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Essay on Alcoholism
Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists
report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is
considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact
that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions. This can lead to numerous injuries,
accidents, and death. Alcohol affects every part of an alcoholic's life: their body, their mind and
their family life. The body has a natural chemical that gives a feeling of a "natural high". It happens
in the presence of a life–endangering situation. This chemical is adrenaline, which is meant to
prepare the body for defense more content...
After alcohol reaches the brain, it numbs the frontal lobe, which has direct control over the
judgment, visual perception and decision making skills. Scientists believe this is what makes
alcoholics believe they can conquer any task put before them. After drinking a good number of
drinks everyday over a long period of time, many things can happen. Cirrhosis of the liver can occur,
which means the liver tissues become hardened. Scientists also report that irreversible brain
damage can occur before cirrhosis of the liver is even detected. Also, cancer of the liver, mouth,
esophagus as well as lungs and pancreatic cancer often occur as a result of alcoholism. Alcohol also
has an affect on the mind as well as the body. Alcoholics often report that they feel inferior to
people and believe they can do anything. Many people believe that alcohol acts as a "social
lubricant." Increased social pleasures, assertiveness talkativeness and even happiness are all
expected by many, when they drink in these situations. Alcohol is said to reduce tension and anxiety.
This in turn allows drinkers to feel more relaxed and comfortable in social situations. However, this
also encourages the drinker to drink more when under more stress.
Alcohol has the most affect on the family. Many alcoholics do not believe this because they think
what they do has no affect on their family and friends. But often times the
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Case Study on Alcoholism Essay
Introduction: The ingestion of alcoholic beverages for their enjoyable effects is a custom which has
been around for thousands of years, and alcohol continues to be a popular drug because of its
short–term effects (Coleman, Butcher & Carson, 1984). An enormous amount of damage can be
attributed directly to alcohol abuse as a result of lost jobs, accidents caused by drunk drivers, and so
forth (Maltzman, 2000). Alcohol also compounds other problems––an estimated 25% to 40% of
hospital patients have problems caused by, or recovery delayed by alcohol abuse (Maltzman, 2000).
Clinical psychologists spend about one–fourth of their time dealing with people who are suffering in
part from alcohol or other substance problems (Vaillant, more content...
The American Medical Association in 1977 reported thatalcoholism is an ?illness characterized by
significant impairment that is directly associated with persistent and excessive use of alcohol.
Impairment may involve physiological, psychological or social dysfunction? (Maltzman, 2000,
p.43). A final quote by Stanley E. Gitlow of Mount Sinai School of medicine suggests that
?alcoholism is a disease characterized by the repetitive and compulsive indigestion of any sedative such a way as to cause interference in some aspects of the subjects life, be it in the area of
interpersonal relationships, job, marriage, or physical health. It is absolutely critical to appreciate
that this definition does not in any way specify which sedative agent is used, the frequency of its
use, or the amount ingested? (O?Brien & Chafetz, 1982, p.26). Based on the above various
quotations, it can be said that there is a wide opinion on the classification and the definition of
The Patient: WG is an alcoholic or substance abuser according to the outlines set forth in the
DSM–IV. WG is a 24 year old male and currently resides at his father?s dwellings in Red Deer,
Alberta. As the result of numerous years of drinking to excess have forced this man into the
situation that he now finds himself. WG does not currently have his driver?s license because he
received an impaired ticket from the police late last year and lost his license for a year. WG has a
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Essay about Alcoholism
"Alcohol is a socially acceptable, legal drug that is consumed by the majority of Americans
without problems to themselves or others (Milgram xiii)." Misuse of alcohol can lead to
alcoholism, one of the most widespread and complex problems in America. The reasons some
people become dependent on alcohol and others do not are unknown. Many health problems are
associated with chronic alcohol abuse, including damage to the liver, brain, or central nervous system.
Alcohol is probably the most widely used recreational drug in the world. The production of alcohol
is the result of the fermentation of plant products such as fruit grains. Gin, Vodka,Whiskey, and
other hard liquors, require a more content...
The more body muscle a person has in relation to fat, the lower the blood alcohol concentration will
be from a given amount of liquor (Taylor 23).
