, Kemmerich, was shot in the leg and was transferred to a local army hospital. At the hospital, all of Paul's classmates visit Kemmerich and after seeing his pain, Paul and the others bribe an orderly to give Kemmerich a dose of morphine. While a small action, it shows Paul's compassion for his friends and shows his humaneness, trying to help a friend's suffering. Another example of Paul helping out a friend is when Kat is hit in the knee at the end of the war. Through this scene, the reader can see the friendship between the two. When Kat is was first shot at, Paul picks him ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Compare And Contrast Wilfred Owen And The Story Of An Hour Explore the Use of Contrast in Wilfred Owen's 'Disabled' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour.' Both Wilfred Owen in his poem 'Disabled' and Kate Chopin in her short story 'The Story of an Hour' use contrast to explore the key themes and characters. Owen accentuates the contrast that exists between the women before and after the war. He uses contrast to show the reader how he had a girlfriend before the war and that she had helped to be part of the reason him to join up, but after the war, he is abandoned and his freedom has been stripped from him. By contrast, Chopin emphasises contrast partially using marriage in how her life was controlled by her husband before but now she is free as she has been widowed. The use of direct comparison in sentences shows the main character conflict of emotions being experienced with the concepts of freedom as opposed to love being argued as the strongest emotion. Owen uses the contrast of the soldiers' state pre–war and post–war to highlight just how much the soldier has lost through going to war. Physically, pre–war, the soldier is described as 'younger than his youth,' and has an 'artist silly for his face.' Suggesting that his beauty is worth capturing permanently in paint. The words 'younger 'and 'youth' emphasise this man's innocence and boyishness, the tautology places emphasis on how young he is thus outlining his immaturity before the war and making his loss at war even more tragic. The contrast once he has returned where Owen ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Scientific Revolution- Ap Euro Essay How did the developments in scientific thought from Copernicus to Newton create a new conception of the universe and of humanity's place within it? The Scientific Revolution was a time of scientific questioning in which tremendous discoveries were made about the Earth. It has been referred to as "the real origin both of the modern world and the modern mentality" (Mckay, 596) and caused the foremost change in the world–view. This revolution occurred for many reasons. Universities were established in Western Europe in order to train lawyer's doctors and church leaders and philosophy became a major study alongside medicine, law, and theology. The Renaissance stimulated scientific progress because mathematics was improved, texts were ... Show more content on ... Among these people were Copernicus who believed the sun was at the center of the world and the earth, stars and planets revolved around it. Danish astronomer Brahe helped contribute to this idea by contributing a large mass of data about the universe that he was able to discover. His student Kepler kept his ideas going, as he formulated many laws of planetary motion. He said the orbits around the sun were elliptical, planets don't move in a uniform speed and the time a planet completes its orbit is related to its distance from the sun. Meanwhile, Florentine Galileo decided to use experiments to find out what happened and not what should happen, and discovered that a uniform force makes a uniform acceleration as well as inertia laws, that an object will be in motion forever unless stopped by another force. These ideas not only, obviously, created a new conception of the forming of the universe, but also of humanities place within it. The Copernican hypothesis had enormous religious implications as it destroyed the idea that the earth was different from where God was. This eliminated the realm of perfection. Therefore humanity's place within the Earth was lessening in importance. Also, 1572 a "new star," which was really an exploding star, left a huge impression on many people. This is because it contradicted the idea that the heavenly spheres were unchanging, thus ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Evolution of the Ocean System Today, about 70% of the earth is covered with water, and that is because of the evolution of the ocean system. Before that happened however, our solar system was created. One of the persisting theories when it comes to the creation of our solar system is the Big Bang Theory. This theory basically states that "12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was only a few millimeters across. It has since expanded from this hot dense state into the vast and much cooler cosmos we currently inhabit" ("Universe"). From that 'big bang', we progressed to supercontinents, the most recent being Pangea 300 million years ago, and lastly, to the seven continents we see today, thanks to the Wilson cycle. In order to understand the significance of the ocean basins, also known as the Wilson cycle, it is important to understand how the universe was first formed. The Big Bang theory consists of two different ideas: the theory of General relativity and the cosmological principle. The General theory of relativity was introduced in 1916 by Albert Einstein and declared that gravity is a "distortion