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My Life In High School Essay
Any senior right now will honestly ask themselves how they could have possibly made it this far
knowing how stressful high school can be. To finally come to this point in my life it feels
amazing. Many seniors have their own way of making it to this place in time. I will give the reader
my advice and thoughts on how to make the most of your life in high school.
The first thing anyone will tell you to do in high school is to simply be involved. There are many
ways to be involved with high school, the only problem with being involved is choosing the right
activity or club for you. My advice for anyone who wants to be in a club or a sport is to give each
club or sport a try. It doesn't matter if its FFA or Basketball, just tryout anything their possibly is
and you possibly might like doing whatever it is you're doing to be involved with your school, trust
me I'm telling you from experience.
When it comes to assignments you either succeed or you fail. If you're like me, you have most
likely mastered failure unfortunately. In reality is failure a bad thing? In certain cases failure is
not so bad. Failing can be frustrating but when you fail at whatever you are doing you can easily
learn from that failure and correct yourself and next thing you know you're passing that class you
were just failing. Now success is a different story. Success is probably one of the most rewarding
feeling there is, especially when you pull an all nighter on that composition you forgot to do last
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My Private School Experience
My essay profiles my encounters in a prestigious Toronto private school which characterize my
point of view. In general, people assume that in light of the fact that I had the pleasure of attending
a private school I was in a sheltered environment, devoid of struggles such as bullying and
surrounded by well–disciplined students. On the contrary, my private school experience was not
devoid of challenges and forced me to be vocal. I never expected that I would feel the chill of my
face hitting the cold and the unpleasant gymnasium floor one unforgettable day. I felt shaky and
needed to cry, but held it in. Occasions like this changed my life and made me the individual I am
today. My private school classroom consisted of seven to ten students on average which allowed
me to foster closer friendships. In the long run, we became excessively comfortable with each
other which caused division among us. For example, I was insulted by peers which left me feeling
dejected and alone. I felt the class dynamic failed to work at certain times since we had only a few
experiences in common which caused disagreements among us. When you attend an all–boy school
there are disagreements about what it is to be a man. A few students thought it is being an intense,
solid built fellow who settles the score with his clenched hands and enjoys temporary pleasures, not
somebody who is empathetic or reflects about their actions. An absence of empathy is apparent in an
all–boys school due to this
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Essay on A Day in School Life
A Day in School Life
The day begins with a high–pitched yell, "moooooooorninnnnng" from my mother. I wake up tired
with a headache as I think I have a cold. I rush to leave the house, my father complains about the
lack of urgency in my movement by shouting out the time every five minutes.
There is not enough time to drink my tea; the tea burns my tongue as I gulp it down my throat,
leaving a nasty taste. I ran as fast as I can towards my bus stop. Upon arriving I realize that despite
the hectic hurry of mornings I am actually early. "I really should tell my parents what time the bus
comes so my mornings can be more relaxed," I tell myself.
The large coach's doors slide open to a more content...
However, I come to realize that the squabbling penguins are not very interesting so I find
somewhere comfortable and detached to sit and my mind wanders off.
The official day starts with a tutor period. My mood is lifted as I make quite a few people laugh.
