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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................. 3
Author’s Introduction ................................................ 3
Recommendations ..................................................... 3
SEO definition .............................................................. 4
Basic SEO ...................................................................... 6
Optimization domain ................................................. 6
Title and description .................................................. 7
Inbound links .............................................................. 8
Referencing sites ......................................................... 8
SEO content .............................................................. 9
Robot.txt ................................................................... 9
Campaign Inbound links .......................................... 10
Set your goals ............................................................ 10
Specified goals ........................................................ 11
Achieving objectives ............................................... 12
The main technique ................................................... 12
On page technique .................................................. 13
Domain and hosting ............................................... 14
What to avoid ............................................................ 14

Page 1
Domain cloaking ...................................................... 15
Duplicate content ................................................... 15
Hidden content ....................................................... 16
Precaution ................................................................. 16
Content theft .......................................................... 17
What to do after content theft ............................... 18
How to do SEO audit ................................................. 18
Basic SEO audit ........................................................ 19
Audit on keyword and content ............................... 20
SEO for E commerce sites .......................................... 21
SEO for general audience ........................................ 21
SEO for online store ................................................ 22
SEO for promoting an Idea ....................................... 23
SEO planning for creating a website ......................... 23
Choice of technology .............................................. 24
Proper competition ................................................. 24
Link and content strategy ....................................... 25
Good architecture ..................................................... 25
An easy architecture ............................................... 26
The good architecture .............................................. 26
Recommendation ...................................................... 27

Page 2
This Book is about the search engine optimization. It will guide you step
by step if you like this book you are allowed to distribute it free without
changing any thing but it will remain the property of thank you for downloading this book. I
hope you will enjoy this Book. I my self use the strategies and grow up my
sales and rank up my website to #1 on Google search engine.

Thank You!

How To Make Money
How To Make Backlink
How To Increase Traffic

This book will guide you
how to Get backlinks for

This Book will teach you
how to increase traffic to
your web site.

This Book will guide you to
earn lots of money from
online world.

Download here

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Page 3
The basics of SEO internet
This Book is on the basics of SEO: vocabulary, techniques, best practices, bad good

Some SEO Definitions
The SEO is one of the best tactics to improve the
visibility of a web site. It consists of optimizing the
various elements of a web page that can be
referenced in a natural way. The main advantage is
that you will never be penalized by the search
engines, but this tactic takes time because you need
to create good content regularly and get inbound
SEO of a website becomes more complex because
of the many criteria of search engines. Annually
updates forcing webmasters to modify some parts of
the site that are no longer consistent with the
guidelines. However, there are basic rules of SEO
have not changed for many years. These include the
creation of a clear and relevant content, navigation
and optimum use of robots and sitemaps files.
The objectives of SEO or SEO plan are a way to
define an SEO strategy in the long term. The
objectives vary from one site to another, but it is
important to determine trends and changes. One of
The Objectives
the main goals of SEO is to convince the user to a
given action. The objectives must be clear and must
avoid doing several at a time to avoid confusion on
the SEO strategy.
There are some basic techniques to reference a
website and they are divided into three categories,
title page and links. These three elements will start

Page 4
Best Practice

Precautions To
Protect The

SEO Audit

Different Types

Schedule SEO

the SEO, but if you search results, we will turn to a
sponsored listing of buying links on other sites. But
before implementing these techniques, it is also
necessary to know the audience of his website.
The field of SEO attracts many people. Most SEO
experts offer good advice, those that meet the search
engines. They propose to optimize your website, but
they also warn that it will take time. Others, SEOs,
promise you results in a few days, but they will
never tell you the techniques they use and for good
reason, most of these techniques are banned by
search engines.
Most webmasters believe they need to implement a
good SEO tactics and avoid being penalized by the
search engines to be quiet. In fact, your work is just
beginning, as there are many instances where your
content is stolen or you make changes that can
penalize your SEO. Each element must be taken into
account to avoid unpleasant surprises and regular
monitoring is essential.
The SEO audit of a website is one of the main tasks
of a professional referrer. The SEO audit identifies
problems that penalize or disrupt the ranking of a
site. The referrer must identify precisely these issues
and recommend possible solutions to the customer.
Among the steps include checking usability, links
and content available duplicated.
SEO of a website is different according to attract a
general audience that promotes products from an
online store or manages a company's reputation.
Each SEO tactics should be well chosen to avoid his
site is penalized. SEO and content creation also
depends on the monetization of the site.
We must make the schedule referencing a website
even before its creation. Among the steps, including
the choice of technology, the web server, the search


Page 5
for the competition, link campaigns and content
strategy. The planning of SEO should study the site
over the long term.
The visibility of a website for users and engines
depends on many factors, but is often overlooked
site architecture as it is of crucial importance. In
fact, other SEO techniques are useless if the
Architecture architecture of the site is not optimized. In simple
terms, the architecture facilitates the search of
information by the user. Although it sounds easy, it
will need to think of many possibilities to create a
good architecture.

The Basics of SEO for A Website
There are two types of SEO for a website, the first is to
manipulate search engines by questionable tactics such as
sponsored links, automatic registration site in directories and
thousands of stuffing keywords. These tactics are considered
spam by the search engines and therefore, the site will be in
the depths of the rankings. The second method, natural SEO
to optimize a page in the long term without fear of penalty
since always respect the guidelines of search engines. What
SEO is to optimize the page title, description, intelligent
inserting keywords in the text and the creation of good
inbound links. In general, the basic tactic is to optimize the
domain name, title, and internal and external links.

Optimization Domain
The domain has been the subject of many debates on SEO of a
website. Thus, some believe that it has a minimal impact on
visibility while others think it is crucial. The domain name
plays a role in SEO, but it is a mistake to believe that it is

Page 6
enough to be first in the search engines. As explained by
Google, the domain only serves to strengthen the analysis of
the page. However, the domain name becomes important for a
company to manage their online reputation. A basic rule of
SEO on the domain name is that it should not be stuffed with
keywords. For example, a shoe site, we avoid the use of a
domain name like: shoe-not since the first
impression is that it is a spam site. Instead, use a smart form
as The domain name should not be long
and it must be easy to remember to retain new visitors.

The Title and Description In SEO
After the domain name, the title and description are the most
important elements. One should not confuse the title with that
of the body of the page, but this title is between the title tags.
This is the one that appears in the browser window. The
length of the title can be variable, but it is recommended not
to exceed 150 characters to provide maximum impact to the
visitor. The title should include the keywords of the article
without looking like spam. Many SEOs make the mistake of
putting keywords in a row without worrying about its
relevance. Then we have the description that is often
overlooked by the referrer. The description is the text that
appears on the link in the search engines. It should not be
more than one or two sentences to prevent it from being cut
by the search engines. The purpose of description is to
convince the visitor to click on the link. It should summarize
the article in one sentence, preferably with the keywords in
the tags in strong. These tags put in bold the different words
and it is estimated that it is a good tactic natural SEO on a
website. It is also possible these tags in different places in the
text to always maximize SEO.

Page 7
Inbound Links, the Best Solution of SEO
The incoming link indicates a link pointing to your site
because he found useful and relevant content. That is why
SEOs focus mainly on these inbound links. There are various
tactics and one of them is to make a link to an external site to
do the same. We may also ask webmasters to make inbound
links touting their merits its site. In addition, the incoming
link anchor should contain keywords related to the article.
Thus for a shoe site, do not make inbound links as "click here
on the price," but "no shoes discount cheap." This allows
search engines to better measure the relevance of the inbound

Top Tips for Referencing His Site
SEO a website has evolved over the years and webmasters
need to anticipate future developments of the web. But it also
depends on the search engine and there are different rules
depending on whether the reference site to Google or Bing.
For example, Bing has merged its technology with Yahoo and
it takes into account the Meta tag that allows you to link
keywords to an article. However, this tag does not account for
which Google bases its analysis on the title and the URL of
the page. At first glance, these are minor differences, but have
a significant impact on the visibility of your site. The first tip
for good referencing his site is that its design must be
optimized for the content. We must forget the sites that are
overloaded with content and modules that interfere with the
visitor. In general, the home page should not contain more
than 5 items, but it may take several menus on the different
sections of the site.

