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Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics" can be both
challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the vast scope of environmental issues and the
need to carefully select a compelling and relevant topic. One must navigate through the plethora
of environmental concerns, ranging from climate change and deforestation to pollution and
biodiversity loss, to find a specific angle that not only captivates the reader but also persuades
them to take action.
Research plays a pivotal role in crafting a well-informed and persuasive essay. Gathering reliable
data, statistics, and up-to-date information on the chosen environmental issue requires diligence
and thorough investigation. The complexity of environmental problems demands a nuanced
understanding, making it crucial to delve into various sources and viewpoints to present a
comprehensive and well-balanced argument.
Moreover, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay
and clearly communicates the writer's stance adds an additional layer of difficulty. The essay
must effectively convey the urgency and importance of the chosen environmental issue,
encouraging readers to reflect on their own behaviors and consider adopting sustainable
Organizing the essay coherently is another challenge. Striking the right balance between
presenting facts, providing evidence, and maintaining a persuasive tone requires skillful
composition. Transitioning smoothly between different points and weaving a persuasive narrative
that keeps the reader engaged is a skill that takes time and practice to master.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics" poses its
challenges, it also offers an opportunity to contribute to raising awareness and fostering a sense
of responsibility toward the environment. It demands a combination of research, critical
thinking, and effective communication skills to create a compelling piece that motivates readers
to take action.
For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including environmental issues, one can explore
writing services like, where professional writers can provide guidance and
support in crafting high-quality essays tailored to specific requirements.
Environmental Persuasive Essay TopicsEnvironmental Persuasive Essay Topics
Sherlock Holme Foil
The Hound of the Baskerville
The legendary author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the Hound of the Baskerville.
The story is all about solving the mysterious mystery of the death of Sir Charles.
Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Watson are trying to find out that the murderer is
and how would they solve it. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses Stapleton as a foil to
Holmes to highlight between good vs. evil, compare each character s personality, and
how their actions lead to solving the mystery.
As far as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the story, Stapleton was the greedy person
in which he was the murderer. While Mr. Holmes was a serious and a brilliant
London based detective. Holmes is renowned for his ability at using rationale and an
intelligent observation in solving the case. It is murder, Watson refined, cold blooded,
deliberate murder. The Hound of the Baskerville, page 144. As Watson said, All of my
unspoken instincts, my vague suspicions, suddenly took shape and centered upon the
naturalist. In that impassive, colorless man, with his straw hat and his butterfly net, I
seemed to see something terrible a creature of infinite patience and craft, with a
smiling face and a murderous heart. The Hound of the Baskervilles, page 44 ... Show
more content on ...
Holmes and Mr. Stapleton have different personalities. Sherlock as we know him is
the serious and mean but he s also friendly and across the board faith in curses and
the supernatural, Holmes is truly the singular case out of many others who never
questions the quest for a sound reason. In this limit, Holmes speaks to the universe
of logic and science. While Stapleton is an enthusiastic entomologist and a fearless
pioneer of the Grimpen Mire, where he keeps the huge hound. All together better to
lure Sir Henry, he demands that his wife put on a show to be his sister. He kicks the
bucket in the Mire, escaping from Holmes, Watson, and Inspector
Renewable Energy Sources For Clean Energy
As of right now China is the leader in clean energy usage. They have been
dramatically increasing their spending on clean/renewable energy source such as
wind turbines, solar photovoltaic cells, and water turbines. This rise of renewable
and clean energy in china has come with a hefty price. China has spent almost $500
billion on renewable energysources. With this increase of clean energyChina is also
reducing their use of coal and trying to get more coal plants to clean the coal so
that there will not be as many pollutant coming from the plants. China has made a
plan for all this to be possible, it will span over 5 years and it is planned to cause
20% of all energy used to be from renewable energy sources. Because of Chinas
determined plan to make a big change in clean/renewable energy they have become
the leader in clean and renewable energy usage, over doubling the amount of energy
the US has produced from renewable energy sources.
One very controversial aspect to the use of these renewable energy sources is how
they are changing the landscapes and some even displacing animals and humans form
their homes. One example of this is the Three Gorges Dam, a hydroelectric dam that
reaches across the Yangtze River. The dam is located near the town of Sandouping
in the Hubei province. When the dam was being built China had to relocate over
1.24 million people because the water that would be blocked from flowing down the
river would rise and flood many of the towns by the river.
In King Henry Iv, How Has Shakespeare Portrayed the...
Hal and Hotspur are the two most compared characters in Shakespeare s King
Henry IV: Part 1 because of the many similarities and differences that are portrayed
by Shakespeare. The audience is presented with many aspects about each character
very early on in the play, and it is then that they create expectations which can either
be confirmed or contradicted as the play goes on. Shakespeare usually portrays a
character through the use of literary and dramatic techniques throughout his work,
either subtle or obvious. In this particular text, he has used a range of textual
techniques to portray the characteristic of arrogance shared by both, portray Hotspur
s great honour, as well as Hal s notable dishonour, and the ways that the two contrast.
... Show more content on ...
Another way that Shakespeare portrays Hotspur as being an honourable character
is in the very way that he speaks. Throughout the play, Hotspur talks in the
sophisticated prose form, an example being But I remember when the fight was
done,/ When I was dry with rage and extreme toil,/ breathless and faint, leaning
upon my sword... The fact that Shakespeare has chosen for Hotspur to use prose
when he talks suggests to us that he is able to speak very well with such a fiery
passion about honourable things, like battles. In the given example, Hotspur uses
such a colourful description of the aftermath of a battle, not to say how extremely
well he fought, but giving a more modest account on how worn out he was, thus
Shakespeare reinforces the aspect of honour in his character. Shakespeare has utilized
techniques like foreshadowing, contrasting, setting and language to portray Hal as
dishonourable. Shakespeare portrays Hal from the beginning as being dishonourable
and unruly through the use of foreshadowing that is used by other characters. After
talking about how honourable Hotspur is, King Henry IV contrasts him with his own
son; riot and dishonour stain the brow/ of my young Harry. The heavy contrast here
foreshadows Hal s character as being that of dishonour because we have just been
given an image, through foreshadowing, about how grand Hotspur s honour is, then
King Henry gives and
Spay Aware Ad Analysis
There are many causes that people are adamant about in today s society. People are
aiming to acquire support for their cause, to provide services that will support their
cause, or to find solutions to a problem. A common cause is to neuter/spay animals
to lower the unwanted pet s population in a given location. An Ireland advert and a
Delaware advert offer the same solution: to neuter or spay animals. Ireland s Spay
Aware ad indirectly solves the problem by educating pet owners, the benefits of
spaying and neuter of pets and using emotions to hook the audience to go through
with spaying their pets. The Delaware SPCA s ad is more direct by offering a free
service to spay and neuter stray cats using logic and other incentives to ... Show more
content on ...
For the Delaware SPCA ad, the reason is simple: the cat provides a positive
example of this program. In a trap, neuter, release program, the veterinarian will
clip a part of the cat s ear off as a mark to tell others that the cat has been fix and
does not need to be place in a shelter. This cat has the clip ear and is fairly healthy
looking, as shown with the shine of the cat s fur and how plump the cat looks. The
Ireland ad portrays a strong, happy male being lick by a happy, go lucky dog. This,
too, has a reason. It is a common misconception that neutering male dogs rid them of
their man hood, so the ad targets this misconception by showing that neuter males are
just as manly as intact males. The ad went so far as proclaiming only real men neuter!
Those words, couple with the strong male and happy dog, will draw the attention of
males, who would then think that neutering is manly. This would lead them to going
through with the
Data Analysis Methods And Analysis Essay
Data Analysis Methods
1.Summarize the methods used in the study to analyze the data or evidence what
reasoning or rationale are they using to link the evidence or data to the conclusions of
the study?
пЃ¶Population: large U.S. cities defined as more than 200,000 residents and annual
population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.
пЃ¶Red Light Camera Programs: obtained through news reports and calls to city
police departments or public works department.
пЃ¶Calendar Years: 2004 2008 represented the latest 5 years for fatal crash rates
available of the after study period while 1992 1996 represented the before study
пЃ¶Fatality Analysis Reporting System: data on fatal crashes at intersections with
signal lights extracted for 1992 1996 and 2004 2008.
пЃ¶Poisson Regression Model: examines the relationship of camera enforcement and
other variables with fatal crash rates
2.If the study uses statistical techniques what are the main purposes for using these
пЃ¶Poisson Regression Models: accounted for the covariance structure due to
repeated measures because of each independent unit of analysis (city) had
observations (before and after periods). o population density: in thousands of
people per square mile for each study period; for example, the population density
during the before period calculated as the average annual population during 1992
1996 divided by the 1990 land area while the after period is calculated as the average
annual population of 2004 2008
Early Colonial America Factors
Early colonial America was influenced by many various factors. There are three main
factors. These three main factors are: the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia, the
introduction of slavery to America, and the enclosure of croplands in England. In
order to fully understand how America was influenced and shaped by each individual
factor, it is imperative to understand the consequence of each factor and the
importance of each consequence. These three factors are not equally important in
regard to their consequences. The three main factors, ranked by most important to
least important are the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia, the introduction of slavery
to America, and the enclosure of croplands in England. The factor with the most
important consequences is the cultivation of tobacco. There are three reasons that
prove that tobacco cultivation had the most important consequences. The first reason
is that cultivation of tobacco created a large profitable... Show more content on ...
But that is not to say that it was not important factor. The enclosure of croplands
forced many already destitute farmers to lose their livelihood. Many of these
people travelled to America as indentured servants.These indentured servants were
a major source of labor. Basically the enclosure of croplands prompted people to
travel to America Indentured servants were an indispensable source of labor
before slavery was widespread in the colonies. If indentured servants had not come
to America, colonial America would have been hard pressed for any settlers to
come. The transcontinental journey was very expensive. If you were not a wealthy
person it would be very hard for you to pay for the passage. So starting and keeping
a colony going would have been extremely difficult without indentured servants.
Also they were a source of labor before slavery was widespread, so laborers would
have been scarce without indentured
What Is The First Automobile Perfected
The first automobile perfected was in Germany and France by Nicolaus Otto,
Gottlieb Daimler, Carl Benz, and Emile Levassor. The First modern motorcar
however was made by Wilhelm Maybach and it was a 1901 Mercedes. It had 35
horsepower and it could achieve the speed of 53 mph, plus its engine only weighed
14 pounds. This car however had competition with a European designer. Ransom E
Olds made an Oldsmobile with three horsepower, one cylinder tiller steered, and a
curved dash. This car has a price of only $650, so with a lower price compared to the
Mercedes it was possible for middle class Americans to purchase and drive it. In 1908
Henry Fordmade the Model T. This car was very common if not the most popular car
in the early 1900s. Henry Ford
Positive Effects Of Bilingualism
Elizabeth Peal and Wallace Lambert published a monograph titled The Relation of
Bilingualism to Intelligence in 1962. They directed research in Montreal with 10 year
old children where they analyzed the performances of monolinguals to bilingual
speakers of French and English on standardized tests of intelligence. Before this study
was conducted, bilingualism was thought of negatively because there was concern
around bilingual children and the disadvantages of learning two languages at once.
Some disadvantages included lower intelligence, a languagehandicap , poor linguistic
capabilities, more grammatical errors, reduced vocabulary, among numerous other
factors researchers believed to be true. Peal and Lambert s discoveries were the first
research study that contradicted the negative opinions noted previously in research
and underlined the positive effects of bilingualism in relation to cognitive
development. Studies after Peal and Lambert s continued to show that bilingualism
has more positive, beneficial outcomes rather than focus on the negative ones. These
positive outcomes include better cognitive control abilities, improved executive
functioning, and protection against cognitive decline. Therefore, knowing two
languages is greater than knowing just one.
To continue the discussion around the Peal and Lambert study, they noted that many
of the earlier studies done on bilingualism were flawed because they failed to control
variables such as socioeconomic status and
Why I Want A College
Millions of people apply to college all over the united states every year to earn a
college degree. College degrees provides more job opportunities and a higher
income. As a high school senior, I spent all year searching for a compatible college
that fits my standards. I wanted a college that is affordable, so when I graduate I
am not stuck with a massive debt. Secondly, I wanted a campus and an environment
that I can feel comfortable in and not stick out. Lastly, the college must provide me
with the right skills to start my career. With those three standards, I narrowed my
choices to one perfect college. My search began with all the colleges located in the
United States since I wanted to stay in the same country. I then eliminated the colleges
... Show more content on ...
I ve experienced that feeling and environment before at the Oklahoma School of
Science and Mathematics, a boarding school for juniors and seniors that provide
college level classes. I had to be put on antidepressants and go to therapy because
of the environment. I did not want to go through that feeling again at Cornell. I
hoped for the best as I investigated the lifestyle of OSU IT. I scheduled a campus
tour and instantly felt at home since it is a small college in a small town. The
environment felt warm as well because there were places where students go to relax
on campus and to talk about their problems. Although I did not visit Cornell, I knew
I would not enjoy the more stressful environment. The only positive aspect of
studying at Cornell is the label. Employers think highly of a graduate from an ivy
league and are more likely to be hired because of its highly selective acceptance rate
and challenging academics. However, OSU IT provides paid internships and the
career placement rate at 90%. After intense examination of Cornell and OSU IT, I
decided to go to OSU IT for obvious reasons. OSU IT is affordable, homey, and
provides med with the right tools to have a steady career. I am proud to say that I
will be a part of OSU IT in the fall of this
The Fast Food Industry Essays
The dagger of the people is always twisting and changing the fast food world. Fast
food itself has always been changing due to social, economic, and health concerns. To
begin I will cover the origins of fast food, followed by a brief discussion about
McDonalds as well as Burger King. This will be accompanied by a brief discussion
on Taco Bell, with our final subject covering healthier fast foodoptions. The origins
of the fast food death machine : The machines gears were forged by the company
known as Horn and Hardarts, based on the needs of the American populace in the
year of 1902 to provide quick and cheap service and food to the hungry masses who
craved the sustenance with hunger untold in the land of New York. The meals cost
about... Show more content on ...
In addition to the actual state of the restaurant the figure head of a fast food industry
must also capture the minds of potential consumer via a seemingly moronic yet
intelligent and sentient being. A perfect example of this would be the clown from
McDonald s, his bizarre and inhuman looks capturing the visual attention of the
consumer while the mild mannered psychotic behavior both tantalizes us and fills
us with fear of the consequences of not consuming the double cheese burger.
Another prime example would be the burger king (view a commercial with the
king and all of this will make perfect sense) and his disturbing imagery and
behavior, simply appearing at your bed side offering flame broiled delights always
with a exceedingly morbid and paralyzing smile suggesting that the burgers are
poisoned and that one will die as a result of eating them (of course the commercial
never shows the fate of the kings victim). In retrospect while it may appear that the
gimmicks themselves do not actually draw the consumer in the imagery mixed with
their events taking place seem to have captured and reeled in the consumers mind
and thus achieved the companies goal. The economic way is the only way: since the
beginning of the fast food industry there has always been one simplistic train of
thought, yes its good but how do we make money
What Is The Main Examples Of Doublethink
Orwell describes in his novel that the doublethink is having two contradictory ideas
at the same time and accepting them both without having trouble with this. People in
the novel has to adapt to doublethink in order to not do thoughtcrimes because the
Party changes the history all the time and as a citizen of Oseania one should believe
that the situation today has always been this way although you can remember for
example from last monday that Oseania was at war with another continent than the
present time. Doublethink requires the changing of the past and the changing of the
past is made possible by the use and adaptation of doublethinking. A good example
is a newspeak word black and white. If you use the word to describe the opponent of
... Show more content on ...
It means that a person has thoughts that do not fit to the concepts and rules of the
ruling party. Mostly these unspoken beliefs are against the ruling party, or for
example secretly doubting or hating the BigBrother. Illegal is everything that can
make person an individual. The party is founded on collectivism and the same time
to people not having freedom to assembly in a way that is not part of the plans and
events of the party. To be a good citizen you shouldn t have these thoughts at the first
place and a person should excersise crimestop that means to have the necessary
mental discipline for not having these ideas at the first place that count as a
thoughtcrime. In most cases the thoughtcrimes are revealed through person talking in
his/her sleep when the control of your brain is minimum. Everywhere there are
telescreens so that a person can be watched, heard and controlled at all times. The
thought police is a secret service of Oseania and they are the ones to seek and punish
people who have committed a thought crime.The psycholigical methods of the ruling
party are in a big part in the novel. Thoughtcrime makes me think of the modern fact
that at least US government is survailling internet search engines (and perhaps other
channels too) for words relating to terrorism. If you might be a terrorist, the
government has certain rights to violate your privacy and freedom through the Patriot
Act. This really is
Gender Roles In The Elizabethan Era
The women of the Elizabethan era were expected to be silent and obedient to men
in society. They did not have any rights and were seen as property to a man. The
women of the Elizabethan era were given education only if they were of noble birth.
Otherwise, they had to stay home and learn to run the household. For Elizabethan era
women of noble birth, education included knowledge of several languages, including
Latin, Greek, Italian, and French. However, even noble women were not allowed to
go to university and were only taught by tutors who visited them in their home.
Gender roles during the Elizabethan era were clearly defined, with men reigning
superior over women. Men really had an enormous influence over women. While a
man went out to work,... Show more content on ...
The play explores the gender inequality, marriage, obedience and its importance in
relationships and the social subjugation of females. The story of Kat and Patrick s
relationship in the movie shows that you shouldn t judge people on appearances.
Patrick thinks there is no way he could actually like Kat but in the end she turns out
to be the girl he falls in love with. At the beginning of the film Michael walks
through the courtyard with Cameron and informs him about the different social
groups at Padua High School. This shows the way high school is often perceived in
real life. The scene, with a long camera shot, shows how judgmental they are putting
everyone into groups and putting a label on them. The examples of Kat and Patrick
show us that people can be different compared to how they first
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Analysis
Oprah Winfrey has a way with connecting with people. This leader implements
several different strategies to achieve and gain her success. Therefore, when Oprah
was airing her television show, she would give the audience gifts, such as, prior to
Christmas, and give the audience her favorite items from her Christmas list. Oprah
is no stranger of giving because everyone went home with nice and occasionally
expensive gifts like UGG Boots, because Its appears evidential that Oprah plays a
vital role in their spike in company sells and marketing for this company because this
is where many consumers first saw these items, on the Oprah WinfreyShow. Oprah
believes and listens to her followers, because she knew the majority of the latest
trends, because Oprah is respected in our society, she could probably convince
anyone to purchase anything that she suggests. Therefore, consumer power is a
major tactic that Oprah implement in her leadershipskills. Listening to your followers
is vital because these are the people that up and personal with the items and
products. Therefore, sharing ideas, listening, and receiving feedback is detrimental
for any business because it s important that all followers feel that they are apart of
an organization. However, some business leaders are not willing and open to hear
the ideals of the followers and only feel that they are the person that support majority
of the company s decisions and in majority of analogous cases, these people or their
Aboriginal Culture Analysis
Gulnar Qaiser
Professor LeBel
March 15 2016
Relevance of Oral Tradition Around the Time of Colonization to the Present Day
Oral tradition exists in day to day life, from telling children stories or singing
lullabies, which are usually learnt in early childhood, to get them to sleep. Stories that
are told to children by non Aboriginal individuals are usually meant for entertainment
purposes and do not carry any deeper value, nor are they given any cultural or
spiritual importance. For many Aboriginal groups, however, stories and songs have a
much greater significance. Aboriginal peoples communities are often founded on
stories that are characteristically sustaining: communicating the epistemologies and
norms that constitute their worldviews ... Show more content on ...
