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Department of Geography and Environment
Course Code : MEDM-5204
Course Title : Environment Policy and Management
Date of Submission : 6th October, 2023
Name of the Assignment : Environment Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance
Group 02
Name ID
Md.Zahidul Islam M23060201109
Mohammad Iqbal Hossain M23060201110
Sumona Rani M23060201111
Shahrin Akhter M23060201112
Md.Iqbal Faruque M23060201113
Ashif Rahman M23060201114
Md. Atiquzzaman M23060201115
Prianka Jasinta Rozario M23060201116
Submitted to
Dr. Neegar Sultana
Associate Professor
Dept.of Geography & Environment.
Jagannath University.
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Environment Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance
1. Introduction
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are essential to any effective environmental
management system. Compliance monitoring tracks and assesses a facility's emissions, water discharges, and soil
contamination levels against established environmental limits. Surveillance monitoring complements compliance
monitoring by identifying and assessing environmental hazards in the surrounding area, monitoring the
effectiveness of remediation efforts, and developing and implementing plans to respond to environmental
Environmental Compliance entails adhering to established laws, regulations, and standards designed to protect
the environment. These guidelines encompass diverse areas such as pollution control, waste management,
resource conservation, and sustainable practices. Compliance ensures that actions align with legal and ethical
obligations, promoting responsible conduct to minimize adverse environmental impact.
Environmental Monitoring involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data regarding
environmental parameters. This data is essential for assessing the health of natural resources, ecosystems, and
habitats. Monitoring allows us to understand environmental changes, identify trends, and evaluate the
effectiveness of implemented environmental policies and initiatives.
Surveillance in Environmental Management is a proactive and continuous process of monitoring and observation
aimed at detecting potential risks or threats to the environment. This includes illegal activities that may harm the
environment, such as poaching, illegal logging, or pollution. Surveillance uses advanced technologies and
methods to monitor, detect, and respond swiftly to safeguard the environment.
In this assignment, we will explore these fundamental aspects individually, understanding their definitions,
purposes, methodologies, and the critical role they play in ensuring the sustainable coexistence of humanity and
our natural world. By comprehending and applying the principles of environmental compliance, monitoring, and
surveillance, we contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable planet for current and future generations.
2. Environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance
Environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance are the processes of tracking and assessing a facility's
environmental performance against established environmental limits and identifying and assessing environmental
hazards in the surrounding area. Compliance monitoring focuses on tracking and assessing a facility's emissions,
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water discharges, and soil contamination levels, while surveillance monitoring focuses on identifying and
assessing environmental hazards in the surrounding area, monitoring the effectiveness of remediation efforts, and
developing and implementing plans to respond to environmental emergencies.
2.2 Benefits of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance:
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance constitute the backbone of responsible environmental
management. The integration of these processes within the operations of industries and facilities yields a multitude
of benefits. These benefits are far-reaching, encompassing environmental protection, regulatory adherence, public
trust, and the proactive identification and mitigation of environmental challenges. In this section, we delve into
the extensive advantages of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance, emphasizing their
indispensable role in safeguarding the environment and human well-being.
 Environmental Protection: A Fundamental Outcome
At the core of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance lies the fundamental principle of
safeguarding the environment. These processes play a crucial role in ensuring that facilities do not release
pollutants or engage in activities that could harm the delicate balance of the ecosystem. By adhering to
environmental regulations and keeping a vigilant eye on their operations, facilities contribute to the preservation
of biodiversity, habitats, water bodies, air quality, and soil health. The protection of the environment is paramount
for the overall well-being of not only current generations but also for posterity.
 Regulatory Adherence: Upholding Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
One of the foremost advantages of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance is the assurance of
adherence to environmental regulations. Compliance serves as a compass, guiding facilities to operate within the
legal boundaries set by regulatory authorities. This adherence is not only a legal obligation but also an ethical
responsibility. By aligning their activities with established laws and regulations, facilities demonstrate their
commitment to ethical business conduct and responsible citizenship.
 Public Trust: Fostering Confidence and Support
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are instrumental in building and maintaining public
trust. The proactive approach of facilities in adhering to environmental norms showcases their dedication to
protecting the environment and the communities they operate in. This dedication cultivates trust among the public,
stakeholders, and neighboring communities. Public trust is a valuable asset for any organization, enhancing its
reputation and fostering a positive image. When the public is confident that a facility is operating in an
environmentally responsible manner, it leads to increased support and collaboration.
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 Early Detection and Mitigation: Proactive Environmental Management
An invaluable benefit of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance is the early detection and
mitigation of environmental problems. Through regular monitoring and diligent surveillance, facilities can swiftly
identify potential environmental issues in their infancy. This early identification allows for proactive measures to
be taken, preventing further harm to the environment. Timely intervention significantly reduces the potential
severity of environmental problems and minimizes the resources needed for mitigation. Ultimately, it reinforces
the principle of prevention being better than cure, translating into substantial cost savings and environmental
 Operational Efficiency and Risk Reduction: An Economic Perspective
Effective environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance also translate into operational efficiency and
risk reduction for facilities. By identifying potential environmental risks early on, facilities can adopt corrective
measures swiftly, minimizing the disruption to their operations. Moreover, adherence to compliance regulations
ensures that operations are streamlined and conducted in an efficient and organized manner. The avoidance of
regulatory penalties and legal entanglements further contributes to cost savings and enhances the overall economic
sustainability of the facility.
