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EDUC 703
Topic Proposal Template
Student Name: _______Michael
Enter proposed topics and guiding questions in the empty cells
below for each of the two upcoming assignments.
Philosopher Analysis
Historical Topic Analysis
The selected philosopher for analysis is Socrates.
He is a Greek philosopher who was born and raised in Athens.
His philosophy focused on morals.
The American Civil War:
Civil War was prompted fought between 1861 and 1865 during
the administration of Abraham Lincoln. Some reasons that lead
to the war was the call by Abraham Lincoln and other states
especially from the North to abolish slavery. To continue with
slavery, the South East States pushed for separation. Therefore,
the war was fought between states that supported Federal Union
and those in Support of secession.
Guiding Question
What is the application of Socratic Method in the education
1. What were the causes of American Civil was in the 1860s?
2. What were the impacts of American Civil wars?
3. How are the impacts of American civil wars reflected in the
modern America?
Enter one journal article reference under each heading below.
Type over the sample so that you replace it with your own
article. The article title should reflect that it aligns with the
topics and guiding questions above.
Philosopher Analysis: Journal Article Reference
Dinkins, C. S., & Cangelosi, P. R. (2019). Putting Socrates back
In socratic METHOD: Theory‐ based debriefing in the nursing
classroom. Nursing Philosophy, 20(2).
Historical Topic Analysis: Journal Article Reference
Jones, J. A. (2012). A Nation Divided: Civil War Politics and
Emancipation, 4(9). Retrieved from:
Date Accessed: Aug 27, 2021
Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning
Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning
Michael Whitener
Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning
Discipline is action or inaction that is set in place to govern and
regulate the rules of a particular system that is in governance.
In teaching and learning, school discipline is undertaken by
teachers towards students whose behaviors tend to negatively
influence the smooth running of institutions. In recent years
discipline issues in teaching and learning have become rampant
due to students' notion that perceives rules as unclear,
inconsistently enforced, and unfair. Teachers on the other hand
disagreed on appropriate responses to misconduct by students
thus causing in-cooperation in the school administration as a
result of picking sides and punitive attitudes leading to
ignorance towards misconducts making students try to defend
their rights. Ineffective parenting also causes discipline issues
among students since it dysfunctions the students' attitudes
when peer pressure takes a toll on the students.
Discipline issues as a problem in learning and teaching need to
be researched since it has disparities that coincide with its
influence in academic excellence since it lowers a students'
control as they involve in less positive activities that divert
their attention from the main course which is academics.
Causes of discipline issues
Discipline issues have been brought to the limelight to prove to
individuals that indiscipline is not only experienced by lear ners
but also teachers. Situations occur where teachers argue in front
of their learners and this lowers the dignity and respect that the
students had towards them. The abolition of corporal
punishment has devastatingly affected discipline among
learners. Learners tend to portray violence and misbehavior
having in mind that no physical force can be administered to
them by those in authority. Inconsistency in punishing
misconduct encourages learners not to comply with rules
leading to increased indiscipline acts. Above all, research on
policies that lead to indiscipline needs to be addressed to find
cordial ways to extinct it in learning and teaching institutions.
Importance of Discipline Issues
It is more important to note that discipline issues have also had
positive effects on the growth of institutions. This is because
the discipline issues are not and addressed to ensure it is not
experienced in the future. Additionally, it allows those in
leadership(teachers) to understand the psychology of learners
and how to deal with different misconducts more effectively.
The administration of corporal punishment proved effective in
the recent past. This mode of punishment made learners
accountable for their misconduct which allowed teachers to use
physical force without causing harm to drive them in positive
directions. Discipline issues have also brought responsible
leadership because those in management with poor skills in
promoting discipline are observed and replaced by those who
are more effective in dealing with indiscipline.
Steps were taken to address discipline issues
Last but not least, steps have been taken to address indiscipline
in learning and teaching and some of them are deemed fruitful
due to analysis done by researchers. A study was done by Gcelu
et al.,(2020) findings revealed that teachers should
collaboratively work with the school board of management and
student leaders to come up with rules and regulations that favor
everyone in that environment
It is also advised that during the implementation of solutions to
indiscipline; the management, learners, and teachers should be
involved collaboratively in decision making to strategies on
effective implementation of rules and regulations. However, I
suggest that the creation of a learner-teacher relationship is
good in the bonding of the two parties and is more likely to
have a positive impact on the
development of an indiscipline-free environment. When a
learner has trust towards their teacher they develop self-
confidence and tend to follow to what the teacher tells them. A
teacher on the other hand
understands how and when to address the learners in case of
misconduct. Punishment is also effective to show learners that
misconducts have negative reactions and consequences towards
them and each punishment should weigh with the degree of the
misconduct. Therefore, effective supervision and monitoring
ensure that rules and regulations set by the school governing
body are adhered to.
