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The Pros and Cons of Advertising Essay
"Just do it" – "I'm lovin' it" – "think different". What do these statements have in common? They are
slogans for some of the most well–known companies around the world. We immediately associate
them with their respective companies because they have been advertised to their audiences as such.
Advertisements have become such an integral part of corporations but why are they so important?
It seems as if they affect our social psychology when distinguishing our needs from our wants. We
should accordingly ask ourselves whether the use of advertisements to create demand creates a
positive or negative impact on society. Conversely; does it stimulate demand and provide a positive
influence on the general economy or, does it create a false more content...
This creates norms and popular culture that have been imposed and not accepted by society. To sum
up, this essay will attempt to prove that advertising can positively impact society if individuals look
at them from a critical perspective but can also pressure consumers to make purchases they wouldn't
otherwise make.
Webster's dictionary defines a habit as: "a usual way of behaving: something that a person does
often in a regular and repeated way". Civilization has gotten use to the act of consuming
advertisements. It seems that we now consume more than five thousand advertisements daily (C.
Johnson) but we seem to focus more on the products of advertisements we more steadily use. This
can be reflected in the way we decided what product we wish to purchase, and even which
advertisements we chose to consume. We can better understand this message through Andrew S. C.
Ehrenberg statement in his article:
The role of repetitive advertising of well established brands is therefore predominantly defensive – to
reinforce already developed repeat buying habits. The consumer tends to perceive advertising for
brands he is already buying, and repetitive advertising enables the habit to continue to operate in the
face of competition. The consumer does not have to be persuaded to think of his habitual brands as
better than others, but has to be reinforced in thinking of them as at least no
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Importance of Advertisement in Business
Importance of Advertisement in Business
What is an Advertisement? "Advertising can be defined as a paid form of non – professional but
encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable presentation of goods and services to a group
of people by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering
bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and
general public, of services and goods." * Advertising is a favorable representation of product to
make consumers, customers and general public aware of the product. It lets the potential buyers,
general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands, their goods and services. more content...
By this means of advertising, brands can let people, who are connected directly and indirectly with
non – electronic media, know about their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non –
electronic media is in reach of every locality. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper
than advertising on television.
Importance of Electronic Advertising
Advertising by means of electronic means of communication is most the popular way of
advertising. One can cover a wide range of audiences of all ages, color and gender by using this
mean. Television viewers are in every home. If one is advertising on TV the brand would be
introduced in almost every house.
Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most viable platform available
till date, for advertising, sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached
to every corner of the world.
Importance of Advertising Agencies
Many of the firms have their own department of advertising whose aim is to advertise the company's
merchandise and services to the potential buyers and make general consumers aware of different
aspects of their brand.
While, on the other hand, many organizations depends upon advertising agencies for promoting
their brands and services which are available under their roof for the consumers' disposal.
Organizations are supposed to pay a certain
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Advertisements Essay
We see advertisements all around us. They are on television, in magazines, on the Internet, and
plastered up on large billboards everywhere. Ads are nothing new. Many individuals have noticed
them all of their lives and have just come to accept them. Advertisers use many subliminal techniques
to get the advertisements to work on consumers. Many people don't realize how effective ads really
are. One example is an advertisement for High Definition Television from Samsung. It appears in an
issue of Entertainment Weekly, a very popular magazine concerning movies, music, books, and other
various media. The magazine would appeal to almost anyone, from a fifteen–year–old movie addict
to a sixty–five–year–old soap opera lover. Therefore the more content...
In addition to the beautiful looking imagery, the ad also uses some clever words to entice the reader.
Jeffrey Schrank's "The Language of Advertising Claims" explains wonderfully the most common
techniques that advertisers use in their ads. In the advertisement for the High Definition Television by
Samsung, three of Jeffrey Schrank's techniques are used: the "Weasel" claim, the "Unfinished"
claim, and the "Vague" claim.
The claim that is most apparent is the "Weasel" claim. A weasel word is one that appears to be
pretty significant and meaningful but if analyzed further really don't mean much at all (Shrank par.
9). The High Definition Television advertisement claims that it as a flat screen that is "virtually
distortion and glare free" (Entertainment Weekly). The ad doesn't say that the TV has no distortion
or glare. Instead what is says really has no meaning since virtually can be interpreted in many
different ways. The ad does give the impression, though, that the television has no distortion or glare.
Another claim that is used is the "Unfinished" one (Shrank par. 10). An example of that in this
television advertisement is when it says that the picture on these TV's is "bolder, brighter and more
exciting" (Entertainment Weekly). It doesn't, though, say
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Advertising Essay
Advertising can be done in several ways, these are
Broadcast advertising
Broadcaster advertising is were a company produces a television advert which is broadcast usually
in a 30 second slot in the middle of different television programmes tour operators for example.
Advertisement is the generalised name for all media or promotional types of broadcasting to a
particular target market.
Brochures and leaflets.
Travel companies use many different leaflets and promotional devises to portray their message to
the general public. Therefore it is vitally important to portray the correct image. Brochures use
colourful images to get their message across and informal more content...
This means that if a programme, which encourages large numbers of views, can therefore pass this
cost on to the companies which want to advertise on the particular time slot. The major television
networks can advertise a companies product or service except the BBC. Holiday promotions
usually take place after Christmas, this is because people can be influenced to purchase a summer
sun holiday because of the cold climate in which Britain usually has during the winter months. In
addition television advertisement can be very expensive this is because the travel company has to
pay for the advert to be made which entails employing actors, directors to film studios. Plus on top of
that the promotion of the whole advert can run in to large amounts therefore television advertisement
is a very expensive means of advertisement. Some media advertisement can be applied to different
parts of the countries regions which can be for a specific area, and there is national advertisement
which broadcasts its message to the whole nation which is watching that particular television station.
Printing is a form of media advertisement, which takes place on paper. Consequently this can be
applied to many different media forms, which publish written articles on a regular basis. This is
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Advertising Has A Impact On Society Essay
Advertising has had a major impact on society. Some may be considered positive and some
negative. Take a look around, advertisements are placed everywhere, television commercials,
billboards, newspapers, and even on the sides of buses. Advertising is the basic form of marketing
and trading throughout the world. Today's society knows it as marketers trying to influence or
persuade consumers into buying something. It also serves as a medium for services and businesses.
There are many advertising strategies, but television commercials will always remain the number
one strategy. Think about it, how much television is watched a day, probably a lot. What better way
to advertise a product or service? Advertising has a positive effect on our economy. It does not only
influence and persuade consumers, but it also benefits them in many ways. It also benefits
manufacturers and their company, and the world as a whole.
Consumers have wants and needs, and the most popular way to get those products known to
consumers is advertising. Advertising provides the consumers with important information about the
products and or services. Plus, how would the consumers know about things if they were not
advertised in a particular way. Advertisements educate the consumers about the positive and
negative effect of a product. For example, a medical, commercial may across your television or you
may even see an ad about it in a magazine, throughout that ad the marketer will explain to you the
good that
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Advertising Strategies Essay
Advertisements that are featured in magazines feature both products and people. These ads can
further be divided into the categories of "glamorous" products, like perfumes and clothing, and
"nonglamorous" products, such as antacids and cleansers. In order for the advertisement to work
effectively the product must be directed at the correct audience. Therefore, each of these products
had patterns as to the type of product being sold and the attractiveness of the people used in the ad
of the product.