James Slotta writes, Chief Justice McEachern of the Supreme Court of British
Columbia dismissed the plaintiffs claims to Aboriginal title, self government, and
Aboriginal rights. Weighing the oral traditions they presented in support of their
claim, he commented, If I do not accept their evidence it will seldom be because I
think they are untruthful, but rather because I have a different view of what is fact
and what is belief (Slotta, 138). In this scenario, the Judge believes that the stories,
or any other information that the Indigenous people brought forward as proof of
how important their land was to them, is in fact purely belief, and therefore, the
people are rejected rights to their land. This is of great importance because the main
difference between what the laws deems as evidence and belief impacts crucial
decision making regarding the Aboriginal people s right to their land. In the Chief
Justice opinion evidence is what is recorded, or written down, nothing otherwise. For
this reason, Aboriginal peoples are directly losing their rights and indirectly losing
their connection to their own traditions. This is why Oral Tradition still carries
importance today: there are large amounts of people belonging to a spiritual group
that rely
A Study On Premarital Cohabitation
Premarital Cohabitation
In the late 1980s, only 44% of women cohabited before their first marriage. 67% of
women have cohabited before their first marriage since 2000 (Manning Cohen, 2012).
Premarital cohabitation has become the majority experience in the United States
(Tach Halpern Meekin, 2009; Teachman, 2003). Although cohabitationhas become
the majority experience, premarital cohabitation is still associated with poorer marital
communication quality, lower marital satisfaction, higher levels of domestic
violence, and greater probability of divorce in U.S. samples (Cohan Kleinbaum,
2002; Stanley, Rhoades, Markman, 2006). In a study completed by Cohan
Kleinbaum (2002), researchers found that the couples who did not premarital
cohabitate had more positive problem solving skills and more positive help seeking
methods than couples who did cohabitate before marriage. Despite the negative
consequences, there are still many reasons young couples are choosing to cohabitate.
Researchers have found that young couples cohabitate before marriage in order to
test their relationship and attempt to divorce proof their marriages (Manning Cohen,
2012). Oppenheimer (1988) argued facilitates the kind of interaction that increases
the knowledge of oneself and of a potential marriage partner and of the kind of
mutual adaptations that are so essential to a stable relationship (p. 583) (Manning
Cohen, 2012). The sharing of living expenses was ranked second among important
The New Website Template On The Century Chevy, Dodge
Good afternoon Gentlemen,
Can you believe it is March already and quarter two is just around the corner?! The
year is already flying by! In the below link are the February 2017 Digital Reports for
your records and review.
Monthly Notes
Below are the February at a glance stats that you will find in each of the reports:
Conversion RateBounce RateAverage Pages ViewedTime On SiteImpression
ShareSearch Click Through RateTotal Combined Conversions
Fowler Century Chevrolet4.68%41.37%4.474:0452.47%6.69%420
Fowler Dodge3.82%28.70%6.495:1953.05%9.88%453
Fowler Honda5.61%30.31%5.064:1462.89%9.23%388
Fowler Toyota4.50%24.62%6.865:4174.90%10.46%413
Fowler Toyota Tulsa3.88%25.13%6.295:2858.98%13.20%491... Show more content
on ...
Todd also informed me on February 3rd that Stephen Shaferis the new Internet
Director at the store. I had a brief intro call with him at the beginning of the month
and worked with him on several small projects already this month including a
Referral email campaign (
/refer.html) for the CRM and working with DealerOn to add the Window Stickers
customization to inventory.
Per the budget meeting with Jay back in November, effective January 1st, we
increased the paid search budget to $15,000. Additionally, we also incorporated a
$1,100 pre roll using a budget. February marked month two of this change and as
you will see on page 3, we continued to see the account moving in a positive
direction with a very strong 6.69% Click through Rate and 420 Total Combined
Conversions. In mid February, I did get on a call with Jay to discuss the Paid
Search account and review the numbers with him. One of the items I mentioned to
him was that we were looking to continue working on bringing up his Search
Impression Share. After the call the and I worked with Tuan to pull last years sold by
zip data, which helped us to further cleanse the account and ensure we were targeting
the right
The Creation Of The British Colonial Empire
The creation of the British colonial empire was one of the great facts of history. For
the Empire, Britain took a larger share than any other nation in developing the
movement of people between continents; it also has changed the expansion of
Whites, Blacks and Indians. By exporting outside its borders, together with its
colonists, civilization, language, and institutions, it contributed mightily to the vast
movement of Westernization of the world. Many historians debate on how the
empire began. In general, they say it started in the early 12th century when the
Normans moved into Ireland. The empire was huge and vast, which brought a lot of
changes in many parts of the world. Today, many people of the world live the way
they do because of the impact of the British Empire. An important aspect about the
British is how the imperialism marked the international system in many countries.
The First Empire was during 1583 to 1783 and the Second Empire was during 1783 to
1815. This research assignment will approach mainly on what occurred during the
19th century, identified as the Imperial Century. During this century, Britain
dominated every field where there is human activity. Some of the reasons behind the
establishment of the Empire were mostly economic reasons, national prestige and the
release from national conditions.
Why did Britain want to build an Empire? Firstly, one of the main reasons is the
resources found in the overseas colonies who offered cheap natural possessions.
An Explanation Of How Billing And Coding Works For...
B.An explanation of how billing and coding works for healthcare services
Medical billing and coding are two closely related aspects of the modern health care
industry. Both practices are involved in the immensely important reimbursement
cycle, which ensures that health care providers are paid for the services they
perform. For the sake of simplicity, let s divide the two at the moment and look at
them as separate pieces of a larger process. We ll begin with medical coding.
Medical Coding Medical coding, at its most basic, is a little like translation. It s the
coder s job to take something that s written one way (a doctor s diagnosis, for
example, or a prescription for a certain medication) and translate it as accurately as
possible into a numeric or alphanumeric code. For every injury, diagnosis, and
medical procedure, there is a corresponding code. There are thousands and thousands
of codes for medical procedures, outpatient procedures, and diagnoses. Let s start with
a quick example of medical coding in action. A patient walks into a doctor s office
with a hacking cough, high production of mucus or sputum, and a fever. A nurse asks
the patient their symptoms and performs some initial tests, and then the doctor
examines the patient and diagnoses bronchitis. The doctor then prescribes medication
to the patient.
Every part of this visit is recorded by the doctor or someone in the healthcare
provider s office. It s the medical coder s job to translate every bit of relevant
Essay on Nisa Life and Words of a Kung Woman
Nisa: The life and words of a !kung woman:response Nisa: the life and words of a
!kung woman written by Marjorie Shostak is a book about a woman named nisa
of the !kung people. It entails the stories of her struggles and the many horrific
tragedies in her life and how it shapes who and how she is. The book Is basically
an interview of a fifty year old nisa, it is written in her perspective of what it is like
to live in such a society. She suffered quite a few devastating tragedies as
aforementioned which included, the death of four of her children, two as infants and
two as adults. Even shostak says that none of the !kung women suffered tragedies the
way nisa did. The story evokes the importance of women to the tribe. Most of the...
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When anyone tried to pick on me she would help me and it also helped to the fact
that she was popular and all the boys wanted her and what she said was taken as
gospel. She always had my back even when my mom was whipping me she d make
jokes about my mom having the propensity of killing me because I was small
which made my mom stop at times. It is very similar to the way Nisa describes her
older brother Dau and his protection over her except it s the other way around .
Nisa tells of stories of Dau and how she looks up to him time and time again. She
remembers that some occasions Dau would bring her mongongo nuts because it is
her favorite. In another occasion Nisa s older brother would intervene when their
parents treat her punitively because Nisa would sometimes disobey what her told her
not to do. In conclusion, shostak acquired a lot of knowledge from her stay with the
!kung people. She learned that their culture is not really different from that of
western civilizations, though their culture is seen as embryonic in terms of
technology and medicine. They are thought of as primitive and looked down on
because they do no project the image of technologically sound people. Despite all
these the !kung civilization is similar to our civilization by the social bonds we share
with one another, love, hate, promiscuity, family we love and others we hate to
Al Capone Influence On Chicago Outfit s
It s the beginning of the 1950 s. The citizens of Chicago are awaken by gunfires of
mobsters of the Chicago Outfit s, lead by Al Capone. Al Capone was one of the
best mobster kings in America, he got away with multiple murders, bootlegged
alcohol during the prohibition era, along with numerous other court cases. At a
young age, Al Capone was sheltered in a apartment with his mother, Teresina
Capone, and father, Gabriel Capone, who immigrated from Italy to Brooklyn, and
his two older brothers. Teresina was a stay at home mother who loved her children,
and prayed nothing for the best for her son Alphonso, wishing that he would follow
the right path, his father was a barber who gave young Capone a shoe shining box to
work in the streets of New York. Hoping the American grounds could provide for their
family, they moved into a tiny apartment in an Italian... Show more content on ...
Not only did Al Capone finish paying off a fine of fifty thousand dollars for back
taxes, he traded his crown for Palm Island in Miami, Florida, where he sought
therapy to his sickness. On January 25, 1947 at the age of forty eight Al Capone
died of cardiac arrest, and was buried at the St. Patrick s church. His family
attended the ceremony for his burial, his wife and son held their ground, proud of
Al Capone the Mobster King of Chicago. Born in Brooklyn to poor immigrant
parents, he tried his best to make his mother proud, but ended up working the streets,
where he earned his title of King Alphonso. As a criminal he got away with
countless murders, gambled, and became a bootlegger of alcohol during the
prohibition era. His kingdom began to collapse when he was imprisoned at Alcatraz
and became ill. Despite his anti climactic demise, Al Capone was the most successful
criminal politician in the United
Essay Activity 4 case study
Activity 4.4 Case Study Measurement of Variables Operational Definitions
Measurement is the assignment of numbers to characteristics (or attributes) of
objects according to a pre specified set of rules. Describe the object and
characteristics of Syafiq s study.
The object of the study is to help the Standard Asian Merchant Banks SP department
understand how, and to what extent, the customers use the website and how it can be
simplified in order to reduce the number of help calls associated with it.
The author of the study, Syafiq, must decide which characteristics of the study are
likely to be relevant to users of the review. The characteristics of this study are
Information Quality, System Quality,... Show more content on ...
These concepts determine how the researchers are going to measure an emotion or
concept, such as the level of suffering or hostility.
Easily measured variables are height, mass, volume, circumference, etc.
Fairly easily measured variables are speed, distance, work, frequency range.
Not easily measured variables are happiness, aggressiveness, pain, physical ability,
love, hunger, frustration, and situational awareness.
Describe the process of operationalizing variables.
Factors that are subjective, effort dependent or abstract are hard to measure. First,
identify the characteristics or attributes that are needed to study and come up with a
system to measure the variable or concept. Second, determine one or more
quantitative measures of the characteristic or attribute. Will they be measured using
the metric system, imperial system or English? Third, determine the instrument for
obtaining this measure. For example, the use of a ruler or tape measure to obtain a
measure of height in inches, or a scale of 1 10 to measure emotion or other abstract
Based on a review of the literature Syafiq has developed a table (Table 1) that should
help him to operationalize the variables of his conceptual model. Use this table to
discuss the attributes Information Quality in terms of dimensions and elements. In
other words, which dimensions of Information Quality has Syafiq
Analysis Of The Movie Exit The King
Exit the King by Eugene Ionesco directed by Trey Irby in presentation with the
Blue Masque was a complete production that felt well explored and executed. The
play itself is a somewhat dark look into the fall of a king, his kingdom and final
hours of his life. This much darker subject matter is balanced with comic relief
provided by the guard, the maid and occasional banter of the king s two wives. A
well flushed out script that examines such a timeless struggle as the delicate
balance of life and death poses immense challenge for those involved. While this
challenge occasionally made itself known, the acting body as a whole did a fine
job at overcoming these hurdles. The role of Queen Marguerite, played by Laurel
Edge, was one of the most complex roles to wrestle with and Edge took many of
bold stances that went helped to more fully develop what could have been
essentially a bitchy antagonist into a three dimensional being with solid intention
from start to finish. Marguerite s objective from the moment she steps on stage is
clearly to end the life of the king, or rather help him to the end of his life since no
explicit murder takes place. Marguerite stops at nothing to pursuethis through
whether her obstacle is Queen Marie or the King himself. Edge was well open and
able to play off the many others in the scene at a time though this was not always
obvious. She also had the clearest expectations. Her choices in actions often times
had her sitting away separately avoiding
Sonnet 30
The Disney film Frozen may seem innocent on the surface, but it disguises child
abuse and solitary confinement with a whimsical fantasy world containing trolls
and magical powers. Throughout her childhood, the older sister, Elsa, remains
confined to her room, unable to play with her sister and forced to repress her
magic. In one of the film s most heart wrenching moments, Elsa sits on the opposite
side of the door from her sister, just inches away from her, yet sobbing because she
lives isolated from the rest of her family. Elsa s parents ultimately abandon her to
deal with her emotional turbulence and growing powers alone, and when they die,
Elsa lacks someone with whom she can share her grief. Thus, Elsa spends her
childhood alone,... Show more content on ...
Though line 1 and the beginning of line 2, where the speaker summon[s] up
remembrance (2), describe the speaker in the temporal present, the reference to
things past (2) marks the first mention of the past occurrence for which the speaker
grieves. Due to the sonnet s constant shifts between past and present, literary critic
Helen Vendler argues that Sonnet 30 participates in a form of temporal hop
scotching, whereby the poet s present self deliberately and habitually [makes] the
tears flow again... willingly [calling] up the griefs of the past (165). Specifically,
Vendler contends that the first quatrain introduces two of five major periods of time
from Sonnet 30 the speaker s present thoughts and his past losses. The wordplay in
the third line, where the speaker sigh[s] for things sought (3) spotlights this tension
between past and present, as Shakespeare [invents] a new verb (Vendler 167) to
distinguish the two. In the fourth line, Shakespeare delves deeper into his flashback,
recounting his old woes (4) to depict a time of sorrow. Similarly, the metrical
variation present in Shakespeare s dear times waste (4) emphasizes the ambiguity of
the sonnet s past the poet could mean a single catastrophic event or an entire lifetime,
rendering the entire sonnet an
John F. Kennedy s President Of The United States
Although all on Earth we do not look alike, there are people whose similarities
never cease to amaze us. The resemblance is so strong that one wonders if he has
never been a relationship between those two people in a previous life. In this case it
is the former president of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, one of the most
legendary president of the United States. He is listed as the youngest elected president
and die at the heart of its mandate to the presidency of the United States, killed two
years after entering the White House. Today it remains the only American president
of the Catholic faith; and the current president of the United States Barack Obama
considered the first black president of the United States. The two men who have...
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The United States had never elected a president of a Catholic religion, and above
all a source of Irish Boston. For the record, during the late 19th century and early
20th century, According To the Griot Irish immigrants were very scorned by so
called Americans native . In the 1870s and 1880s the Irish are drunks and the silly
caricature. Going to the policy, Irish began to gain momentum and power,
especially in Boston or lily was too populated. But that s no problem, the issue of
religion still always be a big problem during the presidential campaign of Kennedy.
Until he was even invited to meet in a speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial
Association September 12, 1960.
I am not the Catholic candidate for president, said participants. I am the Democratic
Party candidate for President who also happens to be a Catholic. I m not talking
about my church on public matters and the church does not speak for me.
Similarly, during his presidential campaign, Obama was invited to give a speech that
speaks to both his race and religion in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008 (The New
Times). In this speech, like John Kennedy, Obama spoke of reports which meant that
the Americans are united and not to those that divided.
In their race for the presidency, the two men shared messages highlighting the
service. Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your
country, Kennedy said in his famous inaugural address, January 20, 1961.
Bowling For Columbine The Cove Analysis
The purpose of a documentary is to promote one s views or beliefs, in order to
provoke change in society. This is evident in Michael Moore s documentary Bowling
for Columbine and Louie Psihoyos, The Cove. Both documentaries manipulate the
audience into taking the composers side of the argument. Bowling for Columbineuses
satirical humour and interviewing techniques to make an extremely persuasive
argument highlighting issues such as gun violence levels in America and the
Columbine High School massacre itself. Louie Psihoyos The Cove uses statistics and
archival footage to persuade the audience that dolphins are beginning unnecessarily
slaughtered, and there is something underhanded going on in Taiji, Japan.
Michael Moore s, Bowling for Columbine manipulates the viewer to believe that gun
violence in America is directly linked to the laws in place. Moore uses the satirical
humour of South Park cartoons to highlight that America was built on a foundation
violence towards others and eventually themselves. Satirical humour is endemic in
scenes containing imagery of the Ku Klux Klan and The NRA walking ... Show more
content on ...
The documentary opens with black and white footage of Taiji, Japan, this archival
footage convinces the audience that their is something underhanded going on.
Psihoyos choice of music in the opening scenes highlights to the viewer that the
dolphin slaughters happen quickly and under the cover of darkness, as the music is
fast paced and the visuals last no longer than three seconds each, an extra level of
anonymity is added due to the videos being filmed with night vision imagery. The use
of night vision imagery successfully highlights that something dark and subversive is
being uncovered in the film. Louie Psihoyos The Cove persuades the audience to
believe that dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, is underground and unacceptable,
manipulating the audience through the use of archival
Essay on Desperate Air
What would I do if I was in George Nash s position as Vice President of Real Estate
at Desperate Air Corporation (a company in dire financial straits), and my pending
sale of Florida property potentially had toxic waste buried beneath the surface. I
found this to be the least challenging question posed thus far in terms of my own
ethical beliefs. In this instance I would proceed with the salewithout disclosing the
information regarding what I had heard about the toxic waste. Clearly Florida law
states that you do not have to disclose that there is a hazardous substance on
commercial property as long as there is not a fraudulent statement about the property.
Nash did his due diligenceby hiring someone to do an environmental study. The...
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Both parties consulted their attorneys whose guidance instructed them that they
did not have to disclose the information. The motivating factor in both decisions
was to protect the livelihood of their companies. The facts of the information that
had been revealed to each company had not been proven. Had Nash followed the
RDCAR process I believe the outcome of his decision may have been different.
