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Pyramids Essay
The pyramids of Egypt are the last remaining Wonder of the World. Even in the days of Ancient
Egypt when powerful pharaohs ruled over Egypt the pyramids were considered a wonder. Today,
the ruins of 35 pyramids still stand near the Nile River in Egypt. These pyramids were built to
protect the bodies of Egyptian kings and other royalty but before the pyramids became the standard
for burials, tombs were used for Egypt's early rulers, nobles, and other high ranking officials. This
group of hierarchy were laid to rest in rectangular, flat–topped mastabas of mud and brick. These
mastabas were about 12 feet high and were easy targets for tomb robbers.
The first pyramid more content...
They were built between 2600 B.C. and 2500 B.C. However, it is hard today to imagine the
manpower involved in building the Great Pyramid (especially in our world of computers,
machinery, and advanced technology. The ancient Egyptians had no machinery or iron tools to
help in the building of the pyramids. The large limestone blocks used to build the pyramids were
cut with copper chisels and saws. Most of these stones came from nearby quarries. An interesting
fact to note is that camels were not brought into use until twenty centuries after the pyramids were
built. Human strength was used to drag the stones from the quarries or from the boats (Casson
76). The stones were then dragged and pushed into place for the first layer of the Great Pyramid,
which was placed on flat level ground. Next, long ramps were built of earth and brick moving the
blocks up the ramps to form the next layer. After the top layer was finished the workers covered
the pyramid with an outer coating of white casing stone, which gave the Great Pyramid a brilliant
shrine during the day when the sun shone down on it. The outer coating of white casing stone were
laid so perfectly that from a distance the pyramid appeared to have been made from a single white
The main difference of the Great Pyramid compared to other pyramids, besides the fact of its size,
is the difference of the location of the burial chamber. The Great Pyramid's burial chamber was in the
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Egyptian Pyramids Essay
When most people mention Ancient Egypt the first thing that comes to mind is the Pyramids. To
construct such monuments required a mastery of art, architecture and social organization that few
cultures would ever rival. The pyramids are said to have built Egypt by being the force that knit
together the kingdom's economy. Their creations were so substantial, that the sight of these vast
pyramids would take your breath away. Today, the valley of the Nile has an open air museum so
people can witness these grand monuments. <br><br>Obsessed with the afterlife, Egypt's rulers of
4,500 years ago glorified themselves in stone, thereby laying the foundation of the first great
nation–state. A Pyramid is an enormous machine that helps the king more content...
Immovable doors hung on great carved hinges. Facades called false doors through which the
pharaoh's ka, or vital force, was presumed to pass, lay recessed within walls. The interiors of
dummy temples were packed with rubble. Everything about the place bespoke illusion. The Step
Pyramid was a ladder. Not a symbol of a ladder but an actual one, by which the soul of a dead ruler
might climb to the sky, joining the gods in immortality.<br><br>No one knows why the Egyptians
created this fantastic scene, but some archaeologists speculate that there was an Old Kingdom belief
that a work of art, a building, had power and utility in the afterlife in direct proportion to its
uselessness in the real world. In this view, each false door, each dummy temple worked in the
afterlife precisely because it could not function in this one. <br><br>On the north side of the
pyramid is a small stone cubicle, with a pair of tiny holes in its facade. When you look through
these holes, you see two eyes retuning your stare, the blank gaze of a life size statue of Djoser
sitting on the throne. The holes are there for the pharaoh to look out perhaps at the stars in the
northern sky called the Imperishables because they never set.<br><br>Many believe that the
building of Djoser's pyramid complex, which was accomplished by hundreds of workers from
across the land, served to join those provinces into the world's first nation–state. During the Old
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Essay on The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is also recognized as the Pyramid of Khufu, Khufu's Pyramid and
Pyramid of Cheops. It is the most significant and earliest structure in the world. This pyramid is the
oldest of the three pyramids standing on the Giza Necropolis. It is also the largest of them all
(Larry, 2000). This great pyramid is located on the northern edge of the Giza Plateau, which is 25 km
outskirts, southwest of Cairo, Egypt. It is the only remaining standing monument of the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World (Crystalink, 2011). It is said that the pyramid was built as the tomb
for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (known in Greek as Cheops).
