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Early Childhood Education Essay examples
"Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with
opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood
education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood
education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth
and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the
communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from
within themselves, and also from the educators.
Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns
on a daily basis, they learn the skills more content...
Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that
are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children
actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are
needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play
experiences, they can develop appropriately. Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's
early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized.
The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and
goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the
environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce.
They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them
and know they will come back. The second stage is called the preoperational stage. During this stage
of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the
beginning of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in
time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next
stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially.
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Essay on The Children Are Our Future
Marie hoover
Prof. orgier
‎4/‎23/‎2012 The Children Are Our Future
What the world needs now is for the parents of today's children to step up and teach their children
to be respectful, caring, and compassionate children, which will one day turn into adults. One of
the problems is the laws on child abuse and the way children are raised today, compared the way
children are raised today to thirty years ago or even before that, is not the same. Kids today have
little or no respect for their elders, teachers, or even law enforcement. I would have never talked to
any adult the way some of these children today talk to the adults in their life's. These are the same
children that are our future. more content...
This is causing the children of today our future of tomorrow to run rapid, so as our children are
becoming young adults, they need to learn to be respectful and courteous to the adults and the
world around them. Which is a hard thing for parents to install in their children these days, due to
once they go off to school they are faced with many hard decisions in which they need to make
without the help or guidance of their parents. Yes when we were their age we had to face the same,
but it was different back then children just knew if they did wrong their parents would find out and
they'd be grounded or get the belt. While children now days know that the worst thing that can
happen to them is they might get grounded. In the research I have found most people including most
children agree that spanking is ok if it is used as discipline and not just because you enjoy hitting
your children. Some children even believe that children who don't get spanked have less respect for
their parents and other adults in the long wrong. Many generations used corporal punishment as
discipline tool, not as abuse and the majority of those people grew up as happy productive adults.
Some even believe that yelling or not punishing children cause more damage and we all know that
grounding children don't work due to they always have some reason to be out of the house either
school or after school
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Essay on Parents and their Children
As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles
each year. However, there are multiple psychological factors involved in this process. The factors
include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is raised, and
television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a
child's role model and support since birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the
difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to love,
care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because
they are different individuals with more content...
However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are
known as permissive parents. They show more affection than control over their children, allowing
the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all, show
strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents
who show no affection or interest in their children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting
parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues
such as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early
teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than parents, peers play a factor in development
as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be
positive as well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and
appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare themselves to others their own age,
they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like
communication, such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon
by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive
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Child Psychology Essay
Child Psychology
Psychology involves studying the mental functioning and general behaviors of both humans and
animals. Social behavior and mental functioning of an individual are explained by exploring the
neurological and physiological processes. These include emotions, cognition, perception, motivation,
attention, brain functioning and personality. Child psychology is as well stated to be the application of
psychological techniques to children where it involves carrying out research on mental states and
development of children. The development of the child both physically, mentally and emotionally,
with the help of a parent allows the identification of helpful information to any evolving challenges
in child's behavior more content...
Successful levels and stages of development are majorly associated with the increasing efficiency
and memory capacity. These explain a progression to higher stages and individual differences
which increases by same age persons and cognitive performance. Research indicates that the
performance of children at a given age is changeable from domain to domain such as the
understanding of social, mathematical, and spatial concepts that it is impossible to place the child
in a single stage. This level involves processes that define the volume and kind of information that
the individual child can process. For example, reflexes arise before birth and are still present in
newborns. Sometimes, prenatal development and birth complications may also be connected to
neurodevelopmental disorders. Young children react to various motivations in various ways (Damon
& Lerner, 2006). For example infants' sight blurry in early stages improves over time.
Habituation is applied in discovering the perceptual systems which indicates that children advance
earlier in developing perception compared to the acquiring the idea of the permanence of objects.
Vision, hearing, smell and taste, language, touch, and pain are the early infant sensorimotor
perceptual improvement in the infants' mental growth. Motor development, required for the child to
create relationships between vision, touch and
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Child Rearing Practices Essay
Families are an important part of society. People have a lot to say on the subject of how to keep
families well operated, especially on how to raise children. Parents have a lot to do with their
children as they raise them from infants to young adult. Child rearing can be very stressful and
confusing if you don't have an idea of what you're doing. The importance of child rearing is clearly
important. Parents want their children to succeed and grow up to be well–functioning adults. This
paper will look into child rearing. Before we get into the child rearing practices, we must first look
at what child rearing means and what it is. Here is a definition according to http/
/ The training or bringing–up of children more content...
