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Eight Stages Of Genocide In Japan
"Kill all, loot all, burn all." This was the Japanese policy towards China dealing with the massacre (Sheng–Ping). To begin, the term genocide has eight
unique stages, various interpretations, and a specific root. In Japan, opposing perspectives on who was to control Nanking created tension between the
Japanese and Chinese. The horrendous actions inflicted on the Chinese resulted because of eight specific stages. Sadly,genocide will not end unless
nations across the world work together to put an end to this horrifying concept. The genocide of Japan, directed by the malice of the Japanese military
regime, was based on the idea that any enemy soldier who surrendered was considered criminal, and therefore, many people perished because ... Show
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"In 1933, Japan occupied Jehol Province, not including Chahar and Hopei, and wanted the Hopei as a demilitarized zone" (Hua–ling 56). In 1935, the
Japanese forced the Chinese to withdraw from their stations in Hopei and Chahar and also ended all activities in the area. In September, Foreign
Minister Hirota Koki, presented The Three Principles of Hirota to the Chinese government demanding that China should stop using American and
European influence to maintain friendship, China should recognize Manchukuo, and that Japan and China mst establish a common defense against
communism (Hua–ling 58). After Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, they were no longer going for world peace (Morley 72). "The Nanking
Massacre refers to an exceedingly horrible massacre of civilians by the Japanese army during a six–week period from December 1937 to January 1938
after its occupation of Nanking, then the capital of the Republic of China" (Taso). General Iwane Matsui, the commanding officer in Shanghai, and the
cabinet argued that the capture of Nanking would convince the nationalist government to settle the incident (Morley 74). Even before the Rape of
Nanking, the Japanese had tried to use their power to force China to do things against their
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Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century by Jonathan...
As most people would agree, the 20th century contained some of the bloodiest and most gruesome events ever recorded in history. Why do words
such as Hiroshima, Rwanda, The Final Solution, A Great Leap Forward, The Great Purge and so many more spark such vivid images of blood, torture
and murder in our minds? And despite those horrific images, what is it that causes us humans time and time again to commit such crimes against
humanity? Those are the kinds of questions Jonathan Glover, a critically acclaimed ethics philosopher, tries to answer in the book he had spent over
ten years writing, Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century. Through Humanity Glover tries to answer those questions in a way which will give
a solution as how we can... Show more content on ...
(Pinker) For instance, Glover's description of the horrors in My Lai (Vietnam) will resonate with any reader well after he or she have finished the
novel: "They [the American troops] burnt down every house. They raped women and girls and killed them. They stabbed some women in the vagina
and disemboweled others... Pregnant women had their stomachs slashed open and were left to die" (Glover 58). Although for some, the My Lai
Massacre may seem less important than the Holocaust, for example, because of the smaller number of deaths, Glover does not see it that way. In his
eyes, it does not matter how many deaths there were; just the mere fact that humans have let themselves do such obscene acts to other human beings is
what matters. But what is even more important than those past events is how humanity, as a whole, can stop events such as the My Lai Massacre from
ever happening again. In 1986, the Seville Statement on Violence was convened by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO). Part of this statement says that "it is scientifically incorrect to say that war or any other violent behavior is genetically
programmed into our human nature". Though this may be a widely accepted idea, it is quite obvious that Glover rejects it. He does not let our
species off easily; he specifically says that, "We need to look hard and clearly at some monsters inside us. But this is part of the project of caging
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The Chinese Communist Party
Setting the Scene: China had experienced a turbulent century prior to the Communist Party taking power. It has a long Confucius heritage but was
plagued by foreign imperialism, weak governments, Japanese invasion and civil war until 1949. Mao and the Communist Party sought to transform
China into a Communist society following the ideology of Marxist–Leninism. They established measures to transform China into a totalitarian state.
This required the Communist Party to have complete power and control over the population. I am researching how the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) gained this power and control during their first decade in charge. This question is very significant to understanding change in Modern China.
Historians Points of View Historians have different views on how the CCP exerted power and control over the population. Many writers between
1955–2000 including William Hinton, an American writer on China argue that China had been so damaged by the Japanese and the Civil War that the
people just welcomed peace. They welcomed the Communist victory as a return the country to order and many looked forward to more fairness in how
things were done after the corruption of the past. Therefore he concludes that initially most people cooperated willingly with Communist rule. Jung
Chang and Jon Halliday– Author Jung Chang and Jon Halliday do not accept the uncompromising justifications for Mao's rise to power. Chang
described Mao as a dictator who manipulated everyone
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Khmer Rouge Research Paper
Patrick Scott
English 101–001
May 24, 2011
The Bloody Cambodian Revolution
Located in Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia was home to one of the bloodiest political regimes to exist in the 20th century.
In a country, in which American government reports in 1959 documented, was full of " 'docile and passive people...[who] could not be counted on to
act in any positive way for the benefit of US aims and policies'", the United States conflict in neighboring Vietnam brought about incredible changes to
an unsuspecting people (qted. in Dunlop 70). The countryside was bombed by the United States in order to uproot suspected North Vietnamese
holdouts and supply routes starting in 1969. These bombing raids, which devastated ... Show more content on ...
Workers were forced to work non–stop with only five hours of rest between work days. During the evenings, they were forced to attend lectures and
demonstrations outlining the ways the revolution was enriching their lives. They broke up families and told the citizens that the only thing they needed
to concern themselves with was the revolution. Because such a forced change in public policy rarely comes about smoothly, the Khmer Rouge set up
barbaric tactics to maintain control of their people (Sharp). In 1976, after massacring hundreds of thousands of former government officials and
supporters of the previous government, the Khmer Rouge began purging their own ranks. They utilized brutal tactics such as, "'the victory pole' where
four people would be tied together, their backs to the pole, facing opposite directions. Then a guard would shoot one in the head covering the others in
blood and brains." (Dunlop 87). They converted city schools into prisons and arrested people for any slight charge perceived against the revolution.
Distrust with each other became so rampant among members inside the party that "vanquishing the enemies" became the most important task of the
Khmer Rouge Regime. Food shortages occurred, electricity became scarce, and disease became a major problem for the population. Even the most
useful resource for the Khmer Rouge executioners became scarce; they sometimes ran out of bullets after a heavy night of prison executions.
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Analysis Of The Genocidal Killer In The Mirror
In the article, "The Genocidal Killer in the Mirror," Crispin Sartwell focuses more on power and is concerned with evil. Sartwell states that whether
you believe you are among the evil people or not, you are deeply malicious or a "moral hero" or just profoundly self–deluded. He continues to point out
the timeline of all genocidal events that took place over 500 years, however, he doesn't list all of the genocidal events during the current timeline.
Theodore Dalrymple, the writer of "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You", argues that some people think a determined opposition to authority is
principled and romantic". However, Dalrymple maintains that in his experience as a doctor, people who do not obey authority most of the time have
unsuccessful relationships and a tumultuous life. He also emphasizes this by asking a lady on an airplane if she believed in authority, she states that
she disagrees and that authority is restraining. He then challenges her by asking if it would be all right if he went to the pilot and asked if he could fly
the plane. The lady refuses and states that he does not have the training to fly an aircraft. At this point, Dalrymple predicaments that we gave the pilot
authority to fly the aircraft through his training.
In "The Genocidal Killer in the Mirror," Sartwell states that "no problem is as profound and no evil as prevalent as state power," but that
furthermore, we all have the decisions to be deeply evil and that no one should consider oneself too intelligent, humane, or pure. State power isn't evil
because we need laws and regulations to maintain civilization. Sometimes, authority feels as if they are above the laws because of the status in
society. Sartwell then asks, "Are you a moral hero?" He then points at "Difference in authority." This would be the state, the experts under normal
situations. He also points out, "Do you believe what the authorities tell you just because they are authorities?" Although it is possible to see the
authorities side before the person decides to follow their orders, however, this could lead to chaos. In contrast, "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You"
primarily focuses on the danger contained in blind obedience. Dalrymple looks at Milgram's experiment
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`` Not Here : If We 're Truly Serious About Stopping...
Metcalf in his article "Not Here: If we're truly serious about stopping massacres like Aurora, we need to cure our addiction to evil" informs readers
about the truth behind massacres. Metcalf says that violence performed in the form of mass killing have definite causes. People are fascinated by the
violence. He further suggests that evil and mass killing incidents in Aurora and Port Arthur are just few examples of that evil. The evil in our
society is growing in large portion and people are more attracted towards violence. The article discusses invention of superheroes during late 1930s
in order to response to European Fascism. However, now the popularity of superheroes lies somewhere else. The author gives example of 'Amok',
and how Captain Cook brought its information to western world. Incidents of Amok started declining when Malay people were westernized &
modernized. Civil massacre or mass killings are same like Amok and cannot be stopped if people keep addicted to evil. Metcalf describes three issues
associated with human identity such as narcissism, persecution and resentment. People often take violent steps when they face these issues. Muller and
other researchers claim that when incidents like 'running amok' are decreasing among Malay tribes, violence and killing in industrial societies were
rising. In order to stop mass shooting and massacre it is important to eliminate evil from society. Argument presented by the Metcalf seems right and
accurate because incidents
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Population Growth In South...
What South Africa is doing to control population growth?
