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Essay on Benjamin Franklin Gender Roles
Gender and the Age of Reason
"In these two books, we have the story of a young man coming of age and finding success in the
world and the story of a young woman coming of age and failing to do so. In either book, what
gender roles prevailed?"
In The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, we are reading the path that one man took to go from a
middle class child to a well respected adult. Benjamin Franklin created what we know today as the
American dream. Today we understand the American dream to be that one can go from rags to
riches with a little hard work. The autobiography is based around the age of reason and a time man
was thought to be able to be perfected by means of science and invention. The Autobiography of
Benjamin ... Show more content on ...
Benjamin Franklin is known as a political figure and scientist/inventor. Learning the importance of
debate at such a young age clearly served him in great and many ways. Benjamin Franklin spent his
teen years practicing his writing. In 1720, James started a newspaper known as the New England
Courant. According to Franklin, this was the second newspaper in America. Franklin worked as a
delivery boy and would publish his own writings anonymously. Franklin often disputed politics and
books with another "bookish lad" by the name of John Collins. One of their arguments speaks
directly about the female gender during the 1700's. "A question was once, somehow or other, started
between Collins and me, of the propriety of educating the female sex in learning, and their abilities
for study. He was of opinion that it was improper..." (Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin. New York: Bantam Books, 1982, pg 14.) Collins shares the same views and
mentalities that many men of the 1700's shared. At the time, it was understood that education and
teaching was not to be wasted on women. Not only was it a waste but Collins specifically states that
it is improper. "I took to the contrary side, perhaps a little for disputes sake." (Franklin. The
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 14.) This statement, made by Benjamin Franklin, is of great
importance. He goes against the general population, whether by choice or simply
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Revolution ' By Jack Rakove
Revolutionaries, by Jack Rakove published in 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing
Company, which is located in New York city, New York, brings a collection of stories of the
'founding fathers' together to create the story of the American Revloution. The thesis of the book is
arguably that the American Revolution may never have happened without the mishaps of the Boston
Tea Party, which in turn created a collection of colonial leaders. Rakove's book, in the early
chapters, focus on Samuel and John Adams, John Dickinson, and George Washington. The later
sections talk about the trio of key party leaders in the early Republic: Jefferson, Madison, and
Hamilton. Throughout, we are introduced to less commonly know people: Henry Laurens, Jack
Laurens, Arthur Lee and George Mason The account of the first part of Revolutionaries is one we all
learn in elementary school: 'no taxation without representation' and the Boston Tea Party. We're too
comfortable with this period, or at least with how we know it: the characters and the events have the
well–worn quality that comes from being handled too much. Benjamin Franklin with his half–
glasses sells us plumbing and tax advice. Proud Sam Adams hawks beer. Rakove uses rich
descriptions of the Founders' daily lives to quicken the plaster–cast heroes. While the First
Continental Congress (meeting in Philadelphia in the fall of 1774) was debating how to respond to
harsh British sanctions against the city of Boston, delegate George
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A Martian Sends A Postcard Home By Craig Raine
Craig Raine's self–conscious poem, A Martian Sends A Postcard Home, is rich in pensive and bright
metaphors expressed innocently through unconventional eyes. This informal, free verse of syllabic
meter poem beautifully showcases Raine's ability to give us, the reader, an opportunity to unshackle
our ridged perspectives on the world around us.
The poem is tangled and booby trapped in unusual symbolism, creating riddles for the reader. The
first step in unravelling the mysteries surrounding all the descriptions is understand the intended
point of view. The title suggests the poem is about a Martian, but only after reading it and
deciphering it can we see it is about Earth. An account of a Martian's experiences on our planet,
intended for his ... Show more content on ...
The morbid, but naively comical lines of "Only the young are allowed to suffer openly. Adults go to
the punishment room with water but nothing to eat." go back to the theme of imprisonment for the
adults, while the young are not alone meaning either they are being potty trained or having their
diapers changed. The Martian observes that going to the bathroom is a ritual, which is expressed
with "No one is exempt." The last two stanzas explore another ritual of everyday life, our night time
rituals. The poem fittingly ends with describing how we end our day, with falling asleep and
dreaming. Another repeated theme is of reading, "And read about themselves in colour, with their
eyelids shut." This means once we go to sleep, we still see ourselves experiencing life
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The American Of The British Empire
In the late half of the eighteenth century, the colonies of British North America were at a point in
which they wanted more of their own identity and separation from Europe. Some of the colonists
felt that way and others were quite content in continuing to live under Britain's iron fist of
legislation that they were imposing on the colonies. After the Seven Years War and the Proclamation
Line of 1763, many colonists were outraged and began to display their emotions. The colonist
protested through numerous tactics such as demonstrations of hate crimes towards the Native
Americans living in the colonies. There were also some colonists that made their opinion heard that
the colonies should succeed from the British Empire and be a new nation, and with any debatable
topic like leaving the British Empire, there were those colonial loyalists that denounced the patriot
idea of succession. Often in power battles, the third parties are rarely heard as well, however to see
through eyes of a African American being transported through the Atlantic Trading System and to
hear his story puts the graphic nature of that journey into perspective. The decades leading up to and
including the starting point of the American Revolution would help tip the colonies to where they
would begin their path to becoming the United States of America, For nearly eighty years,
Pennsylvania was a safe haven for colonists as well as Native Americans. ...The residents of "Penn's
Woods" tried to avoid
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Biography Of Mary Silliman 's ' The Patriots And The Tories '
The late eighteenth century had begun to evolve to a time of important change for both the Patriots
and the Tories. Each side had felt the fatigue but had known there would be light at the end of the
tunnel and a great example of this is Mary Silliman. During her husband's time in active duty she
had mourned for his presence but knew "The cause is so important it becomes me at least to be
silent" (123). Although Mary was a well–respected woman throughout Connecticut, it was her job to
lead her family and push through change that was so destine to happen. Mary had watched her
husband from her point of view and "done her best" (175) to maintain many aspects of their former
life before the revolution. However, she could not deny the fact that ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Silliman had a job as the state's attorney of Connecticut that paid quite well. All of the hope of
having a free flowing normal life went out the window when Mr. Silliman had departed for his
military responsibilities. Mary had been left with the duties of maintaining the house on top of the
next meals for the remaining family members and slaves. Both Mary and Mr. Silliman were aware
of their situation during the war period and needed direction as to how to get out of the hole they
were in. Mr. Silliman raised the question "What shall I do my love?–My late expensive absence has
cost me a great deal of money. –Should I again fall to enemy's hands it would hurt me irreparably
almost" (177). He begins to look for advice from his knowledgeable wife about their problem of
debt. He then displays what had been the cause to why he had inherited the large sum of debt in the
first place. On top of that he gives a demonstration that if he were to captured again by the Tories
and remain captive for a similar amount of time the debt would reach a point of no return. With this
being said it brings a change of lifestyle for Mary as it had been her duty as a wife to support her
husband. You can see that Mr. Silliman respects Mary's input in order to help them get through this
event that they were so unfamiliar with before the revolution. Mr. Silliman was back in Fairfield for
good and he develops a firsthand look into the
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American History Website Evaluation Essay
The American Revolution Website Evaluation
The United States revolution is one of the most iconic events in not just American, but world
history. So when performing research on a platform as vast as the internet, proper precautions must
be taken. A well designed and thorough web evaluation should be done to ensure the credibility and
integrity of the website's content. Certain Criteria involve who authored the website, when the
website was created, when it was last updated, who the website was intended for, what types of
resources the website offers, and the sites overall value to the reader.
The website is a very informative website that tells about the people and events
of the American Revolution. The website ... Show more content on ...
Another informative and authoritative website about the American Revolution is The website is authored and updated by Joseph Logan, who is a
self–proclaimed historian and revolutionary enthusiast. He frequently works with schools and
universities to inform and educated students on the revolutionary period. The site was originally just
a way for Logan to document and share his readings about the revolutionary leader John Adams.
However, after only one year, the site started to explode exponentially. Logan read over 200 books
about the revolution and documented everything he could from revolutionary leaders to iconic
events. This extensive research is reflected in the wide amount and detailed writings about the
revolution. The last update took place in February of 2010 however since this type of website is very
static in nature, that update was a fairly recent one. Originally created for middle and high school
students, this website now informs readers of all ages and education levels. The resources and
content that this website offers is beyond valuable. Every single revolutionary leader from Adams to
Wilson has a biography and picture associated with them. The site also has summaries and related
documents to all of the major battles in the war. Including how
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Benjamin Franklin´s Involvement in the English Empire Essay
With Benjamin Franklin's ambition to see one day the glorious English Empire shifted to North
America, specifically in Pennsylvania and to get rid of the proprietors, he envisages a single
community that will embody Englishmen only. For that reason, Franklin is against massive
immigration of Germans and the presence of African slaves which will fade the identity of a perfect
English Empire. He becomes more optimistic of his vision when the Crown appoints him in 1753 as
a postmaster at Williamsburg. Despite all the failures that he encounters from not passing solutions
such as colonial union and the Albany Plan, Franklin still maintains his degree of confidence and
loyalty to the mother country. Closer to his dream, he has been selected in ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, the Stamp Act has a different and a direct effect on the colonies. The objective of
the act is to tax legal documents, almanacs, newspapers, playing cards, and nearly every form of
paper used in the colonies. This seems to be a threat to the American constitutional rights. Therefore,
colonial agents in London and lieutenants Governor oppose to the Stamp Act, including Franklin
saying that "It will affect the printers more that anybody". Franklin, despite his British's loyalties
and love, comes up with an alternative plan for raising revenue instead of taxing legal paper. He
proposes a plan that parliament authorize the issuing of paper currency at interest. Franklin knows
exactly how his proposed plan will work and assures his fellows by saying that "it would not be an
unpleasing one". This action taken by Franklin to find another option to raise money demonstrates
how he has his country of birth's interest at heart. Unfortunately, his proposal is rejected by
Greenville, a chief minister under who's the Stamp act is planned. But that does not stop him from
appealing the plan. However, many colonies such as Pennsylvanian blame Franklin for creating the
Stamp Act. Even his home back in America, his wife and relatives are threatened because of the Act.
They blame him for framing the
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What Makes A Great Leader?
Many people are responsible for providing Americans with the freedoms we have today. Benjamin
Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton were great world leaders due to their
contributions to society, government, and public relations. In general, these men have contributed to
our country in many ways; for example, they drafted the United States Constitution. Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay published the Federalist Papers. Thomas Jefferson wrote
the first draft of the Declaration of Independence; John Adams, John Marshall, and Patrick Henry
passed legislation that created a national government. What makes a person a leader, or rather, what
makes them a great leader? John Adams, was an exceptional man who helped secure ... Show more
content on ...
Our government today is still modeled after John Adams's idea of separation of power. Adams's idea
to have three branches of government was ingenious; the three branches created checks and
balances. With this idea, no branch would have more power than the other. John Adams, who
embodied political greatness, served on a committee to create the Declaration of Independence
("John Adam"). To be a leader, one must know how to problem solve whether those problems are
taxation without representation or negotiating treaties to end wars. Johns Adams would be an
excellent candidate to sit on the commission because he embodies what is fair and just.
Alexander Hamilton was a gifted and intelligent man. Alexander left college to begin a career in
politics. He proved his self–worth in war and in government. After taking victory at York Town, he
realized that our congressional issues came from the Articles of the Confederation ("Articles of
Confederation"). Hamilton believed that the articles divided the nation instead of unifying it, which
was why we needed a stronger government. The Articles of Confederation left the government
weak, unable to tax, and with no way to enforce the act congress passed ("Alexander Hamilton").
Realizing this, Hamilton fought to secure a strong central government, along with John Jay and
James Madison who together wrote eighty–five essays called the Federalist Papers (The
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Franklin High School Sports Narrative
It was finally game day for us freshman. Winter break just finished about two weeks ago and we
finally have a home game. This time it's against Franklin High School. I felt like this game was
going to be a good one. I knew I was going to go off. Going through the school day I had to stay
focused and put myself in the right mindset for the upcoming. I couldn't have any distractions.
Looking back, I was probably a little too serious. It was necessary, though, if I wanted to have a
good game. Once school finally ends, I get my basketball stuff and go straight to the locker room to
change. I put my uniform and sneakers on. I was Kobe getting ready for the first game of the 2010
NBA Finals against the Celtics. I was ready to ball out. After the Raiders and I finish setting up all
of the chairs and the table, where the stat keepers and score keepers sit, I get ready to shoot around
before the game. I look around and all I see is an empty court. Just looking at the court fueled the
excitement that I felt for this upcoming game. It was the type of excitement that could only be
satisfied once the game started. As the game drew closer, I could smell Franklin coming ... Show
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We were killing the Scrubs and there was no need for me to even play anymore. Coach Shamy put
some new players in the game. It wasn't long before the game ended and we were shaking hands
with the other team. Franklin's coach patted me on my back. He knew I completely dominated his
team. When you looked at the scoreboard, it looked like a massacre took place at the high school
that day. We completely murdered the other team. It was fun though. All of the hard work in practice
paid off. And I had a great game as an added bonus. I realized that game, that I just need to have fun
when I'm playing. That's one thing I learned that day; I play my best when I'm having fun. And,
being the chef that I am, I definitely had fun filleting Franklin's whole team that
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Biology : Structure Of Dna
Biology: Structure of DNA
The article "The Structure of DNA: Cooperation and Competition" by the Understanding Science
team (the author is Stephanie Stuart, with the editor Anna Thanukos, and the web producers David
Smith and Josh Frankel) begins with the history of the discovery of DNA. "During the early 1950s,
the intellectual journeys of a bird biologist, an expert on the structure of coal, a designer of
underwater mines, and a nuclear physicist intersected, resulting–not in a submarine explosion of
feathers, as one might expect–but in a discovery that offered a glimpse of the molecular mechanisms
that underlie all life, paving the way for a revolution in molecular biology." (Stuart). However, what
lead to this discovery of DNA? Well, it all begins in the 19th century.