The first lesson is French. The teacher is absent so I am free to take part in a conversation with my
friend concerning the weekend. The teacher next door keeps telling us to keep quiet. For some
reason the rest of my fellow students feel the need to shout and keep getting louder after each
The second period begins. The teacher ignores my enquiries as to whether we will be using the
"metro " book this lesson then yells at me for not having written the title in my book, even though
she hasn't started the lesson or even written the title on the board. When I point this out to the
teacher another student already distracts her. After twenty minutes, the tiredness sets in and hinders
my work effort. The headache from that morning begins to throb and my eyes are itchy and
The mountain scenery contrasts against the blockish and uninspiring appearance of the school, as it
leaves a light and breezy atmosphere. The sea breeze carries a sense of freshness, which promotes an
industrious work ethic. However, during the summer months the stifling heat and humidity
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My High School Journey
At the beginning of my high school journey, it was scary. Just the thought of a new school,
meeting new people, and the fact that this would be my last years before becoming an "adult" and
getting closer to college, was unbelievable, yet scary. My high school journey had many ups and
down. These ups and downs vary because I experienced them in my academics and socially. I can't
forget that I learned a lot and met many different personalities, with people whom I trust and had
many great times. Also as growing up throughout high school, I'm slowly seeing who I am. I know
this is not the end of life, just a great piece of my life will end and everything will soon change
again. I can give so many advices to just start off great at the beginning of anyone's high school
journey. I think it's important to join clubs,activities,or sports so you can meet new people. It's
important to surround yourself with people who will take their education seriously because at the
end of high school, you will see how far you got by being surrounded with positive people and
that's a benefit because you concentrate and achieve excellent grades and that leads to good
colleges. Also, joining more clubs and participating looks great with your cap and gown at the
graduation! Another advice is do NOT procrastinate, I have done it so many times and it sucks to
sleep late and wake up early and by doing so, you avoid stress which is a pain in the butt. Do your
homework, get good grades, and ask
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My Life In My School Life
I haven't talked in 3 years. I found that if I don't talk, I don't have to deal with the added pain. I
live in my own little world where I write, sleep, go to school, and eat. Besides that I don't do
much. I portray as the literal human embodiment of an outcast. I have grayish blue eyes, straight
light brown hair that I personally think looks like poop, but my mother doesn't allow me to
compare myself to poop. I basically wear the same things every day, an old flannel or t shirt with
my jeans and dirty white slip on vans. Most people think not talking would make you lonely,
which at times it can be, but otherwise I pretty much just write out what I wanna say so I get
through pretty well. Not talking started after my parents' divorce, then my dad kind of forgot
about me because apparently drugs and alcohol are more important than your 10 year old. Now I
live alone with my mom and my dog Rascal. It's pretty quiet in my house, because my mom
usually works late, so it's pretty much Rascal and I until 8pm. Don't get me wrong, my mom is
an angel, I just get lonely at home talking to a dog that doesn't even have opposable thumbs. My
school life is a yawn fest, I go from class to class not talking, except in LA, then I only talk to my
teacher, Mrs. Cantiad, when it's just us. She is the only one that sees potential in me as a writer, I
want to dedicate my first book to her. The one thing I hate about school though is the hallways, I
compare the hallways to hell. I can feel the eyes
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Essay about school days
Now that I am coming to the end of high school and to the beginning of my college education, it
scares me to death. Going to school has been one of my biggest priorities and the most routine part
of my life for the past thirteen years. I have many more years to get through, but the years that I
spent in elementary school and junior high were the most memorable. I have learned so much since
then, it has made me a different person today. I have so many memories from my earlier years in
school. I especially remember how much easier it was back then and how much harder it is
becoming now as I get older.
I started off by going to Peppermint Patty preschool in I do not remember more
Especially since I would always get in trouble for it. For some reason I do not remember much about
first grade. I do not know if it was because it was just a boring year of school or because I just did
not like the teacher. One thing I do remember about first grade is that I won the spelling bee. That
was a big accomplishment for me in first grade. I think the challenge of first grade was the whole
reading concept. Learning how to read is very difficult for a little six year old. I was actually very
good at reading, which made me enjoy first grade a little more. I am just glad that it is over with.
When I was in second grade it was a big year for me. The main reason is because I made my First
Holy Communion. My family is very religious and they were very proud of me for making my
Communion. My teacher in second grade was Mrs. Lignowski. She was an old women, but she
was very nice. The main subject in second grade was of course religion, so it was not very
exciting was a child, but it means a lot in my life now. We would take many trips across the street
to the church and practice what we would do in a mass. I remember being absolutely terrified to
make a confession with Father Hanley. That was part of making your first Communion so we had
to do it. I of course did not confess my sins face–to–face, so I went in the confessional booth. It is
done and over with now, it still kind of makes me nervous if I were to do it to this day.
