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Computer Technology
Computer technology is advancing at a rapid rate, causing the diversity and availability of assistive technology computer resources to have a
tremendous impact for special education students across the United States. Assistive technology provides an opportunity for students with physical,
emotional, and mental disabilities to acquire universal access to tools and opportunities for learning. Despite studies showing the benefits of assistive
technology, many school districts fail to achieve the fullest potential that assistive technology can offer. This paper will define assistive technology,
identify several obstacles of effective implementation, and present various approaches to overcoming those obstacles.
Assistive technology is more content...
Technology has made it easier for people to communicate in a faster, efficient, and cost saving means through the introduction of the communication
channels. The world has turned out to be the centre for technology with different technologies emerging daily as the people continue to develop from
time to time to cope with the growing technology. The benefits of adopting the communication technology are explained in this article which shows
why people do not function without technology.
Communication and Technology
Communication is a critical thing in today's society because the exchange of information is vital in living. People live both locally and globally through
technological connections by maintaining contact and interaction between individuals from all corners of the world. Communication binds people,
helps maintaining the society healthy and enables people to interact and make friends from different regions and cultures. According to Adrian in 2006,
communication and information technology plays a great role in the individuals' life. There is a high rate of growth of the communication technology
industry and the benefits as more people come up with new means of communication by day. A point has reached where activities cannot function
without information technology due to the many benefits which
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The personal computer underwent drastic changes with the introduction to advanced computing software and hardware. The evolution of computers
did not develop on its own; key influential figures such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates led the revolution of technology. These well–known individuals
competed with each other by continually innovating and creating more and more advanced technology. Computer technology moved forward when
Intel created 64–bit technology and advanced kernels to compliment the upgrade in processing power. Not only is the evolution of computer
technology in itself relevant for modern study, but the adoption of computers for use in other fields of study, such as engineering and architecture, was
produced through more content...
Beating out every other company in personal computer sales, the suspicion that Microsoft was creating a monopoly on the personal computer market
began to arise, and the government decided to take action (Contemporary Heroes and Heroines 19). This caused a stunt in the growth of operating
systems, but luckily Apple began to progress in their operating system design. The market was eventually divided between the two parties, and this
created a rivalry between the two companies. Apple's software was less popular and only on the devices they provided, so the market leaned towards
Microsoft, simply because of quantity. Nearly 90% of the computers in a home would be running Windows, the operating system Microsoft created.
The two companies began researching on better hardware and software that would allow their products to be better than other competing companies.
The introduction to multithreading, which is the ability of a program or an operating system to manage multiple requests at the same time, upgraded
the efficiency of computing by an astronomical amount. These systems were originally created in a 32–bit operating system structure, but after 64–bit
processors were introduced manufacturers were able to save processing power connecting different operations together and minimized the stress on the
system. These innovations all spawned from the competition and tension between many companies like Microsoft and Apple. The reasons for
innovations in computer
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The Impact Of Computer Technology On Students
We are living in the age of computers technology. In the recent decade, these machines became a very popular and an important part of the human's life;
as a result, today we are surrounded by computers everywhere. We have computers at homes, educational institutions, offices, hospitals, banks,
supermarkets and so on. However, we cannot deny this fact that computers are given great importance in the education sector and students are the key
part of it.
Different studies have revealed (Study link is given below) that computers have many advantages on numerous significant areas of a student's life, for
example, in the field of education, entertainment purposes and building social relationships. However, students can have serious Educational, Physical,
social and psychological disadvantages from prolonged computer use. This essay provides an overview of the impacts of computer technology on
Today computer is an essential tool for students in the educational sector. It can store huge amount of data at one place so students can save notes
assignments and books in it. It reduces the amount of the books students need to carry physically because many online stores like Amazon sell the
soft copy of academic books which is always cheaper and no shipping is required for that. There are several software programs available to help
student enhance their learning skills, for example, improving vocabulary, writing skills, including grammar as well as spelling check, getting easy
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Computers and Technology Today Essay
Technology Today
Technology today adds much advancement to our everyday lives. We drive fast cars. Talk on the phone, organizing meetings, and catching up
with old friends, or the friend you are on your way to go see. The technology we use today has made us as a human race really reliant on how it
makes our lives easier. Through much advancement in the technology and how it makes our lives easier, it also makes them more difficult. When
something breaks we are unable to fix it, and have to take the object to go get fixed and it normally costs a lot more to fix a higher technology item.
Also, when you take it to get fixed you will most likely be without that item for a good period of time. So if you "need" your cell phone, pager,
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We now have the World Wide Web
, which allows people from allover the work to connect together and search anything they desire. You are able to
keep you personal finances on a program that not only keeps track of them for you, it also helps you organize and complete tasks in finance that
would normally take forever and cut that time down immensely. You are able to type professional looking papers that are not hard to read because
of bad hand writing. You are also able to save a great amount of time by typing and not having to deal with the troubles of rewriting if you make a
mistake. There are programs that allow you to listen to music let and write your own CDs, which save you money at the music store.
But with all the advancements that make our lives easier, the computer can also be intimidating and frustrating as well. Since, the computer is one of
the most advanced technological items we use everyday when it breaks , our lives seem to stop. If you have a deadline for a paper whether it be
for a job of school, you nightmare is your computer breaking. Or even worse crashing. Not only does it take time to fix the computer when it breaks,
it takes a good amount of money too. People rely on the computer too much not to fail, and when it does all your work is inaccessible until the
computer works again, and you are unable to do all the duties which require a
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Computer Technology Contributions
Computer science is an ever–evolving field that is relevant to the daily activities of almost all people living in the 21st century. Through the years, the
field of computer science has advanced thanks to the contributions of numerous scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. From the programs
powering medical devices in healthcare to the operating systems on mobile devices, the work of computer scientists is responsible for the
technologies that power our lives. This paper describes the contributions made by Ada Lovelace, Linus Torvalds, and Dennis Ritchie to the field of
computer science. 1: Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace is most known for her contributions to computer science during a time before computer science was
a recognized discipline. Her work involved a thorough series of notes on Charles Babbage's analytical engine, including a table that explained how the
engine could potentially display Bernoulli numbers (Martin, 2015). The analytical engine was an industrial–era invention intended to carry out
computations using punched cards (Martin, 2015). She was tasked with translating Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's notes on Babbage's
analytical engine, which she published in 1843 (Martin, 2015). Ada's notes on the analytical engine were much greater than the original translation, and
she was able to realize the true potential of the analytical engine. She was able to come up with an algorithm for the analytical engine that could be
used to calculate Bernoulli
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Ethics in Technology Essay
In the early years of computers and computerized technology, computer engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer
technology would produce positive impacts on the people that would use it. During the infancy of computer technology, ethical issues concerning
computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers back then were not as multifaceted as they are today. However, ethical issues
relating to computer technology and cyber technology is undeniable in today's society. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our
daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and
efficiently. more content...