 Stakeholder Engagement and Positive Relations: A Collaborative Approach
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance create a platform for engaging with stakeholders.
Facilities often interact with regulatory bodies, local communities, non-governmental organizations, and other
stakeholders as part of their compliance and monitoring efforts. This engagement facilitates a collaborative
approach to environmental management, where different stakeholders can contribute their expertise, concerns,
and feedback. The open dialogue that emerges from these interactions helps in crafting sustainable solutions that
balance environmental protection with societal needs.
 Data-Driven Decision Making: Enhancing Effectiveness
A significant advantage of monitoring and surveillance is the abundance of data generated regarding
environmental parameters. This data forms the basis for informed, data-driven decision-making within the facility.
The availability of accurate, up-to-date data allows for precise evaluations of environmental impacts and the
effectiveness of existing mitigation measures. It enables facilities to tailor their strategies, optimize resource
allocation, and implement targeted solutions to address identified environmental challenges.
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 Innovation and Technological Advancement: Driving Sustainability
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance necessitate continuous improvement and innovation.
Facilities are driven to invest in advanced technologies and methodologies to enhance their monitoring and
surveillance capabilities. This drive for innovation contributes to the development of cutting-edge technologies
that not only improve environmental monitoring but also drive sustainability in various industry sectors. The quest
for compliance often leads to the development and adoption of cleaner technologies, thus fostering a culture of
sustainability and technological advancement.
 Sustainable Branding and Competitive Advantage: A Strategic Approach
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance can be leveraged for sustainable branding and a
competitive edge in the market. Organizations that prioritize environmental responsibility and transparency can
use this commitment as a unique selling proposition. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the
environmental impact of the products and services they choose. Hence, a sustainable and environmentally
responsible image can set a facility apart, attracting environmentally conscious customers and enhancing brand
Fig 01: Benefits of Environmental Monitoring
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 Regulatory Flexibility and Favorable Relations: Building Bridges
Proactive adherence to compliance, monitoring, and surveillance often results in favorable relationships with
regulatory authorities. Facilities that consistently demonstrate a commitment to compliance are more likely to
enjoy a positive rapport with regulators. This can, in turn, lead to a certain degree of regulatory flexibility and
cooperation. Regulatory agencies are more inclined to work collaboratively with facilities that are proactive in
fulfilling their environmental responsibilities.
 Education and Awareness: Spreading Environmental Consciousness
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance promote education and awareness among employees
and stakeholders. Through training programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns, facilities can educate their
workforce and the community about the importance of environmental protection. This heightened environmental
consciousness extends beyond the organization, influencing individuals to adopt environmentally friendly
practices in their personal lives, thereby creating a ripple effect of positive change.
 Resilience and Adaptability: Preparing for the Future
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance instill a sense of resilience and adaptability within
facilities. By being well-versed with environmental regulations and potential risks, facilities are better prepared
to navigate changes in the regulatory landscape. They can anticipate and proactively adapt to evolving
environmental standards, ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience in an ever-changing business
2.3 Types of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance activities
The three main types of environmental monitoring are soil, atmosphere, and water. Some techniques of
environmental scanning and monitoring include filtration, sedimentation, electrostatic samples, impinges,
absorption, condensation, grab sampling, and composite sampling. Data collected from these methods of
environmental monitoring can be input into a DBMS, where it can be categorized, analyzed, visualized, and create
actionable insights that drive informed decision making.
 Air Monitoring: Environmental data gathered using specialized observation tools, such as sensor
networks and Geographic Information System (GIS) models, from multiple different environmental
networks and institutes is integrated into air dispersion models, which combine emissions, meteorological,
and topographic data to detect and predict concentration of air pollutants
 Soil Monitoring: Grab sampling (individual samples) and composite sampling (multiple samples) are
used to monitor soil, set baselines, and detect threats such as acidification, biodiversity loss, compaction,
contamination, erosion, organic material loss, salinization, and slope instability.
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 Salinity Monitoring: Remote sensing, GIS, and electromagnetic induction are used to monitor soil
salinity, which, if imbalanced, can cause detrimental effects on water quality, infrastructure, and plant
 Contamination Monitoring: Chemical techniques such as chromatography and spectrometry are used to
measure toxic elements, such as nuclear waste, coal ash, micro plastics, petrochemicals, and acid rain,
which can lead to the development of pollution-related diseases if consumed by humans or animals.
 Erosion Monitoring: Monitoring and modeling soil erosion is a complex process in which accurate
predictions are nearly impossible for large areas. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is most
commonly used to try to predict soil loss due to water erosion. Erosion may be due to factors such as
rainfall, surface runoff, rivers, streams, floods, wind, mass movement, climate, soil composition and
structure, topography, and lack of vegetation management.
 Water Monitoring: Environmental sampling techniques include judgmental, simple random, stratified,
systematic and grid, adaptive cluster, grab, and passive; semi-continuous and continuous environmental
monitoring; remote sensing and environmental monitoring; and bio-monitoring are used to measure and
monitor ranges for biological, chemical, radiological, microbiological, and population parameters.
2.4 Purpose of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance
 Legal Adherence: Ensuring that individuals, organizations, and industries comply with environmental
laws and regulations is a fundamental purpose. These regulations can cover a wide range of issues such
as air and water quality, waste management, wildlife protection, and more. Compliance helps prevent
environmental harm and promotes responsible practices.
 Environmental Protection: The primary goal is to protect the environment and natural resources. By
monitoring and surveilling activities, authorities can identify potential threats to ecosystems, water bodies,
and air quality. This allows for early intervention to prevent or mitigate environmental damage.
