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Kunal Sawardekar and Omkar Dhakephalkar | BCQC September Opens
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Just a refresher
• Please ensure you are on mute when you are not answering
• All hands visible, always
• IR questions are worth 10 points
• Pounces are infinite, and carry a -5 for a wrong answer
• Questions in written rounds are worth 4 points each, with a bonus 4 points for
answering all 4 in a round
• 32 Questions in IR (16+16)
• Interspersed with three written rounds of 4 questions each
SpecialThanks for Guinea-Pigging Quiz
The Rt. Hon. Surajkumar Menon., esq
Commencing Finals now…
Flagging it off! –Written Round I
• Written Round on Colonial Flags
• 4 Questions, each for 5 points
• Bonus 5 for getting all correct
Answers Follow
Ceylon Macau
(Greater) Lebanon German New Guinea
Infinite Rebounds
• +10 on Direct
• +10/-5 on Pounce
• Clockwise
• The Ryukyu kingdom was a tributary state
of China from the 15th century to the 19th
century - although it began to come under
increasing influence from a neighbouring
country until it was annexed in 1879.
• It has formed a subnational unit in this
neighbouring country except for 27 years
in the 20th century, when it was ruled by
military and civil administrations entirely.
• What is the subnational unit that is the
modern descendant of the Ryukyu
And the answer is…
Okinawa Prefecture
• In 1611, the Dutch explorer Hendrik Brouwer discovered what became known as
the Brouwer Route across the Indian Ocean from the Dutch outpost at Cape Town
to Indonesia. While the Dutch had previously used the traditional Monsoon route
that involved sailing up the Mozambique Channel turning northeast towards India
and then crossing the Bay of Bengal, the Brouwer Route took advantage of the
Roaring Forties to cut transit time to Java by six months.
• However, for the first 150 years of its existence, the Brouwer Route required a
great deal of judgment and experience from the captain and several Dutch vessels
who could not meet the technical challenges suffered shipwrecks (thus
inadvertently discovering Australia).
• What technological solution reduced the challenges and danger of the Brouwer
And the answer is…
The invention of the Marine
Chronometer in 1761
• The issue with the Brouwer Route was that it was
incredibly challenging to determine where to turn
north, resulting in various percussive discoveries of
the Western Australian coast. With the chronometer,
captains could better gauge their longitude and DTN
• This city in Europe has a two-word name XY reflecting its
history of colonization and conquest over 3,000 years.
• The second word Y comes from the name of another city
on the coast of Lebanon (with a slight modification). The
first word X comes from a generic word in that part of the
world meaning “city”. This meaning comes from the most
famous city with this name, which is situated about 1,400
km to the south of the Lebanese city.
• The European city XY was a major ducal seat in its country,
and the ducal line continues to this day. The most famous
duke (at least to English speakers) was a military
commander who lost an important battle in 1588.
• What is the name of the city (and the dukedom), and
what military unit was the 7th Duke commanding in 1588?
Part points present and conserved.
And the answer is…
Medina-Sidonia, the SpanishArmada
• The first season of Saturday Night Live coincided with a long-impending regime
change in a European country. Prior to this change actually happening, the global
press had been breathlessly covering, with frequent updates in spite of no real
change in status until it finally actually happened.
• Chevy Chase, who was hosting “Weekend Update” for the first two years, parodied
this by reciting a catchphrase using the full name and grandiose title of the
concerned person.
• What was this long-running SNL catchphrase, which was ironically announced
as a breaking news item?
And the answer is…
“Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still
• In July 1941, the 112 Sqn RAF became one of the first
units to be equipped with the American fighter the
Curtiss P-40Tomahawk /Warhawk.The P-40’s unusually
large forward air inlet inspired them to copy markings
for their planes that they had earlier seen on planes from
German Heavy Fighter Squadron 76, which they had
faced in the Battle of Britain before.
• These markings proved very popular fellow P-40 users in
the AmericanVolunteer Group of the Republic of China
Air Force, and in fact led to the AVG’s nickname.
• What were these markings, which are still popular in
some fighter communities, most notably for the modern
(Larger image on next slide)
And the answer is…
The “Shark’s Mouth” nose art, which led to the AVG’s
nicknameThe FlyingTigers
• In the city of Tromsø, Norway, a special type of Berliner doughnut called a Solbolle is
eaten on January 21 every year. The consumption of Solboller is almost 1 per capita on
this day with over 60,000 being sold within the city.
• What are these Solboller eaten to celebrate?
(Larger image on next slide)
And the answer is…
The end of the polar night inTromsø
• The human use of cereal grains as foods predates the invention of kiln-fired
pottery by several millennia, which means that for a long period of time, people
needed to find different ways to heat cereals or cereal pastes for cooking. One
solution was the use of pot-boilers - a stone heated in a fire that was then dropped
into a weak pot filled with water and cereal grains.
• This cooking technique is thought to be the origin of what food preparation
process that makes niacin bio-available, and whose absence in certain places in
certain periods led to epidemic-like conditions of micronutrient deficiency?
