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Essay about Propaganda Used During War
Propaganda Used During War Propaganda was used to mobilise the minds of the nations towards
war; Propaganda can be explained as telling lies to make people believe a certain thing. But the
meaning is much broader then that, it can be a complete lie, but it can be the half–truth, or it could
be the truth exaggerated. In basic terms it is making people believe something that they are not
entirely told the truth about. Propaganda was used in 3 main types of ways in the First World War.
It was used to keep up morale, this is when the truth maybe tampered with to make it seem Britain
are being successful in this war, and to make it seem like they are winning. It was also used to
create hatred more content...
Examples of Propaganda to keep up morale would be, Films these made to show that the British
were winning, e.g. 'For the Empire', This showed that they were patriotic. This also supported the
war effort because the title emphasises the patriotic side of the war. Even children's games were
being supportive of the war; playing cards were made to show patriotic pictures of British
soldiers. Also a lot of children's games were made to show that the Germans were cowards and
treacherous, whereas the British Tommy was seen as brave modest and courageous and
everything that the German's were not. This was done because if they could 'brainwash' the
children then they would have soldiers in the future All of these were selling well so propaganda
was working in this department. Short cartoons like' Bully Boy' was made, this was a short
cartoon to make fun of and ridicule the Kaiser (emperor). This would be making fun of the
German's and this would make a lighter side to the war so everyone isn't all serious, this would
also create a small amount of hatred towards the Germans. There was another film called 'The
Battle of the Somme', this was a film brought out to take advantage of the 3,000 cinemas across
Britain. The film actually showed dead bodies and casualties from the actual battles. This film was
very much aimed at creating hatred towards the enemy
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Essay On Animal Farm Propaganda
Languages of Propaganda
Propaganda is a way of information in an effort to manipulate or influence society. The language
people use in a persuasive speech, news articles, or other communicating articles of can be a very
powerful tool for propaganda. There are many different types of propaganda such as suggestion
/stimulation, hints, insinuations, indirect statement, and appeal to the known desire/fear, songs,
slogans, and poems (American Historical Association). All of these were used in the 1946 novel,
Animal Farm, written by George Orwell. Also most of these methods in modern day. In the novel
they use propaganda to show how a revolution, no matter how good a person's intentions is at first,
can slowly turn into a system that was no better than when they began. Language used in
propaganda is a very powerful tool.
In the novel written by Orwell propaganda is used to manipulate the idea and the feeling of the
animals. One of the pigs in the novel that made most of the speeches and used the most propaganda
was "Squealer." It was so easy for the speech maker to convince the other animals what would
happen or what they were going to change. Squealer used the fear of "Mr.Jones" coming back,
blamed snowball for everything that went wrong, and convinced the animals that everything was
okay and to keep working. Another thing is when the pigs changed more content...
In the novel they liked to use a lot of fear as a method, but in today's society they want to either
use a positive way or a way that will eventually convince a person to do as the advertisement says.
People can learn from examining that advertisement with propaganda used in many ways can
place a positive image or message in viewer's eyes so they will do as the person wants them to do.
Some people do not even realize when they are being persuaded to do something. Language used in
propaganda is a very powerful
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Essay On Nazi Propaganda
Assess the impact of Nazi propaganda, terror and repression on the German people from 1933 to
The Nazi Party was one of the most merciless and inhumane parties of all time which made its
massive cult following very surprising. Despite its evil plans and shocking tactics, people still
seemed to trust in it and were persuaded by a powerful dictator into believing its morals. From the
moment Hitler became Chancellor, propaganda, terror and repression played a key role in welding
together the attitudes of the nation. The Nazi regime relied on these things to win the support of the
German people and without it they wouldn't have become so popular, thus making its impact on the
German nation very significant.
From the very beginning, more content...
Terror was the next step in forcefully moulding people's opinions. The SA stormtroopers are a
perfect example of how the Nazi Regime used terror as a threat. The purpose of this group was to
terrorize political opponents and to protect Nazi leaders. The Nazi Party also performed acts of
violence among anyone who they saw as enemies. The creation of the new police force Gestapo
centralised by Hendrich Himmler, chief of the SS was also another means of terror. They would
arrest anyone who refused to conform to the policies of the Nazi Regime. Gestapo's purpose was to
protect the regime against its enemies but in actual fact it attacked and oppressed its enemies. This
demonstrates Hitler's forceful and impatient nature when trying to pressure every individual into
conforming to the Nazi Regime. Perhaps Hitler took it as a personal offense and that is why he
refers to those people as 'enemies' and takes such brutal measures towards them. Hitler desperately
wanted respect from the masses; "The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty
commands respect."~ Hitler. Another form of terror was the concentration camps. The SA and SS
formed concentration camps around Germany. Hitler made it clear from the start that the camps
were to be organised on brutal lines to destroy all opposition and intimidate any potential dissent.
The concentration camps were also a weapon of terror Hitler used to create fear within anyone who
opposed his
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Essay on Media Propaganda and Stereotypes
Our society consists of consumers that buy into stereotypes and the propaganda that is being fed by
the government and the media. Stereotypes steer individual's perceptions of a group of people in a
certain way, usually negative, and generalize that opinion to all members of the group. Aware of the
influence stereotypes have on people's views, governments use stereotypes already imbedded in
society as a propaganda tactic to persuade people's thoughts, opinions and beliefs in order to benefit
their cause. The media was used for disseminating stereotypes the effect violent music has on
teenager's behaviours such as in the shootings at Columbine. After the September 11 attacks, the U.S.
government used the media as an outlet to more content...
The U.S. government used the propaganda tool of name–calling, referring to Iraqi and Muslim
individuals as extremists and suicidal maniacs to act in accordance with people's already formed
stereotypes. With the media consistently broadcasting images and news of the Taliban suppressing
their women, accepting abuse against women and the heinous killings by this regime, the public's
negative stereotypes were upheld. The persistent bombardment of negative images of Muslims in
the media fueled those members of society with racist beliefs and the combination of the two
generated a powerful force which would later benefit the government when the call for support of
the war would appear. Such individuals were the first to support US President Bush to invade Iraq
and get rid of the 'scum' that threatened the U.S.'s future. Immediately after the attacks, the
stereotypes were converted from opinions and beliefs to actions. Hatred toward all Muslims became
an unfortunate reality. Instead of hating the terrorists, people generalized their hate to all members
of Islamic religion or Middle Eastern decent. People held the view that all Muslims and Middle
Eastern individuals were potential 'terrorists.'
