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Завдання ІІ етапу олімпіади з англійської мови у 2013-14 н.р.
Творча письмова робота
8 клас
The most beautiful place I have ever been to
9 клас.
What are the things in your life that change from day to day?
10 клас
How can language help to connect people from different parts of the world?
11 клас
People are creative in different ways…
8 клас
The elephant is the largest animal to walk on Earth. An elephant can carry a
load of 1200 pounds. They eat 300 pounds of food a day. An elephant baby can
weigh 200 pounds at birth. Elephants can live up to 70 years. Elephants can be
trained to carry logs with their trunks, and have been used in the forestry industry
in Asia for many years. Elephants also use their trunks for drinking water, bathing,
and eating and communicating. Recently it was discovered that elephants can
communicate over a distance of several miles using infrasonic sounds inaudible to
humans. Elephants use their ears as a cooling system. Blood flows through veins in
the ears and as the elephant flap his ears, the blood cools and flows through his
body to cool off other parts. Elephant feet are large and round. They distribute the
large animal's weight effectively. In the past, elephants were killed and their feet
were made into umbrella stands and small tables for tourists. Now elephants are
protected by special laws. There are two kinds of elephants: the African elephant
and the Indian elephant. African elephants can be identified by the larger ears. The
African elephant grows up to 10 feet tall and weighs as much as 12,000 pounds.
The Indian elephant grows up to 9 feet tall, and weighs up to 8,000 pounds. It's
easier to identify because of its smaller ears. Most circus elephants are Indian
elephants. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant.
Unfortunately, there is a growing conflict between elephants and humans as more
of the elephants' habitat is developed. Elephants can destroy the crops of an entire
village in a single night, and this also causes conflict. At the moment, there are
about 600,000 elephants remaining in Africa. The greatest threat to elephants is the
ivory trade. Most commercial ivory comes from elephant's tusks. From 1979 to
1989 was a bad time for African elephants. About 70,000 wild elephants were
killed for ivory each year. In 1989 an international treaty limited the trade in ivory,
decreasing the number of elephants killed, but elephants are still being killed for
ivory. Please don't ever buy anything made of ivory! Don't even buy anything that
looks like ivory!
Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false)
1.The elephant is not the largest animal to walk on Earth.
2. An elephant eats 300 pounds of food a day.
3. Elephants can live up 80 years.
4. Elephants can be trained to carry logs with their trunks.
5. Recently it was discovered that elephants can communicate using infrasonic
6. Elephant feet don’t distribute the large animal’s weight effectively.
7. In the past, elephants were killed and their feet were made into umbrella stands
and small tables.
8. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant.
9. There is a growing conflict between elephants and humans.
10.The greatest threat to elephants is the ivory trade.
9 клас
Text . Action Sports Camps
Action Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and
adults. We offer training in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout
the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during
the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to
another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our colour
The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports - we cover a wide range of indoor
activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have
to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the
experience we've gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and
activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics. It is
unnecessary to bring any equipment because it is all provided.
We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we
do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a
family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange
their experiences later on.
Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities - and the staff are
first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and
many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities
such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants
organising the children's games are students, many of whom came to the camp
themselves when they were younger.
At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for
us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available
in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not
responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury
accommodation is not available near our camps.
To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for
the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we
must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs
down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will
receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form.
Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a
5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is
made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be

Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false)
1. Some centres are open all winter.
2. The activities available depend on the weather.
3. Action Sports Camps courses are unsuitable for people who are excellent at
4. You need to have your own sports equipment.
5. Children and adults spend some time together each day.
6. Some of the staff are unqualified.
7. Action Sports Camps only recommend accommodation of a high quality.
8. You have to pay the total fee one month after you book.
9. Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card.
