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Optimizing the
E-Commerce Experience

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                                                                   October 2009
                 Digital Intelligence   Copyright ©2009 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.
October 2009

                                                                 Optimizing the
                                                                 E-Commerce Experience

Overview: Well into its second decade of life, e-commerce is growing up. It is no longer an ancillary channel or strategy.
Business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) companies across a range of industries and sectors are
now making e-commerce core to the way they do business. Many are dropping the “e” altogether, as the once-rigid line
between online and offline sales becomes permanently blurred.

                                                                 Not surprisingly, online purveyors are upgrading their
                                                                 e-commerce platforms and making investments in next-
                                                                 generation technologies to enable cross-channel selling,
                                                                 segmentation and personalization, better search and
                                                                 navigation, and more. While platform upgrades occur every few
                                                                 years as new technology comes to market, online businesses
  The Optimization Outlook                          3            also recognize the importance of optimizing what they have
  Applicable Segments for Optimization              3            today with add-on services that do not require major overhauls.
  Leading Optimization Applications                 4            A new category of online business optimization services has
     Content Targeting and Testing                  4            emerged that can be “bolted on” to existing sites and
        E-Tales                                     5            platforms—like rings around a planet—to boost online
     Call Tracking                                  5            revenues and performance without major investments. While
        E-Tales                                     6            e-commerce optimization services vary in what they help
     Personalized Ratings and Recommendations       6            businesses achieve, they share a common trait: optimizing the
        E-Tales                                     7            online experience for each and every consumer to maximize
     Live Help                                      8            potential revenues and profits.
        E-Tales                                    10
     Targeted E-Mail Marketing                     10            “Over the past five years, e-commerce companies have begun
        E-Tales                                    11            realizing it’s all about the consumer,” Brian Kalma, director of
  The Future of Optimization                       12            user experience at footwear and apparel seller,
  About ATG                                        13            told eMarketer. “There is so much that can benefit the
  About eMarketer                                  13            consumer—and companies have begun listening.”

                                                                 Digital Intelligence            Copyright ©2009 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Optimization Outlook                                               Applicable Segments for
Optimization services are on-demand software-
as-a-service (SaaS) technologies that add                              E-commerce today goes well beyond online
dynamic, real-time capabilities to existing online                     retail. Businesses across a range of industries,
platforms. Over the past two years, increasing                         both B2C and business-to-business (B2B), now
numbers of e-commerce companies have turned                            understand they are e-commerce players. As the
to SaaS optimization services as quick solutions                       online channel becomes core and growth in
that deliver immediate value at low cost.                              traditional channels slows, these businesses can
                                                                       use optimization services to gain competitive
                                                                       advantage and propel online revenues.
   What are Optimization Services?
   Optimization services are add-on, SaaS products that                The four most common sectors where SaaS tools are helping to
   can rapidly enhance an e-commerce company's                         optimize e-commerce include:
   existing Website or platform. Because optimization
                                                                       ■ Retailers, wholesalers and consumer manufacturers that sell
   services are licensed as on-demand services, they
                                                                         physical or digital products directly through an online store
   may be quickly implemented and deliver fast time
   to value.                                                           ■ Online travel, hospitality and leisure sites that sell online

   Optimization services, while alike in their ultimate                  reservations and tickets
   goal and delivery mechanism, address a wide range                   ■ Online finance, insurance, cable, wireless and other service
   of needs. Some of the most popular optimization                       providers that sell and support services and subscriptions online
   services are pinpointed search functions, click-to-call
   and click-to-chat services, and the ability to offer                ■ Online yellow pages, real estate, auction sites and other

   personalized product reviews and                                      directories that connect buyers and sellers but may not directly
   recommendations.                                                      process transactions

                                                                       Not surprisingly, these sectors are also among the largest and
According to a 2009 report from AMR Research titled “Evolution to      fastest-growing segments of e-commerce. comScore’s February
Third-Generation Systems,” 43% of companies in the under-$100-         2009 “State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy Report” found that
million segment plan to upgrade or add functionality to their first-   online B2C retail and travel sales combined grew by 6%, hitting
or second-generation systems over the next year. Fifteen percent       $221 billion in 2008. The lion’s share—$130 billion—came from
of those in the $100 million to $999 million range plan the same       retail. The remaining $91 billion was generated by travel sites.
types of upgrades, as do 21% of companies that generate more
than $1 billion annually.

Since optimization services are leased and added to existing sites
rather than licensed or developed in-house, implementation is
rapid and more cost-effective than revamping an entire e-
commerce platform or investing in building or deploying products
directly. Monthly fees for optimization services can range from a
few hundred dollars to tens of thousands, depending on the size
of the site, the value delivered and the number of services the
customer has licensed.

    Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                    3
Applicable Segments for Optimization                                          Leading Optimization Applications
Despite the economic challenges of 2008 and 2009, many                        Optimization services perform a range of functions
e-commerce companies are continuing to invest in their businesses.
According to online retailers surveyed during Q1 2009 by the e-tailing
                                                                              for many types of online businesses. This section of
group, 36% planned to spend more this year than last; 26% said they           the white paper zeroes in on some of the areas
would invest about the same amount as they did in 2008.
                                                                              where optimization is most important—and most
Change in E-Commerce Investments due to the                                   profitable—to successful e-commerce operators.
Economy According to US Online Retailers, Q1 2009 (%
of respondents)                                                               It also provides short case studies that explain how
Investing somewhat more than 2008 as e-commerce is the                        individual businesses have applied specific
fastest-growing part of our business
                                                                     36%      services to help reach primary e-commerce goals.
Investing about the same as 2008
                                                      26%                     Content Targeting and Testing
Investing somewhat less than 2008 given our current business                  One of the most important metrics e-commerce companies look at
                                                                              each day is online traffic. They generate traffic through a variety of
                                                                              marketing efforts, including search marketing, affiliate marketing,
Investing significantly less than 2008 given our current business
state                                                                         banner and rich media ads, and an array of offline strategies.
                                                                              Savvy marketers, however, are focusing e-commerce efforts on what
No change                                                                     happens after the click.They are looking to optimize campaigns to
                                                                              turn more visitors into customers.And they are doing this through on-
Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to        demand services that help convert more traffic into sales and leads.
eMarketer, April 2009
103426                                             Content targeting and testing tools are a hot area—they help target the
                                                                              right content based on visitors’ incoming keyword or URL,segment or
Forrester Research found in December 2008 that better search
                                                                              other criteria,and test different approaches to optimize results.
functions, product recommendations/personalization and
interactive support (such as click-to-call/click-to-chat) were                According to a survey conducted by the Web Analytics
among the top technologies that businesses worldwide planned                  Association between October and December 2008, “targeting and
to implement. Search was near the top of the list, with 36% of                segmentation” and “A/B and multivariate testing” ranked second
businesses planning minor upgrades and 21% considering major                  and third in terms of areas of knowledge that Web analytics users
overhauls. SaaS tools are an increasingly common way to offer                 were looking to improve.
these technologies.
                                                                              Areas of Knowledge that Web Analytics Users
E-Commerce Technologies that Businesses Worldwide                             Worldwide* Would Most Like to Improve,
Plan to Implement in the Next Year, December 2008                             October-December 2008 (% of respondents)
(% of respondents)
                                                                              Measuring Web 2.0 technologies                                     60.8%
                                     First-  Minor   Major   No Don't
                                     time   upgrade upgrade plans know        Targeting and segmentation                                   57.2%
                                                                              A/B and multivariate testing                                49.8%
Web analytics                        4%      38%      19%     36%        4%
Search                               0%      36%      21%     38%        6%   Natural search marketing or SEO                            48.6%
Web content management               8%      25%      21%     38%        9%   Paid search marketing                              41.2%
Product recommendations/             8%      25%      15%     42%    11%
personalization                                                               Campaign management                            37.8%

Interactive support (e.g., chat,     11%     25%      8%      47%        9%   Content management                         35.8%
                                                                              Creating custom reports                  34.0%
Order management                     2%       9%      21%     57%    11%
Alternative payments                 6%      23%      8%      53%    11%      E-mail marketing                       32.2%

Other                                13%     25%      38%     13%    13%      Affiliate marketing                29.1%
Note: n=53 e-business and channel strategy managers
                                                                              Note: n=444; *North America (61%), Europe, Middle East and Africa (26%),
Source: Forrester Research, "Global eBusiness and Channel Strategy
Professional Online Survey," December 2008 as cited in Forrester              Asia-Pacific (11%) and Latin America (2%)
Research, "The Recession's Impact On 2009 eBusiness Plans," February          Source: Web Analytics Association, "Outlook 2009: Survey Report,"
                                                                              provided to eMarketer, January 7, 2009
2009 as cited by Research Recap, February 23, 2009
101889                                                                        101044

     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                                4
Leading Optimization Applications

A Q1 2009 study by the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit                E-Tales
found that behavioral targeting, customer segmentation analysis              ■ used a multivariate testing application
and multivariate testing were among the top technologies                      called Sitespect to test multiple user interface treatments. Since
marketers were outsourcing this year, indicating how on-demand                different content is targeted at different people, the application
solutions are becoming a preferred way of monitoring targeting                optimizes leads and conversion rates. Since installing Sitespect
and testing.                                                                  eight months ago, has doubled the number
                                                                              of leads it forwards to rental offices, vice president John DeLatte
Campaign Optimization Services and Functions                                  told eMarketer.The company was also ranked as one of Hitwise’s
Outsourced by Marketers Worldwide*, Q1 2009 (% of
respondents)                                                                  top 20 e-commerce sites in June 2009.
                                                                              doubled its leads:
Advertising optimization
                                                                   50.0%       ■ A multivariate application tests different user interfaces.