Some people lose their moral intuition when using computer technology because they assume that their actions do not have real consequences to
others. The lack of physicality on the internet can alter one's ability to empathize with other, which makes them feel that cybercrime morally acceptable.
The moral imperatives in the ACM code of ethics can help people make moral choices with computer technology.
Privacy concerns on the web have become an undesirable consequence that people face with cyber technology. The ability of computers to gather and
store unlimited amount of information from the internet raises privacy issues concerning an individual's informational privacy. A person's right to
informational privacy is the ability to control the flow of their personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information. An
invasion of informational privacy denies people the right to control who accesses their personal information. Many internet users are unaware that they
are more likely to compromise their privacy when using the internet services such as search engines and social networking sites. The internet provides
access to an incredible amount of information from all over the world. Some internet users use the internet exclusively as a source of information while
other internet users use the internet to create and disseminate information for others to use. However, the vast amount of information floating on the
internet would not
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Impact of Technology in the Workplace Essay
The Impact of Technology in the Workplace The impact of computer technology in the workplace has been enormous within the past decade, both
positive and negative. Distant communication through the use of computers and mobile devices have overhauled the office setting completely. Email,
social networking sites and the world of the Internet have opened a whole new avenue of communication. Technology has changed the entire workplace
environment, the relationships, and how things get done. Office workers and businesses are not limited to phone calls, meetings or mail to
communicate with each other anymore. Electronic email can be used and not interrupt the recipient. more content...
Years ago, the final draft of a document went through several stages. The first draft was typed on a type writer, edited for corrections and revisions
were made. It took time for the document to be read and reviewed by several persons before all corrections and additions were made. Then, the final
copy was re–typed with corrections. Through the use of computers, grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be corrected and changed within the
document instantly as the person types. Mailing documents took time as well. Someone had to make a trip to the post office, purchase postage, etc.
With the use of virtual meetings, money is saved by eliminating the cost of travel. Participants can be actively involved without leaving their own
office or home. When there are problems or urgency, solutions and reactions can occur quickly. There is acceleration of decision making with the use
of technology. Communication can occur anywhere at any time. Job applicants no longer actually visit businesses to complete an application. Resumes
and other documents can be uploaded and easily accessible to the Human Resource Manager. Online postings, applications, and screeners provide
applicants the luxury of completing this process from their own home. Likewise, businesses are able to obtain a great deal of information and select
qualified applicants for further evaluation. With the absence of the traditional office, physical face to face
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Privacy and Computer Technology
Privacy and Computer Technology
Today, the development of technology is spread all over the world and so are ethical issues. Because of the widespread, computer ethics are boiling
down distinguishing what is good from what is wrong mentality. Everyone's view on computer ethics differ, however all should keep in mind the value
of ethics when making decisions that are ethics based. The golden rules of computer ethics state that, one should do to one another what he/she thinks
should be done to them and if at least quite a number of people obey the golden rule, then there would be no many issues concerning computer ethics
as they are today. The computer ethics that surround us presently brought by software, and social networking sites have plagued the cyber world for
many years.
Software Issues Nowadays, most people in the organization are overlooking ethical use of software. By an organization purchasing any kind of
software does not give privileges that they own the software, and therefore can use it anyhow. Organization should put in mind that they never own any
software, but what they actually have is the license for using the software purchased. It is therefore a requisite for every organizations and small
companies to accept the terms as well as the conditions that apply upon using software. Accepting the copyright terms guarantees people never to use
the purchased software for anything else other than what is intended to be used for, hence no copies should be made
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Computers and technology are two of mostly discussed topics today. Technology has a huge impact in our world. There are advantages and
disadvantages about computers and technology – it affects individuals and families, businesses, schools and the entire society. We discuss its usefulness,
how it affects people and their health, and how it affects the environment. Computers are one of the fastest evolving technologies. There are so many
reasons why computers are both beneficial and disadvantageous to the society. There are many computer and technology companies. This is a big
business and it is surely affecting the economy. Several inventions and discoveries have been made with the help of computer technology. It is
predicted that more content...
The stocks currency and bonds traded on worldwide electronic markets amount to an estimated three trillion dollars each day, twice the annual U.S
Budget (Hammersley, 2012).
Computers, Environment and People Evolution of technology has impact to our society. There are many reasonable explanations why it is a good
influence in society. Technology is a very useful tool for people. Many of us use this in jobs like teaching, banking, and for companies. It helps
students study for their work on their devices. ("New York Times"). A lot of people think it is a good idea for students because a lot of children
could learn faster with the help of these devices. Students are able to explore different ways of learning a topic using different technology devices.
Research assignments are done faster and conveniently. Students now have access to computer, technology and the Internet that allow them to freely
express their strong views and have an enjoyable time playing academic games (Kashmanian). However, there are also adverse effect of computer and
technology. The teens and adults in America spend a lot of money to get these devices (Bender 1999). Computers in schools help students to learn
however its use must be regulated. Lack of supervision of how computers are used in schools could lead to potential misuse of computers. There are
students take advantage
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Evolution of Computer Technology
Several centuries have been taken toward the development of inventions made by different people into modern forms. Single inventors rarely bring out
modern invention. What we have now as electronic devices (the computers) are inventions of several scientists, mathematicians and engineers from
different centuries. For the purpose of this mini research key terms like evolution, technology and computer shall be considered, not forgetting to take a
careful look at the evolution of these inventions from different centuries/years to our present generation starting from the earliest known device. The
characteristics of these devices from generation to generation and their classification according to sizes, functions and uses more content...
