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Child Labor Essay
Child Labor Child labor has been around for long time and it still exists in today's world. Thiskind
of labor provides problems or difficulties in the economic world. Child labor is social problem with
the rise of industrial production and capitalism. It appeared in earlier ages in agricultural societies
when the children all around the world had to work along with 19th century, spreading to many
countries. The problems started when many children, younger than ten years old, were employed by
factories. In this paper I will address the issues and history of child labor, the child labor laws, and
my suggestions or solutions to child labor problems. Child labor is defined as the employment of
children under more content...
Of these, 120 million children are working full time to help support their families. Of those, 171
million work in hazardous conditions, such as working in mines, working with chemicals and
working with dangerous machinery. Most of these workers are in Africa, Asia, Latin America and
Africa. There are 153 million of child laborers in Asia, 80 million in Africa and 17.5 million in Latin
America. Sub–Saharan Africa has an estimated 48 million child workers.
Approximately 2.5 million children are working in industrialized and transition economies. Child
labor is also reported in Italy, Portugal, UK, US and Eastern Europe.
The Children's Rights Division at Human Watch says that children who work long hours in
dangerous and unhealthy conditions, are exposed to lasting physical and psychological harm. The
Children's Rights Division gave some examples of work that children are harmed from. Working
at rug looms, has left children disabled with eye damage, lung disease and stunted growth.
Children making silk thread in India dip their hands into boiling water that burns and blisters them,
breath smoke and fumes from machinery and medical care if often not available. There is also
bonded labor, which takes place when a family hand over their child to an employer for an advance
payment. In most cases the child can't work off the debt, and neither can the family raise
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Child Labor Essay example
Child labor is considered as a form of child abuse, it being the exploitation of a child's rights and
freedoms. Therefore, child labour is when underage children are employed, this happens because a
child labourer is paid less than an adult labourer. Consequently employers have more children
working for them because they spend less paying the children.
"Child labor usually means work that is done by children under the age of 15 (14 in some
developing countries) that restricts or damages a child's physical, emotional, social and/or spiritual
Child labour is not something that just recently evolved. As a matter of fact, child labour dates back
to the 1780s and the 1840s, where child labour was predominant worldwide. In 1788, more
Although there are efforts to put an end to child labour in the world of today, they does not seem
to be enough. This is because even though there is a decrease in the number of children that
experience child labour, the change is not significant. The level of child labour continues to
increase. Presumably, in the societies where child labour is the way of life, only few individuals
master the courage to speak against it. Unfortunately, their voices are unheard. For instance, in India
there are efforts to lessen the number of child labourers, but culture always gets in the way. This
results in children working under very poor conditions that pose a danger to their health on
short–term and long–term scale. However, in Canada the law states that:
"Section 72 imposes a statutory duty on every person to report certain suspicions are based, to a
children's aid society."2
"... a professional has a legal obligation to immediately report suspected child abuse."3
Usually, there is a reason behind everything that occurs in the world. For instance, the purpose of
going to school is to educate ourselves so that we can have a bright future ahead of us. The main
cause of child labour is poverty, which is heavily inclined by culture which varies with different
societies. In India, culture is the way of life. Closely related to customs, culture this merely provides
guidelines to the people within a society on how to conduct their daily lives.
2 Zuker, Marvin A., Randolph C.
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Essay on Child Labour
Child Labour
Child labour is one of the topic that presents strong emotions, beliefs and opinions. Most people are
opposed to the involvement of children in labour force activities when they are at an age when other
activities, such as education and play, should be the central role in development. However, child
labour represents an extremely difficult and complex issue which often extends beyond emotions,
beliefs and opinions. Much of this has to do with the understanding that a wide variety of factors,
such as economic, cultural, social, political and legal concerns, are part of any child labour problems
as well as the solution to these problems. With this in mind, the purpose of this paper will be to more content...
However, while poverty is an important causal factor, it is often the case that it is not the only factor.
For example, some studies have indicated that some child workers "...are from relatively
affluent families, and engage in the business for excitement and pocket money"5. This would
seem to suggest that "...cultural and economic factors here interact in complex ways to
encourage child work and need to be understood together"6.
