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Essay about The Labor Union
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SING SING SING Essay examples
I used to always go over to my grandparent's house and watch my grandfather go crazy over this
"Jazz" music. He explained to me that it wasn't Jazz unless it swung like the greats. I listened to a
song "Sing Sing Sing" the other day from one of my Jazz collections that my grandpa gave to me
and realized that their was so much energy and pizzazz in this music. He explained to me that it was
all put together by a guy named Benny, and I understood why.
Benny Goodman, born Benjamin David in 1909, one of twelve children, grew up in a Chicago
ghetto with his family, who fled Russian anti–Semitism. Encouraged by his father, an immigrant
tailor, to learn a musical instrument, Goodman took up the clarinet at a young ... Show more content
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In Los Angeles, the band created a sensation, essentially starting the "swing" era. In fact, Goodman
became known as the "King of Swing" (Collier, 1989).
Swing was the dominant idiom of the 1930s and much of the 1940s. Basically, it was a form of
dance music played by a large band, and was the medium through which most white Americans first
heard Jazz (Schuller,1989). Although the decade 1935–45 was called the Swing Era, swing
arrangements had been played by large bands beginning in the 1920s. Bandleader–arrangers
Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, and, later, Count Basie, worked out arrangements for their 10
to 12 piece bands, which, unlike traditional jazz bands, were divided into instrumental sections.
The rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, and drums) maintained a steady, even beat; the saxophone
and brass sections countered each other with harmonized riffs and repeated figures, with section
leaders improvising over this background (Stewart, 1979).
Utilized almost exclusively for dancing, the music of the big bands borrowed heavily from the
techniques introduced by Henderson. Among the most popular bands were those led by Goodman,
Glenn Miller, Woody Herman, the Dorsey brothers, and Artie Shaw. As a counterpart of the highly
arranged orchestrations of these New York–based bands, a Kansas City swing style developed under
the influence of Count Basie and Bennie Moten that emphasized a blues
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Personal Essay: The Story About Knawledge
The Story About Knawledge In Dubuque Iowa an average kid became one of the best middle
linebackers in football history. He started playing football when he was nine years old. He was so
bad that he wasn't even a starter, but he didn't give up. He practiced and worked out every day until
he became good enough to be drafted into the NFL. I am that kid. I was born and lived in Dubuque
Iowa. I was born on December 31st, 2003. I went to Trinity Square Daycare and I was a bit of a bad
kid, and by a bit I mean a lot. My cousin and I both went to the same preschool. We went to St.
Marks preschool, by Carnegie Stout Library in Dubuque. From kindergarten to third grade I went to
Audubon. In first grade I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. I went to Irving for the rest
of elementary school. In fourth grade my grandpa died. My football career started when I was nine. I
wasn't the best, but I tried my hardest. In sixth grade we had to write an autobiography just like this
one. I won the T–Shirt contest in sixth grade. My friend Sam said he was going to take over the
world. In seventh grade I got my first girlfriend. In eighth grade I got all A's the whole year! I
played football all through middle school. In high school I started on the football team even though I
was horrible. I saved ... Show more content on ...
The 1st string MLB got injured so I took the chance to make a play so that I could finally be a
starter. The first play was a disaster, I tried to tackle someone but they got away and got a
touchdown. The next drive I got two tackles and 1 sack and forced them to punt. I played like that
for the rest of the year and became the starter. In my career I averaged 21 tackles, 4 sacks, and 1
interception each game. I won the MVP award two times and went to the Pro Bowl seven times. My
team won one out of three Super Bowl's and I won the Super Bowl MVP once. I broke five world
records and was inducted into the NFL Hall of
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Mahalila Jackson Research Paper
Mahalia Jackson was a well known Gospel singer born in New Orleans. From an early age, she
knew that singing would be her life. Although there were many struggles and obstacles in her life
that could have broken her, her strong faith and her determined heart helped her to be one of the
most successful gospel singers in history. From being a little girl just singing in a church, to
becoming a Civil Rights activist singing for the Civil Rights Movement, she made a big change in
the world, and in Illinois. If it was not for her songs people would not have really stopped and cared
what blacks have to say about equal rights. Mahalia Jackson, was born October 26, 1911, in a shack
on Pitt Street in New Orleans Louisiana. She lived with thirteen ... Show more content on ...
At her funeral which was located at the Arie Crown Theater, had over a thousand friends,
supporters, and fans there. A lot of famous singers went to her funeral, Ella Fitzgerald brought an
arrangement of chrysanthemums, roses, and carnations. Bessie Griffin performed at her funeral, and
Lou Rawls and Dick Gregory said a eulogy. In her, honor there was a performing arts theater that
was named after her. Mahalia was honored a lot of Hall of Fame awards. She was honored the
Music Hall of Fame of Louisiana, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and many others After she died she
left a big legacy. She received the honorary degree for the achievement in human dignity and being
an inspiration to others.The Mahalia Theater in New Orleans is one of the monuments that she will
always be remembered by. In conclusion, Mahalia Jackson was a strong black woman who made a
big difference in the world. Although she did not approach her message that she was trying to send
the way most people did, she used her own way and got her voice heard, people listened. Most
people do not know a lot about her because she was not like Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks,
but she should be remembered the way they are being remembered because she also made a big
difference in the world. Her voice made her's and other blacks perspective of civil rights be heard,
so every now and then she should be
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Masks, Op. 40 Robert Muczynski Analysis
James Mick Dr. Kodanashvili MUS LIT 5200 Masks, Op. 40 By Robert Muczynski Muczynski is
considered to by many to be one of America's foremost composers of the last few decades, and
while his music seems to be relatively frequently performed, and finds its way into many
competition performances throughout the world, it seems to be hardly discussed. I'll talk a little
about Muczynski and his life, his overall body of works, and then discuss and his Masks Op. 40 for
solo piano. Robert was born to Irene and Stanley Muczynski on 19 March, 1929 , in Chicago,
Illinois. Generally speaking, there seems to be little information available about his early life.
According to his obituary, Muczynski appears to have graduated from the Chopin Elementary
School in Chicago. However, most biographical ... Show more content on ...
His Sonata for Flute and Piano (Top Prize at Concourse Internationale in Nice, France), as well as
three piano trios. Muczynski's concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra also received a Pulitzer
Prize nomination. He also has a number of orchestral works, Muczynski's own take on musical
composition can be gleaned from an article he wrote for American Composer Sketches, where he
states that: "[while it is true that] music cannot continue to exist in a vacuum of sameness and
predictability, it is also true that music cannot yield to anarchy. Some people may consider it 'fun' to
hear a typewriter amplified to ear–splitting proportions over a P. A. system, but, really, it is all so
cynical. What is so sad is that a number of listeners are willing to endure the torture, finding this a
fresh experience." In that article, he goes on to state that composing for a mass audience leads only
to failure, and that one cannot compose music that will please everyone. Muczynski's composition
style seems rather unique. I believe Walter Simmons details it quite succinctly in his article on
Robert Muczynski from Grove Music
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The United States Post Civil War
The United States post–Civil War era from 1875 to 1900 experienced massive economic and
industrial growth, especially in the North. The rise of new machines, industries (railroad, oil, steel),
and buildings contributed to a major upsurge in the prosperity of the American nation. In 1860, no
American city had a population over one million; by 1890, three cities had passed the million mark.
New York City became the second largest city in the world after London in 1900. The substantial
growth of the U.S economically can be contributed to a group of wealthy capitalists that ran
businesses/industries and stimulated economic growth. However, historians have argued over
whether these capitalists were "robber barons" that were corrupt and took advantage of the
American people or "captains of industry" that helped the U.S grow at unparalleled speeds. Wealthy
capitalists such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were indeed "captains of industry"
who enlarged American industry and businesses, used their wealth to better their communities, and
elevated the United States to new heights as one of the leading industrial powers of the entire world.
The major wealthy capitalists of the time–Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J. Pierpont
Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt–all played a tremendous role in developing American industry
and ultimately the economy as a whole. Through their business ventures, they vastly increased the
industrial output of America. For example,
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The Great Depression And President Roosevelt 's New Deal
The 1930s, a time of great racial tension and segregation, is historically remembered for the Great
Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal. Slavery had ended and the Ku Klux Klan started to
become less popular; the struggle for African Americans, however, was not over. Racial segregation
continued to thrive with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs given to whites who were
struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The New Deal, created
to promote equality and produce jobs, was largely ineffective on the front of desegregation, doing
little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans were able to prosper:
jazz. However, even the jazz community itself was segregated. Racial prejudice came from both
fronts: whites did "not want to mix socially with Negroes," and black people believed that "when a
Negro enters a White band, he loses his identity as a Negro musician" ("DownBeat Dodges the
Racial Issue"). Benny Goodman, however, broke this barrier, initially in 1935 with the first
interracial jazz performance, and again in his 1938 Carnegie Hall concert featuring black musicians.
Benny Goodman's career did not begin with the Trio's 1935 performance; a clarinet player from a
young age, Goodman started his professional career in 1925 as a member of the Ben Pollack
Orchestra. During his time in the orchestra, he recorded his first solo on the song "He's the Last
Word." In 1931, Benny Goodman began
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Steel City Analysis
As I stand on the top of Mt. Washington and look out over the city on this beautiful Autumn
evening, I watch all of the city lights reflect off of the glorious PPG building made of the toughest
steel and beautiful black glass. The lights reflect along the Three Rivers and I am taken back by how
many gorgeous bridges this city has. I gaze across all of it until my eyes meet another prominence in
the distance; I recognize this to be the Cathedral of Learning where both Carnegie Mellon and the
University of Pittsburgh are located. This view is breathtaking every single time and I feel as if I'm
in a dream, as if I am so lucky to be from this city. They call us the Steel City for a reason. It's not
just our history. It's a mentality and a way ... Show more content on ...
William Carnegie was basically a hand–loom weaver, but with the advent of water–powered looms,
he failed to make ends meet and the family emigrated to America in 1848, settling in Allegheny,
Pennsylvania. They were hardworking honest people with noble qualities. Carnegie writes: "The
mother, nurse, cook, governess, teacher, saint, all in one; the father, exemplar, guide, counselor, and
friend! Thus were my brother and I brought up. What has the child of millionaire or nobleman that
counts compared to such a heritage?" . He was much influenced by his grandfather, Andrew
Carnegie, after whom he was named. In his autobiography, Carnegie writes that he owes his
optimistic nature, his ability to shed trouble and laugh through life to his paternal grandfather . His
maternal grandfather was Thomas Morrison, a great orator and politician. Carnegie inherited his
maternal grandfather's manners, gestures and appearance . Andrew Carnegie left for America with
his family at the age of thirteen with very little formal schooling to support him. Their move was
supported by his mother's extended family and early Scottish emigrants who had already settled in
America. Carnegie's family anchored in Allegheny where they already had some relatives who had
moved, now known as Pittsburgh,
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The Importance Of Liberal Education
Education nowadays is typically seen merely as something students must endure before they enter
the real world. Students who ace all of their classes are looked upon with admiration and promised
that they will go far in life. While grades are an important part of the educational system, simply
learning facts in school is not all that it takes to be a contributing member of society. William
Cronon makes excellent points in his article "Only Connect..." in which he lists the ten qualities he
believes are required for a person to be liberally educated. Based on this list, I don't feel as though I
am where I could be at this point in my academic career. While I can claim to excel with certain
qualities like listening intently and being able to talk with anyone, there are many aspects that I am
unable to relate to, such as being able to write clearly or solve a variety of puzzles. By
understanding the importance of a liberal education, hopefully we, as a society, can learn to connect
with others and make a difference in our communities, and ultimately our world. Based on Cronon's
list, it would be difficult to attain each and every one of these qualities. He even states at one point
that "a liberal education is not something any of us ever achieve..." While it may not be an
acquirable goal, it is something that we should strive for in order to better ourselves and those
around us. In my own life, I struggle with the second aspect of these qualities, being able to read and
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How Did Jazz Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement
Jazz and Civil Rights : Hand In Hand
Jazz contributed to the civil rights movement by allowing people to listen to African American
opinions through musical beats and lyrics. Giving the world a new wide spectrum from what they
were listening to before.
The current definition of jazz is American music developed from ragtime and blues. In some ways
blues and jazz go hand in hand. These types of music emerged in the Deep American South around
the end of the 19th century, spread north and formed various sub–genres. Jazz and blues are
connected by their influence from African beats and culture to traditional African–American work
songs. These rhythmic a cappella work songs originated with agricultural slaves, from
synchronizing physical movement ... Show more content on ...
As slaves improvised and modified verses, the songs also became a subversive form of expression
and rebellion,
The History of Jazz
The Jazz Age was a post–World War I movement in the 1920's, from which jazz music and dance
emerged. Although the era ended with the beginning of The Great Depression in 1929, Jazz has
lived on in American pop culture. Later on in time jazz was brought back by mostly African
Americans. In New Orleans during the late 19th century, brass marching bands gave lengthy
performances during funerals and parades this is one way jazz was used to express others emotions .
Musicians had grown bored and begin to improvise, using the syncopated rhythms of African–
American vocal music into traditional military tunes. The way Jazz got around was by musicians
being able to move state by state to perform. The music eventually spread north, taking root and
evolving in cities such as Chicago and New York City. With a wide range of audience jazz came to
be one of the most popular musical genres in America. The term jazz or jass derives from a Creole
word that means both African dance and copulation. Also The term jazz referring to peppy dance
music first appeared in a March 1913 edition of the San
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The History and Violence in American Labor Unions
Strayer University Labor relations professor shereen turner | The History of Violence in American
Labor Unions | | | Michael Cook | 6/6/2010 | Some of the more important events in labor union
history included how unions were stereotyped as violent anarchist, and how they took a stance that
invoked violent activity in three serious events; the Haymarket Riot, Homestead Incident and
Pullman Strike and how these events in ways changed American labor union history. | Up through
the late 1700's to early 1800's, men, women, and even children were subject to intolerable ... Show
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The workers demanded an eight hour workday for which the average work week was sixty hours or
more. The company hired strikebreakers which were often used by this era. On May 3rd, 1886 as a
protest resulted in the killing of an individual by the police, and on May 4th a mass meeting was
called to take place in the Haymarket Square to protest what was seen as police brutality. At the
meeting there were approximately 1500 people as radical speakers addressed the crowd. As the
mood of the crowd began as a peaceful meeting that quickly turned confrontational when the police
began to break up the crowd. As fights broke out, a powerful bomb was thrown. The police began to
use their guns. Seven police officers lost their lives which was later proclaimed that they were not
killed by the bomb but however from the bullets from other police officers from the chaos of the
event. Four citizens were killed and over a hundred were injured. The public was outraged because
of the event. Within the next two weeks, on the cover of a magazine, illustrations were drawn of the
bomb thrown into the crowd, cutting down police officers, and a priest giving last rites to a police
officer at the local police station, thus leading to the blame of the riot on the labor movement and
particularly the Knights of Labor.