Education is another aspect of child rearing. Education has more importance than just academic
learning; it also teaches interaction with others and with authority figures. Throughout all these
characteristics of child rearing, it's important for parents to be on the same page about their goals
for their children. There are a few child rearing styles most commonly used by parents. The
authoritarian style focuses on obedience and consequences for not following commands or advice.
This style tends not to take in the needs and opinions of the child and also tends to produce higher
rates of depression as they grow older. The authoritative style takes the child's wants and needs into
consideration while still maintaining a high expectation of behavior. This tends to produce children
that are well–adjusted and confident. The permissive style provides a lot of warmth and love for
the child but few things are expected of the child. This tends not to focus on maintaining good
behavior or providing much instruction. The uninvolved style is seen as the most harmful of all
these styles because it involves parents not being responsive to their children's needs and not
providing guidance or love. This tends to produce most juvenile offenders. Parents of young children
– children younger than toddlers – have to take certain approaches to child rearing
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Essay about My Child
My Child
Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my
psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears
to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown
curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin.
There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he
just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though
there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was
by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more
Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could
interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were
some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made
a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in
proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by
showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own
(Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured
child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230.
After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled
something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without
sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all,
communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear
signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following
them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page
194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not
make any recognizable word sounds but
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Parenting Essay
Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have
your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes your child may disagree with the rules you have
set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise
with your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or
that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I want to make sure my children have guidelines.
I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of
entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have
a say in, along with their input of more content...
That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the
democratic parenting style is when your teenager wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject
is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing,
but I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most
of the time to everything. With my children, I do not want to have to say no because that will
make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate
and small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made
adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing in their spare time is not only a
personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she
could not play hockey, or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan
of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make. Although I would control how
much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or
clubs. Television shows and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line
is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street'? No, I
definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is
especially difficult once
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Essay on Raising a Child
Becoming a mother was one of the most stressful times in my life. I found out quick that the
advice from the members of the medical profession did not always agree with advice that was
passed down from the older generation of my family. For example, the advice on introducing cereal
to an infant's last bottle at night for a few extra hours of sleep, or being advised to wake an infant
up every two hours in the beginning to feed them, or the most confusing to me the advice on
punishing children in general. Becoming a parent (especially at a young age), I found it difficult to
separate the real and useful advice from the useless or unimportant advice. I became worried that I
maybe really had no idea what I was doing and it became easy more content...
I have to admit it worked. I was so happy that at my daughters next well check up I told the physician
what I had been doing to only get a scolding. Turns out that she could have aspirated on this new
formula concoction and it could stimulate her to over eat in other feedings during the day. He then
said, I should stop and start it when she reached the 4 month mark at least.
The day after I delivered my daughter I was sitting in my postpartum recovery room holding her
while she was sleeping; just looking at her, when her nursery nurse came in and asked me all
types of questions that ended with her asking when was the last time I fed her. She then
proceeded to tell me that I needed to wake up my baby every 2 hours to ensure that I established
my milk supply if I was going to breastfeed, ensure she was growing appropriately, and it would
also help her learn a set schedule for eating. I took her advice and it made since but, then my mother
–in law had to state her opinion when the nurse left the room. She said, "Never wake a sleeping
baby." It was natural for them to sleep, they are growing and they will do it on their own schedule. I
could use a breast pump to encourage my milk to come in, if I thought I needed to.
When my daughter was 2 my husband and I went through a period where we butted heads on how
we were going to discipline her. Both of us growing up were spanked as a form of discipline and I
felt the pressure to raise our child the same. I have to admit that I
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Children's Mental Health Essay
A study on the child's mental health involves the mental functioning and the way a child behaves
and responds to some instances of life. The study is done by exploring the physiological process and
the neurology of a child. The key areas of study include; concentration, mind functioning, emotions,
acuity, character and cognition. There are two processes in a child's development that needs the
attention of the parents; physical and the mental development. This is the time that the parent can be
able to determine a child's with mental or physical challenge. The psychology of the child depends
on the development of the mind as well as genetic psychology. Genetic psychology is the study of
how factors that affect the genetics more content...
Some complications such as impaired vision may improve during the growth period of the child
(Damon & Lerner, 2009).