And the answer is…
• Sir Charles _______ was a civil servant who is supposed to have developed the first
“modern” suburb of Delhi north of Paharganj in the Pahari Dhiraj area. He was an
assistant commissioner in Delhi at that time. The broad street later took his name.
Today however, that name has been forgotten except in research papers.
• He would enter infamy a bit later when he served under HM's government as an
assistant in the treasury. During this period, a major crisis erupted, and he was put
in charge of relief measures. His (in)actions during this earned him a knighthood
but are today condemned as genocidal and his name is widely reviled (including in
a very famous folk song).
• What relief measure was he in charge of?
And the answer is…
Irish Potato Famine (this is CharlesTrevelyan)
• Trevelyanpur/Trevelyanganj was commissioned sometime between 1827-1831.
• Historically, the Agaseke was a basket that
symbolized a good harvest and was often a
gift during marriages in this country.
• After 1994 however, it has come to
symbolize a fresh start, forgiveness, and
• On which country’s coat of arms would
you find it?
And the answer is…
• On 30th January 2018, the New Indian Express reported this headline:
Flowers start blooming in India-X maritime relations
It continued,
S Jaishankar signed a 20-year agreement with X on Saturday that will enable the
construction of Indian naval/military infrastructure on Assumption Island.
• The headline refers to a 1986 incident. ID the country X.
And the answer is…
It refers to Operation Flowers are Blooming
• In 1975, the island of Guam saw its
civilian population double to 200,000
total people. While this was disruptive
to the lives of the islanders, the increase
was temporary and the newcomers
were mostly gone by the end of the
• What was the cause of this
temporary surge in Guam's
And the answer is…
Vietnamese refugees after the Fall of Saigon were temporarily
resettled in Guam while undergoing processing
Hold it Firmly –Written Round II
• Written Round on panhandles
• 4 Questions, each for 4 points
• Bonus 4 for getting all correct
• The current Zambezi region in Namibia was until 2013 indirectly named after a
town in what is now southern Slovenia. This came about when the scion of an
Italian-Slovene family from this town (the family having been ennobled in the 17th
century Ottoman-Hapsburg wars and immigrated north) negotiated the
acquisition of this territory in order to access the Indian Ocean, a scheme that was
doomed to failure due to the existence ofVictoria Falls.
• What is this previous name of the Zambezi region?
• By area this is the largest administrative first-level division of this country. It gets
its name from a major port city on the banks of the Karnaphuli river. The hills here
are the few Buddhist majority districts as well as the few hilly regions in this
• What is the division?
• Spain and Great Britain traded a large territory back and forth in the latter half of
the 18th century after the settlements of the Seven Years’ War and the American
Revolutionary Wars. The British, when they controlled the territory, divided it into
Western and Eastern sections based on the Apalachicola river, a division the
Spanish retained but based on the Suwanee river.
• The Western portion had an ill-defined border with another colonial claim, and
was the site of a self-declared English speaking republic in 1810. However, neither
this nor the Spanish administration survived for long, and by the 1820s the entire
territory had been annexed to the US.
• Which territory?
• The people living here refer to themselves as the Khik. However, the region and
their more common exonym is derived from “Wux”, which itself comes from Oxus,
the old name of the Amu Darya.
• What is this territory, given to the nation that currently administers it as a buffer
zone in the 19th century?
Answers Follow
Caprivi Region
(the region lies within the Caprivi Strip, named after Leo von Caprivi)
Chittagong division
• The King's Daughters is a term
used to refer to French women
who were part of an elaborate
program under King Louis XIV
from 1663-73. These women had
their marriage expenses,
trousseaus and dowries financed
by the king under this program.
The program was considered a
success despite complaints that
the town girls found adjusting to
a cold and agricultural life hard.
• What was the purpose of this
And the answer is…
Sending women to settle in Quebec
• What geographical term meaning “a steep
slope” or “long cliff”, when preceded by
‘Great’ can refer to the
-Western Ghats in India,
-a region to the east and alongside the Great
Dividing Range in Australia,
-a geological formation south of Salvador
along the Brazilian coast and
-the borders of the central plateau of South
And the answer is…
• At 9:00 pm Pacific time, 26 January 1700, a massive earthquake with a magnitude
of 9.2 occurred along the coast of what is now Washington state and British
Columbia, wiping out several local communities. This quake, caused by the
subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate under the North American plate, is
hypothesized to be part of a 500-year cycle of massive quakes and could cause
concern to Pacific northwest communities in the future.
• While memory of the 1700 quake persisted in the oral records of Native American
groups that reside in the region, and the year of the disaster can be confirmed by
ghost forests of dead trees with growth rings corresponding up to the year 1699,
the exact date and time of the disaster can be determined based on the written
records of a civilization thousands of miles away.
• What were these records documenting, that allowed researchers to corroborate
and determine the exact time of the 1700 Cascadia earthquake? (image follows)
And the answer is…
An OrphanTsunami
• Records show of a tsunami without any accompanying tremors hitting the Pacific
coast of Honshu island, Japan in 1700.