Page 8
Advice on SEO Content
Great content is useless if it is not placed correctly in value.
Thus, one must follow all instructions of formatting such as
key phrases in bold or italics, inserting subtitles with H1 tags,
h2, h3, etc... They must respect their hierarchy, and we should
not put a title in H1 when we already have an H2 in the text.
In general, the H1 tag is only for the main title and the other
for the subtitle. Lists to clearly present the content and
provide a vent to the text. The keywords should be bold
without forgetting the internal links that also optimize the site.
Links must be relevant and that means that we must create
them with keywords of the topic. For several months, Google
takes into account the latest content and blogs have benefited
from improved visibility with this update. In general, a
webmaster should change 20% of its content every year that
Google believes that it is still relevant. This is particularly the
case of themes that change frequently, e.g., timeliness and
selling technology products. Indeed, you can not create a site
for smart phones today and do not incorporate the latest
models on the market regularly.

The robots.txt File and Sitemap
The robots.txt file is a text file that provides information to
search engines. Thus, we can use this file to configure the
canonical form of the domain name (with or without the
www). It can also be used to exclude certain parts of the site
indexing by search engines. The robots.txt file is not required
to reference a website, but it is highly recommended by the
search engines. If you do not have the skills to create many
free tools can generate for you. The sitemap is an XML file
that contains all the links of the site. It allows search engines
to find pages they would not indexed for one reason or

Page 9
another. The advantage is that it allows the sitemap to index
all pages quickly and optimal SEO benefit you in the shortest
time. If CMS is used to create the site, they automatically
create these Sitemaps files.

Campaign Inbound Links
Once we finished the basic SEO for their site, we can promote
with inbound links. These are links that point to your website
and increase its Pagerank, one of the main criteria of Google.
All links does not have the same value and we prefer the links
come from sites that are authorities in their field. If you create
content regularly, other webmasters will automatically
inbound links.
Download link building guide for free

Set Goals for Your Site Listed
SEO plan helps to clarify the tactical SEO of a website. The
first thing we must understand is that the goal of SEO is
always about the individual rather than the entire site pages.
Many SEOs make the mistake of applying a tactic for the
whole site and some pages are neglected and can generate
interesting traffic. The objective of SEO is different for each
site, so if you have a blog, then the basic tactics of SEO are
sufficient. However, a comprehensive strategy is needed if
you create a specialized site in selling, for example,
handicrafts. The difference with a simple blog and a website
selling is that the user must push for purchase in the second
and so the site design and content creation are totally


Page 10
Set Specific Goals
For SEO to be effective internet site, it is necessary that each
objective is as accurate as possible. You can not set a goal
such as: Increase traffic to his site, because it is the goal of all
sites. But you can specify with a criterion such as: increase
traffic and grow the user to a purchase of 20 dollars. With
such a goal, you can design and optimize the site for buying
and not looking information. Then each objective must be
realistic and can not attract millions of visitors just because
you have hundreds of items. One must understand the concept
of the potential of the theme, and, on a site will never as
popular as the Celtic music in general. One reason is that it is
aimed at a specialized audience in the first case and the
general public in the second. Monetization will be different
depending on whether specialized or general reference
website. In specialized platforms, we must focus on selling
while you can use advertising on general sites. This type of
lens SEO allows you to anticipate the evolution of the site
over the long term. It also lets you know if the site will be
profitable or not. The purpose of SEO on the content is
sometimes difficult because the search engines are constantly
changing their methods of analysis. At one time, Google said
that inbound links are the main criterion referencing and all
webmasters have created links en masse as they were not
relevant. The only result they got is to be classified as spam
sites. If they had created relevant and useful links, they were
well referenced and they would have become authorities in
their fields.


Page 11
Achieve the Objectives of SEO
An important thing about SEO is that you must divide up each
aspect of the goal. For example, if your goal is to get more
inbound links, it should be split into several categories. Thus,
we can optimize keywords and page titles or renew the
content to be more relevant. We must create outbound links to
reference sites to provide an additional source of information
to the user. If these steps are performed, the search engines
will reward your site with better visibility and a well
positioned website has all the chances to get many inbound
links. One of the golden rules of SEO site is that it is never
finished. It is recommended to create a spreadsheet to record
all the SEO objectives and note their impact on the site. At
each change of the search engine, you can quickly know if the
SEO plan is still valid or whether to create new ones. We see
that the SEO plan is an essential building block for success in
SEO web site, but it will take a lot of practice to master all the
subtleties and potential.

The Main Technical Reference for a Website
Despite the many changes in the ranking of the website, the
basics have not changed much. Sites in the same way we
conceive for several years, but the difference is the number of
criteria that promotes or not SEO. Before detailing these
techniques, it is necessary to know the site's audience. There
are three types of search engines, primary, secondary and
specialized platforms. Everyone knows the primary search
engines like Google or Bing, but the secondary engines are
also important. These search engines are targeted to a specific
audience for specialized sites. In addition, search engines use
different techniques to enrich their index, and Google is based

Page 12
solely on algorithms while Yahoo uses human moderation
with its directory. It remains one of the main techniques to
submit a new site to search engines.

SEO Techniques on the Page
There are three elements that can optimize its website for
reference, namely, the page title and links. The title is the
main criterion for SEO and Google has even said it is the first
thing that analysis on a page. The length of the title is also
important, and the W3C, the organization that governs web
standards, that a good title should not exceed 64 characters.
But this length varies depending on the search engines. If you
use long titles, the search engines will cut which will cause
inconsistencies in SEO. Then, the description Meta tag with
which is always important. This is the text that appears on the
link in the results of the user. In short, the description must
push the visitors coming to the site. One can also insert
keywords in the page description. The links are a priority for
the reference site. We can get inbound links in various ways
such as promoting the site with other webmasters. If the site
content is worth, you also get these inbound links from sites in
the same theme. An important aspect is that we must avoid
sponsored links that is to pay another webmaster to it inserts
links on its site. This practice is prohibited on Google that
consider it spam and an attempt to skew the results.


Page 13
The Domain Name and Web Hosting
Formerly, it was believed that web hosting was important for
referencing his site. So if your site is hosted in the USA and
its content and domain name is in your country, Google will
detect an inconsistency, but this theory is no longer valid.
However, this does not mean that the geographical location of
the accommodation can not count. Today, many sites use this
location to provide the content and poor accommodation can
cause problems in viewing the results. The domain name is
also important in the SEO site. You should not use special
characters in the domain such as the dash. If your website
offers shoes, so avoid domain names such as buy-shoe
because the dash distorts the result. Google considers that buy
and footwear are two separate subjects. The domain name
should be simple and easy to remember. In 1999, the domain
name was purchased for $ 7 million and was
sold a few years later around 300 million ... If you can put
your keyword theme in your domain name, then you have
every chance to be among the first results. These are some
basic techniques to reference their website and they will be
sufficient for optimal visibility.

How to Prevent and Detect Bad SEO Practices
Bad SEO website is often known as the SEO Blackhat SEO
Whitehat unlike that meets the guidelines of good SEO. Bad
SEO allows you to be among the first results in record time,
but for a very limited period. In fact, the search engines will
analyze the site and they determine that the site uses
questionable techniques and they inflict a penalty. Most of
these techniques are known then one can wonder why some
still use them. The fact is that it takes time for search engines

Page 14
to detect and website developers take advantage of this short
respite. Most of these webmasters offer illegal content and
their only concern is to be well positioned as quickly as
possible even if remove the site once it has been detected.

