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Elastic Pseudo Response Spectrum in C programming
C program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei – Publication Date: 21/March/2019
C code :/* Elastic Response Spectra
This is a function to generate elastic response specra including Displacement
Spectrum, Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum and Pseudo Velocity Spectrum which
are needed in "Response Spectrum Analysis" of Structures. In this function
to solve "Equation of Motions" for different periods, Newmark Linear Method
has been used.
SPEC Function Help:
dt: Time Interval (Sampling Time) of Record
Ag: Ground Motion Acceleration in g
zet: Damping Ratio in percent (%); e.g. 5
g: Gravitational Constant; e.g. 9.81 m/s/s
endp: End Period of Spectra; e.g. 4 sec
T: Period of Structures (sec)
Spa: Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum
Spv: Elastic Pseudo Velocity Spectrum
Sd: Elastic Displacement Spectrum
#include <graphics.h>
#include <windows.h> // text color
#define N 10000 // number of increment
#define NN 1 // number of degree of freedom
#define Ne 1 // number of element
#define PI 3.1415926535898
#define ShowText01 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-input.csv"
#define ShowText02 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv"
#define ShowText03 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-outputEXCEL.csv"
#define ShowText04 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-outputHTML.html"
#define ShowText05 "Graph-outputHTML.html"
void MessageErrorReportTEXT();
void MessageAnalysisReportTEXT();
void MessageCheckInput(int M);
void MessageInitialData(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp);
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp);
void ANALYSIS(double t[],double Ag[],double T[],double Sd[],double Spa[],double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,int &kn,int &STEP);
void IMPORT_GRAPH(double data[8],double DATA1[],double DATA2[],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n);
void GRAPHICS(double data[8],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n,int kind);
double ABS(double);
double MAX(double A[],int n);
double MIN(double A[],int n);
double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n);
void OUTPUT_EXCEL(double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n);
void OUTPUT_html(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n);
void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp);
void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn);
void textcolor(int ForgC);
double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n);
void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]);
int main(){
int i,kn,STEP;
double GRAVITY,zet,endp;
double *t = new double [N];
double *Ag = new double [N];
double *time = new double [N];
double *Sd = new double [N];
double *Spa = new double [N];
double *NORMAL_DATA1 = new double [N];
double *NORMAL_DATA2 = new double [N];
double data[8];
char text1[40]="Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum",text2[20]="Peroid (sec)",text3[20]="Spa (g)";
printf("na - Output data is written in Text, Excel and Html file -");
system("start /w Graph-outputHTML.html");
return 0;
void ANALYSIS(double t[],double Ag[],double T[],double Sd[],double Spa[],double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,int &kn,int &STEP){
double dt,m,k,c,K,a,b,df,dv,du,dac;
double *u = new double [N];
double *v = new double [N];
double *ac = new double [N];
double *omega = new double [N];
double *Sv = new double [N];
double *Sa = new double [N];
double *Spv = new double [N];
int i,j;
dt = t[2] - t[1];
STEP = endp/dt;
for (j=0;j<= STEP;j++){// equation of motion(Newmark linear method)
omega[j]=2*PI/T[j]; // Natural Frequency
for (i=0;i<= kn-1;i++){
u[0]=0; //initial conditions
df=-(Ag[i+1]-Ag[i])+a*v[i]+b*ac[i]; // delta Force
Sd[j] = MAX_ABS(u,kn);
//Sv[j] = MAX_ABS(v,kn);
//Sa[j] = MAX_ABS(ac,kn);
Spv[j] =Sd[j]*omega[j];
Spa[j] = Sd[j]*(omega[j]*omega[j])/GRAVITY;
//cout<<T[j]<<" "<< Spa[j]<<endl;
Sd[1]=0; Spv[0]=0;Spv[1]=0;Spa[0]=MAX_ABS(Ag,kn)/GRAVITY;Spa[1]=MAX_ABS(Ag,kn)/GRAVITY;
void MessageInitialData(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp){
char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf,Qg,Qk;
int i;Qa=201;Qb=205;Qc=187;Qd=200;Qe=188,Qf=186,Qg=204,Qk=185;
for (i=1;i<61;i++)
printf("tttt%c >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c Elastic Response Spectrum %cn",Qf,Qf);
for (i=1;i<61;i++)
printf("tttt%c Unit: Free unit %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c Notice: All input values must be positive %cn",Qf,Qf);
for (i=1;i<61;i++)
printf("tttt%c Program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c E-mail: %cn",Qf,Qf);
for (i=1;i<61;i++)
printf(" Gravitational Constant: %fn",GRAVITY);
printf(" Damping Ratio in percent (%): %fn",zet);
printf(" End Period of Spectrum (sec): %fn",endp);
void IMPORT_GRAPH(double data[8],double DATA1[],double DATA2[],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n){
double DATA1NorMin,DATA1NorMax,DATA2NorMin,DATA2NorMax,DATA1_min,DATA1_max,DATA2_min,DATA2_max;
for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
NORMAL_DATA1[i]=DATA1[i]/(DATA1_max-DATA1_min); // Normalize DATA1
NORMAL_DATA2[i]=DATA2[i]/(DATA2_max-DATA2_min); // Normalize DATA2
DATA1NorMin=MIN(NORMAL_DATA1,n);//Minimum Normalize DATA1
DATA2NorMin=MIN(NORMAL_DATA2,n);//Minimum Normalize DATA2
DATA1NorMax=MAX(NORMAL_DATA1,n);//Maximum Normalize DATA1
DATA2NorMax=MAX(NORMAL_DATA2,n);//Maximum Normalize DATA2
void GRAPHICS(double data[8],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n,int kind){