Biblical Worldview on Discipline
Christianity encourages discipline among its followers. is
important to have self-discipline as well as discipline imposed
by God and parents. God in Hebrews 12-1:4 encourages us by
telling us to throw off everything that hinders us and causes us
to sin which in layman's English means that we should be
disciplined in everything we do to remain righteous in his eyes.
Hence, we should always do the right things that make us happy
and are accepted by God.
Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 12:1-2 - New international
version. (2011). Bible
Gcelu, N., Padayachee, A. S., & Mekhasane, S. D. (2020).
Management of indiscipline among secondary school students in
Ilembe District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal
of Gender, Society, and
Development, 9(4).
EDUC 701
Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Content 70%
Not Present
14 to 15 points
The sources are all clearly related to the problem and research
13 points
The problem and research question are covered by the sources,
but their relationship to the project is somewhat unclear.
1 to 12 points
The problem and research question are not covered by the
sources, and/or the sources are unclear in their relationship to
the topic.
0 points
Not present
10 points
At least 3 journal articles are current and have been published
within the last 5 years.
8 to 9 points
Two journal articles are current and have been published in the
past 5 years.
1 to 7 points
One journal article is current and has been published within the
past 5 years.
0 points
Not present
Variety, Level of Writing, and Authority
10 points
A variety of scholarly sources are included in the bibliography,
and they are all written at the appropriate scholarship level for
this paper’s purpose.
8 to 9 points
A variety of sources are included in the bibliography, but they
are not written at the appropriate scholarship level for this
paper’s purpose. Mostly (e.g., Internet sites, newspapers, etc.)
are used in the bibliography.
1 to 7 points
The sources are inappropriate for this paper’s purpose. None of
the sources appear to be scholarly.
0 points
Not present
Structure 30%
Not Present
14 to 15 points
Correct references and a minimum of 5 sources are included.
The sources are formatted in current APA style and spelling and
grammar have no errors. Word count is met.
13 points
Correct references and a minimum of 5 sources are included.
Only a few current APA style errors are present and/or a few
spelling and grammar errors. Word count is met.
1 to 12 points
Fewer than 5 sources are cited, and/or the sources are not
formatted in current APA style and/or spelling and grammar
have errors. Word count is not met.
0 points
Not present
EDUC 701
Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
Choose the research question you developed in Course Project:
Identifying a Problem Assignment. You will complete a total of
three annotated bibliography assignments during the course that
will serve as the research foundation of your final paper:
1. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Sources 1 – 5
2. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Sources 6 – 10
3. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Source 11-15
Each Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment must
follow current APA format and consist of at least 5 scholarly
sources. Each Course Project: Annotated Bibliography
Assignment must have a title page with a running head and page
numbers. No abstract is required. At least 3 of your scholarly
resources must be current empirical, peer-reviewed journal
articles. All sources must be directly related to your Research
Question. Be sure to select a variety of respected sources you
can use in your paper (e.g., journal articles, books, e-books,
scholarly websites, etc.).
Each source citation must be followed by an annotation. The
annotations are designed to help you and your instructor better
understand how your sources connect to your Research Question
and Problem. The annotation is not a normally required
component of current APA format; rather, it is a specific
additional requirement for this assignment. Note the following
requirements for your annotated bibliography:
· An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for all
resources you used.
· Each citation is followed by a brief (150–200 words),
descriptive, and evaluative paragraph (the annotation).
· The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the
relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
Do not cut and paste from your sources, as this constitutes
plagiarism. Most of the time, this occurs as an innocent
oversight on the part of the candidate. Regardless of the reason,
in the event of plagiarism, you will receive 0 points for the
entire assignment per Liberty University’s policy on academic
It is highly recommended that you use the Jerry Falwell Library
resources. You will find many tips for formatting in current
APA style, navigating databases, locating resources for citation,
and returning the best results for your online searches through
the Education Resource Guide: EDUC 701 link in the Course
Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment page.
Additionally, the Education Department has a Library Liaison
who is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to
conducting your research, including what constitutes an
acceptable article (reputable professional, scholarly journals,
and/or informational venues that deal with the content of this
course). The Library Liaison’s contact information is located in
the Education Resource Guide: EDUC 701.
Format the paper in current APA format and see the grading
rubric for specific grading criteria.
EDUC 703
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions
The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography Assignment is to
summarize and analyze six peer-reviewed journal articles. The
articles are to be on topics related to two future projects:
Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical Topic Analysis
Assignment. This assignment contributes to the scaffolding of
these two upcoming course projects. In doctoral work,
candidates are required to connect their research to a theoretical
framework. This assignment will assist in building a framework
for future research.
