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El cerebro erótico: rutas neurales de amor y sexo
Adolf Tobeña
Departamento de Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal. Instituto de Neurociencias.
08193 Bellaterra Campus. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
“Más tira pelo de concha que yunta de bueyes”, (Popular hispana).
- Biólogos = Sexo
- Economistas = Dinero
- Politólogos = Poder
- Publicistas = Notoriedad
- Periodistas = Curiosidad
- Sociólogos = Fútbol
- Religiosos = Esperanza
- Literatos = Mitos
- Filósofos = Sabiduría
- Físicos = Azar
- Artistas = Originalidad
- Cultura popular = Envidia
- Psicólogos, Psiquiatras= (?)…, Perplejos!…
“El cerebro es mi segundo órgano preferido”, (Woody Allen).
Georgiadis JR and Kringelbach ML (2012) , Progress in Neurobiology, 98, 49-81
Georgiadis JR, Kringelbach LM and Pfaus JG (2012)
Nature Reviews Urology, 9, 486-498.
Neuroimaging of love: fMRI meta-analysis evidence toward
new perspectives in sexual medicine
Ortigue S, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Patel N, Frum C and Lewis JW (2010), Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 11, 3541-3552.
Passion love system
The erotic brain
Sexual Attraction
Desire, impulse
Sexual Orientation
Sexual pleasures
Clímax responses
Romantic Infatuation
Jealousies, Heartbreaks
Maternal/Paternal loves
Friendship attachments
Platonic devotions
Sentimental exploitations …
Mind/brain states subserved by
specific neuroendocrine (complex)
Social affiliation system:
imperfect monogamy, in
SocioSexual rules in Apes
- Imperfect monogamy
(Serial monogamy,
moderate polyginia..…)
- Preference for a partner +
frequent scanning for
alternatives + collateral
- High behavioural/social
monogamous bird‘s mating systems
Meeting with strangers and sex: David Buss (1994)
classical Hawai City study
Questions on casual/brief “spontaneous” encounter:
1. Would you go out on a date with me tonight?
2. Would you go back to my apartment with me tonight?
3. Would you have sex with me tonight?
1. (50%) (50%)
2. ( 6%) ANSWER YES!!! (68%)
3. (0%) (75%)
Prudent vs. Impulsive!!
1. BIPARENTAL INVESTMENTS (Differences women vs. men)
- Neotenic infants (large period of brain maturation off
- Extended learning period in childhood
- Concealed ovulation in women
- Concealed estrus (heat)
- Extended sexuality (nonrestricted receptivity)
- Feminine/masculine ornaments (attractive signals)
- Mate guarding
- Extrapair copulations (cuckoldry)
vs. Variability,
Disparities and
Biological vs.
Environmental vs.
Scatterplot of men (top) and women (down) in
the 2-dimensional space defined by their
attraction to men (x axis) and women (y axis)
Lippa RA (2006),
Psychological Science, 17, 1, 46-52.
1767 subjects (687 males and 1080 females),
mostly Psychology students from California
State University, Fullerton, answering
privately (through internet) valid
questionnaires and scales about sexual
Erotic brain: motivational/performance systems
Hypothalamic sex-regulating areas:
anterior/preoptic and medial regions
- Sexual identity/orientation
- Sexual motivation/performance
Cameron JL (2004), in RE Dahl and LP Spear
(Eds.): Adolescent brain development, Annals
NYAS, Vol. 1021, 110-123.