"The US media has been clubbing together terrorism and Islam, influencing the American public to
think that all Arab Muslims are "crazy and violent terrorists"... The American media has been a
primary agent responsible for creating racist stereotypes, images and
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Propaganda, Stereotypes, and the War on Drugs
The West has constantly been fighting the use of illegal drugs for decades by Propaganda.
Propaganda 'is a form of manipulative communication designed to elicit some predetermined
response' (Inge, 1981, 322). Governments have been using many propagandistic methods to reduce
the consumption of illegal drugs such as marginalization or creating stereotypes. By creating a certain
stereotype for the drug users and dealers, governments believe that people would try to avoid drugs
so they won't fit the stereotype. Extensive researche has been performed on this issue and there was
no support that this propaganda tactic made a significant difference in the use of illegal drugs.
To more content...
The media indirectly tells us, "do you want to look like those dirty, Lazy Mexicans, or those rapists?"
Another propaganda technique to convince the public against the use of drugs is by relating it to
crime (Solomon,1968, 126) and terrorism. A month after the September 11th attacks on the World
Trade Center, Tony Blair stated in his speech that ninety percent of heroin sold in Brittan was
imported from Afghanistan. Using the stereotype that people from Afghanistan were terrorists, Tony
Blair connected drugs and heroin with terrorism and that buying drugs from Afghanistan is an
indirect tool for their terrorism. Blair states that;
"The arms the Taliban are buying today are paid for with the lived of young British people buying
their drugs on British streets... That is another part of their regime that we should seek to destroy"
(Fitzpatrick, 2001).
Blair's thesis is that the "War on Drugs" is really the "War on terrorism" and if one is patriotic, he
/she would stay away from buying drugs since it benefits the real enemy which is terrorism.
In the last decade, drug use has been very high which elicited the government to take a stronger
stand. Drug awareness programs were held in schools which over–exaggerated the harm of drugs
and 'drug dealers are often portrayed as predators preying on the misery of their customers' (Preston,
2001). Drug users on the other hand are portrayed as being
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Synthesis Essay On Propaganda
Propaganda is biased information designed to shape public opinion and behavior. Over the decades,
media, politicians and all types of governments have tremendously used propaganda to win the
public's opinion. People tend to fall to the falsehood and exaggerated reports that the government
uses to convince people of the righteousness of their cause. This has gone way too far that the
government is taking control of our
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What Was The Purpose Of Propaganda
Propaganda is found in most everything that we view on television and read in the paper. It is a
very effective way for marketing to get customers to try their products. Propaganda is defined as
"Information and opinions spread to influence people in favor of or against some doctrine or idea."
Propaganda has been around for a long time, going back to ancient Greece. It was created to aim at
"propagating" the Catholic faith in non–Catholic countries. It is hidden in the journalism that we
read so that we may be persuaded to think like the writer. The purpose of propaganda is to persuade
people to buy or like their product. There are many common types of propaganda such as
Bandwagon, Testimonial, and Name–Calling. Several years ago,
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Argumentative Essay On Propaganda
"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell
or an extremely wretched life as paradise" (Adolf Hitler). Long before the term "Propaganda"
came to be, the act of controlling the public's mindsets and opinions was still being practiced ever
since mankind came to be. People with ideas want to influence their beliefs on others. Propaganda
goes way back to the early times. In 1622, Pope Gregory XIII settled "De Propaganda Fide" which
translates to the Congregation for Propagating the Faith, which was a committee of cardinals of the
Roman Catholic Church. The "De Propaganda Fide" was intended to disperse Catholicism into
Christian beliefs. Propaganda remained a religious term throughout the 18th and part of the 19th
century. Propaganda began as ideologies inculcated by the Catholic Church. The people were
persuaded by their faith rather than on the reason. In 1939, Propaganda was the seed that rooted
World War II. Truth is, World War II was not just a battle between countries but a battle after
people's minds. Propaganda has the power to change people's opinions through art. Nowadays,
persuasive techniques are used in almost every fast food restaurant ads. The amount of Propaganda
one is exposed to on a daily basis is bizarre.
It is a beautiful terrible tool that can blindfold many into believing whatever is being told to them by
persuasion. According to Merriam–Webster's dictionary, propaganda is " Ideas, facts, or
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Essay On Australian Propaganda
Australian Propaganda In WWI, propaganda was greatly used to influence the Australian public.
There were many reasons why men wanted to enlist in the war. These were adventure/ opportunity
to see the world, heroism, win over women and children, nationalism, patriotism, hatred of the
Germans, and increased pay and free clothes. There were many different techniques used to make
people believe the Propaganda posters such as using persuasive language to show how the
Germans were barbaric. The propaganda posters also used a lot of images and texts to make
Australians feel guilty for not participating in the war. Propaganda was also used in Journalism
especially newspapers in Australia and Britain. These propaganda posters showed extreme bias more content...
On one hand, it instilled a sense of patriotism over the years and on the other hand, it also made
people more compassionate towards public loss and suffering. Women in Wartime: Women's jobs
before the war were to stay at home and take care of the home and the family. Women were
encouraged during the war to volunteer with supporting organisations. The organisations that women
helped in were, Voluntary Aid Detachment, Australian Red Cross, Country Women's Association,
Women's Christian Temperance Union, Australian Women's National League, Australian Comforts
Fund, and the Cheer–Up Society. In 1914, it was rare for women to have jobs. When the war went
along there was a slight increase in paid labour but only in areas where women who had jobs
dominated. Women in World War I have had great impact on the modern world. There has been a
huge number of women in the armed forces and in medical fields such as nursing. Women are now
allowed to join in combat forces in the army and the navy. The participation of women during the
first Great War changed the prevailing mindset of the general public about the varied roles women
can play in
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The Importance Of Propaganda On Modern Society
Propaganda has influenced modern society in such a way that most individuals are oblivious to
its role in the modern way of life. Infact, without propaganda society would function in a
drastically different way because of the newfound lack of outside influence. Propaganda, or the
use of various mediums to persuade or influence rational thought, has been utilized to shape
human civilization since it first began. From, as document A states, the Ancient Greeks use of
theater performances and religious festivals to mold the opinions of men, to the Spanish Armada
use of false information to gain the support of the spanish citizens, and finally to Yarn Adams and
Tom Paine who used literature to rally colonists against the British Empire, propaganda has
performed vital roles in the evolution of modern civilization. Therefore, it can be said that
propaganda has been used as a language of power to spread ideas and beliefs, promote and build
strength, and to control the action of men. Propaganda is a very valuable tool in the process of
spreading ideas and beliefs throughout a population because of its powerful and lasting effects on
those who are subjected to it. Therefore, if one utilizes such a tool properly, one can effectively
convert the beliefs of entire populations. Events proving such is true can be seen in the Middle East
where terrorist organizations such as the Taliban gain power. As Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy discusses,"
They [the Taliban] teach the children the Koran, which
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The Impact of Propaganda Essay
Both negative and positive, propaganda affects our lives daily sometimes without us even
acknowledging that it exists. The main goal of propaganda is trying to sell your product or idea to
other people, one major form of Propaganda occurs in the news. Propaganda is used for companies
and trend setters who want to get their products and ideas out in the world so that they could
potentially become popular. Smart propagandists discovered that to create the best propaganda, the
viewer must not even realize that the product or idea is being sold to them. Propaganda creates an
extremely large impact on us and is sometimes mistaken for being "just another advertisement" when
they actually change the way we live our more content...