10.If you cancel three weeks before your camp, you will get half your money
10 клас
Text. Ferndig Islands
Three miles across the water from the town of Blascott lies the group of islands
known as the Ferndigs. The main island is St Michael. Separated by a narrow
channel of water is St Michael's little sister, St Margaret. People first lived on these
islands 1,500 years ago. By the 1950s the population had gone down to below
twenty, and in 1960 the last person left the islands. But in 1991 two families
moved back, and since then more people have followed. Tourists now visit
regularly to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Visit the one shop on the islands which sells butter, cheese and bread produced by
the families who live there. The produce is also taken by boat to restaurants in
Blascott, where it can be enjoyed by visitors to the area. Perhaps more
interestingly, a range of perfumes is made from the wild flowers and herbs which
grow on the island and can be bought in the shop. They are produced mainly for
export and are very special. So a visit to the shop is a must!
St Michael Island is easily explored on foot but, in the interests of safety, visitors
are requested to keep to the main footpaths. From where the boat lands, walk along
the cliff until you reach a steep path signposted to the church. When you get there,
it is worth spending a moment in this lovely old building. Carry on along the same
path which continues to climb to the highest point on the island. There is a
wonderful view from here along the coastline. If it is warm, you may like to finish
your day relaxing on the beach. Priory Beach on the eastern side of the island is
safe for swimming. Sandtop Bay on the western side is the other sandy beach, but
swimming is not advised here.
It is possible to hire a boat to cross to the islands, or you can take one of the boat
trips which depart from Blascott harbour in summer, Monday to Friday. The
islands are always open to visitors apart from on Sundays. Buy a ticket for a boat
trip from the kiosk in Blascott harbour. The charge for landing on the islands is
included in the ticket but, if you take your own boat, remember to take some
money. The crossing takes thirty minutes, and boats run every fifteen minutes.
Before you set off on a trip, visit the exhibition centre which tells the history of the
islands and gives information about birds and wildlife you may see when you get
Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false)
1. St Margaret Island is smaller than St Michael Island.
2. There was no one living on the islands in the 1980s.
3. There are several restaurants on the islands.
4. Flowers are for sale in the island shop.
5. The church is at the top of the highest hill.
6. There is one beach on St Michael Island where it is safe to swim.
7. It is possible to take a boat trip on a Saturday.
8. There is a fee for landing on the islands.
9. The journey to the islands lasts half an hour.
10.There is an exhibition centre on the islands.
11 клас
Text. British Games?
People have played games throughout the years from ancient Egyptians to the
Eskimos and the origins of most sports are lost in time. However, we do know
when and where sports were first organized. And in many cases the first
associations were formed and the first rules were written down in Britain. Then in
the 19th century the British sent their soldiers, engineers and businessmen across
their Empire and the rest of the world learnt to play by British rules.
Football may have been brought to Britain by the Romans, but the rules of modern
football were drawn up in tavern in London in 1863. The first game under the new
rules ended nil nil (0-0). Nine years later the first international was played between
Scotland and England. The result was another disappointing scoreless draw. It
makes you wonder how football ever became the most popular sport in the world.
In 1823 a boy called William Webb Ellis was playing a game of football at his
school, Rugby. Suddenly, he picked up the ball and began to run with it in his
hands. This was against the rules. The boy had created a new sport – rugby
football. Great story. Unfortunately, it’s not quite true. In fact, the rules of rugby
weren’t standardized until 1871 when the Rugby Football Union was founded in
London. It has been said that rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen,
whereas football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans.
Although the origins of cricket may be in Asia, the game has been played in
England for over 700 years. It was probably first played by shepherds and it was so
popular in the 15th century that it was banned by the king who was worried about
the defense of his kingdom and who wanted his subjects to practice archery
instead. The rules, which date from 1744, arc so complicated that many people
have no idea now it is played.
An early version of tennis was popular in monasteries in Europe more than a
thousand years ago, but modern tennis didn’t really become popular until 1875
when the All England Croquet Club tried to attract new members by offering Lawn
Tennis as an alternative attraction. The new game was an instant success and in
1877 a committee was established to draw up rules and to organize the first ever
tournament. The Wimbledon Championship was born!