double DATA1NorMin,DATA1NorMax,DATA2NorMin,DATA2NorMax,DATA1_min,DATA1_max,DATA2_min,DATA2_max;
int gd = DETECT, gm, color;
DWORD screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
DWORD screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
initwindow(screenWidth,screenHeight,"",-3,-3);// init window graphics
//initwindow(getmaxx( ),getmaxy( )); // initial window graphics
//initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:TCBGI");
int i,j,a,x1,y1,x2,y2,Lx,Ly;
//initwindow(300, 300);
setbkcolor(0);// set background
//setcolor(9); // color rectangle line
//setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness)
//rectangle( x1, y1, x2,y2);
//bar( x1, y1, x2, y2);
setlinestyle(0,0,1);// (style,pattern,thickness)
setcolor(9); // color dash line
if (DATA1NorMin < 0 && DATA1NorMax > 0){
a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
for (j=0;j<=124;j=j+2)
line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a);
a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2)
line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/20 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/20 +y1);
a=y1*1/5;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y2,Lx*i/10 +x1,y2-a);
a=x1*1/5; // X - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
line( x1,y2-Ly*i/10,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/10);
else if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0){
a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
for (j=0;j<=124;j=j+2)
line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a);
a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2)
line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/20 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/20 +y1);
a=y1*1/5;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y2,Lx*i/10 +x1,y2-a);
a=x1*1/5; // X - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
line( x1,y2-Ly*i/10,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/10);
a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=9;i++)
for (j=0;j<=120;j=j+2)
line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/10 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a);
a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps
for (i=1;i<=9;i++)
for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2)
line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/10 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/10 +y1);
a=y1*1/5;// Y - Middle Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y2,Lx*i/20 +x1,y2-a);
a=x1*1/5; // X - Middle Coordinate Axis - 5 steps
for (i=1;i<=19;i++)
line( x1,y2-Ly*i/20,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/20);
a=y1*1/10;// Y - Middle Coordinate Axis - 100 steps
for (i=1;i<=99;i++)
line(Lx*i/100 +x1,y2,Lx*i/100 +x1,y2-a);
a=x1*1/7; // X - Middle Coordinate Axis - 100 steps
for (i=1;i<=99;i++)
line( x1,y2-Ly*i/100,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/100);
setcolor(WHITE);// set text color
if (kind == 0){
settextstyle(1, 0, 5);settextjustify(10, 5);
outtextxy(x2/2 -400,25,"Elastic Displacement Spectrum");// print text in window subtitle
settextstyle(1, 1, 1);settextjustify(10, 5);
outtextxy(x1/10 -10,.5*Ly+y1,"Sd");// print text in window graphics y
else if(kind == 1){
settextstyle(1, 0, 5);settextjustify(10, 5);
outtextxy(x2/2 -500,25,"Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum");// print text in window subtitle
settextstyle(1, 1, 1);settextjustify(10, 5);
outtextxy(x1/10 -10,.6*Ly+y1,"Spa (g)");// print text in window graphics y
settextjustify(50, 5);settextstyle(1, 0, 1);
outtextxy(x2/2 -10,y2 +50,"Peroid (sec)");// print text in window graphics x
char bufferX[10][100],bufferY[10][100];
double dXdata,dYdata;
settextstyle(-1, 0,-3);settextjustify(10, 5);
sprintf(bufferX[1], "%.3e" , DATA1_min);
outtextxy(x1-45,y2+10,bufferX[1]);// print text in window graphic x axis point
sprintf(bufferX[1], "%.3e" , DATA2_min);
outtextxy(x1-69,y2 -5,bufferX[1]);// print text in window graphic y axis point
for (i=1;i<=10;i++){
dXdata = DATA1_min + 0.1*i*(DATA1_max - DATA1_min);
if (ABS(dXdata) <= 1e-20) dXdata = 0.0; // if number is very low, got it zero
sprintf(bufferX[i], "%.3e" ,dXdata);
outtextxy(x1+Lx*i*.1-45,y2+10,bufferX[i]);// print text in window graphic x axis point -> max
for (i=1;i<=10;i++){
dYdata = DATA2_min + 0.1*i*(DATA2_max - DATA2_min);
if (ABS(dYdata) <= 1e-20) dYdata = 0.0; // if number is very low, got it zero
sprintf(bufferY[i], "%.3e" , dYdata);
outtextxy(x1-69,y2-Ly*i*.1 -5,bufferY[i]);// print text in window graphic y axis point -> max
double *X = new double [N];
double *Y = new double [N];
//Absolute data
double DATA1NorMin_Abs,DATA2NorMin_Abs;
setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness)
line(Lx*(DATA1NorMin_Abs/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin)) +x1,y1,Lx*(DATA1NorMin_Abs/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin)) +x1,y2); //Middle axis -X
line(x1,y2-Ly*(DATA2NorMin_Abs/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin)),x2,y2-Ly*(DATA2NorMin_Abs/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin))); // Middle axis -Y
if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0 && DATA1NorMin >= 0)
X[0]=x2,Y[0]=y2;//First point
else if (DATA2NorMin <= 0 && DATA2NorMax <= 0)
X[0]=x2,Y[0]=y2;//First point
X[0]=x1,Y[0]= y2-Ly*(NORMAL_DATA2[1]/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin));//First point
// Draw line
setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness)
for (i=1;i<=n-1;i++){
NORMAL_DATA1[i] = NORMAL_DATA1[i] + DATA1NorMin_Abs;//Absolute DATA1
NORMAL_DATA2[i] = NORMAL_DATA2[i] + DATA2NorMin_Abs;//Absolute DATA2