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My Life In High School
Everyone always talks about how high school was so fun and you should have the time of your
life, and everyone got along, but I never quite saw it. High school for me was not a time of
befriending everyone, finding love, and fun times. To me, it was a confined prison, full of sweaty
kids, stupid drama, and overwhelming work to do. I spent the majority of the time trying to find
who I belong with, a club I fit in to, people to hang out with, and how not to be such an awkward
person all the time. I was under stress constantly, for my parents forced me to focus on nothing but
school, and despite me being focused on that, I wanted to try to hang out with friends as much as I
could. I had to learn how to balance social life, school life, and my alone time. And what a struggle
that was. Freshmen year in high school was a blur now that I look back on it. I knew nobody and
nobody knew me. I was in the band, and that was my only form of social interaction. The people
who were in my section, the trumpets, would talk to me and if we had classes together, they
would sit by me and talk to me. These same people I saw the following year and we talked more,
but I still didn't hang out with anyone outside of school. Junior year, I was also in cross country
and band, and I began to socialize more. When people made plans, I hung out with them since I had
a car. I helped out my band by doing various tasks, such as setting up and tearing down equipment,
as well as assisting my band director
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Essay about My Life
My Life
I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved
to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica.
He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says
he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa
Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not
go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the
Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings,
and I to join him in California.
My more content...
I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep
up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the
English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my
school experience challenging, but exciting as well.
Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other
people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps
student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can
be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As
I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along
with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After
participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked
with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and
group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in
English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English
teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English.
Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more
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My Life As A Student
My life as a student has been a fairly good one. I've received good grades throughout all my years
of high school and pride myself as an intelligent individual. But my individual ability to grow and
learn has been always changing and shifting as I have grown. I think that currently, I am at a low
point in my mindset and learning ability, but there is hope on the horizon. This essay will explore
the growth and mindset of Will Roser, and how I can grow as a learner, friend, and individual. As
a student, I have some habits that I rely on, both good and bad. I am usually a good student,
receiving above average grades and I am moderately happy with them. My strength is that I
always get everything done on time. I never have an excuse because my work is always done. I
pride myself on that fact. And although that may seem like a good quality, the fact that I
procrastinate so much does affect how good that work may be. So yes, I always finish my work
which is always a good thing, but it may be at the expense of my sleep schedule. I tend to do most of
my work the day before, despite telling myself over and over again that it needs to be done earlier.
Luckily I have hope for my habits as I am still young. I still have to work on my procrastination but I
think that I can improve as long as I start to see the benefits of starting work early. As William
James says in his essay Habit, "The period between twenty and thirty is the critical one in the
formation of intellectual and
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My Time at Boarding School Essay
My Time at Boarding School
At the beginning of year six, when I was ten, my mum brought up the subject of secondary school
and I realised that, after that year, I would have to leave the school and people I had known for
many years. I knew I would have to leave my friends, because they were all going to the local
comprehensive school, and as my brother was at a private school, I would have to go to one too.
I had a choice. I could go to Dauntsey's school, the same as my brother, but I would have had to
wear the horrible brown uniform. Therefore, I went to Bruton School for Girls. A private Girl's
school in Somerset. I did not particularly like that uniform, but if I was to go, I would be a boarder more content...
She asked me my name and pointed to a door opposite the door we were stood at and told me that
I was going to live in there for the next year. I thanked her and carried on dragging my suitcase.
When we got in, I was so nervous. A small staircase that led up into a little room that looked out
onto the downstairs impressed me. I chose a bed and wondered who would live in the two other
beds up there. Everybody had a small, uncomfortable bed, a chest of draws, with three draws; the
top drawer had a lock on, and a small narrow wardrobe. My mum unpacked all my stuff, while I
watched the other four girls unpack. AChinese girl was talking to a girl with bushy black hair, and
there was a very pretty girl arguing with her mum and dad about her poster that had a cat hanging
off a branch and a rude word written on it. The other girl seemed to know the girl with the rude
poster because she kept talking to her every now and again. It was surprisingly noisy, so I could not
hear their conversation.
