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Essay On Michael Jordan
Crafting an essay on the subject of Michael Jordan presents a unique challenge due to the vast
amount of information available about him. Jordan's impact transcends mere basketball; he's an
icon of athleticism, entrepreneurship, and cultural influence. The difficulty lies in distilling his
life and achievements into a cohesive narrative that captures his essence without becoming
overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material.
Research alone is a formidable task. Sorting through countless articles, interviews,
documentaries, and biographies to unearth the most pertinent information requires time and
discernment. Then comes the challenge of organizing this wealth of data into a structured essay
that flows logically and thematically.
Moreover, conveying the significance of Jordan's legacy in a fresh and insightful manner
presents its own hurdles. With so much already said about him, finding a unique angle or
perspective demands creativity and critical thinking. Avoiding clichГ©s and regurgitating well-
known facts becomes paramount to keeping the essay engaging and informative.
Furthermore, balancing admiration for Jordan's accomplishments with a critical examination of
his impact adds another layer of complexity. Addressing controversies or shortcomings alongside
his achievements requires sensitivity and nuance.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Michael Jordan is a task that demands rigorous research,
thoughtful analysis, and adept storytelling. It's a challenge that requires dedication, skill, and a
deep appreciation for his enduring influence on sports and society.
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Essay On Michael Jordan Essay On Michael Jordan
The Powerful Roman Empire On Ancient Times
Jayan Joshi
History 9
Mrs. Santosuosso
The Powerful Roman Empire
The Roman Empire was one of the most well known empires in history. It was the
most powerful of all of the empires and covered at least a part of over fifty present
day countries. It covered the most area out of all of the empires in history. Other than
the Spartans, the Roman Empire had the most powerful army of the ancient world and
contained over 20% of the world population back then. The Roman s ingenuity
created many inventions as well, such as the arch, which, with aqueducts, would
revolutionize the transport of water and other supplies across the empire. The Roman
Empire was the strongest in ancient times, and contained almost all of modern day
Europe in its ... Show more content on ...
One main reason that the Roman Empire expanded so much was because of their
many good emperors such as Trajan and his successor Hadrian.
Trajan was emperor of Rome from 98 117 CE and is considered one of the Five
Good Emperors of Rome. One reason Trajan was considered such a good emperor
was because he was kind and generous to the Roman People and Senate. Because of
this, Trajan was one of the reasons that Rome could have so much land and be at
the height of their power during his reign. Trajan made sure that the poor were fed
and cared for, and almost everybody in his empire liked him. Aside from his
kindness, Trajan was also recognized for his achievements in war and expanding
Rome to its height in 117 AD with 5 million square kilometers. Throughout Trajan
s reign, he captured Dacia, or present day Romania, and the Parthian Empire, or the
Persians with his skill in fighting. Following Trajan s death in 117, Hadrian rose to
the throne. Hadrian is considered another one of the five good emperors of Rome,
except Hadrian was different than Trajan in that he unified and consolidated Rome
rather than seize more land as Trajan had. Rather than expand the Empire, Hadrian
ruled justly and traveled around his empire and rectified tax situations. Hadrian is
most well known for building a wall across Britain to keep out barbarians called
Hadrian s Wall. Although these emperors helped maintain the Roman
Module Nios _ II _
module NIOS_II_CPU(clk_49, machine_clk_49, DOT_product_49); input clk_49,
machine_clk_49; output [31:0] DOT_product_49; //I organized the signals this
way in the hopes ofmaking them easier to read when viewing the waveform //and
better show the flow of the instructions through the system. //Branch signals reg
BR_49, BLT_49, BLT_exe_49; wire BR_out_49, BLT_out_49; // Fetch Stage
signals reg [31:0] PC_49; wire [31:0] instruction_49; //Decode Stage Signals wire
instruction_type_49, reg_write_sel_49; wire [31:0] instruction_ff_49; wire [4:0]
reg_a_49, reg_b_49, reg_write_49; wire [5:0] OP_code_49; wire [31:0] immed_49,
reg_out_1_49, reg_out_2_49; //Execute Stage Signals wire [31:0]
instruction_ff_d_to_e_49; wire... Show more content on ...
6 b110100; parameter stw = 6 b010101; initial begin PC_49 d4; end lpm_ff reg_1 /
/ Saves Current instruction ( .data(instruction_49), .q(instruction_ff_49),
.clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used ports defparam reg_1.lpm_width =
Instruction_Width; //****************************Decode
Stage***********************// //Decodes fetched Instruction NIOS_Decode
Instruction_Decode (.instruction_49(instruction_ff_49), .clk_49(clk_49),
.instruction_type_49(instruction_type_49), .reg_a_49(reg_a_49),
.reg_b_49(reg_b_49), .reg_write_49(reg_write_49),
.reg_write_sel_49(reg_write_sel_49), .OP_49(OP_code_49), .immed_49(immed_49),
.BR(BR_out_49), .BLT(BLT_out_49)); NIOS_Register Read_Write_to_Register
(.clk_49(clk_49), .read_1_49(reg_a_49), .read_2_49(reg_b_49),
.output_1_49(reg_out_1_49), .output_2_49(reg_out_2_49),
.write_reg_49(register_to_write), .data_write_49(output_to_write),
.write_enable_49(reg_write_sel_ff_m_to_w_49)); always@(*) begin BR_49 =
BR_out_49; BLT_49 = BLT_out_49; if (BR_49==1) begin PC_49 =
PC_49+immed_49; end end lpm_ff reg_2 // Saves Current instruction (
.data(instruction_ff_49), .q(instruction_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); /
/ Used ports defparam reg_2.lpm_width = Instruction_Width; lpm_ff reg_5 // Saves
RA ( .data(reg_a_49), .q(reg_a_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used
ports defparam reg_5.lpm_width = 5; lpm_ff reg_6 // Saves RB ( .data(reg_b_49),
.q(reg_b_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used
Theme Of Racism In Heart Of Darkness
In the novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad it centers around Marlow and
his journey into the Congo River basin. Conrad explores the widespread corruption
and brutality in Africa through the Company s ivory trade. Through the
exploitation of Africa many aspects of the book are criticized for being ingrained in
the views of racism. Conrad s depiction of Africans are accused of holding Africans
as savages. In Marlow s journey Conrad alludes to this savagery by the darkness in
Africathat corrupts men by reawakening their primal instincts. This novella is
inherently racist that is furthered explained by socio cultural analysis Hunt Hawkins.
In Heart of Darknessand Racism Hawkins explores how Africans are dehumanized
and attacks imperialism on the basis of white men who are greedy and violent.
Hawkins discusses how Conrad s novella echos the views in which the novella was
published that were greatly enriched in the idea of White Man s Burden that
colonizers were entitled to impose their influence on black inhabitants. Further,
Conrad s novella is deeply racist by augmenting the patronizing view that Africans
are primitive and innocent to the subjugation by white colonizers. Thus, the Heart of
Darkness is deeply prejudice that is completely valid by showcasing Africans in a
negative light compared to white colonizers. To begin, Hawkin s view of Conrad s
work being deeply racist is supported by the dehumanizing light that is casted upon
African culture and
Grand Theft Auto V Qualitative Gender
After an hour of frustration and an inability to find a topic for this qualitative
gender portrayal, I gave up and decided to play video games to relax. All of a
sudden, I sat staring at my TV screen completely dumbfounded as a nearly nude
woman popped up on the loading screen of Grand Theft Auto V. For very obvious
reasons, I was inspired to qualitatively analyze Grand Theft Auto V focusing
specifically on genderstereotypes and sexualization present in the game. In order to
accurately depict the video game s portrayal of gender I studied both the story mode
and online mode looking closely at the actions and speech, physical appearance, and
prevalence of females within the game.
After a brief analysis, it was quickly discovered that the
Completed Ngc@ Report
NATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE Candidate report template (2009
APPLICATION Student number: Location: Date of review: Introduction including
overview of area inspected and activities taking place This report follows an
inspection of the building and yard located in ....... in order to meet the requirements
of the Nebosh NGC 3 practical application. The areas concerned with this inspection
are the works building and one store in the yard and its immediate surrounding area.
The building consists of a canteen area, an office for admin duties, two toilets, a
locker... Show more content on ...
The heater in the drying room (6) also needs urgent attention as its purpose is to
dry out PPE used by employees in wet weather conditions. With the heater not
functional this has an impact on the ability to maintain the PPE to a good standard.
PUWER Issues The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations state that
employers must ensure that all work equipment is suitable, maintained and
inspected (7, 17). The old fax machine in the office has been out of use for quite
some time with service tags out of date and there has been no effort to have it
repaired or replaced. It is creating a tripping hazard as well as breaching PUWER.
A similar situation has arisen regarding the water dispenser in the canteen. The
employees have shown their concerns about not being able to use the machine and
it is in serious need of repair or replacement. This is also creating a welfare issue
which must be addressed. Manual Handling Issues There are some issues
concerning heavy materials being stored at ground level (13, 20). This is in breach
of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and presents a high risk of a
RIDDOR injury to employees lifting or moving these materials. As suggested these
materials must be stored correctly and at waist level to prevent injuries from bending
and lifting. This will prevent high costs through RIDDOR incidents and loss of
Taylor Swift Parody
Shake It Off is a song by singer songwriter Taylor Swift. It became her second
number one single in the United States. The message Taylor Swift portrays in the
song is very inspirational and positive to everyone in America today. Swift teaches
everyone to not try to be like everyone else, and when you have mean people talk
down about you, you just let it go and be yourself. Key of Awesome is a famous
YouTube channel that makes several parodies of the most popular singles. They
recently made a parody of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. The parody has the same
beat and a similar music video, but a totally different meaning in the lyrics. It mocks
Taylor Swift and everything she has accomplished. It mocks the meaning of the
song, and also the music video itself mocks the original music video. The two songs
and music videos are comparable and contrastable, but both songs send a very
opposite message.
Since the song Shake It Off had a parody about it and the artist, there was definitely
several similarities between the two. The music video starts off with Taylor Swift
doing ballet. It shows that she isn t in unison just like ... Show more content on ...
Of course the lyrics are completely different and send a different message to the
audience. The parody really targets on Taylor Swifts flaws, and makes them seem
bigger than what they are. The song`shows Swift being surprised that she won
another music award, when in reality she has won one every year since she was 15
years old. Taylor Swift s songs have always been about break ups and boys, so the
parody targeted on her breaking up with guys and always making songs about them
after they break up. Taylor Swift is saying The haters gonna hate baby, I m just
gonna shake it off. Obviously the two meanings of the song are completely different.
The artists of the song are different people, thus making the sound of the singer
Red Violin Reflection
A Take on The Red Violin The Red Violin, a movie written by Don McKellar and
François Girard, and directed by François Girard, was released on September 10,
1998. It follows a special, and, in a sense, cursed, fictional violin through its long and
tragic life, culminating a modern era auction where it is being sold. Everything
begins with the violinmakers, NicolГІ Bussotti, and his pregnant wife, Anna
Rudolfi. While Bussotti worked in his shop, Rudolfi met with one of their servants,
Cesca, and asked her to tell her unborn child s future. Cesca tells her that she
cannot, siting that the humors are all balanced until someone is born, and offers to
tell Rudolfi hers instead. There is some hesitation on Rudolfi s part before she
reluctantly agrees and Cesca lays out her tarot cards. Rudolfi selects five and Cesca
began telling her fortune, which is how the real story begins.
Her first card, The Moon, Cesca says means Rudolfi would have a long, rich, full
life. Despite that, Rudolfi expresses her nervousness toward the delivery to
Bussotti when she met him in his workshop, saying that Cesca told her the
delivery would be difficult and painful. When Bussotti tries to comfort her, telling
her that they always were, she expresses her nervousness again, saying that she was
old to be having a baby. Bussotti ignored her concerns, going to work the next
morning as always, only to be interrupted by one of his workers telling him a boy
sent by the doctor was there as he was about to
General Electric As It Became One Of The World s Leaders
The purpose of this research paper is to perform an analysis of General Electric as it
became one of the world s leaders in global expansion in light of new leadership
strategies. I will further discuss how since the establishment General Electric through
the merger of two innovative companies, Edison Electric Light Company and
Thomas Houstan Electric Company. And how different leadership styles and
management styles has made GE one of the most innovated company of our time.
General Electricwas incorporated on April 15, 1892, by Thomas Edison, is a
diversified infrastructure and financial services company. The products and services
of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, oil and gas production
equipment, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer
financing and industrial products. The Company operates its segments through its
eight businesses, based on the markets they serve: Power Water, Oil Gas, Energy
Management, Aviation, Healthcare, Transportation, Appliances and Lighting, and GE
Capital. The Company operates in approximately 175 countries. It was in 1878
where Thomas Edison founder the Edison Electric Light Company. It was at this
time where Thomas Edison invented the incandescent electric lamp. Edison
succeeded in developing an incandescent lamp able of staying lit for 40 hours. In
1880, Edison refined the filaments in his bulbs to the point that they lasted 600 hours.
In 1892 Edison General Electric merged with The
Explain How To Go With Vertical Or Horizontal
How to Install a Backerboard in a Shower
A concrete backerboard is required for all tile or natural stone showers. It serves as
a shower wall substrate that will help protect the wood of the wall studs from
moisture. It I snot waterproof but iis installed with a moisture barrier. A benefit of
using cement backerboards is they remain dimensionally stable even when wet so
they do not swell up, which will lessen the occurrence of tile cracking and other
bathroom problems.
You have to make sure your concretebackerboard is properly installed to have a solid
and durable substrate for your tile installation. Take your time when installing the
sheets and ensure that you make it as moisture resistant as possible.
1. Decide if you will go with vertical or horizontal placement when installing your
backerboard in the shower. It really won t affect the outcome, but it is important to
make the process easier. For wide shower areas, it is better to place the boards on
their longest edge. But if it will make the installation more difficult, then run the
sheets with vertically instead. ... Show more content on ...
Cover the wall studs in plastic sheeting. This will serve as a moisture barrier for the
wall studs behind the backerboard. Use a utility knife to cut the plastic sheeting
down to size, staple the sheeting into place, then layer them with a waterfall method
(each upper piece drains down onto the next lower sheet, directing the water down
towards the shower pan). Make sure that the shower pan flange is covered by the
lowest edge of the sheeting.
3. Lay out your boards for the best fit on the walls. Measure and mark your pieces,
then make straight cuts using a utility knife and T square that is held against the
4. Use a keyhole saw to cut around for pipe stub outs (such as faucets and shower
Neo Liberalism And Its Impact On Society
There is a heated debate on this concept during the past 20 years and is somewhat
named as exhortation. Many authors have tried to describe this concept and related
it with the spread of capitalism and along with a proactive welfare state. The concept
of neo liberalism basically revived from liberalism. By this it can be suggested that
liberalism was absent from politics in order to emerge in a new form. Neo
liberalism is not basically a distinct ideology and a not proper form of liberalism. It
shares only some of the historic views with liberalism which would be general.
Another concept which is introduced is economic liberalism. It is defined as that the
states do not intervene in the matters related to economy rather on the individuals.
Economic liberalism and neoliberalism are separate entities from liberalism. In
oxford English dictionary describes economic liberalism as, Favorable to
constitutional changes and legal or administrative reforms tending in the direction of
freedom or democracy.
It also describes neo liberalism as, A modified and revived form of traditional
liberalism one based on the belief in free market capitalism and the rights of the
Liberalism was an important concept but it also lost some of its importance in order
to emerge as a new form. In the today s world hardly any one speaks for the freedom
and democracy
Veteran Ethnography
I decided to do the choreography track for this assignment. I chose to interview one
of my favorite undergraduate professor. Dr. Dale Gunn is a professor of both
history and psychology. The walls of his office are filled with multiple degrees. He
is a US Veteran, and has had many interesting careers such as a diver for Jacques
Cousteau, IBM computer programmer, FBI analyst, Police Psychologist, Criminal
Psychologist, as well as a college professor. After emailing Dr. Gunn he agreed to
answer my questions for this assignment. I called and ask If your discipline (or your
job), were a dance, what kind of dance would it be? . His response was immediate
and precise. As expected, Dr. Gunn began with a brief history of his family. He said,
my ancestors
What It s Like To Be A Gang Member, By Bill Lee And We...
In both What It s Like to be a Gang Member, by Bill Lee and We Real Cool, by
Gwendolyn Brooks, gang life is portrayed as dangerous and violent, demonstrating
that gang members have to find a way to compensate and prevent themselves from
going overboard. Both passages show the toughness required to be in a gang, along
with the challenges the members face, such as peer pressure.
In the article What It s Like to be a Gang Member, by Bill Lee, gang activity is
described in detail, and the struggles of membership are shown clearly. For
example, ...when your buddies are jumping someone, there was immense peer
pressure to join in, whether you wanted to or not. This shows that some gang
members would do atrocious things just to fit in, not because they actually wanted
to do it. Beginning in the mid 1960 s, the violence in my neighborhood escalated,
and by 1970, a major gang war had erupted. This quote tells us that things got out of
hand and daily life started to get more and more fatal until a fight took place. They
didn t hold themselves back when traumatizing others. I learned early on that in the
streets, it was dog eat dog and survival of the fittest. Here, it proves that gang life is
competitive and if you can t keep up, then you will suffer. You will have to fight...
Show more content on ...
We real cool. We left school. Here, the author shows two things: that gang members
think of violence as cool , and it also shows that gangsters would drop out of or
skip school, which is a careless act, since education is very important for youths. We
lurk late. We strike straight. This simple quote shows that gang members would get
in trouble late at night and get involved with risky activities. We die soon. Here, the
author is suggesting that gang life will often lead to suffering, or even death. This
displays how precarious things can
Analysis Of The Color Purple
The Past Helps Shape a Better Future According to the Ark of Hope for Children,
1,850 children die a year by some form of child abuse. Assault must be noticed,
especially because it affects so many people worldwide. The Color Purple by Alice
Walker focuses extensively on this idea and the ramifications of rape. In the novel,
the main protagonist Celie is compelled to live with a man named Mr. _____, whose
last name is unidentified in the book, who constantly makes her work in the fields
and clean the house along with taking care of his three rude children. As she reaches
her adulthood, Celie undergoes certain changes in life that ultimately guide her in the
direction of finding Godagain and rediscovering his powerful influence on everyone
s lives. Critics banned The Color Purpledue to its themes of incest, birth of children
outside of marriage, rape, sexual pleasure, and lesbian activity. Despite the sexual and
violent content in The Color Purple, the novel should be studied in high school
curriculum due to the literary elements that contribute to a reader s understanding of
real world issues.