One advertisement was for Calvin Klein's One, a scent for men and women. This advertisement
contained many attractive males and females. The males were naked and their genitals were
covered by a bottle of One. They had perfectly more content...
The lighting reflected off of each of their lips. The aura of the ad was very sexual and sensuous.
An advertisement for the clothing store The Gap contained a highly attractive female. She had
shoulder length hair blond hair and light blue eyes. She was sitting down with her legs crossed,
dressed in a tight white shirt and a tight pair of blue jeans. Her smile was ear to ear and pearly
white. In this ad the female was portrayed as the ideal beautiful woman, with blond hair blue eyes
and a slender body.
These two advertisements are advertisements for "glamorous" items. In each of the advertisements
attractive people are used to try to sell the product. It is a tactic of self–fulfilling prophecy, that is
people look at the ads and believe that they, too, can be that beautiful person in the ad.
An advertisement for Maalox antacid contained an elderly man. The page was divided in half with
before and after pictures. The before picture had the man with a look of great pain on his face and
he was groping his stomach. On the corner of this picture was an extended hand with Maalox, trying
to give it to the man. The next picture, the after, displayed the man smiling and normal. This
advertisement was used to show the soothing abilities of Maalox.
Windex glass cleaner's ad contained a housewife. She was wearing a blue robe with her hair up in
curlers and fuzzy slippers. She is pictured scrubbing a
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Essay on Advertising
Works Cited Missing
"Advertising has developed and supported great industries, bulwarked–"or increased– "entire
economies, and changed a sufficient number of human habits" (Wood 3). Like that paragraph says,
advertising affects people in what they do and how they do it. It has affected the Kleenex company,
the Nylon manufacturers and a company of a new type of car, the Tucker Corporation, from the
1940's. Advertising has changed due to these people by their ways of making people notice their
product. Preston Tucker advertised his new car early, and received many replies on what the car
was about; the Nylon company advertised a day in which their product would start selling and the
country ran out of stockings to sell; more content...
They aim at getting you to at least look at their article to see a picture or name of the product they
are trying to get you to purchase. Sometimes advertisers use just the product itself trying to get
you to notice it, and maybe if you see it in the store you will know what it is. "Other advertisers
have had to seek out the symbols, characters, brands and slogans with which they identify and
advertise their product" (Wood 270). The slogans are aimed at being "catchy" so that you will
remember them, and keep repeating, so you can remember it, and buy it. Advertising can then be
a type of telephone effect, you say it in front of someone else they hear it remember it and start
saying it themselves, then they say it to someone else and they remember it, and so on. So word of
mouth was a reliable source, as well as the newspapers, radio, and television. "Vocal advertisement
came first; visual second,"(Wood 23).
There are five creative strategies that advertisers use:
1. Objective (what advertisers should do).
2. Target Audience (who is your consumer).
3. Key consumer benefit (why the consumer should buy you product). 4. Support (reason to believe
in that benefit).
5. Tone and Manner (a statement of the product "personality").(Kenneth, Roman & Mass 3)
With number one the agency that represents a product will see what kind of an angle with which to
come forward to the public. What they decide
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The Effects of Advertising Essay
The Effects of Advertising
To advertise is to 'make generally or public known, to praise publicity in order to encourage to buy
or use something, to ask or offer by public notice.' Advertising persuades, informs, competes and,
indeed, entertains.
The word 'advertise' comes from the French word 'avertir' which means 'to warn'. Many years ago,
chemists, barbers, prostitutes, etc would have relied on advertising to promote their business.
Chemists (or apothecary) would have advertised their business with their logo– a remedy bottle with
a serpent snake wrapped around it. Whereas barbers where instantly recognised by a red and white
striped pole outside their shop. Prostitutes would more content...
In 'Pester Power', children were immediately able to answer the question ' What are Gary
Linekar's favourite crisps?' with the correct answer 'Walkers' as he is used in the advert to
advertise this product. This, no doubt, shows the popularity of adverts in themselves. Also, the
question, 'What do the Spice Girls drink?' was again correctly answered with 'Pepsi' as they had
promoted the product. This was because their pop icons advertised the product and could have easily
lead to young children thinking that if they drink this juice, they will be like their idols. Sex is often
used in advertisement too, aiming towards teenagers and adults. A picture of a naked or partially
covered girl will instantly grab attention and, although the viewers may not buy the product, they
become familiar with the company. Another good technique is comedy, which makes advertisement
a form of entertainment. It can generate conversation in people, a valuable means of advertising as it
spreads through word of mouth. Other techniques, which are commonly used and successful, are
music, popularity and propaganda. If a product is shown being enjoyed by others, people instantly
feel it is the next must have. Although parents and older people are sucked in by this method,
children are a lot more vulnerable to it. When children pester their parents for the next must have,
they do not stop until they eventually get
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Advertisements: Advantages and Disadvantages
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.
Advertising is a communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about various
products and services and how to obtain and use them. Advertising is a multi–billion dollar business
and its messages are conveyed to the farthest places on Earth. It uses every major medium to deliver
these messages including television, movies, newspapers, radio, magazines, video games, the
internet and billboards. Most advertisements are often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of
a company. An advertisement is a product and like every other product in the world, it has its pros
and cons.
Advertisements are used to sell products. Businesses advertise their products more content...
This ability of advertisements to make people do something can also be a disadvantage.
Advertisements can sometimes be so persuasive as to make the viewers buy something that they
may not actually need or may in fact be harmful to them. They achieve this by creating false
impressions about their products. A certain cigarette advertisement for example, may show that
people who smoke a certain brand of cigarette are more successful than others. This not only creates
a false impression upon the viewers about success but also encourages them to smoke. This creation
of false impressions is very common in advertising. In fact, this creation of false impressions is what
makes advertisements so influential in shaping a consumer.
Advertisements have also been known to play to certain stereotypes. They have, on occasions,
downplayed people with certain physical attributes. Only 'beautiful' people are employed to appear
in advertisements for various products. Advertisement agencies hardly ever employ people of
'average beauty'. Food commercials never have malnourished people. Energy drink advertisements
always have athletic models taking part in sports. The Marlboro Man is always a 'ruggedly
handsome cowboy'. All these advertisements play to various stereotypes. These types of
advertisement create the impression that being normal and ordinary isn't good enough.
Another disadvantage of advertisement is the sheer
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Essay about The Power of Advertising
Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms
have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts
to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or
service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this
technology age. Influencing people's habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities
of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his
prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and
society. In the business market, the main more content...