 Public Health and Safety: Environmental compliance measures often have direct implications for human
health and safety. Monitoring and surveillance help ensure that activities posing risks to public health are
identified and addressed promptly. For example, monitoring air quality can help detect pollutants that can
harm human health.
 Resource Management: Monitoring and surveillance provide valuable data for managing natural
resources sustainably. This includes tracking the health of ecosystems, the availability of water resources,
and the status of biodiversity. This information informs policies and practices that aim to conserve
resources for future generation
 Accountability and Transparency: Environmental compliance and monitoring promote transparency
and accountability. By publicly reporting on compliance and surveillance findings, governments and
organizations can be held accountable for their environmental actions. This transparency encourages
responsible behavior and fosters public trust.
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 Emergency Response: Monitoring and surveillance systems can be crucial in detecting and responding
to environmental emergencies, such as oil spills, chemical leaks, or natural disasters. Rapid detection
allows for quicker responses, minimizing the impact on the environment and human communities.
 Policy Development: Data collected through monitoring and surveillance can inform the development of
environmental policies and regulations. It helps policymakers make evidence-based decisions to address
emerging environmental challenges and adapt to changing conditions.
 Compliance Enforcement: Monitoring and surveillance provide evidence for enforcing environmental
laws and regulations. When violations are identified, authorities can take legal action, including imposing
fines, penalties, or requiring remediation efforts.
 Public Awareness and Education: The data collected through monitoring can be used to educate the
public about environmental issues. It raises awareness about the importance of environmental protection
and encourages individuals and communities to take action.
In summary, environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance play a crucial role in protecting the
environment, ensuring legal compliance, promoting public health and safety, and advancing our understanding
of the natural world. These activities are essential for sustainable development and the preservation of our
planet's ecosystems.
2.5 Methodologies of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance
 Filtration: This method involves selecting the appropriate filtration technique based on the specific
pollutants that need to be monitored.
 Impinges: High-velocity air is passed through impinges, either wet or dry, depending on the type of
collecting surface required. Dry impinges are used when the collecting surface is dry, while wet
impinges are used when the collecting surface is wet.
 Sedimentation: A simple method for air sampling where an open container is placed in an unobstructed
outdoor area. This method is commonly used to measure the deposition of dust in a particular region. It
is a straightforward process that does not require electrical power or moving parts. However, it lacks
precision and cannot distinguish peak dust fall as the sampling period can extend up to 30 days.
 Electrostatic Samples: Efficient for collecting small samples, this method involves particles in the
sampler picking up a charge and depositing it on electrodes.
 Adsorption: Gases are adsorbed onto solid surfaces in this method. Materials like activated carbon, silica
gel, and alumina are used in the adsorption process.
 Grab Sampling: High-volume samplers with filters are used in air quality monitoring. The filters, made
of glass fibers, are 99% efficient in capturing particles with a diameter of 0.8 µ. Grab sampling is
conducted in areas where people work, and the collected samples are analyzed in laboratories using
chemical, microscopic, gravimetric, and extraction techniques. In water sampling, samples are collected
from various locations and depths and sent to laboratories for analysis.
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 Composite Sampling: In composite sampling, samples are collected from different locations at different
times to create a more representative sample of the pollution source. This type of sampling provides an
average indication of the presence of pollutants.
2.6 Critical role of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance collectively play a pivotal role in shaping sustainable
coexistence between humanity and the natural world. These critical components are interlinked and essential for
safeguarding the environment, ensuring responsible practices, and achieving long-term sustainability.
2.6.1 Environmental Compliance
Critical Role:
Environmental compliance sets the foundation for responsible environmental stewardship. It establishes the rules
and standards that individuals, organizations, and governments must follow to avoid causing harm to the
environment. The critical roles of environmental compliance include:
Legal Adherence: Ensures compliance with environmental laws, preventing legal repercussions and fostering a
culture of responsibility.
Environmental Protection: Minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promoting conservation of natural
resources and biodiversity.
Public Health and Welfare: Safeguards public health and welfare by mitigating exposure to harmful pollutants
and contaminants.
Significance: Without compliance, environmental protection would be challenging to enforce, risking significant
harm to the environment and public health. Compliance forms the basis for sustainable practices, responsible
resource use, and the preservation of our natural heritage.
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Fig 02: Environmental Compliance and Obligations
2.6.2. Environmental Monitoring
Critical role:
Environmental monitoring involves systematic and continuous data collection, analysis, and interpretation to
understand the environment's condition and trends. The critical roles of environmental monitoring include:
Environmental Assessment: Evaluates the overall health and quality of environmental components such as air,
water, soil, and ecosystems.
Trend Analysis: Detects patterns, changes, and emerging trends in environmental parameters, aiding in timely
intervention and planning.
Data-Driven Decisions: Provides empirical data essential for evidence-based policy-making and effective
environmental management.
Significance: Monitoring is the cornerstone of proactive environmental management. It helps identify issues early,
enabling timely responses to environmental challenges. Through data-driven decisions, it optimizes resource
allocation, enhances environmental policies, and supports sustainable development.
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Fig 03: Environmental Monitoring Components
2.6.3. Surveillance in Environmental Management
The collection and analysis of samples of air, water, soil, foodstuffs, biota and other media at the DOE site and
surrounding environments and the measurement of demonstrate compliance with applicable standards, radiation
exposure of members of the public and asses effect.
