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Essay about Learning How To Write In English
This week has already the fourth weeks of Preā€“Enrolment English Program (PEP). There are many lessons to learn with. The most important lesson is
that the improvement of articles, plurals and singular also time management.
Flash back to previous class, my first writing was about riding a bicycle. After had a feedback from the teacher, I realized that there were many
problems relating to articles, plurals and singular. My previous teacher had ever insisted that to solve the problem you had to read out loud 200 words
a night for ten weeks. He stated that it was reasonable because that the way you got used to English. However, at the first time, I thought it was a foolish
way to begin with. Besides, I thought it was more content...
I started to believe that it was really worked out. Thus, I keep practicing it. I think these are both a wonderful and a fun way to solve the problems of
articles, plurals and singular. In addition, this is a great way to increase my vocabulary as well.
The last second day of second weeks, It was the memorable day for me. At that time, I was being transferred to another class. Unfortunately, at the
same day I was missing a lecture. I apologised to one of my new teacher. She stated it wouldn't be a problem. In addition, she urged that I had to strain
to the schedule. Also, before this had happened to me, I had never looked at my schedule and always relied on my teacher. I was regretting myself.
Henceforth, I have to stop blaming myself and make some enhancement regarding to my time management. My first step is that I put my class
schedule and stick it on my study desk. I don't want to be either late or miss the lecture again. Every night before I go to sleep, I check my schedule
for the next day. My second step is that I have to collect all the tasks information and make my private schedule. For instance, I note all the tasks for
one week and organise which one is the priority. I try to do it task by task and don't want to do it in a very critical time to the due date. I prepare
sometime between the tasks to recheck it. I don't want to do
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English as a Universal Language Essay
English language as a universal language and it is very important. Every people are urge to learn English language. Especially for university students
who are going to enter society after graduation, English is perceived to be crucial for communication at work with regards to employment. But in
Malaysia, the proficiency of English language among youth is declining. Start in the 70s, many concerned stakeholders from employers, linguists and
educationists to parents have voiced their concern. (Azizan Haraiti, &Lee, Y.M., 2011) Low levels in English proficiently means youth are missing out
on current and important issues. Mahathir Mohamad (2011) hopes young Malaysians to master the English language if they did not want to be left more content...
Furthermore, English can increase one's chances of being accepted in the exchange program by improving English. One of the requirements for the
program is that people applying should have decent skills in the English language. Therefore, youth should take actions to improve English language
before regret. Goals, motivation and attitude of youth are the effective ways to improve one's English language. Youth must set up a goal and found out
the motivations before starting improving English. Goals can help youth to sort out what is important and what isn't. With goals, youth will only focus
on the things that they want to achieve and spend precious time on them. For example, learn to write a good essay during three month set as one's
goal, he or she will try their personal best and personal ways to enhance English writing skills during that given period. Motivation also plays a critical
role in improving English language. McDonough S. (1983: 142) stated that "motivation of the student is one of the most important factors influencing
their success or failure in learning the language." When studying English, youth might face a lot of different problems like environment problem,
financial problem and so on. Motivation can help one to keep going despite the problems. If one keeps the motivation high and their eyes on the goal,
no problem will seem insuperable. Besides that, attitude of youth towards improving English language also important. Youth must keep a
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Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other
people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important
language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many
countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes
English is the most important language in the world.
The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content...
Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we
will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning
English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get
help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English
very well.
One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a
person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve
English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write
without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and
explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and
conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar
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Learning English For Me Has Been A Hard Journey
Learning English for me has been a hard journey. Born in Mexico City, both of my parents were Mexican. My father came from a medium low
socio economical background, but he made his way up and became a lawyer (very smart and with great aspirations), my mother even though she
was smart, her family circumstances caused her to forgo a higher education. Both Spanish speakers, they never thoroughly learned a 2nd language;
they tried to learn English (father) and French (mother) but they never seriously pursued it, so their knowledge of other languages was basic.
Reading and writing was well modeled at my home, books were everywhere as were open doors to good private education. Both of my parents were
world travelers, so learning a language was really encouraged and an asset in my household. At the age of 3, my father registered me in a German
preschool, so I did preā€“kindergarten there. I just remember to singing "guten morgen fraulen" every morning. By the age of 4, my father decided to
change me to a new school so I went to a British English bilingual school, where 75% of the day was fully English Immersion. English language
was highly valued at school as well as in my country and learning English was seen as a precondition for access to higher jobs. (J.Long 2011) By that
time, my parents had begun to have marriage difficulties and I began to have academic difficulties, especially with English and because my father was
gone there was no help available at
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Essay on English Language Learner
Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL)
students. School administrators are trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are looking forward
in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to
focus on and it can be the fundamental when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social influences, native
language, etc.
ELL Families and Schools
Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content...
By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it will make them move along this new process.
Reading and writing experience should be context related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can
transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second language while they are exposed to more learning
Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment, such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life
style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered,
treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families (Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective
support, and assistant with the full understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural pressure could be
increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new
a language; without allowing them to lose their cultural identity.
Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators to gain more knowledge about their students'
community experiences, and curricula
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Learning English As A Foreign Language Essay
Learning English as a foreign language is a great challenging. English is an international language, Most people need it to get a job, to travel abroad,
and to communicate with other cultures that don't use the same language of the groups. Accordingly, parents have recently become very concerned
about learning their children English as a foreign or as a second language due to its importance . Many scholars talked about the requirements that
learners of the language need to be ready to use the language or to master communication. One of those scholars is David Crystal . Crystal (1995)
talked about what children exactly need to speak English. First, The vowels and the consonants . When Crystal talks about the vowels and the
consonants he more content...
The second requirement Crystal talked about is 300 ways of combining these vowels and consonants to form new words. The third requirement is
and active vocabulary of 50,000 words and a passive ability to understand the language message, and then thousands of aspects of grammatical
constructions. Moreover, children should know the prosodic features of the language such as; pitch, volume speed and rhythm to convey meanings.
That means learners need to know how to use the language in real situations. As well as using the features of the language that help to convey the
meanings of the messages of the language. A large number of conventions governing the ways in which varieties of English, for example, jokes and
storytelling, differ and a large number of strategies governing the ways of using the language. All these feature appear under some conditions like the
different stages of life. Some of these features and strategies differ according to the age and the awareness of the language functions. (Delistraty,2013).
When learners produce a language they firstly produce it in a limited way because their previous knowledge either it is linguistic or international is very
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Benefits Of Learning English Essay
INTRODUCTION Learning English has become a very important role nowadays. People have already used a lot of different methods to learn
English. Besides from going to school to learn English, reading varieties of books, magazines, listening different kinds music, radio programs, watch
movies, films, talk to native speakers or even travel aboard are good way to learn English. But what is the most interesting way to learn English? If
you are tired of going to classes or reading books, there is nothing better than learning English through movies and film. Learning a foreign language is
already a hard task. And the culture is different from your own. So I want to show you that learning English with movies and films will not only help
you more content...
Why people should learn English through watching film or movie? What are the benefit of learn English through watching film or movie? Learning
a foreign language is not easy and learners have to understand the culture, grammars, sentence structure, pronounce which is different from their
country. Some of researchers found that if people found a way to learn English more enjoyable and feel unbinding, then it will be very helpful for
learning English. And learn English through watching films or movies is one of most popular way and it can make people more motivating and
enjoyable to learn. Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council's Teaching English blog award for his post on his site he state; "The site promotes
the innovative and creative use of film in English language teaching and learning. All of the lesson plans revolve around the use of video and film to
teach English. The site promotes cineliteracy, the ability to analyze moving images, and considers cineliteracy as a 21st
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Essay On English As A Foreign Language
As we know that learning English in India it is gradually becomes very important due to century as well as technoā€“age is concerned. We all knew that
English is taught either as Second Language or Target Language. It is very difficult for studentā€“beginner who recently starts to learn English language
as foreign language. One of the vital and pivotal pivot roles of learning Foreign Language is to open the treasure hidden in the literature of a particular
language. To reveal such treasure one needs to be mastered in different methods of teaching the foreign languages. This makes easy full for learners to
learn foreign language. If we want to understand different method of teaching foreign language things linguistically we can understand it as "A method
in linguistics and language teaching determines what and how much is taught. The order in which more content...
:ā€“ A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to; i.e.
English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her. Following are the foreign languages English, Irish, Arabic,
Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish, Americanā€“English, Japanese, Chinese etc. are known as different types
of Foreign Language. There are many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all above these languages grammar and it's particular rules and
regulation but, here let us see What are the different methods to learn English as second foreign languages. Different methods to Teaching foreign
languages:ā€“ If we want to learn English as foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we can learn foreign language. There are
following methods that plays important role to teaching foreign languages. a.The audioā€“lingual method b.Army method c.Direct method d.New key
method e.Grammarā€“translation method f.Bilingual
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Why Is It Important To Learn English Essay
English is one of the most important and official language in the world to communicate with each other and organization around the world and also
has more advantage. It is important to know how significant English plays the role nowadays and also how to improve those skills in term of
technology and environment as it may affect our future career opportunity by step to step are as follow.
First of all, it necessary to know the reasons why learning English is so important and how is it important for us. English is one of the worldwide
languages that most parts of the world use it as their official language and use it for communication. In case of learning in the university, if we have
good English skill then we will have more opportunity to learn in international program and study abroad. Next is in the daily life, English is all
around from messages on our phone until notice more content...
According in the past Technology wasn't the main source of learning English but in nowadays, with the aid of technology advancement and growing
rapidly. Therefore, technology can be used to improve my skills as it may affect our future. First is digital technology for learning English. From the
British Council, Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching, to help teacher and learner can learn independently, the necessary
'languaging' [1] to help learners learn by themselves for more comfortable by using developed devices such as watching English in YouTube channel,
search in Google and watch some movie without Thaiā€“sub. As more and more because electronic book or eā€“book [2] are available online by your
device, the reader can easily to purchase and read from the screen as same as printed book, however, you should connect to the internet to download it
but after that and can stay offline then it make me comfortable to begin reading from it which has many types of book such as cartoon,
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My Experience Of Learning English
Since I came to the Unite State, English has became a most significant thing in my life.However, before I was in China, English wasn't my good
subject at school, it could be a worst subject for me. Most of time, I gave up learning English. I thought it is hard and I will not use it in my life.