A persons tolerance has developed if the drinker requires more alcohol to get the same effects he/she
used to get with a lesser amount. If a person is alcohol tolerant he/she can "hold" or
"handle," or "not show" the amount of alcohol consumed (Long 57–58). If
a person has a high tolerance, the initially pleasant "buzz" or "glow" may
wear off quickly leading them to drink more to recapture it (Kestler 7–8).
A can of beer can raise a drinkers blood alcohol level just as much as a glass of wine or a cocktail
with half an ounce of hard liquor. An ounce of beer does not contain as much alcohol as an ounce of
whiskey but beer is usually consumed in greater proportions than other beverages. Wine contains
between 12 and 15% alcohol and beers range from about 3 to 8%. The percentage of alcohol in
other types of liquor is indicated in proof, which is twice the percent of alcohol by volume. For
example one hundred proof Vodka contains fifty percent alcohol (Kestler 6).
Admittedly, there is no single cause for alcoholism, however, the most widely believed cause is the
use of alcohol to solve problems. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range
of physiological,
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Alcoholism Essay
Alcoholism and its Effects On the Family
Alcohol is a very powerful drug. It can ruin someone's life. It may also be able to ruin everyone that
alcoholic lives around. But first what is alcoholism.
Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of
alcoholic beverages, development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing alcohol intake,
morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and
vocationally. Currently believed by many to be a disease with strong genetic links.
One thing that defines alcoholism is denial. Early in the development more content...
That parent spends most of the time going from problem to problem. Financial problems are not
unusual. At this point the parent is likely to seek outside help.(Harrison)
Now we are starting to rebuild the structure and regain control. The non–alcoholic parent coping
abilities have become strengthened. He or she gradually takes over a larger share of the
responsibility for the family. This may mean getting a job or taking over the money. Rather than
focusing on getting the alcoholic to shape up, the spouse is now taking charge and tries to encourage
family life, in spite of the alcoholism.(Harrison)
Now it is time to try and get away from the alcoholic. Separation or divorce may be tried. If the
family remains together, the family continues living around the alcoholic. In the case of separation,
family reform occurs without the alcoholic member. If the alcoholic achieves sobriety, a resolution
may take place. Either way, both parents must straighten up their roles within the family and make
new adjustments.(Harrison)
There are many places you can go to get help. First of all there is Alcoholics Anonymous which is
for those who are drinking and want to go get help with there disease. Then there is Ala–non which
is for those who have a close relationship with the alcoholic. Ala–non helps them by giving them
ideas on how to cope with an alcoholic. There is another type
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Alcoholism Essay
Alcoholism refers the drinking of alcohol to such a degree that major aspects of one's life are
seriously and repeatedly interfered with. These aspects include work, school, family relationships,
personal safety and health.
Alcoholism is considered a disease. It has known physical, psychological and social symptoms. An
alcoholic continues to drink even despite the destructive consequences. Alcoholism is serious and
progressive. It can be fatal if not treated. Alcoholism is a very complex disorder. An alcoholic who
stops drinking for a while is considered recovering, not cured.
A person does not have to drink every day in order to be considered an alcoholic. Likewise, someone
who drinks frequently more content...
Some common symptoms of alcoholism in the early stages are constant drinking for relief of
personal problems, an increase in one's tolerance for alcohol, memory lapses or blackouts while
drinking, and an urgent craving for alcohol. In the middle and late phases, dependence on alcohol
causes tremors and agitation only relievable by alcohol.
Most likely, a combination of biological, psychological, and cultural factors contribute to the
development of alcoholism in any individual.
Alcoholism often seems to run in families. Although there is no conclusive indication of the
alcoholic family member is associated, studies show that 50 to
80 percent of all alcoholics have had a close alcoholic relative. Some researchers believe that one
inherits an addiction for alcohol. Studies on animals and twins seem to support this theory. One study
suggests that a susceptibility to alcoholism may be linked to a gene on chromosome eleven.
Alcoholism may also be related to emotional problems. For example, alcoholism is sometimes
associated with a family history of maniac–depression.