Collect six articles from peer-reviewed academic, professional
journals. Articles are to be on topics as outlined in your Week 1
Topic Proposal. All six articles are to be new to you for this
course, meaning that you have not used them in any previous
course. Annotate each article in a paragraph or two of at least
250 words. The annotation is to include a brief summary of key
ideas in the article and a sentence or two of critical analysis.
The critical analysis must be through the lens of course
textbooks, video presentations, and/or Biblical worldview
principles. Cite sources accordingly. After annotating the
articles, write two 150-word paragraphs synthesizing the
information as detailed below. One of the purposes of this
assignment is to prepare you to write two upcoming papers:
· Philosopher Analysis Assignment (Module 5: Week 5)
· Historical Topic Analysis Assignment (Module 7: Week 7)
As such, a final aspect of the assignment will be to write
preliminary thesis statements for both of these upcoming
Specific Guidelines
Article Topics: Your articles will be collected in two sets of
three each. For the first set of three articles, you will select
articles related to an educational philosopher of your choosing
from the list in the textbook Appendix A. You should have
already indicated the philosopher of your choice in the Topic
Proposals Template. The philosopher you chose may or may not
align with your own personal beliefs about education. To
clarify, all three articles in this first set should be on the topic
of the same educational philosopher.
For the second set of three articles, you will select articles
related to a historical topic that relates to the field of education.
You should have already indicated the historical topic of your
choice in the Topic Proposal Assignment. All three articles in
the second set will be on the same historical topic.
Length: The total assignment is to be at least 1,800 words in
length. This does not count the title page or the references
themselves. Each of the six annotations is to be at least 250
words in length, and each of the two synthesis statements is to
be at least 150 words each.
Structure: Download the Annotated Bibliography Template; you
may enter your information into the template. The format
requires the components listed below:
· Title Page
· Annotated Bibliography: Six articles will be listed in the APA
Format Quick Guide; under each article reference, a paragraph
of at least 250 words will be inserted for each annotation.
· Two Synthesis Paragraphs: Each paragraph will be at least 150
words and will synthesize the information from each set of three
articles by comparing, critiquing, and analyzing the value of the
information presented in each set of three articles.
· Two Preliminary Thesis Statements: For each of the
preliminary thesis statements, write one or two sentences in
anticipation of the following upcoming assignments:
· Philosopher Analysis Assignment
· Historical Topic Analysis Assignment
· References: Include a page listing sources other than the
articles themselves. This reference list will include additional
sources that you applied in your analysis of the articles and may
include the textbook, course videos, and any other academic
sources. (There is no need to repeat the reference for the
articles since they are already listed in APA reference format in
the annotated bibliography section.)
Databases: Search the Jerry Falwell Library Education
Databases of journals on the topic of education. You may want
to begin with Academic Search Ultimate or Education Research
Complete. Ensure that the articles are from professional,
academic journals. Avoid searching for articles using generic
search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.
Article Summaries: This assignment will be submitted via a
plagiarism-checking tool, so be careful to summarize the
material using your own words. Do not copy the abstract of the
articles as this would be considered plagiarism. Also, do not
rearrange sentence structures and replace words with synonyms.
The plagiarism-checker detects such acts of plagiarism.
Analysis: Though the analysis portion may be brief, it is to be
more than just a simple personal opinion. It is to apply other
sources as a lens for the critical analysis. For instance, every
analysis should cite at least one other source, which may be the
textbook, course video presentations, and/or Biblical principles.
Cite in APA format accordingly.
Two Synthesis Paragraphs: Under each set of three annotations,
enter the heading “Synthesis.” Write a statement of at least 150
words for each paragraph. The synthesis paragraphs are not like
an abstract or a comprehensive summary. They are to be based
on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having
considered the concepts within the journal articles.
Two Preliminary Thesis Statements: After each synthesis
paragraph, enter the heading “Preliminary Thesis Statement.”
For each preliminary thesis statement, write one or two
sentences that you anticipate may serve as thesis statements to
your upcoming Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical
Topic Analysis Assignment. You are encouraged to read the
instructions for both of the upcoming assignments before
writing your preliminary thesis statements.
“Preliminary” means that you may revise and hone the
statement as you prepare for the upcoming assignments.
Although it is a draft, it should be written well. Watch the 4-
minute video on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement. It
should be concise, disputable, and coherent. Thesis statements
should not simply be facts that readers universally hold as true.
References: Insert a reference list of the supplemental sources
you included in the analysis section of your annotations. You
need not repeat the references for the annotated bibliography
articles themselves. Here, you are citing the additional sources
you used as a lens in your analysis of those articles.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via an
online plagiarism tool.