Environmental surveillance involves continuous monitoring and observation to identify potential risks, threats, or
illegal activities that may harm the environment. The critical roles of environmental surveillance include:
Risk Mitigation: Identifies and assesses potential environmental risks early, allowing for timely intervention
and mitigation strategies. Mitigation measures include policies concerning energy, transportation, food and
agriculture and land use that will reduced GHG emissions. They include: energy policies that can promote
Enforcement of Laws: Environmental enforcement is the set of actions that a government takes to achieve
full implementation of environmental requirements within the regulated community deters and prevents illegal
activities harmful to the environment, promoting legal and ethical conduct.
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Conservation Support: Assists in the protection and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems by
monitoring endangered species and habitats.
Significances: Surveillance serves as a proactive tool to detect and prevent environmental harm. By swiftly
identifying risks and enforcing laws, it helps maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems, supporting biodiversity,
and ensuring the sustainable coexistence of humanity and the natural world.
Integration for Maximum Impact: Integrating environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance
maximizes their impact. Compliance sets the rules, monitoring tracks adherence and environmental health, and
surveillance identifies threats. This integration ensures comprehensive environmental protection, sustainable
resource management, and a balanced relationship with the environment, securing a healthier future for all.
Fig 04: Cycle of Surveillance of Environmental Management
3. Case Study: Environmental Compliance and Monitoring at a Chemical Plant
Achemical plant conducts regular environmental compliance and monitoring activities to ensure that it is meeting
its environmental permits and regulations and to identify and address potential environmental problems early on.
Compliance Monitoring
 The plant's compliance monitoring program includes the following elements. The objectives of the
compliance monitoring program are to:
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 Ensure that the plant is meeting its emission limits for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide,
ammonia, and heavy metals.
 Ensure that the plant is meeting its water quality standards for pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.
 Ensure that the plant is meeting its soil contamination limits for heavy metals and other hazardous
 Identifying and selecting monitoring parameters: The plant monitors a variety of parameters to meet these
objectives, including:
 Continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) data for particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide.
 Grab samples of stack emissions for heavy metals.
 Grab samples of wastewater discharges for pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.
 Soil samples from various locations around the plant for heavy metals and other hazardous substances.
Developing and implementing monitoring procedures: The plant has developed detailed procedures for
collecting, analyzing, and reporting monitoring data. For example, CEM data is collected and analyzed on a
continuous basis, and wastewater samples are collected and analyzed once a week. Soil samples are collected and
analyzed once a month.
Reviewing and evaluating monitoring results: The plant reviews and evaluates monitoring results on a monthly
basis to identify any areas where compliance is not being met. If any areas of non-compliance are identified, the
plant takes corrective action to bring its operations back into compliance.
Surveillance Monitoring:
The plant's surveillance monitoring program includes the following elements:
Identifying and assessing environmental hazards: The plant has identified a number of potential environmental
hazards in the surrounding area, including:
 Abandoned hazardous waste sites.
 Contaminated drinking water wells.
 Air pollution hotspots.
Monitoring the effectiveness of remediation effort: The plant is working with government agencies to
remediate the contaminated sites in the area. The plant monitors the effectiveness of these remediation efforts to
ensure that they are successful.
Identifying and responding to environmental emergencies: The plant has developed a plan to identify and
respond to environmental emergencies, such as oil spills and chemical releases. The plan includes procedures for
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notifying government agencies and the public, and for taking steps to minimize the impact of the emergency on
the environment and public health
Benefits of Environmental Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance at the Chemical Plant
Fig 05: Chemical plant production area
1) Public Health and Safety: Effective monitoring and compliance help protect the health and safety
of workers, neighboring communities, and the general public. It ensures that hazardous chemicals
are handled, stored, and disposed of safely, reducing the risk of accidents and exposure to toxic
2) Legal and Regulatory Compliance: It is mandated by law that chemical factories abide by
environmental laws. Fines, penalties, and legal responsibilities may come from failure to comply
with these rules. Compliance upkeep averts legal issues and related expenses.
3) Improved Reputation: Operating in compliance with environmental standards enhances the
reputation of the chemical plant. It demonstrates a commitment to responsible environmental
stewardship, which can positively influence relationships with customers, investors, and the local
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4) Community Engagement: Transparency in compliance efforts can foster positive relationships
with the local community. Engaging with stakeholders and sharing environmental performance
data can build trust and support from the community.
5) Long-Term Sustainability: Environmental compliance and monitoring contribute to the long-term
sustainability of the chemical plant. Sustainable practices help ensure the viability of the plant's
operations and reduce the risk of disruptions due to environmental issues.
6) Innovation and Research Opportunities: Continuous monitoring and data collection can lead to
insights and innovations in sustainable practices and technologies. Chemical plants can leverage
this information to stay at the forefront of industry advancements.
4. Conclusion
Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are essential elements of ethical environmental
management and protection, to sum up. Legal compliance, environmental protection, preserving public health
and safety, sustainable resource management, accountability, emergency response, scientific research, policy
formation, enforcement, and public awareness are just a few of the vital goals served by these activities. They all
work towards the same objective, which is to protect and conserve our natural environment for present and future
generations. In order to recognize and address environmental issues, ensure that rules and regulations are obeyed,
and promote a better knowledge of our planet's ecosystems and the effects of human activity on them,
environmental compliance and monitoring and surveillance systems are essential. These practices continue to be
crucial tools for fostering environmental sustainability and a healthier society as we deal with environmental
concerns that are becoming more complex.