Mean youth values of steroid hormones in each sex
Females (N=81) Males (N=102)
Follicular Luteal
DHEAS (ng/ml) 1,32 (0,64) 1,3 (0,62) 2,07(0,93)
AD (ng/ml) 3,8 (2,56) 5,99 (2,78) 0,99 (0,6)
DHEA (ng/ml) 6,24 (6,5) 3,2 (3,4) 1,48 (1,03)
LH (miu/ml) 15,06 (6,17) 30,,57 (17,6) 10,75 (4,8)
T (ng/ml) 0,6 (0,4) 0,73 (0,4) 4,98 (2,56)
TEBG (nmol/l) 57,8 (21,7) 67,4(33,9) 46,75( (13,7)
FTI 0,04 (0,04) 0,04 (0,03) 41,8 (26,6)
P (ng/ml) 1,08 (1,23) 4,53 (5,73) -
E (ng/ml) 0,066 (0,058) 0,19 (0,10) -
DHEA= Dihidroepiandrosterone; AD: Androstenodione; LH: Luteinizing hormone; T= Testosterone;
TEBG=Testosterone binding globuline; FIT= Free testosterone; P= Progesterone; E= Estradiol.
From Udry (1990).
Granger DA et al (2004) Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 1229-1240
The erotic brain
Sexual Attraction
Desire, impulse
Sexual Orientation
Sexual pleasures
Clímax responses
Romantic Infatuation
Jealousies, Heartbreaks
Maternal/Paternal loves
Friendship attachments
Platonic devotions
Sentimental exploitations …
Mind/brain states subserved by
specific neuroendocrine (complex)
Social affiliation system:
imperfect monogamy, in
Body form and healthy/young
attributes as a source of sexual
Cues + Neural
Templates for
Physical Beauty/Sex appeal variations:
- Age, billateral simmetry
- Race/Ethnicities
- Culture/Fashion ….
- Feminine morph/faces/bodies (estrogenic)
- Masculine morph/faces/bodies (androgenic)
Mautz BS, Wong BBM, Peters RA and Jennions MD (2013) PNAS,
110, 17, 6925-6930.
- 343 figurine-videos (frontal/rotated 30º lateral), presented 4 sec., each.
- penises from 5-13 cm. long, flaccid, coming from 3300 italians (an
urological normative sample).
- 105 australian women as judges, 26 years old, 71,8 % whites, rest other
origins. They had to judge 53 figurines appearing by chance at the screen
1 7
Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of
nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and
circumference in up to 15,521 men
Veale D, Miles S, Bramley S, Muir G and Hodsoll J (2015), British
Journal of Urology International, March 3, doi: 10.1111/bju.13010).
Mautz BS, Wong BBM, Peters RA and Jennions MD (2013) PNAS, 110, 17,
- Up to 2 attractiveness points can be gained by longer penises, once shoulder-to-hip
ratios and heights controlled.
- 70% variance in attractiveness explained by higher shoulder-to-hip ratios; 10-15% by
penis length (from 10 cm. onwards), and 10-15% by height (1,78-1,87 m, optimum).
- r=0,2 between penis size and women’s inspection times.
- Effects more substantial for taller men.
- Taller and bulky women demand longer penises.
Dixson BJ et al (2010), Archives Sexual Behavior, 39, 798-806.
185 New Zealand and 81 Californian women, 20 years old, judging
Photoshop modified images (penile length or somatic type).
Unattractive 0 Attractiveness 5 Extremely attractive
Neural systems for reward and addiction:
from actions, to habits to compulsions.
Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2005) Nature
Neuroscience, 8, 1481-9.
Green arrows: Glutamate
Orange arrows: Dopamine
Pink arrows. GABA
Facial testosteronic traits: atractiveness and dominance
Jonhston VS (2006) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 1, 9-13
Jonhston VS (2006) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 1, 9-13
b. average face from 117 samples; a. feminized c. masculinized d. hipermasculinized.
Roberts SC et al (2004) Proc. Roy. Soc. London: Biology Letters, 271, S270-S272.
Knut K, Kampe W, Frith ChD, Dolan RJ and
Frith U (2004), Nature, 413, 589-590.
Knut K, Kampe W, Frith ChD, Dolan RJ and
Frith U (2004), Nature, 413, 589-590.
Bare skin + Gaze + Gesture as
salient/sexy cues
Neural systems for reward and addiction: from
actions, to habits to compulsions.
Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2005) Nature Neuroscience, 8,
Green arrows: Glutamate
Orange arrows: Dopamine
Pink arrows: GABA
Sex-appeal cues and reward
Fiorino DF, Coury Aand Phillip AG (1995) The Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 12,
- Visual cues from a distance
- Direct cues from touch and
- Indirect cues (aware/nonaware)
as smell
Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177.
Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177.
Stimuli N= neutral videos; H= Humorous videos; A: nonarousing women
pictures; B: moderately arousing women pictures; C. highly arousing women
pictures; S: Explicit heterosexual coitus videos.
Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177.
Miyagawa Y et al (2007), Neuroimage, 36, 830-842.
Six healthy heterosexual men, age= 30-39
years, sexually mature (T and semen
measures), had penile recordings and PET
scans while viewing sexually explicit
intercourses (S) vs. control clips (N,M).
Figure: A, B specific activations at the ventral
right putamen during sexual plateau (Sp).
Differences in activation also obtained on the
left anterior hypothalamus, ACC, insula and
right posterior parieto/temporal regions.
Giorgiadis JR et al (2006), European Journal
of Neuroscience, 24, 3305-3316.
12 heterosexual women
volunteers, mean age 34
years, range 21-47,
accompanied by their
partners who manually
stimulated them during
the PET scan sessions.
In addition to main effects (Figure),
there were specific results in the
contrasts Stim vs. Rest, Orgasm vs.
Rest and Orgasm vs. Stim.
Giorgiadis JR et al (2006), European Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 3305-3316.
Positive correlations between
sexual arousal (perceived)
and rectal pressure with
regional blood flow PET-scan
Significant level in this figure is P < .001.
Superimposed on T1-weighted MR
standard single subject image from
Brunetti M et al (2008), European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2922-2927.
Brunetti M et al (2008),
European Journal of
Neuroscience, 27,
Georgiadis JR, Kringelbach LM and Pfaus JG (2012) Nature Reviews Urology, 9, 486-498.
Stoleru S, Fonteille V, Cornélis CH, Joyal Ch and Moulier V (2012),
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 36, 1481-1509.
The erotic brain
Sexual Attractions
Desire, impulse
Sexual Orientation
Sexual pleasures
Clímax responses
Romantic Infatuation
Jealousies, Heartbreaks
Maternal/Paternal loves
Friendship attachments
Platonic devotions
Sentimental exploitations …
Mind/brain states subserved by
specific neuroendocrine (complex)
Social affiliation system:
imperfect monogamy, in
Falling and being in love
- Intense attraction
- Neurogonadal urges
- Exaggerated Mood Oscillations (Euphoria/desperation)
- Perceptual/affective interpersonal fusion (folie a deux)
Neuroendocrine Tempest to strengthen monogamous
binding (transient vs. long-lasting)
1 2 3 4 Time (Years)
Love/sex kynetics: Passion (red); Loss Aversion (purple);
Affect/companionship (green)
Hormonal changes when falling in love
Marazitti D and Canale D (2004)
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 931-936.
Depts. of Psychiatry and Endocrinology, Pisa University, (Italy).
Hormonal changes when falling in love
Marazitti D and Canale D (2004)
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 931-936.
When subjectes were retested 12-24 months later no
differences remained!!!
Neurogonadal cascades: main stars
Desire/Sexual drive:
Testosterone, dihidrotestosterone, androstenodione, others…
Dopamine, androstens, copulins...
Satisfaction, sexual pleasure:
Opioids, oxytocine…
Vasopressine, serotonin…
Oxytocine, prolactine, endozepines …
Memories of affective pleasures:
Glutamate, nitric oxide……
Love/Sex profiles dependent
on these different
neurohormonal systems.
Men/Women differences!!!
Prairie voles: a model for monogamous
Ethology of pair bonding:
Lowell Getz, Sue Carter
and Carroll Horbaugh
Neurobiology of Affective
Larry Young and Thomas
Illinois University-Urbana/Champaign and
National Institutes of Mental Health,
Bethesda, Washington DC.