EDUC 703
Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Not Present
Points Earned
Annotations -- Summaries & Analyses
90-98 points
All selected articles are appropriate. Reviews are clear, concise,
and convey pertinent information from the article. The critical
analysis is presented through the lens of professional knowledge
from current course materials.
82-89 points
Most selected articles are appropriate and are sufficiently
summarized. Analysis is partially based on professional
1-81 points
Selected articles are inappropriate; and/or summaries are
unclear; and/or analysis is not properly based on professional
0 points
Not present
Synthesis & Preliminary Thesis Statements
20-22 points
Synthesis thoroughly integrates ideas from articles and course
materials. Preliminary thesis statements are concise,
disputable, and coherent.
18-19 points
Synthesis integrates ideas from articles and course materials.
Preliminary thesis statements are concise and/or disputable
and/or coherent.
1-17 points
Synthesis fails to sufficiently integrate ideas both from articles
and from course materials. Preliminary thesis statements lack
specificity and/or are answered by simple facts generally agreed
upon and/or are irrelevant to the field.
0 points
Not present
Not Present
Points Earned
APA, Mechanics, & Length
28-30 points
Assignment is free of mechanical and APA errors. 100% of the
length requirement is met.
25-27 points
Few mechanical and/or APA errors exist. Length of the paper is
met by 90% to 99%.
1-24 points
Several mechanical and/or APA errors exist. Length of the
paper is met by less than 90%.
0 points
Not present
Total Points
Instructor’s Comments:
Annotated Bibliography
Claudia S. Sample
School of Education, Liberty University
Author Note
Claudia S. Sample
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Claudia S. Sample
Email: [email protected]
Replace This Heading with the Philosopher’s Name You
Annotated Journal Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher>
Authorlastname1, A. B. (2019). Article title in regular font with
only the first word and proper nouns and proper adjectives, like
European, capitalized: Subtitles may or may not be used.
Journal Titles are Italicized and Capitalize All Major Words
Except for the Articles, Conjunctions, and Short Prepositions,
15(2), 41-50.
After your first article reference above, write a 250-word
summary and analysis. Leave the paragraph fully indented so
that the author’s name is hanging over it above. The first
several sentences should summarize the article in your own
words. The last sentence or two should analyze an aspect of the
article through the lens of the textbook, course videos, and/or
biblical principles. Ensure you cite your sources in APA format.
Example: (Jones, 2020); if you choose to mention author names
in the body of the analysis, it should look like this: Jones
(2020). You are not required to mention their names in the body
of your analysis; it just depends on the point you are making.
Authorlastname2, C. (2019). Title of your second article on the
same philosopher. Journal Title, 9(1), 577-590.
As above, indent this entire paragraph. Notice that, although
everything is double spaced, there are no additional gaps or
lines throughout. Never add extra lines. Sometimes Microsoft
Word automatically inserts lines after headings, paragraphs, or
sections. If you do not know how to remove these, simply do an
internet search of your question: “How do I remove extra lines
in Microsoft Word?”
Authorlastname3, D. (2020). Title of third article on same
philosopher. Journal Title, 9, 577-590.
Enter your third summary and analysis here. Notice two things
about the above journal. It does not have an issue number
parenthetically inserted. That is because some journals do not
have issue numbers. If there is an issue number, however, it
must be inserted parenthetically with no space between the
volume number and the issue number. Also, the above journal
has a URL with a DOI (digital object identifier). If your article
has one, you must include it. All you need to do is to copy the
URL and to insert it at the end of the reference with no period
after it.
Synthesis of Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher>
Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is
formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The
synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It
is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis
after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your
selected philosopher.
Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Name of Your Philosopher>
To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography
assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two
sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement
to your upcoming Philosopher Analysis assignment.
Replace This Heading with Your Selected Historical Topic
Annotated Journal Articles on <Selected Historical Topic>
Authorlastname4, D. E. (2019). Title of your fourth article: This
article is on your historical topic. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.
Enter your fourth summary and analysis here. This is on the
first article representing your selected historical topic.
Authorlastname5, F. G. (2020). Title of your fifth article.
Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.
Enter your fifth summary and analysis. This is for the second
article on the historical topic.
Authorlastname6, H. (2020). Title of your sixth and last article:
It is on the same historical topic as the two articles above.
Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.
Enter your sixth summary and analysis here.
Synthesis of Articles on <Selected Historical Topic>
Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is
formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The
synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It
is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis
after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your
selected historical topic.
Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Selected Historical Topic>
To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography
assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two
sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement
to your upcoming Historical Topic Analysis assignment.
Authorlastname, G. L. (2019). Sample book title: Sample
subtitle. Publisher Name.
· Do not repeat the six articles here that you have just
· You may include other sources here that you have cited in
your analyses above.
