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Student Led Conferences Script Language Arts / Social Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Student Led Conferences Script Math / Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Student Directed Math Review Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Student Led Conference Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Student Self Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Student Self Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Literature Circle Novel Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9

Literature Circle Reading Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Literature Circle Job Outline / Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12

Multi-Cultural Unit Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Multi-Cultural Unit Country Presentation Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

                                  Student Led Conferences Script
Language Arts

My report card grade for the first nine weeks is ____. I think I earned this grade because__________________________

I think my behavior this nine weeks was ________________, because
In LA we also do ___________________________ to improve vocabulary. I should be studying these words every
night for at least 15 minutes. *This is my last Word Cell test. I made a ________ because ______________________
AR and Novel:
We are also required to read AR for at least 15 minutes each night. The 1st nine weeks I ________________ my AR
goal. My current AR goal is _______ points.
The novel we read the 1st nine weeks was _____________________________________. One thing I have learned in
this novel is ________________________________________________________________.
Warm-ups: Everyday when we come in we are required to complete a warm-up in a journal. My last warm-up grade was
______/85. *This is my warm-up notebook.
Do you have any questions for me about Language Arts?

Social Studies
My report card grade for the 1st nine weeks is ______. I think I earned this grade because

Notes: We take Cornell Style Notes for each chapter, as well as, fill in graphic organizers. I should be studying these
notes every night for at least 15 minutes.
* Here is an example of our C-Notes for chapter 6 and a graphic organizer.

Before each test we fill in a study guide in class to review. We are also allowed to use the study guide on our test. *Here
is our study guide and test for Chapter 6. I made a ______ on this test because
Do you have any questions for me about Social Studies?

Mrs. Edwards’ Math and Science Reflection for: _____________________

My grade in math the 1st nine weeks was a / an __________.
I think I earned this grade because_________________________________

One of my strengths in math is __________________________________.
One of my weaknesses in math is _________________________________.
At the beginning of the year we were working hard with Mrs. Edwards in
math reviewing some of the material we learned in 6th grade. We are now
working on ______________________________________.

In June, we will take an EOG on what we have learned this year.
Ever day in math we have a 4 question “flashback” quiz followed by our
Minute Drill. WE also have a Weekly Essential Sheet once a week. Here
are some examples of those assignments from this past nine weeks. I can
always correct my weekly essentials, chapter quizzes, chapter tests, or
any other assignment as indicated by my teacher. If I correct it, my
grade on that assignment can be brought up to a passing grade.

This is one of my best grades this past nine weeks in math. I did well on
this assignment because________________________________________

My grade in science the 1st nine weeks was a ______________.
I think I earned this grade because ________________________________
In science so far we have studied scientific practices, the atmosphere,
and weather. During the 2nd nine weeks we will be studying force and
In science my grade consists of vocabulary, vocabulary quizzes, study
guides, chapter tests, and class experiments / participation.
My strengths in science are
An area that I need to improve in science is _______________________.
I am going to try to make A or A/B honor roll (again) this 2nd nine weeks.

Dear Parents,

Parent Conference time will be Wednesday, Nov. 9th from 12:30pm-7:15pm. This year’s
conferences will be a little different from the ones you have attended in the past. Your
student will lead the parent conference. They will tell you about what they have
learned this past nine weeks, show you work samples, and elaborate on why they earned
the grade they have. This allows your child to take ownership of their grade, while at
the same time promoting good communication between you and your child. All of your
child’s teachers will be available while your child is leading your conference. We
will be meeting simultaneously in the science lab on our hallway, with 4 conferences
taking place at one time. This way, we can accommodate your time as efficiently as
possible. Time slots will be in 15 minute increments.     Please check a time below
that best suits your schedule. Place a 1, 2, or 3 in each blank to let us know your
first, second, or third choice. We will get back to you to confirm your time as soon
as possible. Again, your child is required to attend the conference with you since
they will be leading it. They will earn extra credit for attending. If you are unable
to come on Nov. 9th, please write in another date and time between Nov.2--8th. Our
planning time is from 8:15-9:30.   We look forward to seeing you on Nov. 9th. ( We
are hoping for 100% attendance for conferences.