Some alcoholics have used alcohol medicate a depressive disorder. Alcoholics commonly drown
their depressed or anxious feelings with alcohol. Some may drink to reduce inhibitions or negative
feelings. Many alcoholics share experiences of loneliness,
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Essay on Dangers of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a very serious disease, which can cause illness, death, injuries, schooling problems,
family breakups, and crime. It is a proven fact the alcohol kills more people than any other illegal
drugs combined. However, alcohol courses freely through American society, from college bars to
corporate lunches. In a recent journal article by The Scientist, it is stated, "Technology shows alcohol
abuse changes brain's molecular programming and circuitry? (Scientist). Thus revealing that alcohol
is a quick fix that will hurt us all in the long run. There are many different types of drugs such as,
antidepressants, depressants, hallucinogenic. Most people when asked, oppose strongly to using
these more content...
The four major problems with alcoholics are depression, memory loss, organ damage, and reduced
self–awareness. The most dangerous of all is depression, which can cause increased drinking
tendencies, mental breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts. If drinking continues for a long period of
time alcoholics can encounter liver cancer, stomach cancer, and other organ damage. Overall,
alcoholism is a battle that far too many people are losing. Results from the National Household
Survey (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998) suggest that as many as 40 million
Americans drink more than the moderate drinking levels recommended by the National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (it varies for different sizes and sex) (NIAAA) (1995). "It is
estimated that six million Americans persistently misuse alcohol, yet another eight million more are
addicted, and one hundred humans throughout our nation will die each year from this"(Newsweek).
Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the United States. On average, people
dying from alcohol related causes lose twenty–six years from their normal life expectancy. However,
the alcoholics are not the only ones suffering, "Each year Alcohol abuse costs our country a
whopping $185 billion a year in everything from lost workdays to drunken driving accidents. Out of
that $185
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Alcoholism Essay
Section 3
The first article I studied was a systematic review and meta–analysis on the effects of brief alcohol
interventions on drinking and driving among youth. This study evaluated whether brief alcohol
interventions (BAIs) were effective in reducing the number of adolescents that drive after drinking.
"Brief interventions refer to a broad family of interventions that can vary in length, structure, delivery
personnel, underpinning theory, and philosophy" (Steinka–Fry, et al., 2015, para. 9). The significant
feature of this style of intervention is the short duration, and this study focused on interventions
within 5 hours or less. A few therapeutic components of a BAI highlighted in this article included
one or more of the more content...
One behavioral intervention highlighted in the article that has major influence in youth alcohol
consumption was strict regulation of commercial access to alcohol. "Lawmakers implemented
several policy strategies targeting these influences to reduce the availability of alcohol to youth.
These strategies include: raising the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA), curtailing commercial
access, limiting social access, and reducing economic availability" (NIH, n.d., para. 25). This type of
regulation is monitored through compliance checks, in which local law enforcement use members of
the youth population to "test" whether a commercial facility will sell alcohol to the minors. A
violation of this law could result in fees, penalties, loss of permit to sale alcohol, up to criminal
charges of endangerment. Because this study focused on multiple intervention aspects at all stages
of a behavior change related to alcohol use, I believe the evaluated interventions align with a
combination of the Transtheoretical Model of Change, Social Cognitive Theory, and the Health
Belief Model. The intervention programs outlined really encompass all variables that influence a
positive behavior change in alcohol use within the youth population.
This article defined the combination of the three aligned theories listed above as the application of
the Theory of Triadic Influence (TTI). Although this theory was not discussed in class, I agree that it
is applicable to my objective and
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Alcoholism Research Paper
This research paper is on alcoholism and its affect on teenagers and adults. This piece will fully
outline alcohol from its origin, and different types of alcohol, all the way to the treatment of alcohol
addiction. Reading this paper will hopefully shed some light on the fact that people with an alcohol
addiction do not only hurt and affect themselves, but also make the people around them susceptible
to the same fate.
I. Ethyl alcohol (also known as drinking alcohol), is one of the oldest drugs in the world. Five
thousand years ago, the people of Mesopotamia drank beer and recorded it on clay tablets. The
ancient Egyptians brewed and drank beer also.1 And today, alcohol is probably used in
more content...
Excessive drinking may further complicate theses matters, and often advanced cases require
hospitilization.8 Alcohol has a wide effect on the organ system. These include ulcers, inflammation
of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver.9 The brain and nervous system also can be severely
damaged, causing blackouts, hallucinations or tremors to occur.10
Studies have also shown that drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn
II. Teenage alcoholism is on the rise in the world today, for many different reasons. Some of these
main reasons are stress, peer pressure from their friends to drink, belief that drinking will relieve
problems that they have in their life, or pressure from alcohol advertisements on television, radio,
and in newspapers and magazines.