Now whenever I thinking back I feel ridiculous. Perhaps it is my fate, I have to learn English again for living in America. My experience about learning
English is knowledge needs to accumulate. If you any knowledge point that you miss it, you will be difficult to fix it.
I had been touch with English when I was in kindergarten. In the earliest time I had learned about English alphabet but I couldn't memorize the
sequence. My parents wanted me to more content...
It is a boarding school so my parents didn't know about my study well. The teacher couldn't care you all the time because they taught almost hundred of
student. You should know how to study by yourself, however it is my weak point.In middle school, I had started learning grammar andwriting a
paragraph but I didn't understand very well and my writing always followed by the template so that sometimes I could past the test and sometimes I
couldn't past, and my English score was enough to let me go to the high school. In the high school, I would say I was not learn anything in English. In
class because of I wasn't studied hard in middle school, I couldn't follow my teacher that I didn't interest in English. In the class, I slept or did
something that is not about study. On the quiz, I felt headache when I was reading the quiz paper because I just know a little vocabulary and my
grammar was terrible. In my three years high school life, I almost was the last in the rank. However, I was believe it not a big deal. I may find a
job which I don't need English. I brought this idea to my college. I have study in college in China for one year before I came to America. The
college English is hardest. The reason is I did not study English well at high school , I could not follow my teacher and I fail every class. Even
though they have a makeup test , I thought no matter how many chance they give me take the English test , I would not past the test only if I go to
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My Learning Experience In English
It seems that learning a foreign language has never been an easy job and it takes a lot of time, sometimes all your life to master it (Brown, 2000).
Among the four main skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, the first one could be considered the most challenging and the most crucial
because it includes "all other kinds of knowing" (Ur, 2012). Until now, I can still remember how difficult it was to develop this particular skill when I
was in high school. In this essay, I will clearly describe my learning experiences as a gradeā€“ten student trying to improve the speaking skill through
English lessons at high school.
When I was in high school, I was studying in Nguyen Thuong Hien High School, one of the most famous schools in Ho Chi Minh City at that time
and I was placed in an English intensified class, which meant that most of my classmates was very good at English. My class was such a big one with
46 members, including 38 girls and only 8 boys. Instead of studying 5 periods a week with the course book approved by Ministry of Education, we had more content...
During the periods working with the course book, I followed my teacher's instructions, did everything she asked us to do. Nevertheless, at weekend I
went to an English club at my high school. Here I had the opportunity to literally communicate in English though it was quite hard for me at that time.
The club had 2 instructors, who were also the English teachers of my school and they were very helpful and friendly as well. They encouraged us to
speak English by pointing out the good things that we could get if we mastered English, such as having the ability to communicate with foreigners,
getting a highā€“paid job in the future or a scholarship to study abroad. Those things were very appealing and it helped to create motivational as well
(Ur, 2012). Thanks to the aid of the club, I became more confident to work with my friends in the group
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Learning English.
Everyone should learn the English language and there are several reasons that urge you to do that. English is a global language, English is the first
language in many countries, English is a language of international business, computer, and the internet and science, every job requires to have a good
English Language and Most of the top movies, books, and songs are published in English.
My story with learning English is that I started learning English in my home country as my second language, At Egypt I used to study the British
English, English was important subject at school but we don't use it outside the classroom and we don't use it in the daily life but I liked English so
much since I was a kid, it was and still one of my favorite subjects, comparing to other languages learning English more content...
I started to work on these skills step by step and I started to learn by myself and the internet helped me so much to do that, first I started with the
listening skill I watched subtitled English movies And listened to music with the lyrics. Then for Speaking skill I used to practice it in my classes
I learned so common idioms and frizzing verbs that can help me to speak, for reading skill I used to read online news and I picked books that interests
me to encourages me to read every day i also searched for academic vocabulary and translated it to my language, put it in a sentence and use it for my
daily life and by this way I memorized a lot of those words and for writing skill I tried to improve my grammar and then I wrote some emails and essay
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Importance Of Learning English Essay
Nowadays, English has a significant role in the society. Person in the world has been aware about the usefullness of English because of that role.
The people are enthusiastics to be able to use English in their lives. Therefore, the major of English has been one of the most favorite majors for the
learners, especially in the university level. Moreover, this fact makes a great impact on the number of the learners that want to take major of English.