· To cite videos, review this link on How to Cite Online Videos
in APA in APA. Though it focuses on YouTube videos, the
format will help you.
· Delete the bulleted list that you see here in red so that it does
not appear in your submitted assignment.
EDUC 703Topic Proposal TemplateStudent Name _______Michael

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EDUC 703Topic Proposal TemplateStudent Name _______Michael

  • 1. EDUC 703 Topic Proposal Template Student Name: _______Michael Whitener__________________________ Enter proposed topics and guiding questions in the empty cells below for each of the two upcoming assignments. Philosopher Analysis Historical Topic Analysis Topic The selected philosopher for analysis is Socrates. He is a Greek philosopher who was born and raised in Athens. His philosophy focused on morals. The American Civil War: Civil War was prompted fought between 1861 and 1865 during the administration of Abraham Lincoln. Some reasons that lead to the war was the call by Abraham Lincoln and other states especially from the North to abolish slavery. To continue with slavery, the South East States pushed for separation. Therefore, the war was fought between states that supported Federal Union and those in Support of secession. Guiding Question What is the application of Socratic Method in the education system? 1. What were the causes of American Civil was in the 1860s? 2. What were the impacts of American Civil wars? 3. How are the impacts of American civil wars reflected in the modern America? Enter one journal article reference under each heading below. Type over the sample so that you replace it with your own article. The article title should reflect that it aligns with the
  • 2. topics and guiding questions above. Philosopher Analysis: Journal Article Reference Dinkins, C. S., & Cangelosi, P. R. (2019). Putting Socrates back In socratic METHOD: Theory‐ based debriefing in the nursing classroom. Nursing Philosophy, 20(2). Historical Topic Analysis: Journal Article Reference Jones, J. A. (2012). A Nation Divided: Civil War Politics and Emancipation, 4(9). Retrieved from: civil-war-politics-and-emancipation Date Accessed: Aug 27, 2021 Running head: DISCIPLINE ISSUES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING 1 Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning 2 Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning Michael Whitener Discipline Issues in Teaching and Learning Discipline is action or inaction that is set in place to govern and regulate the rules of a particular system that is in governance. In teaching and learning, school discipline is undertaken by teachers towards students whose behaviors tend to negatively influence the smooth running of institutions. In recent years discipline issues in teaching and learning have become rampant due to students' notion that perceives rules as unclear, inconsistently enforced, and unfair. Teachers on the other hand disagreed on appropriate responses to misconduct by students thus causing in-cooperation in the school administration as a result of picking sides and punitive attitudes leading to ignorance towards misconducts making students try to defend
  • 3. their rights. Ineffective parenting also causes discipline issues among students since it dysfunctions the students' attitudes when peer pressure takes a toll on the students. Discipline issues as a problem in learning and teaching need to be researched since it has disparities that coincide with its influence in academic excellence since it lowers a students' control as they involve in less positive activities that divert their attention from the main course which is academics. Causes of discipline issues Discipline issues have been brought to the limelight to prove to individuals that indiscipline is not only experienced by lear ners but also teachers. Situations occur where teachers argue in front of their learners and this lowers the dignity and respect that the students had towards them. The abolition of corporal punishment has devastatingly affected discipline among learners. Learners tend to portray violence and misbehavior having in mind that no physical force can be administered to them by those in authority. Inconsistency in punishing misconduct encourages learners not to comply with rules leading to increased indiscipline acts. Above all, research on policies that lead to indiscipline needs to be addressed to find cordial ways to extinct it in learning and teaching institutions. Importance of Discipline Issues It is more important to note that discipline issues have also had positive effects on the growth of institutions. This is because the discipline issues are not and addressed to ensure it is not experienced in the future. Additionally, it allows those in leadership(teachers) to understand the psychology of learners and how to deal with different misconducts more effectively. The administration of corporal punishment proved effective in the recent past. This mode of punishment made learners accountable for their misconduct which allowed teachers to use physical force without causing harm to drive them in positive
  • 4. directions. Discipline issues have also brought responsible leadership because those in management with poor skills in promoting discipline are observed and replaced by those who are more effective in dealing with indiscipline. Steps were taken to address discipline issues Last but not least, steps have been taken to address indiscipline in learning and teaching and some of them are deemed fruitful due to analysis done by researchers. A study was done by Gcelu et al.,(2020) findings revealed that teachers should collaboratively work with the school board of management and student leaders to come up with rules and regulations that favor everyone in that environment It is also advised that during the implementation of solutions to indiscipline; the management, learners, and teachers should be involved collaboratively in decision making to strategies on effective implementation of rules and regulations. However, I suggest that the creation of a learner-teacher relationship is good in the bonding of the two parties and is more likely to have a positive impact on the development of an indiscipline-free environment. When a learner has trust towards their teacher they develop self- confidence and tend to follow to what the teacher tells them. A teacher on the other hand understands how and when to address the learners in case of misconduct. Punishment is also effective to show learners that misconducts have negative reactions and consequences towards them and each punishment should weigh with the degree of the misconduct. Therefore, effective supervision and monitoring ensure that rules and regulations set by the school governing body are adhered to. Biblical Worldview on Discipline Issues Christianity encourages discipline among its followers. is important to have self-discipline as well as discipline imposed