South Africa has a relatively low population growth with the most recent percentage being 1.9% annually in 2013. However during the years 2007 ad
2008 there was a change in the demographic of South Africa. This is because live births started to increase and deaths started to decrease causing an
obvious rise in population. However the fertility rate started to decrease. Thus expecting a decrease we still had an increase. This unexpected increase
is because of the mass amounts of illegal immigrants coming from other African countries such as Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The ways in which the South African government is trying to internally minimize population growth is by introducing programmes to support women
and men with regard to their reproductive choices. One such programme is the Family Planning Programme. This programme provides ... Show more
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Advantages and disadvantages of controlling population growth in South Africa
There are huge advantages in controlling the population in South Africa. Not only will we be preserving our natural diversity by creating fewer threats
but also we will be making less risk of more pollution and emissions into the earth.
We will be making it easier for all children to get an education because there will be enough space and schools for all of them. There will in several
years time be enough jobs for majority of the country, this is because there will be a regular amount of people with less competition because there are
less people coming into the country.
The less people that we have in the country the less we affect the natural diversity of the country. We will emit less into the air via motor and transport
vehicles. We will create less waste. We will use fewer natural resources allowing us more time to use them to our advantage.
The advantages of controlling South Africa's population growth completely outweigh the disadvantages.
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Essay about The People’s Republic of China: Tyrannical...
Despotic governments, public welfare, illusions of utopia, despondency, individualism, conformity, protection against foreign invasion, and paranoia
are conflicting ideas yet all exist within societies past and present. George Orwell prophetically writes about a futuristic society in his book entitled
1984. He uses hindsight of past and present political authority to illustrate the possibility of additional states imposing oppressed control. Orwell
asserts the conflicting ideas with, "...the three slogans of the Party: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength," (Orwell, 4). In a clever,
applicable, and daunting approach, Orwell challenges the so–called pragmatism in London, England. The antagonism of Big Brother opposes... Show
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However, it does give us an overview of tyrannical power in societies.
In 1984, the Party controls Air Strip One with rigid state rules and regulations. Government imposed surveillance inhibits the enjoyment of individual
expression without fear of being arrested. Citizens must abide by state policy and practice the nationalism forced upon them or suffer severe
consequences. Pictures of Big Brother are plastered everywhere as propaganda. Many citizens of Air Strip One suddenly disappear without a trace.
Likewise, the PRC has enforced strict policies for the Chinese people. In a Human Rights Watch article titled Walking on Thin Ice, Luo Gan is quoted
as saying: "All law–enforcement should be led by the Party. All reform measures should be conducive to the socialist system and the strengthening of
Party leadership.... The correct political stand is where the Party stands,"
(qtd. in "Human Rights Watch" 22).
This is a contrasting struggle between legal rule and party rule. A massive photo ofMao Zedong is prominently displayed at his mausoleum in
Tianamen Square, Beijing, China to propagandize their message (Danford, video 1). In fact, perceived dissidents by the PRC have been jailed, tortured,
and executed. During Mao Zedong's regime, an estimated 40 million Chinese
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Two Similar but Different Genocides: The Holocaust and...
It's hard to imagine that people would support and act upon plans to kill millions of innocent human beings. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide
were two of the most horrific genocides in the history of civilization. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide has not only similarities but also
differences. How they treated their victims, USA involvement, and that they both killed millions of people are some things they share. Differences
they include are the people they targeted, how the two leaders took office and lastly where these to genocides took place.
Of these two genocides, the Holocaust is more widely known. In the early 1930s, the German economy was in poor condition ("Background"). The
Nazis tried and succeeded at portraying ... Show more content on ...
Later that same year, Pot and the Khmer Rouge took control over Cambodia. Pot wasted no time in starting his mission to reconstruct Cambodia. He
thought that all the educated people needed to be killed (Melicharova). Also he thought that all noncommunist aspects of Cambodia needed to be
wiped out. All rights you had were now gone. Religion was banned and if you were any kind of leader among the Buddhist monks, you were killed
instantly (Melicharova). All kids were taken away and sent to work in the fields (Melicharova). If anyone was currently working and had a job,
they were immediately killed along with their family members. It got so bad that you could be killed for just laughing, crying, and knowing
another language. The Khmer Rouge motto was "To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss" (Melicharova). If you were lucky enough to
escape death, you were put into the fields working usually from 4am to 10pm unpaid ("Pol"). From lack of food and sleep, people often became very
ill which sadly led to death. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide had a few similarities. The way they treated people, USA involvement, and that
they both resulted in millions of people dying are some things that these two terrible genocides have in common. Hitler and Pot treated the people they
targeted ruthlessly. They were so focused on creating a "pure nation" that they lost track of their humanity (Rummel). They killed tons of
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The Chosen Ones By Pablo Neruda Analysis
Resuscitation Pablo Neruda's poem "The Chosen Ones" is a perfect incorporation of torment and influence, acting to sadden as well as impact the
reader to influence further action against intolerance. Neruda uses allusion when referencing the years of events of significant suffering that are
important in Cuban and world history, recalling his own first hand experiences himself, and the significance of understanding these dates and
events. Neruda uses a tone that is volatile, characterized by an increase in imagery, especially of death and violence, as the piece goes on. Neruda
uses a couplet at the end to shift the poem from lengthy description of violence and death, to a sardonic reference of those who were killed,
operating as a call to action. This poem uses allusion, tone, and personification to exemplify violence as a result of prejudice and their legacy
forgotten. Neruda's use of historical allusion is significant as several dates mentioned are specificexamples of genocide, especially as a result of
hatred towards complex institutions of race, nationality, and religion. In this piece Neruda references several dates: 1925, 1926, 1933, 1940, 1918,
1905, and "thousands of nineteen hundreds"(Neruda,1). Each date representative of a significantly negative event in world history; However several
dates also coincide with important years in Cuban history. For example, in the year 1925, Gerardo Machado was elected Cuba's president, he would
resist the rise of a healthy labor movement, which he would enforce using deportation and police brutality. Cuba's economic downfall would lead to
uprisings in the future, all ultimately having Cuban legislature and law enforcement being taken advantage of, while at the same time several mass
killings world arise before crimes against humanity would be identified and prosecuted at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Neruda's
first–hand experiences with oppression and fascism growing up in Cuba allowed many to learn from "the Chilean because he offered a way of
identifying with the masses and engaging the problems of society" (Pettingell, 3). Neruda's use of allusion allows the hatred from these mass killings to
be tied in with the selfishness and extortion of
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The And Environmental Energy Conservation
Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste things, other people need to use it" those statements
instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped
also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at
an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by 1 billion in the next
isus12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries as predicted by the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), this growth would result in
more demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply, electricity as well as food and shelter.
Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the seventh crude oil producer in the world, the largest
oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, charcoal and
kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians own generators, and spend an estimated N1.56 trillion
($13.35m) annually to fuel them. Only about 40% of the populations have access to electricity supply which is not consistent and 60% of the time they
have to endure
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The And Environmental Energy Conservation
Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste things, other people need to use it" those statements
instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped
also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing
at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population which is currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by an
additional 1 billion in the next 12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries as predicted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
this growth would result in more demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply, electricity as well as
food, public health services and shelter.
Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the seventh crude oil producer in the world and the
largest oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood,
charcoal and kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians own generators, and spend an estimated
N1.56 trillion ($13.35m) annually to power them. Only about 40% of the populations have access to
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Globalization brings together different cultures. In the article Globalization A Very Short Introduction the author Manfred B.Steger states "conversely,
the term globalization should be used to refer to a set of social processes that are thought to transform our present social condition into one of
globality". Steger also states that globalization was supposed to expand nationality, but it was used more as a political power to reduce restrictions on
trade and this is where the logic of development behind NAFTA came about. Globalization is a shifting of different contact, this is exemplified in the
country of Guatemala. Prior to the infamous Dos Erres Massacre, Guatemala had an extensive history of violence in their country. After the... Show
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The mass movement allowed for large amounts of media coverage and "the dispute was settled in favor of the minors before they reached Guatemala
City". Individuals from all walks of life continued to march in solidarity even though the problem had been solved. Both cycles of violence could not
compare the Dos Erres Massacre (Nora).
Oscar CastaГ±eda is an example of how harsh the massacre truly was. He was an illegal immigrant who received an email regarding the Dos Erres
Massacre. A researcher was inquiring about a soldier that happens to have the same name. Oscar had been told his father was a lieutenant hero who
had died in an accident. Little did he know; a DNA test would show that he as not his father but his kidnapper. This revealed that he and another
young boy were taken as trophies from the site of mass murder, this unfolded Guatemala's secrets of what really happened. Dos Erres is a small village
in the municipality of La Libertad, in the northern PetГ©n department of Guatemala, this small village was made up of about 60 families. The
residents of Dos Erres were mainly Ladinos, Guatemalans of mixed white and indigenous descent. The families who lived in this small village grew
beans, corn, and pineapples, the village was made up of dirt roads and only had one school and two churches one was catholic the other was evangelical.
In 1982 during Guatemala's brutal civil war, there were 20 army commandos disguised as
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The Conflict Of A Genocide
A genocide usually starts when people of one race or religion want to dispose of people of another race or religion. The underlying causes of conflict,
which result in acts of genocide, often have deep historical roots. Stereotypes between groups develop over centuries. Ethnic and cultural differences
often result in the formation of "in–group" and "out–group" thinking. Members of different races, religions, or cultures start to view each other as
separate, alien, and "different." In many regions, members of these different groups develop conflict prevention methods because they feel threatened.