There have been many sports in history in which you hit a ball with a stick but it
was 15th century Scots who first thought of hitting the ball into a hole. Scotland is
home to the world's oldest golf courses and the famous course at St Andrews dates
from the 16th century. The oldest surviving rules were drawn up by The
Gentlemen Golfers of Leith, Edinburgh in 1744, and even today golfers must
behave like gentlemen and must not try to cheat.
In England in the 17th century, hockey was played by teams of up to one hundred
players and games could last seven days. The modern game was developed at Eton
College in the 1860s, and in 1890 the English, Irish arid Welsh hockey
associations joined to form the International Rules Board. Hockey was introduced
to India by the British Army in 1900 and today although it is a minority sport in
England it is India's national spirit. In many parts of the world ice hockey is more
popular than field hockey but in India and in Britain hockey’s usually played on
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
1. We know where most sports originated.
2. Many sports became popular around the world thanks to the British Empire.
3. The first International football match was played between Scotland and
4. Rugby is played in countries that used to be British colonies.
5. Hockey is not so popular in England today.
6. The Wimbledon Championship was born in 1877.
7. The origins of cricket may be in Africa, but the game has been played in
England for over 700 years
8. Scotland is home to the worlds oldest golf courses.
9. Cricket is played in countries that didn’t use to be British Colonies.
10.Cricket and Rugby are both played in hot countries.
Усне мовлення
Do you agree with the moral of the proverb "East or West, home is best"?
Illustrate it with a situation of your own.
Speak about your image of an ideal family.
Give a brief account of your life up to the present. What do you think is the
most important event in your life?
Imagine what your life will be like in twenty years' time and describe it.
Describe activities you are good and bad at.
Speak about similarities and differences between living in the country and living
in a big city.
Speak about "for and against' having pets at home.
Speak about a popular quiz show on television. Describe what you like/ dislike
about it.
Speak about the reasons why you like or dislike reading newspapers/ watching
news programmes.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport.
Speak about the educative value of travelling.
Describe how the weather can influence your mood. What do you like to do
when the weather is nasty?
Describe the way of life which you consider to be healthy.
The place of friendship in your life. Describe the character of your best friend.
Do you sometimes disagree with your parents? Do you think children should live
away from their parents? At what age?
What are the most useful things you can do to improve your English? What do you
think is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language?
Do many tourists visit our country every year? What is the most interesting
city/place of interest in our country?
Think of a country, town/city ( not your own) that you know well. Describe its
good and bad points.
Is there anything in your present life that you wish was different?
In what way are plants and flowers important to us?
What are the most important components of a healthy lifestyle?
Describe the ways television can be used for educational purposes.
Argue ‘for or against’ the statement "Teenagers should be given an opportunity
to work".
Describe what you like and dislike about using the mobile phone..
In what ways do you think modern society is busier and more stressful than a
hundred years ago?
What do you think are some of the greatest wonders of nature?
What gadgets are important in your life? Which do you think is the most
What advice would you give somebody coming to live and work in your country?
Speak about the greatest events of the twentieth century.
Speak about for and against of living in another country. Has any of your friends or
family gone to live in a foreign country?
Speak about things you cannot live without.
You have reached one of life's crossroads! Speak about what to do next.
What is your favourite advertisement at the moment? Is it on the TV or the radio?
What is the advert for? What's the story?
List as many advantages and disadvantages of tourism as you can think of.
What does our country export and import? What are the reasons for this?
What are the most popular free time activities for British and Ukrainian teenagers?
Why is visiting a museum interesting and useful?
What do Ukrainian channels offer to their viewers?
What are the most common stereotypes about the United Kingdom and its people
that you know?
What top ten items would you include on the list of the USA best things and
Do you agree that food is as much a part of a country's culture as its landscape,
language and literature?
Think of probable scientific discoveries which will be made in the XXI century
and speak about it.
Choosing a profession is not an easy matter. What do you think can help you to
make the right choice?
Which of your personal qualities will help you in your future profession?
What can you do for the prosperity of your native country?
List the main problems affecting the world today. Do you think the problems we
will face in the future will be the same or different?
Speak about qualities that might help language learning.