of space and time itself" ("Universe"). In simple terms, this meant that gravity does not simple let things fall to the ground, but rather, things move around gravity in certain ways because of their speed and the force they have towards certain objects. For example, the reason that the moon does not crash into the Earth is because the speed at which it is moving and the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay on Critique of Aquinas's Cosmological Argument Critique of Aquinas's Cosmological Argument Aquinas's 3rd way suggests that the world consists of contingent beings. As all contingent beings have a cause, namely another contingent being, there must have been a time when nothing existed, (unless contingent beings exist as a brute fact). Therefore, contingent beings could not have come into existence unless there is a necessary being which is non– contingent that caused them. Aquinas named this being God. The problem with Aquinas's view is that as physicians have suggested matter is eternal and therefore a necessary being is not required to cause contingent beings. The basis of Aquinas's argument depends on the fact that contingent beings ... Show more content on ... If matter is eternal then it must always have existed and thus is a brute fact and needs no explanation. Therefore, the universe is not contingent as the matter is never generated or perished, it is only the objects that are made of the matter that perish. Thus, contingent objects exist within the universe but the universe as a whole is essentially brute fact and non–contingent as it is all matter. Thus as Peter Cole suggests in Philosophy Of Religion(22), the cause of the universe is not about the metaphysical necessary being called God, it is about the nature of matter. In continuance to this, the matter itself could be defined as the necessary being as it is eternal and therefore could not have failed to exist. Thus "Matter would be a necessary being and would satisfy the arguments definition of God" ( Stephen Evans in Philosophy Of Religion(55). This would undermine Aquinas as he stated that the necessary being was separate from the universe. In essence, this view of matter as eternal means that if God exists, then far from being separate from the universe, God is the universe. Therefore, God would be defined as the matter of the universe which thus means that pantheism applies which undermines Aquinas. So if a belief in God is needed, then God is the universe, and not God was the cause of the universe as ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Nicolaus Copernicus Research Paper Nicolaus Copernicus was an intelligent astronomer who lived from the year 1473 to 1543. He originated from Poland and attended school at Cracow as well as in Italy. Copernicus was an influential thinker who was not afraid to push the boundaries when it came to astronomy. His forthright opinion changed the normal outlook of the position of the earth, sun, and planets. He will be remembered for his strong attitude and revolutionary ideas, which transformed the views of the properties of the universe. Copernicus lived in a time where the Ptolemaic system was the prime model used for the justification of the location of the earth within the universe. The system used the findings from the mathematical astronomy of Ptolemy and the physical cosmology ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Symbolism In The Cellist Of Sarajevo Ossie Davis once said, "Any form of art is a form of power; it has an impact, it can affect change, it can not only move us, it makes us move". Similarly, The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway tells the story of how three individuals Arrow, Dragan and Kenan suffering from the unrelenting and ruthlessness of war are impacted by one musician's art. All three characters suffer from the war in different ways, but the art in the form of music finds a way to connect them all. Galloway's novel illustrates that art helps lessen the suffering of those facing the brutality of war as the cellist's music provides healing of the spirit, mind, and body. The cellist's music provides hope and inspiration to the people of Sarajevo that they will be able ... Show more content on ... Arrow's supervisor Nermin takes her to listen to the cellist as her latest assignment will be to protect him. Listening to the cellist's music elicits a powerful response, "She leans back into the wall. She's no longer there. Her mother is lifting her up, spinning her around and laughing" (75). The cellist's music allows her to be taken away from her daily battle with the men on the hills to a time when she didn't have to kill people and live with constant death and destruction. Arrow gets emotional comfort as she is able to remember a moment of her childhood when she was happy and the war had not taken her family away. Arrow's reminiscing about life before the war gives her emotional endurance as she gets a piece of a time of happiness to cling on to during her daily battles. The memory of a time before the war aids in reducing Arrow's suffering as she is taken away from the torture of the battlefield. Additionally, it also helps to heal her mind as she reminded of a time when she was happy and consumed with hatred. Moreover, the cellist's music transports the people of Sarajevo to a future of comfort and happiness. While listening to the cellist play his music, Kenan is transported to a dream sequence, "Kenan will look at his wife, and then his and younger daughter and he will know how happy he is and none of this will ... Get more on ...