X[i] = x1+Lx*(NORMAL_DATA1[i]/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin));
Y[i] = y2-Ly*(NORMAL_DATA2[i]/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin));
// Covering error ;-)
settextstyle(1, 0,1);
rectangle( x1, y1, x2,y2);
// Middle axis
double dXdata_abs,dYdata_abs;
int Ix,Iy;
if (DATA1NorMin < 0 && DATA1NorMax > 0)
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
dXdata = DATA1_min + 0.1*i*(DATA1_max - DATA1_min);//cout<<dXdata<<endl;
if (dXdata > 0 && dXdata < .00001)
Ix=i;//cout<<"Ix: "<<Ix<<endl;
line(Lx*Ix/10 +x1,y1,Lx*Ix/10 +x1,y2);
if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0)
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
dYdata = DATA2_min + 0.1*i*(DATA2_max - DATA2_min);//cout<<dYdata<<endl;
if (dYdata > 0 && dYdata < .00001)
Iy=i;//cout<<"Iy: "<<Iy<<endl;
line(x1,Ly*Iy/10 +y1,x2,Ly*Iy/10 +y1);
/* Box text */
settextstyle(1, 0,1);
rectangle( x1+350, y2+50, x1+900,y2+80);
setlinestyle(1,0,3);settextjustify(10, 5);// (style,pattern,thickness)
outtextxy(x1+355,y2+55,"Analysis");// print text in box
setlinestyle(1,0,3);settextjustify(10, 5);// (style,pattern,thickness)
outtextxy(x1+620,y2+55,"Bilinear");// print text in box
double ABS(double B){
double B_abs;
if (B < 0)
B_abs = -B;//Absolute number
B_abs = B;
return B_abs;
double MIN(double A[],int n){
int i;
double Amin;
Amin = A[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++){
if (Amin > A[i])
return Amin;//Minimum DATA
double MAX(double A[],int n){
int i;
double Amax;
Amax = A[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++){
if (Amax < A[i])
return Amax;//Maximum DATA
void MessageErrorReportTEXT(){
int i;
char Ql;
printf("an ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
printf(" Error Report ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
void OUTPUT_EXCEL(double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n){
int i;
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText03, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile," ### Output Elastic Response Spectrum ###n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"Step,Time,Spectral Displacement,Pseudo Acceleration Spectrumn");
void OUTPUT_html(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n){
int i;
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText04, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<html> <body bgcolor="green">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="2px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<th bgcolor="cyan"> Elastic Response Spectrum - Output Report </th> n");
// TABLE 1
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange"> Input Data </th> n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Gravitational Constant: </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",GRAVITY);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Damping Ratio in percent (%): </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",zet);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> End Period of Spectrum (sec): </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",endp);
// TABLE 2
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="4" bgcolor="orange"> Displacement and Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum</th> n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Step </th><th bgcolor="orange"> Time(Period) </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Spectral Displacement </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum </th></tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %d </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td></tr>n",i+1,time[i],Sd[i],Spa[i]);
void MessageCheckInput(int M){
if (M>N || M<2){
printf(" Please check this file! -> [ ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv ]n");
printf(" Number of data : %d - Minimum : 3 - Maximum : 20000",M);
void MessageAnalysisReportTEXT(){
int i;
char Ql=176;
printf("n ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
printf(" Input Data ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp){
if ( GRAVITY < 0 || zet < 0 || endp< 0 ){
printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01);
printf(" *** Negative data input value is not acceptable ***n");
printf(" Gravitational Constant: %f",GRAVITY);
printf(" Damping Ratio in percent (%): %f",zet);
printf(" End Period of Spectrum (sec): %f",endp);
void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp){
ifstream IN1;"ElasticResponseSpectrum-input.csv");
void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn){
double Time,Acceleration,dt;char CHAR;
int i=0;
ifstream IN2;"ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv");//import strain-stress of elements
while(IN2 >> Time >> CHAR >> Acceleration){
//cout<<"t["<<i<<"]:"<<t[i]<<" - Ag["<<i<<"]:"<<Ag[i]<<endl;
void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp){
int i=0;
double AA[3];
FILE *InputFile;
InputFile = fopen(ShowText01, "r");
if (!InputFile){
printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText01);
char line[100],a[100];
while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL){
//printf("a[%d]: %sn",i,a);
AA[i]= atof(a);
void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn){
int i = 0;
FILE *InputFile;
InputFile = fopen(ShowText02, "r");
if (!InputFile){
printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText02);
char line[1000];
double Time,Acceleration;
//printf("%d - t[%d]: %lf - Ag[%d]: %lfn",i,i,t[i],i,Ag[i]);
while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL);
kn = i;
void textcolor(int ForgC){
WORD wColor;
//This handle is needed to get the current background attribute
//csbi is used for wAttributes word
if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)){