"In the 19th century, the Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, discovered basic patterns of inheritance.
Traits pass from parent to offspring in an organized and predictable way. Although the scientists that
followed in Mendel's footsteps had no concrete understanding of what caused these distinct patterns,
they knew that the explanation of inheritance would have to account for them," and "By the 1940s
and 50s, scientists were getting closer to a physical explanation of how parents pass on traits to their
offspring." (Stuart). This discovery alone by the "Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel" is what lead the
further discovery of what DNA could be (Stuart). Thus other scientists joined into
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Rhetorical Devices In The Anatomy Of Violence
Throughout this day in age, all over several media outlets, different acts of crime are shown on
display for anyone, of all ages, to review. One thing that lacks from the plentiful amounts of these
reports on various atrocities, ranging from theft to cold–blood murder, is a motive. However, what if
a motive does not play a role in a crime? Yes, there a bounteous reasons as to why some commit
crimes, but something may possibly lay deeper within the mind that one cannot see without a series
of invasive research of psychological and neurological testing. Within his findings, documented in
The Anatomy of Violence, Adrian Raine takes a look into the anatomical and biological roots as to
why people execute felonies; wanting readers to gain and ... Show more content on
To show the various scenarios, Raine uses rhetorical devices such as: cause/effect, exemplification,
and analysis. Without using cause and effect, Raine cannot effectively showcase how certain people
turn into criminals. Within A Recipe for Violence, Raine takes discrete variables and establishes how
seemingly harmless events have unexpected results. The winter of 1994–1995, known as the Dutch
Hunger Winter, result in many eating less than 1,000 kilocalories a day(206). Though the Dutch
were able to bounce back after the famine, the then pregnant women would give birth to a
generation of antisocial soldiers. Once the boys turn eighteen, they undergo a military psychiatric
baseline test. "A lack of iron, zinc, protein, riboflavin, and omega–3 in our diets may dump some
some of us into the violence trash bin,"(207). Raine's research, goes on to provide various effects
from an effect, in this case famine. As a result, those who are deficient in their key vitamins and
nutrients(before and after birth) tend to acquire preeminent chances of aggressiveness, delinquency,
and hyperactivity(209). With every chapter, Raine includes a variety of instances to explain what the
psychological effects on the human brian. For one example Raine, takes a look into the 'killer gene',
Raine tells of an adopted boy, who at the age of two, starts to behave rather badly. By the age of ten,
Jeffrey Landrigan, the boy, already develops a drinking problem. "He skipped school, abused drugs,
stole cars, and spent time in detention centers... when asked to be the godfather of his friends soon–
to–be child. Jeffrey's response? Stabbed his friend to death,"(37). Later on, while on death row, he
met his father who, at the time, is also on death row.
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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens,...
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens, 1789
Works Cited Missing
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens was formed by the National Assembly on 27th
August 1789. It was intended by the National Assembly to be the preliminary statement of principles
which the constitution should be modelled. Thus allowing the nation of France to be liberated and
achieve a secure structure to their society. Marquis de Lafayette, the commander of the National
Guard and Thomas Paine, an English political thinker, were major contributors in the drawing up of
the declaration. Lafayette made several ... Show more content on ...
This was an assertion against the Ancien Regime, where birth rights distinguished citizens; peasants
had no opportunity to improve their social strata due to the high poverty and oppression. Possibly
the most liberating clause out of the declaration, was the concept of popular sovereignty. It was
considered that absolute power should no longer reside in the hands of the Monarch. Instead,
sovereignty would rest with the nation, giving the citizens the opportunity to exercise their power.
There are some clauses that centre wholly on the enlightenment movement. To liberate a nation
required certain minimal restrictions. In 1762 Rousseau had published the Social Contract. Within it
Rousseau outlined that, "human beings agree to an implicit Social Contract which gave them certain
rights, in return for giving up certain freedoms" (J.Hunt (1998) Pg7). This inferred that people have
the right to life, in return for giving up the freedom to kill others. Release also arrived for religion.
People were free to follow their chosen beliefs, signalling the end of exclusive Catholicism. Deism
was being introduced. In particular, Voltaire believed that although the "universe was created by
God; it was then left to operate accordingly to scientific law" (Merriman (1996) Pg407). This then
paved the way for a variety of other
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The American Revolution And The War For Independence
The year 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution or, to the colonists, "The War for
Independence." The American Revolution did not happen by itself but past conflicts such as the
seven years war provoked the future event of the American Revolution. The seven year war was
fought between the Thirteen Colonies and the French Empire as well as Native American allies, over
territory in America. Before the seven year war, the British government proposed the colonists to
pay for protection and also for a royal leader. After the seven year war King George changed the
proposal to being required for every colonist to pay taxes because of the debt that British was in.
The British Crown passed many laws without representation from colonists, which led colonists to
question the king's authority. As a result, historians argue that the American Revolution was based
on economics. More significant causes of the American Revolution were politics, culture, and
religion. Politics were a significant cause because the colonist disliked the rules and regulations of
the Charter that the King established. Culture also caused the Revolution due to the rational thinking
of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment gave the colonist the thought of self governing instead of
being under the royal leader. Finally, Religion also impacted the American Revolution because
Religion contributed the idea that the church should voice their opinion on government decisions
over the colonies. Americans
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The Effect Of Oppression On Women
incidence of oppression, then I would be naive to the fact that in our society we favor men over
women. My perspective on women in the work force has changed completely. From this I have
gained a new found respect for women who hold high power, and positions of authority because I
know that they must have struggled to get where they are. I also respect them more because I know
that men do not always work well when a women is their supioure, and therefore they can make the
women's job even more difficult. I work hard as a student, so that when I graduate college I can
confidently go into the work force with the understanding that as long as I am a valuable worker, I
will fight for my right to, at least be offered, the same opportunities as my male coworkers;
furthermore I will also fight to make sure that I am always getting the equal treatment as everyone
else in the work place. I refuse to be given unfair treatment because I am a women, our society is
changing and therefore this masculine stigma that has been created around higher positions needs to
be broken if we want to be able to move forward in society.
In the future I would hope that as a society we are able to stop favoring men in the work place just
because of their gender, and I would also hope that as a society we could stop teaching children that
this form of oppression is okay. I believe that for multiple reasons we need to stop placing such a
large emphasis on gender in society, and instead just focus on the
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Essay about Fannie Mae Case
Fannie Mae case.
Federal regulators noted a growing string of high profile scandals at major U.S. corporations in
recent years. The number of fraud cases investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission
jumped 41 percent in the last three years (112 cases in 2001 compare to 79 cases investigated in
1998), resulting in tens of millions of dollars in fines to settle the charges.
I have decided to take a closer look at Fannie May. This company operates in the residential
mortgage finance industry. It facilitates the flow of mortgage capital to increase the availability of
homeownership for low, moderate, and middle–income Americans. Its lender customers are part of
the primary mortgage market, where mortgages are originated and ... Show more content on ...
The effects on Fannie Mae, a highly politically connected company, could be enormous. The
company holds over $1 trillion in assets, and purchases more mortgage loans than any other lender
in the U.S.
When the accounting errors first emerged Fannie Mae estimated that there would be an adjustment
of about $9 billion in its reported earnings over the contested period. That number has since
increased to over $11 billion but may increase again as further irregularities discovered with
insurance related issues. No estimate of these additional potential revisions is currently available.
On December 21, 2004, Franklin D. Raines stepped down as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
and J. Timothy Howard resigned as Chief Financial Officer. Raines' departure, at age 55, was
structured as an early retirement. Under his employment agreement and the terms of the Executive
Pension Plan, Raines is entitled to receive 60 percent of his "High–Three Total Compensation",
which is his highest total compensation for three consecutive years during the last 10 years. Upon
early retirement, this number is slightly reduced leaving him with estimated annual benefits of
$1,085,462. Furthermore, the company's Stock Compensation Plan of 1993 allows all options to
become immediately exercisable and fully vested upon early retirement. The 2003
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Annotations: Childrens Literature
Bibliographic Annotations
List 1:
Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1983.
This book is about a boy named Max who goes on an adventure to where the wild things live. Max
gets sent to his room for being wild in the house and causing trouble. Then Max's room slowly turns
into a forest and Max goes on his adventure. Max gets there and scares all the wild things with a
magic trick. They name Max the wildest thing of all and he becomes king of the wild things.
Eventually Max gets lonely and comes home. This book has a few valuable messages. Imagination
is really encouraged in this story because it's such a creative story. Also, the book expresses the
importance of family. Even when Max is having fun being ... Show more content on
This shows children that it's better to be honest and just have fun when you're playing games;
cheating does not pay and ruins the game for everyone. I really liked this book when I was younger
because Boland and his friends finally stopped the bully. I thought it was a really good story, and I
read it as often as a few times a day.
Wood, Don and Audrey Wood. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry
Bear. New York: Scholastic, 1984.
This book is about a little mouse that finds a big red strawberry and picks it. The narrator in the
story interacts with the mouse; he tells him that the big hungry bear will come eat his strawberry.
They figure out that the only way to keep the strawberry safe is to eat it; and they do. This book
does not pack any real hidden messages. It's mostly just a good story book to entertain kids. The
writing is very simple and makes it a great book for kids to read by themselves. The illustrations are
great; everything is very detailed and it takes the reader into the mouse's world. I liked this book
when I was young because it's just a fun story to read and the pictures were great. The book doesn't
take very long to read but its a great book for young readers.
Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. New York: Scholastic,
This book is about a young boy named Alexander who is having a horrible day where nothing seems
to be
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The Benjamin Franklin Story Essay
The Benjamin Franklin Story
In my opinion Ben Franklin was the most influential of the founding fathers. He did a lot more than
just help found our nation though. He was also a scientist, diplomat, businessman, and philosopher. I
can't think of any person who is more quoted than he is, and he lived 200 years ago! Benjamin
Franklin, born January 17, 1706, was the 10th son of 17 children. He was born and grew up in
Boston. Even though he was considered by most to be extremely intelligent, he only attended
grammar school for 2 years. When he was just 10 years–old, Ben began to work for his father as a
candle maker (Sahlman). In 1717, he began to regain some of the knowledge that he was deprived
when he was pulled out of ... Show more content on ...
2. During business attend to nothing but business, but be prompt in responding to all
communications, and never suffer a letter to remain without an answer.
3. Never fail to met a business engagement, however irksome it may be at that moment.
4. Never run down a neighbor's property or goods and praise up your own. It is a mark of low
breeding and will gain you nothing.
5. Never misrepresent, falsify, or deceive; have one rule of moral life, never swerve from it,
whatever may be the acts or opinions of others.
6. Be affable, polite and obliging to everybody. Avoid discussions, anger, and pettishness, interfere
with no disputes the creation of others.
7. Endeavor to be perfect in the calling in which you are engaged.
8. Make no investments without a full acquaintance with their nature and condition; and select such
investments as have intrinsic value.
9. Never form the habit of talking about your neighbors, or repeating things that you hear others say.
You will avoid much unpleasantness, and sometimes serious difficulties.
10. Be economical; a gain usually requires expense; what is saved is clear (Herrmann). Keith offered
to arrange letters of credit and introduction for Franklin's trip to London to purchase equipment.
Even though Franklin was a great business man, he wasn't expecting Keith to be unreliable. Due to
the fact that he got to London without anything of real value, Franklin was stranded in Europe. He
quickly found
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Ben Franklin Essay
Ben Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential people in American history. Franklin was born on
January 17, 1706, in a small town in Boston. Benjamin was one of ten children. His father, Josiah
was a candle and soap maker, and his mother Abiah Folger was a homemaker. When Benjamin was
only twelve years old he signed his identures so that he could apprentice under his brother, working
at a printing press. Here he worked for his brother James for over nine years. Benjamin had
enormous talent, and after his apprenticeship was up, he got a job printing for the Boston Gazette.
However this did not last very long, after only ten months Franklin's contract was given to someone
else. This prompted Ben to start his own ... Show more content on ...
Upon his request a tax was established to provide better watchmen. He also helped organize
volunteer firefighters. Ben also proposed a lottery to help bring money into the city, and he chartered
a university that is name after him today, called the University of Pennsylvania.
Franklin's print shop had made him a wealthy man, and in 1748 the success of the print shop had
allowed Franklin to retire early. Franklin could now use his time to focus on his two other favorite
things: science and politics.
Soon after his retirement Franklin became extremely interested in experimenting with electricity.
Franklin was one of the first people to suggest that lightning was merely naturally occurring
electricity, and that it could be drawn from the clouds. In 1752, Ben Franklin performed his kite
experiment. Here Franklin had his proof of lightning's electrical nature. Franklin wrote specifics on
how the experiment was to be done, it said.
This kite is to be raised when a thunder–gust appears to be coming on, and the person who holds the
string must stand within a door or window, or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon may not be
wet; and care must be taken that the twine does not touch the frame of the door or window. As soon
as any of the thunder–clouds come over the kite, the pointed wire will draw electric fire from them,
and the kite, with all the twine, will be electrified, and the loose filaments of the twine will
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Critical Analysis Of The Franklin Series By Paulette...
Critical analysis of the Franklin series by Paulette Bourgeois A children's story is the first step a
child is introduced to in terms of reading and literature. These books give children enjoyment,
develops their feeling and imagination. And it might also help children resolve problems by
creatively portraying the issue in the book and also by teaching how to deal with it in an entertaining
way. For example in Franklin Fibs, Paulette Bourgeois innovatively explains how lying can be bad
and how it can impact a child. This probably teaches the child moral values and also entertains them.