The pyramid is believed to have been built for over 20 years by a workforce of 100, more
It seems that the pyramid was never completed to be built. This is because it has a flat top and not
pointed as it ought to have. Its summit is truncated and it is uneven and coarse and it is 30 square
feet in measurement. This is unlike other pyramids which were put a top stone that crowned them
and completed their structure (, 2011). Other sources suggest that originally the cap
existed but is currently missing. They say that the cap stone was sheathed in gold and this golden
cap with the beautiful encased white limestone made an impressive, shining sight in the bright sun in
Egypt (Krystek, 2010).
The limestone's that were used to build the pyramids were taken from quarries along the Nile
River. When the building was completed the Great Pyramid was surfaced using white casing
stones that slanted and were flat at the top (Krystek, 2010). The smooth blocks were beautiful,
extremely well polished and white. This came to be known as the Casing Stones (Krystek, 2010).
These have since then been cut off by Arabs who use them to build mosques in Cairo. However, a
few of them still remain. Before the Arabs begun to strip off the casing stones they were very
beautiful to look at. The original pyramid with its white casing would operate like humongous
mirrors that powerfully reflected light on the moon and be seen like a star on earth
(, 2011).
The Great Pyramid at Giza demonstrates a very remarkable aspect of its location on the surface of the
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The Great Pyramid Essay
Thesis Statement: The Great Pyramid is a mystery to the modern age, even though its purpose, uses,
history, and condition have challenged explorers for centuries it will always be considered one of
the greatest wonders of the world.
1. Why was the Great Pyramid built?
A. Who built the Great Pyramid?
B. Why was it built?
C. Comparative theories.
2. What was the Great Pyramid used for?
A. Religious uses.
B. Astronomical uses.
C. Environmental uses.
3. How was the Great Pyramid built?
A. Workers.
B. Dimensions.
C. Surrounding community.
Why the Great Pyramid of Giza was built is a question that has been challenging archeologists,
philosophers, and more content...
Some theorists also believe that it may have been a combination of all these things. (v) According
to Egyptian and Sumerian mythology, there was a battle between two families of gods for
supremacy and control over the ancient lands and the pyramids of Giza were strategic strongholds
for the gods. (vi) The different shafts and chambers of the great pyramids are said to point to
various constellations that represent several Egyptian gods. (vii) It is also thought by some that the
pyramid may have been a place where Egyptians made a pilgrimage to honor the gods or their
pharaoh who, according to legend was a descendent of the gods. (viii) Scientists have discovered
that in the ceiling of the grand gallery the thirty–six ceiling stones were individually removable.
Because of this, it is believed that during the construction of the pyramid it could have been used
as a stellar observatory. They have also noticed unusual facts, such as the descending passage of the
pyramid pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis, which was the North Star of that time period. The
southern shaft in the king's chamber pointed to the star Al Nitak which was associated with the god
Osiris. The southern shaft of the queen's chamber pointed to the star Sirius which was associated
with the god Isis. It has also been discovered that the Giza pyramids are a mirror reflection of the
Orion constellation.
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The Great Pyramid of Giza Essay
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Who built the Great Pyramid?
The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC – 2566
BC. His real name was Khnum–khuf meaning 'the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son
of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufu's mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas
the second king in the 4th dynasty. The Greeks referred Khufu as Cheops
When and Where was the Great Pyramid built?
The Great Pyramid was built in the city of Giza, a resting place of ancient Memphis, and today it is
part of Greater Cairo, Egypt. That's why it is called the Great Pyramid of GIZA. It is near the west
bank of the Nile River. It was more content...
It's 65 times Yao Ming's height, and Yao Ming's tall!
What Materials was it Built, What Tools were used, and How was it built?
To build the pyramid the Egyptians used rock. They also used limestone to build the pyramid. It was
used to cover the pyramid so it would glimmer under the sun. The best limestone was deeper
underground, so the men tunneled under the ground. The limestone was then removed from
underneath and brought to the building site.