RAM also stores the result of a processed data, waiting to be transferred to output device or secondary storage device. It is a temporary memory and
the content of RAM is erased when a computer is turned off and data stored in it can instantly be accessed.
The storage of RAM is expressed in megabytes and its capacity or size limited. An area of RAM set aside for storage of most frequently accessed
information is the CACHE memory. It is a temporary high speed data holding area between the memory and the central processing unit. RAM has
four parts: the conventional memory which consist of the first 640KB of RAM, used by operating system and device drivers; Upper Memory
Bound (UMB) located between 640KB and 1MB of RAM, used by device drivers: extended memory (XMS) which include direct access memory
above 1MB; and Expended memory: a special part of ram that is up to 32MB and exists outside the conventional memory.
Read only memory (ROM) is preloaded with data and software that never changes, so the central processing unit (CPU) can only read it.ROM is
typically used to store the computer's initial start up instructions. It retains its data indefinitely. In a personal computer (PC), ROM contains a
specialized program called the BIOS that orchestrates loading the computer's operating system from the hard disc drive into RAM whenever the
computer is turn on
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Computer Advancement Of Computer Technology
It seems that the advances of today are moving far more rapidly than people have ever thought about. The only question is that how much farther
can we go in the advancement of computer technology to support people. One of the ways to support people is in the area of Firefighting. In this
field the firemen with help of computers is allowed to help civilians when they are in need. The job of now is becoming a little safer to do because of
newly advances by computers in the firefighting field. Three important ways computers have contributed is in the ways firemen can refine their own
personal knowledge of the job, personal protective equipment (PPE), and one of the tools invented to locate people.
The topic for computer advancement, is of a field that is one of the most critical services given to people. Why? It is one of most demanding jobs
because of what the fireman actually does. In most senses his or her job is not to only fight fires, but also to search out for life within the fire,
administer aid if needed, along with the searching for clues to what might have been the cause for the accident or blaze. The Fireman combines the
work ethic of not only his or her job, but along with knowledge of a nurse and police officer. True, he or she does not always play a role on the other
areas besides fighting fires, but they have to be able to pick–up where ever they are needed in whatever role. In order to broaden the knowledge of the
firemen, it is most commonly done through new
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Computer Science And Technology Essay
Science and technology constantly evolving and changing. The latest released product will surpassed the earliest. The earliest will only become a
history. Therefore, computer scientist are striving to develop and finding the newest and ideal to fulfill the need of users. This assignment aimed to
identify the computer components, its function, its importance as well as the latest and the future technologies of the pointing devices, central
processing unit (CPU), memory, disk controller, disk, and monitor.
Pointing device is an input devices that is used to allow user to input data to a computer. It is connected to the computers or laptops using a USB, PS/2,
serial, or Bluetooth connection (Tyler, more content...
The Magic cube however is android and iPhone compatible because it combines mouse, keyboard, and handwriting recognition functionality. It has the
potential in the future to be easily customized to different layouts. Beside that, the Leap Motion Controller can be used by using finger and hand
movements in the air to communicate with the computers and the other devices (Anand, 2013).
Currently computer scientist have been working on 3D computer screens that react to the users hand moving behind the monitor display (BBC, 2013).
The 3D monitor screens enable users to reach in, touch and interact with the objects inside the display. They believes the 3D screens will breakdown
boundaries and make the digital experience feel more real. For the future used, many computer scientist is now conducting research in searching a new
ways to interact with computers (Graham–Rowe, 2011) include voice control, gesture control and eye controlled gaze, emotionally intelligent interface
(Rubens, 2012).
CPU is the heart to any computing system (Posinasetti, n.d.). It also known as processor which is the center of all activities responsible for changing
raw data into the required information inside the computer. The function of CPU is to execute the stored software instructions, turning data into
information. Users are able to communicate with CPU through input devices (Marini et al, 2012). As integrated part of CPU, memory is
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The Computer Of Computer Technology
Since the 1980 's, the growth of the technology sector has been exponential. The introduction of the personal computer (PC) was the true catalyst for
the growth in popularity of computer technology. With this introduction also came the growth in popularity of being a computer scientist. The code
used to write the software for these personal computers was brand new and easy to use. What made it easy to use was the fact that the computer code for
the PC was very similar to the English language; whereas, previous computers used punch cards as a way to program them.. This change was
revolutionary because it allowed anyone to learn how to program a computer. This, coupled with the major computer advancements occurring in the
United States, such as the internet, created the idea that becoming a computer scientist almost guaranteed you a job. At the time, this was true. The
idea still is mostly true, however, many computer science jobs, usually Information Technology (IT) and other entry level jobs that involve
programming, have been moved overseas. This shift to outsourcing is not very widespread as some people might think, but it could become
widespread with the increase in quality of life and job availability in other countries. The outsourcing, while currently not a major issue, does have very
real consequences for the future. Such consequences include lack of job availability for college graduates in the United States and, as a result, an
increase in unemployment. Another
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Computer technology has evolved dramatically over the years and has significantly changed society. As technology advances, it transforms and
improves society. Computer–related technology allows for enhancement of social functions previously difficult or impossible to execute. Computers
have also accelerated productivity. Much less time is required nowadays to research information. Many in search of jobs and careers have reaped the
rewards of computer technology. For too long, finding information about various careers was very difficult and painstaking, but the computer has
revolutionized the job–search process. People now have access to virtually endless information on the career of their choice. This has permitted freer
access to career opportunities that is appropriate for their lifestyle. People now can locate thousands of jobs opportunities from their personal
computers. One other component of careers that has been influenced by computers is the development.
