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Equine Therapy
David Block, a documentary producer and director states, "Horses don't judge by appearance. They
look past peoples' disabilities and recognize the emotions inside. Horses are more than friends and
companions. They are mirrors of the soul.". A study conducted in 2008 found, "...12 week animal–
assisted therapy program showed these programs are statistically more effective in promoting
recovery ("The Soulful Benefits Of Healing..."). There are many benefits of using horses to help
with therapy such as: Physical improvement, psychological improvement, educational improvement,
and social improvement. The use of Equine therapy can benefit people in many different ways.
Patients are able to use Equine therapy for physical therapy. They are able to ... Show more content
on ...
The use of educational Equine therapy may improve the patient's attention and concentration. When
working with horses Patients need to pay attention to what the horses are doing, and their attitude.
Patients can learn the importance of goal setting, in the beginning of any physical therapy the
patient is asked where they want to be at the end of your session. This is teaching patients the
importance of setting an end goal, and to be looking at the importance of the future. More ways you
are able to benefit is with conflict resolution, setting boundaries, self–regulation and self–correction
("The Soulful Benefits of Healing..."). One specific type of Equine therapy is Equine–assisted
learning or EAL. Path International explains EAL as a type of therapy that promotes the
development of life skills for educational, professional and personal goals. EAL also teaches other
skills such as trust, respect, honesty and communication. When working with horses you need to
have all of these. The patient must trust and respect the horse in order for the horse to trust and
respect the patient back. They also need to be honest about how they are feeling, if they are scared
the horse is going to react a different way then when they are calm. Communicating these feeling
will help the patient gain the trust and respect of the
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Hippotherapy In Physical Therapy
According to the American Physical Therapy Association, the scope of physical therapy includes the
prevention or minimization of problems caused by conditions of the musculoskeletal,
neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or integumentary systems (APTA, 2016). One of the less
conventional physical therapy treatment options is hippotherapy, also called equine–assisted
therapy. Hippotherapy, as defined by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship
International, is the use of the motion of a horse as a treatment strategy by occupational therapists,
physical therapists, and speech language pathologists to address problems in patients with neuro–
motor and sensory dysfunctions (PATHI, 2016). Although not a commonly known therapy, ... Show
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This leads to a certain weakness in its ability to support hippotherapy as a treatment because the
scientific community generally needs to know how a treatment helps. However, a study performed
in Poland in 2016 (Lakomy–Gawryszweska et al. In press) helped show this mechanism by
observing the increased tension in the rectus abdominis muscle. By directly measuring the electrical
activity in this muscle by using electrode pads both before and after hippotherapy, this study
provides more information on the mechanism of the improvement. By strengthening the rectus
abdominis, one of the primary core muscles, hippotherapy was shown to improve trunk
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How Hippotherapy Is Helping Improve Individuals with Asd...
To help in the improvement of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) many families are turning toward a
physical, occupational, and speech and language medical therapy called Hippotherapy. This form of
therapy might sound like it involves the Hippopotamus, however it actually involves the use of
horses; the root word "hippo" means horse in Latin. Hippotherapy utilizes an equine's
multidimensional movement and its dynamic base of support as a part of an integrated intervention
program to achieve functional outcomes in patients with ASD. ASD is a bio–neurological
developmental disability which impacts the normal development of the brain and means that they
have difficulty performing functional daily living skills like feeding themselves, ... Show more
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Individuals afflicted with ASD have a difficult time taking the information on where they want to go
then telling the rest of their body how they are going to accomplish getting there (National Autism
Association, 2012). If the occupational therapist has the individual steer the horse to a specific
destination, then the individual must concentrate on how they need to move their hands to be able to
steer to the destination. Also to help with hand and eye coordination, the occupational therapist can
have the individual ride the horse and grab hanging rings. By utilizing the horse's movement in
conjunction with other standard occupational intervention strategies, Hippotherapy addresses and
bolsters functional outcomes having to do with an individual's ability to process sensory information
such as seeing and feeling the same thing differently or keeping balance (American Hippotherapy
Association, 2010). By having the individual ride the horse while facing backward, the individual
sees that they are facing backward, but feels the horse moving forward. Individuals with ASD have
a hard time deciphering the opposing information when a horse is moving forward, but they are
facing backward (National Autism Association, 2012). By practicing this difficult skill the
individual becomes more aware of what is happening around them and then is better able to
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Equine Therapy For Children With Disabilities
Furthermore, research is demonstrating the promise that equine therapy holds for children with
intellectual disabilities. When compared to traditional intervention methods, equine therapy is a bit
more cost–effective, meaning more families can afford equine therapy. With this in mind, it shows
promise of becoming a standard form of early intervention for individuals with disabilities (Holmes
et. al. 120). As the child ages, research is showing more and more support for equine therapy. It was
mentioned previously how equine therapy can help a child in the classroom. Research shows that
equine therapy can help a child in nearly every aspect of his or her life. Equine therapy proved in
one study that it helps children with intellectual disabilities with their balance, thanks to the
stimulating movements of the horse (Biery et. al. 1). Motor skills have improved after just a few
sessions in equine therapy, whether it be riding or hippotherapy (Snider et. al. 1). In addition,
researchers have found that social skills have improved with equine therapy (Bass, Dunchowny &
llabre 1266). The reason for the improvement in social skills is because in therapeutic riding lessons,
children are given the chance to interact with other individuals who are similar to them. This creates
a bond between the students. Individuals in hippotherapy gain social skills because of the
interactions they have with a therapist, and the bonds formed with the horse. All of these researchers
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Is a therapeutic and educational method using horses in multiple fields––healthcare, education, and
horseback riding–– to help development in biological, psychological, and social factors in people
with disabilities and/or special needs
Hippotherapy is applied to make the teaching–learning process easier; classes are aimed at
integration between the mentally handicapped practitioners and the therapeutic and playful
environment of being on a horse.
Equine movement is used in order to engage sensory, neuromotor, and cognitive systems and reach
certain functional goals in occupational, physical, and speech therapy.
It is part of a patient's "integrated plan of care;" the therapist chooses to involve equine movement if
it helps the patient ... Show more content on ...
The treatment is entirely made up of the horse's movements and how the patient responds to those
Though horse–back riding has been seen as therapeutic for hundreds of years, few have actually
researched its effects and potential benefits on special needs children. Therapeutic riding became
more common in the 1960's, and people have also used it for physical therapy since then.
The theoretical framework that hippotherapy is built on: The dynamic systems theory is what causes
humans to adapt to changes in their environment The theory of sensory integration implies that
learning depends on sensory and motor capacities The theory of neuronal group selection assumes
that neuronal maps and fixed response patterns come from a person's interaction with their
environment and their experience.
A therapy that incorporates equine movement in a treatment plan for patients with neuromuscular
In a 30–min session, the horse "can take between 2,000 and 3,000
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Early Childhood Hippotherapy
This systematic review utilized three medical databases such as ProQuest Medical, PubMmed, and
CINAHL. The keywords used to complete the search were: hippotherapy, children, and cerebral
palsy. The search resulted in 15 peer– reviewed articles that showed overall improvements in
balance and mobility in children with cerebral palsy.
Chang, Kwon, Lee, and Kim (2012) conducted a pilot study containing 33 children ages four and
up, with cerebral palsy. Hippotherapy sessions were conducted twice a week for 8 consecutive
weeks in an 18X27 m indoor riding arena. Each hippotherapy session lasted 30 minutes. After the
intervention process, the study showed an outcome that hippotherapy can improve gross motor
function and being balance in children with Cerebral Palsy (Chang, H. J., Kwon, J., Lee, J., & Kim,
Y., 2012).
The following authors, Hsieh, Yang, Sun, Chan, Wang, and Luo (2016) conducted a longitudinal
study with a sample size of 14 children between the ages 3 to 8. The study implemented
hippotherapy for 30 minutes once weekly for 12 consecutive weeks. Over the 12 weeks of
hippotherapy, significant improvements in ICF–CY ... Show more content on ...
conducted a study on 34 children from 3–12 years old who had bilateral spastic (32) or unilateral CP
(2) to investigate the effectiveness of hippotherapy. The participants took part in forty–five minute
hippotherapy sessions twice a week for an eight week period. These sessions were conducted by a
registered occupational therapist (OT) who had been accredited by the American Hippotherapy
Association, an assistant to lead the horse, and a volunteer sidewalker. Baseline tests for physical
function were conducted prior to the intervention therapy. The participants were then tested for
progress after the hippotherapy program had commenced. The measurement tests utilized were:
GMFM 66, GMFM 88, and PEDI–FSS. A control group of 21 children with CP were tested and
included in the study for comparison and
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Case Study: Pearlman Vs. Wagstaff Stables
To: Professor Puertas
From: Raymond Cho
Date: September 7, 2015
Re: Pearlman v. Wagstaff–Validity of Exculpatory Clause under California Law
IV. Discussion
License and regulation A court will likely determine that in Pearlman v. Wagstaff Stables, Wagstaff
Stables is not a business of a type generally thought to be suitable for public regulation. Gardner v.
Downtown Porsche Audi, 180 Cal.App.3d 713 (1986) In determining whether a business is a
business type generally thought suitable for public regulation, courts generally look to see if they are
licensed and regulated by the state, it is. Id at 713. In Gardner v. Downtown Porsche Audi, the
California Court of Appeal found Downtown Porsche Audi to be a ... Show more content on ...
Adhesion contracts are necessary in cases where a service provider has a decisive bargaining
advantage on an essential service. A purely recreational activity that has multiple other providers
does not create a bargaining advantage or a need for an adhesion contract. In Hulsey, the plaintiff
chose to partake in the dangerous and recreational activity of parachuting on his own accord. The
choice was not out of practical necessity. Because there is no reasonable reason besides the
experience of participating in an extreme sport, the business has no superior bargaining power.
While the court did not explicitly state this, there is evidence to believe this implication. In cases
where a superior bargaining power is present, and there is a need for an adhesion contract, the court
specifies so. The plaintiff may argue that the 30–day waiting period for Wagstaff stables gives them
a superior bargaining power. However, this argument is unlikely to hold in court, as there are other
hippotherapy providers in
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Hippotherapy Intervention Paper
Problem Statement Some difficulties that children with special needs may face are speech and
language disorders, physical impairments, and other conditions that may make everyday tasks more
challenging. Speech therapy can help people improve their ability to communicate verbally, physical
therapy can improve their gross motor functions, balance, posture, etc., and occupational therapy
can help people do common tasks they struggle with, such as cooking (Evans, n.d.; Bender &
McKenzie, 2008). If children receive therapy for certain diagnoses early in their lives, they may
improve enough that they would no longer even need therapy (Evans, n.d.). Hippotherapy, which is
a form of therapy treatment that utilizes the movements of a horse, is ... Show more content on ...
Each child has goals that they are trying to reach, and, every day the child is present, their therapists
write down observations to determine what percentage the child has improved in their set goals,
which gives them a way to measure the child's success. The study I am proposing has an
experimental, qualitative design, as I plan to compare the percent each student improves during
hippotherapy sessions with the amount improved in classroom therapy sessions to determine if the
effects of hippotherapy on children with special needs are different from those of conventional
speech therapy. I will then use this data to answer the following question: What are the effects of
hippotherapy on improvement for children who take occupational, physical, and speech therapy that
are between the ages of two and seventeen as compared to those of conventional therapy? This
research will contribute to existing research being conducted for hippotherapy by comparing its
effects on children to those of conventional therapy, which can later influence parents and therapists
to consider therapy earlier in children's lives and look into more unconventional forms of
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Hippotherapy Study
Moraes and others (2016) found in their study that the children who had been participating in a
hippotherapy program had better functional ability compared to their own pre–treatment ability.
This was measured by the completion of a standard questionnaire by the parents of the children.
While this essentially makes the parents the data collectors for this portion of the study, considerable
bias is removed by using a questionnaire with specific self–help tasks and daily routine tasks which
the parents then rank based on their child's ability to perform said tasks with or without assistance.
This makes the data more dependable and more acceptable to the scientific community in general.
Another study found that teenagers with intellectual disabilities ... Show more content on ...