To get the rocks and limestone out of the ground, one man would begin by chipping away at the
rock with a pick. He would dig a channel, growing wider and wider that freed a large block on all
sides except for the base. Then other men would use levers to pry the block free. Once freed, the
rock was then transported to the building site. With 20 men pulling a 2.5–ton block to the building
site, it would take them approx. 20 minutes to cover the distance.
To build the Great Pyramid, the men used tools such as rope, stone hammers, and plumb bobs to
help measure, align, chisel, and more to help in their constructions.
To ensure that the structures began on a level base, a wooden device shaped like the letter A was
probably used. The A was laid on the corner of the structure to see if the two sides formed right
angles. A plumb bob hung from the top of the A. If it hung straight, the builders knew that the base
was level.
Once the
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Essay on The Great Pyramids
The Great Pyramids
Throughout the thousands of years that the Great Pyramid has been standing, there have been many
myths and legends that sprung up. Among them was a landing site for alien spacecraft, a spacecraft
itself, or the means to predict the future. This report is going to explain the actual reason the Great
Pyramid of Giza exists, how and why it has existed for so long, and the story of its construction.
The builder of the Great Pyramid does not get enough credit for his unbelievable achievement. Khufu
(Also known as Cheops) was pharaoh for 24 years, 20 of which were occupied by the construction
of the pyramid. The Greeks of the period called him Cheops but his original Egyptian name was
Khufu. Despite more content...
Until the 19th century it was the tallest building in the world and, at the age of 4,500 years, it is the
only one of the famous "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" that still stands. It is the Great
Pyramid of Khufu, at Giza, Egypt.
Some of the earliest history of the Pyramid comes from a Greek traveler named Herodotus of
Halicanassus. He visited Egypt around 450 BC and included a description of the Great Pyramid in
a history book he wrote. Herodotus was told by his Egyptian guides that it took twenty–years for a
force of 100,000 oppressed slaves to build the pyramid. Stones were lifted into position by the use
of immense machines. The purpose of the structure, according to Herodotus's sources, was as a tomb
for the Pharaoh Khufu (whom the Greeks referred to as Cheops).
Most of what Herodotus tells us is probably false. Scientists calculate that fewer men and fewer
years were needed than Herodotus suggests. It also seems unlikely that slaves or complicated
machines were needed for the pyramid construction. It isn't surprising that the Greek historian got it
wrong. By the time he visited the site the great pyramid was already 20 centuries old, and much of
the truth about it was shrouded in the mists of history.
Certainly the idea that it was a tomb for a Pharaoh, though, seems in line with Egyptian practices.
For many centuries before and after
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pyramids and ziggurats Essays
There are many similarities (and differences) between Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, Mesopotamian
ziggurats, and the pyramids of Pre–Columbian South America. All of them had major significance
for their peoples cultures and religious beliefs, as well as having historic significance today. The
greatest parallel between all of these ancient skyscrapers is that they were made for the upper
echelons of these now defunct civilizations.
The Egyptians built the most of these cultures. Over 90 royal pyramids were produced between
roughly 2500 BC – 1500 BC. A daunting task considering that most of these pyramids were built
nowhere near the supplies needed to make them. Giant stones were used, over a million for each more content...