Propaganda not presents us with information and news but it also can broaden our knowledge of
certain topics. Newspaper and news on the television are both great examples of this because, yes,
they could be bias but they also inform us about what is going on in the world currently and can
present us with interesting trends that we may want to follow. Without propaganda society would
not know about some events that affect them or the rest of the world such as natural disasters and
wars. Without propaganda citizens of all over the world would be secluded from the popular and hip
ideas, although those ideas would never have been made popular because there was no one to see
and follow the trend. Therefore making every place in the world underdeveloped different. For
instance if one country created a new extra fast computer and sold it in another country then the
other country could create an even faster and better computer and share it with the original country.
Countries are interdependent in the sense that advances in one lead to advances in the other one.
Propaganda is what creates the virtual tunnel that connects many countries to each other.
Newspapers and other forms of news are very vital communication methods in the world today.
The goal of news is to sell us their ideas by being biased and talking about how their idea is best.
News can give us biased information although, the viewer could do further research on the
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Propaganda In Advertising
In advertisement, propaganda is all around. It is in newspaper articles, television ads, movies, and
a plethora of other things. Propaganda is a type of advertisement that shows how good or how
much better a product is that anything else in that department. "Advertisers lean heavily on
propaganda to sell products, whether the "products" are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for
office, or a particular political viewpoint." (The Longman Writer McClintock's Essay Pg. 232).
There are seven main types of propaganda, Name Calling, Glittering Generalities, Transfer,
Testimonial, Plain Folks, Card Stacking, and Bandwagon. Since its first use, most people when they
hear propaganda, think only about political ads but that is not all that propaganda is used for.
"Although propaganda may seem relevant only in the political arena, the concept can be applied
fruitfully to the way products and ideas are sold in advertising." (The Longman Writer McClintock's
Essay Pg. 232) Two very good examples of using propaganda techniques are a State Farm
commercial, and a Farmers advertisement. The State Farm ad is a beautifully done, two minute long
commercial that is meant to pull on the heart string of the watcher with a technique such as Plain
Folks. The farmers advertisement on the other hand is a think out of the box comical commercial
that does not cause emotions to stir but instead makes up it up with a Testimonial. Both ads are very
appealing to the eyes and don't use attacks on another
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Essay on Soviet Propaganda
Soviet Propaganda
The soviet communist party, or the Bolsheviks, always new that strong propaganda was essential to
increase the consciousness of the masses. As stated in the Encyclopedia of Propaganda, "
propaganda was central to Marxist–Leninist ideology long before the Bolshevik revolution of
1917."(675) The power of persuasion and coercion were exercised with great force by Soviet
leaders. The two leaders whom utilized propaganda to influence public opinion in the USSR were
Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. Both men used many different facets of the media to spread their
propaganda. They also used the troubled social climate along with the ignorance of the masses to
custom tailor a regime that lasted for over seven more content...
Lenin said, "The struggle of the Russian working class for it's liberation is a political struggle, and
it's goal is the attainment of political liberty." (Pipes 45) Lenin used this form of propaganda,
agitprop, to convey the need of a total reformation of Russia's government. He knew that this form
of propaganda would work best. "Propaganda of agitation, being the most visible and widespread
attracts all the attention." (Ellul 71) In his agitative propaganda Lenin cited specific enemies, or
scapegoats namely, The Mensheviks. Along with the Mensheviks, or "whites" as they were called,
the soviets expressed outright hatred of the western world and it's ways. Soviet propagandists
created the idea that the western capitalist civilization was falling behind, as the superior socialists
marched forward. Soviet artists and intellectuals were ordered to create propaganda material that
portrayed this idea of a weak and inferior western world. The soviets official ideology was that they
needed to gain complete control of all aspects of communication. Lenin embraced the idea of
agitative propaganda that was introduced earlier by Georgi Plekhanov. Since theSoviet union was
founded in 1920 there was an official department of agitprop. This department worked directly
through schools, publications and the broadcast media. (Encyclopedia of propaganda 17) Part of
Lenin's strategy
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Essay on Propaganda
Distorted Mirror of Reality
"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited
intelligence among those it is addressed to, consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach,
the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be."
~Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf "Psychology of Propaganda"
Fascism is a form of counter–revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the
twentieth–century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World
War I, and unstable economy. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government that advocates or
exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business
leadership, more content...
On them depends the existence of this whole culture; if they perish, the beauty of this earth will sink
into the grave with them" (288). Hitler was attempting to convey to the German people that their
race and culture was superior to all others and that Aryans were invincible. Hitler wanted to create a
sense of pride, unity and stability among the people because stability was not a very strong factor
among the masses who felt they had nothing to lose. Therefore, Hitler called his political cause
"the movement".
Movement was, indeed, one of the mythic messages, movement away from the state of stagnation of
the Weimar Republic, as the Nazis emphasized it repeatedly to persuade the masses, away from the
shameful dictate of the Versailles peace treaty, away from "true blood
–sucking parasites, Jews,"
(304) and forward towards the building of a "New Pure Germany" who would be a
power to reckon with throughout Europe and the World at large.
