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Essay On Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus started out as just an ordinary person. In fact, according to today's standards of
intelligence, he was below average. Who knew that Copernicus would later become one of the most
intelligent people in the world. Copernicus changed the way that people during the Renaissance
viewed astronomy. Copernicus changed history as we know it today and if it wasn't for him, today's
astronomers may still be theorizing about the basic facts of our solar system.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Poland. His parents, Nicolaus and Barbara,
were leading merchants and parented four children, Copernicus being the youngest. Then, when
Copernicus was around 10 to 12 years old, his father died and his brother, Lucas, took his nephew
under protection and was soon to become bishop of ... Show more content on ...
These two books taught Copernicus everything he needed to know about astronomy and astrology.
These books also led Copernicus to most of his discoveries and the making of a few books himself
such as "De revolutionibus". In this book, Copernicus described viewing the Moon Eclipse stating it
was, "the brightest star in the eye of the Bull".
Copernicus had only 27 recorded observations in his lifetime though he most likely had more than
that. He viewed eclipses, planets, stars, and much more. That may not seem very impressive today
but, for Copernicus' time period, it was quite a discovery.
Copernicus wrote his book, "De revolutionibus", it was only published the year of his death in 1543.
The reason for his book with priceless information about our solar system to be published so late
was that it was controversial and many other theorists disagreed with Copernicus' claims. It was
only at the year of his death that people realized that Copernicus was
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How Did Tycho Brahe Contribute To The World
Imagine a world where we didn't know about how the stars and the planets worked. We didn't know
where they were and what they did. That's what the world would be like without Tycho Brahe. He
created many inventions that were more accurate than ever. He ran an observatory until he stopped
working and would share info with other astronomers. His studies helped make other discoveries
possible. He also had a great education but he didn't even study astronomy! Tycho Brahe was born
on December 14, 1546 in Scania, which was part of Denmark at the time but is now in Sweden. He
was the oldest of his siblings Otto Brahe and Beatte Brahe. When he was only thirteen his uncle sent
him to the university of Copenhagen. There he studied law and philosophy. While he was studying
at Copenhagen there was a partial eclipse of the sun. This is ... Show more content on ...
This is where he began to learn a lot about astronomy. He got a hold of astronomy books and
instruments. He hid the items from his tutor during the day and would stay up all night looking at
the stars and read his books. Then on August 17, 1563 Tycho was observing the stars and noticed
that Saturn and Jupiter passed very close to each other. Later his tutor stopped tutoring him and his
uncle died of pneumonia. Tycho then left Leipzig and went to Germany. When Tycho went to
Germany he met some amateur astronomers who were very rich. They studied together for a long
time. Their problem was they didn't have a very accurate way to observe the sky. This led them to
make a large quadrant of a circle with a 19 foot radius! It took them over 20 men to build it! The
quadrant was set so they could make observations through an open window. They also had several
clocks all being used one after another to make the observations as precise as they possibly could.
Then in 1570, after spending years in Germany with fellow astronomers, he returned home to
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Wizarding Astronomy
To me astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies as well as their
movement. Muggle astronomy and wizarding astronomy have more in common than many areas of
study, with muggle probes and satellites providing important information concerning the makeup
and surface of the planets. However, wizarding astronomy allows for more detailed views of the
planets through telescopes and also accounts for the effects of the heavens on magic and its
The first planet is Mercury– the closest planet to the sun, named for the Roman god of thieves,
travelers, and shepherds. Despite early assumptions, it does in fact have a magnetic field, as well as
a proportionally large core. Next is Venus, named for the Roman goddess
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The Joys Of Muggle Astronomy
A) For me, Astronomy means the study of not just the universe, but the unknown. There is always
stuff to be learnt, things to be taught, and surprising subjects that affect our everyday lives, magic
and non–magic alike. Even though some things affect us in the same way, our subjects of
Astronomy are quite different. Muggle Astronomy focuses on what is beyond our planet Earth.
They're interested in what's out there, in the unfamiliar. They want to discover more planets,
galaxies, dimensions, and the fact if we really are 'alone'. Wizard Astronomy focuses on the outer
things that affect our planet Earth, like how the moon affects our magic and how werewolves change
in the full moon. We are very tuned to how it affects our lives.
B) Mercury: Mercury was named after the Roman God of Thievery. To complete one orbit around
the sun, it was a theory that it took 88 days, but it actually took 59 days. ... Show more content on ...
Venus is a terrestrial planet, just like Earth.
Earth: Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Over 71% is covered in water; 97% of it is saltwater,
2% is glacier ice, and less than 1% is fresh water.
Mars: Mars is the fourth and last planet in the inner solar system. It has two moons; Phobos (Fear)
and Deimos (Panic).
Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the first planet in the outer solar system. This
planet is a gas giant and has 67 known moons.
Saturn: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. 29 Earth years equals one Saturn year.
Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and has 27 known moons. Uranus's axis of
rotation lies almost 90 degrees off to one side.
Neptune: Neptune is the eighth and last planet in our solar system. Like Uranus, it is an ice planet.
This planet has 13 known moons, and the largest and most famous of them is
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A Comparison of Great Scientists in History Essay
Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who lived from 469–399 B.C. Much of what he knew he
learned from another famous Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. Concerning logic and human
behavior in general, "Socrates' life was inspired by discussion and debate with both the young of
Athens and the leading philosophers of his day" (Daintith, Vol. 9 93). He introduced methodical and
ordered thinking. Socrates is quoted as having said, "It seemed to me a superlative thing to know the
explanation of everything, why it comes to be, why it perishes, and why it is" (Daintith, Vol. 9 93).
This summarizes what he sought to discover and understand throughout the entirety of his life.
Socrates is a genuine example of the philosophers and scientists ... Show more content on ...
Curiously, unlike most other philosophers, Aristotle studied zoology and discussed it often.
"Aristotle made extensive observations and descriptions of many different animals and may be
considered the first to show a serious interest in the field." (Franck 57). Other than his interest in
animals, Aristotle is another typical example of what philosophers and scientists were researching
and exploring in his time of Ancient Greece. Almost two millennia later, there was the Renaissance,
or rebirth of interest in studying science and technology. However, two new interests had arisen;
medicine and astronomy. One such scientist is a very good demonstration of what most scientists of
the time where doing in the field of astronomy. Galileo Galilei, who lived from 1564–1642 was an
Italian astronomer and physicist "...whose methods made him the first truly 'modern' scientist. He
made highly significant contributions in the fields of gravitation, motion, and astronomy, but he
came into conflict with the Catholic Church over his views about the universe." (Allaby 24) In 1581,
Galileo entered the University of Pisa. While there, he studied medicine. Not being his favorite
subject, Galileo quickly developed a passion for mathematics. He improved the telescope originally
invented by Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius. One day, Galileo looked into his telescope and up
out into the universe. "His initial reaction was sheer
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Astronomy In Mayan Civilization
Astronomy was not, however, simply a divine paradise in the heavens above, but astronomical
observations had also an impact on local people. Observations helped to predict the seasons and
agricultural cycles, telling people when to plant their crops and when to pull the crops out. Rus
ability to accurately align agricultural patterns with seasonal shifts surely helped advance the Mayan
civilization. The accomplishments of these early astronomers see, incredible, but what they lacked
in sophisticated technology and accurate instruments, they made up patient observing over long
periods of time. Th immense amount of effort that Mayan astronomers put in order to have accurate
measurements do not seem to be applied towards an effort to understand
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Beth Brown Essay
Dontaysha Gobourne
Miss Scholl
English 1 2B
16 April 2015
The Life of Beth A. Brown Beth Brown is an African American woman who studied astrophysics.
Astrophysics is an area of science which applies physical laws discovered on Earth to phenomena
throughout the cosmos. Cosmos is the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system
( Beth is a very appreciated and inspiring astronomer. An astronomer is an expert in
or student of astronomy. She was an inspiration to women and minorities in encouraging them to
pursue their careers in astronomy/physics. Beth Brown died at the age of 39 due to a pulmonary
embolism. When she died, the astronomical community lost one of its most buoyant and caring
individuals (Bregman 1). Beth Brown was an African American born on Tuesday, June 15, 1969 in
Roanoke, Virginia. She lived her whole life in Roanoke. She lived with her mother and father,
Frances and Robert Brown. Her younger brother was named Larry and her cousin also lived with
them. As a child, Beth's main interests were in science, astronomy, and science fiction (Bregman 2).
As she was going on throughout her ages of a child, a teen, and an adult, she still had a large amount
of love for the scientific field.
Beth went to William Fleming High School where she graduated valedictorian in 1987. ... Show
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Her co–workers had made a monument for her. The women in astronomy and space science
conference of 2009 is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Beth A. Brown. The foundation's main
purpose is to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the Roanoke Valley who had
planned to attend a college or university and major in astronomy or physics (Sutton 1). This
foundation in honor of Beth will help many students to do something that they really want to do.
This will also help students of Roanoke, who have financial issues, go to college and become
successful in their
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Wizarding Vs Muggle Astronomy
Astronomy is, of course, the study of the universe. However, as broad–range as that observation is, I
believe that Astronomy is, when it comes down to it, the study of what makes up the universe – this
includes the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the Sun, the Moon, and everything else that the universe
The differences between Muggle Astronomy and Wizarding Astronomy are not as vast as one might
believe, but the differences do exist. Muggle Astronomy has been around for a relatively long time,
but so too has Wizarding Astronomy. However, Wizards have taken the advancements made by
Muggles – without their knowledge, of course – and used them to further the advancement of
Astronomy in the Wizarding world, and sometimes vice versa. ... Show more content on ...
Owing to the fact that the rings reflect around 80% of the sunlight which hits them, it is believed by
astronomers that the rings are comprised of ice. An interesting thing to note is that these rings have
an atmosphere which is independent of Saturn's own atmosphere. The atmosphere comprised by the
rings is composed of oxygen and hydrogen gas, and which is created when light from the Sun
interacts with the ice particles.
Planet 7: Uranus
The seventh planet Uranus, is one of the Jovian planets and is classified both as a Gas Giant and as
an Ice Giant. Uranus is the Greek God of the Sky. An interesting feature of Uranus is that its axis of
rotation leans almost 90 degrees to one side, making it appear to be ''tipped over''.
The orbital rotation of this planet is half of a Uranus year and as a result of its axis, the north pole
will point almost directly towards the sun. When the Uranus year is through, the south pole will take
the North pole's place, facing the Sun. A full rotation around the Sun is once every 17.2 hours, and
in 84 Earth years equals one full year.
Planet 8:
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Astrology Vs Astronomy Essay
Astronomy versus Astrology
Astronomy is a science that studies everything outside of the earth's atmosphere, such as planets,
stars, asteroids, galaxies; and the properties and relationships of those spiritual bodies. Astronomers
base their studies on research and observation. Astrology, on the other hand, is the belief that the
positioning of the stars and planets affect the way events occur on earth. If you're interested in the
solar system and the planets, other celestial objects like asteroids and comets, other galaxies and the
rest of the universe, what makes up space, and the possibility of alien life or space travel, astronomy
is the field you're considering. Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and
phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of
those objects and phenomena and their evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars,
galaxies, and comets; while the phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, and
cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, all astronomical phenomena that originate
outside Earth's atmosphere are within the purview of astronomy. A related but distinct subject,
physical cosmology, is concerned with the study of the Universe as a whole.
Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences. The early civilizations in recorded history, such as
the Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, Egyptians, Nubians, Iranians, Chinese, and Maya performed
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A Career In Astronomy
A young boy is walking through the mall and sees an advertisement that The Hunger Games is
coming out soon in theaters. He has always wanted to see it, and begs his mom for money. This is
the kind of excitement that a film editor can bring to the films they make. The final changes in the
movie can make or break how well the movie connects to the audience. Becoming a film and video
editor is a better career choice for me than an astronomer because of education, job environment,
and skills. Film editors must be very tech savvy, for the majority of film editing is accomplished
digitally on computers ("How"). However, they do not have to be able to perform complicated tasks
such as programming and writing code. Instead, they have an interface ... Show more content on ...