Paralleling the pyramids in Egypt were the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia (meaning
between two rivers, the Tigress and Euphrates) began making these structures around roughly 2000
BC. They were made of bricks that they produced on the building's work site. There were sun–dried
bricks to make up the solid inside of the ziggurat, and there were kiln fired bricks that made up the
structures façade. These bricks were much smaller than the stones used in Egypt and also did
not have to be brought from far away. Some of the ziggurats were built on top of older ones. Like
Egyptian pyramids, the ziggurat was believed to be a kind of gateway between heaven and earth,
but unlike the pyramids, the ziggurats where not tombs for kings. Rather they were believed to
be the earthly homes of gods. Egyptians built their massive structures outside of major populated
areas. But the ziggurats were in prominent areas. Cities had their own patron god or goddess
(some places even had two ziggurats, one for a god of both sexes) and priests were the only ones
allowed into these temples. They had the honor of catering to the needs of the gods and were
powerful figures in their respective communities. Mesopotamians also built the Tower of Babel,
which was supposed to have been built as bridge from earth to heaven. It was most likely located in
Neo–Babylonia (home of the Hanging Gardens) and was also one of
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Essay On Pyramids

  • 1. Pyramids Essay Pyramids The pyramids of Egypt are the last remaining Wonder of the World. Even in the days of Ancient Egypt when powerful pharaohs ruled over Egypt the pyramids were considered a wonder. Today, the ruins of 35 pyramids still stand near the Nile River in Egypt. These pyramids were built to protect the bodies of Egyptian kings and other royalty but before the pyramids became the standard for burials, tombs were used for Egypt's early rulers, nobles, and other high ranking officials. This group of hierarchy were laid to rest in rectangular, flat–topped mastabas of mud and brick. These mastabas were about 12 feet high and were easy targets for tomb robbers. The first pyramid more content... They were built between 2600 B.C. and 2500 B.C. However, it is hard today to imagine the manpower involved in building the Great Pyramid (especially in our world of computers, machinery, and advanced technology. The ancient Egyptians had no machinery or iron tools to help in the building of the pyramids. The large limestone blocks used to build the pyramids were cut with copper chisels and saws. Most of these stones came from nearby quarries. An interesting fact to note is that camels were not brought into use until twenty centuries after the pyramids were built. Human strength was used to drag the stones from the quarries or from the boats (Casson 76). The stones were then dragged and pushed into place for the first layer of the Great Pyramid, which was placed on flat level ground. Next, long ramps were built of earth and brick moving the blocks up the ramps to form the next layer. After the top layer was finished the workers covered the pyramid with an outer coating of white casing stone, which gave the Great Pyramid a brilliant shrine during the day when the sun shone down on it. The outer coating of white casing stone were laid so perfectly that from a distance the pyramid appeared to have been made from a single white stone. The main difference of the Great Pyramid compared to other pyramids, besides the fact of its size, is the difference of the location of the burial chamber. The Great Pyramid's burial chamber was in the uppermost Get more content on
  • 2. Egyptian Pyramids Essay When most people mention Ancient Egypt the first thing that comes to mind is the Pyramids. To construct such monuments required a mastery of art, architecture and social organization that few cultures would ever rival. The pyramids are said to have built Egypt by being the force that knit together the kingdom's economy. Their creations were so substantial, that the sight of these vast pyramids would take your breath away. Today, the valley of the Nile has an open air museum so people can witness these grand monuments. <br><br>Obsessed with the afterlife, Egypt's rulers of 4,500 years ago glorified themselves in stone, thereby laying the foundation of the first great nation–state. A Pyramid is an enormous machine that helps the king more content... Immovable doors hung on great carved hinges. Facades called false doors through which the pharaoh's ka, or vital force, was presumed to pass, lay recessed within walls. The interiors of dummy temples were packed with rubble. Everything about the place bespoke illusion. The Step Pyramid was a ladder. Not a symbol of a ladder but an actual one, by which the soul of a dead ruler might climb to the sky, joining the gods in immortality.<br><br>No one knows why the Egyptians created this fantastic scene, but some archaeologists speculate that there was an Old Kingdom belief that a work of art, a building, had power and utility in the afterlife in direct proportion to its uselessness in the real world. In this view, each false door, each dummy temple worked in the afterlife precisely because it could not function in this one. <br><br>On the north side of the pyramid is a small stone cubicle, with a pair of tiny holes in its facade. When you look through these holes, you see two eyes retuning your stare, the blank gaze of a life size statue of Djoser sitting on the throne. The holes are there for the pharaoh to look out perhaps at the stars in the northern sky called the Imperishables because they never set.