5. References:
 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2019). Environmental Monitoring and Field
Surveillance Reference Guide.
 US Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) (2023). Environmental Compliance and Monitoring: AGuide
for Small Businesses.
 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) (2022). Environmental Compliance and
Enforcement: A Framework for Action.

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Environment Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance

  • 1. 1 | P a g e JAGANNATH UNIVERSITY Department of Geography and Environment ASSIGNMENT-01 Course Code : MEDM-5204 Course Title : Environment Policy and Management Date of Submission : 6th October, 2023 Name of the Assignment : Environment Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance Group 02 Name ID Md.Zahidul Islam M23060201109 Mohammad Iqbal Hossain M23060201110 Sumona Rani M23060201111 Shahrin Akhter M23060201112 Md.Iqbal Faruque M23060201113 Ashif Rahman M23060201114 Md. Atiquzzaman M23060201115 Prianka Jasinta Rozario M23060201116 Submitted to Dr. Neegar Sultana Associate Professor Dept.of Geography & Environment. Jagannath University.
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Environment Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance 1. Introduction Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are essential to any effective environmental management system. Compliance monitoring tracks and assesses a facility's emissions, water discharges, and soil contamination levels against established environmental limits. Surveillance monitoring complements compliance monitoring by identifying and assessing environmental hazards in the surrounding area, monitoring the effectiveness of remediation efforts, and developing and implementing plans to respond to environmental emergencies. Environmental Compliance entails adhering to established laws, regulations, and standards designed to protect the environment. These guidelines encompass diverse areas such as pollution control, waste management, resource conservation, and sustainable practices. Compliance ensures that actions align with legal and ethical obligations, promoting responsible conduct to minimize adverse environmental impact. Environmental Monitoring involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data regarding environmental parameters. This data is essential for assessing the health of natural resources, ecosystems, and habitats. Monitoring allows us to understand environmental changes, identify trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented environmental policies and initiatives. Surveillance in Environmental Management is a proactive and continuous process of monitoring and observation aimed at detecting potential risks or threats to the environment. This includes illegal activities that may harm the environment, such as poaching, illegal logging, or pollution. Surveillance uses advanced technologies and methods to monitor, detect, and respond swiftly to safeguard the environment. In this assignment, we will explore these fundamental aspects individually, understanding their definitions, purposes, methodologies, and the critical role they play in ensuring the sustainable coexistence of humanity and our natural world. By comprehending and applying the principles of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance, we contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable planet for current and future generations. 2. Environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance Environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance are the processes of tracking and assessing a facility's environmental performance against established environmental limits and identifying and assessing environmental hazards in the surrounding area. Compliance monitoring focuses on tracking and assessing a facility's emissions,
  • 3. 3 | P a g e water discharges, and soil contamination levels, while surveillance monitoring focuses on identifying and assessing environmental hazards in the surrounding area, monitoring the effectiveness of remediation efforts, and developing and implementing plans to respond to environmental emergencies. 2.2 Benefits of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance: Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance constitute the backbone of responsible environmental management. The integration of these processes within the operations of industries and facilities yields a multitude of benefits. These benefits are far-reaching, encompassing environmental protection, regulatory adherence, public trust, and the proactive identification and mitigation of environmental challenges. In this section, we delve into the extensive advantages of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance, emphasizing their indispensable role in safeguarding the environment and human well-being.  Environmental Protection: A Fundamental Outcome At the core of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance lies the fundamental principle of safeguarding the environment. These processes play a crucial role in ensuring that facilities do not release pollutants or engage in activities that could harm the delicate balance of the ecosystem. By adhering to environmental regulations and keeping a vigilant eye on their operations, facilities contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, habitats, water bodies, air quality, and soil health. The protection of the environment is paramount for the overall well-being of not only current generations but also for posterity.  Regulatory Adherence: Upholding Legal and Ethical Responsibilities One of the foremost advantages of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance is the assurance of adherence to environmental regulations. Compliance serves as a compass, guiding facilities to operate within the legal boundaries set by regulatory authorities. This adherence is not only a legal obligation but also an ethical responsibility. By aligning their activities with established laws and regulations, facilities demonstrate their commitment to ethical business conduct and responsible citizenship.  Public Trust: Fostering Confidence and Support Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are instrumental in building and maintaining public trust. The proactive approach of facilities in adhering to environmental norms showcases their dedication to protecting the environment and the communities they operate in. This dedication cultivates trust among the public, stakeholders, and neighboring communities. Public trust is a valuable asset for any organization, enhancing its reputation and fostering a positive image. When the public is confident that a facility is operating in an environmentally responsible manner, it leads to increased support and collaboration.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e  Early Detection and Mitigation: Proactive Environmental Management An invaluable benefit of environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance is the early detection and mitigation of environmental problems. Through regular monitoring and diligent surveillance, facilities can swiftly identify potential environmental issues in their infancy. This early identification allows for proactive measures to be taken, preventing further harm to the environment. Timely intervention significantly reduces the potential severity of environmental problems and minimizes the resources needed for mitigation. Ultimately, it reinforces the principle of prevention being better than cure, translating into substantial cost savings and environmental preservation.  