  • 20. A New View Of Reality : The Universe As A Conscious Computer According to Gregg Braden, there is an energy everything is made of and it is named quantum energy. He says that under certain conditions human consciousness influences this energy, as we aren't simple watchers, and that our expectations and beliefs about what we watch change our feelings and thoughts about it and we become a part of it. As everything we experience is linked to what we believe, the author believes that shifting the way we use belief can change our lives. He says that our "belief waves" shape the quantum that everything is made from. "It makes us part of all that we see and experience, with the power to solve problems and find solutions. Through the power of human belief, we are given the ability to bring what we believe ... Show more content on ... In 1944, Max Planck said that there is a "matrix" of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. Some simply call it the "field", others the "mind of God". This is the missing link that bridges our spiritual experiences of belief, imagination, and prayer with the miracles that we see in the world around us. Thinking about the Universe as a consciousness computer and how the right atoms bump into the right other atoms, we conclude that we are the product of energy, movement, and matter touching matter, says Gregg Braden. He also declares that, as in a computer program, nature uses a few simple, self–similar, and repeating patterns – fractals – to build atoms into the familiar patterns of everything, from elements and molecules to rocks, trees, and us. According to his theory, when we think of the Universe as a computer, consciousness itself becomes the operating system. And to transform reality, we must alter the programs themselves, what we call "beliefs". Belief becomes the software. He says that the first step in awakening the force of belief in our lives is to understand precisely what it is and how it works. PROGRAMMING THE UNIVERSE: THE SCIENCE OF BELIEF The author questions if our role as "participators" could explain mysteries such as spontaneous remission of disease or miraculous healings. He affirms that there's a scientific reason for healing without medicine, and it may be represented by the placebo ... Get more on ...
  • 21. An All New Avengers Universe An All New Avengers Universe Description: Here 's what we know about the new Marvel Avengers teams so far The Avengers is quite possibly Marvel 's most well known and loved teams. They 've gained a lot of their popularity through the very successful Marvel Cinematic Universe, turning the Avengers into a billion dollar franchise movie franchise. Since popularity tends to equal sales, it only makes sense that Marvel would go on to make a lot more Avengers comics. And so they are. In fact, there are going to be a lot of changes coming to the Marvel Universe, including all new teams with a few new Avengers. So, let 's see how the Earth's mightest heroes will be in the all new all different Marvel. p.s. This list will include The Hulk, ... Show more content on ... The team line up is as follows Steve Rogers as leader, Spider–man (Peter Paker), Rogue, Quicksilver in that new ugly costume, The Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Deadpool finally an Avenger, Brother Voodoo and Synpase a new inhuman character. To be completly honest I'm really excited for Uncanny Avengers the title is like a mash–up of all sides of the Marvel Universe and I can't wait to read this title and to see how every character interacts with one another; should be a fun read. 4. New Avengers A.I.M goes through a rebranding from Advanced.Idea.Mechanics to Avengers.Idea.Mechanics under ownership of Sunspot in New Avengers by writer El ewing and art by Gerardo.The New Avengers will be a team focused mainly on global heroics. The New Avengers will have Sunspot as leader and Songbird as field leader Wiccan, Hulkling, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), White Tiger, Pod, Power man, and Squirrel Girl! This title has a lot of stuff in it first of all Sunspot can't legally operate in the U.S.A due to incidents that happened during the 8–months and he'll be under house arrest, someone on the team is a traitor, Mister Fantastic from the ultimate universe a.k.a the Maker will be the villain of the first arc. I can't wait to check this out this series it just screams take my money Marvel with characters that I like Song 5. A–force
  • 22. A–force is returning, the hit ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Dark Energy Research Paper UNIVERSE "The universe might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and re–collapse, but it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding" –scientist from NASA What is the Universe made up of? The universe is suspected to be made out of 3 substances. The first substance is Normal Matter, which consist of the atoms that make up stars, planets and almost everything alive whether it be abiotic or biotic and every other visible thing in the universe. Normal matter even though it sounds like it makes up almost the entire universe surprisingly it accounts for the smallest portion of the universe, which is somewhere between 1% and 5%. Since there is more unknown than known of Dark Energy it is difficult to know exactly ho much of the universe is Dark Energy. Henceforth scientist have theorized that roughly 68% of the Universe is Dark Energy. And scientist at NASA have concluded that Dark Matter makes up about 27% of the Universe. What is Dark Energy? You can go to this site and read what is Dark Energy or you can read the summary of what it could be. To summarize it all "Dark Energy could be a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new ... Show more content on ... Due to this a lot of matter condenses to a small space which causes gravity to be stronger that not even light can escape. And since there is no light we ca not see it due to it being so dark rendering it virtually invisible, luckily we have created space telescopes with special tools to help us locate Black Holes. As we all know the strength of the gravity of the Black Hole varies on its size, but what we don't know is that where does everything a black hole pulls into it go? For as long as we have know about Black Holes we have wondered, where do the things a black hole takes go? Many scientist have theorized a numerous amounts of possibilities. And as of know we will never know and hopefully we ... Get more on ...