To be a film editor one needs to have a high school diploma or a GED, and then pursue a four year
college or university to study broadcasting and film ("How"). There are many schools with reputable
film departments where future film editors learn about the whole spectrum of filmmaking, " pre–
production and planning, scriptwriting, cinematography, lighting, set design..." ("How"). It is
important to test and explore the required skills before committing to a new career. A solid high
school education can introduce career options based on innate interests. Astronomy requires a higher
level academic rigour that is meant to weed out the selective few that will become future
astronomers. It is important to pursue a rigorous math and science curriculum in school, as they are
the main subjects used in astronomy ("Careers in Astronomy," American). Astronomy majors
require more advanced degrees, which differs from the career of film editing. Astronomers must
have a PhD to work in observatories, according to Daniel Devost it is, "3 to 6 years of graduate
college studies"(qtd. in Cullen). This could accumulate to 10 years of post high school education,
which is undesirable because the expenses would be high, with minimal income. Obtaining a college
degree after four to five years is a preferable pathway for me because I am more interested in a
hands–on experience. A
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Career And College Research Paper Essay
Career and College Research Paper
I decided to go with a career in astronomy. An astronomer is a scientist who tries to understand the
wonders of the Universe as well the wonders beyond our universe. Astronomers also study the stars,
planets, and other galaxies ("Careers in Astronomy | IAU"). I chose a career in astronomy because I
have always been fascinated by space and how the universe works. It is extremely important to
understand education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, the salary and benefits
offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision. The job location for
astronomers depends greatly on if the astronomer in question works for a private industry, the
government, a college, or a government supported institution. Almost one–third of astronomers
work for the government or government supported institutions. The remainder of astronomers work
either in a private industry on some type of space–related projects, in science centers, at
planetariums, or in some other type of educational and public outreach efforts (Strobel). Although
astronomers spend a lot of time away from home and their families, they mostly work in an office
like environment. Astronomers work full time, but since they are more than likely observing
something in space, they might have to work during the night so the sun does not interfere with their
observations ("Occupational Outlook Handbook – Physicists and Astronomers"). Anyone who is
interested in
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Muggle Astronomy: The Study Of The Whole Universe
Astronomy to me is very important. There are a lot of things still needing discovered, but things
such as the tides, phases of the moon, and ect. are very important to us. Astronomy is the study of
the whole universe. Muggle astronomy is just pretty much the logic and knowledge of the actual
objects such as meteors, moons, planets, ect. the physics of it, whereas wizards have to think of the
moon phases and other magical properties.
Mercury is the first planet. It was named after the Roman god of thievery. It also only takes 59 Earth
days to rotate.
Venus is the second planet. It was named after the Roman goddess for love and beauty. It is one of
the four terrestrial planets.
Earth is the third planet. It is known as Venus sister. It also
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The Development Of Astronomy During The Scientific Revolution
The Development in Astronomy During the Scientific Revolution
Daniel Huffman
World History and Geography II
Mr. Struck
December 8, 2016
Astronomy, the field pertaining to the study of space and the objects that exist within it, is a
constantly developing science. Beginning in ancient times, humans would rely on astronomy to
observe the positions of the moon and stars in order to measure time and direction ("Astronomy",
sec. 1). Up until the mid–16th century, the widespread belief among Europeans was that the stars
and other celestial bodies orbit the Earth, a theory established by the astronomer Ptolemy (Furlong
80). With the limited technology available at their time, Ptolemy's geocentric theory was left largely
untested, at least until the dawn of the Scientific Revolution. During the Scientific Revolution, a
period of several hundred years where science developed to greater resemble our modern practices
rather than the more religious and philosophical mindset of the time prior, notable scientists such as
Galileo, Copernicus, and Newton made major discoveries in fields such as astronomy. This
revolution started with the development of Copernicus' heliocentric theory of the structure of the
solar system, which directly contradicted the accepted beliefs of the time ("Scientific Revolution").
In the beginning of the 17th century, Galileo designed and constructed an improved telescope, which
he used to make significant astronomical discoveries that
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Astronomy Essay
I am excited to say that me and my team of astronomy researchers have discovered a correlation
between finding potential habitable star systems and a star's magnetic activity and X–ray emissions.
Our study, titled "An Improved Age–Activity Relationship for Cool Stars Older than a Gigayear",
was led by Rachel Booth, a PhD student from the Astrophysics Research Center at Queen's
University Belfast. Our data was gathered using NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory and ESA's
XMM–Newton. NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope specifically built to detect X–
ray emissions from regions in the universe which exhibit very high temperatures such as stars.
ESA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope whose purpose is similar to that of NASA's ...
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ESA's XMM–Newton satellite follows an eccentric orbit and each telescope contains a mirror
module with 58 high–precision concentric mirrors to detect millions of sources and catch elusive X–
Through our research, we discovered results that linked a star's age to their X–ray emissions. We
found out that from the 24 stars analyzed, 14 of them had X–ray emissions that were discernible. We
were then able to calculate the stars' ages and from that, we recognized that there was a relationship
between their longevity and luminosity. Stars similar to that of our Sun are likely to emit less high–
energy radiation as they exceed 1 billion years in age.
While we made this amazing discovery, the reasons for this relationship are still unknown to us. We
are currently examining the causes and reasons this relationship may occur. A possibility of this is
through the reduction in spin rate of stars. The reduction in spin rate is faster in older stars than in
younger stars, which could explain the emission of less high–energy radiation as the stars grow
older. Another possibility this relationship can occur is because of the luminosity of X–rays. The X–
ray brightness declines quicker in older, more slowly–rotating stars than it does for younger, faster
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Astronomy And Physical Therapy Research Paper
Astronomy and Physical Therapy As a little child always I always used to look up at the stars. I was
fascinated by what's up there, and could there be life. Also I realized that I liked helping people
become better when they were injured, and I have always been a fit person. For these reasons, I have
decided to try and head towards one of these two fields: astronomy or physical therapy. Although
astronomy and physical therapy are similar in salary, they differ in the type of work and
environment. When it comes to astronomy and physical therapy, you might be thinking, "they have
nothing in common!" Well, that's not the case for everything. It just happens that the pay is similar.
For both astronomy and physical therapy, the pay averages
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History of Astronomy
Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in the
religious, mythological, and astrological practices of pre–history: vestiges of these are still found in
astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy, and not completely
disentangled from it until a few centuries ago in the Western World . In some cultures astronomical
data was used for astrological prognostication.
Ancient astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars remain relatively
fixed over the centuries while planets will move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short
Early history
Early cultures identified celestial objects with ... Show more content on ...
The original mechanism is displayed in the Bronze collection of the National Archaeological
Museum of Athens, accompanied by a replica. India
Ancient Indian astrology is based upon sidereal calculation. The sidereal astronomy is based upon
the stars and the sidereal period is the time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the
Sun, relative to the stars. It can be traced to the final centuries BC with the Vedanga Jyotisha
attributed to Lagadha, one of the circum–Vedic texts, which describes rules for tracking the motions
of the Sun and the Moon for the purposes of ritual. After formation of Indo–Greekkingdoms, Indian
astronomy was influenced by Hellenistic astronomy (adopting the zodiacal signs or rāśis). Identical
numerical computations for lunar cycles have been found to be used in India and in early
Babylonian texts.[11]
Astronomy was advanced during the Sunga Empire and many star catalogues were produced during
this time. The Sunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India".
The astronomy of East Asia began in China. Solar term was completed in Warring States Period.
The knowledge of Chinese astronomy was introduced into East Asia.
Astronomy in China has a long history. Detailed records of astronomical observations were kept
from about the 6th century BC,
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The Importance Of Astronomy And Astrology
Since the early Egyptians, people have been trying to read the stars. Have you ever looked at the
stars yourself, and wondered what it all means? Today, most people might know their star sign
according to their birthday. You might have even read a horoscope once or twice. However,
astrology in and of itself is not to be trusted. Astronomy on the other hand, is the actual science used
to encompass our big, endless skies. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its subject matter
outside of Earth's atmosphere, while Astrology endeavors to study how the universe and its contents
(such as constellations and planetary systems), might directly relate to humans and the events
surrounding each person's life. (Temming) Seeing these definitions, we can come to the conclusion
Astronomy should be trusted as it is based on proven science, has numerous scientific implications,
and realistic applications. Astrology however, has no scientific basis and should only be treated as
nothing more than a novelty. The first point on how astronomy should be trusted over astrology is
because the study of astronomy is well respected among the scientific community, and is based on
facts. Astronomy is commonly known by most as the study of constellations and the universe.
Astronomers examine movements, positioning, and the composition of celestial bodies, while basing
their information on research and observation. Nola Taylor Redd gives us a good idea of astronomy
in What is Astronomy? Definition
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College Admissions Essay: Astronomy As A Hobby
My favorite interest is Astronomy as a hobby. Longtime interest since I was a youth. Not possible
before because of time constraints, such as work and family responsibilities. As a retired person,
now I have the time and peace of mind to devote myself to this fascinating hobby. I always had an
inclination towards exact sciences; I have worked as an Electronics maintenance technician and as
Information Technology specialist.What drove me into Astronomy? As you get mature, you start to
ponder about how things are the way they are.The Universe poses a formidable mystery for
mankind. How the Universe came to be? Is the Big Bang Theory the ultimate answer to the
Universe evolution? So many questions, yet so little answers. Well, oddly enough, my previous ...
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The outcome was more than satisfactory: from the very beginning of the course I was able to
construct the needed theoretical background that would allow me to understand concepts in a whole.
For me, learning is like climbing a staircase, that is, one step a time. Since there were no grades or
exams, I felt, for the first time in my life, to enjoy learning for the pleasure of it. Having other
people of about the same age group and similar education was also good because questions were
asked by people that have a life full of experiences. Naturally information is exchanged among the
students about good books and web information on the subjects. You would be surprised to know
how many people that, apart from being old, have a rich and clear perspective of life in its many
features. Also, some of them are my pen pals (e–mail, naturally) and we often exchange ideas and
opinions. After finishing the course I had the required guidance to advance in the field by myself so
I opened an account in Twitter to be informed of recent discoveries in the fields of my
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Muggle Astronomy
Section A: Astronomy means to me about the sky and stars and the planets that has many mystery in
it. There are little difference between muggle and wizard astronomy. Wizard astronomy has more
story that some wizard believe more then muggle story because of history of magic and the centaurs
viewers of the sky. muggle astronomy is a lot of science and technology like rockets and giant
telescopes muggle has send many astronauts outer space and on many planets unlike wizards.
Section B
Mercury: Mercury is the smallest planet that is rocky and has allot of craters on its surface. mercury
is also called as he roman god of thievery. Mercury is a mystery planet that has many things muggle
astronomer think that creatures actually live on the planet ... Show more content on
jupiter has 3 red spots on the planet a one of them is giant red spot. The red spots is a storm call
anticyclonic storm this storm is larger than Earth and is about 24–40,000 km x 12–14,000 km witch
is big enough to put three earth in! Jupiter has 67 moons that been recorded. the moons are range in
size Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. are some of the biggest moon that are there.
Saturn: Saturn is the sixth plant from the sun and is the seconded largest in the solar system. Saturn
is known as Gas planet It is named after the roman god Agriculture. The atmosphere for Saturn and
traces of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, propane, phosphine,methane, Ammonia is what makes the
planet look pan yellow. Saturn ring are the most visible rings in the solar system planet is the sparse
the thickest ring called Phoebe ring which is tilted at an angle of 27° to the other rings.
Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet away from the sun Uranus is called the ice giant it is the
coldest planet in the solar system it can reach up to −224.2 °C all around. Uranus is named after
ancient Greek deity of the sky, Uranus had Uranus has 27 known moons natural satellites They are
all names after shake spare and Alexander pope The five main satellites are
Miranda,Ariel,Umbriel,Titania and
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Astronomy Interview
Interview with an Astronomer: Gregory Rudnick
What is your official job title?
I am a Leo Goldberg Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory.
How did you first become involved with this kind of work?