Today's generation could never ever imagine in their wildest dreams about the world, ages before, when there were no computers or any other
technologies. So much we have advanced that now every information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7. All this advancement was
possible only with the introduction of a small device called the "Computer". The computer is considered the most revolutionary invention of the
twentieth century and it appears to be as well. The impact of computer usage can be found in
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My Interest On Computer Technology
My interest in computer technology began during my junior year of high school in 1982. During study hall, I would go to the computer lab to see
what students were doing. I did not enroll in a computer class, but I was fascinated with how computers worked. The computer lab had a Digital
Equipment Corporation model PDP–11 computer with several terminals. When one was open, I would often grab the system manuals and experiment
with entering commands. Eventually, I taught myself BASIC by watching other students and reading the BASIC programming manual. Several years
went by after graduating from high school, and I eventually attended RETS Electronic School to study electronics engineering technology. After
graduating from RETS, I worked several jobs as an electronics technician. At one of those jobs, I began repairing the company's computers and
printers. The company had a Novell Netware 2.15 network, and the system administrator began to teach me how to perform basic administration
tasks. He later became a Certified Netware Engineer and as a result secured a job making a significant amount more than in his previous position.
When he left, I became the system administrator. I began diligently reading the shelf full of manuals on how to install, configure, and administer
Netware. After six months as the company's administrator, I decided to take a CNE boot camp class that covered all of the required material in a
compressed timeframe. After completing the class, I took the series
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Persuasive Essay On Computer Technology
Essay Proposal
Adway Dogra
In the early years of computers, engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive
impacts on the people that would use it. During this period of infancy, ethical issues concerning computer technology were almost nonexistent because
computers were not as multifaceted back then as they are today. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our daily lives. Different
forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. Although, unique
technological features increase people's proficiency and the general "smartness" of computers, some are extremely wary of the growing sentience in
Aspirational Ethics dictates that, as an engineer, we should strive to better technology in order to help make lives better, help people be more
productive, and improve the human experience in general. However, it does obscure the line between making human lives better and giving computers
critical thinking and decision making abilities (and its consequences). The gravity of this moral issue can be glanced from the example of self–driving
cars. On one hand we're making driving considerably safer by ensuring that people unfit for driving don't control the wheel, while a causality of this
would be giving a computer the power of making decision regarding human lives. Furthermore, which ethical theory will
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Computer Technology And Its Effect On Society
Over the last five years, computer technology, a digital device that automatically operates information and data, has been speedily varying and
increasing in every field. It has brought many benefits to modern society. For example, technological advances will change society and home since
there are many high technology systems will be installed, which will improve the quality of life. Communication become easier through one click
because of the popularization of Internet. Also, using computer technology will enhance students' learning. Obviously, these benefits certainly have
huge impact on lifestyle at work, in recreation and for social networking. These transforming ways of our lives get benefited from the computer
technology. However, there are many who get addicted to the evils of it. For instance, users will easily get addicted to online shopping, developing to
an endless shopping desires. Furthermore, computer technology provides a convenient channel to online gambling and online games. These two online
entertainment today are like drugs, gradually turn into a problematic issue for teenagers. Thus, computer technology has affected the normal lifestyles
from almost all respects of life, but it seems like it is not for the betterment. First of all, computer technology is beneficial because its advances will
change society and home. In fact, computer technology has been developed intelligently and customizable, which should easily measure and tract one's
own behavior. It
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Essay On Computer Technology
Computer technology is one of the key drivers in the twenty first century. The technology has led to new business models and new types of businesses.
Higher education institutes are now spending million to implement computer technology projects like institute management, campus management,
student management etc. computer technologies could save higher education institutes millions of dollars. Computer technology is the design and
construction of computers to better help people at work, school, home, etc. An incredible development in the higher education has made the
administration of higher education institutions difficult. Computer technology helps to minimize the difficulty and improve the overall administration
of higher more content...
This streamline process requires useful integration of technologies into existing context in order to provide learners with knowledge of specific subject
areas to promote meaningful education and to improve professional efficiency.
An increasing number of colleges and universities are adopting computer technologies as teaching and learning tools. Oliver and Wright (2002) reported
in the near future technologies may be required for all students and institutions. As per the study of Roper (2006) and Rice and Miller (2001) Colleges
and universities more and more rely on technology for both business and academic operations. Most educational institutions have made a significant
investment in developing a computing infrastructure within the institution. Roper (2006) and Lau (2003) described one of the most common
challenges for higher education institutions is dealing with change and the role of technology. Students are feeling the impact of technology in all areas
of the educational experience from recruitment efforts, to admissions processes, to its use as a teaching tool. Large technological resources are being
dedicated to student recruitment and retention, along with specific promotion efforts to attract better students.
According to Shahriza et al.
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Computer Science Essay
Computer Science Computer science is one of the fastest growing career fields in modern history. Dating back only a few decades to the late 1950's
and early 1960's, it has become on of the leading industries in the world today. Developed through the technological architecture of electrical
engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology has provided considerable recognition and financial
gain for many of its well deserving pioneers. Originally conceived as an organizational solution to the massive amounts of information kept on nothing
more than paper, computers have evolved and advanced to become a common part of modern day life. In the early days of the computer age, the
newest and more content...