Although Hitler lacked his own characteristics of being a true Aryan (blond haired and blue eyed
individual), he represented all of Germany as an ultimate ruler eliminating all other potential
authorities that could possibly compete with him, just as a self–evident mythology cannot tolerate
other powers, which might challenge and lead to the dissolution of the mythic system.
In his book Mein Kampf Hitler stated, "The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional
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Persuasive Essay On Propaganda
The definition of Propaganda, is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to
promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. The key word is "misleading," and
"biased." Propaganda is a part of everyday life for many of us, weather we recognize it or not.
Groups, politicians, and big companies, are constantly trying to push their business and agendas at
us, and we live oblivious to it. Everywhere you look there are forms of propaganda. Everything from
billboards, to pop up ads, to tv commercials, attempt to brainwash us into believing inaccurate facts,
and doing what they want.
They use specific tactics to do this, called "propaganda techniques." Glittering generalities, plain
folks, bandwagons, name calling, transfers, testimonials, and card stacking are all forms of this.
Advertisers utilize everything from positive words, to regular people, to implying use, to using
symbols, celebrities and even using misleading information to bend your will.
In a recent commercials by the insurance company progressive, we see a few of these techniques
in action. The commercial starts with, the well recognizable, Flo, accompanied by her lesser
known, and less important, side kick Jamie walking down a futuristic looking, solid white, hallway.
As they walk down the hall, Jamie asks where they are, and Flo explains they are about to see
progressives new home quote explorer, where you can compare multiple quote options online, and
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The Power of Propaganda Essay
The Power of Propaganda The power of propaganda is often over looked, and those who
manipulate and utilize its strength can make even the most absurd and repelling thought seem
appealing. Adolf Hitler was one such man as he stated that, "The receptivity of the great masses is
very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence
of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these
in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your
slogan" On the contrary, Mein Kampf was initially available in two rather large volumes. Until
January 30, 1933, the total sales more content...
He declares enemies of the movement to be "Neunmalkluge" (smart alecks), when he writes,"The art
of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses. The fact that our smart
alecks do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are," (180). He
also calls them "Angsthasen" (chicken–hearted); "For the cursing and 'beefing' you could hear at the
front were never an incitement to shirk duty or a glorification of the chicken–hearted. No! The
coward still passed as a coward and as nothing else" (192). Opposers were "the type of lazybones
who could perfectly well think, but from sheer mental laziness seizes gratefully on everything
that someone else has thought, with the modest assumption that the someone else has exerted
himself considerably" (241), and he believed that "only a bourgeois 'einfaltspinsel' (blockhead) is
capable of imagining that Bolshevism has been exorcised" (661). In Mein Kampf Hitler already
knows everything better than anybody else. Whoever attempts to argue against him is quickly
brushed aside as being incapable, or stupid. It should not be surprising that Hitler also makes
frequent use of other formulaic phrases which date from the warfare of the Middle Ages or the
military in general. After all, there is a reason for this book's being called "Mein Kampf" or "My
Battle", and such proverbial phrases as
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Pros And Cons Of Propaganda
Propaganda is not a recent idea or concept however since the creation of film propaganda has found
its way into them, especially documentary's. Documentary filmmaking is a platform and mode of
filmmaking associated with truth and actuality to present an overview of a topic or issue
(Aufderheide, 2007). Audiences expect this when watching documentary films because generally the
topic of a documentary film is based on a real issue and/or event without the use with actors, sets and
special effects (with the exception of docudramas) (Nichols, 2010). Although they may be based on a
real–world issue/event the filmmaker(s) behind the documentaries have an agenda and are trying to
push certain ideologies or points of view on the audience. However, the assumption is made that
they are doing this through fact and truth (Bizz). Propaganda on the other hand does not rely on truth
or fact as it is an idea of dishonestly. Propaganda never tries to persuade or inform instead it attempts
to deceive an audience by conveying/creating representations and ideas in a text that can only have
one dominant reading (Aufderheide, 2007). Propaganda filmmaking is usually created by
governments and political figures to impose hateful/nationalistic viewpoints and ideologies on the
general populous (Aufderheide, 2007). Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl, 1935) and Prelude to War
(Capra, 1943) demonstrate that documentaries have the ability to create a false representation of
history due to the filmmaker's
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Propaganda During World War Two Essay
Propaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It
consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly
posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and
mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist's views on the war. They demonstrated the
artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned.
Posters also show a nations political status: they reflect a nations allies and enemies, how the nation
saw itself, and its greatest hopes and fears of the war. Posters were mainly used to sway public
opinion. They were aimed at brainwashing society to think and act more content...
The second type of poster was the "Victory" poster. In this type of poster, the United States flag
and a solider in uniform were shown to give off a patriotic feeling and accompanied by words
such as " America, Now and Forever". These posters also used symbols such as Uncle Sam, the
American Eagle, and most of all the Stars and Stripes. The third type of posters, "Careless Talk"
posters, were in contrast to "Victory" posters. These posters were designed to keep Americans from
talking about the war. Talking may seem as harmless, however American authorities feared that spies
would overhear American plans of attack and would relay this information to Axis powers. Although
not using nation symbols, symbols such as were death, such as a paratrooper and others with
cemetery crosses. These posters commonly used the cause–and–effect idea. An example of this is
represented in a poster showing a spaniel gazing over his dead owner's naval collar with the words
"...because someone talked" underneath. According to Photoworld, "Because someone talked, the
spaniel has lost his master, and it conveys a sense of loss." By perceiving this sense of loss,
Americans would give their sympathy to the war and to the men and women who were fighting. To
attract public compassion for
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Essay On Ww2 Propaganda
During World War II, governments would create propaganda in hopes of inspiring or convincing
citizens in their country to make a contribution to the war effort. Most of the propaganda was
related to the need of the factory workers in the factories and the factories needed as many people
as possible to help make materials necessary for the war. Therefore, the techniques used to persuade
their citizens to join the war movement was through different fonts, pop of colors, and images to
catch the reader's eyes. The government used different fonts in attempt to give a slogan that would
resonate with any citizen that read the propaganda. Even though slogans are useful, different fonts
allows an attraction to what the words say on the propaganda. This allows the citizens to read the
words and more content...