• P-500 and P-700 cruise missiles as their main armament on
Russian cruisers and battle cruisers. These missiles also
equip Soviet and Russian vessels such as the Baku class
(that includes the ship formerly known as Admiral
Gorshkov) and the Admiral Kuznetsov class.
• Ships equivalent to the Bakus and the Admiral Kuznetsovs
in other navies do not normally carry such heavy weaponry
– the Soviets and Russians equipped them in this way to
allow a reclassification that would allow them to
circumvent treaty obligations that they agreed to in 1936.
• What does this allow ships like Admiral Gorshkov to do?
And the answer is…
Pass through theTurkish Straits
• As per the Montreux Convention, aircraft carriers are not allowed to transit the
Dardanelles and Bosphorous. However by equipping its aircraft carriers with cruise
missiles, Russia calls them “aircraft cruisers” and they pass though merrily.
• Most languages spoken in India either belong to the Indo-Aryan, Dravidian or
Tibeto-Burman language families. The fourth language family present in India is
the Austro-Asiatic (or Mon-Khmer) language family that counts among its major
languagesVietnamese and Khmer.
• Austro-Asiatic languages are present in India’s north-east (the Khasi language in
Meghalaya being a major example) and the Andaman and Nicobar islands
(Nicobarese) - but the most widely spoken Austro-Asiatic language in India (with
7.3 million speakers) belongs to a group of people living in Orissa, West Bengal,
Assam, Jharkhand andTripura, along with Bangladesh and Bhutan.
• The common name for this language comes from a Bengali exonym for the ethnic
group that speaks it. What language?
And the answer is…
Round Reversal
• A ‘Faubourg’ is an ancient French term used to refer to agglomerations
surrounding the throughway leading outwards from a city gate.
• The English approximation of this term also comes via Old French stemming in
Latin. Often these surrounding areas and gates were at a lower level than the
cities which were built on hills for defensive purposes.
• What is this English word?
And the answer is…
• In geology, a tumulus is a mound of
earth and stones raised over a grave
or graves. The Turkic word for such
a mound is also given to a
hypothetical culture associated
with the spread of PIE.
• What is this word?
And the answer is…
• This two word-term was first proposed
by Norwegian meteorologists Jacob
Bjerknes and Halvor Solberg while
studying mid-latitude storms (the blue
jet stream).
• They likened the boundaries between
warm and cold air to the battle
between opposing sides of the second-
world war.
• What term which you might have
heard in Feb 2021?
Polar Front
• Sinan Reis was a corsair under the Ottoman admiral
Hayreddin Barbarossa, and was born in 1533 in the Turkish city
of Smyrna to a family of religious refugees. He flew
Barbarossa’s flag (or sanjak) on his expeditions, which had
Islamic iconography including the Seal of Solomon.
• However, over the years, the central design element of the
Seal of Solomon changed meaning through the actions of a
political movement in Europe in the 19th century. Finally
something happened in 1948 that completely changed the
meaning of this symbol from what a 16th century Turk would
have understood it. This has led to a modern misconception
that Sinan Reis flying this flag was actually acknowledging his
heritage and taunting his family’s persecutors.
• What was the misconception created by the Seal of
Solomon being on Sinan Reis’ flag?
And the answer is…
That he was flying a Jewish pirate flag to
taunt the Spanish
• The Spanish had expelled his family from Spain - the six-pointed star on the Seal
of Solomon gave rise to what is known today as the Star of David.
Here Lie Answers –Written Round III
• Written Round on Physical Features that existed at one point
• 4 Questions, each for 4 points
• Bonus 4 for getting all correct
• During the African Humid period
(14,600 – 5,000 years before
present) the African continent
was home to multiple massive
paleolakes. The northernmost
and most massive of these was
named after a modern day
remnant lake along with a
signifier for its greater size. This
paleolake should not be
confused for an internet meme
of an impossibly muscular man.
• Name the paleolake.
• During the last Ice Age, the
Chukotka peninsula in Russia
and Alaska were connected by
land, which is the land
connections that the first
human settlers of the Americas
crossed over.
• What was this now submerged
area called?
• In the Late Cretaceous period, North
America was divided into two
landmasses by the Western Interior
Seaway. The eastern of the two
landmasses is named for a prominent
geographic feature in the area today
(that is identifiable on this map).
• What was the name of the eastern
• This ancient capital of Lower Egypt was a major religious and commercial centre.
It lost its importance first due to the establishment of Alexandria as a seaport and
commercial capital of Egypt, and then with the abandonment of the Ancient
Egyptian religion. By the Arab conquest, it was completely abandoned and served
mainly as a source of stone for building Cairo.
• What is this city, whose namesake is currently far better known?
Answers Follow
Lake Mega-Chad
• In 1871, the Great Northern Telegraph Company created a new code for telegraph
encoding, using 4-digit combinations of numbers. The system, invented by
Septime Auguste Viguier (who was stationed in the area for which it was intended,
but not born there) initially had 7,000 code combinations, but later expanded to
about 9,800.
• In 1949, the code split into two diverging standards. Since the demise of
telegraphy, the code has been used in the early days of computing in the
concerned region. It is still used today in international law enforcement dealings
with people from this region, to avoid confusion due to spelling differences.