  • 5. by God and parents. God in Hebrews 12-1:4 encourages us by telling us to throw off everything that hinders us and causes us to sin which in layman's English means that we should be disciplined in everything we do to remain righteous in his eyes. Hence, we should always do the right things that make us happy and are accepted by God. References Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 12:1-2 - New international version. (2011). Bible Gateway. ews%2012%3A1-2&version=NIV Gcelu, N., Padayachee, A. S., & Mekhasane, S. D. (2020). Management of indiscipline among secondary school students in Ilembe District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of Gender, Society, and Development, 9(4). -3622/2020/v9n4a6# EDUC 701 Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Content 14 to 15 points The sources are all clearly related to the problem and research question. 13 points The problem and research question are covered by the sources, but their relationship to the project is somewhat unclear. 1 to 12 points The problem and research question are not covered by the
  • 6. sources, and/or the sources are unclear in their relationship to the topic. 0 points Not present Timeframe 10 points At least 3 journal articles are current and have been published within the last 5 years. 8 to 9 points Two journal articles are current and have been published in the past 5 years. 1 to 7 points One journal article is current and has been published within the past 5 years. 0 points Not present Variety, Level of Writing, and Authority 10 points A variety of scholarly sources are included in the bibliography, and they are all written at the appropriate scholarship level for this paper’s purpose. 8 to 9 points A variety of sources are included in the bibliography, but they are not written at the appropriate scholarship level for this paper’s purpose. Mostly (e.g., Internet sites, newspapers, etc.) are used in the bibliography. 1 to 7 points The sources are inappropriate for this paper’s purpose. None of the sources appear to be scholarly. 0 points Not present Structure 30% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
  • 7. Mechanics 14 to 15 points Correct references and a minimum of 5 sources are included. The sources are formatted in current APA style and spelling and grammar have no errors. Word count is met. 13 points Correct references and a minimum of 5 sources are included. Only a few current APA style errors are present and/or a few spelling and grammar errors. Word count is met. 1 to 12 points Fewer than 5 sources are cited, and/or the sources are not formatted in current APA style and/or spelling and grammar have errors. Word count is not met. 0 points Not present EDUC 701 Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Choose the research question you developed in Course Project: Identifying a Problem Assignment. You will complete a total of three annotated bibliography assignments during the course that will serve as the research foundation of your final paper: 1. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Sources 1 – 5 Assignment 2. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Sources 6 – 10 Assignment 3. Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Source 11-15 Assignment
  • 8. Each Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment must follow current APA format and consist of at least 5 scholarly sources. Each Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment must have a title page with a running head and page numbers. No abstract is required. At least 3 of your scholarly resources must be current empirical, peer-reviewed journal articles. All sources must be directly related to your Research Question. Be sure to select a variety of respected sources you can use in your paper (e.g., journal articles, books, e-books, scholarly websites, etc.). Each source citation must be followed by an annotation. The annotations are designed to help you and your instructor better understand how your sources connect to your Research Question and Problem. The annotation is not a normally required component of current APA format; rather, it is a specific additional requirement for this assignment. Note the following requirements for your annotated bibliography: · An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for all resources you used. · Each citation is followed by a brief (150–200 words), descriptive, and evaluative paragraph (the annotation). · The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Do not cut and paste from your sources, as this constitutes plagiarism. Most of the time, this occurs as an innocent oversight on the part of the candidate. Regardless of the reason, in the event of plagiarism, you will receive 0 points for the entire assignment per Liberty University’s policy on academic dishonesty. It is highly recommended that you use the Jerry Falwell Library resources. You will find many tips for formatting in current APA style, navigating databases, locating resources for citation, and returning the best results for your online searches through