Getting a child to sit through an entire book is a hard task. Since children are known to be fidgety
and playful. To get the child's attention Paulette Bourgeois uses rhyme scheme and words which are
simple. Eg. In Finders keepers for Franklin "Franklin can count by twos and tie his shoes". These
makes children like them and enjoy them. Brenda Clark the illustrator of the Franklin series uses
colors which "pop" and are vivid to get a child's attention. The colors which are used in the Franklin
series are bright red, green, and yellow and so on. From this one can conclude that Clark uses colors
which are bright and signify happiness avoiding colors like black which are gloomy. ... Show more
content on ...
This can be seen clearly in Franklin Fibs and Finders Keepers for Franklin, since those books follow
this graph. In Franklin Fibs, there is this small intro about the things Franklin can do. And then there
is a problem since Franklin fibs when his friends are talking about hard tasks which they could do.
In the climax Franklin explains why he lied and does something which he really can do. And the
moral is to never lie or
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The American Revolution
As we all know there were many events that led to the American Revolution and many things
changed over time. In this paper I will be looking at a couple of important documents and analyzing
them in my own opinion. I will be looking at The American Promise that was talked about in
chapter 6, the Virtual Representation of 1775, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense document and
lastly the Declaration of Independence. I will be giving my honest interpretation and telling how I
think these documents affected us during the 1700's. During the years of 1763 through 1775 there
were a bunch of events that led to the conflict between colonial America and Great Britain. Great
Britain at the time was becoming one of the strongest nations and was creating more land around the
globe. When they were trying to expand their territory they needed a way to get funds to support this
action. Without money or a steady income they wouldn't be able to expand and become as strong as
they planned. The Proclamation of 1763 was in favor of the British government. What this act did
was keep the American colonists from going over the Appalachian Mountains and starting problems
or arguments with the French and Native Americans who lived there. Basically what this established
was boundaries between the thirteen colonies and the Mountains. This of course started small
arguments with the colonists because they obviously wanted to expand and grow but they thought
the British were keeping all the land to
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The Life Of A Beautiful Mantelpiece Sat An Unusual Bust Of...
Upon a beautiful mantelpiece sat an unusual bust of one Jane Austen. This bust was flanked by that
of Aristotle and Homer, leaving little space for anything else on the mantelpiece. Virtues for the
earthly realm and for the gain of the heavenly realm are ones that are in a continual dispute.
MacIntyre try to shed light on some the virtues that are taken up by Benjamin Franklin in his life to
achieve earthly and heavenly success. Malsbary adds onto this study of virtues by taking a close
look at one virtue in particular. "Virtue" has come through history, changing in some ways and
staying the same in other ways. Many people have seen virtues as the way to complete the life of
man. Homer saw virtue as that which fulfilled the social role the each man was born to take. Virtue
was to do what one ought to do in their stature of life. Aristotle then came and spoke of virtue as an
end. The internal fulfillment of the good of man has a nature end on earth. The Christian
understanding of virtue was that which led to the supernatural end as the goal for the good of man.
Aristotle and the Christian understanding both acknowledge the end of virtues is that of the good of
man. Thus were the older forms of virtue. Next, history comes upon the virtues of Benjamin
Franklin. The man, who practiced the art of mind and body, rhetoric and exercise, devised a different
set of virtues that was to be used for the sake of utility in earthly and heavenly success. He thought
that the virtues needed
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An Honorable Woman By Deborah Sampson
The Revolution released the potential for America to become very democratic; allowing space for
political and social struggles to spread ideas of freedom and challenge the old way of doing things.
Ideas of liberty invigorated attacks on both British and domestic American foundations and so did
the beliefs of equality in the Declaration of Independence, which caused many in society who were
seen as the substandard bunch such as women, slaves and free blacks to question the sanction of
their superiors. During the eighteenth century, the American Revolution heavily affected the status
of women in the states. The new revolutionary generation had many women that were contributing
to the large struggle for national independence. An honorable woman by the name of Deborah
Sampson, disguised herself as a man, enlisted in the Continental army, and fought in several battles.
Many other patriotic women made their own homemade goods for the army as to object against the
high prices being pressed by the merchants and some passed off secret information to the rebel army
about the British. In Philadelphia, Esther Reed and Sarah Franklin Bache formed Ladies
Associations to raise funds for American soldiers. These associations displayed how the Revolution
was pushing women into public action on political issues and discussions. However, gender still
continued to be a significant boundary of freedom within the states. Gaining independence did not
change the family law that was adopted
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Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin 's ' God Helps Those Who...
Autobiography Essay on Benjamin Franklin "God helps those who helps themselves" is a famous
quote by Benjamin Franklin. He exemplifies this in The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. In
this book, Franklin gives an account of his personal life to show others how he improved throughout
his life. He first started writing the autobiography for his son, but eventually turn it into a story for
others to imitate. He describes his life, virtues, and public service to others. The Autobiography
opens with a letter to Ben Franklin's son, William Franklin, who was the royal governor of New
Jersey at the time. Franklin writes the letter while on vacation in Twyford. Franklin says to William,
"Imagining it may be equally agreeable to you to know the circumstances of my life, many of which
you are yet unacquainted with... I sit down to write them to you (5). His purpose of writing his son
would be to tell him personal accounts of his life that could benefit him in ways of motivation,
wisdom, and simply to show him how far he has improved in his life. He wishes to tell him how he
rose from "poverty and obscurity" to a higher degree of reputation in the world. Furthermore, this
would not be his only purpose, which changes with the tone and style of his writing Franklin decides
to write a complete autobiography to exemplify his self–improvements. He shares with him how he
enjoyed his life, and if the opportunity to live the exact life arose he would change some errors.
Ones which were
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Thomas Paine And The American Revolutionary War
Thomas Paine Thomas Paine was a Founding Father and strode towards the thirteen colonies
independence. Thomas Paine had an interesting life and career from failing in his apprenticeship
with his father and at jobs while oversea to writing a variety of works like Common Sense, and the
Age of Reason. Thomas Paine was an incredible writer who wrote with passion even though he was
criticized greatly. Thomas Paine was an important person in the American Revolutionary War.
Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England on January 29, 1737 from a Quaker and Anglican
descent. Thomas Paine's father expected a lot from his son and had great plans for him. Thomas
Paine at the age of twelve failed out of Thetford Grammar School. Thomas Paine started
apprenticing his father who at the time was a stay maker but ended up failing in that as well.
Thomas Paine at the age of nineteen decided to work as a tax officer and never did too well at that
and was fired from the job twice his time in England. At the age of twenty–two Thomas Paine's wife
Mary Lambert died while she went into child labor and their child died as well. Thomas Paine
published The Case of the Officers of Excise in 1772. The main purpose of him writing this was to
help in the cause of raising the pay for tax officers. Around spring in 1774 after being fired from
being a tax officer again Thomas Paine just so luckily met Benjamin Franklin who was an
Ambassador for the thirteen colonies and Benjamin Franklin was able to help
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English As A Second Language ( Esl ) Summer Enrichment...
Currently I am teaching one of the district's English as a Second Language (ESL) Summer
Enrichment classes which lasts 12 days. The class is comprised of twenty–one intermediate students
who have been in the country two years or less. The class schedule consists of four one and one–half
hour sessions that focus on grammar, writing and reading where one component of the reading is
taught using social studies content. According to Diaz–Rico and Weed (2010), the goal of sheltered
instruction is to provide support for the language learner while they are in the learning grade–
appropriate content rather than allowing them to struggle in mainstream classes. The Enrichment
Program is designed as a scaffold that supports students by preparing them for the more in depth
content that they will encounter in the upcoming school year. It utilizes modified grade–appropriate
content along with language objectives that are designed to increase the students' content schema in
a comfortable learning environment.
The sheltered instruction approach has proven to be effective in this program because it addresses all
the needs outlined by Diaz–Rico and Weed (2010). First, students are learning grade appropriate
content. Through the use of modified texts where the language has been simplified for easier
understanding, students learn about both the American Revolution and the Civil War. Both of these
topics are required for student mastery of the social studies Texas
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Deism and Changes in Religious Tolerance in America Essay
Deism and Changes in Religious Tolerance in America
Religious conscience in America has evolved considerably since the first settlers emigrated here
from Europe. Primary settlements were established by Puritans and Pilgrims who believed "their
errand into the wilderness [America] was above all else a religious errand, and all institutions –
town meeting, school, church, family, law–must faithfully reflect that fact" (Gaustad 61). However,
as colonies grew, dissenters emerged to challenge Puritan authority; indeed, many of them left the
church to join untraditional religious sects such as "the Ranters, the Seekers, the Quakers, the
Antinomians, and the Familists" (Westbrook 26). Debates over softening the stance on tolerance in
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Rejecting the assumption that God controls all actions on earth, "most Deists believe that God
created the universe, [. . .] and then disassociated himself from his creation" (Robinson 3). This
definition leads to the supposition that deistic thought was partly conceived out of scientific
discovery: a Darwinian takeover theory. Perhaps the nuances of scientific knowledge manifested a
directive in the argument for religious freedom. Certainly, Deist's supported what Benjamin Franklin
termed, "spiritual Liberty," which asserted that "no man ought to resign his Liberty," in "mak[ing]
Choice of his Minister as his Judgement and Conscience direct him" (qtd. in Walters, Franklin 138).
Thomas Paine, Deism's most notable advocate, maintains this line of thinking saying, "I do not
believe in the creed professed by [. . .] any church that I know of," but, "I do not mean this
declaration to condemn those who believe otherwise; they have the same right to their belief as I
have to mine" (22). Religious tolerance would gain many formidable voices among America's
Founding Fathers, a development that poses a challenge to the harsh dogmatic attitude of early
Puritan leaders.
Intolerance for opposing views in religious matters was a renowned element in Puritanical practices
during the seventeenth century. Few persons had the courage to speak against church doctrine, as it
would certainly pronounce their expulsion. One such person, Roger Williams,
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Fannie Mae Case Study
The congress has determined that the executive compensation system is unreasonable during the
crisis in 2000s. Fannie Mae's compensation committee was equally in effective. The committee
allowed the company's CEO, Franklin Raines, to select the consultant employed to design the
mortgage firm's executive compensation plan and agreed to a tiered bonus plan that would permit
Raines and other senior managers to receive maximum bonuses without great difficulty. Raines
receives $52 million in performance–based bonuses and $90 million in total compensation during
1999 and 2004. The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight found that Fannie Mae had
cautiously overstated earnings to obtains bonus linked to financial performance. Securities and
Exchange Commission also found evidence which indicates that Fannie Mae is involve in improper
accounting and required it to restate its earnings between 2002 and 2004 by $6.3 billion. Moreover,
Freddie Mac was also involved in manipulative accounting to receive bonuses. Freddie Mac's CEO
Richard Syron received $19.8 million in compensation while the mortgage company's share decline
from a high $70 in 2005 to $25 in the end of the year 2007. Fannie Mae's compensation philosophy
is that it should attract, retain, and reward the skilled talent needed to successfully manage a leading
financial services company.
Compensation must be consistent with its charter, which require compensation plan to be realistic
and comparable to the
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The Skillful Teacher : Acknowledging, Communicating Value,...
Within the six traits of building relationship described in The Skillful Teacher: Acknowledging,
Communicating Value, Respect, Demonstrate Fairness, Exhibit Realness, Humor and Fun are all
traits that I have practice before with CoaH students. I think the three have used to build my
strongest student relationships are Communicating value , respect and exhibit realness. One very
strong student relationship that I had during my first two years here at CoaH was with one of my
tutorial student Laury Alexandre. When I first met Laury in September of 2013 we did not start off
on a great foot. She and the rest of her group had a lot of push back. They really tested me in the
beginning to year. Laury went afar as giving me the silent treatment for 3 weeks. I think the one
situation that really brought us to an understanding of each other was after progress reports for first
quarter when Laury got a B in one of her classes. She was very upset crying hard it was afterschool I
went to comfort her and took her aside listened to her issues and comforted her. The next day she
sent me an email thanking me for trying to make her feel better even though she was being very
unpleasant towards me in tutorial. She write that it must have been hard to care about some else's
feeling when they treats you so badly and that I must really be very good person. I write back to her
that was not difficult at all and that I had nothing to put aside to help her that I enjoyed her very
much as a student even
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46 Pages and Common Sense Analysis and Review Essay examples
| 46 Pages: Book Review | | Tim IveyMarch 13, 2012Daryl SequeiraHistory 111 – 5001 | | |
In 46 Pages author Scott Liell is able to poignantly illustrate the colonies metamorphosis from a
dependent arm of the English Empire to an independent country, the catalyst for which was Thomas
Paine's Common Sense. Liell is able to not only articulate the turning point of the American
consensus towards independence, but he also very intelligibly depicts the sentiments of all facets of
colonial dogma and the torrential effect that Common Sense had in loosening the cement that held
those beliefs. Using fantastic examples of the opinions of Tories, Whigs, and those ambivalent
towards independence, Liell efficiently and ... Show more content on ...
It was this variance in heritage that nurtured both Paine's familial recognition of the common man's
adversity in a monarch's dominion and his natural predisposition for the written word and self–
edification. Liell draws on this point citing Paine's short lived days at a grammar school near his
homeland.(pg.27) Such an opportunity was uncommon for the son of a corset maker and although it
would have been more anticipated that he would simply follow his father's vocation, his parents
stressed the significance of pursuing knowledge. Paine further established his kinship and
compassion of the common man when he ventured out as a privateer, despite his father's previous
attempts of curtailing such adventures. Not much is known of Paine's days as a privateer other than
it was short lived. It is assumed that he had grown distaste for the lifestyle, perhaps because he
simply found it disagreeable or found disdain for the lack of principles for which privateers' stand.