Prairie voles: ethology of monogamous fusion
Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
Pair bonding neurochemistry in
Prairie Voles
Partner preference test
A neurochemical map of pair-bonding
mechanisms in monogamous voles
From detailed neuroanatomy to transgenic/transpecies manipulations
Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
Walum H et al (2008) PNAS, 105, 37, 14153-14157.
552 twin pairs and their spouses
(Swedish Registry), mostly white
middle class, born between
1944-1971. 82% married and 18%
cohabiting. 238 MZ.
Okhovat M, Berrio A, Wallace G, Ophir AG and Phelps SM (2015),
Science, 350, 6266, 1371-1374
25% pups from extrapair matings
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166
20 Mothers, 34 years age (27-40) provided photos of their own child (oc) or an
acquainted child (ac) same age (9months-6 years, mean 24 months).
Also provided photos of a best friend (all females: 36,9 years age, relationship time > 15
fMRI sessions in a 2T Siemens equipment.
Subjects only had to view the photos and relax
Pictures presented on a screen, in pseudorandom order, against a gray background, in a
passport format.
Each picture presented 6 times for 15 sec.
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166.
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166
Maternal love activations: viewing own child vs. acquaintance child same age
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166
Contrasting maternal (n=19) versus romantic (n=17) women
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166
Specific and Overlapping areas
Maternal and romantic love: Summary of fMRI ACTIVATION results
Bartels A and Zeki S (2004), Neuroimage, 21, 1155-1166
Specific of Maternal love:
Lat. Orbito-frontal cortex
Lat Fusiform gyrus
Frontal eye fields
Dorsal Occipital cortex Shared by both Maternal/Romantic Love:
Insula medial
Anterior Cingulate
Caudate, putamen
Specific of Romantic Love: Subthalamic nucleus
Hypothalamus G. Pallidum
Dentate gyrus Substantia Nigra
Ventral Tegmental Area
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166
Same deactivated areas: maternal (oc-ac) and romantic (lover – friend)
Maternal and romantic love: fMRI DEACTIVATED areas
Bartels A and Zeki S (2004), Neuroimage, 21, 1155-1166
In both Maternal and Romantic Love:
Middle Prefrontal Cortex **
Parietal Cortex
Medial Temporal Cortex
Temporal Pole Thinking and warning systems
Posterior Cingulate *
Medial Precuneus
Amygdala **
Regions rich in
Oxytocin and
Vasopressin receptors:
fMRI activations
Maternal and romantic love
Bartels A and Zeki S (2004), Neuroimage, 21, 1155-1166
Acevedo BP, Aron A, Fisher HE and Brown LL, (2012) SCAN,7, 145-159.
Acevedo BP, Aron A, Fisher HE and Brown LL, (2012) SCAN,7, 145-159.
Amadei EA et al (2017) Nature,
Neuroimaging of love: fMRI meta-analysis evidence toward
new perspectives in sexual medicine
Ortigue S, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Patel N, Frum C and Lewis JW (2010), Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 11, 3541-3552.
Passion love system
Neurogonadal love/sex cascades: main stars
Desire/Sexual drive:
Testosterone, dihidrotestosterone, androstenodione, others…
Dopamine, androstens, copulins...
Satisfaction, sexual pleasure:
Opioids, oxytocine…
Vasopressine, serotonin…
Oxytocine, prolactine, endozepines…
Memories of affective pleasures:
Glutamate, nitric oxide…… Love/Sex profiles dependent
on these different
neurohormonal systems.