It is essentially the brain of the computer and though it is the main determining factor in the processing power of the computer as a whole, many other
parts of the machine are just as important in overall performance. Many people don't know this and that is how computer corporations have cheated
people out of their money for so many years by selling them cheep systems with high megahertz numbers for the processors in them. This is one
reason for the success of the computer industry. When people find out that they have been cheated, they will try to learn more about the product and
probably end up spending more money next time. Either way the computer companies always win. A career in the field ofcomputer science has been
proven to be a worthwhile direction for any young enthusiast and this tren is looking just as bright in the new millenium. Computer science and
technology has much to offer in anyone of its many career paths. Whether working with a large multinational corporation or a smaller private company
on computer hardware or software in engineering or programming, the possibilities and opportunities are endless and are increasing everyday. One
reason the computer industry is so promising is that virtually every industry in the world depends on computers to operate. This creates an increasingly
large and permanent demand for computer hardware, software, and the technical knowledge to create and use them. Computer games have
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Computer Technology

  • 1. Computer Technology Computer technology is advancing at a rapid rate, causing the diversity and availability of assistive technology computer resources to have a tremendous impact for special education students across the United States. Assistive technology provides an opportunity for students with physical, emotional, and mental disabilities to acquire universal access to tools and opportunities for learning. Despite studies showing the benefits of assistive technology, many school districts fail to achieve the fullest potential that assistive technology can offer. This paper will define assistive technology, identify several obstacles of effective implementation, and present various approaches to overcoming those obstacles. Assistive technology is more content... Technology has made it easier for people to communicate in a faster, efficient, and cost saving means through the introduction of the communication channels. The world has turned out to be the centre for technology with different technologies emerging daily as the people continue to develop from time to time to cope with the growing technology. The benefits of adopting the communication technology are explained in this article which shows why people do not function without technology. Communication and Technology Communication is a critical thing in today's society because the exchange of information is vital in living. People live both locally and globally through technological connections by maintaining contact and interaction between individuals from all corners of the world. Communication binds people, helps maintaining the society healthy and enables people to interact and make friends from different regions and cultures. According to Adrian in 2006, communication and information technology plays a great role in the individuals' life. There is a high rate of growth of the communication technology industry and the benefits as more people come up with new means of communication by day. A point has reached where activities cannot function without information technology due to the many benefits which Get more content on
  • 2. The personal computer underwent drastic changes with the introduction to advanced computing software and hardware. The evolution of computers did not develop on its own; key influential figures such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates led the revolution of technology. These well–known individuals competed with each other by continually innovating and creating more and more advanced technology. Computer technology moved forward when Intel created 64–bit technology and advanced kernels to compliment the upgrade in processing power. Not only is the evolution of computer technology in itself relevant for modern study, but the adoption of computers for use in other fields of study, such as engineering and architecture, was produced through more content... Beating out every other company in personal computer sales, the suspicion that Microsoft was creating a monopoly on the personal computer market began to arise, and the government decided to take action (Contemporary Heroes and Heroines 19). This caused a stunt in the growth of operating systems, but luckily Apple began to progress in their operating system design. The market was eventually divided between the two parties, and this created a rivalry between the two companies. Apple's software was less popular and only on the devices they provided, so the market leaned towards Microsoft, simply because of quantity. Nearly 90% of the computers in a home would be running Windows, the operating system Microsoft created. The two companies began researching on better hardware and software that would allow their products to be better than other competing companies. The introduction to multithreading, which is the ability of a program or an operating system to manage multiple requests at the same time, upgraded the efficiency of computing by an astronomical amount. These systems were originally created in a 32–bit operating system structure, but after 64–bit processors were introduced manufacturers were able to save processing power connecting different operations together and minimized the stress on the system. These innovations all spawned from the competition and tension between many companies like Microsoft and Apple. The reasons for innovations in computer Get more content on
  • 3. The Impact Of Computer Technology On Students We are living in the age of computers technology. In the recent decade, these machines became a very popular and an important part of the human's life; as a result, today we are surrounded by computers everywhere. We have computers at homes, educational institutions, offices, hospitals, banks, supermarkets and so on. However, we cannot deny this fact that computers are given great importance in the education sector and students are the key part of it. Different studies have revealed (Study link is given below) that computers have many advantages on numerous significant areas of a student's life, for example, in the field of education, entertainment purposes and building social relationships. However, students can have serious Educational, Physical, social and psychological disadvantages from prolonged computer use. This essay provides an overview of the impacts of computer technology on students. Today computer is an essential tool for students in the educational sector. It can store huge amount of data at one place so students can save notes assignments and books in it. It reduces the amount of the books students need to carry physically because many online stores like Amazon sell the soft copy of academic books which is always cheaper and no shipping is required for that. There are several software programs available to help student enhance their learning skills, for example, improving vocabulary, writing skills, including grammar as well as spelling check, getting easy Get more content on
  • 4. Computers and Technology Today Essay Technology Today Technology today adds much advancement to our everyday lives. We drive fast cars. Talk on the phone, organizing meetings, and catching up with old friends, or the friend you are on your way to go see. The technology we use today has made us as a human race really reliant on how it makes our lives easier. Through much advancement in the technology and how it makes our lives easier, it also makes them more difficult. When something breaks we are unable to fix it, and have to take the object to go get fixed and it normally costs a lot more to fix a higher technology item. Also, when you take it to get fixed you will most likely be without that item for a good period of time. So if you "need" your cell phone, pager, more content... We now have the World Wide Web , which allows people from allover the work to connect together and search anything they desire. You are able to keep you personal finances on a program that not only keeps track of them for you, it also helps you organize and complete tasks in finance that would normally take forever and cut that time down immensely. You are able to type professional looking papers that are not hard to read because of bad hand writing. You are also able to save a great amount of time by typing and not having to deal with the troubles of rewriting if you make a mistake. There are programs that allow you to listen to music let and write your own CDs, which save you money at the music store. But with all the advancements that make our lives easier, the computer can also be intimidating and frustrating as well. Since, the computer is one of the most advanced technological items we use everyday when it breaks , our lives seem to stop. If you have a deadline for a paper whether it be for a job of school, you nightmare is your computer breaking. Or even worse crashing. Not only does it take time to fix the computer when it breaks, it takes a good amount of money too. People rely on the computer too much not to fail, and when it does all your work is inaccessible until the computer works again, and you are unable to do all the duties which require a Get more content on