The Color Purple develops themes of religious transformation and equality throughout
the story that are necessary for teenagers to understand due to their meaningful
lessons on human nature. Throughout the story, Celie reveals her depiction of God
as simply an ordinary white man who takes advantage of black citizens. Shug
redirects Celie s thinking by telling her that God is only
Financial Model is defined as the model that captures the future operating, investing
and financing activities that determines the future profitability, financial position and
risk of a business venture (MacMorran, 2009). It is a decision making tool regarding
investment, forecasting and valuation of a project or a company. It is an important
element in all investment decisions which helps to regulate financial activities.
According to Janiszewski S. (2011) the importance of financial modeling is to reflect
/represent the forecasted financial performance of a business venture. Financial
models are mainly used generally in compiling financial projections for a company
based on discounted cash flow(DCF) approach and non valuation financial
projections. These are used for management information or accounting purpose.
Financial modeling is practically applied in Corporate finance, Investment banking,
Equity Research and Accounting Profession. A financial model can be used in
Business Valuation, Project Finance, Mergers and Acquisition, Risk Modeling,
Leverage buy out Analysis, Management Decision Making Process, Capital
Budgeting, Forecasting, Equity Research and Valuation, Option Pricing and Financial
Statement Analysis (Youtube Video).
Financial planning model tend to rely on accounting relationships and not financial
relationships. The three basic elements usually valuated include the cash flow size,
risk and the timing. It does not produce meaningful clues about what
A Interview On Therapeutic Communication Of Older
Overview of Interview
For this visit summary, I have interviewed a 90 95 year old assisted living resident
that will be re named Joyce for the purpose of this paper. Before constructing the
interview, I was very excited and anxious to meet the resident I was interviewing for
the first time. Upon arrival, I was put to ease once meeting a genuine elderly woman
in the lobby that was just as excited to meet me for the first time. When reflecting on
the interview I am glad to have had prior knowledge on therapeutic communication of
older adults. I had seemly used all of the tips that the book had highlighted. These tips
include attentive listening, authentic presence, clarifying, keeping focus, and
providing intervals of silence (Touhy Jett, 2016, p. 67).
The most important piece of communication with Joyce was providing silence for her
to gather her thoughts in response to my questions. During the first interview she had
told me that she forgot to put her hearing aids in because she did not like to wear
them. If she was unable to hear me she would ask me to repeat the question and then
she would pause in silence gathering her thoughts to see if she heard me correctly.
The missing hearing aids was a communication barrier in our interviewing process.
Since I was aware that she was not wearing her hearing aids, I made sure I was
placed directly in front of Joyce when talking and was looking at her as I spoke.
Joyce s Prospective
As I had previously mentioned, Joyce had seemed
The Social Concept Of Generation
Throughout this dissertation, historic societal concept of generation is used. It
describes the generation as the aggregate of individuals who roughly share birth
years around the common period and experience similar external events within the
same time interval, which uniquely shape their values, attitudes, and preference
(Ryder, 1965: 845; Kupperschmidt, 2000: 66; Cahill and Sedrak, 2012; Costanza
et al., 2012; Venuta, 2014). Hubschmid (2013) suggests that this usage of
generation is used by business studies, including in the field of management and
leadership science, and human resource management (HRM). Parry and Urwin
(2011: 79) further reinforce that this concept of generation has become significant
in the scope of HRM, since practitioners and scholars have realised the current
situation that several assorted generations are now participating in today s labour
pool (Rump et al., 2006: 15). Additionally, as the underlying construct, it has
gained special focus because much attention has been paid to Gen Y as a
generation revolutionising the working environment (De Hauw and De Vos, 2010:
293; Hershatter and Epstein, 2010: 211). The exact definition of Gen Y varies
slightly from source to source. In different literatures, the term Generation Y is also
commonly accepted as referring to many terms such as Millennials (Parry and
Urwin, 2011), Nexters (Marshall, 2004: 18), Net Generation (Downing, 2006), Echo
Boomers (Behrens, 2009: 19), Trophy kids (Cahill and Sedrak,
Marriage In The Wife Of Bath s Tale
Chaucer s most criticized and talked about work The Canterbury Tales displays a
significant amount of themes throughout the tales. The most common themes in the
work are the following: marriage, gentilesse, salvation, youth and old age, and.
The Wife of Bath s Tale incorporates all of the common themes, but is about the
woman being the dominant partner in marriage. On the opposite end of the
spectrum, The Clerk s Tale has the themes of marriage, gentilesse, and salvation.
Those themes are in contrast to The Wife of Bath s Tale . The theme of marriage is
widely debated even today. Marriage in the 21st century is not the same as when
Chaucer was alive. Men and women are now more equal; however, in The Wife of
Bath s Tale she says, Wommen... Show more content on ...
The only person who was noble in The Clerk s Tale was Griselda. She was loyal to
Walter no matter what he did. Instead of making Walter out to be an evil man
Griselda had to, ...suffer this, consent:/ Just like a lamb she sat there meek and still
/ And let this cruel sergeant do his will (537 539). She was noble in that she did not
go against her husband s will. Ashe says, Griselda s reading of Walter reinterprets
his tortures as acceptable components of her own will, as she promised him would
be the case. Griselda willingliy let her husband take her children and make her feel
powerless. She was under the complete control of her husband; Griselda made a
promise to Walter before they wed that she would never doubt what he said. Griselda
showed the ultimate loyalty to Walter. She showed more loyalty that the modern
woman would
How Are Bills Can Be Turned Into Law Case Study
How are Bills being be turned into law: For above interventions to have the
desirable effects, these interventions must be mandated. Bills are ideas that
legislators have determined need to be ratified into law. The ideas can come from
many sources: The legislator s own experiences, the issues brought forward by
constituents or special interest groups (Milstead, 2013). Firstly, the plan is to
become a member of a professional association, e.g. ANA. Then, I will take
advantage of the resources provided by the organization to be part of the cadre of
the politically active nurses who are regarded seriously. An advance of these
organizations is that they keep nurse informed about the what, why and how many
are happening as well as help in... Show more content on ...
Grassroots lobbyist if organized are very influential because grassroots lobbyists
have the influence to nominate and elect a representative who can advocate their
issues in the congress. Thus, building a trusting relationship is of paramount to
passing my idea. Furthermore, for a bill to become law, it usually, takes up to two
years or longer. However, with the right people and or lobbyist to back these ideas
for the low income neighborhood, a desirable outcome will prevail. Leg Three:
The Role of Money The position of money in the legislative field cannot be
exaggerated. Most decrees that have been passed involved an up seen amount of
money from parties and special interest groups (Milstead, 2013). Therefore, money
does play a vast role in forwarding matters to the vanguard on the political arena. I
plan on rally community members as well as nurses to turn this into a PI project and
to back my policy proposal. These nurses will also become active in the nursing
organizations to benefit the proposal influential and financial. Lobbying Laws
Numerous laws govern the lobbying in the state of Texas, for example, one law
prohibits false communication. A person violates Section 305.021 of the Government
Code if, for the purpose of influencing legislation or administrative action, the person
knowingly or willfully makes a false statement or
Vermont Teddy Bear Essay
Vermont Teddy Bear Report
1) How would you describe Vermont Teddy Bear (VTB) s business model (the
products and services it sells, target market/s to whom it sells them, the value
proposition it offers, and its financial model)?
VermontTeddy Bear(VTB) has been found by John Sortino in 1981. This company
has served as a gift delivery service with three main product lines: Bears (plush
toys), PajamaGrams (apparel), and Calyx Flowers (gifts). All gift orders are made
via four different channels (retail store, mail, phone, web order), each channel
supported by different software. First, VTB s customers design bears by selecting the
colors and outfits from a menu of options. ... Show more content on ...
The company has decided to use different applications instead of using a single
ERP system, which in turns would make their operations smoother. They have
chosen to do this in order to be cost efficient and to focus on the specific need so
each department uses a different application. That is connected by middleware that
they don t fully understand on how to operate, and are afraid that if they attempt to
change it, it would crash all of their system. This in turn makes their operational
capabilities not the strongest as it relates to their business model. On the other hand,
some of the challenges that they face is that they will not be able to complete all
orders or be able to implement improvements due to the increase volume of request
that need to be processed during this time. Some of the IT related issues are those that
are associated with the different applications that are being used. If an applications
crashes then it would hold them up significantly in completing all orders and having
them be delivered on time. Primarily the lack of staffing and the lack of IS
improvements puts them at a disadvantage against their competitors who more than
likely have significant more sophisticated IS infrastructure.
3) How strong are VTB s information systems, given their strategic and operational
needs? If you were a member of the VTB Board of Directors, what concerns would
you have about the IT architecture? The Vermont Teddy Bear s information system
operates on
Chinese Immigrants In Australia In The 19th Century
Making a Nation
In the 19th Century, there was a significant increase of Chinese immigrants in
Australia. By 1861, the Chinese community was already thriving, making up nearly
7% of the Victorian population. During this period, the Chinese came to Australia in
search of Gold. The early settlers didn t accept the Chinese because they were
different in appearance and cultural practices, so they were forced into different
In 1788, the Europeans were the first white people to set foot on Australian soil. They
came to Australia to colonise the country and from then on, the land became theirs.
The Europeans were different to the Chinese in many ways. Their history and cultural
religion were very different to the Chinese. The reasons for coming to Australia were
different, the Chinese came to find a better life, whereas the Europeans came to
colonise the land.
Regarding the cost of licences, the Chinese and the Europeans experienced similar
hardships. Both the New South Wales and Victorian governments charged the
Chinese and the Europeans thirty shillings for a miner s licence. They were also
required to pay tax to work on the Goldfields. Correspondingly, most of the easy
alluvial Gold had started to run out and big companies were moving in establishing
deep hard rock mines that put the small alluvial miners out of business.
Both the Chinese and the Europeans experienced the same condition as the police
hunted down miners without a licence and were often brutal, corrupt,
A Cry Of Players By William Gibson
A Cry of Players is written by William Gibson. The first production of the play took
place on July 24, 1968 at the Berkshire Theatre Festival in Stockbridge,
Massachusetts. The Repertory Theatre of the Lincoln Center then presented the
production on November 14, 1968 in New York City. Both productions were
directed by Gene Frankel. The songs and incidental music for A Cry of Players
written by Peaslee was written for piano and voice, but written instructions on the
first page explain that the piano part is for rehearsals and also to give the guitarist
an idea of the character of the setting. Also the first song Player Entrance Theme can
be played by Trumpet, Piccolo, or both plus accompaniment of percussion and a bass
instrument if available. The first theme can also be used as exit music at the end
of the play for the players. The score includes the following pieces: Player s
Entrance Theme, IF I had been Hanged, Ney Nonny No, And Wilt Thou Leave Me
Thus, Twas I That Paid For all Things, and The Squire is Dire. The original music
was composed by Peaslee for the Lincoln Center production of the play. Dramatic
Play Service, Inc sold a five song set for the play for thirteen dollars plus a ten dollar
music royalty fee.
A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare was first performed at the
Stratford upon Avon Memorial Theatreby the Royal Shakespeare Company. It was
directed by Peter Brook with music by Peaslee, the actors, and Mendelssohn. The first
performance was
A Brief Note On Diabetes Mellitus And Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is usually a lifelong metabolic disorder characterized by
hyperglycemia or high sugar levels in the blood; can be caused by lack of insulin,
insulin resistance, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate
blood sugar. It controls the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats that the body used
for energy. Without insulin, glucose (sugar) in the blood builds up causing
hyperglycemia. There are 3 classic symptoms of diabetes; the 3 Ps: polyuria which
defines as frequent and excessive urination, polydipsia which defines as excessive
thirst, and polyphagia which defines as excessive eating.
There are two main types of diabetes mellitus: type 1 diabetes mellitus also known as
insulin dependent diabetes ... Show more content on ...
It is more often develops in winter than summer time and more common in places
with cold weathers. Typical onset is before the age of 30. Many major organs in
the body can also be affected by type 1 diabetes including the heart, blood vessels,
nerves, eyes and kidneys. Related problems include slow wound healing, vaginal
infections (vulvar itching), neuropathy, gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying),
visual and hearing problems, heart disease, blood vessel disease (foot ulcers),
kidney problems (may result in dialysis). Risk factors may predispose an
individual to the occurrence of this type of diabetes such as genetics, exposure to
toxins and certain viruses such as the Epstein Barr virus, Coxsackie virus, mumps
virus and cytomegalovirus which destroys the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans
in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms can come rapidly and may
include the classic 3 Ps; polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia, bedwetting in children
who previously didn t wet the bed during the night, weight loss, muscle wasting,
irritability and other mood changes, fatigue and weakness, blurred vision, vaginal
yeast infection, and ketonuria or ketones (acid) in urine; high ketone levels can lead
to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Treatment for type 1 diabetes is a lifelong
commitment to taking insulin, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy
Dome Of Rock
The Dome of the Rock is among the largest Islamic shrines that are located in
Jerusalem. Built almost thirteen centuries ago, this shrine remains one of the most
gorgeous and treasured architectural buildings in the world. It is adorned with a
splendid gold dome and an elaborate inscription that represents the Islamic religion.
This shrine is built on a sacred rock that was considered to be holy before Islam
started. To the Jewish, this rock was the very spot where Abraham was meant to
sacrifice Isaac, his son. Besides, the shrine is believed to stand at the spot of the Holy
of Hollies of Herod s Temple and Solomon s Temple (Grabar 59). According to
Balfour (117) the shrine was constructed between 688 and 691 by Umayyad caliph
Abd al Malik.... Show more content on ...
This structure is supported by 16 columns that are located around it. The shrine is
a double shell that has two layers that are independently connected by beams. The
platform on which this dome sits makes it easy for people to see it from all sides.
The dome is covered using gold sheathing and it sits on top of a building that is
covered outside and inside using Arabic calligraphy and colored mosaic. This
building has eight arched entrances and staircase that are connected to the temple on
the lower side. Currently, the building still has its original decorations and mosaics
just like when it was constructed. The dome s shape is still in its initial form. Some
of the materials that were used in the construction of this building include wood,
stone, brick, lead and marble (Creswell
How Work Place Bullying And Overall Performance Of An...
Good morning, my name is Zak Omar and I m your newly appointed HR manager at
SSC enterprises. My presentation should give you an insight on how work place
bullying and overall the performance of an employee can affect the success of the
business. (STOP)Workplace Bullying is repeated, health harming mistreatment of one
or more persons by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening,
humiliating, or intimidating, or Work interference in other words sabotage which
prevents work from getting done, and it could also be verbal abuse.STOP Workplace
bullyingdoesn t fall under everything that makes a person at work feel unrecognized
or upset. Certain behaviours that produce risks to health and safety that are generated
by bullies at work, whether if intentional or not fall under work bullying, examples
include (refer to PPT)
abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments
Aggressive and intimidating conduct
belittling or humiliating comments
Practical jokes or initiation
Unjustified criticism or complaints
Deliberately excluding someone from work related activities
withholding information that is vital for effective work performance
Workplace bullying can harm the receiver in many ways but certain effects vary due
to the unique characteristics and circumstance, for instance if they re extremely
emotional they can experience mental illnesses such as depression and suicidal
thoughts or they could experience physical
Unexpected Expectation Testing Episodic Memory
An unexpected imitation test was the then conducted with the owner asking the dogs
to remain on the blue carpet and pay attention to a chosen demonstrated action from
table S1. Once they have demonstrated this action a predetermined retention interval,
the time between the demonstrated action and the Do it! command, of one minute or
one hour would be waited before the owner gave the dogthe Do it! command. This
test requires the assumption that a successful imitation of the demonstrated action
was possible only if dogs encoded the action incidentally. It can be assumed that the
imitation test was unexpected as there was no motivation for the dogs to remember
the actions meaning that the test meets the requirements for testing episodic memory,
which is assessed by an unexpected recall test.
In order to investigate the imitation success of the dogs in the experiment were
statistically analyzed to determine if the dog s actions match their owners. This
analysis in table 1 shows that there was a difference in success rates between the
expected and unexpected recall tests. When analyzing the data from this test only the
cases in which the dog performed either ... Show more content on ...
In order to combat this issue the dogs were tested only after their expectation of
imitation was changed by using the lie down training before the unexpected test was
performed. The results of this study suggest that dogs could encode the
demonstrated actions incidentally, although less successfully compared to the
baseline where recall was expected. The dog s owners may have used signals which
may have caused the animals to pay more attention, however, this is unlikely to have
been a problem as these same signals were also used throughout the dog s
Dietary Intake And Psychological Distress
Necessary dietary intake is very important during pregnancy; it can affect not only
the mother but also the unborn baby. There are a couple of factors that play a huge
role when the levels are abnormal. Dietary intake and psychological distress are two
major components that make up a healthy pregnancy. In some parts of the world
pregnant women do not get adequate micronutrients and macronutrients. Not only is
this an increasing risk of necessary dietary intake and psychological distress but this
can be the reason why stressors occur in the first place. Not having resources for
pregnant women who are low in social economic status could be the reason why there
are health issues among pregnant women.
Keywords: pregnancy, health, dietary intake, psychological distress Factors
Influencing Health Issues Among Pregnant Women During pregnancy, women s
health is crucial to meet nutritional needs. There are many factors that can affect a
pregnancy. Major factors include: stress, diet, health, substance use, psychological
disorder and previous trauma experiences. It is very important during the pregnancy
that the mother is not exposed to any negativity. Any negativity can affect the unborn
baby. There are many stories of previous experiences that have affected the unborn
baby due to a negative environment. The participants stories (Hanghoj, 2013) shared
their experience of risk associated with physical activity. Health issues are commonly
correlated with dietary intake
Fate s Punishment For Athens
Fate s Punishment for Athens The Landmark Thucydides is a history book on the
Peloponnesian War written by an Athenian historian and general named Thucydides.
