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CONSULTANT:	_____________________________________		
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
–	situational	analysis,	bridging	the	gap	and	opportunity	identification	
GIDMA’s	model	for	assessing	the	opportunities	for	email	marketing,	marketing	automation	and	
lead/customer	nurturing,	is	always	anchored	in	a	set	of	one	or	several	overall	purposes.		
Once	the	purpose	has	been	defined,	the	assessment	involves	in-depth	assessment	evaluation	of	
all	or	some	of	the	areas	included	in	this	guide.	
The	comprehensive	email	&	marketing	automation	assessment	is	nearly	always	conducted	by	
two	senior	consultants	–	with	the	primary	being	the	lead	consultant	and	the	secondary	being	a	
specialist	able	to	contribute	in	specific	areas.		
All	GIDMA	email	&	marketing	automation	consultants	have	at	least	8	years	of	hard	core	
experience.		On	average	our	consultants	have	more	than	11	years	of	email	marketing	
experience.		And	many	of	them	are	recognized	as	leading	experts	by	their	peers.		
Assessments	are	meant	to	lead	to	concrete	actions.	Actions	that	will	get	you	results.	Hence	our	
deliverables	often	consist	of	these	documents;	
1)	A	situational	analysis	commenting	on	the	status	quo	–	often	compared	to	the	industry	as	a	
whole.	You	will	understand	exactly	where	you	are.		
2)	A	detailed	actionable	document.	We	will	recommend	what	you	need	to	do	in	order	to	
achieve	your	goals	and	objectives.		
3)	Plan	forward.	Should	you	wish	to	make	use	of	our	implementation,	execution	and/or	
fulfillment	service,	we	will	also	provide	you	with	a	plan	for	that.		
We	are	delighted	to	work	with	you	and	look	forward	to	a	mutually	beneficial	relationship.	
Warm	regards	
Michael	Leander	
Data	driven	marketing	experts	
Email	Marketing	/	Automation	/	Advertising	/	Conversion
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
1.	Overall	business	objectives	–	brand	awareness,	customer	acquisition,	
customer	retention,	churn-prevention	and	win-back	
-	1A)	What	sort	of	position	in	the	market	is	the	brand	trying	to	take?		
-	1B)	Which	position	are	the	competitors	trying	to	take?		
-	1C)	Can	the	marketing	and	sales	objectives	be	quantified?	If	so,	how?		
-	1D)	Is	there	a	1,	3,	5-year	plan	we	can	or	should	align	with?		
-	1E)	Are	maximum	financial	targets	set	for	1)	lead	acquisition	cost,	2)	customer	
acquisition	cost,	3)	cost	of	retaining	customers,	4)	cost	of	win-back	
-	1F)	Has	a	budget	been	allocated	to	leverage	the	email	channel	for	brand	awareness	
related	activities?	If	so,	are	KPI’s	set	to	measure	that?		
-	1G)	Does	the	business	have	an	ideal	sales/marketing	funnel	defined?		
-	1H)	What	is	the	average	incubation	time	–	from	lead	engagement	to	customer?	
-	1I)	Are	there	specific	actions	in	place	for	either	churn-prevention	and/or	win-back?	
-	1J)	Are	data	stored	and	made	accessible	from	all	platforms?	Does	the	business	wish	to	
achieve	a	one-data-repository	structure?		
2.	Email	marketing	and/or	marketing	automation	purpose	and	objectives		
-	2A)	What	does	the	business	wish	to	achieve	from	email	marketing	and	marketing	
automation	activities?	What	is	the	purpose?		
-	2B)	Apart	from	sales,	which	other	purposes	and/or	objectives	are	there?		
-	2C)	Does	the	business	expect	to	experience	cost	savings	as	a	result	of	implementing	
email	marketing	specifically?		
-	2D)	Does	the	business	expect	to	experience	cost	savings	as	a	result	of	implementing	
marketing	automation	specifically?	
-	2E)	Does	the	business	intend	to	integrate	the	email	marketing	channel	with	other	
channels.	If	so,	why	and	how?		