An examination of existing trends regarding child labour often reveals contradictory and even
disturbing developments. More specifically, official data from most countries have shown "...a
gradual, long–term decline in child labour, but many experts assert that recent economic crisis in the
developing countries has led to an upsurge in juvenile workers"7. Even though child labour is
primarily found in developing countries, and that this can be largely attributed to the economic,
social and cultural environment, there is some indication of a resurgence in this activity in
industrialized countries. Much of this activity also happens to be everywhere and familiar, such as a
child who shines shoes for a living, who is at home tending younger children or who is helping in a
family farm and business working such long hours that it is impossible to play or even attend school.
If anything, this emphasizes that much of the attention that has been focused on
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Child Labor Essay
Child Labor
The next time when you are out on your shopping trip, chances you may have support a business
that exploits children. It is very disturbing and heartbreaking to learn many children are chained to
looms for 12 hours a day because families need to have their child bringing home a small amount of
moneys. Child labor has always been a difficult subject to address, the topic have become much more
complicated and prolific.
Child Labor is not an isolated problem. The phenomenon of child labor is an effect of economic
discrimination. In different parts of the world, at different stages of histories, laboring of child has
been a part of economic life. More than 200 million children worldwide, some are as young as 4 and more content...
Most of them (57 million) were in Asia. However, over the previous ten years, he found that the
absolute number of children working was declining in Asia but rising in the Americas and Africa,
sharply in the latter. The problem is enormous, but the trend, fortunately, is heading in the right
direction. The overall growth of an economy is by no means the only factor, nor for that matter the
most important factor, in the mitigation of child labor. Depending upon many variables, from
economic development, to political structure, corruption, and other external factors, some families
need to have their child bringing home a small amount of moneys. Therefore, the child labor
phenomenon is reasonable. One important which caused child labor is the poverty. The birthrate is
so high that create overpopulation and cause poverty and lack of primary education. One way that
many families in traditional societies attempt to cope with the pressure of overpopulation and the
resulting unemployment is to send children to urban areas to find cash employment. Sending their
child out on the labor force is a way to exchange for small loans or to repay the debts of the parents
or grandparents. In most Asia countries, they don't have social security for the elder, so parents
often rely on their children for financial support. There were some disturbing cases that children are
bought and sold for cash or for the settlement of a debt. Some
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Child Labor Essay examples
Kids working in factories, handling dangerous equipment, potentially hurting themselves. This is
everyday life for children in other countries. Everyday kids lose their innocence, they experience
something that is grueling and back–breaking everyday for, most likely, for their lives.
Children are considered the future, they are to be nurtured, cared, have a childhood, they are to be
loved, to be raised fairly as they pave the way for humans, the next generation, so the world would
have better technological advancement, medicine and overall a better world, so it is best to set
them to a straight path. Though many spirits of children who grew to adults were broken, they have
practically become a slave that earned little earnings more content...
"India has the largest work force of children in the world. They are made to work as shares in
fields and factories in homes and in cottage industries. They are deprived of their childhood.
Children are also self–employed as shoeshine, milk boys, rag pickers and rickshaw pullers. They
are overworked and under paid. They miss the benefits of education" (R. H. Waghamode, J. L.
Kalyan). Many children suffer from the age of child to adulthood as they become exhausted and
usually deformed from working from a child because kids work jobs from stone quarries, in the
streets to working in the fields or hidden in another house that often makes them do domestic chores.
Child labor in India has a common cause why they use children because it is a socioeconomic
problem with India having illiteracy, poverty and other issues that fuel child labor. With the
continuation of child labor, India continues to be one of the prominent country that utilizes children
to work. Malaysia is another country that uses child labor, though somewhat developed, it still uses
child labor but not as harsh than India. They work as labourers in workshops, at eating–places and
other commercial sectors.
A great majority of the children, 77%, indicated that, at the time of the study, they have been
working for less than one year, while 19.2% had been working for between one to three years.
Children are also observed to work in restaurants, carrying goods, wet market works. Boys and
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Child Labor Essay
Child labor has been an extremely serious issue since the early industrial revolution and it continues
to be an issue today. The movement towards the industrial revolution increased demand for labor,
especially cheap labor, which targeted young children as a means for performing work in the
factories. Since it was an economically growing era for the United States, children in the 18th
century worked long hours for low minimum wage under harsh conditions to help their families.