• What is this code used for?
And the answer is…
Encoding Chinese Characters (in Morse)
• This March 5 1966 operation marked the first, if not the only time, that this
occurred on Indian soil.Today it is commemorated as Zoram Day.
• This operation was also cited by a current CM for his actions, before reconciling in
• What operation?
And the answer is…
Bombing of Aizawl
• Because Koreans played a lot of video-
games, Microsoft decided to add that
civilization in Age of Empires 2. However,
the company ran into trouble due to a
decision that made with respect to the
Korean campaign which showed the
Koreans kicking out the Japanese in the
Battle of Noryang. The police even came
to arrest the Korean rep of Microsoft.
• What decision was this, which actually
met the international convention?
And the answer is…
Naming of Sea of Japan.The Koreans call
it the East Sea.
• In 1919, a referendum was held in New
Zealand. The proposed policy did not
pass thanks to the votes of returning
soldiers.This is shown in this poster.
• What was the referendum regarding?
And the answer is…
Whether or not to impose prohibition
• This region was formed post
the Allied occupation of
Germany following WW1.
• The area you see here was a
virtual microstate as it was cut
off from Germany due to the
lack of roads/rail and was
surrounded on other sides by
the US and French occupation
zones and the Rhine.
• What did it call itself thanks to
the shape?
And the answer is…
Free State of Bottleneck
• Birgitta Stenberg was a Swedish writer. In the early 1950s, she lived in Paris, Rome
and on the French Riviera, experiences that inspired her book, Love in Europe.
• She was first a mistress of an American who was deported to Italy as part of a deal
where he provided dockyard intelligence to US authorities duringWW2.
• In Italy her partner bonded with another exiled person who “bought” her from the
former. Of the latter she wrote: “I'm doing this with the king of twenty million
people.This nice fat man was one of the world's symbols of power”.
• Who were her two partners? Part points present and conserved.
And the answer is…
Lucky Luciano and Farouk of Egypt
• This term is used to mean ‘verbally attack or crush (a person or idea) ruthlessly and
forcefully’ and was often used by the receivers in the European Community.
• What term, that comes form one of the defining features of the attire of a political
And the answer is…
• These are Nicolas Gentile
and his friends, some of
who live alongside him in
the countryside village of
• They plan to undertake a
long journey on foot to
recreate a fictional one.
• At which real life physical
feature will their journey
And the answer is…
• When airports were being built in Canada, it was important to establish if it had a
weather station or not.
• If that was in the affirmative, the rest of a the feature would be taken from a
railway station, or nominative custom.
• What is this unique feature that sets Canada apart?
And the answer is…
Airport codes begin withY
• YOW for Ottawa,YWG forWinnipeg,YVR forVancouver etc.
• This house is located at the base of a hill
with a Shankarachyachara temple. The
hill was known as Gopa, or Gopadri. Later
on, brahmins were given agrahars or
dwelling places at the base of this hill,
from which the surrounding area gets its
• Today the area is a centre of power (or
lack thereof) housing many residences.
• What is this area, where an ‘unholy
alliance’ gathered in 2020?
And the answer is…
Gupkar, Srinagar
Gives its name to Gupkar residences and the Gupkar Declaration
• Reactions to the Aug 2 2007 expedition include:
A former Canadian Foreign Minister said: “This isn't the 15th century. You can't go around
the world and just plant flags and say ‘We’re claiming this territory’.”
The US State Dept communicated that planting the flag “doesn't have any legal standing or
effect on this claim.”
The Russians retorted “I was amazed by my Canadian counterpart’s statement that we are
planting flags around. We’re not throwing flags around. We just do what other discoverers
did. By the way on the Moon it was the same.”
• Immediately, on August 12, the Danish science minister Helge Sander told reporters: “The
preliminary investigations done on this matter so far are very promising for Denmark.”
• Where did Russia plant a flag?
And the answer is…
North Pole Sea Bed
• In Remembrance Day ceremonies in Commonwealth Countries (and also at the
ceremony at Amar Jawan Jyoti on Republic day), the two minutes silence is
bracketed by two bugle calls - the Last Post before the silence begins, and the
Rouse to signal its end.
• What is the historical and symbolic reason for playing these bugle calls before
and after the two minutes’ silence?
And the answer is…
Symbolically transforms it
into an overnight vigil
• The Last Post is the bugle call to end the day, and
the Rouse is the bugle call to get soldiers out of bed -
hence playing these on either side of the two
minutes’ silence symbolically transforms it into an
overnight vigil.