WJMS 7th Grade Teachers

Wednesday, Nov.9th
__________1:00-1:15                        __________4:45-5:00
__________1:15-1:30                        __________5:00-5:15
__________1:30-1:45                        __________5:15-5:30
__________1:45-2:00                        __________5:30-5:45
__________2:00-2:15                        __________5:45-6:00
__________2:15-2:30                        __________6:00-6:15
__________2:30-2:45                        __________6:15-6:30
__________2:45-3:00                        __________6:30-6:45
__________3:00-3:15                        __________6:45-7:00
__________3:15-3:30                        __________7:00-7:15


1st Semester Review Game Project              Due:

Purpose: Create a new Review Game for our Glencoe Math Textbook Company --- One that
will review the concepts covered so far as well as provide challenging problems. We
want to offer our book company a new, creative updated way of reviewing the topics
covered in Chapters 1 – 5.


     1. Chose a partner or decide to work alone.
     2. Discuss the type of game in which you would like to see designed. Examples
include but are not limited to: Board games, Card games, Dice games, Flash
Cards, etc.
     3. Your game can be modeled after a game or game show that already exists.
     4. Design your new game keeping the Rubric (scoring guide) in mind. Be neat and
colorful and bring all items needed to play the game to class when you present
the project.
     5. A rules list needs to accompany the game. The title of the game and the
student’s name(s) should be at the top of the Rules list. It should include
information on how to set up . start the game, what the objective of the game
is, and how to determine the winner. Include an answer key for all questions.

**Be very specific on your rules so that anyone could play your game.   Typed rules are
preferred, but neatly handwritten is acceptable.
**Play your game before you turn it in!!!
**See the rubric below to see how you will be graded. GOOD LUCK!! (

Skills              1                 2                   3                4
Title               No Title          Title is present    Title is related Title is CREATIVE
                                      but does not        to the topic.      sparks interest
                                      appear to be                         and is related to
                                      related to the                       topic.
ALL written                           topic.
requirements        Many of the       Most (about 75%)    Almost all (about   were met.
                    requirements were of the written      90%) of the
                    not met.          requirements were   written
                                      met, but several    requirements were
                                      were not.           met.
Spelling /          The final draft There are 2-3         There is one   There are NO
Punctuation in      has more than 3 spelling and          spelling error or
                                                                         spelling or
Rules List
                    spelling and      punctuation         punctuation error
(directions for the
game)               punctuation       errors in the       in the final   errors in the
Presentation        errors.           final draft.        draft.         final draft.
(explanation of     No Presentation Presentation in       Presentation isPresentation is
your game)                            unclear and/or      clear and      clear and
                                      uninformative.      informative.   informative,
                                                                         showing above
Project completed   Project not      Project completed Project completed Project completed
on time             completed        2 days late.      1 day late.       on or before the
                                                                         due date.

                               Self – Reflection
Honestly think about your performance regarding the project you have just

        What was the hardest part about designing a board game?

        What was the easiest part about designing a board game?

        What role did you play in your group in helping create your game?

      Do you feel that you contributed as much to the group as your team
Do you feel that your team members contributed equally to the
project? If not, How did that make you feel?

      Now that the project is finished, could you have done anything to
improve the final product?

        Did you learn anything about working together in a group?   What?

      If you had to grade yourself on your contribution to the board game,
what grade would you give yourself?

        If you had to grade your partner(s), what grade would they deserve?

            Self – Assessment for Graphic Novel

Neatness (1-10)                                                  _______
Completeness (1-10)                                              _______
Use of time (1-10)                                             _______

TOTAL                                                     _______

         Name:   ______________________________________
Name: _________________                      Topic _________________

0 – Unacceptable                 2 – Fair                    4 - Excellent
1- Poor                           3 – Good

Category                     Student         ______       Teacher
Complies with assignment           ______                     _______
Informative                     ______                     _______
Creativity                     ______                     _______
Craftsmanship                     ______                     _______
Spelling / Grammar                ______                     _______

Grade                          ______                     _______

                       Literature Circle Novel Overview

Red Scarf Girl by: Ji-li Jiang

       In 1966 Ji-li Jiang turned twelve. An outstanding student and leader, she had
everything: brains, the admiration of her peers, and a bright future in Chinas’ Communist
Party. But that year Chinas’ leader, Mao Ze-dong, launched the Cultural Revolution, and
everything changed. Over the next few years Ji-li and her family were humiliated
and scorned by former friends, neighbors, and co-workers. They lived in constant
terror of arrest. Finally, with the detention of her father, Ji-li faced the most
difficult choice of her life.
       Told with simplicity and grace, this is the true story of one familys’ courage
and determination during one of the most terrifying eras of the twentieth century.