Individual differences in
motivation, pleasure,
preferences and intimate
El cerebro erótico: rutas neurales de amor y sexo
Barcelona: La Esfera de los Libros, 2006

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El cervell eròtic

  • 1. El cerebro erótico: rutas neurales de amor y sexo Adolf Tobeña Departamento de Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal. Instituto de Neurociencias. 08193 Bellaterra Campus. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
  • 2. ¿EL SEXO MUEVE EL MUNDO?... “Más tira pelo de concha que yunta de bueyes”, (Popular hispana). ¿EL MOTOR PRINCIPAL DE LOS AFANES Y DESVELOS HUMANOS?... - Biólogos = Sexo - Economistas = Dinero - Politólogos = Poder - Publicistas = Notoriedad - Periodistas = Curiosidad - Sociólogos = Fútbol - Religiosos = Esperanza - Literatos = Mitos - Filósofos = Sabiduría - Físicos = Azar - Artistas = Originalidad - Cultura popular = Envidia - Psicólogos, Psiquiatras= (?)…, Perplejos!… “El cerebro es mi segundo órgano preferido”, (Woody Allen). SEX IS PLEASANT …..BUT SOCIALLY CHALLENGING DUE, MAINLY, TO ITS INTERPERSONAL POWER LINKS…
  • 3. Georgiadis JR and Kringelbach ML (2012) , Progress in Neurobiology, 98, 49-81
  • 4. Georgiadis JR, Kringelbach LM and Pfaus JG (2012) Nature Reviews Urology, 9, 486-498.
  • 5. Neuroimaging of love: fMRI meta-analysis evidence toward new perspectives in sexual medicine Ortigue S, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Patel N, Frum C and Lewis JW (2010), Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 11, 3541-3552. Passion love system
  • 6. The erotic brain Sexual Attraction Desire, impulse Sexual Orientation Sexual pleasures Clímax responses Romantic Infatuation Jealousies, Heartbreaks Maternal/Paternal loves Friendship attachments Platonic devotions Sentimental exploitations … Mind/brain states subserved by specific neuroendocrine (complex) mechanisms Social affiliation system: imperfect monogamy, in humans
  • 7. SocioSexual rules in Apes HUMANS: - Imperfect monogamy (Serial monogamy, moderate polyginia..…) - Preference for a partner + frequent scanning for alternatives + collateral matings - High behavioural/social flexibility monogamous bird‘s mating systems
  • 8. Meeting with strangers and sex: David Buss (1994) classical Hawai City study Questions on casual/brief “spontaneous” encounter: 1. Would you go out on a date with me tonight? 2. Would you go back to my apartment with me tonight? 3. Would you have sex with me tonight? WOMEN MEN 1. (50%) (50%) 2. ( 6%) ANSWER YES!!! (68%) 3. (0%) (75%) Prudent vs. Impulsive!!
  • 9. HUMAN IMPERFECT MONOGAMY/MODERATE POLIGYNIA 1. BIPARENTAL INVESTMENTS (Differences women vs. men) - Neotenic infants (large period of brain maturation off utero) - Extended learning period in childhood 2. BATTLE OF THE SEXES: - Concealed ovulation in women - Concealed estrus (heat) - Extended sexuality (nonrestricted receptivity) - Feminine/masculine ornaments (attractive signals) - Mate guarding - Extrapair copulations (cuckoldry)
  • 10. CHROMOSOMAL SEX GONADAL SEX EXTERNAL GENITALIA SEX BODY MORPHOLOGY SEX VOICE SEX BRAIN SEX MIND-IDENTITY SEX (Gender) INTERNAL GENITALIA SEX MIND-PREFERENCES SEX (Orientation) Continuities pathways…, vs. Variability, Disparities and Ambiguities…., Biological vs. Environmental vs. Sociocultural influences???...
  • 11. Scatterplot of men (top) and women (down) in the 2-dimensional space defined by their attraction to men (x axis) and women (y axis) Lippa RA (2006), Psychological Science, 17, 1, 46-52. 1767 subjects (687 males and 1080 females), mostly Psychology students from California State University, Fullerton, answering privately (through internet) valid questionnaires and scales about sexual attraction. HOMO/HETERO ATTRACTION/PREFERENCES
  • 13. Hypothalamic sex-regulating areas: anterior/preoptic and medial regions - Sexual identity/orientation - Sexual motivation/performance
  • 14. Cameron JL (2004), in RE Dahl and LP Spear (Eds.): Adolescent brain development, Annals NYAS, Vol. 1021, 110-123.