This enables the audience to look at the colors, then realize the words and comprehend their
meaning. The government intended to make certain words stand out as their citizens read the
propaganda so they could look at the vibrant colored words to convince them to take action. Then,
citizens would consider helping their country during the war and actually go work in the factories
to make necessities for the war. While citizens think the government appreciates their efforts, the
materials given during war are important to win the war. Lastly, when images are used in the
propaganda, it helps the audience understand what the government needs from their citizens to be
part of the war effort. While vibrant colored words emphasize specific words, images present
concepts that can not be told in a few words. These images can inspire citizens through the use of
colors or making certain objects bigger than it really is in real life. Therefore, it would bring
emphasis on who is needed or what is need from the citizens that the government is attempting to
recruit to take part of the war
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Essay On Propaganda

  • 1. Essay about Propaganda Used During War Propaganda Used During War Propaganda was used to mobilise the minds of the nations towards war; Propaganda can be explained as telling lies to make people believe a certain thing. But the meaning is much broader then that, it can be a complete lie, but it can be the half–truth, or it could be the truth exaggerated. In basic terms it is making people believe something that they are not entirely told the truth about. Propaganda was used in 3 main types of ways in the First World War. It was used to keep up morale, this is when the truth maybe tampered with to make it seem Britain are being successful in this war, and to make it seem like they are winning. It was also used to create hatred more content... Examples of Propaganda to keep up morale would be, Films these made to show that the British were winning, e.g. 'For the Empire', This showed that they were patriotic. This also supported the war effort because the title emphasises the patriotic side of the war. Even children's games were being supportive of the war; playing cards were made to show patriotic pictures of British soldiers. Also a lot of children's games were made to show that the Germans were cowards and treacherous, whereas the British Tommy was seen as brave modest and courageous and everything that the German's were not. This was done because if they could 'brainwash' the children then they would have soldiers in the future All of these were selling well so propaganda was working in this department. Short cartoons like' Bully Boy' was made, this was a short cartoon to make fun of and ridicule the Kaiser (emperor). This would be making fun of the German's and this would make a lighter side to the war so everyone isn't all serious, this would also create a small amount of hatred towards the Germans. There was another film called 'The Battle of the Somme', this was a film brought out to take advantage of the 3,000 cinemas across Britain. The film actually showed dead bodies and casualties from the actual battles. This film was very much aimed at creating hatred towards the enemy Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Animal Farm Propaganda Languages of Propaganda Propaganda is a way of information in an effort to manipulate or influence society. The language people use in a persuasive speech, news articles, or other communicating articles of can be a very powerful tool for propaganda. There are many different types of propaganda such as suggestion /stimulation, hints, insinuations, indirect statement, and appeal to the known desire/fear, songs, slogans, and poems (American Historical Association). All of these were used in the 1946 novel, Animal Farm, written by George Orwell. Also most of these methods in modern day. In the novel they use propaganda to show how a revolution, no matter how good a person's intentions is at first, can slowly turn into a system that was no better than when they began. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful tool. In the novel written by Orwell propaganda is used to manipulate the idea and the feeling of the animals. One of the pigs in the novel that made most of the speeches and used the most propaganda was "Squealer." It was so easy for the speech maker to convince the other animals what would happen or what they were going to change. Squealer used the fear of "Mr.Jones" coming back, blamed snowball for everything that went wrong, and convinced the animals that everything was okay and to keep working. Another thing is when the pigs changed more content... In the novel they liked to use a lot of fear as a method, but in today's society they want to either use a positive way or a way that will eventually convince a person to do as the advertisement says. People can learn from examining that advertisement with propaganda used in many ways can place a positive image or message in viewer's eyes so they will do as the person wants them to do. Some people do not even realize when they are being persuaded to do something. Language used in propaganda is a very powerful Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Nazi Propaganda Assess the impact of Nazi propaganda, terror and repression on the German people from 1933 to 1939. The Nazi Party was one of the most merciless and inhumane parties of all time which made its massive cult following very surprising. Despite its evil plans and shocking tactics, people still seemed to trust in it and were persuaded by a powerful dictator into believing its morals. From the moment Hitler became Chancellor, propaganda, terror and repression played a key role in welding together the attitudes of the nation. The Nazi regime relied on these things to win the support of the German people and without it they wouldn't have become so popular, thus making its impact on the German nation very significant. From the very beginning, more content... Terror was the next step in forcefully moulding people's opinions. The SA stormtroopers are a perfect example of how the Nazi Regime used terror as a threat. The purpose of this group was to terrorize political opponents and to protect Nazi leaders. The Nazi Party also performed acts of violence among anyone who they saw as enemies. The creation of the new police force Gestapo centralised by Hendrich Himmler, chief of the SS was also another means of terror. They would arrest anyone who refused to conform to the policies of the Nazi Regime. Gestapo's purpose was to protect the regime against its enemies but in actual fact it attacked and oppressed its enemies. This demonstrates Hitler's forceful and impatient nature when trying to pressure every individual into conforming to the Nazi Regime. Perhaps Hitler took it as a personal offense and that is why he refers to those people as 'enemies' and takes such brutal measures towards them. Hitler desperately wanted respect from the masses; "The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect."~ Hitler. Another form of terror was the concentration camps. The SA and SS formed concentration camps around Germany. Hitler made it clear from the start that the camps were to be organised on brutal lines to destroy all opposition and intimidate any potential dissent. The concentration camps were also a weapon of terror Hitler used to create fear within anyone who opposed his Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Media Propaganda and Stereotypes Our society consists of consumers that buy into stereotypes and the propaganda that is being fed by the government and the media. Stereotypes steer individual's perceptions of a group of people in a certain way, usually negative, and generalize that opinion to all members of the group. Aware of the influence stereotypes have on people's views, governments use stereotypes already imbedded in society as a propaganda tactic to persuade people's thoughts, opinions and beliefs in order to benefit their cause. The media was used for disseminating stereotypes the effect violent music has on teenager's behaviours such as in the shootings at Columbine. After the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government used the media as an outlet to more content... The U.S. government used the propaganda tool of name–calling, referring to Iraqi and Muslim individuals as extremists and suicidal maniacs to act in accordance with people's already formed stereotypes. With the media consistently broadcasting images and news of the Taliban suppressing their women, accepting abuse against women and the heinous killings by this regime, the public's negative stereotypes were upheld. The persistent bombardment of negative images of Muslims in the media fueled those members of society with racist beliefs and the combination of the two generated a powerful force which would later benefit the government when the call for support of the war would appear. Such individuals were the first to support US President Bush to invade Iraq and get rid of the 'scum' that threatened the U.S.'s future. Immediately after the attacks, the stereotypes were converted from opinions and beliefs to actions. Hatred toward all Muslims became an unfortunate reality. Instead of hating the terrorists, people generalized their hate to all members of Islamic religion or Middle Eastern decent. People held the view that all Muslims and Middle Eastern individuals were potential 'terrorists.' "The US media has been clubbing together terrorism and Islam, influencing the American public to think that all Arab Muslims are "crazy and violent terrorists"... The American media has been a primary agent responsible for creating racist stereotypes, images and Get more content on