Children were easily suitable for the working conditions in the factory because of their size, and it
was easy to manage them because the factories did not have to worry about paying them more as
compared to adults. Further, today in the United States of America, more content...
The act has separate rules for children working in agriculture and in non–agriculture employment.
For example, the minimum age for work in non–agricultural jobs is "18 years for hazardous
occupations, 16 years for employment in non–hazardous occupations, and 14 years for a limited set
of occupations, with restrictions on hours and work conditions" (Donovan, & Shimabukuro, 2016).
Further, there are several exclusions to the minimum age for work in agricultural jobs such as "16
years for employment in any agricultural job, including hazardous agricultural occupations, with no
restrictions on hours of work, 14 years for employment in non–hazardous agricultural jobs outside of
school hours, and any age for employment in non–hazardous agricultural jobs, outside of school
hours, with parental consent, when certain conditions are met concerning farm size, the nature and
duration of work, and other requirements" (Donovan, & Shimabukuro, 2016). Even though the labor
laws have extensively eradicated child labor in the US, it nevertheless poses concerns in the
agriculture area of the economy today. Further, complex and different child labor laws for
agriculture workers and non–agriculture workers increases the chances of violations of the labor
laws. It is important to consider the working environment for agriculture workers because children
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Essay on child labour
Child labour
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain during the 1700's. Industry grew rapidly with the
development of power–driven machinery and new methods of production. By the mid–1800's, the
Industrial Revolution had become widespread in Western Europe. From this child labour began.
Child labour is the employment of children as wage earners. It became a serious social problem
during the Industrial Revolution in Britain during the 1700's, and the problem spread to other
countries as they became industrialized. The problem first began when children, many below the
age of 10, were employed by factories and mines. The children were forced to work long hours
under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, and their wages were more content...
But child labour created no major social problems until the factory system of labour began.
During the 1700's, many businesses in Britain began to hire children. Children worked for lower
wages than adults, and were not so likely as adults to cause labor troubles. Factory owners wanted to
use their small, nimble fingers for tending machines. Children worked for low pay in dirty, poorly
lighted factories, mills, and mines. They often performed jobs that really required adult strength.
Many children worked to help support their unemployed parents. Orphans were forced into labour.
Similar conditions became common in the United States during the late 1700's.
Child workers were often deprived of the chance to attend school. Uneducated, the only work they
were capable of doing was unskilled labor. So, they had little chance to better themselves. However
some kind factory owners did educate the boys of the factory after they had done a days work while
the girls went home to cook clean and men clothes.
Early child labour laws,
In 1802, the British Parliament passed the first law regulating child labour. The law prohibited the
employment of pauper children (children dependent on charity) under 9 years of age in cotton
mills. Pauper children under 14 could not work at night, and their workday was limited to 12 hours.
In 1819, the law was extended to include
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Essay On Child Labor
Child labor was a staple during the Urbanization of the United States of America. Fresh out of a
bloody Civil War that took the lives of at least 618,000. Child labor was very dangerous. Especially
in the steel mills because of the lack of safety equipment. It was also very dangerous because the
children laborers were very young for the jobs they were doing for such cheap pay. Anywhere
between 12–16 years old. Since they were all very young they were not very strong. So due to
them being weak, young, basically meeting no physical conditions to be able to work efficient the
steel mill owners would take advantage of that. They saw cheap labor. Very cheap and easy labor.
There was child labor that was socially acceptable at the time and more content...
The negative side of the "apprenticeship" is that the former slave owner could use and abuse his
"apprentice". The courts allowed lots of apprenticeships. Most people would assume that they used
that as a cover for what they really wanted to use the "apprentice" for.
Another common theme was people called "padrones". They were basically the recruiting
department to find young Italian boys in Italy and have them and their family sign an "apprentice"
contract. The contract was labeled that the boys would be shipped off to America from Italy to learn
to play an instrument. Now, they did learn to play an instrument but not like they had imagined
when first signing the apprentice contract. They would learn to play instruments, but they then were
forced onto street corners to perform and make the padrone's money. The children that were good
enough to make any money would be on good terms with the padrones. Those who protested and
didn't make any money would often get beatings consequently for not making the padrone money.