Kunal Sawardekar and Omkar Dhakephalkar | BCQC September Opens

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Finals: BCQC's Ajai Ragde Memorial History-Geography Quiz by Kunal Sawardekar and Omkar Dhakephalkar

  • 1. Finals Kunal Sawardekar and Omkar Dhakephalkar | BCQC September Opens
  • 2. QualifiedTeams Team 1: Team 2: Team 3: Team 4: These teams to pounce to Kunal Sawardekar on +91 9960039164 Team 5: Team 6: Team 7: Team 8: These teams to pounce to Omkar Dhakephalkar on +91 9689950096
  • 3. Just a refresher • Please ensure you are on mute when you are not answering • All hands visible, always • IR questions are worth 10 points • Pounces are infinite, and carry a -5 for a wrong answer • Questions in written rounds are worth 4 points each, with a bonus 4 points for answering all 4 in a round
  • 4. Format • 32 Questions in IR (16+16) • Interspersed with three written rounds of 4 questions each
  • 5. SpecialThanks for Guinea-Pigging Quiz The Rt. Hon. Surajkumar Menon., esq
  • 7. Flagging it off! –Written Round I • Written Round on Colonial Flags • 4 Questions, each for 5 points • Bonus 5 for getting all correct
  • 10. W1.3
  • 11. W1.4
  • 13. Ceylon Macau (Greater) Lebanon German New Guinea
  • 14. Infinite Rebounds • +10 on Direct • +10/-5 on Pounce • Clockwise
  • 15. Q1 • The Ryukyu kingdom was a tributary state of China from the 15th century to the 19th century - although it began to come under increasing influence from a neighbouring country until it was annexed in 1879. • It has formed a subnational unit in this neighbouring country except for 27 years in the 20th century, when it was ruled by military and civil administrations entirely. • What is the subnational unit that is the modern descendant of the Ryukyu kingdom?
  • 16. And the answer is…
  • 18. Q2 • In 1611, the Dutch explorer Hendrik Brouwer discovered what became known as the Brouwer Route across the Indian Ocean from the Dutch outpost at Cape Town to Indonesia. While the Dutch had previously used the traditional Monsoon route that involved sailing up the Mozambique Channel turning northeast towards India and then crossing the Bay of Bengal, the Brouwer Route took advantage of the Roaring Forties to cut transit time to Java by six months. • However, for the first 150 years of its existence, the Brouwer Route required a great deal of judgment and experience from the captain and several Dutch vessels who could not meet the technical challenges suffered shipwrecks (thus inadvertently discovering Australia). • What technological solution reduced the challenges and danger of the Brouwer Route?
  • 19. And the answer is…
  • 20. The invention of the Marine Chronometer in 1761 • The issue with the Brouwer Route was that it was incredibly challenging to determine where to turn north, resulting in various percussive discoveries of the Western Australian coast. With the chronometer, captains could better gauge their longitude and DTN
  • 21. Q3 • This city in Europe has a two-word name XY reflecting its history of colonization and conquest over 3,000 years. • The second word Y comes from the name of another city on the coast of Lebanon (with a slight modification). The first word X comes from a generic word in that part of the world meaning “city”. This meaning comes from the most famous city with this name, which is situated about 1,400 km to the south of the Lebanese city. • The European city XY was a major ducal seat in its country, and the ducal line continues to this day. The most famous duke (at least to English speakers) was a military commander who lost an important battle in 1588. • What is the name of the city (and the dukedom), and what military unit was the 7th Duke commanding in 1588? Part points present and conserved.
  • 22. And the answer is…
  • 24. Q4 • The first season of Saturday Night Live coincided with a long-impending regime change in a European country. Prior to this change actually happening, the global press had been breathlessly covering, with frequent updates in spite of no real change in status until it finally actually happened. • Chevy Chase, who was hosting “Weekend Update” for the first two years, parodied this by reciting a catchphrase using the full name and grandiose title of the concerned person. • What was this long-running SNL catchphrase, which was ironically announced as a breaking news item?
  • 25. And the answer is…
  • 27. Q5 • In July 1941, the 112 Sqn RAF became one of the first units to be equipped with the American fighter the Curtiss P-40Tomahawk /Warhawk.The P-40’s unusually large forward air inlet inspired them to copy markings for their planes that they had earlier seen on planes from German Heavy Fighter Squadron 76, which they had faced in the Battle of Britain before. • These markings proved very popular fellow P-40 users in the AmericanVolunteer Group of the Republic of China Air Force, and in fact led to the AVG’s nickname. • What were these markings, which are still popular in some fighter communities, most notably for the modern A-10Thunderbolt? (Larger image on next slide)
  • 28.
  • 29. And the answer is…
  • 30. The “Shark’s Mouth” nose art, which led to the AVG’s nicknameThe FlyingTigers
  • 31. Q6 • In the city of Tromsø, Norway, a special type of Berliner doughnut called a Solbolle is eaten on January 21 every year. The consumption of Solboller is almost 1 per capita on this day with over 60,000 being sold within the city. • What are these Solboller eaten to celebrate? (Larger image on next slide)
  • 32.
  • 33. And the answer is…
  • 34. The end of the polar night inTromsø
  • 35. Q7 • The human use of cereal grains as foods predates the invention of kiln-fired pottery by several millennia, which means that for a long period of time, people needed to find different ways to heat cereals or cereal pastes for cooking. One solution was the use of pot-boilers - a stone heated in a fire that was then dropped into a weak pot filled with water and cereal grains. • This cooking technique is thought to be the origin of what food preparation process that makes niacin bio-available, and whose absence in certain places in certain periods led to epidemic-like conditions of micronutrient deficiency?