In learning English, actually, the learners will find four main skills in their learning activity. Those four skills are reading, writing, listening and
speaking. Since those are the main skills in English, absolutely, the learners have to understand and master each of the skill in order to reach their
deep understanding in English. However, what can be seen in the field is that the learners seem not understand the four main skills deeply, so it makes
the students only understand the surface of each skill. Then, because of that, the learners are only able to make simple products with many errors. From
those four skills, writing is one of the most important skill that the students have to mastered. Wilson (2003: 212) stated that learning how to write well
is really important. Writing is one of the most important things that students do with their education. By writing, the author can convey a message or
information to the reader, and what authors create and collect will not disappear just because it has been poured on the paper. The
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Essay On English Language Teaching
English Language Teaching Methods
Many countries in Asia like China, Japan, UAE, Sri Lanka, Singapore etc., adopted English as a foreign language not as a second language. Because
considering English as a second language and as a Foreign Language is different in their view point. They view that outside of the classroom, English
is not that much useful. They teach all the subjects in their mother tongue but in India if one is unable to speak in English he becomes a tabooed
person. Many Asian countries treat the pupil's age, sex, race, attitude, intelligence and grasping power in teaching English. Indian teachers neglect this
aspect. For ex: a speaker from Hyderabad emphasizes more vowels before many words because of the influence of Urdu. Straight ā€“ Istraight. And a
Bihari pronounces 'sh' as 's' because of the influence of Kharboli. Teachers don't take into consideration of this aspect and mistreat students. So teachers
have to choose the methodology as suit their classroom and environment. If teacher takes all the factors into consideration classroom becomes more
meaningful. All the methods are not meaningful when teacher choose them as per the needs of the classroom.
Methods of English Language more content...
Sometimes more than one method is used to bring out the anticipated outcomes in the language classroom where communication develops the key
factor of teachingā€“learning process. Unless students learn to utilise the classroom method to express thoughts and feelings outside into the real world
situations, the learning cannot be effective no matter whatever teaching method is applied in English as a Second Language classroom. Teacherā€“
student role becomes the centre in bringing out the maximum within the limited time in a
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Learning English Essay
1.0 Introduction Due to the important of English language in communication, English has becomes global language, and important on countless
aspects. Each country has different main language and even in one country, there are several mother tongues for each race and ethnic. As the solution,
English has become the first pick language in communication for most of progressive countries. At the same time, English is the only one medium of
communication for worldwide to communicate with each other. The importance of learning English in communication is undeniable, as someone
needs to speak in English when he or she communicates with foreign people. Mastery of English language does not only can improve global
communication but also contribute to a good relationship among each country so that keep close. Other than that, English also play an important role
in economy more content...
English learning process should be fun and interesting as the learning process of mother tongue at home. By this, teacher and preschool organisation
need to prepare the productive learning process of English language at early stage of childhood. There are countless ways to help children or
preschoolers learn English productively including through phonemes. According to Mann (2012), phonemes are the smallest units of sound within
words that include of both vocals and consonants. For instance, the word 'cat' made up phonemes of /c/, /a/, and /t/. The phonemes need to be
combining to form the word. Thereby, phonemic awareness is a critical skill for learning to read an alphabetically written language (Hoover, 2002). The
following discussion will discussion more about the importance and advantages of learning English through phonemes to young children.
2.1 Importance and Advantages of Learning English through
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Learning Strategies to Learn English
Learning strategies to learn English
It is time to learn effective strategies for learning English as a second language acquisition. It is important to know that there are some learning
strategies to help students how to learn English. Those strategies are learning English by the use of the internet and learning English in a classroom.
But there are some students that do not have success on learning English and there are some questions about it: Why some students are not successful
English learner? Is it effective to learn English by the use of the Internet? Is it effective to learn English in a classroom? Those questions will be
discussed in this essay.
Why some students are not succesful English learner? Maybe more content...
1990 <>
Universidad PedagŠ“Ń–gica Experimental Libertador
Instituto PedagŠ“Ń–gico de Caracas
Asignature: Reading and Writing II
Professsor: SimŠ“Ń–n Ruiz
Argumentative Essay
Iā€“ Nowadays there are different learning strategies to learn English as a second language acquisition. a) It is necessary to know what exactly is the
history of learning strategies. b) The most important strategy could be the regular use of the Internet. c) The other strategy could be learning in
IIā€“ The history of learning strategies in English as a second language acquisition. a) O'Malley and Chamot (1990.pp 2ā€“3) "The notion of learning
strategies in English as a second language acquisition emerged in the research literature many years ago. It emerged from a concern for identifying the
characteristics of effective learners." b) Effective learners must have a concern for communication. c) The use of the Internet as a learning strategy.
IIIā€“ It is necessary to use strategies to learn English as a new language. a) The Internet has many facilities in terms of searching for updated information.
b) Steve Kaufman "The Internet helps you to efficiently accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content." c) Although Internet
is a useful resource to learn English, it is difficult to have access to it.
IVā€“ Even though the Internet brings the facilities to
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Role Of English Teacher
ABSTRACT: Technology brought many changes in every aspect of one's life in 21st century. It showed its impact in both English languages learning
and teaching. Contentā€“based method, chalk & talk method, Grammar and translation methods are replaced with taskā€“based method, Eā€“ teaching, Direct
method and communicative approaches etc. The role of English teacher became prominent in developing language skills of students in modern era. So
the teacher has much responsibility to make the students good at English language. He has to play different roles like mentor, motivator, counselor,
facilitator, guide, studentā€“friendly teacher etc. Teacher has to adapt a studentā€“centered approach to teach English language. Then students get ample more content...