Throughout the book, Thucydides recounts the war and tells of the many actions of
his mother land Athens. In several of his descriptions Athens could be viewed as
arrogant especially towards their accomplishments in war. He also tells of a terrible
crime that Athens commits that could be described as genocide. Thucydidesalso
describes several simpleminded mistakes that were made that crippled Athens in the
end and could have been prevented with more through thinking. Despite being
powerful and dominant on the battlefield the Athenians suffer crippling defeat in the
end. The arrogance, cruelty, and foolishness that Athens displayed brought fate down
on Athens and caused their defeat in the Peloponnesian War. Athens displayed their
arrogance multiple times throughout the war. During a battle at Pylos Sparta
attempted to make peace with Athens through a truce. When offered the truce, Athens
rejects it thinking that The treaty would be ready for them whenever they chose to
make it . (Landmark Thucydides. Book 4; 4.21, Pg.425). Athens had the audacity to
think that Sparta would just wait for them to decide when they were done fighting
which made them seem obnoxiously proud. Another time where Athens shows how
arrogant they are occurs before the conference with the colony of Melos. Thucydides
talks of the colony
Book Report Three Times Lucky
Three Times Lucky is the story of Miss Moses Mo LoBeau, a sixth grader living in
Tupelo, South Carolina. She is being raised by the Colonel and Miss Lana and
together operates a cafe, along with Mo s best friend Dale. Since then, Mo has
been sending numerous letters down the river, hoping her Upstream Mother
would find them and tell her why she let her go. The Colonel is one of the town s
other mysteries. He lost his memory in a car accident the night of the same
hurricane that washed Mo ashore. Detective Starr is the newest stranger to Tupelo
Landing. He isn t welcomed and many of the townspeople are very skeptical about
him, especially the Colonel. But the people of Tupelo are shocked when Dale and
Mo go to the Colonel s house to find
The Pioneers Of Aviation By Orville And Wilbur Wright...
Orville and Wilbur Wright brothers were the pioneers of aviation since its first flight
performed in 1903 in a heavier than the air machine in North Carolina; but it was not
until World War II, when in flight travel achieved a prominent place in other
countries, prompted the beginning of a new way of communication and a new
When the reorganization of the airlines in operation occurred, the network of
scheduled flights from fixed itineraries comprehensive and competitive race began in
improving the services they offered, such as trained attendants to deal effectively
with passengers during flights. Leaning on the technical evolution and the race of
modernization and progress, service airline has managed to prevail and win the battle
brilliantly, that is why every day many services are efficient such as reservation
systems, baggage handling, documentation, and others. Commercial aviation is an
activity that is created from the need to transport people and goods, hence airlines
became an option as business.
The Boeing Company was a small military contractor and was one of the best trading
companies in the world, because it s advanced technology that was used in warplanes,
then those advances changes were incorporated into commercial aviation.
The U.S. airline industry is one of the most varied and active in the world, even
though the latest years this industry have been struggling to make revenues and
profits. Thus, among all the regulated business within United
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Abortions happen daily, regardless of if people agree or disagree. There are a lot
of people out there that argue whether it is ethically okay to abort an unborn child;
many people even bring up religion in the deciding factor. What if the person who
needs one isn t religious or has a good reason for not being able to carry a child?
Some women cannot financially afford to have a child, or can t physically go through
the pain of having birth.
Several universities conduct studies about abortion everyday. The University of
California at San Francisco conducted a survey over women being denied abortions.
According to researchers at UCSF, Women were three times more likely than the
women who successfully obtained abortions to fall below the poverty line within the
next two years. (Procon 4). Abortions denied to women who can t afford the
hardships and the payments of a child can be disastrous. Doctors who deny abortions
are only hurting the woman and her path to being economically stable. For example,
76% of women who are denied abortions from clinics fall below the poverty line set
in California. A woman should be able to make her own decisions, especially in
dealing with her body and future. It is extremely unethical to expect a woman to
care for a baby she doesn t want and can t afford. Reproductive decisions help
women not have a financial disadvantage. If a woman gets pregnant, but doesn t
have enough money to afford the upcoming baby, she is the only one who should be
able to decide how to handle it. Modern abortions have become safer than ever
before, and they are helping women with emotional and physical problems. A recent
study published by Obstetrics and Gynaecology concluded, A woman s risk of dying
from having an abortion is .6 in 100,000, while the risk of dying from giving birth
is around 14 times higher: 8.8 in 100,000. (Procon 3). An abortion has very little
effect on a woman s health and stability. There are women, such as those struggling
with things such as diabetes, who cannot go through the trouble of birthing a child;
abortion is the only answer for their survival. There are also many women who
believe they are not mentally/physically ready to raise children. Ethically, everyone is
Transportation Is The Development Of Containerization
It is hard to imagine life in the 1950s. Many things have changed in every aspect of
life, not restricted to transportation. One area that is especially interesting related to
transportation is the development of containerization and the idea of intermodal
transportation. The idea of using containers to transport goods has been around since
1792, when the British and French used wooden containers and transferred them
between railcars and horse drawn buggies. Around 1953, Malcolm McLean, a
trucking businessman from North Carolina , began thinking about how he could
better transport his goods. McLean was concerned about the time it was taking to
deliver goods and also highway congestion. He was also worried that tucking would
be overlooked... Show more content on ...
There was great deal of time wasted in every avenue of transportation by merely
waiting, waiting for ships to arrive and waiting for crews to load and unload.
Malcolm McLean knew that container shipping was the way to go and he spent his
life focused on the container shipping trade. He could see that it would be easier and
more economical, by being able to ship more at one time. Whereas McLean initially
thought that driving a truck straight onto the ship was the way to go, in 1955 he
realized that he could make container shipping even more economical by removing
the container from the truck itself. By taking this action, he was able to save a third
of the space that was taken up by wheels and creating the ability to stack containers.
This motivated McLean to find ways to increase the container load on the ships.
On April 26, 1956, the first container shipment of 100 containers, aboard Ideal X
launched from Newark, New Jersey and traveled to Houston, Texas. Ideal X was
originally a T 2, tanker ship. The containers were placed above deck on the ship.
During the period from April to December, 1956, there were 44 container shipments,
each carrying approximately 58 containers.
Malcolm McLean brought Keith Tantlinger, a renowned container expert, onboard to
his company. It was Tantlinger s job to increase the number of containers a
The Edinburgh Study Of Youth Transitions And Crime
Not having enough cash or not being able to meet the basic needs such as food
clothing and shelter is known as poverty. But, poverty is much more that tat. In other
words, it is much more than just not having enough money or not being financially
stable. (
More that 3 billion people live with only $2.50 each day.
Almost a billion people in the world entered the 21st century without having any
education. By this it means that the people were unable to read a book or even sing
their names.
2 devastating issues that are related to poverty are education and crime:
Just 14 percent of the variety in a kid s performance can be credited to class
quality, as indicated by Donald Hirsch, counsel to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
This implies a child s experience significantly affects their performance in school.
Kids who originate from low pay families are far less inclined to perform well in
... Show more content on ...
Youngsters living in a family where the leader of the family unit was jobless were
additionally more inclined to take an interest in criminal behaviour. Even poor
people with generally safe foundations will probably participate in savagery. Some
main ways to cut down the impact of poverty or to end poverty are:
Create jobs
The best pathway out of poverty is a well paying employment. To return to
prerecession business levels, we should make 5.6 million new
The City State Of Zamon Dor
Set into the towering side of Mt.Momentum, the city state of Zamon Dor dwarfed
the surrounding duchies and townships. Zamon Dor was the land of inventions and
innovations; there was nothing its tinkerers could not think up, nothing its
architects could not build. Clockwork and its mechanisms made the city what it
was; they offered all sorts of comforts that other nations could only dream of. The
city itself was alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life: men could be heard
talking, women laughing, and children playing, all set to the sound of a soft
mechanical whirring as Zamon Dors inventions were alive in all aspects of life.
People wore artisanal watches, others rode on clockwork bicycles, and the city
gleamed and sparkled during... Show more content on ...
The garden was small, but this is where the timewalker spent most of her life.
The lush green of the palace gardens offered a much needed juxtaposition against
the sea of machines outside of the garden walls. There were no birds or insects to
be seen, as neither existed in Zamon Dor, and so there was only the sound of the
wind as it rustled the leaves of the great tree in the middle of the garden. This was
where Kali, the palace timewalker, came every day from mid morning to just before
dusk. Kali was the definition of serenity, her appearance was that of an older child,
aged anywhere between thirteen to sixteen. Her skin was fair, with jet black hair and
steely eyes that could pierce through even the toughest of men.
Sir Kairos, a member of the consulship and Kali s overseer, was a short, stout man
who was half bald. Despite his aged appearance, he had a silver tongue, with
honeyed words dripping with power. He was one of the few who was given his
position, rather than being born into it.
Kali, oh Kali dearest, Kairos said in a singsong voice, poking his head through the
garden gate and cutting the silence, I need to see you, very important business.
Orders from the Chief Magistrate himself! And you know how he gets when he s kept
waiting. With that, Kairos departed, surely to attend to the very important matter of
deciding what outfit would best please the Chief Magistrate.
Kali silently stood and began down the corridor
The Symbol of Blood in William Shakespeare s Macbeth...
The Symbol of Blood in William Shakespeare s Macbeth
Blood represents life, death and often injury. It is an essential part of life, and without
blood, we could not live. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the symbol of blood to
represent treachery, murder and death. The word blood , or different forms of it,
appear numerous times throughout the play. Interestingly, the symbol of blood
changes throughout the play, corresponding to the atmosphere and mood changes in
the characters and the play.
First, blood is a reference of honor, and this occurs when Duncan sees the injured
sergeant and says, What bloody man is that? (1.2.1). This is symbolic of the brave
fighter who been injured in a valiant battle for Scotland. The sergeant ... Show more
content on ...
Lady Macbeth starts this off when she asks the spirits to make thick [her] blood
(1.5.50). What she is saying by this, is that she wants to make herself insensitive
and remorseless for the deed she is hoping to commit. However, she forces
Macbeth to do the deed. Right before killing Duncan, Macbeth sees a dagger
floating in the air leading him to Duncan?s room and he sees on the blade and
dudgeon gouts of blood (2.1.58), indicating that the knife has been viciously
stabbed into someone. This is a Lady Macbeth knows that the evidence of blood is
a treacherous symbol, and knows it will deflect the guilt from her and Macbeth to
the servants when she says If he do bleed, I?ll gild the faces of the grooms withal,
for it must seem their guilt (2.2.71 73).
When Banquo states and question this most bloody piece of work (2.3.150), and
Ross asks is?t known who did this more than bloody deed? (2.4.31), they are both
inquiring as to who performed the treacherous acts upon Duncan. When Macbeth is
speaking about Malcolm and Donalbain, he refers to them as bloody cousins
A final way, and perhaps the most vivid use of the symbol blood, is of the theme of
guilt. First Macbeth hints at his guilt when he says Will all great Neptune?s ocean
wash this blood clean from my hand? (2.2.78), meaning that he wondered if he would
ever be able to forget the dastardly deed that he had committed. Then the ghost of
Banquo, all gory, and bloody comes to haunt Macbeth at the
Loyalty Programs in Indian Retail
Retail Loyalty Programs
Loyalty Programs in retail : An overview
What is a loyalty program ?
Loyalty programs are the schemes designed with an intention to retain existing
customers and attract new customers by rewarding a customer with both hard and
soft benefits for his loyalty and patronage.
Loyalty programs (either В‘on the shop delivery or В‘web based ) can be classified
either based on types of rewards and recognition tools used or the mechanism by
which customers earn their rewards.
Classification based on the mechanism by which customers earn their rewards :
1. Earning points towards a reward of free or discounted product.
Such kind of approach is normally used in applications where there is high transaction
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CASPIAN and No cards shoppers are some of the numerous anti loyalty programs
consumer groups active across the globe
Benefits of Loyalty programs:
Up gradation of shoppers
Valuable data
Increased sales
Increased footfalls
Brand reinforcement
IIFT_NCS Paper writing contest
Essentials of a successful loyalty program
Before discussing essential elements of a successful loyalty program, it is critical
to understand that there are a lot of strategic issues that a company should consider
before deciding whether it should go ahead with a loyalty program or not .Also,
there should be a proper alignment between an organization s strategy, its business
model and customer s needs and preferences. Now let us look at what successful
loyalty programs all over the world have in common:
Realistic and focused program objectives
A well designed loyalty program would have specific measurable objectives and
targets, for example aiming at 5% annual increase in sale. Clear objectives helps a
retailer to design appropriate loyalty strategies targeted at specific segments and
Richard Lagery s Speech Against The Crusades
e Lagery and became Urban II. He studied at a school from Reims Cathedral and
later became canon and archdeacon of Reims. He was elected pope on March 12,
1088 and was the head of the Catholic Church from 1088 to 1099. In the Roman
Catholic Church, Pope Urban was beatified in 1881. Pope Urban II made one of the
most influential speech in the Middle Ages which gave rise to the Crusades. He
convinced European Christians to reclaim the Holy Land in Jerusalem from the
Muslims. He also influenced allied European states to support the First Crusade.
In March 1095, a Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus requested to Pope Urban
for help against the Turks and his response was the First Crusade at the Council of
Clermont. The Council of Clermont was an assembly reform that was called by
Pope Urban on November 18, 1095 and lasted until November 28. On November 27,
Pope Urban spoke for the first time about the problem in the east and he announced
bellum sacrum against the Muslims that lived in the Holy Land. This ... Show more
content on ...
Pope Urban II speech gathered hundreds of nobleman and clerics, and in his speech
he summoned the rich and poor to stop fighting and lead a righteous war to help
the Christians from the East take back Jerusalem. His speech starts by him telling
everyone about how the Holy Land is taken over and then he talks about what the
attacks had done to the inhabitants and saying how desecrated the churches are. He
then asks for everyone to stop fighting amongst each other and to begin fighting for
what is theirs. Pope Urban s call for war mobilized the clerics all throughout Europe
to gather support for the crusade against the Muslims. About 60,000 to 100,000
people, which included 200 Bishops and Archbishops, 4,000 ecclesiastics, and 30,000
laymen, responded to his call to march in
Militarism In Ww1
War World War I (WWI). Words that bring back some horrid memories of an
unpleasant time. The War of 1914 1919, fought with tanks, airplanes, trenches,
machine guns and more. Fought in forms of Alliances such as the Triple Entente,
including France, Russia, and Great Britain. Also the Triple Alliance, which
includes, Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy. Fought in the countries of France,
Italy, Russia and Turkey. The Great War, caused by many events such as
imperialism and alliances, but militarism out of all was the underlying (main) cause
to the start of one of the bloodiest wars. To begin, imperialism plays a key role in
the start of, WWI. Imperialism is the practice to extend power, to control or rule by
one country over areas outside... Show more content on ...
Militarism was the belief or desire of a government or the people should maintain a
strong military and ready to use it when needed and aggressively to defend or
promote national interests. Building up your army can be a major set of to other
countries, making them feel as if they are about to get attacked. Also other
countries would want to have more power than the others so they would have a
competition that could lead to war. For example, evidence shows in a chart by
Richard Overy, in 1999, all the countries were building up their armies and navy
and spending lots of money on them. This can cause war because if the other
countries saw that another country has a good military they wouldn t want to be
unprepared and they start building up their army and then all hell breaks loose.
Another example written in, The Hammer or the Anvil , by Bernhard von Bulow;
he writes, There is no welfare for us without power, without a strong army and a
strong fleet. (Bulow 1). This shows to readers that they were readying themselves
for some kind of war. This shows to readers that militarism is obviously the
underlying cause for WWI, because without a military there would be no
The Alien And Sedition Acts
History is essentially the foundations of humanity. It contains what mankind was,
what it is, and often foreshadows what it will be. In the development of a nation, the
documents and customs established, set precedents that bury deep within the roots of
a nation s history as it grows in power and strength. In the development of the United
States, one such set of acts played a key role in the way unto which this nation was
formed and continues to affect it today. The Alien and Sedition Acts
American ideology in the 18th Century and again influences the nation in the current
era. By first understanding what the Alien and Sedition Acts were, how they shaped
the nation s development, and their role in America today, the importance and... Show
more content on ...
The second and third acts, The Alien Enemies, and Alien Friends Acts, gave the
government the power to deport aliens living in the States ( The Alien, n.d).Which
would allow the government to remove any perceived threats or simply anyone that
could have been labeled as unpatriotic, without the need for a trial. The fear of a
French invasion was so great, that a sense of witch hunt hysteria was spreading
through John Adam s Federalist party. This also allowed the federalist s the power to
remove any immigrants that were in favor of the Democratic Republican party, thus
weakening the party further. Lastly, and certainly the most controversial Act, The
Sedition Act, the rights of American citizens themselves were violated by prohibiting
assembly with intent to oppose any measure ... of the government and made it illegal
for any person to print, utter, or publish ... any false, scandalous, and malicious
writing against the government, or specifically anyone against the Federalist Party (
Sedition, n.d). These laws were the first examples in the United States of controlling
immigration and free will, amid fear of foreigners and hysteria, coupled with a
willingness to suppress resentment and punish those who spoke out against the
Federalist party. Once these laws were put into effect, the results were ever more
devastating. By placing the government in a position where administrators were
masters of the people, and no longer servants, America returned to the same
Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence
Many believe that as the year progresses, our lives become more dangerous for us
to be a part of. However, Zachary Crockett states that the beginning is bad, and In
the first 24 hours of the new year, 264 separate incidents of gun violence happened
across the United States (Crockett 1). He is helping us to illustrate we struggle
throughout the entire year, and we get attacked at the times which we least expect
them to happen. In the infographic that is being shown, Chicago was reported to
have 24 shootings, leaving 3 dead and 28 injured , leading us to the idea that some
towns are at more risk than others (Crockett 1). He is leading us to believe that
some cities, like Chicago, face a better likliness of shootings occurring, then in some
other cities. There needs to be a better handle of guns in this area, and take caution
so that many do not get hurt. When trying to depict other important details, Crockett
helps explain that every day, and average of 112 people are killed or injured by gun
violence in America (Crockett 1). There needs to be a tighter grip on not only the
actions of the people in the country, but the weapon. Guns cause a lot of stress and
havoc across the country, and if we could allow ourselves to overcome this, then we
would be helping ourselves out.