I've wanted to be a scientist almost as long as I can remember but my first real exposure to
astronomy was in my sophomore year of high school when I took a Saturday morning class at the
Adler Planetarium in Chicago. From then on I knew that I loved astronomy. After high school I went
on to university where I majored in physics. A good knowledge of physics is necessary to be a good
astronomer since the two fields are tightly intertwined and as astronomers we use much of our
physics every day. I'm still convinced that majoring ... Show more content on ...
I've often asked myself this same question and the answer always is yes! Being an astronomer isn't
easy but I'm very happy with what I've chosen to do.
What gives you the most satisfaction in the work you are doing?
I love discovering new things and talking about the wonders of the Universe. I also really like
working with the public and teaching others about astronomy, science, and the universe around us.
We live in a time of fascinating discoveries and sharing them is always a pleasure.
What future career goals do you have?
Eventually I would like to be a professor. This will allow me to continue my research but also allow
me to pursue my other love, teaching.
What information about this kind of work would be important for a person if he or she is
considering going into
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Why I Chose A Career
At first, I wanted to stay away from something I was so passionate about on the count of me doing
this project might turn me away from that career. After an interminable amount of searching for a
career I liked just as much and copious amounts of acquiescence, I finally cracked and decide to go
with a career in Astronomy. An astronomer is a scientist who tries to understand the wonders of the
Universe as well the wonders beyond our universe. Astronomers also study the stars, planets, other
galaxies, and even more mysterious celestial bodies ("Careers in Astronomy | IAU"). I chose a
career in astronomy because I have always been fascinated by space and how the universe is without
omission, unfathomable. It is extremely important to understand education or training requirements,
skills or talents needed, the salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when
making the decision. The job location for astronomers depends greatly on if the astronomer in
question works for a private industry, the government, a college, or a government supported
institution. Almost one–third of astronomers work for the government or government supported
institutions, the most known being the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and
the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO). The remainder of astronomers work either
in a private industry on some type of space–related projects, in science centers, at planetariums, or
in some other type of educational
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Astronomy In The 19th Century Essay
In 1660, the first telescope was sent to the American colonies, sparking a new interest in the "study
of the heavens," or Astronomy (Lecture, 10/2). Years after the first telescope was sent, the American
colonies became increasingly interested in the study of astronomy as newer and additional
astronomical technology was being developed. Technology in science often acts as a catalyst for
new discoveries with more descriptive and accurate results than previous generations could have
imagined. Similarly, the development of technology over the course of the nineteenth century
prompted more discoveries in astronomy, establishing it as a commanding study. The new
technology in astronomy developed through the nineteenth century, and its advancement, affected
who practice astronomy along with how data was collected and processed, as evidenced by the
newfound role of women in astronomy, the ... Show more content on ...
The use of photography in conjunction with the study of astronomy was widely used among
astronomers, including Joseph Fraunhofer and William and Margaret Huggins. Fraunhofer took
photographs of observations made of light through a spectrograph, allowing him to study the "lines"
breaking up the spectrum of light, later know as Fraunhofer lines (Lecture, 10/4). Working with her
husband William Huggins, Margaret has been credited with "the establishment of Huggins's
successful program of photographic research (Becker, 102). In both cases, using photography to
record data received from a spectrograph affected the practice of astronomy in the sense that it
allowed researchers to produce more accurate data, and at a quicker pace. As the use of photography
and the spectrograph became more prevalent in the practice of astronomy, more researchers could
produce vast and detailed data, making astronomy research a more extensive and prominent
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Edwin Hubble Research Paper
"I knew that even if i were second or third rate, it was astronomy that mattered." Edwin Hubble
(1889–1953)(Edwin) Edwin Hubble was born in Missouri in 1889. Due to the occupation held by
his parent, an insurance executive, at just 9 years old he moved to Chicago.
Unlike Einstein, and other great scientists or astronomers, Hubble was an astounding student. At his
high school graduation the principal said, "Edwin Hubble, I have watched you for four years and I
have never seen you study for ten minutes, (paused), here is a scholarship for the University of
Chicago." (Edwin) He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Mathematics and
Astronomy in 1910.
Hubble, also being a phenomenal basketball player and boxer, earned a Rhodes scholarship to ...
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None of our understanding we have today would be even plausible without Hubble's telescope.
The only thing standing in Edwin's way of getting a clean picture of the stars was this thing known
as the Earth's atmosphere, which because of the fluidic gas and dust that make up the atmosphere it
often "blurs visible light, causing stars to twinkle and making it difficult to see faint stars."(Dunbar)
As this makes his job virtually impossible, a German scientist comes up with the idea of a telescope
in space to not only see farther but also to see clearer, this was a crucial turning point in Hubble's
findings and will eventually lead to the one of the greatest and most recognized theories around the
After the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik, NASA launched the U.S.'s two Orbital Astronomical
Observations (OAO) into orbit.(Dunbar) After the concerns and failures of the OAO's; NASA
granted permission for Hubble to start his studies for the Large Space Telescope or the LST
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Essay on Hostilities Between Men of Faith and Science
When Copernicus and Galileo voiced their observations opposing the Catholic Church, Copernicus
and Galileo were labeled as a threat for a couple reasons. For example, Copernicus and Galileo's
observations did not support the Catholic Church's teachings. Copernicus and Galileo discovered
that the sun does not revolve around the Earth but that the Earth revolves around the sun. The
Church believed that "Only God knows how he created the universe," (Gascoigne) so there was no
way that Copernicus and Galileo could know that the Earth revolves around the sun. In the Bible it
says, "The world also is stablished, and it cannot be moved." (The Book) This was interpreted by the
Church to mean that Earth cannot move, therefore the sun must be ... Show more content on ...
Then, about two hundred years later, the computer and cell phone were invented which is where
technology has come thus far (Dosoudil). Now, because of social media, anyone can connect to
people around the world. Furthermore, improved technology has heightened education. As
technology has advanced, people have been able to transport and communicate faster and more
efficiently. This has led to the opportunity of make schooling and continued education a privilege
and eventually a priority in people's lives. In general, people have been able to understand the world
and how it works better. The Internet allows someone to simply type in what they want to know and
it pulls up resource upon resource on just a single subject. As one can clearly see, technological
advancements have changed society in more ways than one might expect. Women have had to
endure through obstacles throughout history. During the scientific revolution, women were generally
unable to receive a formal education and therefore, were very rarely respected for their views. For
example, Margret Cavendish, who came from an aristocratic background, participated in many
scientific debates, wrote two scientific works, and set a great example of women scientists in France
and England (Berdine). Regardless of her accomplishments, Cavendish was denied membership
from the Royal Society (Berdine). Another woman, Maria Winkelmann reflected "the obstacles
women faced in being accepted in scientific work,
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How Mayans Intertwine With Astronomy
"Are we Alone? the history of astronomy has shaped the course of human society, connecting
science with human spirituality and sense of wonder at the unimaginable vastness of the cosmos".
(Shuttleworth). Astronomy is the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the
physical universe. Ancient astronomers attempted to explain religion rather than explain natural
phenomenon. Religion can be defined as a belief in, or an acknowledgement of some superhuman
power or powers (ex. a god or gods) which is typically manifested in obedience, reverence, and
worship; such a belief as part of a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means of achieving
spiritual or material improvement. Religion, in the early times, helped to explain natural
phenomenon, for instance, the stars, ... Show more content on ...
Astronomy impacted civilizations throughout history in such a way that affected daily life, for
example, Halley's Comet always seems to bring fear, destruction and rebirth, it sometimes served as
a warning, indicating that either a person of royal standing had died, or that dark days lay ahead
(Williams). The Mayans used priests and astrologers to measure time. This paper investigates how
the Mayan culture intertwine with astronomy. Several of their inventions such as the solar calendar
and the Pacal's tomb. The paper also addresses the scientific belief that religion is not necessary due
to advancements of technology and knowledge. The scope of this investigation begins by explaining
some aspect of the Mayan Culture and providing examples of how astronomy and their beliefs
intertwined. The essay furthers investigates the relationship between Mayan culture and astronomy
as its arguments. This essay explains the counterargument, the reason why some scientists believe
religion is no longer need it. As time and technology advanced scientists became more skeptic about
religion and spirituality, driving religion and astronomy
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Muggle Astronomy Research Paper
Astronomy, is for me, why we are even here at all. As humans [and wizards], we owe our lives to
discovering our own universe and beyond, it is our utmost dedication that we discover facts and
information on everything around us. People have dedicated months, years, to discovering what
truly makes us part of the universe, we have achieved and advanced so much just by studying our
stars, our solar system and our neighbouring planets.
Muggle Astronomy lacks the accuracy of Wizard Astronomy, you cannot use magic to see far
beyond a telescope will allow you, if you are a muggle. But this does not mean that muggles are
mere or useless, in fact, we owe a lot of discovery to the muggles around us. Muggle Astronomy
involves time, dedication, a life time of patience, sending advanced technology out there, or muggle
men they call Astronauts, they danger their lives to discover why we are here, and are we lonely in
our little part of space? Wizards have these powers on their doorstep, it is far less dangerous for a
Wizard to conduct study than a Muggle, and in many ways more effective, but Wizards lack the
motivation to discover, they know so much already and rely too much on their magic, they are
nowhere near as determined. Which is why, in many ways, muggle astronomy outweighs our own.
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Saturn has an average radius of nine times that of Earth, it is the second largest planet after Jupiter
and sixth from the sun.
Uranus was discovered by William Herschel and is 2.877 billion km away from the sun.
Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun, it is the most dense out of the giant planets of our solar
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Socrates On Astronomy
Astronomer According to Socrates, a famous philosopher from Athens, Greece, "Man must rise
above the Earth–to the top of the atmosphere and beyond–for only thus will he fully understand the
world in which he lives." Socrates believes that astronomy can help other people understand the
world better. Astronomy is the study of space, and in order for someone to to be an astronomer, they
have to learn a lot of math and science and be good at it. Astronomy is not a big science field either,
but there are a lot of different people employing for it. Astronomy helps people understand the world
and that they are not the most important part of it, and that they are just a small part of it.
Astronomers have a lot they need to do because of their jobs. They have to study the origins of the
universe and what happens in space ("Physicists and Astronomers"). One thing they have to watch
for in space, is to watch out for comets that could possibly hit Earth. If they do not see a comet, they
can put many people at risk. If a large comet hits earth, it can end up changing the climate a little.
Astronomers do not look through telescopes to do this though. They mostly view space through
pictures the telescopes send to computers, and when they have to view at computers for a long time,
their eyes can end up strained ("Astronomer"). Because of how much work they have to do, they
have to be able to concentrate well, for longer periods of time. Some other things they need to be
able to do are
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Mayan Astronomy Essay
Before advanced technology, the Mayan observed the "Seven Stars" Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn using positional and horizon astronomy just like the Greeks and
Mesopotamians before them. Although the Mayans observations were made with the naked eye they
still had many interpretations associated with the sun and moon. They also independently discovered
octa eteris, a mesh between eight solar years with five Venus cycles of 584 days and 99 lunar
months. Mayan warfare was also scheduled to get the most astrological benefits. To the Mayan
astronomy was a sacred activity.
One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today's society is the invention of the
cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of Alexander ... Show more content on ...
This nebula is about 1/3 of a light–year thick, and five light–years across. Most nebulae are shaped
are more sphere shaped and most commonly a butterfly shape. Abella 39 is one extremely rare cases
in which the geometry is much simpler. This star, unlike its usual common shape is in the form of a
cat eye. This star is off center in the constellation about one tenth of a light–year.
Hercules is one of the largest constellations but doesn't have many brightly lit stars which makes is
hard to see in cities. This constellation is better viewed with the naked eye because of how dull its
stars are. Hercules is located in the southern hemisphere. Hercules contains a cluster of over 500,000
stars called the M–13 cluster. In mythology Hercules was believed to kill the Dragon, the guardian
of the garden of Hesperides.
In the winter me and my family like to take a short trip to Jupiter because of its nice, hot weather.
The vacation is always fun, but we try to stay away from the big red spot. It's always stormy there!!