  • 24. On The Rainy River Analysis The short story "On The Rainy River" is written through the perspective of O'Brien in present day and as a young faced with a draft notice for Vietnam War. In "On The Rainy River," O'brien portrays the importance of bravery in an individual through the use of symbolism, powerful tone, and reflective point of view. It all began in 1968, when Tim O'brien receive a draft notice. Tim was bound for Harvard and thinks he's too good for war. He doesn't really want to go to Vietnam, so he decide to run away to Canada which he knew was wrong. When he got to Canada, he finds an old resort called the Tip Top Lodge. Its owner was Elroy Berdahl who O'brien says saved his life. O'Brien stays there for six days. On the last day, Elroy takes O'brien fishing in the rainy river. Elroy stopped within swimming distance to Minnesota and O'brien was faced with dilemma: jump and swim or stay. He started crying and on the other side, he sees hallucination of his family, and friends. He was too scared to jump, so Elroy steers back to the lodge. He left the next morning, drove back home, and heads to Vietnam. Tim O'brien uses symbolism to portray the religious aspect of the Rainy River. The Rainy River is a watercourse between Minnesota and Canada which tested O'Brien's bravery to either enlist in or flee the Vietnam War. O'Brien states that the "The Rainy River... separated one life from another." He also states that, "...Canadian waters, across... dotted line between two different worlds." When he ... Get more on ...
  • 25. `` Peace, And Its Nobleness And Holiness And Honor June Jordan, a Caribbean–American poet and activist, once explained that poetry in and of itself "is a political act, because it involves telling the truth." During World War I, statesmen and politicians propagated the war efforts, asking the men and boys to join the cause and potentially sacrifice their lives for their country. Back in England, war was looked at in the most idealistic light. War was glory. War was honor. War was noble. War was good, and it was right for man to fight. Early in the war, some poets portrayed that rather romanticized version of war. Rupert Brooke spoke about the war's cleansing abilities in his poem "Peace" and its nobleness and holiness and honor in "The Dead." But many poets chose to send another message to ... Show more content on ... The General's introductory cry of "Good–morning; good morning!" upon meeting his troops illustrates an amiable and positive view of war (1). Moving along the warfront, one soldier, Harry, remarks to fellow soldier, Jack, that their general is "a cheery old card" (5). The camaraderie, however, is short lived, and these two boys exhibit the human cost of war and of the general's lack of regard for them, for "he did for them both by his plan of attack" (7). A week later, "the soldiers [the general] smiled at are most of 'em dead" (3). The succinctness and simplicity of the poem echoes the ease with which men died in war. So too, Wilfred Owen, renowned war poet and contemporary and mentee of Siegfried Sassoon, replicates his mentor's view on the prolific lose of life in war, asking in his poem, "Anthem of Doomed Youth," "What passing–bells for these who die as cattle?" (1). To dispel the propagated glory and honor associated with death in war, in "Exposure," Wilfred Owen explores death by the elements, a common and less glorious way men died in battle. Owen famously stated, "My subject is War, and the pity of War. One such "pity" that he depicts in his poetry is the dismal death of soldiers by the cold and frost rather than the expected magnificent death of soldiers in man–to–man combat. In "Exposure," Owen utilizes the voice of soldiers dying from the cold. "Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us," the soldiers ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The History Of The Universe From The Big Bang Religions and cultures have their own versions of the origin stories, which are general anecdotes or narratives in order to explain the existence and mysteries of the universe and the human beings. And big history is also an origin story, attempting to examine the history of the Universe from the Big Bang, explain the present and predict the future of the universe as well as the human beings. One of the most important theme found in the Big history is the idea of increasing complexity and the term of "Goldilocks conditions", Christian suggests that the universe creates complexity when these conditions require a favorable environment, which is neither too hot nor too cold, thus providing just the required environment necessary for complexity to take place. These conditions found in the dissimilar thresholds including the creation of the universe and the formation of the stars, the early human life and the modern epoch. The creation of the universe and the formation of the stars To understand the history of the Universe, it is inevitable to conduct a thorough analysis that involves a survey of the origin of the universe. As complex creatures, we are driven by a desire to understand how the universe advances in complexity (Grinin, 2013). Understanding the universe also requires an understanding why complexity results in vulnerability and fragility. To have an understanding of the