Children with recent history of surgery, low and high motor tone, seizures, respiratory issues,
cardiac issues, or spinal instability should be screened extremely carefully before participating in
hippotherapy treatment (PATHI, 2012). In these situations, the risk may outweigh the benefit.
Guidelines in the handbook provided to the public by the Professional Association of Therapeutic
Horsemanship International can aid in the decisions on who should participate and who should not.
In some cases, this is only temporary, but there are situations when a condition will be a valid reason
for long–term exclusion for
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Persuasive Essay On Pet Therapy
Imagine you were in a hospital suffering from depression and your doctors mentioning pet therapy
and you decide to try it out. Your doctor arranges for you to meet with someone in the morning to
tell you all about it. Soon after that, a dog and its handler visit you in your room and you are invited
to pet the dog, play with it, and ask questions to the owner. After the visit, you realize you're
smiling, less tired, and more optimistic, and you can't wait to tell your friends and family about it
and can't wait for tomorrow to see the dog again. This is called pet therapy. Because pet therapy is
popular today people should understand the physical, mental, and social benefits before making a
decision. Pet therapy is a broad term that ... Show more content on ...
Vulnerable prison inmates have benefited from pet therapy programs, including a group of female
prisoners in Northern Ireland. Animal therapy is used extensively for depression. For physical
health, it can lower blood pressure, reduce medication some people need, and can slow down
breathing with those who are anxious. Pet therapy can diminish all overall pain, and relax you when
doing complicated or challenging exercises. It can increase motivations, and allow people to enjoy
therapy sessions more, and make it less stressful (Consumer Health 6.) Pet therapy is used a lot for
substance abusers. Animals can often calm down a substance abuser and prepare them to face their
demons. Addicts are most likely to focus only on themselves, but engaging with an animal can
encourage them to think about others. Animals can also encourage them to stop the substance abuse
because most substance abusers don't have money so when they starve, they can see the effects on
someone other than them. Substance abusers who go to counseling with an animal are proven to
learn more about teamwork, and communication. Counseling programs with addicts can also help
them to trust others more, and self–express themselves. Animals often introduce fun into sessions
which can help with the pressure and tension
during a challenging discussion(Dogtime 12.)
Pet therapy is a big help in dementia. Pet therapy type interactions can lift spirits of those living at
living centers. Pet
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Benefits Of Hippotherapy
The Benefits of Hippotherapy There are many different types of treatments that have been
experimented with to treat different disorders or diseases. A very unique example of this is
hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is the use of a horse as a treatment tool for physical, occupational, and
speech therapy (McGraw). The term hippotherapy comes from the Greek word "hippos," which
means horse. There have been records of people using horseback riding as a therapeutic treatment
strategy since ancient Greece. More recently, the use of horseback riding has been used for
rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities since 1875. As the use of horses for therapy began
to grow, therapeutic riding centers began to form in the United States, Canada, and Europe ... Show
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There are many social or emotional benefits that they can gain from this treatment strategy as well.
The children who are engaged in these activities are able to express themselves to the horse and
possibly even the therapist they are working with. They have no fear of rejection from the horse, and
therefore feel that they can speak or act however they want. "...animals are an important instrument
for developing social skills in children. Through their interactions with animals, children can obtain
knowledge of values and attitudes from the animals" (Granados; Agís). The children with special
needs that are receiving this treatment won't be as isolated as other special needs kids usually are
and they sometimes have to form relationships with the helpers during their sessions in order to be
able to communicate with the horse. This will improve their social skills immensely. They can also
learn socially acceptable ways to express their feelings around the animal and get certain responses
or reactions from them (Granados;
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Hippotherapy Analysis
Why children with special needs feel better with hippotherapy The use of horses within a
therapeutic setting can be described under four broad categories: valuing, hippotherapy, riding
therapy, and riding for rehabilitation. In the article,"Why children with special needs feel better with
hippotherapy sessions: a conceptual review," by Anabel Granados and Inmaculada Fernández Agís,
the authors theorized that there are two types of hippotherapy, classic and modern. Classic
hippotherapy is performed with one patient and at least one therapist and a horse or a donkey. The
therapist uses the three–dimensional movement of the horse's back as an apparatus to manipulate the
passive body of the patient. The treatment consists entirely of the horse's ... Show more content on ...
"About 120 individuals were consecutively and randomly allocated to one of three groups: (T1)
rhythm and music–based therapy program; (T2) therapeutic riding; or (T3) control group receiving
the T1 training program a year later."(Käll, 2012). The search criterion was limited to individuals
who suffered from stroke 1 to 5 years prior to the study. By searching through hospital files, they
selected people who were potentially eligible for the trial. Those who met the criteria were those
who were aged 50–75 years, being in the late phase of stroke, having their own house, subarachnoid
haemorrhage with initial presence of hemispheric impact/symptoms, and having an additional stroke
within the past year. "The therapy program, designed to help people with injuries and diseases of the
central nervous system is called Ronnie Gardiner Rhythm and Music method (RGRM™) and has
since 1993 been implemented in healthcare and rehabilitation in Sweden." (Käll, 2012).The method
is based on the principle of neuroplasticity which allows the nerve cells in the brain to compensate
for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in
their environment ( , and uses rhythm, music, colour, the voice, text, shapes and
movement to stimulate coordination, balance, endurance, attention, memory, body image and social
interactions. (Käll, 2012). With hippotherapy, the rhythmic and repetitive walking motion of a horse
resembles that of a human walking, and the many textures, sounds and sights provide an enriched
environment. The concept of hippotherapy and all these different things that can be incorporated
with it, such as rhythm and music, gives people that have suffered from a stoke
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Hippotherapy In Children
Some problems that children with special needs may face are speech and language disorders, which
include articulation disorders, fluency disorders, receptive or expressive communication disorders,
and many more. Speech disorders cause children to have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds,
while language disorders make combining ideas and creating sentences challenging. Speech therapy
can help these children improve their ability to communicate verbally, and, if it is administered early
in their lives, children may improve enough that they will no longer even need therapy (Evans, n.d.).
Hippotherapy is a type of therapy that takes place on the back of a horse, and it is useful for speech,
physical, and occupational therapy. It differs
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Complementary And Alternative Therapies
Discuss the various methods of complementary and alternative therapies.
CAMS are divided into five different categories: biological, manipulative–body, mind–body, energy,
and alternative medicine. For example, dance therapy would fall under the manipulative–body based
interventions, while mind–body interventions encompass alternatives like poetry, art, or music, and
yoga would be an example of mind–body interventions and manipulative–body. Participants in
music therapy have reported improved quality of life, and yoga therapy has been shown to lead
individuals towards motivation to health improvement. As well, dance therapy has been proven to
improve body image, coordination, body awareness, depression, anxiety, and stress relief; as well,
sexual abuse survivors have used dance therapy to reconnect with their body by coping and
processing, as well as give them a sense of freedom from their trauma (Complementary and
Integrative, n.d.). ... Show more content on ...
I feel one of the most research CAMs is hippotherapy, and it is one that I am quite familiar with in
my line of work. Hippotherapy is equine, or horse, therapy and is very common in special needs
children, particularly those with autism. In conjunction with traditional therapies and treatment
plans, it is proven to be very effective in regards to posture, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, as
well as body and cognitive awareness. There is also extensive research done looking at how coping
and communication skills improved in individuals since the start of hippotherapy (Ajzenman,
Shurtleff, & Standeven,
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Hippotherapy Essay
Helen Thompson once wrote, "In riding a horse we borrow freedom."[3] People have always been
astounded by the magnificence of horses. They were always seen as majestic, free, strong, and loyal.
It was at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952 that Liz Hartel admitted that riding a horse helped her
recover from polio. Soon after her speech, in the 1960s, therapeutic riding centers were created in
Europe, Canada, and the United States. It was also during the 1960s, that the horse was used as an
adjunct to physical therapy in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria; and the practice was named
hippotherapy. This concept quickly made its way to the United States, and the North American
Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) was created in 1969. Thereafter, ... Show more
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The researchers had ninety–two children with cerebral palsy that were four to six years old
participate in this study. They were randomly assigned to either a hippotherapy group or control
group. The children in the hippotherapy group had 30 minutes of hippotherapy, twice a week for
eight weeks in addition to conventional physiotherapy. Services were provided indoors with a
therapist, horse leader, and two side walkers. The protocol that was used involved muscle relaxation,
postural alignment of head, trunk, and lower extremities, independent sitting, and active exercises.
The control group consisted of thirty minutes of home aerobic exercise. The Gross Motor Function
Classification System–88 was used as an outcome measure as well as the GMFM–66; balance was
assessed using the Pediatric Balance Scale. The results of this study were increased scores on the
GMFM–88, GMFM–66, and PBS. This study was the first randomized control study that was done
in regards to hippotherapy
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Autism Therapy Essay
Autism Therapy
There is an extremely diverse and complex developmental disorder which shows itself in children in
different ways. There are many different types and styles of treatment available for children with
autism. These therapies can be used individually or in combination with each other in order to
provide effective treatment.
Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is a brain development disorder. Autism symptoms
typically appear when a child is an infant or toddler. An article states "Recent research confirms that
appropriate screening can determine whether a child is at risk for autism as young as one year.
While every child develops differently, we also know that early treatment improves outcomes, often
dramatically" (Learn ... Show more content on ...
In Hippotherapy a trained volunteer leads the rider, and two other volunteers walk on either side to
make sure the rider is safe. Each rider has their own goal, but this therapy mainly focuses on speech,
socialization, and fitness. A study found that "a 10–week therapeutic horseback riding intervention
with children diagnosed with [autism spectrum disorder] can result in significant improvement"
parents have also agreed that this has greatly benefited their child (Horseback Riding as Autism
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The And Materials For Those With Multiple Disabilities
Patricia Krueger
Dr. Sharon Kolb
Curriculum, Methods, & Materials For Those With Multiple
November 18, 2014
Not Just Horsing Around
Imagine yourself as a child with restricted movements and impairments not felt by others your age.
Imagine for a longing to be free, free from the restricting walls of the hospital and therapy room.
Freedom was a goal that Anne and Tom had for their son William. They wanted freedom of the
traditional therapy setting because watching their child make little to no progress therapy session
after therapy session left Anne and Tom discouraged. They wanted nothing more for their son than
to thrive and develop the new skills that they knew he could. "William has hypotonia, or low muscle
tone and some overall developmental delays" said Anne. His parents set several goals, but their first
goal was to get William to learn to walk. Watching his therapy sessions in the traditional setting
were painful as parents. They were feeling hopeless with the lack of progress with the physical
therapy sessions William was attending. The Physical therapist herself felt that there was not much
more that she could do there in the hospital for William. That's when she recommended
hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is what would eventually get William to his goal of walking in 3 short
months, and though not a therapy goal, one of William's first words was Dolly, the name of a
favorite volunteer. Hippotherapy for William. What is hippotherapy? Hippotherapy
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Novice To Occupational Therapy: New Graduates
Everyone is a novice at the beginning, the process to becoming an expert involves life long learning
(Harris & Duncan, 2009). In relation to occupational therapy a new graduate is considered a novice.
As a novice new graduates have skills in finding information they need and have a good grounding
in current occupational therapy theories (Robertson, 2012). However a novice works with a high
cognitive load which may challenge then working memory, resulting in errors (Ladyshewsky, 2009).
Where a novice will be relying on procedural reasoning until experience is gained, an expert uses
conditional reasoning which is a multidimensional process (Fleming, 1991; Robertson, 2012) To
transition from novice to expert requires the new graduate to gain
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Literature Review On Equine Therapy
Literature Review
Source 1
In source 1, an article written by the ASDF (Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation), from the
website , assessed in 2012, with the title 'How your child can Benefit from Equine
Therapy), it states that Autistic children/people benefit immensely from Equine Therapy (horse
For thousands of years the bond between man and animal has proven to be effective in creating an
emotional, healing bond. Children/people with autism also benefit from equine therapy due to the
motor, emotional and sensory sensations that come with riding a horse. Equine Therapy is seen as
the most mysterious yet beautiful form of intervention for Autistic people.