Operational Efficiency and Risk Reduction: An Economic Perspective Effective environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance also translate into operational efficiency and risk reduction for facilities. By identifying potential environmental risks early on, facilities can adopt corrective measures swiftly, minimizing the disruption to their operations. Moreover, adherence to compliance regulations ensures that operations are streamlined and conducted in an efficient and organized manner. The avoidance of regulatory penalties and legal entanglements further contributes to cost savings and enhances the overall economic sustainability of the facility.  Stakeholder Engagement and Positive Relations: A Collaborative Approach Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance create a platform for engaging with stakeholders. Facilities often interact with regulatory bodies, local communities, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders as part of their compliance and monitoring efforts. This engagement facilitates a collaborative approach to environmental management, where different stakeholders can contribute their expertise, concerns, and feedback. The open dialogue that emerges from these interactions helps in crafting sustainable solutions that balance environmental protection with societal needs.  Data-Driven Decision Making: Enhancing Effectiveness A significant advantage of monitoring and surveillance is the abundance of data generated regarding environmental parameters. This data forms the basis for informed, data-driven decision-making within the facility. The availability of accurate, up-to-date data allows for precise evaluations of environmental impacts and the effectiveness of existing mitigation measures. It enables facilities to tailor their strategies, optimize resource allocation, and implement targeted solutions to address identified environmental challenges.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e  Innovation and Technological Advancement: Driving Sustainability Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance necessitate continuous improvement and innovation. Facilities are driven to invest in advanced technologies and methodologies to enhance their monitoring and surveillance capabilities. This drive for innovation contributes to the development of cutting-edge technologies that not only improve environmental monitoring but also drive sustainability in various industry sectors. The quest for compliance often leads to the development and adoption of cleaner technologies, thus fostering a culture of sustainability and technological advancement.  Sustainable Branding and Competitive Advantage: A Strategic Approach Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance can be leveraged for sustainable branding and a competitive edge in the market. Organizations that prioritize environmental responsibility and transparency can use this commitment as a unique selling proposition. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of the products and services they choose. Hence, a sustainable and environmentally responsible image can set a facility apart, attracting environmentally conscious customers and enhancing brand value. Fig 01: Benefits of Environmental Monitoring
  • 6. 6 | P a g e  Regulatory Flexibility and Favorable Relations: Building Bridges Proactive adherence to compliance, monitoring, and surveillance often results in favorable relationships with regulatory authorities. Facilities that consistently demonstrate a commitment to compliance are more likely to enjoy a positive rapport with regulators. This can, in turn, lead to a certain degree of regulatory flexibility and cooperation. Regulatory agencies are more inclined to work collaboratively with facilities that are proactive in fulfilling their environmental responsibilities.  Education and Awareness: Spreading Environmental Consciousness Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance promote education and awareness among employees and stakeholders. Through training programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns, facilities can educate their workforce and the community about the importance of environmental protection. This heightened environmental consciousness extends beyond the organization, influencing individuals to adopt environmentally friendly practices in their personal lives, thereby creating a ripple effect of positive change.  Resilience and Adaptability: Preparing for the Future Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance instill a sense of resilience and adaptability within facilities. By being well-versed with environmental regulations and potential risks, facilities are better prepared to navigate changes in the regulatory landscape. They can anticipate and proactively adapt to evolving environmental standards, ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience in an ever-changing business environment. 2.3 Types of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance activities The three main types of environmental monitoring are soil, atmosphere, and water. Some techniques of environmental scanning and monitoring include filtration, sedimentation, electrostatic samples, impinges, absorption, condensation, grab sampling, and composite sampling. Data collected from these methods of environmental monitoring can be input into a DBMS, where it can be categorized, analyzed, visualized, and create actionable insights that drive informed decision making.  Air Monitoring: Environmental data gathered using specialized observation tools, such as sensor networks and Geographic Information System (GIS) models, from multiple different environmental networks and institutes is integrated into air dispersion models, which combine emissions, meteorological, and topographic data to detect and predict concentration of air pollutants  Soil Monitoring: Grab sampling (individual samples) and composite sampling (multiple samples) are used to monitor soil, set baselines, and detect threats such as acidification, biodiversity loss, compaction, contamination, erosion, organic material loss, salinization, and slope instability.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e  Salinity Monitoring: Remote sensing, GIS, and electromagnetic induction are used to monitor soil salinity, which, if imbalanced, can cause detrimental effects on water quality, infrastructure, and plant yield.  Contamination Monitoring: Chemical techniques such as chromatography and spectrometry are used to measure toxic elements, such as nuclear waste, coal ash, micro plastics, petrochemicals, and acid rain, which can lead to the development of pollution-related diseases if consumed by humans or animals.  Erosion Monitoring: Monitoring and modeling soil erosion is a complex process in which accurate predictions are nearly impossible for large areas. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is most commonly used to try to predict soil loss due to water erosion. Erosion may be due to factors such as rainfall, surface runoff, rivers, streams, floods, wind, mass movement, climate, soil composition and structure, topography, and lack of vegetation management.  Water Monitoring: Environmental sampling techniques include judgmental, simple random, stratified, systematic and grid, adaptive cluster, grab, and passive; semi-continuous and continuous environmental monitoring; remote sensing and environmental monitoring; and bio-monitoring are used to measure and monitor ranges for biological, chemical, radiological, microbiological, and population parameters. 2.4 Purpose of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance  Legal Adherence: Ensuring that individuals, organizations, and industries comply with environmental laws and regulations is a fundamental purpose. These regulations can cover a wide range of issues such as air and water quality, waste management, wildlife protection, and more. Compliance helps prevent environmental harm and promotes responsible practices.  