Some of the senses that are vital during the growth of the child are: hearing, vision, smelling and
tasting, ability to speak and feeling pain; they are the basic improvements in the child's mental
growth, they help the child in the perception of the general occurrences in the world around the
child. After the child have developed the basic senses to the major aspects of life that is when they
will be able to develop permanent images of objects even if they are not there at the moment. The
sensorimotor nerves of a child develops as the child make primitive movements, these improves the
reflex response of a child (Piaget, & Inhelder, 2010). The intelligence of a child is demonstrated by
the use of signs, improvement of language, memory and the imagination when articulating in the
non–logical and non–reversible way. The child's sphere of socialization improves when the child is
engaged with other people around them; if this does not happen and the child is reserved to itself
there is a possibility the child will lack ability to make his/her own decisions in life after (Dodge,
Development of a child have been a thing that most of the parents have been neglecting without
noticing that it is very important in the development of a child's character and social
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Essay on Child Development
Introduction In developing countries, a large number of children are exposed to various risk factors
in their early childhood. These include malnutrition, poor health and reduced levels of home
stimulation. The risk factors including poverty, low levels of maternal education, child malnutrition,
teenage parenting, increased levels of maternal stress and depression, low weights during birth,
unsafe neighborhoods, and reduced stimulation at home, and those children that are exposed to a
variety of risk factors are at a higher risk of poor development. For instance, a study carried out by
Save the Children .(2003), estimates that more than 200 million children below the age of five in
developing countries are not able to reach to more content...
the general programs of basic health care and short term initiative programs that are disease–specific.
These two types of programs can help significantly in the strengthening of the health systems and
enabling communities and households improve their health and sanitation, thus betterment in their
standards of living. New strategies are needed in order to continue impacting positively on the health
of children and the population of developing countries in general. The intervention programs are
usually affected by economic, political and social factors that sometimes cause more harm to the
childhood and child care health instead of being beneficial. This means that attention should be paid
to these interventions that affect issues concerning health not only during childhood but also in later
stages of life (Brooks–Gunn et al 2003). This therefore means that the intervention programs can
either be harmful or beneficial depending on these factors affecting them or the program
appropriateness to the child's characteristics, the surrounding environment and the existing
transactions between them. Traditionally, childhood intervention programs believe that the more the
stimulation the better, but this has not always been the case; there is a maximum level or specified
stimulation amount for individual children, which is usually determined by both internal and
external stimulation sources. Increase in
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How Children Learn Language Essay
How Children Learn Language Language, the largest and most common way we communicate in
this world. It could be Spanish, English, Chinese or Japanese; we learn and use it in our everyday
life. It is not genetically encoded in our brain to speak yet, we are able to start speaking or using a
language. Children are born with no knowledge of the world. Children are able to learn language
through interactions brain development and part of human development. Their brain develops
everyday; helping them to learn words, actions, speeches through visualization, verbalization and
hearing. As they grow older their vocabularies get bigger and eventually start using words in
sentences. The most common way we see children learning a language is more
All of them perform different responsibilities and functions. The right side of the brain controls
the left side of the brain and vice versa. The part of the brain responsible for speech, language
recognition and facial nerves is the Broca's area. The Broca's area was named after Pierre Paul
Broca who discovered speech impairment of a patient. Language is acquired through practice of
vocabularies and speech repetition. Children with a slower rate of repetition shows slow rate of
vocabulary expansion. Children can also learn at least ten to fifteen new words every day. Children
sustain the new vocabularies by repetition, observation and parents helping them. Behaviorist
believes that language is learned through observation and that language is not as important as the
ability to speak it. The linguistic approach to learning is that language is a structure and grammar
independent of use. They credit the brain as the main source of learning a language. They also
believe that a child is born with the ability to learn and speak a language. Infants are born with the
ability to see, hear, smell and think; they continue to develop in the first month of their lives. Infants
can usually see six to eight inches away and they automatically start sucking when given a nipple.
They can gaze at an object that is shape like a face and they smell and prefer their mothers scent and
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Essay about Children: Tomorrow’s Future
Children: Tomorrow's Future
Introduction Let children be children, is not only a popular phrase heard in education, but it is also
my motto. Yes, it is true, today's children are tomorrow's future; but how we choose to raise our
children determines the outcome of our future. Many believe academics should be stressed more in
schools, taking away from children's playtime. I feel that play is what molds a child. Play allows not
only a child's imagination to run freely, but builds and strengthens children's motor, language,
cognitive, and social emotional development skills. I believe that play; along with parental
involvement forms a child's identity. Play is what makes children: tomorrow's future.
Motor more content...
However, it is important to remember that according to Melina in Charlesworth's book, "motor
development is influenced by a number of factors: genetics, status at birth, size, build and
composition, nutrition, rearing and birth order, social class, ethnicity, and culture" (Charlesworth,
2000.p.151). Therefore, these factors help to explain the story of life, and why every child learns
how to do things at their own pace, rather than at the same time as every other child their age.
A few examples of Fine Motor activities displayed during the early years include handwriting skills,
drawing pictures, making objects out of clay, and even cutting with scissors. Each of these activities
is characterized by including the small–muscle developments that involve finger–thumb
coordination, hand–eye coordination, and the development of muscle strength in the hand and arm.