Domain Cloaking
When talking about bad tactics to reference a website, often
the term Domain Cloaking means. At first glance, the concept
is attractive because it is to provide different versions of the
page depending on whether it is an automatic program (a bot
search engine) or a real user who visits the site. If this is the
Bot who visits the site, the Domain Cloaking can display a
page full of keywords to boost SEO and if it is a user, the site
displays a normal page. Therefore, the search engine is going
to set the site results in minimum time. But the problem is that
all the search engines detect this practice and they
immediately de index site. This technique is often used on
websites that offer illegal content. Experiment with this type
of content and sites you will see the titles and text are filled
with keywords, but have a poor quality.

Duplication of content
Duplicate content is one of the worst problems for a search
engine. Some webmasters buy content packs in 100 000 to
200 000 items for a few dollars and they meet their site. But
they forget that these items are already being used by
thousands of different websites. Therefore, even if you have a
site that has millions of this type of content, you do not even
have 50 visitors a day. Duplicate content can take many
forms, and some marketers send their articles on multiple sites
of release and it creates duplicate content on the fly. This is
also the case of press releases if you have a blog. It is

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recommended never to use such content in its original form,
but use it to create original content. Another form of duplicate
content is the sheet product description. These sheets do not
exceed 50 words and recopy all sites without any
modification. Generally, the search engines do not even
analyze these records.

Scrapping and the Hidden Content
The Scrapping is a technique that can extract the contents of a
website and display it with minor changes to pass the test of
plagiarism. Formerly, there were even software that could
scrap hundreds of sites a day. Then they used algorithms to
rewrite the articles, but the result was really poor. Hidden
content often involves links that hides through JavaScript.
Google does not tolerate sponsored links, so webmasters think
they can hide these links with code. But the search engine bot
is able to detect any portion of text on a site and you will be
penalized. SEO of a website is a complex task that requires a
lot of time. If people offer solutions for placing your website
in the top results in a week so now you know they are using
one of the techniques just described.

Precautions to Protect the Proper Referencing
His Site
You have created your website and you have good content
that is well positioned on search engines. Visitors flock and
the site improve its SEO. You think your job is done, but the
fact that the hardest part is yet to come. The main problem is
to avoid a webmaster that would steal his content. Good
articles are difficult to write and they take a lot of time and are
not unscrupulous webmasters who are lacking in the area. If

Page 16
they notice that you succeed in your topic, they will try to take
advantage of your popularity to make monetize with
prohibited tactics. One of the first things they will aim for is
the domain name, especially if it is a business. When you
purchase your domain name, make sure you buy all the
extensions, .Net. Etc... If you do not, people will
buy them and they will hurt your reputation with bad content.

Avoid Content Theft
A jewel that is left unattended calls thieves and the same goes
for quality content. If you do not protect, it will appear on
other websites without permission, but the worst is that it will
better position your website. In fact, Google uses the authority
of a website to analyze and if a reference site steals your
content then you might fall in your SEO site. The fact is that
Google will think it was you who stole the content as your site
is less popular. That is why it is necessary to protect the site.
One of the best solutions is to use a anti plagued program that
continuously monitors your site and alerts you of any
plagiarism. One of the best known is Copyscape, but it
requires a substantial budget, especially for large sites.
Another method is to use specific tags to your content,
because it allows the engine easier to identify. That is why
one should always take the time to tag each section of the site
and you can do it easily as a CMS or that creates a site from
scratch are used. The Tagging will also see items with
different filters to provide a better user experience. A third
method is to use a statistical tool to track traffic sources that
seem strange. Indeed, content theft is often done using
automated programs that are linking to your site. If you see
referring sites that seem suspicious in your statistics so you
can be sure that this site plagiarizing your content.

Page 17
What to Do After Stealing Content?
Can take various measures to fight against the theft of its
content. The first is to warn the offending website does not
respect intellectual property and must remove this content as
soon as possible. This tactic works in 70% of cases and most
importantly, avoid again in the future. If you can identify the
webmaster, you can start a lawsuit, but the process is complex
and will cost you money. But it's worth it if the content is
unique and his plagiarism significantly penalizes your SEO.
You can also use the Domain Cloaking to protect your items.
It is to display the content in a different URL than your
domain name. Since the flight schedules of the target content
domain name, your content will be protected. But the
disadvantage of this technique is that it gives a bad impression
to the search engine. Domain Cloaking is often regarded as a
prohibited in SEO website tactics.

The Steps to Do an SEO Audit of a Website
If you are a professional referrer or plan to become pregnant,
you must master all stages of an audit SEO on a website. This
audit should run on your own sites, but also those of your
customers. One of the problems with poor quality audits is
that the referrer uses a complex jargon that is
incomprehensible to the client. Therefore, the objective of the
audit SEO is not only to identify the technical and structural
problems of a site, but it must also be able to explain clearly
to the client. The first step of an SEO audit is to verify the
usability of the site. Is that the visitor can easily access all the
parties? What is the most important pages have a link on the
home page? Good usability improves conversion rates and

Page 18
poor usability will scare visitors and will be penalized by the
search engines.

The Basics of SEO Audit
There are many techniques to do SEO audit of a website, but
it is advisable to start with the fundamentals, namely, the
presence of the pages in the index, the correct positioning of
the site name and synchronization Live and cached versions of
the pages. First, we must check whether all pages of the site
are present in the index of search engines and you can do it on
Google with the command "site:" This
command will return all pages that are indexed and must
check if it fits with all the pages of the site. If you have 100
pages on your website, but the website returns only 50 results,
this means that there is a risk of penalty or the robot search
engine could not find them. Check the structure and content of
the missing pages. Then, we must determine whether the
domain name of the site into a good position (usually the first
or second position). If your website is about safaris and the
name of your site is safaritour then this term must appear first
in your SEO audit. If this is not the case, it indicates a penalty
as the Google Sandbox (you must wait in the case of a Google
Sandbox). Finally, it requires that cached versions of pages
are identical with those in Live. If you have different versions,
this indicates that the robot does not regularly visit the site or
it can not access the site. In all cases, check the webmasters
tools offered by Google or Bing you have no error on this


Page 19
The Audit on Keywords and Duplicate
A good website should be optimized for different keywords
on the pages. Therefore, we must check whether two pages do
not compete on the same keyword which can cause what is
called "keyword cannibalization." If you are in this case,
choose the most appropriate page and delete the second. You
can also change it for the second target a different keyword.
Duplicate content penalty immediately leads to a site. So
make sure all your pages are unique and that includes the title,
description and URL. Pages too similar may be classified as a
content farm and you risk a penalty by Google Panda.
Duplicate content can also occur when there is not a
canonization of your URL. This concept states that all your
pages should point to the same domain name. If your main
NDD is then you must do a 301 redirect
pages from to or vice versa. To check
if you have duplicate content due to the canonical URL. Take
a single sentence from one of your pages and make a search in
Google with quotation marks (it helps that it is a unique
research). If this single sentence returns multiple results both
from and, it means that you do not
have canonical URL and you need to quickly resolve the


Page 20
SEO for A General Audience, an E-Commerce
Website and Business
In general, there are three types of SEO for websites. The first
is aimed at a general audience and what type of site has no
particular monetization. In short, monetization is not the
priority of the webmaster. Then we SEO for online stores that
aims to convince visitors to make a purchase. The third
concerns the reputation of a given entity. Thus, the SEO can
be used to advertise a business or simply an ideology.

