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Khaled M. Al-Abbadi
Week 4 Lecture Notes
   1. Quick Review of Conversations
    ◦ Definition and Features
    ◦ Listening Strategies
    ◦ Practical Strategies
   2. Additional Practicing with some Exercises
    ◦ Exercise 2, as a group
    ◦ Exercise 3, (if we have time), alone
   Do you still remember what we talked about?

    ◦ What is Listening to Conversations?

    ◦ What are the features of a Conversation?

    ◦ What kind of listening do we need for

    ◦ What are our “practical listening strategies” (what
      do we do in class?)
   Title:   NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one)

    ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers

    ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of

    ◦ Try to make track them in a chart

    ◦ What different things do they talk about?

Now review your notes and chart,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What is the relationship of the speakers?
    What are their jobs or positions?
    What is the subject of conversation?
    What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?
    What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?
    How does the Man feel? How does she?
    What else do they talk about?
Now listen again carefully for some specific
 conversation information,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What are the reasons he feels “targeted”?
    According to the man, what does Mr. Bond do?
    Has he tried to talk to Mr. Bond? What happened?
    What does she advise him to do? Why?
    How does he feel about her advise?
    How does she advise him to speak with Mr. Bond?

HRO Good morning Mr Johnson, how can I help you?
Mr J Well, I’d like to talk to you about Tim Bond, the department manager.
HRO What seems to be the problem?
Mr J Well… ever since Sandra left the department, I feel like I’ve been targeted to do all her
   work, as well as mine. Tim has made me work overtime; I’m expected to attend too many
   meetings and I seem to be spending a lot of my time doing unnecessary paperwork.
HRO I’m sorry to hear that….
Mr J And… on top of that, I’d specifically asked if I could leave early last Friday, as I’d done a lot of
   overtime during the week. But we had a deadline on Friday afternoon and even though I’d
   finished my specific work I was expected to help other colleagues finish their work too.
HRO But surely that is a positive sign showing that Mr Bond has a lot of trust in you, in getting you
   to help other colleagues.
Mr J Yes, but I feel like I’m being singled out! Other colleagues get to leave early, and they don’t
   have such a lot of work to do.
HRO So you feel he’s been making unrealistic demands on you?
Mr J Yes, absolutely.
HRO Do you think it’s because Mr Bond is unaware of what you're doing?
Mr J Well, he never seems to ask us to do a job. He just delegates, and that’s another thing, he
   never listens!
HRO Right. Have you approached Mr Bond about this particular problem?
Mr J I’ve tried to approach him, but whenever I go to his office he is either in meetings, or
   he is never there. It seems like he just has no time for us.
HRO Well at this stage it would be better if you approached him directly. If nothing
   else, showing that you’ve tried to solve the problem yourself, before you take it
   further, makes it clear that you’re not just a complainer and can boost your credibility.
   Why don’t you send an email requesting a meeting with him in private?
Mr J Hmmm, I’d be a bit worried about his reaction. I wouldn’t know what to say!
HRO Well firstly, you’ll need to plan what you are going to talk about before going ahead
   with a meeting. You can always take notes to which you can refer. This shows that you
   have considered what you need to discuss.
Mr J OK.
HRO This is obviously a delicate situation, so be very careful not to criticise as this could
   bring on a defensive reaction. You need to be diplomatic when you speak to him.
   If, after you have spoken to him in a rational way, you still find he is being
   unreasonable, come and speak to us and we can arrange a meeting between the three of
   us. But do remember you need to have evidence for us to be able to take further action.
Mr J OK, I’ll send him an email now to request a meeting, and we’ll see what happens from
   there. Thanks for your advice.
HRO Good luck and let us know the outcome.
   Title:   NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one)

    ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers

    ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of

    ◦ Try to make track them in a chart

    ◦ What different things do they talk about?

Now review your notes and chart,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What is the relationship of the speakers?
    What are their jobs or positions?
    What is the subject of conversation?
    What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?
    What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?
    How does the Man feel? How does she?
    What else do they talk about?
Now listen again carefully for some specific
 conversation information,

◦ Answer these questions:
    Why did she choose Computer Science?
    Where did she study before?
    What kind of program was her father interested in?
    What is the Consumer Software Division working on?
    What’s the Man’s name?
    When is their new appointment?