Nash did not go through the process of recognition. There was no survey of
stakeholders. He did not even disclose the findings to his CEO. There was no
chance to find out if withholding the toxicity information was something that would
make other staff members uncomfortable. Nash did not engage in discovery. There
was no attempt to build internal and external transparency. Fledgling did not have
the opportunity to react to the information. There was a possibility that the sale
would not have progressed if the information on toxic waste had been disclosed. It
may have only delayed the sale, but there was no way to find that out. There was no
cognition. No one in DAC management or any other DAC staff was presented with
a what would you do? scenario that would have spelled out company values. No
policy or action was put into place to deal with the situation. The only action taken
was that Nash consulted an attorney. Nash did reflect on the decision, but no one else
Genre Theory and John Ford s Stagecoach Essay
Genre Theory and John Ford s Stagecoach
The analytic theory posited by Robert Warshow in his essay The Westerner , itemizes
the elements necessary for a film to belong to the genre of the western . Most
contentiously, he mandates that the narrative focus upon the individual hero s plight
to assert his identity, and diminishes the importance of secondary characters and
issues, or any tendency toward social drama. (431) He states that it is subtle variations
that make successive instances of a genre film interesting, yet limits this variety to
minor variations in the characteristics of the actors who play the hero s role. (430)
It is my belief that while exhibiting many of the traits itemized by Warshow, John
Ford s ... Show more content on ...
Other elements expected by the western viewer include the importance of the vast
landscape in relation to the men upon it; the figures of the morally ambiguous
marshall, the cultured Eastern lady, the understanding yet fallen prostitute and the
bad guy ; and the conflict between nature and civilization, usually represented by
Apaches and white settlers respectively. Lastly, the most general and material
characteristic of a western is its setting on the American western frontier in the late
1900 s. Each of these motives is evident in Ford s Stagecoach ; however, there are
several conventions of the western which the director intentionally manipulates,
which exceed altering the traits of the actor who plays the lead role.
The first convention varied by Ford is the hero s expected relationships with two
different types of women. The generic first lady is the refined Eastern schoolmarm
character. She represents the paradigm of civilized virtue, and as such fails to
understand the cowboy s need for revenge, to do what he has to do. (457) In contrast,
we usually encounter the highly sexualized saloon girl or prostitute, whose shares
with the hero marginalization by the fledgling civilization of the frontier. This second
woman understands the cowboy s code in a way that the cultured woman cannot. In
the conventional western , the hero often ends up with the lady , but his choice is
excused by the convenient accidental death of the saloon girl, usually due
Summary Of Sweet Wild Boy
ORIENTATION: Sweet Wild Boy, reveals a man (Mark Willis) who loves and cares
deeply about his family and friends. He could be described as a caretaker, or a
loyal friend. Either way Mark represents a man of integrity and character; who tries
to help his best friend (David) overcome family problems at home and then though
out his adult life, addiction to drugs. Mark s parents even became involved in the
attempt to help save David however; David could not resist the demons of his past
and always found his way back to drugs. After many attempts to help David had
failed, David ended up at a local hospital where he called and asked his loyal friend to
come and visit. This did not sit well with Mark s wife, who never supported his...
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AGENCY SPONSORSHIP: This group was sponsored by the Arkansas State
University (ASU) Social Work department. ASU Masters Social Work department
mission statement is as follows; The mission of Arkansas State University is to
educate leaders, enhance intellectualgrowth and enrich lives. The Master Social
Work program at ASU has offered to start the Grief/Bereavement group with two
professors as well as, two students. This will allow for two groups in the area if there
is enough interest. This work will be done pro bono allowing anyone who meets
criteria to attend these meetings without having to be concerned about the cost. By
sponsoring this group not only is ASU educating their students but they are giving
back to the community. MEMBERSHIP: The criteria to be in this group would be
that the member would have to have lost a loved one within the twelve to eighteen
months. The loved one would have been a substance user/abuser. The member would
be referred from one of our recruitment sites (see recruitment section). The member
would have six of the following symptoms; Reactive distress to the death 1.Marked
difficulty accepting the death. In children, this is dependent on the child s capacity to
comprehend the meaning
Goddard Space Flight Center Summary
The Articles an amazing story about how NASA has been searching for plant life on
the land surface and in the oceans. Kate Ramsayer, at NASA s Goddard Space Flight
Center, the author of this article, open with an eye catching truthful statement, she
states that NASA satellites can see our living Earthbreathe. Ramsayer pointed out, the
satellite has been observing the Northern Hemisphere ecosystems wake up in the
spring, taking in carbon dioxideand exhaling oxygen as they sprout leaves. Along
with other satellites being able to see the newly green vegetation grown.
The satellite was able to catch breathtaking pictures of the oceans, microscopic plants,
such as, algae, (single celled plants) and phytoplankton (a drifting plants)
The Effects Of Black Children On Poverty And The Low...
America is failing its young Black boys (Prager, 2011, p.1). It is a bold statement
about the conditions of Black children in America. This research paper addresses the
low likelihood that poor Black children may overcome poverty because of conditions
such as negative environment, poverty stressors (e.g., crime, violence, health issues),
and parental influence. It is a controversial issue as studies suggest parental behaviors
as well as community and school involvement can help poor Black children out of
poverty, yet other studies suggest stressors such as emotional and health issues or
participating in welfaresystems as a result of poverty will heavily impact if not deter
future success. Despite programs instituted to fight the war on poverty, the issue
remains prevalent and studies, e.g., impact of welfare reform, continue to provide
relevant information on the impact of poverty. The research for this paper focuses on
Black children living in poverty and the low likelihood they will overcome poverty.
The research is valuable because Black and Hispanic children were more than
twice as likely to live in poverty in 2007 as non Hispanic white and Asian children.
(Moore, Redd, Burkhauser, Mbwana Collins, 2009, p. 2). It is absolutely
unacceptable for a country as great as the United States to experience poverty and
extreme poverty in some areas and further for there to be a clear indication that there
is a higher likelihood of children living in poverty based
Compare And Contrast World Religions
Comparison and Contrast of World Religions The religions of the world, while
differing greatly in their specifics, are surprisingly similar. The three most prevalent
religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, in that order. All believe
in a higher power that presides over and created man. Islam originated in
approximately 609 C.E., or Common Era, and Christianityoriginated around 33 C.E.
which is supposedly when Jesus Christ was crucified. The main prophet of Islam,
Muhammad, is supposedly of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Both religions consider
Abraham the father of the people of Israel, his son Ishmael being the Father of the
Arabs and his son Isaac being the Father of the Hebrews . Hinduism originated in
India in... Show more content on ...
They are also aligned as the transcendent Godhead, Shiva, the cosmic lord, Vishnu
and the cosmic mind, Brahma. (...) This is much like the Christian trinity of God as
the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (HinduNet pg. 1). Brahma creates a new world
once the old one is destroyed, Vishnu protects the world until Shiva arrives to
destroy it again. Hindus believe this to be a never ending cycle of creation. Islam
does not believe in any form of Trinity. All three religions do believe that their
respective god of creation is the source of all life on Earth. Islam and Christianity
both follow the traditional belief of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, while
Hinduism believes that Brahma simply takes pieces of himself and forms man. The
similarities may seem to be overwhelming, but in reality these religions differ more
than they resemble one another.
Hinduism is the only religion of the three discussed that believes on more than one
God. Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity, but these are essentially all parts of
God. Hinduism believes in many separate deities in addition to the main 3 stated
before. Islam, however, believes in a single god, Allah, and any form of Trinity is
considered blasphemous. An excerpt from the Koran reads, and do not speak of a
trinity, for it would be better for you to stop. God alone is the One worthy of
worship: glory to God exalted beyond having a son (pg. 171 75). Although
monotheism and polytheism distinguish these
The Art And Reflection Of The Red Room
The rich raspberry red blanketed over the canvas is more than enough to entice it s
viewers. The Red Room, made by Henri Matisse in 1908 is and has been a highly
popular piece of artwork. The art piece captured what it meant to be a fauvist artist
with its bright colors and unrealistic appearance. Matisse and other fauvist artists
decided to go against what society decided was normal at the time and succeeded.
My recreation of the RedRoom uses the same intensity of color, line, shape, form,
texture, space, unity, balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm, and proportion to
represent the greatly valued art piece. The Red Room is an oil on canvas artwork
that is exceedingly two dimensional while still showing examples of space. The art
portrays a woman setting up a table within a highly saturated red room. The table
and the wall paper are almost indistinguishable if it weren t for the thin wobbly line
that differentiated them. A blue branch like pattern spans from the bottom of the
canvas to the top while staying in the range of the table and wall. Also part of the
pattern are vases of flowers that are additionally outlined in black. On the table are
various circular fruits, mainly in the color yellow, green, orange, and red. Beside the
fruit are long round bottomed vases that are half full of some sort of elixir. The fruit
and vases were common to see in Matisse s work during that period, Matisse turned
to a motif common in the works created that year: a room decorated with
Summary Of A Dead Body Seems
Chapter Twenty One
The Answer Was Right under Our Noses
The answer came two days later, clearly stamped on Seth s pale face. Twist found
A dead body perhaps? After solving the Sade Stone caper, a murder would put the
Deadwood Detective Agency s name on everyone s lips.
I m not sure, he said.
He wants us to meet him at Wallington Hall. He scraped back his lawn chair and
jogged down the front porch steps. A minute later, he was headed across the yard on
his faded blue bicycle. I caught up with him just outside the gate. We coasted beneath
clumsy clouds like white giants with colorless hearts and a lurid sun that caressed our
By the time we reached the mansion, it was noon and the weather had radically ...
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Thunder boomed again, rattling the broken glass in the window frames. Outside it
was raining from light sprinkles too hard fat drops in seconds.
I need to measure the ghostnitric energy in the room. Seth pulled a small device
about the size of a calculator from his hip pocket and pressed an oversized black
button. The thingamabob made a soft snick sound then flashed green.
So the green light means that the ghost was a fake? I guessed.
No, no. He lifted his eyes from the contraption and gave me a worried look. It was
very real.
Real? Twist s eyebrows quivered.
Come on. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him up the stairs. You wanted to show us
something, remember?
Oh, right, he groaned.
We tiptoed down the dark hall and into the secret room. The casket was gone. Twist
pointed to a trap door in the floor that we hadn t seen before.
Seth s eyes got wide. Where did that come from?
It was here the entire time. We just didn t see it before because it was covered with a
rug and dust. Twist yanked the cord. The trapdoorswung up, and a wooden ladder
clattered into place behind one of the walls. Come on.
The steps trembled as we climbed down.
Seth reached the bottom and moved his flashlight around, a dim and shaky beam of
yellow light against the darkened shaft. The tunnel was filled with a bunch of creepy
junk: a Samurai sword covered in dust, glass jars containing tiny skulls in green goo,
rigging pulleys attached to knotted ropes like bristly
Puppet Master Research Paper
Insanity. In san i ty. Noun. The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness
( No one could deny that the Puppet Master is insane. With multiple
cases of premeditated murder and attempted murder, it would be difficult for the
Puppet Master to claim sanity. There are, however, multiple ways to look at the
Puppet Master s situation. The readers don t know the Puppet Master s past; he could
be genetically insane. Consequently, the Puppet Master could be genetically
predisposed to a mental illness that would, by no means excusing his actions, explain
why these actions were so drastic. On another hand, the Puppet Master could be
situationally insane; in other words, he was made insane. It goes without saying that
it takes a mighty push to get someone over that edge and into the abyss of insanity.
The Secretary of Defense Rutledge s injustice would certainly be enough to push the
Puppet Master into that abyss. Some drastic actions are driven by emotion, some by a
disturbance in mental states. Either way, all... Show more content on
This phenomenon is called Newton s Third Law. Many quotes by Sir Isaac
Newton pertain to the story, but there is one in particular that ties into The
Codebreaker. Sir Isaac Newton s exact quote pertaining to actions and reactions is,
To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. In The Codebreaker,
Secretary of Defense Rutledge commanded the decimation of what he thought was a
military facility, but was in fact an isolated farming village. Another reactant in this
equation was the presence of military officers on site, meaning when the farming
village was totaled, so were the ranks. If this was a scientific equation, these two
actions would constitute the reactants. The product, or reaction, was the Puppet
Master s revenge. In the Puppet Master s eyes, the kidnapping of Rutledge s
daughter and terrorizing of Rutledge s city was an equal reaction to Rutledge s
Captain Phillips
Film project contrast paper
Captain Phillips movie, examines the 2009 hijacking of a U.S container ship, by
the name Maerks Alabama. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Richard Phillip (IMDb).
It is a hard pounding thriller that exhibits the creativity of its director Paul Green
Grass. According to Ryan McNeil (2013) the movie reflects on the primary effects
of globalization, by showing the relationship between the ship s commanding officer
and the Somali captain who forcefully held him (McNeil). Richard Phillips meets
with Muse; the Somali captain, when Phillips ship goes on a wrong course (IMDb).
Both captains find themselves at the mercy of forces, which are beyond their control.
The movie is ... Show more content on ...
Though not much of his personal life is given, the movie becomes immensely alive
when the actual plot starts going (IMDb).
The director Paul Green grass is commonly known for bringing good movies to the
world audience (IMDb). He directed this movie after having a three year break; his
last movie was Green zone in the year 2008.It is true that the period the director took
to make this movie, was not a waste. The movie lives up to the expectations of the
audience (Topmann). The attention that he gives for details, and his ability to scout
talent is present in this exhilarating movie (McNeil).
Analysis of film reviewer
Movie reviewers have had different stands on Captain Phillips movie. Many movie
reviewers have criticized the movie negatively, while others have praised the efforts
of the director in creating a thoughtful account. Movie reviewers have presented
mixed reactions that the audience may depict on regards to this movie.
Ed Whitfield, Lawrence Topman and Tony Brian all agree that the movie does not
live to the expectations. Their common claim is that, Captain Phillips is just an
ordinary thriller movie, Ed Whitfield says that captain Phillips, does not have an
absorbing tale to tell (Whitfield). He describes the movie as being meaty and
immensely raw (Whitfield). The critic argues that the movie is just an ordinary
thriller, with components like those in other thriller movies, an armed siege, a game
of cat and mouse (Whitfield).
Jackie Robinson Turning Point Analysis
1. How do turning points impact a person s life, family, and country? A turning
point can be described as a life changing event that can have a negative or positive
outcome on a person. In the autobiography, I Never Had It Made , by Jackie
Robinson, the memoir, Warriors Don t Cry , By Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article,
The Father of Chinese Aviation by Rebecca Maksel each of the individuals faced
turning points. Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Feng Ru all faced life
changing experiences that changed both their lives and their countries.
2. Jackie Robinson s life changed when he became the first black man to play in the
world series and Major League Baseball (MLB) during a time of segregation in
America. These life changing events challenged him because he had to face
racially tense crowds and endured threats from teammates, opponents, and bigoted
fans. For example in paragraph three, the text states, Some of my own teammates
refused to accept me because I was black. This quote explains a negative portraying
event that comes upon Jackie Robinson. Also in paragraph three the text states,
There were threats against me and my family and even out and out attempts and
physical harm to me. This explains how Jackie felt uneasy about how the whites
were trying to put Jackie down. Despite the racism he faced, Robinson learned to
have pride in his accomplishments and appreciate the courage, support, and love
shown by his supporters. For example, in paragraph eleven, the text states, I don t
think I ll ever forget that small, shrill voice of a tiny white kid, in the midst of a
racially tense atmosphere during an early game in a Dixie town, cried out, Attaboy,
Jackie. This explains how because of one his supporters was cheering him on he felt
he had to succeed even if most people wouldn t accept him. Jackie s challenges made
him a popular name to remember in the Major Leagues today.
3. Melba Pattillo Beals life changed when she integrated an all white high school.
The events challenged Beals because she faced racism and because of this she built
up confidence and character. In paragraph thirteen the text states, Some of the white
people looked totally horrified while others raised their fists
What Does It Mean To Be Human
To Be Human Producers Statement
For my To Be human assignment the central theme of my drawing is what does it
mean to be human. I chose to do a comic/drawing that visually/creatively represents
four distinct things that I believe sets us humans apart from other animals. These are
four different aspects of the human condition that people, as well as myself
personally, see as the things that make us human.
The intended audience for my task is possibly more educated people who understand
the significance of these things as well as other people wanting to learn about the
roles things play on our social perception of humanity. I aim for my audience to react
with agreement and to make the connection with how they see these things in their
everyday lives. ... Show more content on ...
Crying is believed to be almost exclusive to humans with few exceptions. People
use crying to release/convey the emotion of sadness which is crucial to our
construction of society. An animal may be sad or confused in reaction to an event
but human sadness is a much more complicated concept that has not yet been
wholly understood by science. By not not been understood I mean that
Neurologists may be able to show you the areas activated in the brain by sadness
and a psychologist may be able to discuss what things make as sad and why it does
specific to certain kinds of people but none of these of these people can explain why
it is that we cry. Some evolutionary scientists and social psychologist may try to
dumb it down to something as simple as expressing emotion socially but I believe
that it is a much more complicated and mysterious
Hip Hop Culture s Cover Art Analysis
With means to express oneself, helps one overcome the difficulties of life. This
approach represents the entire nature of the hip hop culture, especially when dealing
with social justice issues. Today, hip hop culture s association revolves around raps
(lyrics) and the rappers which reflect how consumers receive messages about social
justice issues. Unlike breaking and graffiti, the music/lyrics penetrate society more.
However, for this analysis, the focus will rely on a visual element with a connection
to hip hop music. Even though a music video would make sense as a visual means of
expression, this analysis has more interest in a hip hop albums cover art. Also, this
focus will lead to the question of how important is art to send messages... Show more
content on ...
At nighttime, two black teens run towards the camera away from several white
police officers. In this scene, the teens stand out the most due to their light, almost
blinding, clothing. Upon the first viewing, the cops appear invisible as if lurking in
the shadows. While the person on the right has their face towards the camera, the
other person turns their head to the cops. With the right sided person unobscured
face, examining their expression becomes simple. It s as if this horrified teen is
screaming as loud as possible. On the other hand, the black teen on the left has their
attention on the cops, blocking their expression but it appears shocked. As stated
before, the police officers outfits cause them to blend into the night while
illuminating the light part of them; their white faces and arms. However, the cops
seem calm, almost confused as they walk behind the teens. Due to their leisurely
pace, it confuses the photo s tone presented by the screaming teen. It doesn t seem as
violent as another picture with black teens and white cops would. What is happening
in this image; are the police at fault or are the teens? Even with historical context, the
motives of the individuals in this picture remain
Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi
Born into a merchant family in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was under the
influence of powerful people. Members of his family had served as prime ministers
of an Indian state for several generations. His parents were strong in their religion,
being devout and earnest Hindus. They were a part of a Hindu sect that worshipped
Vishnu and promoted non violence.