It's only 5 planets away from the sun so my tan comes out very nicely and i show it off when i get
back to Earth. We always drive to the moons too, they're smaller and not as hot so i don't sunburnt
and we like to explore each community. It's a great time every
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The Influence Of Edwin P. Hubble
The discoveries of Edwin P. Hubble
The science of astronomy has come a long way. For instance, Galileo discovered the first four
moons of Jupiter. Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth wasn't the center of the solar system.
But one man will change all that is known about space. Edwin P. Hubble had discovered a amazing
discovery that rocked the whole astronomy community, there were other planets, stars, and galaxies
outside of our own. Hubble's discovery changed everything man has ever known about the stars.
Edwin Hubble changed astronomy community to what it is today with his discoveries. One of them
was the discovery of other galaxies from our own. In 1924, Edwin Hubble announced that we are
not the only galaxy in space and there are many more galaxies in space. In October 1923 at the
Mount Wilson observatory in Los Angeles, California, Hubble proved that the floating gas spirals
and circles we saw at night wasn't just gas but a galaxy filled with stars and planets. He later
announced his discovery at a conference in 1924. This discovery changed many concepts on our
universe. ... Show more content on ...
Most he divided into two main groups, regular or irregular. In addition, regular galaxies were either
spiral or elliptical. Spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, have huge arms of new stars that trail around
a rotating center of older stars. The elliptical galaxies also rotate around a center of older stars, but
they are shaped like saucers, lacking the new–star arms of the spiral galaxies (
Hubble's classifications for galaxies is still used today and has been updated with newer galaxies
that have been
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College Admissions Essay: My Interest In Astronomy
Growing up I've always been interested in Astronomy I remembered having a one on one
conversation with my middle school science teacher explaining to me that he see a young
astronomer in his eyes . When he taught the class my hands were always raised with the answers to
the question given. It was pretty obvious my goal was to become an astronomer at a younger age.
My attraction to astronomy was because I would read and watching television programs on different
planets and galaxies in the universe, learning about the universe had me intrigued on various things
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Muggle Astronomy Research Paper
Astronomy is the science of everything which can be included in the too small a term for such huge
a thing called Universe.Astronomy has always fascinated me as a child and even now.I can
remember many a day when I , a small little 6 year old, would stare into the starry sky and wonder
what lies beyond the skies. Back then though I would make small childish stories about what I
thought would be on the moon and all the stars.Now through these Astronomy lessons I can learn
about everything I wondered about gazing into the stars as a little child.
Muggle astronomy is quite advanced nowadays considering how much they have developed in the
sciences.Astronomy has become quite an interest between Muggles and Wizards alike.Muggles have
also wondered like we have and have come up with many an idea and project about how to know
more about the vast universe. Though it is advanced,Muggle astronomy cannot rival with Wizard
astronomy because of one obvious reason...Magic.There are other reasons as well but those do not
press as hard as the obvious reason Magic.Magic can make the telescopes be able to see over the
range of any Muggle telescope.Anything can be made more useful using Magic.Astronomy is
fabulous though either way.
Mercury–Sun–scorched Mercury is only slightly larger than Earth's moon. Like ... Show more
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At around 4pm on the afternoon of 18 February 1930 Tombaugh began comparing two plates taken
in January that year showing a region in the constellation of Gemini. As he flicked from one plate to
the other, trying to see if something moved slightly between the two (the tell–tale sign of the planet
he was hunting), he spotted something. In one part of the frame a small object flitted a few
millimetres as he switched between the two plates. Tombaugh had found his new
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Astronomy Research Paper
Michael Wachter
Period 5 9/1/15
Astronomy Project Research Paper
The History of Astronomy Astronomy (Before 500 BC) has been around since the first humans
looked to the stars and wondered what the lights in the sky were. Many early cultures revolved
around the stars in the sky, and the Mayan culture was one of the most successful, due to their long
standing religions that are based off the sun, moon, and different seasons of the year. Stonehenge is
a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, scientists believed that this monument was
used for predicting when the summer and winter solstices were going to happen, and making
calendars for each year that would correctly present the seasons. Mayans believed that the stars in
the night ... Show more content on ...
It also includes the time that we landed on the moon, and launched more than a few satellites into
orbit to see what the solar system was all about, or what it looked like for that matter. Modern
astronomy has been one of the driving forces behind the development of the technology here on
earth. Computers were used on the space missions, and now we have computers everywhere,
satellites were used to relay information, and now they are used to relay TV and phone
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Annie Jump Cannon Research Paper
Prior the 20th century, it was unacceptable for women to study or work in the fields of science. Of
course, this included fields such as astronomy. Yet, this did not stop the women who were interested
by what laid beyond our planet's night sky. In a field dominated by men even today, it is valuable to
recall the important contributions and achievements of women in astronomy.
Although it was unheard of, few women were given the opportunity to work alongside astronomers
and were fortunate enough to receive proper credit for their findings. One of these women included
Caroline Herschel. Originally born in Germany in 1760, she decided to immigrate to England with
her brother, William Herschel, after developing an illness that stunted her growth ... Show more
content on ...
In fact, there was an entire group of women which included the likes of Annie Jump Cannon.
Cannon was born in 1863 in the U.S., and had graduated from Wellesley College in 1884 after
studying a bit in astronomy. Eventually, she returned to the college in1894 to further her studies in
the field and a year later she was employed at Harvard's Observatory. Cannon's job comprised of
helping Williamina Flemming and Antonia Maury in categorizing stars based on their hydrogen
spectral lines and heat. They did this by using the letters A to Q. Evidently; this was rigorous and
time–consuming process. Nonetheless, they had managed to classify about 1,100 stars that were
later published in a catalog in 1901. After some time, Cannon had managed to figured out a way to
simplify this process, by transforming the alphabetic ranking from A to Q to only using letters O, B,
A, F, G, K, and M (ranking stars from hottest to coldest). Moreover, she reduced their subdivisions
from 22 classes (Maury's own device) to 9 classes (0 to 9). With the use of this new system, Cannon
was able to classify more than 220,000 stars and would go on to classify over 300,000 stars before
her death in 1940. However, before her passing she was the first woman to become a member of the
American Astronomical Society and won many other awards. This straightforward system became
standardized in 1910 by the International Astronomical Union under the name of the "Harvard
Spectral Classification". Even to this day; this form of classification is used in the Hertzpsrung–
Russell diagram which is then used to teach students in astronomy courses about spectral
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Statement of Purpose for a Career in Aestrophysics
Two reasons this job appeals to me
The job intrigues me in many ways and it's amazing because so little is known about the universe
that people just guess at what they are looking at and I'm good at guessing. Also the job doesn't
require allot of physical effort.
Reasons I like this job
This occupation is interesting because I like to lean how things work from time to time and
OutSpace has always intrigued me. It's hard to explain but OutSpace is the most fascinating thing to
learn about. Everything from the stars at night to the possibility of having galactic neighbors puts
me in complete awe. It's just exciting to me and its impressive how vast and unexplored the universe
Is a branch of astronomy that is about the physics of everything of the universe, and heavenly bodies
like galaxies, star clusters, etc. The job of the Astrophysics is to understand the universe. This
occupation is constantly developing because every day we learn more and more about how the
universe functions. Another objective of this job or occupation is to discover when, where, and how
the universe began.
Degree requirements for the job
There are seven courses that are specifically required
Astronomy 202, Radiative Processes
"Fundamental processes underlying why we see what we see in astronomy, geared towards graduate
students. Applications explicitly treated in class include: 21 cm radiation from hydrogen; thermal
radiation from dusty protoplanetary disks;
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Math 's Relationship With Astronomy
Math 's relationship with astronomy is one of the most unappreciated sciences to this day. Math has
not only allowed us to begin to answer some of life 's greatest questions that were only discussed in
religion and story, but it has enabled us to see further than we have ever seen into the vast universe
we exist in through astronomy. Math has often been described by the greatest minds our species as
the language of the cosmos. The ability to do complex mathematics has allowed us as a species to
learn, discover and even explain objects we discover in space through astronomy. The importance of
astronomy and it 's connection to math is first touched upon by Dr Carl Sagan in his book Cosmos,
then Max Tegmark goes on to discuss that not only is math used to explore our universe, but the
entire universe and its functions is made of math, and finally Astronomy magazine discusses how
math is used to explain the simple all the way to the complex. In Cosmos by Dr Carl Sagan, Carl
explains how utilizing math has helped humanity gain understanding and even a certain degree of
mastery over our environment. Carl first points out how many struggles great thinkers had to
overcome to reach this level we are currently at. All of the great men, who came one after another,
piled on the accumulation of their work that has molded modern math. Through all of those great
men our species has discovered formula for answering questions that seemed out of our reach for so
long, along with the
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Why Was Galileo Important
Question: Why was Galileo Galilei important, and why is he still important up to this date?
Galileo is still important because of his telescope discoveries, he is most known for his discovery of
the four most massive moons of Jupiter: Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto, which are now called
the Galilean moons.
Galileo was born in 1564 and dies in 1642. He was an outstanding Genius in Astronomy,
Mathematics, and physics, and was as famous as Albert Einstein in the 20th Century. He studies
medicine, but Galileo found more interest in Mathematics. His achievements in any of those fields
are also main reasons why Galileo should be remembered. Galileo was trained in Mathematics, in
which he later taught at the University of Padua, and also learned ... Show more content on ...
The four massive moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo Galilei, around 1610 and they were
the first group of objects found to orbit another planet. The names of these objects that were
discovered by Galileo come from the lover of Zeus, the supreme god of the Olympians. These
objects are among the largest objects in the Solar System with the exception of the sun and the eight
other planets, with a radii larger than any of the planetary–mass objects that are neither a planet nor
a natural satellite. Galileo's discovery of these moons showed that the telescope is an important tool
for astronomers by proving that there were many objects in space that cannot be seen by the naked
eye. Galileo named his discovery the Cosmica Sidera which is known as "Cosimos stars", but the
names that eventually prevailed were chosen by Simon Marius. Simon Marius discovered the moons
independently at the same time as Galileo, and gave them their present names. Galileo was able to
know each and ones of the objects longitude based by timing of the orbits of the Galilean moons.
The times of the eclipses of the moons could be calculated a little bit earlier, and were compared
with local observations on land or on ship to determine the local time and hence of the longitude.
But there was a main problem with this technique which was that it was too difficult to observe the
Galilean moons through a telescope on a moving ship, and Galileo tried solving this problem with a
device invented by himself called the celatone. Galileo Galilei has made many discoveries, but this
discovery was prominently the best
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How Astrophysics Is The Branch Of Astronomy
Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry to
ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies, rather than their positions or motions in space. A few of
the objects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and
the cosmic microwave background. The study of our very own Sun has a special place in
observational astrophysics. Due to the tremendous distance of all other stars, the Sun can be
observed in a kind of detail unparalleled by any other star. Our understanding of our own Sun serves
as a guide to our understanding of other stars. Their emissions are examined across all parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and
chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply
many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics,
thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and
molecular physics. Modern astronomical research often involves a substantial amount of work in the
realms of theoretical and observational physics. Some areas of study for astrophysicists include their
attempts to determine: the properties of dark matter, dark energy, and black holes, whether or not
time travel is possible, if wormholes can form, or the multiverse exists, and also the origin and
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Wizarding Astronomy
Astronomy, as I understood the whole term, is the study of the universe. And for this term, I can say
that Astronomy is the study of planets, their moons, composition, atmosphere, rings & other
identifying marks, similarities & differences between the planets found inside our Solar System.
Muggle Astronomy and Wizarding Astronomy are actually similar with each other, the only
difference I can see is that Muggles took the discovery of our universe very seriously that most of
their discoveries are the ones that the Wizarding Astronomy is using as a their basis and teaching
1. Mercury – closest planet to the sun, considered geologically dead
2. Venus– considered as a terrestrial planet and the third brightest
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Greek Astronomy : The Contribution Of The Ancient Greek...
Ancient Greek Astronomy
Imagine if the ancient world didn't make any discoveries and the people of today had to start without
any prior knowledge. In about 500BC the ancient Greeks had an explosion of astronomical
discoveries. The ancient Greeks wanted to know the answer to one big question; how does the
universe work? The ancient Greeks contributed to astronomy through the discoveries about Earth,
the universe, and the tools they used.