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Benny Goodman 's King Of Swing
Britany Reed
Dr. Keast
April 15, 2015
Benny Goodman
Benny Goodman the "King of Swing". A man who owned the American Jazz and an amazing swing
musician, clarinetist, and bandleader. This naming him as the infamous "King of Swing". Goodman
led the most popular musical groups known in America. Goodman was recognized as putting the
most important jazz concert in history out to the public in 1938. Singlehandedly being the most
recognized clarinet player for this era and doing it flawlessly. Many called him "The Professor",
"Patriarch of the Clarinet", "Swing 's Senior Statesman". Who would have ever believed a man
coming from a poverty ridden Jewish family could be so successful? Success was an understatement
for a man with such musical talent.
Benny Goodman, also known as Benjamin David Goodman, was born in Chicago, Illinois on May
30, 1909. He was one of nine children who were immigrants to David Goodman who was his father
and Dora Grisinsky Goodman, his mother. His parents left Russia to escape the anti–Semitism,
which many of us would recognize as the prejudice of Jewish people. Benny's family was very poor
and his mother never even learned to speak English. His father was the sole provider, and barely
made ends meat working as a tailor to support his large family, of 12 children.
When Benny was around the age of 10, his father knew he had musical talent and sent him to study
at a Synagogue in Chicago called Kehelah Jacob Synagogue. He was fascinated
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Native Americans In The 19th Century
9. In the late 19th century, the United States' population tripled from the 1850s. The arrival of 16.2
million immigrants fueled this growth. However, beginning in the 1890s, most European
immigrants, who were the largest group immigrating, started to have different origins from Europe.
Now they were coming from Southern and Eastern Europe. When they came to the cities, such as
New York City, which was their port of arrival, they formed ethnic communities because they did
not share the same values as the original, Protestant Americans or immigrants before them. Almost
all immigrants located themselves in cities, nevertheless, because they came to America to find the
"American Dream," which was believed to be very true and plausible. The cities ... Show more
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The poor and newly arrived immigrants faced many issues when in the cities that they called homes.
In the tenements, usually in the worst parts of cities such as New York and Chicago, the poor lived
in extremely cramped, unsanitary, and dangerous conditions. At work, the poor faced monotonous
jobs, maybe turning a bolt, over and over again all day long. And from this job their pay was no
more than around $1–$3 a day. Obviously, something had to be done to improve these conditions, as
the government was not regulating or supporting the poor, especially the immigrants who received
little to no help in the country after they paid their entry tax to the government. There were two
groups interested in this subject with almost opposing views: the social reformers and the business
leaders. The business leaders responded to the poverty in a manner inspire their personal beliefs. As
seen by Andrew Carnegie, in his article, The Gospel of Wealth, the business leaders believed
themselves to be superior humans with more able bodies and brains. They were Social Darwinists,
who believed the poor were poor because they were inferior. Some leaders did nothing and purely
made choices that benefitted the company over the employees. However, others, such as Andrew
Carnegie and Andrew Melon, poured their own money into projects that would help the mind and
make the poor happier, such as cultural or educational venues such as Carnegie Hall or Carnegie
Mellon University. On the other hand, the
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MKT Simulation Essay
Yinan Yang
MKT 300
John Eaton
Dec. 10th.2012
Simulation Paper
Major Decision:
A. Company Name:
In this first quarter, I used a name "High tech " for my new company. I choose this name is because
the company is about computers and high technology can totally represent the meaning.
B. Target Market:
At the point of Q1,I chose the workhorse as my first target segment. This is because workhouse is
the medium kind of computer, customers will be much more than the other two. People talked about
easy to use, low price, after sale service and support and other staffs to pick computers.
C. Responsibility:
President–Overall leadership is my primary responsibility in the company which meant that I had
the final decision and ... Show more content on ...
Number of ads:
Shark:Chicago 5.
Galileo: Shanghai 13
Synergy: Paris 5
Constellation: Paris 6
e) Balanced scorecard results: My total performance for Q1+Q2 was 8.989. Financial Performance
was –1.533. Market Performance was 0. Marketing Effectiveness was 28.500.
Major Decision:
A. Target market:
The target market in Q3 is still workhorse. I did not open another market in Q3 is my big mistake. I
knew my market share in workhorse is low but I didn't change it.
B. Brand management:
I did not change my brand design in Q3.
C. Pricing:
I did not change my price in Q3.
D. Advertising:
To improve my advertisement, I changed my order of ad. The order is brand name, rebate – special
price deal, easy to use, largest data storage on market, feature office applications, feature
engineering apps, link PCs with network/internet and picture of business professionals.
E. Hire Sales People:
I also changed my decisions about hiring. I put 1 support people in Chicago because I think people
are more care about after–sale support in workhorse. I also put 2 sales people for workhorse and 1 in
F. Open Sales Office:
I opened Paris this time because the market size in Paris is the third largest.
Results for Q3:
a) Brand Judgment: I got 24 in Traveler, 1 in Workhorse, and 35 in Mercedes.
Price judgments: I got 93 in Traveler, 77 in Workhorse, and 100 in Mercedes.
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Similarities Between Carnegie And Jp Morgan
Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P Morgan were all the richest men of the era.
However, each of their stories differ – the way they got there and what they choose to do with their
wealth. Therefore even though they were all making tons and tons of money, their lifestyles were
dramatically different. These three men were apart of the Gilden Age – a time when corruption
existed in society but was overshadowed by the wealth of the period. Andrew Carnegie, was
immigrant from Scotland – his family came over when he was 13 years old. Carnegie was not born
into wealth, similar to Rockefeller. Carnegie first job was in a cotton mill and he worked his way up
into bigger positions for bigger companies and such along the way. "Carnegie ... Show more content
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He eventually worked his way up to superintendent of the Pittsburgh Division of Pennsylvania
Railroad and caught the eye of two company executives – Thomas A. Scott and company president
J. Edgar Thomson – both of whom would remain influential throughout Carnegie's life. Carnegie
became quite adept at investing and one of his earliest endeavors was using his connections and
skills to merge the T.T. Woodruff & Company (later called Central Transportation Company), a
maker of sleeping cars for trains, and the Pullman Palace Car Company." After the experience from
these jobs and guidance from his mentor, Thomas Scott, along with perfecting the Bessemer Process
to make iron into steel efficiently and cheap – Andrew Carnegie made a fortune in steel in the late
1800s. Along with this Carnegie also used a process called horizontal consolidation or horizontal
integration – this is a process in which a company buys out or merges with all competing
companies. "By 1889, steel production in the United States outpaced that of the U.K. – and most of
that was under Carnegie's control. By then, Carnegie was one of the wealthiest men in America."
However by 1892, Carnegie began suffering after the Homestead Strike, his reputation was
tarnished for awhile and he ultimately ended up selling his
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Essay about A Man Who Knew Balance: A Rags-to Riches Tale
A Man Who Knew Balance Of all the rags–to–riches tales in history, there are none that can
compare to the likes of Andrew Carnegie's. Although Carnegie was a man whose character fell
somewhere between callous and benevolent, his abundant contributions to America are nothing
short of remarkable. His journey is an exemplary display of the true opportunity that you are given
in America regardless of the card you have been dealt. While his sheer wealth was very notable, his
philanthropic influences are not to go unnoticed either. Andrew Carnegie was one of the first
businessmen to promote public–spirited philosophies that simultaneously achieved individual profit
and benefited the America as a whole. Andrew Carnegie was born on November ... Show more
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One of his most prominent business ventures was the Keystone Bridge Company, a bridge–building
company that was founded in 1865. Having established business contacts through the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, Carnegie was able to build his first steel plant in order to begin building bridges
with steel in lieu of iron and wood, which were less economically constructive materials at the time
(Nackliss, 575–605). Essentially, this was the way in which Carnegie had exposed himself to the
steel industry. Carnegie, again, had a stroke of luck when finding himself in such an industry:
increased demand for railroads had thereby increased demand for steel. Because of this demand,
new processes were being developed to expedite the methods though which steel had been made.
The most successful man to do such a thing was Henry Bessemer with the Bessemer process in
1855. The process revolutionized steel, as we know it by implementing oxidation in order to prevent
impurities in the alloy. Andrew Carnegie, having a hardy entrepreneurial spirit, utilized this process
to mass–produce his own goods. The Carnegie Steel Company, in an endeavor to minimize
competition, would employ a growth and
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American Pageant Chapter 4 Apush
1. Andrew Carnegie: He was the owner of the biggest steel company that led its expansion. His
company produced 1/3 of the steel throughout the whole nation during the late 19th century.
Carnegie was one of the leading business people that led America into the industrial era and also one
of the reasons why Capitalism was created. 2. Carpetbaggers: This is what Southerners called
Northerners who came to the south looking for jobs as an insult to them. They are Northerners who
moved to the south for many reasons such as looking for jobs and maybe getting more political
powers. Scalawags: Southerner calls other White Southerners who they considered a traitor of the
Confederate. They switched from Confederate to the Union after the war was over. Redeemers:
They are Southern Democrats that won the election during Reconstruction and tries to get ... Show
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Dumbbell Tenement: It was a new type of housing shaped like a dumbbell. It's supposed to be
spacious for more families (Up to six). Greedy landlords over stuffed the apartment, so that they
could fit more families and more families means more money. It was a fire hazard, unhygienic, and
a lot of diseases were passed around. 4. Ghost Dance: A ritual dance by the Indians to become one
with the spirits of the dead and unity between natives throughout the whole region. It's to also bring
peace and prosperity to the Indians. Wounded Knee Massacre happen because White settlers felt
threaten when they heard it and thought it was some sort of sign of war between the Indians and the
settlers because of how long they did the ritual. 5. Triangle–Shirtwaist Factory Fire: This is an
industrial disaster where 146 women who worked in the sweatshops factory died because of the fire,
inhaling too much smokes, or jump to their death. Owners were not found guilty since they didn't
violate any laws, which resulted in families of the decrease to be awarded $75 per victims. The
incident resulted an improvement of the factory safety
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What Was The Impact Of The Industrial Era
Industrial Era Between the 1860's and 1900's the United States became the significant industrial
nation. This was the turning point in American history. There was a major impact on the
industrialization after the Civil War. Economic growth and businesses began to boom. The Industrial
Era was significant because of who was involved, impacted, and most of all how it happened and
why. In 1869, the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads met in Promontory, Utah. This
transcontinental railroad made traveling easier and more efficient. By having this railroad, western
travelers now could take less dangerous routes and it wouldn't take as long. After a year into the
Civil War, congress finally passed the Pacific Railroad Act which grants and loans were given to the
two railroads. The Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads were nearly 2,000 miles long. This
railroad caused major impact in the industrial era because it allowed rapid growth and expansion in
the Unites States ("Transcontinental Railroad Completed"). Alexander Graham Bell was a scientist
and inventor. He was bet well known for his invention of the first working telephone in 1877. His
first call was to his business partner, Thomas Watson. The call was from New York to Chicago
("Alexander Graham Bell"). Not only was the telephone a ... Show more content on
Eventually, violence had occurred resulting in a gun battle which killed and injured numerous
strikers and Pinkerton's men. Andrew Carnegie had built one of the most booming steel companies
in America. Throughout time, several mills were broken and these workers were represented so they
couldn't be laid off. Many of these workers were eastern and southern European immigrants along
with their sons. Soon after, there was a campaign to cut workers' wages and Carnegie pushed for it.
Workers were furious with this campaign
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Jane Addams in Action Essay
Action is inherent in the tasks of a social activist. Ideas alone are not enough. Though the
development of philosophies and manifestos is the basis for every social movement and every stride
toward social justice, without social action and the social activist, little can ever be accomplished.
The great social activist must, by definition, be the great social action taker. Jane Addams was the
epitome of such an action taker. Addams herself believed that ideas were not enough. She was not
satisfied to live a life of ideological morality. Instead, she felt that true moral living could only be
accomplished through action ("Dream" 84). Embodying the very vision she stood for, Addams put
her convictions into action. Over the course of 46 ... Show more content on ...
In addition, John H. Addams was a personal acquaintance of Abraham Lincoln, whom young Jane
Addams idolized ("Dream" 7). It is from her father that Addams seems to have developed a sense
that civic responsibility is innate in both the democratic and Christian mission. Upon his death in
1881, when Addams was only 20 years old, she wrote of him, "He was the uncompromising enemy
of wrong and of wrong doing. He was a leader as well as a safe and fearless advocate in right things
in public life (Davis 26)." Addams' life was also shaped by her womanhood. As a member of one of
the first generations of women to attend college, Addams was confused and frustrated by the
possible paths she could take in life. She was highly educated and privileged but lacked any useful
enterprise to pursue (Brown 213). Additionally, she believed that, as a woman, she had a
responsibility to her "nurturing instinct" (Davis 212). Though Addams would be a passionate
supporter of the women's suffrage movement, she was not a feminist as they are understood today.
Certainly, she believed that women should be the equals of men, but she believed that their value to
society came specifically from the ways in which they were innately different from men. In her
mind, the nature of women predisposed them to greater awareness of and action against suffering,
greater desire for social justice, and greater advocates for peace. These influences, along with
literary figures such as George Eliot,
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The Great Depression And President Roosevelt 's New Deal
The 1930s, historically remembered for the Great Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal,
demonstrated a time of great racial tension and segregation in America. Slavery dissolved and the
Ku Klux Klan became less popular; the struggle of African Americans, however, was not over.
Racial segregation thrived with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs transfered to
whites who were struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The
New Deal, created to promote equality and produce jobs, proved largely ineffective on the front of
desegregation, doing little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans
were able to prosper: jazz. However, even the jazz community itself remained segregated. Racial
prejudice came from both fronts: whites did "not want to mix socially with Negroes," and blacks
believed that "when a Negro enters a White band, he loses his identity as a Negro musician"
("DownBeat Dodges the Racial Issue"). Benny Goodman, however, broke this barrier, initially in
1935 with the first interracial jazz performance, and again in his 1938 Carnegie Hall concert
featuring black musicians. Benny Goodman's career did not commence with the Trio's 1935
performance; a clarinet player from a young age, Goodman initiated his professional career in 1925
as a member of the Ben Pollack Orchestra. During his time with the orchestra, he recorded his first
solo on the song "He's the Last Word." In 1931, Benny
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Essay on Benny Goodman, King of Swing
Benjamin David Goodman was born in Chicago on May 30, 1909, the ninth of twelve children born
to David and Dora Goodman, who both emigrated from Russia but met in America.