Zachary Crockett has written for many magazines, websites, etc. and they all enjoy
the work that he does for them. He has a lot of experience in his field, especially
crime and politics, so when discusses gun violence, he has plenty of knowledge. He
has been cited by the White House, so he has the backing of the president with him.
Likewise, he also has co authored two bestselling books, which allows him to be
recognized as a very unique, but reliable source. The information that comes from
him are truthful facts that are detailed descriptions from real life occurrences in our
society. When someone is incorporating real life examples into their articles, they
place themselves higher on the minds of others on credibility. The Vox uses their own
material, and allows for their information to be unique. They get their facts from
bigger and more important factual sources, and they allow for their writers to expand
on the information they
Pros And Cons Of Wikipedia
The first observation noted that there s an issue with the Wikipedia site is their
home web page. The home page of the online encyclopedia has a welcome page
that boasts, Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit
(Wikipedia, 2015). This method is in opposition of what I would deem highly
credible. Anyone could be an Eight year old or a person that is mentally ill. In my
opinion, the open editingsystem is the strength and the weakness of the website. There
is the chance that the social encyclopedia s contributors may not create university
level articles worthy of citing as a primary source for an academic paper. Another
issue is that Wikipediaseems to depend on the hopes that its user will apply the
golden rule that is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It seems
Wikipedia depends on the kindness of its users and hopes that they will post accurate
... Show more content on ...
Mills Kelly, a historian at George Mason University in Washington, D.C.,
encouraged his students to deceive thousands of people on the Web. Professor Kelly
encourages his student to create a hoax story about a pirate for the purpose of
teaching the students about vetting the quality of their sources. The students created
a fake history blog, they created youtube videos, interviewed experts, fabricated
documents, and then the students posted statuses on facebook, twitter, and
shoutwire. The students went on the Wikipedia page and created a memorial page
for the pirate. Unfortunately many were duped by the hoax. The fabricated pirate
story went as far as being featured on USA Today s pop culture blog. At the end of
the semester, the professor revealed the hoax. Some applauded the Professor while
many others were livid. Among the livid was Jimmy Wales, the Co founder of
Wikipedia (Applebaum,
Diffusion Of Western Culture In Bhutan
Title: Diffusion of Western Culture in Every Aspects of Traditional Bhutan.
The wave of modernization is inevitable. It has taken over almost the entire world. Of
course there are still countries that have been undaunted by the wave of
modernization. Bhutan for so many years has resisted the wave but the wave is
slowly taking over Bhutan like countless other countries. The diffusion of western
culture in a country poses a great threat to its traditional values, beliefs and practices.
Bhutanese people work hard and buy things that have made their lives easier in many
aspects but this however has affected the country and the people are failing to
maintain the traditional values and customs. Western culture indeed has had an
impact on the traditional values of the Bhutanese people which inevitably are
jeopardizing the country s traditional values and practices.
Bhutanese people work hard and buy things mainly under the influence of western
culture. It is modernization ... Show more content on ...
In an article released by BBC, Rinzin Dorji the head of Sigma cable company said the
children in school were copying wrestling moves and that the children were becoming
more violet (Dorji, 1999 ). After the inception of television broadcasting for the first
time on June 1999, the crime rate increased and the children were influenced to a
large extent. Even preferences of recreational sports for the youth changed. Cline in
the article claims that youth in Bhutan preferred football and American baseball over
national sport of Bhutan, archery. The interesting concept Cline talks about is the
generational gaps . The Bhutanese youth, after Bhutan started with television
broadcasting like English and Hindi songs while on the other hand the elder
Bhutanese were still favoring traditional Bhutanese folk music the zhungdra and
Information Systems ( Proxima Energy Limited )
Information systems comprises of a collection of hardware, software, people, data and
procedures that are structured to generate information that support the daily activities
of users in an organization while Information Technology is any technology used in
the production, storage and communication of information from one user to another.
An Information system can be classified into five categories:
Office Information systems:
This is an information system that uses hardware, software and networks to improve
workflow and ease communications among employees. An office information system
facilitates a range of ... Show more content on ...
Decision Support Systems:
Decision support systems is an information system designed to make use of data from
internal and external sources to enable users reach the best possible decision when a
decision making situation arises. Data from internal sources include sales,
manufacturing, financial data and inventory while data from external sources include
interest rates, raw material pricing and the stock exchange.
Expert System:
An expert system is an information system that collects and stores the knowledge of
human experts and then imitates decision making processes for users with little
expertise. Expert systems are made up of two components:
A knowledge base which is a combination of the knowledge and experience of the
human experts
An inference rule which is a set of logical judgments applied to the Knowledge base
every time a user defines a situation to the expert system.
Information Systems comprises of an integrated set of information technology
components for storing, collecting and processing data to deliver information and
digital products. The organizational components of an Information System (IS) is
made up the People, Culture, Procedure and Process used by the company.
What Are The Three Core Moderators Of Tactile Salience
Core factors
In fig. 1, the three core moderators of tactile salience are:
1. Technology characteristics/capabilities. Technology characteristics include the
engineering specifications of the tactor display. For example, abrupt onset (or
changes) in stimuli and high frequency (200 300 Hz) tone burst vibrations are
known to be more salient, as measured by probability of detection (Mortimer et al.
2007). Early studies of tactile signaling focused on psychophysical responses to
tactor characteristics (see reviews by Cheung et al. 2008, Cholewiak et al. 1991,
Lederman Klatzky, 2009, Loomis Lederman, 1986). Others have also discussed tactor
characteristics such as the amplitude, frequency, and ISI, transducer force, bandwidth,
and duration of signal (Cholewiak Wollowitz 1992, Jones Sarter, 2008; Mortimer et
al. 2007).
Technology also includes characteristics arising from multiple tactors, such as type,
variety, and number of tactors in the array. Some tactor cues can be likened to
melodies (Brewster Brown, 2004). Brewster et al., referred to these tactile melodies
as tactons (tactile icons). Similarly, multi tactor cues developed to cue different
operator actions have been referred to as tactions, or tactile actions (Mortimer et al.
2011). Tactons and tactions can be defined in terms of dimensional variables affecting
salience (e.g., simplicity, intuitiveness, meaningfulness, distinctiveness).
2. Individual/User characteristics. Characteristics of the user
Why Is Beowulf Still Relevant Today
The Importance of Beowulf in Modern America By Jennifer Carley Modern culture
and literature include many stories of great heroes and fictional adventures. Many
people grow up reading about these great adventures and looking up to the heroes of
the stories. Heroes are great roll models because they are portrayed as courageous and
trustworthy individuals, two very admirable qualities. Despite numerous cultural and
technological advancements, life in modern America continues to bear resemblance
to the Anglo Saxon world of the hero Beowulf. The poem Beowulf, though written
many centuries ago, still contains the same universal themes of any great action
adventure story in today s society. The poem is about a great hero who overcomes
seemingly... Show more content on ...
A closer look, however, reveals a striking similarity between that code and today s
work place. A lord or the modern day boss chooses the best thanes/workers in the
land through their experience in battle or a resume of previous employment. For
example, when Beowulf first arrives in the Shieldings country (ll. 277) he tells
King Hrothgar all about his past triumphs in order to gain the King s approval to be
one of his warriors. Once a contractual agreement is established, the lord/boss
provides his thanes/employees with a share of his wealth/salaries. King Hrothgar
states that, Holy God has, in His goodness, guided [Beowulf] here to the West Danes,
the defend us from Grendel. This is my hope; and for his heroism I will recompense
him with a rich treasure (ll. 381 385). In return, a thane/employee promises to
remain loyal to his lord/boss, ready to die in battle or at the office, finishing a
project before a deadline. If a battle is won or a deal is closed, an ideal lord/boss,
whose greatest characteristic is generosity, will divide the treasure among his
thanes, or award a big bonus check to his employees. When Beowulf Carley 4
defeats Grendel, the Halfdane s son present[s] Beowulf with a gold standard as a
victory gift (ll. 1019 1020). On the other hand, a violation of the agreement results in
the exile/firing of the thane/employee, and a loss of livelihood followed by shame
and embarrassment. Understanding the
The Geniuses Artist Michelangelo Essay
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni better known as Michelangelo is one
of the greatest artistic geniuses of the Italian Renaissance or that every lived for that
matter, some of his works include his sculpture of David, ceiling paintings of the
Sistine chapel, and also the Pieta. Michelangelo was born in Caprese, Italy in 1475
to Leonardo di Buonarrota Simoni and Francesca Neri. During the time of his birth
Michelangelos father was a magistrate in the town of Caprese but moved his family
to Florence shortly after the birth of Michelangelo. Years after their departure to
Florence his mother became gravely ill which resulted in Michelangelo being placed
to live with a stonecutter and his family in Settignano, his mother later succumb...
Show more content on ...
At only the age of sixteen did he began to produce some of his early works which
included, Madonna seated on a step and the Battle of Centaurs . Shortly after the
death of Lorenzo the great Michelangelo moved to Bologna where he proceeded
with his studying only to return back to Florence in 1945 to start his sculpting.
Later, relocating to Rome in 1498 Michelangelo career was in full swing when he
was commissioned to carve the sculpture now known today as Pieta which was a
statue of the Virgin Mary holding a lifeless Jesus in her lap after his crucifixion.
Returning to Florence Michelangelo had become somewhat popular throughout the
city. Taking on a project many other sculptures failed to complete Michelangelo took
over the commission for the statue David , the seventeen foot sculpture was so
impressive with its humility and appearance it became a prized possession of the city
of Florence. More opportunities presented themselves before one of the biggest ones
came along that would make Michelangelo known worldwide, the Sistine chapel.
Michelangelo was actually in the processes of building the tomb for Pope Julius II
until he was asked to decorate the Sistine chapel. This sparked his imagination for
the design of the canvas and he got to work he ultimately ended up firing his help
and continued working in the piece alone, it was
Strengths And Weaknesses Of An Effective Assistant
Dena gains agreement with the client to ensure they are on the same page.
After strong closing and foreshadowing the transfer (good!), Dena then goes on to set
expectations for the client to leave a voicemail if the team member is unavailable.
Including that it ensures a call back within 24 hours.
Strong intro. During her strong intro, Dena is sure to introduce herself, however, she
misses the opportunity to greet the client using her name. It is important that we do
this, in order to make the call more personable. In an instance like this, where the
client gives her name and goes on to explain the reason for calling in, use the client s
name at your first opportunity (at :23)
Control. (1:25 1:33,
Essay On Ulcerative Colitis
This disease have a TH2 profile, but the concentrations of IL 4 and IL 5, which are
normally increased in TH2 responses, have been variable in ulcerative colitis tissues.
From studies of the oxazalone colitis model, one of the few models to exhibit a
TH2 profile, ulcerative colitis has an atypical TH2 response, mediated by natural
killer T cells that secrete IL 13. These natural killer T cells are activated by APCs that
express the nonclassical major histocompatibility
MHC molecule, CD1d, which presents lipid instead of protein antigens to T cells.
will require blockade of IL 13 could provide an exciting new approach to ulcerative
colitis treatment.
T cell subsets are stimulated by APCs, most notably dendritic ... Show more content
on ...
Inflammation occurs in rectum and sigmoid colon. Symptoms include bloody
diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain.
Left sided colitis. Inflammation spread from the rectum up through the sigmoid and
descending colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping left side
pain, and weight loss.
Pancolitis. Affects the entire colon and causes severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal
cramps and pain, fatigue, and significant weight loss.
Acute severe ulcerative colitis. Rare form of colitis affects the entire colon and
causes severe pain, diarrhea, bleeding, fever and inability to eat.and increase risk of
colon cancer 70 80%. And usually doctor suggest to remove the part of colon or
whole colon.
SYMPTOMS: According to inflammation and site, symptoms can be different
depend on the type of colitis. Diarrhea or internal bleeding, risk of causing anemia
followed by bloody stool, fever, weight loss due to low appetites, fatigue, stomach
pain and cramping some other complication occur like pore in the colon, loss of
water and blood from the body, loss of calcium and damage the bone osteoporosis,
high risk of colon cancer,sorness and abscess in mouth, stiffness, lung embolism
,blood coagulation in deep vein
Diagnosis occurs on the basis of medical history of the patient related to
gastrointestinal symptoms and physical examination for the GI tract, dermatologic,
optical system. Looking for any condition among crohn s, ischemic, infections and
DUI Checkpoint Fraud Case Study
DUI Checkpoint Procedures Mr. Seeget claims perjury, obstruction of justice,
extortion, abuse and embezzlement of public monies for various employees being
involved in the operation of the DUI checkpoint on May 10th, 2014 at Mission Blvd
and Linden St. However, Mr. Seeget s does not list facts to indicate the improper
involvement or conduct with the operation of the DUI checkpoint. Additionally, Mr.
Seeget sent his complaint to the California Office of Traffic Safety who reviewed his
claims and found no improper conduct on the part of the Pomona Police Department
or any of its employees, to include grant funding and compliance.
CHP Form 180 Mr. Seeget claims that various employees are involved in collusion,
fraud, forgery and impersonating ... Show more content on ...
Piedra advised that the Records Bureau received a fax from Attorney Diamond s
office on 8 4 14 and a representative from his office came in to the Police Department
on 8 14 14 to pay the $275.00 for the appearance of Officer Hamilton at the DMV
hearing. The representative from Diamond s office only paid for Officer Hamilton
and failed to pay any monies for copies of requested records.
A review of the request by Attorney Diamond s office immediately shows problems
for various reasons. First, the production for documents at the DMV hearing either
did not exist or were not in possession of the department. However, even if
documents could be produced, the subpoena is problematic because the request for
Hamilton to appear, and the request for documents, were served on the same
subpoena. Normally they are requested separately because the time frames and costs
associated with each request are different.
A subpoena for the officer must be accepted if within five business days at a cost of
$275.00 but the production of documents is fulfilled within 10 to 15 calendar days at
an additional cost. Attorney Diamond s office gave the bare minimum of 10 days for
the production of documents and failed to pay the appropriate fees which would
prevent their release by the department (assuming there were any documents to be
Nt1310 Unit 3 Operating System
The third operating system is Mac OS X. It is a series of graphical user interface
based operating system that developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of
computer system (Chan, 2015). People s interest in Mac OS X had been growing
because of the introduction of the iMac computer powered by Intel core duo
processor that enhances the iMac s performance and make it easier to use variety of
application (Levary, 2006). For the security aspect, Mac OS Xhas two layered system
that can protect the data and the computer that will reduce the risk of viruses and
malware attack (Edge, Barker, Smith, 2008). It will make this operating system more
secure from Windows operating system and Linux (White Davisson, 2014). Mac OS
X also only runs
The Coastal Plains Of Texas
The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to
beyond the Rio Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas.
It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the
Red River to about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source
of all Texastimber production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good
for a variety of fruits and vegetables. A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed
to the economic growth of the area.
This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the
DFW metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest
diversified manufacturing industry of the state.
This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio
Grande Valley. Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along
with cattle ranching, rice is also a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More
principle crops include cotton, grains, vegetables, and citrus fruits.
This low valley is also known as The Valley. It has the greatest citrus and winter
vegetables in Texas due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among
the nation s fruit and truck farming regions.
This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf
Coast. The
Management Report
1.0 Introduction
This report is presented to Senior Management team. The aim of this report is to
provide an analysis of Vietnam and Steve Madden brand. In addition, this report also
gives solutions to consider the opening of new branch of Steve Madden in Vietnam.
Steve Madden is a company from USA that manufacture footwear. Nowadays, Asia
becomes the good prospect for western countries to expand their company to earn
more profit. Vietnam is one of the developing countries that can be a good place for
Steve Madden to expand a new branch there. However, Senior Management is not
sure the best choices to enter the Steve Madden brand into Vietnam.
This report covers only SWOT analysis of Steve Madden, business level strategy,
market ... Show more content on ...
If they can do this successfully then they can generate brand loyalty. This makes it
difficult for potential entrants because it will be more difficult for them to win new
customers (Gillespie 2007, 195). Steve Madden has the advantages of the brand
background. Steve Madden day to day becomes a conversation among people in Asia.
With the presence of Steve Madden competitors, proving that footwear business can
grows in Vietnam.
Competing in a new industry requires a firm to have resources to invest. Capital is
needed as inventories, marketing activities and other critical business function.
Defense industries are difficult to enter because of the substantial resource
investments required to be competitive. In addition, because of the high knowledge
requirements of the defense industry, a firm might enter the defense industry through
the acquisition of an existing firm. But it must have access to the capital necessary to
do sit (Hitt 2009, 50).
Cost disadvantages independent of scale are moderate. Many fashion footwear
customers are brand loyal and are reluctant to try new fashion footwear. Additionally,
previous aggressive marketing campaigns have increased not only brand and
individual product name recognition. Government policy is a low entry barrier, as all
manufactures in every industry are subject to factory safety laws.