Student: Good morning! I have an appointment at ten? My name is Sampson?
Interviewer: Hi, good morning! Yes, Mr Sampson, please sit down. Thank you for
    coming. Now: could I just get some basic information from you first, please? Your
    name is, uh, Garth Sampson?
S: Yes, that's right.
I: S-A-M-S....
S: No, that's S-A-M-P-S...O-N.
I: Sorry. And you're graduating this year?
S: Yes.
I: And your major is...?
S: Computer Science. I'll be getting my BSc in Computer Science.
I: Good. This May, right?
S: Yes, right.
I: And your mailing address?
S: That's Box 648 University Station, Vancouver V8G 2R9
I: ...V8G 2R9... and your email and cellphone?
S: ...and 090-555-6269
I: ...6269. Great! And you're a Canadian citizen?
S: Yes, I am.
I: Good. OK, that's all I really need right now. Now, you said you'll be getting your
     bachelor's in computer science. Why did you choose that field?
S: Oh, wow- I've never thought of any other career for myself. I've always been into
     computers, ever since I was in elementary school. My father bought me my first one, a
     used, uh, Apple MacIntosh, when I was eleven years old, and I've been sitting in front of
     a computer ever since. I, uh, got interested in how they work, you know, and, well, I kind
     of tore that old Mac SE apart circuit by circuit when it died.
I: Oh, you have good mechanical skills, then?
S: (laughs) No, I'm afraid not! I made a real mess of the Mac. I'm, I'm all thumbs, actually-
     but it satisfied my curiosity. I'm more interested in software programming now.
I: Well, we certainly always have a need for good programmers. What programming courses
     have you taken here?
S: Actually, I didn't, uh, start here at UBC. I transferred in from Corolla College. It's a
     community college. I took their two-year diploma in Computing. I had Visual Basic and
     Cobol there.
I: How were your grades?
S: Oh, good! Those courses were really exciting for me. I got As in both of them.
     And, um, then here at UBC, I've taken Oracle and C-and-C++ programming. So I think
     I've got a solid background in computer languages now.
I: Have you done much programming?
S: You mean outside the classes? Uh, well, no, I wouldn't say so, really. Just my class
     projects. My father was interested in building an oddsmaking program for horse
     racing, and I helped him put that together, but I've never down any real, um, commercial
     work of any kind.
I: Horse racing? (laughs) Does it work?
S: Well...yeah, the program runs OK. But he hasn't had much luck at the track yet. I think
     the problem is his input data. (laughs)
I: (laughs) I see. Well now, at IT Solutions, we have two divisions I think you might be
     interested in. Our Industrial Systems Division is doing a lot of work right now in nano-
     programming, with a lot of potential in, uh, medicine, and also in, um, aeronautics.
     They're into some real cutting-edge stuff there...
S: Gee, that sounds intriguing- capsule computers and all that, eh?
I: Yes, that's right. And our Consumer Software Division is busy now, um, trying to get the
     last bugs out of our new wristband cellphone. We're about ready to hit the market with
     it, so there's a lot of activity going on there these days.
S: Almost out? That's great! I've been waiting to get my hands on one of those. After all the
     hype, I hope we're not going to be disappointed.
I: (laughs) No, I guarantee you won't! It's going to be a real eye-opener. And maybe we can
     get you involved with the next generation.
S: Really? That would be something!
I: But what we'd like you to do first is get your transcripts sent in to us. Here- here's my
     card. Just have them snailed to this address and to my attention. Oh- sorry, my name's
S: OK, sure! I'll run over to the Registrar's and have that done right away.
I: And then we'd like you to come in to our offices sometime in the next couple of weeks
     to, uh, you know, just have a look around and have a chance to talk to some of the
     division staff and HR people. How does that sound?
S: That sounds great, Mr Freeberg. Thank you.
I: Good! Well, uh, what would be a good day for you, do you think?
S: Uh...lessee... um, next Tuesday or Thursday would be real good. I've got no classes those
     days right now.
I: Ah. OK then.... how about the... fifteenth, Thursday, at, say... ten o'clock?
S: Thursday. Ten a.m. Yes, that's fine.
I: And if you will just come to the Main Reception- here, at this address- and ask for
    me, that's Ed Freeberg- they'll let me know you're there, and I'll come down and get you.
S: OK, great! I'll be there. Thank you very much.
I: And thanks for coming in to see us. You may have a great future with IT Solutions.
S: I hope so! (laughs) Thank you.
I: See you next Thursday, then. Goodbye.
S: Goodbye.
   Title:   NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one)

    ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers

    ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of

    ◦ Try to make track them in a chart

    ◦ What different things do they talk about?

Now review your notes and chart,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What is the relationship of the speakers?
    What are their jobs or positions?
    What is the subject of conversation?
    What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?
    What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?
    How does the Man feel? How does she?
    What else do they talk about?
Now listen again carefully for some specific
 conversation information,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What does she need to park the bike?
    Where can she apply to get a permit?
    How much does it cost?
    What kind of bike does she have?
    How long was the trip?
    Where’s the bike shop?

Patrolman: Sorry- you can't park your bike here, son.
Student: Huh? Why not? There's a lot of bikes already here.
P: Yeah, but they all got Lot H stickers.
S: They've got what?
P: Lot H stickers. Permits to park here in Lot H- see?
S: Oh. Well, where can I park instead?
P: Nowhere. You ain't got no sticker. You gotta have a permit for some parking zone before you
    can park that thing anywhere on campus.
S: Ok, then...well...can I get one today, do you think? Where do we get them?
P: If you got your student ID card for this term, yes, you can get one today....
S: Yeah, I've got that, yes....
P: And you can apply for it at the Campus Affairs Office.
S: Where's that?
P: Just next to the Student Union, on the west side of it.
S: That little brown building?
P: Yessir, that's it.
S: And- are they free?
P: Nope, 'fraid not.
S: Do you know how much they cost, then?
P: It depends. The main building zones are ten dollars, I think, and the outer zones are
    five- but you'll have to check with them.
S: OK. Thanks.
P: Sure. Say, what is that thing, anyway?
S: It's a Thorn Raven.
P: Don't look cheap.
S: No, it's not. I'm into touring bikes.
P: Well, that sure looks like a good one. Ride a lot?
S: Yes, you could say so. I took this one across the country.
P: Across America?!
S: Yep, Atlantic to Pacific, all the way.
P: Whew! How long did that take you, anyway?
S: Three months.
P: You must've been awful tired by the end.
S: More mentally than physically, actually. You can get used to riding the bike eight hours a
    day, I mean, with a comfortable seat and comfortable clothes and all- but you never
    stop worrying about the traffic and potholes and flat tires and your schedule and... you
    know. And stuck out in the desert as the sun goes down, with no motel or gas station in
    sight- you feel pretty lonely and, uh, vulnerable.
P: Huh?
S: Vulnerable? You know, kind of unprotected.
P: Ah. Yeah, I guess so, eh? But that's an exciting thing you done, son. During summer
S: Yes, last year. I'd gotten my scholarship, so I didn't need to get a job last summer, and I
    planned that trip instead. New York to San Francisco- crossing the continent is
    something I've always wanted to do. Once.
P: Once?
S: Yeah. I won't do it again.
P: Just too hard, huh?
S: Not just that. It took a lot of time and a lot of money, and I'm not going to have that kind
    of free time again now until I retire from work maybe. (laughs)
P: (laughs) Well, just stay healthy, son, and maybe you can do it again when you're 65.
S: Yeah, maybe. Say, do you know this town very well?
P: Sure do. Born here. What're you lookin' for?
S: Is there a good bike shop? Maybe even a Thorn dealer?
P: Nope, no dealer, but there's a durn good bike shop. 'S called 'Wheels Within Wheels'-
    downtown off Elm Street.
S: Elm Street? Hmm. Didn't see the shop. I was down there looking around Sunday.
P: Well, it's not exactly on Elm Street- it's just off it, down the alley between Oak and Maple.
    Y'know where the Pizza Plaza is?
S: Yeah.
P: All right, it's around that corner. It ain't big, but it's a good shop, got everything you
    want, I expect, or leastwise what you need. And old Buster's been fixin' bikes for almost
    thirty years now.
S: You used him?
P: No. No bicycle. But he's my wife's cousin. And I ain't heard a complaint against him in the
    last twenty years.
S: (laughs) Well, that's a good enough recommendation for me. I'll check him out next
P: What'cha need?
S: Oh, now I just want to pick up a spare tube in case I get a flat tire. I don't have a spare.
P: Well, he's got those, sure- any size you like. Fix your own flats, do you? You must be a
    serious biker.
S: Well, I don't really like the job, but, you know, it's hard to find a repair shop
    sometimes, out in the middle of nowhere- and that's where I always seem to catch my
P: (laughs) Ain't that the way!
S: Sure is. Well, thanks. I gotta go get that permit before the office closes, I guess.
P: All right. Take care, son.
S: You too. See you. 'Bye.
   Title:   NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one)

    ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers

    ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of

    ◦ Try to make track them in a chart

    ◦ What different things do they talk about?

Now review your notes and chart,

◦ Answer these questions:
    What is the relationship of the speakers?
    What are their jobs or positions?
    What is the subject of conversation?
    What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?
    What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?
    How does the Man feel? How does she?
    What else do they talk about?
Now listen again carefully for some specific
 conversation information,

◦ Answer these questions:
  What was Steve’s role in the book?
  What is “work burnout”, according to Pam?
  What’s the difference between “burnout” and “stress”?
  How did Steve get to meet Pam?
  What are the important things Pam said you need to
  What’s the benefits of meditating for Steve?
Conversation   :

H: I’d like to thank you both for coming along today. Pam, this is your new book “Taking
   the Blues out of Work - how to deal with work-related health problems”.
P: Yes.
H: And Steve. You’ve just recovered from work burnout – one of the most serious – and
   common – work related problems – yes?
S: Yes, that’s right. I’m in the book! (laughing). Pam used me as a case study.
P: Yes. Steve came along to my clinic for help. He had a serous case of burnout. He followed
   a course of therapy and …
S: … and she helped me to get my health back again.
H: That’s great. It’s good to hear there’s a happy ending.
   Pam, could you tell us what work burnout actually is? Aren’t we just talking about stress
   here? Is there a difference?
P: Yes! There is a difference. A very big difference. But that’s a good question because most
   people make the mistake of thinking that burnout is just another word for stress – so I’ll
   start with that.
   Everyone understands stress. We live in a world where stress is part of our everyday
   lives. Burnout can be the result of too much stress but it isn’t the same thing. I once
   heard somebody say that if stress is like drowning in an overload of work, burnout is
   more like being all dried up. With stress we lose our energy, with burnout we lose much
   more – our motivation, our hope … and one very important difference between stress
   and burnout is that we know when we are stressed but we don’t usually realise we are
   suffering from burnout …
H: …until it’s too late.
P: Exactly.
H: Steve, how did you know that your problem was more serious than just being stressed?
S: Well, I didn’t realise myself. Other people realised first. I changed my behaviour and
    started feeling really negative and cynical about everything. That wasn’t me at all. I’ve
    always been a happy-go-lucky sort of bloke. It got to the point where I felt so hopeless
    and depressed that I couldn’t even face getting up in the morning. My
    wife made me an appointment with the doctor. He was helpful and referred me to Pam.
P: Steve was lucky to have the support of his family and friends. It’s difficult to get better
    on your own. It’s important to do normal things, exercise, socialise, go for a walk, meet
    a friend for a coffee …
H: And did Steve need medication?
S: No.
P: We decided to try with everything else first … medication can be effective, anti-
    depressants aren’t the same these days as they used to be but Steve got better without
    any. In fact it was something he felt quite strongly about.
S: I don’t even like taking an aspirin unless I really have to so I think I made a real effort to
    listen to Pam and do the things she suggested. I even started meditating!
H: Meditating?
P: Yes, it can really help. It calms the mind and helps to shut out the world’s distractions.
H: And how are you now Steve?
S: I feel great. Better than I have for years (laughing)
H: I’m glad to hear it .. now let’s talk a bit … (fade out)