The problem of such purchasing is that the natural satisfaction of needs is replaced by the
artificial. A good example is the marketing of milk products in the Third World. In the 1970s the
multinational food company Nestle advertised powdered milk for babies as an alternative to breast
feeding in countries such as Kenya. The attractiveness of the product was enhanced by the positive
image of development, modernity and technology that businessman projected to mothers. In this
case, however, the results were tragic, because the product required sanitary conditions that were
not available in those times. Therefore, many infants who were fed in this way faced illness and
even death. Far from offering a diversity of choices for the satisfaction of needs, advertisement
offers only one message: "purchase a commodity." Since advertising must create new demand, it
must also continually produce unsatisfied costumers. Those customers are more likely to look for
products to fulfill their happiness, even though they do not reach that point. Mander writes that "the
goal of all advertising is discontent, internal scarcity of contentment." Advertising plays on our
fears, insecurities, and anxieties, always reminding us that our lives could be better only if we buy
this or that. The purpose is to make us slaves of commercials, and as slaves, do as they please. This
is the reason for its existences,
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Reflection Paper On Advertising
The topic that I have chosen to reflect on for this assignment is one of the persuasion industries:
advertising. I find this topic interesting because there is almost no way to get away from ads,
playing a huge role in everyone's lives around the world. Advertisements are everywhere. You see
ads on billboards, televisions, hear them on the radio, see them on people's clothes and many,
many more places. People come across around 5,000 ads a day. Advertisements are made by a
business to increase their consumer profits. They push people to go buy a specific product or to
visit their business. The first advertisement agency was created by Volney Palmer in 1841. He was
selling newspaper space for advertisers. The growth of his establishment caused him to get a
varying array of consumers. This company brought up brands such as Quaker Oaks, Ivory Soap,
and many more. Magazines almost relied on their advertisers for financial stability rather than
consumers. Between the Civil war and World War I, advertisements became more creative,
expensive, and much larger. Francis Wayland Ayer founded the first full serviceadvertising agency
called, N.W. Ayer and Sons, after his father. Ayer specialized in campaign planning and location
of ads in fitting media. While taking this class and learning the things I have learned, my opinion
has not changed much when it comes to advertising. Although I chose this topic to write about, I
am actually not a fan of ads, and I almost see them as bothersome. I do my best to try and avoid
any types of ads. When I am listening to the radio or watching television, I will turn the channel to
something else so I do not have to watch or listen to the advertisements. Therefore, the ads that are
disrupting my television shows, music, and social media, I do not enjoy. My favorite types of ads
are print or digital billboard ads. They are there if I want to read them, but if not, I do not have to
even look at them. My other favorite types of ads that usually get my attention are the more
inappropriate, funny commercials.
When talking to my friends, which will be discussed in more detail below, they try and avoid ads,
as well. This has to be upsetting for advertisers knowing people try to get away
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Advertising in the Media Essay
Advertising is an important social phenomenon. It both stimulates consumption, economic activity
models, life–styles and a certain value orientation. Consumers are confronted with extensive daily
doses of advertising in multiple media. With the continual attack of marketing media, it is
presumable that it will affect our individualism and society as a whole. What are the effects of
advertising today? Does television reinforce the mainstream ideology of contemporary culture? How
do they shape the society? Can the media help break the barriers of gender roles? Consumer minds'
can be changed, opinions molded. I believe advertising in the media today is slightly changing,
however will not drastically change. The commercials and more content...
Ads and commercials, with their images of cowboys, successful businessmen, construction workers,
sophisticates in tuxedos, muscle men and others, advertisements may seem to be flashing by
casually. But they actually represent countless– if often unconscious– decisions by writers,
advertisers, producers, programmers and others about what men look like, say and even think. Men
view magazine advertisements containing images of men that varied in terms of how traditionally
masculine versus neutral they were and whether the models were the same ate or much older than
the viewers. This suggests that nontraditional men's gender role attitudes may be rather unstable
and susceptible to momentary influences such as those found in advertising. Several parts of
relationships are viewed differently by the sexes. "Men view women as lower on the
socioeconomic scale, while women see the two genders as at equal level on the socioeconomic
scale" (Melville and Cornish, 1993).
When studying the many different commercials these two commercials definitely supported the
main type of male role in advertising. Coca–Cola ran an ad in which at a certain time all of the
women in an office rushed to the window to watch a construction worker take his shirt off and drink
a Diet Coke. Although he is undressing, the situation allows us to assume that he will not reach full
nudity. Another good example opens with two women sitting in a park eating
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Argumentative Essay On Advertising
Steamed Vegetables
The science behind advertising is something that is carefully crafted and a lot of thought research
goes into it. When a company is trying to promote their product they have to come up with an ad
that sticks out and catches your attention long enough for you to consider buying their product.
One big factor they have to consider is who is the audience in particular they are trying to lure in.
For example, if a sports drink company was trying to appeal to boys they would probably show
boys playing something like football tackling each other and getting muddy because football is
considered a male dominant sport and getting dirty and being tuff is just what is generally thought
of when it comes to boys The best and most effective type of advertising is the one that appeals to
emotions because it is the visual part of the ad that makes you react on instinct. In the
advertisement that I chose, the Bonduelle Food Service company is a company that predominantly
sells vegetables. Like any food company out there they want to capture your attention and they
want you to choose their food because it is the best and you will not find their product elsewhere.
By taking a look at their ad, I'm immediately drawn in by their choice to use vegetables as if they
were performing a regular human task. The texture and colors used in the advertisement makes me
consider that they have perhaps have the best, clean, and maybe even softest vegetables. This is one
good example of
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Advertising And Consumer Culture
Consumer culture has changed dramatically throughout history. A consumer culture amongst the
masses has not always existed the way it does today. Our consumer culture is different from previous
ones due to the number of products produced by our society. The problem, however, is not the
production itself, but the consumption. There is a huge accumulation of products because they are
not being consumed at the same rate as they are produced. To solve this problem, the people of the
19th century invented the advertising industry. Our desire for material things can come from both
what we need and what we want. While a need is a necessity, a want is a wish. We need food,
shelter and clothing. We need to love and be loved. We need to have purpose and a sense of
fulfillment. However, in our culture, our needs and wants are are not separated. We want a modern
household, the perfect relationship and the ability to grow a family according to cultural standards.
Whatever we have, we will always want more. We want everything that bring us satisfaction and
pleasure. The way we fulfill our wants has a lot to do with our culture. Advertising plays a huge part
on this. It is not inherently bad, but many advertisers use manipulative tactics that influence people
in ways they do not realize. A cultural theorist named Raymond Williams called advertising a "magic
system" where material things have immense power. Material things seem to bring happiness,
gratification and pleasure. Advertising
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Introduction: In these days advertising has a variety of ways to expose any new product . Such
as T.V commercials , street ads , radio , websites , newspapers , and so on .. . But , with the
advance of advertising , people tend to be superficial or unaware about what being exposed to them
. However , that is not people mistake because some companies conceal their backwards when
displaying their products . For that reason , people should be more aware about what happening and
know how to react to that action . Literature review : Nowadays advertisement has many methods to
approach their customers' interest . But, do company which more content...