Navigation and usability optimization
                                                                               ■ All 800-number leads are tracked via call tracking technology.

Website performance optimization                                               ■ Location searches are supplemented with Google Maps.
                                                                               ■ An iPhone app can be accessed via GPS button.
Behavioral targeting
                                                                             Call Tracking
Customer satisfaction monitoring and optimization
                                                                             Another way marketers are helping to optimize traffic and
                                                                             increase return on their marketing spend is with next-generation
Customer segmentation analysis
                                                                             call tracking technology. A few years ago, the click-through rate
                                                                             was the main method of evaluating the success of online
Traffic and pageview monitoring                                              marketing campaigns. Today, the rise of post-click marketing is
                                                                             driving on-demand lead tracking services, such as call tracking,
Reputation management                                                        which tell marketers exactly how much traffic from each
                                                                             campaign is converted into actual sales and leads.
Online competitive analysis
                       15.4%                                                 On real estate sites, for example, call tracking monitors and
                                                                             measures inbound phone responses to brokers’ and agents’
Cross-channel metrics
                                                                             Websites, property listings and marketing campaigns, including
                                                                             online ads, print ads and paid search. Placing the same call
Multivariate testing
                                                                             tracking numbers on print campaigns enables real estate
                                                                             professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of direct mail, print
Predictive analytics
                                                                             ads, yard signs and other types of direct-response advertising.

Conversion optimization


Note: *North America (76.1%), Europe (12.7%), Asia (4.2%) and other (7.0%)
Source: eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, "Measuring Success
Today," April 22, 2009

     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                         5
Leading Optimization Applications

In a September 2008 study conducted by Sterling Market                     “The addition of call tracking features
Intelligence for Marchex, call tracking ranked second only to Web           enables advertisers to track
analytics among methods US national advertisers and agencies                and measure leads and results from both
are using to measure the success of local advertising.
                                                                            online and phone inquiries. More
Local Advertising Success Metrics Measured by US
                                                                            importantly, call tracking data and reporting
National Advertisers and Agencies, September 2008                           will enable agents and brokers to keep a
(% of respondents)                                                          closer eye on their lead opportunities and
Website analytics                                                  54%      advance the follow-up and conversion of
Call tracking                                                   47%         that home buyer.” —Jason Doyle, vice president
E-mails                                                      45%
                                                                             and general manager,

Online forms                                 33%

Appointments from I-net                      33%                           Personalized Ratings and Recommendations
                                                                           Personalization is another category of e-commerce optimization
Coupons                      21%
                                                                           that helps increase conversion rates by dynamically tailoring the
          Other methods      6%
                                                                           online experience for each and every visitor.While many businesses
      Unsure    3%                                                         are building segmentation and scenario-based personalization into
Source: Marchex, Inc. "Local Online Advertising: Strategies and Tactics    their core e-commerce platforms, on-demand optimization services
Every Company Should Know" conducted by Sterling Market Intelligence,      go a step further by “microtargeting” the online experience based on
October 1, 2008
098558                                          the specific clicks and behavior of each visitor.
                                                                           Product recommendations are a popular optimization service being
E-Tales                                                                    added by e-commerce sites to personalize and tailor the online
■ is using eStara call tracking technology            experience. Until recently, only e-commerce behemoths such as
    from ATG, which replaces standard phone numbers with                   Netflix and could afford to provide personalized
    trackable local and long-distance numbers and helps it measure         product recommendations. Growth of SaaS solutions—along with
    performance. The company views the toll-free number as a               the number of e-commerce vendors offering them—has made
    “currency system,” explained Mr. DeLatte, “in that tracking            personalization attainable for all online businesses.
    proves the value of advertising to property owners.”
                                                                           Many e-commerce companies that have implemented on-demand
■   ThomasNet, the No. 1 purchasing destination for industrial             personalization said sales have increased dramatically because
    buyers, sought to enhance its Web traffic by strengthening its         more leads are converted into transactions. Still, only 27.6% of
    ability to articulate the site’s value for advertisers. ThomasNet      online retailers offer personalized product recommendations,
    uses eStara call tracking from ATG to assign a local or toll-free      according to an August 2008 study from Internet Retailer. Many
    number to advertiser listings posted on its site.                      said first-generation technologies have not met expectations.

    ATG measures (in real time) the inbound phone responses each           US Online Retailers that Offer Personalized Product
    advertiser receives. ThomasNet can then generate a report for          Recommendations on E-Commerce Site, August 2008
    each of its customers with call metrics as well as contact details     (% of respondents)
    for every caller, including name, phone number and ZIP code.
    This provides valuable buyer intelligence while ensuring no lead
    is lost.                                                                                                       Offer personalized

                                                                                                   Do not offer
                                                                                          personalized product

                                                                           Note: n=124
                                                                           Source: Internet Retailer, "Emerging Technology" conducted by Vovici
                                                                           Corporation, September 2008

      Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                         6
Leading Optimization Applications

Types of recommendations solutions vary. The most common                     Some personalization functions go beyond making product or
involve suggesting a product or service that is similar to the one           service suggestions—they track people’s time and attention
the consumer is looking at in terms of style, usability or other             spans. Many consumers, for example, spend more time browsing
characteristics. Some features remember shoppers’ preferences                Websites on weekends than on weekdays. On weekdays, they
or previous purchases, list the site’s top sellers or have a “tell a         want to find what they need and leave the site; weekend browsing
friend” button that transmits product information. In a sense, on-           is more leisurely. According to a July 2009 BusinessWeek article on
demand recommendation features can become the in-store                       personalized recommendations, sites can “adjust to [shoppers’]
salespeople of the online world, recommending items based on                 rhythms, leading shoppers on a leisurely stroll on Saturday
the behavior and preferences of each visitor.                                afternoon, and sending them hurtling toward checkout on
                                                                             Monday morning.”
Internet Retailer also found that 21% of companies queried said
that personalized product recommendation solutions can improve               Personalized ratings and reviews are another way of optimizing
sales. Another 21% said these products increase conversion rates             the online experience by allowing users to contribute their own
and 19% believed they improve cross-selling. If a clothing item              content to help others make decisions. Businesses can easily add
does not come in the size a customer needs, for example, that                ratings and reviews as on-demand solutions, relying on vendors to
person may opt for a secondary suggested item of similar style.              deliver the technology and outsource the monitoring of content.

Benefits to US Online Retailers that Offer                                   Many e-commerce companies today allow consumers to write
Personalized Product Recommendations on                                      and post comments and reviews. In addition to providing
E-Commerce Site, August 2008 (% of respondents)                              guidelines for other shoppers, this can help resolve problems
Higher total sales                                                           related to products or services supplied by third parties.
                                                                             One e-tailing executive said that some of his product
Improved conversion rate
                                                                             manufacturers resolved merchandise issues after consumers
                                                                             wrote negative reviews. In other instances, the e-tailer removed
Better cross-selling and upselling opportunities based on
purchasing history and product preferences of individuals                    disappointing SKUs from its site. The company always posts a
                                                                   19%       notice explaining a problem’s resolution. “This helps with
Bigger ticket
                                                                             consumer confidence and conversions,” the executive added.
                                                                             According to Forrester Research (December 2008), apparel,
Reduced returns and shopping cart abandonment                                footwear and accessories ranked fourth among the retail
                                       11%                                   categories for which consumers find reviews most helpful. Their
Improved open and click-through rates of segmented e-mail                    survey of 2,890 US Internet users indicated that 47% benefited
                                                                             from the feature in this product category alone.

                                                                             ■, often considered a benchmark in e-commerce
Source: Internet Retailer, "Emerging Technology" conducted by Vovici          efficiency, found that customer reviews reduce returns.
Corporation, September 2008
097887                                             Shoppers may indicate, say, that a shoe runs small or does not
097887                                                                        look nice with pleated pants.
Personalization yields the best results when it tracks multiple
                                                                             ■ Netflix factors in movie plots as well as movie categories rented
consumer behaviors, Jack Aaronson, CEO of the Aaronson Group
                                                                              before it makes recommendations.A consumer who rented
and a former Barnes & Noble executive, told eMarketer in March
                                                                              “Goodfellas,” for example, might not like all crime movies. But if the
2009. In addition to tracking what books a purchaser of a particular
                                                                              customer gives high ratings to both “Goodfellas” and “The
title bought, for example, algorithms can factor in other sales
                                                                              Godfather,” as Steve Swasey, Netflix’s vice president of
motivators. This could involve layering in research regarding what
                                                                              communications, told eMarketer in March 2009, that person very
was most important to consumers—say, subject versus author.
                                                                              likely enjoys epic movies with a crime base and immigrant theme.