How many different types of weather can you name? Name some jobs for which a
weather forecast is important?
Comment on the statement: ‘People enjoy sports for various reasons’
Do you think most children communicate well with their parents?
English olympiad

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English olympiad

  • 1. Завдання ІІ етапу олімпіади з англійської мови у 2013-14 н.р. Творча письмова робота 8 клас The most beautiful place I have ever been to 9 клас. What are the things in your life that change from day to day? 10 клас How can language help to connect people from different parts of the world? 11 клас People are creative in different ways… Аудіювання 8 клас Text. ELEPHANT The elephant is the largest animal to walk on Earth. An elephant can carry a load of 1200 pounds. They eat 300 pounds of food a day. An elephant baby can weigh 200 pounds at birth. Elephants can live up to 70 years. Elephants can be trained to carry logs with their trunks, and have been used in the forestry industry in Asia for many years. Elephants also use their trunks for drinking water, bathing, and eating and communicating. Recently it was discovered that elephants can communicate over a distance of several miles using infrasonic sounds inaudible to humans. Elephants use their ears as a cooling system. Blood flows through veins in the ears and as the elephant flap his ears, the blood cools and flows through his body to cool off other parts. Elephant feet are large and round. They distribute the large animal's weight effectively. In the past, elephants were killed and their feet were made into umbrella stands and small tables for tourists. Now elephants are protected by special laws. There are two kinds of elephants: the African elephant and the Indian elephant. African elephants can be identified by the larger ears. The African elephant grows up to 10 feet tall and weighs as much as 12,000 pounds. The Indian elephant grows up to 9 feet tall, and weighs up to 8,000 pounds. It's easier to identify because of its smaller ears. Most circus elephants are Indian elephants. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant. Unfortunately, there is a growing conflict between elephants and humans as more of the elephants' habitat is developed. Elephants can destroy the crops of an entire village in a single night, and this also causes conflict. At the moment, there are about 600,000 elephants remaining in Africa. The greatest threat to elephants is the ivory trade. Most commercial ivory comes from elephant's tusks. From 1979 to 1989 was a bad time for African elephants. About 70,000 wild elephants were
  • 2. killed for ivory each year. In 1989 an international treaty limited the trade in ivory, decreasing the number of elephants killed, but elephants are still being killed for ivory. Please don't ever buy anything made of ivory! Don't even buy anything that looks like ivory! Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false) 1.The elephant is not the largest animal to walk on Earth. 2. An elephant eats 300 pounds of food a day. 3. Elephants can live up 80 years. 4. Elephants can be trained to carry logs with their trunks. 5. Recently it was discovered that elephants can communicate using infrasonic sounds. 6. Elephant feet don’t distribute the large animal’s weight effectively. 7. In the past, elephants were killed and their feet were made into umbrella stands and small tables. 8. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant. 9. There is a growing conflict between elephants and humans. 10.The greatest threat to elephants is the ivory trade. 9 клас Text . Action Sports Camps Action Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and adults. We offer training in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our colour brochure. The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports - we cover a wide range of indoor activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the experience we've gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics. It is unnecessary to bring any equipment because it is all provided. We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange their experiences later on. Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities - and the staff are first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants organising the children's games are students, many of whom came to the camp themselves when they were younger.