universe, it is required that we go back to the beginning of time, an estimated 13.8 billion ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Kongen Happy Birthday, 1951 Section B Write a summary of Happy Birthday, 1951 in about 150 words. "Happy Birthday, 1951" is a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. The main characters in the short story are a man and a boy. We are told that a refugee woman left her baby by the old man and then she never came back – That's how the man got the boy. The man doesn't know something about the boy and that's why they are choosing a day to celebrate the boy's birthday. As a birthday present the man wants to take the boy to a place without war. On their way to the place, they talk about the color of different uniforms when they see four soldiers. When they arrive, they eat their lunch, close their eyes and sleep for a while. In the end of the story, ... Show more content on ... The ending tells us that the boy does not have sense of propriety. He does not see and understand what the old man wants him to enjoy – few hours away from the war. I think that the author wants to show that a little child does not have the same interests and experience as an old man. In a short essay (150–200 words) discuss the importance of having different role models. You can't learn without goofing! Is it important to have different role models to look up to? No, I do not think that it is important to have different role models because every human being holds good as well as bad things. If your role model is a good role model then you would try to be a better person than the person in question. If your role model is a bad role model then you would establish a target for not being as this person. It does not matter whichever way you look at it, the fact is that you are a free person with individual freedom, which means that you as a person can draw your own conclusions. Having one single role model is enough – If your role model does not live up to your expectations then you can draw your own conclusion and learn from your own mistakes – The fact is that you can't learn without ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Wilfred Owen Poetry Analysis As Wilfred Owen once said ... "My subject is War, and the pity of War. The poetry is in the pity." Wilfred Owen, one of the world's most renowned poets of World War 1, uses sensory imagery to emphasize the unsettling happenings of war. By presenting first–hand views on the challenges of life whilst on the battlefield, Owen delves into the emotional and physical hardships of soldiers during the war. Futility, Insensibility and Anthem for Doomed Youth are three of the five poems released during Owens lifetime with Anthem being released in 1917 a year before futility and insensibility. By using many poetic techniques throughout his poems, Owen presents the romanticised horrors of war which was brought upon by propaganda, by exploring the notions of men who had given up their emotions in order to deal with the trauma of life and death in the trenches. The emotional hardships of soldiers and the battles of life during the war are delved upon by Owen and presented through unsettling sensory imagery to describe the challenges faced on the battlefield. Owen's Insensibility was written in a response towards William Wordsworth, a romantic poet who wrote a lyrical poem known as an ode, almost a century before. Odes are usually meant to praise or glorify an event or person, the complete opposite of Owen's poems. Owen Ironically uses the ode structure in insensibility as he is detailing the emotional struggle and hardship faced by the soldiers in the trenches rather than any positive ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Characters In Tim OBrien's The Things They Carried Characters in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried" went through various changes because of the Vietnam war. They witnessed gruesome deaths and injuries of fellow soldiers,k They gained courage and bravery but many lost who they were before the war. people that are put in terrible situations have to adapt to survive even if parts of their personality dies. In the chapter titled "The Things They Carried" Lieutenant Jimmy Cross was focused on his life back in the United States. At the beginning of the chapter he would rather think of Martha which was the girl he loved. Then suddenly one of his soldiers Ted Lavender was shot in the head. " Lieutenant Cross found himself trembling. He tried not to cry...He felt shame. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender was now dead". This is When Lieutenant Cross realized he was not back at the safety of his home but in a battlefield and his work must not be taken lightly. From that point on they "carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing". This shows Cross matured almost instantly and learned survival was number one priority. The fear of dying everyday was very stressful so they still joked around but that was just to stop them from growing even more insane. Another example of people changing because of the war was told in the chapter "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong".When Mark Fossie's girlfriend Mary Anne shows up she was kind and gentle like the women back ... Get more on ...