A significant amount of benefits and improvements were found using Equine Therapy for Autistic
Creating the Emotional Bond: Autistic children have difficulty bonding emotionally to ... Show
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Developing good motor control is a fundamental element of developing necessary life skills. Horse
therapy for autistic children allows the participants to use their muscles to control the movement of
the horse. Some include grooming activities that improve fine motor skills as well. Communication
is developed. The motivating nature of the activities makes them ideal for encouraging
communication. The inability to communicate effectively can be extremely frustrating for people on
the autism spectrum. Although people diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome may not exhibit
problems with language, some significant difficulties with communication are apparent when you
look at details about Aspergers closely. Equestrian programs for autistic children promote
communication. The child is highly motivated to use language and signs to ask to ride, continue
riding, and to interact with the animals. The nonverbal interaction between the child and the horse is
a building block. The child learns how to control the movements of the horse and the animal
provides feedback through its
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Hippotherapy Therapy
In addition to current therapeutic intervention, there are some modern therapies which are used in
the rehabilitation program.
Hippotherapy is a modern physiotherapy treatment for improving gross motor skills (walking,
standing, sitting, etc.), balance, and strength in cerebral palsy children. While child sat on the horse
therapist teaches various exercises to the child based on types of impairment. Simultaneously
therapist needs to monitor and control the horse while the child is riding horseback. Park et al
(2014) State that hippotherapy has a positive effect in gross motor function and reduces muscle tone
in children with cerebral palsy.Similarly; Hydrotherapy intervention for children provides functional
skills, mobility and reduces spasticity. The main benefit of aquatic therapy is diminishing the
hypertonicity in spastic children. The mechanism of hydrotherapy is under some neurological
change in nerve fiber activity as the child exposes in warm water. As ... Show more content on ...
There are many contributing factors to develop deformities. For example lack of movement due to
abnormal tone, muscle weakness and abnormal movement pattern. Some of the most deformities are
as follow, equines varus, and scoliosis. Therefore to avoid secondary complication, it is better to
seek for early physiotherapy treatment. The main duty of therapist is to find out the deformity and
look for suitable treatment at early stages, as there is only a limited period which can prevent or
reduce the deformity. For example in spastic child who did not receive proper treatment most likely
fails to perform independently. Besides, the child with deformity complaint of pain and discomfort
due to faulty joint position (Hinchcliffe 2007). Blackmore (2006) conducted a study on the
effectiveness of casting for ankle deformity in cerebral palsy. The study show casting has a great
effect in correction of abnormal gait in cerebral palsy
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Occupational Therapy Self
The use of therapeutic use of self is engrained throughout the philosophies of occupational therapy.
It becomes an integral part of the therapist. Semour (2012) explains it as planned and deliberate
interactions with a client. It is a multifaceted approach involving the building of rapport to establish
the relationship with the client, being sensitive to a clients personal experiences and ensuring the
therapist practices remain client centred (Semour, 2012). The therapist needs to understand the
clients story and show personal sensitivity, respect and trust of the clients own experiences. (Taylor,
2008) I strongly value the importance of the therapeutic use of self and the effects it has on the
clients we work with. I got to experiences
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Case Study: Profession Of Physical Therapy
EBP Group Presentation
PTHA 1301 – Profession of Physical Therapy
Marissa Maiwelmal, Austin Lick, Payton Connot, Chris Hall
October 1, 2015
Animal–assisted therapy has recently received attention in providing therapeutic benefits for a
variety of developmental disabling disorders. This type of therapy is designed to use animals in
order to implement treatments that could help in the areas of cognitive, social, and psychological
domains. Studies have also shown the physiological benefits of animal therapy in such areas as
lower blood pressure, heart rate, and a decrease in anxiety levels. This study focused on horseback
riding and how it impacted the social functioning of children with autism. Therapeutic horseback
riding has been used in the treatment of individuals with physical and mental disabilities. Horseback
riding therapy is used in improving posture, balance, and mobility, while also developing a bond
between the rider and horse. Therapeutic horseback riding can stimulate several domains,
particularly in children who ... Show more content on ...
Martin and Farnum conducted a study which involved the use of dogs. The purpose of the study was
to find out if the interaction with dogs would help with social interaction of individuals with autism.
Researchers in this study found that the participants that interacted with the live dogs engaged in
more initiating behavior. Another study by Sams looked at standard occupational therapy versus
animal therapy and its effects on social interaction and language use in individuals with autism. The
study showed that the individuals that interacted with the live animals had significantly greater use
of language and social interaction as compared to the traditional occupational therapy. This study's
goal was to examine the effects of a 12–week therapeutic horseback riding intervention on social
functioning of children with
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Hippotherapy Personal Statement
It has invariably been my dream to work with children with disabilities and to achieve a career as an
Occupational Therapist. I want to work with children who have disabilities to help assist in making
a difference in their lives. From a young age, I have known what I wanted to be when I grew up. We
were close with a family when I was growing up that had a daughter who had Rett Syndrome. I
grew up watching how different therapies, particularly hippotherapy, improved her quality of life. I
have spent summers volunteering at the Equestrian Zone, which is a place that offers hippotherapy
to people who have disabilities. I've spent my breaks from college shadowing therapists to be
certain this is what I want to spend my life doing. I have observed
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Don Name Changed For Confidentiality Essay
Ben (name changed for confidentiality), a young boy with Down Syndrome and anxiety lessened
much of his anxiety working with the horses, that I had the pleasure of working under the
supervision of an occupational therapist. When Ben first started working with the program he was
afraid to get near the horse and did not even want to come close enough to get on let alone pet the
horse. We worked with him on deep breathing techniques, muscle control and some speech therapy.
By the end of the eight–week session we worked with Ben, he was able to not only get near the
horse, but by the last day, he was giving the horse a kiss on the nose. His mother said that the deep
breathing techniques that we equipped him with not only helped him in therapy, but in his everyday
life when he was feeling anxious. During the summer of 2016, I volunteered as a summer intern at a
therapeutic horseback riding organization, We Can Ride Inc. They offer therapeutic horse back
riding, therapeutic ground lesson working on personal care with the horses, equine– assisted
psychotherapy but, most interestingly they offer hippotherapy, equine assisted occupational therapy.
My time with We Can Ride Inc. confirmed my desire to work in a helping profession, in a hands on
way with clients to make their lives better. During my eight weeks with We Can Ride Inc., I was so
impressed and excited by the progress I was able to see in the clients that I worked with. There was
not only physical progress, but
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Hippotherapy Experience Paper
Throughout my teenage years I participated in many volunteer activities in my community. I worked
with several volunteer programs at my church, including serving as an assistant teacher for the
English as Second Language group, feeding and socializing with residents during the hypothermia
housing for the homeless, and packaging and delivering food for the FACETS food assistance
program. However, the Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program was my favorite by far
because it combined the two things that I loved, horses and therapy, to help people grow and learn.
The therapeutic riding program used "Hippotherapy", instructed by a physical therapist to help
physically and cognitively impaired children and young adults with disabilities such ... Show more
content on ...
During my first two years' community service was a part of our curriculum, in our Personal
Development Portfolio. This portfolio consisted of two classes, one freshman year and the other
senior year which includes an internship or practicum. We also must complete a portfolio paper of
our work at Bridgewater over the past four years, showing our development as students and
professionals. The community service aspect of our curriculum was supplied by the requirement of
students to complete at least ten hours of community service each semester. Along with this, the
school required sports teams to do an additional two hours of community service together to build
relationships between the team and community. During the years that I was competing on the swim
team we would go to the nursing home and help serve brunch for the residence. This was such a
positive experience because the retirement community is about as old as our college so the
residences are always very interested in the events of our school. Many of the residence either went
to Bridgewater themselves or had children or grandchildren who attended the
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Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Children with Autism...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that affects a person's social
interaction and communication. This disorder is mainly characterized by having difficulty with
social interaction, communication, and having restricted behaviors. Difficulty with social interaction
means someone will struggle to communicate their feelings/emotions, understand how others feel or
think, develop peer relationships, and understand nonverbal behaviors (eye gaze, facial expressions,
etc). Difficulty with communication will vary among the individual. Some individuals will develop
expressive language, while others will not. The speech of those that do develop expressive language
will often be repetitive, rote, and lack ... Show more content on ...
EAA is a subtype of animal–assisted activities, which can be provided by anyone who receives
specialized training and certification. Equine–assisted therapy (EAT), a subtype of animal–assisted
therapy, is the integration of the horse into goal–directed treatment and is provided by licensed
therapist. (p. 205)
Hippotherapy is a specialized type of equine–assisted therapy (EAT). It means involving a horse
during the course of treatment. In order to conduct hippotherapy, one must be a licensed therapist
(physical, occupational, or speech–language pathologist) and be certified through the Professional
Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH). During hippotherapy, the client will sit on the
horse's back and adjust their body to the movements of the horse's walk. "The client does not
influence the horse; rather, the horse's movements influences the rider. Functional riding skills are
not taught, and any improvement in the client's quality of life is secondary" (Macauley & Gutierrez,
2004). Within the scope of practice of the therapist, the client will perform activities that will help
achieve the set treatment goals while sitting on top of the horse, complementing their horse's walk.
"Both physical and psychosocial benefits have been documents or reports from the use of EAT and
hippotherapy" (Macauley & Gutierrez, 2004). The following three studies provide further evidence
of the effect of
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Hippotherapy And Psychodynamic Approach
movements. But those who insist to continue discover very quickly how important it is because
being outdoors means that the child comes in contact with nature. This gives the child a pleasant
touch to everyday life as opposed to the clinical environment (Lechner, H. E et al., 2007) In contrast
to the classical physiotherapy exercises are very different and the child is more cooperative and not
pressed. (Ajzenman, H. F., 2013)
Conclusion: As a result we understand that in Greece there are no adequate facilities for
hippotherapy in contrast with physiotherapy but we cannot ignore the positive impact on the child
psychology as it consists of a little getaway for the child that creates an opportunity for fun and to
be with other children of his age.
2.5Public Perception ... Show more content on ...
In Greece although there are hippo–therapy centers, their number is not so great for the target
audience. This is because Hippo therapy is a new method of rehabilitation which started the last 20
years in Greece and is still under–development. The therapeutic riding program began in 1983 at the
initiative of Aideen Lewis together with a group of children of the Spastic Society in Equestrian
Varympompi Group, in 1992 the S.TH.I.E. (Therapeutic Riding). (GSATRH, 2004) While abroad in
1952 the Danish Liz Hartel, which was a polio victim since 1940, with partial paralysis in both legs,
won the silver medal horsemanship capacity at the Olympics in Helsinki, inspiring pioneers of
therapeutic riding to organize programs for people with disabilities. Thus, since the early 50s,
physiotherapists began to investigate and use more systematically the rhythmic movement, which
one experiences on horseback. In 1969 A. Kroger, special education teacher, wrote an article entitled
"Educating with Horses", setting
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Reflective Essay On Occupational Therapy
Growing up, I was close to a family that had a daughter with Rett Syndrome. I grew up watching
how different therapies, particularly hippotherapy, immensely helped her. Through the impact this
girl had on me, I have aspired to work with children who have disabilities. I have observed multiple
types of therapies and have decided that Occupational Therapy is the route that will best help me
reach these aspirations. It is my goal to help make a difference in people's lives, and in their
families' lives, following graduation from an Occupational Therapy school. As an Occupational
Therapist, you get to help such a wide variety of people. One person you treat may need sensory
therapy, and the next person you treat may have a neuromuscular problem. ... Show more content on ...
One semester I took a class that was about teaching children with exceptionalities. In this class, I
learned about all different types of disabilities, what it's like to have these disabilities, how to help
students cope with their disabilities, and how schools are supposed to accommodate the student. The
class was such an eye–opener on how students with disabilities live and how challenging school can
be for them. In taking the prerequisite courses, I discovered a love for studying how the body works,
not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. In this upcoming semester, Spring of 2017, I am
registered to take an American Sign Language class. Learning sign language will undoubtedly be
beneficial to know when working with people who have disabilities. It will provide me with skills to
work with clients with communication issues. For instance, if I have a client who is nonverbal, I can
teach them a way to communicate with others. I am a part of a club on campus that is heavily
involved with a school in our community that serves students of all ages with developmental
disabilities and with our area's Special Olympics. I've helped our area's regional and state Special
Olympics in the past several years.