The ancient Greeks contributed to astronomy through their discoveries about Earth. The first
discovery about Earth is that it is spherical. During a lunar eclipse (when Earth is between the sun
and moon) two Greek astronomers Empedocles and Anaxagoras found the Earth's shadow on the
moon. They saw that the shadow was clearly round (Library of Congress). This is evidence that the
Greeks contributed to astronomy through the discovery that Earth is not flat. Another Greek
astronomer tried to figure out the size of Earth. Aristarchus of Samos used the size of Earth's
shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse and tried to scale the number to the real size (Library of
Congress). This supports that Aristarchus of Samos contributed to calculating the size of Earth
because he gave astronomy part of the equation. One more astronomer tried to find the size of Earth.
Eratosthenes measured the shadows cast in Alexandria and Syene to find the angle of Earth to the
sun (Library of Congress). This is proof that the Greeks contributed to astronomy by
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Essay On Copernicus

  • 1. Essay On Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus started out as just an ordinary person. In fact, according to today's standards of intelligence, he was below average. Who knew that Copernicus would later become one of the most intelligent people in the world. Copernicus changed the way that people during the Renaissance viewed astronomy. Copernicus changed history as we know it today and if it wasn't for him, today's astronomers may still be theorizing about the basic facts of our solar system. Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Poland. His parents, Nicolaus and Barbara, were leading merchants and parented four children, Copernicus being the youngest. Then, when Copernicus was around 10 to 12 years old, his father died and his brother, Lucas, took his nephew under protection and was soon to become bishop of ... Show more content on ... These two books taught Copernicus everything he needed to know about astronomy and astrology. These books also led Copernicus to most of his discoveries and the making of a few books himself such as "De revolutionibus". In this book, Copernicus described viewing the Moon Eclipse stating it was, "the brightest star in the eye of the Bull". Copernicus had only 27 recorded observations in his lifetime though he most likely had more than that. He viewed eclipses, planets, stars, and much more. That may not seem very impressive today but, for Copernicus' time period, it was quite a discovery. Copernicus wrote his book, "De revolutionibus", it was only published the year of his death in 1543. The reason for his book with priceless information about our solar system to be published so late was that it was controversial and many other theorists disagreed with Copernicus' claims. It was only at the year of his death that people realized that Copernicus was ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. How Did Tycho Brahe Contribute To The World Imagine a world where we didn't know about how the stars and the planets worked. We didn't know where they were and what they did. That's what the world would be like without Tycho Brahe. He created many inventions that were more accurate than ever. He ran an observatory until he stopped working and would share info with other astronomers. His studies helped make other discoveries possible. He also had a great education but he didn't even study astronomy! Tycho Brahe was born on December 14, 1546 in Scania, which was part of Denmark at the time but is now in Sweden. He was the oldest of his siblings Otto Brahe and Beatte Brahe. When he was only thirteen his uncle sent him to the university of Copenhagen. There he studied law and philosophy. While he was studying at Copenhagen there was a partial eclipse of the sun. This is ... Show more content on ... This is where he began to learn a lot about astronomy. He got a hold of astronomy books and instruments. He hid the items from his tutor during the day and would stay up all night looking at the stars and read his books. Then on August 17, 1563 Tycho was observing the stars and noticed that Saturn and Jupiter passed very close to each other. Later his tutor stopped tutoring him and his uncle died of pneumonia. Tycho then left Leipzig and went to Germany. When Tycho went to Germany he met some amateur astronomers who were very rich. They studied together for a long time. Their problem was they didn't have a very accurate way to observe the sky. This led them to make a large quadrant of a circle with a 19 foot radius! It took them over 20 men to build it! The quadrant was set so they could make observations through an open window. They also had several clocks all being used one after another to make the observations as precise as they possibly could. Then in 1570, after spending years in Germany with fellow astronomers, he returned home to ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Wizarding Astronomy To me astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies as well as their movement. Muggle astronomy and wizarding astronomy have more in common than many areas of study, with muggle probes and satellites providing important information concerning the makeup and surface of the planets. However, wizarding astronomy allows for more detailed views of the planets through telescopes and also accounts for the effects of the heavens on magic and its properties. The first planet is Mercury– the closest planet to the sun, named for the Roman god of thieves, travelers, and shepherds. Despite early assumptions, it does in fact have a magnetic field, as well as a proportionally large core. Next is Venus, named for the Roman goddess ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Joys Of Muggle Astronomy A) For me, Astronomy means the study of not just the universe, but the unknown. There is always stuff to be learnt, things to be taught, and surprising subjects that affect our everyday lives, magic and non–magic alike. Even though some things affect us in the same way, our subjects of Astronomy are quite different. Muggle Astronomy focuses on what is beyond our planet Earth. They're interested in what's out there, in the unfamiliar. They want to discover more planets, galaxies, dimensions, and the fact if we really are 'alone'. Wizard Astronomy focuses on the outer things that affect our planet Earth, like how the moon affects our magic and how werewolves change in the full moon. We are very tuned to how it affects our lives. B) Mercury: Mercury was named after the Roman God of Thievery. To complete one orbit around the sun, it was a theory that it took 88 days, but it actually took 59 days. ... Show more content on ... Venus is a terrestrial planet, just like Earth. Earth: Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Over 71% is covered in water; 97% of it is saltwater, 2% is glacier ice, and less than 1% is fresh water. Mars: Mars is the fourth and last planet in the inner solar system. It has two moons; Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Panic). Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the first planet in the outer solar system. This planet is a gas giant and has 67 known moons. Saturn: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. 29 Earth years equals one Saturn year. Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and has 27 known moons. Uranus's axis of rotation lies almost 90 degrees off to one side. Neptune: Neptune is the eighth and last planet in our solar system. Like Uranus, it is an ice planet. This planet has 13 known moons, and the largest and most famous of them is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. A Comparison of Great Scientists in History Essay Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who lived from 469–399 B.C. Much of what he knew he learned from another famous Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. Concerning logic and human behavior in general, "Socrates' life was inspired by discussion and debate with both the young of Athens and the leading philosophers of his day" (Daintith, Vol. 9 93). He introduced methodical and ordered thinking. Socrates is quoted as having said, "It seemed to me a superlative thing to know the explanation of everything, why it comes to be, why it perishes, and why it is" (Daintith, Vol. 9 93). This summarizes what he sought to discover and understand throughout the entirety of his life. Socrates is a genuine example of the philosophers and scientists ... Show more content on ... Curiously, unlike most other philosophers, Aristotle studied zoology and discussed it often. "Aristotle made extensive observations and descriptions of many different animals and may be considered the first to show a serious interest in the field." (Franck 57). Other than his interest in animals, Aristotle is another typical example of what philosophers and scientists were researching and exploring in his time of Ancient Greece. Almost two millennia later, there was the Renaissance, or rebirth of interest in studying science and technology. However, two new interests had arisen; medicine and astronomy. One such scientist is a very good demonstration of what most scientists of the time where doing in the field of astronomy. Galileo Galilei, who lived from 1564–1642 was an Italian astronomer and physicist "...whose methods made him the first truly 'modern' scientist. He made highly significant contributions in the fields of gravitation, motion, and astronomy, but he came into conflict with the Catholic Church over his views about the universe." (Allaby 24) In 1581, Galileo entered the University of Pisa. While there, he studied medicine. Not being his favorite subject, Galileo quickly developed a passion for mathematics. He improved the telescope originally invented by Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius. One day, Galileo looked into his telescope and up out into the universe. "His initial reaction was sheer ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Astronomy In Mayan Civilization Astronomy was not, however, simply a divine paradise in the heavens above, but astronomical observations had also an impact on local people. Observations helped to predict the seasons and agricultural cycles, telling people when to plant their crops and when to pull the crops out. Rus ability to accurately align agricultural patterns with seasonal shifts surely helped advance the Mayan civilization. The accomplishments of these early astronomers see, incredible, but what they lacked in sophisticated technology and accurate instruments, they made up patient observing over long periods of time. Th immense amount of effort that Mayan astronomers put in order to have accurate measurements do not seem to be applied towards an effort to understand ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Beth Brown Essay Dontaysha Gobourne Miss Scholl English 1 2B 16 April 2015 The Life of Beth A. Brown Beth Brown is an African American woman who studied astrophysics. Astrophysics is an area of science which applies physical laws discovered on Earth to phenomena throughout the cosmos. Cosmos is the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system ( Beth is a very appreciated and inspiring astronomer. An astronomer is an expert in or student of astronomy. She was an inspiration to women and minorities in encouraging them to pursue their careers in astronomy/physics. Beth Brown died at the age of 39 due to a pulmonary embolism. When she died, the astronomical community lost one of its most buoyant and caring individuals (Bregman 1). Beth Brown was an African American born on Tuesday, June 15, 1969 in Roanoke, Virginia. She lived her whole life in Roanoke. She lived with her mother and father, Frances and Robert Brown. Her younger brother was named Larry and her cousin also lived with them. As a child, Beth's main interests were in science, astronomy, and science fiction (Bregman 2). As she was going on throughout her ages of a child, a teen, and an adult, she still had a large amount of love for the scientific field. Beth went to William Fleming High School where she graduated valedictorian in 1987. ... Show more content on ... Her co–workers had made a monument for her. The women in astronomy and space science conference of 2009 is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Beth A. Brown. The foundation's main purpose is to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the Roanoke Valley who had planned to attend a college or university and major in astronomy or physics (Sutton 1). This foundation in honor of Beth will help many students to do something that they really want to do. This will also help students of Roanoke, who have financial issues, go to college and become successful in their ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Wizarding Vs Muggle Astronomy Astronomy is, of course, the study of the universe. However, as broad–range as that observation is, I believe that Astronomy is, when it comes down to it, the study of what makes up the universe – this includes the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the Sun, the Moon, and everything else that the universe encompasses. The differences between Muggle Astronomy and Wizarding Astronomy are not as vast as one might believe, but the differences do exist. Muggle Astronomy has been around for a relatively long time, but so too has Wizarding Astronomy. However, Wizards have taken the advancements made by Muggles – without their knowledge, of course – and used them to further the advancement of Astronomy in the Wizarding world, and sometimes vice versa. ... Show more content on ... Owing to the fact that the rings reflect around 80% of the sunlight which hits them, it is believed by astronomers that the rings are comprised of ice. An interesting thing to note is that these rings have an atmosphere which is independent of Saturn's own atmosphere. The atmosphere comprised by the rings is composed of oxygen and hydrogen gas, and which is created when light from the Sun interacts with the ice particles. Planet 7: Uranus The seventh planet Uranus, is one of the Jovian planets and is classified both as a Gas Giant and as an Ice Giant. Uranus is the Greek God of the Sky. An interesting feature of Uranus is that its axis of rotation leans almost 90 degrees to one side, making it appear to be ''tipped over''. The orbital rotation of this planet is half of a Uranus year and as a result of its axis, the north pole will point almost directly towards the sun. When the Uranus year is through, the south pole will take the North pole's place, facing the Sun. A full rotation around the Sun is once every 17.2 hours, and in 84 Earth years equals one full year. Planet 8: ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Astrology Vs Astronomy Essay Astronomy versus Astrology Astronomy is a science that studies everything outside of the earth's atmosphere, such as planets, stars, asteroids, galaxies; and the properties and relationships of those spiritual bodies. Astronomers base their studies on research and observation. Astrology, on the other hand, is the belief that the positioning of the stars and planets affect the way events occur on earth. If you're interested in the solar system and the planets, other celestial objects like asteroids and comets, other galaxies and the rest of the universe, what makes up space, and the possibility of alien life or space travel, astronomy is the field you're considering. Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and comets; while the phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, all astronomical phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere are within the purview of astronomy. A related but distinct subject, physical cosmology, is concerned with the study of the Universe as a whole. Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences. The early civilizations in recorded history, such as the Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, Egyptians, Nubians, Iranians, Chinese, and Maya performed ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. A Career In Astronomy A young boy is walking through the mall and sees an advertisement that The Hunger Games is coming out soon in theaters. He has always wanted to see it, and begs his mom for money. This is the kind of excitement that a film editor can bring to the films they make. The final changes in the movie can make or break how well the movie connects to the audience. Becoming a film and video editor is a better career choice for me than an astronomer because of education, job environment, and skills. Film editors must be very tech savvy, for the majority of film editing is accomplished digitally on computers ("How"). However, they do not have to be able to perform complicated tasks such as programming and writing code. Instead, they have an interface ... Show more content on ... To be a film editor one needs to have a high school diploma or a GED, and then pursue a four year college or university to study broadcasting and film ("How"). There are many schools with reputable film departments where future film editors learn about the whole spectrum of filmmaking, " pre– production and planning, scriptwriting, cinematography, lighting, set design..." ("How"). It is important to test and explore the required skills before committing to a new career. A solid high school education can introduce career options based on innate interests. Astronomy requires a higher level academic rigour that is meant to weed out the selective few that will become future astronomers. It is important to pursue a rigorous math and science curriculum in school, as they are the main subjects used in astronomy ("Careers in Astronomy," American). Astronomy majors require more advanced degrees, which differs from the career of film editing. Astronomers must have a PhD to work in observatories, according to Daniel Devost it is, "3 to 6 years of graduate college studies"(qtd. in Cullen). This could accumulate to 10 years of post high school education, which is undesirable because the expenses would be high, with minimal income. Obtaining a college degree after four to five years is a preferable pathway for me because I am more interested in a hands–on experience. A ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Career And College Research Paper Essay Career and College Research Paper I decided to go with a career in astronomy. An astronomer is a scientist who tries to understand the wonders of the Universe as well the wonders beyond our universe. Astronomers also study the stars, planets, and other galaxies ("Careers in Astronomy | IAU"). I chose a career in astronomy because I have always been fascinated by space and how the universe works. It is extremely important to understand education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, the salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision. The job location for astronomers depends greatly on if the astronomer in question works for a private industry, the government, a college, or a government supported institution. Almost one–third of astronomers work for the government or government supported institutions. The remainder of astronomers work either in a private industry on some type of space–related projects, in science centers, at planetariums, or in some other type of educational and public outreach efforts (Strobel). Although astronomers spend a lot of time away from home and their families, they mostly work in an office like environment. Astronomers work full time, but since they are more than likely observing something in space, they might have to work during the night so the sun does not interfere with their observations ("Occupational Outlook Handbook – Physicists and Astronomers"). Anyone who is interested in ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Muggle Astronomy: The Study Of The Whole Universe Astronomy to me is very important. There are a lot of things still needing discovered, but things such as the tides, phases of the moon, and ect. are very important to us. Astronomy is the study of the whole universe. Muggle astronomy is just pretty much the logic and knowledge of the actual objects such as meteors, moons, planets, ect. the physics of it, whereas wizards have to think of the moon phases and other magical properties. Mercury is the first planet. It was named after the Roman god of thievery. It also only takes 59 Earth days to rotate. Venus is the second planet. It was named after the Roman goddess for love and beauty. It is one of the four terrestrial planets. Earth is the third planet. It is known as Venus sister. It also ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Development Of Astronomy During The Scientific Revolution The Development in Astronomy During the Scientific Revolution Daniel Huffman World History and Geography II Mr. Struck December 8, 2016 Astronomy, the field pertaining to the study of space and the objects that exist within it, is a constantly developing science. Beginning in ancient times, humans would rely on astronomy to observe the positions of the moon and stars in order to measure time and direction ("Astronomy", sec. 1). Up until the mid–16th century, the widespread belief among Europeans was that the stars and other celestial bodies orbit the Earth, a theory established by the astronomer Ptolemy (Furlong 80). With the limited technology available at their time, Ptolemy's geocentric theory was left largely untested, at least until the dawn of the Scientific Revolution. During the Scientific Revolution, a period of several hundred years where science developed to greater resemble our modern practices rather than the more religious and philosophical mindset of the time prior, notable scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus, and Newton made major discoveries in fields such as astronomy. This revolution started with the development of Copernicus' heliocentric theory of the structure of the solar system, which directly contradicted the accepted beliefs of the time ("Scientific Revolution"). In the beginning of the 17th century, Galileo designed and constructed an improved telescope, which he used to make significant astronomical discoveries that ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Astronomy Essay I am excited to say that me and my team of astronomy researchers have discovered a correlation between finding potential habitable star systems and a star's magnetic activity and X–ray emissions. Our study, titled "An Improved Age–Activity Relationship for Cool Stars Older than a Gigayear", was led by Rachel Booth, a PhD student from the Astrophysics Research Center at Queen's University Belfast. Our data was gathered using NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory and ESA's XMM–Newton. NASA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope specifically built to detect X– ray emissions from regions in the universe which exhibit very high temperatures such as stars. ESA's Chandra X–ray Observatory is a telescope whose purpose is similar to that of NASA's ... Show more content on ... ESA's XMM–Newton satellite follows an eccentric orbit and each telescope contains a mirror module with 58 high–precision concentric mirrors to detect millions of sources and catch elusive X– rays. Through our research, we discovered results that linked a star's age to their X–ray emissions. We found out that from the 24 stars analyzed, 14 of them had X–ray emissions that were discernible. We were then able to calculate the stars' ages and from that, we recognized that there was a relationship between their longevity and luminosity. Stars similar to that of our Sun are likely to emit less high– energy radiation as they exceed 1 billion years in age. While we made this amazing discovery, the reasons for this relationship are still unknown to us. We are currently examining the causes and reasons this relationship may occur. A possibility of this is through the reduction in spin rate of stars. The reduction in spin rate is faster in older stars than in younger stars, which could explain the emission of less high–energy radiation as the stars grow older. Another possibility this relationship can occur is because of the luminosity of X–rays. The X– ray brightness declines quicker in older, more slowly–rotating stars than it does for younger, faster ones. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Astronomy And Physical Therapy Research Paper Astronomy and Physical Therapy As a little child always I always used to look up at the stars. I was fascinated by what's up there, and could there be life. Also I realized that I liked helping people become better when they were injured, and I have always been a fit person. For these reasons, I have decided to try and head towards one of these two fields: astronomy or physical therapy. Although astronomy and physical therapy are similar in salary, they differ in the type of work and environment. When it comes to astronomy and physical therapy, you might be thinking, "they have nothing in common!" Well, that's not the case for everything. It just happens that the pay is similar. For both astronomy and physical therapy, the pay averages ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. History of Astronomy HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in the religious, mythological, and astrological practices of pre–history: vestiges of these are still found in astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy, and not completely disentangled from it until a few centuries ago in the Western World . In some cultures astronomical data was used for astrological prognostication. Ancient astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars remain relatively fixed over the centuries while planets will move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short time. Early history Early cultures identified celestial objects with ... Show more content on ... The original mechanism is displayed in the Bronze collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, accompanied by a replica. India Ancient Indian astrology is based upon sidereal calculation. The sidereal astronomy is based upon the stars and the sidereal period is the time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the Sun, relative to the stars. It can be traced to the final centuries BC with the Vedanga Jyotisha attributed to Lagadha, one of the circum–Vedic texts, which describes rules for tracking the motions of the Sun and the Moon for the purposes of ritual. After formation of Indo–Greekkingdoms, Indian astronomy was influenced by Hellenistic astronomy (adopting the zodiacal signs or rāśis). Identical numerical computations for lunar cycles have been found to be used in India and in early Babylonian texts.[11] Astronomy was advanced during the Sunga Empire and many star catalogues were produced during this time. The Sunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India". China The astronomy of East Asia began in China. Solar term was completed in Warring States Period. The knowledge of Chinese astronomy was introduced into East Asia. Astronomy in China has a long history. Detailed records of astronomical observations were kept from about the 6th century BC, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Importance Of Astronomy And Astrology Since the early Egyptians, people have been trying to read the stars. Have you ever looked at the stars yourself, and wondered what it all means? Today, most people might know their star sign according to their birthday. You might have even read a horoscope once or twice. However, astrology in and of itself is not to be trusted. Astronomy on the other hand, is the actual science used to encompass our big, endless skies. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its subject matter outside of Earth's atmosphere, while Astrology endeavors to study how the universe and its contents (such as constellations and planetary systems), might directly relate to humans and the events surrounding each person's life. (Temming) Seeing these definitions, we can come to the conclusion Astronomy should be trusted as it is based on proven science, has numerous scientific implications, and realistic applications. Astrology however, has no scientific basis and should only be treated as nothing more than a novelty. The first point on how astronomy should be trusted over astrology is because the study of astronomy is well respected among the scientific community, and is based on facts. Astronomy is commonly known by most as the study of constellations and the universe. Astronomers examine movements, positioning, and the composition of celestial bodies, while basing their information on research and observation. Nola Taylor Redd gives us a good idea of astronomy in What is Astronomy? Definition ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. College Admissions Essay: Astronomy As A Hobby My favorite interest is Astronomy as a hobby. Longtime interest since I was a youth. Not possible before because of time constraints, such as work and family responsibilities. As a retired person, now I have the time and peace of mind to devote myself to this fascinating hobby. I always had an inclination towards exact sciences; I have worked as an Electronics maintenance technician and as Information Technology specialist.What drove me into Astronomy? As you get mature, you start to ponder about how things are the way they are.The Universe poses a formidable mystery for mankind. How the Universe came to be? Is the Big Bang Theory the ultimate answer to the Universe evolution? So many questions, yet so little answers. Well, oddly enough, my previous ... Show more content on ... The outcome was more than satisfactory: from the very beginning of the course I was able to construct the needed theoretical background that would allow me to understand concepts in a whole. For me, learning is like climbing a staircase, that is, one step a time. Since there were no grades or exams, I felt, for the first time in my life, to enjoy learning for the pleasure of it. Having other people of about the same age group and similar education was also good because questions were asked by people that have a life full of experiences. Naturally information is exchanged among the students about good books and web information on the subjects. You would be surprised to know how many people that, apart from being old, have a rich and clear perspective of life in its many features. Also, some of them are my pen pals (e–mail, naturally) and we often exchange ideas and opinions. After finishing the course I had the required guidance to advance in the field by myself so I opened an account in Twitter to be informed of recent discoveries in the fields of my ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Muggle Astronomy Section A: Astronomy means to me about the sky and stars and the planets that has many mystery in it. There are little difference between muggle and wizard astronomy. Wizard astronomy has more story that some wizard believe more then muggle story because of history of magic and the centaurs viewers of the sky. muggle astronomy is a lot of science and technology like rockets and giant telescopes muggle has send many astronauts outer space and on many planets unlike wizards. Section B Mercury: Mercury is the smallest planet that is rocky and has allot of craters on its surface. mercury is also called as he roman god of thievery. Mercury is a mystery planet that has many things muggle astronomer think that creatures actually live on the planet ... Show more content on ... jupiter has 3 red spots on the planet a one of them is giant red spot. The red spots is a storm call anticyclonic storm this storm is larger than Earth and is about 24–40,000 km x 12–14,000 km witch is big enough to put three earth in! Jupiter has 67 moons that been recorded. the moons are range in size Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. are some of the biggest moon that are there. Saturn: Saturn is the sixth plant from the sun and is the seconded largest in the solar system. Saturn is known as Gas planet It is named after the roman god Agriculture. The atmosphere for Saturn and traces of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, propane, phosphine,methane, Ammonia is what makes the planet look pan yellow. Saturn ring are the most visible rings in the solar system planet is the sparse the thickest ring called Phoebe ring which is tilted at an angle of 27° to the other rings. Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet away from the sun Uranus is called the ice giant it is the coldest planet in the solar system it can reach up to −224.2 °C all around. Uranus is named after ancient Greek deity of the sky, Uranus had Uranus has 27 known moons natural satellites They are all names after shake spare and Alexander pope The five main satellites are Miranda,Ariel,Umbriel,Titania and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Astronomy Interview Interview with an Astronomer: Gregory Rudnick What is your official job title? I am a Leo Goldberg Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. How did you first become involved with this kind of work? I've wanted to be a scientist almost as long as I can remember but my first real exposure to astronomy was in my sophomore year of high school when I took a Saturday morning class at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. From then on I knew that I loved astronomy. After high school I went on to university where I majored in physics. A good knowledge of physics is necessary to be a good astronomer since the two fields are tightly intertwined and as astronomers we use much of our physics every day. I'm still convinced that majoring ... Show more content on ... I've often asked myself this same question and the answer always is yes! Being an astronomer isn't easy but I'm very happy with what I've chosen to do. What gives you the most satisfaction in the work you are doing? I love discovering new things and talking about the wonders of the Universe. I also really like working with the public and teaching others about astronomy, science, and the universe around us. We live in a time of fascinating discoveries and sharing them is always a pleasure. What future career goals do you have? Eventually I would like to be a professor. This will allow me to continue my research but also allow me to pursue my other love, teaching. What information about this kind of work would be important for a person if he or she is considering going into ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Why I Chose A Career At first, I wanted to stay away from something I was so passionate about on the count of me doing this project might turn me away from that career. After an interminable amount of searching for a career I liked just as much and copious amounts of acquiescence, I finally cracked and decide to go with a career in Astronomy. An astronomer is a scientist who tries to understand the wonders of the Universe as well the wonders beyond our universe. Astronomers also study the stars, planets, other galaxies, and even more mysterious celestial bodies ("Careers in Astronomy | IAU"). I chose a career in astronomy because I have always been fascinated by space and how the universe is without omission, unfathomable. It is extremely important to understand education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, the salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision. The job location for astronomers depends greatly on if the astronomer in question works for a private industry, the government, a college, or a government supported institution. Almost one–third of astronomers work for the government or government supported institutions, the most known being the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO). The remainder of astronomers work either in a private industry on some type of space–related projects, in science centers, at planetariums, or in some other type of educational ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Astronomy In The 19th Century Essay In 1660, the first telescope was sent to the American colonies, sparking a new interest in the "study of the heavens," or Astronomy (Lecture, 10/2). Years after the first telescope was sent, the American colonies became increasingly interested in the study of astronomy as newer and additional astronomical technology was being developed. Technology in science often acts as a catalyst for new discoveries with more descriptive and accurate results than previous generations could have imagined. Similarly, the development of technology over the course of the nineteenth century prompted more discoveries in astronomy, establishing it as a commanding study. The new technology in astronomy developed through the nineteenth century, and its advancement, affected who practice astronomy along with how data was collected and processed, as evidenced by the newfound role of women in astronomy, the ... Show more content on ... The use of photography in conjunction with the study of astronomy was widely used among astronomers, including Joseph Fraunhofer and William and Margaret Huggins. Fraunhofer took photographs of observations made of light through a spectrograph, allowing him to study the "lines" breaking up the spectrum of light, later know as Fraunhofer lines (Lecture, 10/4). Working with her husband William Huggins, Margaret has been credited with "the establishment of Huggins's successful program of photographic research (Becker, 102). In both cases, using photography to record data received from a spectrograph affected the practice of astronomy in the sense that it allowed researchers to produce more accurate data, and at a quicker pace. As the use of photography and the spectrograph became more prevalent in the practice of astronomy, more researchers could produce vast and detailed data, making astronomy research a more extensive and prominent ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Edwin Hubble Research Paper "I knew that even if i were second or third rate, it was astronomy that mattered." Edwin Hubble (1889–1953)(Edwin) Edwin Hubble was born in Missouri in 1889. Due to the occupation held by his parent, an insurance executive, at just 9 years old he moved to Chicago. Unlike Einstein, and other great scientists or astronomers, Hubble was an astounding student. At his high school graduation the principal said, "Edwin Hubble, I have watched you for four years and I have never seen you study for ten minutes, (paused), here is a scholarship for the University of Chicago." (Edwin) He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Mathematics and Astronomy in 1910. Hubble, also being a phenomenal basketball player and boxer, earned a Rhodes scholarship to ... Show more content on ... None of our understanding we have today would be even plausible without Hubble's telescope. The only thing standing in Edwin's way of getting a clean picture of the stars was this thing known as the Earth's atmosphere, which because of the fluidic gas and dust that make up the atmosphere it often "blurs visible light, causing stars to twinkle and making it difficult to see faint stars."(Dunbar) As this makes his job virtually impossible, a German scientist comes up with the idea of a telescope in space to not only see farther but also to see clearer, this was a crucial turning point in Hubble's findings and will eventually lead to the one of the greatest and most recognized theories around the world. After the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik, NASA launched the U.S.'s two Orbital Astronomical Observations (OAO) into orbit.(Dunbar) After the concerns and failures of the OAO's; NASA granted permission for Hubble to start his studies for the Large Space Telescope or the LST ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Essay on Hostilities Between Men of Faith and Science When Copernicus and Galileo voiced their observations opposing the Catholic Church, Copernicus and Galileo were labeled as a threat for a couple reasons. For example, Copernicus and Galileo's observations did not support the Catholic Church's teachings. Copernicus and Galileo discovered that the sun does not revolve around the Earth but that the Earth revolves around the sun. The Church believed that "Only God knows how he created the universe," (Gascoigne) so there was no way that Copernicus and Galileo could know that the Earth revolves around the sun. In the Bible it says, "The world also is stablished, and it cannot be moved." (The Book) This was interpreted by the Church to mean that Earth cannot move, therefore the sun must be ... Show more content on ... Then, about two hundred years later, the computer and cell phone were invented which is where technology has come thus far (Dosoudil). Now, because of social media, anyone can connect to people around the world. Furthermore, improved technology has heightened education. As technology has advanced, people have been able to transport and communicate faster and more efficiently. This has led to the opportunity of make schooling and continued education a privilege and eventually a priority in people's lives. In general, people have been able to understand the world and how it works better. The Internet allows someone to simply type in what they want to know and it pulls up resource upon resource on just a single subject. As one can clearly see, technological advancements have changed society in more ways than one might expect. Women have had to endure through obstacles throughout history. During the scientific revolution, women were generally unable to receive a formal education and therefore, were very rarely respected for their views. For example, Margret Cavendish, who came from an aristocratic background, participated in many scientific debates, wrote two scientific works, and set a great example of women scientists in France and England (Berdine). Regardless of her accomplishments, Cavendish was denied membership from the Royal Society (Berdine). Another woman, Maria Winkelmann reflected "the obstacles women faced in being accepted in scientific work, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Mayans Intertwine With Astronomy "Are we Alone? the history of astronomy has shaped the course of human society, connecting science with human spirituality and sense of wonder at the unimaginable vastness of the cosmos". (Shuttleworth). Astronomy is the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe. Ancient astronomers attempted to explain religion rather than explain natural phenomenon. Religion can be defined as a belief in, or an acknowledgement of some superhuman power or powers (ex. a god or gods) which is typically manifested in obedience, reverence, and worship; such a belief as part of a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means of achieving spiritual or material improvement. Religion, in the early times, helped to explain natural phenomenon, for instance, the stars, ... Show more content on ... Astronomy impacted civilizations throughout history in such a way that affected daily life, for example, Halley's Comet always seems to bring fear, destruction and rebirth, it sometimes served as a warning, indicating that either a person of royal standing had died, or that dark days lay ahead (Williams). The Mayans used priests and astrologers to measure time. This paper investigates how the Mayan culture intertwine with astronomy. Several of their inventions such as the solar calendar and the Pacal's tomb. The paper also addresses the scientific belief that religion is not necessary due to advancements of technology and knowledge. The scope of this investigation begins by explaining some aspect of the Mayan Culture and providing examples of how astronomy and their beliefs intertwined. The essay furthers investigates the relationship between Mayan culture and astronomy as its arguments. This essay explains the counterargument, the reason why some scientists believe religion is no longer need it. As time and technology advanced scientists became more skeptic about religion and spirituality, driving religion and astronomy ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Muggle Astronomy Research Paper Astronomy, is for me, why we are even here at all. As humans [and wizards], we owe our lives to discovering our own universe and beyond, it is our utmost dedication that we discover facts and information on everything around us. People have dedicated months, years, to discovering what truly makes us part of the universe, we have achieved and advanced so much just by studying our stars, our solar system and our neighbouring planets. Muggle Astronomy lacks the accuracy of Wizard Astronomy, you cannot use magic to see far beyond a telescope will allow you, if you are a muggle. But this does not mean that muggles are mere or useless, in fact, we owe a lot of discovery to the muggles around us. Muggle Astronomy involves time, dedication, a life time of patience, sending advanced technology out there, or muggle men they call Astronauts, they danger their lives to discover why we are here, and are we lonely in our little part of space? Wizards have these powers on their doorstep, it is far less dangerous for a Wizard to conduct study than a Muggle, and in many ways more effective, but Wizards lack the motivation to discover, they know so much already and rely too much on their magic, they are nowhere near as determined. Which is why, in many ways, muggle astronomy outweighs our own. ... Show more content on ... Saturn– Saturn has an average radius of nine times that of Earth, it is the second largest planet after Jupiter and sixth from the sun. Uranus– Uranus was discovered by William Herschel and is 2.877 billion km away from the sun. Neptune– Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun, it is the most dense out of the giant planets of our solar ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Socrates On Astronomy Astronomer According to Socrates, a famous philosopher from Athens, Greece, "Man must rise above the Earth–to the top of the atmosphere and beyond–for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." Socrates believes that astronomy can help other people understand the world better. Astronomy is the study of space, and in order for someone to to be an astronomer, they have to learn a lot of math and science and be good at it. Astronomy is not a big science field either, but there are a lot of different people employing for it. Astronomy helps people understand the world and that they are not the most important part of it, and that they are just a small part of it. Astronomers have a lot they need to do because of their jobs. They have to study the origins of the universe and what happens in space ("Physicists and Astronomers"). One thing they have to watch for in space, is to watch out for comets that could possibly hit Earth. If they do not see a comet, they can put many people at risk. If a large comet hits earth, it can end up changing the climate a little. Astronomers do not look through telescopes to do this though. They mostly view space through pictures the telescopes send to computers, and when they have to view at computers for a long time, their eyes can end up strained ("Astronomer"). Because of how much work they have to do, they have to be able to concentrate well, for longer periods of time. Some other things they need to be able to do are ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Mayan Astronomy Essay Before advanced technology, the Mayan observed the "Seven Stars" Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn using positional and horizon astronomy just like the Greeks and Mesopotamians before them. Although the Mayans observations were made with the naked eye they still had many interpretations associated with the sun and moon. They also independently discovered octa eteris, a mesh between eight solar years with five Venus cycles of 584 days and 99 lunar months. Mayan warfare was also scheduled to get the most astrological benefits. To the Mayan astronomy was a sacred activity. One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today's society is the invention of the cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of Alexander ... Show more content on ... This nebula is about 1/3 of a light–year thick, and five light–years across. Most nebulae are shaped are more sphere shaped and most commonly a butterfly shape. Abella 39 is one extremely rare cases in which the geometry is much simpler. This star, unlike its usual common shape is in the form of a cat eye. This star is off center in the constellation about one tenth of a light–year. Hercules is one of the largest constellations but doesn't have many brightly lit stars which makes is hard to see in cities. This constellation is better viewed with the naked eye because of how dull its stars are. Hercules is located in the southern hemisphere. Hercules contains a cluster of over 500,000 stars called the M–13 cluster. In mythology Hercules was believed to kill the Dragon, the guardian of the garden of Hesperides. In the winter me and my family like to take a short trip to Jupiter because of its nice, hot weather. The vacation is always fun, but we try to stay away from the big red spot. It's always stormy there!! It's only 5 planets away from the sun so my tan comes out very nicely and i show it off when i get back to Earth. We always drive to the moons too, they're smaller and not as hot so i don't sunburnt and we like to explore each community. It's a great time every ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Influence Of Edwin P. Hubble The discoveries of Edwin P. Hubble The science of astronomy has come a long way. For instance, Galileo discovered the first four moons of Jupiter. Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth wasn't the center of the solar system. But one man will change all that is known about space. Edwin P. Hubble had discovered a amazing discovery that rocked the whole astronomy community, there were other planets, stars, and galaxies outside of our own. Hubble's discovery changed everything man has ever known about the stars. Edwin Hubble changed astronomy community to what it is today with his discoveries. One of them was the discovery of other galaxies from our own. In 1924, Edwin Hubble announced that we are not the only galaxy in space and there are many more galaxies in space. In October 1923 at the Mount Wilson observatory in Los Angeles, California, Hubble proved that the floating gas spirals and circles we saw at night wasn't just gas but a galaxy filled with stars and planets. He later announced his discovery at a conference in 1924. This discovery changed many concepts on our universe. ... Show more content on ... Most he divided into two main groups, regular or irregular. In addition, regular galaxies were either spiral or elliptical. Spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, have huge arms of new stars that trail around a rotating center of older stars. The elliptical galaxies also rotate around a center of older stars, but they are shaped like saucers, lacking the new–star arms of the spiral galaxies ( Hubble's classifications for galaxies is still used today and has been updated with newer galaxies that have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. College Admissions Essay: My Interest In Astronomy Growing up I've always been interested in Astronomy I remembered having a one on one conversation with my middle school science teacher explaining to me that he see a young astronomer in his eyes . When he taught the class my hands were always raised with the answers to the question given. It was pretty obvious my goal was to become an astronomer at a younger age. My attraction to astronomy was because I would read and watching television programs on different planets and galaxies in the universe, learning about the universe had me intrigued on various things ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Muggle Astronomy Research Paper SECTION A Astronomy is the science of everything which can be included in the too small a term for such huge a thing called Universe.Astronomy has always fascinated me as a child and even now.I can remember many a day when I , a small little 6 year old, would stare into the starry sky and wonder what lies beyond the skies. Back then though I would make small childish stories about what I thought would be on the moon and all the stars.Now through these Astronomy lessons I can learn about everything I wondered about gazing into the stars as a little child. Muggle astronomy is quite advanced nowadays considering how much they have developed in the sciences.Astronomy has become quite an interest between Muggles and Wizards alike.Muggles have also wondered like we have and have come up with many an idea and project about how to know more about the vast universe. Though it is advanced,Muggle astronomy cannot rival with Wizard astronomy because of one obvious reason...Magic.There are other reasons as well but those do not press as hard as the obvious reason Magic.Magic can make the telescopes be able to see over the range of any Muggle telescope.Anything can be made more useful using Magic.Astronomy is fabulous though either way. SECTION B Mercury–Sun–scorched Mercury is only slightly larger than Earth's moon. Like ... Show more content on ... At around 4pm on the afternoon of 18 February 1930 Tombaugh began comparing two plates taken in January that year showing a region in the constellation of Gemini. As he flicked from one plate to the other, trying to see if something moved slightly between the two (the tell–tale sign of the planet he was hunting), he spotted something. In one part of the frame a small object flitted a few millimetres as he switched between the two plates. Tombaugh had found his new ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Astronomy Research Paper Michael Wachter Period 5 9/1/15 Astronomy Project Research Paper The History of Astronomy Astronomy (Before 500 BC) has been around since the first humans looked to the stars and wondered what the lights in the sky were. Many early cultures revolved around the stars in the sky, and the Mayan culture was one of the most successful, due to their long standing religions that are based off the sun, moon, and different seasons of the year. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, scientists believed that this monument was used for predicting when the summer and winter solstices were going to happen, and making calendars for each year that would correctly present the seasons. Mayans believed that the stars in the night ... Show more content on ... It also includes the time that we landed on the moon, and launched more than a few satellites into orbit to see what the solar system was all about, or what it looked like for that matter. Modern astronomy has been one of the driving forces behind the development of the technology here on earth. Computers were used on the space missions, and now we have computers everywhere, satellites were used to relay information, and now they are used to relay TV and phone ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Annie Jump Cannon Research Paper Prior the 20th century, it was unacceptable for women to study or work in the fields of science. Of course, this included fields such as astronomy. Yet, this did not stop the women who were interested by what laid beyond our planet's night sky. In a field dominated by men even today, it is valuable to recall the important contributions and achievements of women in astronomy. Although it was unheard of, few women were given the opportunity to work alongside astronomers and were fortunate enough to receive proper credit for their findings. One of these women included Caroline Herschel. Originally born in Germany in 1760, she decided to immigrate to England with her brother, William Herschel, after developing an illness that stunted her growth ... Show more content on ... In fact, there was an entire group of women which included the likes of Annie Jump Cannon. Cannon was born in 1863 in the U.S., and had graduated from Wellesley College in 1884 after studying a bit in astronomy. Eventually, she returned to the college in1894 to further her studies in the field and a year later she was employed at Harvard's Observatory. Cannon's job comprised of helping Williamina Flemming and Antonia Maury in categorizing stars based on their hydrogen spectral lines and heat. They did this by using the letters A to Q. Evidently; this was rigorous and time–consuming process. Nonetheless, they had managed to classify about 1,100 stars that were later published in a catalog in 1901. After some time, Cannon had managed to figured out a way to simplify this process, by transforming the alphabetic ranking from A to Q to only using letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M (ranking stars from hottest to coldest). Moreover, she reduced their subdivisions from 22 classes (Maury's own device) to 9 classes (0 to 9). With the use of this new system, Cannon was able to classify more than 220,000 stars and would go on to classify over 300,000 stars before her death in 1940. However, before her passing she was the first woman to become a member of the American Astronomical Society and won many other awards. This straightforward system became standardized in 1910 by the International Astronomical Union under the name of the "Harvard Spectral Classification". Even to this day; this form of classification is used in the Hertzpsrung– Russell diagram which is then used to teach students in astronomy courses about spectral classification. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Statement of Purpose for a Career in Aestrophysics Two reasons this job appeals to me The job intrigues me in many ways and it's amazing because so little is known about the universe that people just guess at what they are looking at and I'm good at guessing. Also the job doesn't require allot of physical effort. Reasons I like this job This occupation is interesting because I like to lean how things work from time to time and OutSpace has always intrigued me. It's hard to explain but OutSpace is the most fascinating thing to learn about. Everything from the stars at night to the possibility of having galactic neighbors puts me in complete awe. It's just exciting to me and its impressive how vast and unexplored the universe is. Astrophysics Is a branch of astronomy that is about the physics of everything of the universe, and heavenly bodies like galaxies, star clusters, etc. The job of the Astrophysics is to understand the universe. This occupation is constantly developing because every day we learn more and more about how the universe functions. Another objective of this job or occupation is to discover when, where, and how the universe began. Degree requirements for the job There are seven courses that are specifically required Astronomy 202, Radiative Processes "Fundamental processes underlying why we see what we see in astronomy, geared towards graduate students. Applications explicitly treated in class include: 21 cm radiation from hydrogen; thermal radiation from dusty protoplanetary disks; ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Math 's Relationship With Astronomy Math 's relationship with astronomy is one of the most unappreciated sciences to this day. Math has not only allowed us to begin to answer some of life 's greatest questions that were only discussed in religion and story, but it has enabled us to see further than we have ever seen into the vast universe we exist in through astronomy. Math has often been described by the greatest minds our species as the language of the cosmos. The ability to do complex mathematics has allowed us as a species to learn, discover and even explain objects we discover in space through astronomy. The importance of astronomy and it 's connection to math is first touched upon by Dr Carl Sagan in his book Cosmos, then Max Tegmark goes on to discuss that not only is math used to explore our universe, but the entire universe and its functions is made of math, and finally Astronomy magazine discusses how math is used to explain the simple all the way to the complex. In Cosmos by Dr Carl Sagan, Carl explains how utilizing math has helped humanity gain understanding and even a certain degree of mastery over our environment. Carl first points out how many struggles great thinkers had to overcome to reach this level we are currently at. All of the great men, who came one after another, piled on the accumulation of their work that has molded modern math. Through all of those great men our species has discovered formula for answering questions that seemed out of our reach for so long, along with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Why Was Galileo Important Question: Why was Galileo Galilei important, and why is he still important up to this date? Galileo is still important because of his telescope discoveries, he is most known for his discovery of the four most massive moons of Jupiter: Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto, which are now called the Galilean moons. Galileo was born in 1564 and dies in 1642. He was an outstanding Genius in Astronomy, Mathematics, and physics, and was as famous as Albert Einstein in the 20th Century. He studies medicine, but Galileo found more interest in Mathematics. His achievements in any of those fields are also main reasons why Galileo should be remembered. Galileo was trained in Mathematics, in which he later taught at the University of Padua, and also learned ... Show more content on ... The four massive moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo Galilei, around 1610 and they were the first group of objects found to orbit another planet. The names of these objects that were discovered by Galileo come from the lover of Zeus, the supreme god of the Olympians. These objects are among the largest objects in the Solar System with the exception of the sun and the eight other planets, with a radii larger than any of the planetary–mass objects that are neither a planet nor a natural satellite. Galileo's discovery of these moons showed that the telescope is an important tool for astronomers by proving that there were many objects in space that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Galileo named his discovery the Cosmica Sidera which is known as "Cosimos stars", but the names that eventually prevailed were chosen by Simon Marius. Simon Marius discovered the moons independently at the same time as Galileo, and gave them their present names. Galileo was able to know each and ones of the objects longitude based by timing of the orbits of the Galilean moons. The times of the eclipses of the moons could be calculated a little bit earlier, and were compared with local observations on land or on ship to determine the local time and hence of the longitude. But there was a main problem with this technique which was that it was too difficult to observe the Galilean moons through a telescope on a moving ship, and Galileo tried solving this problem with a device invented by himself called the celatone. Galileo Galilei has made many discoveries, but this discovery was prominently the best ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. How Astrophysics Is The Branch Of Astronomy Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry to ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies, rather than their positions or motions in space. A few of the objects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background. The study of our very own Sun has a special place in observational astrophysics. Due to the tremendous distance of all other stars, the Sun can be observed in a kind of detail unparalleled by any other star. Our understanding of our own Sun serves as a guide to our understanding of other stars. Their emissions are examined across all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics. Modern astronomical research often involves a substantial amount of work in the realms of theoretical and observational physics. Some areas of study for astrophysicists include their attempts to determine: the properties of dark matter, dark energy, and black holes, whether or not time travel is possible, if wormholes can form, or the multiverse exists, and also the origin and ultimate ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Wizarding Astronomy SECTION A Astronomy, as I understood the whole term, is the study of the universe. And for this term, I can say that Astronomy is the study of planets, their moons, composition, atmosphere, rings & other identifying marks, similarities & differences between the planets found inside our Solar System. Muggle Astronomy and Wizarding Astronomy are actually similar with each other, the only difference I can see is that Muggles took the discovery of our universe very seriously that most of their discoveries are the ones that the Wizarding Astronomy is using as a their basis and teaching material. SECTION B 1. Mercury – closest planet to the sun, considered geologically dead 2. Venus– considered as a terrestrial planet and the third brightest ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Greek Astronomy : The Contribution Of The Ancient Greek... Ancient Greek Astronomy Imagine if the ancient world didn't make any discoveries and the people of today had to start without any prior knowledge. In about 500BC the ancient Greeks had an explosion of astronomical discoveries. The ancient Greeks wanted to know the answer to one big question; how does the universe work? The ancient Greeks contributed to astronomy through the discoveries about Earth, the universe, and the tools they used. The ancient Greeks contributed to astronomy through their discoveries about Earth. The first discovery about Earth is that it is spherical. During a lunar eclipse (when Earth is between the sun and moon) two Greek astronomers Empedocles and Anaxagoras found the Earth's shadow on the moon. They saw that the shadow was clearly round (Library of Congress). This is evidence that the Greeks contributed to astronomy through the discovery that Earth is not flat. Another Greek astronomer tried to figure out the size of Earth. Aristarchus of Samos used the size of Earth's shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse and tried to scale the number to the real size (Library of Congress). This supports that Aristarchus of Samos contributed to calculating the size of Earth because he gave astronomy part of the equation. One more astronomer tried to find the size of Earth. Eratosthenes measured the shadows cast in Alexandria and Syene to find the angle of Earth to the sun (Library of Congress). This is proof that the Greeks contributed to astronomy by ... Get more on ...