Sadly, alcohol–related accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults.
Deaths among persons ages 15–24 resulted from automobile accidents involving alcohol use or
abuse.11 In 1994, more than half of adolescents involved in
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Examples Of Alcoholism
Surrounded by alcoholism by his friends, family, and other relatives, Victor is susceptible to his
own dreams of drowning in first rain, then alcohol as it gets more intense. For example, "And of
course, Victor dreamed of vodka, whiskey, tequila, swallowing him just as easily as he swallowed
them"(Alexie pg. 7). Also, when his uncles are fighting in their yard, it says that, "Victor could
almost smell the sweat and the whiskey and the blood"(Alexie pg. 3). The last example in this short
story comes when Victor goes to sleep in between his parents, he smellsalcohol on the both of them,
"His mother and father breathed deep, nearly choking on alcoholic snores"(Alexie pg. 9). These acts
of alcoholism are not just for parties they throw to have
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Outline On Alcoholism With Outline
1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of
alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there
a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as
the dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disease, this disease called
alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. " In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA)
declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society" said Father Martin. There
are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics
drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. more content...
Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the
employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be
linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol
seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family
disruption and job absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of
alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going
to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but most doctors don't. You can
diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial
difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol
ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your
ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7. Have
you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you
want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a
result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of
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Essay on Alcoholism
What is Alcoholism?
The definition of alcoholism can be described as a chronic illness, which is marked by uncontrolled
consumption of alcoholic beverages that interferes with physical or mental health, and social, family
or occupational responsibilities. This dependence on alcohol has only been diagnosed as a medical
disorder recently in the medical field. Like many other diseases, it has a predictable course and is
influenced environmentally and sometimes genetically. The disease can also be called progressive
and fatal which means that the disease can persist over a long period of time, bodily changes
progress as the drinking continues and can cause premature death through overdose, suicide, motor more content...
Also alcoholism can occur when his or her parents did not teach or treat their child right causing
frustration and anxiety to the child later in life. Or the family teaches the child to drink such as if
the father drinks then the child follows the example set by his father. That child can learn from
observation that alcohol may be used to cope with problems such as fatigue, stress and depression.
Also the values of a family can include the encouragement or acceptance of alcohol which both
promote drinking. Psychological factors also include in this such as a need to be relieved of
anxiety, conflicts within a relationship which are unsolved, or a low self–esteem.
Phases of Alcoholism
There are four phases of alcoholism which take a period of five to seven years to develop. Some
of these stages can be skipped or not gone in the same order depending on the person. The first
stage is called the warning stage. It happens when the user consumes alcohol as a form of relief
for tension to make them feel better. The person's drinking habits can increase from often to daily
or regularly in which he or she will seek more reasons and occasions to drink. Lastly during this
stage a tolerance is built from the larger consumption of alcohol. The second stage is dangerous to
the person. The drinker has larger quantities of alcohol to obtain relief. More frequent and
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Alcoholism Essay
Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is a chronic disease, which is common in our world today. In
the United States, 1 in every 13 adults is either an abuser of alcohol or an alcoholic. This disease
includes a craving from the victim in spite of any problems or consequences, which they may have
or have had. Consequences of this disease are often very severe; for example, job problems
frequently arise. In addition to serious job dilemmas, victims of this disease often get into mischief
with the law, as well as undergo critical health problems. The NCADD (National Council on
Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) thoroughly investigates this serious disease. This council's
research has discovered that 17.7 million United States' citizens have more content...
The larger the company, the more common this disease is to exist among employees. It is important
that employers realize that this problem is serious and should be paid attention to. If a worker is
suffering from this addiction, then the employer should address this issue.
There are several ways for an employer to help their employees. As time progresses and we
become more aware of this problem, the more help there is for people who suffer from alcoholism.
In many cases, alcoholic treatment is effective in many cases. An example of employer action taken
against alcoholism in the workplace is "Drugs Don't Work in NJ!" This was formed in
1992 in New Jersey and they have achieved many great accomplishments. Examples of these
accomplishments are: a five–part package program for small to mid–sized businesses, they published
the results from these businesses, established an unprecedented information network of newsletters,
legal updates, etc. to assist businesses, enrolled a large majority of NJ's businesses in this
program, and instituted a partnership with the NCADD. This is only one example of an employer's
choice to act on alcoholism in their business. This is only active in New Jersey currently; however,
it is a good example for the rest of the country to follow. Other options exist for the workplace, such
as bringing in speakers, hand out alcohol awareness pamphlets, private counseling, posted AA
meetings, etc.