David Goodman eked out a minimal living for his family by working for a tailor in a sweatshop. To
help alleviate the family's poverty, the children were urged to work as soon as they were old enough.
For entertainment, David would take his youngest children to Douglas Park on Sundays to hear free
band concerts. It was here that he first heard of the Kehelah Jacob band. Lessons were given for one
quarter at the Kehelah Jacob synagogue. David Goodman enrolled his three youngest sons with the
hopes that one day, their music would lift them out of poverty. It was here ... Show more content on ...
This led to his first professional gig in 1921 in a vaudeville show at Central Park Theater.
In 1923, at the age of 14, Benny Goodman left school to play with local bands, including Bill
Grimm's riverboat orchestra with Bix Beiderbecke. There is an interesting anecdote about Benny's
first meeting with Bix. One day, Benny received an emergency call from Grimm, asking him to fill
in for Grimm's clarinetist, who was ill. Benny arrived early in the day at the dock where the boat on
which he was to perform was moored. Benny stepped onto the bandstand and immediately heard a
shout to "get off there, kid! Stop that fooling around!" (Benny Goodman, 1979) Benny turned to see
a fellow about four or five years older, holding a trumpet and staring disdainfully at Benny. That
fellow, Bix Beiderbecke, did not want to hear any explanations from this young kid in knickers.
However, Bill Grimm arrived before any trouble could start and introduced the boys. The young
men hit it off and much fun and great music stemmed from that first session together.
At that same time, Benny and his high school friends had earned the nickname,
"The Wild West Side Mob", not for their behavior, but because of their free, ragged, style of jazz.
While this style made them great jam session musicians, it made it difficult for them to find work.
Hot jazz was not in demand. Nevertheless, Benny's ability to play cool, sweet jazz on demand
ensured that he found plenty of
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Pursuing A College Education : Is It Worth It?
John McKeown
AP Language, Period G
Ms. Hasebroock
December 4, 2014
Pursuing a College Education: Is It Worth It? Due to some recent events in my life, I have been
strongly contemplating on whether or not college is the right choice for me. My father went to
college at St. Norbert College in DePere, Wisconsin and shortly after he received a job as a clerk at
the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange. He slowly worked his way up to a trading position in the pit, which can be potentially
very rewarding. When the business went electronic and more and more traders started using
computers instead of traditional ways, he fell behind. With the economic recession of recent years
he and many others were laid off and hung out to dry. My father wasted no time in his search for
employment and soon landed himself a union job as a Stationary Engineer Apprentice in Local 399
Operating Engineers of Chicago. Now he has worked his way up and is on track to become a
Stationary Engineer, he will be on a pay scale similar to that which he had while he was trading
futures. If my dad had not wasted his time with college and trading he would have been in the union
much longer and would be much better off. The story of my father's misfortune makes me raise the
question as to whether or not college is worth the money or time invested.
There are many options available to young men and women after graduating high school. Some of
those options include going to college, joining the military, going into the
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Was Rockefeller A Robber Baron Or A Captain Of Industry
John D. Rockefeller: Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? John D. Rockefeller could be thought of
as both a robber baron and a captain of industry because he did many things throughout his career
that would make you believe this. In my opinion, Rockefeller was more of a captain of industry
because he did a lot of philanthropic work after his retirement from the oil business. Although, he
did use illegal and very unethical tactics in order to gain his wealth, and he completely ran his
competitors out of business. He would do anything to gain more fortune for himself. When people
think of John D. Rockefeller, only one question comes to mind. Was he a robber baron or a captain
of industry? In a quote from Searching History it says Rockefeller "Utilized predatory tactics to
crush ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller was a captain of industry because, unlike a robber baron who is ruthless in their
business practices, he was extremely generous when it came to money. He gave half a billion
dollars, which is more than ⅓ of his total net worth, to multiple different charities. Rockefeller did
create an oil monopoly, which is when a single company or group owns most of a market for a
certain product they are trying to sell, or a company that completely dominates a particular industry.
There are some advantages to creating a monopoly, like the avoidance of duplicated products being
sold. They are also able to avoid competition and be more efficient with the products they are selling
because they can afford to have the latest machinery and technology to help them. There are also
some disadvantages. Consumers can be charged higher prices for lower quality goods, and the lack
of competition could also lead to lower quality goods. Some would say that this is very greedy
because monopolies are usually associated with robber barons, but I think Rockefeller was an
exception to this. As a captain of industry, Rockefeller was in no way greedy with the money he
made from his oil
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Apush Gilded Age
The Gilded Age * During the Gilded Age, American businesses were transformed: * Massive
corporations replaced small, family businesses * New technology, transportation, marketing, labor
relations, & efficient mass–production * By 1900, the U.S. was the most industrialized country in
the world * 19th–century inventors led to an "Age of Invention": * Cyrus Field's telegraph cable *
Business typewriters, cash registers, adding machines * High–speed textile spindles, auto looms,
sewing machines * George Eastman's Kodak camera * Alexander G. Bell's telephone * By 1905, 10
million Americans had phones; (Bell Telephone Co became AT&T) * Thomas Edison, the "Wizard
of ... Show more content on ...
laborers * The U.S. experienced an "era of strikes" from 1870–1890 * The Great RR Strike of 1877
shut down railroads from WV to CA & resulted in hundreds of deaths * During the Chicago
Haymarket Strike (1886), unionists demanded an 8–hr day; led to
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Mary Lou Williams Research Paper
Musical prodigy Mary Lou Williams, also known as Mary Elfrieda Scruggs, was born on May 8,
1910 in Atlanta, Georgia. She was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania along with her 10 half brothers
and sisters. The start of Mary Lou's piano career began when she was able to replay almost perfectly
the song her mother played on the family's pump organ. Her exceptional gift of perfect pitch and
teaching from her mom enabled her to play piano on a professional level at the age of four years old.
Mary Lou's birth name was Mary Elfrieda Scruggs but she changed her name to Mary Lou Burly to
take her step father's last name. She later changed her last name to Williams after her first husband.
At a young age Mary Lou performed small gigs around Pittsburgh and at the age of 10, she was
known everywhere ... Show more content on ...
Mary Lou divorced her husband in 1940 and stayed with the Kirk band until 1942. She then went on
to New York City and started a weekly radio show called "Mary Lou Williams Piano Workshop"
which taught and created a network for pianists everywhere in 1945. It was said that Mary Lou's
NYC apartment was a musical gathering for many upcoming musician's in the city. Mary Lou
decided to take her music internationally and moved to Europe from 1952–1954. However, Mary
Lou converted and became a devout Catholic which resulted in her hiatus from creating music. She
moved back to New York during 1954 and worked solely on charity in Harlem. She also created an
institution to aide musicians and other performers with substance abuse problems called the Bel
Canto Foundation. Later on during the 1960's, Mary Lou went back to composing music that was
heavily influenced by her Catholic faith, one of which was called Mary Lou's Mass. Before Mary
Lou Williams passed away from bladder cancer, she established yet another foundation called the
Mary Lou Williams Foundation where it teaches children and young adults about
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Corruption During The Gilded Age
During a time with corruption being at an all time high during the Gilded Age, with a mass influx of
new immigrants from Eastern and southern Europe, such as Scandinavians or Italians. Corruption as
seen through political machines as seen through Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed; along with
mediocre presidents during the time period. Art being one of the many ways people could express
their true feelings in a time where corruption was at a high point. George Bellows with paintings
like, "Cliff Dwellers" depicting life in an urban city with an influx of new immigrants in urban areas
like New York. Along with the harsh conditions in the dense urban areas such as poor sanitation and
overall very poor living conditions; his paintings contributing ... Show more content on ...
Managing to accomplish it whether it be through journalism or books as seen through, The Jungle
and How the Other Half Lives, exposing the corruption that occurred in the Gilded Age whether it
be the meat packing industry and it's embalmed beef and poor conditions. Along with photography
exposing the true living conditions in tenements along with the imbalance of wealth. Not just
photography and journalism, artwork as well with the Ashcan School portraying life in urban areas
exposing the poverty as a effect of the Gilded Age, calling for reforms. As seen through the robber
barons like Rockefeller and Carnegie getting and keeping the most with the lower classes with it's
low wages and horrifying factory conditions. Not just social reform through muckraking; however,
social reform as seen through the Settle House movement led by Jane Addams and the creation of
the Hull House trying to educate the poor with an emphasis on the children, art being the key in the
education. Leading to social reform later occurring Progressive Era calling for reform on places like
child labor, prohibition, passages of acts like the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure food and Drug
Act. Not just social reform but business reform as well, seen through the Elkins Act and the
Hepburn Act, Roosevelt earning the infamous name of the first president known to be a trust
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1930s Music Research Paper
Music in the 1930s
During the deepest economic downturn in the United States, the Great Depression, music and
dancing made people forget the hardships of their daily lives. Research shows that listening to music
can improve your mood. Music has been used as a therapy for centuries, especially in the 1930s
("How Music Changes Your Mood"). Popular music during the 1930s included many upbeat and fun
genres like swing, jazz, and country/western.
The exciting sound of swing music is portrayed from its strong rhythm section of double bass and
drums. This is used as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments, woodwinds, and sometimes
stringed instruments. Swing often uses medium to fast tempos and a swing time rhythm ("Music ...
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The origins of country music were the folk music of mostly white, working–class Americans.
According to Sean Dooley who contributed to "The History of Country Music", they blended
popular songs, Irish and Celtic fiddle tunes, traditional ballads, cowboy songs, and various musical
traditions from European immigrant communities. In the 1930s, radio and recordings had begun to
popularize the new style, renamed as "country and western". It included country, gospel, bluegrass,
cowboy musicals, brother and sister duets, and western swing (Dooley). The flip side of country
music was jazz. Country musicians began recording 'boogie' in 1939, shortly after it was played at
Carnegie Hall. This was also when Johnny Barfield recorded 'Boogie Woogie'. The start of what was
initially called 'hillbilly', 'boogie', or 'okie boogie' became much more popular in late 1945 ("Music
in the 1930s"). Another type of country music with a variety of moods included honky tonk. Honky
tonk was a basic ensemble of guitar, bass, steel guitar, and drums. It became widespread among poor
whites in Texas and Oklahoma. Honky tonk had its roots in western swing and ranchera music of
Mexico (Dooley). Rockabilly was most common in the 1950s among country fans. 1956 was called
the 'Year of Rockabilly' in country music. Rockabilly was a mixture of 'hillbilly' and rock–and–roll
("Music in the 1930s"). During the era, Elvis Presley converted over to country music and played a
huge role in the music industry. 'Barn dance shows' featuring country music were started all over the
South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California. The most important was the Grand Ole
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The Most Popular Instrument of All Time: The Trumpet Essay
Throughout history, music has changed. One instrument has been able to stand the testament of
time. Many instruments have had their time, but faded away. The trumpet has survived them all. It is
probably the most popular instrument of all time. With talented musicians like Louis Armstrong and
Miles Davis, the trumpet has been able to endure. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the
careers of Armstrong and Davis, and how the trumpet became their way into Jazz. Louis Armstrong
was born on August 4th 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis had a hard and painful childhood. In
1922 at the age of 21 Louis moves to Chicago to play cornet in a band lead by Joe Oliver. In
September 1924 he leaves Oliver and moves to New York City to join ... Show more content on ...
His talent formed a popularity that was surpassed by none. He was the first to present Jazz to the
public as a form of art. This changed the direction of Jazz. Miles Davis was born May 25, 1926 in
Alton, Illinois and grew up in East St. Louis. For his 13th birthday, Miles was given his first
trumpet. By age 16, Miles was playing professionally and received his first real taste of what
playing jazz was like when he was asked to stand in for a band that was traveling through and
needed to replace a sick horn player. After high school, Miles enrolled in Juilliard in September
1944. Miles spent most of his time playing music with others than actually going to class. Although
he was known primarily as a trumpet player, in the world of music he had great influence as an
innovative bandleader and as a composer. His music and style were important in the development of
improvisational techniques incorporating modes. Miles experiments with modal playing reached its
apotheosis in 1959 with his recording of Kind Of Blue. Miles was brought up in the Bebop tradition.
When Miles became a leader, things really took off. Miles transformed jazz into a new era with his
Birth of cool sessions, which were recorded in throughout 1949–50. These sessions took Bebop's
fast running styled chords, and transitioned it to a more modal idea. Miles also began experimenting
with a nine–piece band. He would frequently use the flugelhorn and muted trumpet. During this
time Davis had become
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Who Were the Robber Barons? what was their impact on the...
Who Were The Robber Barons?"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded
on friendship." These words ring true in the ears of business owners and CEOs even today. Who was
the man that spoke these words that still have thought and meaning today? Why, none other than
John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was one of the many "robber barons" of the gilded age. In case you
were wondering, a robber baron is a "ruthlessly powerful U.S. capitalist or industrialist of the late
19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting
legislators, or other unethical means." In other words, a real life depiction of "Mr. Pennybags" from
the popular Monopoly game. Robber barons were not only ruthless ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller's donations during his lifetime alone totaled more than 500 million dollars. John
Piermont Morgan was most known as a financier, art collector and a philanthropist. He is probably
the second most known robber baron besides Rockefeller. However, Morgan was worth an estimated
80 million dollars, or 1.2 billion dollars today, dwarfed by Rockefeller's $313 billion; but, "JP
Morgan's power did not lie in the millions he had, it lay in the billions he controlled". Born on April
17, 1837, in Hartford, Connecticut as a son of a banker, Morgan went into the family business and
became one of the most famous financiers in history. After working for his father, he started his own
private banking company in 1871, which later became known as J. P. Morgan & Co. His company
became one of the leading financial firms in the country. It was so powerful that even the U.S.
government looked to the firm for help with the depression of 1895. The company also assisted in
thwarting the 1907 financial crisis. During his career, his wealth, power, and influence attracted a lot
of media and government scrutiny. During the late 1800s and even after the turn of the century,
much of the country's industries were in the hands of a few powerful business leaders, especially
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Youth Choir 's Top Chamber Choir
Opportunities don't really come knocking in the small, corn–filled state of Iowa, but for Heartland
Youth Choir 's top chamber choir they did. We had an opportunity this year to go to New York and
sing in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall. For me this was a huge deal! to be singing on the very stage
where The Beatles have sang meant the world to me, and I was going to have fun with it. It was the
middle of June when we left. We were all riding on a bus to our first destination, Indiana. There we
stopped at the Indy Speedway where went to the museum in the middle of the track. Interesting fact:
there is a golf course in the middle. I found that very amusing because I couldn't imagine that the
track is big enough for a golf course. After ... Show more content on ...