Environmental Protection: The primary goal is to protect the environment and natural resources. By monitoring and surveilling activities, authorities can identify potential threats to ecosystems, water bodies, and air quality. This allows for early intervention to prevent or mitigate environmental damage.  Public Health and Safety: Environmental compliance measures often have direct implications for human health and safety. Monitoring and surveillance help ensure that activities posing risks to public health are identified and addressed promptly. For example, monitoring air quality can help detect pollutants that can harm human health.  Resource Management: Monitoring and surveillance provide valuable data for managing natural resources sustainably. This includes tracking the health of ecosystems, the availability of water resources, and the status of biodiversity. This information informs policies and practices that aim to conserve resources for future generation  Accountability and Transparency: Environmental compliance and monitoring promote transparency and accountability. By publicly reporting on compliance and surveillance findings, governments and organizations can be held accountable for their environmental actions. This transparency encourages responsible behavior and fosters public trust.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e  Emergency Response: Monitoring and surveillance systems can be crucial in detecting and responding to environmental emergencies, such as oil spills, chemical leaks, or natural disasters. Rapid detection allows for quicker responses, minimizing the impact on the environment and human communities.  Policy Development: Data collected through monitoring and surveillance can inform the development of environmental policies and regulations. It helps policymakers make evidence-based decisions to address emerging environmental challenges and adapt to changing conditions.  Compliance Enforcement: Monitoring and surveillance provide evidence for enforcing environmental laws and regulations. When violations are identified, authorities can take legal action, including imposing fines, penalties, or requiring remediation efforts.  Public Awareness and Education: The data collected through monitoring can be used to educate the public about environmental issues. It raises awareness about the importance of environmental protection and encourages individuals and communities to take action. In summary, environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance play a crucial role in protecting the environment, ensuring legal compliance, promoting public health and safety, and advancing our understanding of the natural world. These activities are essential for sustainable development and the preservation of our planet's ecosystems. 2.5 Methodologies of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance  Filtration: This method involves selecting the appropriate filtration technique based on the specific pollutants that need to be monitored.  Impinges: High-velocity air is passed through impinges, either wet or dry, depending on the type of collecting surface required. Dry impinges are used when the collecting surface is dry, while wet impinges are used when the collecting surface is wet.  Sedimentation: A simple method for air sampling where an open container is placed in an unobstructed outdoor area. This method is commonly used to measure the deposition of dust in a particular region. It is a straightforward process that does not require electrical power or moving parts. However, it lacks precision and cannot distinguish peak dust fall as the sampling period can extend up to 30 days.  Electrostatic Samples: Efficient for collecting small samples, this method involves particles in the sampler picking up a charge and depositing it on electrodes.  Adsorption: Gases are adsorbed onto solid surfaces in this method. Materials like activated carbon, silica gel, and alumina are used in the adsorption process.  Grab Sampling: High-volume samplers with filters are used in air quality monitoring. The filters, made of glass fibers, are 99% efficient in capturing particles with a diameter of 0.8 µ. Grab sampling is conducted in areas where people work, and the collected samples are analyzed in laboratories using chemical, microscopic, gravimetric, and extraction techniques. In water sampling, samples are collected from various locations and depths and sent to laboratories for analysis.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e  Composite Sampling: In composite sampling, samples are collected from different locations at different times to create a more representative sample of the pollution source. This type of sampling provides an average indication of the presence of pollutants. 2.6 Critical role of environmental compliance and monitoring, surveillance Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance collectively play a pivotal role in shaping sustainable coexistence between humanity and the natural world. These critical components are interlinked and essential for safeguarding the environment, ensuring responsible practices, and achieving long-term sustainability. 2.6.1 Environmental Compliance Critical Role: Environmental compliance sets the foundation for responsible environmental stewardship. It establishes the rules and standards that individuals, organizations, and governments must follow to avoid causing harm to the environment. The critical roles of environmental compliance include: Legal Adherence: Ensures compliance with environmental laws, preventing legal repercussions and fostering a culture of responsibility. Environmental Protection: Minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promoting conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Public Health and Welfare: Safeguards public health and welfare by mitigating exposure to harmful pollutants and contaminants. Significance: Without compliance, environmental protection would be challenging to enforce, risking significant harm to the environment and public health. Compliance forms the basis for sustainable practices, responsible resource use, and the preservation of our natural heritage.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Fig 02: Environmental Compliance and Obligations 2.6.2. Environmental Monitoring Critical role: Environmental monitoring involves systematic and continuous data collection, analysis, and interpretation to understand the environment's condition and trends. The critical roles of environmental monitoring include: Environmental Assessment: Evaluates the overall health and quality of environmental components such as air, water, soil, and ecosystems. Trend Analysis: Detects patterns, changes, and emerging trends in environmental parameters, aiding in timely intervention and planning. Data-Driven Decisions: Provides empirical data essential for evidence-based policy-making and effective environmental management. Significance: Monitoring is the cornerstone of proactive environmental management. It helps identify issues early, enabling timely responses to environmental challenges. Through data-driven decisions, it optimizes resource allocation, enhances environmental policies, and supports sustainable development.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e Fig 03: Environmental Monitoring Components 2.6.3. Surveillance in Environmental Management The collection and analysis of samples of air, water, soil, foodstuffs, biota and other media at the DOE site and surrounding environments and the measurement of demonstrate compliance with applicable standards, radiation exposure of members of the public and asses effect. Environmental surveillance involves continuous monitoring and observation to identify potential risks, threats, or illegal activities that may harm the environment. The critical roles of environmental surveillance include: Risk Mitigation: Identifies and assesses potential environmental risks early, allowing for timely intervention and mitigation strategies. Mitigation measures include policies concerning energy, transportation, food and agriculture and land use that will reduced GHG emissions. They include: energy policies that can promote development. Enforcement of Laws: Environmental enforcement is the set of actions that a government takes to achieve full implementation of environmental requirements within the regulated community deters and prevents illegal activities harmful to the environment, promoting legal and ethical conduct.