All in all, motor skills are an important part of the learning process, and as these "fundamental motor
skills are learned...[they] serve as the foundation for more specialized motor skills that will be
learned later" (Charlesworth, 2000.p.157).
Implications for Teaching One of the most important things to remember when dealing with children
is that no one is alike, they learn at their own pace and on their own time. Some of the different
teaching techniques that can be used to help strengthen children's
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Essay on Child Development
There are multiple factors in a child's development. Parents have a responsibility, as well as a
privilege, to contribute to every milestone. Most parents stress over physical and mental stages so
much so that play–time is ignored. By making decisions that sacrifice play parents hinder their social
development. Parents must take action and encourage their youth to play more, before childhood is
lost forever. Play–time is an essential part of early childhood development as well as their most
primitive form of expression. In an article titled "The Importance of Play" by Bruno Bettelheim, he
refers to Sigmund Freud's thoughts that play is a child's first step in attaining "cultural and
psychological achievements". (Bettelheim 324) more content...
(Par 10) Television is affecting childhood on many different levels. "Many parents have misgivings
about the influence of television" states Marie Winn author of "The End of Play". (Winn 76) One
concern is the introduction of adult issues. Marie Winn's article reflects on what children are being
exposed to. Stating today's "Counterculture kids were [are] casually exposed to all sorts of adult
matters–drug taking, sexual intercourse". (Winn 77) She then points out the "interest in boy–girl
interactions is replacing play in preadolescents". (Winn 78) Our sex saturated media is also
generating conflict in young girls' development. The portrayal of women as sexual objects is
discussed in the article "The sexualization of Girls is Harmful" by Olivia Ferguson and Hayley
Mitchell Haugen. The article cites statistics of "prime–time television shows popular among
children" remarking that "12% of sexual comments involved sexual objectification toward women"
and "23% of sexual behaviors involved leering, ogling or catcalling at female characters".(par 6)
The feature provides as an "online resource for information about areas of
children's health and family life". (Par 1) This web site states "depression, low self–esteem and
eating disorders" as consequences for media sexualizing women. (Par 2) The research defines "the
objectification theory as a psychological theory explaining the
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Children's Behavior Essay
Children's Behavior
What may affect childrens behaviour
Separation from the childs main carer can affect the childs behaviour a lot if they find it hard to
separate from them. If a child cries it is obvious they find it hard to cope with this, trying to distract
the child may help the child to forget about the problem and start to enjoy themselves. The
childrens developmental stage includes how they see themselves and how they are with other
children. If the child finds it hard to share with another child as they may be an only child and
never had to come across sharing before hand, it will be hard for them to understand this. Some of
factors for development are:
*Egocentricity: more content...
This is all due to a change of routine. Children especially with autism find it very hard to cope
with a change, so it is important to let the child know with or with out a disability children still find
it hard to cope with changes. It is also going to affect the childs self–esteem if they're very upset and
not wanting to communicate with anyone new, they will become very emotional through out the
day. From this they become bored and this is when you mainly recognise a change to the childs
behaviour, they might start to misbehave to get attention from staff, they may hurt children or
may even harm themselves. And also if the child faces the loss and grief of a family member the
childs behaviour may change again, as they may see it as their fault, or may wish they had done
more when the person was alive. So it is a very hard time for children when they have to cope with
a change.
What is behaviour =================
The younger the child is, the less they understand about behaviour, so when they reach the age of
about 4 it is important for their main role leader to start telling them about why we do the things
we do. If a child misbehaves and the CW tells them to stop doing it, and if he/she catches them
again they will have a timeout. So if the child does this again it is important for the CW
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Essay on Child Safeguarding
This assignment will discuss "Amie's case study" and will explore some of the risks that she is
exposed too and how they can have effect on her welfare. I will start by defining what is child
safeguarding centred on the legislation framework of the Children Act 2004. I will also look on
what is abuse and naming types of abuse, and establish the knowledge and understanding of
Assessment Framework in Amie's case. I will also look at multi–professional strategies that can
provide help and protect Amie and her siblings according to legal legislation. Safeguarding is for
everyone and every organisation responsibility to protect children from any harm and promote their
welfare (Children Act, 2004). However, the Department of Children, more content...
In many cases according to Doyle (2006), children and young children are more dominant to
abuse than the older children, and most of the children abuser could be relatives, close friends or
parents. Children who have been abused are likely to be affected in their adulthood, some having
depression, antisocial behaviours, and unable to sustain relationship according to (NICE, 2013).