Students can learn language skills very quickly by participating in different activates like JAM, Debate, Extempore, Roleā€“play, Mockā€“ Group
Discussions, vocabulary games presentations, seminars etc. so teacher should be confident and competent to lead the students towards proficient in
English language. They become proficient in English by learning language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). It is great challenge to the
Modern English teacher to make the students expert in English. This paper aims at to discuss role of English teacher, challenges in teaching English
language in modern era and ways to learn language skills through different sources. Key words: Role of English teacherā€“ language skillsā€“ task based
activitiesā€“ Challenges in English language teachingā€“ solutions etc INTRODUCTION: The objectives of English language learning are I)To enable the
students comprehend the spoken form II)To develop students ability to use English in dayā€“toā€“day life and real life situation III)To understand the
written text and able to use skimming, scanning skills IV)To write simple English to express ideas etc The teacher should play different roles to get
these objectives of English language. Role of English teacher in developing listening skills in
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For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I
talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for
ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a
lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime.
I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that
my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to
write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on
reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of
learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content...
Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some
vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the
connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary.
English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point
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What I Learned In My English Class
Throughout my time in Honors English, I have learned many valuable things. It is hard to learn new concepts in an English class, because it is a
class that everyone has since starting school. The group of kids that I attend this class with are not easy to handle, and we often upset teachers with
our rude and opinionated comments. Our English class has been geared toward opening up to others and finding ourselves. We have learned a lot
about our peers and ourselves throughout this semester, and we have learned about poetry, literature, and other topics. I have learned a lot about my
classmates, myself, and I found my new favorite book, To Kill A Mockingbird. Ms. Hogan assigned us an biography, and we picked a peer that we
knew really nothing
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  • 3. Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes English is the most important language in the world. The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content... Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English very well. One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar Get more content on
  • 4. Learning English For Me Has Been A Hard Journey Learning English for me has been a hard journey. Born in Mexico City, both of my parents were Mexican. My father came from a medium low socio economical background, but he made his way up and became a lawyer (very smart and with great aspirations), my mother even though she was smart, her family circumstances caused her to forgo a higher education. Both Spanish speakers, they never thoroughly learned a 2nd language; they tried to learn English (father) and French (mother) but they never seriously pursued it, so their knowledge of other languages was basic. Reading and writing was well modeled at my home, books were everywhere as were open doors to good private education. Both of my parents were world travelers, so learning a language was really encouraged and an asset in my household. At the age of 3, my father registered me in a German preschool, so I did preā€“kindergarten there. I just remember to singing "guten morgen fraulen" every morning. By the age of 4, my father decided to change me to a new school so I went to a British English bilingual school, where 75% of the day was fully English Immersion. English language was highly valued at school as well as in my country and learning English was seen as a precondition for access to higher jobs. (J.Long 2011) By that time, my parents had begun to have marriage difficulties and I began to have academic difficulties, especially with English and because my father was gone there was no help available at Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on English Language Learner Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL) students. School administrators are trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are looking forward in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to focus on and it can be the fundamental when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social influences, native language, etc. ELL Families and Schools Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content... By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it will make them move along this new process. Reading and writing experience should be context related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second language while they are exposed to more learning experiences. Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment, such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered, treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families (Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective support, and assistant with the full understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural pressure could be increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new a language; without allowing them to lose their cultural identity. Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators to gain more knowledge about their students' community experiences, and curricula Get more content on
  • 6. Learning English As A Foreign Language Essay Learning English as a foreign language is a great challenging. English is an international language, Most people need it to get a job, to travel abroad, and to communicate with other cultures that don't use the same language of the groups. Accordingly, parents have recently become very concerned about learning their children English as a foreign or as a second language due to its importance . Many scholars talked about the requirements that learners of the language need to be ready to use the language or to master communication. One of those scholars is David Crystal . Crystal (1995) talked about what children exactly need to speak English. First, The vowels and the consonants . When Crystal talks about the vowels and the consonants he more content... The second requirement Crystal talked about is 300 ways of combining these vowels and consonants to form new words. The third requirement is and active vocabulary of 50,000 words and a passive ability to understand the language message, and then thousands of aspects of grammatical constructions. Moreover, children should know the prosodic features of the language such as; pitch, volume speed and rhythm to convey meanings. That means learners need to know how to use the language in real situations. As well as using the features of the language that help to convey the meanings of the messages of the language. A large number of conventions governing the ways in which varieties of English, for example, jokes and storytelling, differ and a large number of strategies governing the ways of using the language. All these feature appear under some conditions like the different stages of life. Some of these features and strategies differ according to the age and the awareness of the language functions. (Delistraty,2013). When learners produce a language they firstly produce it in a limited way because their previous knowledge either it is linguistic or international is very Get more content on