  • 36. And the answer is…
  • 38. Q8 • Sir Charles _______ was a civil servant who is supposed to have developed the first “modern” suburb of Delhi north of Paharganj in the Pahari Dhiraj area. He was an assistant commissioner in Delhi at that time. The broad street later took his name. Today however, that name has been forgotten except in research papers. • He would enter infamy a bit later when he served under HM's government as an assistant in the treasury. During this period, a major crisis erupted, and he was put in charge of relief measures. His (in)actions during this earned him a knighthood but are today condemned as genocidal and his name is widely reviled (including in a very famous folk song). • What relief measure was he in charge of?
  • 39. And the answer is…
  • 40. Irish Potato Famine (this is CharlesTrevelyan) • Trevelyanpur/Trevelyanganj was commissioned sometime between 1827-1831.
  • 41. Q9 • Historically, the Agaseke was a basket that symbolized a good harvest and was often a gift during marriages in this country. • After 1994 however, it has come to symbolize a fresh start, forgiveness, and healing. • On which country’s coat of arms would you find it?
  • 42. And the answer is…
  • 44. Q10 • On 30th January 2018, the New Indian Express reported this headline: Flowers start blooming in India-X maritime relations It continued, S Jaishankar signed a 20-year agreement with X on Saturday that will enable the construction of Indian naval/military infrastructure on Assumption Island. • The headline refers to a 1986 incident. ID the country X.
  • 45. And the answer is…
  • 46. Seychelles It refers to Operation Flowers are Blooming
  • 47. Q11 • In 1975, the island of Guam saw its civilian population double to 200,000 total people. While this was disruptive to the lives of the islanders, the increase was temporary and the newcomers were mostly gone by the end of the year. • What was the cause of this temporary surge in Guam's population?
  • 48. And the answer is…
  • 49. Vietnamese refugees after the Fall of Saigon were temporarily resettled in Guam while undergoing processing
  • 50. Hold it Firmly –Written Round II • Written Round on panhandles • 4 Questions, each for 4 points • Bonus 4 for getting all correct
  • 51. W2.1 • The current Zambezi region in Namibia was until 2013 indirectly named after a town in what is now southern Slovenia. This came about when the scion of an Italian-Slovene family from this town (the family having been ennobled in the 17th century Ottoman-Hapsburg wars and immigrated north) negotiated the acquisition of this territory in order to access the Indian Ocean, a scheme that was doomed to failure due to the existence ofVictoria Falls. • What is this previous name of the Zambezi region?
  • 52. W2.2 • By area this is the largest administrative first-level division of this country. It gets its name from a major port city on the banks of the Karnaphuli river. The hills here are the few Buddhist majority districts as well as the few hilly regions in this country. • What is the division?
  • 53. W2.3 • Spain and Great Britain traded a large territory back and forth in the latter half of the 18th century after the settlements of the Seven Years’ War and the American Revolutionary Wars. The British, when they controlled the territory, divided it into Western and Eastern sections based on the Apalachicola river, a division the Spanish retained but based on the Suwanee river. • The Western portion had an ill-defined border with another colonial claim, and was the site of a self-declared English speaking republic in 1810. However, neither this nor the Spanish administration survived for long, and by the 1820s the entire territory had been annexed to the US. • Which territory?
  • 54. W2.4 • The people living here refer to themselves as the Khik. However, the region and their more common exonym is derived from “Wux”, which itself comes from Oxus, the old name of the Amu Darya. • What is this territory, given to the nation that currently administers it as a buffer zone in the 19th century?
  • 56. W2.1 Caprivi Region (the region lies within the Caprivi Strip, named after Leo von Caprivi)
  • 60. Q12 • The King's Daughters is a term used to refer to French women who were part of an elaborate program under King Louis XIV from 1663-73. These women had their marriage expenses, trousseaus and dowries financed by the king under this program. The program was considered a success despite complaints that the town girls found adjusting to a cold and agricultural life hard. • What was the purpose of this program?
  • 61. And the answer is…
  • 62. Sending women to settle in Quebec
  • 63. Q13 • What geographical term meaning “a steep slope” or “long cliff”, when preceded by ‘Great’ can refer to the -Western Ghats in India, -a region to the east and alongside the Great Dividing Range in Australia, -a geological formation south of Salvador along the Brazilian coast and -the borders of the central plateau of South Africa
  • 64. And the answer is…
  • 66. Q14 • At 9:00 pm Pacific time, 26 January 1700, a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 occurred along the coast of what is now Washington state and British Columbia, wiping out several local communities. This quake, caused by the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate under the North American plate, is hypothesized to be part of a 500-year cycle of massive quakes and could cause concern to Pacific northwest communities in the future. • While memory of the 1700 quake persisted in the oral records of Native American groups that reside in the region, and the year of the disaster can be confirmed by ghost forests of dead trees with growth rings corresponding up to the year 1699, the exact date and time of the disaster can be determined based on the written records of a civilization thousands of miles away. • What were these records documenting, that allowed researchers to corroborate and determine the exact time of the 1700 Cascadia earthquake? (image follows)
  • 67.