  • 30. America Journal Entries Analysis Entry 1 For many months, I've heard of talk about a war to come. I've seen the newspaper's blown out of proportion stories of the events that have been "attacking" America. There are events and facts behind them, but there are always the lies and the over exaggerations most people remember, rather than the truth. I don't know what to believe and not too, but it's not just the newspaper talking. Every day I walk to work, overhearing folks babble on the streets of how they're going to enlist as soon as America declares war, blinded by their nationalism for this country. They're caught up in the need for America to prove herself and how they're barely going to be affected, as they neglect to comprehend the people, who don't even have half of what ... Show more content on ... The day the draft was passed, I knew I would be chosen to leave. I'm not wealthy, of American descent, and pictured as important. I'm just their image of the "perfect" soldier, meaning I'm one of many who they want to fight so their sons don't have to feel a scratch on their body. They'll be fine, they'll be barely affected. Others and I, though, we'll be facing devastating costs that have already started. I know my participation in this war I don't want to fight is going to force my only son to work. He's only nine and too young; I never wanted him to follow in my footsteps. I was supposed to give him a better life for him to enjoy childhood. But now he's going to see the world for what it is and grow up before he's ready. But despite his income, my family will fall deeper into poverty. The war tax will push us over the edge and I'm scared my family won't survive. We always had enough to pass but with most of it being taken, I don't know what to expect, lease imagine. So I'm not rooting for this war at all. I'm not supporting it like the plastered posters on every wall tell me I should. They're just attempting to rally the American people to support this because they know what it will do. But just stick pictures up and people will forget is their mentality. Everyone who's one top and pushing for this war is neglecting to comprehend that the majority of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Change In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Imagine a novel or a movie that is about war that has not even one change in a character's personality. Change is really important in many novels and movies for instance in Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice, the theme of change takes a huge role in the movie because by the end of the movie Batman and Superman unite after being against each other or in George Orwell's allegory about the Russian Revolution "Animal Farm" the theme of change takes a huge role also because in the beginning the pigs order the animals in the farm to rebel against their bad farmer Mr. Jones and Humanity but by the end the pigs became friends with the humans as if no rebellion happened. The of change is really important for all the stories that are about fights or war. In "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien the theme of change is one the most important themes and without it Tim O'Brien will not make a good point about war's effect on people and if a person wants to join a war he or ... Show more content on ... If Tim O'Brien does not change something in his characters he will not make a good point on war's effect on peoples' life. For example, also if Mary Anne Bell and if Timmy does not change the reader will not learn something from that chapter because that in the novel Tim O'Brien was trying to send the reader message about how war and a loved person death can change and effect people in a horrible way. If a person fights in war he or she usually change in a negative way and in the novel Tim O'Brien mostly focuses on the negative change caused from war but he also talks about positive changes like when he makes friends. The theme of change always takes a huge role in many novels, T.V shows and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. On The Rainy River In the memoir The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, the chapter titled: On the Rainy River has a central idea of resentment, embarrassment and eventual acceptance to change. The author creates this central idea with the use of a regretful tone, man vs society conflict, and dreary imagery. The theme of this chapter contributes to O'Brien's intentions for the book because it demonstrates the struggle, shame, and or confusion each man drafted into the war experienced. The beginning of this chapter mainly demonstrates the idea of shame towards one's response to change. By using a regretful tone, O'Brien is able to convey the reader to believe that he feels shame and embarrassment towards his actions that are revealed later in the chapter. ... Show more content on ... The new soldiers' resistance was usually followed by an attempt to flee which brought shame and embarrassment to both the new soldiers and their families. Subsequent to the attempt to flee came a final adoption to the war in which O'Brien and many others tried so hard to get out of. O'Brien uses elements such as conflict, imagery, and tone to help convey his ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Wilfred Owen Poetry Analysis Wilfred Owen's poetry acts as a medium for people to deepen their understanding of the terrors of war, such as death, suffering, pain and hopelessness. He speaks for those who have been to war, they can truly understand war as they lived and experience these horrors. While those back at home are ignorant to these facts due to the jingoistic propaganda by the government, Owen attempts to open their eyes to this atrocity. These narratives of war are made terrifyingly apparent in "Dulce et Decorum Est" where the responders breathe the air of death. While in "Futility", Owen uses an extended metaphor of the sun to reinforce how there is no hope of life for the personas. In "Dulce et Decorum Est", Wilfred Owen depicts the painful struggle which the soldiers must face on a daily basis, this raises awareness about war for those ignorant of war while