However, it is very important for all the professionals working with children to be able to
recognise the signs of abuse, what is abuse and how the effects of abuse can affect children in
their lives. In Amie's case she is going through some of the abuse, and she is 4 years old and the
youngest of four children and she lives with her mother and father (Mr and Mrs Newton). Physical
abuse involves hitting, kicking, poisoning, burning and shaking or causing harm to a child, and it
can occur when parents fabricate symptoms, or purposely induces illness to a child (DfES, 2010).
According to National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Children (NSPCC) (2013), explains
that when parents are caring for children can sometimes be a struggle, and they can use punishment
like hitting as a way to discipline them which can cause physical injuries such as scares and
fracture, and the best way to do it is by setting boundaries, talking, explaining and listening which
can be a better way than kicking or burning a child. However, according to Beckett (2003), described
there those injuries that
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Essay On Children

  • 1. Early Childhood Education Essay examples "Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and also from the educators. Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills more content... Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately. Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized. The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce. They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them and know they will come back. The second stage is called the preoperational stage. During this stage of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the beginning of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially. Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Children Are Our Future Marie hoover Prof. orgier ENG ‎4/‎23/‎2012 The Children Are Our Future What the world needs now is for the parents of today's children to step up and teach their children to be respectful, caring, and compassionate children, which will one day turn into adults. One of the problems is the laws on child abuse and the way children are raised today, compared the way children are raised today to thirty years ago or even before that, is not the same. Kids today have little or no respect for their elders, teachers, or even law enforcement. I would have never talked to any adult the way some of these children today talk to the adults in their life's. These are the same children that are our future. more content... This is causing the children of today our future of tomorrow to run rapid, so as our children are becoming young adults, they need to learn to be respectful and courteous to the adults and the world around them. Which is a hard thing for parents to install in their children these days, due to once they go off to school they are faced with many hard decisions in which they need to make without the help or guidance of their parents. Yes when we were their age we had to face the same, but it was different back then children just knew if they did wrong their parents would find out and they'd be grounded or get the belt. While children now days know that the worst thing that can happen to them is they might get grounded. In the research I have found most people including most children agree that spanking is ok if it is used as discipline and not just because you enjoy hitting your children. Some children even believe that children who don't get spanked have less respect for their parents and other adults in the long wrong. Many generations used corporal punishment as discipline tool, not as abuse and the majority of those people grew up as happy productive adults. Some even believe that yelling or not punishing children cause more damage and we all know that grounding children don't work due to they always have some reason to be out of the house either school or after school Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Parents and their Children As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles each year. However, there are multiple psychological factors involved in this process. The factors include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is raised, and television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a child's role model and support since birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to love, care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because they are different individuals with more content... However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are known as permissive parents. They show more affection than control over their children, allowing the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all, show strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents who show no affection or interest in their children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues such as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than parents, peers play a factor in development as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be positive as well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare themselves to others their own age, they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like communication, such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive Get more content on
  • 4. Child Psychology Essay Child Psychology Introduction Psychology involves studying the mental functioning and general behaviors of both humans and animals. Social behavior and mental functioning of an individual are explained by exploring the neurological and physiological processes. These include emotions, cognition, perception, motivation, attention, brain functioning and personality. Child psychology is as well stated to be the application of psychological techniques to children where it involves carrying out research on mental states and development of children. The development of the child both physically, mentally and emotionally, with the help of a parent allows the identification of helpful information to any evolving challenges in child's behavior more content... Successful levels and stages of development are majorly associated with the increasing efficiency and memory capacity. These explain a progression to higher stages and individual differences which increases by same age persons and cognitive performance. Research indicates that the performance of children at a given age is changeable from domain to domain such as the understanding of social, mathematical, and spatial concepts that it is impossible to place the child in a single stage. This level involves processes that define the volume and kind of information that the individual child can process. For example, reflexes arise before birth and are still present in newborns. Sometimes, prenatal development and birth complications may also be connected to neurodevelopmental disorders. Young children react to various motivations in various ways (Damon & Lerner, 2006). For example infants' sight blurry in early stages improves over time. Habituation is applied in discovering the perceptual systems which indicates that children advance earlier in developing perception compared to the acquiring the idea of the permanence of objects. Vision, hearing, smell and taste, language, touch, and pain are the early infant sensorimotor perceptual improvement in the infants' mental growth. Motor development, required for the child to create relationships between vision, touch and Get more content on