Relations begin to degrade because of this feeling of threat. This leads one group to become convinced that many of the problems they face are the
other groups' fault. One group then begins to believe that all their problems would be resolved if the other group no longer existed. A desire to
exterminate the other group arises because coexistence and power sharing are not considered to be options. The group committing the crimes will
believe that extermination is justified. This then leads to the violent acts of genocide.
The Syrian crisis began in early 2011 when Syrian President Bashar al–Assad began a brutal crackdown on protests throughout the country. In March
2011, security forces opened fire on protesters at a "Day of Rage" rally in the southern city of Deraa, triggering violence and civilian death. The Syrian
government's violent response led to military personal leaving the
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The Ukrainian Genocide: Holodomor
The Ukrainian Genocide's is also known as Holodomor. The root causes were ethnic supremacy, classism, greed, imperialism, socio–economic,
political, ultra–nationalism, and a desire of power. Holodomor was incited by Joseph Stalin. He was imperialist and ethnic supremacy, his views on
the Ukrainian is that they took up the rural areas. He believed them to be lesser beings whose very existence reflected negatively upon what he
believed Soviet Europe should be. He perceived to be what he thought was the "exploiter classes" was obvious in his vicious targeting of their
resources and food. Stalin's imperialist nature is passing laws to instigate agricultural collectivism. He saw Ukrainians as a threat to his power at the
attempts at independence.... Show more content on ...
Who can forget something that killed millions of people and injured millions of survivors. On November 28th at 4 pm, the Ukraine's hold a special
memorial service for all the people that were victims or survivors on this day. On that day they lower the flag and entertainment activities are limited.
The first survivor is Daria Schulha Kira, she remembers being huddled up with her 3 siblings as the Communist party officials came ransacking
through her home looking for grains. A decade after the Ukrainian genocide Ms.Kira was confronted by the Nazi and taken to a labor camp. In 1954
she got out and managed to make it to the United States. Now Daria Kira is 85 years old and living in an apartment building in Manhattan. All of her
neighbors are lucky to have her and she holds a specials place in the community's
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"The world is filled with violence because criminals have...
"The world is filled with violence because criminals have guns , we good citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they would win and the decent
people lose . "
After tragic incidents like Columbia or Virginia Tech has generated a huge debate on gun control . The explosion of such events has trivialized the
issue of gun control. , This is very dangerous , as this is not a trivial matter. The decisions should never be based on fear or panic . Gun control is as
complex as the concept of freedom issue and therefore, this issue requires further analysis.
What exactly is gun control ?
It is as it sounds, control the sale of guns in the country. Contrary to the belief of many arms control advocates . Gun control does not mean complete ...
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Reflection ...
"Making laws to disarm only those who have a tendency to commit crimes just hurts and helps assaulted the attackers "
Furthermore gun control does not prevent offenders obtain weapons . Aweapon can be done by anyone with basic materials and internet access , most
likely will happen is that will get them clandestinely , this increases the power of the gangs that concentrate all . After obtaining any weapons will be
done clandestinely.
I wonder: gun control should be introduced forcing citizens to get guns with criminals ?
As groups violators of the law are not affected by gun control in fact, this group supports gun control , because it effectively disarms the people and
left exposed .
Let's talk about statistics :
" If in a robbery victim does not You can defend , theft happen 88 % of the time , and the victim will damaged 25% of the time. But nevertheless , if
the victim resists with a weapon , robbery decreased to 30% and damaged victims decreased by 17 %. "
So : What is the benefit of gun control for law–abiding , Does it reduce crime , how is it possible ? ?
It is absurd to say that removing the weapons will decrease crime and the evidence supports it ;
In 1997 in England used gun control , and thousands of law–abiding surrendered their weapons. The measure was so INEFFECTIVE that 2000 crime
increased dramatically surpassing even the level of crime in the USA.
Something similar happened in Australia , after a 25 % reduction in
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Similarities Between Hitler And Donald Trump
History tried to repeat itself. The late Adolf Hitler a tyrant, fascist and regime is being compared to Donald trump, a Republican candidate for
President of the United State of America. He is currently leading the polls in the Republican party. It's ignorant of history and offensive to those who
lost their families in the Holocaust.
"Adolf Hitler was a dictator that killed many Jews, but we can't compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler," said Mr. Stirland, Principle of Granite Park
Junior High School.
Donald Trump wants immigrants who came here illegally to be deported for the safety of America. Donald Trump has more comparison to Adolf
Hitler, but comparing both of them make no sense because Adolf Hitler murdered more than 6 million Jews
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The Conflict Of The Rwandan Genocide
Finding the Right Way to Intervene: Sovereignty Paper
In the spring and summer of 1994, Rwanda experienced a genocide that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. After seeing the tragedies that
took place in Nazi Germany, one would expect the international community to respond quickly and effectively in the case of theRwandan genocide.
However, the killings were largely pushed aside or ignored by the rest of the world, begging the question of when states have the right or duty to betray
another state's sovereignty. There are different methods of intervening to protect human rights, but they are much debated and there have been many
times that intervention has made a situation worse. However, there is a moral obligation that we all have to protect others when we can, whether they
are part of our nation or not. If human rights are being abused in a state, other states have the duty to take multilateral actions to stop killings and
provide aid.
A state should forfeit their sovereignty if human rights are being abused to the point that large groups in the population are being systematically
killed. A case in which a state should forfeit their sovereignty is if a group of citizens are attacked or killed by a large group. InRwanda, during the
"spring and early summer of least eight hundred thousand people were killed in just a hundred days." The genocide was between the Hutu
racial majority and the Tutsi minority in Rwanda. Hutu extremists called upon Hutu
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National Security Outline Essay
CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson1
CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security & world order4
CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management5
CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM)7
CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management17
The United Nations System17
Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23
CHAPTER 6: The Laws of Warand Neutrality24
CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle28
CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence33
CHAPTER 13: Arms Control in the Nuclear Age36
Chapter 14: ... Show more content on ...
–Military Sufficiency
–Issue is how much military capability is enough – is it enough to have the same capabilities as potential threats or should we pursue superior
capabilities –US leaders have varied greatly on how much is enough –Domestic strength
–Important goal is to seek political cohesion, economic vitality, and good educational policies at home because it will help country to prevail during
war (increases domestic support and morale)
–Economic vitality and educational strength also provide resources to implement national security, help develop weapons to compete with enemies,
and allow country to mobilize quickly in time of crisis –World Order–Some argue that balance of power is best way to achieve world order
–Others argue that we need to organize and civilize international politics to achieve world order – 4 variations on how to do this:
–1–Judicial approach – resolve differences between countries through third–party judges and arbitrators
–2–Contractual approach –use collective agreements to limit use of force (consider Kellogg–Briand Pact) –3–Legislative approach – League of
Nations, UN
–4–Diplomatic approach – use diplomacy between national leaders to achieve stability –Global Welfare–Protecting human rights and promoting
democracy are the important methods here –Doing these will improve domestic strength and world order as
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Criminal Charges Should Be Brought Against The Former...
Criminal charges should and will be brought against the former leader of the Soviet Union, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (also known as Joseph
Stalin), born on December 18, 1879, in the Russian peasant village of Gori, Georgia, the son of Besarion Jughashvili, a cobbler, and Ketevan Geladze,
a washerwoman. () Joseph Stalin will be charged with the following eight crimes: Genocide – the deliberate killing of a large group of people,
especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation,() Politicide – a gradual but systematic attempt to exterminate an independent political entity,()
Democide – the murder of any person or people by their government, () Crimes against Humanity – are particularly odious offences in that they
constitute a serious attack on human dignity or a grave humiliation or degradation of human beings, () Classicide – is the deliberate and systematic
destruction, in whole or in part, of a social class through persecution and violence, () Terror – intense, sharp, overmastering fear, () and Mass Killings –
is the act of murdering many people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time.() Similar charges will files and handed down
to four of Joseph Stalin's key henchman, Vyacheslav Molotov, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, and Nikolai Yezhov, during the
Ukraine Famine of 1932–1933. In this essay we will be looking in to Joseph Stalin policies, why he developed these policies and how his four top
henchmen helped plan
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Ben Kiernan's Model Of Genocide
Genocide has undoubtedly shown itself, in one way or another, throughout world history, but there is some controversy as to what is actually
considered a genocide versus, perhaps a civil war or Democide. I propose that while Ben Kiernan describes a good model to define an act as or as not
a genocide, his model does not take into account all factors that must be considered. Ben Kiernan describes his model being based off of 4 main themes:
cults of antiquity, ethnic enmity, expansionism, and fetish for agriculture2. While this is a good start, the argument can be made that not everygenocide
fits perfectly into this model, while it also can ignore certain important characteristics like religion. We see this being the case with ISIS, being as...