  • 3. At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury accommodation is not available near our camps. To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form. Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a 5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be given. Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false) 1. Some centres are open all winter. 2. The activities available depend on the weather. 3. Action Sports Camps courses are unsuitable for people who are excellent at sport. 4. You need to have your own sports equipment. 5. Children and adults spend some time together each day. 6. Some of the staff are unqualified. 7. Action Sports Camps only recommend accommodation of a high quality. 8. You have to pay the total fee one month after you book. 9. Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card. 10.If you cancel three weeks before your camp, you will get half your money back. 10 клас Text. Ferndig Islands Three miles across the water from the town of Blascott lies the group of islands known as the Ferndigs. The main island is St Michael. Separated by a narrow channel of water is St Michael's little sister, St Margaret. People first lived on these islands 1,500 years ago. By the 1950s the population had gone down to below twenty, and in 1960 the last person left the islands. But in 1991 two families moved back, and since then more people have followed. Tourists now visit regularly to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Visit the one shop on the islands which sells butter, cheese and bread produced by the families who live there. The produce is also taken by boat to restaurants in Blascott, where it can be enjoyed by visitors to the area. Perhaps more interestingly, a range of perfumes is made from the wild flowers and herbs which
  • 4. grow on the island and can be bought in the shop. They are produced mainly for export and are very special. So a visit to the shop is a must! St Michael Island is easily explored on foot but, in the interests of safety, visitors are requested to keep to the main footpaths. From where the boat lands, walk along the cliff until you reach a steep path signposted to the church. When you get there, it is worth spending a moment in this lovely old building. Carry on along the same path which continues to climb to the highest point on the island. There is a wonderful view from here along the coastline. If it is warm, you may like to finish your day relaxing on the beach. Priory Beach on the eastern side of the island is safe for swimming. Sandtop Bay on the western side is the other sandy beach, but swimming is not advised here. It is possible to hire a boat to cross to the islands, or you can take one of the boat trips which depart from Blascott harbour in summer, Monday to Friday. The islands are always open to visitors apart from on Sundays. Buy a ticket for a boat trip from the kiosk in Blascott harbour. The charge for landing on the islands is included in the ticket but, if you take your own boat, remember to take some money. The crossing takes thirty minutes, and boats run every fifteen minutes. Before you set off on a trip, visit the exhibition centre which tells the history of the islands and gives information about birds and wildlife you may see when you get there. Mark the sentences T(true) or F (false) 1. St Margaret Island is smaller than St Michael Island. 2. There was no one living on the islands in the 1980s. 3. There are several restaurants on the islands. 4. Flowers are for sale in the island shop. 5. The church is at the top of the highest hill. 6. There is one beach on St Michael Island where it is safe to swim. 7. It is possible to take a boat trip on a Saturday. 8. There is a fee for landing on the islands. 9. The journey to the islands lasts half an hour. 10.There is an exhibition centre on the islands. 11 клас Text. British Games? People have played games throughout the years from ancient Egyptians to the Eskimos and the origins of most sports are lost in time. However, we do know when and where sports were first organized. And in many cases the first associations were formed and the first rules were written down in Britain. Then in the 19th century the British sent their soldiers, engineers and businessmen across their Empire and the rest of the world learnt to play by British rules. Football
  • 5. Football may have been brought to Britain by the Romans, but the rules of modern football were drawn up in tavern in London in 1863. The first game under the new rules ended nil nil (0-0). Nine years later the first international was played between Scotland and England. The result was another disappointing scoreless draw. It makes you wonder how football ever became the most popular sport in the world. Rugby In 1823 a boy called William Webb Ellis was playing a game of football at his school, Rugby. Suddenly, he picked up the ball and began to run with it in his hands. This was against the rules. The boy had created a new sport – rugby football. Great story. Unfortunately, it’s not quite true. In fact, the rules of rugby weren’t standardized until 1871 when the Rugby Football Union was founded in London. It has been said that rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen, whereas football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans. Cricket Although the origins of cricket may be in Asia, the game has been played in England for over 700 years. It was probably first played by shepherds and it was so popular in the 15th century that it was banned by the king who was worried about the defense of his kingdom and who wanted his subjects to practice archery instead. The rules, which date from 1744, arc so complicated that many people have no idea now it is played. Tennis An early version of tennis was popular in monasteries in Europe more than a thousand years ago, but modern tennis didn’t really become popular until 1875 when the All England Croquet Club tried to attract new members by offering Lawn Tennis