3.2 Bargaining power of buyers
Vietnam is a young country, with an incredible 65% of the population under the age
Dangers Of Sharps
A major component of regulated medical waste is sharps, which is the term
commonly used for any medical instrument that has a sharp point or a sharp edge
and that can cut or puncture skin. Sharps are used in every area of medical practice
from the emergency room to the pathology lab. In medical settings, the dangers of
sharps are numerous. Not only can needlesticks and cuts from sharps cause
immediate problems that require treatment, injury with used sharps can expose a
medical professional to bloodborne pathogens and infectious agents like HIV,
Hepatitis B and C, herpes, tuberculosis and more. Medical Waste Company Texas:
Who Is At Risk From Sharps Injuries? According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), any worker who handles sharp devices or equipment
is at risk, especially those who handle hypodermic needles/syringes, suture needles,
butterfly type needles, blood collection needles, scalpels and IV stylets. OSHA also
estimates that over 5.6 million workers in the healthcare industry and related
occupations are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, with nursing staff
suffering the most sharps related injuries and subsequent infections. Biomedical
Waste Management: When Do Most Injuries From... Show more content on ...
Situational awareness that includes keeping an eye on the sharp at all times,
focusing on the task at hand, avoiding passing sharps by hand and watching for
sharps in bed linens, on the floor and in waste containers can also help to limit
injuries. One of the most important steps in preventing sharps injuries is proper
disposal that includes personally disposing of used devices, putting sharps into rigid
containers, not overfilling sharps containers and keeping fingers away from the
openings of sharps

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  • 1. Essay On Michael Jordan Crafting an essay on the subject of Michael Jordan presents a unique challenge due to the vast amount of information available about him. Jordan's impact transcends mere basketball; he's an icon of athleticism, entrepreneurship, and cultural influence. The difficulty lies in distilling his life and achievements into a cohesive narrative that captures his essence without becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material. Research alone is a formidable task. Sorting through countless articles, interviews, documentaries, and biographies to unearth the most pertinent information requires time and discernment. Then comes the challenge of organizing this wealth of data into a structured essay that flows logically and thematically. Moreover, conveying the significance of Jordan's legacy in a fresh and insightful manner presents its own hurdles. With so much already said about him, finding a unique angle or perspective demands creativity and critical thinking. Avoiding clichГ©s and regurgitating well- known facts becomes paramount to keeping the essay engaging and informative. Furthermore, balancing admiration for Jordan's accomplishments with a critical examination of his impact adds another layer of complexity. Addressing controversies or shortcomings alongside his achievements requires sensitivity and nuance. In conclusion, writing an essay on Michael Jordan is a task that demands rigorous research, thoughtful analysis, and adept storytelling. It's a challenge that requires dedication, skill, and a deep appreciation for his enduring influence on sports and society. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Michael Jordan Essay On Michael Jordan
  • 2. The Powerful Roman Empire On Ancient Times Jayan Joshi History 9 Mrs. Santosuosso 2/10/16 The Powerful Roman Empire The Roman Empire was one of the most well known empires in history. It was the most powerful of all of the empires and covered at least a part of over fifty present day countries. It covered the most area out of all of the empires in history. Other than the Spartans, the Roman Empire had the most powerful army of the ancient world and contained over 20% of the world population back then. The Roman s ingenuity created many inventions as well, such as the arch, which, with aqueducts, would revolutionize the transport of water and other supplies across the empire. The Roman Empire was the strongest in ancient times, and contained almost all of modern day Europe in its ... Show more content on ... One main reason that the Roman Empire expanded so much was because of their many good emperors such as Trajan and his successor Hadrian. Trajan was emperor of Rome from 98 117 CE and is considered one of the Five Good Emperors of Rome. One reason Trajan was considered such a good emperor was because he was kind and generous to the Roman People and Senate. Because of this, Trajan was one of the reasons that Rome could have so much land and be at the height of their power during his reign. Trajan made sure that the poor were fed and cared for, and almost everybody in his empire liked him. Aside from his kindness, Trajan was also recognized for his achievements in war and expanding Rome to its height in 117 AD with 5 million square kilometers. Throughout Trajan s reign, he captured Dacia, or present day Romania, and the Parthian Empire, or the Persians with his skill in fighting. Following Trajan s death in 117, Hadrian rose to the throne. Hadrian is considered another one of the five good emperors of Rome, except Hadrian was different than Trajan in that he unified and consolidated Rome rather than seize more land as Trajan had. Rather than expand the Empire, Hadrian ruled justly and traveled around his empire and rectified tax situations. Hadrian is most well known for building a wall across Britain to keep out barbarians called Hadrian s Wall. Although these emperors helped maintain the Roman
  • 3. Module Nios _ II _ module NIOS_II_CPU(clk_49, machine_clk_49, DOT_product_49); input clk_49, machine_clk_49; output [31:0] DOT_product_49; //I organized the signals this way in the hopes ofmaking them easier to read when viewing the waveform //and better show the flow of the instructions through the system. //Branch signals reg BR_49, BLT_49, BLT_exe_49; wire BR_out_49, BLT_out_49; // Fetch Stage signals reg [31:0] PC_49; wire [31:0] instruction_49; //Decode Stage Signals wire instruction_type_49, reg_write_sel_49; wire [31:0] instruction_ff_49; wire [4:0] reg_a_49, reg_b_49, reg_write_49; wire [5:0] OP_code_49; wire [31:0] immed_49, reg_out_1_49, reg_out_2_49; //Execute Stage Signals wire [31:0] instruction_ff_d_to_e_49; wire... Show more content on ... 6 b110100; parameter stw = 6 b010101; initial begin PC_49 d4; end lpm_ff reg_1 / / Saves Current instruction ( .data(instruction_49), .q(instruction_ff_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used ports defparam reg_1.lpm_width = Instruction_Width; //****************************Decode Stage***********************// //Decodes fetched Instruction NIOS_Decode Instruction_Decode (.instruction_49(instruction_ff_49), .clk_49(clk_49), .instruction_type_49(instruction_type_49), .reg_a_49(reg_a_49), .reg_b_49(reg_b_49), .reg_write_49(reg_write_49), .reg_write_sel_49(reg_write_sel_49), .OP_49(OP_code_49), .immed_49(immed_49), .BR(BR_out_49), .BLT(BLT_out_49)); NIOS_Register Read_Write_to_Register (.clk_49(clk_49), .read_1_49(reg_a_49), .read_2_49(reg_b_49), .output_1_49(reg_out_1_49), .output_2_49(reg_out_2_49), .write_reg_49(register_to_write), .data_write_49(output_to_write), .write_enable_49(reg_write_sel_ff_m_to_w_49)); always@(*) begin BR_49 = BR_out_49; BLT_49 = BLT_out_49; if (BR_49==1) begin PC_49 = PC_49+immed_49; end end lpm_ff reg_2 // Saves Current instruction ( .data(instruction_ff_49), .q(instruction_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); / / Used ports defparam reg_2.lpm_width = Instruction_Width; lpm_ff reg_5 // Saves RA ( .data(reg_a_49), .q(reg_a_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used ports defparam reg_5.lpm_width = 5; lpm_ff reg_6 // Saves RB ( .data(reg_b_49), .q(reg_b_ff_d_to_e_49), .clock(machine_clk_49)); // Used
  • 4. Theme Of Racism In Heart Of Darkness In the novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad it centers around Marlow and his journey into the Congo River basin. Conrad explores the widespread corruption and brutality in Africa through the Company s ivory trade. Through the exploitation of Africa many aspects of the book are criticized for being ingrained in the views of racism. Conrad s depiction of Africans are accused of holding Africans as savages. In Marlow s journey Conrad alludes to this savagery by the darkness in Africathat corrupts men by reawakening their primal instincts. This novella is inherently racist that is furthered explained by socio cultural analysis Hunt Hawkins. In Heart of Darknessand Racism Hawkins explores how Africans are dehumanized and attacks imperialism on the basis of white men who are greedy and violent. Hawkins discusses how Conrad s novella echos the views in which the novella was published that were greatly enriched in the idea of White Man s Burden that colonizers were entitled to impose their influence on black inhabitants. Further, Conrad s novella is deeply racist by augmenting the patronizing view that Africans are primitive and innocent to the subjugation by white colonizers. Thus, the Heart of Darkness is deeply prejudice that is completely valid by showcasing Africans in a negative light compared to white colonizers. To begin, Hawkin s view of Conrad s work being deeply racist is supported by the dehumanizing light that is casted upon African culture and
  • 5. Grand Theft Auto V Qualitative Gender After an hour of frustration and an inability to find a topic for this qualitative gender portrayal, I gave up and decided to play video games to relax. All of a sudden, I sat staring at my TV screen completely dumbfounded as a nearly nude woman popped up on the loading screen of Grand Theft Auto V. For very obvious reasons, I was inspired to qualitatively analyze Grand Theft Auto V focusing specifically on genderstereotypes and sexualization present in the game. In order to accurately depict the video game s portrayal of gender I studied both the story mode and online mode looking closely at the actions and speech, physical appearance, and prevalence of females within the game. After a brief analysis, it was quickly discovered that the
  • 6. Completed Ngc@ Report NATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE Candidate report template (2009 specification) UNIT NGC3 THE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATION Student number: Location: Date of review: Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place This report follows an inspection of the building and yard located in ....... in order to meet the requirements of the Nebosh NGC 3 practical application. The areas concerned with this inspection are the works building and one store in the yard and its immediate surrounding area. The building consists of a canteen area, an office for admin duties, two toilets, a locker... Show more content on ... The heater in the drying room (6) also needs urgent attention as its purpose is to dry out PPE used by employees in wet weather conditions. With the heater not functional this has an impact on the ability to maintain the PPE to a good standard. PUWER Issues The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations state that employers must ensure that all work equipment is suitable, maintained and inspected (7, 17). The old fax machine in the office has been out of use for quite some time with service tags out of date and there has been no effort to have it repaired or replaced. It is creating a tripping hazard as well as breaching PUWER. A similar situation has arisen regarding the water dispenser in the canteen. The employees have shown their concerns about not being able to use the machine and it is in serious need of repair or replacement. This is also creating a welfare issue which must be addressed. Manual Handling Issues There are some issues concerning heavy materials being stored at ground level (13, 20). This is in breach of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and presents a high risk of a RIDDOR injury to employees lifting or moving these materials. As suggested these materials must be stored correctly and at waist level to prevent injuries from bending and lifting. This will prevent high costs through RIDDOR incidents and loss of productivity.
  • 7. Taylor Swift Parody Shake It Off is a song by singer songwriter Taylor Swift. It became her second number one single in the United States. The message Taylor Swift portrays in the song is very inspirational and positive to everyone in America today. Swift teaches everyone to not try to be like everyone else, and when you have mean people talk down about you, you just let it go and be yourself. Key of Awesome is a famous YouTube channel that makes several parodies of the most popular singles. They recently made a parody of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. The parody has the same beat and a similar music video, but a totally different meaning in the lyrics. It mocks Taylor Swift and everything she has accomplished. It mocks the meaning of the song, and also the music video itself mocks the original music video. The two songs and music videos are comparable and contrastable, but both songs send a very opposite message. Since the song Shake It Off had a parody about it and the artist, there was definitely several similarities between the two. The music video starts off with Taylor Swift doing ballet. It shows that she isn t in unison just like ... Show more content on ... Of course the lyrics are completely different and send a different message to the audience. The parody really targets on Taylor Swifts flaws, and makes them seem bigger than what they are. The song`shows Swift being surprised that she won another music award, when in reality she has won one every year since she was 15 years old. Taylor Swift s songs have always been about break ups and boys, so the parody targeted on her breaking up with guys and always making songs about them after they break up. Taylor Swift is saying The haters gonna hate baby, I m just gonna shake it off. Obviously the two meanings of the song are completely different. The artists of the song are different people, thus making the sound of the singer
  • 8. Red Violin Reflection A Take on The Red Violin The Red Violin, a movie written by Don McKellar and FranГ§ois Girard, and directed by FranГ§ois Girard, was released on September 10, 1998. It follows a special, and, in a sense, cursed, fictional violin through its long and tragic life, culminating a modern era auction where it is being sold. Everything begins with the violinmakers, NicolГІ Bussotti, and his pregnant wife, Anna Rudolfi. While Bussotti worked in his shop, Rudolfi met with one of their servants, Cesca, and asked her to tell her unborn child s future. Cesca tells her that she cannot, siting that the humors are all balanced until someone is born, and offers to tell Rudolfi hers instead. There is some hesitation on Rudolfi s part before she reluctantly agrees and Cesca lays out her tarot cards. Rudolfi selects five and Cesca began telling her fortune, which is how the real story begins. Her first card, The Moon, Cesca says means Rudolfi would have a long, rich, full life. Despite that, Rudolfi expresses her nervousness toward the delivery to Bussotti when she met him in his workshop, saying that Cesca told her the delivery would be difficult and painful. When Bussotti tries to comfort her, telling her that they always were, she expresses her nervousness again, saying that she was old to be having a baby. Bussotti ignored her concerns, going to work the next morning as always, only to be interrupted by one of his workers telling him a boy sent by the doctor was there as he was about to
  • 9. General Electric As It Became One Of The World s Leaders The purpose of this research paper is to perform an analysis of General Electric as it became one of the world s leaders in global expansion in light of new leadership strategies. I will further discuss how since the establishment General Electric through the merger of two innovative companies, Edison Electric Light Company and Thomas Houstan Electric Company. And how different leadership styles and management styles has made GE one of the most innovated company of our time. General Electricwas incorporated on April 15, 1892, by Thomas Edison, is a diversified infrastructure and financial services company. The products and services of the Company range from aircraft engines, power generation, oil and gas production equipment, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products. The Company operates its segments through its eight businesses, based on the markets they serve: Power Water, Oil Gas, Energy Management, Aviation, Healthcare, Transportation, Appliances and Lighting, and GE Capital. The Company operates in approximately 175 countries. It was in 1878 where Thomas Edison founder the Edison Electric Light Company. It was at this time where Thomas Edison invented the incandescent electric lamp. Edison succeeded in developing an incandescent lamp able of staying lit for 40 hours. In 1880, Edison refined the filaments in his bulbs to the point that they lasted 600 hours. In 1892 Edison General Electric merged with The
  • 10. Explain How To Go With Vertical Or Horizontal Placement... How to Install a Backerboard in a Shower A concrete backerboard is required for all tile or natural stone showers. It serves as a shower wall substrate that will help protect the wood of the wall studs from moisture. It I snot waterproof but iis installed with a moisture barrier. A benefit of using cement backerboards is they remain dimensionally stable even when wet so they do not swell up, which will lessen the occurrence of tile cracking and other bathroom problems. You have to make sure your concretebackerboard is properly installed to have a solid and durable substrate for your tile installation. Take your time when installing the sheets and ensure that you make it as moisture resistant as possible. 1. Decide if you will go with vertical or horizontal placement when installing your backerboard in the shower. It really won t affect the outcome, but it is important to make the process easier. For wide shower areas, it is better to place the boards on their longest edge. But if it will make the installation more difficult, then run the sheets with vertically instead. ... Show more content on ... Cover the wall studs in plastic sheeting. This will serve as a moisture barrier for the wall studs behind the backerboard. Use a utility knife to cut the plastic sheeting down to size, staple the sheeting into place, then layer them with a waterfall method (each upper piece drains down onto the next lower sheet, directing the water down towards the shower pan). Make sure that the shower pan flange is covered by the lowest edge of the sheeting. 3. Lay out your boards for the best fit on the walls. Measure and mark your pieces, then make straight cuts using a utility knife and T square that is held against the sheets. 4. Use a keyhole saw to cut around for pipe stub outs (such as faucets and shower
  • 11. Neo Liberalism And Its Impact On Society Introduction There is a heated debate on this concept during the past 20 years and is somewhat named as exhortation. Many authors have tried to describe this concept and related it with the spread of capitalism and along with a proactive welfare state. The concept of neo liberalism basically revived from liberalism. By this it can be suggested that liberalism was absent from politics in order to emerge in a new form. Neo liberalism is not basically a distinct ideology and a not proper form of liberalism. It shares only some of the historic views with liberalism which would be general. Another concept which is introduced is economic liberalism. It is defined as that the states do not intervene in the matters related to economy rather on the individuals. Economic liberalism and neoliberalism are separate entities from liberalism. In oxford English dictionary describes economic liberalism as, Favorable to constitutional changes and legal or administrative reforms tending in the direction of freedom or democracy. It also describes neo liberalism as, A modified and revived form of traditional liberalism one based on the belief in free market capitalism and the rights of the individuals. Liberalism Liberalism was an important concept but it also lost some of its importance in order to emerge as a new form. In the today s world hardly any one speaks for the freedom and democracy
  • 12. Veteran Ethnography I decided to do the choreography track for this assignment. I chose to interview one of my favorite undergraduate professor. Dr. Dale Gunn is a professor of both history and psychology. The walls of his office are filled with multiple degrees. He is a US Veteran, and has had many interesting careers such as a diver for Jacques Cousteau, IBM computer programmer, FBI analyst, Police Psychologist, Criminal Psychologist, as well as a college professor. After emailing Dr. Gunn he agreed to answer my questions for this assignment. I called and ask If your discipline (or your job), were a dance, what kind of dance would it be? . His response was immediate and precise. As expected, Dr. Gunn began with a brief history of his family. He said, my ancestors
  • 13. What It s Like To Be A Gang Member, By Bill Lee And We... In both What It s Like to be a Gang Member, by Bill Lee and We Real Cool, by Gwendolyn Brooks, gang life is portrayed as dangerous and violent, demonstrating that gang members have to find a way to compensate and prevent themselves from going overboard. Both passages show the toughness required to be in a gang, along with the challenges the members face, such as peer pressure. In the article What It s Like to be a Gang Member, by Bill Lee, gang activity is described in detail, and the struggles of membership are shown clearly. For example, ...when your buddies are jumping someone, there was immense peer pressure to join in, whether you wanted to or not. This shows that some gang members would do atrocious things just to fit in, not because they actually wanted to do it. Beginning in the mid 1960 s, the violence in my neighborhood escalated, and by 1970, a major gang war had erupted. This quote tells us that things got out of hand and daily life started to get more and more fatal until a fight took place. They didn t hold themselves back when traumatizing others. I learned early on that in the streets, it was dog eat dog and survival of the fittest. Here, it proves that gang life is competitive and if you can t keep up, then you will suffer. You will have to fight... Show more content on ... We real cool. We left school. Here, the author shows two things: that gang members think of violence as cool , and it also shows that gangsters would drop out of or skip school, which is a careless act, since education is very important for youths. We lurk late. We strike straight. This simple quote shows that gang members would get in trouble late at night and get involved with risky activities. We die soon. Here, the author is suggesting that gang life will often lead to suffering, or even death. This displays how precarious things can