Apparently, he was most influenced by his mother, a gentle and intelligent person.
According to Hindu custom, he married at an early age and grew to love his wife
greatly. Together, they had four children and adopted a fourth.
Later, in 1888, he travelled to England to become a barrister at law.
There were several important influences that he encountered here: the ... Show more
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After many of his follower s were put into prison and cruelly dealt with, some
people engaged in violence. Gandhi s distaste for this reaction showed, yet he
blamed himself calling it a Himalayan miscalculation to have failed to teach the
people how to react non violently before asking them to protest. As a result of his
mistake , he called off the entire movement, thinking it had been a failure. On the
contrary, the movement had been a great success, no longer did the Indians fear the
British jails or the British guns. It was evident now, that the British Government in
India was inevitably going to fall. After many failures to reach an agreement with the
British Government and after a short Individual Civil Disobedience movement where
many were imprisoned, the British finally gave the power to the Indians in 1946.
But, the question remained as to whether or not the area should be separated into two
on a communal basis. As a result, many riots broke out between the different interests
of the people.
Gandhi himself was opposed to separation and to the violence that had broken out.
He went from village to village trying to get the people to understand the benefits of
unity, but it wasn t working. He was forced to agree with his comrades in the
Congress who promoted partition into two areas: India and Pakistan, which came
about in 1947.
In 1948, Gandhi was fatally shot by a Hindu fanatic. All
Biases in Decision Making
Section 1: background information regarding biases in decision making In this
section we will be discussing some of the cognitive biases that have been debated
the most. Selective search for evidence is a kind of biases which, in psychology, is
also known as the confirmation bias. This is a type of bias where we gather facts
willingly when they are in favour of particular conclusions while we disregard
some facts which aren t in the favour of that conclusion (Perneger and Agoritsas,
2011). Premature termination of search for evidence is the type of bias in which
we usually accept the very first alternative we come across which looks like it
probably would work. Inertia is another kind of bias where we are not willing to
change our thought patterns in light of the present situation only because we have
used them in the past. Contrariness or rebelliousness is when in front of an
authority that you perceive to be oppressive you become unwilling with regards to
sharing your view (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Experiential limitations when
we are not able to or not willing to let go of our past experiences. Selective
perception is when we deliberately screen out or ignore the information that we think
is not important or related. Wishful thinking or optimism, this is when we see things
only in a positive way. Anchoring and adjustment is the kind of bias in which we let
our initial observations have an impact on the decisions that we make later on as well
(Perneger and
Essay On Hari Om Plywood
The history of plywood industry in India is old. It is more than 75 years that this
industry was started here on a very modest scale. It was in the year 1906 07 that
plywood was imported in India for the first time valued at Rs.32 lacs. Imports rose
steadily and by 1924 25 it were worthRs.90 lacks. Tea Industry in Assam, West
Bengal and Kerala was steadily developing and it was thought that plywood industry
in the form of Tea Chests production mainly for export should be developed.
Accordingly two plywood factories were started in Assam in 1923 24 but their
development was steady and slow and not phenomenal. These were the pioneers and
there forcefulness and courage shown by them in the early stages ... Show more
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To understand the organization structure and working of various functional
To analyze overall performance of the company.
Understanding Supply chain management of Hari Om Plywood.
To understand the extent to which management theory matches with actual practiced.
To Study dealers satisfaction on product of Hari Om Ply w.r.t. other plywood product
in market.
To collect and analyze the sales data of various plywood industry in India with
reference to Hari Om plywood in Vadodara city of last five years.
For this purpose secondary data from the published sources and the dealers is
To carry out market survey of dealers and vendors perception for the use of plywood.
Data is collected through a structured questionnaire.
Comparing marketing strategies of Century ply, Green ply, Kit ply, Archid Ply,
Sharda ply with reference to Hari Om ply for increase in sales of
Summary On The Episode ( 3-4 Sentences )
Page #
Summary of the Episode (3 4 sentences)
Relevance/Analysis (3 5 sentences that answer 1 or more of the guiding criteria)
Significant Quotation (supports character development)
Quote Page #
Chapter 6 Pages 46 47
Jane starts a conversation with Helen, a student who was flogged without reason. She
can t understand why Helen would bear the pain and not rebel.
Jane s rebellious nature can be seen in this passage. She has a hostility towards
violent authority. This is most likely caused by her time spent at the Reeds where she
was constantly treated without respect.
And if I were in your place I should dislike her; I should resist her. If she struck me
with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose.
Page 46
Chapter 17 Page 151
For the first time, Jane sees Miss Ingram, observing her closely. She realizes that
Miss Ingram seems to feel that she is better than everyone else. Jane doesn t seem to
have many good feelings towards Miss Ingram.
Within this passage, it becomes obvious that Miss Ingram is exceedingly haughty.
She boasts of her knowledge subtly, and loves to make herself seem superior to
others. She is always seeking to seem better than everyone else whether knowledge
wise or skill wise.
It was not, however, so saturnine a pride! She laughed continually; her laugh was
satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip. Genius is
said to be self conscious. I cannot tell whether Miss Ingram was a
Similarities Between The Birthmark And Rappaccini s
Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark and Rappaccini s Daughter are both
fictional short stories written in the 1800s. Although these are two different
scenarios, both tend to share several similarities. They deal with relationships
between a man and woman, experiments, and ironically ends with a twist that
readers don t expect. In The Birthmark we first learn about the main character
named Aylmer. He is fascinated with science. He has devoted himself, however,
too unreservedly to scientific studies ever to be weaned from them by any second
passion (Hawthorne 952) He eventually finds love with his wife Georgianna, but
there is something about her he just will not seem to take much longer. Georgianna
has a red birthmark on her cheek which is the shape of a small hand. While she
thinks it is beautiful, the most important person in her life doesn t feel the same
way. In fact, Aylmer is truly disgusted and in shock by her mark, claiming it is a
visible mark of earthly imperfection (Hawthorne 953). Finally telling his wife how
he feels, Georgianna is in disbelief. She is upset, hurt, and confused, even
questioning their marriage as she tells him You cannot love what shocks you!
(Hawthorne 953). The last thing she would have thought is that the person she
planned to spend the rest of her life with doesn t see her beauty mark the way she
does. Aylmer begins to dream about removing this mark from Georgianna s face. As
he explains the dream to Georgianna, he explains
Italian Mannerist Style Changed In Christ With The
The Italian Mannerist Style portrayed in Christ with the Symbols of the Passion
The art work Christ with the Symbols of the Passion, created by Italian artist
Lavinia Fontana in 1576. This piece of art, Christ with the Symbols of the Passion,
oil on wood, is currently on display in the El Paso Museum of Art. Trained by her
father, artist Porspero Fontana. Fontana became an established artist best known for
her strong reputation in Bologna for her devotional paintings and for portraiture.
This piece of work depicts angels supporting the body of Christ, a scene in which is
not represented in biblical scriptures. Symbols of the Suffering and Passion of Christ
are illustrated in this painting, these symbols surround Christ. The symbols are the
cross, the column in which Christ is tied to, the whip and the crown of thorns .
In addition to, Italian Mannerism is a style of later Renaissance art, in which depicts
a self conscious stylization involving caprice, complexity fantasy and polish
(Kleiner ) . Mannerism is the reaction to the features of the High Renaissance style.
This style, can be seen as a rejection of classical themes of harmony and balance that
are represented by Renaissance art pieces. Paintings in the mannerist style can be
seen as an exaggeration or a parody of previous works, such as the Pieta executed by
Michelangelo. Similar to other styles, Mannerism includes characteristics which
make the style intricate. These characteristics include
Behavioral Therapy Case Study Essay
According to Ana s case the best treatment that can resolve her issues would be
Behavioral therapy . Behavioral therapy is a treatment that can help change her
ways of displayed self destructing behaviors such as Ana sharing her current life
style habits. Her self destructing behaviors includes lost of sleep , being depressed ,
lost of weight and appetite, and having anxieties. This type of therapy is also know
as behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapy. Engaging in this type of
treatment Ana will be able to learn to replace her bad habits with good ones. This
therapy also can assist in recognizing coping skills in her difficult situations from her
past and present life. This therapy especially focuses treating anxiety.
As Ana expresses and shares her reasons of feeling lost and overwhelmed it is related
to many factors such as losing her job , no family or friend support , and raising her
child ... Show more content on ...
This type of strategy can help adjust her behaviors by thinking different and be
more positive about the challenges she faces. This type of approach can set Ana to
understand how to build confidence and how to manage her pain. Engaging in
group therapy and individual therapy should show improved confidence in her
ability to engage in her life activities in a more healthy and positive way. One of the
advantage of behavioral therapy can show effectiveness in Ana s life by shaping
her behavior in adapting to change of environment easily. When Ana is able to be
consistent with attending therapy daily and doing all her assigned coping skills ,
engaging socially , and journal writing she will get used to it. When she is able to
doing the same work repeatedly with her and her provider then , her main role is
being able to maintain this and appropriate motivational reinforcements is to follow
for her to realize
Harriet Beecher Stowe And His Family Essay
During the 1800s slavery was common. Although, many people thought it was wrong
and sinful, some actually did not mind the practice. Harriet Beecher Stowe and her
family were one of many who were activists in the anti slavery movement. She was
born in Litchfield, Connecticut on June 14, 1811. Her father, Lyman Beecher, was a
Calvinist preacher, and her mother, Roxana Foote, died when she was four. When
Stowe was 25 years old, she married Calvin Ellis Stowe, who was also against slavery
and a well known minister. Stowe s sister, Isabella Beecher Hooker, was an
advocate for women s rights. Another of her sisters, Catherine, founded a school to
offer education for young women. Uncle Tom s Cabin is about the life of Tom, an
african slave, who was sold to a trader because of the debt owed by his master. He
was being moved to the South where he would begin his life like he has never
done. Slavery has always been a sorrowful topic, so when we were given the years
between 1492 to 1870, it came to mind right away. Google gave a handful of books
to read, but only this mysterious title stroke curiosity.
The book started off with a conversation between two men, Mr. Shelby, a farmer,
and Mr. Haley, who is a trader. They were discussing the conduct of their slaves.
Mr. Shelby had a plethora of positive things to say about his slaves because he was
a very nice person. Mr. Haley on the other hand, was very negative and did not trust
any slave. Shelby spoke about this one particular slave
Essay On Structural Components
The maintenance, restoration and development of structural components, is maybe
one of the most typical problems in construction field applications. In addition, a huge
number of structures developed in the past utilizing the ancient established design
codes in various parts of the world are basically structurally hazardous as indicated to
the recent time design codes on the other hand the retrofitting has become necessary
due to the environmental degradation, heavier loading conditions and their life spans.
Therefore, various strengthening techniques are being introduced, historically the
structural components were repaired by post tensioning or jacketing with new
concretein conjunction with a surface adhesive, since mid 1960 s steel... Show more
content on ...
Diagonal tension failure: This usually occurs in the structural components with
considerably less amount on internal stirrups and the longitudinal reinforcement. This
is due to the shear capacity is not the only contribution of the concrete strength it also
adds on the strength of the internal stirrups and the longitudinal reinforcement. They
are generally initiated from the flexure cracks and the propagated to the entire cross
Shear compression failure: This type of failure of a structure is caused due to the
crushing of concrete at compressive zone above the tip of the shear crack. This is
basically observed in structural members with low web reinforcement but sufficient
longitudinal reinforcement. Shear cracks are initiated from the flexure cracks but do
not pass through the compressive region.
Shear tension failure: This type of crack tends to propagate along the main bars due
to the secondary flexure shear crack. In this circumstance the longitudinal
reinforcement loses the bond with concrete due to insufficient anchorage or the
concrete cover subsequently leading to the failure.
Web crushing failure: In this type of failure the direct forces are transferred from the
loading zone to the
Portraiture Depictions Of Queen Elizabeth I
Portraiture Depictions of Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor or Queen Elizabeth I
was and is one of the greatest monarchs in English history. Obtaining the crown at a
young age of twenty five, she seized a bankrupt country caused by previous rulers,
a country with an unstable religion, and loose ties with other great powers of the
world. Elizabeth I ruled for nearly half a century granting her the remembrance
with reigning with stability, the flourishment of the arts, and increased trade.
Elizabeth s sense of duty to her people was very admirable and that is one the
reasons that makes her such a great monarch. She was committed to her people and
never swayed from doing such that. In saying that, one of the ways people showed
their love and to show her greatness it was represented in portraits. Portraiture of
Queen Elizabeth I illustrates an evolution of her reign over England and Ireland in
the years of 1558 1603. Early portraits of young Elizabeth showcase what is going
on her life or what is important to her at that specific time. Objects such as prayer
books and status clothing would be displayed in the earlier portraits. Later portraits
of Elizabeth also showcase her life and the importance of virginity, purity, crowns,
and other effects. Representations of simplicity to later complex imagery are used to
exhibit her power as well as allusions or stories to convey the Elizabeth.
Progressively, Elizabeth transformed into the goddess Gloriana, engrossed in imperial
Msn Capstone Project Executive Summary
MSN Capstone Project Executive Summary Reducing Emergency Department (ED)
Overcrowding Through mHealth (Mobile Health Technology) Introduction The
emergency department in the modern hospital is one of the most complex clinical
settings to operate. According to Johnson, Sensei, Capasso (2012), this department
is an intersection of the diagnosis and treatment of emergency cases. As a result, it
experiences immense volumes of patients every day. However, in most hospitals,
patients visit the facilities with an indication of what they might be suffering from.
Specifically, they use their iPhones to get a list of conditions that they might be
having (Boncana, 2016). This method of detection has come to be known as
mHealth. In this regard, mHealth, rather mobile health, is a method that patients
use to enhance their health and medical practices via the use of mobile technology.
The cell phones used in this approach are equipped with medical/health software, a
personal digital assistant (PDA), and patient monitoring devices. MHealth has been
proved a good measure of reducing overcrowding in the emergency department.
However, some ED nurses and other healthcare workers are still unaware of how
the mHealth operates as well as its benefits. Some of those are found in Mayo Clinic
Health System (MCHS) in Waycross, Georgia. This executive summary will provide
more information to the ED nurses in Mayo Clinic Health System (MCHS) about
how it helps to reduce ED overcrowding. Further,
Why Do People Choose To Be Evil
To Choose to be Evil Every day people makes choices, they can be good or bad.
These choices are what define peoples morals. There is always evil and temptation
surrounding mankind. The line dividing good and evil is more blurred than ever with
new temptations coming into play. Even more now that society is advancing into the
future. Mankind chooses to be evil. They are not born that way, but the choices they
make are what defines their morals. Throughout history there have been cases that
have proven the statement people aren t born evil; evil is made. These cases include
the Oklahoma bombing, Columbine High School shooting, and more recently the
Boston marathon bombing. The first event proving the evil of mankind is The
Oklahoma City Bombing. This bombing was a tragedy that happened on April
19,1995. The bombing was caused by Timothy McVeigh. Mr. McVeigh had a bone to
pick with the government. He did not like how the government handled The Waco
Siegeor... Show more content on ...
Let the future generation cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it
to the full. Loon Trotsky
The 119th running of the Boston Marathon happened April 15, 2013. Many people
gathered in boston Massachusetts to watch the runners take off. All those
gathered at the finish line of the race would ve never expected what happened that
fateful day. Brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were two of the
million people who attended the event. What people didn t know is that the two
brothers had pressure cooker bombs in their backpack. The two were by the finish
line where they dropped their backpacks in the crowd of people and walked away.
The two bombs killed 3 marathon watchers and injured over 260 others. 16 people
lost legs and the youngest to lose a leg was a 7 year old girl. The two were said to be
inspired by extremist islamic belief, but the brothers claimed they weren t apart of
any terrorist
Pack Wine Research Paper
How to Pack Wine Bottles for a Cross Country Relocation
Whether you re a Chianti Connoisseur or a Maven of Moscato, when it comes time
to transport your beloved bevy of booze, there are a few important things to keep in
mind. In addition to ensuring the packaging is secure and stable, also consider the
types of wine in your collection, and remember the nuances that each particular
persuasion possesses. If you aren t able to have a professional service move your
collection, there are plenty of options for getting your old reds to your new digs safely.
Packaging Packaging your bottles securely is the most important part of moving
your collection. In the event of a fall or drop, a fortified encasement will reduce the
chances of breakage. ... Show more content on ...
These uniquely designed containers are made up of polystyrene foam cells into
which the bottles are placed, then capped with another piece of foam. The entire
array is then inserted into a cardboard box. While pricey, wine shipping boxes
provide an insulated solution that is simple to pack, while limiting the agitation of
your wines delicate balances.
Cell Boxes If you can t get your hands on the specialty boxes, you can visit your
local liquor store, a courier, or even a grocery store, and find out if they have cell
boxes available to donate. Cell boxes contain cardboard inserts that will also limit
the extraneous movement of your bottles in shipping. They aren t quite as fancy or
secure, so you will want to fill in the empty spaces around the bottles with crushed
paper or a similar material.
Moving boxes Say you forgot to plan ahead. If your resources are limited, you can
place the wine in regular moving boxes, as long as you do so delicately. Place
something soft like a towel or sweatshirt in the bottom of the box. Wrap the bottles
individually in paper or bubble wrap and place them standing in the box. You can use
foam plates between and around the bottles to keep them from shifting and clanking
Living Revocable Trust
Benefits of trust are many and varied. A trust is one of the most flexible tools a
financial attorney can use. There are various types of trusts available and they can be
beneficial to asset protection, income tax planning, and estate planning. The trust that
provides the best solution for your needs will depend on a number of different factors.
The living revocable trust is the one used most often. The benefits of a trust like this
include: helping dodge probate, reduce estate taxation, and maintain asset
management when the owner or initiator of the trust becomes incapacitated or dies.
Yes, technically trusts don t have official owners, but this description makes it much
easier to understand. Today we are going to focus on establishing and... Show more
content on ...
Most people will not have a will, but if you do it s probably what we like to call a
John loves Mary will . Typically these wills make estate tax disasters because they
require everything to be probated. Let s say your family gets into a car accident, and
your will states that upon your death everything goes to your spouse. If only you die
in this accident your spouse will avoid estate taxes, but anything not owned as joint
tenants with go through probate.
Now, let s also assume that your spouse was in the car with you, and while they
survived the crash, they died in the ambulance or at the hospital shortly after. If
you have children, then your will would likely turn over your property to them.
Now everything will have to go through probate, and it will also be subject to taxes.
The laws behind estate taxes are evolving in ways that make more people
susceptible to them, and on top of that, they are becoming a lot more expensive. In
2013, estates valued over $1 million will face taxes as high as 45%. This can be
truly devastating for your family, especially in a tragedy like the one illustrated here.
You don t want this to
The Direct Genetic Loci Accounting For Schizophrenia s...