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It describes what Edmund Spencer wanted the Irish to do and what the English should do to the Irish and things like that. Spenser was for the
slaughtering of the Irish, as long as they were considered " barbaric" in nature. This really attests to the fact that the English thought that they
deserved the Irish land, and that the Irish couldn't use it to its potential, hence why they were called barbarians living in forests. Additionally,
Edmund Spencer was pushing for the English to both gain and keep control of Ireland and its people. He was also for the containment of the irish
because he thought that the barbarous Irish would be best suited almost as the English's slaves. I chose this document as my primary source because
it really showed that even back in the 1500's, propaganda and such was huge. This is something to take away from the English conquest of Ireland,
specifically. The use of propanda and satire to persuade people to join the cause. The English conquest of Ireland defined the way that people could
use their power to advertise. We saw this inNazi Germany with Hitler, and we saw this in Rwanda with the Hutu radio stations, which only shows that
future genocides were carried out in some of the same ways that the English conquest of Ireland
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The Armenian Genocide
You have heard of " Martin Luther King Day," or "Columbus Day," but have you ever heard of "National Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day?"
This lesser known genocide was a precursor to the Holocaust. It started on April 24, 1915 and lasted up until 1923. It was calculated that over one and
a half million Armenians died during this period of time. This genocide was planned out by the Turkish government, against all the Armenians of the
Ottoman Empire. In the beginning there were around 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and by the end of the 1923 there were around
388,000 were left. Whether a front–line soldier or pregnant woman, famous professor or high bishop, important businessman or ardent patriot; all
2,000,000 of them. It seemed to have died out around the end of the war in 1918, but soon continued back up in 1920.
The Armenians were an indo–european group who are one of the world's oldest civilizations,whose main religion(s) were Orthodox or Roman
Catholic. They have an olive to dark complexion and have brown or black hair. Armenian People They were an agricultural group of people who
were subject to one of the worst disasters of WWI, and the first genocide of the 20th century. They lived inArmenia, which is now Northeastern
Turkey.Armenian Map They are known for their art style, carpets, and architecture. They were a group that has always been overtaken by others some
being, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Persians and finally the Ottoman Turks. The ones truly
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The United States Enters The Korean War : June 27, 1950
"The United States Enters the Korean War: June 27, 1950." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History, edited by Jennifer Stock, vol. 6:
North America, Gale, 2014. U.S. History in Context,
/UHIC?u=mlin_w_minnech&xid=3fc8c43a. Accessed 13 Dec. 2017.... Show more content on ...
Kim il sungs impact on the korean war was negative due to the
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The Milgram Study On Obedience
The Milgram study was considered to be one of the most famous studies, on obedience in the history of psychology. The Milgram study was done by
Stanley Milgram a Yale University psychologist, whose study was to focus on two things one being obedience to authority, and a persons personal
conscience. The results of the study were remarkable, as according to (McLeod, 2007) 65 percent of two–thirds of the participants or teachers
continued administering shocks to the highest voltage level of 450 volts. The rest of the teachers continued to at least 300 volts. Milgram did this
experiment in 18 different ways and altered the independent variables in each trail to see how it affects the outcome or dependent variable.
Milgram's experiment was directly influenced by World war 2 and the holocaust, and while Milgram wanted to test how far people would go in
obeying instructions even at the risk of hurting someone. Following Milgram's experiment he came up with two types of theories, one being the
autonomous state, which says that people tend to direct their own actions, and take responsibility for the results of those actions. The second theory is
the agentic state which says that people will allow other's to direct their actions, and then pass the responsibility for the consequences off on the
person who gave them the orders, or in short they act as agents for someone else 's will (Milgram, 1974). Milgram's study set out to prove something
and it did just that, it proved that people
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The Civil Rights Movement Of The 1950s And 1960s
The Civil Rights Movement
After the war, many African–Americans believed their civil rights were limited in the US. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s is
probably the biggest political and social movement that has gained worldwide attention. This movement was to explain to people that black people
were tired of the social and political order of white supremacy. Every African–American was physically and emotionally affected by the government
laws against them (e.g Jim Crow Laws). Which limited their education, their public acommodations, institutions and amount of self–respect. These
laws deprived black people of their rightful place in society and in life which made them second–class citizens.
In 1954, a man named Oliver Brown
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Human Rights Violations In The North Korean Genocide
North Korea have been run under a communist dictatorship since 1948. After the Cold War in 1945, The Unites States had control over the southern
part of Korea and the Soviet Union had controlled over the northern half. To make sure that the influences of both countries remained in Korea, the
United States and the Soviet Union put their own leaders in place. Both sides doubted each other, it prevented the compromise of the elections that
were supposed to determine a leader for the entire country. The United States gave Syngman Rhee the power to rule to the southern half. The Soviet
Union gave the power to Kim Il–sung. But in September 1948, Kim Il–sung claimed jurisdiction over all of the Korea and also declared the
development of the Democratic ... Show more content on ...
South Korea Human Rights Ambassador Lee Jong–hoon said, "the possible genocide extends to three groups: the so–called "hostile class" (which is
the lowest class in the North Korean caste system), those who are adherents of religions – particularly Christianity – and those who are not ethnically
North Korean." (Stanek) North Korea has and is still committing genocide against people of a racial minority, religious minority, political minority and
national groups. After Kim Il–sung became the leader of North Korea, the country became known as the "worst violator of religious freedom in the
world." Hundreds of thousands of Christians were murdered by the regime and many still remain in camps today. Open Doors USA have reported
that nearly 200,000 North Korean citizens are being held in political prison camps and about 50,000 of them are Christian. Women are treated terribly
in North Korea if they don't agree with the regime. If they have fled into China they could've been forced into prostitution or marriage. China would
sometimes return the women, even if they are married to a Chinese citizen, and they were sent to concentration camps or they were to be executed.
North Korea is so focused on preventing other national/racial groups from becoming a part of the North Korean population, that if women become
impregnated by non–North Korean men they were forced into having abortions. One–third of the people held in the concentration camps is children.
(Park, Policy Blog) Although the North Korean constitution allows freedom of speech and press, anyone who speaks against the government is sent to
a camp. (Beecroft) "Previous United Nations reports have talked about the nine patterns of human rights violations, one violation is the discrimination
particularly targeting women, children, people
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Pearl Harbor Unjust Analysis
Introduction The issue had significant importance at the time of its happening for the fact that it was the largest sustained attack on cities with high
civilian populations, because the end of the war was charged very emotionally, and because the number of questionable morally right actions in the war
often times overshadowed such firebombings. The Holocaust took the center stage often, trying countless war criminals, while the bombings
considered to be possible war crimes by those involved went without notice.
The reason this question is being examined is because of the implications of such destructive actions, and the pattern of history repeating itself with
such questionable acts. If we determine that the fire bombings were justified then we can subsequently believe that other attacks with similar
consequences may have good, just, reasoning behind them. If we determine that the firebombers were in fact unjustified then we can use that reasoning
in attempt to look at similar situations in the future and prevent any recurring events that we have deemed as unjust ... Show more content on ...
Whether Japan attacked the US for imperialistic purposes, for racial tensions or for resources to benefit the war, they were not defending themselves
from attack and were not attempting to right previous wrongs, making their aggression unjust. They also failed to see that nothing of the greater good
would come from these attacks and did not even declare war, solidifying the classification of being unjust actions. The United States were forced to
defend themselves from the attack, and declared war as Japan had lost the right to not be attack in return, giving the United States full justification.
Now that it has been established that the United States were participating in the war justly, the way Japan and the United States conducted themselves
need justification, and how their conduct impacted future events. (MacMillan;
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What Is The Primary Underlying Cause Of The Armenian...
I. The primary underlying cause of the Armenian genocide derived from the decline of the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 19th century, and
was based on land dispute, religion, and ultra–nationalism. "One of the main factors that led to the Armenian genocide is to be found in the mental
conditions and characteristics of Turkish National identity" (Akçam, 2004, 59). The Armenians have claimed their home in the southern Caucasus
since 7th Century BCE. Throughout many centuries, the Mongol, Persian, Russian, and Ottoman empires have fought over this region. Due to the
Armenians lack of unity and strength, they could not claim their lands any longer. They were weak in relation to their conflicting neighbors, and were
often deported from the very lands they first lived in. Constant deportations over history eventually led them to many different parts of the world,
forming what is the Armenian diaspora. Ever since the 4th Century CE, the Armenian state claimed Christianity as their official religion. Even after
Islam was founded in the 7th century CE and became the state religion in all of the countries surrounding Armenia, the Armenians still held onto the
Christian faith. Since Christianity was a religious minority at the time, Armenians were viewed as "infidels", and were disposed to unjust treatment as a
result. They experienced hardship, religious persecution, discrimination, and abuse. Armenians began to pay higher taxes and had very few political
and legal
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A Conscientious Decision and Stance
Can we really agree with North Koreas current supreme commander Kim Jong–un in saying that their people are liberated from exploitation and
oppression? Let's first clear the air and agree to disagree with powers controlling North Korea in calling their government a "Democratic People's
Republic of Korea". Furthermore, to realistically look at this country as a true democratic republic rather than communist Korean Workers' Party can
put a bitter taste in any American's mouth. Hence, the general citizens have no say in any aspect of their country which contradicts the meaning of
democracy in America's ideology of a constitutional democracy and its Greek root meaning of democracy "rule of the people" and not North Koreas
ruling party's interpretation which is rule over the people. North Korea is rated second to last in the world for exploiting and oppressing its own
citizens according to the World Press Freedom Index. In 2009 Kim Jong–il, Chairman of the National Defense Commission which is the highest office
of the State, declared North Korea and China's relationship as "unbreakable". Since 2006, China has economically supported North Korea's stability,
yet China implemented United Nation sanctions against North Korea. Looking at North Koreas government system and how it is sponsored, is why
we should not support Chinas economy through our trading arrangement that in turn supports this tyranny and injustice that occurs in North Korea,
that fight with our own God given rights.