Becoming an Occupational Therapist is a goal that I have been working hard to achieve my whole
life and know it's a field that I will be highly successful
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Essay On Hippotherapy
"The term hippotherapy means treatment with the help and use of a horse." (Meregillano)
Hippotherapy uses the movement of the horse to challenge the client. With that being said within
this following paper is it going to go into more depth about hippotherapy. Not only is it going to go
into depth about hippotherapy, but also how the study of hippotherapy works, how it helps people,
how it is used, the benefits, and the type of individuals that are needed to perform hippotherapy.
Hippotherapy is used for a wide range of neurologic problems. Conditions that are usually treated
with the help of hippotherapy are: "cerebrovascular accident, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury,
multiple sclerosis, lumbago, limb deformity, spinal deformity, and muscular dystrophy."
(Meregillano). However it is not limited to just those conditions. For example, in other cases it can
also be used for things such as "developmental dyspraxia, sensory integration deficits, poor or
decreased gross ... Show more content on ...
The hippotherapy horse provides a plethora of sensory and emotional experience. The horse
provides consistent reactions to clients by making the rider become more aware of his or her
environment by engaging the mind. When engaged in a particular activity coupled with the
enjoyment of riding a gentle animal, a client with attention–deficit disorder is noted to have a
lengthening of attention span and focus. The horse as a treatment tool not only provides physical
benefits, but also the horse assists the client in following commands, sequencing steps, and problem
solving via guidance of the therapist in certain activities. Cognitive abilities can be improved by the
therapist reinforcing previous skills or introducing new skill or activities. The horse also provides
positive acceptance and can help increase confidence and self–esteem in the client, which increases
the level of participation and improvement in
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Cerebral Palsy Analysis
Rehabilitation Techniques for Cerebral Palsy With modern technology, research and experiments are
being performed by using some form of electronics. In public settings more than half of the
individuals are doing some form of activity with their hand held device. They are listening to music,
on social media, taking pictures, or communicating on it. Since this generation co–habituates with
electronics, forming rehabilitation techniques that incorporate electronics helps to get the
individuals involved more comfortably. In this paper I will be reviewing three articles that approach
cerebral palsy with different concepts. Two focus on using telerehabilitation, and the other one
focuses on immediate and long term effects of hippotherapy. These ... Show more content on ...
Doing this generates artificial sensory information in a way that is similar to real life activities. In a
rehabilitation approach, using VR creates an interactive environment that can be used to reach a
specific goal. For this specific study the goal was to measure functional independence in everyday
activities. This research article contained nine separate studies that each had their own
questionnaires. Each was based off a PICO (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome)
question(Snider, Majnemer, & Darsaklis, 2010). The main question being asked was, "Does training
using VR intervention improve outcomes in children with CP?"(Snider et al., 2010). What they
meant by outcomes were brain reorganization, spatial skills, motor skills, functional everyday self–
care, playfulness, and leisure activities. A total of thirteen articles from eleven articles were used for
final analysis(Snider et al., 2010). Each of the nine studies were then classified as either
experimental or observational. The experimental studies used random assignment, control groups,
and blinding of therapists and subjects(Snider et al., 2010). The observational studies consisted of
descriptive pre–post designs. The designs did not include subjects acting as their own controls, and
randomization(Snider et al.,
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Equine-Assited Therapy
The Helsinki Olympics, 1952. Liz Hartel won a silver medal in equestrian sports and told the world
how riding had helped her recover from polio ("History"). Therapeutic riding is a term that has been
used to encompass the variety of equine activities for individuals with disabilities, but the correct
terminology for utilizing the movement of the horse as a treatment strategy to improve
neuromuscular function is "hippotherapy," meaning "treatment with the help of the horse" from the
Greek word, "hippos", meaning horse ("Hippotherapy"). Equine–assisted therapy is a positive and
successful form of therapy for individuals with disabilities because it boosts confidence and allows
for improvement in physical and occupational capabilities. Studies show that hippotherapy has
proven to be beneficial for individuals with a variety of disabilities. Learning to master the horse
increases the rider's self–esteem and confidence. Interacting with and controlling the horse enhances
focus, decision–making skills, and effective verbal and nonverbal communication ("Why the
Horse?"). Riders may become very satisfied and self–confident after successfully completing a task
set by the instructor of the hippotherapy session. This feeling of confidence improves the rider's
overall mood and makes them enjoy horseback riding even more. During a hippotherapy session,
individuals work to improve their physical capabilities. While walking, the horse's body position
changes periodically, allowing
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Equine Therapy
Despite everything good about hippotherapy, it is not without some disadvantages. Equine therapy
is a great alternative therapy; however, it does include some risks. These therapy sessions are on a
live horse, granted the animals have great training, but they do have a mind of their own and can be
unpredictable. There are risks to where the rider falls off or be thrown from the horse. Since the
horse does feel the emotions of their rider, an excessive amount of fear can increase the patient's
stress level, which can turn itself as increased tension. Also, many people have allergies and being
around an environment that has dust, hay, and horse hair may affect the allergies of the patient
Not only are all of these disadvantages, but
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Equine Assisted Therapy
Winston Churchill once stated,"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the
inside of a man," that statement certainly rings true when discussing the topic of Equine Assisted
Therapy. Since Ancient Greece, people have been using horseback riding as a form of therapy to
help people who are disabled to improve their lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. Despite
the fact that horseback riding is typically dismissed as a form of physical therapy, the physical,
mental, and emotional benefits prove that therapeutic riding is a valuable form of therapy.
Hippotherapy is a form of equine assisted therapy that helps disabled individuals to develop
physically, mentally, and emotionally. Hippotherapy has been shown to
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Hippotherapy Vs Physical Therapy
coordination and balance, these effects were observed in less time compared to the conventional
physical therapy (PT). Specifically, McGibon et al (2009) observed reduction of increased muscle
tone.(McGibbon, 2009). For this reason, we understand that hippotherapy is more cost efficient and
offers a better long term profit. Finally we come to the last point is the large number of therapists
needed for making a single session. But on the other hand, we have the creation of new jobs and
thus cost efficiency. Conclusion: We can claim that hippotherapy as a treatment may be more
accurate as a method of rehabilitation but it must be remembered that it produces positive and faster
results in children with cerebral palsy (CP). This balances the cost
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The's Equine And Aquatic Therapy Services
Bethany's Equine and Aquatic Therapy Services, Incorporated, more widely–known as BEATS, Inc.,
is a treatment facility that utilizes both hippotherapy and aquatic therapy for children with a variety
of disabilities (BEATS, n.d.). Aquatic therapy employs the use of water as a means to treat various
conditions by aiding in reducing chronic pain and enabling a wider range of motion (Oeverman,
n.d.). Hippotherapy is a lesser known method of treating mental, physical, and sensory disabilities
by using horses. When ridden, the movements of the horses' spine and hips mimic the movements of
walking or running for those who cannot. Even when stationary, the horses' consistent breathing
stimulates the muscles of the individual riding that cannot be as readily stimulated with the use of
any other mechanism (B. Nugent, personal communication, February 25, 2016). This unique form
of therapy enables individuals to work on balance and strength. Above all, hippotherapy is
incredibly beneficial in enhancing the motivation of disabled clients. Because the children are used
to clinical settings, they do not realize that the session is a part of their treatment; instead, they are
simply having fun. As the occupational therapist walks close by, often times engaging the child with
the use of props, photographs, or games, they are still able to work with the child in the areas of
need (Applegate, 2011). BEATS incorporates these two methods as a way of engaging disabled
children and efficiently
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Physical Therapy Personal Statement
Fonda Shu–Ayanji
Statement of Purpose
In 2012, I volunteered at the Maryland Therapeutic Riding where I observed a 6 year old child with
cerebral palsy. For four weeks, he was guided by a physical therapist and his assistant as he
controlled and communicated effectively with an 1100 pound horse which was much bigger. I was
astonished. The child was able to complete challenging therapeutic activities through movement and
interactions with a horse. This experience left me with indelible memories and influenced my
decision to become a physical therapist as I witnessed the child regain his balance, strength, and
coordination that completely changed his life (Hippotherapy). Though my initial interest in physical
therapy sparked ... Show more content on ...
For the past six months, I became an active member as well as the senior support counselor at a
non–profit organization called Spirit Club. The program focuses on enhancing its members' gait,
strength, agility, flexibility, stability, and cardiovascular endurance. As a senior support counselor,
my goal is to educate, support, and motivate individuals with special needs to perform assigned
exercises by their personal trainers. In addition, I volunteered for Keng Foundation in my
hometown, Bafut, Cameroon as a Health Program Coordinator. I educated people in my community
with low socioeconomic status on health care. I also implemented prevention strategies against
STD's and HIV AIDS. The extracurricular activities have helped me improve my leadership skills as
I have became a more organized, proactive, enthusiastic, and a good team worker. This will allow
me to further showcase my talents and build a sustainable rapport with my
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Animal Assisted Therapy Is An Ethical Therapeutic Practice
It comes to question as to whether or not animal–assisted therapy provides the correct treatment that
it focuses on. When talking about animal–assisted therapy, poeple are using the presence of animals
as a way to heal for therapeutic reasons. Targeting no specific patient, this practice is used
throughout various age for various diseases and emotional, physical and intellectual disabilities.
Animal–Assisted Therapy works to provide happiness throughout the rough times for any patient.
Although a few individuals detest animal–assisted therapy because they believe that it utilizes
inappropriate proprietorship as opposed to friendly companionship which follows a curative result.
It is studied that animal–assisted therapy is an ethical therapeutic practice since it treats various
disperses that may never be managed. The helpful capability of animals was initially perceived in
the late 1800s, when Florence Nightingale, the founder of advanced nursing, made generous
disclosures in regards to animal–assisted therapy. The thought that animal–assisted therapy can
assume a critical part in enhancing human prosperity struck as a genuine practice in 1980(Berek 1).
E. Friedman discovered a phenomenal experiment that showed those who own pets tend to live
longer than those who do not own any pets(1). Studies show that petting an animal releases
hormones that produce a calming effect to humans which can lead to lower blood pressure and
stress levels(1). The calming effect also works on
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is not one specific disorder, but a group of disorders that have
similar behavioral characteristic, such as difficulty with communication and socialization. The cause
of ASD is still unknown but there are studies that indicate there may a genetic or environmental
component. More specifically, ASD can cause limitations in intellectual abilities as well as
difficulties with attention and motor coordination. ASD is usually identified during the first three
years of life and affects boys at a higher rate than girls (Autism Society). ASD actually occurs at
five times a higher rate in boys than in girls, affecting as many as 1 in 54 boys as compared to 1 in
252 girls (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). ... Show more content on ...
These impaired motor skills can also cause difficulties in the educational setting (MedlinePlus).
Children with ASD may also have challenges with the coordination required for physical activities
such as walking, running, and jumping, but can also affect activities such as sitting, since autistic
individuals can have difficulties with posture (Autism Speaks). Motor impairments can impact
individuals with autism in a number of different ways and can have huge impacts on the basic
activities of day to day living. In addition to motor impairments, individuals with ASD often have
difficulties with how they respond to sensory information, or specific types of stimuli. This can
include a hyper– sensitivity to touch, sound, light, and even smell (Autism Speaks). Individuals with
ASD can demonstrate an extreme sensitivity to sensory input and can become confused, anxious,
irritable, and fidgety when exposed to certain types of sensory input (Tomchek & Dunn, 2007).
Reactions to certain types of sensory input can range from mild to more extreme. For example, one
child might perform unusual eye movements, where another child might respond to sensory
information by rocking his or her body (Autism Society of America). The use of physical activity
has been shown to be beneficial to children with a multitude of developmental and physical
impairments. Particularly, children with autism tend
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Animal Assisted Therapy By Dr. Levinson
Animal–assisted therapy was created in 1792 to help patients in mental asylums to be able to
interact with animals in peaceful environments and opportunities that otherwise they would not see.