-	2F)	Is	the	businesses	intending	to	use	machine	learning	to	improve	the	quality	of	
messaging,	right-time	and	real-time	timing	and	other	aspects?	If	so,	when?		
-	2G)	how	does	the	business	envision	the	operational	structure	for	email	marketing?	Will	
this	be	handled	internally,	externally	or	in	a	combination	of	both?
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
3.	Email	marketing	value	proposition	&	signup	process	
-	3A)	Is	it	strong	enough:	“what	exactly	makes	people	want	to	sign	up	and	commit”?	
-	3A1)	Is	the	signup	process	incentivized?	Should	it	be?		
-	3B)	Is	the	main	signup	page	optimized	for	conversion?	Does	it	reside	inside	the	
company	website	or	on	a	friction-free	environment	–	for	example	a	specific	landing	
page?	Has	A/B	split	testing	been	tried?		
-	3B1)	What	is	the	current	conversion	rate	to	sign	up?	How	can	we	quickly	improve	the	
conversion	rate?		
-	3B1)	Is	the	signup	flow	tracked	and	reported	via	web-analytics	or	similar?	And	is	
someone	responsible	for	monitoring	and	reacting	to	this	+	reporting?		
-	3C)	Are	exit-intent,	popups	and	forms	or	banners	on	all	or	most	webpages	
-	3D)	Is	a	well-functioning	sharing	mechanism	incorporated	in	the	signup	process?	Is	it	
working	in	terms	of	amplification	and	are	visitors	coming	from	sharing	tracked	
-	3E)	Is	there	an	email	white-listing	CTA	as	part	of	the	signup	process	–	if	so,	is	it	clearly	
described	how	a	subscriber	goes	about	whitelisting	emails	from	the	firm	(for	various	
email	client)?		
-	3F)	Are	auto-responder	mechanics	in	place?		(see	also	under	4	for	flows)	
-	3G)	Are	there	goals	for	#	of	new	subscribers	each	month?		
-	3H)	How	are	customers	signed	up	during	(each	step	of)	the	sales	process?		
-	3I)	Are	customers	automatically	signed	up	for	email	communication	as	an	integral	part	
of	purchasing	online?	If	so,	are	we	sure	the	process	is	legal?	Are	we	certain	that	the	
communication	of	the	permission	given	is	understood	by	the	customer?		
-	3J)	Have	we	given	the	sign-up	form/s	sufficient	consideration?	Does	it	sell?	Does	it	
instill	a	sense	of	urgency?		
-	3K)	Has	double-opt-in	been	considered?	If	double-opt-in	is	the	current	practice;	
has	single-opt-in	been	considered?	2)	what	is	the	drop-off	percentage?	3)	what	is	the	
subscriber	lifetime?		
For	subscriber	and	customer	profiling	see	under	point	7	–	Segmentation	&	profiling
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
4.	Email	marketing	content	concept	and/or	promotion	concept	
The	content	concept	and	promotional	approach	for	email	messaging	and	marketing	
automation	is	crucial	to	success.		
-	4A)	Has	the	content	concept	been	defined	and	documented?	Was	this	anchored	in	a	
deep	understanding	of	what	the	audience	are	truly	interested	in?		
-	4B)	Has	the	promotional	concept	been	defined?	If	so,	is	there	a	precisely	formulated	
content	and	messaging	differentiation	between	customers,	prospective	customers	and	
dormant	customers?		
-	4C)	Is	there	a	clear	strategy	for	how	the	business	will	mix	promotional	and	value	
adding	content?	If	so,	how?		
-	4D)	is	there	a	clear	target	for	how	each	respective	approach	is	measured?	For	example,	
will	the	success	of	value	added	emails	be	aligned	with	metrics	for	promotional	content?		
-	4E)	Have	messaging	tactics	such	as	frequency,	differentiation,	personalization	been	
defined?	If	so,	what	are	they?		
-	4F)	Is	there	a	strategy	for	OPC	(Other	People’s	Content)	in	place?	If	so,	is	this	aligned	
with	audience	interests	–	and	does	this	content	support	the	overall	purpose?		