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e Conservation Support: Assists in the protection and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems by monitoring endangered species and habitats. Significances: Surveillance serves as a proactive tool to detect and prevent environmental harm. By swiftly identifying risks and enforcing laws, it helps maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems, supporting biodiversity, and ensuring the sustainable coexistence of humanity and the natural world. Integration for Maximum Impact: Integrating environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance maximizes their impact. Compliance sets the rules, monitoring tracks adherence and environmental health, and surveillance identifies threats. This integration ensures comprehensive environmental protection, sustainable resource management, and a balanced relationship with the environment, securing a healthier future for all. Fig 04: Cycle of Surveillance of Environmental Management 3. Case Study: Environmental Compliance and Monitoring at a Chemical Plant Achemical plant conducts regular environmental compliance and monitoring activities to ensure that it is meeting its environmental permits and regulations and to identify and address potential environmental problems early on. Compliance Monitoring  The plant's compliance monitoring program includes the following elements. The objectives of the compliance monitoring program are to:
  • 13. 13 | P a g e  Ensure that the plant is meeting its emission limits for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, and heavy metals.  Ensure that the plant is meeting its water quality standards for pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.  Ensure that the plant is meeting its soil contamination limits for heavy metals and other hazardous substances.  Identifying and selecting monitoring parameters: The plant monitors a variety of parameters to meet these objectives, including:  Continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) data for particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide.  Grab samples of stack emissions for heavy metals.  Grab samples of wastewater discharges for pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.  Soil samples from various locations around the plant for heavy metals and other hazardous substances. Developing and implementing monitoring procedures: The plant has developed detailed procedures for collecting, analyzing, and reporting monitoring data. For example, CEM data is collected and analyzed on a continuous basis, and wastewater samples are collected and analyzed once a week. Soil samples are collected and analyzed once a month. Reviewing and evaluating monitoring results: The plant reviews and evaluates monitoring results on a monthly basis to identify any areas where compliance is not being met. If any areas of non-compliance are identified, the plant takes corrective action to bring its operations back into compliance. Surveillance Monitoring: The plant's surveillance monitoring program includes the following elements: Identifying and assessing environmental hazards: The plant has identified a number of potential environmental hazards in the surrounding area, including:  Abandoned hazardous waste sites.  Contaminated drinking water wells.  Air pollution hotspots. Monitoring the effectiveness of remediation effort: The plant is working with government agencies to remediate the contaminated sites in the area. The plant monitors the effectiveness of these remediation efforts to ensure that they are successful. Identifying and responding to environmental emergencies: The plant has developed a plan to identify and respond to environmental emergencies, such as oil spills and chemical releases. The plan includes procedures for
  • 14. 14 | P a g e notifying government agencies and the public, and for taking steps to minimize the impact of the emergency on the environment and public health Benefits of Environmental Compliance and Monitoring, Surveillance at the Chemical Plant Fig 05: Chemical plant production area 1) Public Health and Safety: Effective monitoring and compliance help protect the health and safety of workers, neighboring communities, and the general public. It ensures that hazardous chemicals are handled, stored, and disposed of safely, reducing the risk of accidents and exposure to toxic substances. 2) Legal and Regulatory Compliance: It is mandated by law that chemical factories abide by environmental laws. Fines, penalties, and legal responsibilities may come from failure to comply with these rules. Compliance upkeep averts legal issues and related expenses. 3) Improved Reputation: Operating in compliance with environmental standards enhances the reputation of the chemical plant. It demonstrates a commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, which can positively influence relationships with customers, investors, and the local community.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e 4) Community Engagement: Transparency in compliance efforts can foster positive relationships with the local community. Engaging with stakeholders and sharing environmental performance data can build trust and support from the community. 5) Long-Term Sustainability: Environmental compliance and monitoring contribute to the long-term sustainability of the chemical plant. Sustainable practices help ensure the viability of the plant's operations and reduce the risk of disruptions due to environmental issues. 6) Innovation and Research Opportunities: Continuous monitoring and data collection can lead to insights and innovations in sustainable practices and technologies. Chemical plants can leverage this information to stay at the forefront of industry advancements. 4. Conclusion Environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance are essential elements of ethical environmental management and protection, to sum up. Legal compliance, environmental protection, preserving public health and safety, sustainable resource management, accountability, emergency response, scientific research, policy formation, enforcement, and public awareness are just a few of the vital goals served by these activities. They all work towards the same objective, which is to protect and conserve our natural environment for present and future generations. In order to recognize and address environmental issues, ensure that rules and regulations are obeyed, and promote a better knowledge of our planet's ecosystems and the effects of human activity on them, environmental compliance and monitoring and surveillance systems are essential. These practices continue to be crucial tools for fostering environmental sustainability and a healthier society as we deal with environmental concerns that are becoming more complex. 5. References:  United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2019). Environmental Monitoring and Field Surveillance Reference Guide.  US Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) (2023). Environmental Compliance and Monitoring: AGuide for Small Businesses.  Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) (2022). Environmental Compliance and Enforcement: A Framework for Action.  shevals/2002HQperformance/Environmental_Performance_Analysis_October2002.pdf