This was created by Dr. Levinson when he first saw a dog and boy that he had been treating interact
with one another. This soon began to spread throughout the countries. It first arrived in the U.S. in
1944 through 1945 at a Hospital north of New York City, the hospital called Pawling army air force
convalescent. The patients here interacted with farm animals such as horses and chickens. But with
many things it took a long time before any data from places like this was collected. However it is
becoming a more respected field among professionals ( Altschiller, D. 2011). It has been seen that
pets can help calm people, lower blood pressure and they are great for people or children that cannot
or do not relate well to other people. "Pets may help patients recover from acute illness––a study of
patients following their discharge from the critical care unit found that 11 out of 39 patients without
pets died within the subsequent year, compared with only three of 53 patients who had pets" (Floyd,
et al. 2003).There are many animals that can be used in pet therapy but we are going to mainly focus
on dogs and horses. Therapy Dogs are people's pets registered with an organization such as Therapy
Dogs International, founded in 1976, the dogs are temperament tested and insured by the
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Equine Therapy

  • 1. Equine Therapy David Block, a documentary producer and director states, "Horses don't judge by appearance. They look past peoples' disabilities and recognize the emotions inside. Horses are more than friends and companions. They are mirrors of the soul.". A study conducted in 2008 found, "...12 week animal– assisted therapy program showed these programs are statistically more effective in promoting recovery ("The Soulful Benefits Of Healing..."). There are many benefits of using horses to help with therapy such as: Physical improvement, psychological improvement, educational improvement, and social improvement. The use of Equine therapy can benefit people in many different ways. Patients are able to use Equine therapy for physical therapy. They are able to ... Show more content on ... The use of educational Equine therapy may improve the patient's attention and concentration. When working with horses Patients need to pay attention to what the horses are doing, and their attitude. Patients can learn the importance of goal setting, in the beginning of any physical therapy the patient is asked where they want to be at the end of your session. This is teaching patients the importance of setting an end goal, and to be looking at the importance of the future. More ways you are able to benefit is with conflict resolution, setting boundaries, self–regulation and self–correction ("The Soulful Benefits of Healing..."). One specific type of Equine therapy is Equine–assisted learning or EAL. Path International explains EAL as a type of therapy that promotes the development of life skills for educational, professional and personal goals. EAL also teaches other skills such as trust, respect, honesty and communication. When working with horses you need to have all of these. The patient must trust and respect the horse in order for the horse to trust and respect the patient back. They also need to be honest about how they are feeling, if they are scared the horse is going to react a different way then when they are calm. Communicating these feeling will help the patient gain the trust and respect of the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Hippotherapy In Physical Therapy According to the American Physical Therapy Association, the scope of physical therapy includes the prevention or minimization of problems caused by conditions of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or integumentary systems (APTA, 2016). One of the less conventional physical therapy treatment options is hippotherapy, also called equine–assisted therapy. Hippotherapy, as defined by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International, is the use of the motion of a horse as a treatment strategy by occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech language pathologists to address problems in patients with neuro– motor and sensory dysfunctions (PATHI, 2016). Although not a commonly known therapy, ... Show more content on ... This leads to a certain weakness in its ability to support hippotherapy as a treatment because the scientific community generally needs to know how a treatment helps. However, a study performed in Poland in 2016 (Lakomy–Gawryszweska et al. In press) helped show this mechanism by observing the increased tension in the rectus abdominis muscle. By directly measuring the electrical activity in this muscle by using electrode pads both before and after hippotherapy, this study provides more information on the mechanism of the improvement. By strengthening the rectus abdominis, one of the primary core muscles, hippotherapy was shown to improve trunk ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Hippotherapy Is Helping Improve Individuals with Asd... To help in the improvement of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) many families are turning toward a physical, occupational, and speech and language medical therapy called Hippotherapy. This form of therapy might sound like it involves the Hippopotamus, however it actually involves the use of horses; the root word "hippo" means horse in Latin. Hippotherapy utilizes an equine's multidimensional movement and its dynamic base of support as a part of an integrated intervention program to achieve functional outcomes in patients with ASD. ASD is a bio–neurological developmental disability which impacts the normal development of the brain and means that they have difficulty performing functional daily living skills like feeding themselves, ... Show more content on ... Individuals afflicted with ASD have a difficult time taking the information on where they want to go then telling the rest of their body how they are going to accomplish getting there (National Autism Association, 2012). If the occupational therapist has the individual steer the horse to a specific destination, then the individual must concentrate on how they need to move their hands to be able to steer to the destination. Also to help with hand and eye coordination, the occupational therapist can have the individual ride the horse and grab hanging rings. By utilizing the horse's movement in conjunction with other standard occupational intervention strategies, Hippotherapy addresses and bolsters functional outcomes having to do with an individual's ability to process sensory information such as seeing and feeling the same thing differently or keeping balance (American Hippotherapy Association, 2010). By having the individual ride the horse while facing backward, the individual sees that they are facing backward, but feels the horse moving forward. Individuals with ASD have a hard time deciphering the opposing information when a horse is moving forward, but they are facing backward (National Autism Association, 2012). By practicing this difficult skill the individual becomes more aware of what is happening around them and then is better able to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Equine Therapy For Children With Disabilities Furthermore, research is demonstrating the promise that equine therapy holds for children with intellectual disabilities. When compared to traditional intervention methods, equine therapy is a bit more cost–effective, meaning more families can afford equine therapy. With this in mind, it shows promise of becoming a standard form of early intervention for individuals with disabilities (Holmes et. al. 120). As the child ages, research is showing more and more support for equine therapy. It was mentioned previously how equine therapy can help a child in the classroom. Research shows that equine therapy can help a child in nearly every aspect of his or her life. Equine therapy proved in one study that it helps children with intellectual disabilities with their balance, thanks to the stimulating movements of the horse (Biery et. al. 1). Motor skills have improved after just a few sessions in equine therapy, whether it be riding or hippotherapy (Snider et. al. 1). In addition, researchers have found that social skills have improved with equine therapy (Bass, Dunchowny & llabre 1266). The reason for the improvement in social skills is because in therapeutic riding lessons, children are given the chance to interact with other individuals who are similar to them. This creates a bond between the students. Individuals in hippotherapy gain social skills because of the interactions they have with a therapist, and the bonds formed with the horse. All of these researchers have ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Hippotherapy Is a therapeutic and educational method using horses in multiple fields––healthcare, education, and horseback riding–– to help development in biological, psychological, and social factors in people with disabilities and/or special needs Hippotherapy is applied to make the teaching–learning process easier; classes are aimed at integration between the mentally handicapped practitioners and the therapeutic and playful environment of being on a horse. Equine movement is used in order to engage sensory, neuromotor, and cognitive systems and reach certain functional goals in occupational, physical, and speech therapy. It is part of a patient's "integrated plan of care;" the therapist chooses to involve equine movement if it helps the patient ... Show more content on ... The treatment is entirely made up of the horse's movements and how the patient responds to those movements. Though horse–back riding has been seen as therapeutic for hundreds of years, few have actually researched its effects and potential benefits on special needs children. Therapeutic riding became more common in the 1960's, and people have also used it for physical therapy since then. The theoretical framework that hippotherapy is built on: The dynamic systems theory is what causes humans to adapt to changes in their environment The theory of sensory integration implies that learning depends on sensory and motor capacities The theory of neuronal group selection assumes that neuronal maps and fixed response patterns come from a person's interaction with their environment and their experience. A therapy that incorporates equine movement in a treatment plan for patients with neuromuscular impairments. In a 30–min session, the horse "can take between 2,000 and 3,000 ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Early Childhood Hippotherapy Results This systematic review utilized three medical databases such as ProQuest Medical, PubMmed, and CINAHL. The keywords used to complete the search were: hippotherapy, children, and cerebral palsy. The search resulted in 15 peer– reviewed articles that showed overall improvements in balance and mobility in children with cerebral palsy. Chang, Kwon, Lee, and Kim (2012) conducted a pilot study containing 33 children ages four and up, with cerebral palsy. Hippotherapy sessions were conducted twice a week for 8 consecutive weeks in an 18X27 m indoor riding arena. Each hippotherapy session lasted 30 minutes. After the intervention process, the study showed an outcome that hippotherapy can improve gross motor function and being balance in children with Cerebral Palsy (Chang, H. J., Kwon, J., Lee, J., & Kim, Y., 2012). The following authors, Hsieh, Yang, Sun, Chan, Wang, and Luo (2016) conducted a longitudinal study with a sample size of 14 children between the ages 3 to 8. The study implemented hippotherapy for 30 minutes once weekly for 12 consecutive weeks. Over the 12 weeks of hippotherapy, significant improvements in ICF–CY ... Show more content on ... conducted a study on 34 children from 3–12 years old who had bilateral spastic (32) or unilateral CP (2) to investigate the effectiveness of hippotherapy. The participants took part in forty–five minute hippotherapy sessions twice a week for an eight week period. These sessions were conducted by a registered occupational therapist (OT) who had been accredited by the American Hippotherapy Association, an assistant to lead the horse, and a volunteer sidewalker. Baseline tests for physical function were conducted prior to the intervention therapy. The participants were then tested for progress after the hippotherapy program had commenced. The measurement tests utilized were: GMFM 66, GMFM 88, and PEDI–FSS. A control group of 21 children with CP were tested and included in the study for comparison and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Case Study: Pearlman Vs. Wagstaff Stables To: Professor Puertas From: Raymond Cho Date: September 7, 2015 Re: Pearlman v. Wagstaff–Validity of Exculpatory Clause under California Law CLOSED MEMORANDUM EXTENDED DRAFT IV. Discussion License and regulation A court will likely determine that in Pearlman v. Wagstaff Stables, Wagstaff Stables is not a business of a type generally thought to be suitable for public regulation. Gardner v. Downtown Porsche Audi, 180 Cal.App.3d 713 (1986) In determining whether a business is a business type generally thought suitable for public regulation, courts generally look to see if they are licensed and regulated by the state, it is. Id at 713. In Gardner v. Downtown Porsche Audi, the California Court of Appeal found Downtown Porsche Audi to be a ... Show more content on ... Adhesion contracts are necessary in cases where a service provider has a decisive bargaining advantage on an essential service. A purely recreational activity that has multiple other providers does not create a bargaining advantage or a need for an adhesion contract. In Hulsey, the plaintiff chose to partake in the dangerous and recreational activity of parachuting on his own accord. The choice was not out of practical necessity. Because there is no reasonable reason besides the experience of participating in an extreme sport, the business has no superior bargaining power. While the court did not explicitly state this, there is evidence to believe this implication. In cases where a superior bargaining power is present, and there is a need for an adhesion contract, the court specifies so. The plaintiff may argue that the 30–day waiting period for Wagstaff stables gives them a superior bargaining power. However, this argument is unlikely to hold in court, as there are other hippotherapy providers in ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Hippotherapy Intervention Paper Problem Statement Some difficulties that children with special needs may face are speech and language disorders, physical impairments, and other conditions that may make everyday tasks more challenging. Speech therapy can help people improve their ability to communicate verbally, physical therapy can improve their gross motor functions, balance, posture, etc., and occupational therapy can help people do common tasks they struggle with, such as cooking (Evans, n.d.; Bender & McKenzie, 2008). If children receive therapy for certain diagnoses early in their lives, they may improve enough that they would no longer even need therapy (Evans, n.d.). Hippotherapy, which is a form of therapy treatment that utilizes the movements of a horse, is ... Show more content on ... Each child has goals that they are trying to reach, and, every day the child is present, their therapists write down observations to determine what percentage the child has improved in their set goals, which gives them a way to measure the child's success. The study I am proposing has an experimental, qualitative design, as I plan to compare the percent each student improves during hippotherapy sessions with the amount improved in classroom therapy sessions to determine if the effects of hippotherapy on children with special needs are different from those of conventional speech therapy. I will then use this data to answer the following question: What are the effects of hippotherapy on improvement for children who take occupational, physical, and speech therapy that are between the ages of two and seventeen as compared to those of conventional therapy? This research will contribute to existing research being conducted for hippotherapy by comparing its effects on children to those of conventional therapy, which can later influence parents and therapists to consider therapy earlier in children's lives and look into more unconventional forms of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hippotherapy Study Moraes and others (2016) found in their study that the children who had been participating in a hippotherapy program had better functional ability compared to their own pre–treatment ability. This was measured by the completion of a standard questionnaire by the parents