Nonetheless, the experience left Paine with a greater understanding of the soldier class. Not too long
after his days as a privateer, Paine finds himself under the employ of the government, a peculiar
position for the man who would inspire a revolution against the same government not but a few
years later. Furthermore, Paine was an excise man. Not the position a man of the people would be
expected to fill. However, Paine,
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Stamp Act of 1765
Taxation without Representation
Ryan Vote
March 8, 2010
U.S. History
It can easily be said that the Stamp Act of 1765 was the beginning of the revolution for the colonies
of North America. Before the Stamp Act, there were other failed attempts to tax the colonies by the
British parliament. Each attempt to gain money from the colonies was unlawful because there was a
lack of representation from Parliament. The Stamp Act of 1765 was very detailed and expensive for
the colonists. The Stamp Act was the final act of taxation by Parliament before the colonies started
to fight back and seek independence from Britain.
Britain was struggling with a growing debt from previous wars. For example, the French and Indian
War that lasted from 1756 ... Show more content on ...
Colonial lumber (a big export of the colonies because there was so much) was now only allowed to
export to Great Britain. 'Though from there it could be reshipped, the increased costs might well
destroy the trade" (Morgan, 29). Moreover, there were also new wine duties and an abolition of
drawbacks on foreign textiles. The colonists were shocked and upset at the high taxes being imposed
upon them.
It seemed that all the colonists' money–making exports were being taxed. "The old solution of
smuggling was no longer practical, for the risk of seizure was so great that the added cost of
smuggling would have the same effect as the payment of duties" (Morgan, 29). The British Navy
residing in America made sure that every tax was collected, even for the smallest load. The colonists
found that the navy was extremely strict and un–bending to even loads being sent over rivers. Every
ship was found by the Navy in need of a seize and detain method. The American merchants started
to fight back. 'They boycotted pilots who brought naval vessels into port, offered mates and
midshipmen higher wages than the Navy was allowed to pay, and raised howling mobs" (Morgan,
30). Afterwards, Parliament prohibited paper money as legal tender and the colonists feared that
they would have to go back to bartering.
A small outcry of unconstitutionalism started in Boston in mid 1764. James Otis published a
pamphlet of colonial rights "arguing that nature and
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Fannie Mae
Table of Contents
Business Method and Philosophy...........................................................................4
Corporate Growth and Diversity............................................................................6
Figure Chart 1................................................................................................10 Fannie Mae Fannie
Mae is a leading mortgage company and one of the most financially successful businesses within its
industry. Given the salient features of the organization that has culminated into its current standing,
this report offers a brief but concise overview of the corporation. The organization began as a part of
Roosevelt's New Deal, a program ... Show more content on ...
A community credit union is a financial cooperative operating to lend money to its members. The
constituents of a mutual organization put money into a collective, where it may then be disbursed to
members in need of loans, at agreeable rates and with good terms. By eliminating the need to turn a
profit, mutual organizations are able to give lower rates on loans than traditional banking
organizations. The sub–prime lenders are considered, in some instances, as a last resort since they
tend to give loans to people with a very low credit scores or an otherwise extremely high risk of
default. This type of lender offers loans at exorbitant interest rates as a way of covering losses from
the high default rate they experience with their borrowers. Fannie Mae does not hold onto all of the
purchased mortgages. It will take the individual loans and package them up with hundreds of others
and market them as mortgage–backed securities (MBS) that it then sells to investors (for example,
insurance companies, pension funds). Fannie Mae provides a guarantee to these investors that they
will receive timely principal and interest payments, no matter what happens with the underlying
mortgages. If there are large numbers of defaults, Fannie Mae will have to make the investors
whole, utilizing tax dollars. Investors can also buy shares
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Nantahala Lake
Nantahala Lake is located 3000 feet above sea level in the Nantahala National Forest. Its' features
include crystal clear water, waterfalls, hiking trails, fishing, lodging, and many more amenities. The
lake is regulated and maintained by Duke Power and it is a major source of hydroelectricity for the
surrounding counties. It was created in 1942 by Nantahala Power to provide electricity for war
efforts. The lake holds 42 miles of shoreline, which makes the waters close to the shore murky, but
as soon as you get out into the middle, it gets very clear! Nantahala Lake releases into the Nantahala
River, creating one of the nation's most known whitewater rivers. When the river is considered "on"
the rafters and kayakers come to play. The water usually gets released from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., unless
copious amounts of rain or special events are running. This brings many tourists to the area, and
what better place to stay than a cozy cabin lodge tucked back in the hollers surrounding the beautiful
Nantahala Lake? ... Show more content on ...
During the "busy" months, you will find all sorts of boaters, explorers, tourists, and fishermen in the
area. The fishing includes all sizes of large and small mouth bass, brown trout, rainbow trout,
catfish, salmon, and a variety of pan fish that inhabit the lake and the springs running into it, as well
as the infamous Nantahala River. There are two boat access ramps to the Nantahala Lake. The
marina on the lake will also rent pontoon boats, ski boats, and jet boats for a low daily or weekly
cost; anywhere from $150 for a half day to $1200 for a week, depending on the boat. Tubes, skis,
and wake boards are all available as
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The Outbreak Of Yellow Fever
The outbreak of yellow fever ceased when the first frost of November covered the city of
Philadelphia. Out of the eleven–thousand people that contracted the fever, around five–thousand
died. The epidemic took ten percent of the city's population. The epidemic of 1793 was the first to
strike in a twenty–nine year period. From 1793 to 1822, the fever ravished through the port cities of
the nation. Yellow fever was not caused by miasma in the atmosphere like the inhabitants of
Philadelphia thought. The actual cause of the fever would not be known until the nineteenth century.
The United States' invasion of Cuba would lead to the discovery of the cause. A man named Walter
Reed discovered that the virus was caused by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito in the year 1900. It
would not be until 1930 with the work of a man named Max Theiler that a vaccine would be
developed. This thesis is a deviation from the historiography of the epidemic. It does not examine
the epidemic as a battle of doctors. It instead examines how the epidemic played a larger role in
American independence. Before the epidemic, the nation was strengthening its individuality by
creating its own medical school. It was a step in the nation's journey of creating its own structures
that did not involve the British crown. However when the epidemic began to break out, it was
evident that the nation still held to European ideas. John Morgan's Medical Department of the
College would become the University of
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The Key That Unites Us All
Anna Bradstreet, Jonathan Edwards, and many writers had faith in religion, but others like Benjamin
Franklin had faith in science. I believe that in order to find inner peace, people must learn to accept
things for what they actually are. People do not need to have faith in religion to find their inner
peace. Before reading this letter, I have not given much thought into the thing that unites all humans
intellectually. This letter made me recognize that the key that unites us all is acceptance. Acceptance
can be accomplished through factors other than religion. I established this thought while reading
Bradstreet's letter to her children. It made me realize that religion is not what kept people going
through their tough times, but it was their faith that played an enormous role in people's peace of
mind. Furthermore, many writers in her time hoped to benefit future generations by sharing their
Bradstreet's aim was to communicate to her children the power and the "glory of God" (Bradstreet
235). Within her poem, she emphasized on how she would occasionally abandon her prayers and
forget God, only to have found that she forgot and lost herself as well and found herself troubled
(Bradstreet 236). She improved herself by being obedient to God and tried to avoid all sins. I was
able to link her beliefs and attempts at self–improvement with Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin
Franklin. Both Edwards and Bradstreet continuously tried to improve themselves morally and
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The Success Of The American Revolution
American Revolution not only created freedom but also created technological geniuses. The
American Revolution was a time period of warfare, for independence between Britain and the
thirteen colonies, but it was also the breakthrough for technological advancements that would
change American's life forever. After every war, the development of a country increases. As for the
American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin influenced and created a huge contribution in his politics,
scientifical research, and for his war effort. During the American Revolution Era there was a strong
conflict between Britain and the thirteen colonies that was resolved with Franklin's help. "Franklin
was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706" (Goldman) into a poor soap and candle
making family where Franklin had very little schooling. Being a hard worker, he worked as an
apprentice in his brother's print shop which led him to open his own paper publishing called
Pennsylvania Gazette at twenty–two. Throughout the time, Franklin's paper became really
successful that "by 1734 he became public printer for New Jersey and Delaware, which then later
became the official printer for Maryland" (Goldman). With his popularity at sky–high throughout
the colonies, he began a debate club called Junto which will be later renamed American
Philosophical Society where he can hold meetings and discuss problems. After Franklins had grown
popular he dedicated himself to public service in which he helped raise money
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Why Franklin Was A Thoroughbred Renaissance Man
During Benjamin Franklin's illustrious 84 years of life he achieved success that seems practically
unachievable today. Franklin found success in business, going from a teenager traveling colonial
America looking for work as a printer, to building his own printing empire. Aside from business,
Franklin also had a knack for inventing. He developed products such as the Franklin stove, bifocals,
lightning rod, and the glass harmonica. Include the fact that he was also heavily involved in politics,
is one of the founding fathers of our nation, and also one of the most intelligent men of all time, and
it is easy to see that Benjamin Franklin was a thoroughbred renaissance man. It is one thing to know
about the story of Benjamin Franklin, but it is completely different to understand the potential
benefits of following his way of life. This essay will focus on the benefits that Franklin's story could
have on the typical college student. College is a time of immense personal growth, and what better
way to grow than with the guidance from the author of the American dream – Benjamin Franklin.
After four short years, students are let out into the real world so it is important to be prepared. That
is why it would be wise for college students to follow the life of Benjamin Franklin as presented in
his autobiography. Franklin's work ethic, emphasis on personal growth, and frugality are relevant to
college students today, and provide an outline for helping students find success.
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Poor Richards Almanac Essay
First published by Benjamin Franklin in 1732, "Poor Richard's Almanack" was a guide to both
weather forecasts and wise sayings. Franklin used the pseudonym Richard Saunders in writing the
text, which became an annual publication up until 1757. Response to the almanac was tremendous,
and it sold as many as 10,000 issues a year. Second only to the bible, "Poor Richard's Almanack"
was one of the most popular and purchased publications in colonial America. The almanac stressed
the two qualities Franklin found to be essential to success, industry and frugality. Benjamin Franklin
wrote this in hope of having a positive effect on the colonies.
Franklin wrote "Poor Richard's Almanack" as ... Show more content on ...
Overall, these sayings changed many of the colonist's lives, and made them think about how they
were conducting their lives.
Besides its many proverbs, the almanac contained forecasts for weather in the colonies. These
forecasts were based on the different weather patterns that Franklin predicted, and because they
were only predicted, they were not always accurate (Giblin 26). The forecasts proved to be very
helpful to the farmers and plantation workers when determining the kind of seasons the crops would
have. Weather played a very important role in the lives of the early colonists, and the almanac
provided a means for people to arrange their lives according to these weather forecasts. Although
not the most important part of the almanac, the colonists were always discussing the accuracy or
imprecision of Franklin's predictions.
In conclusion, by writing and publishing "Poor Richard's Almanack," Benjamin Franklin made an
enormous contribution to the American public. It provided informatio0n on many topics that people
had not addresses publicly ever before. It also predicted the weather forecast, which was very
helpful for many of
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Thomas Paine Essay
Thomas Paine
For many years Thomas Paine was the epitome of American histories greatest drawback. In
American history there is always that one detail that doesn't make it into popular curriculum.
Whether it be the point of view from the loosing side of a war, to the secret dalliances of a popular
politician, to the truth of a times social opinion– the American student is taught only so much. The
most proper, popular material makes it in; along with any major facts too commonly known to
ignore. Anything else is liable to fall to the wayside without enough support from historians or
academia. There is always room for the improvement of materials taught; so said, it would seem
there is much more to know about Thomas Paine than is ... Show more content on ...
Paine is nothing if not the son of both perseverance and necessity. His financial woes are the stuff on
which young loan sharks are weaned. He grew up the soon of a poor corset maker, and knew only
poverty most of his life. His employment track is littered with miss–starts in many fields, including
stints as a teacher, a seaman, a tobacco shop owner and at various times a excise man. None of these
were to be successful positions for Paine, giving him the start of a grudge towards England and its
economy. After surviving one wife and separating from another, Paine was near his perceived end.
Yet on the recommendation of a new acquaintance from America he decided to head west to the
colonies, in hope of escaping the misery he'd endured in England. With nothing to his name but
letters of recommendation (from the American whom he'd met in London), he arrived in
Philadelphia, America in 1774. This American happened to be none other then Benjamin Franklin,
and the prominence of Paines' recommender gained him the position of editor of the newly founded
Pennsylvanian Magazine. Here, Paine established himself as a radical thinker, a person unafraid to
enter into the independence furor. Remembering the hardships he had faced in England, Paine
became he ideal American patriot. In 1776 Paine published the Common Sense pamphlet without
signing his name to it. Demanding independence from England and the establishment of a strong
American union, the
... Get more on ...
Information to Those Who Would Remove to America Essay
Information to those who would remove to America
By: Benjamin Franklin
At a time of hardship and human progression in North America especially in the 1700's one name
specifically shines out amongst all others. That name is Benjamin Franklin; a visionary inventor,
politician, and true American hero. In the late 1700's, precisely 1784, Benjamin Franklin wrote an
informative essay titled, Information to Those Who Would Remove to America. It was printed out as
a pamphlet for people in Europe to clarify the endless rumors about America being the land of
dreams and fantasy. He clearly states what's needed and wanted in America, and what's not
welcomed there. The essay also shows us how American culture is portrayed and what they hold ...
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3. 'Strangers of Birth must be greatly respected, and of course easily obtain the best of those Offices'
and 'Of civil Offices or Employments there are few; no superfluous Ones as in Europe;' The third
rumor was to put to rest, the fact that you were born into nobility, doesn't mean we'll hire you to
work in our government. Also, there were so many offices in America waiting to be filled – this was
false. In a way, Franklin was almost mocking the Europeans on how they have so many people
doing useless things, and not just have a few good men doing the country's job.