SEO for A General Audience
SEO for a general audience is one of the most popular on the
web. The principle is to create a content site to win regularly
on contextual advertising. Thus, Google Adsense has allowed
many webmasters have a good income on their general
websites. The advantage of this type of site is that it is not
necessary to have a large audience, but rather to propose
specific content of interest to users. The main SEO technique
for this site is to use keyword targeting. So we did a search on
the topic to extract keywords frequently used by users and
creates content accordingly. However, we should not just
optimize content with these terms, but rather create content
intelligently. If you just create items for target keywords,
Google may penalize you as a content farm. Instead, we
should naturally write the text, and then we optimize for
keywords that include through the article. You can also put
these keywords in the title and the URL or description for
better visibility. One important thing with the SEO of this site
is that the architecture should be optimal. In general, we

Page 21
recommend the use of categories and subcategories to create
an easy and intuitive navigation.

SEO for an Online Store
It is estimated that the market for online sales exceeding $ 300
billion per year and it is not surprising that many SEOs invest
in this area. The objective of SEO for e-commerce sites is to
target products rather than keywords. The difference is
minimal, but it is important. In the SEO keyword, we try to
cover the topic while we aimed only a brand name or product
in the online store. For example, a general article on graphics
cards use keywords such as graphics, video memory, GPU,
etc.. But if we sell graphics cards, words such as ATI are
used. The potential buyer will never use the term "graphics
card" in his research and he preferred to use the product
model. Since online sales you earn a direct profit, a good SEO
technique is to use the sponsored advertising with Google
AdWords. You buy keywords based on your product and you
will immediately traffic and therefore sales opportunities at
the same time. PPC or sponsored advertising is complex
because it must balance its investment with the net profit of
each product. The online store must also invest on good link
campaigns and must have a good internal linking architecture.


Page 22
SEO for Reputation or Promoting an Idea
Many political parties are using the web to promote their
ideas, including minority parties that go unnoticed in the mass
media. They use SEO to be heard. The same is true for small
businesses that can not afford traditional advertising. For this
type of SEO, you should use both keywords the main idea, but
more importantly, you have to play on the viral potential of
social networks. Pure site optimization is not required if the
item is popular on these networks. We can not count the
number of images or texts that have attracted thousands of
visitors within hours. To do this, the content has to go against
the dominant ideas and should even cause in some cases.
Indeed, we must use the emotions of players to promote the
product instead of conventional tactics. Content strategy
should be a priority for these types of sites.

SEO Planning On Creating a Website
Most webmasters create their first website and then they
optimize their web pages. The result is that they end up with a
site that is not optimized correctly or it is not properly
positioned on the right keywords. Planning referencing a site
avoids this problem because it encompasses the entire party to
create the site. In short, this schedule helps move the site
while respecting the criteria for ranking. The most
disadvantageous when planning SEO unknown is that the site
is not used in its entirety. Thus, a site with 100 pages can be
positioned only 20 pages and therefore, the remaining 80
pages are almost invisible.


Page 23
The Choice of Technology
The choice of technology is an important part of SEO
planning. Thus, if we choose a CMS to create the site, you
must verify that you can create tags titles and descriptions for
each page, as it is not always the case. Most of the best CMS
offer these options, including Joomla and Drupal. Then, we
must verify that the web server can be easily modified to
redirect pages. For example, the IIS server supports only 302
redirects (temporary) while it is sometimes necessary to
implement a 301 redirect (permanent) to manage duplicate
content. We can still create a 301 redirect on an IIS server, but
this requires a good knowledge of server administration.
Therefore, planning must integrate SEO these problems to
notify the client. The referrer must optimize the site in its
entirety, and site maintenance can be independent or undertreated. Is the client able to manage their site without any
special knowledge or it will have to outsource this task?

The Segmentation of the Competition
SEO practices include proper analysis of the competition and
must perform before creating the site. Indeed, it is almost
impossible to be well positioned on specific topics and should
be checked beforehand. For example, you are an expert in
bank credit and you create a site with great content. But then
you notice that your competitors are banking sites that occupy
the top positions. Given that these are sites of authorities, a
standard site is unlikely to be noticed. This does not mean that
we should not create the site, but rather to find less
competitive keywords. For example, you can use the long
trains on the subject of bank credit, because it is rare that the
official websites operate this type of content.

Page 24
The Campaign Links and Content Strategy
Before creating the site, you need to know where you can find
good inbound links. To do this, you must visit reference sites
on the subject to see if they accept partnerships. 1 single link
from a highly rated site is better than 10 links from 10 sites
that are less popular. Obviously, we can submit the site in
directories, but it is not as effective as a link from a site with a
good positioning. For the site agrees to make a link, it is
necessary that the content strategy offers innovative things. If
your content is similar to existing sites, then there is no
chance to get good inbound links. Moreover, even the search
engines do not correctly will reference your site since you do
not bring anything new. Your content should be different from
your competitors and you can create if you have followed the
previous steps in the planning SEO. Thus, research on the
long tail allow you to create unique content and you naturally
get inbound links. We see that the schedule of SEO is not just
to optimize a web page, but the study referencing a site over
the long term.

Use a Good Architecture for Referencing His Site
To understand the importance of the architecture of a site, one
must understand the operation of a search engine.
Unfortunately, it does not read a website in the same way a
human being and therefore must provide an architecture that
allows it to read the entire site. We can compare the
architecture of a site to a workbook school records. If you
were already enrolled in the school and you are looking for a
particular year, the head will just ask your date or your name
and find your file in seconds. The fact is that the workbook is
designed to improve the indexing of data on students. Thus, it

Page 25
is classified according to grades, in alphabetical order, new
and ancient inscriptions, etc... The information architecture
should have several ways to sort the data and simply apply
this principle in its website.

An Easy and Intuitive Architecture for
All tips SEO will tell you that good architecture should be
easy and intuitive, but there are two different concepts. Easy
navigation makes it easy to find information such as with a
search bar or categories for each aspect of the site. Intuitive
navigation offers solutions to visitors when the site is lost. For
example, the breadcrumb is a very good example of intuitive
navigation. Your site can have multiple levels of structures
and sometimes visitor wants to return to the home page or to a
higher level and therefore, the breadcrumb bring it back to the
desired location with a few clicks. To recap, the breadcrumb
trail is the links that usually appear in the home page. If the
visitor is in the "Hotel" page, in the category "fivestar", then
the breadcrumb show Home> Tourism> fivestar> Hotel. Most
CMS have default option breadcrumb.

The Basics of Good Site Architecture
Some sites operate perfectly content architecture. Thus,
Craiglist, a site specializing in ads has thousands of well
organized categories. If you are looking for housing in New
York, simply browse the category New York and look in
Housing. Reddit is also a good example to see an optimized
architecture with categories for each topic such as politics,
technology, humor, etc.. Subdomain can be used to create
architecture for SEO of a website. We take our comparison
workbook file and imagine that the subdomain is another

Page 26
workbook in the same room. Subdomain allows you to
provide different content for the same site or within the same
theme. Thus, you will often see sites that have subdomains for
their forum or blog because the content is different from the
main site. You can create as many sub-domains you want on
most hosts, and therefore, we can fully organize its content by
hundreds of possibilities. A site on tourism can have a
subdomain dedicated to news, official events, videos, etc..
Another tactic to create a good architecture is to use the
redirection page. We can compare the redirection to a wizard
that will help you with your workbook file. Its role is to warn
you that a file is misplaced and must be put in the right
location. If you find a page on Marseille restaurants in the
category Hotel of Marseille then you can use redirects to point
to the correct location. This is a better solution than deleting
the article and create a new one since preserve SEO. Finally,
the last part of the site architecture must encompass URL.
Your page on restaurants must not contain a URL in the form because it is
incomprehensible. Instead, we must rewrite the URL in the / restaurant fivestar form. These are the basics
of a good reference architecture to its website.