The direct genetic loci accounting for schizophrenia s heritability is still unidentified.
The mental illness affects approximately 3.5million Americans and 1 percent of the
worldwide population today. The variable related to the disease is so widely ranged
that literally anyone can have some form of potential risk. Compared to other mental
disorders, schizophrenia is unique to having a combination of many different
environmental, genetic, and biological factors. The exact cause of the disease is still
unknown, but studies such as biometric and molecular screenings have proved
genetic and biological factors, combined with environmental factors, is strongly
connected to the etiology of the disease. Although schizophrenia is more commonly
manifested during young adulthood, scientists believes, a variety of pre birth factors
are linked to the development of the disease. There are several prenatal factors that
have a higher relative risk to the progression of schizophrenia as recorded by
scientists. Although not proven, studies suggests time of birth, place of birth,
infections during pregnancy, stress, malnourishment, and rh incompatibility are
increased risk factors that shed light on possible causations of schizophrenia. Many
studies are indefinite due to the latency, methodology, and of the disease, more
research need to be established.
Time of Birth The time leading to conception until birth is a very demanding and
sensitive duration on the mental and
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  • 1. Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic of "Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the vast scope of environmental issues and the need to carefully select a compelling and relevant topic. One must navigate through the plethora of environmental concerns, ranging from climate change and deforestation to pollution and biodiversity loss, to find a specific angle that not only captivates the reader but also persuades them to take action. Research plays a pivotal role in crafting a well-informed and persuasive essay. Gathering reliable data, statistics, and up-to-date information on the chosen environmental issue requires diligence and thorough investigation. The complexity of environmental problems demands a nuanced understanding, making it crucial to delve into various sources and viewpoints to present a comprehensive and well-balanced argument. Moreover, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay and clearly communicates the writer's stance adds an additional layer of difficulty. The essay must effectively convey the urgency and importance of the chosen environmental issue, encouraging readers to reflect on their own behaviors and consider adopting sustainable practices. Organizing the essay coherently is another challenge. Striking the right balance between presenting facts, providing evidence, and maintaining a persuasive tone requires skillful composition. Transitioning smoothly between different points and weaving a persuasive narrative that keeps the reader engaged is a skill that takes time and practice to master. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics" poses its challenges, it also offers an opportunity to contribute to raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility toward the environment. It demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to create a compelling piece that motivates readers to take action. For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including environmental issues, one can explore writing services like, where professional writers can provide guidance and support in crafting high-quality essays tailored to specific requirements. Environmental Persuasive Essay TopicsEnvironmental Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 2. Sherlock Holme Foil The Hound of the Baskerville The legendary author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the Hound of the Baskerville. The story is all about solving the mysterious mystery of the death of Sir Charles. Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Watson are trying to find out that the murderer is and how would they solve it. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses Stapleton as a foil to Holmes to highlight between good vs. evil, compare each character s personality, and how their actions lead to solving the mystery. As far as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the story, Stapleton was the greedy person in which he was the murderer. While Mr. Holmes was a serious and a brilliant London based detective. Holmes is renowned for his ability at using rationale and an intelligent observation in solving the case. It is murder, Watson refined, cold blooded, deliberate murder. The Hound of the Baskerville, page 144. As Watson said, All of my unspoken instincts, my vague suspicions, suddenly took shape and centered upon the naturalist. In that impassive, colorless man, with his straw hat and his butterfly net, I seemed to see something terrible a creature of infinite patience and craft, with a smiling face and a murderous heart. The Hound of the Baskervilles, page 44 ... Show more content on ... Holmes and Mr. Stapleton have different personalities. Sherlock as we know him is the serious and mean but he s also friendly and across the board faith in curses and the supernatural, Holmes is truly the singular case out of many others who never questions the quest for a sound reason. In this limit, Holmes speaks to the universe of logic and science. While Stapleton is an enthusiastic entomologist and a fearless pioneer of the Grimpen Mire, where he keeps the huge hound. All together better to lure Sir Henry, he demands that his wife put on a show to be his sister. He kicks the bucket in the Mire, escaping from Holmes, Watson, and Inspector
  • 3. Renewable Energy Sources For Clean Energy As of right now China is the leader in clean energy usage. They have been dramatically increasing their spending on clean/renewable energy source such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic cells, and water turbines. This rise of renewable and clean energy in china has come with a hefty price. China has spent almost $500 billion on renewable energysources. With this increase of clean energyChina is also reducing their use of coal and trying to get more coal plants to clean the coal so that there will not be as many pollutant coming from the plants. China has made a plan for all this to be possible, it will span over 5 years and it is planned to cause 20% of all energy used to be from renewable energy sources. Because of Chinas determined plan to make a big change in clean/renewable energy they have become the leader in clean and renewable energy usage, over doubling the amount of energy the US has produced from renewable energy sources. One very controversial aspect to the use of these renewable energy sources is how they are changing the landscapes and some even displacing animals and humans form their homes. One example of this is the Three Gorges Dam, a hydroelectric dam that reaches across the Yangtze River. The dam is located near the town of Sandouping in the Hubei province. When the dam was being built China had to relocate over 1.24 million people because the water that would be blocked from flowing down the river would rise and flood many of the towns by the river.
  • 4. In King Henry Iv, How Has Shakespeare Portrayed the... Hal and Hotspur are the two most compared characters in Shakespeare s King Henry IV: Part 1 because of the many similarities and differences that are portrayed by Shakespeare. The audience is presented with many aspects about each character very early on in the play, and it is then that they create expectations which can either be confirmed or contradicted as the play goes on. Shakespeare usually portrays a character through the use of literary and dramatic techniques throughout his work, either subtle or obvious. In this particular text, he has used a range of textual techniques to portray the characteristic of arrogance shared by both, portray Hotspur s great honour, as well as Hal s notable dishonour, and the ways that the two contrast. ... Show more content on ... Another way that Shakespeare portrays Hotspur as being an honourable character is in the very way that he speaks. Throughout the play, Hotspur talks in the sophisticated prose form, an example being But I remember when the fight was done,/ When I was dry with rage and extreme toil,/ breathless and faint, leaning upon my sword... The fact that Shakespeare has chosen for Hotspur to use prose when he talks suggests to us that he is able to speak very well with such a fiery passion about honourable things, like battles. In the given example, Hotspur uses such a colourful description of the aftermath of a battle, not to say how extremely well he fought, but giving a more modest account on how worn out he was, thus Shakespeare reinforces the aspect of honour in his character. Shakespeare has utilized techniques like foreshadowing, contrasting, setting and language to portray Hal as dishonourable. Shakespeare portrays Hal from the beginning as being dishonourable and unruly through the use of foreshadowing that is used by other characters. After talking about how honourable Hotspur is, King Henry IV contrasts him with his own son; riot and dishonour stain the brow/ of my young Harry. The heavy contrast here foreshadows Hal s character as being that of dishonour because we have just been given an image, through foreshadowing, about how grand Hotspur s honour is, then King Henry gives and
  • 5. Spay Aware Ad Analysis Introduction There are many causes that people are adamant about in today s society. People are aiming to acquire support for their cause, to provide services that will support their cause, or to find solutions to a problem. A common cause is to neuter/spay animals to lower the unwanted pet s population in a given location. An Ireland advert and a Delaware advert offer the same solution: to neuter or spay animals. Ireland s Spay Aware ad indirectly solves the problem by educating pet owners, the benefits of spaying and neuter of pets and using emotions to hook the audience to go through with spaying their pets. The Delaware SPCA s ad is more direct by offering a free service to spay and neuter stray cats using logic and other incentives to ... Show more content on ... For the Delaware SPCA ad, the reason is simple: the cat provides a positive example of this program. In a trap, neuter, release program, the veterinarian will clip a part of the cat s ear off as a mark to tell others that the cat has been fix and does not need to be place in a shelter. This cat has the clip ear and is fairly healthy looking, as shown with the shine of the cat s fur and how plump the cat looks. The Ireland ad portrays a strong, happy male being lick by a happy, go lucky dog. This, too, has a reason. It is a common misconception that neutering male dogs rid them of their man hood, so the ad targets this misconception by showing that neuter males are just as manly as intact males. The ad went so far as proclaiming only real men neuter! Those words, couple with the strong male and happy dog, will draw the attention of males, who would then think that neutering is manly. This would lead them to going through with the
  • 6. Data Analysis Methods And Analysis Essay Data Analysis Methods 1.Summarize the methods used in the study to analyze the data or evidence what reasoning or rationale are they using to link the evidence or data to the conclusions of the study? пЃ¶Population: large U.S. cities defined as more than 200,000 residents and annual population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. пЃ¶Red Light Camera Programs: obtained through news reports and calls to city police departments or public works department. пЃ¶Calendar Years: 2004 2008 represented the latest 5 years for fatal crash rates available of the after study period while 1992 1996 represented the before study period. пЃ¶Fatality Analysis Reporting System: data on fatal crashes at intersections with signal lights extracted for 1992 1996 and 2004 2008. пЃ¶Poisson Regression Model: examines the relationship of camera enforcement and other variables with fatal crash rates 2.If the study uses statistical techniques what are the main purposes for using these techniques? пЃ¶Poisson Regression Models: accounted for the covariance structure due to repeated measures because of each independent unit of analysis (city) had observations (before and after periods). o population density: in thousands of people per square mile for each study period; for example, the population density during the before period calculated as the average annual population during 1992 1996 divided by the 1990 land area while the after period is calculated as the average annual population of 2004 2008
  • 7. Early Colonial America Factors Early colonial America was influenced by many various factors. There are three main factors. These three main factors are: the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia, the introduction of slavery to America, and the enclosure of croplands in England. In order to fully understand how America was influenced and shaped by each individual factor, it is imperative to understand the consequence of each factor and the importance of each consequence. These three factors are not equally important in regard to their consequences. The three main factors, ranked by most important to least important are the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia, the introduction of slavery to America, and the enclosure of croplands in England. The factor with the most important consequences is the cultivation of tobacco. There are three reasons that prove that tobacco cultivation had the most important consequences. The first reason is that cultivation of tobacco created a large profitable... Show more content on ... But that is not to say that it was not important factor. The enclosure of croplands forced many already destitute farmers to lose their livelihood. Many of these people travelled to America as indentured servants.These indentured servants were a major source of labor. Basically the enclosure of croplands prompted people to travel to America Indentured servants were an indispensable source of labor before slavery was widespread in the colonies. If indentured servants had not come to America, colonial America would have been hard pressed for any settlers to come. The transcontinental journey was very expensive. If you were not a wealthy person it would be very hard for you to pay for the passage. So starting and keeping a colony going would have been extremely difficult without indentured servants. Also they were a source of labor before slavery was widespread, so laborers would have been scarce without indentured
  • 8. What Is The First Automobile Perfected The first automobile perfected was in Germany and France by Nicolaus Otto, Gottlieb Daimler, Carl Benz, and Emile Levassor. The First modern motorcar however was made by Wilhelm Maybach and it was a 1901 Mercedes. It had 35 horsepower and it could achieve the speed of 53 mph, plus its engine only weighed 14 pounds. This car however had competition with a European designer. Ransom E Olds made an Oldsmobile with three horsepower, one cylinder tiller steered, and a curved dash. This car has a price of only $650, so with a lower price compared to the Mercedes it was possible for middle class Americans to purchase and drive it. In 1908 Henry Fordmade the Model T. This car was very common if not the most popular car in the early 1900s. Henry Ford
  • 9. Positive Effects Of Bilingualism Elizabeth Peal and Wallace Lambert published a monograph titled The Relation of Bilingualism to Intelligence in 1962. They directed research in Montreal with 10 year old children where they analyzed the performances of monolinguals to bilingual speakers of French and English on standardized tests of intelligence. Before this study was conducted, bilingualism was thought of negatively because there was concern around bilingual children and the disadvantages of learning two languages at once. Some disadvantages included lower intelligence, a languagehandicap , poor linguistic capabilities, more grammatical errors, reduced vocabulary, among numerous other factors researchers believed to be true. Peal and Lambert s discoveries were the first research study that contradicted the negative opinions noted previously in research and underlined the positive effects of bilingualism in relation to cognitive development. Studies after Peal and Lambert s continued to show that bilingualism has more positive, beneficial outcomes rather than focus on the negative ones. These positive outcomes include better cognitive control abilities, improved executive functioning, and protection against cognitive decline. Therefore, knowing two languages is greater than knowing just one. To continue the discussion around the Peal and Lambert study, they noted that many of the earlier studies done on bilingualism were flawed because they failed to control variables such as socioeconomic status and
  • 10. Why I Want A College Millions of people apply to college all over the united states every year to earn a college degree. College degrees provides more job opportunities and a higher income. As a high school senior, I spent all year searching for a compatible college that fits my standards. I wanted a college that is affordable, so when I graduate I am not stuck with a massive debt. Secondly, I wanted a campus and an environment that I can feel comfortable in and not stick out. Lastly, the college must provide me with the right skills to start my career. With those three standards, I narrowed my choices to one perfect college. My search began with all the colleges located in the United States since I wanted to stay in the same country. I then eliminated the colleges ... Show more content on ... I ve experienced that feeling and environment before at the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics, a boarding school for juniors and seniors that provide college level classes. I had to be put on antidepressants and go to therapy because of the environment. I did not want to go through that feeling again at Cornell. I hoped for the best as I investigated the lifestyle of OSU IT. I scheduled a campus tour and instantly felt at home since it is a small college in a small town. The environment felt warm as well because there were places where students go to relax on campus and to talk about their problems. Although I did not visit Cornell, I knew I would not enjoy the more stressful environment. The only positive aspect of studying at Cornell is the label. Employers think highly of a graduate from an ivy league and are more likely to be hired because of its highly selective acceptance rate and challenging academics. However, OSU IT provides paid internships and the career placement rate at 90%. After intense examination of Cornell and OSU IT, I decided to go to OSU IT for obvious reasons. OSU IT is affordable, homey, and provides med with the right tools to have a steady career. I am proud to say that I will be a part of OSU IT in the fall of this
  • 11. The Fast Food Industry Essays The dagger of the people is always twisting and changing the fast food world. Fast food itself has always been changing due to social, economic, and health concerns. To begin I will cover the origins of fast food, followed by a brief discussion about McDonalds as well as Burger King. This will be accompanied by a brief discussion on Taco Bell, with our final subject covering healthier fast foodoptions. The origins of the fast food death machine : The machines gears were forged by the company known as Horn and Hardarts, based on the needs of the American populace in the year of 1902 to provide quick and cheap service and food to the hungry masses who craved the sustenance with hunger untold in the land of New York. The meals cost about... Show more content on ... In addition to the actual state of the restaurant the figure head of a fast food industry must also capture the minds of potential consumer via a seemingly moronic yet intelligent and sentient being. A perfect example of this would be the clown from McDonald s, his bizarre and inhuman looks capturing the visual attention of the consumer while the mild mannered psychotic behavior both tantalizes us and fills us with fear of the consequences of not consuming the double cheese burger. Another prime example would be the burger king (view a commercial with the king and all of this will make perfect sense) and his disturbing imagery and behavior, simply appearing at your bed side offering flame broiled delights always with a exceedingly morbid and paralyzing smile suggesting that the burgers are poisoned and that one will die as a result of eating them (of course the commercial never shows the fate of the kings victim). In retrospect while it may appear that the gimmicks themselves do not actually draw the consumer in the imagery mixed with their events taking place seem to have captured and reeled in the consumers mind and thus achieved the companies goal. The economic way is the only way: since the beginning of the fast food industry there has always been one simplistic train of thought, yes its good but how do we make money
  • 12. What Is The Main Examples Of Doublethink Orwell describes in his novel that the doublethink is having two contradictory ideas at the same time and accepting them both without having trouble with this. People in the novel has to adapt to doublethink in order to not do thoughtcrimes because the Party changes the history all the time and as a citizen of Oseania one should believe that the situation today has always been this way although you can remember for example from last monday that Oseania was at war with another continent than the present time. Doublethink requires the changing of the past and the changing of the past is made possible by the use and adaptation of doublethinking. A good example is a newspeak word black and white. If you use the word to describe the opponent of ... Show more content on ... It means that a person has thoughts that do not fit to the concepts and rules of the ruling party. Mostly these unspoken beliefs are against the ruling party, or for example secretly doubting or hating the BigBrother. Illegal is everything that can make person an individual. The party is founded on collectivism and the same time to people not having freedom to assembly in a way that is not part of the plans and events of the party. To be a good citizen you shouldn t have these thoughts at the first place and a person should excersise crimestop that means to have the necessary mental discipline for not having these ideas at the first place that count as a thoughtcrime. In most cases the thoughtcrimes are revealed through person talking in his/her sleep when the control of your brain is minimum. Everywhere there are telescreens so that a person can be watched, heard and controlled at all times. The thought police is a secret service of Oseania and they are the ones to seek and punish people who have committed a thought crime.The psycholigical methods of the ruling party are in a big part in the novel. Thoughtcrime makes me think of the modern fact that at least US government is survailling internet search engines (and perhaps other channels too) for words relating to terrorism. If you might be a terrorist, the government has certain rights to violate your privacy and freedom through the Patriot Act. This really is