  • 14. Analysis Of The Color Purple The Past Helps Shape a Better Future According to the Ark of Hope for Children, 1,850 children die a year by some form of child abuse. Assault must be noticed, especially because it affects so many people worldwide. The Color Purple by Alice Walker focuses extensively on this idea and the ramifications of rape. In the novel, the main protagonist Celie is compelled to live with a man named Mr. _____, whose last name is unidentified in the book, who constantly makes her work in the fields and clean the house along with taking care of his three rude children. As she reaches her adulthood, Celie undergoes certain changes in life that ultimately guide her in the direction of finding Godagain and rediscovering his powerful influence on everyone s lives. Critics banned The Color Purpledue to its themes of incest, birth of children outside of marriage, rape, sexual pleasure, and lesbian activity. Despite the sexual and violent content in The Color Purple, the novel should be studied in high school curriculum due to the literary elements that contribute to a reader s understanding of real world issues. The Color Purple develops themes of religious transformation and equality throughout the story that are necessary for teenagers to understand due to their meaningful lessons on human nature. Throughout the story, Celie reveals her depiction of God as simply an ordinary white man who takes advantage of black citizens. Shug redirects Celie s thinking by telling her that God is only
  • 15. mnbn Financial Model is defined as the model that captures the future operating, investing and financing activities that determines the future profitability, financial position and risk of a business venture (MacMorran, 2009). It is a decision making tool regarding investment, forecasting and valuation of a project or a company. It is an important element in all investment decisions which helps to regulate financial activities. According to Janiszewski S. (2011) the importance of financial modeling is to reflect /represent the forecasted financial performance of a business venture. Financial models are mainly used generally in compiling financial projections for a company based on discounted cash flow(DCF) approach and non valuation financial projections. These are used for management information or accounting purpose. Financial modeling is practically applied in Corporate finance, Investment banking, Equity Research and Accounting Profession. A financial model can be used in Business Valuation, Project Finance, Mergers and Acquisition, Risk Modeling, Leverage buy out Analysis, Management Decision Making Process, Capital Budgeting, Forecasting, Equity Research and Valuation, Option Pricing and Financial Statement Analysis (Youtube Video). Financial planning model tend to rely on accounting relationships and not financial relationships. The three basic elements usually valuated include the cash flow size, risk and the timing. It does not produce meaningful clues about what
  • 16. A Interview On Therapeutic Communication Of Older Adults Overview of Interview For this visit summary, I have interviewed a 90 95 year old assisted living resident that will be re named Joyce for the purpose of this paper. Before constructing the interview, I was very excited and anxious to meet the resident I was interviewing for the first time. Upon arrival, I was put to ease once meeting a genuine elderly woman in the lobby that was just as excited to meet me for the first time. When reflecting on the interview I am glad to have had prior knowledge on therapeutic communication of older adults. I had seemly used all of the tips that the book had highlighted. These tips include attentive listening, authentic presence, clarifying, keeping focus, and providing intervals of silence (Touhy Jett, 2016, p. 67). The most important piece of communication with Joyce was providing silence for her to gather her thoughts in response to my questions. During the first interview she had told me that she forgot to put her hearing aids in because she did not like to wear them. If she was unable to hear me she would ask me to repeat the question and then she would pause in silence gathering her thoughts to see if she heard me correctly. The missing hearing aids was a communication barrier in our interviewing process. Since I was aware that she was not wearing her hearing aids, I made sure I was placed directly in front of Joyce when talking and was looking at her as I spoke. Joyce s Prospective As I had previously mentioned, Joyce had seemed
  • 17. The Social Concept Of Generation Throughout this dissertation, historic societal concept of generation is used. It describes the generation as the aggregate of individuals who roughly share birth years around the common period and experience similar external events within the same time interval, which uniquely shape their values, attitudes, and preference (Ryder, 1965: 845; Kupperschmidt, 2000: 66; Cahill and Sedrak, 2012; Costanza et al., 2012; Venuta, 2014). Hubschmid (2013) suggests that this usage of generation is used by business studies, including in the field of management and leadership science, and human resource management (HRM). Parry and Urwin (2011: 79) further reinforce that this concept of generation has become significant in the scope of HRM, since practitioners and scholars have realised the current situation that several assorted generations are now participating in today s labour pool (Rump et al., 2006: 15). Additionally, as the underlying construct, it has gained special focus because much attention has been paid to Gen Y as a generation revolutionising the working environment (De Hauw and De Vos, 2010: 293; Hershatter and Epstein, 2010: 211). The exact definition of Gen Y varies slightly from source to source. In different literatures, the term Generation Y is also commonly accepted as referring to many terms such as Millennials (Parry and Urwin, 2011), Nexters (Marshall, 2004: 18), Net Generation (Downing, 2006), Echo Boomers (Behrens, 2009: 19), Trophy kids (Cahill and Sedrak,
  • 18. Marriage In The Wife Of Bath s Tale Chaucer s most criticized and talked about work The Canterbury Tales displays a significant amount of themes throughout the tales. The most common themes in the work are the following: marriage, gentilesse, salvation, youth and old age, and. The Wife of Bath s Tale incorporates all of the common themes, but is about the woman being the dominant partner in marriage. On the opposite end of the spectrum, The Clerk s Tale has the themes of marriage, gentilesse, and salvation. Those themes are in contrast to The Wife of Bath s Tale . The theme of marriage is widely debated even today. Marriage in the 21st century is not the same as when Chaucer was alive. Men and women are now more equal; however, in The Wife of Bath s Tale she says, Wommen... Show more content on ... The only person who was noble in The Clerk s Tale was Griselda. She was loyal to Walter no matter what he did. Instead of making Walter out to be an evil man Griselda had to, ...suffer this, consent:/ Just like a lamb she sat there meek and still / And let this cruel sergeant do his will (537 539). She was noble in that she did not go against her husband s will. Ashe says, Griselda s reading of Walter reinterprets his tortures as acceptable components of her own will, as she promised him would be the case. Griselda willingliy let her husband take her children and make her feel powerless. She was under the complete control of her husband; Griselda made a promise to Walter before they wed that she would never doubt what he said. Griselda showed the ultimate loyalty to Walter. She showed more loyalty that the modern woman would
  • 19. How Are Bills Can Be Turned Into Law Case Study How are Bills being be turned into law: For above interventions to have the desirable effects, these interventions must be mandated. Bills are ideas that legislators have determined need to be ratified into law. The ideas can come from many sources: The legislator s own experiences, the issues brought forward by constituents or special interest groups (Milstead, 2013). Firstly, the plan is to become a member of a professional association, e.g. ANA. Then, I will take advantage of the resources provided by the organization to be part of the cadre of the politically active nurses who are regarded seriously. An advance of these organizations is that they keep nurse informed about the what, why and how many are happening as well as help in... Show more content on ... Grassroots lobbyist if organized are very influential because grassroots lobbyists have the influence to nominate and elect a representative who can advocate their issues in the congress. Thus, building a trusting relationship is of paramount to passing my idea. Furthermore, for a bill to become law, it usually, takes up to two years or longer. However, with the right people and or lobbyist to back these ideas for the low income neighborhood, a desirable outcome will prevail. Leg Three: The Role of Money The position of money in the legislative field cannot be exaggerated. Most decrees that have been passed involved an up seen amount of money from parties and special interest groups (Milstead, 2013). Therefore, money does play a vast role in forwarding matters to the vanguard on the political arena. I plan on rally community members as well as nurses to turn this into a PI project and to back my policy proposal. These nurses will also become active in the nursing organizations to benefit the proposal influential and financial. Lobbying Laws Numerous laws govern the lobbying in the state of Texas, for example, one law prohibits false communication. A person violates Section 305.021 of the Government Code if, for the purpose of influencing legislation or administrative action, the person knowingly or willfully makes a false statement or
  • 20. Vermont Teddy Bear Essay Vermont Teddy Bear Report 1) How would you describe Vermont Teddy Bear (VTB) s business model (the products and services it sells, target market/s to whom it sells them, the value proposition it offers, and its financial model)? VermontTeddy Bear(VTB) has been found by John Sortino in 1981. This company has served as a gift delivery service with three main product lines: Bears (plush toys), PajamaGrams (apparel), and Calyx Flowers (gifts). All gift orders are made via four different channels (retail store, mail, phone, web order), each channel supported by different software. First, VTB s customers design bears by selecting the colors and outfits from a menu of options. ... Show more content on ... The company has decided to use different applications instead of using a single ERP system, which in turns would make their operations smoother. They have chosen to do this in order to be cost efficient and to focus on the specific need so each department uses a different application. That is connected by middleware that they don t fully understand on how to operate, and are afraid that if they attempt to change it, it would crash all of their system. This in turn makes their operational capabilities not the strongest as it relates to their business model. On the other hand, some of the challenges that they face is that they will not be able to complete all orders or be able to implement improvements due to the increase volume of request that need to be processed during this time. Some of the IT related issues are those that are associated with the different applications that are being used. If an applications crashes then it would hold them up significantly in completing all orders and having them be delivered on time. Primarily the lack of staffing and the lack of IS improvements puts them at a disadvantage against their competitors who more than likely have significant more sophisticated IS infrastructure. 3) How strong are VTB s information systems, given their strategic and operational needs? If you were a member of the VTB Board of Directors, what concerns would you have about the IT architecture? The Vermont Teddy Bear s information system operates on
  • 21. Chinese Immigrants In Australia In The 19th Century Making a Nation In the 19th Century, there was a significant increase of Chinese immigrants in Australia. By 1861, the Chinese community was already thriving, making up nearly 7% of the Victorian population. During this period, the Chinese came to Australia in search of Gold. The early settlers didn t accept the Chinese because they were different in appearance and cultural practices, so they were forced into different camps. In 1788, the Europeans were the first white people to set foot on Australian soil. They came to Australia to colonise the country and from then on, the land became theirs. The Europeans were different to the Chinese in many ways. Their history and cultural religion were very different to the Chinese. The reasons for coming to Australia were different, the Chinese came to find a better life, whereas the Europeans came to colonise the land. Regarding the cost of licences, the Chinese and the Europeans experienced similar hardships. Both the New South Wales and Victorian governments charged the Chinese and the Europeans thirty shillings for a miner s licence. They were also required to pay tax to work on the Goldfields. Correspondingly, most of the easy alluvial Gold had started to run out and big companies were moving in establishing deep hard rock mines that put the small alluvial miners out of business. Both the Chinese and the Europeans experienced the same condition as the police hunted down miners without a licence and were often brutal, corrupt,
  • 22. A Cry Of Players By William Gibson A Cry of Players is written by William Gibson. The first production of the play took place on July 24, 1968 at the Berkshire Theatre Festival in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The Repertory Theatre of the Lincoln Center then presented the production on November 14, 1968 in New York City. Both productions were directed by Gene Frankel. The songs and incidental music for A Cry of Players written by Peaslee was written for piano and voice, but written instructions on the first page explain that the piano part is for rehearsals and also to give the guitarist an idea of the character of the setting. Also the first song Player Entrance Theme can be played by Trumpet, Piccolo, or both plus accompaniment of percussion and a bass instrument if available. The first theme can also be used as exit music at the end of the play for the players. The score includes the following pieces: Player s Entrance Theme, IF I had been Hanged, Ney Nonny No, And Wilt Thou Leave Me Thus, Twas I That Paid For all Things, and The Squire is Dire. The original music was composed by Peaslee for the Lincoln Center production of the play. Dramatic Play Service, Inc sold a five song set for the play for thirteen dollars plus a ten dollar music royalty fee. A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare was first performed at the Stratford upon Avon Memorial Theatreby the Royal Shakespeare Company. It was directed by Peter Brook with music by Peaslee, the actors, and Mendelssohn. The first performance was
  • 23. A Brief Note On Diabetes Mellitus And Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is usually a lifelong metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia or high sugar levels in the blood; can be caused by lack of insulin, insulin resistance, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar. It controls the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats that the body used for energy. Without insulin, glucose (sugar) in the blood builds up causing hyperglycemia. There are 3 classic symptoms of diabetes; the 3 Ps: polyuria which defines as frequent and excessive urination, polydipsia which defines as excessive thirst, and polyphagia which defines as excessive eating. There are two main types of diabetes mellitus: type 1 diabetes mellitus also known as insulin dependent diabetes ... Show more content on ... It is more often develops in winter than summer time and more common in places with cold weathers. Typical onset is before the age of 30. Many major organs in the body can also be affected by type 1 diabetes including the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. Related problems include slow wound healing, vaginal infections (vulvar itching), neuropathy, gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying), visual and hearing problems, heart disease, blood vessel disease (foot ulcers), kidney problems (may result in dialysis). Risk factors may predispose an individual to the occurrence of this type of diabetes such as genetics, exposure to toxins and certain viruses such as the Epstein Barr virus, Coxsackie virus, mumps virus and cytomegalovirus which destroys the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms can come rapidly and may include the classic 3 Ps; polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia, bedwetting in children who previously didn t wet the bed during the night, weight loss, muscle wasting, irritability and other mood changes, fatigue and weakness, blurred vision, vaginal yeast infection, and ketonuria or ketones (acid) in urine; high ketone levels can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Treatment for type 1 diabetes is a lifelong commitment to taking insulin, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy
  • 24. Dome Of Rock The Dome of the Rock is among the largest Islamic shrines that are located in Jerusalem. Built almost thirteen centuries ago, this shrine remains one of the most gorgeous and treasured architectural buildings in the world. It is adorned with a splendid gold dome and an elaborate inscription that represents the Islamic religion. This shrine is built on a sacred rock that was considered to be holy before Islam started. To the Jewish, this rock was the very spot where Abraham was meant to sacrifice Isaac, his son. Besides, the shrine is believed to stand at the spot of the Holy of Hollies of Herod s Temple and Solomon s Temple (Grabar 59). According to Balfour (117) the shrine was constructed between 688 and 691 by Umayyad caliph Abd al Malik.... Show more content on ... This structure is supported by 16 columns that are located around it. The shrine is a double shell that has two layers that are independently connected by beams. The platform on which this dome sits makes it easy for people to see it from all sides. The dome is covered using gold sheathing and it sits on top of a building that is covered outside and inside using Arabic calligraphy and colored mosaic. This building has eight arched entrances and staircase that are connected to the temple on the lower side. Currently, the building still has its original decorations and mosaics just like when it was constructed. The dome s shape is still in its initial form. Some of the materials that were used in the construction of this building include wood, stone, brick, lead and marble (Creswell
  • 25. How Work Place Bullying And Overall Performance Of An... Good morning, my name is Zak Omar and I m your newly appointed HR manager at SSC enterprises. My presentation should give you an insight on how work place bullying and overall the performance of an employee can affect the success of the business. (STOP)Workplace Bullying is repeated, health harming mistreatment of one or more persons by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or Work interference in other words sabotage which prevents work from getting done, and it could also be verbal abuse.STOP Workplace bullyingdoesn t fall under everything that makes a person at work feel unrecognized or upset. Certain behaviours that produce risks to health and safety that are generated by bullies at work, whether if intentional or not fall under work bullying, examples include (refer to PPT) abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments Aggressive and intimidating conduct belittling or humiliating comments Victimisation Practical jokes or initiation Unjustified criticism or complaints Deliberately excluding someone from work related activities withholding information that is vital for effective work performance Analysis Workplace bullying can harm the receiver in many ways but certain effects vary due to the unique characteristics and circumstance, for instance if they re extremely emotional they can experience mental illnesses such as depression and suicidal thoughts or they could experience physical
  • 26. Unexpected Expectation Testing Episodic Memory An unexpected imitation test was the then conducted with the owner asking the dogs to remain on the blue carpet and pay attention to a chosen demonstrated action from table S1. Once they have demonstrated this action a predetermined retention interval, the time between the demonstrated action and the Do it! command, of one minute or one hour would be waited before the owner gave the dogthe Do it! command. This test requires the assumption that a successful imitation of the demonstrated action was possible only if dogs encoded the action incidentally. It can be assumed that the imitation test was unexpected as there was no motivation for the dogs to remember the actions meaning that the test meets the requirements for testing episodic memory, which is assessed by an unexpected recall test. In order to investigate the imitation success of the dogs in the experiment were statistically analyzed to determine if the dog s actions match their owners. This analysis in table 1 shows that there was a difference in success rates between the expected and unexpected recall tests. When analyzing the data from this test only the cases in which the dog performed either ... Show more content on ... In order to combat this issue the dogs were tested only after their expectation of imitation was changed by using the lie down training before the unexpected test was performed. The results of this study suggest that dogs could encode the demonstrated actions incidentally, although less successfully compared to the baseline where recall was expected. The dog s owners may have used signals which may have caused the animals to pay more attention, however, this is unlikely to have been a problem as these same signals were also used throughout the dog s
  • 27. Dietary Intake And Psychological Distress Abstract Necessary dietary intake is very important during pregnancy; it can affect not only the mother but also the unborn baby. There are a couple of factors that play a huge role when the levels are abnormal. Dietary intake and psychological distress are two major components that make up a healthy pregnancy. In some parts of the world pregnant women do not get adequate micronutrients and macronutrients. Not only is this an increasing risk of necessary dietary intake and psychological distress but this can be the reason why stressors occur in the first place. Not having resources for pregnant women who are low in social economic status could be the reason why there are health issues among pregnant women. Keywords: pregnancy, health, dietary intake, psychological distress Factors Influencing Health Issues Among Pregnant Women During pregnancy, women s health is crucial to meet nutritional needs. There are many factors that can affect a pregnancy. Major factors include: stress, diet, health, substance use, psychological disorder and previous trauma experiences. It is very important during the pregnancy that the mother is not exposed to any negativity. Any negativity can affect the unborn baby. There are many stories of previous experiences that have affected the unborn baby due to a negative environment. The participants stories (Hanghoj, 2013) shared their experience of risk associated with physical activity. Health issues are commonly correlated with dietary intake