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Eight Stages Of Genocide In Japan

  • 1. Eight Stages Of Genocide In Japan "Kill all, loot all, burn all." This was the Japanese policy towards China dealing with the massacre (Sheng–Ping). To begin, the term genocide has eight unique stages, various interpretations, and a specific root. In Japan, opposing perspectives on who was to control Nanking created tension between the Japanese and Chinese. The horrendous actions inflicted on the Chinese resulted because of eight specific stages. Sadly,genocide will not end unless nations across the world work together to put an end to this horrifying concept. The genocide of Japan, directed by the malice of the Japanese military regime, was based on the idea that any enemy soldier who surrendered was considered criminal, and therefore, many people perished because ... Show more content on ... "In 1933, Japan occupied Jehol Province, not including Chahar and Hopei, and wanted the Hopei as a demilitarized zone" (Hua–ling 56). In 1935, the Japanese forced the Chinese to withdraw from their stations in Hopei and Chahar and also ended all activities in the area. In September, Foreign Minister Hirota Koki, presented The Three Principles of Hirota to the Chinese government demanding that China should stop using American and European influence to maintain friendship, China should recognize Manchukuo, and that Japan and China mst establish a common defense against communism (Hua–ling 58). After Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, they were no longer going for world peace (Morley 72). "The Nanking Massacre refers to an exceedingly horrible massacre of civilians by the Japanese army during a six–week period from December 1937 to January 1938 after its occupation of Nanking, then the capital of the Republic of China" (Taso). General Iwane Matsui, the commanding officer in Shanghai, and the cabinet argued that the capture of Nanking would convince the nationalist government to settle the incident (Morley 74). Even before the Rape of Nanking, the Japanese had tried to use their power to force China to do things against their ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century by Jonathan... As most people would agree, the 20th century contained some of the bloodiest and most gruesome events ever recorded in history. Why do words such as Hiroshima, Rwanda, The Final Solution, A Great Leap Forward, The Great Purge and so many more spark such vivid images of blood, torture and murder in our minds? And despite those horrific images, what is it that causes us humans time and time again to commit such crimes against humanity? Those are the kinds of questions Jonathan Glover, a critically acclaimed ethics philosopher, tries to answer in the book he had spent over ten years writing, Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century. Through Humanity Glover tries to answer those questions in a way which will give a solution as how we can... Show more content on ... (Pinker) For instance, Glover's description of the horrors in My Lai (Vietnam) will resonate with any reader well after he or she have finished the novel: "They [the American troops] burnt down every house. They raped women and girls and killed them. They stabbed some women in the vagina and disemboweled others... Pregnant women had their stomachs slashed open and were left to die" (Glover 58). Although for some, the My Lai Massacre may seem less important than the Holocaust, for example, because of the smaller number of deaths, Glover does not see it that way. In his eyes, it does not matter how many deaths there were; just the mere fact that humans have let themselves do such obscene acts to other human beings is what matters. But what is even more important than those past events is how humanity, as a whole, can stop events such as the My Lai Massacre from ever happening again. In 1986, the Seville Statement on Violence was convened by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Part of this statement says that "it is scientifically incorrect to say that war or any other violent behavior is genetically programmed into our human nature". Though this may be a widely accepted idea, it is quite obvious that Glover rejects it. He does not let our species off easily; he specifically says that, "We need to look hard and clearly at some monsters inside us. But this is part of the project of caging ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Chinese Communist Party Setting the Scene: China had experienced a turbulent century prior to the Communist Party taking power. It has a long Confucius heritage but was plagued by foreign imperialism, weak governments, Japanese invasion and civil war until 1949. Mao and the Communist Party sought to transform China into a Communist society following the ideology of Marxist–Leninism. They established measures to transform China into a totalitarian state. This required the Communist Party to have complete power and control over the population. I am researching how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gained this power and control during their first decade in charge. This question is very significant to understanding change in Modern China. Historians Points of View Historians have different views on how the CCP exerted power and control over the population. Many writers between 1955–2000 including William Hinton, an American writer on China argue that China had been so damaged by the Japanese and the Civil War that the people just welcomed peace. They welcomed the Communist victory as a return the country to order and many looked forward to more fairness in how things were done after the corruption of the past. Therefore he concludes that initially most people cooperated willingly with Communist rule. Jung Chang and Jon Halliday– Author Jung Chang and Jon Halliday do not accept the uncompromising justifications for Mao's rise to power. Chang described Mao as a dictator who manipulated everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Khmer Rouge Research Paper Patrick Scott English 101–001 May 24, 2011 The Bloody Cambodian Revolution Located in Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia was home to one of the bloodiest political regimes to exist in the 20th century. In a country, in which American government reports in 1959 documented, was full of " 'docile and passive people...[who] could not be counted on to act in any positive way for the benefit of US aims and policies'", the United States conflict in neighboring Vietnam brought about incredible changes to an unsuspecting people (qted. in Dunlop 70). The countryside was bombed by the United States in order to uproot suspected North Vietnamese holdouts and supply routes starting in 1969. These bombing raids, which devastated ... Show more content on ... Workers were forced to work non–stop with only five hours of rest between work days. During the evenings, they were forced to attend lectures and demonstrations outlining the ways the revolution was enriching their lives. They broke up families and told the citizens that the only thing they needed to concern themselves with was the revolution. Because such a forced change in public policy rarely comes about smoothly, the Khmer Rouge set up barbaric tactics to maintain control of their people (Sharp). In 1976, after massacring hundreds of thousands of former government officials and supporters of the previous government, the Khmer Rouge began purging their own ranks. They utilized brutal tactics such as, "'the victory pole' where four people would be tied together, their backs to the pole, facing opposite directions. Then a guard would shoot one in the head covering the others in blood and brains." (Dunlop 87). They converted city schools into prisons and arrested people for any slight charge perceived against the revolution. Distrust with each other became so rampant among members inside the party that "vanquishing the enemies" became the most important task of the Khmer Rouge Regime. Food shortages occurred, electricity became scarce, and disease became a major problem for the population. Even the most useful resource for the Khmer Rouge executioners became scarce; they sometimes ran out of bullets after a heavy night of prison executions. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of The Genocidal Killer In The Mirror In the article, "The Genocidal Killer in the Mirror," Crispin Sartwell focuses more on power and is concerned with evil. Sartwell states that whether you believe you are among the evil people or not, you are deeply malicious or a "moral hero" or just profoundly self–deluded. He continues to point out the timeline of all genocidal events that took place over 500 years, however, he doesn't list all of the genocidal events during the current timeline. Theodore Dalrymple, the writer of "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You", argues that some people think a determined opposition to authority is principled and romantic". However, Dalrymple maintains that in his experience as a doctor, people who do not obey authority most of the time have unsuccessful relationships and a tumultuous life. He also emphasizes this by asking a lady on an airplane if she believed in authority, she states that she disagrees and that authority is restraining. He then challenges her by asking if it would be all right if he went to the pilot and asked if he could fly the plane. The lady refuses and states that he does not have the training to fly an aircraft. At this point, Dalrymple predicaments that we gave the pilot authority to fly the aircraft through his training. In "The Genocidal Killer in the Mirror," Sartwell states that "no problem is as profound and no evil as prevalent as state power," but that furthermore, we all have the decisions to be deeply evil and that no one should consider oneself too intelligent, humane, or pure. State power isn't evil because we need laws and regulations to maintain civilization. Sometimes, authority feels as if they are above the laws because of the status in society. Sartwell then asks, "Are you a moral hero?" He then points at "Difference in authority." This would be the state, the experts under normal situations. He also points out, "Do you believe what the authorities tell you just because they are authorities?" Although it is possible to see the authorities side before the person decides to follow their orders, however, this could lead to chaos. In contrast, "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You" primarily focuses on the danger contained in blind obedience. Dalrymple looks at Milgram's experiment ... Get more on ...