  • 13. Gender Roles In The Elizabethan Era The women of the Elizabethan era were expected to be silent and obedient to men in society. They did not have any rights and were seen as property to a man. The women of the Elizabethan era were given education only if they were of noble birth. Otherwise, they had to stay home and learn to run the household. For Elizabethan era women of noble birth, education included knowledge of several languages, including Latin, Greek, Italian, and French. However, even noble women were not allowed to go to university and were only taught by tutors who visited them in their home. Gender roles during the Elizabethan era were clearly defined, with men reigning superior over women. Men really had an enormous influence over women. While a man went out to work,... Show more content on ... The play explores the gender inequality, marriage, obedience and its importance in relationships and the social subjugation of females. The story of Kat and Patrick s relationship in the movie shows that you shouldn t judge people on appearances. Patrick thinks there is no way he could actually like Kat but in the end she turns out to be the girl he falls in love with. At the beginning of the film Michael walks through the courtyard with Cameron and informs him about the different social groups at Padua High School. This shows the way high school is often perceived in real life. The scene, with a long camera shot, shows how judgmental they are putting everyone into groups and putting a label on them. The examples of Kat and Patrick show us that people can be different compared to how they first
  • 14. Oprah Winfrey Leadership Analysis Oprah Winfrey has a way with connecting with people. This leader implements several different strategies to achieve and gain her success. Therefore, when Oprah was airing her television show, she would give the audience gifts, such as, prior to Christmas, and give the audience her favorite items from her Christmas list. Oprah is no stranger of giving because everyone went home with nice and occasionally expensive gifts like UGG Boots, because Its appears evidential that Oprah plays a vital role in their spike in company sells and marketing for this company because this is where many consumers first saw these items, on the Oprah WinfreyShow. Oprah believes and listens to her followers, because she knew the majority of the latest trends, because Oprah is respected in our society, she could probably convince anyone to purchase anything that she suggests. Therefore, consumer power is a major tactic that Oprah implement in her leadershipskills. Listening to your followers is vital because these are the people that up and personal with the items and products. Therefore, sharing ideas, listening, and receiving feedback is detrimental for any business because it s important that all followers feel that they are apart of an organization. However, some business leaders are not willing and open to hear the ideals of the followers and only feel that they are the person that support majority of the company s decisions and in majority of analogous cases, these people or their company
  • 15. Aboriginal Culture Analysis Gulnar Qaiser Professor LeBel MDSA02 March 15 2016 Relevance of Oral Tradition Around the Time of Colonization to the Present Day Oral tradition exists in day to day life, from telling children stories or singing lullabies, which are usually learnt in early childhood, to get them to sleep. Stories that are told to children by non Aboriginal individuals are usually meant for entertainment purposes and do not carry any deeper value, nor are they given any cultural or spiritual importance. For many Aboriginal groups, however, stories and songs have a much greater significance. Aboriginal peoples communities are often founded on stories that are characteristically sustaining: communicating the epistemologies and norms that constitute their worldviews ... Show more content on ... James Slotta writes, Chief Justice McEachern of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed the plaintiffs claims to Aboriginal title, self government, and Aboriginal rights. Weighing the oral traditions they presented in support of their claim, he commented, If I do not accept their evidence it will seldom be because I think they are untruthful, but rather because I have a different view of what is fact and what is belief (Slotta, 138). In this scenario, the Judge believes that the stories, or any other information that the Indigenous people brought forward as proof of how important their land was to them, is in fact purely belief, and therefore, the people are rejected rights to their land. This is of great importance because the main difference between what the laws deems as evidence and belief impacts crucial decision making regarding the Aboriginal people s right to their land. In the Chief Justice opinion evidence is what is recorded, or written down, nothing otherwise. For this reason, Aboriginal peoples are directly losing their rights and indirectly losing their connection to their own traditions. This is why Oral Tradition still carries importance today: there are large amounts of people belonging to a spiritual group that rely
  • 16. A Study On Premarital Cohabitation Premarital Cohabitation In the late 1980s, only 44% of women cohabited before their first marriage. 67% of women have cohabited before their first marriage since 2000 (Manning Cohen, 2012). Premarital cohabitation has become the majority experience in the United States (Tach Halpern Meekin, 2009; Teachman, 2003). Although cohabitationhas become the majority experience, premarital cohabitation is still associated with poorer marital communication quality, lower marital satisfaction, higher levels of domestic violence, and greater probability of divorce in U.S. samples (Cohan Kleinbaum, 2002; Stanley, Rhoades, Markman, 2006). In a study completed by Cohan Kleinbaum (2002), researchers found that the couples who did not premarital cohabitate had more positive problem solving skills and more positive help seeking methods than couples who did cohabitate before marriage. Despite the negative consequences, there are still many reasons young couples are choosing to cohabitate. Researchers have found that young couples cohabitate before marriage in order to test their relationship and attempt to divorce proof their marriages (Manning Cohen, 2012). Oppenheimer (1988) argued facilitates the kind of interaction that increases the knowledge of oneself and of a potential marriage partner and of the kind of mutual adaptations that are so essential to a stable relationship (p. 583) (Manning Cohen, 2012). The sharing of living expenses was ranked second among important
  • 17. The New Website Template On The Century Chevy, Dodge And... Good afternoon Gentlemen, Can you believe it is March already and quarter two is just around the corner?! The year is already flying by! In the below link are the February 2017 Digital Reports for your records and review. Monthly Notes Below are the February at a glance stats that you will find in each of the reports: Conversion RateBounce RateAverage Pages ViewedTime On SiteImpression ShareSearch Click Through RateTotal Combined Conversions Fowler Century Chevrolet4.68%41.37%4.474:0452.47%6.69%420 Fowler Dodge3.82%28.70%6.495:1953.05%9.88%453 Fowler Honda5.61%30.31%5.064:1462.89%9.23%388 Fowler Toyota4.50%24.62%6.865:4174.90%10.46%413 Fowler Toyota Tulsa3.88%25.13%6.295:2858.98%13.20%491... Show more content on ... Todd also informed me on February 3rd that Stephen Shaferis the new Internet Director at the store. I had a brief intro call with him at the beginning of the month and worked with him on several small projects already this month including a Referral email campaign ( /refer.html) for the CRM and working with DealerOn to add the Window Stickers customization to inventory. Per the budget meeting with Jay back in November, effective January 1st, we increased the paid search budget to $15,000. Additionally, we also incorporated a $1,100 pre roll using a budget. February marked month two of this change and as you will see on page 3, we continued to see the account moving in a positive direction with a very strong 6.69% Click through Rate and 420 Total Combined Conversions. In mid February, I did get on a call with Jay to discuss the Paid Search account and review the numbers with him. One of the items I mentioned to him was that we were looking to continue working on bringing up his Search Impression Share. After the call the and I worked with Tuan to pull last years sold by zip data, which helped us to further cleanse the account and ensure we were targeting the right
  • 18. The Creation Of The British Colonial Empire The creation of the British colonial empire was one of the great facts of history. For the Empire, Britain took a larger share than any other nation in developing the movement of people between continents; it also has changed the expansion of Whites, Blacks and Indians. By exporting outside its borders, together with its colonists, civilization, language, and institutions, it contributed mightily to the vast movement of Westernization of the world. Many historians debate on how the empire began. In general, they say it started in the early 12th century when the Normans moved into Ireland. The empire was huge and vast, which brought a lot of changes in many parts of the world. Today, many people of the world live the way they do because of the impact of the British Empire. An important aspect about the British is how the imperialism marked the international system in many countries. The First Empire was during 1583 to 1783 and the Second Empire was during 1783 to 1815. This research assignment will approach mainly on what occurred during the 19th century, identified as the Imperial Century. During this century, Britain dominated every field where there is human activity. Some of the reasons behind the establishment of the Empire were mostly economic reasons, national prestige and the release from national conditions. Why did Britain want to build an Empire? Firstly, one of the main reasons is the resources found in the overseas colonies who offered cheap natural possessions.
  • 19. An Explanation Of How Billing And Coding Works For... B.An explanation of how billing and coding works for healthcare services Medical billing and coding are two closely related aspects of the modern health care industry. Both practices are involved in the immensely important reimbursement cycle, which ensures that health care providers are paid for the services they perform. For the sake of simplicity, let s divide the two at the moment and look at them as separate pieces of a larger process. We ll begin with medical coding. Medical Coding Medical coding, at its most basic, is a little like translation. It s the coder s job to take something that s written one way (a doctor s diagnosis, for example, or a prescription for a certain medication) and translate it as accurately as possible into a numeric or alphanumeric code. For every injury, diagnosis, and medical procedure, there is a corresponding code. There are thousands and thousands of codes for medical procedures, outpatient procedures, and diagnoses. Let s start with a quick example of medical coding in action. A patient walks into a doctor s office with a hacking cough, high production of mucus or sputum, and a fever. A nurse asks the patient their symptoms and performs some initial tests, and then the doctor examines the patient and diagnoses bronchitis. The doctor then prescribes medication to the patient. Every part of this visit is recorded by the doctor or someone in the healthcare provider s office. It s the medical coder s job to translate every bit of relevant
  • 20. Essay on Nisa Life and Words of a Kung Woman Nisa: The life and words of a !kung woman:response Nisa: the life and words of a !kung woman written by Marjorie Shostak is a book about a woman named nisa of the !kung people. It entails the stories of her struggles and the many horrific tragedies in her life and how it shapes who and how she is. The book Is basically an interview of a fifty year old nisa, it is written in her perspective of what it is like to live in such a society. She suffered quite a few devastating tragedies as aforementioned which included, the death of four of her children, two as infants and two as adults. Even shostak says that none of the !kung women suffered tragedies the way nisa did. The story evokes the importance of women to the tribe. Most of the... Show more content on ... When anyone tried to pick on me she would help me and it also helped to the fact that she was popular and all the boys wanted her and what she said was taken as gospel. She always had my back even when my mom was whipping me she d make jokes about my mom having the propensity of killing me because I was small which made my mom stop at times. It is very similar to the way Nisa describes her older brother Dau and his protection over her except it s the other way around . Nisa tells of stories of Dau and how she looks up to him time and time again. She remembers that some occasions Dau would bring her mongongo nuts because it is her favorite. In another occasion Nisa s older brother would intervene when their parents treat her punitively because Nisa would sometimes disobey what her told her not to do. In conclusion, shostak acquired a lot of knowledge from her stay with the !kung people. She learned that their culture is not really different from that of western civilizations, though their culture is seen as embryonic in terms of technology and medicine. They are thought of as primitive and looked down on because they do no project the image of technologically sound people. Despite all these the !kung civilization is similar to our civilization by the social bonds we share with one another, love, hate, promiscuity, family we love and others we hate to
  • 21. Al Capone Influence On Chicago Outfit s It s the beginning of the 1950 s. The citizens of Chicago are awaken by gunfires of mobsters of the Chicago Outfit s, lead by Al Capone. Al Capone was one of the best mobster kings in America, he got away with multiple murders, bootlegged alcohol during the prohibition era, along with numerous other court cases. At a young age, Al Capone was sheltered in a apartment with his mother, Teresina Capone, and father, Gabriel Capone, who immigrated from Italy to Brooklyn, and his two older brothers. Teresina was a stay at home mother who loved her children, and prayed nothing for the best for her son Alphonso, wishing that he would follow the right path, his father was a barber who gave young Capone a shoe shining box to work in the streets of New York. Hoping the American grounds could provide for their family, they moved into a tiny apartment in an Italian... Show more content on ... Not only did Al Capone finish paying off a fine of fifty thousand dollars for back taxes, he traded his crown for Palm Island in Miami, Florida, where he sought therapy to his sickness. On January 25, 1947 at the age of forty eight Al Capone died of cardiac arrest, and was buried at the St. Patrick s church. His family attended the ceremony for his burial, his wife and son held their ground, proud of Al Capone the Mobster King of Chicago. Born in Brooklyn to poor immigrant parents, he tried his best to make his mother proud, but ended up working the streets, where he earned his title of King Alphonso. As a criminal he got away with countless murders, gambled, and became a bootlegger of alcohol during the prohibition era. His kingdom began to collapse when he was imprisoned at Alcatraz and became ill. Despite his anti climactic demise, Al Capone was the most successful criminal politician in the United
  • 22. Essay Activity 4 case study Activity 4.4 Case Study Measurement of Variables Operational Definitions I Measurement is the assignment of numbers to characteristics (or attributes) of objects according to a pre specified set of rules. Describe the object and characteristics of Syafiq s study. The object of the study is to help the Standard Asian Merchant Banks SP department understand how, and to what extent, the customers use the website and how it can be simplified in order to reduce the number of help calls associated with it. The author of the study, Syafiq, must decide which characteristics of the study are likely to be relevant to users of the review. The characteristics of this study are Information Quality, System Quality,... Show more content on ... These concepts determine how the researchers are going to measure an emotion or concept, such as the level of suffering or hostility. Easily measured variables are height, mass, volume, circumference, etc. Fairly easily measured variables are speed, distance, work, frequency range. Not easily measured variables are happiness, aggressiveness, pain, physical ability, love, hunger, frustration, and situational awareness. Describe the process of operationalizing variables. Factors that are subjective, effort dependent or abstract are hard to measure. First, identify the characteristics or attributes that are needed to study and come up with a system to measure the variable or concept. Second, determine one or more quantitative measures of the characteristic or attribute. Will they be measured using the metric system, imperial system or English? Third, determine the instrument for obtaining this measure. For example, the use of a ruler or tape measure to obtain a measure of height in inches, or a scale of 1 10 to measure emotion or other abstract characteristics. Based on a review of the literature Syafiq has developed a table (Table 1) that should help him to operationalize the variables of his conceptual model. Use this table to discuss the attributes Information Quality in terms of dimensions and elements. In other words, which dimensions of Information Quality has Syafiq
  • 23. Analysis Of The Movie Exit The King Exit the King by Eugene Ionesco directed by Trey Irby in presentation with the Blue Masque was a complete production that felt well explored and executed. The play itself is a somewhat dark look into the fall of a king, his kingdom and final hours of his life. This much darker subject matter is balanced with comic relief provided by the guard, the maid and occasional banter of the king s two wives. A well flushed out script that examines such a timeless struggle as the delicate balance of life and death poses immense challenge for those involved. While this challenge occasionally made itself known, the acting body as a whole did a fine job at overcoming these hurdles. The role of Queen Marguerite, played by Laurel Edge, was one of the most complex roles to wrestle with and Edge took many of bold stances that went helped to more fully develop what could have been essentially a bitchy antagonist into a three dimensional being with solid intention from start to finish. Marguerite s objective from the moment she steps on stage is clearly to end the life of the king, or rather help him to the end of his life since no explicit murder takes place. Marguerite stops at nothing to pursuethis through whether her obstacle is Queen Marie or the King himself. Edge was well open and able to play off the many others in the scene at a time though this was not always obvious. She also had the clearest expectations. Her choices in actions often times had her sitting away separately avoiding
  • 24. Sonnet 30 The Disney film Frozen may seem innocent on the surface, but it disguises child abuse and solitary confinement with a whimsical fantasy world containing trolls and magical powers. Throughout her childhood, the older sister, Elsa, remains confined to her room, unable to play with her sister and forced to repress her magic. In one of the film s most heart wrenching moments, Elsa sits on the opposite side of the door from her sister, just inches away from her, yet sobbing because she lives isolated from the rest of her family. Elsa s parents ultimately abandon her to deal with her emotional turbulence and growing powers alone, and when they die, Elsa lacks someone with whom she can share her grief. Thus, Elsa spends her childhood alone,... Show more content on ... Though line 1 and the beginning of line 2, where the speaker summon[s] up remembrance (2), describe the speaker in the temporal present, the reference to things past (2) marks the first mention of the past occurrence for which the speaker grieves. Due to the sonnet s constant shifts between past and present, literary critic Helen Vendler argues that Sonnet 30 participates in a form of temporal hop scotching, whereby the poet s present self deliberately and habitually [makes] the tears flow again... willingly [calling] up the griefs of the past (165). Specifically, Vendler contends that the first quatrain introduces two of five major periods of time from Sonnet 30 the speaker s present thoughts and his past losses. The wordplay in the third line, where the speaker sigh[s] for things sought (3) spotlights this tension between past and present, as Shakespeare [invents] a new verb (Vendler 167) to distinguish the two. In the fourth line, Shakespeare delves deeper into his flashback, recounting his old woes (4) to depict a time of sorrow. Similarly, the metrical variation present in Shakespeare s dear times waste (4) emphasizes the ambiguity of the sonnet s past the poet could mean a single catastrophic event or an entire lifetime, rendering the entire sonnet an
  • 25. John F. Kennedy s President Of The United States Although all on Earth we do not look alike, there are people whose similarities never cease to amaze us. The resemblance is so strong that one wonders if he has never been a relationship between those two people in a previous life. In this case it is the former president of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, one of the most legendary president of the United States. He is listed as the youngest elected president and die at the heart of its mandate to the presidency of the United States, killed two years after entering the White House. Today it remains the only American president of the Catholic faith; and the current president of the United States Barack Obama considered the first black president of the United States. The two men who have... Show more content on ... The United States had never elected a president of a Catholic religion, and above all a source of Irish Boston. For the record, during the late 19th century and early 20th century, According To the Griot Irish immigrants were very scorned by so called Americans native . In the 1870s and 1880s the Irish are drunks and the silly caricature. Going to the policy, Irish began to gain momentum and power, especially in Boston or lily was too populated. But that s no problem, the issue of religion still always be a big problem during the presidential campaign of Kennedy. Until he was even invited to meet in a speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association September 12, 1960. I am not the Catholic candidate for president, said participants. I am the Democratic Party candidate for President who also happens to be a Catholic. I m not talking about my church on public matters and the church does not speak for me. Similarly, during his presidential campaign, Obama was invited to give a speech that speaks to both his race and religion in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008 (The New Times). In this speech, like John Kennedy, Obama spoke of reports which meant that the Americans are united and not to those that divided. In their race for the presidency, the two men shared messages highlighting the service. Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country, Kennedy said in his famous inaugural address, January 20, 1961.