Noodle Pie by: Ruth Starke

       It’s Andy’s first trip on an airplane when he and his dad travel to Vietnam to
meet all his relatives. Talk about culture shock! Everyone calls him by his
Vietnamese name instead of Andy and he is stunned to discover the family
restaurant is nothing like what he expected. Somehow though, Andy helps his
Vietnamese family and his dad come to see things in a new way.
Mina’s Spring of Colors by: Rachna Gilmore

       Mina, 11, enjoys playing computer games and watching TV, and has decidedly mixed
feelings about her Indian heritage. She loves her Nanaji (grandfather), but is
sometimes embarrassed by his old-fashioned ideas and customs. However, when she
overhears the most popular girl at school refer to Nanaji as "a stupid old geek
who can't even talk right," Mina is hurt and incensed. She vows to get revenge
during her family's annual party celebrating Holi, the Indian festival of color.
 Instead of squirting Ashley with the traditional harmless colored powders that
are the hallmark of the celebration, Mina plans to barrage her foe with a plan
that will leave a more permanent impression. In the end, the scheme backfires,
and Nanaji helps his granddaughter to see that her stunt is less about revenge
than about coming to terms with her own ambivalent feelings toward him.

The Storytellers Beads by: Jane Kurtz

       Set in the mid-1980s, a time when Ethiopia is hard-hit by drought and political
strife, Kurtz's (Trouble) eye-opening novel charts the converging paths of two
young natives fleeing from their country. Sahay, a Christian orphan, and Rahel,
a blind Jewish girl, have been taught to be enemies, but discover they have
much in common when they join a large group of refugees on their way to Sudan:
both have suffered hunger and persecution, have been torn from their families
and regret leaving their homeland. Through the girls' alternating points of
view, Kurtz conveys how the fellow travelers' mutual mistrust of one another
gradually grows into reliance upon each other for aid and consolation. When
soldiers force Sahay's uncle and Rahel's brother to turn back, Sahay
experiences her first pang of pity for the "blind Falasha" girl and offers to
be her guide. In turn, Rahel soothes Sahay's lagging spirit with inspirational
stories from the Old Testament. Besides presenting a historically accurate account of
mass exodus from Ethiopia, the story pays tribute to survivors who find the strength
and courage to help others reach freedom.

                   Literature Circle Novel Overview   cont.

A Single Shard by: Linda Sue Park

       Tree-ear, an orphan, lives under a bridge in Ch’ulp’o, a potters’ village, famed
for delicate celadon ware. He has become fascinated with the potter’s craft; he wants
nothing more than to watch master potter Min at work, and he dreams of making a pot of
his own someday. When Min takes Tree-ear on as his helper, Tree-ear is elated — until
he finds obstacles in his path: the backbreaking labor of digging and hauling clay,
Min’s irascible temper, and his own ignorance. But Tree-ear is determined to prove
himself — even if it means taking a long, solitary journey on foot to present Min’s
work in the hope of a royal commission . . . even if it means arriving at the royal
court with nothing to show but a single celadon shard.

Clay Marble by: Minfong Ho

       Fleeing war-torn Cambodia in 1980, Dara, her mother, and her older brother find
sanctuary in a refugee settlement on the Thailand border, but when fighting
erupts, Dara finds herself separated from everyone and everything she loves.


              Reading Log for _________________________________

Please fill this out everyday that you meet with you literature circle group.