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Essay On Alcoholism

  • 1. Essay on Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions. This can lead to numerous injuries, accidents, and death. Alcohol affects every part of an alcoholic's life: their body, their mind and their family life. The body has a natural chemical that gives a feeling of a "natural high". It happens in the presence of a life–endangering situation. This chemical is adrenaline, which is meant to prepare the body for defense more content... After alcohol reaches the brain, it numbs the frontal lobe, which has direct control over the judgment, visual perception and decision making skills. Scientists believe this is what makes alcoholics believe they can conquer any task put before them. After drinking a good number of drinks everyday over a long period of time, many things can happen. Cirrhosis of the liver can occur, which means the liver tissues become hardened. Scientists also report that irreversible brain damage can occur before cirrhosis of the liver is even detected. Also, cancer of the liver, mouth, esophagus as well as lungs and pancreatic cancer often occur as a result of alcoholism. Alcohol also has an affect on the mind as well as the body. Alcoholics often report that they feel inferior to people and believe they can do anything. Many people believe that alcohol acts as a "social lubricant." Increased social pleasures, assertiveness talkativeness and even happiness are all expected by many, when they drink in these situations. Alcohol is said to reduce tension and anxiety. This in turn allows drinkers to feel more relaxed and comfortable in social situations. However, this also encourages the drinker to drink more when under more stress. Alcohol has the most affect on the family. Many alcoholics do not believe this because they think what they do has no affect on their family and friends. But often times the Get more content on
  • 2. Case Study on Alcoholism Essay Introduction: The ingestion of alcoholic beverages for their enjoyable effects is a custom which has been around for thousands of years, and alcohol continues to be a popular drug because of its short–term effects (Coleman, Butcher & Carson, 1984). An enormous amount of damage can be attributed directly to alcohol abuse as a result of lost jobs, accidents caused by drunk drivers, and so forth (Maltzman, 2000). Alcohol also compounds other problems––an estimated 25% to 40% of hospital patients have problems caused by, or recovery delayed by alcohol abuse (Maltzman, 2000). Clinical psychologists spend about one–fourth of their time dealing with people who are suffering in part from alcohol or other substance problems (Vaillant, more content... The American Medical Association in 1977 reported thatalcoholism is an ?illness characterized by significant impairment that is directly associated with persistent and excessive use of alcohol. Impairment may involve physiological, psychological or social dysfunction? (Maltzman, 2000, p.43). A final quote by Stanley E. Gitlow of Mount Sinai School of medicine suggests that ?alcoholism is a disease characterized by the repetitive and compulsive indigestion of any sedative such a way as to cause interference in some aspects of the subjects life, be it in the area of interpersonal relationships, job, marriage, or physical health. It is absolutely critical to appreciate that this definition does not in any way specify which sedative agent is used, the frequency of its use, or the amount ingested? (O?Brien & Chafetz, 1982, p.26). Based on the above various quotations, it can be said that there is a wide opinion on the classification and the definition of alcoholism. The Patient: WG is an alcoholic or substance abuser according to the outlines set forth in the DSM–IV. WG is a 24 year old male and currently resides at his father?s dwellings in Red Deer, Alberta. As the result of numerous years of drinking to excess have forced this man into the situation that he now finds himself. WG does not currently have his driver?s license because he received an impaired ticket from the police late last year and lost his license for a year. WG has a casual Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Alcoholism "Alcohol is a socially acceptable, legal drug that is consumed by the majority of Americans without problems to themselves or others (Milgram xiii)." Misuse of alcohol can lead to alcoholism, one of the most widespread and complex problems in America. The reasons some people become dependent on alcohol and others do not are unknown. Many health problems are associated with chronic alcohol abuse, including damage to the liver, brain, or central nervous system. Alcohol is probably the most widely used recreational drug in the world. The production of alcohol is the result of the fermentation of plant products such as fruit grains. Gin, Vodka,Whiskey, and other hard liquors, require a more content... The more body muscle a person has in relation to fat, the lower the blood alcohol concentration will be from a given amount of liquor (Taylor 23). A persons tolerance has developed if the drinker requires more alcohol to get the same effects he/she used to get with a lesser amount. If a person is alcohol tolerant he/she can "hold" or "handle," or "not show" the amount of alcohol consumed (Long 57–58). If a person has a high tolerance, the initially pleasant "buzz" or "glow" may wear off quickly leading them to drink more to recapture it (Kestler 7–8). A can of beer can raise a drinkers blood alcohol level just as much as a glass of wine or a cocktail with half an ounce of hard liquor. An ounce of beer does not contain as much alcohol as an ounce of whiskey but beer is usually consumed in greater proportions than other beverages. Wine contains between 12 and 15% alcohol and beers range from about 3 to 8%. The percentage of alcohol in other types of liquor is indicated in proof, which is twice the percent of alcohol by volume. For example one hundred proof Vodka contains fifty percent alcohol (Kestler 6). Admittedly, there is no single cause for alcoholism, however, the most widely believed cause is the use of alcohol to solve problems. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range of physiological, Get more content on