  • 26. Bowling For Columbine The Cove Analysis The purpose of a documentary is to promote one s views or beliefs, in order to provoke change in society. This is evident in Michael Moore s documentary Bowling for Columbine and Louie Psihoyos, The Cove. Both documentaries manipulate the audience into taking the composers side of the argument. Bowling for Columbineuses satirical humour and interviewing techniques to make an extremely persuasive argument highlighting issues such as gun violence levels in America and the Columbine High School massacre itself. Louie Psihoyos The Cove uses statistics and archival footage to persuade the audience that dolphins are beginning unnecessarily slaughtered, and there is something underhanded going on in Taiji, Japan. Michael Moore s, Bowling for Columbine manipulates the viewer to believe that gun violence in America is directly linked to the laws in place. Moore uses the satirical humour of South Park cartoons to highlight that America was built on a foundation violence towards others and eventually themselves. Satirical humour is endemic in scenes containing imagery of the Ku Klux Klan and The NRA walking ... Show more content on ... The documentary opens with black and white footage of Taiji, Japan, this archival footage convinces the audience that their is something underhanded going on. Psihoyos choice of music in the opening scenes highlights to the viewer that the dolphin slaughters happen quickly and under the cover of darkness, as the music is fast paced and the visuals last no longer than three seconds each, an extra level of anonymity is added due to the videos being filmed with night vision imagery. The use of night vision imagery successfully highlights that something dark and subversive is being uncovered in the film. Louie Psihoyos The Cove persuades the audience to believe that dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, is underground and unacceptable, manipulating the audience through the use of archival
  • 27. Essay on Desperate Air What would I do if I was in George Nash s position as Vice President of Real Estate at Desperate Air Corporation (a company in dire financial straits), and my pending sale of Florida property potentially had toxic waste buried beneath the surface. I found this to be the least challenging question posed thus far in terms of my own ethical beliefs. In this instance I would proceed with the salewithout disclosing the information regarding what I had heard about the toxic waste. Clearly Florida law states that you do not have to disclose that there is a hazardous substance on commercial property as long as there is not a fraudulent statement about the property. Nash did his due diligenceby hiring someone to do an environmental study. The... Show more content on ... Both parties consulted their attorneys whose guidance instructed them that they did not have to disclose the information. The motivating factor in both decisions was to protect the livelihood of their companies. The facts of the information that had been revealed to each company had not been proven. Had Nash followed the RDCAR process I believe the outcome of his decision may have been different. Nash did not go through the process of recognition. There was no survey of stakeholders. He did not even disclose the findings to his CEO. There was no chance to find out if withholding the toxicity information was something that would make other staff members uncomfortable. Nash did not engage in discovery. There was no attempt to build internal and external transparency. Fledgling did not have the opportunity to react to the information. There was a possibility that the sale would not have progressed if the information on toxic waste had been disclosed. It may have only delayed the sale, but there was no way to find that out. There was no cognition. No one in DAC management or any other DAC staff was presented with a what would you do? scenario that would have spelled out company values. No policy or action was put into place to deal with the situation. The only action taken was that Nash consulted an attorney. Nash did reflect on the decision, but no one else
  • 28. Genre Theory and John Ford s Stagecoach Essay Genre Theory and John Ford s Stagecoach The analytic theory posited by Robert Warshow in his essay The Westerner , itemizes the elements necessary for a film to belong to the genre of the western . Most contentiously, he mandates that the narrative focus upon the individual hero s plight to assert his identity, and diminishes the importance of secondary characters and issues, or any tendency toward social drama. (431) He states that it is subtle variations that make successive instances of a genre film interesting, yet limits this variety to minor variations in the characteristics of the actors who play the hero s role. (430) It is my belief that while exhibiting many of the traits itemized by Warshow, John Ford s ... Show more content on ... Other elements expected by the western viewer include the importance of the vast landscape in relation to the men upon it; the figures of the morally ambiguous marshall, the cultured Eastern lady, the understanding yet fallen prostitute and the bad guy ; and the conflict between nature and civilization, usually represented by Apaches and white settlers respectively. Lastly, the most general and material characteristic of a western is its setting on the American western frontier in the late 1900 s. Each of these motives is evident in Ford s Stagecoach ; however, there are several conventions of the western which the director intentionally manipulates, which exceed altering the traits of the actor who plays the lead role. The first convention varied by Ford is the hero s expected relationships with two different types of women. The generic first lady is the refined Eastern schoolmarm character. She represents the paradigm of civilized virtue, and as such fails to understand the cowboy s need for revenge, to do what he has to do. (457) In contrast, we usually encounter the highly sexualized saloon girl or prostitute, whose shares with the hero marginalization by the fledgling civilization of the frontier. This second woman understands the cowboy s code in a way that the cultured woman cannot. In the conventional western , the hero often ends up with the lady , but his choice is excused by the convenient accidental death of the saloon girl, usually due
  • 29. Summary Of Sweet Wild Boy ORIENTATION: Sweet Wild Boy, reveals a man (Mark Willis) who loves and cares deeply about his family and friends. He could be described as a caretaker, or a loyal friend. Either way Mark represents a man of integrity and character; who tries to help his best friend (David) overcome family problems at home and then though out his adult life, addiction to drugs. Mark s parents even became involved in the attempt to help save David however; David could not resist the demons of his past and always found his way back to drugs. After many attempts to help David had failed, David ended up at a local hospital where he called and asked his loyal friend to come and visit. This did not sit well with Mark s wife, who never supported his... Show more content on ... AGENCY SPONSORSHIP: This group was sponsored by the Arkansas State University (ASU) Social Work department. ASU Masters Social Work department mission statement is as follows; The mission of Arkansas State University is to educate leaders, enhance intellectualgrowth and enrich lives. The Master Social Work program at ASU has offered to start the Grief/Bereavement group with two professors as well as, two students. This will allow for two groups in the area if there is enough interest. This work will be done pro bono allowing anyone who meets criteria to attend these meetings without having to be concerned about the cost. By sponsoring this group not only is ASU educating their students but they are giving back to the community. MEMBERSHIP: The criteria to be in this group would be that the member would have to have lost a loved one within the twelve to eighteen months. The loved one would have been a substance user/abuser. The member would be referred from one of our recruitment sites (see recruitment section). The member would have six of the following symptoms; Reactive distress to the death 1.Marked difficulty accepting the death. In children, this is dependent on the child s capacity to comprehend the meaning
  • 30. Goddard Space Flight Center Summary The Articles an amazing story about how NASA has been searching for plant life on the land surface and in the oceans. Kate Ramsayer, at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center, the author of this article, open with an eye catching truthful statement, she states that NASA satellites can see our living Earthbreathe. Ramsayer pointed out, the satellite has been observing the Northern Hemisphere ecosystems wake up in the spring, taking in carbon dioxideand exhaling oxygen as they sprout leaves. Along with other satellites being able to see the newly green vegetation grown. The satellite was able to catch breathtaking pictures of the oceans, microscopic plants, such as, algae, (single celled plants) and phytoplankton (a drifting plants)
  • 31. The Effects Of Black Children On Poverty And The Low... America is failing its young Black boys (Prager, 2011, p.1). It is a bold statement about the conditions of Black children in America. This research paper addresses the low likelihood that poor Black children may overcome poverty because of conditions such as negative environment, poverty stressors (e.g., crime, violence, health issues), and parental influence. It is a controversial issue as studies suggest parental behaviors as well as community and school involvement can help poor Black children out of poverty, yet other studies suggest stressors such as emotional and health issues or participating in welfaresystems as a result of poverty will heavily impact if not deter future success. Despite programs instituted to fight the war on poverty, the issue remains prevalent and studies, e.g., impact of welfare reform, continue to provide relevant information on the impact of poverty. The research for this paper focuses on Black children living in poverty and the low likelihood they will overcome poverty. The research is valuable because Black and Hispanic children were more than twice as likely to live in poverty in 2007 as non Hispanic white and Asian children. (Moore, Redd, Burkhauser, Mbwana Collins, 2009, p. 2). It is absolutely unacceptable for a country as great as the United States to experience poverty and extreme poverty in some areas and further for there to be a clear indication that there is a higher likelihood of children living in poverty based
  • 32. Compare And Contrast World Religions Comparison and Contrast of World Religions The religions of the world, while differing greatly in their specifics, are surprisingly similar. The three most prevalent religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, in that order. All believe in a higher power that presides over and created man. Islam originated in approximately 609 C.E., or Common Era, and Christianityoriginated around 33 C.E. which is supposedly when Jesus Christ was crucified. The main prophet of Islam, Muhammad, is supposedly of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Both religions consider Abraham the father of the people of Israel, his son Ishmael being the Father of the Arabs and his son Isaac being the Father of the Hebrews . Hinduism originated in India in... Show more content on ... They are also aligned as the transcendent Godhead, Shiva, the cosmic lord, Vishnu and the cosmic mind, Brahma. (...) This is much like the Christian trinity of God as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (HinduNet pg. 1). Brahma creates a new world once the old one is destroyed, Vishnu protects the world until Shiva arrives to destroy it again. Hindus believe this to be a never ending cycle of creation. Islam does not believe in any form of Trinity. All three religions do believe that their respective god of creation is the source of all life on Earth. Islam and Christianity both follow the traditional belief of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, while Hinduism believes that Brahma simply takes pieces of himself and forms man. The similarities may seem to be overwhelming, but in reality these religions differ more than they resemble one another. Hinduism is the only religion of the three discussed that believes on more than one God. Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity, but these are essentially all parts of God. Hinduism believes in many separate deities in addition to the main 3 stated before. Islam, however, believes in a single god, Allah, and any form of Trinity is considered blasphemous. An excerpt from the Koran reads, and do not speak of a trinity, for it would be better for you to stop. God alone is the One worthy of worship: glory to God exalted beyond having a son (pg. 171 75). Although monotheism and polytheism distinguish these
  • 33. The Art And Reflection Of The Red Room The rich raspberry red blanketed over the canvas is more than enough to entice it s viewers. The Red Room, made by Henri Matisse in 1908 is and has been a highly popular piece of artwork. The art piece captured what it meant to be a fauvist artist with its bright colors and unrealistic appearance. Matisse and other fauvist artists decided to go against what society decided was normal at the time and succeeded. My recreation of the RedRoom uses the same intensity of color, line, shape, form, texture, space, unity, balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm, and proportion to represent the greatly valued art piece. The Red Room is an oil on canvas artwork that is exceedingly two dimensional while still showing examples of space. The art portrays a woman setting up a table within a highly saturated red room. The table and the wall paper are almost indistinguishable if it weren t for the thin wobbly line that differentiated them. A blue branch like pattern spans from the bottom of the canvas to the top while staying in the range of the table and wall. Also part of the pattern are vases of flowers that are additionally outlined in black. On the table are various circular fruits, mainly in the color yellow, green, orange, and red. Beside the fruit are long round bottomed vases that are half full of some sort of elixir. The fruit and vases were common to see in Matisse s work during that period, Matisse turned to a motif common in the works created that year: a room decorated with
  • 34. Summary Of A Dead Body Seems Chapter Twenty One The Answer Was Right under Our Noses The answer came two days later, clearly stamped on Seth s pale face. Twist found something. A dead body perhaps? After solving the Sade Stone caper, a murder would put the Deadwood Detective Agency s name on everyone s lips. I m not sure, he said. Oh. He wants us to meet him at Wallington Hall. He scraped back his lawn chair and jogged down the front porch steps. A minute later, he was headed across the yard on his faded blue bicycle. I caught up with him just outside the gate. We coasted beneath clumsy clouds like white giants with colorless hearts and a lurid sun that caressed our cheeks. By the time we reached the mansion, it was noon and the weather had radically ... Show more content on ... Thunder boomed again, rattling the broken glass in the window frames. Outside it was raining from light sprinkles too hard fat drops in seconds. I need to measure the ghostnitric energy in the room. Seth pulled a small device about the size of a calculator from his hip pocket and pressed an oversized black button. The thingamabob made a soft snick sound then flashed green. So the green light means that the ghost was a fake? I guessed. No, no. He lifted his eyes from the contraption and gave me a worried look. It was very real. Real? Twist s eyebrows quivered. Come on. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him up the stairs. You wanted to show us something, remember? Oh, right, he groaned. We tiptoed down the dark hall and into the secret room. The casket was gone. Twist pointed to a trap door in the floor that we hadn t seen before. Seth s eyes got wide. Where did that come from? It was here the entire time. We just didn t see it before because it was covered with a rug and dust. Twist yanked the cord. The trapdoorswung up, and a wooden ladder clattered into place behind one of the walls. Come on. The steps trembled as we climbed down. Seth reached the bottom and moved his flashlight around, a dim and shaky beam of yellow light against the darkened shaft. The tunnel was filled with a bunch of creepy junk: a Samurai sword covered in dust, glass jars containing tiny skulls in green goo, rigging pulleys attached to knotted ropes like bristly
  • 35. Puppet Master Research Paper Insanity. In san i ty. Noun. The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness ( No one could deny that the Puppet Master is insane. With multiple cases of premeditated murder and attempted murder, it would be difficult for the Puppet Master to claim sanity. There are, however, multiple ways to look at the Puppet Master s situation. The readers don t know the Puppet Master s past; he could be genetically insane. Consequently, the Puppet Master could be genetically predisposed to a mental illness that would, by no means excusing his actions, explain why these actions were so drastic. On another hand, the Puppet Master could be situationally insane; in other words, he was made insane. It goes without saying that it takes a mighty push to get someone over that edge and into the abyss of insanity. The Secretary of Defense Rutledge s injustice would certainly be enough to push the Puppet Master into that abyss. Some drastic actions are driven by emotion, some by a disturbance in mental states. Either way, all... Show more content on ... This phenomenon is called Newton s Third Law. Many quotes by Sir Isaac Newton pertain to the story, but there is one in particular that ties into The Codebreaker. Sir Isaac Newton s exact quote pertaining to actions and reactions is, To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. In The Codebreaker, Secretary of Defense Rutledge commanded the decimation of what he thought was a military facility, but was in fact an isolated farming village. Another reactant in this equation was the presence of military officers on site, meaning when the farming village was totaled, so were the ranks. If this was a scientific equation, these two actions would constitute the reactants. The product, or reaction, was the Puppet Master s revenge. In the Puppet Master s eyes, the kidnapping of Rutledge s daughter and terrorizing of Rutledge s city was an equal reaction to Rutledge s
  • 36. Captain Phillips Name Professor Course Date Film project contrast paper Introduction Captain Phillips movie, examines the 2009 hijacking of a U.S container ship, by the name Maerks Alabama. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Richard Phillip (IMDb). It is a hard pounding thriller that exhibits the creativity of its director Paul Green Grass. According to Ryan McNeil (2013) the movie reflects on the primary effects of globalization, by showing the relationship between the ship s commanding officer and the Somali captain who forcefully held him (McNeil). Richard Phillips meets with Muse; the Somali captain, when Phillips ship goes on a wrong course (IMDb). Both captains find themselves at the mercy of forces, which are beyond their control. The movie is ... Show more content on ... Though not much of his personal life is given, the movie becomes immensely alive when the actual plot starts going (IMDb). Directing The director Paul Green grass is commonly known for bringing good movies to the world audience (IMDb). He directed this movie after having a three year break; his last movie was Green zone in the year 2008.It is true that the period the director took to make this movie, was not a waste. The movie lives up to the expectations of the audience (Topmann). The attention that he gives for details, and his ability to scout talent is present in this exhilarating movie (McNeil). Analysis of film reviewer Movie reviewers have had different stands on Captain Phillips movie. Many movie reviewers have criticized the movie negatively, while others have praised the efforts of the director in creating a thoughtful account. Movie reviewers have presented mixed reactions that the audience may depict on regards to this movie. Ed Whitfield, Lawrence Topman and Tony Brian all agree that the movie does not live to the expectations. Their common claim is that, Captain Phillips is just an ordinary thriller movie, Ed Whitfield says that captain Phillips, does not have an absorbing tale to tell (Whitfield). He describes the movie as being meaty and immensely raw (Whitfield). The critic argues that the movie is just an ordinary thriller, with components like those in other thriller movies, an armed siege, a game of cat and mouse (Whitfield).