  • 6. `` Not Here : If We 're Truly Serious About Stopping... Metcalf in his article "Not Here: If we're truly serious about stopping massacres like Aurora, we need to cure our addiction to evil" informs readers about the truth behind massacres. Metcalf says that violence performed in the form of mass killing have definite causes. People are fascinated by the violence. He further suggests that evil and mass killing incidents in Aurora and Port Arthur are just few examples of that evil. The evil in our society is growing in large portion and people are more attracted towards violence. The article discusses invention of superheroes during late 1930s in order to response to European Fascism. However, now the popularity of superheroes lies somewhere else. The author gives example of 'Amok', and how Captain Cook brought its information to western world. Incidents of Amok started declining when Malay people were westernized & modernized. Civil massacre or mass killings are same like Amok and cannot be stopped if people keep addicted to evil. Metcalf describes three issues associated with human identity such as narcissism, persecution and resentment. People often take violent steps when they face these issues. Muller and other researchers claim that when incidents like 'running amok' are decreasing among Malay tribes, violence and killing in industrial societies were rising. In order to stop mass shooting and massacre it is important to eliminate evil from society. Argument presented by the Metcalf seems right and accurate because incidents ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Population Growth In South... What South Africa is doing to control population growth? South Africa has a relatively low population growth with the most recent percentage being 1.9% annually in 2013. However during the years 2007 ad 2008 there was a change in the demographic of South Africa. This is because live births started to increase and deaths started to decrease causing an obvious rise in population. However the fertility rate started to decrease. Thus expecting a decrease we still had an increase. This unexpected increase is because of the mass amounts of illegal immigrants coming from other African countries such as Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The ways in which the South African government is trying to internally minimize population growth is by introducing programmes to support women and men with regard to their reproductive choices. One such programme is the Family Planning Programme. This programme provides ... Show more content on ... Advantages and disadvantages of controlling population growth in South Africa Advantages: There are huge advantages in controlling the population in South Africa. Not only will we be preserving our natural diversity by creating fewer threats but also we will be making less risk of more pollution and emissions into the earth. We will be making it easier for all children to get an education because there will be enough space and schools for all of them. There will in several years time be enough jobs for majority of the country, this is because there will be a regular amount of people with less competition because there are less people coming into the country. The less people that we have in the country the less we affect the natural diversity of the country. We will emit less into the air via motor and transport vehicles. We will create less waste. We will use fewer natural resources allowing us more time to use them to our advantage. The advantages of controlling South Africa's population growth completely outweigh the disadvantages. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay about The People’s Republic of China: Tyrannical... Despotic governments, public welfare, illusions of utopia, despondency, individualism, conformity, protection against foreign invasion, and paranoia are conflicting ideas yet all exist within societies past and present. George Orwell prophetically writes about a futuristic society in his book entitled 1984. He uses hindsight of past and present political authority to illustrate the possibility of additional states imposing oppressed control. Orwell asserts the conflicting ideas with, "...the three slogans of the Party: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength," (Orwell, 4). In a clever, applicable, and daunting approach, Orwell challenges the so–called pragmatism in London, England. The antagonism of Big Brother opposes... Show more content on ... However, it does give us an overview of tyrannical power in societies. In 1984, the Party controls Air Strip One with rigid state rules and regulations. Government imposed surveillance inhibits the enjoyment of individual expression without fear of being arrested. Citizens must abide by state policy and practice the nationalism forced upon them or suffer severe consequences. Pictures of Big Brother are plastered everywhere as propaganda. Many citizens of Air Strip One suddenly disappear without a trace. Likewise, the PRC has enforced strict policies for the Chinese people. In a Human Rights Watch article titled Walking on Thin Ice, Luo Gan is quoted as saying: "All law–enforcement should be led by the Party. All reform measures should be conducive to the socialist system and the strengthening of the Party leadership.... The correct political stand is where the Party stands," (qtd. in "Human Rights Watch" 22). This is a contrasting struggle between legal rule and party rule. A massive photo ofMao Zedong is prominently displayed at his mausoleum in Tianamen Square, Beijing, China to propagandize their message (Danford, video 1). In fact, perceived dissidents by the PRC have been jailed, tortured, and executed. During Mao Zedong's regime, an estimated 40 million Chinese ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Two Similar but Different Genocides: The Holocaust and... It's hard to imagine that people would support and act upon plans to kill millions of innocent human beings. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide were two of the most horrific genocides in the history of civilization. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide has not only similarities but also differences. How they treated their victims, USA involvement, and that they both killed millions of people are some things they share. Differences they include are the people they targeted, how the two leaders took office and lastly where these to genocides took place. Of these two genocides, the Holocaust is more widely known. In the early 1930s, the German economy was in poor condition ("Background"). The Nazis tried and succeeded at portraying ... Show more content on ... Later that same year, Pot and the Khmer Rouge took control over Cambodia. Pot wasted no time in starting his mission to reconstruct Cambodia. He thought that all the educated people needed to be killed (Melicharova). Also he thought that all noncommunist aspects of Cambodia needed to be wiped out. All rights you had were now gone. Religion was banned and if you were any kind of leader among the Buddhist monks, you were killed instantly (Melicharova). All kids were taken away and sent to work in the fields (Melicharova). If anyone was currently working and had a job, they were immediately killed along with their family members. It got so bad that you could be killed for just laughing, crying, and knowing another language. The Khmer Rouge motto was "To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss" (Melicharova). If you were lucky enough to escape death, you were put into the fields working usually from 4am to 10pm unpaid ("Pol"). From lack of food and sleep, people often became very ill which sadly led to death. The Holocaust and Cambodian genocide had a few similarities. The way they treated people, USA involvement, and that they both resulted in millions of people dying are some things that these two terrible genocides have in common. Hitler and Pot treated the people they targeted ruthlessly. They were so focused on creating a "pure nation" that they lost track of their humanity (Rummel). They killed tons of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Chosen Ones By Pablo Neruda Analysis Resuscitation Pablo Neruda's poem "The Chosen Ones" is a perfect incorporation of torment and influence, acting to sadden as well as impact the reader to influence further action against intolerance. Neruda uses allusion when referencing the years of events of significant suffering that are important in Cuban and world history, recalling his own first hand experiences himself, and the significance of understanding these dates and events. Neruda uses a tone that is volatile, characterized by an increase in imagery, especially of death and violence, as the piece goes on. Neruda uses a couplet at the end to shift the poem from lengthy description of violence and death, to a sardonic reference of those who were killed, operating as a call to action. This poem uses allusion, tone, and personification to exemplify violence as a result of prejudice and their legacy forgotten. Neruda's use of historical allusion is significant as several dates mentioned are specificexamples of genocide, especially as a result of hatred towards complex institutions of race, nationality, and religion. In this piece Neruda references several dates: 1925, 1926, 1933, 1940, 1918, 1905, and "thousands of nineteen hundreds"(Neruda,1). Each date representative of a significantly negative event in world history; However several dates also coincide with important years in Cuban history. For example, in the year 1925, Gerardo Machado was elected Cuba's president, he would resist the rise of a healthy labor movement, which he would enforce using deportation and police brutality. Cuba's economic downfall would lead to uprisings in the future, all ultimately having Cuban legislature and law enforcement being taken advantage of, while at the same time several mass killings world arise before crimes against humanity would be identified and prosecuted at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Neruda's first–hand experiences with oppression and fascism growing up in Cuba allowed many to learn from "the Chilean because he offered a way of identifying with the masses and engaging the problems of society" (Pettingell, 3). Neruda's use of allusion allows the hatred from these mass killings to be tied in with the selfishness and extortion of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The And Environmental Energy Conservation Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste things, other people need to use it" those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by 1 billion in the next isus12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries as predicted by the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), this growth would result in more demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply, electricity as well as food and shelter. Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the seventh crude oil producer in the world, the largest oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, charcoal and kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians own generators, and spend an estimated N1.56 trillion ($13.35m) annually to fuel them. Only about 40% of the populations have access to electricity supply which is not consistent and 60% of the time they have to endure ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The And Environmental Energy Conservation PERSONAL STATEMENT DRAFT_081114 Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste things, other people need to use it" those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population which is currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by an additional 1 billion in the next 12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries as predicted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), this growth would result in more demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply, electricity as well as food, public health services and shelter. Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the seventh crude oil producer in the world and the largest oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, charcoal and kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians own generators, and spend an estimated N1.56 trillion ($13.35m) annually to power them. Only about 40% of the populations have access to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Globalization Globalization brings together different cultures. In the article Globalization A Very Short Introduction the author Manfred B.Steger states "conversely, the term globalization should be used to refer to a set of social processes that are thought to transform our present social condition into one of globality". Steger also states that globalization was supposed to expand nationality, but it was used more as a political power to reduce restrictions on trade and this is where the logic of development behind NAFTA came about. Globalization is a shifting of different contact, this is exemplified in the country of Guatemala. Prior to the infamous Dos Erres Massacre, Guatemala had an extensive history of violence in their country. After the... Show more content on ... The mass movement allowed for large amounts of media coverage and "the dispute was settled in favor of the minors before they reached Guatemala City". Individuals from all walks of life continued to march in solidarity even though the problem had been solved. Both cycles of violence could not compare the Dos Erres Massacre (Nora). Oscar CastaГ±eda is an example of how harsh the massacre truly was. He was an illegal immigrant who received an email regarding the Dos Erres Massacre. A researcher was inquiring about a soldier that happens to have the same name. Oscar had been told his father was a lieutenant hero who had died in an accident. Little did he know; a DNA test would show that he as not his father but his kidnapper. This revealed that he and another young boy were taken as trophies from the site of mass murder, this unfolded Guatemala's secrets of what really happened. Dos Erres is a small village in the municipality of La Libertad, in the northern PetГ©n department of Guatemala, this small village was made up of about 60 families. The residents of Dos Erres were mainly Ladinos, Guatemalans of mixed white and indigenous descent. The families who lived in this small village grew beans, corn, and pineapples, the village was made up of dirt roads and only had one school and two churches one was catholic the other was evangelical. In 1982 during Guatemala's brutal civil war, there were 20 army commandos disguised as ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Conflict Of A Genocide A genocide usually starts when people of one race or religion want to dispose of people of another race or religion. The underlying causes of conflict, which result in acts of genocide, often have deep historical roots. Stereotypes between groups develop over centuries. Ethnic and cultural differences often result in the formation of "in–group" and "out–group" thinking. Members of different races, religions, or cultures start to view each other as separate, alien, and "different." In many regions, members of these different groups develop conflict prevention methods because they feel threatened. Relations begin to degrade because of this feeling of threat. This leads one group to become convinced that many of the problems they face are the other groups' fault. One group then begins to believe that all their problems would be resolved if the other group no longer existed. A desire to exterminate the other group arises because coexistence and power sharing are not considered to be options. The group committing the crimes will believe that extermination is justified. This then leads to the violent acts of genocide. The Syrian crisis began in early 2011 when Syrian President Bashar al–Assad began a brutal crackdown on protests throughout the country. In March 2011, security forces opened fire on protesters at a "Day of Rage" rally in the southern city of Deraa, triggering violence and civilian death. The Syrian government's violent response led to military personal leaving the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Ukrainian Genocide: Holodomor The Ukrainian Genocide's is also known as Holodomor. The root causes were ethnic supremacy, classism, greed, imperialism, socio–economic, political, ultra–nationalism, and a desire of power. Holodomor was incited by Joseph Stalin. He was imperialist and ethnic supremacy, his views on the Ukrainian is that they took up the rural areas. He believed them to be lesser beings whose very existence reflected negatively upon what he believed Soviet Europe should be. He perceived to be what he thought was the "exploiter classes" was obvious in his vicious targeting of their resources and food. Stalin's imperialist nature is passing laws to instigate agricultural collectivism. He saw Ukrainians as a threat to his power at the attempts at independence.... Show more content on ... Who can forget something that killed millions of people and injured millions of survivors. On November 28th at 4 pm, the Ukraine's hold a special memorial service for all the people that were victims or survivors on this day. On that day they lower the flag and entertainment activities are limited. The first survivor is Daria Schulha Kira, she remembers being huddled up with her 3 siblings as the Communist party officials came ransacking through her home looking for grains. A decade after the Ukrainian genocide Ms.Kira was confronted by the Nazi and taken to a labor camp. In 1954 she got out and managed to make it to the United States. Now Daria Kira is 85 years old and living in an apartment building in Manhattan. All of her neighbors are lucky to have her and she holds a specials place in the community's ... Get more on ...