of the children. While this essentially makes the parents the data collectors for this portion of the study, considerable bias is removed by using a questionnaire with specific self–help tasks and daily routine tasks which the parents then rank based on their child's ability to perform said tasks with or without assistance. This makes the data more dependable and more acceptable to the scientific community in general. Another study found that teenagers with intellectual disabilities ... Show more content on ... Children with recent history of surgery, low and high motor tone, seizures, respiratory issues, cardiac issues, or spinal instability should be screened extremely carefully before participating in hippotherapy treatment (PATHI, 2012). In these situations, the risk may outweigh the benefit. Guidelines in the handbook provided to the public by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International can aid in the decisions on who should participate and who should not. In some cases, this is only temporary, but there are situations when a condition will be a valid reason for long–term exclusion for ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Pet Therapy Imagine you were in a hospital suffering from depression and your doctors mentioning pet therapy and you decide to try it out. Your doctor arranges for you to meet with someone in the morning to tell you all about it. Soon after that, a dog and its handler visit you in your room and you are invited to pet the dog, play with it, and ask questions to the owner. After the visit, you realize you're smiling, less tired, and more optimistic, and you can't wait to tell your friends and family about it and can't wait for tomorrow to see the dog again. This is called pet therapy. Because pet therapy is popular today people should understand the physical, mental, and social benefits before making a decision. Pet therapy is a broad term that ... Show more content on ... Vulnerable prison inmates have benefited from pet therapy programs, including a group of female prisoners in Northern Ireland. Animal therapy is used extensively for depression. For physical health, it can lower blood pressure, reduce medication some people need, and can slow down breathing with those who are anxious. Pet therapy can diminish all overall pain, and relax you when doing complicated or challenging exercises. It can increase motivations, and allow people to enjoy therapy sessions more, and make it less stressful (Consumer Health 6.) Pet therapy is used a lot for substance abusers. Animals can often calm down a substance abuser and prepare them to face their demons. Addicts are most likely to focus only on themselves, but engaging with an animal can encourage them to think about others. Animals can also encourage them to stop the substance abuse because most substance abusers don't have money so when they starve, they can see the effects on someone other than them. Substance abusers who go to counseling with an animal are proven to learn more about teamwork, and communication. Counseling programs with addicts can also help them to trust others more, and self–express themselves. Animals often introduce fun into sessions which can help with the pressure and tension during a challenging discussion(Dogtime 12.) Pet therapy is a big help in dementia. Pet therapy type interactions can lift spirits of those living at living centers. Pet ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Benefits Of Hippotherapy The Benefits of Hippotherapy There are many different types of treatments that have been experimented with to treat different disorders or diseases. A very unique example of this is hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is the use of a horse as a treatment tool for physical, occupational, and speech therapy (McGraw). The term hippotherapy comes from the Greek word "hippos," which means horse. There have been records of people using horseback riding as a therapeutic treatment strategy since ancient Greece. More recently, the use of horseback riding has been used for rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities since 1875. As the use of horses for therapy began to grow, therapeutic riding centers began to form in the United States, Canada, and Europe ... Show more content on ... There are many social or emotional benefits that they can gain from this treatment strategy as well. The children who are engaged in these activities are able to express themselves to the horse and possibly even the therapist they are working with. They have no fear of rejection from the horse, and therefore feel that they can speak or act however they want. "...animals are an important instrument for developing social skills in children. Through their interactions with animals, children can obtain knowledge of values and attitudes from the animals" (Granados; Agís). The children with special needs that are receiving this treatment won't be as isolated as other special needs kids usually are and they sometimes have to form relationships with the helpers during their sessions in order to be able to communicate with the horse. This will improve their social skills immensely. They can also learn socially acceptable ways to express their feelings around the animal and get certain responses or reactions from them (Granados; ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Hippotherapy Analysis Why children with special needs feel better with hippotherapy The use of horses within a therapeutic setting can be described under four broad categories: valuing, hippotherapy, riding therapy, and riding for rehabilitation. In the article,"Why children with special needs feel better with hippotherapy sessions: a conceptual review," by Anabel Granados and Inmaculada Fernández Agís, the authors theorized that there are two types of hippotherapy, classic and modern. Classic hippotherapy is performed with one patient and at least one therapist and a horse or a donkey. The therapist uses the three–dimensional movement of the horse's back as an apparatus to manipulate the passive body of the patient. The treatment consists entirely of the horse's ... Show more content on ... "About 120 individuals were consecutively and randomly allocated to one of three groups: (T1) rhythm and music–based therapy program; (T2) therapeutic riding; or (T3) control group receiving the T1 training program a year later."(Käll, 2012). The search criterion was limited to individuals who suffered from stroke 1 to 5 years prior to the study. By searching through hospital files, they selected people who were potentially eligible for the trial. Those who met the criteria were those who were aged 50–75 years, being in the late phase of stroke, having their own house, subarachnoid haemorrhage with initial presence of hemispheric impact/symptoms, and having an additional stroke within the past year. "The therapy program, designed to help people with injuries and diseases of the central nervous system is called Ronnie Gardiner Rhythm and Music method (RGRM™) and has since 1993 been implemented in healthcare and rehabilitation in Sweden." (Käll, 2012).The method is based on the principle of neuroplasticity which allows the nerve cells in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment ( , and uses rhythm, music, colour, the voice, text, shapes and movement to stimulate coordination, balance, endurance, attention, memory, body image and social interactions. (Käll, 2012). With hippotherapy, the rhythmic and repetitive walking motion of a horse resembles that of a human walking, and the many textures, sounds and sights provide an enriched environment. The concept of hippotherapy and all these different things that can be incorporated with it, such as rhythm and music, gives people that have suffered from a stoke ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Hippotherapy In Children Some problems that children with special needs may face are speech and language disorders, which include articulation disorders, fluency disorders, receptive or expressive communication disorders, and many more. Speech disorders cause children to have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds, while language disorders make combining ideas and creating sentences challenging. Speech therapy can help these children improve their ability to communicate verbally, and, if it is administered early in their lives, children may improve enough that they will no longer even need therapy (Evans, n.d.). Hippotherapy is a type of therapy that takes place on the back of a horse, and it is useful for speech, physical, and occupational therapy. It differs ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Complementary And Alternative Therapies Discuss the various methods of complementary and alternative therapies. CAMS are divided into five different categories: biological, manipulative–body, mind–body, energy, and alternative medicine. For example, dance therapy would fall under the manipulative–body based interventions, while mind–body interventions encompass alternatives like poetry, art, or music, and yoga would be an example of mind–body interventions and manipulative–body. Participants in music therapy have reported improved quality of life, and yoga therapy has been shown to lead individuals towards motivation to health improvement. As well, dance therapy has been proven to improve body image, coordination, body awareness, depression, anxiety, and stress relief; as well, sexual abuse survivors have used dance therapy to reconnect with their body by coping and processing, as well as give them a sense of freedom from their trauma (Complementary and Integrative, n.d.). ... Show more content on ... I feel one of the most research CAMs is hippotherapy, and it is one that I am quite familiar with in my line of work. Hippotherapy is equine, or horse, therapy and is very common in special needs children, particularly those with autism. In conjunction with traditional therapies and treatment plans, it is proven to be very effective in regards to posture, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, as well as body and cognitive awareness. There is also extensive research done looking at how coping and communication skills improved in individuals since the start of hippotherapy (Ajzenman, Shurtleff, & Standeven, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Hippotherapy Essay Helen Thompson once wrote, "In riding a horse we borrow freedom."[3] People have always been astounded by the magnificence of horses. They were always seen as majestic, free, strong, and loyal. It was at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952 that Liz Hartel admitted that riding a horse helped her recover from polio. Soon after her speech, in the 1960s, therapeutic riding centers were created in Europe, Canada, and the United States. It was also during the 1960s, that the horse was used as an adjunct to physical therapy in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria; and the practice was named hippotherapy. This concept quickly made its way to the United States, and the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) was created in 1969. Thereafter, ... Show more content on ... The researchers had ninety–two children with cerebral palsy that were four to six years old participate in this study. They were randomly assigned to either a hippotherapy group or control group. The children in the hippotherapy group had 30 minutes of hippotherapy, twice a week for eight weeks in addition to conventional physiotherapy. Services were provided indoors with a therapist, horse leader, and two side walkers. The protocol that was used involved muscle relaxation, postural alignment of head, trunk, and lower extremities, independent sitting, and active exercises. The control group consisted of thirty minutes of home aerobic exercise. The Gross Motor Function Classification System–88 was used as an outcome measure as well as the GMFM–66; balance was assessed using the Pediatric Balance Scale. The results of this study were increased scores on the GMFM–88, GMFM–66, and PBS. This study was the first randomized control study that was done in regards to hippotherapy ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Autism Therapy Essay Autism Therapy There is an extremely diverse and complex developmental disorder which shows itself in children in different ways. There are many different types and styles of treatment available for children with autism. These therapies can be used individually or in combination with each other in order to provide effective treatment. Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is a brain development disorder. Autism symptoms typically appear when a child is an infant or toddler. An article states "Recent research confirms that appropriate screening can determine whether a child is at risk for autism as young as one year. While every child develops differently, we also know that early treatment improves outcomes, often dramatically" (Learn ... Show more content on ... In Hippotherapy a trained volunteer leads the rider, and two other volunteers walk on either side to make sure the rider is safe. Each rider has their own goal, but this therapy mainly focuses on speech, socialization, and fitness. A study found that "a 10–week therapeutic horseback riding intervention with children diagnosed with [autism spectrum disorder] can result in significant improvement" parents have also agreed that this has greatly benefited their child (Horseback Riding as Autism ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The And Materials For Those With Multiple Disabilities Patricia Krueger Dr. Sharon Kolb Curriculum, Methods, & Materials For Those With Multiple Disabilities November 18, 2014 Not Just Horsing Around Imagine yourself as a child with restricted movements and impairments not felt by others your age. Imagine for a longing to be free, free from the restricting walls of the hospital and therapy room. Freedom was a goal that Anne and Tom had for their son William. They wanted freedom of the traditional therapy setting because watching their child make little to no progress therapy session after therapy session left Anne and Tom discouraged. They wanted nothing more for their son than to thrive and develop the new skills that they knew he could. "William has hypotonia, or low muscle tone and some overall developmental delays" said Anne. His parents set several goals, but their first goal was to get William to learn to walk. Watching his therapy sessions in the traditional setting were painful as parents. They were feeling hopeless with the lack of progress with the physical therapy sessions William was attending. The Physical therapist herself felt that there was not much more that she could do there in the hospital for William. That's when she recommended hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is what would eventually get William to his goal of walking in 3 short months, and though not a therapy goal, one of William's first words was Dolly, the name of a favorite volunteer. Hippotherapy for William. What is hippotherapy? Hippotherapy ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Novice To Occupational Therapy: New Graduates Everyone is a novice at the beginning, the process to becoming an expert involves life long learning (Harris & Duncan, 2009). In relation to occupational therapy a new graduate is considered a novice. As a novice new graduates have skills in finding information they need and have a good grounding in current occupational therapy theories (Robertson, 2012). However a novice works with a high cognitive load which may challenge then working memory, resulting in errors (Ladyshewsky, 2009). Where a novice will be relying on procedural reasoning until experience is gained, an expert uses conditional reasoning which is a multidimensional process (Fleming, 1991; Robertson, 2012) To transition from novice to expert requires the new graduate to gain ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Literature Review On Equine Therapy Literature Review Source 1 In source 1, an article written by the ASDF (Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation), from the website , assessed in 2012, with the title 'How your child can Benefit from Equine Therapy), it states that Autistic children/people benefit immensely from Equine Therapy (horse encounters). For thousands of years the bond between man and animal has proven to be effective in creating an emotional, healing bond. Children/people with autism also benefit from equine therapy due to the motor, emotional and sensory sensations that come with riding a horse. Equine Therapy is seen as the most mysterious yet beautiful form of intervention for Autistic people. A significant amount of benefits and improvements were found using