After about an hour, my mum took me to see the housemistress. I walked down the corridor short
corridor. Standing in front of me was a dumpy woman with white hair and purple tinted glasses.
She was very nice to me and showed me into a nice small cosy room that had a sign on the door
saying "Old
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Essay On My School Life

  • 1. My Life In High School Essay Any senior right now will honestly ask themselves how they could have possibly made it this far knowing how stressful high school can be. To finally come to this point in my life it feels amazing. Many seniors have their own way of making it to this place in time. I will give the reader my advice and thoughts on how to make the most of your life in high school. The first thing anyone will tell you to do in high school is to simply be involved. There are many ways to be involved with high school, the only problem with being involved is choosing the right activity or club for you. My advice for anyone who wants to be in a club or a sport is to give each club or sport a try. It doesn't matter if its FFA or Basketball, just tryout anything their possibly is and you possibly might like doing whatever it is you're doing to be involved with your school, trust me I'm telling you from experience. When it comes to assignments you either succeed or you fail. If you're like me, you have most likely mastered failure unfortunately. In reality is failure a bad thing? In certain cases failure is not so bad. Failing can be frustrating but when you fail at whatever you are doing you can easily learn from that failure and correct yourself and next thing you know you're passing that class you were just failing. Now success is a different story. Success is probably one of the most rewarding feeling there is, especially when you pull an all nighter on that composition you forgot to do last week Get more content on
  • 2. My Private School Experience My essay profiles my encounters in a prestigious Toronto private school which characterize my point of view. In general, people assume that in light of the fact that I had the pleasure of attending a private school I was in a sheltered environment, devoid of struggles such as bullying and surrounded by well–disciplined students. On the contrary, my private school experience was not devoid of challenges and forced me to be vocal. I never expected that I would feel the chill of my face hitting the cold and the unpleasant gymnasium floor one unforgettable day. I felt shaky and needed to cry, but held it in. Occasions like this changed my life and made me the individual I am today. My private school classroom consisted of seven to ten students on average which allowed me to foster closer friendships. In the long run, we became excessively comfortable with each other which caused division among us. For example, I was insulted by peers which left me feeling dejected and alone. I felt the class dynamic failed to work at certain times since we had only a few experiences in common which caused disagreements among us. When you attend an all–boy school there are disagreements about what it is to be a man. A few students thought it is being an intense, solid built fellow who settles the score with his clenched hands and enjoys temporary pleasures, not somebody who is empathetic or reflects about their actions. An absence of empathy is apparent in an all–boys school due to this Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on A Day in School Life A Day in School Life The day begins with a high–pitched yell, "moooooooorninnnnng" from my mother. I wake up tired with a headache as I think I have a cold. I rush to leave the house, my father complains about the lack of urgency in my movement by shouting out the time every five minutes. There is not enough time to drink my tea; the tea burns my tongue as I gulp it down my throat, leaving a nasty taste. I ran as fast as I can towards my bus stop. Upon arriving I realize that despite the hectic hurry of mornings I am actually early. "I really should tell my parents what time the bus comes so my mornings can be more relaxed," I tell myself. The large coach's doors slide open to a more content... However, I come to realize that the squabbling penguins are not very interesting so I find somewhere comfortable and detached to sit and my mind wanders off. The official day starts with a tutor period. My mood is lifted as I make quite a few people laugh. The first lesson is French. The teacher is absent so I am free to take part in a conversation with my friend concerning the weekend. The teacher next door keeps telling us to keep quiet. For some reason the rest of my fellow students feel the need to shout and keep getting louder after each complaint. The second period begins. The teacher ignores my enquiries as to whether we will be using the "metro " book this lesson then yells at me for not having written the title in my book, even though she hasn't started the lesson or even written the title on the board. When I point this out to the teacher another student already distracts her. After twenty minutes, the tiredness sets in and hinders my work effort. The headache from that morning begins to throb and my eyes are itchy and bloodshot. The mountain scenery contrasts against the blockish and uninspiring appearance of the school, as it leaves a light and breezy atmosphere. The sea breeze carries a sense of freshness, which promotes an industrious work ethic. However, during the summer months the stifling heat and humidity Get more content on