  • 7. Benefits Of Learning English Essay INTRODUCTION Learning English has become a very important role nowadays. People have already used a lot of different methods to learn English. Besides from going to school to learn English, reading varieties of books, magazines, listening different kinds music, radio programs, watch movies, films, talk to native speakers or even travel aboard are good way to learn English. But what is the most interesting way to learn English? If you are tired of going to classes or reading books, there is nothing better than learning English through movies and film. Learning a foreign language is already a hard task. And the culture is different from your own. So I want to show you that learning English with movies and films will not only help you more content... LITERATURE REVIEW Why people should learn English through watching film or movie? What are the benefit of learn English through watching film or movie? Learning a foreign language is not easy and learners have to understand the culture, grammars, sentence structure, pronounce which is different from their country. Some of researchers found that if people found a way to learn English more enjoyable and feel unbinding, then it will be very helpful for learning English. And learn English through watching films or movies is one of most popular way and it can make people more motivating and enjoyable to learn. Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council's Teaching English blog award for his post on his site he state; "The site promotes the innovative and creative use of film in English language teaching and learning. All of the lesson plans revolve around the use of video and film to teach English. The site promotes cineliteracy, the ability to analyze moving images, and considers cineliteracy as a 21st Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On English As A Foreign Language As we know that learning English in India it is gradually becomes very important due to century as well as technoā€“age is concerned. We all knew that English is taught either as Second Language or Target Language. It is very difficult for studentā€“beginner who recently starts to learn English language as foreign language. One of the vital and pivotal pivot roles of learning Foreign Language is to open the treasure hidden in the literature of a particular language. To reveal such treasure one needs to be mastered in different methods of teaching the foreign languages. This makes easy full for learners to learn foreign language. If we want to understand different method of teaching foreign language things linguistically we can understand it as "A method in linguistics and language teaching determines what and how much is taught. The order in which more content... :ā€“ A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to; i.e. English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her. Following are the foreign languages English, Irish, Arabic, Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish, Americanā€“English, Japanese, Chinese etc. are known as different types of Foreign Language. There are many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all above these languages grammar and it's particular rules and regulation but, here let us see What are the different methods to learn English as second foreign languages. Different methods to Teaching foreign languages:ā€“ If we want to learn English as foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we can learn foreign language. There are following methods that plays important role to teaching foreign languages. a.The audioā€“lingual method b.Army method c.Direct method d.New key method e.Grammarā€“translation method f.Bilingual Get more content on
  • 9. Why Is It Important To Learn English Essay English is one of the most important and official language in the world to communicate with each other and organization around the world and also has more advantage. It is important to know how significant English plays the role nowadays and also how to improve those skills in term of technology and environment as it may affect our future career opportunity by step to step are as follow. First of all, it necessary to know the reasons why learning English is so important and how is it important for us. English is one of the worldwide languages that most parts of the world use it as their official language and use it for communication. In case of learning in the university, if we have good English skill then we will have more opportunity to learn in international program and study abroad. Next is in the daily life, English is all around from messages on our phone until notice more content... According in the past Technology wasn't the main source of learning English but in nowadays, with the aid of technology advancement and growing rapidly. Therefore, technology can be used to improve my skills as it may affect our future. First is digital technology for learning English. From the British Council, Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching, to help teacher and learner can learn independently, the necessary 'languaging' [1] to help learners learn by themselves for more comfortable by using developed devices such as watching English in YouTube channel, search in Google and watch some movie without Thaiā€“sub. As more and more because electronic book or eā€“book [2] are available online by your device, the reader can easily to purchase and read from the screen as same as printed book, however, you should connect to the internet to download it but after that and can stay offline then it make me comfortable to begin reading from it which has many types of book such as cartoon, Get more content on
  • 10. My Experience Of Learning English Since I came to the Unite State, English has became a most significant thing in my life.However, before I was in China, English wasn't my good subject at school, it could be a worst subject for me. Most of time, I gave up learning English. I thought it is hard and I will not use it in my life. Now whenever I thinking back I feel ridiculous. Perhaps it is my fate, I have to learn English again for living in America. My experience about learning English is knowledge needs to accumulate. If you any knowledge point that you miss it, you will be difficult to fix it. I had been touch with English when I was in kindergarten. In the earliest time I had learned about English alphabet but I couldn't memorize the sequence. My parents wanted me to more content... It is a boarding school so my parents didn't know about my study well. The teacher couldn't care you all the time because they taught almost hundred of student. You should know how to study by yourself, however it is my weak point.In middle school, I had started learning grammar andwriting a paragraph but I didn't understand very well and my writing always followed by the template so that sometimes I could past the test and sometimes I couldn't past, and my English score was enough to let me go to the high school. In the high school, I would say I was not learn anything in English. In class because of I wasn't studied hard in middle school, I couldn't follow my teacher that I didn't interest in English. In the class, I slept or did something that is not about study. On the quiz, I felt headache when I was reading the quiz paper because I just know a little vocabulary and my grammar was terrible. In my three years high school life, I almost was the last in the rank. However, I was believe it not a big deal. I may find a job which I don't need English. I brought this idea to my college. I have study in college in China for one year before I came to America. The college English is hardest. The reason is I did not study English well at high school , I could not follow my teacher and I fail every class. Even though they have a makeup test , I thought no matter how many chance they give me take the English test , I would not past the test only if I go to English Get more content on