-	4G)	Is	there	a	well-defined	balance	between	value-add	content	vs.	promotional	
content	and	a	balance	between	original	(owned)	content	and	OPC?		
-	4H)	Is	there	a	plan	for	repurposing	of	content?		
-	4I)	Has	content	and	promotions	for	welcome	flow	with	or	without	sequential	
onboarding	flow	been	considered?		
-	4J)	Is	there	a	plan	for	reusing	content	(republishing	same	content	over	and	over	again)
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
5.	Permission	marketing	&	privacy	–	compliance	issues,	threats	and	
-5A)	Is	the	business	aware	of	the	current	legislation	governing	permission?	If	so,	is	the	
businesses	aware	of	the	differences	in	each	market	it	serves?		
-5B)	Are	all	permission	data	logged	including	date	and	time	of	subscription,	channel	of	
subscription	and	subscribers	IP	address	
-	5C)	Is	there	an	unsubscribe	process	in	real-time	that	is	automatically	updated	across	all	
systems	(CRM,	ERP,	ESP	etc.)		
-	5D)	Are	there	multiple	channels	to	which	a	subscriber	can	subscribe?	If	so,	is	it	possible	
for	a	subscriber	to	unsubscribe	channel	A	whilst	remaining	subscribed	to	channels	B,	C.		
-	5E)	Is	text	messaging	and	mobile	marketing	permissions	in	play?	If	so,	is	there	1)	a	
communication	to	mobile-subscribers	on	how	to	unsub	2)	are	subs	and	unsubs	handled	
similarly	to	email	subscribers?		
See	also	6	-	Email	sending	and	deliverability	
6.	Email	sending	and	deliverability		
-	6A)	Has	the	businesses	defined	exactly	which	domain/s	and	email	addresses	are	used	
in	the	communication?		
-	6B)	What	is	the	current	black-list	status,	if	any?	If	there	are	problems,	these	must	be	
dealt	with.		
-	6C)	Has	the	basic	deliverability	setup	been	checked?		
-	6D)	Does	the	organization	have	a	process	for	handling	spam-complaints?		
-	6E)	Are	hard	bounces	removed	immediately?		
-	6E1)	If	an	active	customer	email	bounce,	is	there	a	process	to	contact	that	customer	in	
order	to	obtain	a	new,	working	email	address?		
-	6F)	Are	soft	bounces	handled?		
-	6G)	Is	there	a	clear	plan	for	handling	of	inactive	subscribers	–	and	if	so,	how?	If	a	plan	is	
not	in	place,	this	must	be	established		
-	6H)	Is	there	an	understanding	of	how	email	deliverability	rates	differ	depending	on	
ISP?	If	so,	what	needs	to	be	done	to	improve	deliverability	with	certain	ISPs?		
-	6I)	Is	there	an	understanding	of	which	ISP’s	and/or	top-level	domains	outperform	
others?	If	so,	what	can	be	learned	from	that?	Which	actions	need	to	be	taken?
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
7.	Audience	segmentation	including	customer	profiles,	lead	profiles	with	
use	of	behavioral	data,	transactional	data	and	input	data	
-	7A)	Describe	all	customer	segments	and	the	characteristics	for	each	segment.	Split	
these	between	active	customers,	churned	customers	and	prospects.		
>>	refer	to	the	sales	and	marketing	funnel		
-	7B)	Has	the	business	defined	profiles	for	customers	and	prospects	respectively?	If	so	
>	what	is	the	exact	information	needed	for	a	minimum	profile	for	customers?	
>	what	is	the	exact	information	needed	for	a	minimum	profile	for	prospect?		
>	which	information	do	we	need	to	achieve	an	ideal	profile	of	a	customer?	
>	which	information	do	we	need	to	achieve	an	ideal	profile	for	a	prospect?		
-	7C)	Is	the	business	able	to	capture	behavioral	data	and	append	this	to	each	subscriber?		
>>	Which	IT	system	is	used	to	consolidate	all	customer	and	prospect	data?		
-	7D)	is	there	a	scoring	system	in	place	for	customers	and/or	leads?		