It was like every five steps you smelled a new trash can, but that's what made it New York. The
smell came with the beauty. We were only in New York for three days, and that meant that I was
going to have to pack in everything that I wanted to see. Granted New York is so big that even after
a week I still wouldn't get to see everything that I wanted to. So that first day we got settled in our
hotels. I roomed with my friends Neupur, Mary, and Marisa. When we got to our hotel room Marisa
unleashed her crazy. "Marisa do you have sheet music in your bag?" Mary questioned. "Yeah,"
Marisa answered. "Are they songs from musicals? Why do you have musical sheet music?" Neupur
questioned. "You never know when you're going to run into someone or something and need sheet
music from a musical," stated Marisa. You see Marisa absolutely loves musicals, and she can sing.
She is like a walking musical jukebox. You ask her any song or any musical and she will sing the
song. Marisa's discretion in bringing the music was very spot on, because later that day we went to a
short musical 101 class and they asked her to sing in front of a couple people from Broadway, and
get feedback from them. It was a very exciting time for us and Marisa. Its her dream to be on
Broadway. The next day we went to Central Park, where I got to see the Strawberry Fields
memorial. Then we got to go in groups and walk around Time Square and see some of the cool
things that Time
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Ap Morgan Biography
Web Source–
Born on Nov. 25, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland to Wil and Margaret Carnegie/moved to America
in 1848 – find better jobs/settled in Allegheny City (now Pittsburg, PA)
Started working as bobbin boy at cotton factory – $1.20 p. week/ later secretary and telegraph
operator for superintendent of Pittsburgh division of PA railroad/ 1859– railroad division
superintendent– made investments in coal, iron, and oil companies
Left railroad in 1865/early 1870's co–founded first steel company near Pittsburgh/ goal was to
maximize profits and minimize inefficiencies/ 1892– named company Carnegie Steel Company
Homestead Labor Strike of 1892– Henry Clay Frick (1848–1919) in charge while Carnegie on
vacation/ locked workers out of steel mill/ called in 300 men from Pinkerton to protect mill ... Show
more content on ...
Carnegie died age 83 on August 11, 1919 in Shadowbrook (Estate in Lenox, MA)/ burried in Sleepy
Hollow Cemetery in North Tarrytown, NY.
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How Did Jazz Affect The Civil Rights Movement
The 1950s and 1960s was a turbulent time of social change. During this era, the Civil Rights
movement came to prominence as African Americans protested for equal rights, and challenged
racial discrimination. These acts of civil disobedience and both nonviolent and violent protests
brought to the forefront all of the inequalities that African Americans still faced. As all of this was
going on, music was playing an important role in the movement and race relations. Specifically,
jazz, a musical genre that in many way parallels the struggle of the Civil Rights movement. Jazz
evolved as a musical genre which defied standard genres, with its improvisation and celebration of
both individual expression and the entire band. Jazz became a precursor ... Show more content on ...
Famed Music critic, "Stanley Crouch once said, " Once the musicians who played it and the listeners
who loved it began to balk at the limitations imposed by segregation, jazz became a futuristic social
force in which one was finally judged purely on the basis of one's individual ability. Jazz predicted
the civil rights movement more than any other art in America" (Hentoff). Crouch is alluding to the
fact that jazz transcended racial barriers because black jazz musicians were accepted by whites for
their musicianship. This happened at first informally in a few ways. In the early 1920s, whites and
blacks were limited to jamming together in after hours informal jam sessions as they weren't
recording records together at this time (Browne). For example, in Chicago whites would travel to
the south side to jam with black musicians after hours as it would be a decade before racially mixed
bands performed in front of audiences. They came to hear the great King Oliver, Louis Armstrong,
Earl Hines among others (Stokes). This also occurred informally in gangster run illegal nightclubs
and speakeasies, as blacks and whites could intermingle freely during the prohibition
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Manny Goodman Segregation
The 1930s, historically remembered for the Great Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal,
demonstrated a time of great racial tension and segregation. Slavery dissolved and the Ku Klux Klan
remained less popular; the struggle of African Americans, however, was not over. Racial segregation
continued to thrive with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs given to whites who were
struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The New Deal, created
to promote equality and produce jobs, was largely ineffective on the front of desegregation, doing
little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans were able to prosper:
jazz. However, even the jazz community itself proved ... Show more content on ...
The concert, held in January of 1938, took place in Carnegie Hall and featured musicians from the
Duke Ellington Orchestra and Count Basie ( Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa, Buck
Clayton, Johnny Hodges, Walter Page, Lester young, Harry Carney, and Freddie Green also made
appearances ("History of the Hall"). The Carnegie Hall concert was not just important because it
included black musicians, it was important because it made Benny Goodman even more famous; He
was "so high so often on the popularity charts that he ranks above all but five other artists making
recording between 1890 and 1954" (Gridley 89). The sold–out concert goes down in history as the
first time a jazz concert was famously performed outside of a bar or nightclub (The Chronicle of
Jazz). What message does that send to the rest of the jazz world? One of inclusion; one can be both
popular and racially progressive. This message is sent best from an already popular musician: "if
anyone can make a mixed band acceptable to the public–Benny Goodman can" ("DownBeat Dodges
the Racial
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The Pros And Cons Of Philanthropy In American Society
The gilded age was a period where great industrial growth shrouded out the financial and political
corruption it also brought forth. During this era, the largely agricultural economy, in which farmers
were the source of most products, transformed into an industrial economy, where those farmers were
replaced by factories. The labor leaders of this era were cheered for their efforts, but they were also
criticized for their methods. Because of these positives and negatives, the public had very mixed
views on them. They often came from humble origins, and along their road to wealth used methods
that were inhumane, such as driving competitors out of business, and caring little for their
employees. Modern corporations are thought to have initiated with railroads, as they had so many
employees that middle management was needed. The rails also spanned over the country, and the
businesses in their entirety were so large that they didn't have enough money for tracks and stations.
To gain this money, ... Show more content on ...
Where do we draw the line between unscrupulous business practices and practices that lead to
innovation, investment, and improvement? Philanthropy; a philanthropist is someone who seeks to
promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Some
would argue that the leading businessmen were philanthropists; others would say otherwise.
Captains of industry were business giants who, despite some shady dealings, helped usher in the
modern economy, and were praised for their acts for humanity. They made life in America better
with their creative visions and innovations. Some examples of captains of industry were Andrew
Carnegie, who gave away $381 million to promote the common good, and John D. Rockefeller, who
gave away $500 million. Andrew Carnegie thrived and
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Solar Eclipse Research Paper
To me, theatre is a solar eclipse. Everyone knows about it. There are pictures and videos all
attempting to capture the unfathomable beauty. But, when all's said and done, it must be
experienced. A recording of a solar eclipse, just like a recording of a show, can never encapsulate the
wonder from experiencing it in person. Even though it means it's harder to access and experience
theatre, it's one of the reasons I fell in love with it.
I started engaging in theatre in sixth grade, playing a nun in the ensemble of The Sound of Music.
My mind opened to all sorts of shows, and I began listening to everything from Carousel to Little
Shop of Horrors. I joined the school's advanced theatre class and then went on to high school. In
ninth grade I ... Show more content on ...
After all, it's where I've seen many Broadway shows and where I sang at Carnegie Hall. But the way
it inspires me transcends those experiences, as wonderful as they were. During one of my trips, I
stood on the edge of a New York City sidewalk, waiting to cross the street to get to a theater. People
surrounded me on every side except directly in front of me, where cars moved past me. Somehow, a
miracle happened – for a moment, surrounded by people and cars and noise, I felt completely alone.
When I returned to reality, I thought about the millions of lives and stories contained on Manhattan
Island. It was overwhelming, yes, but it also made me realize how incredible New York City truly is
– not because of its theaters or skyscrapers or parks, but because of its people. I always say that
cities have an urban heartbeat that send sparks through me, creating inspiration. But feeling alone in
New York helped me to realize that the urban heartbeat I feel is made up of the people who create
the city. Truly, no place better demonstrates this effect better than New York City. I know I will keep
returning there because of this effect, as it inspires me more than I can
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Biography Of Ethel Rosenberg
Although they were tried and executed more than half a century ago, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's
names remain familiar to most Americans. Put to death on June 19, 1953, after their conviction for
conspiracy to commit treason, the Rosenbergs were at the center of one of the most famous and
controversial espionage cases of the twentieth century. Fifty–four years after her death, Ethel
Rosenberg's role remains one of the most contested aspects of the whole affair. Despite her
sensational death, Ethel Rosenberg was not a lifelong political activist. Born to Russian immigrants
on New York's Lower East Side in 1915, the young Ethel hoped for a career in theater or music.
Although she went to work instead of to college after her 1931 graduation from ... Show more
content on ...
Ethel was only the second woman ever to be executed by the federal government. To the end, both
Rosenbergs insisted on their innocence. Documents recently unsealed in both the U.S. and Russia
show that although Julius Rosenberg was probably guilty, Ethel's role in any conspiracy was tiny at
most. While scholarly debate over the Rosenberg case continues, their names remain a touchstone
for many. Playwright Tony Kushner, for instance, offered a powerful portrayal of Ethel Rosenberg's
strength and humanity in his landmark production Angels in America. Heir to an Execution (2004),
a recent documentary by the Rosenbergs' granddaughter, Ivy Meeropol, presents a particularly
moving portrayal of how Ethel confronted her arrest, trial and execution. Sources: Jewish Women in
America: An Historical Encyclopedia, pp. 1174–1176; Marjorie Garber and Rebecca Walkowitz,
eds., Secret Agents: The Rosenberg Case, McCarthyism, and Fifties America (New York, 1995);
Ilene Philipson, Ethel Rosenberg: Beyond the Myth (New York, 1988); Ronald Radosh and Joyce
Milton, The Rosenberg File: A Search for the Truth (New York, 1983); Joseph Sharlitt, Fatal Error:
The Miscarriage of Justice that Sealed the Rosenbergs' Fate (New York, 1989); Los Angeles Times,
March 30, 1951; New York Times, April 6, 1951, June 20, 1953; Chicago Daily Tribune, October
14, 1952, June 20,
... Get more on ...
Freedom Riders Research Paper
During the time of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950's and 1960's, jazz musicians became very
involved in many different fund–raising events and opportunities. They used these different events
to help with supporting the movement and to show others where they stand. The jazz musicians
wanted to fight for equal rights of African Americans and for the many privileges that U.S. citizens
had during this time. Since they were becoming involved in this movement, they were also
becoming more involved in the politics and different organizations such as the SNCC (The Student
Noninvolvement Coordinating Committee), CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) and many more.
There were many jazz musicians who didn't want to become a part of the politics ... Show more
content on ...
This event helped to support the movement and was formed by about 13 African Americans who
were activists and wanted to fight for freedom and desegregation. The Freedom Riders were
basically bus trips that made their way through the southern states of America in order to protest.
The CORE organization was a big part of this event since they were the ones who recruited people
to be a part of the rides. Since the riders wanted to make a point, they often used many white public
facilities but it caused a lot of disagreements and violence against them. The violence became such a
big part of this event, which caused the riders to wear guns for self–defense, and to try to fight to
stand up for themselves. Their buses were not only bombed, but the mobs that were fighting against
the riders also beat them and left them beaten up on their buses. In addition, it caused for more
protection for the riders since they were being targeted by white mobs and even the KKK mob.
While the riders were being arrested and brought to jail, many of them spent their time singing
freedom songs, which connects to jazz music and jazz musicians during this time. By May 19th,
they were back on the road where they were attacked again but kept going until a church service in
Montgomery on May 21st. The riders kept protesting and they were not letting anything stop
... Get more on ...
Industrialization After the Civil War
Assignment 1.2: Industrialization after the Civil War Final Paper Belinda Scott History 105: Spring
2014 Prof. Michael Smith Industrialization after the Civil War After the Civil War the United States
became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 in 1920 industrialization and proved
American life in many ways. However industrialization also created problems for American society.
This paper will introduce my previously crafted thesis statement where I stated my opinion on how
industrialization after the Civil War influenced US society, economy, and politics. This paper will
also identify three major aspect of the industrialization ... Show more content on ...
The three major aspects of industrialization during 1865 and 1920 that influenced U.S. society,
economy, and politics where; urbanization, working conditions, and a laissez– faire government.
Industrialization and urbanization went hand in hand. Cities offered large numbers of workers for
new factories, and as more factories were built, more workers, both native –born and immigrant,
moved to cities looking for jobs. Cities provided transportation for raw materials and manufactured
goods, as well as markets for the consumption of finished products. By 1930 more than half of all
Americans; including one million African Americans that had moved from the rural South to
Western and Northern cities in search of jobs and to escape Jim Crow laws, lived in cities. The shift
from rural life to urban life had both positive and negative effects. Some of the negative effects of
urbanization included crowded, unsanitary living conditions for workers, and corrupt municipal, or
city politics. The construction of decent housing was far below the fast paced growth of city
populations, the cities were not prepared for that. The city housing primarily consisted of
multifamily buildings called tenements. These tenements were usually deteriorated, located in poor
working class neighborhoods, severely overcrowded, and inundated with violent crime. Cities also
lacked adequate sanitation and water facilities. Poor families that lived in the slums could not afford
... Get more on ...
Impact Of The King Of Jazz
INTRODUCTION The term "King of Jazz" was widely use at Jazz Age. 1920s, James Reese Europe
and Paul Whiteman have been labelled as King of Jazz by mass media as they had done something
very significant in jazz history. This term, King of Jazz, also allowed them being recognised and
discussed a lot by public at that time, their music also being concerned and heard by a lot of people.