The kids wouldn't often even get any money. (Michael Schuman, History of child labor in the United
States–part 1: little children working)
A perfect example on how the child labor was in the south is "...hundreds of under–nourished,
over–worked and scantily clad little boys and girls do the galley–slave act in the treadmill of
industry in Democratic territory." (Washington Bee (Washington (DC), District of Columbia)
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Essay On Child Labor

  • 1. Child Labor Essay Child Labor Child labor has been around for long time and it still exists in today's world. Thiskind of labor provides problems or difficulties in the economic world. Child labor is social problem with the rise of industrial production and capitalism. It appeared in earlier ages in agricultural societies when the children all around the world had to work along with 19th century, spreading to many countries. The problems started when many children, younger than ten years old, were employed by factories. In this paper I will address the issues and history of child labor, the child labor laws, and my suggestions or solutions to child labor problems. Child labor is defined as the employment of children under more content... Of these, 120 million children are working full time to help support their families. Of those, 171 million work in hazardous conditions, such as working in mines, working with chemicals and working with dangerous machinery. Most of these workers are in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Sub–Saharan Africa. There are 153 million of child laborers in Asia, 80 million in Africa and 17.5 million in Latin America. Sub–Saharan Africa has an estimated 48 million child workers. Approximately 2.5 million children are working in industrialized and transition economies. Child labor is also reported in Italy, Portugal, UK, US and Eastern Europe. The Children's Rights Division at Human Watch says that children who work long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, are exposed to lasting physical and psychological harm. The Children's Rights Division gave some examples of work that children are harmed from. Working at rug looms, has left children disabled with eye damage, lung disease and stunted growth. Children making silk thread in India dip their hands into boiling water that burns and blisters them, breath smoke and fumes from machinery and medical care if often not available. There is also bonded labor, which takes place when a family hand over their child to an employer for an advance payment. In most cases the child can't work off the debt, and neither can the family raise Get more content on
  • 2. Child Labor Essay example Child labor is considered as a form of child abuse, it being the exploitation of a child's rights and freedoms. Therefore, child labour is when underage children are employed, this happens because a child labourer is paid less than an adult labourer. Consequently employers have more children working for them because they spend less paying the children. "Child labor usually means work that is done by children under the age of 15 (14 in some developing countries) that restricts or damages a child's physical, emotional, social and/or spiritual growth."1 Child labour is not something that just recently evolved. As a matter of fact, child labour dates back to the 1780s and the 1840s, where child labour was predominant worldwide. In 1788, more content... Although there are efforts to put an end to child labour in the world of today, they does not seem to be enough. This is because even though there is a decrease in the number of children that experience child labour, the change is not significant. The level of child labour continues to increase. Presumably, in the societies where child labour is the way of life, only few individuals master the courage to speak against it. Unfortunately, their voices are unheard. For instance, in India there are efforts to lessen the number of child labourers, but culture always gets in the way. This results in children working under very poor conditions that pose a danger to their health on short–term and long–term scale. However, in Canada the law states that: "Section 72 imposes a statutory duty on every person to report certain suspicions are based, to a children's aid society."2 "... a professional has a legal obligation to immediately report suspected child abuse."3 Usually, there is a reason behind everything that occurs in the world. For instance, the purpose of going to school is to educate ourselves so that we can have a bright future ahead of us. The main cause of child labour is poverty, which is heavily inclined by culture which varies with different societies. In India, culture is the way of life. Closely related to customs, culture this merely provides guidelines to the people within a society on how to conduct their daily lives. 2 Zuker, Marvin A., Randolph C. Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Child Labour Child Labour Child labour is one of the topic that presents strong emotions, beliefs and opinions. Most people are opposed to the involvement of children in labour force activities when they are at an age when other activities, such as education and play, should be the central role in development. However, child labour represents an extremely difficult and complex issue which often extends beyond emotions, beliefs and opinions. Much of this has to do with the understanding that a wide variety of factors, such as economic, cultural, social, political and legal concerns, are part of any child labour problems as well as the solution to these problems. With this in mind, the purpose of this paper will be to more content... However, while poverty is an important causal factor, it is often the case that it is not the only factor. For example, some studies have indicated that some child workers "...are from relatively affluent families, and engage in the business for excitement and pocket money"5. This would seem to suggest that "...cultural and economic factors here interact