  • 9. the Education Resource Guide: EDUC 701 link in the Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment page. Additionally, the Education Department has a Library Liaison who is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your research, including what constitutes an acceptable article (reputable professional, scholarly journals, and/or informational venues that deal with the content of this course). The Library Liaison’s contact information is located in the Education Resource Guide: EDUC 701. Format the paper in current APA format and see the grading rubric for specific grading criteria. EDUC 703 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography Assignment is to summarize and analyze six peer-reviewed journal articles. The articles are to be on topics related to two future projects: Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical Topic Analysis Assignment. This assignment contributes to the scaffolding of these two upcoming course projects. In doctoral work, candidates are required to connect their research to a theoretical framework. This assignment will assist in building a framework for future research. Instructions Collect six articles from peer-reviewed academic, professional journals. Articles are to be on topics as outlined in your Week 1 Topic Proposal. All six articles are to be new to you for this course, meaning that you have not used them in any previous course. Annotate each article in a paragraph or two of at least 250 words. The annotation is to include a brief summary of key ideas in the article and a sentence or two of critical analysis. The critical analysis must be through the lens of course textbooks, video presentations, and/or Biblical worldview
  • 10. principles. Cite sources accordingly. After annotating the articles, write two 150-word paragraphs synthesizing the information as detailed below. One of the purposes of this assignment is to prepare you to write two upcoming papers: · Philosopher Analysis Assignment (Module 5: Week 5) · Historical Topic Analysis Assignment (Module 7: Week 7) As such, a final aspect of the assignment will be to write preliminary thesis statements for both of these upcoming assignments. Specific Guidelines Article Topics: Your articles will be collected in two sets of three each. For the first set of three articles, you will select articles related to an educational philosopher of your choosing from the list in the textbook Appendix A. You should have already indicated the philosopher of your choice in the Topic Proposals Template. The philosopher you chose may or may not align with your own personal beliefs about education. To clarify, all three articles in this first set should be on the topic of the same educational philosopher. For the second set of three articles, you will select articles related to a historical topic that relates to the field of education. You should have already indicated the historical topic of your choice in the Topic Proposal Assignment. All three articles in the second set will be on the same historical topic. Length: The total assignment is to be at least 1,800 words in length. This does not count the title page or the references themselves. Each of the six annotations is to be at least 250 words in length, and each of the two synthesis statements is to be at least 150 words each. Structure: Download the Annotated Bibliography Template; you may enter your information into the template. The format requires the components listed below:
  • 11. · Title Page · Annotated Bibliography: Six articles will be listed in the APA Format Quick Guide; under each article reference, a paragraph of at least 250 words will be inserted for each annotation. · Two Synthesis Paragraphs: Each paragraph will be at least 150 words and will synthesize the information from each set of three articles by comparing, critiquing, and analyzing the value of the information presented in each set of three articles. · Two Preliminary Thesis Statements: For each of the preliminary thesis statements, write one or two sentences in anticipation of the following upcoming assignments: · Philosopher Analysis Assignment · Historical Topic Analysis Assignment · References: Include a page listing sources other than the articles themselves. This reference list will include additional sources that you applied in your analysis of the articles and may include the textbook, course videos, and any other academic sources. (There is no need to repeat the reference for the articles since they are already listed in APA reference format in the annotated bibliography section.) Databases: Search the Jerry Falwell Library Education Databases of journals on the topic of education. You may want to begin with Academic Search Ultimate or Education Research Complete. Ensure that the articles are from professional, academic journals. Avoid searching for articles using generic search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc. Article Summaries: This assignment will be submitted via a plagiarism-checking tool, so be careful to summarize the material using your own words. Do not copy the abstract of the articles as this would be considered plagiarism. Also, do not rearrange sentence structures and replace words with synonyms. The plagiarism-checker detects such acts of plagiarism. Analysis: Though the analysis portion may be brief, it is to be more than just a simple personal opinion. It is to apply other
  • 12. sources as a lens for the critical analysis. For instance, every analysis should cite at least one other source, which may be the textbook, course video presentations, and/or Biblical principles. Cite in APA format accordingly. Two Synthesis Paragraphs: Under each set of three annotations, enter the heading “Synthesis.” Write a statement of at least 150 words for each paragraph. The synthesis paragraphs are not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. They are to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having considered the concepts within the journal articles. Two Preliminary Thesis Statements: After each synthesis paragraph, enter the heading “Preliminary Thesis Statement.” For each preliminary thesis statement, write one or two sentences that you anticipate may serve as thesis statements to your upcoming Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical Topic Analysis Assignment. You are encouraged to read the instructions for both of the upcoming assignments before writing your preliminary thesis statements. “Preliminary” means that you may revise and hone the statement as you prepare for the upcoming assignments. Although it is a draft, it should be written well. Watch the 4- minute video on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement. It should be concise, disputable, and coherent. Thesis statements should not simply be facts that readers universally hold as true. References: Insert a reference list of the supplemental sources you included in the analysis section of your annotations. You need not repeat the references for the annotated bibliography articles themselves. Here, you are citing the additional sources you used as a lens in your analysis of those articles. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via an online plagiarism tool.