  • 4. Alcoholism Essay Alcoholism and its Effects On the Family Alcohol is a very powerful drug. It can ruin someone's life. It may also be able to ruin everyone that alcoholic lives around. But first what is alcoholism. Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages, development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing alcohol intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally. Currently believed by many to be a disease with strong genetic links. One thing that defines alcoholism is denial. Early in the development more content... That parent spends most of the time going from problem to problem. Financial problems are not unusual. At this point the parent is likely to seek outside help.(Harrison) Now we are starting to rebuild the structure and regain control. The non–alcoholic parent coping abilities have become strengthened. He or she gradually takes over a larger share of the responsibility for the family. This may mean getting a job or taking over the money. Rather than focusing on getting the alcoholic to shape up, the spouse is now taking charge and tries to encourage family life, in spite of the alcoholism.(Harrison) Now it is time to try and get away from the alcoholic. Separation or divorce may be tried. If the family remains together, the family continues living around the alcoholic. In the case of separation, family reform occurs without the alcoholic member. If the alcoholic achieves sobriety, a resolution may take place. Either way, both parents must straighten up their roles within the family and make new adjustments.(Harrison) There are many places you can go to get help. First of all there is Alcoholics Anonymous which is for those who are drinking and want to go get help with there disease. Then there is Ala–non which is for those who have a close relationship with the alcoholic. Ala–non helps them by giving them ideas on how to cope with an alcoholic. There is another type Get more content on
  • 5. Alcoholism Essay Alcoholism Alcoholism refers the drinking of alcohol to such a degree that major aspects of one's life are seriously and repeatedly interfered with. These aspects include work, school, family relationships, personal safety and health. Alcoholism is considered a disease. It has known physical, psychological and social symptoms. An alcoholic continues to drink even despite the destructive consequences. Alcoholism is serious and progressive. It can be fatal if not treated. Alcoholism is a very complex disorder. An alcoholic who stops drinking for a while is considered recovering, not cured. A person does not have to drink every day in order to be considered an alcoholic. Likewise, someone who drinks frequently more content... Some common symptoms of alcoholism in the early stages are constant drinking for relief of personal problems, an increase in one's tolerance for alcohol, memory lapses or blackouts while drinking, and an urgent craving for alcohol. In the middle and late phases, dependence on alcohol causes tremors and agitation only relievable by alcohol. Most likely, a combination of biological, psychological, and cultural factors contribute to the development of alcoholism in any individual. Alcoholism often seems to run in families. Although there is no conclusive indication of the alcoholic family member is associated, studies show that 50 to 80 percent of all alcoholics have had a close alcoholic relative. Some researchers believe that one inherits an addiction for alcohol. Studies on animals and twins seem to support this theory. One study suggests that a susceptibility to alcoholism may be linked to a gene on chromosome eleven. Alcoholism may also be related to emotional problems. For example, alcoholism is sometimes associated with a family history of maniac–depression. Some alcoholics have used alcohol medicate a depressive disorder. Alcoholics commonly drown their depressed or anxious feelings with alcohol. Some may drink to reduce inhibitions or negative feelings. Many alcoholics share experiences of loneliness, Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Dangers of Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism is a very serious disease, which can cause illness, death, injuries, schooling problems, family breakups, and crime. It is a proven fact the alcohol kills more people than any other illegal drugs combined. However, alcohol courses freely through American society, from college bars to corporate lunches. In a recent journal article by The Scientist, it is stated, "Technology shows alcohol abuse changes brain's molecular programming and circuitry? (Scientist). Thus revealing that alcohol is a quick fix that will hurt us all in the long run. There are many different types of drugs such as, antidepressants, depressants, hallucinogenic. Most people when asked, oppose strongly to using these more content... The four major problems with