Date                         Pages Read                   Summary of what was read
My EOG Style Questions:




Each week someone in your group must have one of the following roles:
Group Leader, Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Main reader
*The Group Leader- your job is to make sure everyone is filling in their chart and keep track of who is doing what.
*Discussion Director- your job is to develop a list of 3 questions for the week that your group needs to discuss about
the book.
*Vocabulary Enricher-your job is to identify 3 vocabulary words for the week that your group may struggle with and
define them. Write the words and definitions on the corresponding day of the week in the calendar.
*Main Reader- you decide how the group will read each day and who will start.

February 2012
S                M                T                 W                Th                F                Sa
E-                                31                1                2                 3                4
E-               6                7                 8                9                 10
E-               13               14                15               16                17
E-               20               21                22               23                24
E-               27               28                29               1                 2
*EOG Questionnaire- come up with 3 EOG style questions about what you read that week.
Discussion Questions and Answers:

Each week someone in your group must have one of the following roles:
Group Leader, Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Main reader
*The Group Leader- your job is to make sure everyone is filling in their chart and keep track of who is not doing their
work. Write their name in the box for that day if they are NOT working.
*Discussion Director- your job is to develop a list of 3 questions for the week that your group needs to discuss about
the book.
*Vocabulary Enricher-your job is to identify 3 vocabulary words for the week that your group may struggle with and
define them. Write the words and definitions on the corresponding day of the week in the calendar.
*Main Reader- you decide how the group will read each day and who will start. You will also create 3 EOG style
questions and possible answers based on what you read that week.
*EOG Questionnaire- come up with 3 EOG style questions about what you read that week.

Sunday           Monday            Tuesday          Wednesday         Thursday         Friday            Saturday
E-               5                 6                7                 8                9
L-DD-VE-         12                13               14                15               16
MR-E-            19                20               21                22               23
L-DD-VE-         26                27               28                29               30
My Discussion Questions and Answers:



                                        Spring Semester Project
                                           Multi-cultural Unit

Your student has the opportunity to participate in a unit during the third nine weeks that encompasses information from
all four academic classes. During this unit your student will take information learned in one class and apply it to a
different academic class. Your student will also have the chance to work with students on the other 7th grade team to
prepare a multi-cultural fair that will be held at the end of the 3rd nine weeks. In Social Studies your student will be
assigned a country from Asia, Africa, or Australia to further research. They will combine that information with class
material. Your student will examine: population, environment/ economy, geography, cultural traits, government, and
any other important people in that country. In each of the other academic classes your student will be:
Language Arts~
-Reading the following novels in Literature Circles: Noodle Pie, The Storyteller’s Beads, Mina’s Spring of Colors, A
Single Shard, The Clay Marble, and The Red Scarf Girl (AIG only).
- Working with the students from the other team to combine information to use for the multi-cultural fair presentation
-Writing a research paper for their assigned country

-Using percentages and fractions to identify the change in population of that country over time
-Creating graphs to demonstrate the change in population and natural resources for their country over time
-scaling project based on a landmark from their country

-Examining reasons for change in population
-Determining causes of environmental changes and their impact on the people of that country (including impact on the
-Identifying environmental hazards and weather conditions

At the end of the nine weeks we will invite you to attend our multi-cultural fair where your student will work with others
in the 7th grade to prepare food from their assigned country and show off what they have learned. This will be a great
opportunity to learn about others and appreciate each others cultures.
By signing below you are allowing your student to participate in this opportunity to learn about other cultures and share
with you all that they have learned throughout the nine weeks.

__________________________________                _________________________
Parent Signature          Date

Thanks in advance for your help with this project,

                                             Country Presentation

Presentation Date: _________
All Partners: _____________  ______________
      _____________ ______________

Country: ______________________

For your presentation board you will be required to have the following:

         22. At least 3 facts per category

-Language           -Current Events
-Geography           -Culture
-Government        -Religion/ Education

         23. At least 5 total pictures

-1 must be a picture of your country
24. 3 charts

       25. Your graph from Math class

-put this at the bottom right or left of the board

       26. Your Science information on Environment

-talk about how the environmental hazards affect the people

**Extra Credit-If you bring in a food from your country on presentation day you will earn extra credit toward the core
class of your choice

                                       Multi-culture Poster Grade

Name of Country: __________________
                  Grade deserved (please circle one)
Your Name: ___________________          A B C D F
Partner’s Name: __________________        A B C D F
Partner’s Name : __________________         A B C D F
Partner’s Name: ___________________ A B C D F