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Escp s2 listening comprehension 2- week 4 practice

  • 3. 1. Quick Review of Conversations ◦ Definition and Features ◦ Listening Strategies ◦ Practical Strategies  2. Additional Practicing with some Exercises ◦ Exercise 2, as a group ◦ Exercise 3, (if we have time), alone
  • 4. Do you still remember what we talked about? ◦ What is Listening to Conversations? ◦ What are the features of a Conversation? ◦ What kind of listening do we need for Conversations? ◦ What are our “practical listening strategies” (what do we do in class?)
  • 5. Title: NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one) ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of conversation? ◦ Try to make track them in a chart ◦ What different things do they talk about? Ready?
  • 6. Now review your notes and chart, ◦ Answer these questions:  What is the relationship of the speakers?  What are their jobs or positions?  What is the subject of conversation?  What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?  What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?  How does the Man feel? How does she?  What else do they talk about?
  • 7. Now listen again carefully for some specific conversation information, ◦ Answer these questions:  What are the reasons he feels “targeted”?  According to the man, what does Mr. Bond do?  Has he tried to talk to Mr. Bond? What happened?  What does she advise him to do? Why?  How does he feel about her advise?  How does she advise him to speak with Mr. Bond?
  • 8. Conversation: HRO Good morning Mr Johnson, how can I help you? Mr J Well, I’d like to talk to you about Tim Bond, the department manager. HRO What seems to be the problem? Mr J Well… ever since Sandra left the department, I feel like I’ve been targeted to do all her work, as well as mine. Tim has made me work overtime; I’m expected to attend too many meetings and I seem to be spending a lot of my time doing unnecessary paperwork. HRO I’m sorry to hear that…. Mr J And… on top of that, I’d specifically asked if I could leave early last Friday, as I’d done a lot of overtime during the week. But we had a deadline on Friday afternoon and even though I’d finished my specific work I was expected to help other colleagues finish their work too. HRO But surely that is a positive sign showing that Mr Bond has a lot of trust in you, in getting you to help other colleagues. Mr J Yes, but I feel like I’m being singled out! Other colleagues get to leave early, and they don’t have such a lot of work to do. HRO So you feel he’s been making unrealistic demands on you? Mr J Yes, absolutely. HRO Do you think it’s because Mr Bond is unaware of what you're doing? Mr J Well, he never seems to ask us to do a job. He just delegates, and that’s another thing, he never listens! HRO Right. Have you approached Mr Bond about this particular problem?
  • 9. Mr J I’ve tried to approach him, but whenever I go to his office he is either in meetings, or he is never there. It seems like he just has no time for us. HRO Well at this stage it would be better if you approached him directly. If nothing else, showing that you’ve tried to solve the problem yourself, before you take it further, makes it clear that you’re not just a complainer and can boost your credibility. Why don’t you send an email requesting a meeting with him in private? Mr J Hmmm, I’d be a bit worried about his reaction. I wouldn’t know what to say! HRO Well firstly, you’ll need to plan what you are going to talk about before going ahead with a meeting. You can always take notes to which you can refer. This shows that you have considered what you need to discuss. Mr J OK. HRO This is obviously a delicate situation, so be very careful not to criticise as this could bring on a defensive reaction. You need to be diplomatic when you speak to him. If, after you have spoken to him in a rational way, you still find he is being unreasonable, come and speak to us and we can arrange a meeting between the three of us. But do remember you need to have evidence for us to be able to take further action. Mr J OK, I’ll send him an email now to request a meeting, and we’ll see what happens from there. Thanks for your advice. HRO Good luck and let us know the outcome.
  • 10. Title: NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one) ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of conversation? ◦ Try to make track them in a chart ◦ What different things do they talk about? Ready?
  • 11. Now review your notes and chart, ◦ Answer these questions:  What is the relationship of the speakers?  What are their jobs or positions?  What is the subject of conversation?  What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?  What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?  How does the Man feel? How does she?  What else do they talk about?