                                                                              Netflix cross-references consumer ratings, which provide more
                                                                              accurate predictions about what people will like, said Mr. Swasey.
                                                                              He added that 60% of Netflix members regularly rate movies.

     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                          7
Leading Optimization Applications

■ Tommy Hilfiger added a SaaS-based recommendations                      Factors that drive consumers to seek assistance include the need
 service from ATG in fall 2008. Based on a predictive algorithm,         for additional information (58%) and confusion about how to place
 the tool uses product data, site structure and shoppers’ current        an order (53%), according to respondents to a June 2009 ATG
 and past behaviors to make suggestions.                                 survey. Some 37% of online shoppers said they seek help when
                                                                         return polices are not clearly stated.
 Prior to implementation, Tommy Hilfiger had been creating hard-
 coded product recommendations to stimulate cross-sells.
                                                                         Factors that Would Cause US Online Shoppers to Seek
 Information was based on what the company was trying to sell            Live Assistance When Making a Purchase Online, June
 rather than what visitors wanted. The same suggestions were             2009 (% of respondents)
 made to every shopper. The approach was time-consuming and              Need more information about the product/service than is on the
 was not helping sales.                                                  site
 Within 30 days of deployment, 16% of total online revenues were         Trouble completing the order/checking out
 being impacted by the new tool, according to information                                                                                   53%
 provided by Tommy Hilfiger. That figure jumped to 30% when the
                                                                         Return policy is not clearly stated on the site
 site began to use the service to automate and personalize other                                                        37%
 parts of its online merchandise, such as top sellers and gift guides.
                                                                         Product/service requires sensitive information (e.g., Social
                                                                         Security number)
Checkout frequency increased threefold among                                                                      32%
Tommy Hilfiger shoppers who interacted with the                          Want to hear about discounts or promotions before buying
ATG Recommendations product.                                                                                28%

                                                                         Product/service is complicated and has many steps (e.g.,
                                                                         cellphone or cable plan)
■ OpenTable is a repository of restaurant opinions and
 information. It runs customer reviews and partners with
                                                                         Shipping and pickup options and timing
 hundreds of Websites as well as with the online properties of
 local newspapers. Thus, consumers do not have to read myriad
 blogs. The transaction facilitator allows diners to place real-time     Product/service is expensive (e.g., appliance or TV)
 reservations and search for restaurants by geography, price and
 cuisine. Success is measured by how many restaurant seats are           Note: respondents were asked to choose up to three choices
                                                                         Source: ATG, "Customer Service Survey," provided to eMarketer, June 25,
 filled, said Ann Shepherd, vice president of marketing, in a            2009
 December 2008 eMarketer interview.                                      105308                                       


Live Help                                                                A JCPenney study found that “highly satisfied” customers make
In the early years of e-commerce, the pervasive school of thought        11% more purchases, as reported in the BusinessWeek article. In
was to eliminate human involvement from online transactions as           the magazine’s own customer service survey of 1,033 readers,
much as possible. Contact methods were often difficult to find or        poor telephone service emerged as the biggest complaint (54.8%).
use. Many sites only offered a toll-free number or e-mail address        In the words of one reader, “the purgatory of [being put on] hold is
to help would-be buyers obtain answers to questions, requiring           the most annoying experience.” Another noted that “there is no
them to “switch” channels or wait for a response. This approach is       steering wheel to bang.”
rapidly changing.
                                                                         More and more e-commerce companies are implementing click-to-
Today’s e-commerce companies realize the benefit of direct,              chat and click-to-call services as on-demand optimization services.
timely assistance to close more online sales and improve loyalty.        Both services solve the problem of 800-numbers and e-mail by
Online customers, they now acknowledge, should be treated as             allowing consumers to get live assistance while they are online.
well as guests who are physically present. This has become even
                                                                         Click-to-chat creates a live text interchange between the
more important during challenging economic times, particularly
                                                                         consumer and e-commerce company. With chat, customer
when it comes to holding on to existing customers.
                                                                         service personnel can split their time among several customers,
“As the pool of new online buyers begins to dry up,” said Jeffrey        cutting down wait times.
Grau, senior analyst at eMarketer, “Web retailers will focus on
strategies that help them retain customers, such as improving
customer service.”

    Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                           8
Leading Optimization Applications

Click-to-call allows shoppers to click a button, type in their phone          In a 12-month study that began in June 2008, ATG found that many
number and receive a direct call from a customer service                      businesses used integrated click-to-call and click-to-chat
representative. There is no “on hold” period and they do not have to          solutions. Yet some industries tend to field more calls than chats,
navigate annoying touch-tone telephone menus. Like chat, click-to-            including retail electronics (94.6% versus 5.4%), high-tech
call allows agents to see where users are on a Website and browse             IT/software (83.5% versus 16.5%), banking (77.0% versus 23.0%)
with them to help close more sales and improve service.                       and hospitality (76.3% versus 23.7%).

Click-to-chat and click-to-call are each useful in different situations.      Click-to-chat outpaces click-to-call in apparel (88.8% versus
In June 2009, ATG found that US online shoppers preferred live help           11.2%), travel (87.3% versus 12.7%) and telecommunications
over the phone via click-to-call when dealing with sensitive or               (70.3% versus 29.7%).
complicated information, technical problems or a large amount of
money. For simpler queries, such as those about order status,                 Click-to-Call vs. Click-to-Chat Live Help Usage
                                                                              According to ATG Clients Worldwide, by Industry, June
promotional information, shipping options or cheaper services, live
                                                                              2008-June 2009 (% of total)
chat was the preferred customer service option.
                                                                              Retail–electronics                                                5.4%
Preferred Live Assistance Method (Call* vs. Chat**)
for Select Online Shopping Scenarios According to US                          High–tech, IT and software
Online Shoppers, June 2009 (% of respondents)                                                                                         83.5%        16.5%
                                                               Call* Chat**
Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs         78%    22%
$500+                                                                                                                            77.0%             23.0%

Making a purchase or applying for a service that requires      78%    22%     Hospitality
sensitive/private information (e.g., Social Security number)                                                                     76.3%             23.7%
Need complicated information on product/service to             71%    29%     Insurance
purchase or apply online
                                                                                                                      62.3%                        37.7%
Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs         67%    33%
between $100-$500                                                             Retail–big box
I'm having trouble completing my order                         67%    33%                                           59.7%                          40.3%

I can't log in to my account                                   64%    36%     Other financial services
I have a question about the status of my order                 48%    52%                                           59.2%                          40.8%
Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs         47%    53%     Transportation
less than $100
                                                                                                32.2%                                              67.8%
I want to ask about the return/refund policy                   44%    56%
I want to hear about discounts or promotions                   44%    56%
                                                                                                31.2%                                              68.8%
I want to ask about shipping and pickup options                41%    59%
Need basic information on product/service to                   40%    60%
purchase or apply online                                                                     29.7%                                                 70.3%

Note: *clicking a button or accepting a proactive invitation to have a        Travel
customer service representative call you; **clicking a button or accepting      12.7%                                                              87.3%
a proactive invitation to initiate a text chat interaction with a customer
service representative                                                        Retail–apparel
Source: ATG, "Customer Service Survey," provided to eMarketer, June 25,
2009                                                                           11.2%                                                               88.8%
105310                                             Other enterprise
105310                                                                                                  41.0%                                      59.0%

                                                                                Click-to-call                         Click-to-chat
                                                                              Note: based on 400,537,392 click-to-chat and click-to-call sessions for
                                                                              806 implementations among ATG clients in Asia Pacific, Europe and
                                                                              North America
                                                                              Source: ATG with eMarketer calculations, July 2009


                                                                              According to BusinessWeek, travel companies that employ both
                                                                              technologies include Continental Airlines and Expedia; BMW, Best
                                                                              Buy and Louis Vuitton use both on the e-tailing side.

         Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                           9
Leading Optimization Applications

E-Tales                                                              Targeted E-Mail Marketing
■ views the telephone as a primary means of               While converting new visitors into customers is a key focus of
 consumer interaction. Many calls come from novice online            e-commerce companies, getting existing customers to buy again
 shoppers who wind up placing orders over the phone. “While          is just as important, as it often costs less than acquiring new
 phone orders are in the single digits, they are a few percentage    customers. E-mail marketing tools—delivered as on-demand
 points of daily sales,” said Mr. Kalma. “The site is the lead       solutions—are the primary way companies drive repeat traffic and
 generator. I don’t think most e-commerce companies put              purchases, and cross-sell or upsell existing customers.
 enough effort into phone service.”
                                                                     Leading e-commerce companies are taking e-mail marketing a
                                                                     step further with new optimization services that tailor and target
“What better way to measure efforts than to                          the right offers to e-mail recipients. Using complex algorithms,
 talk to your customers? [The phone] is a                            they layer in past purchasing behavior, demographics and other
 branding opportunity, not an expense.”                              factors that generate e-mails for specific customers. E-mails may
                                                                     include special offers for certain people—say, customers who
 —Brian Kalma, director of user experience,
                                                                     spent more than $200 over the past year. Or a site selling sporting
                                                                     goods may only target past purchasers of camping equipment.
■ HSBC Card Services implemented eStara Click to Call from
 ATG about seven years ago. Two years ago, it launched the           Not many online businesses use these targeting functions. In April
 complementary eStara Click to Chat. It uses click-to-call to        2009, the e-tailing group found that 16% of e-commerce
 communicate with customers who are on its site and need help        companies sent personalized e-mails based on past customer
 with transactions. It also uses the feature to target existing      behavior. Still, this figure was up from 11% in 2008.
 customers with new service offers. When an invitation icon pops
 up, interested consumers can have a representative call them        Website and E-Mail Personalization Features Among
 right away. The feature does not send more invites than HSBC        US Online Retailers, 2008 & 2009 (% of respondents)
 can respond to. Therefore, people are not kept on hold, said                                                                     2008    2009

 Shane Herrell, HSBC’s vice president of digital marketing, tools    Post-order e-mails are sent based on past purchases          17%         23%

 and technology, in an interview with eMarketer.                     Site greets returning customers by name                      18%         20%
                                                                     Our e-mails are very personalized based on past customer     11%         16%
 Click-to-call is paired with co-browsing at HSBC. Many customers    behavior
 use the latter feature when they are having trouble navigating or   Site dynamically shows product based on past customer         8%         9%
 filling out a form. The co-browse function allows the rep to see,
                                                                     We provide a limited amount of personalization               33%         45%
 with the customer’s permission, what the customer is viewing on
                                                                     We intend to add personalization in 2009                     44%         34%
 the Website. Chat has also carved inroads among prospective
 customers with poor credit or those with loan delinquencies who     We have no personalization and don't anticipate adding       20%         14%
                                                                     such functionality this year
 may be uncomfortable talking to a live person.
                                                                     Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to
                                                                     eMarketer, April 2009
■ Wells Fargo conducts about 30% of its online business via
 telephone. When customers click to call, the call is routed         103438
 through Internet protocols rather than traditional copper wire.     According to a Forrester Research study cited by MarketingVOX in
 The automated technology is faster and costs about $1.50 per        June 2009, e-mail marketing spending in the US will reach $2
 call, said Doug Loots, marketing strategy manager with Wells        billion by 2014—almost double the projected spend of $1.2 billion
 Fargo’s consumer lending business. Before the product was           for 2009. Retention e-mails (those sent with consumer consent)
 implemented two years ago, calls used to cost about $3.             will account for more than one-third of all marketing messages
 Click to Call is popular among loan applicants. Contact time is     sent to shoppers. Within five years, consumers will opt in to
 about 10 seconds following completion of an online application.     receive 9,000 e-mail marketing messages annually.
 Booking rates have improved by 40% because fewer people
 disconnect. “Before,” said Mr. Loots, “they would click to apply
 and a loan officer would call them the next day.”

    Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                       10
Leading Optimization Applications

In a recent study, the e-tailing group found that 83% of e-commerce         E-Tales
companies believed e-mail drives incremental revenue; 74% said it           ■’s shoppers can choose the types of e-mail they
improved purchasing frequency; 72% (unchanged from 2008)                     want to receive. A consumer may only want e-mails about
believed it increases store and catalog purchasing; and 60% said             dresses, for example, said Mr. Kalma. The company also sends
e-mail helps acquire new customers.                                          generalized e-mails about promotions and special products.
                                                                             Zappos hopes to further personalize this area.
Important* Uses of E-Mail Marketing According to US
Online Retailers, 2008 & 2009 (% of respondents)                            ■ sends e-mails to customers who have abandoned
                                                          2008      2009     online shopping carts, reported DMNews in September 2008. The
Drive incremental revenue                                 74%        83%     reminder is sent a few days after the abandonment occurs.
Increase purchase frequency                               76%        74%     During a one-month period, the e-mails generated a 48% higher
Increase purchasing from your catalog or store            72%        72%     open rate and a 78% higher click-through rate than e-mails used
Acquire new customers                                     58%        60%     during previous campaigns. Net conversion rate was 6.5%, a full
Sell seasonal product                                     49%        56%     129% higher than figures generated by past endeavors.
Improve loyalty                                           58%        55%
Reactivate customers                                      53%        48%    ■ HSBC sends outbound e-mails to consumers who sent inbound

Reinforce your brand proposition                          49%        41%     e-mails. Outbound e-mails focus on specific services, such as
Increase average order                                    49%        39%     balance transfers, insurance or special rates for people who sign
Liquidate product                                         34%        34%     up for a loan by a certain date.
Note: *rated as "very important," "somewhat important" or "important"
Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to      ■, an online fragrance seller, began
eMarketer, April 2009                                                        emphasizing customer-centric features in August 2008. Using a
                                                                             recommendations tool, customer data is used to make product
                                                                             suggestions and send personalized e-mails.
SaaS-supported functions are rapidly becoming part of the e-mail
equation. According to an April 2009 Gartner report, the SaaS model          Click-through rates have doubled. Overall site revenues
for e-mail solutions should represent 20% of the commercial e-mail           increased by 11% and sales of the most popular item went up by
market by the end of 2012; in 2007, it accounted for only 1%. Gartner        56%. Open rates are 30% and conversion rates are 16%, said
research vice president Matt Cain noted that the earliest adopters           CEO Howard Wyner. Customers also receive an e-mail reminder
of the e-mail SaaS model are small or medium-sized businesses.               when an out-of-stock product comes in.

To reap the full benefits of any e-mail marketing initiative, e-commerce    ■ Wells Fargo periodically e-mails customers who do business
companies need to track and measure consumer activities and utilize          with other banks. If somebody has a checking account with
the results.This is often easier said than done. In a February–March         Wells Fargo and a loan with another institution, that person
2009 study, eROI found that 18.06% of e-mail marketers do not track          might receive an e-mail invitation to “refinance” with Wells
open rates, click rates and open-to-click ratios—the three most              Fargo, said Mr. Loots. The message could also be about loan
important e-mail marketing metrics.The top reasons cited for not             consolidation and making lower payments.
tracking campaigns were lack of knowledge and budget constraints.

US E-Mail Marketers Who Track E-Mail Campaign
Results, February-March 2009 (% of respondents)

                           Do not
                  track campaigns

                                          Track campaigns

Source: eROI, "Use of Analytics in E-Mail Marketing Campaigns," March 20,

     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                   11
The Future of Optimization

Over the next decade, e-commerce will continue
to evolve as companies mix and meld channels,
technologies and strategies. A financial services
company, for example, might find a new use
for a feature that has mainly been used by
apparel e-tailers.

Mobile commerce in particular should play a huge role, especially
in service areas such as travel, finance and real estate. Avis
already offers an iPhone application for airport location
reservations. 1-800-FLOWERS’ Mobile Gift Center provides
BlackBerry users with last-minute gift-giving options. And Wells
Fargo Online Mobile Banking lets consumers pay bills via
cellphone. Within a few years, Mr. Loots believes, mobile
commerce will be one of Wells Fargo’s biggest channels.

Video is another growing area. In August, began using
video as part of its product suggestion function. Video allows
consumers to view a moving image of a product paired with other
apparel, shoes or accessories. Clickable text links let shoppers
obtain more information. Another video function lets guests
submit their own product videos. Mr. Kalma believes engagement
will be close to 20% on pages with video. “If a consumer takes the
time to open a video and look at it, why not bring it to the next
level by layering on metadata that makes it clickable?” he asked.
“By letting a formal wedding shoe description turn into a complete
outfit with bag and dress, we bring more product to more people
more quickly.”

The use of social media to connect with customers and optimize
customer interactions is expected to continue gaining momentum.
More than one-half of Web retailers surveyed already use five of 10
identified community or social media tools, and only tiny percentages
had no plans to use them later. Facebook fan pages were most
popular, followed by Twitter and customer reviews. Some retailers, for
example, are posting Click to Call and Click to Chat options on their
Facebook pages—optimizing across multiple channels.

Across mobile, video and social media, SaaS products will
provide e-commerce companies with a quick, affordable and
customer-centric means of reaching more people with more
personalized information. The implementation of these
technologies will allow e-commerce players to offer a truly
consistent experience to customers across all commerce channels.