Research questions,hypotheses, and variables : How advertisement affect people ? First,some
companies employee professional marketer to make people convinced about their product which
means that companies pay to impact people in many ways . According to Markman(2010) , these
ways are related to people emotional response . Also, linking their product to a positive situation
.To demonstrate, one of the advertisement shows that someone is using their product on a sunny
day , nice weather , and displays that this person is happy , Which means overall they try to
persuade you that it was a good experiment . Second , some companies use celebrity name and
picture to make their product more famous and likeable to people .For instance, like Pepsi Cola ,
which put the picture of the most famous and loved athlete among people who 's name is Messi
or many new perfumes are related to famous singer or actress .Finally , Some companies use
deceptive ads on the street to attract their customers . For example , Macdonalds ads which
displays an attractive picture of a Hamburger which is not the same they serve to people . Do all
companies have the same purpose to make people buy their product ? No, not all companies
manipulate people to
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Essay about Internet Advertising
Internet Advertising
The November cover story for Newsweek was entitled "e–life" and the issue was dedicated to the
many ways that the Internet is changing our lives and work. While the changes have affected many
industries and many jobs, one of the biggest changes in marketing and sales is the rapid and
unpredictable growth of Internet–based sales and advertising. Currently, many users benefit from the
use of "free" email sites and Web–search portals, all of which are funded by revenues from banner
advertising. (Sadly for these advertisers, many are increasingly able to ignore this stimulus). All
types of businesses now want to reach an audience that is more consistently "logged on" to the
Internet. If the Internet is where more content...
The same surveys cited above indicate that spending falls into the following categories:
Percent of total advertising that is consumer–oriented: 30%
Percent that is financial services–oriented 22%
Percent that is computer–oriented 21%
Percent that is new media–oriented 7%
Percent that is telecommunications–oriented 7%[4]
This information indicates that consumer–goods companies are spending more than advertisers from
any other field, and with computer–oriented sites not included in the report, it makes the statistic all
the more impressive: companies that want the mindshare of Internet users will need to spend more
or find more innovative ways to reach consumers.
The numbers presented above do nothing to help would–be advertisers know if their target audience
is "wired." One way to gauge your company's status in the market is to look at your competitors:
thus, who in the consumer and electronics space is doing the advertising?
Most of the consumer–oriented ads come from the technology sites (the logical "early adopters" in
this new medium). Nielsen//NetRatings ranked the top advertisers having the most banner ad
impressions. The top five from the last week of May, 1999 were: Microsoft, Amazon, Thunderstone,
CDNow, and LinkExchange.[5] Clearly, then, marketers in the non–technology areas such as
groceries, toys, and banking will need to spend significantly
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Essay on Advertising Through Social Media
In today's business world, social media is being discussed on a daily basis. This phenomenon has
taken over the marketing and advertising industries and has changed the way they handle their
efforts to attract customers. There is a big misunderstanding that social media are only popular
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, but as defined by the Merriam–Webster dictionary,
social media are "forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro
blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal
messages, and other content (as videos)." The rise of these online communities has given companies
an opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers. This more content...
The combination of these social networking efforts resulted in approximately 2,000 Facebook
fans and 15,000 views on YouTube. Within a couple of weeks Toyota experienced an increase in
sales, especially in their Sienna model (Taylor, 258). Toyota is a clear example of a company
facing both a financial and reputation crisis that with the help of social media was able to regain
some of their lost sales as well as their trust amongst its costumers. Clearly social media can have a
direct impact on consumer purchasing patterns, and it has increased the amount of online shopping
for several companies. Authors Chung and Austria examine in their article Social Media
Gratification and Attitude towards Social Media marketing Messages, the effect that this
phenomenon has had on online shopping value: "According to the "2010 Social Media Report"
from ForeSee results, 69% of online shoppers use social media. Fifty–six percent of shoppers
indicate that they visit e–retail websites on a social networking site and that website visiting affects
consumer purchase intention" (?). Costumers find it convenient to visit a company's Website after
seeing an ad in any popular social networking site. It requires minimal effort form the customer and
it signifies an important portion of sales to a company. However, Social Media has not only had a
positive financial impact on a company, but as it rapidly grows it has now
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TV Advertising Essay
TV Advertising
Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through commercial advertising. Whether
it is the fertilizer that the farmer chooses to put on the vegetables he grows, the clothing that is
chosen at the department store, or the pen to write a report, it has been advertised.
Advertising occurs even in the packaging of a product. From the colors the manufacturer chooses to
use on the wrapping, to the multi–million dollar expense of television, everyone is influenced by
advertising. One of the most powerful forms of advertising is in the advent of television. Since its
inception, advertisers have viewed television as their most powerful tool. Television provides an
excellent avenue for more content...
Television has the advantage of airing an advertisement at a particular time of the day or during a
specific program to gain the attention of a specific target audience. For instance, a morning
cartoon show will break for commercials advertising toys, games, and certain breakfast cereals
targeted at children, while a daytime soap opera will target women with advertisements of
household cleaners, hair products, and other beauty supplies designed to "help" (Wrighter1) them
look and feel more beautiful. "Mc Donald's success can be traced to [this] precision of
advertising" (Solomon 334). Instead of a standard advertisement for everyone, they have different
ads for "different age groups, different classes, even different races" (Solomon 334). They have
Ronald McDonald and his friends advertisements for children, "hip and happy adolescents singing
dancing and cavorting together" (Solomon 334), for the teenage ads and for the older audience,
there is the "Mac Tonight" ads or the new "Arch
Deluxe" hamburger that is being advertised as the "adult" hamburger.
Airing advertisements at specific times enables the promoter to match the ad to the viewer. Even
though attempts are made to match the ad with the audience, many feel this should be regulated
even more. "All major media organizations need advertising to exist; that's how they pay their
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The main purpose of any advert is to make the advertised product sell more. Therefore, any
advertising producer will do everything possible to ensure that he or she ends up with an effective
advert. An effective advert in this context is one that will sell out a product or even services through
fulfilling promises made about it. For that reason, an effective advertising will have to adhere to the
following characteristics. They include, creativity, hard–hitting, memorable, clear, informative and
distinctive (Dahl 167). It is through adherence to these features that some of the worldwide products
like Coca–cola have managed to stand out among others. This explains another fact about effective
advertising, which is brand establishment. For example, when an individual mentions the term
beverage in any context, Coca–cola will be among the first things to pass through the minds of
people. This is because of the branding made about it through advertising.
Consequently, effective advertising can also be used to promote sales of inferior products (Hahn,
Davis and Magill 141). On the other hand, for an advertisement of a product or service to be
effective as intended, the media and the format through which the advert is conveyed matters a lot.
This is because advertisement of some products can only be effective when they are conveyed either
through print, some through television or even radio broadcasts. Among the types of advertisements
that advertisers use include,
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Essay on Advertising to Children
They see it; they want it. Advertising to children is turning a want into a responsive nag to a
parent, like a reflex. Every media outlet advertises, and companies like popular fast food restaurants
target children. In the process of fattening the children, will their reflexes get slower? At some point
in every kid's life, they see an advertisement for a food or toy they want. This want leads to nagging
of the parent until they give in. Although it is highly effective and profitable, fast food companies
should not be able to have aggressive advertisement campaigns targeting children because it corruptly
brainwashes them and promotes unhealthy life choices. Companies, like Disney, have been
developing their advertisement more content...
The fact that the company would want a slender mascot as opposed to an overweight one is ironic.
This shows that even before the fast food industry was put on blast like it is in today's culture, they
already were aware of the correlation between unhealthy weight and fast food. The success of the
McDonald's Corporation that is still held today reflects on the early marketing works of Kroc.