as an alternative attraction. The new game was an instant success and in 1877 a committee was established to draw up rules and to organize the first ever tournament. The Wimbledon Championship was born! Golf There have been many sports in history in which you hit a ball with a stick but it was 15th century Scots who first thought of hitting the ball into a hole. Scotland is home to the world's oldest golf courses and the famous course at St Andrews dates from the 16th century. The oldest surviving rules were drawn up by The Gentlemen Golfers of Leith, Edinburgh in 1744, and even today golfers must behave like gentlemen and must not try to cheat. Hockey In England in the 17th century, hockey was played by teams of up to one hundred players and games could last seven days. The modern game was developed at Eton College in the 1860s, and in 1890 the English, Irish arid Welsh hockey associations joined to form the International Rules Board. Hockey was introduced to India by the British Army in 1900 and today although it is a minority sport in England it is India's national spirit. In many parts of the world ice hockey is more popular than field hockey but in India and in Britain hockey’s usually played on grass. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
  • 6. 1. We know where most sports originated. 2. Many sports became popular around the world thanks to the British Empire. 3. The first International football match was played between Scotland and Wales. 4. Rugby is played in countries that used to be British colonies. 5. Hockey is not so popular in England today. 6. The Wimbledon Championship was born in 1877. 7. The origins of cricket may be in Africa, but the game has been played in England for over 700 years 8. Scotland is home to the worlds oldest golf courses. 9. Cricket is played in countries that didn’t use to be British Colonies. 10.Cricket and Rugby are both played in hot countries. Усне мовлення 8-9 Do you agree with the moral of the proverb "East or West, home is best"? Illustrate it with a situation of your own. Speak about your image of an ideal family. Give a brief account of your life up to the present. What do you think is the most important event in your life? Imagine what your life will be like in twenty years' time and describe it. Describe activities you are good and bad at. Speak about similarities and differences between living in the country and living in a big city. Speak about "for and against' having pets at home. Speak about a popular quiz show on television. Describe what you like/ dislike about it. Speak about the reasons why you like or dislike reading newspapers/ watching news programmes. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport. Speak about the educative value of travelling. Describe how the weather can influence your mood. What do you like to do when the weather is nasty? Describe the way of life which you consider to be healthy. The place of friendship in your life. Describe the character of your best friend. Do you sometimes disagree with your parents? Do you think children should live away from their parents? At what age? What are the most useful things you can do to improve your English? What do you think is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language? Do many tourists visit our country every year? What is the most interesting city/place of interest in our country? Think of a country, town/city ( not your own) that you know well. Describe its good and bad points. Is there anything in your present life that you wish was different? In what way are plants and flowers important to us?
  • 7. What are the most important components of a healthy lifestyle? Describe the ways television can be used for educational purposes. 10-11 Argue ‘for or against’ the statement "Teenagers should be given an opportunity to work". Describe what you like and dislike about using the mobile phone.. In what ways do you think modern society is busier and more stressful than a hundred years ago? What do you think are some of the greatest wonders of nature? What gadgets are important in your life? Which do you think is the most important? What advice would you give somebody coming to live and work in your country? Speak about the greatest events of the twentieth century. Speak about for and against of living in another country. Has any of your friends or family gone to live in a foreign country? Speak about things you cannot live without. You have reached one of life's crossroads! Speak about what to do next. What is your favourite advertisement at the moment? Is it on the TV or the radio? What is the advert for? What's the story? List as many advantages and disadvantages of tourism as you can think of. What does our country export and import? What are the reasons for this? What are the most popular free time activities for British and Ukrainian teenagers? Why is visiting a museum interesting and useful? What do Ukrainian channels offer to their viewers? What are the most common stereotypes about the United Kingdom and its people that you know? What top ten items would you include on the list of the USA best things and achievements? Do you agree that food is as much a part of a country's culture as its landscape, language and literature? Think of probable scientific discoveries which will be made in the XXI century and speak about it. Choosing a profession is not an easy matter. What do you think can help you to make the right choice? Which of your personal qualities will help you in your future profession? What can you do for the prosperity of your native country? List the main problems affecting the world today. Do you think the problems we will face in the future will be the same or different? Speak about qualities that might help language learning. How many different types of weather can you name? Name some jobs for which a weather forecast is important? Comment on the statement: ‘People enjoy sports for various reasons’ Do you think most children communicate well with their parents?