alcoholics are depression, memory loss, organ damage, and reduced self–awareness. The most dangerous of all is depression, which can cause increased drinking tendencies, mental breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts. If drinking continues for a long period of time alcoholics can encounter liver cancer, stomach cancer, and other organ damage. Overall, alcoholism is a battle that far too many people are losing. Results from the National Household Survey (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998) suggest that as many as 40 million Americans drink more than the moderate drinking levels recommended by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (it varies for different sizes and sex) (NIAAA) (1995). "It is estimated that six million Americans persistently misuse alcohol, yet another eight million more are addicted, and one hundred humans throughout our nation will die each year from this"(Newsweek). Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the United States. On average, people dying from alcohol related causes lose twenty–six years from their normal life expectancy. However, the alcoholics are not the only ones suffering, "Each year Alcohol abuse costs our country a whopping $185 billion a year in everything from lost workdays to drunken driving accidents. Out of that $185 Get more content on
  • 7. Alcoholism Essay Section 3 The first article I studied was a systematic review and meta–analysis on the effects of brief alcohol interventions on drinking and driving among youth. This study evaluated whether brief alcohol interventions (BAIs) were effective in reducing the number of adolescents that drive after drinking. "Brief interventions refer to a broad family of interventions that can vary in length, structure, delivery personnel, underpinning theory, and philosophy" (Steinka–Fry, et al., 2015, para. 9). The significant feature of this style of intervention is the short duration, and this study focused on interventions within 5 hours or less. A few therapeutic components of a BAI highlighted in this article included one or more of the more content... One behavioral intervention highlighted in the article that has major influence in youth alcohol consumption was strict regulation of commercial access to alcohol. "Lawmakers implemented several policy strategies targeting these influences to reduce the availability of alcohol to youth. These strategies include: raising the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA), curtailing commercial access, limiting social access, and reducing economic availability" (NIH, n.d., para. 25). This type of regulation is monitored through compliance checks, in which local law enforcement use members of the youth population to "test" whether a commercial facility will sell alcohol to the minors. A violation of this law could result in fees, penalties, loss of permit to sale alcohol, up to criminal charges of endangerment. Because this study focused on multiple intervention aspects at all stages of a behavior change related to alcohol use, I believe the evaluated interventions align with a combination of the Transtheoretical Model of Change, Social Cognitive Theory, and the Health Belief Model. The intervention programs outlined really encompass all variables that influence a positive behavior change in alcohol use within the youth population. This article defined the combination of the three aligned theories listed above as the application of the Theory of Triadic Influence (TTI). Although this theory was not discussed in class, I agree that it is applicable to my objective and Get more content on
  • 8. Alcoholism Research Paper ALCOHOLISM This research paper is on alcoholism and its affect on teenagers and adults. This piece will fully outline alcohol from its origin, and different types of alcohol, all the way to the treatment of alcohol addiction. Reading this paper will hopefully shed some light on the fact that people with an alcohol addiction do not only hurt and affect themselves, but also make the people around them susceptible to the same fate. I. Ethyl alcohol (also known as drinking alcohol), is one of the oldest drugs in the world. Five thousand years ago, the people of Mesopotamia drank beer and recorded it on clay tablets. The ancient Egyptians brewed and drank beer also.1 And today, alcohol is probably used in more content... Excessive drinking may further complicate theses matters, and often advanced cases require hospitilization.8 Alcohol has a wide effect on the organ system. These include ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver.9 The brain and nervous system also can be severely damaged, causing blackouts, hallucinations or tremors to occur.10 Studies have also shown that drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child. II. Teenage alcoholism is on the rise in the world today, for many different reasons. Some of these main reasons are stress, peer pressure from their friends to drink, belief that drinking will relieve problems that they have in their life, or pressure from alcohol advertisements on television, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. Sadly, alcohol–related accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults. Deaths among persons ages 15–24 resulted from automobile accidents involving alcohol use or abuse.11 In 1994, more than half of adolescents involved in Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Alcoholism Surrounded by alcoholism by his friends, family, and other relatives, Victor is susceptible to his own dreams of drowning in first rain, then alcohol as it gets more intense. For example, "And of course, Victor dreamed of vodka, whiskey, tequila, swallowing him just as easily as he swallowed them"(Alexie pg. 7). Also, when his uncles are fighting in their yard, it says that, "Victor could almost smell the sweat and the whiskey and the blood"(Alexie pg. 3). The last example in this short story comes when Victor goes to sleep in between his parents, he smellsalcohol on the both of them, "His mother and father breathed deep, nearly choking on alcoholic snores"(Alexie pg. 9). These acts of alcoholism are not just for parties they throw to have Get more content on