4. 'But give land gratis to Strangers, with Negroes to work for them, Utensils of Husbandry, &
Stocks of Cattle.' Finally, many people in Europe believed that if you were to move to America, the
government will give you land, free transportation from Europe to America, negroes that will work
for you, and farming needs such as tools and livestock. It was a firm belief in America that hard
work was valued, perhaps that was something passed on from the Puritans. People who migrated
there had to work hard, it wasn't a red carpet waiting for you there; but a clean slate where you can
start from scratch and build your own dreams and aspirations. From reading Ben Franklin's essay, it
tells us a lot about who he was, and how America was at the time. He felt that it was needed to
refute the rumors and give evidences about everything he wrote about. They also had different
terminologies and ideals from people
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Benjamin Franklin Gender Roles

  • 1. Essay on Benjamin Franklin Gender Roles Gender and the Age of Reason "In these two books, we have the story of a young man coming of age and finding success in the world and the story of a young woman coming of age and failing to do so. In either book, what gender roles prevailed?" In The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, we are reading the path that one man took to go from a middle class child to a well respected adult. Benjamin Franklin created what we know today as the American dream. Today we understand the American dream to be that one can go from rags to riches with a little hard work. The autobiography is based around the age of reason and a time man was thought to be able to be perfected by means of science and invention. The Autobiography of Benjamin ... Show more content on ... Benjamin Franklin is known as a political figure and scientist/inventor. Learning the importance of debate at such a young age clearly served him in great and many ways. Benjamin Franklin spent his teen years practicing his writing. In 1720, James started a newspaper known as the New England Courant. According to Franklin, this was the second newspaper in America. Franklin worked as a delivery boy and would publish his own writings anonymously. Franklin often disputed politics and books with another "bookish lad" by the name of John Collins. One of their arguments speaks directly about the female gender during the 1700's. "A question was once, somehow or other, started between Collins and me, of the propriety of educating the female sex in learning, and their abilities for study. He was of opinion that it was improper..." (Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Bantam Books, 1982, pg 14.) Collins shares the same views and mentalities that many men of the 1700's shared. At the time, it was understood that education and teaching was not to be wasted on women. Not only was it a waste but Collins specifically states that it is improper. "I took to the contrary side, perhaps a little for disputes sake." (Franklin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 14.) This statement, made by Benjamin Franklin, is of great importance. He goes against the general population, whether by choice or simply ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Analysis Of The Book ' The Revolution ' By Jack Rakove Revolutionaries, by Jack Rakove published in 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, which is located in New York city, New York, brings a collection of stories of the 'founding fathers' together to create the story of the American Revloution. The thesis of the book is arguably that the American Revolution may never have happened without the mishaps of the Boston Tea Party, which in turn created a collection of colonial leaders. Rakove's book, in the early chapters, focus on Samuel and John Adams, John Dickinson, and George Washington. The later sections talk about the trio of key party leaders in the early Republic: Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton. Throughout, we are introduced to less commonly know people: Henry Laurens, Jack Laurens, Arthur Lee and George Mason The account of the first part of Revolutionaries is one we all learn in elementary school: 'no taxation without representation' and the Boston Tea Party. We're too comfortable with this period, or at least with how we know it: the characters and the events have the well–worn quality that comes from being handled too much. Benjamin Franklin with his half– glasses sells us plumbing and tax advice. Proud Sam Adams hawks beer. Rakove uses rich descriptions of the Founders' daily lives to quicken the plaster–cast heroes. While the First Continental Congress (meeting in Philadelphia in the fall of 1774) was debating how to respond to harsh British sanctions against the city of Boston, delegate George ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. A Martian Sends A Postcard Home By Craig Raine Craig Raine's self–conscious poem, A Martian Sends A Postcard Home, is rich in pensive and bright metaphors expressed innocently through unconventional eyes. This informal, free verse of syllabic meter poem beautifully showcases Raine's ability to give us, the reader, an opportunity to unshackle our ridged perspectives on the world around us. The poem is tangled and booby trapped in unusual symbolism, creating riddles for the reader. The first step in unravelling the mysteries surrounding all the descriptions is understand the intended point of view. The title suggests the poem is about a Martian, but only after reading it and deciphering it can we see it is about Earth. An account of a Martian's experiences on our planet, intended for his ... Show more content on ... The morbid, but naively comical lines of "Only the young are allowed to suffer openly. Adults go to the punishment room with water but nothing to eat." go back to the theme of imprisonment for the adults, while the young are not alone meaning either they are being potty trained or having their diapers changed. The Martian observes that going to the bathroom is a ritual, which is expressed with "No one is exempt." The last two stanzas explore another ritual of everyday life, our night time rituals. The poem fittingly ends with describing how we end our day, with falling asleep and dreaming. Another repeated theme is of reading, "And read about themselves in colour, with their eyelids shut." This means once we go to sleep, we still see ourselves experiencing life ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The American Of The British Empire In the late half of the eighteenth century, the colonies of British North America were at a point in which they wanted more of their own identity and separation from Europe. Some of the colonists felt that way and others were quite content in continuing to live under Britain's iron fist of legislation that they were imposing on the colonies. After the Seven Years War and the Proclamation Line of 1763, many colonists were outraged and began to display their emotions. The colonist protested through numerous tactics such as demonstrations of hate crimes towards the Native Americans living in the colonies. There were also some colonists that made their opinion heard that the colonies should succeed from the British Empire and be a new nation, and with any debatable topic like leaving the British Empire, there were those colonial loyalists that denounced the patriot idea of succession. Often in power battles, the third parties are rarely heard as well, however to see through eyes of a African American being transported through the Atlantic Trading System and to hear his story puts the graphic nature of that journey into perspective. The decades leading up to and including the starting point of the American Revolution would help tip the colonies to where they would begin their path to becoming the United States of America, For nearly eighty years, Pennsylvania was a safe haven for colonists as well as Native Americans. ...The residents of "Penn's Woods" tried to avoid ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Biography Of Mary Silliman 's ' The Patriots And The Tories ' The late eighteenth century had begun to evolve to a time of important change for both the Patriots and the Tories. Each side had felt the fatigue but had known there would be light at the end of the tunnel and a great example of this is Mary Silliman. During her husband's time in active duty she had mourned for his presence but knew "The cause is so important it becomes me at least to be silent" (123). Although Mary was a well–respected woman throughout Connecticut, it was her job to lead her family and push through change that was so destine to happen. Mary had watched her husband from her point of view and "done her best" (175) to maintain many aspects of their former life before the revolution. However, she could not deny the fact that ... Show more content on ... Mr. Silliman had a job as the state's attorney of Connecticut that paid quite well. All of the hope of having a free flowing normal life went out the window when Mr. Silliman had departed for his military responsibilities. Mary had been left with the duties of maintaining the house on top of the next meals for the remaining family members and slaves. Both Mary and Mr. Silliman were aware of their situation during the war period and needed direction as to how to get out of the hole they were in. Mr. Silliman raised the question "What shall I do my love?–My late expensive absence has cost me a great deal of money. –Should I again fall to enemy's hands it would hurt me irreparably almost" (177). He begins to look for advice from his knowledgeable wife about their problem of debt. He then displays what had been the cause to why he had inherited the large sum of debt in the first place. On top of that he gives a demonstration that if he were to captured again by the Tories and remain captive for a similar amount of time the debt would reach a point of no return. With this being said it brings a change of lifestyle for Mary as it had been her duty as a wife to support her husband. You can see that Mr. Silliman respects Mary's input in order to help them get through this event that they were so unfamiliar with before the revolution. Mr. Silliman was back in Fairfield for good and he develops a firsthand look into the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. American History Website Evaluation Essay The American Revolution Website Evaluation The United States revolution is one of the most iconic events in not just American, but world history. So when performing research on a platform as vast as the internet, proper precautions must be taken. A well designed and thorough web evaluation should be done to ensure the credibility and integrity of the website's content. Certain Criteria involve who authored the website, when the website was created, when it was last updated, who the website was intended for, what types of resources the website offers, and the sites overall value to the reader. The website is a very informative website that tells about the people and events of the American Revolution. The website ... Show more content on ... Another informative and authoritative website about the American Revolution is The website is authored and updated by Joseph Logan, who is a self–proclaimed historian and revolutionary enthusiast. He frequently works with schools and universities to inform and educated students on the revolutionary period. The site was originally just a way for Logan to document and share his readings about the revolutionary leader John Adams. However, after only one year, the site started to explode exponentially. Logan read over 200 books about the revolution and documented everything he could from revolutionary leaders to iconic events. This extensive research is reflected in the wide amount and detailed writings about the revolution. The last update took place in February of 2010 however since this type of website is very static in nature, that update was a fairly recent one. Originally created for middle and high school students, this website now informs readers of all ages and education levels. The resources and content that this website offers is beyond valuable. Every single revolutionary leader from Adams to Wilson has a biography and picture associated with them. The site also has summaries and related documents to all of the major battles in the war. Including how ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Benjamin Franklin´s Involvement in the English Empire Essay With Benjamin Franklin's ambition to see one day the glorious English Empire shifted to North America, specifically in Pennsylvania and to get rid of the proprietors, he envisages a single community that will embody Englishmen only. For that reason, Franklin is against massive immigration of Germans and the presence of African slaves which will fade the identity of a perfect English Empire. He becomes more optimistic of his vision when the Crown appoints him in 1753 as a postmaster at Williamsburg. Despite all the failures that he encounters from not passing solutions such as colonial union and the Albany Plan, Franklin still maintains his degree of confidence and loyalty to the mother country. Closer to his dream, he has been selected in ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the Stamp Act has a different and a direct effect on the colonies. The objective of the act is to tax legal documents, almanacs, newspapers, playing cards, and nearly every form of paper used in the colonies. This seems to be a threat to the American constitutional rights. Therefore, colonial agents in London and lieutenants Governor oppose to the Stamp Act, including Franklin saying that "It will affect the printers more that anybody". Franklin, despite his British's loyalties and love, comes up with an alternative plan for raising revenue instead of taxing legal paper. He proposes a plan that parliament authorize the issuing of paper currency at interest. Franklin knows exactly how his proposed plan will work and assures his fellows by saying that "it would not be an unpleasing one". This action taken by Franklin to find another option to raise money demonstrates how he has his country of birth's interest at heart. Unfortunately, his proposal is rejected by Greenville, a chief minister under who's the Stamp act is planned. But that does not stop him from appealing the plan. However, many colonies such as Pennsylvanian blame Franklin for creating the Stamp Act. Even his home back in America, his wife and relatives are threatened because of the Act. They blame him for framing the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. What Makes A Great Leader? Many people are responsible for providing Americans with the freedoms we have today. Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton were great world leaders due to their contributions to society, government, and public relations. In general, these men have contributed to our country in many ways; for example, they drafted the United States Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay published the Federalist Papers. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence; John Adams, John Marshall, and Patrick Henry passed legislation that created a national government. What makes a person a leader, or rather, what makes them a great leader? John Adams, was an exceptional man who helped secure ... Show more content on ... Our government today is still modeled after John Adams's idea of separation of power. Adams's idea to have three branches of government was ingenious; the three branches created checks and balances. With this idea, no branch would have more power than the other. John Adams, who embodied political greatness, served on a committee to create the Declaration of Independence ("John Adam"). To be a leader, one must know how to problem solve whether those problems are taxation without representation or negotiating treaties to end wars. Johns Adams would be an excellent candidate to sit on the commission because he embodies what is fair and just. Alexander Hamilton was a gifted and intelligent man. Alexander left college to begin a career in politics. He proved his self–worth in war and in government. After taking victory at York Town, he realized that our congressional issues came from the Articles of the Confederation ("Articles of Confederation"). Hamilton believed that the articles divided the nation instead of unifying it, which was why we needed a stronger government. The Articles of Confederation left the government weak, unable to tax, and with no way to enforce the act congress passed ("Alexander Hamilton"). Realizing this, Hamilton fought to secure a strong central government, along with John Jay and James Madison who together wrote eighty–five essays called the Federalist Papers (The ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Franklin High School Sports Narrative It was finally game day for us freshman. Winter break just finished about two weeks ago and we finally have a home game. This time it's against Franklin High School. I felt like this game was going to be a good one. I knew I was going to go off. Going through the school day I had to stay focused and put myself in the right mindset for the upcoming. I couldn't have any distractions. Looking back, I was probably a little too serious. It was necessary, though, if I wanted to have a good game. Once school finally ends, I get my basketball stuff and go straight to the locker room to change. I put my uniform and sneakers on. I was Kobe getting ready for the first game of the 2010 NBA Finals against the Celtics. I was ready to ball out. After the Raiders and I finish setting up all of the chairs and the table, where the stat keepers and score keepers sit, I get ready to shoot around before the game. I look around and all I see is an empty court. Just looking at the court fueled the excitement that I felt for this upcoming game. It was the type of excitement that could only be satisfied once the game started. As the game drew closer, I could smell Franklin coming ... Show more content on ... We were killing the Scrubs and there was no need for me to even play anymore. Coach Shamy put some new players in the game. It wasn't long before the game ended and we were shaking hands with the other team. Franklin's coach patted me on my back. He knew I completely dominated his team. When you looked at the scoreboard, it looked like a massacre took place at the high school that day. We completely murdered the other team. It was fun though. All of the hard work in practice paid off. And I had a great game as an added bonus. I realized that game, that I just need to have fun when I'm playing. That's one thing I learned that day; I play my best when I'm having fun. And, being the chef that I am, I definitely had fun filleting Franklin's whole team that ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Biology : Structure Of Dna Biology: Structure of DNA The article "The Structure of DNA: Cooperation and Competition" by the Understanding Science team (the author is Stephanie Stuart, with the editor Anna Thanukos, and the web producers David Smith and Josh Frankel) begins with the history of the discovery of DNA. "During the early 1950s, the intellectual journeys of a bird biologist, an expert on the structure of coal, a designer of underwater mines, and a nuclear physicist intersected, resulting–not in a submarine explosion of feathers, as one might expect–but in a discovery that offered a glimpse of the molecular mechanisms that underlie all life, paving the way for a revolution in molecular biology." (Stuart). However, what lead to this discovery of DNA? Well, it all begins in the 19th century. "In the 19th century, the Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, discovered basic patterns of inheritance. Traits pass from parent to offspring in an organized and predictable way. Although the scientists that followed in Mendel's footsteps had no concrete understanding of what caused these distinct patterns, they knew that the explanation of inheritance would have to account for them," and "By the 1940s and 50s, scientists were getting closer to a physical explanation of how parents pass on traits to their offspring." (Stuart). This discovery alone by the "Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel" is what lead the further discovery of what DNA could be (Stuart). Thus other scientists joined into ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Rhetorical Devices In The Anatomy Of Violence Throughout this day in age, all over several media outlets, different acts of crime are shown on display for anyone, of all ages, to review. One thing that lacks from the plentiful amounts of these reports on various atrocities, ranging from theft to cold–blood murder, is a motive. However, what if a motive does not play a role in a crime? Yes, there a bounteous reasons as to why some commit crimes, but something may possibly lay deeper within the mind that one cannot see without a series of invasive research of psychological and neurological testing. Within his findings, documented in The Anatomy of Violence, Adrian Raine takes a look into the anatomical and biological roots as to why people execute felonies; wanting readers to gain and ... Show more content on ... To show the various scenarios, Raine uses rhetorical devices such as: cause/effect, exemplification, and analysis. Without using cause and effect, Raine cannot effectively showcase how certain people turn into criminals. Within A Recipe for Violence, Raine takes discrete variables and establishes how seemingly harmless events have unexpected results. The winter of 1994–1995, known as the Dutch Hunger Winter, result in many eating less than 1,000 kilocalories a day(206). Though the Dutch were able to bounce back after the famine, the then pregnant women would give birth to a generation of antisocial soldiers. Once the boys turn eighteen, they undergo a military psychiatric baseline test. "A lack of iron, zinc, protein, riboflavin, and omega–3 in our diets may dump some some of us into the violence trash bin,"(207). Raine's research, goes on to provide various effects from an effect, in this case famine. As a result, those who are deficient in their key vitamins and nutrients(before and after birth) tend to acquire preeminent chances of aggressiveness, delinquency, and hyperactivity(209). With every chapter, Raine includes a variety of instances to explain what the psychological effects on the human brian. For one example Raine, takes a look into the 'killer gene', Raine tells of an adopted boy, who at the age of two, starts to behave rather badly. By the age of ten, Jeffrey Landrigan, the boy, already develops a drinking problem. "He skipped school, abused drugs, stole cars, and spent time in detention centers... when asked to be the godfather of his friends soon– to–be child. Jeffrey's response? Stabbed his friend to death,"(37). Later on, while on death row, he met his father who, at the time, is also on death row. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens,... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens, 1789 Works Cited Missing The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens was formed by the National Assembly on 27th August 1789. It was intended by the National Assembly to be the preliminary statement of principles which the constitution should be modelled. Thus allowing the nation of France to be liberated and achieve a secure structure to their society. Marquis de Lafayette, the commander of the National Guard and Thomas Paine, an English political thinker, were major contributors in the drawing up of the declaration. Lafayette made several ... Show more content on ... This was an assertion against the Ancien Regime, where birth rights distinguished citizens; peasants had no opportunity to improve their social strata due to the high poverty and oppression. Possibly the most liberating clause out of the declaration, was the concept of popular sovereignty. It was considered that absolute power should no longer reside in the hands of the Monarch. Instead, sovereignty would rest with the nation, giving the citizens the opportunity to exercise their power. There are some clauses that centre wholly on the enlightenment movement. To liberate a nation required certain minimal restrictions. In 1762 Rousseau had published the Social Contract. Within it Rousseau outlined that, "human beings agree to an implicit Social Contract which gave them certain rights, in return for giving up certain freedoms" (J.Hunt (1998) Pg7). This inferred that people have the right to life, in return for giving up the freedom to kill others. Release also arrived for religion. People were free to follow their chosen beliefs, signalling the end of exclusive Catholicism. Deism was being introduced. In particular, Voltaire believed that although the "universe was created by God; it was then left to operate accordingly to scientific law" (Merriman (1996) Pg407). This then paved the way for a variety of other ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The American Revolution And The War For Independence The year 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution or, to the colonists, "The War for Independence." The American Revolution did not happen by itself but past conflicts such as the seven years war provoked the future event of the American Revolution. The seven year war was fought between the Thirteen Colonies and the French Empire as well as Native American allies, over territory in America. Before the seven year war, the British government proposed the colonists to pay for protection and also for a royal leader. After the seven year war King George changed the proposal to being required for every colonist to pay taxes because of the debt that British was in. The British Crown passed many laws without representation from colonists, which led colonists to question the king's authority. As a result, historians argue that the American Revolution was based on economics. More significant causes of the American Revolution were politics, culture, and religion. Politics were a significant cause because the colonist disliked the rules and regulations of the Charter that the King established. Culture also caused the Revolution due to the rational thinking of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment gave the colonist the thought of self governing instead of being under the royal leader. Finally, Religion also impacted the American Revolution because Religion contributed the idea that the church should voice their opinion on government decisions over the colonies. Americans ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Effect Of Oppression On Women incidence of oppression, then I would be naive to the fact that in our society we favor men over women. My perspective on women in the work force has changed completely. From this I have gained a new found respect for women who hold high power, and positions of authority because I know that they must have struggled to get where they are. I also respect them more because I know that men do not always work well when a women is their supioure, and therefore they can make the women's job even more difficult. I work hard as a student, so that when I graduate college I can confidently go into the work force with the understanding that as long as I am a valuable worker, I will fight for my right to, at least be offered, the same opportunities as my male coworkers; furthermore I will also fight to make sure that I am always getting the equal treatment as everyone else in the work place. I refuse to be given unfair treatment because I am a women, our society is changing and therefore this masculine stigma that has been created around higher positions needs to be broken if we want to be able to move forward in society. In the future I would hope that as a society we are able to stop favoring men in the work place just because of their gender, and I would also hope that as a society we could stop teaching children that this form of oppression is okay. I believe that for multiple reasons we need to stop placing such a large emphasis on gender in society, and instead just focus on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Essay about Fannie Mae Case Fannie Mae case. Federal regulators noted a growing string of high profile scandals at major U.S. corporations in recent years. The number of fraud cases investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission jumped 41 percent in the last three years (112 cases in 2001 compare to 79 cases investigated in 1998), resulting in tens of millions of dollars in fines to settle the charges. I have decided to take a closer look at Fannie May. This company operates in the residential mortgage finance industry. It facilitates the flow of mortgage capital to increase the availability of homeownership for low, moderate, and middle–income Americans. Its lender customers are part of the primary mortgage market, where mortgages are originated and ... Show more content on ... The effects on Fannie Mae, a highly politically connected company, could be enormous. The company holds over $1 trillion in assets, and purchases more mortgage loans than any other lender in the U.S. When the accounting errors first emerged Fannie Mae estimated that there would be an adjustment of about $9 billion in its reported earnings over the contested period. That number has since increased to over $11 billion but may increase again as further irregularities discovered with insurance related issues. No estimate of these additional potential revisions is currently available. On December 21, 2004, Franklin D. Raines stepped down as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and J. Timothy Howard resigned as Chief Financial Officer. Raines' departure, at age 55, was structured as an early retirement. Under his employment agreement and the terms of the Executive Pension Plan, Raines is entitled to receive 60 percent of his "High–Three Total Compensation", which is his highest total compensation for three consecutive years during the last 10 years. Upon early retirement, this number is slightly reduced leaving him with estimated annual benefits of $1,085,462. Furthermore, the company's Stock Compensation Plan of 1993 allows all options to become immediately exercisable and fully vested upon early retirement. The 2003 ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Annotations: Childrens Literature Bibliographic Annotations List 1: Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1983. This book is about a boy named Max who goes on an adventure to where the wild things live. Max gets sent to his room for being wild in the house and causing trouble. Then Max's room slowly turns into a forest and Max goes on his adventure. Max gets there and scares all the wild things with a magic trick. They name Max the wildest thing of all and he becomes king of the wild things. Eventually Max gets lonely and comes home. This book has a few valuable messages. Imagination is really encouraged in this story because it's such a creative story. Also, the book expresses the importance of family. Even when Max is having fun being ... Show more content on ... This shows children that it's better to be honest and just have fun when you're playing games; cheating does not pay and ruins the game for everyone. I really liked this book when I was younger because Boland and his friends finally stopped the bully. I thought it was a really good story, and I read it as often as a few times a day. Wood, Don and Audrey Wood. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear. New York: Scholastic, 1984. This book is about a little mouse that finds a big red strawberry and picks it. The narrator in the story interacts with the mouse; he tells him that the big hungry bear will come eat his strawberry. They figure out that the only way to keep the strawberry safe is to eat it; and they do. This book does not pack any real hidden messages. It's mostly just a good story book to entertain kids. The writing is very simple and makes it a great book for kids to read by themselves. The illustrations are great; everything is very detailed and it takes the reader into the mouse's world. I liked this book when I was young because it's just a fun story to read and the pictures were great. The book doesn't take very long to read but its a great book for young readers. Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. New York: Scholastic, 1972. This book is about a young boy named Alexander who is having a horrible day where nothing seems to be
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  • 34. The Benjamin Franklin Story Essay The Benjamin Franklin Story In my opinion Ben Franklin was the most influential of the founding fathers. He did a lot more than just help found our nation though. He was also a scientist, diplomat, businessman, and philosopher. I can't think of any person who is more quoted than he is, and he lived 200 years ago! Benjamin Franklin, born January 17, 1706, was the 10th son of 17 children. He was born and grew up in Boston. Even though he was considered by most to be extremely intelligent, he only attended grammar school for 2 years. When he was just 10 years–old, Ben began to work for his father as a candle maker (Sahlman). In 1717, he began to regain some of the knowledge that he was deprived when he was pulled out of ... Show more content on ... 2. During business attend to nothing but business, but be prompt in responding to all communications, and never suffer a letter to remain without an answer. 3. Never fail to met a business engagement, however irksome it may be at that moment. 4. Never run down a neighbor's property or goods and praise up your own. It is a mark of low breeding and will gain you nothing. 5. Never misrepresent, falsify, or deceive; have one rule of moral life, never swerve from it, whatever may be the acts or opinions of others. 6. Be affable, polite and obliging to everybody. Avoid discussions, anger, and pettishness, interfere with no disputes the creation of others. 7. Endeavor to be perfect in the calling in which you are engaged. 8. Make no investments without a full acquaintance with their nature and condition; and select such investments as have intrinsic value. 9. Never form the habit of talking about your neighbors, or repeating things that you hear others say. You will avoid much unpleasantness, and sometimes serious difficulties. 10. Be economical; a gain usually requires expense; what is saved is clear (Herrmann). Keith offered to arrange letters of credit and introduction for Franklin's trip to London to purchase equipment. Even though Franklin was a great business man, he wasn't expecting Keith to be unreliable. Due to the fact that he got to London without anything of real value, Franklin was stranded in Europe. He quickly found ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Ben Franklin Essay Ben Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential people in American history. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in a small town in Boston. Benjamin was one of ten children. His father, Josiah was a candle and soap maker, and his mother Abiah Folger was a homemaker. When Benjamin was only twelve years old he signed his identures so that he could apprentice under his brother, working at a printing press. Here he worked for his brother James for over nine years. Benjamin had enormous talent, and after his apprenticeship was up, he got a job printing for the Boston Gazette. However this did not last very long, after only ten months Franklin's contract was given to someone else. This prompted Ben to start his own ... Show more content on ... Upon his request a tax was established to provide better watchmen. He also helped organize volunteer firefighters. Ben also proposed a lottery to help bring money into the city, and he chartered a university that is name after him today, called the University of Pennsylvania. Franklin's print shop had made him a wealthy man, and in 1748 the success of the print shop had allowed Franklin to retire early. Franklin could now use his time to focus on his two other favorite things: science and politics. Soon after his retirement Franklin became extremely interested in experimenting with electricity. Franklin was one of the first people to suggest that lightning was merely naturally occurring electricity, and that it could be drawn from the clouds. In 1752, Ben Franklin performed his kite experiment. Here Franklin had his proof of lightning's electrical nature. Franklin wrote specifics on how the experiment was to be done, it said. This kite is to be raised when a thunder–gust appears to be coming on, and the person who holds the string must stand within a door or window, or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon may not be wet; and care must be taken that the twine does not touch the frame of the door or window. As soon as any of the thunder–clouds come over the kite, the pointed wire will draw electric fire from them, and the kite, with all the twine, will be electrified, and the loose filaments of the twine will ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Critical Analysis Of The Franklin Series By Paulette... Critical analysis of the Franklin series by Paulette Bourgeois A children's story is the first step a child is introduced to in terms of reading and literature. These books give children enjoyment, develops their feeling and imagination. And it might also help children resolve problems by creatively portraying the issue in the book and also by teaching how to deal with it in an entertaining way. For example in Franklin Fibs, Paulette Bourgeois innovatively explains how lying can be bad and how it can impact a child. This probably teaches the child moral values and also entertains them. Getting a child to sit through an entire book is a hard task. Since children are known to be fidgety and playful. To get the child's attention Paulette Bourgeois uses rhyme scheme and words which are simple. Eg. In Finders keepers for Franklin "Franklin can count by twos and tie his shoes". These makes children like them and enjoy them. Brenda Clark the illustrator of the Franklin series uses colors which "pop" and are vivid to get a child's attention. The colors which are used in the Franklin series are bright red, green, and yellow and so on. From this one can conclude that Clark uses colors which are bright and signify happiness avoiding colors like black which are gloomy. ... Show more content on ... This can be seen clearly in Franklin Fibs and Finders Keepers for Franklin, since those books follow this graph. In Franklin Fibs, there is this small intro about the things Franklin can do. And then there is a problem since Franklin fibs when his friends are talking about hard tasks which they could do. In the climax Franklin explains why he lied and does something which he really can do. And the moral is to never lie or ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The American Revolution As we all know there were many events that led to the American Revolution and many things changed over time. In this paper I will be looking at a couple of important documents and analyzing them in my own opinion. I will be looking at The American Promise that was talked about in chapter 6, the Virtual Representation of 1775, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense document and lastly the Declaration of Independence. I will be giving my honest interpretation and telling how I think these documents affected us during the 1700's. During the years of 1763 through 1775 there were a bunch of events that led to the conflict between colonial America and Great Britain. Great Britain at the time was becoming one of the strongest nations and was creating more land around the globe. When they were trying to expand their territory they needed a way to get funds to support this action. Without money or a steady income they wouldn't be able to expand and become as strong as they planned. The Proclamation of 1763 was in favor of the British government. What this act did was keep the American colonists from going over the Appalachian Mountains and starting problems or arguments with the French and Native Americans who lived there. Basically what this established was boundaries between the thirteen colonies and the Mountains. This of course started small arguments with the colonists because they obviously wanted to expand and grow but they thought the British were keeping all the land to ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Life Of A Beautiful Mantelpiece Sat An Unusual Bust Of... Upon a beautiful mantelpiece sat an unusual bust of one Jane Austen. This bust was flanked by that of Aristotle and Homer, leaving little space for anything else on the mantelpiece. Virtues for the earthly realm and for the gain of the heavenly realm are ones that are in a continual dispute. MacIntyre try to shed light on some the virtues that are taken up by Benjamin Franklin in his life to achieve earthly and heavenly success. Malsbary adds onto this study of virtues by taking a close look at one virtue in particular. "Virtue" has come through history, changing in some ways and staying the same in other ways. Many people have seen virtues as the way to complete the life of man. Homer saw virtue as that which fulfilled the social role the each man was born to take. Virtue was to do what one ought to do in their stature of life. Aristotle then came and spoke of virtue as an end. The internal fulfillment of the good of man has a nature end on earth. The Christian understanding of virtue was that which led to the supernatural end as the goal for the good of man. Aristotle and the Christian understanding both acknowledge the end of virtues is that of the good of man. Thus were the older forms of virtue. Next, history comes upon the virtues of Benjamin Franklin. The man, who practiced the art of mind and body, rhetoric and exercise, devised a different set of virtues that was to be used for the sake of utility in earthly and heavenly success. He thought that the virtues needed ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. An Honorable Woman By Deborah Sampson The Revolution released the potential for America to become very democratic; allowing space for political and social struggles to spread ideas of freedom and challenge the old way of doing things. Ideas of liberty invigorated attacks on both British and domestic American foundations and so did the beliefs of equality in the Declaration of Independence, which caused many in society who were seen as the substandard bunch such as women, slaves and free blacks to question the sanction of their superiors. During the eighteenth century, the American Revolution heavily affected the status of women in the states. The new revolutionary generation had many women that were contributing to the large struggle for national independence. An honorable woman by the name of Deborah Sampson, disguised herself as a man, enlisted in the Continental army, and fought in several battles. Many other patriotic women made their own homemade goods for the army as to object against the high prices being pressed by the merchants and some passed off secret information to the rebel army about the British. In Philadelphia, Esther Reed and Sarah Franklin Bache formed Ladies Associations to raise funds for American soldiers. These associations displayed how the Revolution was pushing women into public action on political issues and discussions. However, gender still continued to be a significant boundary of freedom within the states. Gaining independence did not change the family law that was adopted ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin 's ' God Helps Those Who... Autobiography Essay on Benjamin Franklin "God helps those who helps themselves" is a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin. He exemplifies this in The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. In this book, Franklin gives an account of his personal life to show others how he improved throughout his life. He first started writing the autobiography for his son, but eventually turn it into a story for others to imitate. He describes his life, virtues, and public service to others. The Autobiography opens with a letter to Ben Franklin's son, William Franklin, who was the royal governor of New Jersey at the time. Franklin writes the letter while on vacation in Twyford. Franklin says to William, "Imagining it may be equally agreeable to you to know the circumstances of my life, many of which you are yet unacquainted with... I sit down to write them to you (5). His purpose of writing his son would be to tell him personal accounts of his life that could benefit him in ways of motivation, wisdom, and simply to show him how far he has improved in his life. He wishes to tell him how he rose from "poverty and obscurity" to a higher degree of reputation in the world. Furthermore, this would not be his only purpose, which changes with the tone and style of his writing Franklin decides to write a complete autobiography to exemplify his self–improvements. He shares with him how he enjoyed his life, and if the opportunity to live the exact life arose he would change some errors. Ones which were ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Thomas Paine And The American Revolutionary War Thomas Paine Thomas Paine was a Founding Father and strode towards the thirteen colonies independence. Thomas Paine had an interesting life and career from failing in his apprenticeship with his father and at jobs while oversea to writing a variety of works like Common Sense, and the Age of Reason. Thomas Paine was an incredible writer who wrote with passion even though he was criticized greatly. Thomas Paine was an important person in the American Revolutionary War. Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England on January 29, 1737 from a Quaker and Anglican descent. Thomas Paine's father expected a lot from his son and had great plans for him. Thomas Paine at the age of twelve failed out of Thetford Grammar School. Thomas Paine started apprenticing his father who at the time was a stay maker but ended up failing in that as well. Thomas Paine at the age of nineteen decided to work as a tax officer and never did too well at that and was fired from the job twice his time in England. At the age of twenty–two Thomas Paine's wife Mary Lambert died while she went into child labor and their child died as well. Thomas Paine published The Case of the Officers of Excise in 1772. The main purpose of him writing this was to help in the cause of raising the pay for tax officers. Around spring in 1774 after being fired from being a tax officer again Thomas Paine just so luckily met Benjamin Franklin who was an Ambassador for the thirteen colonies and Benjamin Franklin was able to help ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. English As A Second Language ( Esl ) Summer Enrichment... Describe Currently I am teaching one of the district's English as a Second Language (ESL) Summer Enrichment classes which lasts 12 days. The class is comprised of twenty–one intermediate students who have been in the country two years or less. The class schedule consists of four one and one–half hour sessions that focus on grammar, writing and reading where one component of the reading is taught using social studies content. According to Diaz–Rico and Weed (2010), the goal of sheltered instruction is to provide support for the language learner while they are in the learning grade– appropriate content rather than allowing them to struggle in mainstream classes. The Enrichment Program is designed as a scaffold that supports students by preparing them for the more in depth content that they will encounter in the upcoming school year. It utilizes modified grade–appropriate content along with language objectives that are designed to increase the students' content schema in a comfortable learning environment. Explain The sheltered instruction approach has proven to be effective in this program because it addresses all the needs outlined by Diaz–Rico and Weed (2010). First, students are learning grade appropriate content. Through the use of modified texts where the language has been simplified for easier understanding, students learn about both the American Revolution and the Civil War. Both of these topics are required for student mastery of the social studies Texas ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Deism and Changes in Religious Tolerance in America Essay Deism and Changes in Religious Tolerance in America Religious conscience in America has evolved considerably since the first settlers emigrated here from Europe. Primary settlements were established by Puritans and Pilgrims who believed "their errand into the wilderness [America] was above all else a religious errand, and all institutions – town meeting, school, church, family, law–must faithfully reflect that fact" (Gaustad 61). However, as colonies grew, dissenters emerged to challenge Puritan authority; indeed, many of them left the church to join untraditional religious sects such as "the Ranters, the Seekers, the Quakers, the Antinomians, and the Familists" (Westbrook 26). Debates over softening the stance on tolerance in ... Show more content on ... Rejecting the assumption that God controls all actions on earth, "most Deists believe that God created the universe, [. . .] and then disassociated himself from his creation" (Robinson 3). This definition leads to the supposition that deistic thought was partly conceived out of scientific discovery: a Darwinian takeover theory. Perhaps the nuances of scientific knowledge manifested a directive in the argument for religious freedom. Certainly, Deist's supported what Benjamin Franklin termed, "spiritual Liberty," which asserted that "no man ought to resign his Liberty," in "mak[ing] Choice of his Minister as his Judgement and Conscience direct him" (qtd. in Walters, Franklin 138). Thomas Paine, Deism's most notable advocate, maintains this line of thinking saying, "I do not believe in the creed professed by [. . .] any church that I know of," but, "I do not mean this declaration to condemn those who believe otherwise; they have the same right to their belief as I have to mine" (22). Religious tolerance would gain many formidable voices among America's Founding Fathers, a development that poses a challenge to the harsh dogmatic attitude of early Puritan leaders. Intolerance for opposing views in religious matters was a renowned element in Puritanical practices during the seventeenth century. Few persons had the courage to speak against church doctrine, as it would certainly pronounce their expulsion. One such person, Roger Williams, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Fannie Mae Case Study The congress has determined that the executive compensation system is unreasonable during the crisis in 2000s. Fannie Mae's compensation committee was equally in effective. The committee allowed the company's CEO, Franklin Raines, to select the consultant employed to design the mortgage firm's executive compensation plan and agreed to a tiered bonus plan that would permit Raines and other senior managers to receive maximum bonuses without great difficulty. Raines receives $52 million in performance–based bonuses and $90 million in total compensation during 1999 and 2004. The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight found that Fannie Mae had cautiously overstated earnings to obtains bonus linked to financial performance. Securities and Exchange Commission also found evidence which indicates that Fannie Mae is involve in improper accounting and required it to restate its earnings between 2002 and 2004 by $6.3 billion. Moreover, Freddie Mac was also involved in manipulative accounting to receive bonuses. Freddie Mac's CEO Richard Syron received $19.8 million in compensation while the mortgage company's share decline from a high $70 in 2005 to $25 in the end of the year 2007. Fannie Mae's compensation philosophy is that it should attract, retain, and reward the skilled talent needed to successfully manage a leading financial services company. Compensation must be consistent with its charter, which require compensation plan to be realistic and comparable to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Skillful Teacher : Acknowledging, Communicating Value,... Within the six traits of building relationship described in The Skillful Teacher: Acknowledging, Communicating Value, Respect, Demonstrate Fairness, Exhibit Realness, Humor and Fun are all traits that I have practice before with CoaH students. I think the three have used to build my strongest student relationships are Communicating value , respect and exhibit realness. One very strong student relationship that I had during my first two years here at CoaH was with one of my tutorial student Laury Alexandre. When I first met Laury in September of 2013 we did not start off on a great foot. She and the rest of her group had a lot of push back. They really tested me in the beginning to year. Laury went afar as giving me the silent treatment for 3 weeks. I think the one situation that really brought us to an understanding of each other was after progress reports for first quarter when Laury got a B in one of her classes. She was very upset crying hard it was afterschool I went to comfort her and took her aside listened to her issues and comforted her. The next day she sent me an email thanking me for trying to make her feel better even though she was being very unpleasant towards me in tutorial. She write that it must have been hard to care about some else's feeling when they treats you so badly and that I must really be very good person. I write back to her that was not difficult at all and that I had nothing to put aside to help her that I enjoyed her very much as a student even ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. 46 Pages and Common Sense Analysis and Review Essay examples | 46 Pages: Book Review | | Tim IveyMarch 13, 2012Daryl SequeiraHistory 111 – 5001 | | | | In 46 Pages author Scott Liell is able to poignantly illustrate the colonies metamorphosis from a dependent arm of the English Empire to an independent country, the catalyst for which was Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Liell is able to not only articulate the turning point of the American consensus towards independence, but he also very intelligibly depicts the sentiments of all facets of colonial dogma and the torrential effect that Common Sense had in loosening the cement that held those beliefs. Using fantastic examples of the opinions of Tories, Whigs, and those ambivalent towards independence, Liell efficiently and ... Show more content on ... It was this variance in heritage that nurtured both Paine's familial recognition of the common man's adversity in a monarch's dominion and his natural predisposition for the written word and self– edification. Liell draws on this point citing Paine's short lived days at a grammar school near his homeland.(pg.27) Such an opportunity was uncommon for the son of a corset maker and although it would have been more anticipated that he would simply follow his father's vocation, his parents stressed the significance of pursuing knowledge. Paine further established his kinship and compassion of the common man when he ventured out as a privateer, despite his father's previous attempts of curtailing such adventures. Not much is known of Paine's days as a privateer other than it was short lived. It is assumed that he had grown distaste for the lifestyle, perhaps because he simply found it disagreeable or found disdain for the lack of principles for which privateers' stand. Nonetheless, the experience left Paine with a greater understanding of the soldier class. Not too long after his days as a privateer, Paine finds himself under the employ of the government, a peculiar position for the man who would inspire a revolution against the same government not but a few years later. Furthermore, Paine was an excise man. Not the position a man of the people would be expected to fill. However, Paine, ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Stamp Act of 1765 Taxation without Representation Ryan Vote March 8, 2010 U.S. History It can easily be said that the Stamp Act of 1765 was the beginning of the revolution for the colonies of North America. Before the Stamp Act, there were other failed attempts to tax the colonies by the British parliament. Each attempt to gain money from the colonies was unlawful because there was a lack of representation from Parliament. The Stamp Act of 1765 was very detailed and expensive for the colonists. The Stamp Act was the final act of taxation by Parliament before the colonies started to fight back and seek independence from Britain. Britain was struggling with a growing debt from previous wars. For example, the French and Indian War that lasted from 1756 ... Show more content on ... Colonial lumber (a big export of the colonies because there was so much) was now only allowed to export to Great Britain. 