  • 15. Mean youth values of steroid hormones in each sex Females (N=81) Males (N=102) Follicular Luteal DHEAS (ng/ml) 1,32 (0,64) 1,3 (0,62) 2,07(0,93) AD (ng/ml) 3,8 (2,56) 5,99 (2,78) 0,99 (0,6) DHEA (ng/ml) 6,24 (6,5) 3,2 (3,4) 1,48 (1,03) LH (miu/ml) 15,06 (6,17) 30,,57 (17,6) 10,75 (4,8) T (ng/ml) 0,6 (0,4) 0,73 (0,4) 4,98 (2,56) TEBG (nmol/l) 57,8 (21,7) 67,4(33,9) 46,75( (13,7) FTI 0,04 (0,04) 0,04 (0,03) 41,8 (26,6) P (ng/ml) 1,08 (1,23) 4,53 (5,73) - E (ng/ml) 0,066 (0,058) 0,19 (0,10) - DHEA= Dihidroepiandrosterone; AD: Androstenodione; LH: Luteinizing hormone; T= Testosterone; TEBG=Testosterone binding globuline; FIT= Free testosterone; P= Progesterone; E= Estradiol. From Udry (1990).
  • 16. Granger DA et al (2004) Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 1229-1240
  • 17. The erotic brain Sexual Attraction Desire, impulse Sexual Orientation Sexual pleasures Clímax responses Romantic Infatuation Jealousies, Heartbreaks Maternal/Paternal loves Friendship attachments Platonic devotions Sentimental exploitations … Mind/brain states subserved by specific neuroendocrine (complex) mechanisms Social affiliation system: imperfect monogamy, in humans
  • 18. Body form and healthy/young attributes as a source of sexual cues Salient/Appealing Cues + Neural Templates for physical attractiveness SEXUAL ADVERTISING QUALITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY-SKIN
  • 19. Physical Beauty/Sex appeal variations: - Age, billateral simmetry - Race/Ethnicities - Culture/Fashion …. Continuities: - Feminine morph/faces/bodies (estrogenic) - Masculine morph/faces/bodies (androgenic)
  • 21. Mautz BS, Wong BBM, Peters RA and Jennions MD (2013) PNAS, 110, 17, 6925-6930. - 343 figurine-videos (frontal/rotated 30º lateral), presented 4 sec., each. - penises from 5-13 cm. long, flaccid, coming from 3300 italians (an urological normative sample). - 105 australian women as judges, 26 years old, 71,8 % whites, rest other origins. They had to judge 53 figurines appearing by chance at the screen None ATTRACTIVENESS Maximal 1 7 Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men Veale D, Miles S, Bramley S, Muir G and Hodsoll J (2015), British Journal of Urology International, March 3, doi: 10.1111/bju.13010).
  • 22. Mautz BS, Wong BBM, Peters RA and Jennions MD (2013) PNAS, 110, 17, 6925-6930. Results: - Up to 2 attractiveness points can be gained by longer penises, once shoulder-to-hip ratios and heights controlled. - 70% variance in attractiveness explained by higher shoulder-to-hip ratios; 10-15% by penis length (from 10 cm. onwards), and 10-15% by height (1,78-1,87 m, optimum). - r=0,2 between penis size and women’s inspection times. - Effects more substantial for taller men. - Taller and bulky women demand longer penises.
  • 23. Dixson BJ et al (2010), Archives Sexual Behavior, 39, 798-806. 185 New Zealand and 81 Californian women, 20 years old, judging Photoshop modified images (penile length or somatic type). Unattractive 0 Attractiveness 5 Extremely attractive 22% 44%
  • 24. Neural systems for reward and addiction: from actions, to habits to compulsions. Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2005) Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1481-9. Green arrows: Glutamate Orange arrows: Dopamine Pink arrows. GABA ATTRACTION SYTEMS: FACES
  • 25. Facial testosteronic traits: atractiveness and dominance Jonhston VS (2006) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 1, 9-13
  • 26. Jonhston VS (2006) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 1, 9-13 b. average face from 117 samples; a. feminized c. masculinized d. hipermasculinized.