  • 4. My High School Journey At the beginning of my high school journey, it was scary. Just the thought of a new school, meeting new people, and the fact that this would be my last years before becoming an "adult" and getting closer to college, was unbelievable, yet scary. My high school journey had many ups and down. These ups and downs vary because I experienced them in my academics and socially. I can't forget that I learned a lot and met many different personalities, with people whom I trust and had many great times. Also as growing up throughout high school, I'm slowly seeing who I am. I know this is not the end of life, just a great piece of my life will end and everything will soon change again. I can give so many advices to just start off great at the beginning of anyone's high school journey. I think it's important to join clubs,activities,or sports so you can meet new people. It's important to surround yourself with people who will take their education seriously because at the end of high school, you will see how far you got by being surrounded with positive people and that's a benefit because you concentrate and achieve excellent grades and that leads to good colleges. Also, joining more clubs and participating looks great with your cap and gown at the graduation! Another advice is do NOT procrastinate, I have done it so many times and it sucks to sleep late and wake up early and by doing so, you avoid stress which is a pain in the butt. Do your homework, get good grades, and ask Get more content on
  • 5. My Life In My School Life I haven't talked in 3 years. I found that if I don't talk, I don't have to deal with the added pain. I live in my own little world where I write, sleep, go to school, and eat. Besides that I don't do much. I portray as the literal human embodiment of an outcast. I have grayish blue eyes, straight light brown hair that I personally think looks like poop, but my mother doesn't allow me to compare myself to poop. I basically wear the same things every day, an old flannel or t shirt with my jeans and dirty white slip on vans. Most people think not talking would make you lonely, which at times it can be, but otherwise I pretty much just write out what I wanna say so I get through pretty well. Not talking started after my parents' divorce, then my dad kind of forgot about me because apparently drugs and alcohol are more important than your 10 year old. Now I live alone with my mom and my dog Rascal. It's pretty quiet in my house, because my mom usually works late, so it's pretty much Rascal and I until 8pm. Don't get me wrong, my mom is an angel, I just get lonely at home talking to a dog that doesn't even have opposable thumbs. My school life is a yawn fest, I go from class to class not talking, except in LA, then I only talk to my teacher, Mrs. Cantiad, when it's just us. She is the only one that sees potential in me as a writer, I want to dedicate my first book to her. The one thing I hate about school though is the hallways, I compare the hallways to hell. I can feel the eyes Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about school days Now that I am coming to the end of high school and to the beginning of my college education, it scares me to death. Going to school has been one of my biggest priorities and the most routine part of my life for the past thirteen years. I have many more years to get through, but the years that I spent in elementary school and junior high were the most memorable. I have learned so much since then, it has made me a different person today. I have so many memories from my earlier years in school. I especially remember how much easier it was back then and how much harder it is becoming now as I get older. I started off by going to Peppermint Patty preschool in I do not remember more content... Especially since I would always get in trouble for it. For some reason I do not remember much about first grade. I do not know if it was because it was just a boring year of school or because I just did not like the teacher. One thing I do remember about first grade is that I won the spelling bee. That was a big accomplishment for me in first grade. I think the challenge of first grade was the whole reading concept. Learning how to read is very difficult for a little six year old. I was actually very good at reading, which made me enjoy first grade a little more. I am just glad that it is over with. When I was in second grade it was a big year for me. The main reason is because I made my First Holy Communion. My family is very religious and they were very proud of me for making my Communion. My teacher in second grade was Mrs. Lignowski. She was an old women, but she was very nice. The main subject in second grade was of course religion, so it was not very exciting was a child, but it means a lot in my life now. We would take many trips across the street to the church and practice what we would do in a mass. I remember being absolutely terrified to make a confession with Father Hanley. That was part of making your first Communion so we had to do it. I of course did not confess my sins face–to–face, so I went in the confessional booth. It is done and over with now, it still kind of makes me nervous if I were to do it to this day. Get more content on