Although most of the society agreed on them, criticisms still occurred. Those criticisms came from
black musicians who thought they were only the real musicians and their music were the only real
Jazz. James Reese Europe was prominent in emerging black musical in theatre, he led the very first
all black musicians orchestra to performance in Carnegie Hall. Whereas Paul Whiteman had
organised "An Experiment in Modern Music" that intended to make a lady out of jazz at the time.
Mass media or even their publicity team used the term, "King of Jazz," to arouse the crowds and
evoke their concern about jazz music. Although it was such a big issue at that time, presence of
Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Miles Davis made people forgot about them and what they
had done in uprising jazz music. By reading this research paper, reader should awake their
appreciations towards their contribution in jazz music industry. I. SOCIAL BACKGROUND and
MASS MEDIA of UNITED STATES around ... Show more content on ...
His country was in war and facing threat by western country. As like what has James Reese Europe
done, during World War 1, he led a large navy band and playing march tunes and show music
separately by day and night. GMO The band consoled and enthused their soldiers and people
through their music. Before he settled down in New York at 1920, he organised his first dance band
in San Francisco at 1918.AM Whiteman also being labelled as King of Jazz during a gig at the
Maryland Hotel in Pasadena, but it was not so nationwide at the
... Get more on ...

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  • 5. SING SING SING Essay examples SING SING SING I used to always go over to my grandparent's house and watch my grandfather go crazy over this "Jazz" music. He explained to me that it wasn't Jazz unless it swung like the greats. I listened to a song "Sing Sing Sing" the other day from one of my Jazz collections that my grandpa gave to me and realized that their was so much energy and pizzazz in this music. He explained to me that it was all put together by a guy named Benny, and I understood why. Benny Goodman, born Benjamin David in 1909, one of twelve children, grew up in a Chicago ghetto with his family, who fled Russian anti–Semitism. Encouraged by his father, an immigrant tailor, to learn a musical instrument, Goodman took up the clarinet at a young ... Show more content on ... In Los Angeles, the band created a sensation, essentially starting the "swing" era. In fact, Goodman became known as the "King of Swing" (Collier, 1989). Swing was the dominant idiom of the 1930s and much of the 1940s. Basically, it was a form of dance music played by a large band, and was the medium through which most white Americans first heard Jazz (Schuller,1989). Although the decade 1935–45 was called the Swing Era, swing arrangements had been played by large bands beginning in the 1920s. Bandleader–arrangers Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, and, later, Count Basie, worked out arrangements for their 10 to 12 piece bands, which, unlike traditional jazz bands, were divided into instrumental sections. The rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, and drums) maintained a steady, even beat; the saxophone and brass sections countered each other with harmonized riffs and repeated figures, with section leaders improvising over this background (Stewart, 1979). Utilized almost exclusively for dancing, the music of the big bands borrowed heavily from the techniques introduced by Henderson. Among the most popular bands were those led by Goodman, Glenn Miller, Woody Herman, the Dorsey brothers, and Artie Shaw. As a counterpart of the highly arranged orchestrations of these New York–based bands, a Kansas City swing style developed under the influence of Count Basie and Bennie Moten that emphasized a blues ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Personal Essay: The Story About Knawledge The Story About Knawledge In Dubuque Iowa an average kid became one of the best middle linebackers in football history. He started playing football when he was nine years old. He was so bad that he wasn't even a starter, but he didn't give up. He practiced and worked out every day until he became good enough to be drafted into the NFL. I am that kid. I was born and lived in Dubuque Iowa. I was born on December 31st, 2003. I went to Trinity Square Daycare and I was a bit of a bad kid, and by a bit I mean a lot. My cousin and I both went to the same preschool. We went to St. Marks preschool, by Carnegie Stout Library in Dubuque. From kindergarten to third grade I went to Audubon. In first grade I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. I went to Irving for the rest of elementary school. In fourth grade my grandpa died. My football career started when I was nine. I wasn't the best, but I tried my hardest. In sixth grade we had to write an autobiography just like this one. I won the T–Shirt contest in sixth grade. My friend Sam said he was going to take over the world. In seventh grade I got my first girlfriend. In eighth grade I got all A's the whole year! I played football all through middle school. In high school I started on the football team even though I was horrible. I saved ... Show more content on ... The 1st string MLB got injured so I took the chance to make a play so that I could finally be a starter. The first play was a disaster, I tried to tackle someone but they got away and got a touchdown. The next drive I got two tackles and 1 sack and forced them to punt. I played like that for the rest of the year and became the starter. In my career I averaged 21 tackles, 4 sacks, and 1 interception each game. I won the MVP award two times and went to the Pro Bowl seven times. My team won one out of three Super Bowl's and I won the Super Bowl MVP once. I broke five world records and was inducted into the NFL Hall of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Mahalila Jackson Research Paper Mahalia Jackson was a well known Gospel singer born in New Orleans. From an early age, she knew that singing would be her life. Although there were many struggles and obstacles in her life that could have broken her, her strong faith and her determined heart helped her to be one of the most successful gospel singers in history. From being a little girl just singing in a church, to becoming a Civil Rights activist singing for the Civil Rights Movement, she made a big change in the world, and in Illinois. If it was not for her songs people would not have really stopped and cared what blacks have to say about equal rights. Mahalia Jackson, was born October 26, 1911, in a shack on Pitt Street in New Orleans Louisiana. She lived with thirteen ... Show more content on ... At her funeral which was located at the Arie Crown Theater, had over a thousand friends, supporters, and fans there. A lot of famous singers went to her funeral, Ella Fitzgerald brought an arrangement of chrysanthemums, roses, and carnations. Bessie Griffin performed at her funeral, and Lou Rawls and Dick Gregory said a eulogy. In her, honor there was a performing arts theater that was named after her. Mahalia was honored a lot of Hall of Fame awards. She was honored the Music Hall of Fame of Louisiana, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and many others After she died she left a big legacy. She received the honorary degree for the achievement in human dignity and being an inspiration to others.The Mahalia Theater in New Orleans is one of the monuments that she will always be remembered by. In conclusion, Mahalia Jackson was a strong black woman who made a big difference in the world. Although she did not approach her message that she was trying to send the way most people did, she used her own way and got her voice heard, people listened. Most people do not know a lot about her because she was not like Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks, but she should be remembered the way they are being remembered because she also made a big difference in the world. Her voice made her's and other blacks perspective of civil rights be heard, so every now and then she should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Masks, Op. 40 Robert Muczynski Analysis James Mick Dr. Kodanashvili MUS LIT 5200 Masks, Op. 40 By Robert Muczynski Muczynski is considered to by many to be one of America's foremost composers of the last few decades, and while his music seems to be relatively frequently performed, and finds its way into many competition performances throughout the world, it seems to be hardly discussed. I'll talk a little about Muczynski and his life, his overall body of works, and then discuss and his Masks Op. 40 for solo piano. Robert was born to Irene and Stanley Muczynski on 19 March, 1929 , in Chicago, Illinois. Generally speaking, there seems to be little information available about his early life. According to his obituary, Muczynski appears to have graduated from the Chopin Elementary School in Chicago. However, most biographical ... Show more content on ... His Sonata for Flute and Piano (Top Prize at Concourse Internationale in Nice, France), as well as three piano trios. Muczynski's concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra also received a Pulitzer Prize nomination. He also has a number of orchestral works, Muczynski's own take on musical composition can be gleaned from an article he wrote for American Composer Sketches, where he states that: "[while it is true that] music cannot continue to exist in a vacuum of sameness and predictability, it is also true that music cannot yield to anarchy. Some people may consider it 'fun' to hear a typewriter amplified to ear–splitting proportions over a P. A. system, but, really, it is all so cynical. What is so sad is that a number of listeners are willing to endure the torture, finding this a fresh experience." In that article, he goes on to state that composing for a mass audience leads only to failure, and that one cannot compose music that will please everyone. Muczynski's composition style seems rather unique. I believe Walter Simmons details it quite succinctly in his article on Robert Muczynski from Grove Music ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The United States Post Civil War The United States post–Civil War era from 1875 to 1900 experienced massive economic and industrial growth, especially in the North. The rise of new machines, industries (railroad, oil, steel), and buildings contributed to a major upsurge in the prosperity of the American nation. In 1860, no American city had a population over one million; by 1890, three cities had passed the million mark. New York City became the second largest city in the world after London in 1900. The substantial growth of the U.S economically can be contributed to a group of wealthy capitalists that ran businesses/industries and stimulated economic growth. However, historians have argued over whether these capitalists were "robber barons" that were corrupt and took advantage of the American people or "captains of industry" that helped the U.S grow at unparalleled speeds. Wealthy capitalists such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were indeed "captains of industry" who enlarged American industry and businesses, used their wealth to better their communities, and elevated the United States to new heights as one of the leading industrial powers of the entire world. The major wealthy capitalists of the time–Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J. Pierpont Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt–all played a tremendous role in developing American industry and ultimately the economy as a whole. Through their business ventures, they vastly increased the industrial output of America. For example, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Great Depression And President Roosevelt 's New Deal The 1930s, a time of great racial tension and segregation, is historically remembered for the Great Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal. Slavery had ended and the Ku Klux Klan started to become less popular; the struggle for African Americans, however, was not over. Racial segregation continued to thrive with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs given to whites who were struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The New Deal, created to promote equality and produce jobs, was largely ineffective on the front of desegregation, doing little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans were able to prosper: jazz. However, even the jazz community itself was segregated. Racial prejudice came from both fronts: whites did "not want to mix socially with Negroes," and black people believed that "when a Negro enters a White band, he loses his identity as a Negro musician" ("DownBeat Dodges the Racial Issue"). Benny Goodman, however, broke this barrier, initially in 1935 with the first interracial jazz performance, and again in his 1938 Carnegie Hall concert featuring black musicians. Benny Goodman's career did not begin with the Trio's 1935 performance; a clarinet player from a young age, Goodman started his professional career in 1925 as a member of the Ben Pollack Orchestra. During his time in the orchestra, he recorded his first solo on the song "He's the Last Word." In 1931, Benny Goodman began ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Steel City Analysis As I stand on the top of Mt. Washington and look out over the city on this beautiful Autumn evening, I watch all of the city lights reflect off of the glorious PPG building made of the toughest steel and beautiful black glass. The lights reflect along the Three Rivers and I am taken back by how many gorgeous bridges this city has. I gaze across all of it until my eyes meet another prominence in the distance; I recognize this to be the Cathedral of Learning where both Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh are located. This view is breathtaking every single time and I feel as if I'm in a dream, as if I am so lucky to be from this city. They call us the Steel City for a reason. It's not just our history. It's a mentality and a way ... Show more content on ... William Carnegie was basically a hand–loom weaver, but with the advent of water–powered looms, he failed to make ends meet and the family emigrated to America in 1848, settling in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. They were hardworking honest people with noble qualities. Carnegie writes: "The mother, nurse, cook, governess, teacher, saint, all in one; the father, exemplar, guide, counselor, and friend! Thus were my brother and I brought up. What has the child of millionaire or nobleman that counts compared to such a heritage?" . He was much influenced by his grandfather, Andrew Carnegie, after whom he was named. In his autobiography, Carnegie writes that he owes his optimistic nature, his ability to shed trouble and laugh through life to his paternal grandfather . His maternal grandfather was Thomas Morrison, a great orator and politician. Carnegie inherited his maternal grandfather's manners, gestures and appearance . Andrew Carnegie left for America with his family at the age of thirteen with very little formal schooling to support him. Their move was supported by his mother's extended family and early Scottish emigrants who had already settled in America. Carnegie's family anchored in Allegheny where they already had some relatives who had moved, now known as Pittsburgh, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Importance Of Liberal Education Education nowadays is typically seen merely as something students must endure before they enter the real world. Students who ace all of their classes are looked upon with admiration and promised that they will go far in life. While grades are an important part of the educational system, simply learning facts in school is not all that it takes to be a contributing member of society. William Cronon makes excellent points in his article "Only Connect..." in which he lists the ten qualities he believes are required for a person to be liberally educated. Based on this list, I don't feel as though I am where I could be at this point in my academic career. While I can claim to excel with certain qualities like listening intently and being able to talk with anyone, there are many aspects that I am unable to relate to, such as being able to write clearly or solve a variety of puzzles. By understanding the importance of a liberal education, hopefully we, as a society, can learn to connect with others and make a difference in our communities, and ultimately our world. Based on Cronon's list, it would be difficult to attain each and every one of these qualities. He even states at one point that "a liberal education is not something any of us ever achieve..." While it may not be an acquirable goal, it is something that we should strive for in order to better ourselves and those around us. In my own life, I struggle with the second aspect of these qualities, being able to read and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. How Did Jazz Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement Jazz and Civil Rights : Hand In Hand Jazz contributed to the civil rights movement by allowing people to listen to African American opinions through musical beats and lyrics. Giving the world a new wide spectrum from what they were listening to before. The current definition of jazz is American music developed from ragtime and blues. In some ways blues and jazz go hand in hand. These types of music emerged in the Deep American South around the end of the 19th century, spread north and formed various sub–genres. Jazz and blues are connected by their influence from African beats and culture to traditional African–American work songs. These rhythmic a cappella work songs originated with agricultural slaves, from synchronizing physical movement ... Show more content on ... As slaves improvised and modified verses, the songs also became a subversive form of expression and rebellion, The History of Jazz The Jazz Age was a post–World War I movement in the 1920's, from which jazz music and dance emerged. Although the era ended with the beginning of The Great Depression in 1929, Jazz has lived on in American pop culture. Later on in time jazz was brought back by mostly African Americans. In New Orleans during the late 19th century, brass marching bands gave lengthy performances during funerals and parades this is one way jazz was used to express others emotions . Musicians had grown bored and begin to improvise, using the syncopated rhythms of African– American vocal music into traditional military tunes. The way Jazz got around was by musicians being able to move state by state to perform. The music eventually spread north, taking root and evolving in cities such as Chicago and New York City. With a wide range of audience jazz came to be one of the most popular musical genres in America. The term jazz or jass derives from a Creole word that means both African dance and copulation. Also The term jazz referring to peppy dance music first appeared in a March 1913 edition of the San ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The History and Violence in American Labor Unions Strayer University Labor relations professor shereen turner | The History of Violence in American Labor Unions | | | Michael Cook | 6/6/2010 | Some of the more important events in labor union history included how unions were stereotyped as violent anarchist, and how they took a stance that invoked violent activity in three serious events; the Haymarket Riot, Homestead Incident and Pullman Strike and how these events in ways changed American labor union history. | Up through the late 1700's to early 1800's, men, women, and even children were subject to intolerable ... Show more content on ... The workers demanded an eight hour workday for which the average work week was sixty hours or more. The company hired strikebreakers which were often used by this era. On May 3rd, 1886 as a protest resulted in the killing of an individual by the police, and on May 4th a mass meeting was called to take place in the Haymarket Square to protest what was seen as police brutality. At the meeting there were approximately 1500 people as radical speakers addressed the crowd. As the mood of the crowd began as a peaceful meeting that quickly turned confrontational when the police began to break up the crowd. As fights broke out, a powerful bomb was thrown. The police began to use their guns. Seven police officers lost their lives which was later proclaimed that they were not killed by the bomb but however from the bullets from other police officers from the chaos of the event. Four citizens were killed and over a hundred were injured. The public was outraged because of the event. Within the next two weeks, on the cover of a magazine, illustrations were drawn of the bomb thrown into the crowd, cutting down police officers, and a priest giving last rites to a police officer at the local police station, thus leading to the blame of the riot on the labor movement and particularly the Knights of Labor. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Benny Goodman 's King Of Swing Britany Reed Dr. Keast Music April 15, 2015 Benny Goodman Benny Goodman the "King of Swing". A man who owned the American Jazz and an amazing swing musician, clarinetist, and bandleader. This naming him as the infamous "King of Swing". Goodman led the most popular musical groups known in America. Goodman was recognized as putting the most important jazz concert in history out to the public in 1938. Singlehandedly being the most recognized clarinet player for this era and doing it flawlessly. Many called him "The Professor", "Patriarch of the Clarinet", "Swing 's Senior Statesman". Who would have ever believed a man coming from a poverty ridden Jewish family could be so successful? Success was an understatement for a man with such musical talent. Benny Goodman, also known as Benjamin David Goodman, was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 30, 1909. He was one of nine children who were immigrants to David Goodman who was his father and Dora Grisinsky Goodman, his mother. His parents left Russia to escape the anti–Semitism, which many of us would recognize as the prejudice of Jewish people. Benny's family was very poor and his mother never even learned to speak English. His father was the sole provider, and barely made ends meat working as a tailor to support his large family, of 12 children. When Benny was around the age of 10, his father knew he had musical talent and sent him to study at a Synagogue in Chicago called Kehelah Jacob Synagogue. He was fascinated ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Native Americans In The 19th Century 9. In the late 19th century, the United States' population tripled from the 1850s. The arrival of 16.2 million immigrants fueled this growth. However, beginning in the 1890s, most European immigrants, who were the largest group immigrating, started to have different origins from Europe. Now they were coming from Southern and Eastern Europe. When they came to the cities, such as New York City, which was their port of arrival, they formed ethnic communities because they did not share the same values as the original, Protestant Americans or immigrants before them. Almost all immigrants located themselves in cities, nevertheless, because they came to America to find the "American Dream," which was believed to be very true and plausible. The cities ... Show more content on ... The poor and newly arrived immigrants faced many issues when in the cities that they called homes. In the tenements, usually in the worst parts of cities such as New York and Chicago, the poor lived in extremely cramped, unsanitary, and dangerous conditions. At work, the poor faced monotonous jobs, maybe turning a bolt, over and over again all day long. And from this job their pay was no more than around $1–$3 a day. Obviously, something had to be done to improve these conditions, as the government was not regulating or supporting the poor, especially the immigrants who received little to no help in the country after they paid their entry tax to the government. There were two groups interested in this subject with almost opposing views: the social reformers and the business leaders. The business leaders responded to the poverty in a manner inspire their personal beliefs. As seen by Andrew Carnegie, in his article, The Gospel of Wealth, the business leaders believed themselves to be superior humans with more able bodies and brains. They were Social Darwinists, who believed the poor were poor because they were inferior. Some leaders did nothing and purely made choices that benefitted the company over the employees. However, others, such as Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Melon, poured their own money into projects that would help the mind and make the poor happier, such as cultural or educational venues such as Carnegie Hall or Carnegie Mellon University. On the other hand, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. MKT Simulation Essay Yinan Yang MKT 300 John Eaton Dec. 10th.2012 Simulation Paper Q1+Q2 Major Decision: A. Company Name: In this first quarter, I used a name "High tech " for my new company. I choose this name is because the company is about computers and high technology can totally represent the meaning. B. Target Market: At the point of Q1,I chose the workhorse as my first target segment. This is because workhouse is the medium kind of computer, customers will be much more than the other two. People talked about easy to use, low price, after sale service and support and other staffs to pick computers. C. Responsibility: President–Overall leadership is my primary responsibility in the company which meant that I had the final decision and ... Show more content on ... Number of ads: Shark:Chicago 5. Galileo: Shanghai 13 Synergy: Paris 5 Constellation: Paris 6 e) Balanced scorecard results: My total performance for Q1+Q2 was 8.989. Financial Performance was –1.533. Market Performance was 0. Marketing Effectiveness was 28.500. Q3 Major Decision: A. Target market: The target market in Q3 is still workhorse. I did not open another market in Q3 is my big mistake. I knew my market share in workhorse is low but I didn't change it. B. Brand management: I did not change my brand design in Q3. C. Pricing: I did not change my price in Q3.
  • 54. D. Advertising: To improve my advertisement, I changed my order of ad. The order is brand name, rebate – special price deal, easy to use, largest data storage on market, feature office applications, feature engineering apps, link PCs with network/internet and picture of business professionals. E. Hire Sales People: I also changed my decisions about hiring. I put 1 support people in Chicago because I think people are more care about after–sale support in workhorse. I also put 2 sales people for workhorse and 1 in support. F. Open Sales Office: I opened Paris this time because the market size in Paris is the third largest. Results for Q3: a) Brand Judgment: I got 24 in Traveler, 1 in Workhorse, and 35 in Mercedes. Price judgments: I got 93 in Traveler, 77 in Workhorse, and 100 in Mercedes. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Similarities Between Carnegie And Jp Morgan Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P Morgan were all the richest men of the era. However, each of their stories differ – the way they got there and what they choose to do with their wealth. Therefore even though they were all making tons and tons of money, their lifestyles were dramatically different. These three men were apart of the Gilden Age – a time when corruption existed in society but was overshadowed by the wealth of the period. Andrew Carnegie, was immigrant from Scotland – his family came over when he was 13 years old. Carnegie was not born into wealth, similar to Rockefeller. Carnegie first job was in a cotton mill and he worked his way up into bigger positions for bigger companies and such along the way. "Carnegie ... Show more content on ... He eventually worked his way up to superintendent of the Pittsburgh Division of Pennsylvania Railroad and caught the eye of two company executives – Thomas A. Scott and company president J. Edgar Thomson – both of whom would remain influential throughout Carnegie's life. Carnegie became quite adept at investing and one of his earliest endeavors was using his connections and skills to merge the T.T. Woodruff & Company (later called Central Transportation Company), a maker of sleeping cars for trains, and the Pullman Palace Car Company." After the experience from these jobs and guidance from his mentor, Thomas Scott, along with perfecting the Bessemer Process to make iron into steel efficiently and cheap – Andrew Carnegie made a fortune in steel in the late 1800s. Along with this Carnegie also used a process called horizontal consolidation or horizontal integration – this is a process in which a company buys out or merges with all competing companies. "By 1889, steel production in the United States outpaced that of the U.K. – and most of that was under Carnegie's control. By then, Carnegie was one of the wealthiest men in America." However by 1892, Carnegie began suffering after the Homestead Strike, his reputation was tarnished for awhile and he ultimately ended up selling his ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Essay about A Man Who Knew Balance: A Rags-to Riches Tale A Man Who Knew Balance Of all the rags–to–riches tales in history, there are none that can compare to the likes of Andrew Carnegie's. Although Carnegie was a man whose character fell somewhere between callous and benevolent, his abundant contributions to America are nothing short of remarkable. His journey is an exemplary display of the true opportunity that you are given in America regardless of the card you have been dealt. While his sheer wealth was very notable, his philanthropic influences are not to go unnoticed either. Andrew Carnegie was one of the first businessmen to promote public–spirited philosophies that simultaneously achieved individual profit and benefited the America as a whole. Andrew Carnegie was born on November ... Show more content on ... One of his most prominent business ventures was the Keystone Bridge Company, a bridge–building company that was founded in 1865. Having established business contacts through the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Carnegie was able to build his first steel plant in order to begin building bridges with steel in lieu of iron and wood, which were less economically constructive materials at the time (Nackliss, 575–605). Essentially, this was the way in which Carnegie had exposed himself to the steel industry. Carnegie, again, had a stroke of luck when finding himself in such an industry: increased demand for railroads had thereby increased demand for steel. Because of this demand, new processes were being developed to expedite the methods though which steel had been made. The most successful man to do such a thing was Henry Bessemer with the Bessemer process in 1855. The process revolutionized steel, as we know it by implementing oxidation in order to prevent impurities in the alloy. Andrew Carnegie, having a hardy entrepreneurial spirit, utilized this process to mass–produce his own goods. The Carnegie Steel Company, in an endeavor to minimize competition, would employ a growth and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. American Pageant Chapter 4 Apush 1. Andrew Carnegie: He was the owner of the biggest steel company that led its expansion. His company produced 1/3 of the steel throughout the whole nation during the late 19th century. Carnegie was one of the leading business people that led America into the industrial era and also one of the reasons why Capitalism was created. 2. Carpetbaggers: This is what Southerners called Northerners who came to the south looking for jobs as an insult to them. They are Northerners who moved to the south for many reasons such as looking for jobs and maybe getting more political powers. Scalawags: Southerner calls other White Southerners who they considered a traitor of the Confederate. They switched from Confederate to the Union after the war was over. Redeemers: They are Southern Democrats that won the election during Reconstruction and tries to get ... Show more content on ... Dumbbell Tenement: It was a new type of housing shaped like a dumbbell. It's supposed to be spacious for more families (Up to six). Greedy landlords over stuffed the apartment, so that they could fit more families and more families means more money. It was a fire hazard, unhygienic, and a lot of diseases were passed around. 4. Ghost Dance: A ritual dance by the Indians to become one with the spirits of the dead and unity between natives throughout the whole region. It's to also bring peace and prosperity to the Indians. Wounded Knee Massacre happen because White settlers felt threaten when they heard it and thought it was some sort of sign of war between the Indians and the settlers because of how long they did the ritual. 5. Triangle–Shirtwaist Factory Fire: This is an industrial disaster where 146 women who worked in the sweatshops factory died because of the fire, inhaling too much smokes, or jump to their death. Owners were not found guilty since they didn't violate any laws, which resulted in families of the decrease to be awarded $75 per victims. The incident resulted an improvement of the factory safety ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. What Was The Impact Of The Industrial Era Industrial Era Between the 1860's and 1900's the United States became the significant industrial nation. This was the turning point in American history. There was a major impact on the industrialization after the Civil War. Economic growth and businesses began to boom. The Industrial Era was significant because of who was involved, impacted, and most of all how it happened and why. In 1869, the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads met in Promontory, Utah. This transcontinental railroad made traveling easier and more efficient. By having this railroad, western travelers now could take less dangerous routes and it wouldn't take as long. After a year into the Civil War, congress finally passed the Pacific Railroad Act which grants and loans were given to the two railroads. The Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads were nearly 2,000 miles long. This railroad caused major impact in the industrial era because it allowed rapid growth and expansion in the Unites States ("Transcontinental Railroad Completed"). Alexander Graham Bell was a scientist and inventor. He was bet well known for his invention of the first working telephone in 1877. His first call was to his business partner, Thomas Watson. The call was from New York to Chicago ("Alexander Graham Bell"). Not only was the telephone a ... Show more content on ... Eventually, violence had occurred resulting in a gun battle which killed and injured numerous strikers and Pinkerton's men. Andrew Carnegie had built one of the most booming steel companies in America. Throughout time, several mills were broken and these workers were represented so they couldn't be laid off. Many of these workers were eastern and southern European immigrants along with their sons. Soon after, there was a campaign to cut workers' wages and Carnegie pushed for it. Workers were furious with this campaign ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Jane Addams in Action Essay Action is inherent in the tasks of a social activist. Ideas alone are not enough. Though the development of philosophies and manifestos is the basis for every social movement and every stride toward social justice, without social action and the social activist, little can ever be accomplished. The great social activist must, by definition, be the great social action taker. Jane Addams was the epitome of such an action taker. Addams herself believed that ideas were not enough. She was not satisfied to live a life of ideological morality. Instead, she felt that true moral living could only be accomplished through action ("Dream" 84). Embodying the very vision she stood for, Addams put her convictions into action. Over the course of 46 ... Show more content on ... In addition, John H. Addams was a personal acquaintance of Abraham Lincoln, whom young Jane Addams idolized ("Dream" 7). It is from her father that Addams seems to have developed a sense that civic responsibility is innate in both the democratic and Christian mission. Upon his death in 1881, when Addams was only 20 years old, she wrote of him, "He was the uncompromising enemy of wrong and of wrong doing. He was a leader as well as a safe and fearless advocate in right things in public life (Davis 26)." Addams' life was also shaped by her womanhood. As a member of one of the first generations of women to attend college, Addams was confused and frustrated by the possible paths she could take in life. She was highly educated and privileged but lacked any useful enterprise to pursue (Brown 213). Additionally, she believed that, as a woman, she had a responsibility to her "nurturing instinct" (Davis 212). Though Addams would be a passionate supporter of the women's suffrage movement, she was not a feminist as they are understood today. Certainly, she believed that women should be the equals of men, but she believed that their value to society came specifically from the ways in which they were innately different from men. In her mind, the nature of women predisposed them to greater awareness of and action against suffering, greater desire for social justice, and greater advocates for peace. These influences, along with literary figures such as George Eliot, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Great Depression And President Roosevelt 's New Deal The 1930s, historically remembered for the Great Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal, demonstrated a time of great racial tension and segregation in America. Slavery dissolved and the Ku Klux Klan became less popular; the struggle of African Americans, however, was not over. Racial segregation thrived with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs transfered to whites who were struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The New Deal, created to promote equality and produce jobs, proved largely ineffective on the front of desegregation, doing little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans were able to prosper: jazz. However, even the jazz community itself remained segregated. Racial prejudice came from both fronts: whites did "not want to mix socially with Negroes," and blacks believed that "when a Negro enters a White band, he