reminding those who have been to war about the ordeal they endured which is war. The soldiers struggling to live another day even though they can barely walk forward, they are "like old beggars under sacks". The use of simile enforces how they have exhausted themselves to the point that their life has burnt away and only a husk of an old man is left. Those who have truly been to war would know about how horrible the condition where and pain which they suffered. They would have been "Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots", the metaphor of the person swaying like a drunk man emphasises how the soldiers cannot stand up right and how ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Origin Story Research Paper Origin stories are explanations of how something came to be. Superheroes have origin stories on how they obtained their powers, but the universe also has many different varying origin stories on how everything started. People made these stories to give others an explanation of how things became what they are. Many cultures have different stories, but were made with the same purpose of explaining creation. Some stories are slightly different from others because before they were written down most origin stories were told orally. No origin story is permanently right or wrong, humans are discovering new things about the universe that can change the modern theory of how the universe was created. The modern scientific origin story uses evidence to ... Show more content on ... Both stories have the universe being made by one thing, while the modern story says a tiny point the Chineses story says an egg. While both things are different it is interesting that both stories have the universe starting from one spot. Also the modern scientific story says that while the universe was being formed energy was everywhere causing chaos with explosions and creations of things just like in the Chineses story where the egg was filled with chaos. Both stories have the universe started with chaos until things calmed down. Both stories have humans evolving from animals. The modern scientific story says humans evolved from monkeys and apes, while the Chineses story says humans evolved from fleas and ticks. It is interesting that both stories have similarities at all since each stories was formed thousands of years apart and when ... Get more on ...
  • 35. On The Rainy River And John Strickland : Draft Dodger ' The Internal Conflict When the Vietnam war took place, many people protested against it as they believed that the war's purpose was illogical and unreasonable. Many people tried to protest against it in different ways; for example, men who were drafted to the war fled the country – as a form of protest – in order to dodge the draft. Stories like "On the Rainy River" and "John Strickland: Draft Dodger" show how men reacted when they were drafted to the Vietnam War, a war which they were opposed to. In the story "On the Rainy River" – the story was written by an author was also named Tim O'Brien just like the main character in the story – O'Brien was opposed to the war as he believed that the war was unjust and unreasonable and saw it as unnecessary. He tried to flee the country to dodge the draft but he couldn't bring himself to do it as he felt too guilty and ashamed of his decision to avoid fighting in the war. However, in the story "John Strickland: Draft Dodger" – the story was written by John Strickland himself – Strickland, a man who also disagreed with the reason for the war, fled the country as he didn't believe in fighting in a war which had no solid purpose. From his perspective, fleeing the country to dodge the draft was his way of protesting against the war. Both Strickland and O'Brien didn't agree or support the war for similar reasons. Yet, only Strickland stuck to his convictions and dodged the draft to show that he was against the war whereas O'Brien wasn't ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Compare Disabled And The Last Night War impacts a lot of people; it destroys lives, it destroys innocence. Thousands of lives are lost, thousands of innocent people die because of hatred and the needs for power. The poem "Disabled" and the text "The Last Night" are both based on war and the destruction that war causes: losing lives, losing families, losing body parts and losing innocence. "Disabled" and "The Last Night" both convey the impact of war on the young, innocent people. "Disabled" conveys the message of soldiers losing themselves and remembering who they used to be before the war and "The Last Night" tells a sad story about two brothers who have lost their parents and are being taken to the concentration camp. It relays the sadness and the loss of their youth and innocence. ... Show more content on ... Both pieces suggested that the war had the biggest impact on the younger generation as it destroyed the rest of their lives if they managed to survive or took away their chance at life if they were killed in the war. The young people were the ones who were innocent and naive, oblivious as to what the war was capable of. The soldier in "Disabled" let one foolish mistake destroy the rest of his life, a decision that was led on by vanity, ignorance, innocence and naivety; a choice that affected the rest of his life. The two brothers in "The Last Night" were also young and innocent but they were unfairly punished for no reason. They were both credulous on how their sibling bond would soon be broken as they would probably be separated in the concentration camps. Unfortunately, both authors relay the realities of war, how misguided the soldiers were when joining the army and how war ruined the lives of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Keep Military Draft Essay Little may you know but the draft has only been used five times. The Civil war, WW1, WW2, Korea, and in Vietnam. I will tell you why we should keep the draft and why it would be beneficial if we should keep the draft. Keeping the draft would be a good thing because every war we have had a draft in we have won. Here is a little history about the draft. September 16, 1940 the Burke– Wadsworth Act as passed by