//To mask out all but the background attribute, and to add the color
wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);
double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n){
int i;
double B[N];
double Amax;
// abs value
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
B[i] = A[i];
if(B[i] < 0)
B[i] = -B[i];
// Max of abs
Amax = B[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++){
if(Amax < B[i])
Amax = B[i];
return Amax;
void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]){
int i;
double x,y,NorX[N],NorY[N],Xmax,Ymax;
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
NorX[i] = X[i]/Xmax;
NorY[i] = Y[i]/Ymax;
//printf("t %f %f n",NorX[i],NorY[i]);
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText05, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style="background-color:black;"><font color="white"><head><script> n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"window.onload = function(){ n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var s1 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s2 = canvas.getContext('2d'); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var s3 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s4 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s5 = canvas.getContext("2d"); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var x=120,y=80,X,Y,Lx=1100,Ly=500,i; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s3.beginPath();s3.lineWidth = 3;s3.strokeStyle = "cyan";s3.rect(x,y,Lx,Ly); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly);s3.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly-10);}; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.beginPath();s1.lineWidth = 3;s1.strokeStyle = "yellow"; n");
for (i=0;i<n-1;i++){
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.lineTo(%f,%f); n",120+NorX[i+1]*1100,80+500-NorY[i+1]*500);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.stroke(); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.beginPath();s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";s2.setLineDash([5, 5]); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y);s2.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y+Ly);} n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);s2.lineTo(x+Lx,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);} s2.stroke();n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"X=x+.25*Lx;Y=.7*y;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.font="50px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.fillText("%s",0,0); n",text1);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-X+.2*x;Y=-Y+y+.6*Ly;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(3*Math.PI/2);s4.font="15px serif"; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text3);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=.2*Lx;Y=y+Ly-20;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(2*Math.PI);s4.font="15px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00"; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text2);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.29*Lx+Lx*(%d+1)*.1;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",x);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.28*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y-Ly*(%d+1)*.1;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",y);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore(); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore();}; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"</script></head><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="1300" height="1300" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas></body></html> n");
Figure(1) Input csv file
Figure(2) Input time acceleration
Figure(3) Analysis file
Figure(4) Elastic displacement spectrum
Figure(5) Elastic pseudo acceleration spectrum
Figure(6) HTML output
Figure(7) EXCEL output

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Elastic response pseudo spectrum in c programming

  • 1. >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << Elastic Pseudo Response Spectrum in C programming C program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei – Publication Date: 21/March/2019 E-mail:
  • 2. C code :/* Elastic Response Spectra This is a function to generate elastic response specra including Displacement Spectrum, Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum and Pseudo Velocity Spectrum which are needed in "Response Spectrum Analysis" of Structures. In this function to solve "Equation of Motions" for different periods, Newmark Linear Method has been used. SPEC Function Help: INPUTS: dt: Time Interval (Sampling Time) of Record Ag: Ground Motion Acceleration in g zet: Damping Ratio in percent (%); e.g. 5 g: Gravitational Constant; e.g. 9.81 m/s/s endp: End Period of Spectra; e.g. 4 sec OUTPUTS: T: Period of Structures (sec) Spa: Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum Spv: Elastic Pseudo Velocity Spectrum Sd: Elastic Displacement Spectrum */ #include <graphics.h> #include <windows.h> // text color #define N 10000 // number of increment #define NN 1 // number of degree of freedom #define Ne 1 // number of element #define PI 3.1415926535898 #define ShowText01 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-input.csv" #define ShowText02 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv" #define ShowText03 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-outputEXCEL.csv" #define ShowText04 "ElasticResponseSpectrum-outputHTML.html" #define ShowText05 "Graph-outputHTML.html" void MessageErrorReportTEXT(); void MessageAnalysisReportTEXT(); void