Marketing styles is not the only element Ray Kroc and Walt Disney can be linked through. Both of
these entrepreneurs changed American culture through their businesses and set building blocks for
the industry. Although they were influential, marketing to kids can be turned into a form of
brainwashing. Thousands of children get hooked on fast food and other products that are
unhealthy. Once hooked at a young age, these children grow up never changing their habits. This
leads to dangerous lifestyles and the amount of obesity that is in our society. But is taste and
familiarity the only factors kids are hooked on fast food? Have you ever noticed that McDonald's
is the only carrier of Disney products as toys in the Happy Meal? Kroc and Disney grew up together
and had similar ambitions, which led to their empires helping one another out. (Schlosser 184).
Staying friendly with
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Essay About Advertising

  • 1. The Pros and Cons of Advertising Essay "Just do it" – "I'm lovin' it" – "think different". What do these statements have in common? They are slogans for some of the most well–known companies around the world. We immediately associate them with their respective companies because they have been advertised to their audiences as such. Advertisements have become such an integral part of corporations but why are they so important? It seems as if they affect our social psychology when distinguishing our needs from our wants. We should accordingly ask ourselves whether the use of advertisements to create demand creates a positive or negative impact on society. Conversely; does it stimulate demand and provide a positive influence on the general economy or, does it create a false more content... This creates norms and popular culture that have been imposed and not accepted by society. To sum up, this essay will attempt to prove that advertising can positively impact society if individuals look at them from a critical perspective but can also pressure consumers to make purchases they wouldn't otherwise make. Webster's dictionary defines a habit as: "a usual way of behaving: something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way". Civilization has gotten use to the act of consuming advertisements. It seems that we now consume more than five thousand advertisements daily (C. Johnson) but we seem to focus more on the products of advertisements we more steadily use. This can be reflected in the way we decided what product we wish to purchase, and even which advertisements we chose to consume. We can better understand this message through Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg statement in his article: The role of repetitive advertising of well established brands is therefore predominantly defensive – to reinforce already developed repeat buying habits. The consumer tends to perceive advertising for brands he is already buying, and repetitive advertising enables the habit to continue to operate in the face of competition. The consumer does not have to be persuaded to think of his habitual brands as better than others, but has to be reinforced in thinking of them as at least no Get more content on
  • 2. Importance of Advertisement in Business Importance of Advertisement in Business What is an Advertisement? "Advertising can be defined as a paid form of non – professional but encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable presentation of goods and services to a group of people by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and general public, of services and goods." * Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumers, customers and general public aware of the product. It lets the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands, their goods and services. more content... By this means of advertising, brands can let people, who are connected directly and indirectly with non – electronic media, know about their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non – electronic media is in reach of every locality. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper than advertising on television. Importance of Electronic Advertising Advertising by means of electronic means of communication is most the popular way of advertising. One can cover a wide range of audiences of all ages, color and gender by using this mean. Television viewers are in every home. If one is advertising on TV the brand would be introduced in almost every house. Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most viable platform available till date, for advertising, sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the world. Importance of Advertising Agencies Many of the firms have their own department of advertising whose aim is to advertise the company's merchandise and services to the potential buyers and make general consumers aware of different aspects of their brand. While, on the other hand, many organizations depends upon advertising agencies for promoting their brands and services which are available under their roof for the consumers' disposal. Organizations are supposed to pay a certain Get more content on
  • 3. Advertisements Essay We see advertisements all around us. They are on television, in magazines, on the Internet, and plastered up on large billboards everywhere. Ads are nothing new. Many individuals have noticed them all of their lives and have just come to accept them. Advertisers use many subliminal techniques to get the advertisements to work on consumers. Many people don't realize how effective ads really are. One example is an advertisement for High Definition Television from Samsung. It appears in an issue of Entertainment Weekly, a very popular magazine concerning movies, music, books, and other various media. The magazine would appeal to almost anyone, from a fifteen–year–old movie addict to a sixty–five–year–old soap opera lover. Therefore the more content... In addition to the beautiful looking imagery, the ad also uses some clever words to entice the reader. Jeffrey Schrank's "The Language of Advertising Claims" explains wonderfully the most common techniques that advertisers use in their ads. In the advertisement for the High Definition Television by Samsung, three of Jeffrey Schrank's techniques are used: the "Weasel" claim, the "Unfinished" claim, and the "Vague" claim. The claim that is most apparent is the "Weasel" claim. A weasel word is one that appears to be pretty significant and meaningful but if analyzed further really don't mean much at all (Shrank par. 9). The High Definition Television advertisement claims that it as a flat screen that is "virtually distortion and glare free" (Entertainment Weekly). The ad doesn't say that the TV has no distortion or glare. Instead what is says really has no meaning since virtually can be interpreted in many different ways. The ad does give the impression, though, that the television has no distortion or glare. Another claim that is used is the "Unfinished" one (Shrank par. 10). An example of that in this television advertisement is when it says that the picture on these TV's is "bolder, brighter and more exciting" (Entertainment Weekly). It doesn't, though, say Get more content on
  • 4. Advertising Essay Advertising Advertising can be done in several ways, these are Broadcast advertising Broadcaster advertising is were a company produces a television advert which is broadcast usually in a 30 second slot in the middle of different television programmes tour operators for example. Advertisement is the generalised name for all media or promotional types of broadcasting to a particular target market. Brochures and leaflets. Travel companies use many different leaflets and promotional devises to portray their message to the general public. Therefore it is vitally important to portray the correct image. Brochures use colourful images to get their message across and informal more content... This means that if a programme, which encourages large numbers of views, can therefore pass this cost on to the companies which want to advertise on the particular time slot. The major television networks can advertise a companies product or service except the BBC. Holiday promotions usually take place after Christmas, this is because people can be influenced to purchase a summer sun holiday because of the cold climate in which Britain usually has during the winter months. In addition television advertisement can be very expensive this is because the travel company has to pay for the advert to be made which entails employing actors, directors to film studios. Plus on top of that the promotion of the whole advert can run in to large amounts therefore television advertisement is a very expensive means of advertisement. Some media advertisement can be applied to different parts of the countries regions which can be for a specific area, and there is national advertisement which broadcasts its message to the whole nation which is watching that particular television station. Print. Printing is a form of media advertisement, which takes place on paper. Consequently this can be applied to many different media forms, which publish written articles on a regular basis. This is Get more content on
  • 5. Advertising Has A Impact On Society Essay Advertising has had a major impact on society. Some may be considered positive and some negative. Take a look around, advertisements are placed everywhere, television commercials, billboards, newspapers, and even on the sides of buses. Advertising is the basic form of marketing and trading throughout the world. Today's society knows it as marketers trying to influence or persuade consumers into buying something. It also serves as a medium for services and businesses. There are many advertising strategies, but television commercials will always remain the number one strategy. Think about it, how much television is watched a day, probably a lot. What better way to advertise a product or service? Advertising has a positive effect on our economy. It does not only influence and persuade consumers, but it also benefits them in many ways. It also benefits manufacturers and their company, and the world as a whole. Consumers have wants and needs, and the most popular way to get those products known to consumers is advertising. Advertising provides the consumers with important information about the products and or services. Plus, how would the consumers know about things if they were not advertised in a particular way. Advertisements educate the consumers about the positive and negative effect of a product. For example, a medical, commercial may across your television or you may even see an ad about it in a magazine, throughout that ad the marketer will explain to you the good that Get more content on