  • 27. Roberts SC et al (2004) Proc. Roy. Soc. London: Biology Letters, 271, S270-S272.
  • 28. Knut K, Kampe W, Frith ChD, Dolan RJ and Frith U (2004), Nature, 413, 589-590.
  • 29. Knut K, Kampe W, Frith ChD, Dolan RJ and Frith U (2004), Nature, 413, 589-590.
  • 30. Bare skin + Gaze + Gesture as salient/sexy cues Neural systems for reward and addiction: from actions, to habits to compulsions. Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2005) Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1481-9. Green arrows: Glutamate Orange arrows: Dopamine Pink arrows: GABA Sexual stimuli Sex-appeal cues and reward systems
  • 31. Fiorino DF, Coury Aand Phillip AG (1995) The Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 12, 4849-4853.
  • 32. SEXUAL ADVERTISING + INDUCING QUALITIES OF THE BODY-SKIN - Visual cues from a distance - Direct cues from touch and taste - Indirect cues (aware/nonaware) as smell
  • 33. Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177. EROTIC NEUROIMAGING
  • 34. Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177. Stimuli N= neutral videos; H= Humorous videos; A: nonarousing women pictures; B: moderately arousing women pictures; C. highly arousing women pictures; S: Explicit heterosexual coitus videos.
  • 35. Redouté J et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 11, 162-177.
  • 36. Miyagawa Y et al (2007), Neuroimage, 36, 830-842. Six healthy heterosexual men, age= 30-39 years, sexually mature (T and semen measures), had penile recordings and PET scans while viewing sexually explicit intercourses (S) vs. control clips (N,M). Figure: A, B specific activations at the ventral right putamen during sexual plateau (Sp). Differences in activation also obtained on the left anterior hypothalamus, ACC, insula and right posterior parieto/temporal regions.
  • 37. Giorgiadis JR et al (2006), European Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 3305-3316. 12 heterosexual women volunteers, mean age 34 years, range 21-47, accompanied by their partners who manually stimulated them during the PET scan sessions. In addition to main effects (Figure), there were specific results in the contrasts Stim vs. Rest, Orgasm vs. Rest and Orgasm vs. Stim.
  • 38. Giorgiadis JR et al (2006), European Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 3305-3316. Positive correlations between sexual arousal (perceived) and rectal pressure with regional blood flow PET-scan measures. Significant level in this figure is P < .001. Superimposed on T1-weighted MR standard single subject image from SPM99.
  • 39. Brunetti M et al (2008), European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2922-2927.
  • 40. Brunetti M et al (2008), European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 2922-2927.
  • 41. Georgiadis JR, Kringelbach LM and Pfaus JG (2012) Nature Reviews Urology, 9, 486-498.
  • 42. Stoleru S, Fonteille V, Cornélis CH, Joyal Ch and Moulier V (2012), Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 36, 1481-1509.
  • 43. The erotic brain Sexual Attractions Desire, impulse Sexual Orientation Sexual pleasures Clímax responses Romantic Infatuation Jealousies, Heartbreaks Maternal/Paternal loves Friendship attachments Platonic devotions Sentimental exploitations … Mind/brain states subserved by specific neuroendocrine (complex) mechanisms Social affiliation system: imperfect monogamy, in humans
  • 44. EROTIC/ROMANTIC INFATUATION Falling and being in love - Intense attraction - Neurogonadal urges - Exaggerated Mood Oscillations (Euphoria/desperation) - Perceptual/affective interpersonal fusion (folie a deux) Function Neuroendocrine Tempest to strengthen monogamous binding (transient vs. long-lasting)
  • 45. Intensity 1 2 3 4 Time (Years) Love/sex kynetics: Passion (red); Loss Aversion (purple); Affect/companionship (green)
  • 46. Hormonal changes when falling in love Marazitti D and Canale D (2004) Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 931-936. Depts. of Psychiatry and Endocrinology, Pisa University, (Italy).