     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                12
About ATG                                                                  About eMarketer

A trusted, global specialist in e-commerce, ATG                            eMarketer is a business service unlike any
(Art Technology Group, Inc., NASDAQ: ARTG) has                             other. eMarketer does not conduct research. It
spent the last decade focused on helping the                               aggregates and analyzes all the available
world’s premier brands maximize the success of                             research, surveys and data on a given topic. So
their online businesses.                                                   you see far more than a single source could ever
The ATG Commerce Suite is the top-rated cross-channel
                                                                           provide. eMarketer doesn’t deliver one point of
commerce solution for powering highly personalized, efficient              view, it gives you thousands. Providing overviews
and effective e-commerce sites. ATG also services multiple
                                                                           and insights available nowhere else, eMarketer
industries with ATG Optimization Services, which offer the
flexibility to target visitors with the right offer at the right time in   reports on the reports, analyzes the analysts and
the right channel—using automation, business rules and human               dissects the data.
interaction—to drive profitable sales. These platform-neutral
SaaS-based services like Click to Call, Click to Chat, Call Tracking
and Automated Recommendations, help businesses lift online                 A Trusted Resource
revenue quickly, easily and measurably by converting more                  eMarketer serves as a trusted, third-party resource, cutting
visitors into customers.                                                   through the clutter and hype–helping businesses make sense of
                                                                           the numbers and trends. eMarketer's products and services help
ATG customers include progressive, innovative online brands like           companies make better, more informed business decisions by:, AT&T, Best Buy, Continental Airlines, CVS,
                                                                           ■ Streamlining research sources and reducing costs
Dell, Expedia, France Telecom, Hilton, HSBC, Jenny Craig, Macy's,
Microsoft, Neiman Marcus, PayPal, Procter & Gamble, Sears,                 ■ Eliminating critical data gaps
Target, Tommy Hilfiger, Vodafone, and Wells Fargo. For more
information, please visit                              ■ Providing an objective, bird’s eye view of the entire landscape

                                                                           ■ Better deploying and sharing information across the company

                                                                           ■ Building solid business cases backed up by hard data

                                                                           ■ Reducing business risk

                                                                           ■ Saving valuable time

                                                                           eMarketer, Inc.                    Toll-Free: 800-405-0844
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                                                                           To learn more about subscriptions to eMarketer,
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     Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience                                                                                                      13

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E Marketer - Optimizing The E-commerce Experience