  • 6. Advertising Strategies Essay Advertisements that are featured in magazines feature both products and people. These ads can further be divided into the categories of "glamorous" products, like perfumes and clothing, and "nonglamorous" products, such as antacids and cleansers. In order for the advertisement to work effectively the product must be directed at the correct audience. Therefore, each of these products had patterns as to the type of product being sold and the attractiveness of the people used in the ad of the product. One advertisement was for Calvin Klein's One, a scent for men and women. This advertisement contained many attractive males and females. The males were naked and their genitals were covered by a bottle of One. They had perfectly more content... The lighting reflected off of each of their lips. The aura of the ad was very sexual and sensuous. An advertisement for the clothing store The Gap contained a highly attractive female. She had shoulder length hair blond hair and light blue eyes. She was sitting down with her legs crossed, dressed in a tight white shirt and a tight pair of blue jeans. Her smile was ear to ear and pearly white. In this ad the female was portrayed as the ideal beautiful woman, with blond hair blue eyes and a slender body. These two advertisements are advertisements for "glamorous" items. In each of the advertisements attractive people are used to try to sell the product. It is a tactic of self–fulfilling prophecy, that is people look at the ads and believe that they, too, can be that beautiful person in the ad. An advertisement for Maalox antacid contained an elderly man. The page was divided in half with before and after pictures. The before picture had the man with a look of great pain on his face and he was groping his stomach. On the corner of this picture was an extended hand with Maalox, trying to give it to the man. The next picture, the after, displayed the man smiling and normal. This advertisement was used to show the soothing abilities of Maalox. Windex glass cleaner's ad contained a housewife. She was wearing a blue robe with her hair up in curlers and fuzzy slippers. She is pictured scrubbing a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Advertising Advertising Works Cited Missing "Advertising has developed and supported great industries, bulwarked–"or increased– "entire economies, and changed a sufficient number of human habits" (Wood 3). Like that paragraph says, advertising affects people in what they do and how they do it. It has affected the Kleenex company, the Nylon manufacturers and a company of a new type of car, the Tucker Corporation, from the 1940's. Advertising has changed due to these people by their ways of making people notice their product. Preston Tucker advertised his new car early, and received many replies on what the car was about; the Nylon company advertised a day in which their product would start selling and the country ran out of stockings to sell; more content... They aim at getting you to at least look at their article to see a picture or name of the product they are trying to get you to purchase. Sometimes advertisers use just the product itself trying to get you to notice it, and maybe if you see it in the store you will know what it is. "Other advertisers have had to seek out the symbols, characters, brands and slogans with which they identify and advertise their product" (Wood 270). The slogans are aimed at being "catchy" so that you will remember them, and keep repeating, so you can remember it, and buy it. Advertising can then be a type of telephone effect, you say it in front of someone else they hear it remember it and start saying it themselves, then they say it to someone else and they remember it, and so on. So word of mouth was a reliable source, as well as the newspapers, radio, and television. "Vocal advertisement came first; visual second,"(Wood 23). There are five creative strategies that advertisers use: 1. Objective (what advertisers should do). 2. Target Audience (who is your consumer). 3. Key consumer benefit (why the consumer should buy you product). 4. Support (reason to believe in that benefit). 5. Tone and Manner (a statement of the product "personality").(Kenneth, Roman & Mass 3) With number one the agency that represents a product will see what kind of an angle with which to come forward to the public. What they decide Get more content on
  • 8. The Effects of Advertising Essay The Effects of Advertising To advertise is to 'make generally or public known, to praise publicity in order to encourage to buy or use something, to ask or offer by public notice.' Advertising persuades, informs, competes and, indeed, entertains. The word 'advertise' comes from the French word 'avertir' which means 'to warn'. Many years ago, chemists, barbers, prostitutes, etc would have relied on advertising to promote their business. Chemists (or apothecary) would have advertised their business with their logo– a remedy bottle with a serpent snake wrapped around it. Whereas barbers where instantly recognised by a red and white striped pole outside their shop. Prostitutes would more content... In 'Pester Power', children were immediately able to answer the question ' What are Gary Linekar's favourite crisps?' with the correct answer 'Walkers' as he is used in the advert to advertise this product. This, no doubt, shows the popularity of adverts in themselves. Also, the question, 'What do the Spice Girls drink?' was again correctly answered with 'Pepsi' as they had promoted the product. This was because their pop icons advertised the product and could have easily lead to young children thinking that if they drink this juice, they will be like their idols. Sex is often used in advertisement too, aiming towards teenagers and adults. A picture of a naked or partially covered girl will instantly grab attention and, although the viewers may not buy the product, they become familiar with the company. Another good technique is comedy, which makes advertisement a form of entertainment. It can generate conversation in people, a valuable means of advertising as it spreads through word of mouth. Other techniques, which are commonly used and successful, are music, popularity and propaganda. If a product is shown being enjoyed by others, people instantly feel it is the next must have. Although parents and older people are sucked in by this method, children are a lot more vulnerable to it. When children pester their parents for the next must have, they do not stop until they eventually get Get more content on
  • 9. Advertisements: Advantages and Disadvantages Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements. Advertising is a communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about various products and services and how to obtain and use them. Advertising is a multi–billion dollar business and its messages are conveyed to the farthest places on Earth. It uses every major medium to deliver these messages including television, movies, newspapers, radio, magazines, video games, the internet and billboards. Most advertisements are often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company. An advertisement is a product and like every other product in the world, it has its pros and cons. Advertisements are used to sell products. Businesses advertise their products more content... This ability of advertisements to make people do something can also be a disadvantage. Advertisements can sometimes be so persuasive as to make the viewers buy something that they may not actually need or may in fact be harmful to them. They achieve this by creating false impressions about their products. A certain cigarette advertisement for example, may show that people who smoke a certain brand of cigarette are more successful than others. This not only creates a false impression upon the viewers about success but also encourages them to smoke. This creation of false impressions is very common in advertising. In fact, this creation of false impressions is what makes advertisements so influential in shaping a consumer. Advertisements have also been known to play to certain stereotypes. They have, on occasions, downplayed people with certain physical attributes. Only 'beautiful' people are employed to appear in advertisements for various products. Advertisement agencies hardly ever employ people of 'average beauty'. Food commercials never have malnourished people. Energy drink advertisements always have athletic models taking part in sports. The Marlboro Man is always a 'ruggedly handsome cowboy'. All these advertisements play to various stereotypes. These types of advertisement create the impression that being normal and ordinary isn't good enough. Another disadvantage of advertisement is the sheer Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about The Power of Advertising Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people's habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society. In the business market, the main more content... The problem of such purchasing is that the natural satisfaction of needs is replaced by the artificial. A good example is the marketing of milk products in the Third World. In the 1970s the multinational food company Nestle advertised powdered milk for babies as an alternative to breast feeding in countries such as Kenya. The attractiveness of the product was enhanced by the positive image of development, modernity and technology that businessman projected to mothers. In this case, however, the results were tragic, because the product required sanitary