  • 28. Fate s Punishment For Athens Fate s Punishment for Athens The Landmark Thucydides is a history book on the Peloponnesian War written by an Athenian historian and general named Thucydides. Throughout the book, Thucydides recounts the war and tells of the many actions of his mother land Athens. In several of his descriptions Athens could be viewed as arrogant especially towards their accomplishments in war. He also tells of a terrible crime that Athens commits that could be described as genocide. Thucydidesalso describes several simpleminded mistakes that were made that crippled Athens in the end and could have been prevented with more through thinking. Despite being powerful and dominant on the battlefield the Athenians suffer crippling defeat in the end. The arrogance, cruelty, and foolishness that Athens displayed brought fate down on Athens and caused their defeat in the Peloponnesian War. Athens displayed their arrogance multiple times throughout the war. During a battle at Pylos Sparta attempted to make peace with Athens through a truce. When offered the truce, Athens rejects it thinking that The treaty would be ready for them whenever they chose to make it . (Landmark Thucydides. Book 4; 4.21, Pg.425). Athens had the audacity to think that Sparta would just wait for them to decide when they were done fighting which made them seem obnoxiously proud. Another time where Athens shows how arrogant they are occurs before the conference with the colony of Melos. Thucydides talks of the colony
  • 29. Book Report Three Times Lucky Three Times Lucky is the story of Miss Moses Mo LoBeau, a sixth grader living in Tupelo, South Carolina. She is being raised by the Colonel and Miss Lana and together operates a cafe, along with Mo s best friend Dale. Since then, Mo has been sending numerous letters down the river, hoping her Upstream Mother would find them and tell her why she let her go. The Colonel is one of the town s other mysteries. He lost his memory in a car accident the night of the same hurricane that washed Mo ashore. Detective Starr is the newest stranger to Tupelo Landing. He isn t welcomed and many of the townspeople are very skeptical about him, especially the Colonel. But the people of Tupelo are shocked when Dale and Mo go to the Colonel s house to find
  • 30. The Pioneers Of Aviation By Orville And Wilbur Wright... Orville and Wilbur Wright brothers were the pioneers of aviation since its first flight performed in 1903 in a heavier than the air machine in North Carolina; but it was not until World War II, when in flight travel achieved a prominent place in other countries, prompted the beginning of a new way of communication and a new business. When the reorganization of the airlines in operation occurred, the network of scheduled flights from fixed itineraries comprehensive and competitive race began in improving the services they offered, such as trained attendants to deal effectively with passengers during flights. Leaning on the technical evolution and the race of modernization and progress, service airline has managed to prevail and win the battle brilliantly, that is why every day many services are efficient such as reservation systems, baggage handling, documentation, and others. Commercial aviation is an activity that is created from the need to transport people and goods, hence airlines became an option as business. The Boeing Company was a small military contractor and was one of the best trading companies in the world, because it s advanced technology that was used in warplanes, then those advances changes were incorporated into commercial aviation. The U.S. airline industry is one of the most varied and active in the world, even though the latest years this industry have been struggling to make revenues and profits. Thus, among all the regulated business within United
  • 31. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion Abortions happen daily, regardless of if people agree or disagree. There are a lot of people out there that argue whether it is ethically okay to abort an unborn child; many people even bring up religion in the deciding factor. What if the person who needs one isn t religious or has a good reason for not being able to carry a child? Some women cannot financially afford to have a child, or can t physically go through the pain of having birth. Several universities conduct studies about abortion everyday. The University of California at San Francisco conducted a survey over women being denied abortions. According to researchers at UCSF, Women were three times more likely than the women who successfully obtained abortions to fall below the poverty line within the next two years. (Procon 4). Abortions denied to women who can t afford the hardships and the payments of a child can be disastrous. Doctors who deny abortions are only hurting the woman and her path to being economically stable. For example, 76% of women who are denied abortions from clinics fall below the poverty line set in California. A woman should be able to make her own decisions, especially in dealing with her body and future. It is extremely unethical to expect a woman to care for a baby she doesn t want and can t afford. Reproductive decisions help women not have a financial disadvantage. If a woman gets pregnant, but doesn t have enough money to afford the upcoming baby, she is the only one who should be able to decide how to handle it. Modern abortions have become safer than ever before, and they are helping women with emotional and physical problems. A recent study published by Obstetrics and Gynaecology concluded, A woman s risk of dying from having an abortion is .6 in 100,000, while the risk of dying from giving birth is around 14 times higher: 8.8 in 100,000. (Procon 3). An abortion has very little effect on a woman s health and stability. There are women, such as those struggling with things such as diabetes, who cannot go through the trouble of birthing a child; abortion is the only answer for their survival. There are also many women who believe they are not mentally/physically ready to raise children. Ethically, everyone is
  • 32. Transportation Is The Development Of Containerization And... It is hard to imagine life in the 1950s. Many things have changed in every aspect of life, not restricted to transportation. One area that is especially interesting related to transportation is the development of containerization and the idea of intermodal transportation. The idea of using containers to transport goods has been around since 1792, when the British and French used wooden containers and transferred them between railcars and horse drawn buggies. Around 1953, Malcolm McLean, a trucking businessman from North Carolina , began thinking about how he could better transport his goods. McLean was concerned about the time it was taking to deliver goods and also highway congestion. He was also worried that tucking would be overlooked... Show more content on ... There was great deal of time wasted in every avenue of transportation by merely waiting, waiting for ships to arrive and waiting for crews to load and unload. Malcolm McLean knew that container shipping was the way to go and he spent his life focused on the container shipping trade. He could see that it would be easier and more economical, by being able to ship more at one time. Whereas McLean initially thought that driving a truck straight onto the ship was the way to go, in 1955 he realized that he could make container shipping even more economical by removing the container from the truck itself. By taking this action, he was able to save a third of the space that was taken up by wheels and creating the ability to stack containers. This motivated McLean to find ways to increase the container load on the ships. On April 26, 1956, the first container shipment of 100 containers, aboard Ideal X launched from Newark, New Jersey and traveled to Houston, Texas. Ideal X was originally a T 2, tanker ship. The containers were placed above deck on the ship. During the period from April to December, 1956, there were 44 container shipments, each carrying approximately 58 containers. Malcolm McLean brought Keith Tantlinger, a renowned container expert, onboard to his company. It was Tantlinger s job to increase the number of containers a
  • 33. The Edinburgh Study Of Youth Transitions And Crime What Not having enough cash or not being able to meet the basic needs such as food clothing and shelter is known as poverty. But, poverty is much more that tat. In other words, it is much more than just not having enough money or not being financially stable. ( /what_is_poverty.html) More that 3 billion people live with only $2.50 each day. Almost a billion people in the world entered the 21st century without having any education. By this it means that the people were unable to read a book or even sing their names. 2 devastating issues that are related to poverty are education and crime: Education Just 14 percent of the variety in a kid s performance can be credited to class quality, as indicated by Donald Hirsch, counsel to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. This implies a child s experience significantly affects their performance in school. Kids who originate from low pay families are far less inclined to perform well in school. Crime ... Show more content on ... Youngsters living in a family where the leader of the family unit was jobless were additionally more inclined to take an interest in criminal behaviour. Even poor people with generally safe foundations will probably participate in savagery. Some main ways to cut down the impact of poverty or to end poverty are: Create jobs The best pathway out of poverty is a well paying employment. To return to prerecession business levels, we should make 5.6 million new
  • 34. The City State Of Zamon Dor Set into the towering side of Mt.Momentum, the city state of Zamon Dor dwarfed the surrounding duchies and townships. Zamon Dor was the land of inventions and innovations; there was nothing its tinkerers could not think up, nothing its architects could not build. Clockwork and its mechanisms made the city what it was; they offered all sorts of comforts that other nations could only dream of. The city itself was alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life: men could be heard talking, women laughing, and children playing, all set to the sound of a soft mechanical whirring as Zamon Dors inventions were alive in all aspects of life. People wore artisanal watches, others rode on clockwork bicycles, and the city gleamed and sparkled during... Show more content on ... The garden was small, but this is where the timewalker spent most of her life. The lush green of the palace gardens offered a much needed juxtaposition against the sea of machines outside of the garden walls. There were no birds or insects to be seen, as neither existed in Zamon Dor, and so there was only the sound of the wind as it rustled the leaves of the great tree in the middle of the garden. This was where Kali, the palace timewalker, came every day from mid morning to just before dusk. Kali was the definition of serenity, her appearance was that of an older child, aged anywhere between thirteen to sixteen. Her skin was fair, with jet black hair and steely eyes that could pierce through even the toughest of men. Sir Kairos, a member of the consulship and Kali s overseer, was a short, stout man who was half bald. Despite his aged appearance, he had a silver tongue, with honeyed words dripping with power. He was one of the few who was given his position, rather than being born into it. Kali, oh Kali dearest, Kairos said in a singsong voice, poking his head through the garden gate and cutting the silence, I need to see you, very important business. Orders from the Chief Magistrate himself! And you know how he gets when he s kept waiting. With that, Kairos departed, surely to attend to the very important matter of deciding what outfit would best please the Chief Magistrate. Kali silently stood and began down the corridor
  • 35. The Symbol of Blood in William Shakespeare s Macbeth... The Symbol of Blood in William Shakespeare s Macbeth Blood represents life, death and often injury. It is an essential part of life, and without blood, we could not live. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the symbol of blood to represent treachery, murder and death. The word blood , or different forms of it, appear numerous times throughout the play. Interestingly, the symbol of blood changes throughout the play, corresponding to the atmosphere and mood changes in the characters and the play. First, blood is a reference of honor, and this occurs when Duncan sees the injured sergeant and says, What bloody man is that? (1.2.1). This is symbolic of the brave fighter who been injured in a valiant battle for Scotland. The sergeant ... Show more content on ... Lady Macbeth starts this off when she asks the spirits to make thick [her] blood (1.5.50). What she is saying by this, is that she wants to make herself insensitive and remorseless for the deed she is hoping to commit. However, she forces Macbeth to do the deed. Right before killing Duncan, Macbeth sees a dagger floating in the air leading him to Duncan?s room and he sees on the blade and dudgeon gouts of blood (2.1.58), indicating that the knife has been viciously stabbed into someone. This is a Lady Macbeth knows that the evidence of blood is a treacherous symbol, and knows it will deflect the guilt from her and Macbeth to the servants when she says If he do bleed, I?ll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt (2.2.71 73). When Banquo states and question this most bloody piece of work (2.3.150), and Ross asks is?t known who did this more than bloody deed? (2.4.31), they are both inquiring as to who performed the treacherous acts upon Duncan. When Macbeth is speaking about Malcolm and Donalbain, he refers to them as bloody cousins A final way, and perhaps the most vivid use of the symbol blood, is of the theme of guilt. First Macbeth hints at his guilt when he says Will all great Neptune?s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? (2.2.78), meaning that he wondered if he would ever be able to forget the dastardly deed that he had committed. Then the ghost of Banquo, all gory, and bloody comes to haunt Macbeth at the
  • 36. Loyalty Programs in Indian Retail Retail Loyalty Programs Loyalty Programs in retail : An overview What is a loyalty program ? Loyalty programs are the schemes designed with an intention to retain existing customers and attract new customers by rewarding a customer with both hard and soft benefits for his loyalty and patronage. Classification Loyalty programs (either В‘on the shop delivery or В‘web based ) can be classified either based on types of rewards and recognition tools used or the mechanism by which customers earn their rewards. Classification based on the mechanism by which customers earn their rewards : 1. Earning points towards a reward of free or discounted product. Such kind of approach is normally used in applications where there is high transaction ... Show more content on ... Page 7 of 21 CASPIAN and No cards shoppers are some of the numerous anti loyalty programs consumer groups active across the globe Benefits of Loyalty programs: Retention Up gradation of shoppers Valuable data Increased sales Increased footfalls Brand reinforcement IIFT_NCS Paper writing contest Essentials of a successful loyalty program Before discussing essential elements of a successful loyalty program, it is critical to understand that there are a lot of strategic issues that a company should consider before deciding whether it should go ahead with a loyalty program or not .Also, there should be a proper alignment between an organization s strategy, its business model and customer s needs and preferences. Now let us look at what successful loyalty programs all over the world have in common: Realistic and focused program objectives A well designed loyalty program would have specific measurable objectives and targets, for example aiming at 5% annual increase in sale. Clear objectives helps a retailer to design appropriate loyalty strategies targeted at specific segments and
  • 37. Richard Lagery s Speech Against The Crusades e Lagery and became Urban II. He studied at a school from Reims Cathedral and later became canon and archdeacon of Reims. He was elected pope on March 12, 1088 and was the head of the Catholic Church from 1088 to 1099. In the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Urban was beatified in 1881. Pope Urban II made one of the most influential speech in the Middle Ages which gave rise to the Crusades. He convinced European Christians to reclaim the Holy Land in Jerusalem from the Muslims. He also influenced allied European states to support the First Crusade. In March 1095, a Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus requested to Pope Urban for help against the Turks and his response was the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. The Council of Clermont was an assembly reform that was called by Pope Urban on November 18, 1095 and lasted until November 28. On November 27, Pope Urban spoke for the first time about the problem in the east and he announced bellum sacrum against the Muslims that lived in the Holy Land. This ... Show more content on ... Pope Urban II speech gathered hundreds of nobleman and clerics, and in his speech he summoned the rich and poor to stop fighting and lead a righteous war to help the Christians from the East take back Jerusalem. His speech starts by him telling everyone about how the Holy Land is taken over and then he talks about what the attacks had done to the inhabitants and saying how desecrated the churches are. He then asks for everyone to stop fighting amongst each other and to begin fighting for what is theirs. Pope Urban s call for war mobilized the clerics all throughout Europe to gather support for the crusade against the Muslims. About 60,000 to 100,000 people, which included 200 Bishops and Archbishops, 4,000 ecclesiastics, and 30,000 laymen, responded to his call to march in
  • 38. Militarism In Ww1 War World War I (WWI). Words that bring back some horrid memories of an unpleasant time. The War of 1914 1919, fought with tanks, airplanes, trenches, machine guns and more. Fought in forms of Alliances such as the Triple Entente, including France, Russia, and Great Britain. Also the Triple Alliance, which includes, Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy. Fought in the countries of France, Italy, Russia and Turkey. The Great War, caused by many events such as imperialism and alliances, but militarism out of all was the underlying (main) cause to the start of one of the bloodiest wars. To begin, imperialism plays a key role in the start of, WWI. Imperialism is the practice to extend power, to control or rule by one country over areas outside... Show more content on ... Militarism was the belief or desire of a government or the people should maintain a strong military and ready to use it when needed and aggressively to defend or promote national interests. Building up your army can be a major set of to other countries, making them feel as if they are about to get attacked. Also other countries would want to have more power than the others so they would have a competition that could lead to war. For example, evidence shows in a chart by Richard Overy, in 1999, all the countries were building up their armies and navy and spending lots of money on them. This can cause war because if the other countries saw that another country has a good military they wouldn t want to be unprepared and they start building up their army and then all hell breaks loose. Another example written in, The Hammer or the Anvil , by Bernhard von Bulow; he writes, There is no welfare for us without power, without a strong army and a strong fleet. (Bulow 1). This shows to readers that they were readying themselves for some kind of war. This shows to readers that militarism is obviously the underlying cause for WWI, because without a military there would be no
  • 39. The Alien And Sedition Acts History is essentially the foundations of humanity. It contains what mankind was, what it is, and often foreshadows what it will be. In the development of a nation, the documents and customs established, set precedents that bury deep within the roots of a nation s history as it grows in power and strength. In the development of the United States, one such set of acts played a key role in the way unto which this nation was formed and continues to affect it today. The Alien and Sedition Acts changed American ideology in the 18th Century and again influences the nation in the current era. By first understanding what the Alien and Sedition Acts were, how they shaped the nation s development, and their role in America today, the importance and... Show more content on ... The second and third acts, The Alien Enemies, and Alien Friends Acts, gave the government the power to deport aliens living in the States ( The Alien, n.d).Which would allow the government to remove any perceived threats or simply anyone that could have been labeled as unpatriotic, without the need for a trial. The fear of a French invasion was so great, that a sense of witch hunt hysteria was spreading through John Adam s Federalist party. This also allowed the federalist s the power to remove any immigrants that were in favor of the Democratic Republican party, thus weakening the party further. Lastly, and certainly the most controversial Act, The Sedition Act, the rights of American citizens themselves were violated by prohibiting assembly with intent to oppose any measure ... of the government and made it illegal for any person to print, utter, or publish ... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government, or specifically anyone against the Federalist Party ( Sedition, n.d). These laws were the first examples in the United States of controlling immigration and free will, amid fear of foreigners and hysteria, coupled with a willingness to suppress resentment and punish those who spoke out against the Federalist party. Once these laws were put into effect, the results were ever more devastating. By placing the government in a position where administrators were masters of the people, and no longer servants, America returned to the same
  • 40. Argumentative Essay On Gun Violence Many believe that as the year progresses, our lives become more dangerous for us to be a part of. However, Zachary Crockett states that the beginning is bad, and In the first 24 hours of the new year, 264 separate incidents of gun violence happened across the United States (Crockett 1). He is helping us to illustrate we struggle throughout the entire year, and we get attacked at the times which we least expect them to happen. In the infographic that is being shown, Chicago was reported to have 24 shootings, leaving 3 dead and 28 injured , leading us to the idea that some towns are at more risk than others (Crockett 1). He is leading us to believe that some cities, like Chicago, face a better likliness of shootings occurring, then in some other cities. There needs to be a better handle of guns in this area, and take caution so that many do not get hurt. When trying to depict other important details, Crockett helps explain that every day, and average of 112 people are killed or injured by gun violence in America (Crockett 1). There needs to be a tighter grip on not only the actions of the people in the country, but the weapon. Guns cause a lot of stress and havoc across the country, and if we could allow ourselves to overcome this, then we would be helping ourselves out. Zachary Crockett has written for many magazines, websites, etc. and they all enjoy the work that he does for them. He has a lot of experience in his field, especially crime and politics, so when discusses gun violence, he has plenty of knowledge. He has been cited by the White House, so he has the backing of the president with him. Likewise, he also has co authored two bestselling books, which allows him to be recognized as a very unique, but reliable source. The information that comes from him are truthful facts that are detailed descriptions from real life occurrences in our society. When someone is incorporating real life examples into their articles, they place themselves higher on the minds of others on credibility. The Vox uses their own material, and allows for their information to be unique. They get their facts from bigger and more important factual sources, and they allow for their writers to expand on the information they