Page 27
Read To Win More...
This can be a bit mysterious, because good books are still
guarded by elite that wants to take the market!
Read lets you know other techniques, new methods and also
allows you to gain MORE time instead of 101 test, a book
allows you to do it once!
But that does not mean that we should not test, test several things
for the method that saves MORE 
Here are some books that I recommend you (thank you to read
this book ):

How To Make Money
How To Make Backlink
How To Increase Traffic

This book will guide you
how to Get backlinks for

This Book will teach you
how to increase traffic to
your web site.

This Book will guide you to
earn lots of money from
online world.

Download here

Download here

Download here


Page 28

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  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................. 3 Author’s Introduction ................................................ 3 Recommendations ..................................................... 3 SEO definition .............................................................. 4 Basic SEO ...................................................................... 6 Optimization domain ................................................. 6 Title and description .................................................. 7 Inbound links .............................................................. 8 Referencing sites ......................................................... 8 SEO content .............................................................. 9 Robot.txt ................................................................... 9 Campaign Inbound links .......................................... 10 Set your goals ............................................................ 10 Specified goals ........................................................ 11 Achieving objectives ............................................... 12 The main technique ................................................... 12 On page technique .................................................. 13 Domain and hosting ............................................... 14 What to avoid ............................................................ 14 BY: Page 1
  • 3. Domain cloaking ...................................................... 15 Duplicate content ................................................... 15 Hidden content ....................................................... 16 Precaution ................................................................. 16 Content theft .......................................................... 17 What to do after content theft ............................... 18 How to do SEO audit ................................................. 18 Basic SEO audit ........................................................ 19 Audit on keyword and content ............................... 20 SEO for E commerce sites .......................................... 21 SEO for general audience ........................................ 21 SEO for online store ................................................ 22 SEO for promoting an Idea ....................................... 23 SEO planning for creating a website ......................... 23 Choice of technology .............................................. 24 Proper competition ................................................. 24 Link and content strategy ....................................... 25 Good architecture ..................................................... 25 An easy architecture ............................................... 26 The good architecture .............................................. 26 Recommendation ...................................................... 27 BY: Page 2
  • 4. Introduction This Book is about the search engine optimization. It will guide you step by step if you like this book you are allowed to distribute it free without changing any thing but it will remain the property of thank you for downloading this book. I hope you will enjoy this Book. I my self use the strategies and grow up my sales and rank up my website to #1 on Google search engine. Thank You! From: ALI HASSAN I RECOMANDED YOU TO DOWNLOAD THESE BOOKS ALSO How To Make Money How To Make Backlink How To Increase Traffic Online This book will guide you how to Get backlinks for free. This Book will teach you how to increase traffic to your web site. This Book will guide you to earn lots of money from online world. Download here Download here Download here BY: Page 3
  • 5. The basics of SEO internet This Book is on the basics of SEO: vocabulary, techniques, best practices, bad good ideas... Some SEO Definitions The SEO is one of the best tactics to improve the visibility of a web site. It consists of optimizing the various elements of a web page that can be referenced in a natural way. The main advantage is SEO that you will never be penalized by the search engines, but this tactic takes time because you need to create good content regularly and get inbound links. SEO of a website becomes more complex because of the many criteria of search engines. Annually updates forcing webmasters to modify some parts of the site that are no longer consistent with the Advice guidelines. However, there are basic rules of SEO have not changed for many years. These include the creation of a clear and relevant content, navigation and optimum use of robots and sitemaps files. The objectives of SEO or SEO plan are a way to define an SEO strategy in the long term. The objectives vary from one site to another, but it is important to determine trends and changes. One of The Objectives the main goals of SEO is to convince the user to a given action. The objectives must be clear and must avoid doing several at a time to avoid confusion on the SEO strategy. There are some basic techniques to reference a website and they are divided into three categories, Technical title page and links. These three elements will start BY: Page 4
  • 6. Best Practice Precautions To Protect The Site SEO Audit Different Types Of SEO Schedule SEO the SEO, but if you search results, we will turn to a sponsored listing of buying links on other sites. But before implementing these techniques, it is also necessary to know the audience of his website. The field of SEO attracts many people. Most SEO experts offer good advice, those that meet the search engines. They propose to optimize your website, but they also warn that it will take time. Others, SEOs, promise you results in a few days, but they will never tell you the techniques they use and for good reason, most of these techniques are banned by search engines. Most webmasters believe they need to implement a good SEO tactics and avoid being penalized by the search engines to be quiet. In fact, your work is just beginning, as there are many instances where your content is stolen or you make changes that can penalize your SEO. Each element must be taken into account to avoid unpleasant surprises and regular monitoring is essential. The SEO audit of a website is one of the main tasks of a professional referrer. The SEO audit identifies problems that penalize or disrupt the ranking of a site. The referrer must identify precisely these issues and recommend possible solutions to the customer. Among the steps include checking usability, links and content available duplicated. SEO of a website is different according to attract a general audience that promotes products from an online store or manages a company's reputation. Each SEO tactics should be well chosen to avoid his site is penalized. SEO and content creation also depends on the monetization of the site. We must make the schedule referencing a website even before its creation. Among the steps, including the choice of technology, the web server, the search BY: Page 5
  • 7. for the competition, link campaigns and content strategy. The planning of SEO should study the site over the long term. The visibility of a website for users and engines depends on many factors, but is often overlooked site architecture as it is of crucial importance. In fact, other SEO techniques are useless if the Site Architecture architecture of the site is not optimized. In simple terms, the architecture facilitates the search of For SEO information by the user. Although it sounds easy, it will need to think of many possibilities to create a good architecture. The Basics of SEO for A Website There are two types of SEO for a website, the first is to manipulate search engines by questionable tactics such as sponsored links, automatic registration site in directories and thousands of stuffing keywords. These tactics are considered spam by the search engines and therefore, the site will be in the depths of the rankings. The second method, natural SEO to optimize a page in the long term without fear of penalty since always respect the guidelines of search engines. What SEO is to optimize the page title, description, intelligent inserting keywords in the text and the creation of good inbound links. In general, the basic tactic is to optimize the domain name, title, and internal and external links. Optimization Domain The domain has been the subject of many debates on SEO of a website. Thus, some believe that it has a minimal impact on visibility while others think it is crucial. The domain name plays a role in SEO, but it is a mistake to believe that it is BY: Page 6
  • 8. enough to be first in the search engines. As explained by Google, the domain only serves to strengthen the analysis of the page. However, the domain name becomes important for a company to manage their online reputation. A basic rule of SEO on the domain name is that it should not be stuffed with keywords. For example, a shoe site, we avoid the use of a domain name like: shoe-not since the first impression is that it is a spam site. Instead, use a smart form as The domain name should not be long and it must be easy to remember to retain new visitors. The Title and Description In SEO After the domain name, the title and description are the most important elements. One should not confuse the title with that of the body of the page, but this title is between the title tags. This is the one that appears in the browser window. The length of the title can be variable, but it is recommended not to exceed 150 characters to provide maximum impact to the visitor. The title should include the keywords of the article without looking like spam. Many SEOs make the mistake of putting keywords in a row without worrying about its relevance. Then we have the description that is often overlooked by the referrer. The description is the text that appears on the link in the search engines. It should not be more than one or two sentences to prevent it from being cut by the search engines. The purpose of description is to convince the visitor to click on the link. It should summarize the article in one sentence, preferably with the keywords in the tags in strong. These tags put in bold the different words and it is estimated that it is a good tactic natural SEO on a website. It is also possible these tags in different places in the text to always maximize SEO. BY: Page 7