  • 5. Computer Technology Contributions Computer science is an ever–evolving field that is relevant to the daily activities of almost all people living in the 21st century. Through the years, the field of computer science has advanced thanks to the contributions of numerous scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. From the programs powering medical devices in healthcare to the operating systems on mobile devices, the work of computer scientists is responsible for the technologies that power our lives. This paper describes the contributions made by Ada Lovelace, Linus Torvalds, and Dennis Ritchie to the field of computer science. 1: Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace is most known for her contributions to computer science during a time before computer science was a recognized discipline. Her work involved a thorough series of notes on Charles Babbage's analytical engine, including a table that explained how the engine could potentially display Bernoulli numbers (Martin, 2015). The analytical engine was an industrial–era invention intended to carry out computations using punched cards (Martin, 2015). She was tasked with translating Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's notes on Babbage's analytical engine, which she published in 1843 (Martin, 2015). Ada's notes on the analytical engine were much greater than the original translation, and she was able to realize the true potential of the analytical engine. She was able to come up with an algorithm for the analytical engine that could be used to calculate Bernoulli Get more content on
  • 6. Ethics in Technology Essay In the early years of computers and computerized technology, computer engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive impacts on the people that would use it. During the infancy of computer technology, ethical issues concerning computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers back then were not as multifaceted as they are today. However, ethical issues relating to computer technology and cyber technology is undeniable in today's society. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. more content... Some people lose their moral intuition when using computer technology because they assume that their actions do not have real consequences to others. The lack of physicality on the internet can alter one's ability to empathize with other, which makes them feel that cybercrime morally acceptable. The moral imperatives in the ACM code of ethics can help people make moral choices with computer technology. Privacy concerns on the web have become an undesirable consequence that people face with cyber technology. The ability of computers to gather and store unlimited amount of information from the internet raises privacy issues concerning an individual's informational privacy. A person's right to informational privacy is the ability to control the flow of their personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information. An invasion of informational privacy denies people the right to control who accesses their personal information. Many internet users are unaware that they are more likely to compromise their privacy when using the internet services such as search engines and social networking sites. The internet provides access to an incredible amount of information from all over the world. Some internet users use the internet exclusively as a source of information while other internet users use the internet to create and disseminate information for others to use. However, the vast amount of information floating on the internet would not Get more content on
  • 7. Impact of Technology in the Workplace Essay The Impact of Technology in the Workplace The impact of computer technology in the workplace has been enormous within the past decade, both positive and negative. Distant communication through the use of computers and mobile devices have overhauled the office setting completely. Email, social networking sites and the world of the Internet have opened a whole new avenue of communication. Technology has changed the entire workplace environment, the relationships, and how things get done. Office workers and businesses are not limited to phone calls, meetings or mail to communicate with each other anymore. Electronic email can be used and not interrupt the recipient. more content... Years ago, the final draft of a document went through several stages. The first draft was typed on a type writer, edited for corrections and revisions were made. It took time for the document to be read and reviewed by several persons before all corrections and additions were made. Then, the final copy was re–typed with corrections. Through the use of computers, grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be corrected and changed within the document instantly as the person types. Mailing documents took time as well. Someone had to make a trip to the post office, purchase postage, etc. With the use of virtual meetings, money is saved by eliminating the cost of travel. Participants can be actively involved without leaving their own office or home. When there are problems or urgency, solutions and reactions can occur quickly. There is acceleration of decision making with the use of technology. Communication can occur anywhere at any time. Job applicants no longer actually visit businesses to complete an application. Resumes and other documents can be uploaded and easily accessible to the Human Resource Manager. Online postings, applications, and screeners provide applicants the luxury of completing this process from their own home. Likewise, businesses are able to obtain a great deal of information and select qualified applicants for further evaluation. With the absence of the traditional office, physical face to face Get more content on
  • 8. Privacy and Computer Technology Privacy and Computer Technology Today, the development of technology is spread all over the world and so are ethical issues. Because of the widespread, computer ethics are boiling down distinguishing what is good from what is wrong mentality. Everyone's view on computer ethics differ, however all should keep in mind the value of ethics when making decisions that are ethics based. The golden rules of computer ethics state that, one should do to one another what he/she thinks should be done to them and if at least quite a number of people obey the golden rule, then there would be no many issues concerning computer ethics as they are today. The computer ethics that surround us presently brought by software, and social networking sites have plagued the cyber world for many years. Software Issues Nowadays, most people in the organization are overlooking ethical use of software. By an organization purchasing any kind of software does not give privileges that they own the software, and therefore can use it anyhow. Organization should put in mind that they never own any software, but what they actually have is the license for using the software purchased. It is therefore a requisite for every organizations and small companies to accept the terms as well as the conditions that apply upon using software. Accepting the copyright terms guarantees people never to use the purchased software for anything else other than what is intended to be used for, hence no copies should be made Get more content on
  • 9. Computers and technology are two of mostly discussed topics today. Technology has a huge impact in our world. There are advantages and disadvantages about computers and technology – it affects individuals and families, businesses, schools and the entire society. We discuss its usefulness, how it affects people and their health, and how it affects the environment. Computers are one of the fastest evolving technologies. There are so many reasons why computers are both beneficial and disadvantageous to the society. There are many computer and technology companies. This is a big business and it is surely affecting the economy. Several inventions and discoveries have been made with the help of computer technology. It is predicted that more content... The stocks currency and bonds traded on worldwide electronic markets amount to an estimated three trillion dollars each day, twice the annual U.S Budget (Hammersley, 2012). Computers, Environment and People Evolution of technology has impact to our society. There are many reasonable explanations why it is a good influence in society. Technology is a very useful tool for people. Many of us use this in jobs like teaching, banking, and for companies. It helps students study for their work on their devices. ("New York Times"). A lot of people think it is a good idea for students because a lot of children could learn faster with the help of these devices. Students are able to explore different ways of learning a topic using different technology devices. Research assignments are done faster and conveniently. Students now have access to computer, technology and the Internet that allow them to freely express their strong views and have an enjoyable time playing academic games (Kashmanian). However, there are also adverse effect of computer and technology. The teens and adults in America spend a lot of money to get these devices (Bender 1999). Computers in schools help students to learn however its use must be regulated. Lack of supervision of how computers are used in schools could lead to potential misuse of computers. There are students take advantage Get more content on