  • 5. Child Rearing Practices Essay Families are an important part of society. People have a lot to say on the subject of how to keep families well operated, especially on how to raise children. Parents have a lot to do with their children as they raise them from infants to young adult. Child rearing can be very stressful and confusing if you don't have an idea of what you're doing. The importance of child rearing is clearly important. Parents want their children to succeed and grow up to be well–functioning adults. This paper will look into child rearing. Before we get into the child rearing practices, we must first look at what child rearing means and what it is. Here is a definition according to http/ / The training or bringing–up of children more content... Education is another aspect of child rearing. Education has more importance than just academic learning; it also teaches interaction with others and with authority figures. Throughout all these characteristics of child rearing, it's important for parents to be on the same page about their goals for their children. There are a few child rearing styles most commonly used by parents. The authoritarian style focuses on obedience and consequences for not following commands or advice. This style tends not to take in the needs and opinions of the child and also tends to produce higher rates of depression as they grow older. The authoritative style takes the child's wants and needs into consideration while still maintaining a high expectation of behavior. This tends to produce children that are well–adjusted and confident. The permissive style provides a lot of warmth and love for the child but few things are expected of the child. This tends not to focus on maintaining good behavior or providing much instruction. The uninvolved style is seen as the most harmful of all these styles because it involves parents not being responsive to their children's needs and not providing guidance or love. This tends to produce most juvenile offenders. Parents of young children – children younger than toddlers – have to take certain approaches to child rearing Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about My Child My Child Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin. There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more content... Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own (Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230. After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all, communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page 194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not make any recognizable word sounds but Get more content on
  • 7. Parenting Essay Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes your child may disagree with the rules you have set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise with your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I want to make sure my children have guidelines. I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have a say in, along with their input of more content... That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the democratic parenting style is when your teenager wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing, but I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most of the time to everything. With my children, I do not want to have to say no because that will make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate and small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing in their spare time is not only a personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she could not play hockey, or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make. Although I would control how much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or clubs. Television shows and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street'? No, I definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is especially difficult once Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Raising a Child Becoming a mother was one of the most stressful times in my life. I found out quick that the advice from the members of the medical profession did not always agree with advice that was passed down from the older generation of my family. For example, the advice on introducing cereal to an infant's last bottle at night for a few extra hours of sleep, or being advised to wake an infant up every two hours in the beginning to feed them, or the most confusing to me the advice on punishing children in general. Becoming a parent (especially at a young age), I found it difficult to separate the real and useful advice from the useless or unimportant advice. I became worried that I maybe really had no idea what I was doing and it became easy more content... I have to admit it worked. I was so happy that at my daughters next well check up I told the physician what I had been doing to only get a scolding. Turns out that she could have aspirated on this new formula concoction and it could stimulate her to over eat in other feedings during the day. He then said, I should stop and start it when she reached the 4 month mark at least. The day after I delivered my daughter I was sitting in my postpartum recovery room holding her while she was sleeping; just looking at her, when her nursery nurse came in and asked me all types of questions that ended with her asking when was the last time I fed her. She then proceeded to tell me that I needed to wake up my baby every 2 hours to ensure that I established my milk supply if I was going to breastfeed, ensure she was growing appropriately, and it would also help her learn a set schedule for eating. I took her advice and it made since but, then my mother –in law had to state her opinion when the nurse left the room. She said, "Never wake a sleeping baby." It was natural for them to sleep, they are growing and they will do it on their own schedule. I could use a breast pump to encourage my milk to come in, if I thought I needed to. When my daughter was 2 my husband and I went through a period where we butted heads on how we were going to discipline her. Both of us growing up were spanked as a form of discipline and I felt the pressure to raise our child the same. I have to admit that I Get more content on