Equine Therapy for Autistic children: Creating the Emotional Bond: Autistic children have difficulty bonding emotionally to ... Show more content on ... Developing good motor control is a fundamental element of developing necessary life skills. Horse therapy for autistic children allows the participants to use their muscles to control the movement of the horse. Some include grooming activities that improve fine motor skills as well. Communication is developed. The motivating nature of the activities makes them ideal for encouraging communication. The inability to communicate effectively can be extremely frustrating for people on the autism spectrum. Although people diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome may not exhibit problems with language, some significant difficulties with communication are apparent when you look at details about Aspergers closely. Equestrian programs for autistic children promote communication. The child is highly motivated to use language and signs to ask to ride, continue riding, and to interact with the animals. The nonverbal interaction between the child and the horse is a building block. The child learns how to control the movements of the horse and the animal provides feedback through its ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Hippotherapy Therapy In addition to current therapeutic intervention, there are some modern therapies which are used in the rehabilitation program. Hippotherapy is a modern physiotherapy treatment for improving gross motor skills (walking, standing, sitting, etc.), balance, and strength in cerebral palsy children. While child sat on the horse therapist teaches various exercises to the child based on types of impairment. Simultaneously therapist needs to monitor and control the horse while the child is riding horseback. Park et al (2014) State that hippotherapy has a positive effect in gross motor function and reduces muscle tone in children with cerebral palsy.Similarly; Hydrotherapy intervention for children provides functional skills, mobility and reduces spasticity. The main benefit of aquatic therapy is diminishing the hypertonicity in spastic children. The mechanism of hydrotherapy is under some neurological change in nerve fiber activity as the child exposes in warm water. As ... Show more content on ... There are many contributing factors to develop deformities. For example lack of movement due to abnormal tone, muscle weakness and abnormal movement pattern. Some of the most deformities are as follow, equines varus, and scoliosis. Therefore to avoid secondary complication, it is better to seek for early physiotherapy treatment. The main duty of therapist is to find out the deformity and look for suitable treatment at early stages, as there is only a limited period which can prevent or reduce the deformity. For example in spastic child who did not receive proper treatment most likely fails to perform independently. Besides, the child with deformity complaint of pain and discomfort due to faulty joint position (Hinchcliffe 2007). Blackmore (2006) conducted a study on the effectiveness of casting for ankle deformity in cerebral palsy. The study show casting has a great effect in correction of abnormal gait in cerebral palsy ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Occupational Therapy Self The use of therapeutic use of self is engrained throughout the philosophies of occupational therapy. It becomes an integral part of the therapist. Semour (2012) explains it as planned and deliberate interactions with a client. It is a multifaceted approach involving the building of rapport to establish the relationship with the client, being sensitive to a clients personal experiences and ensuring the therapist practices remain client centred (Semour, 2012). The therapist needs to understand the clients story and show personal sensitivity, respect and trust of the clients own experiences. (Taylor, 2008) I strongly value the importance of the therapeutic use of self and the effects it has on the clients we work with. I got to experiences ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Case Study: Profession Of Physical Therapy EBP Group Presentation PTHA 1301 – Profession of Physical Therapy Marissa Maiwelmal, Austin Lick, Payton Connot, Chris Hall October 1, 2015 Summary Animal–assisted therapy has recently received attention in providing therapeutic benefits for a variety of developmental disabling disorders. This type of therapy is designed to use animals in order to implement treatments that could help in the areas of cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Studies have also shown the physiological benefits of animal therapy in such areas as lower blood pressure, heart rate, and a decrease in anxiety levels. This study focused on horseback riding and how it impacted the social functioning of children with autism. Therapeutic horseback riding has been used in the treatment of individuals with physical and mental disabilities. Horseback riding therapy is used in improving posture, balance, and mobility, while also developing a bond between the rider and horse. Therapeutic horseback riding can stimulate several domains, particularly in children who ... Show more content on ... Martin and Farnum conducted a study which involved the use of dogs. The purpose of the study was to find out if the interaction with dogs would help with social interaction of individuals with autism. Researchers in this study found that the participants that interacted with the live dogs engaged in more initiating behavior. Another study by Sams looked at standard occupational therapy versus animal therapy and its effects on social interaction and language use in individuals with autism. The study showed that the individuals that interacted with the live animals had significantly greater use of language and social interaction as compared to the traditional occupational therapy. This study's goal was to examine the effects of a 12–week therapeutic horseback riding intervention on social functioning of children with ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Hippotherapy Personal Statement It has invariably been my dream to work with children with disabilities and to achieve a career as an Occupational Therapist. I want to work with children who have disabilities to help assist in making a difference in their lives. From a young age, I have known what I wanted to be when I grew up. We were close with a family when I was growing up that had a daughter who had Rett Syndrome. I grew up watching how different therapies, particularly hippotherapy, improved her quality of life. I have spent summers volunteering at the Equestrian Zone, which is a place that offers hippotherapy to people who have disabilities. I've spent my breaks from college shadowing therapists to be certain this is what I want to spend my life doing. I have observed ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Don Name Changed For Confidentiality Essay Ben (name changed for confidentiality), a young boy with Down Syndrome and anxiety lessened much of his anxiety working with the horses, that I had the pleasure of working under the supervision of an occupational therapist. When Ben first started working with the program he was afraid to get near the horse and did not even want to come close enough to get on let alone pet the horse. We worked with him on deep breathing techniques, muscle control and some speech therapy. By the end of the eight–week session we worked with Ben, he was able to not only get near the horse, but by the last day, he was giving the horse a kiss on the nose. His mother said that the deep breathing techniques that we equipped him with not only helped him in therapy, but in his everyday life when he was feeling anxious. During the summer of 2016, I volunteered as a summer intern at a therapeutic horseback riding organization, We Can Ride Inc. They offer therapeutic horse back riding, therapeutic ground lesson working on personal care with the horses, equine– assisted psychotherapy but, most interestingly they offer hippotherapy, equine assisted occupational therapy. My time with We Can Ride Inc. confirmed my desire to work in a helping profession, in a hands on way with clients to make their lives better. During my eight weeks with We Can Ride Inc., I was so impressed and excited by the progress I was able to see in the clients that I worked with. There was not only physical progress, but ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Hippotherapy Experience Paper Throughout my teenage years I participated in many volunteer activities in my community. I worked with several volunteer programs at my church, including serving as an assistant teacher for the English as Second Language group, feeding and socializing with residents during the hypothermia housing for the homeless, and packaging and delivering food for the FACETS food assistance program. However, the Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program was my favorite by far because it combined the two things that I loved, horses and therapy, to help people grow and learn. The therapeutic riding program used "Hippotherapy", instructed by a physical therapist to help physically and cognitively impaired children and young adults with disabilities such ... Show more content on ... During my first two years' community service was a part of our curriculum, in our Personal Development Portfolio. This portfolio consisted of two classes, one freshman year and the other senior year which includes an internship or practicum. We also must complete a portfolio paper of our work at Bridgewater over the past four years, showing our development as students and professionals. The community service aspect of our curriculum was supplied by the requirement of students to complete at least ten hours of community service each semester. Along with this, the school required sports teams to do an additional two hours of community service together to build relationships between the team and community. During the years that I was competing on the swim team we would go to the nursing home and help serve brunch for the residence. This was such a positive experience because the retirement community is about as old as our college so the residences are always very interested in the events of our school. Many of the residence either went to Bridgewater themselves or had children or grandchildren who attended the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Children with Autism... Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that affects a person's social interaction and communication. This disorder is mainly characterized by having difficulty with social interaction, communication, and having restricted behaviors. Difficulty with social interaction means someone will struggle to communicate their feelings/emotions, understand how others feel or think, develop peer relationships, and understand nonverbal behaviors (eye gaze, facial expressions, etc). Difficulty with communication will vary among the individual. Some individuals will develop expressive language, while others will not. The speech of those that do develop expressive language will often be repetitive, rote, and lack ... Show more content on ... EAA is a subtype of animal–assisted activities, which can be provided by anyone who receives specialized training and certification. Equine–assisted therapy (EAT), a subtype of animal–assisted therapy, is the integration of the horse into goal–directed treatment and is provided by licensed therapist. (p. 205) Hippotherapy is a specialized type of equine–assisted therapy (EAT). It means involving a horse during the course of treatment. In order to conduct hippotherapy, one must be a licensed therapist (physical, occupational, or speech–language pathologist) and be certified through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH). During hippotherapy, the client will sit on the horse's back and adjust their body to the movements of the horse's walk. "The client does not influence the horse; rather, the horse's movements influences the rider. Functional riding skills are not taught, and any improvement in the client's quality of life is secondary" (Macauley & Gutierrez, 2004). Within the scope of practice of the therapist, the client will perform activities that will help achieve the set treatment goals while sitting on top of the horse, complementing their horse's walk. "Both physical and psychosocial benefits have been documents or reports from the use of EAT and hippotherapy" (Macauley & Gutierrez, 2004). The following three studies provide further evidence of the effect of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Hippotherapy And Psychodynamic Approach movements. But those who insist to continue discover very quickly how important it is because being outdoors means that the child comes in contact with nature. This gives the child a pleasant touch to everyday life as opposed to the clinical environment (Lechner, H. E et al., 2007) In contrast to the classical physiotherapy exercises are very different and the child is more cooperative and not pressed. (Ajzenman, H. F., 2013) Conclusion: As a result we understand that in Greece there are no adequate facilities for hippotherapy in contrast with physiotherapy but we cannot ignore the positive impact on the child psychology as it consists of a little getaway for the child that creates an opportunity for fun and to be with other children of his age. 2.5Public Perception ... Show more content on ... In Greece although there are hippo–therapy centers, their number is not so great for the target audience. This is because Hippo therapy is a new method of rehabilitation which started the last 20 years in Greece and is still under–development. The therapeutic riding program began in 1983 at the initiative of Aideen Lewis together with a group of children of the Spastic Society in Equestrian Varympompi Group, in 1992 the S.TH.I.E. (Therapeutic Riding). (GSATRH, 2004) While abroad in 1952 the Danish Liz Hartel, which was a polio victim since 1940, with partial paralysis in both legs, won the silver medal horsemanship capacity at the Olympics in Helsinki, inspiring pioneers of therapeutic riding to organize programs for people with disabilities. Thus, since the early 50s, physiotherapists began to investigate and use more systematically the rhythmic movement, which one experiences on horseback. In 1969 A. Kroger, special education teacher, wrote an article entitled "Educating with Horses", setting ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Reflective Essay On Occupational Therapy Growing up, I was close to a family that had a daughter with Rett Syndrome. I grew up watching how different therapies, particularly hippotherapy, immensely helped her. Through the impact this girl had on me, I have aspired to work with children who have disabilities. I have observed multiple types of therapies and have decided that Occupational Therapy is the route that will best help me reach these aspirations. It is my goal to help make a difference in people's lives, and in their families' lives, following graduation from an Occupational Therapy school. As an Occupational Therapist, you get to help such a wide variety of people. One person you treat may need sensory therapy, and the next person you treat may have a neuromuscular problem. ... Show more content on ... One semester I took a class that was about teaching children with exceptionalities. In this class, I learned about all different types of disabilities, what it's like to have these disabilities, how to help students cope with their disabilities, and how schools are supposed to accommodate the student. The class was such an eye–opener on how students with disabilities live and how challenging school can be for them. In taking the prerequisite courses, I discovered a love for studying how the body works, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. In this upcoming semester, Spring of 2017, I am registered to take an American Sign Language class. Learning sign language will undoubtedly be beneficial to know when working with people who have disabilities. It will provide me with skills to work with clients with communication issues. For instance, if I have a client who is nonverbal, I can teach them a way to communicate with others. I am a part of a club on campus that is heavily involved with a school in our community that serves students of all ages with developmental disabilities and with our area's Special Olympics. I've helped our area's regional and state Special Olympics in the past several years. Becoming an Occupational Therapist is a goal that I have been working hard to achieve my whole life and know it's a field that I will be highly successful ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay On Hippotherapy "The term hippotherapy means treatment with the help and use of a horse." (Meregillano) Hippotherapy uses the movement of the horse to challenge the client. With that being said within this following paper is it going to go into more depth about hippotherapy. Not only is it going to go into depth about hippotherapy, but also how the study of hippotherapy works, how it helps people, how it is used, the benefits, and the type of individuals that are needed to perform hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is used for a wide range of neurologic problems. Conditions that are usually treated with the help of hippotherapy are: "cerebrovascular accident, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, lumbago, limb deformity, spinal deformity, and muscular dystrophy." (Meregillano). However it is not limited to just those conditions. For example, in other cases it can also be used for things such as "developmental dyspraxia, sensory integration deficits, poor or decreased gross ... Show more content on ... The hippotherapy horse provides a plethora of sensory and emotional experience. The horse provides consistent reactions to clients by making the rider become more aware of his or her environment by engaging the mind. When engaged in a particular activity coupled with the enjoyment of riding a gentle animal, a client with attention–deficit disorder is noted to have a lengthening of attention span and focus. The horse as a treatment tool not only provides physical benefits, but also the horse assists the client in following commands, sequencing steps, and problem solving via guidance of the therapist in certain activities. Cognitive abilities can be improved by the therapist reinforcing previous skills or introducing new skill or activities. The horse also provides positive acceptance and can help increase confidence and self–esteem in the client, which increases the level of participation and improvement in ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Cerebral Palsy Analysis Rehabilitation Techniques for Cerebral Palsy With modern technology, research and experiments are being performed by using some form of electronics. In public settings more than half of the individuals are doing some form of activity with their hand held device. They are listening to music, on social media, taking pictures, or communicating on it. Since this generation co–habituates with electronics, forming rehabilitation techniques that incorporate electronics helps to get the individuals involved more comfortably. In this paper I will be reviewing three articles that approach cerebral palsy with different concepts. Two focus on using telerehabilitation, and the other one focuses on immediate and long term effects of hippotherapy. These ... Show more content on ... Doing this generates artificial sensory information in a way that is similar to real life activities. In a rehabilitation approach, using VR creates an interactive environment that can be used to reach a specific goal. For this specific study the goal was to measure functional independence in everyday activities. This research article contained nine separate studies that each had their own questionnaires. Each was based off a PICO (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) question(Snider, Majnemer, & Darsaklis, 2010). The main question being asked was, "Does training using VR intervention improve outcomes in children with CP?"(Snider et al., 2010). What they meant by outcomes were brain reorganization, spatial skills, motor skills, functional everyday self– care, playfulness, and leisure activities. A total of thirteen articles from eleven articles were used for final analysis(Snider et al., 2010). Each of the nine studies were then classified as either experimental or observational. The experimental studies used random assignment, control groups, and blinding of therapists and subjects(Snider et al., 2010). The observational studies consisted of descriptive pre–post designs. The designs did not include subjects acting as their own controls, and randomization(Snider et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Equine-Assited Therapy The Helsinki Olympics, 1952. Liz Hartel won a silver medal in equestrian sports and told the world how riding had helped her recover from polio ("History"). Therapeutic riding is a term that has been used to encompass the variety of equine activities for individuals with disabilities, but the correct terminology for utilizing the movement of the horse as a treatment strategy to improve neuromuscular function is "hippotherapy," meaning "treatment with the help of the horse" from the Greek word, "hippos", meaning horse ("Hippotherapy"). Equine–assisted therapy is a positive and successful form of therapy for individuals with disabilities because it boosts confidence and allows for improvement in physical and occupational capabilities. Studies show that hippotherapy has proven to be beneficial for individuals with a variety of disabilities. Learning to master the horse increases the rider's self–esteem and confidence. Interacting with and controlling the horse enhances focus, decision–making skills, and effective verbal and nonverbal communication ("Why the Horse?"). Riders may become very satisfied and self–confident after successfully completing a task set by the instructor of the hippotherapy session. This feeling of confidence improves the rider's overall mood and makes them enjoy horseback riding even more. During a hippotherapy session, individuals work to improve their physical capabilities. While walking, the horse's body position changes periodically, allowing ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Equine Therapy Despite everything good about hippotherapy, it is not without some disadvantages. Equine therapy is a great alternative therapy; however, it does include some risks. These therapy sessions are on a live horse, granted the animals have great training, but they do have a mind of their own and can be unpredictable. There are risks to where the rider falls off or be thrown from the horse. Since the horse does feel the emotions of their rider, an excessive amount of fear can increase the patient's stress level, which can turn itself as increased tension. Also, many people have allergies and being around an environment that has dust, hay, and horse hair may affect the allergies of the patient (Benoit). Not only are all of these disadvantages, but ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Equine Assisted Therapy Winston Churchill once stated,"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man," that statement certainly rings true when discussing the topic of Equine Assisted Therapy. Since Ancient Greece, people have been using horseback riding as a form of therapy to help people who are disabled to improve their lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. Despite the fact that horseback riding is typically dismissed as a form of physical therapy, the physical, mental, and emotional benefits prove that therapeutic riding is a valuable form of therapy. Hippotherapy is a form of equine assisted therapy that helps disabled individuals to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. Hippotherapy has been shown to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Hippotherapy Vs Physical Therapy coordination and balance, these effects were observed in less time compared to the conventional physical therapy (PT). Specifically, McGibon et al (2009) observed reduction of increased muscle tone.(McGibbon, 2009). For this reason, we understand that hippotherapy is more cost efficient and offers a better long term profit. Finally we come to the last point is the large number of therapists needed for making a single session. But on the other hand, we have the creation of new jobs and thus cost efficiency. Conclusion: We can claim that hippotherapy as a treatment may be more accurate as a method of rehabilitation but it must be remembered that it produces positive and faster results in children with cerebral palsy (CP). This balances the cost ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The's Equine And Aquatic Therapy Services Bethany's Equine and Aquatic Therapy Services, Incorporated, more widely–known as BEATS, Inc., is a treatment facility that utilizes both hippotherapy and aquatic therapy for children with a variety of disabilities (BEATS, n.d.). Aquatic therapy employs the use of water as a means to treat various conditions by aiding in reducing chronic pain and enabling a wider range of motion (Oeverman, n.d.). Hippotherapy is a lesser known method of treating mental, physical, and sensory disabilities by using horses. When ridden, the movements of the horses' spine and hips mimic the movements of walking or running for those who cannot. Even when stationary, the horses' consistent breathing stimulates the muscles of the individual riding that cannot be as readily stimulated with the use of any other mechanism (B. Nugent, personal communication, February 25, 2016). This unique form of therapy enables individuals to work on balance and strength. Above all, hippotherapy is incredibly beneficial in enhancing the motivation of disabled clients. Because the children are used to clinical settings, they do not realize that the session is a part of their treatment; instead, they are simply having fun. As the occupational therapist walks close by, often times engaging the child with the use of props, photographs, or games, they are still able to work with the child in the areas of need (Applegate, 2011). BEATS incorporates these two methods as a way of engaging disabled children and efficiently ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Physical Therapy Personal Statement Fonda Shu–Ayanji Statement of Purpose In 2012, I volunteered at the Maryland Therapeutic Riding where I observed a 6 year old child with cerebral palsy. For four weeks, he was guided by a physical therapist and his assistant as he controlled and communicated effectively with an 1100 pound horse which was much bigger. I was astonished. The child was able to complete challenging therapeutic activities through movement and interactions with a horse. This experience left me with indelible memories and influenced my decision to become a physical therapist as I witnessed the child regain his balance, strength, and coordination that completely changed his life (Hippotherapy). Though my initial interest in physical therapy sparked ... Show more content on ... For the past six months, I became an active member as well as the senior support counselor at a non–profit organization called Spirit Club. The program focuses on enhancing its members' gait, strength, agility, flexibility, stability, and cardiovascular endurance. As a senior support counselor, my goal is to educate, support, and motivate individuals with special needs to perform assigned exercises by their personal trainers. In addition, I volunteered for Keng Foundation in my hometown, Bafut, Cameroon as a Health Program Coordinator. I educated people in my community with low socioeconomic status on health care. I also implemented prevention strategies against STD's and HIV AIDS. The extracurricular activities have helped me improve my leadership skills as I have became a more organized, proactive, enthusiastic, and a good team worker. This will allow me to further showcase my talents and build a sustainable rapport with my ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Animal Assisted Therapy Is An Ethical Therapeutic Practice It comes to question as to whether or not animal–assisted therapy provides the correct treatment that it focuses on. When talking about animal–assisted therapy, poeple are using the presence of animals as a way to heal for therapeutic reasons. Targeting no specific patient, this practice is used throughout various age for various diseases and emotional, physical and intellectual disabilities. Animal–Assisted Therapy works to provide happiness throughout the rough times for any patient. Although a few individuals detest animal–assisted therapy because they believe that it utilizes inappropriate proprietorship as opposed to friendly companionship which follows a curative result. It is studied that animal–assisted therapy is an ethical therapeutic practice since it treats various disperses that may never be managed. The helpful capability of animals was initially perceived in the late 1800s, when Florence Nightingale, the founder of advanced nursing, made generous disclosures in regards to animal–assisted therapy. The thought that animal–assisted therapy can assume a critical part in enhancing human prosperity struck as a genuine practice in 1980(Berek 1). E. Friedman discovered a phenomenal experiment that showed those who own pets tend to live longer than those who do not own any pets(1). Studies show that petting an animal releases hormones that produce a calming effect to humans which can lead to lower blood pressure and stress levels(1). The calming effect also works on ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is not one specific disorder, but a group of disorders that have similar behavioral characteristic, such as difficulty with communication and socialization. The cause of ASD is still unknown but there are studies that indicate there may a genetic or environmental component. More specifically, ASD can cause limitations in intellectual abilities as well as difficulties with attention and motor coordination. ASD is usually identified during the first three years of life and affects boys at a higher rate than girls (Autism Society). ASD actually occurs at five times a higher rate in boys than in girls, affecting as many as 1 in 54 boys as compared to 1 in 252 girls (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). ... Show more content on ... These impaired motor skills can also cause difficulties in the educational setting (MedlinePlus). Children with ASD may also have challenges with the coordination required for physical activities such as walking, running, and jumping, but can also affect activities such as sitting, since autistic individuals can have difficulties with posture (Autism Speaks). Motor impairments can impact individuals with autism in a number of different ways and can have huge impacts on the basic activities of day to day living. In addition to motor impairments, individuals with ASD often have difficulties with how they respond to sensory information, or specific types of stimuli. This can include a hyper– sensitivity to touch, sound, light, and even smell (Autism Speaks). Individuals with ASD can demonstrate an extreme sensitivity to sensory input and can become confused, anxious, irritable, and fidgety when exposed to certain types of sensory input (Tomchek & Dunn, 2007). Reactions to certain types of sensory input can range from mild to more extreme. For example, one child might perform unusual eye movements, where another child might respond to sensory information by rocking his or her body (Autism Society of America). The use of physical activity has been shown to be beneficial to children with a multitude of developmental and physical impairments. Particularly, children with autism tend ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Animal Assisted Therapy By Dr. Levinson Animal–assisted therapy was created in 1792 to help patients in mental asylums to be able to interact with animals in peaceful environments and opportunities that otherwise they would not see. This was created by Dr. Levinson when he first saw a dog and boy that he had been treating interact with one another. This soon began to spread throughout the countries. It first arrived in the U.S. in 1944 through 1945 at a Hospital north of New York City, the hospital called Pawling army air force convalescent. The patients here interacted with farm animals such as horses and chickens. But with many things it took a long time before any data from places like this was collected. However it is becoming a more respected field among professionals ( Altschiller, D. 2011). It has been seen that pets can help calm people, lower blood pressure and they are great for people or children that cannot or do not relate well to other people. "Pets may help patients recover from acute illness––a study of patients following their discharge from the critical care unit found that 11 out of 39 patients without pets died within the subsequent year, compared with only three of 53 patients who had pets" (Floyd, et al. 2003).There are many animals that can be used in pet therapy but we are going to mainly focus on dogs and horses. Therapy Dogs are people's pets registered with an organization such as Therapy Dogs International, founded in 1976, the dogs are temperament tested and insured by the ... Get more on ...