  • 9. Inbound Links, the Best Solution of SEO The incoming link indicates a link pointing to your site because he found useful and relevant content. That is why SEOs focus mainly on these inbound links. There are various tactics and one of them is to make a link to an external site to do the same. We may also ask webmasters to make inbound links touting their merits its site. In addition, the incoming link anchor should contain keywords related to the article. Thus for a shoe site, do not make inbound links as "click here on the price," but "no shoes discount cheap." This allows search engines to better measure the relevance of the inbound link. Top Tips for Referencing His Site SEO a website has evolved over the years and webmasters need to anticipate future developments of the web. But it also depends on the search engine and there are different rules depending on whether the reference site to Google or Bing. For example, Bing has merged its technology with Yahoo and it takes into account the Meta tag that allows you to link keywords to an article. However, this tag does not account for which Google bases its analysis on the title and the URL of the page. At first glance, these are minor differences, but have a significant impact on the visibility of your site. The first tip for good referencing his site is that its design must be optimized for the content. We must forget the sites that are overloaded with content and modules that interfere with the visitor. In general, the home page should not contain more than 5 items, but it may take several menus on the different sections of the site. BY: Page 8
  • 10. Advice on SEO Content Great content is useless if it is not placed correctly in value. Thus, one must follow all instructions of formatting such as key phrases in bold or italics, inserting subtitles with H1 tags, h2, h3, etc... They must respect their hierarchy, and we should not put a title in H1 when we already have an H2 in the text. In general, the H1 tag is only for the main title and the other for the subtitle. Lists to clearly present the content and provide a vent to the text. The keywords should be bold without forgetting the internal links that also optimize the site. Links must be relevant and that means that we must create them with keywords of the topic. For several months, Google takes into account the latest content and blogs have benefited from improved visibility with this update. In general, a webmaster should change 20% of its content every year that Google believes that it is still relevant. This is particularly the case of themes that change frequently, e.g., timeliness and selling technology products. Indeed, you can not create a site for smart phones today and do not incorporate the latest models on the market regularly. The robots.txt File and Sitemap The robots.txt file is a text file that provides information to search engines. Thus, we can use this file to configure the canonical form of the domain name (with or without the www). It can also be used to exclude certain parts of the site indexing by search engines. The robots.txt file is not required to reference a website, but it is highly recommended by the search engines. If you do not have the skills to create many free tools can generate for you. The sitemap is an XML file that contains all the links of the site. It allows search engines to find pages they would not indexed for one reason or BY: Page 9
  • 11. another. The advantage is that it allows the sitemap to index all pages quickly and optimal SEO benefit you in the shortest time. If CMS is used to create the site, they automatically create these Sitemaps files. Campaign Inbound Links Once we finished the basic SEO for their site, we can promote with inbound links. These are links that point to your website and increase its Pagerank, one of the main criteria of Google. All links does not have the same value and we prefer the links come from sites that are authorities in their field. If you create content regularly, other webmasters will automatically inbound links. Download link building guide for free Set Goals for Your Site Listed SEO plan helps to clarify the tactical SEO of a website. The first thing we must understand is that the goal of SEO is always about the individual rather than the entire site pages. Many SEOs make the mistake of applying a tactic for the whole site and some pages are neglected and can generate interesting traffic. The objective of SEO is different for each site, so if you have a blog, then the basic tactics of SEO are sufficient. However, a comprehensive strategy is needed if you create a specialized site in selling, for example, handicrafts. The difference with a simple blog and a website selling is that the user must push for purchase in the second and so the site design and content creation are totally different. BY: Page 10
  • 12. Set Specific Goals For SEO to be effective internet site, it is necessary that each objective is as accurate as possible. You can not set a goal such as: Increase traffic to his site, because it is the goal of all sites. But you can specify with a criterion such as: increase traffic and grow the user to a purchase of 20 dollars. With such a goal, you can design and optimize the site for buying and not looking information. Then each objective must be realistic and can not attract millions of visitors just because you have hundreds of items. One must understand the concept of the potential of the theme, and, on a site will never as popular as the Celtic music in general. One reason is that it is aimed at a specialized audience in the first case and the general public in the second. Monetization will be different depending on whether specialized or general reference website. In specialized platforms, we must focus on selling while you can use advertising on general sites. This type of lens SEO allows you to anticipate the evolution of the site over the long term. It also lets you know if the site will be profitable or not. The purpose of SEO on the content is sometimes difficult because the search engines are constantly changing their methods of analysis. At one time, Google said that inbound links are the main criterion referencing and all webmasters have created links en masse as they were not relevant. The only result they got is to be classified as spam sites. If they had created relevant and useful links, they were well referenced and they would have become authorities in their fields. BY: Page 11
  • 13. Achieve the Objectives of SEO An important thing about SEO is that you must divide up each aspect of the goal. For example, if your goal is to get more inbound links, it should be split into several categories. Thus, we can optimize keywords and page titles or renew the content to be more relevant. We must create outbound links to reference sites to provide an additional source of information to the user. If these steps are performed, the search engines will reward your site with better visibility and a well positioned website has all the chances to get many inbound links. One of the golden rules of SEO site is that it is never finished. It is recommended to create a spreadsheet to record all the SEO objectives and note their impact on the site. At each change of the search engine, you can quickly know if the SEO plan is still valid or whether to create new ones. We see that the SEO plan is an essential building block for success in SEO web site, but it will take a lot of practice to master all the subtleties and potential. The Main Technical Reference for a Website Despite the many changes in the ranking of the website, the basics have not changed much. Sites in the same way we conceive for several years, but the difference is the number of criteria that promotes or not SEO. Before detailing these techniques, it is necessary to know the site's audience. There are three types of search engines, primary, secondary and specialized platforms. Everyone knows the primary search engines like Google or Bing, but the secondary engines are also important. These search engines are targeted to a specific audience for specialized sites. In addition, search engines use different techniques to enrich their index, and Google is based BY: Page 12
  • 14. solely on algorithms while Yahoo uses human moderation with its directory. It remains one of the main techniques to submit a new site to search engines. SEO Techniques on the Page There are three elements that can optimize its website for reference, namely, the page title and links. The title is the main criterion for SEO and Google has even said it is the first thing that analysis on a page. The length of the title is also important, and the W3C, the organization that governs web standards, that a good title should not exceed 64 characters. But this length varies depending on the search engines. If you use long titles, the search engines will cut which will cause inconsistencies in SEO. Then, the description Meta tag with which is always important. This is the text that appears on the link in the results of the user. In short, the description must push the visitors coming to the site. One can also insert keywords in the page description. The links are a priority for the reference site. We can get inbound links in various ways such as promoting the site with other webmasters. If the site content is worth, you also get these inbound links from sites in the same theme. An important aspect is that we must avoid sponsored links that is to pay another webmaster to it inserts links on its site. This practice is prohibited on Google that consider it spam and an attempt to skew the results. BY: Page 13
  • 15. The Domain Name and Web Hosting Formerly, it was believed that web hosting was important for referencing his site. So if your site is hosted in the USA and its content and domain name is in your country, Google will detect an inconsistency, but this theory is no longer valid. However, this does not mean that the geographical location of the accommodation can not count. Today, many sites use this location to provide the content and poor accommodation can cause problems in viewing the results. The domain name is also important in the SEO site. You should not use special characters in the domain such as the dash. If your website offers shoes, so avoid domain names such as buy-shoe because the dash distorts the result. Google considers that buy and footwear are two separate subjects. The domain name should be simple and easy to remember. In 1999, the domain name was purchased for $ 7 million and was sold a few years later around 300 million ... If you can put your keyword theme in your domain name, then you have every chance to be among the first results. These are some basic techniques to reference their website and they will be sufficient for optimal visibility. How to Prevent and Detect Bad SEO Practices Bad SEO website is often known as the SEO Blackhat SEO Whitehat unlike that meets the guidelines of good SEO. Bad SEO allows you to be among the first results in record time, but for a very limited period. In fact, the search engines will analyze the site and they determine that the site uses questionable techniques and they inflict a penalty. Most of these techniques are known then one can wonder why some still use them. The fact is that it takes time for search engines BY: Page 14