  • 7. My Life In High School Everyone always talks about how high school was so fun and you should have the time of your life, and everyone got along, but I never quite saw it. High school for me was not a time of befriending everyone, finding love, and fun times. To me, it was a confined prison, full of sweaty kids, stupid drama, and overwhelming work to do. I spent the majority of the time trying to find who I belong with, a club I fit in to, people to hang out with, and how not to be such an awkward person all the time. I was under stress constantly, for my parents forced me to focus on nothing but school, and despite me being focused on that, I wanted to try to hang out with friends as much as I could. I had to learn how to balance social life, school life, and my alone time. And what a struggle that was. Freshmen year in high school was a blur now that I look back on it. I knew nobody and nobody knew me. I was in the band, and that was my only form of social interaction. The people who were in my section, the trumpets, would talk to me and if we had classes together, they would sit by me and talk to me. These same people I saw the following year and we talked more, but I still didn't hang out with anyone outside of school. Junior year, I was also in cross country and band, and I began to socialize more. When people made plans, I hung out with them since I had a car. I helped out my band by doing various tasks, such as setting up and tearing down equipment, as well as assisting my band director Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about My Life My Life I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings, and I to join him in California. My more content... I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my school experience challenging, but exciting as well. Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English. Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more Get more content on
  • 9. My Life As A Student My life as a student has been a fairly good one. I've received good grades throughout all my years of high school and pride myself as an intelligent individual. But my individual ability to grow and learn has been always changing and shifting as I have grown. I think that currently, I am at a low point in my mindset and learning ability, but there is hope on the horizon. This essay will explore the growth and mindset of Will Roser, and how I can grow as a learner, friend, and individual. As a student, I have some habits that I rely on, both good and bad. I am usually a good student, receiving above average grades and I am moderately happy with them. My strength is that I always get everything done on time. I never have an excuse because my work is always done. I pride myself on that fact. And although that may seem like a good quality, the fact that I procrastinate so much does affect how good that work may be. So yes, I always finish my work which is always a good thing, but it may be at the expense of my sleep schedule. I tend to do most of my work the day before, despite telling myself over and over again that it needs to be done earlier. Luckily I have hope for my habits as I am still young. I still have to work on my procrastination but I think that I can improve as long as I start to see the benefits of starting work early. As William James says in his essay Habit, "The period between twenty and thirty is the critical one in the formation of intellectual and Get more content on
  • 10. My Time at Boarding School Essay My Time at Boarding School At the beginning of year six, when I was ten, my mum brought up the subject of secondary school and I realised that, after that year, I would have to leave the school and people I had known for many years. I knew I would have to leave my friends, because they were all going to the local comprehensive school, and as my brother was at a private school, I would have to go to one too. I had a choice. I could go to Dauntsey's school, the same as my brother, but I would have had to wear the horrible brown uniform. Therefore, I went to Bruton School for Girls. A private Girl's school in Somerset. I did not particularly like that uniform, but if I was to go, I would be a boarder more content... She asked me my name and pointed to a door opposite the door we were stood at and told me that I was going to live in there for the next year. I thanked her and carried on dragging my suitcase. When we got in, I was so nervous. A small staircase that led up into a little room that looked out onto the downstairs impressed me. I chose a bed and wondered who would live in the two other beds up there. Everybody had a small, uncomfortable bed, a chest of draws, with three draws; the top drawer had a lock on, and a small narrow wardrobe. My mum unpacked all my stuff, while I watched the other four girls unpack. AChinese girl was talking to a girl with bushy black hair, and there was a very pretty girl arguing with her mum and dad about her poster that had a cat hanging off a branch and a rude word written on it. The other girl seemed to know the girl with the rude poster because she kept talking to her every now and again. It was surprisingly noisy, so I could not hear their conversation. After about an hour, my mum took me to see the housemistress. I walked down the corridor short corridor. Standing in front of me was a dumpy woman with white hair and purple tinted glasses. She was very nice to me and showed me into a nice small cosy room that had a sign on the door saying "Old Get more content on