  • 9. Children's Mental Health Essay Introduction A study on the child's mental health involves the mental functioning and the way a child behaves and responds to some instances of life. The study is done by exploring the physiological process and the neurology of a child. The key areas of study include; concentration, mind functioning, emotions, acuity, character and cognition. There are two processes in a child's development that needs the attention of the parents; physical and the mental development. This is the time that the parent can be able to determine a child's with mental or physical challenge. The psychology of the child depends on the development of the mind as well as genetic psychology. Genetic psychology is the study of how factors that affect the genetics more content... Some complications such as impaired vision may improve during the growth period of the child (Damon & Lerner, 2009). Some of the senses that are vital during the growth of the child are: hearing, vision, smelling and tasting, ability to speak and feeling pain; they are the basic improvements in the child's mental growth, they help the child in the perception of the general occurrences in the world around the child. After the child have developed the basic senses to the major aspects of life that is when they will be able to develop permanent images of objects even if they are not there at the moment. The sensorimotor nerves of a child develops as the child make primitive movements, these improves the reflex response of a child (Piaget, & Inhelder, 2010). The intelligence of a child is demonstrated by the use of signs, improvement of language, memory and the imagination when articulating in the non–logical and non–reversible way. The child's sphere of socialization improves when the child is engaged with other people around them; if this does not happen and the child is reserved to itself there is a possibility the child will lack ability to make his/her own decisions in life after (Dodge, 2004). Development of a child have been a thing that most of the parents have been neglecting without noticing that it is very important in the development of a child's character and social Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Child Development Introduction In developing countries, a large number of children are exposed to various risk factors in their early childhood. These include malnutrition, poor health and reduced levels of home stimulation. The risk factors including poverty, low levels of maternal education, child malnutrition, teenage parenting, increased levels of maternal stress and depression, low weights during birth, unsafe neighborhoods, and reduced stimulation at home, and those children that are exposed to a variety of risk factors are at a higher risk of poor development. For instance, a study carried out by Save the Children .(2003), estimates that more than 200 million children below the age of five in developing countries are not able to reach to more content... the general programs of basic health care and short term initiative programs that are disease–specific. These two types of programs can help significantly in the strengthening of the health systems and enabling communities and households improve their health and sanitation, thus betterment in their standards of living. New strategies are needed in order to continue impacting positively on the health of children and the population of developing countries in general. The intervention programs are usually affected by economic, political and social factors that sometimes cause more harm to the childhood and child care health instead of being beneficial. This means that attention should be paid to these interventions that affect issues concerning health not only during childhood but also in later stages of life (Brooks–Gunn et al 2003). This therefore means that the intervention programs can either be harmful or beneficial depending on these factors affecting them or the program appropriateness to the child's characteristics, the surrounding environment and the existing transactions between them. Traditionally, childhood intervention programs believe that the more the stimulation the better, but this has not always been the case; there is a maximum level or specified stimulation amount for individual children, which is usually determined by both internal and external stimulation sources. Increase in Get more content on
  • 11. How Children Learn Language Essay How Children Learn Language Language, the largest and most common way we communicate in this world. It could be Spanish, English, Chinese or Japanese; we learn and use it in our everyday life. It is not genetically encoded in our brain to speak yet, we are able to start speaking or using a language. Children are born with no knowledge of the world. Children are able to learn language through interactions brain development and part of human development. Their brain develops everyday; helping them to learn words, actions, speeches through visualization, verbalization and hearing. As they grow older their vocabularies get bigger and eventually start using words in sentences. The most common way we see children learning a language is more content... All of them perform different responsibilities and functions. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the brain and vice versa. The part of the brain responsible for speech, language recognition and facial nerves is the Broca's area. The Broca's area was named after Pierre Paul Broca who discovered speech impairment of a patient. Language is acquired through practice of vocabularies and speech repetition. Children with a slower rate of repetition shows slow rate of vocabulary expansion. Children can also learn at least ten to fifteen new words every day. Children sustain the new vocabularies by repetition, observation and parents helping them. Behaviorist believes that language is learned through observation and that language is not as important as the ability to speak it. The linguistic approach to learning is that language is a structure and grammar independent of use. They credit the brain as the main source of learning a language. They also believe that a child is born with the ability to learn and speak a language. Infants are born with the ability to see, hear, smell and think; they continue to develop in the first month of their lives. Infants can usually see six to eight inches away and they automatically start sucking when given a nipple. They can gaze at an object that is shape like a face and they smell and prefer their mothers scent and mothers' Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Children: Tomorrow’s Future Children: Tomorrow's Future Introduction Let children be children, is not only a popular phrase heard in education, but it is also my motto. Yes, it is true, today's children are tomorrow's future; but how we choose to raise our children determines the outcome of our future. Many believe academics should be stressed more in schools, taking away from children's playtime. I feel that play is what molds a child. Play allows not only a child's imagination to run freely, but builds and strengthens children's motor, language, cognitive, and social emotional development skills. I believe that play; along with parental involvement forms a child's identity. Play is what makes children: tomorrow's future. Body Motor more content... However, it is important to remember that according to Melina in Charlesworth's book, "motor development is influenced by a number of factors: genetics, status at birth, size, build and composition, nutrition, rearing and birth order, social class, ethnicity, and culture" (Charlesworth, 2000.p.151). Therefore, these factors help to explain the story of life, and why every child learns how to do things at their own pace, rather than at the same time as every other child their age. A few examples of Fine Motor activities displayed during the early years include handwriting skills, drawing pictures, making objects out of clay, and even cutting with scissors. Each of these activities is characterized by including the small–muscle developments that involve finger–thumb coordination, hand–eye coordination, and the development of muscle strength in the hand and arm. All in all, motor skills are an important part of the learning process, and as these "fundamental motor skills are learned...