MessageCheckInput(int M); void MessageInitialData(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp); void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp); void ANALYSIS(double t[],double Ag[],double T[],double Sd[],double Spa[],double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,int &kn,int &STEP); void IMPORT_GRAPH(double data[8],double DATA1[],double DATA2[],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n); void GRAPHICS(double data[8],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n,int kind); double ABS(double); double MAX(double A[],int n); double MIN(double A[],int n); double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n); void OUTPUT_EXCEL(double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n); void OUTPUT_html(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n); void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp); void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn); void textcolor(int ForgC); double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n); void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]); int main(){ int i,kn,STEP; double GRAVITY,zet,endp; double *t = new double [N]; double *Ag = new double [N]; double *time = new double [N]; double *Sd = new double [N]; double *Spa = new double [N]; double *NORMAL_DATA1 = new double [N]; double *NORMAL_DATA2 = new double [N]; double data[8]; IMPORT_DATA01(GRAVITY,zet,endp); IMPORT_DATA02(t,Ag,GRAVITY,kn); MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(GRAVITY,zet,endp); textcolor(11); MessageInitialData(GRAVITY,zet,endp); ANALYSIS(t,Ag,time,Sd,Spa,GRAVITY,zet,endp,kn,STEP); MessageCheckInput(kn); OUTPUT_EXCEL(time,Sd,Spa,STEP); OUTPUT_html(GRAVITY,zet,endp,time,Sd,Spa,STEP); IMPORT_GRAPH(data,time,Sd,NORMAL_DATA1,NORMAL_DATA2,STEP); GRAPHICS(data,NORMAL_DATA1,NORMAL_DATA2,STEP,0); IMPORT_GRAPH(data,time,Spa,NORMAL_DATA1,NORMAL_DATA2,STEP); GRAPHICS(data,NORMAL_DATA1,NORMAL_DATA2,STEP,1); char text1[40]="Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum",text2[20]="Peroid (sec)",text3[20]="Spa (g)"; OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(time,Spa,STEP,text1,text2,text3); textcolor(15); printf("na - Output data is written in Text, Excel and Html file -"); system("start /w Graph-outputHTML.html"); free(t);free(Ag);free(time);free(Sd);free(Spa); free(NORMAL_DATA1);free(NORMAL_DATA2); getch(); return 0; } void ANALYSIS(double t[],double Ag[],double T[],double Sd[],double Spa[],double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,int &kn,int &STEP){ double dt,m,k,c,K,a,b,df,dv,du,dac; double *u = new double [N]; double *v = new double [N]; double *ac = new double [N]; double *omega = new double [N]; double *Sv = new double [N]; double *Sa = new double [N]; double *Spv = new double [N]; int i,j; dt = t[2] - t[1]; STEP = endp/dt; //Ag[end+1]=0; T[0]=0.00; for (j=0;j<= STEP;j++){// equation of motion(Newmark linear method) omega[j]=2*PI/T[j]; // Natural Frequency m=1; k=omega[j]*omega[j]*m; c=2*m*omega[j]*zet/100; K=k+3*c/dt+6*m/(dt*dt); a=6*m/dt+3*c; b=3*m+dt*c/2; for (i=0;i<= kn-1;i++){ u[0]=0; //initial conditions v[0]=0; ac[0]=0; df=-(Ag[i+1]-Ag[i])+a*v[i]+b*ac[i]; // delta Force du=df/K; dv=3*du/dt-3*v[i]-dt*ac[i]/2; dac=6*(du-dt*v[i])/(dt*dt)-3*ac[i]; u[i+1]=u[i]+du; v[i+1]=v[i]+dv; ac[i+1]=ac[i]+dac; } Sd[j] = MAX_ABS(u,kn); //Sv[j] = MAX_ABS(v,kn); //Sa[j] = MAX_ABS(ac,kn); Spv[j] =Sd[j]*omega[j]; Spa[j] = Sd[j]*(omega[j]*omega[j])/GRAVITY; T[j+1]=T[j]+dt; //cout<<T[j]<<" "<< Spa[j]<<endl; } Sd[1]=0; Spv[0]=0;Spv[1]=0;Spa[0]=MAX_ABS(Ag,kn)/GRAVITY;Spa[1]=MAX_ABS(Ag,kn)/GRAVITY; free(u);free(v);free(ac);free(omega); free(Sv);free(Sa);free(Spv); } void MessageInitialData(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp){ char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf,Qg,Qk; int i;Qa=201;Qb=205;Qc=187;Qd=200;Qe=188,Qf=186,Qg=204,Qk=185; printf("tttt%c",Qa); for (i=1;i<61;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qc); printf("tttt%c >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c Elastic Response Spectrum %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c",Qg); for (i=1;i<61;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qk); printf("tttt%c Unit: Free unit %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c Notice: All input values must be positive %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c",Qg); for (i=1;i<61;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qk); printf("tttt%c Program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c E-mail: %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c",Qd); for (i=1;i<61;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qe); MessageAnalysisReportTEXT(); printf(" Gravitational Constant: %fn",GRAVITY); printf(" Damping Ratio in percent (%): %fn",zet); printf(" End Period of Spectrum (sec): %fn",endp); } void IMPORT_GRAPH(double data[8],double DATA1[],double DATA2[],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n){ double DATA1NorMin,DATA1NorMax,DATA2NorMin,DATA2NorMax,DATA1_min,DATA1_max,DATA2_min,DATA2_max; DATA1_min=MIN(DATA1,n); DATA1_max=MAX(DATA1,n); DATA2_min=MIN(DATA2,n); DATA2_max=MAX(DATA2,n); for (int i=1;i<n;i++){ NORMAL_DATA1[i]=DATA1[i]/(DATA1_max-DATA1_min); // Normalize DATA1 NORMAL_DATA2[i]=DATA2[i]/(DATA2_max-DATA2_min); // Normalize DATA2