  • 1. Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience Sponsored by October 2009 Digital Intelligence Copyright ©2009 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. October 2009 Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience Overview: Well into its second decade of life, e-commerce is growing up. It is no longer an ancillary channel or strategy. Business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) companies across a range of industries and sectors are now making e-commerce core to the way they do business. Many are dropping the “e” altogether, as the once-rigid line between online and offline sales becomes permanently blurred. Not surprisingly, online purveyors are upgrading their e-commerce platforms and making investments in next- generation technologies to enable cross-channel selling, segmentation and personalization, better search and navigation, and more. While platform upgrades occur every few years as new technology comes to market, online businesses The Optimization Outlook 3 also recognize the importance of optimizing what they have Applicable Segments for Optimization 3 today with add-on services that do not require major overhauls. Leading Optimization Applications 4 A new category of online business optimization services has Content Targeting and Testing 4 emerged that can be “bolted on” to existing sites and E-Tales 5 platforms—like rings around a planet—to boost online Call Tracking 5 revenues and performance without major investments. While E-Tales 6 e-commerce optimization services vary in what they help Personalized Ratings and Recommendations 6 businesses achieve, they share a common trait: optimizing the E-Tales 7 online experience for each and every consumer to maximize Live Help 8 potential revenues and profits. E-Tales 10 Targeted E-Mail Marketing 10 “Over the past five years, e-commerce companies have begun E-Tales 11 realizing it’s all about the consumer,” Brian Kalma, director of The Future of Optimization 12 user experience at footwear and apparel seller, About ATG 13 told eMarketer. “There is so much that can benefit the About eMarketer 13 consumer—and companies have begun listening.” Digital Intelligence Copyright ©2009 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 3. The Optimization Outlook Applicable Segments for Optimization Optimization services are on-demand software- as-a-service (SaaS) technologies that add E-commerce today goes well beyond online dynamic, real-time capabilities to existing online retail. Businesses across a range of industries, platforms. Over the past two years, increasing both B2C and business-to-business (B2B), now numbers of e-commerce companies have turned understand they are e-commerce players. As the to SaaS optimization services as quick solutions online channel becomes core and growth in that deliver immediate value at low cost. traditional channels slows, these businesses can use optimization services to gain competitive advantage and propel online revenues. What are Optimization Services? Optimization services are add-on, SaaS products that The four most common sectors where SaaS tools are helping to can rapidly enhance an e-commerce company's optimize e-commerce include: existing Website or platform. Because optimization ■ Retailers, wholesalers and consumer manufacturers that sell services are licensed as on-demand services, they physical or digital products directly through an online store may be quickly implemented and deliver fast time to value. ■ Online travel, hospitality and leisure sites that sell online Optimization services, while alike in their ultimate reservations and tickets goal and delivery mechanism, address a wide range ■ Online finance, insurance, cable, wireless and other service of needs. Some of the most popular optimization providers that sell and support services and subscriptions online services are pinpointed search functions, click-to-call and click-to-chat services, and the ability to offer ■ Online yellow pages, real estate, auction sites and other personalized product reviews and directories that connect buyers and sellers but may not directly recommendations. process transactions Not surprisingly, these sectors are also among the largest and According to a 2009 report from AMR Research titled “Evolution to fastest-growing segments of e-commerce. comScore’s February Third-Generation Systems,” 43% of companies in the under-$100- 2009 “State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy Report” found that million segment plan to upgrade or add functionality to their first- online B2C retail and travel sales combined grew by 6%, hitting or second-generation systems over the next year. Fifteen percent $221 billion in 2008. The lion’s share—$130 billion—came from of those in the $100 million to $999 million range plan the same retail. The remaining $91 billion was generated by travel sites. types of upgrades, as do 21% of companies that generate more than $1 billion annually. Since optimization services are leased and added to existing sites rather than licensed or developed in-house, implementation is rapid and more cost-effective than revamping an entire e- commerce platform or investing in building or deploying products directly. Monthly fees for optimization services can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands, depending on the size of the site, the value delivered and the number of services the customer has licensed. Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 3
  • 4. Applicable Segments for Optimization Leading Optimization Applications Despite the economic challenges of 2008 and 2009, many Optimization services perform a range of functions e-commerce companies are continuing to invest in their businesses. According to online retailers surveyed during Q1 2009 by the e-tailing for many types of online businesses. This section of group, 36% planned to spend more this year than last; 26% said they the white paper zeroes in on some of the areas would invest about the same amount as they did in 2008. where optimization is most important—and most Change in E-Commerce Investments due to the profitable—to successful e-commerce operators. Economy According to US Online Retailers, Q1 2009 (% of respondents) It also provides short case studies that explain how Investing somewhat more than 2008 as e-commerce is the individual businesses have applied specific fastest-growing part of our business 36% services to help reach primary e-commerce goals. Investing about the same as 2008 26% Content Targeting and Testing Investing somewhat less than 2008 given our current business One of the most important metrics e-commerce companies look at state each day is online traffic. They generate traffic through a variety of 22% marketing efforts, including search marketing, affiliate marketing, Investing significantly less than 2008 given our current business state banner and rich media ads, and an array of offline strategies. 8% Savvy marketers, however, are focusing e-commerce efforts on what No change happens after the click.They are looking to optimize campaigns to 8% turn more visitors into customers.And they are doing this through on- Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to demand services that help convert more traffic into sales and leads. eMarketer, April 2009 103426 Content targeting and testing tools are a hot area—they help target the 103426 right content based on visitors’ incoming keyword or URL,segment or Forrester Research found in December 2008 that better search other criteria,and test different approaches to optimize results. functions, product recommendations/personalization and interactive support (such as click-to-call/click-to-chat) were According to a survey conducted by the Web Analytics among the top technologies that businesses worldwide planned Association between October and December 2008, “targeting and to implement. Search was near the top of the list, with 36% of segmentation” and “A/B and multivariate testing” ranked second businesses planning minor upgrades and 21% considering major and third in terms of areas of knowledge that Web analytics users overhauls. SaaS tools are an increasingly common way to offer were looking to improve. these technologies. Areas of Knowledge that Web Analytics Users E-Commerce Technologies that Businesses Worldwide Worldwide* Would Most Like to Improve, Plan to Implement in the Next Year, December 2008 October-December 2008 (% of respondents) (% of respondents) Measuring Web 2.0 technologies 60.8% First- Minor Major No Don't time upgrade upgrade plans know Targeting and segmentation 57.2% purchase A/B and multivariate testing 49.8% Web analytics 4% 38% 19% 36% 4% Search 0% 36% 21% 38% 6% Natural search marketing or SEO 48.6% Web content management 8% 25% 21% 38% 9% Paid search marketing 41.2% Product recommendations/ 8% 25% 15% 42% 11% personalization Campaign management 37.8% Interactive support (e.g., chat, 11% 25% 8% 47% 9% Content management 35.8% click-to-call) Creating custom reports 34.0% Order management 2% 9% 21% 57% 11% Alternative payments 6% 23% 8% 53% 11% E-mail marketing 32.2% Other 13% 25% 38% 13% 13% Affiliate marketing 29.1% Note: n=53 e-business and channel strategy managers Note: n=444; *North America (61%), Europe, Middle East and Africa (26%), Source: Forrester Research, "Global eBusiness and Channel Strategy Professional Online Survey," December 2008 as cited in Forrester Asia-Pacific (11%) and Latin America (2%) Research, "The Recession's Impact On 2009 eBusiness Plans," February Source: Web Analytics Association, "Outlook 2009: Survey Report," provided to eMarketer, January 7, 2009 2009 as cited by Research Recap, February 23, 2009 101044 101889 101889 101044 Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 4
  • 5. Leading Optimization Applications A Q1 2009 study by the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit E-Tales found that behavioral targeting, customer segmentation analysis ■ used a multivariate testing application and multivariate testing were among the top technologies called Sitespect to test multiple user interface treatments. Since marketers were outsourcing this year, indicating how on-demand different content is targeted at different people, the application solutions are becoming a preferred way of monitoring targeting optimizes leads and conversion rates. Since installing Sitespect and testing. eight months ago, has doubled the number 103366 of leads it forwards to rental offices, vice president John DeLatte Campaign Optimization Services and Functions told eMarketer.The company was also ranked as one of Hitwise’s Outsourced by Marketers Worldwide*, Q1 2009 (% of respondents) top 20 e-commerce sites in June 2009. doubled its leads: Advertising optimization 50.0% ■ A multivariate application tests different user interfaces. Navigation and usability optimization ■ All 800-number leads are tracked via call tracking technology. 26.9% Website performance optimization ■ Location searches are supplemented with Google Maps. 23.1% ■ An iPhone app can be accessed via GPS button. Behavioral targeting 23.1% Call Tracking Customer satisfaction monitoring and optimization Another way marketers are helping to optimize traffic and 23.1% increase return on their marketing spend is with next-generation Customer segmentation analysis call tracking technology. A few years ago, the click-through rate 23.1% was the main method of evaluating the success of online Traffic and pageview monitoring marketing campaigns. Today, the rise of post-click marketing is 19.2% driving on-demand lead tracking services, such as call tracking, Reputation management which tell marketers exactly how much traffic from each 19.2% campaign is converted into actual sales and leads. Online competitive analysis 15.4% On real estate sites, for example, call tracking monitors and measures inbound phone responses to brokers’ and agents’ Cross-channel metrics 15.4% Websites, property listings and marketing campaigns, including online ads, print ads and paid search. Placing the same call Multivariate testing tracking numbers on print campaigns enables real estate 15.4% professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of direct mail, print Predictive analytics ads, yard signs and other types of direct-response advertising. 15.4% Conversion optimization 11.5% Dashboards 11.5% Note: *North America (76.1%), Europe (12.7%), Asia (4.2%) and other (7.0%) Source: eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, "Measuring Success Today," April 22, 2009 103366 Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 5