  • 12. Now listen again carefully for some specific conversation information, ◦ Answer these questions:  Why did she choose Computer Science?  Where did she study before?  What kind of program was her father interested in?  What is the Consumer Software Division working on?  What’s the Man’s name?  When is their new appointment?
  • 13. Conversation: Student: Good morning! I have an appointment at ten? My name is Sampson? Interviewer: Hi, good morning! Yes, Mr Sampson, please sit down. Thank you for coming. Now: could I just get some basic information from you first, please? Your name is, uh, Garth Sampson? S: Yes, that's right. I: S-A-M-S.... S: No, that's S-A-M-P-S...O-N. I: Sorry. And you're graduating this year? S: Yes. I: And your major is...? S: Computer Science. I'll be getting my BSc in Computer Science. I: Good. This May, right? S: Yes, right. I: And your mailing address? S: That's Box 648 University Station, Vancouver V8G 2R9 I: ...V8G 2R9... and your email and cellphone? S:
  • 14. I: S: ...and 090-555-6269 I: ...6269. Great! And you're a Canadian citizen? S: Yes, I am. I: Good. OK, that's all I really need right now. Now, you said you'll be getting your bachelor's in computer science. Why did you choose that field? S: Oh, wow- I've never thought of any other career for myself. I've always been into computers, ever since I was in elementary school. My father bought me my first one, a used, uh, Apple MacIntosh, when I was eleven years old, and I've been sitting in front of a computer ever since. I, uh, got interested in how they work, you know, and, well, I kind of tore that old Mac SE apart circuit by circuit when it died. I: Oh, you have good mechanical skills, then? S: (laughs) No, I'm afraid not! I made a real mess of the Mac. I'm, I'm all thumbs, actually- but it satisfied my curiosity. I'm more interested in software programming now. I: Well, we certainly always have a need for good programmers. What programming courses have you taken here? S: Actually, I didn't, uh, start here at UBC. I transferred in from Corolla College. It's a community college. I took their two-year diploma in Computing. I had Visual Basic and Cobol there.
  • 15. I: How were your grades? S: Oh, good! Those courses were really exciting for me. I got As in both of them. And, um, then here at UBC, I've taken Oracle and C-and-C++ programming. So I think I've got a solid background in computer languages now. I: Have you done much programming? S: You mean outside the classes? Uh, well, no, I wouldn't say so, really. Just my class projects. My father was interested in building an oddsmaking program for horse racing, and I helped him put that together, but I've never down any real, um, commercial work of any kind. I: Horse racing? (laughs) Does it work? S: Well...yeah, the program runs OK. But he hasn't had much luck at the track yet. I think the problem is his input data. (laughs) I: (laughs) I see. Well now, at IT Solutions, we have two divisions I think you might be interested in. Our Industrial Systems Division is doing a lot of work right now in nano- programming, with a lot of potential in, uh, medicine, and also in, um, aeronautics. They're into some real cutting-edge stuff there... S: Gee, that sounds intriguing- capsule computers and all that, eh? I: Yes, that's right. And our Consumer Software Division is busy now, um, trying to get the last bugs out of our new wristband cellphone. We're about ready to hit the market with it, so there's a lot of activity going on there these days.
  • 16. S: Almost out? That's great! I've been waiting to get my hands on one of those. After all the hype, I hope we're not going to be disappointed. I: (laughs) No, I guarantee you won't! It's going to be a real eye-opener. And maybe we can get you involved with the next generation. S: Really? That would be something! I: But what we'd like you to do first is get your transcripts sent in to us. Here- here's my card. Just have them snailed to this address and to my attention. Oh- sorry, my name's Ed S: OK, sure! I'll run over to the Registrar's and have that done right away. I: And then we'd like you to come in to our offices sometime in the next couple of weeks to, uh, you know, just have a look around and have a chance to talk to some of the division staff and HR people. How does that sound? S: That sounds great, Mr Freeberg. Thank you. I: Good! Well, uh, what would be a good day for you, do you think? S: Uh...lessee... um, next Tuesday or Thursday would be real good. I've got no classes those days right now. I: Ah. OK then.... how about the... fifteenth, Thursday, at, say... ten o'clock? S: Thursday. Ten a.m. Yes, that's fine.