  • 3. } DATA1NorMin=MIN(NORMAL_DATA1,n);//Minimum Normalize DATA1 DATA2NorMin=MIN(NORMAL_DATA2,n);//Minimum Normalize DATA2 DATA1NorMax=MAX(NORMAL_DATA1,n);//Maximum Normalize DATA1 DATA2NorMax=MAX(NORMAL_DATA2,n);//Maximum Normalize DATA2 data[0]=DATA1NorMin; data[1]=DATA1NorMax; data[2]=DATA2NorMin; data[3]=DATA2NorMax; data[4]=DATA1_min; data[5]=DATA1_max; data[6]=DATA2_min; data[7]=DATA2_max; } void GRAPHICS(double data[8],double NORMAL_DATA1[],double NORMAL_DATA2[],int n,int kind){ double DATA1NorMin,DATA1NorMax,DATA2NorMin,DATA2NorMax,DATA1_min,DATA1_max,DATA2_min,DATA2_max; DATA1NorMin=data[0]; DATA1NorMax=data[1]; DATA2NorMin=data[2]; DATA2NorMax=data[3]; DATA1_min=data[4]; DATA1_max=data[5]; DATA2_min=data[6]; DATA2_max=data[7]; int gd = DETECT, gm, color; DWORD screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); DWORD screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); initwindow(screenWidth,screenHeight,"",-3,-3);// init window graphics //initwindow(getmaxx( ),getmaxy( )); // initial window graphics //initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:TCBGI"); int i,j,a,x1,y1,x2,y2,Lx,Ly; //initwindow(300, 300); x1=95; y1=85; x2=x1+1250; y2=y1+500; Lx=x2-x1; Ly=y2-y1; setbkcolor(0);// set background //setcolor(9); // color rectangle line //setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness) //rectangle( x1, y1, x2,y2); //setcolor(10); //bar( x1, y1, x2, y2); setlinestyle(0,0,1);// (style,pattern,thickness) setcolor(9); // color dash line if (DATA1NorMin < 0 && DATA1NorMax > 0){ a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) for (j=0;j<=124;j=j+2) line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a); a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2) line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/20 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/20 +y1); a=y1*1/5;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=10;i++) line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y2,Lx*i/10 +x1,y2-a); a=x1*1/5; // X - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=10;i++) line( x1,y2-Ly*i/10,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/10); } else if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0){ a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) for (j=0;j<=124;j=j+2) line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/20 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a); a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2) line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/20 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/20 +y1); a=y1*1/5;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=10;i++) line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y2,Lx*i/10 +x1,y2-a); a=x1*1/5; // X - Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=10;i++) line( x1,y2-Ly*i/10,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/10); } else{ a=y1*1/20;// Y - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=9;i++) for (j=0;j<=120;j=j+2) line(Lx*i/10 +x1,y1+j*a,Lx*i/10 +x1,y1+(j+1)*a); a=x1*1/20; // X - Coordinate Axis - 10 steps for (i=1;i<=9;i++) for (j=0;j<=310;j=j+2) line( x1+j*a,Ly*i/10 +y1,x1+(j+1)*a,Ly*i/10 +y1); a=y1*1/5;// Y - Middle Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) line(Lx*i/20 +x1,y2,Lx*i/20 +x1,y2-a); a=x1*1/5; // X - Middle Coordinate Axis - 5 steps for (i=1;i<=19;i++) line( x1,y2-Ly*i/20,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/20); a=y1*1/10;// Y - Middle Coordinate Axis - 100 steps for (i=1;i<=99;i++) line(Lx*i/100 +x1,y2,Lx*i/100 +x1,y2-a); a=x1*1/7; // X - Middle Coordinate Axis - 100 steps for (i=1;i<=99;i++) line( x1,y2-Ly*i/100,x1+a,y2-Ly*i/100); } //cleardevice(); setcolor(WHITE);// set text color if (kind == 0){ settextstyle(1, 0, 5);settextjustify(10, 5); outtextxy(x2/2 -400,25,"Elastic Displacement Spectrum");// print text in window subtitle settextstyle(1, 1, 1);settextjustify(10, 5); outtextxy(x1/10 -10,.5*Ly+y1,"Sd");// print text in window graphics y } else if(kind == 1){ settextstyle(1, 0, 5);settextjustify(10, 5); outtextxy(x2/2 -500,25,"Elastic Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum");// print text in window subtitle settextstyle(1, 1, 1);settextjustify(10, 5); outtextxy(x1/10 -10,.6*Ly+y1,"Spa (g)");// print text in window graphics y } settextjustify(50, 5);settextstyle(1, 0, 1); outtextxy(x2/2 -10,y2 +50,"Peroid (sec)");// print text in window graphics x char bufferX[10][100],bufferY[10][100]; double dXdata,dYdata; settextstyle(-1, 0,-3);settextjustify(10, 5); sprintf(bufferX[1], "%.3e" , DATA1_min); outtextxy(x1-45,y2+10,bufferX[1]);// print text in window graphic x axis point sprintf(bufferX[1], "%.3e" , DATA2_min); outtextxy(x1-69,y2 -5,bufferX[1]);// print text in window graphic y axis point for (i=1;i<=10;i++){ dXdata = DATA1_min + 0.1*i*(DATA1_max - DATA1_min); if (ABS(dXdata) <= 1e-20) dXdata = 0.0; // if number is very low, got it zero sprintf(bufferX[i], "%.3e" ,dXdata); outtextxy(x1+Lx*i*.1-45,y2+10,bufferX[i]);// print text in window graphic x axis point -> max } for (i=1;i<=10;i++){ dYdata = DATA2_min + 0.1*i*(DATA2_max - DATA2_min); if (ABS(dYdata) <= 1e-20) dYdata = 0.0; // if number is very low, got it zero sprintf(bufferY[i], "%.3e" , dYdata); outtextxy(x1-69,y2-Ly*i*.1 -5,bufferY[i]);// print text in window graphic y axis point -> max } double *X = new double [N]; double *Y = new double [N]; //Absolute data double DATA1NorMin_Abs,DATA2NorMin_Abs; DATA1NorMin_Abs=ABS(DATA1NorMin);DATA2NorMin_Abs=ABS(DATA2NorMin); /* setcolor(9); setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness) line(Lx*(DATA1NorMin_Abs/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin)) +x1,y1,Lx*(DATA1NorMin_Abs/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin)) +x1,y2); //Middle axis -X line(x1,y2-Ly*(DATA2NorMin_Abs/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin)),x2,y2-Ly*(DATA2NorMin_Abs/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin))); // Middle axis -Y */ if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0 && DATA1NorMin >= 0) X[0]=x2,Y[0]=y2;//First point else if (DATA2NorMin <= 0 && DATA2NorMax <= 0) X[0]=x2,Y[0]=y2;//First point else X[0]=x1,Y[0]= y2-Ly*(NORMAL_DATA2[1]/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin));//First point // Draw line setcolor(YELLOW); setlinestyle(0,0,2);// (style,pattern,thickness) for (i=1;i<=n-1;i++){ NORMAL_DATA1[i] = NORMAL_DATA1[i] + DATA1NorMin_Abs;//Absolute DATA1 NORMAL_DATA2[i] = NORMAL_DATA2[i] + DATA2NorMin_Abs;//Absolute DATA2