<br><br>Many believe that the building of Djoser's pyramid complex, which was accomplished by hundreds of workers from across the land, served to join those provinces into the world's first nation–state. During the Old Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on The Great Pyramid of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza is also recognized as the Pyramid of Khufu, Khufu's Pyramid and Pyramid of Cheops. It is the most significant and earliest structure in the world. This pyramid is the oldest of the three pyramids standing on the Giza Necropolis. It is also the largest of them all (Larry, 2000). This great pyramid is located on the northern edge of the Giza Plateau, which is 25 km outskirts, southwest of Cairo, Egypt. It is the only remaining standing monument of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Crystalink, 2011). It is said that the pyramid was built as the tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (known in Greek as Cheops). The pyramid is believed to have been built for over 20 years by a workforce of 100, more content... It seems that the pyramid was never completed to be built. This is because it has a flat top and not pointed as it ought to have. Its summit is truncated and it is uneven and coarse and it is 30 square feet in measurement. This is unlike other pyramids which were put a top stone that crowned them and completed their structure (, 2011). Other sources suggest that originally the cap existed but is currently missing. They say that the cap stone was sheathed in gold and this golden cap with the beautiful encased white limestone made an impressive, shining sight in the bright sun in Egypt (Krystek, 2010). The limestone's that were used to build the pyramids were taken from quarries along the Nile River. When the building was completed the Great Pyramid was surfaced using white casing stones that slanted and were flat at the top (Krystek, 2010). The smooth blocks were beautiful, extremely well polished and white. This came to be known as the Casing Stones (Krystek, 2010). These have since then been cut off by Arabs who use them to build mosques in Cairo. However, a few of them still remain. Before the Arabs begun to strip off the casing stones they were very beautiful to look at. The original pyramid with its white casing would operate like humongous mirrors that powerfully reflected light on the moon and be seen like a star on earth (, 2011). The Great Pyramid at Giza demonstrates a very remarkable aspect of its location on the surface of the Get more content on
  • 4. The Great Pyramid Essay Outline Thesis Statement: The Great Pyramid is a mystery to the modern age, even though its purpose, uses, history, and condition have challenged explorers for centuries it will always be considered one of the greatest wonders of the world. 1. Why was the Great Pyramid built? A. Who built the Great Pyramid? B. Why was it built? C. Comparative theories. 2. What was the Great Pyramid used for? A. Religious uses. B. Astronomical uses. C. Environmental uses. 3. How was the Great Pyramid built? A. Workers. B. Dimensions. C. Surrounding community. Why the Great Pyramid of Giza was built is a question that has been challenging archeologists, philosophers, and more content... Some theorists also believe that it may have been a combination of all these things. (v) According to Egyptian and Sumerian mythology, there was a battle between two families of gods for supremacy and control over the ancient lands and the pyramids of Giza were strategic strongholds for the gods. (vi) The different shafts and chambers of the great pyramids are said to point to various constellations that represent several Egyptian gods. (vii) It is also thought by some that the pyramid may have been a place where Egyptians made a pilgrimage to honor the gods or their pharaoh who, according to legend was a descendent of the gods. (viii) Scientists have discovered that in the ceiling of the grand gallery the thirty–six ceiling stones were individually removable. Because of this, it is believed that during the construction of the pyramid it could have been used as a stellar observatory. They have also noticed unusual facts, such as the descending passage of the pyramid pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis, which was the North Star of that time period. The southern shaft in the king's chamber pointed to the star Al Nitak which was associated with the god Osiris. The southern shaft of the queen's chamber pointed to the star Sirius which was associated with the god Isis. It has also been discovered that the Giza pyramids are a mirror reflection of the Orion constellation. Get more content on
  • 5. The Great Pyramid of Giza Essay The Great Pyramid of Giza Who built the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC – 2566 BC. His real name was Khnum–khuf meaning 'the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufu's mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas the second king in the 4th dynasty. The Greeks referred Khufu as Cheops When and Where was the Great Pyramid built? The Great Pyramid was built in the city of Giza, a resting place of ancient Memphis, and today it is part of Greater Cairo, Egypt. That's why it is called the Great Pyramid of GIZA. It is near the west bank of the Nile River. It was more content... It's 65 times Yao Ming's height, and Yao Ming's tall! What Materials was it Built, What Tools were used, and How was it built? To build the pyramid the Egyptians used rock. They also used limestone to build the pyramid. It was used to cover the pyramid so it would glimmer under the sun. The best limestone was deeper underground, so the men tunneled under the ground. The limestone was then removed from underneath and brought to the building site. To get the rocks and limestone out of the ground, one man would begin by chipping away at the rock with a pick. He would dig a channel, growing wider and wider that freed a large block on all sides except for the base. Then other men would use levers to pry the block free. Once freed, the rock was then transported to the building site. With 20 men pulling a 2.5–ton block to the building site, it would take them approx. 