  • 47. Hormonal changes when falling in love Marazitti D and Canale D (2004) Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 931-936. When subjectes were retested 12-24 months later no differences remained!!!
  • 48. Neurogonadal cascades: main stars Desire/Sexual drive: Testosterone, dihidrotestosterone, androstenodione, others… Appeal/Atractiveness: Dopamine, androstens, copulins... Satisfaction, sexual pleasure: Opioids, oxytocine… Possession/Jealousy: Vasopressine, serotonin… Affection/attachment/companionship: Oxytocine, prolactine, endozepines … Memories of affective pleasures: Glutamate, nitric oxide…… Love/Sex profiles dependent on these different neurohormonal systems. Men/Women differences!!!
  • 49. Prairie voles: a model for monogamous fusion/affect Ethology of pair bonding: Lowell Getz, Sue Carter and Carroll Horbaugh Neurobiology of Affective Attachments: Larry Young and Thomas Insel Illinois University-Urbana/Champaign and National Institutes of Mental Health, Bethesda, Washington DC.
  • 50. Prairie voles: ethology of monogamous fusion
  • 52. Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
  • 53. Pair bonding neurochemistry in Prairie Voles Partner preference test
  • 54. A neurochemical map of pair-bonding mechanisms in monogamous voles From detailed neuroanatomy to transgenic/transpecies manipulations
  • 55. Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
  • 56. Donaldson JR and Young L (2008), Science, 322, 900-904.
  • 57. Walum H et al (2008) PNAS, 105, 37, 14153-14157. 552 twin pairs and their spouses (Swedish Registry), mostly white middle class, born between 1944-1971. 82% married and 18% cohabiting. 238 MZ.
  • 58. Okhovat M, Berrio A, Wallace G, Ophir AG and Phelps SM (2015), Science, 350, 6266, 1371-1374 25% pups from extrapair matings
  • 59.
  • 60. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166 Procedure: 20 Mothers, 34 years age (27-40) provided photos of their own child (oc) or an acquainted child (ac) same age (9months-6 years, mean 24 months). Also provided photos of a best friend (all females: 36,9 years age, relationship time > 15 years) fMRI sessions in a 2T Siemens equipment. Subjects only had to view the photos and relax Pictures presented on a screen, in pseudorandom order, against a gray background, in a passport format. Each picture presented 6 times for 15 sec.
  • 61. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166.
  • 62. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166 Maternal love activations: viewing own child vs. acquaintance child same age
  • 63. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166 Contrasting maternal (n=19) versus romantic (n=17) women
  • 64. The neural correlates of maternal and romantic love Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki Neuroimage (2004), 21, 1155-1166 Specific and Overlapping areas
  • 65. Maternal and romantic love: Summary of fMRI ACTIVATION results Bartels A and Zeki S (2004), Neuroimage, 21, 1155-1166 Specific of Maternal love: PAG Lat. Orbito-frontal cortex Lat Fusiform gyrus Frontal eye fields Dorsal Occipital cortex Shared by both Maternal/Romantic Love: Insula medial Anterior Cingulate Caudate, putamen Specific of Romantic Love: Subthalamic nucleus Hypothalamus G. Pallidum Dentate gyrus Substantia Nigra Ventral Tegmental Area
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  • 68. Regions rich in Oxytocin and Vasopressin receptors: fMRI activations Maternal and romantic love Bartels A and Zeki S (2004), Neuroimage, 21, 1155-1166
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  • 73. Neurogonadal love/sex cascades: main stars Desire/Sexual drive: Testosterone, dihidrotestosterone, androstenodione, others… Appeal/Atractiveness: Dopamine, androstens, copulins... Satisfaction, sexual pleasure: Opioids, oxytocine… Possession/Jealousy: Vasopressine, serotonin… Affection/attachment/companionship: Oxytocine, prolactine, endozepines… Memories of affective pleasures: Glutamate, nitric oxide…… Love/Sex profiles dependent on these different neurohormonal systems. Individual differences in motivation, pleasure, preferences and intimate affect!!!
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