  • 11. My Learning Experience In English CONTEXT It seems that learning a foreign language has never been an easy job and it takes a lot of time, sometimes all your life to master it (Brown, 2000). Among the four main skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, the first one could be considered the most challenging and the most crucial because it includes "all other kinds of knowing" (Ur, 2012). Until now, I can still remember how difficult it was to develop this particular skill when I was in high school. In this essay, I will clearly describe my learning experiences as a gradeā€“ten student trying to improve the speaking skill through English lessons at high school. When I was in high school, I was studying in Nguyen Thuong Hien High School, one of the most famous schools in Ho Chi Minh City at that time and I was placed in an English intensified class, which meant that most of my classmates was very good at English. My class was such a big one with 46 members, including 38 girls and only 8 boys. Instead of studying 5 periods a week with the course book approved by Ministry of Education, we had more content... During the periods working with the course book, I followed my teacher's instructions, did everything she asked us to do. Nevertheless, at weekend I went to an English club at my high school. Here I had the opportunity to literally communicate in English though it was quite hard for me at that time. The club had 2 instructors, who were also the English teachers of my school and they were very helpful and friendly as well. They encouraged us to speak English by pointing out the good things that we could get if we mastered English, such as having the ability to communicate with foreigners, getting a highā€“paid job in the future or a scholarship to study abroad. Those things were very appealing and it helped to create motivational as well (Ur, 2012). Thanks to the aid of the club, I became more confident to work with my friends in the group Get more content on
  • 12. Learning English. Everyone should learn the English language and there are several reasons that urge you to do that. English is a global language, English is the first language in many countries, English is a language of international business, computer, and the internet and science, every job requires to have a good English Language and Most of the top movies, books, and songs are published in English. My story with learning English is that I started learning English in my home country as my second language, At Egypt I used to study the British English, English was important subject at school but we don't use it outside the classroom and we don't use it in the daily life but I liked English so much since I was a kid, it was and still one of my favorite subjects, comparing to other languages learning English more content... I started to work on these skills step by step and I started to learn by myself and the internet helped me so much to do that, first I started with the listening skill I watched subtitled English movies And listened to music with the lyrics. Then for Speaking skill I used to practice it in my classes I learned so common idioms and frizzing verbs that can help me to speak, for reading skill I used to read online news and I picked books that interests me to encourages me to read every day i also searched for academic vocabulary and translated it to my language, put it in a sentence and use it for my daily life and by this way I memorized a lot of those words and for writing skill I tried to improve my grammar and then I wrote some emails and essay and Get more content on
  • 13. Importance Of Learning English Essay Nowadays, English has a significant role in the society. Person in the world has been aware about the usefullness of English because of that role. The people are enthusiastics to be able to use English in their lives. Therefore, the major of English has been one of the most favorite majors for the learners, especially in the university level. Moreover, this fact makes a great impact on the number of the learners that want to take major of English. In learning English, actually, the learners will find four main skills in their learning activity. Those four skills are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Since those are the main skills in English, absolutely, the learners have to understand and master each of the skill in order to reach their deep understanding in English. However, what can be seen in the field is that the learners seem not understand the four main skills deeply, so it makes the students only understand the surface of each skill. Then, because of that, the learners are only able to make simple products with many errors. From those four skills, writing is one of the most important skill that the students have to mastered. Wilson (2003: 212) stated that learning how to write well is really important. Writing is one of the most important things that students do with their education. By writing, the author can convey a message or information to the reader, and what authors create and collect will not disappear just because it has been poured on the paper. The Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On English Language Teaching English Language Teaching Methods Many countries in Asia like China, Japan, UAE, Sri Lanka, Singapore etc., adopted English as a foreign language not as a second language. Because considering English as a second language and as a Foreign Language is different in their view point. They view that outside of the classroom, English is not that much useful. They teach all the subjects in their mother tongue but in India if one is unable to speak in English he becomes a tabooed person. Many Asian countries treat the pupil's age, sex, race, attitude, intelligence and grasping power in teaching English. Indian teachers neglect this aspect. For ex: a speaker from Hyderabad emphasizes more vowels before many words because of the influence of Urdu. Straight ā€“ Istraight. And a Bihari pronounces 'sh' as 's' because of the influence of Kharboli. Teachers don't take into consideration of this aspect and mistreat students. So teachers have to choose the methodology as suit their classroom and environment. If teacher takes all the factors into consideration classroom becomes more meaningful. All the methods are not meaningful when teacher choose them as per the needs of the classroom. Methods of English Language more content... Sometimes more than one method is used to bring out the anticipated outcomes in the language classroom where communication develops the key factor of teachingā€“learning process. Unless students learn to utilise the classroom method to express thoughts and feelings outside into the real world situations, the learning cannot be effective no matter whatever teaching method is applied in English as a Second Language classroom. Teacherā€“ student role becomes the centre in bringing out the maximum within the limited time in a Get more content on