  • 10. Evolution of Computer Technology INTRODUCTION: Several centuries have been taken toward the development of inventions made by different people into modern forms. Single inventors rarely bring out modern invention. What we have now as electronic devices (the computers) are inventions of several scientists, mathematicians and engineers from different centuries. For the purpose of this mini research key terms like evolution, technology and computer shall be considered, not forgetting to take a careful look at the evolution of these inventions from different centuries/years to our present generation starting from the earliest known device. The characteristics of these devices from generation to generation and their classification according to sizes, functions and uses more content... RAM also stores the result of a processed data, waiting to be transferred to output device or secondary storage device. It is a temporary memory and the content of RAM is erased when a computer is turned off and data stored in it can instantly be accessed. The storage of RAM is expressed in megabytes and its capacity or size limited. An area of RAM set aside for storage of most frequently accessed information is the CACHE memory. It is a temporary high speed data holding area between the memory and the central processing unit. RAM has four parts: the conventional memory which consist of the first 640KB of RAM, used by operating system and device drivers; Upper Memory Bound (UMB) located between 640KB and 1MB of RAM, used by device drivers: extended memory (XMS) which include direct access memory above 1MB; and Expended memory: a special part of ram that is up to 32MB and exists outside the conventional memory. Read only memory (ROM) is preloaded with data and software that never changes, so the central processing unit (CPU) can only read it.ROM is typically used to store the computer's initial start up instructions. It retains its data indefinitely. In a personal computer (PC), ROM contains a specialized program called the BIOS that orchestrates loading the computer's operating system from the hard disc drive into RAM whenever the computer is turn on Get more content on
  • 11. Computer Advancement Of Computer Technology It seems that the advances of today are moving far more rapidly than people have ever thought about. The only question is that how much farther can we go in the advancement of computer technology to support people. One of the ways to support people is in the area of Firefighting. In this field the firemen with help of computers is allowed to help civilians when they are in need. The job of now is becoming a little safer to do because of newly advances by computers in the firefighting field. Three important ways computers have contributed is in the ways firemen can refine their own personal knowledge of the job, personal protective equipment (PPE), and one of the tools invented to locate people. The topic for computer advancement, is of a field that is one of the most critical services given to people. Why? It is one of most demanding jobs because of what the fireman actually does. In most senses his or her job is not to only fight fires, but also to search out for life within the fire, administer aid if needed, along with the searching for clues to what might have been the cause for the accident or blaze. The Fireman combines the work ethic of not only his or her job, but along with knowledge of a nurse and police officer. True, he or she does not always play a role on the other areas besides fighting fires, but they have to be able to pick–up where ever they are needed in whatever role. In order to broaden the knowledge of the firemen, it is most commonly done through new Get more content on
  • 12. Computer Science And Technology Essay 1.0 INTRODUCTION Science and technology constantly evolving and changing. The latest released product will surpassed the earliest. The earliest will only become a history. Therefore, computer scientist are striving to develop and finding the newest and ideal to fulfill the need of users. This assignment aimed to identify the computer components, its function, its importance as well as the latest and the future technologies of the pointing devices, central processing unit (CPU), memory, disk controller, disk, and monitor. 2.0 POINTING DEVICES Pointing device is an input devices that is used to allow user to input data to a computer. It is connected to the computers or laptops using a USB, PS/2, serial, or Bluetooth connection (Tyler, more content... The Magic cube however is android and iPhone compatible because it combines mouse, keyboard, and handwriting recognition functionality. It has the potential in the future to be easily customized to different layouts. Beside that, the Leap Motion Controller can be used by using finger and hand movements in the air to communicate with the computers and the other devices (Anand, 2013). Currently computer scientist have been working on 3D computer screens that react to the users hand moving behind the monitor display (BBC, 2013). The 3D monitor screens enable users to reach in, touch and interact with the objects inside the display. They believes the 3D screens will breakdown boundaries and make the digital experience feel more real. For the future used, many computer scientist is now conducting research in searching a new ways to interact with computers (Graham–Rowe, 2011) include voice control, gesture control and eye controlled gaze, emotionally intelligent interface (Rubens, 2012). 2.0 SIX COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER CPU is the heart to any computing system (Posinasetti, n.d.). It also known as processor which is the center of all activities responsible for changing raw data into the required information inside the computer. The function of CPU is to execute the stored software instructions, turning data into information. Users are able to communicate with CPU through input devices (Marini et al, 2012). As integrated part of CPU, memory is
  • 13. Get more content on
  • 14. The Computer Of Computer Technology Since the 1980 's, the growth of the technology sector has been exponential. The introduction of the personal computer (PC) was the true catalyst for the growth in popularity of computer technology. With this introduction also came the growth in popularity of being a computer scientist. The code used to write the software for these personal computers was brand new and easy to use. What made it easy to use was the fact that the computer code for the PC was very similar to the English language; whereas, previous computers used punch cards as a way to program them.. This change was revolutionary because it allowed anyone to learn how to program a computer. This, coupled with the major computer advancements occurring in the United States, such as the internet, created the idea that becoming a computer scientist almost guaranteed you a job. At the time, this was true. The idea still is mostly true, however, many computer science jobs, usually Information Technology (IT) and other entry level jobs that involve programming, have been moved overseas. This shift to outsourcing is not very widespread as some people might think, but it could become widespread with the increase in quality of life and job availability in other countries. The outsourcing, while currently not a major issue, does have very real consequences for the future. Such consequences include lack of job availability for college graduates in the United States and, as a result, an increase in unemployment. Another Get more content on
  • 15. Computer technology has evolved dramatically over the years and has significantly changed society. As technology advances, it transforms and improves society. Computer–related technology allows for enhancement of social functions previously difficult or impossible to execute. Computers have also accelerated productivity. Much less time is required nowadays to research information. Many in search of jobs and careers have reaped the rewards of computer technology. For too long, finding information about various careers was very difficult and painstaking, but the computer has revolutionized the job–search process. People now have access to virtually endless information on the career of their choice. This has permitted freer access to career opportunities that is appropriate for their lifestyle. People now can locate thousands of jobs opportunities from their personal computers. One other component of careers that has been influenced by computers is the development. Today's generation could never ever imagine in their wildest dreams about the world, ages before, when there were no computers or any other technologies. So much we have advanced that now every information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7. All this advancement was possible only with the introduction of a small device called the "Computer". The computer is considered the most revolutionary invention of the twentieth century and it appears to be as well. The impact of computer usage can be found in Get more content on