congress by a wide margin from both sides and the first peacetime draft was imposed in the history of the United States. In order to be drafted people must be between the ages twenty–one and thirty– six. Soon later the draft would be switched to eighteen years old so they and the max age at thirty– seven this changed in November of 1942.they also had a draft like thing during the Civil War. Only ... Show more content on ... The more people the US has serving our country the more secure it is. For example, would you rather have one bodyguard or a hundred. A hundred right, because the US would be safer with more body guards just in case one went down the country would still have ninety–nine more to get hurt before they got to you. The same with our country it would be safer if USA had more service men and women. Just think if USA did not have the draft and all of our soldiers died that would be bad but with the draft the USA will not have to worry about running out of troops. And people think that might be bad thing but the chance of one person being drafted is one in two hundred. Another thing if a person would happen to get drafted their chances of dying are really slim considering that USA have the biggest military with 1,400,000 troops, 13,892 aircrafts, 8,848 tanks and seventy–two submarines. That is 633,945 more troops, 10,000 more aircrafts, and seventeen more submarines than the next country with the biggest military which is Russia who has the second best military in the world. (Bender, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Astronomer Beliefs About The Big Bang What do astronomers think about the Big Bang? People have always had different opinions about the universe, and how it came to be what it is today. We use different methods to state theories about the Earth, such as culture, technology, and new knowledge. Culture is the main way people understood how the universe is arranged and "most people thought the earth was the center of the Universe. (Text 01)". They didn't have telescopes and was only able to observe. "This is the most natural idea in the world (Text 01)". Over time people had different thoughts but they weren't accepted. Most churches believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Any other views were "absurd and false (Text 08)". Only technology could change this perspective. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Things They Carried By Tim O ' Brien Essay Tim O'Brien wrote a collection of related short stories titled The Things They Carried, that follows a platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam War and when they return to their homes. Throughout the novel, O'Brien uses real names and includes himself, as the protagonist, to create a style that ebbs and flows from fiction to non–fiction without realization. According to Kathleen Laura MacArthur, it is "through this process and these stylistic innovations, the reader might then experience this trauma secondhand and, perhaps, relate this trauma to one's own personal traumatic experience" (26). At first, the reader is introduced to the narrator First Lieutenant Tim O'Brien; he begins to talk about his love for a woman named Martha and how he carries her letters and good– luck pebble with him. As O'Brien continues, he explains all the various things the men of the company carry. In most cases, these "things" are physical objects and depend on factors such as the individual's priorities and necessities. In addition, he talks about items that are universal among the men, such as mosquito repellent, chewing gum, matches, C rations and a multi–use poncho. These possessions serve as an opportunity for us to see into the emotional burdens each soldier carries. As the title of this novel refers to the things, or "weight," the soldiers carry, the soldiers are changed from lively, young people to hardened and cold throughout the war by the tragic events they go through, tasks they must ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay On The Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of a drastic change in European history. Renaissance, meaning "re– birth", was a time of intellectual excitement, when art and literature grew and groundbreaking scientific developments were made. The time before the Renaissance was commonly named as the Middle Ages which lasted from 500 C.E to 1350. The European culture started to change when peasants started to be more self–sufficient, movement called humanism started, and so one. This starts to leads to the of question "How did the Renaissance change European's perspective of the world and themselves?". There may have been many ways of how the European's perspective of themselves and others changed, but one of the clearest evidence of the outbreak of the Renaissance ... Show more content on ... He made a theory of the universe that was adopted to many of the scholars of the Middle Ages. This theory was called "The geocentric universe of Ptolemy" Based on this, his theory meant that the universe was revolving around the Earth, and Earth was the center of everything. This rtheory was also strongly agreed by the Catholic churches and popes of the time. Later on, the polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus lived from 1473–1543. This was almost 150 years after the Middle Ages ended. Based on his mathematics, he developed a very different understanding of the universe from Ptolemy. His theory was called "The heliocentric universe of Copernicus." According to Copernicus' Theory, the sun is the center and the earth is going around it. The idea of Copernicus' theory was upsetting to the church. What explains this is the church has been backing up Ptolemy's theory and declaring it to everyone. So when Copernicus brought up this idea with detail and mathematical backup, people started to doubt the church, and what they have been saying. Even though the catholic churches had respect for Copernicus and his idea, till a wave of Protestant opposition led the church to ban Copernicus' idea, Ways Copernicus influenced the way people thought about a man's place in the universe was it brought up ideas like orbit, revolve, ... Get more on ...