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Empowering Students Unit

  • 1. Table of Contents Student Led Conferences Script Language Arts / Social Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Student Led Conferences Script Math / Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Student Directed Math Review Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Student Led Conference Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Student Self Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Student Self Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Literature Circle Novel Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Literature Circle Reading Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Literature Circle Job Outline / Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 Multi-Cultural Unit Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Multi-Cultural Unit Country Presentation Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Student Led Conferences Script
  • 2. Language Arts My report card grade for the first nine weeks is ____. I think I earned this grade because__________________________ _______________________________. I think my behavior this nine weeks was ________________, because _______________________________________________________________. Vocabulary: In LA we also do ___________________________ to improve vocabulary. I should be studying these words every night for at least 15 minutes. *This is my last Word Cell test. I made a ________ because ______________________ __________________________________________ AR and Novel: We are also required to read AR for at least 15 minutes each night. The 1st nine weeks I ________________ my AR goal. My current AR goal is _______ points. The novel we read the 1st nine weeks was _____________________________________. One thing I have learned in this novel is ________________________________________________________________. Warm-ups: Everyday when we come in we are required to complete a warm-up in a journal. My last warm-up grade was ______/85. *This is my warm-up notebook. Do you have any questions for me about Language Arts? Social Studies My report card grade for the 1st nine weeks is ______. I think I earned this grade because ________________________________________________________. Notes: We take Cornell Style Notes for each chapter, as well as, fill in graphic organizers. I should be studying these notes every night for at least 15 minutes. * Here is an example of our C-Notes for chapter 6 and a graphic organizer. Tests: Before each test we fill in a study guide in class to review. We are also allowed to use the study guide on our test. *Here is our study guide and test for Chapter 6. I made a ______ on this test because _______________________________________________________________. Do you have any questions for me about Social Studies? Mrs. Edwards’ Math and Science Reflection for: _____________________ My grade in math the 1st nine weeks was a / an __________. I think I earned this grade because_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. One of my strengths in math is __________________________________. One of my weaknesses in math is _________________________________.
  • 3. At the beginning of the year we were working hard with Mrs. Edwards in math reviewing some of the material we learned in 6th grade. We are now working on ______________________________________. In June, we will take an EOG on what we have learned this year. Ever day in math we have a 4 question “flashback” quiz followed by our Minute Drill. WE also have a Weekly Essential Sheet once a week. Here are some examples of those assignments from this past nine weeks. I can always correct my weekly essentials, chapter quizzes, chapter tests, or any other assignment as indicated by my teacher. If I correct it, my grade on that assignment can be brought up to a passing grade. This is one of my best grades this past nine weeks in math. I did well on this assignment because________________________________________ My grade in science the 1st nine weeks was a ______________. I think I earned this grade because ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ In science so far we have studied scientific practices, the atmosphere, and weather. During the 2nd nine weeks we will be studying force and motion. In science my grade consists of vocabulary, vocabulary quizzes, study guides, chapter tests, and class experiments / participation. My strengths in science are ____________________________________________________________ An area that I need to improve in science is _______________________. I am going to try to make A or A/B honor roll (again) this 2nd nine weeks. Dear Parents, Parent Conference time will be Wednesday, Nov. 9th from 12:30pm-7:15pm. This year’s conferences will be a little different from the ones you have attended in the past. Your student will lead the parent conference. They will tell you about what they have learned this past nine weeks, show you work samples, and elaborate on why they earned the grade they have. This allows your child to take ownership of their grade, while at the same time