  • 16. to detect and website developers take advantage of this short respite. Most of these webmasters offer illegal content and their only concern is to be well positioned as quickly as possible even if remove the site once it has been detected. Domain Cloaking When talking about bad tactics to reference a website, often the term Domain Cloaking means. At first glance, the concept is attractive because it is to provide different versions of the page depending on whether it is an automatic program (a bot search engine) or a real user who visits the site. If this is the Bot who visits the site, the Domain Cloaking can display a page full of keywords to boost SEO and if it is a user, the site displays a normal page. Therefore, the search engine is going to set the site results in minimum time. But the problem is that all the search engines detect this practice and they immediately de index site. This technique is often used on websites that offer illegal content. Experiment with this type of content and sites you will see the titles and text are filled with keywords, but have a poor quality. Duplication of content Duplicate content is one of the worst problems for a search engine. Some webmasters buy content packs in 100 000 to 200 000 items for a few dollars and they meet their site. But they forget that these items are already being used by thousands of different websites. Therefore, even if you have a site that has millions of this type of content, you do not even have 50 visitors a day. Duplicate content can take many forms, and some marketers send their articles on multiple sites of release and it creates duplicate content on the fly. This is also the case of press releases if you have a blog. It is BY: Page 15
  • 17. recommended never to use such content in its original form, but use it to create original content. Another form of duplicate content is the sheet product description. These sheets do not exceed 50 words and recopy all sites without any modification. Generally, the search engines do not even analyze these records. Scrapping and the Hidden Content The Scrapping is a technique that can extract the contents of a website and display it with minor changes to pass the test of plagiarism. Formerly, there were even software that could scrap hundreds of sites a day. Then they used algorithms to rewrite the articles, but the result was really poor. Hidden content often involves links that hides through JavaScript. Google does not tolerate sponsored links, so webmasters think they can hide these links with code. But the search engine bot is able to detect any portion of text on a site and you will be penalized. SEO of a website is a complex task that requires a lot of time. If people offer solutions for placing your website in the top results in a week so now you know they are using one of the techniques just described. Precautions to Protect the Proper Referencing His Site You have created your website and you have good content that is well positioned on search engines. Visitors flock and the site improve its SEO. You think your job is done, but the fact that the hardest part is yet to come. The main problem is to avoid a webmaster that would steal his content. Good articles are difficult to write and they take a lot of time and are not unscrupulous webmasters who are lacking in the area. If BY: Page 16
  • 18. they notice that you succeed in your topic, they will try to take advantage of your popularity to make monetize with prohibited tactics. One of the first things they will aim for is the domain name, especially if it is a business. When you purchase your domain name, make sure you buy all the extensions, .Net. Etc... If you do not, people will buy them and they will hurt your reputation with bad content. Avoid Content Theft A jewel that is left unattended calls thieves and the same goes for quality content. If you do not protect, it will appear on other websites without permission, but the worst is that it will better position your website. In fact, Google uses the authority of a website to analyze and if a reference site steals your content then you might fall in your SEO site. The fact is that Google will think it was you who stole the content as your site is less popular. That is why it is necessary to protect the site. One of the best solutions is to use a anti plagued program that continuously monitors your site and alerts you of any plagiarism. One of the best known is Copyscape, but it requires a substantial budget, especially for large sites. Another method is to use specific tags to your content, because it allows the engine easier to identify. That is why one should always take the time to tag each section of the site and you can do it easily as a CMS or that creates a site from scratch are used. The Tagging will also see items with different filters to provide a better user experience. A third method is to use a statistical tool to track traffic sources that seem strange. Indeed, content theft is often done using automated programs that are linking to your site. If you see referring sites that seem suspicious in your statistics so you can be sure that this site plagiarizing your content. BY: Page 17
  • 19. What to Do After Stealing Content? Can take various measures to fight against the theft of its content. The first is to warn the offending website does not respect intellectual property and must remove this content as soon as possible. This tactic works in 70% of cases and most importantly, avoid again in the future. If you can identify the webmaster, you can start a lawsuit, but the process is complex and will cost you money. But it's worth it if the content is unique and his plagiarism significantly penalizes your SEO. You can also use the Domain Cloaking to protect your items. It is to display the content in a different URL than your domain name. Since the flight schedules of the target content domain name, your content will be protected. But the disadvantage of this technique is that it gives a bad impression to the search engine. Domain Cloaking is often regarded as a prohibited in SEO website tactics. The Steps to Do an SEO Audit of a Website If you are a professional referrer or plan to become pregnant, you must master all stages of an audit SEO on a website. This audit should run on your own sites, but also those of your customers. One of the problems with poor quality audits is that the referrer uses a complex jargon that is incomprehensible to the client. Therefore, the objective of the audit SEO is not only to identify the technical and structural problems of a site, but it must also be able to explain clearly to the client. The first step of an SEO audit is to verify the usability of the site. Is that the visitor can easily access all the parties? What is the most important pages have a link on the home page? Good usability improves conversion rates and BY: Page 18
  • 20. poor usability will scare visitors and will be penalized by the search engines. The Basics of SEO Audit There are many techniques to do SEO audit of a website, but it is advisable to start with the fundamentals, namely, the presence of the pages in the index, the correct positioning of the site name and synchronization Live and cached versions of the pages. First, we must check whether all pages of the site are present in the index of search engines and you can do it on Google with the command "site:" This command will return all pages that are indexed and must check if it fits with all the pages of the site. If you have 100 pages on your website, but the website returns only 50 results, this means that there is a risk of penalty or the robot search engine could not find them. Check the structure and content of the missing pages. Then, we must determine whether the domain name of the site into a good position (usually the first or second position). If your website is about safaris and the name of your site is safaritour then this term must appear first in your SEO audit. If this is not the case, it indicates a penalty as the Google Sandbox (you must wait in the case of a Google Sandbox). Finally, it requires that cached versions of pages are identical with those in Live. If you have different versions, this indicates that the robot does not regularly visit the site or it can not access the site. In all cases, check the webmasters tools offered by Google or Bing you have no error on this side. BY: Page 19
  • 21. The Audit on Keywords and Duplicate Content A good website should be optimized for different keywords on the pages. Therefore, we must check whether two pages do not compete on the same keyword which can cause what is called "keyword cannibalization." If you are in this case, choose the most appropriate page and delete the second. You can also change it for the second target a different keyword. Duplicate content penalty immediately leads to a site. So make sure all your pages are unique and that includes the title, description and URL. Pages too similar may be classified as a content farm and you risk a penalty by Google Panda. Duplicate content can also occur when there is not a canonization of your URL. This concept states that all your pages should point to the same domain name. If your main NDD is then you must do a 301 redirect pages from to or vice versa. To check if you have duplicate content due to the canonical URL. Take a single sentence from one of your pages and make a search in Google with quotation marks (it helps that it is a unique research). If this single sentence returns multiple results both from and, it means that you do not have canonical URL and you need to quickly resolve the problem. BY: Page 20