>>	if	so,	how	is	the	scoring	system	applied,	used	and	which	improvements	can	be	made?	
>>	are	results	from	scoring	used	to	gauge	progress	in	terms	of	bringing	customers	
and/or	prospects	further	down	the	funnel?		
-	7E)	is	there	a	solid	plan	for	how	to	treat	inactive	subscribers?		
-	7F)	Is	a	subscription	center	or	profiling	center	established?	Are	changes	automatically	
sync’d	with	other	systems?		
-	7G)	Is	the	business	able	to	leverage	transactional	data	and/or	product	data?	If	so,	can	
this	information	be	used	to	upsell/cross-sell	or	just	to	improve	the	relevance	of	
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
8.	Messaging	design,	communication	form	and	render	ability	+A/B	testing	
Before	addressing	the	issues	below,	address	the	basics	first:	
1)	What	is	the	name	used	to	send	email	communication?	Should	the	name	differentiate	
depending	on	the	purpose	of	the	communication?		
2)	Is	the	business	aware	of	pre-headers	and	how	differently	they	display	depending	on	
email	client	and	device?		
3)	Are	subject	lines	tested	continuously?	If	not,	they	should	be	
-	8A)	Have	multiple	templates	been	defined	–	each	serving	a	specific	purpose?		
-	8B)	Do	templates	work	well	across	all	devices?	If	not,	this	must	be	fixed	
-	8C)	Have	templates	been	tested?	If	not,	this	should	be	done	
-	8D)	Has	video	in	message	been	tried	and	tested?	If	not,	this	could	be	done	
-	8E)	Has	the	use	of	GIF’s	been	tried	and	tested?	If	not,	this	could	be	done	
>>	Has	interactive	content	been	tested	(for	example	reveal	from	Zembula)		
-	8F)	Are	emails	signed	off	by	“the	corporate	entity”	or	a	person?	Why?		
-	8G)	Are	images	chosen	at	random	or	is	there	a	defined	visual	image	to	be	adhered	to?		
-	8H)	Is	there	a	messaging	strategy	defined,	which	articulates	the	following:		
1)	what	type	of	content	and/or	promotional	messages	
2)	how	much	content	related	to	each	purpose	
3)	priority	of	content	in	terms	of	placement	
4)	subject	line	relationship	to	content	included?		
5)	seasonality	or	special	events	and	how	content	&	offers	ties	in	with	that	(Christmas,	
New	Year,	sports	events	etc.)		
-	8I)	Is	there	awareness	of	the	need	to	do	something	completely	differently	every	once	
in	a	while,	–	in	order	to	revive,	for	example,	inactive	subscribers?		
-	8J)	Is	dynamic	content	used,	if	so	how?	If	not,	discuss	the	benefit.
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
9.	Metrics	
The	metrics	are	important	and	should	be	defined	once	all	other	areas	are	addressed.	
The	completeness	of	the	plan	and	its	execution	is	crucial	to	achieving	great	results.		
-	9A)	List	the	key	metrics	and	how	they	are	tracked,	evaluated	and	reported	
(CTR,	OR,	CTOR,	Conversion	rate	to	content,	conversion	rate	to	LP,	conversion	rate	to	
sales,	conversion	rate	to	inquiry,	conversion	rate	to	video	play	etc.)		
-	9B)	is	the	business	able	to	track	from	email	to	repeat	sales	transaction	and	everything	
in	between?	If	not,	this	could	be	looked	into.	If	yes,	how?		
-	9C)	Negative	metrics	are	also	important.	Does	the	business	have	goals	in	place	for	hard	
bounce	rate,	unsubscribe	rate,	spam	complaint	rate?		
-	9D)	Who	is	responsible	for	dealing	with	these	metrics	and	responding	to	them?		
-	9E)	How	are	metrics	reported	internally,	and	with	which	frequency?		
-	9F)	Is	there	a	set	weekly	metrics	meeting	with	key	players?	Is	the	objective	to	identify	
areas	of	improvement,	rather	than	celebrating	successes?		