  • 15. Learning English Essay 1.0 Introduction Due to the important of English language in communication, English has becomes global language, and important on countless aspects. Each country has different main language and even in one country, there are several mother tongues for each race and ethnic. As the solution, English has become the first pick language in communication for most of progressive countries. At the same time, English is the only one medium of communication for worldwide to communicate with each other. The importance of learning English in communication is undeniable, as someone needs to speak in English when he or she communicates with foreign people. Mastery of English language does not only can improve global communication but also contribute to a good relationship among each country so that keep close. Other than that, English also play an important role in economy more content... English learning process should be fun and interesting as the learning process of mother tongue at home. By this, teacher and preschool organisation need to prepare the productive learning process of English language at early stage of childhood. There are countless ways to help children or preschoolers learn English productively including through phonemes. According to Mann (2012), phonemes are the smallest units of sound within words that include of both vocals and consonants. For instance, the word 'cat' made up phonemes of /c/, /a/, and /t/. The phonemes need to be combining to form the word. Thereby, phonemic awareness is a critical skill for learning to read an alphabetically written language (Hoover, 2002). The following discussion will discussion more about the importance and advantages of learning English through phonemes to young children. 2.1 Importance and Advantages of Learning English through Get more content on
  • 16. Learning Strategies to Learn English Learning strategies to learn English It is time to learn effective strategies for learning English as a second language acquisition. It is important to know that there are some learning strategies to help students how to learn English. Those strategies are learning English by the use of the internet and learning English in a classroom. But there are some students that do not have success on learning English and there are some questions about it: Why some students are not successful English learner? Is it effective to learn English by the use of the Internet? Is it effective to learn English in a classroom? Those questions will be discussed in this essay. Why some students are not succesful English learner? Maybe more content... 1990 <> Universidad PedagŠ“Ń–gica Experimental Libertador Instituto PedagŠ“Ń–gico de Caracas Asignature: Reading and Writing II Professsor: SimŠ“Ń–n Ruiz Argumentative Essay Outline Iā€“ Nowadays there are different learning strategies to learn English as a second language acquisition. a) It is necessary to know what exactly is the history of learning strategies. b) The most important strategy could be the regular use of the Internet. c) The other strategy could be learning in classrooms. IIā€“ The history of learning strategies in English as a second language acquisition. a) O'Malley and Chamot (1990.pp 2ā€“3) "The notion of learning strategies in English as a second language acquisition emerged in the research literature many years ago. It emerged from a concern for identifying the
  • 17. characteristics of effective learners." b) Effective learners must have a concern for communication. c) The use of the Internet as a learning strategy. IIIā€“ It is necessary to use strategies to learn English as a new language. a) The Internet has many facilities in terms of searching for updated information. b) Steve Kaufman "The Internet helps you to efficiently accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content." c) Although Internet is a useful resource to learn English, it is difficult to have access to it. IVā€“ Even though the Internet brings the facilities to Get more content on
  • 18. Role Of English Teacher ABSTRACT: Technology brought many changes in every aspect of one's life in 21st century. It showed its impact in both English languages learning and teaching. Contentā€“based method, chalk & talk method, Grammar and translation methods are replaced with taskā€“based method, Eā€“ teaching, Direct method and communicative approaches etc. The role of English teacher became prominent in developing language skills of students in modern era. So the teacher has much responsibility to make the students good at English language. He has to play different roles like mentor, motivator, counselor, facilitator, guide, studentā€“friendly teacher etc. Teacher has to adapt a studentā€“centered approach to teach English language. Then students get ample more content... Students can learn language skills very quickly by participating in different activates like JAM, Debate, Extempore, Roleā€“play, Mockā€“ Group Discussions, vocabulary games presentations, seminars etc. so teacher should be confident and competent to lead the students towards proficient in English language. They become proficient in English by learning language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). It is great challenge to the Modern English teacher to make the students expert in English. This paper aims at to discuss role of English teacher, challenges in teaching English language in modern era and ways to learn language skills through different sources. Key words: Role of English teacherā€“ language skillsā€“ task based activitiesā€“ Challenges in English language teachingā€“ solutions etc INTRODUCTION: The objectives of English language learning are I)To enable the students comprehend the spoken form II)To develop students ability to use English in dayā€“toā€“day life and real life situation III)To understand the written text and able to use skimming, scanning skills IV)To write simple English to express ideas etc The teacher should play different roles to get these objectives of English language. Role of English teacher in developing listening skills in Get more content on
  • 19. For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime. I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content... Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary. English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point Get more content on
  • 20. What I Learned In My English Class Throughout my time in Honors English, I have learned many valuable things. It is hard to learn new concepts in an English class, because it is a class that everyone has since starting school. The group of kids that I attend this class with are not easy to handle, and we often upset teachers with our rude and opinionated comments. Our English class has been geared toward opening up to others and finding ourselves. We have learned a lot about our peers and ourselves throughout this semester, and we have learned about poetry, literature, and other topics. I have learned a lot about my classmates, myself, and I found my new favorite book, To Kill A Mockingbird. Ms. Hogan assigned us an biography, and we picked a peer that we knew really nothing Get more content on