promoting good communication between you and your child. All of your child’s teachers will be available while your child is leading your conference. We will be meeting simultaneously in the science lab on our hallway, with 4 conferences taking place at one time. This way, we can accommodate your time as efficiently as possible. Time slots will be in 15 minute increments. Please check a time below that best suits your schedule. Place a 1, 2, or 3 in each blank to let us know your first, second, or third choice. We will get back to you to confirm your time as soon as possible. Again, your child is required to attend the conference with you since they will be leading it. They will earn extra credit for attending. If you are unable to come on Nov. 9th, please write in another date and time between Nov.2--8th. Our planning time is from 8:15-9:30. We look forward to seeing you on Nov. 9th. ( We are hoping for 100% attendance for conferences. Sincerely,
  • 4. WJMS 7th Grade Teachers Wednesday, Nov.9th __________12:30-12:45 __________12:45-1:00 __________1:00-1:15 __________4:45-5:00 __________1:15-1:30 __________5:00-5:15 __________1:30-1:45 __________5:15-5:30 __________1:45-2:00 __________5:30-5:45 __________2:00-2:15 __________5:45-6:00 __________2:15-2:30 __________6:00-6:15 __________2:30-2:45 __________6:15-6:30 __________2:45-3:00 __________6:30-6:45 __________3:00-3:15 __________6:45-7:00 __________3:15-3:30 __________7:00-7:15 __________3:30-3:45 __________3:45-4:00 __________4:00-4:15 __________4:15-4:30 __________4:30-4:45 Other:__________________ 1st Semester Review Game Project Due: Purpose: Create a new Review Game for our Glencoe Math Textbook Company --- One that will review the concepts covered so far as well as provide challenging problems. We want to offer our book company a new, creative updated way of reviewing the topics covered in Chapters 1 – 5. Process: 1. Chose a partner or decide to work alone. 2. Discuss the type of game in which you would like to see designed. Examples include but are not limited to: Board games, Card games, Dice games, Flash Cards, etc. 3. Your game can be modeled after a game or game show that already exists. 4. Design your new game keeping the Rubric (scoring guide) in mind. Be neat and colorful and bring all items needed to play the game to class when you present the project. 5. A rules list needs to accompany the game. The title of the game and the student’s name(s) should be at the top of the Rules list. It should include information on how to set up . start the game, what the objective of the game is, and how to determine the winner. Include an answer key for all questions. **Be very specific on your rules so that anyone could play your game. Typed rules are preferred, but neatly handwritten is acceptable. **Play your game before you turn it in!!!
  • 5. **See the rubric below to see how you will be graded. GOOD LUCK!! ( RUBRIC Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Demonstrated Skills 1 2 3 4 Title No Title Title is present Title is related Title is CREATIVE but does not to the topic. sparks interest appear to be and is related to related to the topic. ALL written topic. Requirements requirements Many of the Most (about 75%) Almost all (about were met. requirements were of the written 90%) of the not met. requirements were written met, but several requirements were were not. met. Spelling / The final draft There are 2-3 There is one There are NO Punctuation in has more than 3 spelling and spelling error or spelling or Rules List spelling and punctuation punctuation error punctuation (directions for the game) punctuation errors in the in the final errors in the Presentation errors. final draft. draft. final draft. (explanation of No Presentation Presentation in Presentation isPresentation is your game) unclear and/or clear and clear and uninformative. informative. informative, showing above average preparation. Project completed Project not Project completed Project completed Project completed on time completed 2 days late. 1 day late. on or before the due date. Self – Reflection Honestly think about your performance regarding the project you have just completed… What was the hardest part about designing a board game? What was the easiest part about designing a board game? What role did you play in your group in helping create your game? Do you feel that you contributed as much to the group as your team members?
  • 6. Do you feel that your team members contributed equally to the project? If not, How did that make you feel? Now that the project is finished, could you have done anything to improve the final product? Did you learn anything about working together in a group? What? If you had to grade yourself on your contribution to the board game, what grade would you give yourself? If you had to grade your partner(s), what grade would they deserve? Self – Assessment for Graphic Novel Neatness (1-10) _______ Completeness (1-10) _______ Use of time (1-10) _______ TOTAL _______ Name: ______________________________________