  • 5. Propaganda, Stereotypes, and the War on Drugs The West has constantly been fighting the use of illegal drugs for decades by Propaganda. Propaganda 'is a form of manipulative communication designed to elicit some predetermined response' (Inge, 1981, 322). Governments have been using many propagandistic methods to reduce the consumption of illegal drugs such as marginalization or creating stereotypes. By creating a certain stereotype for the drug users and dealers, governments believe that people would try to avoid drugs so they won't fit the stereotype. Extensive researche has been performed on this issue and there was no support that this propaganda tactic made a significant difference in the use of illegal drugs. To more content... The media indirectly tells us, "do you want to look like those dirty, Lazy Mexicans, or those rapists?" Another propaganda technique to convince the public against the use of drugs is by relating it to crime (Solomon,1968, 126) and terrorism. A month after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, Tony Blair stated in his speech that ninety percent of heroin sold in Brittan was imported from Afghanistan. Using the stereotype that people from Afghanistan were terrorists, Tony Blair connected drugs and heroin with terrorism and that buying drugs from Afghanistan is an indirect tool for their terrorism. Blair states that; "The arms the Taliban are buying today are paid for with the lived of young British people buying their drugs on British streets... That is another part of their regime that we should seek to destroy" (Fitzpatrick, 2001). Blair's thesis is that the "War on Drugs" is really the "War on terrorism" and if one is patriotic, he /she would stay away from buying drugs since it benefits the real enemy which is terrorism. In the last decade, drug use has been very high which elicited the government to take a stronger stand. Drug awareness programs were held in schools which over–exaggerated the harm of drugs and 'drug dealers are often portrayed as predators preying on the misery of their customers' (Preston, 2001). Drug users on the other hand are portrayed as being Get more content on
  • 6. Synthesis Essay On Propaganda Propaganda is biased information designed to shape public opinion and behavior. Over the decades, media, politicians and all types of governments have tremendously used propaganda to win the public's opinion. People tend to fall to the falsehood and exaggerated reports that the government uses to convince people of the righteousness of their cause. This has gone way too far that the government is taking control of our Get more content on
  • 7. What Was The Purpose Of Propaganda Propaganda is found in most everything that we view on television and read in the paper. It is a very effective way for marketing to get customers to try their products. Propaganda is defined as "Information and opinions spread to influence people in favor of or against some doctrine or idea." Propaganda has been around for a long time, going back to ancient Greece. It was created to aim at "propagating" the Catholic faith in non–Catholic countries. It is hidden in the journalism that we read so that we may be persuaded to think like the writer. The purpose of propaganda is to persuade people to buy or like their product. There are many common types of propaganda such as Bandwagon, Testimonial, and Name–Calling. Several years ago, Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Propaganda "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise" (Adolf Hitler). Long before the term "Propaganda" came to be, the act of controlling the public's mindsets and opinions was still being practiced ever since mankind came to be. People with ideas want to influence their beliefs on others. Propaganda goes way back to the early times. In 1622, Pope Gregory XIII settled "De Propaganda Fide" which translates to the Congregation for Propagating the Faith, which was a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church. The "De Propaganda Fide" was intended to disperse Catholicism into Christian beliefs. Propaganda remained a religious term throughout the 18th and part of the 19th century. Propaganda began as ideologies inculcated by the Catholic Church. The people were persuaded by their faith rather than on the reason. In 1939, Propaganda was the seed that rooted World War II. Truth is, World War II was not just a battle between countries but a battle after people's minds. Propaganda has the power to change people's opinions through art. Nowadays, persuasive techniques are used in almost every fast food restaurant ads. The amount of Propaganda one is exposed to on a daily basis is bizarre. It is a beautiful terrible tool that can blindfold many into believing whatever is being told to them by persuasion. According to Merriam–Webster's dictionary, propaganda is " Ideas, facts, or Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Australian Propaganda Australian Propaganda In WWI, propaganda was greatly used to influence the Australian public. There were many reasons why men wanted to enlist in the war. These were adventure/ opportunity to see the world, heroism, win over women and children, nationalism, patriotism, hatred of the Germans, and increased pay and free clothes. There were many different techniques used to make people believe the Propaganda posters such as using persuasive language to show how the Germans were barbaric. The propaganda posters also used a lot of images and texts to make Australians feel guilty for not participating in the war. Propaganda was also used in Journalism especially newspapers in Australia and Britain. These propaganda posters showed extreme bias more content... On one hand, it instilled a sense of patriotism over the years and on the other hand, it also made people more compassionate towards public loss and suffering. Women in Wartime: Women's jobs before the war were to stay at home and take care of the home and the family. Women were encouraged during the war to volunteer with supporting organisations. The organisations that women helped in were, Voluntary Aid Detachment, Australian Red Cross, Country Women's Association, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Australian Women's National League, Australian Comforts Fund, and the Cheer–Up Society. In 1914, it was rare for women to have jobs. When the war went along there was a slight increase in paid labour but only in areas where women who had jobs dominated. Women in World War I have had great impact on the modern world. There has been a huge number of women in the armed forces and in medical fields such as nursing. Women are now allowed to join in combat forces in the army and the navy. The participation of women during the first Great War changed the prevailing mindset of the general public about the varied roles women can play in Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance Of Propaganda On Modern Society Propaganda has influenced modern society in such a way that most individuals are oblivious to its role in the modern way of life. Infact, without propaganda society would function in a drastically different way because of the newfound lack of outside influence. Propaganda, or the use of various mediums to persuade or influence rational thought, has been utilized to shape human civilization since it first began. From, as document A states, the Ancient Greeks use of theater performances and religious festivals to mold the opinions of men, to the Spanish Armada use of false information to gain the support of the spanish citizens, and finally to Yarn Adams and Tom Paine who used literature to rally colonists against the British Empire, propaganda has performed vital roles in the evolution of modern civilization. Therefore, it can be said that propaganda has been used as a language of power to spread ideas and beliefs, promote and build strength, and to control the action of men. Propaganda is a very valuable tool in the process of spreading ideas and beliefs throughout a population because of its powerful and lasting effects on those who are subjected to it. Therefore, if one utilizes such a tool properly, one can effectively convert the beliefs of entire populations. Events proving such is true can be seen in the Middle East where terrorist organizations such as the Taliban gain power. As Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy discusses," They [the Taliban] teach the children the Koran, which Get more content on