conditions that were not available in those times. Therefore, many infants who were fed in this way faced illness and even death. Far from offering a diversity of choices for the satisfaction of needs, advertisement offers only one message: "purchase a commodity." Since advertising must create new demand, it must also continually produce unsatisfied costumers. Those customers are more likely to look for products to fulfill their happiness, even though they do not reach that point. Mander writes that "the goal of all advertising is discontent, internal scarcity of contentment." Advertising plays on our fears, insecurities, and anxieties, always reminding us that our lives could be better only if we buy this or that. The purpose is to make us slaves of commercials, and as slaves, do as they please. This is the reason for its existences, Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection Paper On Advertising The topic that I have chosen to reflect on for this assignment is one of the persuasion industries: advertising. I find this topic interesting because there is almost no way to get away from ads, playing a huge role in everyone's lives around the world. Advertisements are everywhere. You see ads on billboards, televisions, hear them on the radio, see them on people's clothes and many, many more places. People come across around 5,000 ads a day. Advertisements are made by a business to increase their consumer profits. They push people to go buy a specific product or to visit their business. The first advertisement agency was created by Volney Palmer in 1841. He was selling newspaper space for advertisers. The growth of his establishment caused him to get a varying array of consumers. This company brought up brands such as Quaker Oaks, Ivory Soap, and many more. Magazines almost relied on their advertisers for financial stability rather than consumers. Between the Civil war and World War I, advertisements became more creative, expensive, and much larger. Francis Wayland Ayer founded the first full serviceadvertising agency called, N.W. Ayer and Sons, after his father. Ayer specialized in campaign planning and location of ads in fitting media. While taking this class and learning the things I have learned, my opinion has not changed much when it comes to advertising. Although I chose this topic to write about, I am actually not a fan of ads, and I almost see them as bothersome. I do my best to try and avoid any types of ads. When I am listening to the radio or watching television, I will turn the channel to something else so I do not have to watch or listen to the advertisements. Therefore, the ads that are disrupting my television shows, music, and social media, I do not enjoy. My favorite types of ads are print or digital billboard ads. They are there if I want to read them, but if not, I do not have to even look at them. My other favorite types of ads that usually get my attention are the more inappropriate, funny commercials. When talking to my friends, which will be discussed in more detail below, they try and avoid ads, as well. This has to be upsetting for advertisers knowing people try to get away Get more content on
  • 12. Advertising in the Media Essay Advertising is an important social phenomenon. It both stimulates consumption, economic activity models, life–styles and a certain value orientation. Consumers are confronted with extensive daily doses of advertising in multiple media. With the continual attack of marketing media, it is presumable that it will affect our individualism and society as a whole. What are the effects of advertising today? Does television reinforce the mainstream ideology of contemporary culture? How do they shape the society? Can the media help break the barriers of gender roles? Consumer minds' can be changed, opinions molded. I believe advertising in the media today is slightly changing, however will not drastically change. The commercials and more content... Ads and commercials, with their images of cowboys, successful businessmen, construction workers, sophisticates in tuxedos, muscle men and others, advertisements may seem to be flashing by casually. But they actually represent countless– if often unconscious– decisions by writers, advertisers, producers, programmers and others about what men look like, say and even think. Men view magazine advertisements containing images of men that varied in terms of how traditionally masculine versus neutral they were and whether the models were the same ate or much older than the viewers. This suggests that nontraditional men's gender role attitudes may be rather unstable and susceptible to momentary influences such as those found in advertising. Several parts of relationships are viewed differently by the sexes. "Men view women as lower on the socioeconomic scale, while women see the two genders as at equal level on the socioeconomic scale" (Melville and Cornish, 1993). When studying the many different commercials these two commercials definitely supported the main type of male role in advertising. Coca–Cola ran an ad in which at a certain time all of the women in an office rushed to the window to watch a construction worker take his shirt off and drink a Diet Coke. Although he is undressing, the situation allows us to assume that he will not reach full nudity. Another good example opens with two women sitting in a park eating Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Advertising Steamed Vegetables The science behind advertising is something that is carefully crafted and a lot of thought research goes into it. When a company is trying to promote their product they have to come up with an ad that sticks out and catches your attention long enough for you to consider buying their product. One big factor they have to consider is who is the audience in particular they are trying to lure in. For example, if a sports drink company was trying to appeal to boys they would probably show boys playing something like football tackling each other and getting muddy because football is considered a male dominant sport and getting dirty and being tuff is just what is generally thought of when it comes to boys The best and most effective type of advertising is the one that appeals to emotions because it is the visual part of the ad that makes you react on instinct. In the advertisement that I chose, the Bonduelle Food Service company is a company that predominantly sells vegetables. Like any food company out there they want to capture your attention and they want you to choose their food because it is the best and you will not find their product elsewhere. By taking a look at their ad, I'm immediately drawn in by their choice to use vegetables as if they were performing a regular human task. The texture and colors used in the advertisement makes me consider that they have perhaps have the best, clean, and maybe even softest vegetables. This is one good example of Get more content on
  • 14. Advertising And Consumer Culture Consumer culture has changed dramatically throughout history. A consumer culture amongst the masses has not always existed the way it does today. Our consumer culture is different from previous ones due to the number of products produced by our society. The problem, however, is not the production itself, but the consumption. There is a huge accumulation of products because they are not being consumed at the same rate as they are produced. To solve this problem, the people of the 19th century invented the advertising industry. Our desire for material things can come from both what we need and what we want. While a need is a necessity, a want is a wish. We need food, shelter and clothing. We need to love and be loved. We need to have purpose and a sense of fulfillment. However, in our culture, our needs and wants are are not separated. We want a modern household, the perfect relationship and the ability to grow a family according to cultural standards. Whatever we have, we will always want more. We want everything that bring us satisfaction and pleasure. The way we fulfill our wants has a lot to do with our culture. Advertising plays a huge part on this. It is not inherently bad, but many advertisers use manipulative tactics that influence people in ways they do not realize. A cultural theorist named Raymond Williams called advertising a "magic system" where material things have immense power. Material things seem to bring happiness, gratification and pleasure. Advertising Get more content on
  • 15. Introduction: In these days advertising has a variety of ways to expose any new product . Such as T.V commercials , street ads , radio , websites , newspapers , and so on .. . But , with the advance of advertising , people tend to be superficial or unaware about what being exposed to them . However , that is not people mistake because some companies conceal their backwards when displaying their products . For that reason , people should be more aware about what happening and know how to react to that action . Literature review : Nowadays advertisement has many methods to approach their customers' interest . But, do company which more content... Research questions,hypotheses, and variables : How advertisement affect people ? First,some companies employee professional marketer to make people convinced about their product which means that companies pay to impact people in many ways . According to Markman(2010) , these ways are related to people emotional response . Also, linking their product to a positive situation .To demonstrate, one of the advertisement shows that someone is using their product on a sunny day , nice weather , and displays that this person is happy , Which means overall they try to persuade you that it was a good experiment . Second , some companies use celebrity name and picture to make their product more famous and likeable to people .For instance, like Pepsi Cola , which put the picture of the most famous and loved athlete among people who 's name is Messi or many new perfumes are related to famous singer or actress .Finally , Some companies use deceptive ads on the street to attract their customers . For example , Macdonalds ads which displays an attractive picture