  • 7. Name: _________________ Topic _________________ 0 – Unacceptable 2 – Fair 4 - Excellent 1- Poor 3 – Good Category Student ______ Teacher Complies with assignment ______ _______ Informative ______ _______ Creativity ______ _______ Craftsmanship ______ _______ Spelling / Grammar ______ _______ Grade ______ _______ Literature Circle Novel Overview Red Scarf Girl by: Ji-li Jiang In 1966 Ji-li Jiang turned twelve. An outstanding student and leader, she had everything: brains, the admiration of her peers, and a bright future in Chinas’ Communist Party. But that year Chinas’ leader, Mao Ze-dong, launched the Cultural Revolution, and everything changed. Over the next few years Ji-li and her family were humiliated and scorned by former friends, neighbors, and co-workers. They lived in constant terror of arrest. Finally, with the detention of her father, Ji-li faced the most difficult choice of her life. Told with simplicity and grace, this is the true story of one familys’ courage and determination during one of the most terrifying eras of the twentieth century. Noodle Pie by: Ruth Starke It’s Andy’s first trip on an airplane when he and his dad travel to Vietnam to meet all his relatives. Talk about culture shock! Everyone calls him by his Vietnamese name instead of Andy and he is stunned to discover the family restaurant is nothing like what he expected. Somehow though, Andy helps his Vietnamese family and his dad come to see things in a new way.
  • 8. Mina’s Spring of Colors by: Rachna Gilmore Mina, 11, enjoys playing computer games and watching TV, and has decidedly mixed feelings about her Indian heritage. She loves her Nanaji (grandfather), but is sometimes embarrassed by his old-fashioned ideas and customs. However, when she overhears the most popular girl at school refer to Nanaji as "a stupid old geek who can't even talk right," Mina is hurt and incensed. She vows to get revenge during her family's annual party celebrating Holi, the Indian festival of color. Instead of squirting Ashley with the traditional harmless colored powders that are the hallmark of the celebration, Mina plans to barrage her foe with a plan that will leave a more permanent impression. In the end, the scheme backfires, and Nanaji helps his granddaughter to see that her stunt is less about revenge than about coming to terms with her own ambivalent feelings toward him. The Storytellers Beads by: Jane Kurtz Set in the mid-1980s, a time when Ethiopia is hard-hit by drought and political strife, Kurtz's (Trouble) eye-opening novel charts the converging paths of two young natives fleeing from their country. Sahay, a Christian orphan, and Rahel, a blind Jewish girl, have been taught to be enemies, but discover they have much in common when they join a large group of refugees on their way to Sudan: both have suffered hunger and persecution, have been torn from their families and regret leaving their homeland. Through the girls' alternating points of view, Kurtz conveys how the fellow travelers' mutual mistrust of one another gradually grows into reliance upon each other for aid and consolation. When soldiers force Sahay's uncle and Rahel's brother to turn back, Sahay experiences her first pang of pity for the "blind Falasha" girl and offers to be her guide. In turn, Rahel soothes Sahay's lagging spirit with inspirational stories from the Old Testament. Besides presenting a historically accurate account of mass exodus from Ethiopia, the story pays tribute to survivors who find the strength and courage to help others reach freedom. Literature Circle Novel Overview cont. A Single Shard by: Linda Sue Park Tree-ear, an orphan, lives under a bridge in Ch’ulp’o, a potters’ village, famed for delicate celadon ware. He has become fascinated with the potter’s craft; he wants nothing more than to watch master potter Min at work, and he dreams of making a pot of his own someday. When Min takes Tree-ear on as his helper, Tree-ear is elated — until he finds obstacles in his path: the backbreaking labor of digging and hauling clay, Min’s irascible temper, and his own ignorance. But Tree-ear is determined to prove himself — even if it means taking a long, solitary journey on foot to present Min’s work in the hope of a royal commission . . . even if it means arriving at the royal court with nothing to show but a single celadon shard. Clay Marble by: Minfong Ho Fleeing war-torn Cambodia in 1980, Dara, her mother, and her older brother find sanctuary in a refugee settlement on the Thailand border, but when fighting
  • 9. erupts, Dara finds herself separated from everyone and everything she loves. Name_________________________ Reading Log for _________________________________ Please fill this out everyday that you meet with you literature circle group. Date Pages Read Summary of what was read today:
  • 10. My EOG Style Questions: 1. 2. 3. Each week someone in your group must have one of the following roles: Group Leader, Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Main reader *The Group Leader- your job is to make sure everyone is filling in their chart and keep track of who is doing what. *Discussion Director- your job is to develop a list of 3 questions for the week that your group needs to discuss about the book. *Vocabulary Enricher-your job is to identify 3 vocabulary words for the week that your group may struggle with and define them. Write the words and definitions on the corresponding day of the week in the calendar. *Main Reader- you decide how the group will read each day and who will start. February 2012 L-DD-VE-MR- S M T W Th F Sa L-DD-VE-MR- E- 31 1 2 3 4 L-DD-VE-MR- E- 6 7 8 9 10 L-DD-VE-MR- E- 13 14 15 16 17 L-DD-VE-MR- E- 20 21 22 23 24 E- 27 28 29 1 2