  • 17. I: And if you will just come to the Main Reception- here, at this address- and ask for me, that's Ed Freeberg- they'll let me know you're there, and I'll come down and get you. S: OK, great! I'll be there. Thank you very much. I: And thanks for coming in to see us. You may have a great future with IT Solutions. S: I hope so! (laughs) Thank you. I: See you next Thursday, then. Goodbye. S: Goodbye.
  • 18. Title: NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one) ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of conversation? ◦ Try to make track them in a chart ◦ What different things do they talk about? Ready?
  • 19. Now review your notes and chart, ◦ Answer these questions:  What is the relationship of the speakers?  What are their jobs or positions?  What is the subject of conversation?  What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?  What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?  How does the Man feel? How does she?  What else do they talk about?
  • 20. Now listen again carefully for some specific conversation information, ◦ Answer these questions:  What does she need to park the bike?  Where can she apply to get a permit?  How much does it cost?  What kind of bike does she have?  How long was the trip?  Where’s the bike shop?
  • 21. Conversation: Patrolman: Sorry- you can't park your bike here, son. Student: Huh? Why not? There's a lot of bikes already here. P: Yeah, but they all got Lot H stickers. S: They've got what? P: Lot H stickers. Permits to park here in Lot H- see? S: Oh. Well, where can I park instead? P: Nowhere. You ain't got no sticker. You gotta have a permit for some parking zone before you can park that thing anywhere on campus. S: Ok, then...well...can I get one today, do you think? Where do we get them? P: If you got your student ID card for this term, yes, you can get one today.... S: Yeah, I've got that, yes.... P: And you can apply for it at the Campus Affairs Office. S: Where's that? P: Just next to the Student Union, on the west side of it. S: That little brown building? P: Yessir, that's it.
  • 22. S: And- are they free? P: Nope, 'fraid not. S: Do you know how much they cost, then? P: It depends. The main building zones are ten dollars, I think, and the outer zones are five- but you'll have to check with them. S: OK. Thanks. P: Sure. Say, what is that thing, anyway? S: It's a Thorn Raven. P: Don't look cheap. S: No, it's not. I'm into touring bikes. P: Well, that sure looks like a good one. Ride a lot? S: Yes, you could say so. I took this one across the country. P: Across America?! S: Yep, Atlantic to Pacific, all the way. P: Whew! How long did that take you, anyway? S: Three months.
  • 23. P: You must've been awful tired by the end. S: More mentally than physically, actually. You can get used to riding the bike eight hours a day, I mean, with a comfortable seat and comfortable clothes and all- but you never stop worrying about the traffic and potholes and flat tires and your schedule and... you know. And stuck out in the desert as the sun goes down, with no motel or gas station in sight- you feel pretty lonely and, uh, vulnerable. P: Huh? S: Vulnerable? You know, kind of unprotected. P: Ah. Yeah, I guess so, eh? But that's an exciting thing you done, son. During summer break? S: Yes, last year. I'd gotten my scholarship, so I didn't need to get a job last summer, and I planned that trip instead. New York to San Francisco- crossing the continent is something I've always wanted to do. Once. P: Once? S: Yeah. I won't do it again. P: Just too hard, huh? S: Not just that. It took a lot of time and a lot of money, and I'm not going to have that kind of free time again now until I retire from work maybe. (laughs)
  • 24. P: (laughs) Well, just stay healthy, son, and maybe you can do it again when you're 65. S: Yeah, maybe. Say, do you know this town very well? P: Sure do. Born here. What're you lookin' for? S: Is there a good bike shop? Maybe even a Thorn dealer? P: Nope, no dealer, but there's a durn good bike shop. 'S called 'Wheels Within Wheels'- downtown off Elm Street. S: Elm Street? Hmm. Didn't see the shop. I was down there looking around Sunday. P: Well, it's not exactly on Elm Street- it's just off it, down the alley between Oak and Maple. Y'know where the Pizza Plaza is? S: Yeah. P: All right, it's around that corner. It ain't big, but it's a good shop, got everything you want, I expect, or leastwise what you need. And old Buster's been fixin' bikes for almost thirty years now. S: You used him? P: No. No bicycle. But he's my wife's cousin. And I ain't heard a complaint against him in the last twenty years. S: (laughs) Well, that's a good enough recommendation for me. I'll check him out next Sunday.