  • 68. And the answer is…
  • 69. An OrphanTsunami • Records show of a tsunami without any accompanying tremors hitting the Pacific coast of Honshu island, Japan in 1700.
  • 70. Q15 • P-500 and P-700 cruise missiles as their main armament on Russian cruisers and battle cruisers. These missiles also equip Soviet and Russian vessels such as the Baku class (that includes the ship formerly known as Admiral Gorshkov) and the Admiral Kuznetsov class. • Ships equivalent to the Bakus and the Admiral Kuznetsovs in other navies do not normally carry such heavy weaponry – the Soviets and Russians equipped them in this way to allow a reclassification that would allow them to circumvent treaty obligations that they agreed to in 1936. • What does this allow ships like Admiral Gorshkov to do?
  • 71. And the answer is…
  • 72. Pass through theTurkish Straits • As per the Montreux Convention, aircraft carriers are not allowed to transit the Dardanelles and Bosphorous. However by equipping its aircraft carriers with cruise missiles, Russia calls them “aircraft cruisers” and they pass though merrily.
  • 73. Q16 • Most languages spoken in India either belong to the Indo-Aryan, Dravidian or Tibeto-Burman language families. The fourth language family present in India is the Austro-Asiatic (or Mon-Khmer) language family that counts among its major languagesVietnamese and Khmer. • Austro-Asiatic languages are present in India’s north-east (the Khasi language in Meghalaya being a major example) and the Andaman and Nicobar islands (Nicobarese) - but the most widely spoken Austro-Asiatic language in India (with 7.3 million speakers) belongs to a group of people living in Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand andTripura, along with Bangladesh and Bhutan. • The common name for this language comes from a Bengali exonym for the ethnic group that speaks it. What language?
  • 74. And the answer is…
  • 77. Q17 • A ‘Faubourg’ is an ancient French term used to refer to agglomerations surrounding the throughway leading outwards from a city gate. • The English approximation of this term also comes via Old French stemming in Latin. Often these surrounding areas and gates were at a lower level than the cities which were built on hills for defensive purposes. • What is this English word?
  • 78. And the answer is…
  • 80. Q18 • In geology, a tumulus is a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. The Turkic word for such a mound is also given to a hypothetical culture associated with the spread of PIE. • What is this word?
  • 81. And the answer is…
  • 83. Q19 • This two word-term was first proposed by Norwegian meteorologists Jacob Bjerknes and Halvor Solberg while studying mid-latitude storms (the blue jet stream). • They likened the boundaries between warm and cold air to the battle between opposing sides of the second- world war. • What term which you might have heard in Feb 2021?
  • 84.
  • 86. Q20 • Sinan Reis was a corsair under the Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa, and was born in 1533 in the Turkish city of Smyrna to a family of religious refugees. He flew Barbarossa’s flag (or sanjak) on his expeditions, which had Islamic iconography including the Seal of Solomon. • However, over the years, the central design element of the Seal of Solomon changed meaning through the actions of a political movement in Europe in the 19th century. Finally something happened in 1948 that completely changed the meaning of this symbol from what a 16th century Turk would have understood it. This has led to a modern misconception that Sinan Reis flying this flag was actually acknowledging his heritage and taunting his family’s persecutors. • What was the misconception created by the Seal of Solomon being on Sinan Reis’ flag?
  • 87. And the answer is…
  • 88. That he was flying a Jewish pirate flag to taunt the Spanish • The Spanish had expelled his family from Spain - the six-pointed star on the Seal of Solomon gave rise to what is known today as the Star of David.
  • 89. Here Lie Answers –Written Round III • Written Round on Physical Features that existed at one point • 4 Questions, each for 4 points • Bonus 4 for getting all correct
  • 90. W3.1 • During the African Humid period (14,600 – 5,000 years before present) the African continent was home to multiple massive paleolakes. The northernmost and most massive of these was named after a modern day remnant lake along with a signifier for its greater size. This paleolake should not be confused for an internet meme of an impossibly muscular man. • Name the paleolake.
  • 91. W3.2 • During the last Ice Age, the Chukotka peninsula in Russia and Alaska were connected by land, which is the land connections that the first human settlers of the Americas crossed over. • What was this now submerged area called?
  • 92. W3.3 • In the Late Cretaceous period, North America was divided into two landmasses by the Western Interior Seaway. The eastern of the two landmasses is named for a prominent geographic feature in the area today (that is identifiable on this map). • What was the name of the eastern landmass?
  • 93. W3.4 • This ancient capital of Lower Egypt was a major religious and commercial centre. It lost its importance first due to the establishment of Alexandria as a seaport and commercial capital of Egypt, and then with the abandonment of the Ancient Egyptian religion. By the Arab conquest, it was completely abandoned and served mainly as a source of stone for building Cairo. • What is this city, whose namesake is currently far better known?