[they] serve as the foundation for more specialized motor skills that will be learned later" (Charlesworth, 2000.p.157). Implications for Teaching One of the most important things to remember when dealing with children is that no one is alike, they learn at their own pace and on their own time. Some of the different teaching techniques that can be used to help strengthen children's Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Child Development There are multiple factors in a child's development. Parents have a responsibility, as well as a privilege, to contribute to every milestone. Most parents stress over physical and mental stages so much so that play–time is ignored. By making decisions that sacrifice play parents hinder their social development. Parents must take action and encourage their youth to play more, before childhood is lost forever. Play–time is an essential part of early childhood development as well as their most primitive form of expression. In an article titled "The Importance of Play" by Bruno Bettelheim, he refers to Sigmund Freud's thoughts that play is a child's first step in attaining "cultural and psychological achievements". (Bettelheim 324) more content... (Par 10) Television is affecting childhood on many different levels. "Many parents have misgivings about the influence of television" states Marie Winn author of "The End of Play". (Winn 76) One concern is the introduction of adult issues. Marie Winn's article reflects on what children are being exposed to. Stating today's "Counterculture kids were [are] casually exposed to all sorts of adult matters–drug taking, sexual intercourse". (Winn 77) She then points out the "interest in boy–girl interactions is replacing play in preadolescents". (Winn 78) Our sex saturated media is also generating conflict in young girls' development. The portrayal of women as sexual objects is discussed in the article "The sexualization of Girls is Harmful" by Olivia Ferguson and Hayley Mitchell Haugen. The article cites statistics of "prime–time television shows popular among children" remarking that "12% of sexual comments involved sexual objectification toward women" and "23% of sexual behaviors involved leering, ogling or catcalling at female characters".(par 6) The feature provides as an "online resource for information about areas of children's health and family life". (Par 1) This web site states "depression, low self–esteem and eating disorders" as consequences for media sexualizing women. (Par 2) The research defines "the objectification theory as a psychological theory explaining the Get more content on
  • 14. Children's Behavior Essay Children's Behavior What may affect childrens behaviour Separation from the childs main carer can affect the childs behaviour a lot if they find it hard to separate from them. If a child cries it is obvious they find it hard to cope with this, trying to distract the child may help the child to forget about the problem and start to enjoy themselves. The childrens developmental stage includes how they see themselves and how they are with other children. If the child finds it hard to share with another child as they may be an only child and never had to come across sharing before hand, it will be hard for them to understand this. Some of factors for development are: *Egocentricity: more content... This is all due to a change of routine. Children especially with autism find it very hard to cope with a change, so it is important to let the child know with or with out a disability children still find it hard to cope with changes. It is also going to affect the childs self–esteem if they're very upset and not wanting to communicate with anyone new, they will become very emotional through out the day. From this they become bored and this is when you mainly recognise a change to the childs behaviour, they might start to misbehave to get attention from staff, they may hurt children or may even harm themselves. And also if the child faces the loss and grief of a family member the childs behaviour may change again, as they may see it as their fault, or may wish they had done more when the person was alive. So it is a very hard time for children when they have to cope with a change. What is behaviour ================= The younger the child is, the less they understand about behaviour, so when they reach the age of about 4 it is important for their main role leader to start telling them about why we do the things we do. If a child misbehaves and the CW tells them to stop doing it, and if he/she catches them again they will have a timeout. So if the child does this again it is important for the CW Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Child Safeguarding This assignment will discuss "Amie's case study" and will explore some of the risks that she is exposed too and how they can have effect on her welfare. I will start by defining what is child safeguarding centred on the legislation framework of the Children Act 2004. I will also look on what is abuse and naming types of abuse, and establish the knowledge and understanding of Assessment Framework in Amie's case. I will also look at multi–professional strategies that can provide help and protect Amie and her siblings according to legal legislation. Safeguarding is for everyone and every organisation responsibility to protect children from any harm and promote their welfare (Children Act, 2004). However, the Department of Children, more content... In many cases according to Doyle (2006), children and young children are more dominant to abuse than the older children, and most of the children abuser could be relatives, close friends or parents. Children who have been abused are likely to be affected in their adulthood, some having depression, antisocial behaviours, and unable to sustain relationship according to (NICE, 2013). However, it is very important for all the professionals working with children to be able to recognise the signs of abuse, what is abuse and how the effects of abuse can affect children in their lives. In Amie's case she is going through some of the abuse, and she is 4 years old and the youngest of four children and she lives with her mother and father (Mr and Mrs Newton). Physical abuse involves hitting, kicking, poisoning, burning and shaking or causing harm to a child, and it can occur when parents fabricate symptoms, or purposely induces illness to a child (DfES, 2010). According to National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Children (NSPCC) (2013), explains that when parents are caring for children can sometimes be a struggle, and they can use punishment like hitting as a way to discipline them which can cause physical injuries such as scares and fracture, and the best way to do it is by setting boundaries, talking, explaining and listening which can be a better way than kicking or burning a child. However, according to Beckett (2003), described there those injuries that Get more content on