  • 10. Outline On Alcoholism With Outline 1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disease, this disease called alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. " In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA) declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society" said Father Martin. There are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. more content... Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but most doctors don't. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of your Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Alcoholism What is Alcoholism? The definition of alcoholism can be described as a chronic illness, which is marked by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages that interferes with physical or mental health, and social, family or occupational responsibilities. This dependence on alcohol has only been diagnosed as a medical disorder recently in the medical field. Like many other diseases, it has a predictable course and is influenced environmentally and sometimes genetically. The disease can also be called progressive and fatal which means that the disease can persist over a long period of time, bodily changes progress as the drinking continues and can cause premature death through overdose, suicide, motor more content... Also alcoholism can occur when his or her parents did not teach or treat their child right causing frustration and anxiety to the child later in life. Or the family teaches the child to drink such as if the father drinks then the child follows the example set by his father. That child can learn from observation that alcohol may be used to cope with problems such as fatigue, stress and depression. Also the values of a family can include the encouragement or acceptance of alcohol which both promote drinking. Psychological factors also include in this such as a need to be relieved of anxiety, conflicts within a relationship which are unsolved, or a low self–esteem. Phases of Alcoholism There are four phases of alcoholism which take a period of five to seven years to develop. Some of these stages can be skipped or not gone in the same order depending on the person. The first stage is called the warning stage. It happens when the user consumes alcohol as a form of relief for tension to make them feel better. The person's drinking habits can increase from often to daily or regularly in which he or she will seek more reasons and occasions to drink. Lastly during this stage a tolerance is built from the larger consumption of alcohol. The second stage is dangerous to the person. The drinker has larger quantities of alcohol to obtain relief. More frequent and Get more content on
  • 12. Alcoholism Essay Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is a chronic disease, which is common in our world today. In the United States, 1 in every 13 adults is either an abuser of alcohol or an alcoholic. This disease includes a craving from the victim in spite of any problems or consequences, which they may have or have had. Consequences of this disease are often very severe; for example, job problems frequently arise. In addition to serious job dilemmas, victims of this disease often get into mischief with the law, as well as undergo critical health problems. The NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) thoroughly investigates this serious disease. This council's research has discovered that 17.7 million United States' citizens have more content... The larger the company, the more common this disease is to exist among employees. It is important that employers realize that this problem is serious and should be paid attention to. If a worker is suffering from this addiction, then the employer should address this issue. There are several ways for an employer to help their employees. As time progresses and we become more aware of this problem, the more help there is for people who suffer from alcoholism. In many cases, alcoholic treatment is effective in many cases. An example of employer action taken against alcoholism in the workplace is "Drugs Don't Work in NJ!" This was formed in 1992 in New Jersey and they have achieved many great accomplishments. Examples of these accomplishments are: a five–part package program for small to mid–sized businesses, they published the results from these businesses, established an unprecedented information network of newsletters, legal updates, etc. to assist businesses, enrolled a large majority of NJ's businesses in this program, and instituted a partnership with the NCADD. This is only one example of an employer's choice to act on alcoholism in their business. This is only active in New Jersey currently; however, it is a good example for the rest of the country to follow. Other options exist for the workplace, such as bringing in speakers, hand out alcohol awareness pamphlets, private counseling, posted AA meetings, etc. Get more content on