  • 99. Q21 • In 1871, the Great Northern Telegraph Company created a new code for telegraph encoding, using 4-digit combinations of numbers. The system, invented by Septime Auguste Viguier (who was stationed in the area for which it was intended, but not born there) initially had 7,000 code combinations, but later expanded to about 9,800. • In 1949, the code split into two diverging standards. Since the demise of telegraphy, the code has been used in the early days of computing in the concerned region. It is still used today in international law enforcement dealings with people from this region, to avoid confusion due to spelling differences. • What is this code used for?
  • 100. And the answer is…
  • 102. Q22 • This March 5 1966 operation marked the first, if not the only time, that this occurred on Indian soil.Today it is commemorated as Zoram Day. • This operation was also cited by a current CM for his actions, before reconciling in 1986. • What operation?
  • 103. And the answer is…
  • 105. Q23 • Because Koreans played a lot of video- games, Microsoft decided to add that civilization in Age of Empires 2. However, the company ran into trouble due to a decision that made with respect to the Korean campaign which showed the Koreans kicking out the Japanese in the Battle of Noryang. The police even came to arrest the Korean rep of Microsoft. • What decision was this, which actually met the international convention?
  • 106. And the answer is…
  • 107. Naming of Sea of Japan.The Koreans call it the East Sea.
  • 108. Q24 • In 1919, a referendum was held in New Zealand. The proposed policy did not pass thanks to the votes of returning soldiers.This is shown in this poster. • What was the referendum regarding?
  • 109. And the answer is…
  • 110. Whether or not to impose prohibition
  • 111. Q25 • This region was formed post the Allied occupation of Germany following WW1. • The area you see here was a virtual microstate as it was cut off from Germany due to the lack of roads/rail and was surrounded on other sides by the US and French occupation zones and the Rhine. • What did it call itself thanks to the shape?
  • 112. And the answer is…
  • 113. Free State of Bottleneck
  • 114. Q26 • Birgitta Stenberg was a Swedish writer. In the early 1950s, she lived in Paris, Rome and on the French Riviera, experiences that inspired her book, Love in Europe. • She was first a mistress of an American who was deported to Italy as part of a deal where he provided dockyard intelligence to US authorities duringWW2. • In Italy her partner bonded with another exiled person who “bought” her from the former. Of the latter she wrote: “I'm doing this with the king of twenty million people.This nice fat man was one of the world's symbols of power”. • Who were her two partners? Part points present and conserved.
  • 115. And the answer is…
  • 116. Lucky Luciano and Farouk of Egypt
  • 117. Q27 • This term is used to mean ‘verbally attack or crush (a person or idea) ruthlessly and forcefully’ and was often used by the receivers in the European Community. • What term, that comes form one of the defining features of the attire of a political figure?
  • 118. And the answer is…
  • 120. Q28 • These are Nicolas Gentile and his friends, some of who live alongside him in the countryside village of Bucchianico. • They plan to undertake a long journey on foot to recreate a fictional one. • At which real life physical feature will their journey end?
  • 121. And the answer is…
  • 123. Q29 • When airports were being built in Canada, it was important to establish if it had a weather station or not. • If that was in the affirmative, the rest of a the feature would be taken from a railway station, or nominative custom. • What is this unique feature that sets Canada apart?
  • 124. And the answer is…
  • 125. Airport codes begin withY • YOW for Ottawa,YWG forWinnipeg,YVR forVancouver etc.
  • 126. Q30 • This house is located at the base of a hill with a Shankarachyachara temple. The hill was known as Gopa, or Gopadri. Later on, brahmins were given agrahars or dwelling places at the base of this hill, from which the surrounding area gets its name. • Today the area is a centre of power (or lack thereof) housing many residences. • What is this area, where an ‘unholy alliance’ gathered in 2020?
  • 127. And the answer is…
  • 128. Gupkar, Srinagar Gives its name to Gupkar residences and the Gupkar Declaration
  • 129. Q31 • Reactions to the Aug 2 2007 expedition include: A former Canadian Foreign Minister said: “This isn't the 15th century. You can't go around the world and just plant flags and say ‘We’re claiming this territory’.” The US State Dept communicated that planting the flag “doesn't have any legal standing or effect on this claim.” The Russians retorted “I was amazed by my Canadian counterpart’s statement that we are planting flags around. We’re not throwing flags around. We just do what other discoverers did. By the way on the Moon it was the same.” • Immediately, on August 12, the Danish science minister Helge Sander told reporters: “The preliminary investigations done on this matter so far are very promising for Denmark.” • Where did Russia plant a flag?
  • 130. And the answer is…
  • 132. Q32 • In Remembrance Day ceremonies in Commonwealth Countries (and also at the ceremony at Amar Jawan Jyoti on Republic day), the two minutes silence is bracketed by two bugle calls - the Last Post before the silence begins, and the Rouse to signal its end. • What is the historical and symbolic reason for playing these bugle calls before and after the two minutes’ silence?
  • 133. And the answer is…
  • 134. Symbolically transforms it into an overnight vigil • The Last Post is the bugle call to end the day, and the Rouse is the bugle call to get soldiers out of bed - hence playing these on either side of the two minutes’ silence symbolically transforms it into an overnight vigil.
  • 135. End Kunal Sawardekar and Omkar Dhakephalkar | BCQC September Opens