  • 6. Leading Optimization Applications In a September 2008 study conducted by Sterling Market “The addition of call tracking features Intelligence for Marchex, call tracking ranked second only to Web enables advertisers to track analytics among methods US national advertisers and agencies and measure leads and results from both are using to measure the success of local advertising. online and phone inquiries. More Local Advertising Success Metrics Measured by US importantly, call tracking data and reporting National Advertisers and Agencies, September 2008 will enable agents and brokers to keep a (% of respondents) closer eye on their lead opportunities and Website analytics 54% advance the follow-up and conversion of Call tracking 47% that home buyer.” —Jason Doyle, vice president E-mails 45% and general manager, Online forms 33% Appointments from I-net 33% Personalized Ratings and Recommendations Personalization is another category of e-commerce optimization Coupons 21% that helps increase conversion rates by dynamically tailoring the Other methods 6% online experience for each and every visitor.While many businesses Unsure 3% are building segmentation and scenario-based personalization into Source: Marchex, Inc. "Local Online Advertising: Strategies and Tactics their core e-commerce platforms, on-demand optimization services Every Company Should Know" conducted by Sterling Market Intelligence, go a step further by “microtargeting” the online experience based on October 1, 2008 098558 the specific clicks and behavior of each visitor. 098558 Product recommendations are a popular optimization service being E-Tales added by e-commerce sites to personalize and tailor the online ■ is using eStara call tracking technology experience. Until recently, only e-commerce behemoths such as from ATG, which replaces standard phone numbers with Netflix and could afford to provide personalized trackable local and long-distance numbers and helps it measure product recommendations. Growth of SaaS solutions—along with performance. The company views the toll-free number as a the number of e-commerce vendors offering them—has made “currency system,” explained Mr. DeLatte, “in that tracking personalization attainable for all online businesses. proves the value of advertising to property owners.” Many e-commerce companies that have implemented on-demand ■ ThomasNet, the No. 1 purchasing destination for industrial personalization said sales have increased dramatically because buyers, sought to enhance its Web traffic by strengthening its more leads are converted into transactions. Still, only 27.6% of ability to articulate the site’s value for advertisers. ThomasNet online retailers offer personalized product recommendations, uses eStara call tracking from ATG to assign a local or toll-free according to an August 2008 study from Internet Retailer. Many number to advertiser listings posted on its site. said first-generation technologies have not met expectations. ATG measures (in real time) the inbound phone responses each US Online Retailers that Offer Personalized Product advertiser receives. ThomasNet can then generate a report for Recommendations on E-Commerce Site, August 2008 each of its customers with call metrics as well as contact details (% of respondents) for every caller, including name, phone number and ZIP code. This provides valuable buyer intelligence while ensuring no lead is lost. Offer personalized product recommendations 27.6% Do not offer personalized product recommendations 72.4% Note: n=124 Source: Internet Retailer, "Emerging Technology" conducted by Vovici Corporation, September 2008 097886 097886 Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 6
  • 7. Leading Optimization Applications Types of recommendations solutions vary. The most common Some personalization functions go beyond making product or involve suggesting a product or service that is similar to the one service suggestions—they track people’s time and attention the consumer is looking at in terms of style, usability or other spans. Many consumers, for example, spend more time browsing characteristics. Some features remember shoppers’ preferences Websites on weekends than on weekdays. On weekdays, they or previous purchases, list the site’s top sellers or have a “tell a want to find what they need and leave the site; weekend browsing friend” button that transmits product information. In a sense, on- is more leisurely. According to a July 2009 BusinessWeek article on demand recommendation features can become the in-store personalized recommendations, sites can “adjust to [shoppers’] salespeople of the online world, recommending items based on rhythms, leading shoppers on a leisurely stroll on Saturday the behavior and preferences of each visitor. afternoon, and sending them hurtling toward checkout on Monday morning.” Internet Retailer also found that 21% of companies queried said that personalized product recommendation solutions can improve Personalized ratings and reviews are another way of optimizing sales. Another 21% said these products increase conversion rates the online experience by allowing users to contribute their own and 19% believed they improve cross-selling. If a clothing item content to help others make decisions. Businesses can easily add does not come in the size a customer needs, for example, that ratings and reviews as on-demand solutions, relying on vendors to person may opt for a secondary suggested item of similar style. deliver the technology and outsource the monitoring of content. Benefits to US Online Retailers that Offer Many e-commerce companies today allow consumers to write Personalized Product Recommendations on and post comments and reviews. In addition to providing E-Commerce Site, August 2008 (% of respondents) guidelines for other shoppers, this can help resolve problems Higher total sales related to products or services supplied by third parties. 21% One e-tailing executive said that some of his product Improved conversion rate manufacturers resolved merchandise issues after consumers 21% wrote negative reviews. In other instances, the e-tailer removed Better cross-selling and upselling opportunities based on purchasing history and product preferences of individuals disappointing SKUs from its site. The company always posts a 19% notice explaining a problem’s resolution. “This helps with Bigger ticket consumer confidence and conversions,” the executive added. 15% According to Forrester Research (December 2008), apparel, Reduced returns and shopping cart abandonment footwear and accessories ranked fourth among the retail 11% categories for which consumers find reviews most helpful. Their Improved open and click-through rates of segmented e-mail survey of 2,890 US Internet users indicated that 47% benefited campaigns from the feature in this product category alone. 10% Other E-Tales 3% ■, often considered a benchmark in e-commerce Source: Internet Retailer, "Emerging Technology" conducted by Vovici efficiency, found that customer reviews reduce returns. Corporation, September 2008 097887 Shoppers may indicate, say, that a shoe runs small or does not 097887 look nice with pleated pants. Personalization yields the best results when it tracks multiple ■ Netflix factors in movie plots as well as movie categories rented consumer behaviors, Jack Aaronson, CEO of the Aaronson Group before it makes recommendations.A consumer who rented and a former Barnes & Noble executive, told eMarketer in March “Goodfellas,” for example, might not like all crime movies. But if the 2009. In addition to tracking what books a purchaser of a particular customer gives high ratings to both “Goodfellas” and “The title bought, for example, algorithms can factor in other sales Godfather,” as Steve Swasey, Netflix’s vice president of motivators. This could involve layering in research regarding what communications, told eMarketer in March 2009, that person very was most important to consumers—say, subject versus author. likely enjoys epic movies with a crime base and immigrant theme. Netflix cross-references consumer ratings, which provide more accurate predictions about what people will like, said Mr. Swasey. He added that 60% of Netflix members regularly rate movies. Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 7
  • 8. Leading Optimization Applications ■ Tommy Hilfiger added a SaaS-based recommendations Factors that drive consumers to seek assistance include the need service from ATG in fall 2008. Based on a predictive algorithm, for additional information (58%) and confusion about how to place the tool uses product data, site structure and shoppers’ current an order (53%), according to respondents to a June 2009 ATG and past behaviors to make suggestions. survey. Some 37% of online shoppers said they seek help when return polices are not clearly stated. Prior to implementation, Tommy Hilfiger had been creating hard- coded product recommendations to stimulate cross-sells. Factors that Would Cause US Online Shoppers to Seek Information was based on what the company was trying to sell Live Assistance When Making a Purchase Online, June rather than what visitors wanted. The same suggestions were 2009 (% of respondents) made to every shopper. The approach was time-consuming and Need more information about the product/service than is on the was not helping sales. site 58% Within 30 days of deployment, 16% of total online revenues were Trouble completing the order/checking out being impacted by the new tool, according to information 53% provided by Tommy Hilfiger. That figure jumped to 30% when the Return policy is not clearly stated on the site site began to use the service to automate and personalize other 37% parts of its online merchandise, such as top sellers and gift guides. Product/service requires sensitive information (e.g., Social Security number) Checkout frequency increased threefold among 32% Tommy Hilfiger shoppers who interacted with the Want to hear about discounts or promotions before buying ATG Recommendations product. 28% Product/service is complicated and has many steps (e.g., cellphone or cable plan) ■ OpenTable is a repository of restaurant opinions and 25% information. It runs customer reviews and partners with Shipping and pickup options and timing hundreds of Websites as well as with the online properties of 20% local newspapers. Thus, consumers do not have to read myriad blogs. The transaction facilitator allows diners to place real-time Product/service is expensive (e.g., appliance or TV) 13% reservations and search for restaurants by geography, price and cuisine. Success is measured by how many restaurant seats are Note: respondents were asked to choose up to three choices Source: ATG, "Customer Service Survey," provided to eMarketer, June 25, filled, said Ann Shepherd, vice president of marketing, in a 2009 December 2008 eMarketer interview. 105308 105308 Live Help A JCPenney study found that “highly satisfied” customers make In the early years of e-commerce, the pervasive school of thought 11% more purchases, as reported in the BusinessWeek article. In was to eliminate human involvement from online transactions as the magazine’s own customer service survey of 1,033 readers, much as possible. Contact methods were often difficult to find or poor telephone service emerged as the biggest complaint (54.8%). use. Many sites only offered a toll-free number or e-mail address In the words of one reader, “the purgatory of [being put on] hold is to help would-be buyers obtain answers to questions, requiring the most annoying experience.” Another noted that “there is no them to “switch” channels or wait for a response. This approach is steering wheel to bang.” rapidly changing. More and more e-commerce companies are implementing click-to- Today’s e-commerce companies realize the benefit of direct, chat and click-to-call services as on-demand optimization services. timely assistance to close more online sales and improve loyalty. Both services solve the problem of 800-numbers and e-mail by Online customers, they now acknowledge, should be treated as allowing consumers to get live assistance while they are online. well as guests who are physically present. This has become even Click-to-chat creates a live text interchange between the more important during challenging economic times, particularly consumer and e-commerce company. With chat, customer when it comes to holding on to existing customers. service personnel can split their time among several customers, “As the pool of new online buyers begins to dry up,” said Jeffrey cutting down wait times. Grau, senior analyst at eMarketer, “Web retailers will focus on strategies that help them retain customers, such as improving customer service.” Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 8
  • 9. Leading Optimization Applications Click-to-call allows shoppers to click a button, type in their phone In a 12-month study that began in June 2008, ATG found that many number and receive a direct call from a customer service businesses used integrated click-to-call and click-to-chat representative. There is no “on hold” period and they do not have to solutions. Yet some industries tend to field more calls than chats, navigate annoying touch-tone telephone menus. Like chat, click-to- including retail electronics (94.6% versus 5.4%), high-tech call allows agents to see where users are on a Website and browse IT/software (83.5% versus 16.5%), banking (77.0% versus 23.0%) with them to help close more sales and improve service. and hospitality (76.3% versus 23.7%). Click-to-chat and click-to-call are each useful in different situations. Click-to-chat outpaces click-to-call in apparel (88.8% versus In June 2009, ATG found that US online shoppers preferred live help 11.2%), travel (87.3% versus 12.7%) and telecommunications over the phone via click-to-call when dealing with sensitive or (70.3% versus 29.7%). complicated information, technical problems or a large amount of money. For simpler queries, such as those about order status, Click-to-Call vs. Click-to-Chat Live Help Usage According to ATG Clients Worldwide, by Industry, June promotional information, shipping options or cheaper services, live 2008-June 2009 (% of total) chat was the preferred customer service option. Retail–electronics 5.4% 94.6% Preferred Live Assistance Method (Call* vs. Chat**) for Select Online Shopping Scenarios According to US High–tech, IT and software Online Shoppers, June 2009 (% of respondents) 83.5% 16.5% Call* Chat** Banking Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs 78% 22% $500+ 77.0% 23.0% Making a purchase or applying for a service that requires 78% 22% Hospitality sensitive/private information (e.g., Social Security number) 76.3% 23.7% Need complicated information on product/service to 71% 29% Insurance purchase or apply online 62.3% 37.7% Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs 67% 33% between $100-$500 Retail–big box I'm having trouble completing my order 67% 33% 59.7% 40.3% I can't log in to my account 64% 36% Other financial services I have a question about the status of my order 48% 52% 59.2% 40.8% Making a purchase or applying for a service that costs 47% 53% Transportation less than $100 32.2% 67.8% I want to ask about the return/refund policy 44% 56% Retail–other I want to hear about discounts or promotions 44% 56% 31.2% 68.8% I want to ask about shipping and pickup options 41% 59% Telecommunications Need basic information on product/service to 40% 60% purchase or apply online 29.7% 70.3% Note: *clicking a button or accepting a proactive invitation to have a Travel customer service representative call you; **clicking a button or accepting 12.7% 87.3% a proactive invitation to initiate a text chat interaction with a customer service representative Retail–apparel Source: ATG, "Customer Service Survey," provided to eMarketer, June 25, 2009 11.2% 88.8% 105310 Other enterprise 105310 41.0% 59.0% Click-to-call Click-to-chat Note: based on 400,537,392 click-to-chat and click-to-call sessions for 806 implementations among ATG clients in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America Source: ATG with eMarketer calculations, July 2009 105185 105185 According to BusinessWeek, travel companies that employ both technologies include Continental Airlines and Expedia; BMW, Best Buy and Louis Vuitton use both on the e-tailing side. Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 9