'Though from there it could be reshipped, the increased costs might well destroy the trade" (Morgan, 29). Moreover, there were also new wine duties and an abolition of drawbacks on foreign textiles. The colonists were shocked and upset at the high taxes being imposed upon them. It seemed that all the colonists' money–making exports were being taxed. "The old solution of smuggling was no longer practical, for the risk of seizure was so great that the added cost of smuggling would have the same effect as the payment of duties" (Morgan, 29). The British Navy residing in America made sure that every tax was collected, even for the smallest load. The colonists found that the navy was extremely strict and un–bending to even loads being sent over rivers. Every ship was found by the Navy in need of a seize and detain method. The American merchants started to fight back. 'They boycotted pilots who brought naval vessels into port, offered mates and midshipmen higher wages than the Navy was allowed to pay, and raised howling mobs" (Morgan, 30). Afterwards, Parliament prohibited paper money as legal tender and the colonists feared that they would have to go back to bartering. A small outcry of unconstitutionalism started in Boston in mid 1764. James Otis published a pamphlet of colonial rights "arguing that nature and ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Fannie Mae Table of Contents Introduction.....................................................................................................3 History...........................................................................................................3 Business Method and Philosophy...........................................................................4 Corporate Growth and Diversity............................................................................6 Conclusion......................................................................................................7 References......................................................................................................8 Figure Chart 1................................................................................................10 Fannie Mae Fannie Mae is a leading mortgage company and one of the most financially successful businesses within its industry. Given the salient features of the organization that has culminated into its current standing, this report offers a brief but concise overview of the corporation. The organization began as a part of Roosevelt's New Deal, a program ... Show more content on ... A community credit union is a financial cooperative operating to lend money to its members. The constituents of a mutual organization put money into a collective, where it may then be disbursed to members in need of loans, at agreeable rates and with good terms. By eliminating the need to turn a profit, mutual organizations are able to give lower rates on loans than traditional banking organizations. The sub–prime lenders are considered, in some instances, as a last resort since they tend to give loans to people with a very low credit scores or an otherwise extremely high risk of default. This type of lender offers loans at exorbitant interest rates as a way of covering losses from the high default rate they experience with their borrowers. Fannie Mae does not hold onto all of the purchased mortgages. It will take the individual loans and package them up with hundreds of others and market them as mortgage–backed securities (MBS) that it then sells to investors (for example, insurance companies, pension funds). Fannie Mae provides a guarantee to these investors that they will receive timely principal and interest payments, no matter what happens with the underlying mortgages. If there are large numbers of defaults, Fannie Mae will have to make the investors whole, utilizing tax dollars. Investors can also buy shares ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Nantahala Lake Nantahala Lake is located 3000 feet above sea level in the Nantahala National Forest. Its' features include crystal clear water, waterfalls, hiking trails, fishing, lodging, and many more amenities. The lake is regulated and maintained by Duke Power and it is a major source of hydroelectricity for the surrounding counties. It was created in 1942 by Nantahala Power to provide electricity for war efforts. The lake holds 42 miles of shoreline, which makes the waters close to the shore murky, but as soon as you get out into the middle, it gets very clear! Nantahala Lake releases into the Nantahala River, creating one of the nation's most known whitewater rivers. When the river is considered "on" the rafters and kayakers come to play. The water usually gets released from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., unless copious amounts of rain or special events are running. This brings many tourists to the area, and what better place to stay than a cozy cabin lodge tucked back in the hollers surrounding the beautiful Nantahala Lake? ... Show more content on ... During the "busy" months, you will find all sorts of boaters, explorers, tourists, and fishermen in the area. The fishing includes all sizes of large and small mouth bass, brown trout, rainbow trout, catfish, salmon, and a variety of pan fish that inhabit the lake and the springs running into it, as well as the infamous Nantahala River. There are two boat access ramps to the Nantahala Lake. The marina on the lake will also rent pontoon boats, ski boats, and jet boats for a low daily or weekly cost; anywhere from $150 for a half day to $1200 for a week, depending on the boat. Tubes, skis, and wake boards are all available as ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Outbreak Of Yellow Fever The outbreak of yellow fever ceased when the first frost of November covered the city of Philadelphia. Out of the eleven–thousand people that contracted the fever, around five–thousand died. The epidemic took ten percent of the city's population. The epidemic of 1793 was the first to strike in a twenty–nine year period. From 1793 to 1822, the fever ravished through the port cities of the nation. Yellow fever was not caused by miasma in the atmosphere like the inhabitants of Philadelphia thought. The actual cause of the fever would not be known until the nineteenth century. The United States' invasion of Cuba would lead to the discovery of the cause. A man named Walter Reed discovered that the virus was caused by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito in the year 1900. It would not be until 1930 with the work of a man named Max Theiler that a vaccine would be developed. This thesis is a deviation from the historiography of the epidemic. It does not examine the epidemic as a battle of doctors. It instead examines how the epidemic played a larger role in American independence. Before the epidemic, the nation was strengthening its individuality by creating its own medical school. It was a step in the nation's journey of creating its own structures that did not involve the British crown. However when the epidemic began to break out, it was evident that the nation still held to European ideas. John Morgan's Medical Department of the College would become the University of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Key That Unites Us All Anna Bradstreet, Jonathan Edwards, and many writers had faith in religion, but others like Benjamin Franklin had faith in science. I believe that in order to find inner peace, people must learn to accept things for what they actually are. People do not need to have faith in religion to find their inner peace. Before reading this letter, I have not given much thought into the thing that unites all humans intellectually. This letter made me recognize that the key that unites us all is acceptance. Acceptance can be accomplished through factors other than religion. I established this thought while reading Bradstreet's letter to her children. It made me realize that religion is not what kept people going through their tough times, but it was their faith that played an enormous role in people's peace of mind. Furthermore, many writers in her time hoped to benefit future generations by sharing their experiences. Bradstreet's aim was to communicate to her children the power and the "glory of God" (Bradstreet 235). Within her poem, she emphasized on how she would occasionally abandon her prayers and forget God, only to have found that she forgot and lost herself as well and found herself troubled (Bradstreet 236). She improved herself by being obedient to God and tried to avoid all sins. I was able to link her beliefs and attempts at self–improvement with Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin. Both Edwards and Bradstreet continuously tried to improve themselves morally and ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Success Of The American Revolution American Revolution not only created freedom but also created technological geniuses. The American Revolution was a time period of warfare, for independence between Britain and the thirteen colonies, but it was also the breakthrough for technological advancements that would change American's life forever. After every war, the development of a country increases. As for the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin influenced and created a huge contribution in his politics, scientifical research, and for his war effort. During the American Revolution Era there was a strong conflict between Britain and the thirteen colonies that was resolved with Franklin's help. "Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706" (Goldman) into a poor soap and candle making family where Franklin had very little schooling. Being a hard worker, he worked as an apprentice in his brother's print shop which led him to open his own paper publishing called Pennsylvania Gazette at twenty–two. Throughout the time, Franklin's paper became really successful that "by 1734 he became public printer for New Jersey and Delaware, which then later became the official printer for Maryland" (Goldman). With his popularity at sky–high throughout the colonies, he began a debate club called Junto which will be later renamed American Philosophical Society where he can hold meetings and discuss problems. After Franklins had grown popular he dedicated himself to public service in which he helped raise money ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Why Franklin Was A Thoroughbred Renaissance Man During Benjamin Franklin's illustrious 84 years of life he achieved success that seems practically unachievable today. Franklin found success in business, going from a teenager traveling colonial America looking for work as a printer, to building his own printing empire. Aside from business, Franklin also had a knack for inventing. He developed products such as the Franklin stove, bifocals, lightning rod, and the glass harmonica. Include the fact that he was also heavily involved in politics, is one of the founding fathers of our nation, and also one of the most intelligent men of all time, and it is easy to see that Benjamin Franklin was a thoroughbred renaissance man. It is one thing to know about the story of Benjamin Franklin, but it is completely different to understand the potential benefits of following his way of life. This essay will focus on the benefits that Franklin's story could have on the typical college student. College is a time of immense personal growth, and what better way to grow than with the guidance from the author of the American dream – Benjamin Franklin. After four short years, students are let out into the real world so it is important to be prepared. That is why it would be wise for college students to follow the life of Benjamin Franklin as presented in his autobiography. Franklin's work ethic, emphasis on personal growth, and frugality are relevant to college students today, and provide an outline for helping students find success. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Poor Richards Almanac Essay First published by Benjamin Franklin in 1732, "Poor Richard's Almanack" was a guide to both weather forecasts and wise sayings. Franklin used the pseudonym Richard Saunders in writing the text, which became an annual publication up until 1757. Response to the almanac was tremendous, and it sold as many as 10,000 issues a year. Second only to the bible, "Poor Richard's Almanack" was one of the most popular and purchased publications in colonial America. The almanac stressed the two qualities Franklin found to be essential to success, industry and frugality. Benjamin Franklin wrote this in hope of having a positive effect on the colonies. Franklin wrote "Poor Richard's Almanack" as ... Show more content on ... Overall, these sayings changed many of the colonist's lives, and made them think about how they were conducting their lives. Besides its many proverbs, the almanac contained forecasts for weather in the colonies. These forecasts were based on the different weather patterns that Franklin predicted, and because they were only predicted, they were not always accurate (Giblin 26). The forecasts proved to be very helpful to the farmers and plantation workers when determining the kind of seasons the crops would have. Weather played a very important role in the lives of the early colonists, and the almanac provided a means for people to arrange their lives according to these weather forecasts. Although not the most important part of the almanac, the colonists were always discussing the accuracy or imprecision of Franklin's predictions. In conclusion, by writing and publishing "Poor Richard's Almanack," Benjamin Franklin made an enormous contribution to the American public. It provided informatio0n on many topics that people had not addresses publicly ever before. It also predicted the weather forecast, which was very helpful for many of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Thomas Paine Essay Thomas Paine For many years Thomas Paine was the epitome of American histories greatest drawback. In American history there is always that one detail that doesn't make it into popular curriculum. Whether it be the point of view from the loosing side of a war, to the secret dalliances of a popular politician, to the truth of a times social opinion– the American student is taught only so much. The most proper, popular material makes it in; along with any major facts too commonly known to ignore. Anything else is liable to fall to the wayside without enough support from historians or academia. There is always room for the improvement of materials taught; so said, it would seem there is much more to know about Thomas Paine than is ... Show more content on ... Paine is nothing if not the son of both perseverance and necessity. His financial woes are the stuff on which young loan sharks are weaned. He grew up the soon of a poor corset maker, and knew only poverty most of his life. His employment track is littered with miss–starts in many fields, including stints as a teacher, a seaman, a tobacco shop owner and at various times a excise man. None of these were to be successful positions for Paine, giving him the start of a grudge towards England and its economy. After surviving one wife and separating from another, Paine was near his perceived end. Yet on the recommendation of a new acquaintance from America he decided to head west to the colonies, in hope of escaping the misery he'd endured in England. With nothing to his name but letters of recommendation (from the American whom he'd met in London), he arrived in Philadelphia, America in 1774. This American happened to be none other then Benjamin Franklin, and the prominence of Paines' recommender gained him the position of editor of the newly founded Pennsylvanian Magazine. Here, Paine established himself as a radical thinker, a person unafraid to enter into the independence furor. Remembering the hardships he had faced in England, Paine became he ideal American patriot. In 1776 Paine published the Common Sense pamphlet without signing his name to it. Demanding independence from England and the establishment of a strong American union, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Information to Those Who Would Remove to America Essay Information to those who would remove to America By: Benjamin Franklin At a time of hardship and human progression in North America especially in the 1700's one name specifically shines out amongst all others. That name is Benjamin Franklin; a visionary inventor, politician, and true American hero. In the late 1700's, precisely 1784, Benjamin Franklin wrote an informative essay titled, Information to Those Who Would Remove to America. It was printed out as a pamphlet for people in Europe to clarify the endless rumors about America being the land of dreams and fantasy. He clearly states what's needed and wanted in America, and what's not welcomed there. The essay also shows us how American culture is portrayed and what they hold ... Show more content on ... 3. 'Strangers of Birth must be greatly respected, and of course easily obtain the best of those Offices' and 'Of civil Offices or Employments there are few; no superfluous Ones as in Europe;' The third rumor was to put to rest, the fact that you were born into nobility, doesn't mean we'll hire you to work in our government. Also, there were so many offices in America waiting to be filled – this was false. In a way, Franklin was almost mocking the Europeans on how they have so many people doing useless things, and not just have a few good men doing the country's job. 4. 'But give land gratis to Strangers, with Negroes to work for them, Utensils of Husbandry, & Stocks of Cattle.' Finally, many people in Europe believed that if you were to move to America, the government will give you land, free transportation from Europe to America, negroes that will work for you, and farming needs such as tools and livestock. It was a firm belief in America that hard work was valued, perhaps that was something passed on from the Puritans. People who migrated there had to work hard, it wasn't a red carpet waiting for you there; but a clean slate where you can start from scratch and build your own dreams and aspirations. From reading Ben Franklin's essay, it tells us a lot about who he was, and how America was at the time. He felt that it was needed to refute the rumors and give evidences about everything he wrote about. They also had different terminologies and ideals from people ... Get more on ...