  • 37. Jackie Robinson Turning Point Analysis 1. How do turning points impact a person s life, family, and country? A turning point can be described as a life changing event that can have a negative or positive outcome on a person. In the autobiography, I Never Had It Made , by Jackie Robinson, the memoir, Warriors Don t Cry , By Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article, The Father of Chinese Aviation by Rebecca Maksel each of the individuals faced turning points. Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Feng Ru all faced life changing experiences that changed both their lives and their countries. 2. Jackie Robinson s life changed when he became the first black man to play in the world series and Major League Baseball (MLB) during a time of segregation in America. These life changing events challenged him because he had to face racially tense crowds and endured threats from teammates, opponents, and bigoted fans. For example in paragraph three, the text states, Some of my own teammates refused to accept me because I was black. This quote explains a negative portraying event that comes upon Jackie Robinson. Also in paragraph three the text states, There were threats against me and my family and even out and out attempts and physical harm to me. This explains how Jackie felt uneasy about how the whites were trying to put Jackie down. Despite the racism he faced, Robinson learned to have pride in his accomplishments and appreciate the courage, support, and love shown by his supporters. For example, in paragraph eleven, the text states, I don t think I ll ever forget that small, shrill voice of a tiny white kid, in the midst of a racially tense atmosphere during an early game in a Dixie town, cried out, Attaboy, Jackie. This explains how because of one his supporters was cheering him on he felt he had to succeed even if most people wouldn t accept him. Jackie s challenges made him a popular name to remember in the Major Leagues today. 3. Melba Pattillo Beals life changed when she integrated an all white high school. The events challenged Beals because she faced racism and because of this she built up confidence and character. In paragraph thirteen the text states, Some of the white people looked totally horrified while others raised their fists
  • 38. What Does It Mean To Be Human To Be Human Producers Statement For my To Be human assignment the central theme of my drawing is what does it mean to be human. I chose to do a comic/drawing that visually/creatively represents four distinct things that I believe sets us humans apart from other animals. These are four different aspects of the human condition that people, as well as myself personally, see as the things that make us human. The intended audience for my task is possibly more educated people who understand the significance of these things as well as other people wanting to learn about the roles things play on our social perception of humanity. I aim for my audience to react with agreement and to make the connection with how they see these things in their everyday lives. ... Show more content on ... Crying is believed to be almost exclusive to humans with few exceptions. People use crying to release/convey the emotion of sadness which is crucial to our construction of society. An animal may be sad or confused in reaction to an event but human sadness is a much more complicated concept that has not yet been wholly understood by science. By not not been understood I mean that Neurologists may be able to show you the areas activated in the brain by sadness and a psychologist may be able to discuss what things make as sad and why it does specific to certain kinds of people but none of these of these people can explain why it is that we cry. Some evolutionary scientists and social psychologist may try to dumb it down to something as simple as expressing emotion socially but I believe that it is a much more complicated and mysterious
  • 39. Hip Hop Culture s Cover Art Analysis With means to express oneself, helps one overcome the difficulties of life. This approach represents the entire nature of the hip hop culture, especially when dealing with social justice issues. Today, hip hop culture s association revolves around raps (lyrics) and the rappers which reflect how consumers receive messages about social justice issues. Unlike breaking and graffiti, the music/lyrics penetrate society more. However, for this analysis, the focus will rely on a visual element with a connection to hip hop music. Even though a music video would make sense as a visual means of expression, this analysis has more interest in a hip hop albums cover art. Also, this focus will lead to the question of how important is art to send messages... Show more content on ... At nighttime, two black teens run towards the camera away from several white police officers. In this scene, the teens stand out the most due to their light, almost blinding, clothing. Upon the first viewing, the cops appear invisible as if lurking in the shadows. While the person on the right has their face towards the camera, the other person turns their head to the cops. With the right sided person unobscured face, examining their expression becomes simple. It s as if this horrified teen is screaming as loud as possible. On the other hand, the black teen on the left has their attention on the cops, blocking their expression but it appears shocked. As stated before, the police officers outfits cause them to blend into the night while illuminating the light part of them; their white faces and arms. However, the cops seem calm, almost confused as they walk behind the teens. Due to their leisurely pace, it confuses the photo s tone presented by the screaming teen. It doesn t seem as violent as another picture with black teens and white cops would. What is happening in this image; are the police at fault or are the teens? Even with historical context, the motives of the individuals in this picture remain
  • 40. Mohandas Gandhi Mohandas Gandhi Born into a merchant family in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was under the influence of powerful people. Members of his family had served as prime ministers of an Indian state for several generations. His parents were strong in their religion, being devout and earnest Hindus. They were a part of a Hindu sect that worshipped Vishnu and promoted non violence. Apparently, he was most influenced by his mother, a gentle and intelligent person. According to Hindu custom, he married at an early age and grew to love his wife greatly. Together, they had four children and adopted a fourth. Later, in 1888, he travelled to England to become a barrister at law. There were several important influences that he encountered here: the ... Show more content on ... After many of his follower s were put into prison and cruelly dealt with, some people engaged in violence. Gandhi s distaste for this reaction showed, yet he blamed himself calling it a Himalayan miscalculation to have failed to teach the people how to react non violently before asking them to protest. As a result of his mistake , he called off the entire movement, thinking it had been a failure. On the contrary, the movement had been a great success, no longer did the Indians fear the British jails or the British guns. It was evident now, that the British Government in India was inevitably going to fall. After many failures to reach an agreement with the British Government and after a short Individual Civil Disobedience movement where many were imprisoned, the British finally gave the power to the Indians in 1946. But, the question remained as to whether or not the area should be separated into two on a communal basis. As a result, many riots broke out between the different interests of the people. Gandhi himself was opposed to separation and to the violence that had broken out. He went from village to village trying to get the people to understand the benefits of unity, but it wasn t working. He was forced to agree with his comrades in the Congress who promoted partition into two areas: India and Pakistan, which came about in 1947. In 1948, Gandhi was fatally shot by a Hindu fanatic. All
  • 41. Biases in Decision Making Section 1: background information regarding biases in decision making In this section we will be discussing some of the cognitive biases that have been debated the most. Selective search for evidence is a kind of biases which, in psychology, is also known as the confirmation bias. This is a type of bias where we gather facts willingly when they are in favour of particular conclusions while we disregard some facts which aren t in the favour of that conclusion (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Premature termination of search for evidence is the type of bias in which we usually accept the very first alternative we come across which looks like it probably would work. Inertia is another kind of bias where we are not willing to change our thought patterns in light of the present situation only because we have used them in the past. Contrariness or rebelliousness is when in front of an authority that you perceive to be oppressive you become unwilling with regards to sharing your view (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Experiential limitations when we are not able to or not willing to let go of our past experiences. Selective perception is when we deliberately screen out or ignore the information that we think is not important or related. Wishful thinking or optimism, this is when we see things only in a positive way. Anchoring and adjustment is the kind of bias in which we let our initial observations have an impact on the decisions that we make later on as well (Perneger and
  • 42. Essay On Hari Om Plywood CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION: The history of plywood industry in India is old. It is more than 75 years that this industry was started here on a very modest scale. It was in the year 1906 07 that plywood was imported in India for the first time valued at Rs.32 lacs. Imports rose steadily and by 1924 25 it were worthRs.90 lacks. Tea Industry in Assam, West Bengal and Kerala was steadily developing and it was thought that plywood industry in the form of Tea Chests production mainly for export should be developed. Accordingly two plywood factories were started in Assam in 1923 24 but their development was steady and slow and not phenomenal. These were the pioneers and there forcefulness and courage shown by them in the early stages ... Show more content on ... To understand the organization structure and working of various functional departments. To analyze overall performance of the company. Understanding Supply chain management of Hari Om Plywood. To understand the extent to which management theory matches with actual practiced. To Study dealers satisfaction on product of Hari Om Ply w.r.t. other plywood product in market. SCOPE OF STUDY: To collect and analyze the sales data of various plywood industry in India with reference to Hari Om plywood in Vadodara city of last five years. For this purpose secondary data from the published sources and the dealers is collected. To carry out market survey of dealers and vendors perception for the use of plywood. Data is collected through a structured questionnaire. Comparing marketing strategies of Century ply, Green ply, Kit ply, Archid Ply, Sharda ply with reference to Hari Om ply for increase in sales of
  • 43. Summary On The Episode ( 3-4 Sentences ) Chapter Page # Summary of the Episode (3 4 sentences) Relevance/Analysis (3 5 sentences that answer 1 or more of the guiding criteria) Significant Quotation (supports character development) Quote Page # Chapter 6 Pages 46 47 Jane starts a conversation with Helen, a student who was flogged without reason. She can t understand why Helen would bear the pain and not rebel. Jane s rebellious nature can be seen in this passage. She has a hostility towards violent authority. This is most likely caused by her time spent at the Reeds where she was constantly treated without respect. And if I were in your place I should dislike her; I should resist her. If she struck me with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose. Page 46 Chapter 17 Page 151 For the first time, Jane sees Miss Ingram, observing her closely. She realizes that Miss Ingram seems to feel that she is better than everyone else. Jane doesn t seem to have many good feelings towards Miss Ingram. Within this passage, it becomes obvious that Miss Ingram is exceedingly haughty. She boasts of her knowledge subtly, and loves to make herself seem superior to others. She is always seeking to seem better than everyone else whether knowledge wise or skill wise. It was not, however, so saturnine a pride! She laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip. Genius is said to be self conscious. I cannot tell whether Miss Ingram was a
  • 44. Similarities Between The Birthmark And Rappaccini s Daughter Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark and Rappaccini s Daughter are both fictional short stories written in the 1800s. Although these are two different scenarios, both tend to share several similarities. They deal with relationships between a man and woman, experiments, and ironically ends with a twist that readers don t expect. In The Birthmark we first learn about the main character named Aylmer. He is fascinated with science. He has devoted himself, however, too unreservedly to scientific studies ever to be weaned from them by any second passion (Hawthorne 952) He eventually finds love with his wife Georgianna, but there is something about her he just will not seem to take much longer. Georgianna has a red birthmark on her cheek which is the shape of a small hand. While she thinks it is beautiful, the most important person in her life doesn t feel the same way. In fact, Aylmer is truly disgusted and in shock by her mark, claiming it is a visible mark of earthly imperfection (Hawthorne 953). Finally telling his wife how he feels, Georgianna is in disbelief. She is upset, hurt, and confused, even questioning their marriage as she tells him You cannot love what shocks you! (Hawthorne 953). The last thing she would have thought is that the person she planned to spend the rest of her life with doesn t see her beauty mark the way she does. Aylmer begins to dream about removing this mark from Georgianna s face. As he explains the dream to Georgianna, he explains
  • 45. Italian Mannerist Style Changed In Christ With The Symbols... The Italian Mannerist Style portrayed in Christ with the Symbols of the Passion The art work Christ with the Symbols of the Passion, created by Italian artist Lavinia Fontana in 1576. This piece of art, Christ with the Symbols of the Passion, oil on wood, is currently on display in the El Paso Museum of Art. Trained by her father, artist Porspero Fontana. Fontana became an established artist best known for her strong reputation in Bologna for her devotional paintings and for portraiture. This piece of work depicts angels supporting the body of Christ, a scene in which is not represented in biblical scriptures. Symbols of the Suffering and Passion of Christ are illustrated in this painting, these symbols surround Christ. The symbols are the cross, the column in which Christ is tied to, the whip and the crown of thorns . In addition to, Italian Mannerism is a style of later Renaissance art, in which depicts a self conscious stylization involving caprice, complexity fantasy and polish (Kleiner ) . Mannerism is the reaction to the features of the High Renaissance style. This style, can be seen as a rejection of classical themes of harmony and balance that are represented by Renaissance art pieces. Paintings in the mannerist style can be seen as an exaggeration or a parody of previous works, such as the Pieta executed by Michelangelo. Similar to other styles, Mannerism includes characteristics which make the style intricate. These characteristics include
  • 46. Behavioral Therapy Case Study Essay According to Ana s case the best treatment that can resolve her issues would be Behavioral therapy . Behavioral therapy is a treatment that can help change her ways of displayed self destructing behaviors such as Ana sharing her current life style habits. Her self destructing behaviors includes lost of sleep , being depressed , lost of weight and appetite, and having anxieties. This type of therapy is also know as behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapy. Engaging in this type of treatment Ana will be able to learn to replace her bad habits with good ones. This therapy also can assist in recognizing coping skills in her difficult situations from her past and present life. This therapy especially focuses treating anxiety. As Ana expresses and shares her reasons of feeling lost and overwhelmed it is related to many factors such as losing her job , no family or friend support , and raising her child ... Show more content on ... This type of strategy can help adjust her behaviors by thinking different and be more positive about the challenges she faces. This type of approach can set Ana to understand how to build confidence and how to manage her pain. Engaging in group therapy and individual therapy should show improved confidence in her ability to engage in her life activities in a more healthy and positive way. One of the advantage of behavioral therapy can show effectiveness in Ana s life by shaping her behavior in adapting to change of environment easily. When Ana is able to be consistent with attending therapy daily and doing all her assigned coping skills , engaging socially , and journal writing she will get used to it. When she is able to doing the same work repeatedly with her and her provider then , her main role is being able to maintain this and appropriate motivational reinforcements is to follow for her to realize
  • 47. Harriet Beecher Stowe And His Family Essay During the 1800s slavery was common. Although, many people thought it was wrong and sinful, some actually did not mind the practice. Harriet Beecher Stowe and her family were one of many who were activists in the anti slavery movement. She was born in Litchfield, Connecticut on June 14, 1811. Her father, Lyman Beecher, was a Calvinist preacher, and her mother, Roxana Foote, died when she was four. When Stowe was 25 years old, she married Calvin Ellis Stowe, who was also against slavery and a well known minister. Stowe s sister, Isabella Beecher Hooker, was an advocate for women s rights. Another of her sisters, Catherine, founded a school to offer education for young women. Uncle Tom s Cabin is about the life of Tom, an african slave, who was sold to a trader because of the debt owed by his master. He was being moved to the South where he would begin his life like he has never done. Slavery has always been a sorrowful topic, so when we were given the years between 1492 to 1870, it came to mind right away. Google gave a handful of books to read, but only this mysterious title stroke curiosity. The book started off with a conversation between two men, Mr. Shelby, a farmer, and Mr. Haley, who is a trader. They were discussing the conduct of their slaves. Mr. Shelby had a plethora of positive things to say about his slaves because he was a very nice person. Mr. Haley on the other hand, was very negative and did not trust any slave. Shelby spoke about this one particular slave
  • 48. Essay On Structural Components The maintenance, restoration and development of structural components, is maybe one of the most typical problems in construction field applications. In addition, a huge number of structures developed in the past utilizing the ancient established design codes in various parts of the world are basically structurally hazardous as indicated to the recent time design codes on the other hand the retrofitting has become necessary due to the environmental degradation, heavier loading conditions and their life spans. Therefore, various strengthening techniques are being introduced, historically the structural components were repaired by post tensioning or jacketing with new concretein conjunction with a surface adhesive, since mid 1960 s steel... Show more content on ... Diagonal tension failure: This usually occurs in the structural components with considerably less amount on internal stirrups and the longitudinal reinforcement. This is due to the shear capacity is not the only contribution of the concrete strength it also adds on the strength of the internal stirrups and the longitudinal reinforcement. They are generally initiated from the flexure cracks and the propagated to the entire cross section. Shear compression failure: This type of failure of a structure is caused due to the crushing of concrete at compressive zone above the tip of the shear crack. This is basically observed in structural members with low web reinforcement but sufficient longitudinal reinforcement. Shear cracks are initiated from the flexure cracks but do not pass through the compressive region. Shear tension failure: This type of crack tends to propagate along the main bars due to the secondary flexure shear crack. In this circumstance the longitudinal reinforcement loses the bond with concrete due to insufficient anchorage or the concrete cover subsequently leading to the failure. Web crushing failure: In this type of failure the direct forces are transferred from the loading zone to the
  • 49. Portraiture Depictions Of Queen Elizabeth I Portraiture Depictions of Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor or Queen Elizabeth I was and is one of the greatest monarchs in English history. Obtaining the crown at a young age of twenty five, she seized a bankrupt country caused by previous rulers, a country with an unstable religion, and loose ties with other great powers of the world. Elizabeth I ruled for nearly half a century granting her the remembrance with reigning with stability, the flourishment of the arts, and increased trade. Elizabeth s sense of duty to her people was very admirable and that is one the reasons that makes her such a great monarch. She was committed to her people and never swayed from doing such that. In saying that, one of the ways people showed their love and to show her greatness it was represented in portraits. Portraiture of Queen Elizabeth I illustrates an evolution of her reign over England and Ireland in the years of 1558 1603. Early portraits of young Elizabeth showcase what is going on her life or what is important to her at that specific time. Objects such as prayer books and status clothing would be displayed in the earlier portraits. Later portraits of Elizabeth also showcase her life and the importance of virginity, purity, crowns, and other effects. Representations of simplicity to later complex imagery are used to exhibit her power as well as allusions or stories to convey the Elizabeth. Progressively, Elizabeth transformed into the goddess Gloriana, engrossed in imperial
  • 50. Msn Capstone Project Executive Summary MSN Capstone Project Executive Summary Reducing Emergency Department (ED) Overcrowding Through mHealth (Mobile Health Technology) Introduction The emergency department in the modern hospital is one of the most complex clinical settings to operate. According to Johnson, Sensei, Capasso (2012), this department is an intersection of the diagnosis and treatment of emergency cases. As a result, it experiences immense volumes of patients every day. However, in most hospitals, patients visit the facilities with an indication of what they might be suffering from. Specifically, they use their iPhones to get a list of conditions that they might be having (Boncana, 2016). This method of detection has come to be known as mHealth. In this regard, mHealth, rather mobile health, is a method that patients use to enhance their health and medical practices via the use of mobile technology. The cell phones used in this approach are equipped with medical/health software, a personal digital assistant (PDA), and patient monitoring devices. MHealth has been proved a good measure of reducing overcrowding in the emergency department. However, some ED nurses and other healthcare workers are still unaware of how the mHealth operates as well as its benefits. Some of those are found in Mayo Clinic Health System (MCHS) in Waycross, Georgia. This executive summary will provide more information to the ED nurses in Mayo Clinic Health System (MCHS) about how it helps to reduce ED overcrowding. Further,
  • 51. Why Do People Choose To Be Evil To Choose to be Evil Every day people makes choices, they can be good or bad. These choices are what define peoples morals. There is always evil and temptation surrounding mankind. The line dividing good and evil is more blurred than ever with new temptations coming into play. Even more now that society is advancing into the future. Mankind chooses to be evil. They are not born that way, but the choices they make are what defines their morals. Throughout history there have been cases that have proven the statement people aren t born evil; evil is made. These cases include the Oklahoma bombing, Columbine High School shooting, and more recently the Boston marathon bombing. The first event proving the evil of mankind is The Oklahoma City Bombing. This bombing was a tragedy that happened on April 19,1995. The bombing was caused by Timothy McVeigh. Mr. McVeigh had a bone to pick with the government. He did not like how the government handled The Waco Siegeor... Show more content on ... Let the future generation cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it to the full. Loon Trotsky The 119th running of the Boston Marathon happened April 15, 2013. Many people gathered in boston Massachusetts to watch the runners take off. All those gathered at the finish line of the race would ve never expected what happened that fateful day. Brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were two of the million people who attended the event. What people didn t know is that the two brothers had pressure cooker bombs in their backpack. The two were by the finish line where they dropped their backpacks in the crowd of people and walked away. The two bombs killed 3 marathon watchers and injured over 260 others. 16 people lost legs and the youngest to lose a leg was a 7 year old girl. The two were said to be inspired by extremist islamic belief, but the brothers claimed they weren t apart of any terrorist
  • 52. Pack Wine Research Paper How to Pack Wine Bottles for a Cross Country Relocation Whether you re a Chianti Connoisseur or a Maven of Moscato, when it comes time to transport your beloved bevy of booze, there are a few important things to keep in mind. In addition to ensuring the packaging is secure and stable, also consider the types of wine in your collection, and remember the nuances that each particular persuasion possesses. If you aren t able to have a professional service move your collection, there are plenty of options for getting your old reds to your new digs safely. Packaging Packaging your bottles securely is the most important part of moving your collection. In the event of a fall or drop, a fortified encasement will reduce the chances of breakage. ... Show more content on ... These uniquely designed containers are made up of polystyrene foam cells into which the bottles are placed, then capped with another piece of foam. The entire array is then inserted into a cardboard box. While pricey, wine shipping boxes provide an insulated solution that is simple to pack, while limiting the agitation of your wines delicate balances. Cell Boxes If you can t get your hands on the specialty boxes, you can visit your local liquor store, a courier, or even a grocery store, and find out if they have cell boxes available to donate. Cell boxes contain cardboard inserts that will also limit the extraneous movement of your bottles in shipping. They aren t quite as fancy or secure, so you will want to fill in the empty spaces around the bottles with crushed paper or a similar material. Moving boxes Say you forgot to plan ahead. If your resources are limited, you can place the wine in regular moving boxes, as long as you do so delicately. Place something soft like a towel or sweatshirt in the bottom of the box. Wrap the bottles individually in paper or bubble wrap and place them standing in the box. You can use foam plates between and around the bottles to keep them from shifting and clanking
  • 53. Living Revocable Trust Benefits of trust are many and varied. A trust is one of the most flexible tools a financial attorney can use. There are various types of trusts available and they can be beneficial to asset protection, income tax planning, and estate planning. The trust that provides the best solution for your needs will depend on a number of different factors. The living revocable trust is the one used most often. The benefits of a trust like this include: helping dodge probate, reduce estate taxation, and maintain asset management when the owner or initiator of the trust becomes incapacitated or dies. Yes, technically trusts don t have official owners, but this description makes it much easier to understand. Today we are going to focus on establishing and... Show more content on ... Most people will not have a will, but if you do it s probably what we like to call a John loves Mary will . Typically these wills make estate tax disasters because they require everything to be probated. Let s say your family gets into a car accident, and your will states that upon your death everything goes to your spouse. If only you die in this accident your spouse will avoid estate taxes, but anything not owned as joint tenants with go through probate. Now, let s also assume that your spouse was in the car with you, and while they survived the crash, they died in the ambulance or at the hospital shortly after. If you have children, then your will would likely turn over your property to them. Now everything will have to go through probate, and it will also be subject to taxes. The laws behind estate taxes are evolving in ways that make more people susceptible to them, and on top of that, they are becoming a lot more expensive. In 2013, estates valued over $1 million will face taxes as high as 45%. This can be truly devastating for your family, especially in a tragedy like the one illustrated here. You don t want this to
  • 54. The Direct Genetic Loci Accounting For Schizophrenia s... Conclusion The direct genetic loci accounting for schizophrenia s heritability is still unidentified. The mental illness affects approximately 3.5million Americans and 1 percent of the worldwide population today. The variable related to the disease is so widely ranged that literally anyone can have some form of potential risk. Compared to other mental disorders, schizophrenia is unique to having a combination of many different environmental, genetic, and biological factors. The exact cause of the disease is still unknown, but studies such as biometric and molecular screenings have proved genetic and biological factors, combined with environmental factors, is strongly connected to the etiology of the disease. Although schizophrenia is more commonly manifested during young adulthood, scientists believes, a variety of pre birth factors are linked to the development of the disease. There are several prenatal factors that have a higher relative risk to the progression of schizophrenia as recorded by scientists. Although not proven, studies suggests time of birth, place of birth, infections during pregnancy, stress, malnourishment, and rh incompatibility are increased risk factors that shed light on possible causations of schizophrenia. Many studies are indefinite due to the latency, methodology, and of the disease, more research need to be established. Time of Birth The time leading to conception until birth is a very demanding and sensitive duration on the mental and