  • 10. Leading Optimization Applications E-Tales Targeted E-Mail Marketing ■ views the telephone as a primary means of While converting new visitors into customers is a key focus of consumer interaction. Many calls come from novice online e-commerce companies, getting existing customers to buy again shoppers who wind up placing orders over the phone. “While is just as important, as it often costs less than acquiring new phone orders are in the single digits, they are a few percentage customers. E-mail marketing tools—delivered as on-demand points of daily sales,” said Mr. Kalma. “The site is the lead solutions—are the primary way companies drive repeat traffic and generator. I don’t think most e-commerce companies put purchases, and cross-sell or upsell existing customers. enough effort into phone service.” Leading e-commerce companies are taking e-mail marketing a step further with new optimization services that tailor and target “What better way to measure efforts than to the right offers to e-mail recipients. Using complex algorithms, talk to your customers? [The phone] is a they layer in past purchasing behavior, demographics and other branding opportunity, not an expense.” factors that generate e-mails for specific customers. E-mails may include special offers for certain people—say, customers who —Brian Kalma, director of user experience, spent more than $200 over the past year. Or a site selling sporting goods may only target past purchasers of camping equipment. ■ HSBC Card Services implemented eStara Click to Call from ATG about seven years ago. Two years ago, it launched the Not many online businesses use these targeting functions. In April complementary eStara Click to Chat. It uses click-to-call to 2009, the e-tailing group found that 16% of e-commerce communicate with customers who are on its site and need help companies sent personalized e-mails based on past customer with transactions. It also uses the feature to target existing behavior. Still, this figure was up from 11% in 2008. customers with new service offers. When an invitation icon pops up, interested consumers can have a representative call them Website and E-Mail Personalization Features Among right away. The feature does not send more invites than HSBC US Online Retailers, 2008 & 2009 (% of respondents) can respond to. Therefore, people are not kept on hold, said 2008 2009 Shane Herrell, HSBC’s vice president of digital marketing, tools Post-order e-mails are sent based on past purchases 17% 23% and technology, in an interview with eMarketer. Site greets returning customers by name 18% 20% Our e-mails are very personalized based on past customer 11% 16% Click-to-call is paired with co-browsing at HSBC. Many customers behavior use the latter feature when they are having trouble navigating or Site dynamically shows product based on past customer 8% 9% purchases filling out a form. The co-browse function allows the rep to see, We provide a limited amount of personalization 33% 45% with the customer’s permission, what the customer is viewing on We intend to add personalization in 2009 44% 34% the Website. Chat has also carved inroads among prospective customers with poor credit or those with loan delinquencies who We have no personalization and don't anticipate adding 20% 14% such functionality this year may be uncomfortable talking to a live person. Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to eMarketer, April 2009 ■ Wells Fargo conducts about 30% of its online business via 103438 telephone. When customers click to call, the call is routed 103438 through Internet protocols rather than traditional copper wire. According to a Forrester Research study cited by MarketingVOX in The automated technology is faster and costs about $1.50 per June 2009, e-mail marketing spending in the US will reach $2 call, said Doug Loots, marketing strategy manager with Wells billion by 2014—almost double the projected spend of $1.2 billion Fargo’s consumer lending business. Before the product was for 2009. Retention e-mails (those sent with consumer consent) implemented two years ago, calls used to cost about $3. will account for more than one-third of all marketing messages Click to Call is popular among loan applicants. Contact time is sent to shoppers. Within five years, consumers will opt in to about 10 seconds following completion of an online application. receive 9,000 e-mail marketing messages annually. Booking rates have improved by 40% because fewer people disconnect. “Before,” said Mr. Loots, “they would click to apply and a loan officer would call them the next day.” Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 10
  • 11. Leading Optimization Applications In a recent study, the e-tailing group found that 83% of e-commerce E-Tales companies believed e-mail drives incremental revenue; 74% said it ■’s shoppers can choose the types of e-mail they improved purchasing frequency; 72% (unchanged from 2008) want to receive. A consumer may only want e-mails about believed it increases store and catalog purchasing; and 60% said dresses, for example, said Mr. Kalma. The company also sends e-mail helps acquire new customers. generalized e-mails about promotions and special products. Zappos hopes to further personalize this area. Important* Uses of E-Mail Marketing According to US Online Retailers, 2008 & 2009 (% of respondents) ■ sends e-mails to customers who have abandoned 2008 2009 online shopping carts, reported DMNews in September 2008. The Drive incremental revenue 74% 83% reminder is sent a few days after the abandonment occurs. Increase purchase frequency 76% 74% During a one-month period, the e-mails generated a 48% higher Increase purchasing from your catalog or store 72% 72% open rate and a 78% higher click-through rate than e-mails used Acquire new customers 58% 60% during previous campaigns. Net conversion rate was 6.5%, a full Sell seasonal product 49% 56% 129% higher than figures generated by past endeavors. Improve loyalty 58% 55% Reactivate customers 53% 48% ■ HSBC sends outbound e-mails to consumers who sent inbound Reinforce your brand proposition 49% 41% e-mails. Outbound e-mails focus on specific services, such as Increase average order 49% 39% balance transfers, insurance or special rates for people who sign Liquidate product 34% 34% up for a loan by a certain date. Note: *rated as "very important," "somewhat important" or "important" Source: the e-tailing group, "8th Annual Merchant Survey," provided to ■, an online fragrance seller, began eMarketer, April 2009 emphasizing customer-centric features in August 2008. Using a 103437 recommendations tool, customer data is used to make product 103437 suggestions and send personalized e-mails. SaaS-supported functions are rapidly becoming part of the e-mail equation. According to an April 2009 Gartner report, the SaaS model Click-through rates have doubled. Overall site revenues for e-mail solutions should represent 20% of the commercial e-mail increased by 11% and sales of the most popular item went up by market by the end of 2012; in 2007, it accounted for only 1%. Gartner 56%. Open rates are 30% and conversion rates are 16%, said research vice president Matt Cain noted that the earliest adopters CEO Howard Wyner. Customers also receive an e-mail reminder of the e-mail SaaS model are small or medium-sized businesses. when an out-of-stock product comes in. To reap the full benefits of any e-mail marketing initiative, e-commerce ■ Wells Fargo periodically e-mails customers who do business companies need to track and measure consumer activities and utilize with other banks. If somebody has a checking account with the results.This is often easier said than done. In a February–March Wells Fargo and a loan with another institution, that person 2009 study, eROI found that 18.06% of e-mail marketers do not track might receive an e-mail invitation to “refinance” with Wells open rates, click rates and open-to-click ratios—the three most Fargo, said Mr. Loots. The message could also be about loan important e-mail marketing metrics.The top reasons cited for not consolidation and making lower payments. tracking campaigns were lack of knowledge and budget constraints. US E-Mail Marketers Who Track E-Mail Campaign Results, February-March 2009 (% of respondents) Do not track campaigns 18.06% Track campaigns 81.94% Source: eROI, "Use of Analytics in E-Mail Marketing Campaigns," March 20, 2009 102803 102803 Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 11
  • 12. The Future of Optimization Over the next decade, e-commerce will continue to evolve as companies mix and meld channels, technologies and strategies. A financial services company, for example, might find a new use for a feature that has mainly been used by apparel e-tailers. Mobile commerce in particular should play a huge role, especially in service areas such as travel, finance and real estate. Avis already offers an iPhone application for airport location reservations. 1-800-FLOWERS’ Mobile Gift Center provides BlackBerry users with last-minute gift-giving options. And Wells Fargo Online Mobile Banking lets consumers pay bills via cellphone. Within a few years, Mr. Loots believes, mobile commerce will be one of Wells Fargo’s biggest channels. Video is another growing area. In August, began using video as part of its product suggestion function. Video allows consumers to view a moving image of a product paired with other apparel, shoes or accessories. Clickable text links let shoppers obtain more information. Another video function lets guests submit their own product videos. Mr. Kalma believes engagement will be close to 20% on pages with video. “If a consumer takes the time to open a video and look at it, why not bring it to the next level by layering on metadata that makes it clickable?” he asked. “By letting a formal wedding shoe description turn into a complete outfit with bag and dress, we bring more product to more people more quickly.” The use of social media to connect with customers and optimize customer interactions is expected to continue gaining momentum. More than one-half of Web retailers surveyed already use five of 10 identified community or social media tools, and only tiny percentages had no plans to use them later. Facebook fan pages were most popular, followed by Twitter and customer reviews. Some retailers, for example, are posting Click to Call and Click to Chat options on their Facebook pages—optimizing across multiple channels. Across mobile, video and social media, SaaS products will provide e-commerce companies with a quick, affordable and customer-centric means of reaching more people with more personalized information. The implementation of these technologies will allow e-commerce players to offer a truly consistent experience to customers across all commerce channels. Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 12
  • 13. About ATG About eMarketer A trusted, global specialist in e-commerce, ATG eMarketer is a business service unlike any (Art Technology Group, Inc., NASDAQ: ARTG) has other. eMarketer does not conduct research. It spent the last decade focused on helping the aggregates and analyzes all the available world’s premier brands maximize the success of research, surveys and data on a given topic. So their online businesses. you see far more than a single source could ever The ATG Commerce Suite is the top-rated cross-channel provide. eMarketer doesn’t deliver one point of commerce solution for powering highly personalized, efficient view, it gives you thousands. Providing overviews and effective e-commerce sites. ATG also services multiple and insights available nowhere else, eMarketer industries with ATG Optimization Services, which offer the flexibility to target visitors with the right offer at the right time in reports on the reports, analyzes the analysts and the right channel—using automation, business rules and human dissects the data. interaction—to drive profitable sales. These platform-neutral SaaS-based services like Click to Call, Click to Chat, Call Tracking and Automated Recommendations, help businesses lift online A Trusted Resource revenue quickly, easily and measurably by converting more eMarketer serves as a trusted, third-party resource, cutting visitors into customers. through the clutter and hype–helping businesses make sense of the numbers and trends. eMarketer's products and services help ATG customers include progressive, innovative online brands like companies make better, more informed business decisions by:, AT&T, Best Buy, Continental Airlines, CVS, ■ Streamlining research sources and reducing costs Dell, Expedia, France Telecom, Hilton, HSBC, Jenny Craig, Macy's, Microsoft, Neiman Marcus, PayPal, Procter & Gamble, Sears, ■ Eliminating critical data gaps Target, Tommy Hilfiger, Vodafone, and Wells Fargo. For more information, please visit ■ Providing an objective, bird’s eye view of the entire landscape ■ Better deploying and sharing information across the company ■ Building solid business cases backed up by hard data ■ Reducing business risk ■ Saving valuable time Contact eMarketer, Inc. Toll-Free: 800-405-0844 75 Broad Street Outside the US: 212-763-6010 32nd floor Fax: 212-763-6020 New York, NY 10004 To learn more about subscriptions to eMarketer, call 800-405-0844 (outside the U.S. and Canada, call 001-212-763-6010), or e-mail Optimizing the E-Commerce Experience 13