10.	Trigger	and	events	+	marketing	automation	
-10A)	Does	the	business	use	triggered	flows,	i.e.	when	a	subscriber	clicks	on	link	X,	but	
does	not	convert	to	action,	email	Y	is	sent.	If	so;	
>>	how	is	the	success	of	triggered	flows	measured?		
-	10B)	Does	the	business	use	sequential	flows	for	onboarding?	If	so,	understand	the	
performance	and	what	can	be	done	to	improve	
-	10C)	Is	marketing	automation	tied	in	with	lead	scoring?		
-	10D)	is	automation	differentiated	based	on	profile	and/or	for	each	step	in	the	
customer	journey?		
-	10E)	is	personalization	and/or	customization	used	–	if	so,	how?		
-	10F)	Are	simple	events	used	to	communicate	–	for	example	birthdays,	“celebrating	
your	first	12	months	as	a	customer”	
-	10G)	Is	behavior	used	to	decide	referral	campaigns?	(for	example,	NPS	score,	share	of	
wallet	indicator	etc.)		If	not,	discuss.		
-	10H)	Does	the	business	use	transactional	emails?	If	so,	how	is	that	done?		
>>	Which	improvements	can	be	made?		
-	10I)	Are	events	used	to	trigger	lead	or	customer	allocation	to	sales	reps,	outbound	
telemarketing	or	similar?
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
List	the	characteristics	of	your	target	audience.	Be	as	specific	as	possible	
• Characteristic	
• Characteristic	
• Characteristic	
• Characteristic	
• Characteristic	
List	the	demographics	of	your	audience	
• Demographic	1	
• Demographic	2	
• Demographic	3	
List	the	languages	of	your	audience	
• Language	1	
• Language	2	
• Language	3
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
Describe	how	customers	are	contacted	and	how	prospects	are	contact	–	list	all	
channels	and	comment	on	the	relative	importance	of	each	channel	
Channel	 Customers	 Prospects	 Relative	importance	in	terms	of	
efficiency	and/or	reach	
Describe	your	value	proposition.
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
List	how	your	audience	currently	responds	to	your	marketing	and	sales	activities.	In	the	
last	column,	indicate	if	you	want	more	or	less	responses	driven	to	each	channel.		
	App.	%	of	
more	or	
Telephone	inquiry	 	 	
Web	site	forms	for	contact	 	 	
Email	inquiries	 	 	
Sales	reps	on	phone	 	 	
Web	site	purchases	(ecommerce)		 	 	
In	the	following	list	the	perceived	efficiency	of	each	channel	along	with	an	approximate	
percentage	of	total	marketing	(sales)	budget.		If	an	item	is	not	used,	write	N/A	
Marketing	items	
App.	%	of	total	
markedng	budget	
spent	on	this	item	
Perceived	effecdveness	
from	an	ROI	view	
Marketing	brochures	 	 High-Medium-Low	
Website	presence	 	 	
Trade	shows	 	 	
Email	marketing	–	current	 	 	
Marketing	automation	–	current		 	 	
TV	ads	 	 	
Radio	ads	 	 	
Print	ads	–	Magazines	 	 	
Print	ads-	Newspapers	 	 	
PR	–	Public	relations	online	and	offline	 	 	
Ecommerce	presence	 	 	
Affiliate	marketing	 	 	
Social	media	–	all	channels
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
Working	with	an	understanding	of	customer	life	time	value	can	be	highly	beneficial	to	
any	type	of	marketing	program.	If	possible,	please	indicate	the	following		
Marketing	&	sales	metrics	
Lifedme	in	years	
-	average	
Lifedme	value	
Lifedme	gross	
Customer	segment	1	 	 €	 €	
Customer	segment	2	 	 €	 €	
Customer	segment	3	 	 €	 €	
Customer	segment	2	 	 €	 €	
Customer	segment	2	 	 €	 €
Email	and	markeEng	automaEon	assessment	from	GIDMA	–	all	rights	reserved.		
Contact	GIDMA	to	discuss	how	we	can	help	your	business	improve	your	
Michael	Leander	
+45	27	28	29	53	
Skype:	micleander	

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