  • 25. P: What'cha need? S: Oh, now I just want to pick up a spare tube in case I get a flat tire. I don't have a spare. P: Well, he's got those, sure- any size you like. Fix your own flats, do you? You must be a serious biker. S: Well, I don't really like the job, but, you know, it's hard to find a repair shop sometimes, out in the middle of nowhere- and that's where I always seem to catch my flats. P: (laughs) Ain't that the way! S: Sure is. Well, thanks. I gotta go get that permit before the office closes, I guess. P: All right. Take care, son. S: You too. See you. 'Bye.
  • 26. Title: NO TITLE (there’s isn’t going to be one) ◦ Now, listen and focus on the speakers ◦ Listen to the whole clip, what are the subjects of conversation? ◦ Try to make track them in a chart ◦ What different things do they talk about? Ready?
  • 27. Now review your notes and chart, ◦ Answer these questions:  What is the relationship of the speakers?  What are their jobs or positions?  What is the subject of conversation?  What is the Man’s attitude toward the subject?  What is the Woman’s attitude toward the subject?  How does the Man feel? How does she?  What else do they talk about?
  • 28. Now listen again carefully for some specific conversation information, ◦ Answer these questions:  What was Steve’s role in the book?  What is “work burnout”, according to Pam?  What’s the difference between “burnout” and “stress”?  How did Steve get to meet Pam?  What are the important things Pam said you need to do?  What’s the benefits of meditating for Steve?
  • 29. Conversation : H: I’d like to thank you both for coming along today. Pam, this is your new book “Taking the Blues out of Work - how to deal with work-related health problems”. P: Yes. H: And Steve. You’ve just recovered from work burnout – one of the most serious – and common – work related problems – yes? S: Yes, that’s right. I’m in the book! (laughing). Pam used me as a case study. P: Yes. Steve came along to my clinic for help. He had a serous case of burnout. He followed a course of therapy and … S: … and she helped me to get my health back again. H: That’s great. It’s good to hear there’s a happy ending. Pam, could you tell us what work burnout actually is? Aren’t we just talking about stress here? Is there a difference? P: Yes! There is a difference. A very big difference. But that’s a good question because most people make the mistake of thinking that burnout is just another word for stress – so I’ll start with that. Everyone understands stress. We live in a world where stress is part of our everyday lives. Burnout can be the result of too much stress but it isn’t the same thing. I once heard somebody say that if stress is like drowning in an overload of work, burnout is more like being all dried up. With stress we lose our energy, with burnout we lose much more – our motivation, our hope … and one very important difference between stress and burnout is that we know when we are stressed but we don’t usually realise we are suffering from burnout …
  • 30. H: …until it’s too late. P: Exactly. H: Steve, how did you know that your problem was more serious than just being stressed? S: Well, I didn’t realise myself. Other people realised first. I changed my behaviour and started feeling really negative and cynical about everything. That wasn’t me at all. I’ve always been a happy-go-lucky sort of bloke. It got to the point where I felt so hopeless and depressed that I couldn’t even face getting up in the morning. My wife made me an appointment with the doctor. He was helpful and referred me to Pam. P: Steve was lucky to have the support of his family and friends. It’s difficult to get better on your own. It’s important to do normal things, exercise, socialise, go for a walk, meet a friend for a coffee … H: And did Steve need medication? S: No. P: We decided to try with everything else first … medication can be effective, anti- depressants aren’t the same these days as they used to be but Steve got better without any. In fact it was something he felt quite strongly about. S: I don’t even like taking an aspirin unless I really have to so I think I made a real effort to listen to Pam and do the things she suggested. I even started meditating!
  • 31. H: Meditating? P: Yes, it can really help. It calms the mind and helps to shut out the world’s distractions. H: And how are you now Steve? S: I feel great. Better than I have for years (laughing) H: I’m glad to hear it .. now let’s talk a bit … (fade out)