  • 4. X[i] = x1+Lx*(NORMAL_DATA1[i]/(DATA1NorMax-DATA1NorMin)); Y[i] = y2-Ly*(NORMAL_DATA2[i]/(DATA2NorMax-DATA2NorMin)); line(X[i-1],Y[i-1],X[i],Y[i]); } // Covering error ;-) setcolor(9); settextstyle(1, 0,1); rectangle( x1, y1, x2,y2); /* // Middle axis double dXdata_abs,dYdata_abs; int Ix,Iy; if (DATA1NorMin < 0 && DATA1NorMax > 0) for (i=1;i<=10;i++) { dXdata = DATA1_min + 0.1*i*(DATA1_max - DATA1_min);//cout<<dXdata<<endl; if (dXdata > 0 && dXdata < .00001) Ix=i;//cout<<"Ix: "<<Ix<<endl; } line(Lx*Ix/10 +x1,y1,Lx*Ix/10 +x1,y2); if (DATA2NorMin < 0 && DATA2NorMax > 0) for (i=1;i<=10;i++) { dYdata = DATA2_min + 0.1*i*(DATA2_max - DATA2_min);//cout<<dYdata<<endl; if (dYdata > 0 && dYdata < .00001) Iy=i;//cout<<"Iy: "<<Iy<<endl; } line(x1,Ly*Iy/10 +y1,x2,Ly*Iy/10 +y1); */ /* Box text */ /* setcolor(9); settextstyle(1, 0,1); rectangle( x1+350, y2+50, x1+900,y2+80); setlinestyle(1,0,3);settextjustify(10, 5);// (style,pattern,thickness) outtextxy(x1+355,y2+55,"Analysis");// print text in box setlinestyle(1,0,3);settextjustify(10, 5);// (style,pattern,thickness) outtextxy(x1+620,y2+55,"Bilinear");// print text in box setcolor(YELLOW);line(x1+500,y2+65,x1+600,y2+65); setcolor(10);line(x1+765,y2+65,x1+850,y2+65); */ getch(); closegraph(); } double ABS(double B){ double B_abs; if (B < 0) B_abs = -B;//Absolute number else B_abs = B; return B_abs; } double MIN(double A[],int n){ int i; double Amin; Amin = A[0]; for (i=1;i<n;i++){ if (Amin > A[i]) Amin=A[i]; } return Amin;//Minimum DATA } double MAX(double A[],int n){ int i; double Amax; Amax = A[0]; for (i=1;i<n;i++){ if (Amax < A[i]) Amax=A[i]; } return Amax;//Maximum DATA } void MessageErrorReportTEXT(){ int i; char Ql; Ql=176; textcolor(12); printf("an "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf(" Error Report "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf("n"); } void OUTPUT_EXCEL(double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n){ // EXCEL OUTPUT int i; FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText03, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile," ### Output Elastic Response Spectrum ###n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"Step,Time,Spectral Displacement,Pseudo Acceleration Spectrumn"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) fprintf(OutputFile,"%d,%f,%f,%fn",i+1,time[i],Sd[i],Spa[i]); fclose(OutputFile); } void OUTPUT_html(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp,double time[],double Sd[],double Spa[],int n){ // HTML OUTPUT int i; FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText04, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<html> <body bgcolor="green">n"); // TOP TITLE oF HTML FILE fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="2px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<th bgcolor="cyan"> Elastic Response Spectrum - Output Report </th> n"); // TABLE 1 fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange"> Input Data </th> n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Gravitational Constant: </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",GRAVITY); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Damping Ratio in percent (%): </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",zet); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> End Period of Spectrum (sec): </th><th> %.3e </th></tr>n",endp); // TABLE 2 fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="4" bgcolor="orange"> Displacement and Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum</th> n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Step </th><th bgcolor="orange"> Time(Period) </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Spectral Displacement </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum </th></tr>n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %d </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td></tr>n",i+1,time[i],Sd[i],Spa[i]); } fprintf(OutputFile,"</table></body></html>n"); fclose(OutputFile); } void MessageCheckInput(int M){ if (M>N || M<2){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check this file! -> [ ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv ]n"); printf(" Number of data : %d - Minimum : 3 - Maximum : 20000",M); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } void MessageAnalysisReportTEXT(){ int i; char Ql=176; printf("n "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf(" Input Data "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf("n"); } void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double GRAVITY,double zet,double endp){ if ( GRAVITY < 0 || zet < 0 || endp< 0 ){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01); printf(" *** Negative data input value is not acceptable ***n"); printf(" Gravitational Constant: %f",GRAVITY); printf(" Damping Ratio in percent (%): %f",zet); printf(" End Period of Spectrum (sec): %f",endp); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } /* void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp){ ifstream IN1;"ElasticResponseSpectrum-input.csv"); IN1>>GRAVITY>>zet>>endp; IN1.close(); } void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn){ double Time,Acceleration,dt;char CHAR; int i=0; ifstream IN2;"ElasticResponseSpectrum-inputACCELERATION.csv");//import strain-stress of elements while(IN2 >> Time >> CHAR >> Acceleration){ t[i]=Time;Ag[i]=Acceleration*GRAVITY; //cout<<"t["<<i<<"]:"<<t[i]<<" - Ag["<<i<<"]:"<<Ag[i]<<endl; i++; } kn=i; IN2.close(); } */