in complex ways to encourage child work and need to be understood together"6. An examination of existing trends regarding child labour often reveals contradictory and even disturbing developments. More specifically, official data from most countries have shown "...a gradual, long–term decline in child labour, but many experts assert that recent economic crisis in the developing countries has led to an upsurge in juvenile workers"7. Even though child labour is primarily found in developing countries, and that this can be largely attributed to the economic, social and cultural environment, there is some indication of a resurgence in this activity in industrialized countries. Much of this activity also happens to be everywhere and familiar, such as a child who shines shoes for a living, who is at home tending younger children or who is helping in a family farm and business working such long hours that it is impossible to play or even attend school. If anything, this emphasizes that much of the attention that has been focused on Get more content on
  • 4. Child Labor Essay Child Labor The next time when you are out on your shopping trip, chances you may have support a business that exploits children. It is very disturbing and heartbreaking to learn many children are chained to looms for 12 hours a day because families need to have their child bringing home a small amount of moneys. Child labor has always been a difficult subject to address, the topic have become much more complicated and prolific. Child Labor is not an isolated problem. The phenomenon of child labor is an effect of economic discrimination. In different parts of the world, at different stages of histories, laboring of child has been a part of economic life. More than 200 million children worldwide, some are as young as 4 and more content... Most of them (57 million) were in Asia. However, over the previous ten years, he found that the absolute number of children working was declining in Asia but rising in the Americas and Africa, sharply in the latter. The problem is enormous, but the trend, fortunately, is heading in the right direction. The overall growth of an economy is by no means the only factor, nor for that matter the most important factor, in the mitigation of child labor. Depending upon many variables, from economic development, to political structure, corruption, and other external factors, some families need to have their child bringing home a small amount of moneys. Therefore, the child labor phenomenon is reasonable. One important which caused child labor is the poverty. The birthrate is so high that create overpopulation and cause poverty and lack of primary education. One way that many families in traditional societies attempt to cope with the pressure of overpopulation and the resulting unemployment is to send children to urban areas to find cash employment. Sending their child out on the labor force is a way to exchange for small loans or to repay the debts of the parents or grandparents. In most Asia countries, they don't have social security for the elder, so parents often rely on their children for financial support. There were some disturbing cases that children are bought and sold for cash or for the settlement of a debt. Some Get more content on
  • 5. Child Labor Essay examples Kids working in factories, handling dangerous equipment, potentially hurting themselves. This is everyday life for children in other countries. Everyday kids lose their innocence, they experience something that is grueling and back–breaking everyday for, most likely, for their lives. Children are considered the future, they are to be nurtured, cared, have a childhood, they are to be loved, to be raised fairly as they pave the way for humans, the next generation, so the world would have better technological advancement, medicine and overall a better world, so it is best to set them to a straight path. Though many spirits of children who grew to adults were broken, they have practically become a slave that earned little earnings more content... "India has the largest work force of children in the world. They are made to work as shares in fields and factories in homes and in cottage industries. They are deprived of their childhood. Children are also self–employed as shoeshine, milk boys, rag pickers and rickshaw pullers. They are overworked and under paid. They miss the benefits of education" (R. H. Waghamode, J. L. Kalyan). Many children suffer from the age of child to adulthood as they become exhausted and usually deformed from working from a child because kids work jobs from stone quarries, in the streets to working in the fields or hidden in another house that often makes them do domestic chores. Child labor in India has a common cause why they use children because it is a socioeconomic problem with India having illiteracy, poverty and other issues that fuel child labor. With the continuation of child labor, India continues to be one of the prominent country that utilizes children to work. Malaysia is another country that uses child labor, though somewhat developed, it still uses child labor but not as harsh than India. They work as labourers in workshops, at eating–places and other commercial sectors. A great majority of the children, 77%, indicated that, at the time of the study, they have been working for less than one year, while 19.2% had been working for between one to three years. Children are also observed to work in restaurants, carrying goods, wet market works. Boys and Get more content on