  • 11. The Impact of Propaganda Essay Both negative and positive, propaganda affects our lives daily sometimes without us even acknowledging that it exists. The main goal of propaganda is trying to sell your product or idea to other people, one major form of Propaganda occurs in the news. Propaganda is used for companies and trend setters who want to get their products and ideas out in the world so that they could potentially become popular. Smart propagandists discovered that to create the best propaganda, the viewer must not even realize that the product or idea is being sold to them. Propaganda creates an extremely large impact on us and is sometimes mistaken for being "just another advertisement" when they actually change the way we live our more content... Propaganda not presents us with information and news but it also can broaden our knowledge of certain topics. Newspaper and news on the television are both great examples of this because, yes, they could be bias but they also inform us about what is going on in the world currently and can present us with interesting trends that we may want to follow. Without propaganda society would not know about some events that affect them or the rest of the world such as natural disasters and wars. Without propaganda citizens of all over the world would be secluded from the popular and hip ideas, although those ideas would never have been made popular because there was no one to see and follow the trend. Therefore making every place in the world underdeveloped different. For instance if one country created a new extra fast computer and sold it in another country then the other country could create an even faster and better computer and share it with the original country. Countries are interdependent in the sense that advances in one lead to advances in the other one. Propaganda is what creates the virtual tunnel that connects many countries to each other. Newspapers and other forms of news are very vital communication methods in the world today. The goal of news is to sell us their ideas by being biased and talking about how their idea is best. News can give us biased information although, the viewer could do further research on the Get more content on
  • 12. Propaganda In Advertising In advertisement, propaganda is all around. It is in newspaper articles, television ads, movies, and a plethora of other things. Propaganda is a type of advertisement that shows how good or how much better a product is that anything else in that department. "Advertisers lean heavily on propaganda to sell products, whether the "products" are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for office, or a particular political viewpoint." (The Longman Writer McClintock's Essay Pg. 232). There are seven main types of propaganda, Name Calling, Glittering Generalities, Transfer, Testimonial, Plain Folks, Card Stacking, and Bandwagon. Since its first use, most people when they hear propaganda, think only about political ads but that is not all that propaganda is used for. "Although propaganda may seem relevant only in the political arena, the concept can be applied fruitfully to the way products and ideas are sold in advertising." (The Longman Writer McClintock's Essay Pg. 232) Two very good examples of using propaganda techniques are a State Farm commercial, and a Farmers advertisement. The State Farm ad is a beautifully done, two minute long commercial that is meant to pull on the heart string of the watcher with a technique such as Plain Folks. The farmers advertisement on the other hand is a think out of the box comical commercial that does not cause emotions to stir but instead makes up it up with a Testimonial. Both ads are very appealing to the eyes and don't use attacks on another Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Soviet Propaganda Soviet Propaganda The soviet communist party, or the Bolsheviks, always new that strong propaganda was essential to increase the consciousness of the masses. As stated in the Encyclopedia of Propaganda, " propaganda was central to Marxist–Leninist ideology long before the Bolshevik revolution of 1917."(675) The power of persuasion and coercion were exercised with great force by Soviet leaders. The two leaders whom utilized propaganda to influence public opinion in the USSR were Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. Both men used many different facets of the media to spread their propaganda. They also used the troubled social climate along with the ignorance of the masses to custom tailor a regime that lasted for over seven more content... Lenin said, "The struggle of the Russian working class for it's liberation is a political struggle, and it's goal is the attainment of political liberty." (Pipes 45) Lenin used this form of propaganda, agitprop, to convey the need of a total reformation of Russia's government. He knew that this form of propaganda would work best. "Propaganda of agitation, being the most visible and widespread attracts all the attention." (Ellul 71) In his agitative propaganda Lenin cited specific enemies, or scapegoats namely, The Mensheviks. Along with the Mensheviks, or "whites" as they were called, the soviets expressed outright hatred of the western world and it's ways. Soviet propagandists created the idea that the western capitalist civilization was falling behind, as the superior socialists marched forward. Soviet artists and intellectuals were ordered to create propaganda material that portrayed this idea of a weak and inferior western world. The soviets official ideology was that they needed to gain complete control of all aspects of communication. Lenin embraced the idea of agitative propaganda that was introduced earlier by Georgi Plekhanov. Since theSoviet union was founded in 1920 there was an official department of agitprop. This department worked directly through schools, publications and the broadcast media. (Encyclopedia of propaganda 17) Part of Lenin's strategy Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Propaganda Distorted Mirror of Reality "All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to, consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be." ~Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf "Psychology of Propaganda" Fascism is a form of counter–revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth–century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and unstable economy. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, more content... On them depends the existence of this whole culture; if they perish, the beauty of this earth will sink into the grave with them" (288). Hitler was attempting to convey to the German people that their race and culture was superior to all others and that Aryans were invincible. Hitler wanted to create a sense of pride, unity and stability among the people because stability was not a very strong factor among the masses who felt they had nothing to lose. Therefore, Hitler called his political cause "the movement". Movement was, indeed, one of the mythic messages, movement away from the state of stagnation of the Weimar Republic, as the Nazis emphasized it repeatedly to persuade the masses, away from the shameful dictate of the Versailles peace treaty, away from "true blood –sucking parasites, Jews," (304) and forward towards the building of a "New Pure Germany" who would be a power to reckon with throughout Europe and the World at large. Although Hitler lacked his own characteristics of being a true Aryan (blond haired and blue eyed individual), he represented all of Germany as an ultimate ruler eliminating all other potential authorities that could possibly compete with him, just as a self–evident mythology cannot tolerate