loses his identity as a Negro musician" ("DownBeat Dodges the Racial Issue"). Benny Goodman, however, broke this barrier, initially in 1935 with the first interracial jazz performance, and again in his 1938 Carnegie Hall concert featuring black musicians. Benny Goodman's career did not commence with the Trio's 1935 performance; a clarinet player from a young age, Goodman initiated his professional career in 1925 as a member of the Ben Pollack Orchestra. During his time with the orchestra, he recorded his first solo on the song "He's the Last Word." In 1931, Benny ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Essay on Benny Goodman, King of Swing Benjamin David Goodman was born in Chicago on May 30, 1909, the ninth of twelve children born to David and Dora Goodman, who both emigrated from Russia but met in America. David Goodman eked out a minimal living for his family by working for a tailor in a sweatshop. To help alleviate the family's poverty, the children were urged to work as soon as they were old enough. For entertainment, David would take his youngest children to Douglas Park on Sundays to hear free band concerts. It was here that he first heard of the Kehelah Jacob band. Lessons were given for one quarter at the Kehelah Jacob synagogue. David Goodman enrolled his three youngest sons with the hopes that one day, their music would lift them out of poverty. It was here ... Show more content on ... This led to his first professional gig in 1921 in a vaudeville show at Central Park Theater. In 1923, at the age of 14, Benny Goodman left school to play with local bands, including Bill Grimm's riverboat orchestra with Bix Beiderbecke. There is an interesting anecdote about Benny's first meeting with Bix. One day, Benny received an emergency call from Grimm, asking him to fill in for Grimm's clarinetist, who was ill. Benny arrived early in the day at the dock where the boat on which he was to perform was moored. Benny stepped onto the bandstand and immediately heard a shout to "get off there, kid! Stop that fooling around!" (Benny Goodman, 1979) Benny turned to see a fellow about four or five years older, holding a trumpet and staring disdainfully at Benny. That fellow, Bix Beiderbecke, did not want to hear any explanations from this young kid in knickers. However, Bill Grimm arrived before any trouble could start and introduced the boys. The young men hit it off and much fun and great music stemmed from that first session together. At that same time, Benny and his high school friends had earned the nickname, "The Wild West Side Mob", not for their behavior, but because of their free, ragged, style of jazz. While this style made them great jam session musicians, it made it difficult for them to find work. Hot jazz was not in demand. Nevertheless, Benny's ability to play cool, sweet jazz on demand ensured that he found plenty of ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Pursuing A College Education : Is It Worth It? John McKeown AP Language, Period G Ms. Hasebroock December 4, 2014 Pursuing a College Education: Is It Worth It? Due to some recent events in my life, I have been strongly contemplating on whether or not college is the right choice for me. My father went to college at St. Norbert College in DePere, Wisconsin and shortly after he received a job as a clerk at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He slowly worked his way up to a trading position in the pit, which can be potentially very rewarding. When the business went electronic and more and more traders started using computers instead of traditional ways, he fell behind. With the economic recession of recent years he and many others were laid off and hung out to dry. My father wasted no time in his search for employment and soon landed himself a union job as a Stationary Engineer Apprentice in Local 399 Operating Engineers of Chicago. Now he has worked his way up and is on track to become a Stationary Engineer, he will be on a pay scale similar to that which he had while he was trading futures. If my dad had not wasted his time with college and trading he would have been in the union much longer and would be much better off. The story of my father's misfortune makes me raise the question as to whether or not college is worth the money or time invested. There are many options available to young men and women after graduating high school. Some of those options include going to college, joining the military, going into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Was Rockefeller A Robber Baron Or A Captain Of Industry John D. Rockefeller: Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? John D. Rockefeller could be thought of as both a robber baron and a captain of industry because he did many things throughout his career that would make you believe this. In my opinion, Rockefeller was more of a captain of industry because he did a lot of philanthropic work after his retirement from the oil business. Although, he did use illegal and very unethical tactics in order to gain his wealth, and he completely ran his competitors out of business. He would do anything to gain more fortune for himself. When people think of John D. Rockefeller, only one question comes to mind. Was he a robber baron or a captain of industry? In a quote from Searching History it says Rockefeller "Utilized predatory tactics to crush ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller was a captain of industry because, unlike a robber baron who is ruthless in their business practices, he was extremely generous when it came to money. He gave half a billion dollars, which is more than ⅓ of his total net worth, to multiple different charities. Rockefeller did create an oil monopoly, which is when a single company or group owns most of a market for a certain product they are trying to sell, or a company that completely dominates a particular industry. There are some advantages to creating a monopoly, like the avoidance of duplicated products being sold. They are also able to avoid competition and be more efficient with the products they are selling because they can afford to have the latest machinery and technology to help them. There are also some disadvantages. Consumers can be charged higher prices for lower quality goods, and the lack of competition could also lead to lower quality goods. Some would say that this is very greedy because monopolies are usually associated with robber barons, but I think Rockefeller was an exception to this. As a captain of industry, Rockefeller was in no way greedy with the money he made from his oil ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Apush Gilded Age The Gilded Age * During the Gilded Age, American businesses were transformed: * Massive corporations replaced small, family businesses * New technology, transportation, marketing, labor relations, & efficient mass–production * By 1900, the U.S. was the most industrialized country in the world * 19th–century inventors led to an "Age of Invention": * Cyrus Field's telegraph cable * Business typewriters, cash registers, adding machines * High–speed textile spindles, auto looms, sewing machines * George Eastman's Kodak camera * Alexander G. Bell's telephone * By 1905, 10 million Americans had phones; (Bell Telephone Co became AT&T) * Thomas Edison, the "Wizard of ... Show more content on ... laborers * The U.S. experienced an "era of strikes" from 1870–1890 * The Great RR Strike of 1877 shut down railroads from WV to CA & resulted in hundreds of deaths * During the Chicago Haymarket Strike (1886), unionists demanded an 8–hr day; led to ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Mary Lou Williams Research Paper Musical prodigy Mary Lou Williams, also known as Mary Elfrieda Scruggs, was born on May 8, 1910 in Atlanta, Georgia. She was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania along with her 10 half brothers and sisters. The start of Mary Lou's piano career began when she was able to replay almost perfectly the song her mother played on the family's pump organ. Her exceptional gift of perfect pitch and teaching from her mom enabled her to play piano on a professional level at the age of four years old. Mary Lou's birth name was Mary Elfrieda Scruggs but she changed her name to Mary Lou Burly to take her step father's last name. She later changed her last name to Williams after her first husband. At a young age Mary Lou performed small gigs around Pittsburgh and at the age of 10, she was known everywhere ... Show more content on ... Mary Lou divorced her husband in 1940 and stayed with the Kirk band until 1942. She then went on to New York City and started a weekly radio show called "Mary Lou Williams Piano Workshop" which taught and created a network for pianists everywhere in 1945. It was said that Mary Lou's NYC apartment was a musical gathering for many upcoming musician's in the city. Mary Lou decided to take her music internationally and moved to Europe from 1952–1954. However, Mary Lou converted and became a devout Catholic which resulted in her hiatus from creating music. She moved back to New York during 1954 and worked solely on charity in Harlem. She also created an institution to aide musicians and other performers with substance abuse problems called the Bel Canto Foundation. Later on during the 1960's, Mary Lou went back to composing music that was heavily influenced by her Catholic faith, one of which was called Mary Lou's Mass. Before Mary Lou Williams passed away from bladder cancer, she established yet another foundation called the Mary Lou Williams Foundation where it teaches children and young adults about ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Corruption During The Gilded Age During a time with corruption being at an all time high during the Gilded Age, with a mass influx of new immigrants from Eastern and southern Europe, such as Scandinavians or Italians. Corruption as seen through political machines as seen through Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed; along with mediocre presidents during the time period. Art being one of the many ways people could express their true feelings in a time where corruption was at a high point. George Bellows with paintings like, "Cliff Dwellers" depicting life in an urban city with an influx of new immigrants in urban areas like New York. Along with the harsh conditions in the dense urban areas such as poor sanitation and overall very poor living conditions; his paintings contributing ... Show more content on ... Managing to accomplish it whether it be through journalism or books as seen through, The Jungle and How the Other Half Lives, exposing the corruption that occurred in the Gilded Age whether it be the meat packing industry and it's embalmed beef and poor conditions. Along with photography exposing the true living conditions in tenements along with the imbalance of wealth. Not just photography and journalism, artwork as well with the Ashcan School portraying life in urban areas exposing the poverty as a effect of the Gilded Age, calling for reforms. As seen through the robber barons like Rockefeller and Carnegie getting and keeping the most with the lower classes with it's low wages and horrifying factory conditions. Not just social reform through muckraking; however, social reform as seen through the Settle House movement led by Jane Addams and the creation of the Hull House trying to educate the poor with an emphasis on the children, art being the key in the education. Leading to social reform later occurring Progressive Era calling for reform on places like child labor, prohibition, passages of acts like the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure food and Drug Act. Not just social reform but business reform as well, seen through the Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act, Roosevelt earning the infamous name of the first president known to be a trust ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. 1930s Music Research Paper Music in the 1930s During the deepest economic downturn in the United States, the Great Depression, music and dancing made people forget the hardships of their daily lives. Research shows that listening to music can improve your mood. Music has been used as a therapy for centuries, especially in the 1930s ("How Music Changes Your Mood"). Popular music during the 1930s included many upbeat and fun genres like swing, jazz, and country/western. The exciting sound of swing music is portrayed from its strong rhythm section of double bass and drums. This is used as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments, woodwinds, and sometimes stringed instruments. Swing often uses medium to fast tempos and a swing time rhythm ("Music ... Show more content on ... The origins of country music were the folk music of mostly white, working–class Americans. According to Sean Dooley who contributed to "The History of Country Music", they blended popular songs, Irish and Celtic fiddle tunes, traditional ballads, cowboy songs, and various musical traditions from European immigrant communities. In the 1930s, radio and recordings had begun to popularize the new style, renamed as "country and western". It included country, gospel, bluegrass, cowboy musicals, brother and sister duets, and western swing (Dooley). The flip side of country music was jazz. Country musicians began recording 'boogie' in 1939, shortly after it was played at Carnegie Hall. This was also when Johnny Barfield recorded 'Boogie Woogie'. The start of what was initially called 'hillbilly', 'boogie', or 'okie boogie' became much more popular in late 1945 ("Music in the 1930s"). Another type of country music with a variety of moods included honky tonk. Honky tonk was a basic ensemble of guitar, bass, steel guitar, and drums. It became widespread among poor whites in Texas and Oklahoma. Honky tonk had its roots in western swing and ranchera music of Mexico (Dooley). Rockabilly was most common in the 1950s among country fans. 1956 was called the 'Year of Rockabilly' in country music. Rockabilly was a mixture of 'hillbilly' and rock–and–roll ("Music in the 1930s"). During the era, Elvis Presley converted over to country music and played a huge role in the music industry. 'Barn dance shows' featuring country music were started all over the South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California. The most important was the Grand Ole ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Most Popular Instrument of All Time: The Trumpet Essay Throughout history, music has changed. One instrument has been able to stand the testament of time. Many instruments have had their time, but faded away. The trumpet has survived them all. It is probably the most popular instrument of all time. With talented musicians like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis, the trumpet has been able to endure. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the careers of Armstrong and Davis, and how the trumpet became their way into Jazz. Louis Armstrong was born on August 4th 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis had a hard and painful childhood. In 1922 at the age of 21 Louis moves to Chicago to play cornet in a band lead by Joe Oliver. In September 1924 he leaves Oliver and moves to New York City to join ... Show more content on ... His talent formed a popularity that was surpassed by none. He was the first to present Jazz to the public as a form of art. This changed the direction of Jazz. Miles Davis was born May 25, 1926 in Alton, Illinois and grew up in East St. Louis. For his 13th birthday, Miles was given his first trumpet. By age 16, Miles was playing professionally and received his first real taste of what playing jazz was like when he was asked to stand in for a band that was traveling through and needed to replace a sick horn player. After high school, Miles enrolled in Juilliard in September 1944. Miles spent most of his time playing music with others than actually going to class. Although he was known primarily as a trumpet player, in the world of music he had great influence as an innovative bandleader and as a composer. His music and style were important in the development of improvisational techniques incorporating modes. Miles experiments with modal playing reached its apotheosis in 1959 with his recording of Kind Of Blue. Miles was brought up in the Bebop tradition. When Miles became a leader, things really took off. Miles transformed jazz into a new era with his Birth of cool sessions, which were recorded in throughout 1949–50. These sessions took Bebop's fast running styled chords, and transitioned it to a more modal idea. Miles also began experimenting with a nine–piece band. He would frequently use the flugelhorn and muted trumpet. During this time Davis had become ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Who Were the Robber Barons? what was their impact on the... Who Were The Robber Barons?"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship." These words ring true in the ears of business owners and CEOs even today. Who was the man that spoke these words that still have thought and meaning today? Why, none other than John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was one of the many "robber barons" of the gilded age. In case you were wondering, a robber baron is a "ruthlessly powerful U.S. capitalist or industrialist of the late 19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or other unethical means." In other words, a real life depiction of "Mr. Pennybags" from the popular Monopoly game. Robber barons were not only ruthless ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller's donations during his lifetime alone totaled more than 500 million dollars. John Piermont Morgan was most known as a financier, art collector and a philanthropist. He is probably the second most known robber baron besides Rockefeller. However, Morgan was worth an estimated 80 million dollars, or 1.2 billion dollars today, dwarfed by Rockefeller's $313 billion; but, "JP Morgan's power did not lie in the millions he had, it lay in the billions he controlled". Born on April 17, 1837, in Hartford, Connecticut as a son of a banker, Morgan went into the family business and became one of the most famous financiers in history. After working for his father, he started his own private banking company in 1871, which later became known as J. P. Morgan & Co. His company became one of the leading financial firms in the country. It was so powerful that even the U.S. government looked to the firm for help with the depression of 1895. The company also assisted in thwarting the 1907 financial crisis. During his career, his wealth, power, and influence attracted a lot of media and government scrutiny. During the late 1800s and even after the turn of the century, much of the country's industries were in the hands of a few powerful business leaders, especially Morgan. ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Youth Choir 's Top Chamber Choir Opportunities don't really come knocking in the small, corn–filled state of Iowa, but for Heartland Youth Choir 's top chamber choir they did. We had an opportunity this year to go to New York and sing in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall. For me this was a huge deal! to be singing on the very stage where The Beatles have sang meant the world to me, and I was going to have fun with it. It was the middle of June when we left. We were all riding on a bus to our first destination, Indiana. There we stopped at the Indy Speedway where went to the museum in the middle of the track. Interesting fact: there is a golf course in the middle. I found that very amusing because I couldn't imagine that the track is big enough for a golf course. After ... Show more content on ... It was like every five steps you smelled a new trash can, but that's what made it New York. The smell came with the beauty. We were only in New York for three days, and that meant that I was going to have to pack in everything that I wanted to see. Granted New York is so big that even after a week I still wouldn't get to see everything that I wanted to. So that first day we got settled in our hotels. I roomed with my friends Neupur, Mary, and Marisa. When we got to our hotel room Marisa unleashed her crazy. "Marisa do you have sheet music in your bag?" Mary questioned. "Yeah," Marisa answered. "Are they songs from musicals? Why do you have musical sheet music?" Neupur questioned. "You never know when you're going to run into someone or something and need sheet music from a musical," stated Marisa. You see Marisa absolutely loves musicals, and she can sing. She is like a walking musical jukebox. You ask her any song or any musical and she will sing the song. Marisa's discretion in bringing the music was very spot on, because later that day we went to a short musical 101 class and they asked her to sing in front of a couple people from Broadway, and get feedback from them. It was a very exciting time for us and Marisa. Its her dream to be on Broadway. The next day we went to Central Park, where I got to see the Strawberry Fields memorial. Then we got to go in groups and walk around Time Square and see some of the cool things that Time ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Ap Morgan Biography Web Source– Born on Nov. 25, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland to Wil and Margaret Carnegie/moved to America in 1848 – find better jobs/settled in Allegheny City (now Pittsburg, PA) Started working as bobbin boy at cotton factory – $1.20 p. week/ later secretary and telegraph operator for superintendent of Pittsburgh division of PA railroad/ 1859– railroad division superintendent– made investments in coal, iron, and oil companies Left railroad in 1865/early 1870's co–founded first steel company near Pittsburgh/ goal was to maximize profits and minimize inefficiencies/ 1892– named company Carnegie Steel Company Homestead Labor Strike of 1892– Henry Clay Frick (1848–1919) in charge while Carnegie on vacation/ locked workers out of steel mill/ called in 300 men from Pinkerton to protect mill ... Show more content on ... Carnegie died age 83 on August 11, 1919 in Shadowbrook (Estate in Lenox, MA)/ burried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in North Tarrytown, NY. Print/Primary ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. How Did Jazz Affect The Civil Rights Movement The 1950s and 1960s was a turbulent time of social change. During this era, the Civil Rights movement came to prominence as African Americans protested for equal rights, and challenged racial discrimination. These acts of civil disobedience and both nonviolent and violent protests brought to the forefront all of the inequalities that African Americans still faced. As all of this was going on, music was playing an important role in the movement and race relations. Specifically, jazz, a musical genre that in many way parallels the struggle of the Civil Rights movement. Jazz evolved as a musical genre which defied standard genres, with its improvisation and celebration of both individual expression and the entire band. Jazz became a precursor ... Show more content on ... Famed Music critic, "Stanley Crouch once said, " Once the musicians who played it and the listeners who loved it began to balk at the limitations imposed by segregation, jazz became a futuristic social force in which one was finally judged purely on the basis of one's individual ability. Jazz predicted the civil rights movement more than any other art in America" (Hentoff). Crouch is alluding to the fact that jazz transcended racial barriers because black jazz musicians were accepted by whites for their musicianship. This happened at first informally in a few ways. In the early 1920s, whites and blacks were limited to jamming together in after hours informal jam sessions as they weren't recording records together at this time (Browne). For example, in Chicago whites would travel to the south side to jam with black musicians after hours as it would be a decade before racially mixed bands performed in front of audiences. They came to hear the great King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Earl Hines among others (Stokes). This also occurred informally in gangster run illegal nightclubs and speakeasies, as blacks and whites could intermingle freely during the prohibition ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Manny Goodman Segregation The 1930s, historically remembered for the Great Depression and President Roosevelt's New Deal, demonstrated a time of great racial tension and segregation. Slavery dissolved and the Ku Klux Klan remained less popular; the struggle of African Americans, however, was not over. Racial segregation continued to thrive with half of African Americans out of work, their jobs given to whites who were struggling from the Great Depression ("Race During the Great Depression"). The New Deal, created to promote equality and produce jobs, was largely ineffective on the front of desegregation, doing little to help the black American community. One place that African Americans were able to prosper: jazz. However, even the jazz community itself proved ... Show more content on ... The concert, held in January of 1938, took place in Carnegie Hall and featured musicians from the Duke Ellington Orchestra and Count Basie ( Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa, Buck Clayton, Johnny Hodges, Walter Page, Lester young, Harry Carney, and Freddie Green also made appearances ("History of the Hall"). The Carnegie Hall concert was not just important because it included black musicians, it was important because it made Benny Goodman even more famous; He was "so high so often on the popularity charts that he ranks above all but five other artists making recording between 1890 and 1954" (Gridley 89). The sold–out concert goes down in history as the first time a jazz concert was famously performed outside of a bar or nightclub (The Chronicle of Jazz). What message does that send to the rest of the jazz world? One of inclusion; one can be both popular and racially progressive. This message is sent best from an already popular musician: "if anyone can make a mixed band acceptable to the public–Benny Goodman can" ("DownBeat Dodges the Racial ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Pros And Cons Of Philanthropy In American Society The gilded age was a period where great industrial growth shrouded out the financial and political corruption it also brought forth. During this era, the largely agricultural economy, in which farmers were the source of most products, transformed into an industrial economy, where those farmers were replaced by factories. The labor leaders of this era were cheered for their efforts, but they were also criticized for their methods. Because of these positives and negatives, the public had very mixed views on them. They often came from humble origins, and along their road to wealth used methods that were inhumane, such as driving competitors out of business, and caring little for their employees. Modern corporations are thought to have initiated with railroads, as they had so many employees that middle management was needed. The rails also spanned over the country, and the businesses in their entirety were so large that they didn't have enough money for tracks and stations. To gain this money, ... Show more content on ... Where do we draw the line between unscrupulous business practices and practices that lead to innovation, investment, and improvement? Philanthropy; a philanthropist is someone who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Some would argue that the leading businessmen were philanthropists; others would say otherwise. Captains of industry were business giants who, despite some shady dealings, helped usher in the modern economy, and were praised for their acts for humanity. They made life in America better with their creative visions and innovations. Some examples of captains of industry were Andrew Carnegie, who gave away $381 million to promote the common good, and John D. Rockefeller, who gave away $500 million. Andrew Carnegie thrived and ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Solar Eclipse Research Paper To me, theatre is a solar eclipse. Everyone knows about it. There are pictures and videos all attempting to capture the unfathomable beauty. But, when all's said and done, it must be experienced. A recording of a solar eclipse, just like a recording of a show, can never encapsulate the wonder from experiencing it in person. Even though it means it's harder to access and experience theatre, it's one of the reasons I fell in love with it. I started engaging in theatre in sixth grade, playing a nun in the ensemble of The Sound of Music. My mind opened to all sorts of shows, and I began listening to everything from Carousel to Little Shop of Horrors. I joined the school's advanced theatre class and then went on to high school. In ninth grade I ... Show more content on ... After all, it's where I've seen many Broadway shows and where I sang at Carnegie Hall. But the way it inspires me transcends those experiences, as wonderful as they were. During one of my trips, I stood on the edge of a New York City sidewalk, waiting to cross the street to get to a theater. People surrounded me on every side except directly in front of me, where cars moved past me. Somehow, a miracle happened – for a moment, surrounded by people and cars and noise, I felt completely alone. When I returned to reality, I thought about the millions of lives and stories contained on Manhattan Island. It was overwhelming, yes, but it also made me realize how incredible New York City truly is – not because of its theaters or skyscrapers or parks, but because of its people. I always say that cities have an urban heartbeat that send sparks through me, creating inspiration. But feeling alone in New York helped me to realize that the urban heartbeat I feel is made up of the people who create the city. Truly, no place better demonstrates this effect better than New York City. I know I will keep returning there because of this effect, as it inspires me more than I can ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Biography Of Ethel Rosenberg Although they were tried and executed more than half a century ago, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's names remain familiar to most Americans. Put to death on June 19, 1953, after their conviction for conspiracy to commit treason, the Rosenbergs were at the center of one of the most famous and controversial espionage cases of the twentieth century. Fifty–four years after her death, Ethel Rosenberg's role remains one of the most contested aspects of the whole affair. Despite her sensational death, Ethel Rosenberg was not a lifelong political activist. Born to Russian immigrants on New York's Lower East Side in 1915, the young Ethel hoped for a career in theater or music. Although she went to work instead of to college after her 1931 graduation from ... Show more content on ... Ethel was only the second woman ever to be executed by the federal government. To the end, both Rosenbergs insisted on their innocence. Documents recently unsealed in both the U.S. and Russia show that although Julius Rosenberg was probably guilty, Ethel's role in any conspiracy was tiny at most. While scholarly debate over the Rosenberg case continues, their names remain a touchstone for many. Playwright Tony Kushner, for instance, offered a powerful portrayal of Ethel Rosenberg's strength and humanity in his landmark production Angels in America. Heir to an Execution (2004), a recent documentary by the Rosenbergs' granddaughter, Ivy Meeropol, presents a particularly moving portrayal of how Ethel confronted her arrest, trial and execution. Sources: Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, pp. 1174–1176; Marjorie Garber and Rebecca Walkowitz, eds., Secret Agents: The Rosenberg Case, McCarthyism, and Fifties America (New York, 1995); Ilene Philipson, Ethel Rosenberg: Beyond the Myth (New York, 1988); Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, The Rosenberg File: A Search for the Truth (New York, 1983); Joseph Sharlitt, Fatal Error: The Miscarriage of Justice that Sealed the Rosenbergs' Fate (New York, 1989); Los Angeles Times, March 30, 1951; New York Times, April 6, 1951, June 20, 1953; Chicago Daily Tribune, October 14, 1952, June 20, ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Freedom Riders Research Paper During the time of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950's and 1960's, jazz musicians became very involved in many different fund–raising events and opportunities. They used these different events to help with supporting the movement and to show others where they stand. The jazz musicians wanted to fight for equal rights of African Americans and for the many privileges that U.S. citizens had during this time. Since they were becoming involved in this movement, they were also becoming more involved in the politics and different organizations such as the SNCC (The Student Noninvolvement Coordinating Committee), CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) and many more. There were many jazz musicians who didn't want to become a part of the politics ... Show more content on ... This event helped to support the movement and was formed by about 13 African Americans who were activists and wanted to fight for freedom and desegregation. The Freedom Riders were basically bus trips that made their way through the southern states of America in order to protest. The CORE organization was a big part of this event since they were the ones who recruited people to be a part of the rides. Since the riders wanted to make a point, they often used many white public facilities but it caused a lot of disagreements and violence against them. The violence became such a big part of this event, which caused the riders to wear guns for self–defense, and to try to fight to stand up for themselves. Their buses were not only bombed, but the mobs that were fighting against the riders also beat them and left them beaten up on their buses. In addition, it caused for more protection for the riders since they were being targeted by white mobs and even the KKK mob. While the riders were being arrested and brought to jail, many of them spent their time singing freedom songs, which connects to jazz music and jazz musicians during this time. By May 19th, they were back on the road where they were attacked again but kept going until a church service in Montgomery on May 21st. The riders kept protesting and they were not letting anything stop ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Industrialization After the Civil War Assignment 1.2: Industrialization after the Civil War Final Paper Belinda Scott History 105: Spring 2014 Prof. Michael Smith Industrialization after the Civil War After the Civil War the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 in 1920 industrialization and proved American life in many ways. However industrialization also created problems for American society. This paper will introduce my previously crafted thesis statement where I stated my opinion on how industrialization after the Civil War influenced US society, economy, and politics. This paper will also identify three major aspect of the industrialization ... Show more content on ... The three major aspects of industrialization during 1865 and 1920 that influenced U.S. society, economy, and politics where; urbanization, working conditions, and a laissez– faire government. Industrialization and urbanization went hand in hand. Cities offered large numbers of workers for new factories, and as more factories were built, more workers, both native –born and immigrant, moved to cities looking for jobs. Cities provided transportation for raw materials and manufactured goods, as well as markets for the consumption of finished products. By 1930 more than half of all Americans; including one million African Americans that had moved from the rural South to Western and Northern cities in search of jobs and to escape Jim Crow laws, lived in cities. The shift from rural life to urban life had both positive and negative effects. Some of the negative effects of urbanization included crowded, unsanitary living conditions for workers, and corrupt municipal, or city politics. The construction of decent housing was far below the fast paced growth of city populations, the cities were not prepared for that. The city housing primarily consisted of multifamily buildings called tenements. These tenements were usually deteriorated, located in poor working class neighborhoods, severely overcrowded, and inundated with violent crime. Cities also lacked adequate sanitation and water facilities. Poor families that lived in the slums could not afford ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Impact Of The King Of Jazz INTRODUCTION The term "King of Jazz" was widely use at Jazz Age. 1920s, James Reese Europe and Paul Whiteman have been labelled as King of Jazz by mass media as they had done something very significant in jazz history. This term, King of Jazz, also allowed them being recognised and discussed a lot by public at that time, their music also being concerned and heard by a lot of people. Although most of the society agreed on them, criticisms still occurred. Those criticisms came from black musicians who thought they were only the real musicians and their music were the only real Jazz. James Reese Europe was prominent in emerging black musical in theatre, he led the very first all black musicians orchestra to performance in Carnegie Hall. Whereas Paul Whiteman had organised "An Experiment in Modern Music" that intended to make a lady out of jazz at the time. Mass media or even their publicity team used the term, "King of Jazz," to arouse the crowds and evoke their concern about jazz music. Although it was such a big issue at that time, presence of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Miles Davis made people forgot about them and what they had done in uprising jazz music. By reading this research paper, reader should awake their appreciations towards their contribution in jazz music industry. I. SOCIAL BACKGROUND and MASS MEDIA of UNITED STATES around ... Show more content on ... His country was in war and facing threat by western country. As like what has James Reese Europe done, during World War 1, he led a large navy band and playing march tunes and show music separately by day and night. GMO The band consoled and enthused their soldiers and people through their music. Before he settled down in New York at 1920, he organised his first dance band in San Francisco at 1918.AM Whiteman also being labelled as King of Jazz during a gig at the Maryland Hotel in Pasadena, but it was not so nationwide at the ... Get more on ...