  • 6. Child Labor Essay Child labor has been an extremely serious issue since the early industrial revolution and it continues to be an issue today. The movement towards the industrial revolution increased demand for labor, especially cheap labor, which targeted young children as a means for performing work in the factories. Since it was an economically growing era for the United States, children in the 18th century worked long hours for low minimum wage under harsh conditions to help their families. Children were easily suitable for the working conditions in the factory because of their size, and it was easy to manage them because the factories did not have to worry about paying them more as compared to adults. Further, today in the United States of America, more content... The act has separate rules for children working in agriculture and in non–agriculture employment. For example, the minimum age for work in non–agricultural jobs is "18 years for hazardous occupations, 16 years for employment in non–hazardous occupations, and 14 years for a limited set of occupations, with restrictions on hours and work conditions" (Donovan, & Shimabukuro, 2016). Further, there are several exclusions to the minimum age for work in agricultural jobs such as "16 years for employment in any agricultural job, including hazardous agricultural occupations, with no restrictions on hours of work, 14 years for employment in non–hazardous agricultural jobs outside of school hours, and any age for employment in non–hazardous agricultural jobs, outside of school hours, with parental consent, when certain conditions are met concerning farm size, the nature and duration of work, and other requirements" (Donovan, & Shimabukuro, 2016). Even though the labor laws have extensively eradicated child labor in the US, it nevertheless poses concerns in the agriculture area of the economy today. Further, complex and different child labor laws for agriculture workers and non–agriculture workers increases the chances of violations of the labor laws. It is important to consider the working environment for agriculture workers because children Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on child labour Child labour The industrial revolution began in Great Britain during the 1700's. Industry grew rapidly with the development of power–driven machinery and new methods of production. By the mid–1800's, the Industrial Revolution had become widespread in Western Europe. From this child labour began. Child labour is the employment of children as wage earners. It became a serious social problem during the Industrial Revolution in Britain during the 1700's, and the problem spread to other countries as they became industrialized. The problem first began when children, many below the age of 10, were employed by factories and mines. The children were forced to work long hours under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, and their wages were more content... But child labour created no major social problems until the factory system of labour began. During the 1700's, many businesses in Britain began to hire children. Children worked for lower wages than adults, and were not so likely as adults to cause labor troubles. Factory owners wanted to use their small, nimble fingers for tending machines. Children worked for low pay in dirty, poorly lighted factories, mills, and mines. They often performed jobs that really required adult strength. Many children worked to help support their unemployed parents. Orphans were forced into labour. Similar conditions became common in the United States during the late 1700's. Child workers were often deprived of the chance to attend school. Uneducated, the only work they were capable of doing was unskilled labor. So, they had little chance to better themselves. However some kind factory owners did educate the boys of the factory after they had done a days work while the girls went home to cook clean and men clothes. Early child labour laws, In 1802, the British Parliament passed the first law regulating child labour. The law prohibited the employment of pauper children (children dependent on charity) under 9 years of age in cotton mills. Pauper children under 14 could not work at night, and their workday was limited to 12 hours. In 1819, the law was extended to include Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Child Labor Child labor was a staple during the Urbanization of the United States of America. Fresh out of a bloody Civil War that took the lives of at least 618,000. Child labor was very dangerous. Especially in the steel mills because of the lack of safety equipment. It was also very dangerous because the children laborers were very young for the jobs they were doing for such cheap pay. Anywhere between 12–16 years old. Since they were all very young they were not very strong. So due to them being weak, young, basically meeting no physical conditions to be able to work efficient the steel mill owners would take advantage of that. They saw cheap labor. Very cheap and easy labor. There was child labor that was socially acceptable at the time and more content... The negative side of the "apprenticeship" is that the former slave owner could use and abuse his "apprentice". The courts allowed lots of apprenticeships. Most people would assume that they used that as a cover for what they really wanted to use the "apprentice" for. Another common theme was people called "padrones". They were basically the recruiting department to find young Italian boys in Italy and have them and their family sign an "apprentice" contract. The contract was labeled that the boys would be shipped off to America from Italy to learn to play an instrument. Now, they did learn to play an instrument but not like they had imagined when first signing the apprentice contract. They would learn to play instruments, but they then were forced onto street corners to perform and make the padrone's money. The children that were good enough to make any money would be on good terms with the padrones. Those who protested and didn't make any money would often get beatings consequently for not making the padrone money. The kids wouldn't often even get any money. (Michael Schuman, History of child labor in the United States–part 1: little children working) A perfect example on how the child labor was in the south is "...hundreds of under–nourished, over–worked and scantily clad little boys and girls do the galley–slave act in the treadmill of industry in Democratic territory." (Washington Bee (Washington (DC), District of Columbia) 10–02–1920 Get more content on