  • 5. void IMPORT_DATA01(double &GRAVITY,double &zet,double &endp){ int i=0; double AA[3]; FILE *InputFile; InputFile = fopen(ShowText01, "r"); if (!InputFile){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText01); } char line[100],a[100]; while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL){ sscanf(line,"%s",a); //printf("a[%d]: %sn",i,a); AA[i]= atof(a); i++; } GRAVITY=AA[0];zet=AA[1];endp=AA[2]; } void IMPORT_DATA02(double t[],double Ag[],double GRAVITY,int &kn){ int i = 0; FILE *InputFile; InputFile = fopen(ShowText02, "r"); if (!InputFile){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText02); exit(1); } char line[1000]; double Time,Acceleration; do{ fscanf(InputFile,"%lf,%lf",&Time,&Acceleration); t[i]=Time;Ag[i]=Acceleration*GRAVITY; //printf("%d - t[%d]: %lf - Ag[%d]: %lfn",i,i,t[i],i,Ag[i]); i++; } while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL); kn = i; } void textcolor(int ForgC){ WORD wColor; //This handle is needed to get the current background attribute HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //csbi is used for wAttributes word if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)){ //To mask out all but the background attribute, and to add the color wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor); } return; } double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n){ int i; double B[N]; double Amax; // abs value for (i=0;i<n;i++){ B[i] = A[i]; if(B[i] < 0) B[i] = -B[i]; } // Max of abs Amax = B[0]; for (i=1;i<n;i++){ if(Amax < B[i]) Amax = B[i]; } return Amax; } void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]){ // HTML GRAPH OUTPUT int i; double x,y,NorX[N],NorY[N],Xmax,Ymax; Xmax=MAX_ABS(X,n); Ymax=MAX_ABS(Y,n); for (i=0;i<n;i++){ NorX[i] = X[i]/Xmax; NorY[i] = Y[i]/Ymax; //printf("t %f %f n",NorX[i],NorY[i]); } FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText05, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style="background-color:black;"><font color="white"><head><script> n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"window.onload = function(){ n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var s1 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s2 = canvas.getContext('2d'); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var s3 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s4 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s5 = canvas.getContext("2d"); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var x=120,y=80,X,Y,Lx=1100,Ly=500,i; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s3.beginPath();s3.lineWidth = 3;s3.strokeStyle = "cyan";s3.rect(x,y,Lx,Ly); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly);s3.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly-10);}; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.1);s3.lineTo(x+10,y+Ly*(i+1)*.1);};s3.stroke();n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.beginPath();s1.lineWidth = 3;s1.strokeStyle = "yellow"; n"); for (i=0;i<n-1;i++){ fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.moveTo(%f,%f);",120+NorX[i]*1100,80+500-NorY[i]*500); fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.lineTo(%f,%f); n",120+NorX[i+1]*1100,80+500-NorY[i+1]*500); } fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.stroke(); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.beginPath();s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";s2.setLineDash([5, 5]); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y);s2.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y+Ly);} n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);s2.lineTo(x+Lx,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);} s2.stroke();n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"X=x+.25*Lx;Y=.7*y;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.font="50px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.fillText("%s",0,0); n",text1); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-X+.2*x;Y=-Y+y+.6*Ly;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(3*Math.PI/2);s4.font="15px serif"; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text3); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=.2*Lx;Y=y+Ly-20;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(2*Math.PI);s4.font="15px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00"; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text2); for(i=0;i<10;i++){ x=.1*(i+1)*Xmax; fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.29*Lx+Lx*(%d+1)*.1;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i); fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",x); } for(i=0;i<10;i++){ y=.1*(i+1)*Ymax; fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.28*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y-Ly*(%d+1)*.1;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i); fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",y); } fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore(); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore();}; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"</script></head><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="1300" height="1300" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas></body></html> n"); fclose(OutputFile); }
  • 7. Figure(2) Input time acceleration
  • 10. Figure(5) Elastic pseudo acceleration spectrum