  • 22. SEO for A General Audience, an E-Commerce Website and Business In general, there are three types of SEO for websites. The first is aimed at a general audience and what type of site has no particular monetization. In short, monetization is not the priority of the webmaster. Then we SEO for online stores that aims to convince visitors to make a purchase. The third concerns the reputation of a given entity. Thus, the SEO can be used to advertise a business or simply an ideology. SEO for A General Audience SEO for a general audience is one of the most popular on the web. The principle is to create a content site to win regularly on contextual advertising. Thus, Google Adsense has allowed many webmasters have a good income on their general websites. The advantage of this type of site is that it is not necessary to have a large audience, but rather to propose specific content of interest to users. The main SEO technique for this site is to use keyword targeting. So we did a search on the topic to extract keywords frequently used by users and creates content accordingly. However, we should not just optimize content with these terms, but rather create content intelligently. If you just create items for target keywords, Google may penalize you as a content farm. Instead, we should naturally write the text, and then we optimize for keywords that include through the article. You can also put these keywords in the title and the URL or description for better visibility. One important thing with the SEO of this site is that the architecture should be optimal. In general, we BY: Page 21
  • 23. recommend the use of categories and subcategories to create an easy and intuitive navigation. SEO for an Online Store It is estimated that the market for online sales exceeding $ 300 billion per year and it is not surprising that many SEOs invest in this area. The objective of SEO for e-commerce sites is to target products rather than keywords. The difference is minimal, but it is important. In the SEO keyword, we try to cover the topic while we aimed only a brand name or product in the online store. For example, a general article on graphics cards use keywords such as graphics, video memory, GPU, etc.. But if we sell graphics cards, words such as ATI are used. The potential buyer will never use the term "graphics card" in his research and he preferred to use the product model. Since online sales you earn a direct profit, a good SEO technique is to use the sponsored advertising with Google AdWords. You buy keywords based on your product and you will immediately traffic and therefore sales opportunities at the same time. PPC or sponsored advertising is complex because it must balance its investment with the net profit of each product. The online store must also invest on good link campaigns and must have a good internal linking architecture. BY: Page 22
  • 24. SEO for Reputation or Promoting an Idea Many political parties are using the web to promote their ideas, including minority parties that go unnoticed in the mass media. They use SEO to be heard. The same is true for small businesses that can not afford traditional advertising. For this type of SEO, you should use both keywords the main idea, but more importantly, you have to play on the viral potential of social networks. Pure site optimization is not required if the item is popular on these networks. We can not count the number of images or texts that have attracted thousands of visitors within hours. To do this, the content has to go against the dominant ideas and should even cause in some cases. Indeed, we must use the emotions of players to promote the product instead of conventional tactics. Content strategy should be a priority for these types of sites. SEO Planning On Creating a Website Most webmasters create their first website and then they optimize their web pages. The result is that they end up with a site that is not optimized correctly or it is not properly positioned on the right keywords. Planning referencing a site avoids this problem because it encompasses the entire party to create the site. In short, this schedule helps move the site while respecting the criteria for ranking. The most disadvantageous when planning SEO unknown is that the site is not used in its entirety. Thus, a site with 100 pages can be positioned only 20 pages and therefore, the remaining 80 pages are almost invisible. BY: Page 23
  • 25. The Choice of Technology The choice of technology is an important part of SEO planning. Thus, if we choose a CMS to create the site, you must verify that you can create tags titles and descriptions for each page, as it is not always the case. Most of the best CMS offer these options, including Joomla and Drupal. Then, we must verify that the web server can be easily modified to redirect pages. For example, the IIS server supports only 302 redirects (temporary) while it is sometimes necessary to implement a 301 redirect (permanent) to manage duplicate content. We can still create a 301 redirect on an IIS server, but this requires a good knowledge of server administration. Therefore, planning must integrate SEO these problems to notify the client. The referrer must optimize the site in its entirety, and site maintenance can be independent or undertreated. Is the client able to manage their site without any special knowledge or it will have to outsource this task? The Segmentation of the Competition SEO practices include proper analysis of the competition and must perform before creating the site. Indeed, it is almost impossible to be well positioned on specific topics and should be checked beforehand. For example, you are an expert in bank credit and you create a site with great content. But then you notice that your competitors are banking sites that occupy the top positions. Given that these are sites of authorities, a standard site is unlikely to be noticed. This does not mean that we should not create the site, but rather to find less competitive keywords. For example, you can use the long trains on the subject of bank credit, because it is rare that the official websites operate this type of content. BY: Page 24
  • 26. The Campaign Links and Content Strategy Before creating the site, you need to know where you can find good inbound links. To do this, you must visit reference sites on the subject to see if they accept partnerships. 1 single link from a highly rated site is better than 10 links from 10 sites that are less popular. Obviously, we can submit the site in directories, but it is not as effective as a link from a site with a good positioning. For the site agrees to make a link, it is necessary that the content strategy offers innovative things. If your content is similar to existing sites, then there is no chance to get good inbound links. Moreover, even the search engines do not correctly will reference your site since you do not bring anything new. Your content should be different from your competitors and you can create if you have followed the previous steps in the planning SEO. Thus, research on the long tail allow you to create unique content and you naturally get inbound links. We see that the schedule of SEO is not just to optimize a web page, but the study referencing a site over the long term. Use a Good Architecture for Referencing His Site To understand the importance of the architecture of a site, one must understand the operation of a search engine. Unfortunately, it does not read a website in the same way a human being and therefore must provide an architecture that allows it to read the entire site. We can compare the architecture of a site to a workbook school records. If you were already enrolled in the school and you are looking for a particular year, the head will just ask your date or your name and find your file in seconds. The fact is that the workbook is designed to improve the indexing of data on students. Thus, it BY: Page 25
  • 27. is classified according to grades, in alphabetical order, new and ancient inscriptions, etc... The information architecture should have several ways to sort the data and simply apply this principle in its website. An Easy and Intuitive Architecture for SEO All tips SEO will tell you that good architecture should be easy and intuitive, but there are two different concepts. Easy navigation makes it easy to find information such as with a search bar or categories for each aspect of the site. Intuitive navigation offers solutions to visitors when the site is lost. For example, the breadcrumb is a very good example of intuitive navigation. Your site can have multiple levels of structures and sometimes visitor wants to return to the home page or to a higher level and therefore, the breadcrumb bring it back to the desired location with a few clicks. To recap, the breadcrumb trail is the links that usually appear in the home page. If the visitor is in the "Hotel" page, in the category "fivestar", then the breadcrumb show Home> Tourism> fivestar> Hotel. Most CMS have default option breadcrumb. The Basics of Good Site Architecture Some sites operate perfectly content architecture. Thus, Craiglist, a site specializing in ads has thousands of well organized categories. If you are looking for housing in New York, simply browse the category New York and look in Housing. Reddit is also a good example to see an optimized architecture with categories for each topic such as politics, technology, humor, etc.. Subdomain can be used to create architecture for SEO of a website. We take our comparison workbook file and imagine that the subdomain is another BY: Page 26
  • 28. workbook in the same room. Subdomain allows you to provide different content for the same site or within the same theme. Thus, you will often see sites that have subdomains for their forum or blog because the content is different from the main site. You can create as many sub-domains you want on most hosts, and therefore, we can fully organize its content by hundreds of possibilities. A site on tourism can have a subdomain dedicated to news, official events, videos, etc.. Another tactic to create a good architecture is to use the redirection page. We can compare the redirection to a wizard that will help you with your workbook file. Its role is to warn you that a file is misplaced and must be put in the right location. If you find a page on Marseille restaurants in the category Hotel of Marseille then you can use redirects to point to the correct location. This is a better solution than deleting the article and create a new one since preserve SEO. Finally, the last part of the site architecture must encompass URL. Your page on restaurants must not contain a URL in the form because it is incomprehensible. Instead, we must rewrite the URL in the / restaurant fivestar form. These are the basics of a good reference architecture to its website. BY: Page 27
  • 29. Read To Win More... This can be a bit mysterious, because good books are still guarded by elite that wants to take the market! Read lets you know other techniques, new methods and also allows you to gain MORE time instead of 101 test, a book allows you to do it once! But that does not mean that we should not test, test several things for the method that saves MORE  Here are some books that I recommend you (thank you to read this book ): I RECOMANDED YOU TO DOWNLOAD THESE BOOKS ALSO How To Make Money How To Make Backlink How To Increase Traffic Online This book will guide you how to Get backlinks for free. This Book will teach you how to increase traffic to your web site. This Book will guide you to earn lots of money from online world. Download here Download here Download here BY: Page 28