  • 41. Pros And Cons Of Wikipedia The first observation noted that there s an issue with the Wikipedia site is their home web page. The home page of the online encyclopedia has a welcome page that boasts, Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (Wikipedia, 2015). This method is in opposition of what I would deem highly credible. Anyone could be an Eight year old or a person that is mentally ill. In my opinion, the open editingsystem is the strength and the weakness of the website. There is the chance that the social encyclopedia s contributors may not create university level articles worthy of citing as a primary source for an academic paper. Another issue is that Wikipediaseems to depend on the hopes that its user will apply the golden rule that is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It seems Wikipedia depends on the kindness of its users and hopes that they will post accurate ... Show more content on ... Mills Kelly, a historian at George Mason University in Washington, D.C., encouraged his students to deceive thousands of people on the Web. Professor Kelly encourages his student to create a hoax story about a pirate for the purpose of teaching the students about vetting the quality of their sources. The students created a fake history blog, they created youtube videos, interviewed experts, fabricated documents, and then the students posted statuses on facebook, twitter, and shoutwire. The students went on the Wikipedia page and created a memorial page for the pirate. Unfortunately many were duped by the hoax. The fabricated pirate story went as far as being featured on USA Today s pop culture blog. At the end of the semester, the professor revealed the hoax. Some applauded the Professor while many others were livid. Among the livid was Jimmy Wales, the Co founder of Wikipedia (Applebaum,
  • 42. Diffusion Of Western Culture In Bhutan Title: Diffusion of Western Culture in Every Aspects of Traditional Bhutan. The wave of modernization is inevitable. It has taken over almost the entire world. Of course there are still countries that have been undaunted by the wave of modernization. Bhutan for so many years has resisted the wave but the wave is slowly taking over Bhutan like countless other countries. The diffusion of western culture in a country poses a great threat to its traditional values, beliefs and practices. Bhutanese people work hard and buy things that have made their lives easier in many aspects but this however has affected the country and the people are failing to maintain the traditional values and customs. Western culture indeed has had an impact on the traditional values of the Bhutanese people which inevitably are jeopardizing the country s traditional values and practices. Bhutanese people work hard and buy things mainly under the influence of western culture. It is modernization ... Show more content on ... In an article released by BBC, Rinzin Dorji the head of Sigma cable company said the children in school were copying wrestling moves and that the children were becoming more violet (Dorji, 1999 ). After the inception of television broadcasting for the first time on June 1999, the crime rate increased and the children were influenced to a large extent. Even preferences of recreational sports for the youth changed. Cline in the article claims that youth in Bhutan preferred football and American baseball over national sport of Bhutan, archery. The interesting concept Cline talks about is the generational gaps . The Bhutanese youth, after Bhutan started with television broadcasting like English and Hindi songs while on the other hand the elder Bhutanese were still favoring traditional Bhutanese folk music the zhungdra and
  • 43. Information Systems ( Proxima Energy Limited ) AN EVALUATION OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM (PROXIMA ENERGY LIMITED) Information systems comprises of a collection of hardware, software, people, data and procedures that are structured to generate information that support the daily activities of users in an organization while Information Technology is any technology used in the production, storage and communication of information from one user to another. An Information system can be classified into five categories: Office Information systems: This is an information system that uses hardware, software and networks to improve workflow and ease communications among employees. An office information system facilitates a range of ... Show more content on ... Decision Support Systems: Decision support systems is an information system designed to make use of data from internal and external sources to enable users reach the best possible decision when a decision making situation arises. Data from internal sources include sales, manufacturing, financial data and inventory while data from external sources include interest rates, raw material pricing and the stock exchange. Expert System: An expert system is an information system that collects and stores the knowledge of human experts and then imitates decision making processes for users with little expertise. Expert systems are made up of two components: A knowledge base which is a combination of the knowledge and experience of the human experts An inference rule which is a set of logical judgments applied to the Knowledge base every time a user defines a situation to the expert system. THE ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM Information Systems comprises of an integrated set of information technology components for storing, collecting and processing data to deliver information and digital products. The organizational components of an Information System (IS) is made up the People, Culture, Procedure and Process used by the company. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The
  • 44. What Are The Three Core Moderators Of Tactile Salience Are Core factors In fig. 1, the three core moderators of tactile salience are: 1. Technology characteristics/capabilities. Technology characteristics include the engineering specifications of the tactor display. For example, abrupt onset (or changes) in stimuli and high frequency (200 300 Hz) tone burst vibrations are known to be more salient, as measured by probability of detection (Mortimer et al. 2007). Early studies of tactile signaling focused on psychophysical responses to tactor characteristics (see reviews by Cheung et al. 2008, Cholewiak et al. 1991, Lederman Klatzky, 2009, Loomis Lederman, 1986). Others have also discussed tactor characteristics such as the amplitude, frequency, and ISI, transducer force, bandwidth, and duration of signal (Cholewiak Wollowitz 1992, Jones Sarter, 2008; Mortimer et al. 2007). Technology also includes characteristics arising from multiple tactors, such as type, variety, and number of tactors in the array. Some tactor cues can be likened to melodies (Brewster Brown, 2004). Brewster et al., referred to these tactile melodies as tactons (tactile icons). Similarly, multi tactor cues developed to cue different operator actions have been referred to as tactions, or tactile actions (Mortimer et al. 2011). Tactons and tactions can be defined in terms of dimensional variables affecting salience (e.g., simplicity, intuitiveness, meaningfulness, distinctiveness). 2. Individual/User characteristics. Characteristics of the user
  • 45. Why Is Beowulf Still Relevant Today The Importance of Beowulf in Modern America By Jennifer Carley Modern culture and literature include many stories of great heroes and fictional adventures. Many people grow up reading about these great adventures and looking up to the heroes of the stories. Heroes are great roll models because they are portrayed as courageous and trustworthy individuals, two very admirable qualities. Despite numerous cultural and technological advancements, life in modern America continues to bear resemblance to the Anglo Saxon world of the hero Beowulf. The poem Beowulf, though written many centuries ago, still contains the same universal themes of any great action adventure story in today s society. The poem is about a great hero who overcomes seemingly... Show more content on ... A closer look, however, reveals a striking similarity between that code and today s work place. A lord or the modern day boss chooses the best thanes/workers in the land through their experience in battle or a resume of previous employment. For example, when Beowulf first arrives in the Shieldings country (ll. 277) he tells King Hrothgar all about his past triumphs in order to gain the King s approval to be one of his warriors. Once a contractual agreement is established, the lord/boss provides his thanes/employees with a share of his wealth/salaries. King Hrothgar states that, Holy God has, in His goodness, guided [Beowulf] here to the West Danes, the defend us from Grendel. This is my hope; and for his heroism I will recompense him with a rich treasure (ll. 381 385). In return, a thane/employee promises to remain loyal to his lord/boss, ready to die in battle or at the office, finishing a project before a deadline. If a battle is won or a deal is closed, an ideal lord/boss, whose greatest characteristic is generosity, will divide the treasure among his thanes, or award a big bonus check to his employees. When Beowulf Carley 4 defeats Grendel, the Halfdane s son present[s] Beowulf with a gold standard as a victory gift (ll. 1019 1020). On the other hand, a violation of the agreement results in the exile/firing of the thane/employee, and a loss of livelihood followed by shame and embarrassment. Understanding the
  • 46. The Geniuses Artist Michelangelo Essay Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni better known as Michelangelo is one of the greatest artistic geniuses of the Italian Renaissance or that every lived for that matter, some of his works include his sculpture of David, ceiling paintings of the Sistine chapel, and also the Pieta. Michelangelo was born in Caprese, Italy in 1475 to Leonardo di Buonarrota Simoni and Francesca Neri. During the time of his birth Michelangelos father was a magistrate in the town of Caprese but moved his family to Florence shortly after the birth of Michelangelo. Years after their departure to Florence his mother became gravely ill which resulted in Michelangelo being placed to live with a stonecutter and his family in Settignano, his mother later succumb... Show more content on ... At only the age of sixteen did he began to produce some of his early works which included, Madonna seated on a step and the Battle of Centaurs . Shortly after the death of Lorenzo the great Michelangelo moved to Bologna where he proceeded with his studying only to return back to Florence in 1945 to start his sculpting. Later, relocating to Rome in 1498 Michelangelo career was in full swing when he was commissioned to carve the sculpture now known today as Pieta which was a statue of the Virgin Mary holding a lifeless Jesus in her lap after his crucifixion. Returning to Florence Michelangelo had become somewhat popular throughout the city. Taking on a project many other sculptures failed to complete Michelangelo took over the commission for the statue David , the seventeen foot sculpture was so impressive with its humility and appearance it became a prized possession of the city of Florence. More opportunities presented themselves before one of the biggest ones came along that would make Michelangelo known worldwide, the Sistine chapel. Michelangelo was actually in the processes of building the tomb for Pope Julius II until he was asked to decorate the Sistine chapel. This sparked his imagination for the design of the canvas and he got to work he ultimately ended up firing his help and continued working in the piece alone, it was
  • 47. Strengths And Weaknesses Of An Effective Assistant Strengths: Dena gains agreement with the client to ensure they are on the same page. After strong closing and foreshadowing the transfer (good!), Dena then goes on to set expectations for the client to leave a voicemail if the team member is unavailable. Including that it ensures a call back within 24 hours. Opportunities: Strong intro. During her strong intro, Dena is sure to introduce herself, however, she misses the opportunity to greet the client using her name. It is important that we do this, in order to make the call more personable. In an instance like this, where the client gives her name and goes on to explain the reason for calling in, use the client s name at your first opportunity (at :23) Control. (1:25 1:33,
  • 48. Essay On Ulcerative Colitis T CELL RESPONSE: This disease have a TH2 profile, but the concentrations of IL 4 and IL 5, which are normally increased in TH2 responses, have been variable in ulcerative colitis tissues. From studies of the oxazalone colitis model, one of the few models to exhibit a TH2 profile, ulcerative colitis has an atypical TH2 response, mediated by natural killer T cells that secrete IL 13. These natural killer T cells are activated by APCs that express the nonclassical major histocompatibility MHC molecule, CD1d, which presents lipid instead of protein antigens to T cells. will require blockade of IL 13 could provide an exciting new approach to ulcerative colitis treatment. T cell subsets are stimulated by APCs, most notably dendritic ... Show more content on ... Inflammation occurs in rectum and sigmoid colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain. Left sided colitis. Inflammation spread from the rectum up through the sigmoid and descending colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping left side pain, and weight loss. Pancolitis. Affects the entire colon and causes severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, fatigue, and significant weight loss. Acute severe ulcerative colitis. Rare form of colitis affects the entire colon and causes severe pain, diarrhea, bleeding, fever and inability to eat.and increase risk of colon cancer 70 80%. And usually doctor suggest to remove the part of colon or whole colon. SYMPTOMS: According to inflammation and site, symptoms can be different depend on the type of colitis. Diarrhea or internal bleeding, risk of causing anemia followed by bloody stool, fever, weight loss due to low appetites, fatigue, stomach pain and cramping some other complication occur like pore in the colon, loss of water and blood from the body, loss of calcium and damage the bone osteoporosis, high risk of colon cancer,sorness and abscess in mouth, stiffness, lung embolism ,blood coagulation in deep vein DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis occurs on the basis of medical history of the patient related to gastrointestinal symptoms and physical examination for the GI tract, dermatologic, optical system. Looking for any condition among crohn s, ischemic, infections and
  • 49. DUI Checkpoint Fraud Case Study DUI Checkpoint Procedures Mr. Seeget claims perjury, obstruction of justice, extortion, abuse and embezzlement of public monies for various employees being involved in the operation of the DUI checkpoint on May 10th, 2014 at Mission Blvd and Linden St. However, Mr. Seeget s does not list facts to indicate the improper involvement or conduct with the operation of the DUI checkpoint. Additionally, Mr. Seeget sent his complaint to the California Office of Traffic Safety who reviewed his claims and found no improper conduct on the part of the Pomona Police Department or any of its employees, to include grant funding and compliance. CHP Form 180 Mr. Seeget claims that various employees are involved in collusion, fraud, forgery and impersonating ... Show more content on ... Piedra advised that the Records Bureau received a fax from Attorney Diamond s office on 8 4 14 and a representative from his office came in to the Police Department on 8 14 14 to pay the $275.00 for the appearance of Officer Hamilton at the DMV hearing. The representative from Diamond s office only paid for Officer Hamilton and failed to pay any monies for copies of requested records. A review of the request by Attorney Diamond s office immediately shows problems for various reasons. First, the production for documents at the DMV hearing either did not exist or were not in possession of the department. However, even if documents could be produced, the subpoena is problematic because the request for Hamilton to appear, and the request for documents, were served on the same subpoena. Normally they are requested separately because the time frames and costs associated with each request are different. A subpoena for the officer must be accepted if within five business days at a cost of $275.00 but the production of documents is fulfilled within 10 to 15 calendar days at an additional cost. Attorney Diamond s office gave the bare minimum of 10 days for the production of documents and failed to pay the appropriate fees which would prevent their release by the department (assuming there were any documents to be
  • 50. Nt1310 Unit 3 Operating System The third operating system is Mac OS X. It is a series of graphical user interface based operating system that developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer system (Chan, 2015). People s interest in Mac OS X had been growing because of the introduction of the iMac computer powered by Intel core duo processor that enhances the iMac s performance and make it easier to use variety of application (Levary, 2006). For the security aspect, Mac OS Xhas two layered system that can protect the data and the computer that will reduce the risk of viruses and malware attack (Edge, Barker, Smith, 2008). It will make this operating system more secure from Windows operating system and Linux (White Davisson, 2014). Mac OS X also only runs
  • 51. The Coastal Plains Of Texas The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas. PINE BELT: It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the Red River to about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source of all Texastimber production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good for a variety of fruits and vegetables. A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed to the economic growth of the area. BLACKLAND BELT: This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the DFW metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest diversified manufacturing industry of the state. COASTAL PRAIRIES: This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio Grande Valley. Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along with cattle ranching, rice is also a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More principle crops include cotton, grains, vegetables, and citrus fruits. LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY: This low valley is also known as The Valley. It has the greatest citrus and winter vegetables in Texas due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among the nation s fruit and truck farming regions. RIO GRANDE PLAIN: This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf Coast. The
  • 52. Management Report 1.0 Introduction This report is presented to Senior Management team. The aim of this report is to provide an analysis of Vietnam and Steve Madden brand. In addition, this report also gives solutions to consider the opening of new branch of Steve Madden in Vietnam. Steve Madden is a company from USA that manufacture footwear. Nowadays, Asia becomes the good prospect for western countries to expand their company to earn more profit. Vietnam is one of the developing countries that can be a good place for Steve Madden to expand a new branch there. However, Senior Management is not sure the best choices to enter the Steve Madden brand into Vietnam. This report covers only SWOT analysis of Steve Madden, business level strategy, market ... Show more content on ... If they can do this successfully then they can generate brand loyalty. This makes it difficult for potential entrants because it will be more difficult for them to win new customers (Gillespie 2007, 195). Steve Madden has the advantages of the brand background. Steve Madden day to day becomes a conversation among people in Asia. With the presence of Steve Madden competitors, proving that footwear business can grows in Vietnam. Competing in a new industry requires a firm to have resources to invest. Capital is needed as inventories, marketing activities and other critical business function. Defense industries are difficult to enter because of the substantial resource investments required to be competitive. In addition, because of the high knowledge requirements of the defense industry, a firm might enter the defense industry through the acquisition of an existing firm. But it must have access to the capital necessary to do sit (Hitt 2009, 50). Cost disadvantages independent of scale are moderate. Many fashion footwear customers are brand loyal and are reluctant to try new fashion footwear. Additionally, previous aggressive marketing campaigns have increased not only brand and individual product name recognition. Government policy is a low entry barrier, as all manufactures in every industry are subject to factory safety laws. 3.2 Bargaining power of buyers Vietnam is a young country, with an incredible 65% of the population under the age
  • 53. Dangers Of Sharps A major component of regulated medical waste is sharps, which is the term commonly used for any medical instrument that has a sharp point or a sharp edge and that can cut or puncture skin. Sharps are used in every area of medical practice from the emergency room to the pathology lab. In medical settings, the dangers of sharps are numerous. Not only can needlesticks and cuts from sharps cause immediate problems that require treatment, injury with used sharps can expose a medical professional to bloodborne pathogens and infectious agents like HIV, Hepatitis B and C, herpes, tuberculosis and more. Medical Waste Company Texas: Who Is At Risk From Sharps Injuries? According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), any worker who handles sharp devices or equipment is at risk, especially those who handle hypodermic needles/syringes, suture needles, butterfly type needles, blood collection needles, scalpels and IV stylets. OSHA also estimates that over 5.6 million workers in the healthcare industry and related occupations are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, with nursing staff suffering the most sharps related injuries and subsequent infections. Biomedical Waste Management: When Do Most Injuries From... Show more content on ... Situational awareness that includes keeping an eye on the sharp at all times, focusing on the task at hand, avoiding passing sharps by hand and watching for sharps in bed linens, on the floor and in waste containers can also help to limit injuries. One of the most important steps in preventing sharps injuries is proper disposal that includes personally disposing of used devices, putting sharps into rigid containers, not overfilling sharps containers and keeping fingers away from the openings of sharps