  • 13. EDUC 703 Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 80% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Points Earned Annotations -- Summaries & Analyses 65% 90-98 points All selected articles are appropriate. Reviews are clear, concise, and convey pertinent information from the article. The critical analysis is presented through the lens of professional knowledge from current course materials. 82-89 points Most selected articles are appropriate and are sufficiently summarized. Analysis is partially based on professional knowledge. 1-81 points Selected articles are inappropriate; and/or summaries are unclear; and/or analysis is not properly based on professional knowledge. 0 points Not present Synthesis & Preliminary Thesis Statements 15% 20-22 points Synthesis thoroughly integrates ideas from articles and course
  • 14. materials. Preliminary thesis statements are concise, disputable, and coherent. 18-19 points Synthesis integrates ideas from articles and course materials. Preliminary thesis statements are concise and/or disputable and/or coherent. 1-17 points Synthesis fails to sufficiently integrate ideas both from articles and from course materials. Preliminary thesis statements lack specificity and/or are answered by simple facts generally agreed upon and/or are irrelevant to the field. 0 points Not present Structure 20% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Points Earned APA, Mechanics, & Length 20% 28-30 points Assignment is free of mechanical and APA errors. 100% of the length requirement is met. 25-27 points Few mechanical and/or APA errors exist. Length of the paper is met by 90% to 99%. 1-24 points Several mechanical and/or APA errors exist. Length of the paper is met by less than 90%. 0 points Not present Total Points
  • 15. /150 Instructor’s Comments: INSERT TITLE HERE IN RUNNING HEAD: ABBREVIATE IF NECESSARY 1 INSERT ABBREVIATED TITLE OF 50 CHARACTERS OR LESS 1 Annotated Bibliography Claudia S. Sample School of Education, Liberty University Author Note Claudia S. Sample I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Claudia S. Sample Email: [email protected] Replace This Heading with the Philosopher’s Name You Selected Annotated Journal Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher> Authorlastname1, A. B. (2019). Article title in regular font with only the first word and proper nouns and proper adjectives, like European, capitalized: Subtitles may or may not be used. Journal Titles are Italicized and Capitalize All Major Words Except for the Articles, Conjunctions, and Short Prepositions, 15(2), 41-50. After your first article reference above, write a 250-word
  • 16. summary and analysis. Leave the paragraph fully indented so that the author’s name is hanging over it above. The first several sentences should summarize the article in your own words. The last sentence or two should analyze an aspect of the article through the lens of the textbook, course videos, and/or biblical principles. Ensure you cite your sources in APA format. Example: (Jones, 2020); if you choose to mention author names in the body of the analysis, it should look like this: Jones (2020). You are not required to mention their names in the body of your analysis; it just depends on the point you are making. Authorlastname2, C. (2019). Title of your second article on the same philosopher. Journal Title, 9(1), 577-590. As above, indent this entire paragraph. Notice that, although everything is double spaced, there are no additional gaps or lines throughout. Never add extra lines. Sometimes Microsoft Word automatically inserts lines after headings, paragraphs, or sections. If you do not know how to remove these, simply do an internet search of your question: “How do I remove extra lines in Microsoft Word?” Authorlastname3, D. (2020). Title of third article on same philosopher. Journal Title, 9, 577-590. Enter your third summary and analysis here. Notice two things about the above journal. It does not have an issue number parenthetically inserted. That is because some journals do not have issue numbers. If there is an issue number, however, it must be inserted parenthetically with no space between the volume number and the issue number. Also, the above journal has a URL with a DOI (digital object identifier). If your article has one, you must include it. All you need to do is to copy the URL and to insert it at the end of the reference with no period after it. Synthesis of Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher>
  • 17. Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your selected philosopher. Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Name of Your Philosopher> To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement to your upcoming Philosopher Analysis assignment. Replace This Heading with Your Selected Historical Topic Annotated Journal Articles on <Selected Historical Topic> Authorlastname4, D. E. (2019). Title of your fourth article: This article is on your historical topic. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104. Enter your fourth summary and analysis here. This is on the first article representing your selected historical topic. Authorlastname5, F. G. (2020). Title of your fifth article. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104. Enter your fifth summary and analysis. This is for the second article on the historical topic. Authorlastname6, H. (2020). Title of your sixth and last article: It is on the same historical topic as the two articles above. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.
  • 18. Enter your sixth summary and analysis here. Synthesis of Articles on <Selected Historical Topic> Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your selected historical topic. Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Selected Historical Topic> To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement to your upcoming Historical Topic Analysis assignment. References Authorlastname, G. L. (2019). Sample book title: Sample subtitle. Publisher Name. · Do not repeat the six articles here that you have just annotated. · You may include other sources here that you have cited in your analyses above. · To cite videos, review this link on How to Cite Online Videos in APA in APA. Though it focuses on YouTube videos, the format will help you. · Delete the bulleted list that you see here in red so that it does not appear in your submitted assignment.