20 minutes to cover the distance. To build the Great Pyramid, the men used tools such as rope, stone hammers, and plumb bobs to help measure, align, chisel, and more to help in their constructions. To ensure that the structures began on a level base, a wooden device shaped like the letter A was probably used. The A was laid on the corner of the structure to see if the two sides formed right angles. A plumb bob hung from the top of the A. If it hung straight, the builders knew that the base was level. Once the
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  • 7. Essay on The Great Pyramids The Great Pyramids Throughout the thousands of years that the Great Pyramid has been standing, there have been many myths and legends that sprung up. Among them was a landing site for alien spacecraft, a spacecraft itself, or the means to predict the future. This report is going to explain the actual reason the Great Pyramid of Giza exists, how and why it has existed for so long, and the story of its construction. The builder of the Great Pyramid does not get enough credit for his unbelievable achievement. Khufu (Also known as Cheops) was pharaoh for 24 years, 20 of which were occupied by the construction of the pyramid. The Greeks of the period called him Cheops but his original Egyptian name was Khufu. Despite more content... Until the 19th century it was the tallest building in the world and, at the age of 4,500 years, it is the only one of the famous "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" that still stands. It is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, at Giza, Egypt. Some of the earliest history of the Pyramid comes from a Greek traveler named Herodotus of Halicanassus. He visited Egypt around 450 BC and included a description of the Great Pyramid in a history book he wrote. Herodotus was told by his Egyptian guides that it took twenty–years for a force of 100,000 oppressed slaves to build the pyramid. Stones were lifted into position by the use of immense machines. The purpose of the structure, according to Herodotus's sources, was as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu (whom the Greeks referred to as Cheops). Most of what Herodotus tells us is probably false. Scientists calculate that fewer men and fewer years were needed than Herodotus suggests. It also seems unlikely that slaves or complicated machines were needed for the pyramid construction. It isn't surprising that the Greek historian got it wrong. By the time he visited the site the great pyramid was already 20 centuries old, and much of the truth about it was shrouded in the mists of history. Certainly the idea that it was a tomb for a Pharaoh, though, seems in line with Egyptian practices. For many centuries before and after Get more content on
  • 8. pyramids and ziggurats Essays There are many similarities (and differences) between Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, Mesopotamian ziggurats, and the pyramids of Pre–Columbian South America. All of them had major significance for their peoples cultures and religious beliefs, as well as having historic significance today. The greatest parallel between all of these ancient skyscrapers is that they were made for the upper echelons of these now defunct civilizations. The Egyptians built the most of these cultures. Over 90 royal pyramids were produced between roughly 2500 BC – 1500 BC. A daunting task considering that most of these pyramids were built nowhere near the supplies needed to make them. Giant stones were used, over a million for each more content... Paralleling the pyramids in Egypt were the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia (meaning between two rivers, the Tigress and Euphrates) began making these structures around roughly 2000 BC. They were made of bricks that they produced on the building's work site. There were sun–dried bricks to make up the solid inside of the ziggurat, and there were kiln fired bricks that made up the structures faГ§ade. These bricks were much smaller than the stones used in Egypt and also did not have to be brought from far away. Some of the ziggurats were built on top of older ones. Like Egyptian pyramids, the ziggurat was believed to be a kind of gateway between heaven and earth, but unlike the pyramids, the ziggurats where not tombs for kings. Rather they were believed to be the earthly homes of gods. Egyptians built their massive structures outside of major populated areas. But the ziggurats were in prominent areas. Cities had their own patron god or goddess (some places even had two ziggurats, one for a god of both sexes) and priests were the only ones allowed into these temples. They had the honor of catering to the needs of the gods and were powerful figures in their respective communities. Mesopotamians also built the Tower of Babel, which was supposed to have been built as bridge from earth to heaven. It was most likely located in Neo–Babylonia (home of the Hanging Gardens) and was also one of Get more content on