  • 16. My Interest On Computer Technology My interest in computer technology began during my junior year of high school in 1982. During study hall, I would go to the computer lab to see what students were doing. I did not enroll in a computer class, but I was fascinated with how computers worked. The computer lab had a Digital Equipment Corporation model PDP–11 computer with several terminals. When one was open, I would often grab the system manuals and experiment with entering commands. Eventually, I taught myself BASIC by watching other students and reading the BASIC programming manual. Several years went by after graduating from high school, and I eventually attended RETS Electronic School to study electronics engineering technology. After graduating from RETS, I worked several jobs as an electronics technician. At one of those jobs, I began repairing the company's computers and printers. The company had a Novell Netware 2.15 network, and the system administrator began to teach me how to perform basic administration tasks. He later became a Certified Netware Engineer and as a result secured a job making a significant amount more than in his previous position. When he left, I became the system administrator. I began diligently reading the shelf full of manuals on how to install, configure, and administer Netware. After six months as the company's administrator, I decided to take a CNE boot camp class that covered all of the required material in a compressed timeframe. After completing the class, I took the series Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Computer Technology Essay Proposal Adway Dogra In the early years of computers, engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive impacts on the people that would use it. During this period of infancy, ethical issues concerning computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers were not as multifaceted back then as they are today. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. Although, unique technological features increase people's proficiency and the general "smartness" of computers, some are extremely wary of the growing sentience in computers. Aspirational Ethics dictates that, as an engineer, we should strive to better technology in order to help make lives better, help people be more productive, and improve the human experience in general. However, it does obscure the line between making human lives better and giving computers critical thinking and decision making abilities (and its consequences). The gravity of this moral issue can be glanced from the example of self–driving cars. On one hand we're making driving considerably safer by ensuring that people unfit for driving don't control the wheel, while a causality of this would be giving a computer the power of making decision regarding human lives. Furthermore, which ethical theory will Get more content on
  • 18. Computer Technology And Its Effect On Society Over the last five years, computer technology, a digital device that automatically operates information and data, has been speedily varying and increasing in every field. It has brought many benefits to modern society. For example, technological advances will change society and home since there are many high technology systems will be installed, which will improve the quality of life. Communication become easier through one click because of the popularization of Internet. Also, using computer technology will enhance students' learning. Obviously, these benefits certainly have huge impact on lifestyle at work, in recreation and for social networking. These transforming ways of our lives get benefited from the computer technology. However, there are many who get addicted to the evils of it. For instance, users will easily get addicted to online shopping, developing to an endless shopping desires. Furthermore, computer technology provides a convenient channel to online gambling and online games. These two online entertainment today are like drugs, gradually turn into a problematic issue for teenagers. Thus, computer technology has affected the normal lifestyles from almost all respects of life, but it seems like it is not for the betterment. First of all, computer technology is beneficial because its advances will change society and home. In fact, computer technology has been developed intelligently and customizable, which should easily measure and tract one's own behavior. It Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Computer Technology Computer technology is one of the key drivers in the twenty first century. The technology has led to new business models and new types of businesses. Higher education institutes are now spending million to implement computer technology projects like institute management, campus management, student management etc. computer technologies could save higher education institutes millions of dollars. Computer technology is the design and construction of computers to better help people at work, school, home, etc. An incredible development in the higher education has made the administration of higher education institutions difficult. Computer technology helps to minimize the difficulty and improve the overall administration of higher more content... This streamline process requires useful integration of technologies into existing context in order to provide learners with knowledge of specific subject areas to promote meaningful education and to improve professional efficiency. An increasing number of colleges and universities are adopting computer technologies as teaching and learning tools. Oliver and Wright (2002) reported in the near future technologies may be required for all students and institutions. As per the study of Roper (2006) and Rice and Miller (2001) Colleges and universities more and more rely on technology for both business and academic operations. Most educational institutions have made a significant investment in developing a computing infrastructure within the institution. Roper (2006) and Lau (2003) described one of the most common challenges for higher education institutions is dealing with change and the role of technology. Students are feeling the impact of technology in all areas of the educational experience from recruitment efforts, to admissions processes, to its use as a teaching tool. Large technological resources are being dedicated to student recruitment and retention, along with specific promotion efforts to attract better students. According to Shahriza et al. Get more content on
  • 20. Computer Science Essay Computer Science Computer science is one of the fastest growing career fields in modern history. Dating back only a few decades to the late 1950's and early 1960's, it has become on of the leading industries in the world today. Developed through the technological architecture of electrical engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology has provided considerable recognition and financial gain for many of its well deserving pioneers. Originally conceived as an organizational solution to the massive amounts of information kept on nothing more than paper, computers have evolved and advanced to become a common part of modern day life. In the early days of the computer age, the newest and more content... It is essentially the brain of the computer and though it is the main determining factor in the processing power of the computer as a whole, many other parts of the machine are just as important in overall performance. Many people don't know this and that is how computer corporations have cheated people out of their money for so many years by selling them cheep systems with high megahertz numbers for the processors in them. This is one reason for the success of the computer industry. When people find out that they have been cheated, they will try to learn more about the product and probably end up spending more money next time. Either way the computer companies always win. A career in the field ofcomputer science has been proven to be a worthwhile direction for any young enthusiast and this tren is looking just as bright in the new millenium. Computer science and technology has much to offer in anyone of its many career paths. Whether working with a large multinational corporation or a smaller private company on computer hardware or software in engineering or programming, the possibilities and opportunities are endless and are increasing everyday. One reason the computer industry is so promising is that virtually every industry in the world depends on computers to operate. This creates an increasingly large and permanent demand for computer hardware, software, and the technical knowledge to create and use them. Computer games have Get more content on