of a Hamburger which is not the same they serve to people . Do all companies have the same purpose to make people buy their product ? No, not all companies manipulate people to Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Internet Advertising Internet Advertising The November cover story for Newsweek was entitled "e–life" and the issue was dedicated to the many ways that the Internet is changing our lives and work. While the changes have affected many industries and many jobs, one of the biggest changes in marketing and sales is the rapid and unpredictable growth of Internet–based sales and advertising. Currently, many users benefit from the use of "free" email sites and Web–search portals, all of which are funded by revenues from banner advertising. (Sadly for these advertisers, many are increasingly able to ignore this stimulus). All types of businesses now want to reach an audience that is more consistently "logged on" to the Internet. If the Internet is where more content... The same surveys cited above indicate that spending falls into the following categories: Percent of total advertising that is consumer–oriented: 30% Percent that is financial services–oriented 22% Percent that is computer–oriented 21% Percent that is new media–oriented 7% Percent that is telecommunications–oriented 7%[4] This information indicates that consumer–goods companies are spending more than advertisers from any other field, and with computer–oriented sites not included in the report, it makes the statistic all the more impressive: companies that want the mindshare of Internet users will need to spend more or find more innovative ways to reach consumers. The numbers presented above do nothing to help would–be advertisers know if their target audience is "wired." One way to gauge your company's status in the market is to look at your competitors: thus, who in the consumer and electronics space is doing the advertising? Most of the consumer–oriented ads come from the technology sites (the logical "early adopters" in this new medium). Nielsen//NetRatings ranked the top advertisers having the most banner ad impressions. The top five from the last week of May, 1999 were: Microsoft, Amazon, Thunderstone, CDNow, and LinkExchange.[5] Clearly, then, marketers in the non–technology areas such as groceries, toys, and banking will need to spend significantly Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Advertising Through Social Media In today's business world, social media is being discussed on a daily basis. This phenomenon has taken over the marketing and advertising industries and has changed the way they handle their efforts to attract customers. There is a big misunderstanding that social media are only popular networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, but as defined by the Merriam–Webster dictionary, social media are "forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)." The rise of these online communities has given companies an opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers. This more content... The combination of these social networking efforts resulted in approximately 2,000 Facebook fans and 15,000 views on YouTube. Within a couple of weeks Toyota experienced an increase in sales, especially in their Sienna model (Taylor, 258). Toyota is a clear example of a company facing both a financial and reputation crisis that with the help of social media was able to regain some of their lost sales as well as their trust amongst its costumers. Clearly social media can have a direct impact on consumer purchasing patterns, and it has increased the amount of online shopping for several companies. Authors Chung and Austria examine in their article Social Media Gratification and Attitude towards Social Media marketing Messages, the effect that this phenomenon has had on online shopping value: "According to the "2010 Social Media Report" from ForeSee results, 69% of online shoppers use social media. Fifty–six percent of shoppers indicate that they visit e–retail websites on a social networking site and that website visiting affects consumer purchase intention" (?). Costumers find it convenient to visit a company's Website after seeing an ad in any popular social networking site. It requires minimal effort form the customer and it signifies an important portion of sales to a company. However, Social Media has not only had a positive financial impact on a company, but as it rapidly grows it has now Get more content on
  • 18. TV Advertising Essay TV Advertising Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through commercial advertising. Whether it is the fertilizer that the farmer chooses to put on the vegetables he grows, the clothing that is chosen at the department store, or the pen to write a report, it has been advertised. Advertising occurs even in the packaging of a product. From the colors the manufacturer chooses to use on the wrapping, to the multi–million dollar expense of television, everyone is influenced by advertising. One of the most powerful forms of advertising is in the advent of television. Since its inception, advertisers have viewed television as their most powerful tool. Television provides an excellent avenue for more content... Television has the advantage of airing an advertisement at a particular time of the day or during a specific program to gain the attention of a specific target audience. For instance, a morning cartoon show will break for commercials advertising toys, games, and certain breakfast cereals targeted at children, while a daytime soap opera will target women with advertisements of household cleaners, hair products, and other beauty supplies designed to "help" (Wrighter1) them look and feel more beautiful. "Mc Donald's success can be traced to [this] precision of advertising" (Solomon 334). Instead of a standard advertisement for everyone, they have different ads for "different age groups, different classes, even different races" (Solomon 334). They have Ronald McDonald and his friends advertisements for children, "hip and happy adolescents singing dancing and cavorting together" (Solomon 334), for the teenage ads and for the older audience, there is the "Mac Tonight" ads or the new "Arch Deluxe" hamburger that is being advertised as the "adult" hamburger. Airing advertisements at specific times enables the promoter to match the ad to the viewer. Even though attempts are made to match the ad with the audience, many feel this should be regulated even more. "All major media organizations need advertising to exist; that's how they pay their Get more content on
  • 19. INTRODUCTION The main purpose of any advert is to make the advertised product sell more. Therefore, any advertising producer will do everything possible to ensure that he or she ends up with an effective advert. An effective advert in this context is one that will sell out a product or even services through fulfilling promises made about it. For that reason, an effective advertising will have to adhere to the following characteristics. They include, creativity, hard–hitting, memorable, clear, informative and distinctive (Dahl 167). It is through adherence to these features that some of the worldwide products like Coca–cola have managed to stand out among others. This explains another fact about effective advertising, which is brand establishment. For example, when an individual mentions the term beverage in any context, Coca–cola will be among the first things to pass through the minds of people. This is because of the branding made about it through advertising. Consequently, effective advertising can also be used to promote sales of inferior products (Hahn, Davis and Magill 141). On the other hand, for an advertisement of a product or service to be effective as intended, the media and the format through which the advert is conveyed matters a lot. This is because advertisement of some products can only be effective when they are conveyed either through print, some through television or even radio broadcasts. Among the types of advertisements that advertisers use include, Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Advertising to Children They see it; they want it. Advertising to children is turning a want into a responsive nag to a parent, like a reflex. Every media outlet advertises, and companies like popular fast food restaurants target children. In the process of fattening the children, will their reflexes get slower? At some point in every kid's life, they see an advertisement for a food or toy they want. This want leads to nagging of the parent until they give in. Although it is highly effective and profitable, fast food companies should not be able to have aggressive advertisement campaigns targeting children because it corruptly brainwashes them and promotes unhealthy life choices. Companies, like Disney, have been developing their advertisement more content... The fact that the company would want a slender mascot as opposed to an overweight one is ironic. This shows that even before the fast food industry was put on blast like it is in today's culture, they already were aware of the correlation between unhealthy weight and fast food. The success of the McDonald's Corporation that is still held today reflects on the early marketing works of Kroc. Marketing styles is not the only element Ray Kroc and Walt Disney can be linked through. Both of these entrepreneurs changed American culture through their businesses and set building blocks for the industry. Although they were influential, marketing to kids can be turned into a form of brainwashing. Thousands of children get hooked on fast food and other products that are unhealthy. Once hooked at a young age, these children grow up never changing their habits. This leads to dangerous lifestyles and the amount of obesity that is in our society. But is taste and familiarity the only factors kids are hooked on fast food? Have you ever noticed that McDonald's is the only carrier of Disney products as toys in the Happy Meal? Kroc and Disney grew up together and had similar ambitions, which led to their empires helping one another out. (Schlosser 184). Staying friendly with Get more content on