  • 11. *EOG Questionnaire- come up with 3 EOG style questions about what you read that week. Discussion Questions and Answers: 1. 2. 3 Each week someone in your group must have one of the following roles: Group Leader, Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Main reader *The Group Leader- your job is to make sure everyone is filling in their chart and keep track of who is not doing their work. Write their name in the box for that day if they are NOT working. *Discussion Director- your job is to develop a list of 3 questions for the week that your group needs to discuss about the book. *Vocabulary Enricher-your job is to identify 3 vocabulary words for the week that your group may struggle with and define them. Write the words and definitions on the corresponding day of the week in the calendar. *Main Reader- you decide how the group will read each day and who will start. You will also create 3 EOG style questions and possible answers based on what you read that week. *EOG Questionnaire- come up with 3 EOG style questions about what you read that week. L-DD-VE-MR- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday L-DD-VE-MR- E- 5 6 7 8 9 E- L-DD-VE- 12 13 14 15 16 L-DD-VE-MR- MR-E- 19 20 21 22 23 E- L-DD-VE- 26 27 28 29 30 MR-E- My Discussion Questions and Answers: 1. 2. 3. Spring Semester Project Multi-cultural Unit Your student has the opportunity to participate in a unit during the third nine weeks that encompasses information from all four academic classes. During this unit your student will take information learned in one class and apply it to a different academic class. Your student will also have the chance to work with students on the other 7th grade team to prepare a multi-cultural fair that will be held at the end of the 3rd nine weeks. In Social Studies your student will be assigned a country from Asia, Africa, or Australia to further research. They will combine that information with class material. Your student will examine: population, environment/ economy, geography, cultural traits, government, and any other important people in that country. In each of the other academic classes your student will be: Language Arts~ -Reading the following novels in Literature Circles: Noodle Pie, The Storyteller’s Beads, Mina’s Spring of Colors, A
  • 12. Single Shard, The Clay Marble, and The Red Scarf Girl (AIG only). - Working with the students from the other team to combine information to use for the multi-cultural fair presentation board -Writing a research paper for their assigned country Math~ -Using percentages and fractions to identify the change in population of that country over time -Creating graphs to demonstrate the change in population and natural resources for their country over time -scaling project based on a landmark from their country Science~ -Examining reasons for change in population -Determining causes of environmental changes and their impact on the people of that country (including impact on the body) -Identifying environmental hazards and weather conditions At the end of the nine weeks we will invite you to attend our multi-cultural fair where your student will work with others in the 7th grade to prepare food from their assigned country and show off what they have learned. This will be a great opportunity to learn about others and appreciate each others cultures. By signing below you are allowing your student to participate in this opportunity to learn about other cultures and share with you all that they have learned throughout the nine weeks. __________________________________ _________________________ Parent Signature Date Thanks in advance for your help with this project, Country Presentation Presentation Date: _________ All Partners: _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ Country: ______________________ For your presentation board you will be required to have the following: 22. At least 3 facts per category -Language -Current Events -Geography -Culture -Government -Religion/ Education 23. At least 5 total pictures -1 must be a picture of your country
  • 13. 24. 3 charts 25. Your graph from Math class -put this at the bottom right or left of the board 26. Your Science information on Environment -talk about how the environmental hazards affect the people **Extra Credit-If you bring in a food from your country on presentation day you will earn extra credit toward the core class of your choice Multi-culture Poster Grade Name of Country: __________________ Grade deserved (please circle one) Your Name: ___________________ A B C D F Partner’s Name: __________________ A B C D F Partner’s Name : __________________ A B C D F Partner’s Name: ___________________ A B C D F Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________