  • 16. "The world is filled with violence because criminals have... "The world is filled with violence because criminals have guns , we good citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they would win and the decent people lose . " After tragic incidents like Columbia or Virginia Tech has generated a huge debate on gun control . The explosion of such events has trivialized the issue of gun control. , This is very dangerous , as this is not a trivial matter. The decisions should never be based on fear or panic . Gun control is as complex as the concept of freedom issue and therefore, this issue requires further analysis. What exactly is gun control ? It is as it sounds, control the sale of guns in the country. Contrary to the belief of many arms control advocates . Gun control does not mean complete ... Show more content on ... Reflection ... "Making laws to disarm only those who have a tendency to commit crimes just hurts and helps assaulted the attackers " Furthermore gun control does not prevent offenders obtain weapons . Aweapon can be done by anyone with basic materials and internet access , most likely will happen is that will get them clandestinely , this increases the power of the gangs that concentrate all . After obtaining any weapons will be done clandestinely. I wonder: gun control should be introduced forcing citizens to get guns with criminals ? As groups violators of the law are not affected by gun control in fact, this group supports gun control , because it effectively disarms the people and left exposed . Let's talk about statistics : " If in a robbery victim does not You can defend , theft happen 88 % of the time , and the victim will damaged 25% of the time. But nevertheless , if the victim resists with a weapon , robbery decreased to 30% and damaged victims decreased by 17 %. " So : What is the benefit of gun control for law–abiding , Does it reduce crime , how is it possible ? ? It is absurd to say that removing the weapons will decrease crime and the evidence supports it ; In 1997 in England used gun control , and thousands of law–abiding surrendered their weapons. The measure was so INEFFECTIVE that 2000 crime increased dramatically surpassing even the level of crime in the USA. Something similar happened in Australia , after a 25 % reduction in
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  • 18. Similarities Between Hitler And Donald Trump History tried to repeat itself. The late Adolf Hitler a tyrant, fascist and regime is being compared to Donald trump, a Republican candidate for President of the United State of America. He is currently leading the polls in the Republican party. It's ignorant of history and offensive to those who lost their families in the Holocaust. "Adolf Hitler was a dictator that killed many Jews, but we can't compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler," said Mr. Stirland, Principle of Granite Park Junior High School. Donald Trump wants immigrants who came here illegally to be deported for the safety of America. Donald Trump has more comparison to Adolf Hitler, but comparing both of them make no sense because Adolf Hitler murdered more than 6 million Jews ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Conflict Of The Rwandan Genocide Finding the Right Way to Intervene: Sovereignty Paper In the spring and summer of 1994, Rwanda experienced a genocide that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. After seeing the tragedies that took place in Nazi Germany, one would expect the international community to respond quickly and effectively in the case of theRwandan genocide. However, the killings were largely pushed aside or ignored by the rest of the world, begging the question of when states have the right or duty to betray another state's sovereignty. There are different methods of intervening to protect human rights, but they are much debated and there have been many times that intervention has made a situation worse. However, there is a moral obligation that we all have to protect others when we can, whether they are part of our nation or not. If human rights are being abused in a state, other states have the duty to take multilateral actions to stop killings and provide aid. A state should forfeit their sovereignty if human rights are being abused to the point that large groups in the population are being systematically killed. A case in which a state should forfeit their sovereignty is if a group of citizens are attacked or killed by a large group. InRwanda, during the "spring and early summer of least eight hundred thousand people were killed in just a hundred days." The genocide was between the Hutu racial majority and the Tutsi minority in Rwanda. Hutu extremists called upon Hutu ... Get more on ...
  • 20. National Security Outline Essay TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR NSL READING CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson1 CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security & world order4 CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM)7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management17 The United Nations System17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 CHAPTER 6: The Laws of Warand Neutrality24 CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle28 CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence33 CHAPTER 13: Arms Control in the Nuclear Age36 Chapter 14: ... Show more content on ... –Military Sufficiency –Issue is how much military capability is enough – is it enough to have the same capabilities as potential threats or should we pursue superior capabilities –US leaders have varied greatly on how much is enough –Domestic strength –Important goal is to seek political cohesion, economic vitality, and good educational policies at home because it will help country to prevail during war (increases domestic support and morale) –Economic vitality and educational strength also provide resources to implement national security, help develop weapons to compete with enemies, and allow country to mobilize quickly in time of crisis –World Order–Some argue that balance of power is best way to achieve world order –Others argue that we need to organize and civilize international politics to achieve world order – 4 variations on how to do this: –1–Judicial approach – resolve differences between countries through third–party judges and arbitrators –2–Contractual approach –use collective agreements to limit use of force (consider Kellogg–Briand Pact) –3–Legislative approach – League of Nations, UN –4–Diplomatic approach – use diplomacy between national leaders to achieve stability –Global Welfare–Protecting human rights and promoting democracy are the important methods here –Doing these will improve domestic strength and world order as
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  • 22. Criminal Charges Should Be Brought Against The Former... Criminal charges should and will be brought against the former leader of the Soviet Union, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (also known as Joseph Stalin), born on December 18, 1879, in the Russian peasant village of Gori, Georgia, the son of Besarion Jughashvili, a cobbler, and Ketevan Geladze, a washerwoman. () Joseph Stalin will be charged with the following eight crimes: Genocide – the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation,() Politicide – a gradual but systematic attempt to exterminate an independent political entity,() Democide – the murder of any person or people by their government, () Crimes against Humanity – are particularly odious offences in that they constitute a serious attack on human dignity or a grave humiliation or degradation of human beings, () Classicide – is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of a social class through persecution and violence, () Terror – intense, sharp, overmastering fear, () and Mass Killings – is the act of murdering many people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time.() Similar charges will files and handed down to four of Joseph Stalin's key henchman, Vyacheslav Molotov, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, and Nikolai Yezhov, during the Ukraine Famine of 1932–1933. In this essay we will be looking in to Joseph Stalin policies, why he developed these policies and how his four top henchmen helped plan ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ben Kiernan's Model Of Genocide Genocide has undoubtedly shown itself, in one way or another, throughout world history, but there is some controversy as to what is actually considered a genocide versus, perhaps a civil war or Democide. I propose that while Ben Kiernan describes a good model to define an act as or as not a genocide, his model does not take into account all factors that must be considered. Ben Kiernan describes his model being based off of 4 main themes: cults of antiquity, ethnic enmity, expansionism, and fetish for agriculture2. While this is a good start, the argument can be made that not everygenocide fits perfectly into this model, while it also can ignore certain important characteristics like religion. We see this being the case with ISIS, being as... Show more content on ... It describes what Edmund Spencer wanted the Irish to do and what the English should do to the Irish and things like that. Spenser was for the slaughtering of the Irish, as long as they were considered " barbaric" in nature. This really attests to the fact that the English thought that they deserved the Irish land, and that the Irish couldn't use it to its potential, hence why they were called barbarians living in forests. Additionally, Edmund Spencer was pushing for the English to both gain and keep control of Ireland and its people. He was also for the containment of the irish because he thought that the barbarous Irish would be best suited almost as the English's slaves. I chose this document as my primary source because it really showed that even back in the 1500's, propaganda and such was huge. This is something to take away from the English conquest of Ireland, specifically. The use of propanda and satire to persuade people to join the cause. The English conquest of Ireland defined the way that people could use their power to advertise. We saw this inNazi Germany with Hitler, and we saw this in Rwanda with the Hutu radio stations, which only shows that future genocides were carried out in some of the same ways that the English conquest of Ireland ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Armenian Genocide You have heard of " Martin Luther King Day," or "Columbus Day," but have you ever heard of "National Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day?" This lesser known genocide was a precursor to the Holocaust. It started on April 24, 1915 and lasted up until 1923. It was calculated that over one and a half million Armenians died during this period of time. This genocide was planned out by the Turkish government, against all the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire. In the beginning there were around 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and by the end of the 1923 there were around 388,000 were left. Whether a front–line soldier or pregnant woman, famous professor or high bishop, important businessman or ardent patriot; all 2,000,000 of them. It seemed to have died out around the end of the war in 1918, but soon continued back up in 1920. The Armenians were an indo–european group who are one of the world's oldest civilizations,whose main religion(s) were Orthodox or Roman Catholic. They have an olive to dark complexion and have brown or black hair. Armenian People They were an agricultural group of people who were subject to one of the worst disasters of WWI, and the first genocide of the 20th century. They lived inArmenia, which is now Northeastern Turkey.Armenian Map They are known for their art style, carpets, and architecture. They were a group that has always been overtaken by others some being, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Persians and finally the Ottoman Turks. The ones truly ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The United States Enters The Korean War : June 27, 1950 "The United States Enters the Korean War: June 27, 1950." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History, edited by Jennifer Stock, vol. 6: North America, Gale, 2014. U.S. History in Context, /UHIC?u=mlin_w_minnech&xid=3fc8c43a. Accessed 13 Dec. 2017.... Show more content on ... Kim il sungs impact on the korean war was negative due to the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Milgram Study On Obedience The Milgram study was considered to be one of the most famous studies, on obedience in the history of psychology. The Milgram study was done by Stanley Milgram a Yale University psychologist, whose study was to focus on two things one being obedience to authority, and a persons personal conscience. The results of the study were remarkable, as according to (McLeod, 2007) 65 percent of two–thirds of the participants or teachers continued administering shocks to the highest voltage level of 450 volts. The rest of the teachers continued to at least 300 volts. Milgram did this experiment in 18 different ways and altered the independent variables in each trail to see how it affects the outcome or dependent variable. Milgram's experiment was directly influenced by World war 2 and the holocaust, and while Milgram wanted to test how far people would go in obeying instructions even at the risk of hurting someone. Following Milgram's experiment he came up with two types of theories, one being the autonomous state, which says that people tend to direct their own actions, and take responsibility for the results of those actions. The second theory is the agentic state which says that people will allow other's to direct their actions, and then pass the responsibility for the consequences off on the person who gave them the orders, or in short they act as agents for someone else 's will (Milgram, 1974). Milgram's study set out to prove something and it did just that, it proved that people ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Civil Rights Movement Of The 1950s And 1960s The Civil Rights Movement After the war, many African–Americans believed their civil rights were limited in the US. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s is probably the biggest political and social movement that has gained worldwide attention. This movement was to explain to people that black people were tired of the social and political order of white supremacy. Every African–American was physically and emotionally affected by the government laws against them (e.g Jim Crow Laws). Which limited their education, their public acommodations, institutions and amount of self–respect. These laws deprived black people of their rightful place in society and in life which made them second–class citizens. In 1954, a man named Oliver Brown ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Human Rights Violations In The North Korean Genocide North Korea have been run under a communist dictatorship since 1948. After the Cold War in 1945, The Unites States had control over the southern part of Korea and the Soviet Union had controlled over the northern half. To make sure that the influences of both countries remained in Korea, the United States and the Soviet Union put their own leaders in place. Both sides doubted each other, it prevented the compromise of the elections that were supposed to determine a leader for the entire country. The United States gave Syngman Rhee the power to rule to the southern half. The Soviet Union gave the power to Kim Il–sung. But in September 1948, Kim Il–sung claimed jurisdiction over all of the Korea and also declared the development of the Democratic ... Show more content on ... South Korea Human Rights Ambassador Lee Jong–hoon said, "the possible genocide extends to three groups: the so–called "hostile class" (which is the lowest class in the North Korean caste system), those who are adherents of religions – particularly Christianity – and those who are not ethnically North Korean." (Stanek) North Korea has and is still committing genocide against people of a racial minority, religious minority, political minority and national groups. After Kim Il–sung became the leader of North Korea, the country became known as the "worst violator of religious freedom in the world." Hundreds of thousands of Christians were murdered by the regime and many still remain in camps today. Open Doors USA have reported that nearly 200,000 North Korean citizens are being held in political prison camps and about 50,000 of them are Christian. Women are treated terribly in North Korea if they don't agree with the regime. If they have fled into China they could've been forced into prostitution or marriage. China would sometimes return the women, even if they are married to a Chinese citizen, and they were sent to concentration camps or they were to be executed. North Korea is so focused on preventing other national/racial groups from becoming a part of the North Korean population, that if women become impregnated by non–North Korean men they were forced into having abortions. One–third of the people held in the concentration camps is children. (Park, Policy Blog) Although the North Korean constitution allows freedom of speech and press, anyone who speaks against the government is sent to a camp. (Beecroft) "Previous United Nations reports have talked about the nine patterns of human rights violations, one violation is the discrimination particularly targeting women, children, people ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Pearl Harbor Unjust Analysis Introduction The issue had significant importance at the time of its happening for the fact that it was the largest sustained attack on cities with high civilian populations, because the end of the war was charged very emotionally, and because the number of questionable morally right actions in the war often times overshadowed such firebombings. The Holocaust took the center stage often, trying countless war criminals, while the bombings considered to be possible war crimes by those involved went without notice. The reason this question is being examined is because of the implications of such destructive actions, and the pattern of history repeating itself with such questionable acts. If we determine that the fire bombings were justified then we can subsequently believe that other attacks with similar consequences may have good, just, reasoning behind them. If we determine that the firebombers were in fact unjustified then we can use that reasoning in attempt to look at similar situations in the future and prevent any recurring events that we have deemed as unjust ... Show more content on ... Whether Japan attacked the US for imperialistic purposes, for racial tensions or for resources to benefit the war, they were not defending themselves from attack and were not attempting to right previous wrongs, making their aggression unjust. They also failed to see that nothing of the greater good would come from these attacks and did not even declare war, solidifying the classification of being unjust actions. The United States were forced to defend themselves from the attack, and declared war as Japan had lost the right to not be attack in return, giving the United States full justification. Now that it has been established that the United States were participating in the war justly, the way Japan and the United States conducted themselves need justification, and how their conduct impacted future events. (MacMillan; ... Get more on ...
  • 30. What Is The Primary Underlying Cause Of The Armenian... I. The primary underlying cause of the Armenian genocide derived from the decline of the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 19th century, and was based on land dispute, religion, and ultra–nationalism. "One of the main factors that led to the Armenian genocide is to be found in the mental conditions and characteristics of Turkish National identity" (AkcМ§am, 2004, 59). The Armenians have claimed their home in the southern Caucasus since 7th Century BCE. Throughout many centuries, the Mongol, Persian, Russian, and Ottoman empires have fought over this region. Due to the Armenians lack of unity and strength, they could not claim their lands any longer. They were weak in relation to their conflicting neighbors, and were often deported from the very lands they first lived in. Constant deportations over history eventually led them to many different parts of the world, forming what is the Armenian diaspora. Ever since the 4th Century CE, the Armenian state claimed Christianity as their official religion. Even after Islam was founded in the 7th century CE and became the state religion in all of the countries surrounding Armenia, the Armenians still held onto the Christian faith. Since Christianity was a religious minority at the time, Armenians were viewed as "infidels", and were disposed to unjust treatment as a result. They experienced hardship, religious persecution, discrimination, and abuse. Armenians began to pay higher taxes and had very few political and legal ... Get more on ...
  • 31. A Conscientious Decision and Stance Can we really agree with North Koreas current supreme commander Kim Jong–un in saying that their people are liberated from exploitation and oppression? Let's first clear the air and agree to disagree with powers controlling North Korea in calling their government a "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". Furthermore, to realistically look at this country as a true democratic republic rather than communist Korean Workers' Party can put a bitter taste in any American's mouth. Hence, the general citizens have no say in any aspect of their country which contradicts the meaning of democracy in America's ideology of a constitutional democracy and its Greek root meaning of democracy "rule of the people" and not North Koreas ruling party's interpretation which is rule over the people. North Korea is rated second to last in the world for exploiting and oppressing its own citizens according to the World Press Freedom Index. In 2009 Kim Jong–il, Chairman of the National Defense Commission which is the highest office of the State, declared North Korea and China's relationship as "unbreakable". Since 2006, China has economically supported North Korea's stability, yet China implemented United Nation sanctions against North Korea. Looking at North Koreas government system and how it is sponsored, is why we should not support Chinas economy through our trading arrangement that in turn supports this tyranny and injustice that occurs in North Korea, that fight with our own God given rights. ... Get more on ...