other powers, which might challenge and lead to the dissolution of the mythic system. In his book Mein Kampf Hitler stated, "The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Propaganda Propaganda The definition of Propaganda, is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. The key word is "misleading," and "biased." Propaganda is a part of everyday life for many of us, weather we recognize it or not. Groups, politicians, and big companies, are constantly trying to push their business and agendas at us, and we live oblivious to it. Everywhere you look there are forms of propaganda. Everything from billboards, to pop up ads, to tv commercials, attempt to brainwash us into believing inaccurate facts, and doing what they want. They use specific tactics to do this, called "propaganda techniques." Glittering generalities, plain folks, bandwagons, name calling, transfers, testimonials, and card stacking are all forms of this. Advertisers utilize everything from positive words, to regular people, to implying use, to using symbols, celebrities and even using misleading information to bend your will. In a recent commercials by the insurance company progressive, we see a few of these techniques in action. The commercial starts with, the well recognizable, Flo, accompanied by her lesser known, and less important, side kick Jamie walking down a futuristic looking, solid white, hallway. As they walk down the hall, Jamie asks where they are, and Flo explains they are about to see progressives new home quote explorer, where you can compare multiple quote options online, and choose Get more content on
  • 16. The Power of Propaganda Essay The Power of Propaganda The power of propaganda is often over looked, and those who manipulate and utilize its strength can make even the most absurd and repelling thought seem appealing. Adolf Hitler was one such man as he stated that, "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan" On the contrary, Mein Kampf was initially available in two rather large volumes. Until January 30, 1933, the total sales more content... He declares enemies of the movement to be "Neunmalkluge" (smart alecks), when he writes,"The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses. The fact that our smart alecks do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are," (180). He also calls them "Angsthasen" (chicken–hearted); "For the cursing and 'beefing' you could hear at the front were never an incitement to shirk duty or a glorification of the chicken–hearted. No! The coward still passed as a coward and as nothing else" (192). Opposers were "the type of lazybones who could perfectly well think, but from sheer mental laziness seizes gratefully on everything that someone else has thought, with the modest assumption that the someone else has exerted himself considerably" (241), and he believed that "only a bourgeois 'einfaltspinsel' (blockhead) is capable of imagining that Bolshevism has been exorcised" (661). In Mein Kampf Hitler already knows everything better than anybody else. Whoever attempts to argue against him is quickly brushed aside as being incapable, or stupid. It should not be surprising that Hitler also makes frequent use of other formulaic phrases which date from the warfare of the Middle Ages or the military in general. After all, there is a reason for this book's being called "Mein Kampf" or "My Battle", and such proverbial phrases as Get more content on
  • 17. Pros And Cons Of Propaganda Propaganda is not a recent idea or concept however since the creation of film propaganda has found its way into them, especially documentary's. Documentary filmmaking is a platform and mode of filmmaking associated with truth and actuality to present an overview of a topic or issue (Aufderheide, 2007). Audiences expect this when watching documentary films because generally the topic of a documentary film is based on a real issue and/or event without the use with actors, sets and special effects (with the exception of docudramas) (Nichols, 2010). Although they may be based on a real–world issue/event the filmmaker(s) behind the documentaries have an agenda and are trying to push certain ideologies or points of view on the audience. However, the assumption is made that they are doing this through fact and truth (Bizz). Propaganda on the other hand does not rely on truth or fact as it is an idea of dishonestly. Propaganda never tries to persuade or inform instead it attempts to deceive an audience by conveying/creating representations and ideas in a text that can only have one dominant reading (Aufderheide, 2007). Propaganda filmmaking is usually created by governments and political figures to impose hateful/nationalistic viewpoints and ideologies on the general populous (Aufderheide, 2007). Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl, 1935) and Prelude to War (Capra, 1943) demonstrate that documentaries have the ability to create a false representation of history due to the filmmaker's Get more content on
  • 18. Propaganda During World War Two Essay Propaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist's views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nations political status: they reflect a nations allies and enemies, how the nation saw itself, and its greatest hopes and fears of the war. Posters were mainly used to sway public opinion. They were aimed at brainwashing society to think and act more content... The second type of poster was the "Victory" poster. In this type of poster, the United States flag and a solider in uniform were shown to give off a patriotic feeling and accompanied by words such as " America, Now and Forever". These posters also used symbols such as Uncle Sam, the American Eagle, and most of all the Stars and Stripes. The third type of posters, "Careless Talk" posters, were in contrast to "Victory" posters. These posters were designed to keep Americans from talking about the war. Talking may seem as harmless, however American authorities feared that spies would overhear American plans of attack and would relay this information to Axis powers. Although not using nation symbols, symbols such as were death, such as a paratrooper and others with cemetery crosses. These posters commonly used the cause–and–effect idea. An example of this is represented in a poster showing a spaniel gazing over his dead owner's naval collar with the words "...because someone talked" underneath. According to Photoworld, "Because someone talked, the spaniel has lost his master, and it conveys a sense of loss." By perceiving this sense of loss, Americans would give their sympathy to the war and to the men and women who were fighting. To attract public compassion for Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Ww2 Propaganda During World War II, governments would create propaganda in hopes of inspiring or convincing citizens in their country to make a contribution to the war effort. Most of the propaganda was related to the need of the factory workers in the factories and the factories needed as many people as possible to help make materials necessary for the war. Therefore, the techniques used to persuade their citizens to join the war movement was through different fonts, pop of colors, and images to catch the reader's eyes. The government used different fonts in attempt to give a slogan that would resonate with any citizen that read the propaganda. Even though slogans are useful, different fonts allows an attraction to what the words say on the propaganda. This allows the citizens to read the words and more content... This enables the audience to look at the colors, then realize the words and comprehend their meaning. The government intended to make certain words stand out as their citizens read the propaganda so they could look at the vibrant colored words to convince them to take action. Then, citizens would consider helping their country during the war and actually go work in the factories to make necessities for the war. While citizens think the government appreciates their efforts, the materials given during war are important to win the war. Lastly, when images are used in the propaganda, it helps the audience understand what the government needs from their citizens to be part of the war effort. While vibrant colored words emphasize specific words, images present concepts that can not be told in a few words. These images can inspire citizens through the use of colors or making certain objects bigger than it really is in real life. Therefore, it would bring emphasis on who is needed or what is need from the citizens that the government is attempting to recruit to take part of the war Get more content on